tetzoro · 5 months
mihawk + aimsy = mimsy (?)
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featherandferns · 4 months
daylight - three
jj maybank x fem!reader | part 3 of the daylight series | read part 2 here
content warnings: alcohol
word count: 2k.
blurb: after finding a box of memories, you jump at the chance to go fishing with JJ. There, you open up a little more about your life in Vancouver.
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You come downstairs at the sound of your dad calling your name. You find him standing by a stack of cardboard boxes, labelled with marker pen scribbles. 
“Can you take your stuff upstairs? That other delivery van finally arrived. Only a God damn month late,” your dad grumbles. 
“Sure thing,” you say.
It takes about ten minutes to lug your boxes upstairs. Closing your bedroom door, you begin to unpack. Most of them are full of clothes and accessories: caps and bags that you probably don’t even need, since you didn’t miss them in their lack. Another box has school things, in case you need your old notes for the next year of classes. The final box is full of miscellaneous items. Childhood memorabilia and wads of photographs and photo albums. Stupid dress-up gear from costume parties you and Mimsy had attended. You snap a selfie dressed in the get-up and send it to Mimsy.
A shoebox at the bottom has you taking pause. You take it out and set it on your bed, opening it. Your heart stops when you see what’s inside. 
How could you forget?
The box is piled high with various things, and at the top is a journal. It's frayed on the corners from excessive wear and tear. It was the journal you had kept when dating your ex boyfriend, Tyler. You take it out and promptly put it to the side like it’s coated in anthrax. There is absolutely no urge to flick through the pages and relive every moment of that tumultuous, tortuous affair. Below the journal is a t-shirt that belonged to him, then an impressive stack of photos. Happy photos. Smiling photos. Photos that are mostly of just the two of you, always in one or the other’s bedroom. Any photos taken in public have the two of you standing apart, acting as though you don’t know the feel of the other’s skin. There's a birthday present he gave you; a card; a ‘love letter’ that had made you so happy at the time, and only bitter in the aftermath. In fact, all of it made you bitter. All emotions led back to anger, and betrayal, and hurt. 
And yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to get rid of it. Even now, even still, in a different country, on a different coast: you feel the need to keep it. Treasure it like a cursed artefact. 
You’re happy to be taken out of your nightmarish thoughts by the ping of your phone. You pick it up, expecting a text from Mimsy, only to be surprised at finding one from JJ. 
I’m bored.
Smiling, glad for the distraction, you reply. 
Hi bored. 
Nerd. Srsly tho. I wanna do something. 
You turn your back on the box of memories.
Wanna go to the cinema?
Hello I’m poor??? U acting mad expensive rn
Laughing, you roll your eyes and offer something that you know JJ would never refuse.
Fishing then?
Dope. Pick u up in 5.
You kill the time waiting for JJ by tidying away the last few belongings. The items are returned to the shoe box and hidden under your bed following the philosophy out of sight, out of mind.
The honk of a car horn outside has you grabbing your backpack and heading for the door. JJ sits behind the steering wheel, staring off into the distance as he mindlessly taps along to the beat of the Kendrick song he’s playing. You whistle as you approach and he smiles when he spots you. 
“Where we fishing?”
“Found a good spot the other day,” JJ says, setting off once you’re in the passenger seat. “Caught some good bass and stuff. Spotted bass too.”
“Sounds good,” you hum. You kick your feet up onto the dashboard and pick at the peeling nail varnish on your fingertips. 
There’s no need to fill the quiet of the campervan as JJ drives. You eye him in your peripheral as he concentrates on the road.
His resting face sits with a set jaw and you suddenly imagine him to clench his jaw in his sleep. Lips somewhere between a frown and smile, his eyes are somewhat hooded. His neck is so attractive. You never thought necks could be attractive before, but seeing it tense and relax when he swallows and sighs, the way the skin teases over the Adam’s apple...it's tortuous. You can just picture stretching your hands around it, scratching against the skin of his jugular with your nails, marking his pretty flesh with love bites…
“What’s up?”
“You lookin' at me. Something up?” JJ asks in all his innocence. 
Your dart your eyes to the road ahead. “Uh, no, no. I’m good.”
“A'right,” he says. Back to quiet. You don’t dare spare another glance at him for the rest of the ride. 
