#accounting firm Montreal
sjtcpa · 5 months
Three Good Reasons To File Your Tax Return On Time
The deadline for filing your tax return is April 30th, 2024. While it can be tedious and painful sometimes to prepare your income tax, it has many advantages. The importance of filing your tax return mainly reside on the fact that you are providing updated information to the government as a Canadian resident, and here are three reasons why it is important to do it on time. Read More Here: https://cpainmontreal.com/blog/three-good-reasons-to-file-your-tax-return-on-time-2/
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sjtcpamontreal · 1 year
Bookkeeping is the best financial solution for any business. It is very challenging to run a small business, especially when it comes to streamlining the financial management process. Fortunately, a bookkeeping firm in Montreal helps small businesses to save time and money by managing their financial management needs.
Here we will discuss the importance of bookkeepingand some crucial factors. 
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Pornhub is a crime scene. You read that right. The site was purchased by a hastily concocted private equity firm, ironically called Ethical Capital Partners, last year. But its owners are continuing the monetization and global distribution of scores of homemade, user-generated sex videos that were never reliably verified to ensure the individuals in them are not children, rape victims, trafficking victims, or revenge porn victims. Even under new management, the site is still infested with illegal content.
Over the past few years, Pornhub has had a dramatic downfall after being exposed and held accountable for profiting from mass sexual crime. The fallout included the site taking down 80 percent of its videos, totaling 10 million unverified videos and over 30 million images; being completely cut off by Visa, Mastercard, Discover and PayPal; and losing all mainstream advertisers. The CEO and COO of its parent company resigned in disgrace, and the distressed company was sold.
However, it appears the new owners aren't much better than the old ones.
The new owners of Pornhub renamed the site's parent company from "MindGeek" to "Aylo" in an attempt to distance it from its toxic reputation as a peddler of sexual crime. But behind the scenes at its Montreal headquarters, men who have been with the company well before it was exposed—men who enabled the global distribution and monetization of victims' trauma—still occupy executive offices.
Perhaps even more concerning is that the public face of Pornhub's new ownership, a Canadian criminal defense attorney named Solomon Friedman, advertises his firm's experience defending men accused of possessing and distributing filmed child sexual abuse and has spoken on his work defending possessors of child sexual abuse material. He even twice congratulated another attorney who got a man off on a technicality who had been in possession of 7,730 images of child sexual abuse, including images of infants being raped by grown men. Does he intend to try and get Pornhub off the hook in the same way? I can assure you the victims of Pornhub won't allow it.
The consequences for victims of this abuse are severe. Victims of Pornhub often describe the widespread dissemination of their rape and abuse as the "immortalization" of their trauma. Once the abuse is uploaded, these survivors are perpetually tormented by the fact that they could be fighting to remove their abuse from the internet for the rest of their lives.
Even when they can get crime scene videos down, they face a continual game of whack-a-mole as the abuse is uploaded again and again online. It's not surprising that many survivors become suicidal. Academic studies have cited that victims of the nonconsensual distribution of sexual images have a very high suicide risk, with almost half of the victims contemplating suicide. Some tragically end up dying by suicide.
Since 2020, nearly 300 victims have sued Pornhub in 25 lawsuits for its knowing distribution and monetization of rape and trafficking. These lawsuits include multiple class actions representing tens of thousands of child victims, and the U.S. federal government has criminally charged Pornhub for knowingly profiting from sex trafficking. Just last month, 13 child victims sued Pornhub as well as its owners and financial enablers.
The legal discovery process continues to uncover explosive evidence. It found emails from Pornhub's CEO debating whether to remove or leave up a specific child sexual abuse video, admitting that the site didn't verify age or consent and tried to hide it from the credit card companies. It found executives admitting they only employed one person to review flagged videos five days per week and had a backlog of 706,000 flagged videos and much more. Depositions confirmed that Pornhub purposefully hid child sexual abuse videos from authorities for over 13 years and didn't report a single instance of abuse even where the law required mandatory reporting.
No amount of whitewashing, renaming, and rebranding can hide the truth. As one attorney defending over 100 victims who were trafficked on the site said about the attempted rebrand, "If you swim in a sea of s**t, it's hard to lose the smell."
The Canadian government conducted a multi-year investigation of Pornhub, culminating in a damning report that found it had violated Canadian privacy law. Pornhub's new owners sued the government in an attempt to hide the report from the public, but lost the fight, and the report was released earlier this year.
After all of this, the site recently began to claim it would start verifying the age and consent of those featured in new videos uploaded to the site. However, it refused to remove all of the unverified content uploaded before the new policy change.
A quick search on Pornhub today turns up highly monetized, unverified, shaky, low-quality, homemade videos that show vulnerable, drug-addicted, homeless women being coerced with a place to sleep, some food, a few dollars, or drugs to engage in sex acts in jurisdictions where it is illegal even to purchase sex. The definition of sex trafficking in the U.S. and internationally makes it clear that coercing a commercial sex act from a vulnerable individual constitutes trafficking. In minutes, I was able to find unverified homemade videos that have been on the site for years of women yelling at their abusers to stop, crying out "it hurts!" and "turn the camera off." There is no doubt that Pornhub is still a trafficking hub. It's time to force it, at a minimum, to delete every unverified video on the site.
But that isn't nearly enough. Victims deserve the full weight of justice to be brought to bear on this predatory company. They need to see criminal convictions, and they deserve significant restitution for how their lives have been shattered. Preventative policies also urgently need to be adopted. Specifically, we need laws mandating reliable, third-party age and consent verification for every individual in every video that exists on every website distributing user-generated porn.
