Omg so apparently the "murderous tyrant" moffathatedebunked was talking about was missy and somehow we're at fault for their vagueness
I misread that post...
But the thing is the sexual assault my have been the act of a "murderous tyrant", but the act itself was not condemned or even taken seriously, as it was played as a joke, nor was it condemned when the Doctor sexually assaulted someone, which was also not played as a remotely serious issue.
Really, just because a bad guy does something doesn't mean that the narrative automatically frames that specific thing as bad. The narrative framed it as funny.
Really, this person needs to get a fucking life.
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idontwikeit · 10 years
i hope u know u make the best edits ok
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omggggg thank you I need this today
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sadiekane · 10 years
can i be deadpool in your marvel family???
of course, i’m going to add you (:
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moonintheabyss · 10 years
acciothenoseofvoldemort replied to your post:So, a bit late, but I’ve just watched the Doctor...
I remember liveblogging about how I was offended and people told me to shut up cause it made them feel empowered like if I don’t take my anti depressants I want to die.
Ugh, god people are so shitty sometimes. I'm sorry.
It really pissed me off, because I hear voices, and I take pills to quiet those voices. And do you know what? Given that they said her medication was specifically for getting rid of her voices, as opposed to something just to generally help her mood, she would have been on anti-psychotics.
Now, I can only speak from my experience, but they are generally very hesitant to prescribe anti-psychotics to people under 18. Also, it's not like you walk into a doctor's office, say "I'm hearing voices!" and then they just drug you up. Those voices have to be causing you distress.
So we can assume that the kid was in a seriously bad way. I mean, they stated in the episode that she was barely functioning.
It was just so badly handled, because the episode stated that her meds were helping her. That she was better and more able to cope when she took her meds.
So apparently, even if your pills are making you feel better, well fuck you, you're wrong! They're hiding your specialness! Those voices in your head, that's what makes you special! What if the Doctor comes one day and needs your help to save the world, but you can't because your mummy made you take your pills?
Because that's the lesson that kids are going to take from this.
I hate these types of "don't take your pills, they just dull your creativity" stories, I really hate "mentally ill people have special senses that 'normal' people don't" stories but at least they're normally stories for adults. This was a story for and about children.
It's a shame, really, because they could have made it so her illness was a part of her character. She could have just been a kid who was able to help the Doctor and had a mental illness, as opposed to a kid who was able to help the Doctor because of her illness. It reduced mental illness to a plot device, a deus ex machina.
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qi-yans · 10 years
pepperony! :)
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART 
your blog: ew / nonono / cute / great / flawless / OH EM GEE
Send me a ship and i'll rate it + your blog
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wonderwcman · 10 years
i voted for farmboyclinton :)
thank you ;)
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | byeicon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | byetheme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | byeposts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | byeoverall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | byefollowing?: no but ilu | now | yes | till the end of the line, pal
come get oneee! no more pleaseee!!!
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robinmizoguchi · 10 years
If you think hating a person simply because of whether or not they like something is rational, why?
I like chocolate cake, and you don't like it. Ok, I get that. You think I should have a different favourite cake than chocolate. Again, fine. To change my opinion you decide to use well-thought out points against chocolate cake. In the end my opinion doesn't change, and no one thinks any less of me for liking a different cake flavour.
You don't verbally attack me, which most times will hurt far more effectively, nor do you get support from you fellow chocolate cake hating fans to bully me into submission.
So why do we do is for other things? You don't like Moffat's work in Doctor Who? Ok then, I just won't bring it up unless you want a debate (not that I actually can give you a good one seeing as I don't watch e show). I don't emotionally or verbally (or whatever verbal is online) attack you, or set up others to do it for me.
Why should you hate others for enjoying something you don't?
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boldlypinkangel · 10 years
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART 
your blog: ew / nonono / cute / great / flawless / OH EM GEE
Send me a ship and I'll rate it and your blog
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gleennrhee · 10 years
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i was tagged by buckygetthatpatrioticdick and this is super late but i was super busy and i tag smilebucky chasing-steves and acciothenoseofvoldemort 1.- your name 2.-your url 3.- blog title 4.- your crush 5.- fav colour 6.- caps lock 7.- fav band 8.- fav number 9.- fav beverage 10.- who you tag
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mssrprcngs-blog · 10 years
acciothenoseofvoldemort replied to your post: “I’m boooored I’m bored I’m bored I’m bored bored bored boreeeedddd  ...”:
Hey are you bored
no what gave you that idea
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flamyangelwings · 10 years
So littlemercury tagged me for this,
Rules: In a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard —- they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you. Tag ten people, including me, so I’ll see your list. Make sure you let your friends know you’ve tagged them.