JJ parks up on a quiet country road. You both get out of the car and load up with fishing gear and snackage. JJ takes the cooler, biceps flexing, and the fishing rods. Lugging two collapsable chairs on either shoulder, you follow him with a box of bait and your backpack in hand. He guides you up a dirt path, overgrown with ivy and stinging nettles. A dilapidating jetty comes into view and you’re happy to see it empty. You both take to setting up shop. You weren’t lying to him, the first time that you met: you didn’t much care for fishing. But honestly, you’d take any excuse to spend time with JJ. It’s pathetic to admit to yourself that he could ask you to help him drain a sewer and you’d say yes without a second thought. 
Cracking open a beer, you offer it to JJ. 
“Thanks,” he smiles.
You open your own and the two of you cheers before taking a swig. It’s crisp and cooling in the muggy summer sun. He hands you a prepared fishing rod and you lean against the shaky railing beside him. He’s dug out his cap: the red one that he wore the first time you met. It shadows his face beautifully. You look out to the water and admire the calming view. A sea bird darts across the sky in the distance and you half want to grab for your camera. 
“You have good fishing in Vancouver?” he asks. 
“S’alright,” you reply. “My uncle loves fishing. He used to take me to this spot where you could catch trout as long as your leg.”
“Fuck off,” JJ laughs. 
“I’m serious! Swear to God, I thought this thing was gonna eat me!”
The two of you laugh. Your smile turns solemn at the memory. It hurts to think about your life in Vancouver. It feels like it was years ago, hazy like a lucid dream, distorted with nostalgia. Never before have you been more grateful for facetime or else you might forget Mimsy’s voice.
The day stretches on with the two of you passing drinks and chips and refreshing bait. The bucket starts to fill with some catches. Nothing impressive. Somehow you both end up sitting in your chairs. One hand remains on the rod, waiting for a bite and holding it steady. JJ is reclined in his chair somewhat precariously, feet up on the bannister, weighed down by heavy, black boots. 
“I don’t think I ever asked,” JJ says, catching your attention. He looks to you. “Why’d you move to Kildare anyway?”
“Well, you know the old saying,” you reply. “If at first your marriage fails: pick up and move country, eh?”
“Ah,” JJ replies, chuckling a little. “Is the marriage fixed, then?”
“Hell no,” you snort. “They fucking hate each other. Hardly talk. I think my dad just wanted an excuse to move back to North Carolina.”
“He from here?”
“Yeah, he was born here. I have a ton of family out here too. Well, not in Kildare but in Carolina.”
“Damn,” JJ mumbles. 
“It’s typical of my dad though. He's selfish like that. I mean, it's kind of messed up, don't you think? Dragging me away from my friends. From my life.” Your anger sparks suddenly. “You know, he didn’t even ask me if I wanted to leave. Because why the fuck would I want to leave? My entire life was there! Everything was there!”
JJ doesn’t speak. You catch yourself. Taking a shaky breath, you close your eyes, embarrassed for the outburst. 
“Sorry,” you mumble. “I just…I haven’t really talked about it to anyone yet.”
“You’re good,” JJ says. You look at him to find a small, reassuring smile. “I get it. Parents suck.”
You laugh, shaking your head. Leaning your head back, eyes slipping closed, you agree. “Yep. Parents suck.”
“I’m sorry, by the way,” JJ quietly adds. You open your eyes on him. “That you had to leave Vancouver.”
“Thanks,” you smile, eyes sad. “I know I’ll find a way to be happy here. But right now, I just miss home. I miss Mimsy.”
“My best friend,” you clarify. “She’s the fucking best. Completely unhinged. Obsessed with true crime and conspiracy theories. Zero filter.”
“She sounds like fun.”
“She is. She’d get along with you guys great,” you say. “It’s hard though. The time difference and everything sucks. And we talk a lot now but I’m just worried about the future. Like, what if it gets too much, with the distance, and we get busy and drift apart. She’s been in my life since I was like six years old. I guess it freaks me out to think about her not being there, you know?”
JJ nods. “Guess that’s like me and John B. We’ve been best friends since kindergarten. I can’t imagine how it would feel being, like, six hours apart.”
“It sucks,” you chuckle. “And it’s not just that, either. I feel like I have unfinished things in Vancouver. It’s like I left before I could close the book, if that makes sense.”
“What kind of things?” JJ wonders. He shifts in his seat to face you better. Neither of you are paying much attention to fishing now. 
“Romance things,” you say with a joking roll of your eyes. 
JJ’s brows raise. “You leave a man behind or something?”
“Man is a generous word,” you snigger. “But yeah, sort of. We weren’t together anymore - I mean, maybe we weren’t together ever - but I never got all the answers I wanted…I don’t know. It’s complicated.”
“Most things are,” JJ hums. You have to agree there. Nothing is ever clear-cut, black-and-white. At least not in your experience. “So, what’s the story? He cheat on you.”