It's time to finally hold Pornhub and its owners accountable to the full extent of the law and to enact policies to prevent this kind of abuse in the future. We can do it. We must do it, because serious harm demands serious consequences in order to bring true justice to victims and deter future abusers.
Laila Mickelwait is the Founder and CEO of the Justice Defense Fund, Founder of the Traffickinghub movement, and the author of Takedown: Inside the Fight to Shut Down Pornhub for Child Abuse, Rape and Sex Trafficking (Penguin Random House/Thesis, July 23, 2024).
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Hello. As of early this morning (10/07/24), the pro-Palestine encampment at McGill University is being forcibly dismantled by Sirco, a private security firm hired by the university. This follows police violence carried out by the SPVM against student activists. Students are calling for support from those in the Montreal area. More information can be found on instagram accounts @/sphrmcgill and @/pymmontreal.
Videos of police violence on campus from 4 days ago: https://www.instagram.com/p/C9F6fGaxNK7/?igsh=MXhmN3BzNTA1aXNvYQ==
Videos of the encampment being dismantled from earlier today: https://www.instagram.com/p/C9Pn-qdRKKS/?igsh=MXB0N3JnYW04Y3dkNg==
Thank you for listening. I hope this can reach more people here.
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my-vanishing-777 · 2 months
Tuy nhiên, có vẻ như chủ sở hữu mới cũng chẳng tốt hơn chủ sở hữu cũ là bao.
The new owners of Pornhub renamed the site's parent company from "MindGeek" to "Aylo" in an attempt to distance it from its toxic reputation as a peddler of sexual crime. But behind the scenes at its Montreal headquarters, men who have been with the company well before it was exposed—men who enabled the global distribution and monetization of victims' trauma—still occupy executive offices.
Perhaps even more concerning is that the public face of Pornhub's new ownership, a Canadian criminal defense attorney named Solomon Friedman, advertises his firm's experience defending men accused of possessing and distributing filmed child sexual abuse and has spoken on his work defending possessors of child sexual abuse material. He even twice congratulated another attorney who got a man off on a technicality who had been in possession of 7,730 images of child sexual abuse, including images of infants being raped by grown men. Does he intend to try and get Pornhub off the hook in the same way? I can assure you the victims of Pornhub won't allow it.
The consequences for victims of this abuse are severe. Victims of Pornhub often describe the widespread dissemination of their rape and abuse as the "immortalization" of their trauma. Once the abuse is uploaded, these survivors are perpetually tormented by the fact that they could be fighting to remove their abuse from the internet for the rest of their lives.
Ngay cả khi họ có thể tải xuống các video hiện trường vụ án, họ vẫn phải đối mặt với trò chơi đập chuột chũi liên tục khi việc lạm dụng được tải lên trực tuyến nhiều lần. Không có gì ngạc nhiên khi nhiều người sống sót trở nên có ý định tự tử. Các nghiên cứu học thuật đã chỉ ra rằng các nạn nhân của việc phát tán hình ảnh khiêu dâm không được đồng ý có nguy cơ tự tử rất cao, với gần một nửa số nạn nhân có ý định tự tử. Một số người đã kết thúc một cách bi thảm bằng cách tự tử.
Since 2020, nearly 300 victims have sued Pornhub in 25 lawsuits for its knowing distribution and monetization of rape and trafficking. These lawsuits include multiple class actions representing tens of thousands of child victims, and the U.S. federal government has criminally charged Pornhub for knowingly profiting from sex trafficking. Just last month, 13 child victims sued Pornhub as well as its owners and financial enablers.
The legal discovery process continues to uncover explosive evidence. It found emails from Pornhub's CEO debating whether to remove or leave up a specific child sexual abuse video, admitting that the site didn't verify age or consent and tried to hide it from the credit card companies. It found executives admitting they only employed one person to review flagged videos five days per week and had a backlog of 706,000 flagged videos and much more. Depositions confirmed that Pornhub purposefully hid child sexual abuse videos from authorities for over 13 years and didn't report a single instance of abuse even where the law required mandatory reporting.
No amount of whitewashing, renaming, and rebranding can hide the truth. As one attorney defending over 100 victims who were trafficked on the site said about the attempted rebrand, "If you swim in a sea of s**t, it's hard to lose the smell."
The Canadian government conducted a multi-year investigation of Pornhub, culminating in a damning report that found it had violated Canadian privacy law. Pornhub's new owners sued the government in an attempt to hide the report from the public, but lost the fight, and the report was released earlier this year.
After all of this, the site recently began to claim it would start verifying the age and consent of those featured in new videos uploaded to the site. However, it refused to remove all of the unverified content uploaded before the new policy change.
A quick search on Pornhub today turns up highly monetized, unverified, shaky, low-quality, homemade videos that show vulnerable, drug-addicted, homeless women being coerced with a place to sleep, some food, a few dollars, or drugs to engage in sex acts in jurisdictions where it is illegal even to purchase sex. The definition of sex trafficking in the U.S. and internationally makes it clear that coercing a commercial sex act from a vulnerable individual constitutes trafficking. In minutes, I was able to find unverified homemade videos that have been on the site for years of women yelling at their abusers to stop, crying out "it hurts!" and "turn the camera off." There is no doubt that Pornhub is still a trafficking hub. It's time to force it, at a minimum, to delete every unverified video on the site.
But that isn't nearly enough. Victims deserve the full weight of justice to be brought to bear on this predatory company. They need to see criminal convictions, and they deserve significant restitution for how their lives have been shattered. Preventative policies also urgently need to be adopted. Specifically, we need laws mandating reliable, third-party age and consent verification for every individual in every video that exists on every website distributing user-generated porn.
