#accordion is squash and stretch
manyblinkinglights · 2 months
okay pretty sure my project is perfect and Unity is wrong. I’m going to back up and re-make, then it should pretty much be perfect, then it’s time to update the script by ripping out most of it. …ugh no I think I still have to make sure this works on the constraint puppet winged full anytaur, when all my shit is working again THEN I update the script
Also need to test constraining transforms to themselves to animate them (what the hell?).
Anyway my problem is I made a beautiful minor orrery, a three-body heart for my avatar, and I can SEE it rolling around like it ought to be but it ISN’T REPORTING ITS PARAMETERS.
I have a Sender Sending two tags, Accordion and SpinDamp, and two Receivers (Accordion. And SpinDamp). They all instantiate superimposed because fuck the devs they said they fffixed that (old bug where nothing could spawn in superimposed or its parameter would be frozen broken). I should be allowed to do this!! It’s so beautiful and I insist I am allowed to do this.
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suppermariobroth · 1 year
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Big Gringills are striped eel-like enemies that appear in Super Mario Galaxy. Enemies that consist only of a front part that extends out of a hole, like many eel enemies in video games, are usually modeled by having part of the character be hidden behind the hole, and then show its full length when emerging from the hole.
Unusually, the Big Gringills are modeled to actually physically expand their bodies rather than simply emerge. This results in the back part of their model stretching and squashing, making the stripes compress in a manner similar to bellows on an accordion, or a Slinky toy.
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schistcity · 2 months
i hate reddit so much. my external hard drive is failing so i went to see if people had any recommendations for different brands and sorry, i guess, for naively expecting grace and decorum from reddit users, but of course of course of course the top comment on a thread titled "i need help choosing an external hard drive" is some 30k karma fuckhead saying "tl;dr don't buy an external hard drive" like my bad for not anticipating the classic tango of pretentious non-answers that this website has made its cultural dance. brother u/nevertouchedawoman i'm so very glad you were here to engage us with your pearls of wisdom! i actually honestly hope you fall down an open sewer grate!! the lack of self-awareness in the average reddit user baffles the mind. i don't care if you're a fucking saint in real life, if you have ever answered a question on reddit by uselessly countering the entire premise of the op's problem ("hey what's a good action movie to watch with my nephew?" "you should really be introducing him to higher brow cinema, try ghibli" *the anvil i'm holding over your head drops onto your head and you turn into a little squash-and-stretch accordion*) you're going straight to hell when you die because i'm going to be beating you back from the pearly gates with a baseball bat. choke. i'm going to buy a seagate 2TB i guess.
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grimeclown · 1 year
u look like weird al yankovic (compliment)
squashes you in half sideways and then stretch yiu out like an accordion and plays you
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enby--ghost · 6 months
Every so often i wish i had the squash and stretch body of a cartoon character. Twisting my torso into a spring, stretching my arms out wide to grab silly things from off screen, and squish my body down like an accordion. I would feel so freaking happy if i could do that stuff
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mhaconfessions · 2 years
i want to compress present mic like a accordion
[Image: Endless loop of Present Mic being mercilessly squashed and stretched by two ferocious thumbs-up emoji hands.]
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justalittlebitartsy · 3 years
How you do the abs on the big guys like Shoji or Kamakiri they're ✨IMMACULATE✨
thank you! 😄 i wont go into the anatomical placement and interlocking of surrounding muscles since thats easily found online but i can give some small tips
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keeping perspective in mind, it's always good to have a strong line of action and follow that down the center of a person's body
the placement of the abs depends entirely on the pose, if the body is half twisted in a turn or leaning to one side or leaning back, etc. muscles squash and stretch just like skin and fat does. they move almost in an accordion-like manner if you can see the way they're more open at areas of stretch, and pinching together at areas of bend
last piece of advice is the landmark of the 'width' of the abs is they drop down from the nipples
abs come in all shapes and sizes, 6 packs and 8 packs, covered in more fat or barely visible on thinner people. personally ive been wanting to do more thick muscular bodies (i miss drawing chunkier bellies and thicker muscles during bulk season so ill maybe get to that soon!)