“No. Least, I don’t think so,” you say. Shaking your head, you shoot him an apologetic smile. “Sorry. I don’t think I really wanna talk about it.”
“You’re good,” JJ says for a second time that day. He looks down to watch his thumb stroking the condensation on the side of his can. Tactfully avoiding your request, he then asks, “where you, like, in love with him?”
“Yes. God knows why, but, yeah,” you reply with a self-deprecating laugh. “Have you ever been in love?”
JJ squints against the sun as he looks out to the horizon. “Dunno, really. I guess you’d know if you had been in love, right? Like you’d know what that feels like.”
“Yeah, you would,” you return. 
Looking at you, JJ only hesitates a moment before he asks, “what does it feel like? Being in love?”
Smiling wistfully, you reply honestly. “It’s the worst feeling in the world.”
read part four here!
@princessuki21 | @psyches-reid | @heybank | @avengersgirllorianna | @rrosiitas | @yourmumstoy | @jjsfavgirl | @void21 | @fictionalcomforts | @gsp420 | @redhead1180 |
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agirlandherquill · 5 months
wip title game
thanks @the-ellia-west and @aesthetic-writer18 for the tag! this one looks fun!
safe to say I have a lot of tag games to catch up on over the summer, so slowly but surely i'll be getting on with that,
okay here are the rules! - post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
now here's my dilemma, i have some files that aren't named, but i do have plenty that do so here goes!
Ruin's Reprisal
A Deal of Daggers
Between The Lies
Fables of Fate
The Light of Darkness
and for the few that haven't a title I'm going to dub with a key word that fits the generalised plot (aka the madness that is the scribbles of notes on my Trello board)
so there we go, that's my wips!
now it says to tag as many people as my wips, but with my newly created tag list I just can't resist tagging you all - @the-ellia-west @willtheweaver @tildeathiwillwrite @drchenquill @365runesofthesystem
@coffin-hopping @godsmostfuckedupgoblin @a-mimsy-borogove @frostedlemonwriter @i-do-anything-but-write
@r-u-living @thatuselesshuman @lead-to-code @sunflowerrosy @theaistired
@phoenixradiant @autism-purgatory @corinneglass @tiredpapergirl @missmisanthrope no pressure of course, nothing but a curious gesture toward some of the greatest minds on writeblr - and if you want in on my tag list it's the previous post before this one, simply interact with it and you're good to go!
and of course, open tag! ask away!
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catbowserauthor · 4 years
@brightlotusmoon Some more smart and well-read Mikey for you!
Staying awake later than Donnie or Leo was generally considered a feat and on the worst of days, a sign of illness but today, Mikey was determined. When something was important to his brothers, it was important to him.
So far, Donnie had brought home pictures of graffiti scribbled on the walls near known Purple Dragon sites. But not by the gang. No. These were written differently and were obviously clues. Messages of done kind.
But as Donnie had put it—“of what I have no inkling in shell.”
So, they had gone over the info they did have. Words. Simple words, long words, words that weren’t words: vorpel, mome, beamish, slain, jabber, woke, callooh, and shell knew how many more.
As Raph had so colorfully put it: it’s all fucking nonsense!
And he was right. But all the same, it had to mean SOMETHING.
And something was tugging at Mikey’s mind. Something about the words and rhythm and...
Wait. Looking closer at the pictures they’d taken, he saw a smudge on the word “woke.” After looking at it this way then that, he realized, it wasn’t woke, it was wock.
Okay. Clear as mud.
Nonsense. Nonsense.
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense...
As if a light went off in his head, Mikey pulled his brother’s blackboard over and began to write feverishly. He lost track of time. He just wrote. And wrote.
When his brothers came down in the morning, they found him hunched over in Donnie’s usual chair, dead asleep.
But the photos had been rearranged and their locations starred on the city map.
It made a...rabbit? Yeah, a rabbit shape, only missing a nose, which was circled.
And as Donnie looked over the photos and the order that Mikey had marked them in, his eyes widened. “It...was...nonsense.”
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
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missromancedy · 5 years
Its been brought to my attention that maybe I should have my other non-linked romancedy OCs put on their own ask blog which would end up being like anyone but Romancedy, Mimsy, Acorn and Sepia. What do you guys think?? Should I have a seperate blog for the others like Ebony, Bellessia, Epiphy, Nova, Cherry Flip, Pearl Strike, Scribbles and a future pony named Cornbread??? Or maybe thats to many ponys to do asks for? Hmm...