It's time to finally hold Pornhub and its owners accountable to the full extent of the law and to enact policies to prevent this kind of abuse in the future. We can do it. We must do it, because serious harm demands serious consequences in order to bring true justice to victims and deter future abusers.
Laila Mickelwait is the Founder and CEO of the Justice Defense Fund, Founder of the Traffickinghub movement, and the author of Takedown: Inside the Fight to Shut Down Pornhub for Child Abuse, Rape and Sex Trafficking (Penguin Random House/Thesis, July 23, 2024).
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
A Canadian college invited a trans-identified male to speak on violence against women in observation of the 33rd anniversary of an act of mass femicide.
Fae Johnstone, a trans-identified male, gave a keynote address today at Durham College in North Oshawa, Ontario as part of the school’s National Day of Remembrance Ceremony marking the anniversary of a massacre that left 14 women dead.
Johnstone, who describes himself as “trans feminine and non-binary,” is the Executive Director at Wisdom2Action, an LGBT-focused consulting firm. Johnstone’s website lists him as a “public speaker, consultant, educator and community organizer on unceded, unsurrended Algonquin territory.”
On Twitter, Johnstone announced his speech was part of the school’s “16 Days of Activism” to end “GBV [gender-based violence].”
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The event Johnstone spoke at today is described on the Durham College website as commemorating the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in Canada.
The Day was first inaugurated by Parliament in 1991 as a way to honor the lives lost during the École Polytechnique massacre, which took place on December 6, 1989 in Montreal, Quebec. On the campus of the scientific university, a man identifying as an “anti-feminist” targeted female students for slaughter. 
Prior to shooting all of the women in a mechanical engineering class, Marc Lépine, born Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi, told the male students to leave the room. He then told the women he was “fighting feminism” and expressed a hatred of women’s rights to an education.
“You’re women, you’re going to be engineers. You’re all a bunch of feminists. I hate feminists,” Lépine said, before opening fire on the female students. Lépine later committed suicide on the campus after taking 14 women’s lives, and injuring 10 more people.
In total, Lépine murdered 14 women in an act that has since been recognized an act of terrorism.
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After his speech at Durham College tonight, Johnstone was confronted by Jennifer Anne, a Canadian women’s rights advocate who has been working to secure the release of the analysis that was done on gender self-identification legislation in Canada. 
Anne attended the event and recorded some of Johnstone’s address before proposing a question when given the opportunity by the event’s host. 
“Today is the day we mark 14 women who were killed in Montreal by a man who subjected them simply because they were female. It is sex-based violence, not gender based violence. I am a female,” Anne is heard saying, before listing off examples where self-identification lead to the victimization of women.
“I am wondering why, on this day, we would have a man dressed in women’s garb to talk to us about sex-based violence and keeping women safe? How can women stay safe in this environment?”
Johnstone replies curtly: “Thank you. Next question!”
“Really? So you’re not going to answer it because you know I’m right?” Anne responds. The host of the event, as well as other administrators, are then heard trying to discourage Anne from continuing to assert her question.
Anne uploaded the recordings to her Twitter account.
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Johnstone’s consulting firm, Wisdom2Action, marked the anniversary of the women’s deaths by posting an infographic titled “Queering GBV,” which asserted that “gender based violence disproportionately impacts 2SLGBTQ+ people who are BIPOC, transfeminine, bisexual, youth, newcomers, disabled, homeless, and/or involved in sex work.”
For Canadian Women’s History Month in October, Johnstone was “honored” by a Government ministry for his work with “2SLGBTQI+” people.
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Johnstone had previously slammed the Canadian Femicide Observatory for “retweeting TERF and TERF rhetoric.” TERF is a derogatory term most frequently applied to women who acknowledge two distinct sex groups.
He also claimed the Declaration on Women’s Sex Based Rights was a “roadmap for erasing trans people from public life, denying our rights and restricting our healthcare.”
Johnstone is not the first trans-identified male be given a platform to speak on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. 
Last year on December 6, the Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women invited Anastasia Preston, a biological male who identifies as a woman, to speak on “gender-based violence” at a vigil honoring the women murdered in the École Polytechnique massacre.
Preston, a “trans community outreach coordinator” at a sexually transmitted disease resource service, became the subject of widespread outrage on social media after he was interviewed by the Prince Edward Island branch of the CBC and claimed that trans-identified males were not given enough opportunities to speak on violence against women.
“For decades, trans women have been kept out of the conversation around gender-based violence,” Preston was quoted as saying, going on to assert that he intended to “speak about some of [his] experiences of harassment on P.E.I.” at the event memorializing the 14 women who were murdered.
After the article began to circulate, CBC P.E.I was so inundated with backlash they had to turn off their Twitter comment section. Johnstone defended Preston at the time, calling him a “hero and a champion.”
By Jennifer Seiland Jennifer is a founding member of the Reduxx team, writing with a focus on crimes against women and sex-based rights advocacy. She is located in the American south where she is a passionate animal welfare advocate and avid coffee drinker.
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sheeshizz · 2 years
Ru is a novel by Vietnamese-born Canadian novelist Kim Thúy, first published in French in 2009 by Montreal publisher Libre Expression. It was translated into English in 2012 by Sheila Fischman and published by Vintage Canada. The debut of novel Ru won the Governor General’s Award for French-language fiction at the 2010 Governor General’s Awards. (Wikipedia)
What is archetype in literature?
An archetype is a literary device in which a character is created based on a set of qualities or traits that are specific and identifiable for readers.
The impacts of archetype in the story.
The impacts of archetypes in the novel Ru bring the readers to be able to relate, recognize and bring the readers to the real events in the novela as well as having a clue to the characters of the novel.