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horselessjockey · 4 years
little spots of magick i've experienced and wish to share
i hear the call of crows and smile
always they are synchronized with my thoughts
always gently prodding at the shell of my greater awareness
the barrier of contemplation and understanding,
that keeps me two fingers thin
from letting the world in
and the sable feathered angels
speak in rhythmic humming
saying, in some way
"look here!
listen! hark!
the chiming bells ring!
the song of heaven sings,
it floats in
upon the wind!
feel it cascading
over you.
feel the alignment
of the microcosm
you call home.
a chain reaction,
engulfing you
in waves
of connectivity.
let these
paper thin membranes
you have already
permeated the skin;
to light
you are transparent."
i'm always seeing hearts in my coffee cup
the moon, a brain, jupiter in the days of the great conjunction
my lapis always seems to disappear,
slipping through the veil, into different worlds
i wonder, if i ever find those pieces
what energy they will carry through to me
it must be marvelous
in the past, some days
i'd wake up in another world
deja vu
much the same
but shifted
a tad bit left
playing tricks on my eyes
rewriting memories
but never quite
fooling the soul
a universe within a universe
within a universe within a molecule
within that shard of glass
from the cup you dropped on the ground
and oh well
you'd be better off just pitching it
it's not as if your infinite
strings of copies will feel
the ripple effect of the impact
in a place where gravity is so alien
and anyway it's happening
over endless mirrors
squashed together
time is a fickle thing
and in your soulful wandering
you might find information
is condensed in endless
shrunk or stretched over
myriad material multitudes
in densities you slip through
never keeping track of what is processed
or abandoned in the phantom pools
of time's slipstreams
in this part of the poem,
i am imbuing words
with the power
of peace and love
if you're able,
drink that in with your eyes
there's an infinite supply
if you've ever decided you didn't need shoes
and stepped into the grass
congratulations! you are now cuddling with
an ancient goddess
try making yourself heavy
to ease into the energy of gravity
and if you're ready
you might bleed into her bounty
then, deep breath!
shake it out
do that thing where
you make your cheeks wobble
it's like pbbldd
that should wake you up
prime your mind for inhaling nature's
peace and loving kindness
you can talk to trees
by humming
in the heart
and pushing that fibrous
energy out the throat chakra
they will reciprocate
by helping you to slow down
and show you how gradually life grows
it's quite relaxing
every different spot along the spine
corresponds to a different singing sigh
a high pitch, for the head, and eye
and a low flowing moan
for the roots
we know as home
hum the spectrum
and let yourself feel silly
spirit willing
that laughter
will heal your heart
...i love you
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aiorevelations · 4 years
This may be a very unpopular opinion (I have a lot) but I know how everyone says 1 Odyssey year equals 3 of our years, but I never saw it like that. For example, I always thought that three albums might cover events that take place over 1 week, but then the next album skips four weeks, or something like that. Basically I think the Odyssey time line is an accordion, constantly stretching and squashing depending on the plot's needs. I should probably go to bed now....
We agree with you that different albums span different durations of time. However considering that time still passes outside of the episodes we hear, and not just during the episodes, as well as the number of years that appear to have passed on the show (which we calculate from such things as the confirmed ages of characters on the show and statements from the writers) it would equal out to about 3 years our time = 1 year odyssey time. But we are entitled to our opinions and that is perfectly okay. ☺️☺️☺️
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terminalmistake · 5 years
I made a couple characters, and felt like sharing their quirks
Quirk 1: Toony
The user of this quirk has the attributes and abilities of most squash and stretch cartoons, such as looney tunes, Tom and jerry, etc. including pulling mallets from behind their back and seeing visible stars! While this quirk seems wonderful, the toony effects only effect the user, and such, dynamite, safe drops, and mallets to the head, can and will hurt/kill the opponents. The major downside is that a toony user can overuse their quirk, the effect being that arms stretched to far will stay stretched longer, accordion bodies take longer to return to normal, so on so forth, and its overall a hassle.
