Summery: AU. In the aftermath of the season two finale, Casey is left behind in Kraang-infested New York with an unstable Karai and an injured Splinter. As they prepare to take back the city, Casey is forced to face some uncomfortable truths about himself and his place in Splinter's family. Ties into my other story Rend and Forswear, but not a necessary read.
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spacebeyonce · 1 year
The Southern Book Club's Guide To Slaying Vampires. The title sounds all cutesey, but it is not. Salem's Lot meets Steel Magnolias, it is a caustic critique of White Feminism with an extremely realistic portrayal of abusive dynamics. Cannot recommend it enough.
I am putting so many audiobooks on hold rn lmao this is so exciting!!! thank you for the rec!
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"Nine people you want to know better" tag game
tagged by @gryptids, thank you el!! Last Song: i don't uh listen to music and i know this wasn't the last song i heard but my partner was playing Pomegranate Seeds by Julian Moon in the car yesterday Favorite Color: I don't subscribe to the scarcity model of loving colors but I usually say green or purple, unless I'm in a red mood. Last Movie/TV Show: last movie was puss in boots: the last wish which was rad as hell. also working through demon slayer (in the entertainment district arc) and dungeon meshi and loving every second. i thought there was another dm episode out already so i sat down to watch it with my lunch but it doesn't come out til tomorrow :'( Sweet/Spicy/Savory: savoryyyyyyy. i think a lot of people oversweeten sweet foods tbh, and besides that, i'm just overall an umami bitch Relationship Status: five years and counting. fucking wild how long that is Last Thing I Googled: green day tour dates. they're gonna be in boston near my birthday soooooooooooooo
Current Obsession: i'm a genshin gamer now. it's the only game i play and i can't stop. the writing kinda sucks (sometimes--i'm convinced there's several people with varying skill levels) but i'm fascinated by the design, expert application of incentive principles. my mains are tighnari and shogun i'm also perpetually obsessed with the fantasy world in my brain but y'all gotta wait for the book on that one
Last Book: I'm sloooowly working my way through mordew by alex pheby but i also just finished the tombs of atuan by ursula k. le guin. truly she was a genius of the pen and i'm having an incredible time going through her work now
Looking Forward To: clearing out my to-do list so i can have more time to fuck around. i'm hoping i can get all my upkeep chores done on saturday and have time to write after
i don't even really know nine people on this site tbh and i don't like to impose myself on y'alls online experiences so feel free to take or leave this but @sauntervaguelydownward @official-bagpipes @thebiscuitwitch @honeysuckle-venom @goolock @feralplantain @ladyoftheshield @idislikethissite and Free Space Your Advertisement Could Go Here
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You know, I was going to make a New Gods fanfic rec list, until I realized that literally all of my recs are written by LadyoftheShield and uberghoul (I think they're both responsible for like half the fics in the Orion tag). So uh, read their fics, that's the rec list.
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kirbydots · 2 years
Fourth World asks! So many good ones, how do I choose? How about every one that ends with 5
Fourth World asks — link
5. Who’s an artist or writer you’d like to see tackle Fourth World?
Writing-wise I’m not sure, but I’d love to see Greg Smallwood and Jordie Bellaire tackle the art for a Fourth World run. Bellaire’s color work is always gorgeous, and Smallwood manages to capture so much personality in his artwork.
I’d love to see Peach Momoko do a cover or two for a Fourth World book, her style is breathtaking.
I’m pretty sure Christian Ward is the artist behind Aquaman: Andromeda, and based on what I’ve seen from that, I think he’d do stunning work on a Fourth World book as well.
15. What got you into reading Fourth World?
I’m not sure what in particular made me read it— I’d never encountered any Fourth World characters in adaptations or other comics before, even Darkseid. I guess I just decided to sit down and read it one day.
Now I drag all my friends by the heels into it! Discord friends, if you’re reading this, I am going to force you to read at least one Fourth World book if I haven’t already <3
25. Favorite fanart or fanfiction?
When it comes to fic, there’s basically nothing in the tags, and even less when it comes to fics that actually center them rather than just having them present.
Sunspots in Space is a particular favorite, and I find myself regularly re-reading Count On It. It’s such a sad read, but I adore it.