Though , the novel is an autobiographical novel, it has shown characteristics in different parts of the novel. Just like An Tihn Nguyen who is the character of Kim Thúy who is a Vietnamese Canadian novelist who was born in Vietnam but grew up as a Canadian immigrant when he was ten years old with her family and then they continued to live in Quebec Canada.This is the reason for her braveness and stability to continue living and continue his dream for her and her family to start a new phase of their lives, and become her the best novelist and author in today’s generation.
(5) Literary archetype used in the novel .
1. Hero ( An Tinh Nguyen) – The protagonist in the novel Ru is a woman who became brave, fought and escaped the chaotic world because of the Vietnam war to save herself and her family. She became an instrument of a character as an immigrant child with a dream in life and continued to be strong to overcome the life she has now.
2. Ruler ( United Nations High Commission for Refugee)
Canadian responsed to the boat people with An Tihn Nguyen (Kim Thúy) and her family and other refugees who were able to leave or escape the war .They are force to leave the country because of the war , where they spent four months before a Canadian delegation selected her parents for refugee status on account of their French-language proficiency.
3. Explorer ( 10 Years old An Tihn Nguyen)
At ten years old An Tihn Nguyen and her family finally arrived in Quebec Canada,it tells the story of her family’s long journey from Vietnam to Québec and the discovery of their new cultural milieu . The novel consists of short, moving vignettes about members of her family, and recounts all the small ways in which they adapted to their new daily reality as an immigrant people. Kim learned French and English, and as she grew older, seized what opportunities an immigrant could.
4. Lover ( An Tihn Nguyen Husband) - The character of his husband that she met while working at the same law firm give her the inspiration and urge to write her own novel about being an immigrant child and now being a successful and brave women.
5. Innocent ( An Tihn Nguyen Son’s) - An Tihn Nguyen’s two sons are the instrument for her genuinely happiness of her life living with her loving husband and her two sons , which makes her dedication to live her life with her family to live happy and to continue living being a brave and successful women as an immigrant person.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“DENIES BIG FOUR SET MILK PRICES OF MONTREALERS,” Toronto Star. March 16, 1933. Page 1 & 2.  ---- Dairies Operate on "Purely Competitive Basis," Says George Hogg ---- PROFIT IN CHARITY ---- Chain Stores Threatened to Start Opposition If Not Given Price Cut ---- Ottawa, March 16. - Montreal chain. stores had threatened to begin their own dairies unless the existing firms sold the milk at seven cents a quart, George Hogg, president of the Guaranteed Milk Co., told the parliamentary agricultural committee investigating milk prices to-day. 
"At first we told them we could not afford to do this," he said. "It would hit our own delivery business. They said then they would start their own plants. Finally we agreed to sell them milk at seven cents which they could sell at eight cents. At the same time we dropped our price of delivered milk to nine cents a quart." 
Mr. Hogg "denied most decidedly" that four major Montreal dairies fixed the price paid by consumers and that paid to farmers. "It is on a basis of pure competition," he asserted. 
Can't Control Supply His company gave a premium of three cents a hundred pounds above the basic figure of 3.5 butter fat, he said. In 1932 the average milk bought had a butter fat content of 3.7, which meant to the farmers an average of six cents a hundredweight above the basic figure.
Two prices were current in the Montreal area, said Mr. Hogg. One was determined by the dairy association in conference with the producers, and the second was a "surplus" price. In 1932, 11.9 per cent. of all milk purchased by his company was bought at a surplus price. 
"It is not possible for anyone in the dairy industry to maintain a control or regulate supply," said Mr. Hogg. "The fluctuation of supply often creates a situation whereby a producer will be shipping us three times as much milk during the abundant season as he can during the off-season." 
Quite often conditions brought about an oversupply, continued Mr. Hogg. "We refer to surplus milk as that milk not sold through any regular avenues of sale but used as sweet cream or used in the manufacture of butter. All milk classed by us as surplus is used in this manner and none ever sold through regular profit-producing channels." 
Turning to prices to consumers, Mr. Hogg emphasized nine cents a quart, paid by the householder, was not the price at which all milk was sold. Minimum prices were charged hospitals and schools while less than maximum prices to restaurants, re- tail stores, manufacturers and dealers. 
All Tied in Same Bundle William E. Tummon (Cons., Hastings S.) asked if the Montreal dairies had a combination to set prices before meeting the producers. 
"We are all tied up in the same. bundle and, if a demand is made on us, we certainly compare notes," said Mr. Hogg, adding, "The producers do the same." 
Average price to the association in Montreal during 1932 was $1.46 a hundred pounds f.o.b. Montreal, Mr. Hogg said, with about. 38.3 quarts to the hundred pounds. That worked out at about 3.65 cents a quart. The average spread between the price per quart paid the producer and the price per quart paid by the consumer, was 4.339 cents per quart in 1932, Mr. Hogg added. 
Prices varied to the different classes of consumer, Mr. Hogg said, from the individual customer to the large hospitals. "I am not an accountant," he said, when pressed for detailed figures. "I was just a clay-footed farmer when I started, and I have waded up through the years." 
In 1932, the purchase price of milk had been 43.1 of its selling price, Mr. Hogg stated. In 1933, due to lessened delivery costs and lower prices, the purchase price was 51.1 of the selling price.
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tonyjonesnews · 5 years
B.C. government seeks to seize properties allegedly linked to $165-million stock fraud
B.C. Civil Forfeiture Office alleges a $1.6-million house on Mission Ridge Road in Kelowna and a $524,000 condo at nearby Big White ski resort are the proceeds of crime
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The B.C. government is suing to seize properties in the B.C. Interior that it alleges were linked to a $200-million-plus international stock fraud.