Quirk 2: lucky draw
Users of lucky draw will find that their luck seems to be a 50/50 chance of being absolutely awful, or the best in the world. This can range from coin flips not being in their favor, to their house burning down, or winning the lottery, and finding a dollar on the sidewalk. The obvious drawback is the bad luck, which can lead mostly to the user being not only misfortunes, but injured or in mortal peril as well!
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manyblinkinglights · 28 days
All right! Very subtle nonlinear/radial response squash and stretch system hooked up to the angle of the hind.hips; it's different for bending over forwards vs tipping backwards, for bending forwards (mooning your hips backwards) you get an immediate stretch backwards that then begins to fall off/damp. For tipping backwards (humping your hips forwards) you get a damped squash initially that then gets more and more aggressive/linear. The hind.hips themselves are clamped in what angles they're allowed to pull off, so it's very demure on this anytaur. I'm gonna see how far I can PUNCH IT on the dragon puppeteer av next tho!
Basically, the choices are between which kind of response you get (aggressive and then damped, or damped and then aggressive, or symmetrically aggressive & barely damped at all). That said this is probably more or less the best universal selection. Except for like some sort of toonkind av that wanted the symmetrically aggressive response for max accordion. You can also piece it out so you only ever stretch or only ever squash but that seems a bit odd
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aurore-mf · 8 years
And finally animated, here is .... Pipoule, the accordion hen!
Exercice d’animation autour du principe de Squash and Stretch DMA Marseille, 2016
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Week # 5 – 22nd October
Week five has definitely been the most hectic of all weeks, we began the week by having our first character design session where we did a very fun task where the class were giving Rorschach tests and we had to draw characters from the multiple paint splatters on the page. It ended with everyone drawings each other’s favourite character and this was a way to see everyone’s style to gather inspiration. We also began working on our sketchbooks and also finished the week completing the sketchbook, which was filled with character ideas for our final walk cycle.
I did struggle to come up with a character design, personally for me it felt very rushed to come up with a design on the spot, so it resulted in me going and reflecting with many ideas. I knew since the start of the course I wanted to create something reminiscent of my childhood, which was cartoons such as Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny and other shows from the golden age of cartoons, which relayed on squash and stretch heavily. However, I did not want to go all out of the rubber hose style of animation as I find very limiting, on the other hand I wanted to focus more on the resurgence of this style through the 90’s with shows like Animaniacs, Bonkers and Ren & Stimpy. I have come up with some characters for my cast but I’m not overly happy with it, so I will have to carry on with different design ideas.
Contrastingly, our dynamics session has been very straight forward, I completed my TV paint induction which was surprisingly easy to navigate. However, I did not like the drawing aspect of TV paint as I thought it was lacking since I am used to photoshop when it comes to digital work. TV paint is far more superior to photoshop when it comes to the animation side of the software but the drawing side lacks, which may result in a less polished final walk cycle.
I managed to complete two animation exercise during that session, both a walk cycle and a ball bounce using TV paint.
I also completed a task which was set to us over the weekend, that a dynamic animation that emphasises impact. Since I will be focusing on a stretch and squash design for my character, I wanted to create an animation which was very cartoony. It was a figure being squashed by a huge block and once the block is lifted up the figure has the body of an accordion, similar to Wiley Coyotes falls in the Looney Tunes shows. I was satisfied with the animation as the up and down bounce of the figure was smooth and did replicate the same general motion of an accordion. However, the fall of the block seemed too sudden and I tried to do this for a more comedic effect, but I feel like it still looks odd. However, since it is an animation based on the Looney Tunes, I think it’s almost unnatural nature fits the theme of the impact, and after peer evaluation many seemed to enjoy and did not seem to care for this flaw.
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