While I haven’t read all of their works, I really enjoy LadyOfTheShield’s entries for Lightrion Week.
When it comes to fanart, there’s so much, and it’s quite hard to narrow anything down. This piece by Ngoziu (and her work in general) is lovely, I love the line work and the designs she chose.
Fruitkingfrog and Iorkhran are some of my favorite Fourth World fanartists. This piece is one of the best works of art I’ve seen on tumblr, honestly.
Your fanart is amazing as well! I love how you draw Lightray! This one drawing you did of Lightray is so pretty, and the one you did of him and Wally has such lovely colors. The almost pink shading you sometimes use fits him really well!
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...... I think I just got blocked for a Sound of Music take and I’m reeling a little.
( @ladyoftheshield, if you’re still there, your blog looked really cool and I was enjoying it and I promise I wasn’t implying Nazis “weren’t that bad”, I’m not an alt-right LotR fan, I promise)
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Recording how many words of fanfic I read per day (May 19)
Today: 96,344 words Yesterday: 71,838 words Top this Month: 159,713 words
It’s finally the weekend! I’m so tired I hope I can sleep in until noon (doubt that it will actually happen though)
[Fics I read today under the cut]
The Steps to Becoming the Oldest Twin by Styx13 TMNT 2012 Fix-it by LadyoftheShield  Chapter 93 of calling out from the multiverse by 14Passionz (14Muffinz) Chapter 18 of Missing Sunshine by Ghostyman800, Zinovi768 Chapter 9 of Only time will tell. by The_Lunar_System_Writes Chapter 5 of After a Lifetime by Fihi Chapter 23 of Ghost in the Shell by AmevelloBlue Chapter 16 of Never Better by less_depresso_more_espresso
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2700lagostas · 5 years
YJ, Aqualad or Artemis?
I had to remember what ask game I reblogged recently and it was the “Give me two characters” one. 
“or” for who I like better: These two have a lot in common. They have fathers who are villains, they lost their significant others (who were also members of the team) during missions, and Roy Will Harper is an important person to them (man, I miss Kaldur and Will’s friendship). Also, we can’t forget that they went deep undercover against The Light together.
Ultimately, between the two I pick Kaldur. He’s always been a favorite of mine. I find it interesting that, as a character, he gets such tricky, complex things to do (gaining the trust of your biological father just to betray him is just...damn) even if the struggles he must have gone though are usually not shown. Of course, I also appreciate that he’s a non-straight character who worked his way to leading the whole Justice League. Every season, I want to see more of him.
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antistudyblr · 5 years
Merry, Eowyn, Dwalin for the tolkien ask meme
Merry: Who would you swear loyalty to, or to whom have you already done so?
There are numerous people I would die for, kill for, or hide the body for (the three standards of loyalty). To name a few: @zbutterfly0683​, my platonic soulmate, my original ride or die, and my forever best friend; my good friend s.b. who my college ride or die and who has gotten me through so much the past two years; my sisters who deserve the entire world, which I will serve to them on a platter. @ridingthestruggle-bus​ and @dotted-half-note​ who constantly uplift me.
Éowyn: Have you ever overcome prejudice in a significant way?
I’m a queer Latinx neurodiverse woman with so my entire life is essentially making my way in a world that was not designed for me or people like me in the slightest, one where the very structures are designed to keep us out. I’m white-passing, which is a privilege that has made my life easier every step of the way.  If you’re looking for specific anecdotes, I could pull any number of them, but I’ll give two school-related ones so this post doesn’t get out of control. 
I graduated salutatorian of my high school, which was located in a small town in a deeply conservative part of Pennsylvania. This was a fight for a number of reasons: aside from procedural/legal issues my guidance counselor mother helped me to navigate (couldn’t have done it without her) I had to deal with a lot of straight-up sexism and misogyny, especially in high school, from male teachers that held me to a different standard than my male peers. Said male peers overlooked my accomplishments at every turn and constantly belittled me behind my back. Being queer and Latinx lead to its own struggles that could fill several memoirs and I was definitely subject to microaggressions from peers and but luckily I had a strong group of similarly queer friends and several other Black friends, Latinx friends, and mixed-race friends who could empathize with my situation and help me put my own experiences and privileges into context. They also constantly championed me and never told me that I couldn’t do it. I’m so thankful for all of them, and supportive teachers, for getting me to where I am today.