In a lawsuit filed in B.C. Supreme Court this month, the B.C. Civil Forfeiture Office alleges a $1.6-million house on Mission Ridge Road in Kelowna and a $524,000 condo at nearby Big White ski resort are proceeds of crime and should be forfeited.
The properties are owned by Cuatro Cienagas Inversiones Ltd., incorporated in Hong Kong in January 2017 and registered in B.C. three months later as an extraprovincial company.
Named in the suit are Benjamin Thomas Kirk; Kayley Tyne Johnson, the current or former spouse of Kirk; and Carlos Gomez Brana. Kirk and Johnson’s last known address was at the Mission Ridge home and Brana is believed to live in Mexico.
None of the defendants has responded to the civil lawsuit. It contains allegations that have not been proven in court.
Among the allegations of unlawful activity against the trio are breaches of the U.S. Securities Act and the B.C. Securities Act, possession of proceeds of crime, fraud, manipulating stock prices, laundering money and tax evasion, according to court documents.
The forfeiture office alleges that Cuatro Cienagas Inversiones is owned and operated by one or more of Kirk, Johnson and Brana and was set up in B.C. to receive and distribute money from a stock fraud investigated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
In the fall of 2018, the SEC said it halted the penny stock fraud scheme by freezing assets of two individuals, including a British citizen, Roger Knox, and their companies.
The SEC said the scheme generated more than US$165 million in illegal sales of shares of at least 50 micro-cap companies, those with a value of $50 million to $300 million. Knox, and his Swiss-firm Wintercap SA, formerly Silverton SA, concealed stock ownership, allowing stocks to be pumped up in price and dumped for a profit, according to the SEC.
Knox faces criminal charges in the United States for the scheme.
The SEC’s complaint alleges Michael T. Gastauer aided the fraud by establishing several U.S. companies, including virtual financial firms, and allowing Knox to use the bank accounts to disburse the proceeds of his illegal stock sales.
According to the forfeiture office’s court filings, proceeds from the scheme were transferred to or on behalf of one or more of Cuatro Cienagas Inversiones, Kirk, Johnson and Brana.
Cuatro Cienagas then used that money to buy the properties in the Interior, according to the civil forfeiture office’s claim.
On March 22, 2017, Cuatro Cienagas used accounts set up by Gastauer to transfer $101,000 to Norwich Real Estate Services Inc. in Kelowna. On May 10 and 11, another $1.529 million was transferred in three instalments to an unnamed Kelowna law firm.
On May 18, Cuatro Cienagas bought the Mission Ridge home for $1.6 million in cash.
From May 30 to Oct. 23, 2017, Cuatro Cienagas transferred in three instalments $250,500 to a Bank of Montreal account. In December, Cuatro Cienagas also directed the Swiss firm, formerly known as Silverton, to transfer in three instalments $548,000 from another Bank of Montreal account to the unnamed Kelowna law firm.
On Jan. 10, 2018, Cuatro Cienagas bought the condo at Big White ski hill.
The unnamed law firm acted as Cuatro’s lawyer in the property purchases, according to the court filings.
According to the civil claim, Kirk was charged in 2013 of violations of the U.S. Securities Act. In 2015, Kirk admitted to breaches of the Alberta Securities Act and agreed to pay a fine of $100,000.
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fetterfinancial · 8 days
Fetter Financial Corporation is your trusted local accounting firm in Montreal, providing expert financial services tailored to individuals and businesses. Contact us for reliable and professional accounting assistance.
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bravecompanynews · 2 months
Trudeau’s Tax Hikes Risk Worsening Canada’s Struggle for Capital - Notice Global Online - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/trudeaus-tax-hikes-risk-worsening-canadas-struggle-for-capital/?feed_id=139597&_unique_id=669e65f4cea26 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned to raising taxes on businesses to help fund Canada’s budget, adding headwinds to an economy that’s already struggling to attract investment.Author of the article:Bloomberg NewsErik HertzbergPublished Jul 22, 2024  •  4 minute readtc4hxrt0wsn3g[y}ntdcf)7w_media_dl_1.png Bloomberg(Bloomberg) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned to raising taxes on businesses to help fund Canada’s budget, adding headwinds to an economy that’s already struggling to attract investment. The landscape is a contrast with the US, which is in the midst of a supply renaissance and a factory building boom. Economists warn that Canada’s higher taxes will send the wrong signal to firms thinking about expanding production — risking longer-term damage to an economy that has relied on high levels of immigration and consumption to fuel growth.THIS CONTENT IS RESERVED FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLYSubscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada.Exclusive articles from Barbara Shecter, Joe O’Connor, Gabriel Friedman, Victoria Wells and others.Daily content from Financial Times, the world’s leading global business publication.Unlimited online access to read articles from Financial Post, National Post and 15 news sites across Canada with one account.National Post ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on.Daily puzzles, including the New York Times Crossword.SUBSCRIBE TO UNLOCK MORE ARTICLESSubscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada.Exclusive articles from Barbara Shecter, Joe O’Connor, Gabriel Friedman, Victoria Wells and others.Daily content from Financial Times, the world’s leading global business publication.Unlimited online access to read articles from Financial Post, National Post and 15 news sites across Canada with one account.National Post ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on.Daily puzzles, including the New York Times Crossword.REGISTER / SIGN IN TO UNLOCK MORE ARTICLESCreate an account or sign in to continue with your reading experience.Access articles from across Canada with one account.Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments.Enjoy additional articles per month.Get email updates from your favourite authors.Business Sign In or Create an AccountorArticle contentIn its most recent survey of businesses, the Bank of Canada flagged a sharp increase in firms’ anxiety about the tax burden: 42% listed taxes and regulation among their top three concerns, from 27% previously. Business confidence is lower than it was a year ago, and planned business investment is weak. “Capital has to feel like it’s welcome, whether that’s how it’s treated in terms of taxation or regulation,” Doug Porter, chief economist at Bank of Montreal, said in an interview. “And I’m not sure capital does feel entirely welcome in Canada.”Rising concerns by business owners follow the introduction of a new budget that increased the effective tax rate on capital gains for Canadian companies and some individuals. The government is also phasing out some tax breaks on new business investment, a reversal of measures introduced in 2018 that were meant to help firms compete with the US by allowing quicker write-offs of certain assets against their incomes.The tax hikes are part of Trudeau’s political playbook as he seeks to win back young voters frustrated by the rising cost of living. The government says the changes are about “fairness” and asking the country’s most successful to contribute more, and is allocating more to priorities such as boosting the supply of housing. By signing up you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc.