The Girl With the Silver Eyes - Willo Davis Roberts
Uglies - Scott Westerfeld
The Hobbit - J.R.R Tolkien
The Sorcerer's Letterbox - Simon Rose
Sarah, Plain and Tall - Patricia MacLachlan
Cyberquest - Sigmund Brower
Terrier - Tamora Pierce
The Beekeeper's Apprentice - Laurie R. King
The School Mouse - Dick King-Smith
The Bible
I tag: acciothenoseofvoldemort awesomepossumx conri-tardiswolf theamazingcat agents-of-frickle-frackle sharkblade rokstar321 rose-of-pollux marysuepoots mimsy-scribbles
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ace-enjolras-blog · 10 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
this should surprise nobody
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lilytheputian · 10 years
Tagged again by theamazingcat.
Rule 1: Always post the rules.  Rule 2: Always answer the questions from the person who tagged you and write your own questions.  Rule 3: Tag 11 people.  Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them.
Worst decisions you’ve ever made?
Bringing politics onto my Tumblr.  Why I thought that was a good idea, I don't know.  *headdesk* Don't do it, my friends; it's a path into darkness (well... a path into annoyance, anyway).
Top Five least favorite Characters?
Hmm... Clara Oswald (Doctor Who), because she's a very flat character; Eragon (Inheritance), although it's not really his fault--the saga ended poorly, in my opinion; River Song (Doctor Who), because her entire arc was just... ugh; the Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who), because oh my gosh he's just an asshole and ack Moffat why the hell did you have to take over DW, cos Matt Smith could have been freaking awesome; and Jean Valjean (Les Miserables), although it should be noted that it's only in the Brick that I don't like him very much, and that's just because of some weirdness Hugo wrote with Valjean's mental state.
What is you’re current brand of body wash/Soap?
Lavender soap from italianbeautySPA, I think (I threw out the big package, but the little wrappers have stuff written on them).
Top Five favorite musicals (Either Stage or Movie versions)?
Les Miserables (2012 film); The Phantom of the Opera (2011 stage version, filmed from Royal Albert Hall); West Side Story (it was at the Muny a few years back, I don't remember when); The Sound of Music (Muny version a few years ago, and the Julie Andrews film); and 1776 (the film from the 70s, I think...).
Top Five favorite movies?
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan's Curse; Fahrenheit 451; Les Miserables; and Nicholas and Alexandra (history about the last Romanov Tsar and Tsarita).
Least favorite class taken?
Geometry.  Math and I don't get along, and I came really close to failing Geometry.
What was you’re Halloween costume last year?
I was Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale.
Most memorable summer moment?
Visiting Lawrence, Kansas and walking on KU's campus (a.k.a. that college that I really want to go to).
Favorite Celebrity 
Emma Watson (best known for playing Hermione in Harry Potter).  She is brilliant and beautiful and one of my role models.
Favorite time period in history?
This wasn't really a good time, but probably the 1830s (particularly, Paris in June of 1832--yeah, it's from Les Mis, but the Paris Uprisings of June 1832 were a real thing and really fascinating.  I'd like to visit {assuming time travel becomes available for leisure use in the future... also, that I'm alive when it's invented, that it actually gets invented, and that one could return to their proper time period}, but wouldn't have wanted to live there!).
My questions:
What... is your name (username, real name, whatever ya like)?
What... is your quest?
What... is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What... is the capital of Assyria?
What... is your favorite color?
What was I referencing in numbers one through five (the answer "I have no idea" works too, if you don't know)?
What is one place in the world that you really want to go to?
What are you planning to study in college/studying in college/studied in college (if you are planning on going to/going to/went to college)?
What is your pet peeve?
What is, in your opinion, the most fascinating war in human history (recent or otherwise)?
Do you hear the people sing?
Tagging: adorablehood, acciothenoseofvoldemort, shsl-homestuck-fan, jterra97, catherineldm, call-me-a-romantic-fool, beanieboopz, ladyoftheshield, youwerefntastic (coincidentally the 9th tagged), superwhovengerstarringpotlock, and double-m-b.
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moonintheabyss · 10 years
acciothenoseofvoldemort replied to your post: I was checking my followers and acciot...
Hello friend! :D
So you know that urge where you really want to be friends with someone, but you also don't want to come on too strong and freak them out with your weirdness? I'M FIGHTING THAT URGE.
Here, have some cats!
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lol did you see that stfu rtd can't let go of your moffat defending agenda comment? i mean seriously they need to let that go it wasn't even an insult.
Just went and checked. I haven't gone on that blog in like over a month because it's so pathetic. 
First of all, the fact that they're getting so defensive pretty much proves my point all together.
Anyway, I made that post so long ago I had to look it up to remember what post it was on, and I think it's a sad, strange combination of hilarious and pathetic that they're dwelling on it so much. They did something like this to me, personally, recently, where they screen capped me in their "biggest fans". Even then it had been a while since I reblogged something of theirs, so the fact that they're so damn obsessed with me is really disturbing. 
The reason I said they had a thinly disguised Moffat defending agenda in the first place, was that if someone really, truly cared about social justice issues, especially the ones they seem to care about, they wouldn't find Moffat's work better than Davies. At the very least, they would give them equal criticism. But the complete lack of Moffat crit, and the downright praise of him, led me to believe that it wasn't the social justice issues they cared about, it was some misguided pissing contest with RTD they were having.