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graywyvern · 4 years
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kent christensen via lanny quarles on fb
Selected scribbling and scrawling.
the devil for an hour relented let me think that i could win stumbling through the verminous dimness to find a cairn
i said i think i'll make a book because my mind was in a drouth all melted in the mimsy glare of absent waters
days & further days have died since i first fled between four walls & toted up this fractal deal of a counter Faust
"One day you catch sight of something happening in the corner of your eye and shrug and think, 'How weird!' The next day Brexit is over and done with and your country is being run by fish people and you still aren’t getting it."
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ruhiana · 8 years
Who are your favorite characters: among your OCs; among the Tumblrpone community; and/or in general.
Oh god okay so I had to wait till I got home to answer this but like okay here we go:For my OCs I’d say my babies are:Miss Romancedy, Martha, Cerulean, Tangerine, Kitten, Ava, Paprika (the trainer one), Celibacy, Cherry, Mimsy, Finicky, Barbie, Clarie (Brown Rose Pony) and probably another pokemon trainer I have named Bethany. I just love all these on the top of my head! But I do love all my OCs ; w ; these just stand out!For Tumblrpone OCs (this is why I needed to be home also If theres a lot im sorry I just really love a lot of tumblr ponies you cant stop me):Broadsword, Neon Flight, Nemo Von Silver, French Olive, Ruby Rue, Red Fire, Backy, Hex , Bananas Wit, Straight Razor, Hardway Bet, Fain, Speedee, Ace Pony, Wild Card, Winged Cross, Sweet Cream, Merriweather, Shiny Shaini, Ickle Muse, Mud Pie,  Tech Wizard, Sandy Shores, Opalescent Pearl Bubblepop, Stalkerloo, Nigel, Twisted Gravekeeper, Arty, Gargle, Ocean Bird, Golden Pen,  Tomato Sandwhich, Billie the Kid, Lemonade, Rusty Nail, Desert Eagle, Ronin Applejack, Alton, Penwright, Edgar Peony, Johnny Lightem, Nurse Nimble, Sky Silence,  Candlelight Song, Nathan Brokenhorn, Proscutie, Duck the Llama, Scribbles, Stonehoof Bastion, Nitpick, Storm Side, Goldy Loots, Tea Bean, Wisp the Diamond Dog, Zivion, Keyframe, Captain Flintlock (I’m sure theres more but im like OKAY GO THROUGH MY FAVORITES ON MY PAST O SEE WHO I LIKE THE MOST YEA).I’d do in general too but my god the list would go forever so I’ll stick to these two for now if thats okay ; w; ///
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Nearly Headless Nick  - Bubbles Scribbles.
Ghost - Formerly a Wizard - Male - Died 31 October 1492 - Gryffindor House Ghost, Known as Nearly Headless Nick, Sir Nicholas, Nick or Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington - Loyal to Gryffindor, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Dumbledore and Harry Potter -
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0 notes
carousels-on-fire · 8 years
mimsy-scribbles replied to your photo “I tried this dress on at Ross the other day. I desperately wish it had...”
I'm sorry it didn't fit well; you look great in it!
Aw thank you! If it had been just a little bit bigger in the bust area it would have been perfect. I kind of wish I’d bought it anyway and just moved a button over or added a panel!
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wizardbicon · 8 years
"posts about #steve Rogers and #bucky Barnes"
thank u
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Apollo and Athena!
apollo: what are your favorite pieces of poetry? Quiet Girl by Langston Hughes .
I would liken youTo a night without starsWere it not for your eyes.I would liken youTo a sleep without dreamsWere it not for your songs.
athena: what are your favorite classic novels?  The importance of being earnest by oscar wilde and pride and prejiduce by jane austen 
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New Recovery Blog to Follow  mimsy-scribbles
A new helpful recovery blog from mimsy-scribbles - a new (ish) recovery blog at @toughpeopledo -  all followers might want to check it out in case you need more recovery and mental health blogs on your dashes! Thank you!
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thesigilwitch · 9 years
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the three Abrahamic religions so I would assume an Abrahamic witch could be a practitioner of any of the three.
Thank you :D
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leonvrdmccoy · 9 years
mimsy-scribbles replied to your post “[[MOR] yikes why do like five people unfollow me every time i post...”
aah im sorry :(
it’s all good friend <3 thank you
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carousels-on-fire · 8 years
mimsy-scribbles replied to your post “severinw93 replied to your post:Downsides to being deaf: -You can’t...”
Sev only knows bc I use them, but yeah, they're totally a thing!
Excellent! I can’t wait to not be totally lost during films anymore. 
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diarythebookwyrm · 9 years
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