I recently dealt with a truly terrible professor who couldn’t teach, used ableist and homophobic tropes during discussions (and didn’t shut down students who used them), and just was dismissive of any attempts to bring issues of race into class discussion (and of anything I in particular had to say). It was terrible and I didn’t drop the class soon enough, but I made it through with the support of professors in my fellowship and they’ve given me some options to pursue to make sure that no one else has to go through what I did.
I guess in short the message I want to leave here is that, despite what Tolkien might tell you, you don’t overcome prejudice as an individual (maybe you can, but its a painful, lonely path). I have only been able to achieve what I have due to the support I’ve received from family, friends, loved ones, and good educators. Prejudice often boils down to structural issues that I alluded to earlier and it can be nigh on impossible to tear those structures down yourself.
Dwalin: Do you have any hobbies?
Yes! Writing drifts between a hobby and an obligation due to my major and extracurricular commitments. I also read a lot (similarly to writing, sometimes this is for fun). I listen to podcasts, occasionally knit/embroider, and I hang out with my friends and watch movies/play board games/play D&D sometimes.
answering an ancient tolkien ask meme (they’re really good though so feel free to ask more)
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For the fan fix ask memes 1, 15, 20
1: How many wips do you currently have? (Be honest!) - oh boy y’all are really coming for me right out the gate um….hnnn rough estimate skimming through my documents…19? maybe
15: Post the last line you wrote without context - “I love you Toshinori, and maybe neither of us planned this, but we’re building a life together. Why shouldn’t we?” …i feel like that doesn’t even need context to be damning hm
20: Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? - this is so hard i have 263 bookmarks i am not a decisive person…but that said, there are a few fics/authors I go back to time and again that I am inordinately fond of, such as:
Upstairs by dizzylevi(ao3)/dizzysuga(tumblr) (bokuaka, haikyuu!!) i read this whenever i have a bad mental health day, i dont think i can articulate what about it calms me but i adore it
starlight in my veins by EzzyDean (kurosuga, haikyuu!!) this is an odd rarepair that i fell in love with and this fic portrays them so well!! (and the mutual pining 👌👌)
neptune_bound(ao3)/neptune-bound(tumblr)’s Six Girls, One Boi series (tododeku/gen, bnha) the friendships in the series are so good!! and it deals w/ some very real emotional and social issues the actual series skips over too easily (and the tododeku is beautiful)
aloneintherain(ao3)/captainkirkk(tumblr), especially their see it all in bloom series, and journey to the past (mostly gen w/ background tododeku, bnha) see it all in bloom is pretty much what i consider the actual future canon regardless of what happens its so good and it is the only series i trust w/ bakugo and midoriya as friends bc it actually acknowledges and deals w/ some of their issues right in the series. and journey to the past just kills me !!! baby midoriya w/ hero friends is so good and pure and there is so much love i cannot get over it
(and my latest obsession is the new, ongoing fantasy series Stag Moon by iputthepaininpainting(ao3/tumblr) (erasermight, bnha) erasermight is my latest obsession, tied with this amazing developing au and dadmight and owls its just...all my favorite things in one)
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wantonlywindswept · 8 years
ladyoftheshield replied to your post: ladyoftheshield replied to your post “p1ratew3nch...
Ohh, Four. OK, I recommend The Guardians of Childhood picture books by William Joyce, The Dark by Lemony Snicket and the Redwall picture books- IE, Redwall Winter’s Tale- which are violence free.
Ooh, didn’t know there were Redwall picture books.