Article contentArticle contentIn a recent interview, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland downplayed criticisms that the capital-gains increase was sending the wrong message to business. She pointed to a recent report from the International Monetary Fund that said it wouldn’t significantly harm investment or productivity growth. Government spending on housing is necessary, and new measures such as investment tax credits for clean energy are “a really big deal” that should help draw investment, she said. “Which other G-7 country you think is both investing aggressively in our own economy and in our own people, and doing it in a fiscally responsible way?” Freeland said. “I don’t see anybody else doing both.”Still, a regime of higher taxes risks deepening a dire productivity crisis, according to some economists. Canada’s capital stock of machinery and equipment has shrunk 2.8% since peaking in 2014 at just over C$1 trillion ($728 billion) in real terms. The value of those assets — some of the more productive drivers of output — declined in seven of the eight last years, the only stretch of depreciation in data going back to 1961.Article contentPart of that decline can be explained by the collapse of oil prices in 2014 and 2015, Porter said, which led to a structural change in how much capital was added in Canada. A number of foreign energy companies divested from the Alberta oil sands, while some domestic firms focused on repaying debt or boosting payments to shareholders rather than plowing money into new projects. Since then, no industry has been able to fill the vacuum left by the oil and gas sector, either in terms of productivity or as a recipient of foreign direct investment. That means fewer resources for a growing labor force. In 2022, there was C$46,883 in machinery and equipment capital for every Canadian working or seeking work, 11% less than in 2014 in real terms.  The Bank of Canada’s business outlook survey shows investment intentions were well below historic averages in the second quarter. Firms are focusing on “repairing and replacing existing capital equipment rather than investing in new capacity or products to improve productivity,” the bank said.  The picture in the US looks very different. The Inflation Reduction and CHIPS Acts have channeled trillions into productive capacity. In response, Canada has announced billions of its own subsidies and tax credits for select industries, courting companies like Volkswagen AG and Stellantis NV to build battery plants for electric vehicles. Article contentIn 2023, Canadian workers likely received 40 cents of new machinery and equipment capital for every dollar received by their counterparts in the US, according to William Robson, chief executive officer at the C.D. Howe Institute. “We are really losing the race to equip our workers,” Robson said. The government points to Canada’s marginal effective tax advantage relative to the OECD and other advanced economies, but it risks losing the upper hand. The tax rate on new business investment is set to rise to 16.8% in 2028 from 14.5% currently. That’s compared with a projected 24.9% in the US in 2028 — but Donald Trump has pledged to slash corporate taxes if he wins power. Article contentSource of this programme “My grandma says this plugin is adorable.”“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned to raising taxes on businesses to help fund Canada’s budget, adding headwinds to an economy that’s already struggling to attract investment…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/trudeaus-tax-hikes-risk-worsening-canadas-struggle-for-capital#Business – BLOGGER – Business BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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sjtcpamontreal · 1 year
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A Personal Tax Service Provider in Montreal helps to prepare taxes, save on taxes, accomplish financial goals, and file a personal tax return without any hassle. In the next few paragraphs, you will get a clear idea of how to save personal tax and all about it.
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accounttaxpros · 3 months
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At Account Tax Pros, we offer top-notch bookkeeping and accounting services in Montreal designed to help your business thrive. Our team of experienced professionals handles everything from daily financial transactions to complex financial reports, ensuring your books are accurate and up-to-date. We tailor our services to meet your unique needs, providing clear insights and sound advice to support your financial decisions. Trust us to manage your finances so you can focus on growing your business. With Account Tax Pros, you get reliable, personalized service that makes your financial management stress-free and efficient.
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fetterfinancial · 29 days
Fetter Financial Corporation is the best Accounting Firm in Montreal. We provide industry-leading audit, consulting, tax, and advisory services to our clients.