It doesn't even matter, however, because I made the post so fucking long ago, and the fact that they have nothing better to do than try to pick fights with people who haven't engaged them in literally over a month says a lot about them. 
They also made a shitty, underhanded comment about a joke blog/side blog of mine that's gained some popularity recently. The blog is called "why-helo-is-i-stvenen-mofatt" or something to that degree, and it's basically just an outlet for me to laugh at the absurdity of Moffat's writing. It's in no way meant to be taken seriously as Moffat crit, hence why I have *this* blog. However, they went on to comment on how that blog is "pathetic" or whatever, which is pretty rich coming from a blog that is holding on to a comment I made ages ago, and personally attacking me, someone who has not engaged them in a while. Maybe they're upset that every post of mine on there has gotten more notes than any of theirs, and it's a weird jealousy thing.
I don't know why they were so personally offended by that blog, I never made one negative comment about Moffat as a person, I only poked fun at the overused tropes in his writing while using "jimbles nuetronbo/birb" type speech, and somehow to them that's "taking it too far".
It's not even meant to be taken seriously as Moffat crit, it's just something I did for fun. I realize the format is shitty and kinda unfunny, I never even expected it to gain traction as a blog. I'm even sort of embarrassed about how many followers it's gained in less than a month. Yet to them it proves I "shouldn't be taken seriously", because apparently one purposefully shitty joke blog is enough to negate all of the well written, analytical Moffat crit on this blog.
They also put a link to my blog in their description, which *could* act as free advertisement, I suppose, but it's mainly going to attract anon hate, which is a shitty, lower than low thing to do. I don't know if encouraging people to send anon hate was their intention, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were doing it for that purpose.
If and when I start getting anon hate, I'll make sure I publish it to remind people how base and pathetic stfu-rtd and their fans are, resorting to sending anon hate to a person who hasn't engaged them in a while. I know my followers are well aware of my absolute detestation of anon hate, and how I actively discourage my followers from sending it to people who I've debated on here, so to see someone, whether intentionally or not, encourage people to send anon hate to someone they have a hate-obsession with is beyond my scope of comprehension, it's so pathetic. I just wish we could all act like fucking adults on here. 
I'm not going to engage them personally, as I don't want to stoop to that level of pathetic, but I am hoping they realize how they're embarrassing themselves, and how base they're being for trying to pick fights with people who haven't engaged them in a while, and don't even *look* at their blog anymore. 
Now, to stfu-rtd:
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kalilahlunaris · 10 years
I was tagged by clonenumbertwo
These are the rules:
Rule One: Always post the rules. Rule Two: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones. Rule Three: Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Rule Four: Actually tell them you tagged them.
1. Musicals, yes or no?
Yes, they are wonderful!
2. What book are you reading right now?
Um, though I'm not currently reading anything, I just finished The Girl with the Iron Touch by Kady Cross a few hours ago.
3. What was your favorite year of school?
8th grade. I got straight A's and my teachers were nice.
4. How many bones have you broken?
One. I broke my left wrist while jumping on a bed. My mom had walked in and scared me, causing me to hit my arm against the headboard. I apparently laughed and ran away. But three days later in the middle of the night, I started screaming in pain and they took me to the hospital to find that I had a broken wrist. It took me three days to react to it apparently and it didn't show any signs until that night either. I was too young to remember it, but that's what my mom tells me.
5. What is your favorite place to visit?
A park near my Great-grandmother's house called Jay Blanchard Park. There's a hiking trail in the woods there and a bubbly brook and it's absolutely magical.
6. What is your favorite band/artist?
Steam Powered Giraffe or Blood on the Dance Floor, depending on what mood I'm in.
7. What Hogwarts house are you in?
8. If you could enter a fiction universe, what would it be?
Harry Potter
9. Do you follow any sport?
10. One thing you like about yourself?
I like of my eyes, when the light catches them.
11. Talker or listener?
12. What song are you listening to right now?
Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe
13. Do you play any sports?
14. Favorite TV show?
The Finder, I was so mad when it didn't get a second season.
15. Do you play any instruments?
16. Favorite fictional character?
Luna Lovegood
17. How many fandoms are you in?
I've lost track.
18. Favorite book or series?
Harry Potter, I can never get sick of it.
19. Favorite subject in school?
20. Have any cool talents?
I can read really fast. I can read a six hundred page book in 3 hours, with food, water, and bathroom breaks.
21. Favorite song?
Too many, but I'll have to say Brass Goggles by Steam Powered Giraffe.
22. Farthest you’ve ever been from home?
I've been on two cruises to the Bahamas.
My Questions:
Favorite movie?
What was your first fandom?
Favorite element? (fire, air, water, earth)
Favorite food?
Last thing you ate?
What are you currently wearing?
What makes you feel good when you're sad?
Favorite headcannon?
Favorite crossover?
What's your COTP? (Crossover One True Pairing)
How old were you when you first realized that (Spoiler Alert) Santa isn't real?
I tag:
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