Thanks so much for the advice/recs, I’ll def look into these! :D
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@enfant-de-loupe​ @im-procrastinating-again​ @feetuniqueshop​ @raphaelthevampire​ @letszaurus-blog​ @impossiblyloudpanda-blog​ @grapebubblegum22​ @roguekriger​ @mysave​ @the-odd-aud​ @demigodandconfusedwitch​ @hyperxkitty08​ @shortymuffinjess​ @dinosaurausrexme​ @vintagedress-swift​ @gab-trbl​ @starbabe569​ @ivorysteria​ @hermy98​ @animationanarchy​ @haveatacopie​ @laa-a​ @lauri3n​ @leggy-carter​ @narcissistic-soprano​ @kelsandco​ @murpheeee​ @bean-teen​ @jessr1997​ @mehalpatelli-blog​ @ladyoftheshield​ @papi-pia-blog​ @martyredmother​ @dontshootthechef​ @ineedtousethedamrestroom-bl-blog​ @kittydragon310-blog​ @missylopez06​ @mistressofmusic89​ @nineoutofninelives​ @saccharine-sunrise​ @thezorachampion​ @amynion​ @auspiciousleopard​ @tigergirl999​ @lep-tosome-blog​ @warriorkit91​ @littlebumblebeee​ @librarybywayofthelookingglass​ @blackrose-draws​ @hannanebanane​ @off-to-the-wild​ @waves-and-sunflowers​ @my-nivea​ @madamefnwinebottle​ @miraculous-strawberrymoon​ @psychofromamidwestsuburb1​ @persassystardis​ @algae854-blog​ @thathopelessromantic​ @amelia-rants​ @alilovescali​ @to-conquer-the-night​
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Never a burden
OR: My gift for @ladyoftheshield for the Redwall Secret Santa exchange! I chose that as the title, and your third prompt as the story idea. It was:
“Martha loses the ability to walk as time passes. the gift from martin was only temporary. this does not diminish her value.“
I absolutely love this. I hope I did it justice!
Also, I know the story is rather short, but I was unsure of how to end it beyond how it ends. Plus I had to rewrite it a few times due to tumblr being a terrible site that deletes stuff... but I digress.
The story is under the cut!
The Tapestry of Martin the Warrior was silent as ever. Moonlight lit the warrior mouse’s face, and the flickering light of an approaching candle cast strange shadows.
Slowly Martha made her way to the Tapestry, giving a brief bow to Martin before sitting. She stared at him, then sighed.
“I hope you don’t mind the company,” she began, “but... your gift is leaving me. I feel my legs growing weaker. I was hoping you could tell me... please, why? I don’t want to be a burden again!” Tears began falling before the young hare could stop them.
Martin remained silent, leaving Martha to cry herself to sleep.
In her dream, she was in her chair. Martin was before her, frowning.
“My gift could never last forever. Why would you call yourself a burden?”
“If my chair can’t go somewhere, I’d have to be carried. There’s so much that can’t be done because of me-”
“And so much that you have to offer. You’re never a burden. Your insight helped save our Abbey. You are wiser than your years, something sorely needed. If something can’t be done because of you... then the answer isn’t removing you. It’s trying harder and figuring out a solution.”
“Martha... my gift will leave you. But you will never be a burden. You have worth, no matter what. Walking only changes how you move. It doesn’t change your worth.”
Martha fell silent, looking away.
“The Abbey is lucky to have someone like you, Martha. It’s time for you to wake up, but I hope you can remember that no matter what: you’re never a burden.”
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Suren Darga is reformed (mostly). He's trying to be. So when a mysterious comet crashes outside of Gotham, Suren bolts at the chance to prove himself as a hero. The blood and friendships start flying from there. Angry Tamaraneans, grand theft auto, bad jokes, space rescue missions, super kids, irritable cats - who doesn't love the modern world?
the shroud has no pockets is an ongoing misadventure on AO3 with Suren Darga and lots of other super kids DC forgot about. shout-out to @arabian-batboy, whose headcanons fueled most of Suren’s development, and to @ladyoftheshield, for making me write. there’s a lot ahead of us.
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eulaliaaa · 6 years
Do you have the prompts for the 2018 redwall fic month? Or the 2017 ones, for that matter?
i have the prompts for the 2018 one ready- i’ll post that announcement now! the 2017 prompts can be found by searching redwall fic month on my blog :)
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rachelbarenson · 7 years
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@ladyoftheshield well yeah bro, but i ain’t the op, can’t fix it
plus, y’know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ human error; if mariahleey logs back on she’ll prolly laugh
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