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companyknowledgenews · 2 months
Trudeau’s Tax Hikes Risk Worsening Canada’s Struggle for Capital - Notice Global Web https://www.merchant-business.com/trudeaus-tax-hikes-risk-worsening-canadas-struggle-for-capital/?feed_id=139534&_unique_id=669e613cc8c61 #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned to raising taxes on businesses to help fund Canada’s budget, adding headwinds to an economy that’s already struggling to attract investment.Author of the article:Bloomberg NewsErik HertzbergPublished Jul 22, 2024  •  4 minute readtc4hxrt0wsn3g[y}ntdcf)7w_media_dl_1.png Bloomberg(Bloomberg) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned to raising taxes on businesses to help fund Canada’s budget, adding headwinds to an economy that’s already struggling to attract investment. The landscape is a contrast with the US, which is in the midst of a supply renaissance and a factory building boom. Economists warn that Canada’s higher taxes will send the wrong signal to firms thinking about expanding production — risking longer-term damage to an economy that has relied on high levels of immigration and consumption to fuel growth.THIS CONTENT IS RESERVED FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLYSubscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada.Exclusive articles from Barbara Shecter, Joe O’Connor, Gabriel Friedman, Victoria Wells and others.Daily content from Financial Times, the world’s leading global business publication.Unlimited online access to read articles from Financial Post, National Post and 15 news sites across Canada with one account.National Post ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on.Daily puzzles, including the New York Times Crossword.SUBSCRIBE TO UNLOCK MORE ARTICLESSubscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada.Exclusive articles from Barbara Shecter, Joe O’Connor, Gabriel Friedman, Victoria Wells and others.Daily content from Financial Times, the world’s leading global business publication.Unlimited online access to read articles from Financial Post, National Post and 15 news sites across Canada with one account.National Post ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on.Daily puzzles, including the New York Times Crossword.REGISTER / SIGN IN TO UNLOCK MORE ARTICLESCreate an account or sign in to continue with your reading experience.Access articles from across Canada with one account.Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments.Enjoy additional articles per month.Get email updates from your favourite authors.Business Sign In or Create an AccountorArticle contentIn its most recent survey of businesses, the Bank of Canada flagged a sharp increase in firms’ anxiety about the tax burden: 42% listed taxes and regulation among their top three concerns, from 27% previously. Business confidence is lower than it was a year ago, and planned business investment is weak. “Capital has to feel like it’s welcome, whether that’s how it’s treated in terms of taxation or regulation,” Doug Porter, chief economist at Bank of Montreal, said in an interview. “And I’m not sure capital does feel entirely welcome in Canada.”Rising concerns by business owners follow the introduction of a new budget that increased the effective tax rate on capital gains for Canadian companies and some individuals. The government is also phasing out some tax breaks on new business investment, a reversal of measures introduced in 2018 that were meant to help firms compete with the US by allowing quicker write-offs of certain assets against their incomes.The tax hikes are part of Trudeau’s political playbook as he seeks to win back young voters frustrated by the rising cost of living. The government says the changes are about “fairness” and asking the country’s most successful to contribute more, and is allocating more to priorities such as boosting the supply of housing. By signing up you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc.
Article contentArticle contentIn a recent interview, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland downplayed criticisms that the capital-gains increase was sending the wrong message to business. She pointed to a recent report from the International Monetary Fund that said it wouldn’t significantly harm investment or productivity growth. Government spending on housing is necessary, and new measures such as investment tax credits for clean energy are “a really big deal” that should help draw investment, she said. “Which other G-7 country you think is both investing aggressively in our own economy and in our own people, and doing it in a fiscally responsible way?” Freeland said. “I don’t see anybody else doing both.”Still, a regime of higher taxes risks deepening a dire productivity crisis, according to some economists. Canada’s capital stock of machinery and equipment has shrunk 2.8% since peaking in 2014 at just over C$1 trillion ($728 billion) in real terms. The value of those assets — some of the more productive drivers of output — declined in seven of the eight last years, the only stretch of depreciation in data going back to 1961.Article contentPart of that decline can be explained by the collapse of oil prices in 2014 and 2015, Porter said, which led to a structural change in how much capital was added in Canada. A number of foreign energy companies divested from the Alberta oil sands, while some domestic firms focused on repaying debt or boosting payments to shareholders rather than plowing money into new projects. Since then, no industry has been able to fill the vacuum left by the oil and gas sector, either in terms of productivity or as a recipient of foreign direct investment. That means fewer resources for a growing labor force. In 2022, there was C$46,883 in machinery and equipment capital for every Canadian working or seeking work, 11% less than in 2014 in real terms.  The Bank of Canada’s business outlook survey shows investment intentions were well below historic averages in the second quarter. Firms are focusing on “repairing and replacing existing capital equipment rather than investing in new capacity or products to improve productivity,” the bank said.  The picture in the US looks very different. The Inflation Reduction and CHIPS Acts have channeled trillions into productive capacity. In response, Canada has announced billions of its own subsidies and tax credits for select industries, courting companies like Volkswagen AG and Stellantis NV to build battery plants for electric vehicles. Article contentIn 2023, Canadian workers likely received 40 cents of new machinery and equipment capital for every dollar received by their counterparts in the US, according to William Robson, chief executive officer at the C.D. Howe Institute. “We are really losing the race to equip our workers,” Robson said. The government points to Canada’s marginal effective tax advantage relative to the OECD and other advanced economies, but it risks losing the upper hand. The tax rate on new business investment is set to rise to 16.8% in 2028 from 14.5% currently. That’s compared with a projected 24.9% in the US in 2028 — but Donald Trump has pledged to slash corporate taxes if he wins power. Article contentSource of this programme “My grandma says this plugin is adorable.”“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned to raising taxes on businesses to help fund Canada’s budget, adding headwinds to an economy that’s already struggling to attract investment…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/trudeaus-tax-hikes-risk-worsening-canadas-struggle-for-capital#Business – BLOGGER – Business Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned to raising taxes on businesses to help fund Canada’s budget, adding headwinds to an economy that’s already struggling to attract investment. Author of the
article: Bloomberg News Erik Hertzberg Published Jul 22, 2024  •  4 minute read tc4hxrt0wsn3g[y}ntdcf)7w_media_dl_1.png Bloomberg (Bloomberg) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned … Read More
0 notes
bravecompanynews · 2 months
Trudeau’s Tax Hikes Risk Worsening Canada’s Struggle for Capital - Notice Global Web - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/trudeaus-tax-hikes-risk-worsening-canadas-struggle-for-capital/?feed_id=139533&_unique_id=669e613b68254 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned to raising taxes on businesses to help fund Canada’s budget, adding headwinds to an economy that’s already struggling to attract investment.Author of the article:Bloomberg NewsErik HertzbergPublished Jul 22, 2024  •  4 minute readtc4hxrt0wsn3g[y}ntdcf)7w_media_dl_1.png Bloomberg(Bloomberg) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned to raising taxes on businesses to help fund Canada’s budget, adding headwinds to an economy that’s already struggling to attract investment. The landscape is a contrast with the US, which is in the midst of a supply renaissance and a factory building boom. Economists warn that Canada’s higher taxes will send the wrong signal to firms thinking about expanding production — risking longer-term damage to an economy that has relied on high levels of immigration and consumption to fuel growth.THIS CONTENT IS RESERVED FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLYSubscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada.Exclusive articles from Barbara Shecter, Joe O’Connor, Gabriel Friedman, Victoria Wells and others.Daily content from Financial Times, the world’s leading global business publication.Unlimited online access to read articles from Financial Post, National Post and 15 news sites across Canada with one account.National Post ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on.Daily puzzles, including the New York Times Crossword.SUBSCRIBE TO UNLOCK MORE ARTICLESSubscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada.Exclusive articles from Barbara Shecter, Joe O’Connor, Gabriel Friedman, Victoria Wells and others.Daily content from Financial Times, the world’s leading global business publication.Unlimited online access to read articles from Financial Post, National Post and 15 news sites across Canada with one account.National Post ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on.Daily puzzles, including the New York Times Crossword.REGISTER / SIGN IN TO UNLOCK MORE ARTICLESCreate an account or sign in to continue with your reading experience.Access articles from across Canada with one account.Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments.Enjoy additional articles per month.Get email updates from your favourite authors.Business Sign In or Create an AccountorArticle contentIn its most recent survey of businesses, the Bank of Canada flagged a sharp increase in firms’ anxiety about the tax burden: 42% listed taxes and regulation among their top three concerns, from 27% previously. Business confidence is lower than it was a year ago, and planned business investment is weak. “Capital has to feel like it’s welcome, whether that’s how it’s treated in terms of taxation or regulation,” Doug Porter, chief economist at Bank of Montreal, said in an interview. “And I’m not sure capital does feel entirely welcome in Canada.”Rising concerns by business owners follow the introduction of a new budget that increased the effective tax rate on capital gains for Canadian companies and some individuals. The government is also phasing out some tax breaks on new business investment, a reversal of measures introduced in 2018 that were meant to help firms compete with the US by allowing quicker write-offs of certain assets against their incomes.The tax hikes are part of Trudeau’s political playbook as he seeks to win back young voters frustrated by the rising cost of living. The government says the changes are about “fairness” and asking the country’s most successful to contribute more, and is allocating more to priorities such as boosting the supply of housing. By signing up you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc.
Article contentArticle contentIn a recent interview, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland downplayed criticisms that the capital-gains increase was sending the wrong message to business. She pointed to a recent report from the International Monetary Fund that said it wouldn’t significantly harm investment or productivity growth. Government spending on housing is necessary, and new measures such as investment tax credits for clean energy are “a really big deal” that should help draw investment, she said. “Which other G-7 country you think is both investing aggressively in our own economy and in our own people, and doing it in a fiscally responsible way?” Freeland said. “I don’t see anybody else doing both.”Still, a regime of higher taxes risks deepening a dire productivity crisis, according to some economists. Canada’s capital stock of machinery and equipment has shrunk 2.8% since peaking in 2014 at just over C$1 trillion ($728 billion) in real terms. The value of those assets — some of the more productive drivers of output — declined in seven of the eight last years, the only stretch of depreciation in data going back to 1961.Article contentPart of that decline can be explained by the collapse of oil prices in 2014 and 2015, Porter said, which led to a structural change in how much capital was added in Canada. A number of foreign energy companies divested from the Alberta oil sands, while some domestic firms focused on repaying debt or boosting payments to shareholders rather than plowing money into new projects. Since then, no industry has been able to fill the vacuum left by the oil and gas sector, either in terms of productivity or as a recipient of foreign direct investment. That means fewer resources for a growing labor force. In 2022, there was C$46,883 in machinery and equipment capital for every Canadian working or seeking work, 11% less than in 2014 in real terms.  The Bank of Canada’s business outlook survey shows investment intentions were well below historic averages in the second quarter. Firms are focusing on “repairing and replacing existing capital equipment rather than investing in new capacity or products to improve productivity,” the bank said.  The picture in the US looks very different. The Inflation Reduction and CHIPS Acts have channeled trillions into productive capacity. In response, Canada has announced billions of its own subsidies and tax credits for select industries, courting companies like Volkswagen AG and Stellantis NV to build battery plants for electric vehicles. Article contentIn 2023, Canadian workers likely received 40 cents of new machinery and equipment capital for every dollar received by their counterparts in the US, according to William Robson, chief executive officer at the C.D. Howe Institute. “We are really losing the race to equip our workers,” Robson said. The government points to Canada’s marginal effective tax advantage relative to the OECD and other advanced economies, but it risks losing the upper hand. The tax rate on new business investment is set to rise to 16.8% in 2028 from 14.5% currently. That’s compared with a projected 24.9% in the US in 2028 — but Donald Trump has pledged to slash corporate taxes if he wins power. Article contentSource of this programme “My grandma says this plugin is adorable.”“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has turned to raising taxes on businesses to help fund Canada’s budget, adding headwinds to an economy that’s already struggling to attract investment…”Source: Read MoreSource Link: https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/trudeaus-tax-hikes-risk-worsening-canadas-struggle-for-capital#Business – BLOGGER – Business BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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