suezdesign · 5 years
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Bat 🦇 The Amazing Cats ~ A character for a mobile game i was working on, it's on EARLY ACCESS 👀 on playstore and it's free 🙀🙀 ____ #game #bat #murcielago #theamazingcats #character #design #diseño #videogame #juego #graphicdesign #mobilegame #personaje ____ Un de los personajes que me tocó rediseñar, el encargó era darle un re fresh al persona original, él cuál tenía como primer error visual que no se veía en su entornó al ser negro, que tuviera mayor concordancia con el nuevo estilo gráfico y que se viera una fluidez al volar. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FQqXsj74t/?igshid=ncxw28d4pcnu
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glorianas · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post: charlottemarney replied to your post: ...
I wouldn’t mind an “ugly” guy cause that’s subjective. I think more an ugly personality is the problem. That Sansa has to be an ugly personality solver. If Sansa ends up with Tyrion or Sandor or has some kinda of romance with Littlefinger I’ll have something to say
i agree with that, i don’t mind if he’s not objectively handsome but i DO mind if he’s some deeply broken angry man who sansa must put back together while also learning that beauty isn’t everything there is no way to not make that sexist and condescending
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post: How do you think what really happened with Penny...
I was so hyped for the third season, I loved the first two so much. I binged them and then the third season came and I was like WTF? The only storyline I liked was Lilly and Dorian’s but I felt it was underdeveloped AF and so much more could have been done. But this is why you need other writers looking at you work and telling you if things suck or not.
Same, I loved the first two seasons (like, even the bottle episodes I enjoyed though I KNEW they would come back to bite us in the ass) but the third was legitimately awful, not just in terms of how rushed and incomplete everything, but... the offensiveness of it all?  Rape by deception and gaslighting via Dracula vs. a despairing Vanessa choosing to be evil because fuck it, Ethan’s entire storyline coming back to woooo Native Americans ~magic and an abusive father plotline that was resolved with a... firefight?  Plus the weird let’s convert Lilly into being good wait let’s not because...
But yeah, Logan always had too much individual control over the storyline and did things to please his inner monster fanboy.  The cohesive plot was never the point.  Like, I know ppl think the cancellation was abrupt due to the introduction of Jekyll, but I really think Logan did that with no intention of resolving the story, it just pleased him to have Jekyll there
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weiwanyin · 7 years
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@theamazingcat replied to your post “I lost a follower over Finnsma. I can’t believe you antis. ”
I'm sorry but they are just denying facts. On the poster Finn and Phasma are diagonal from each other, subliminally telling us they are star crossed lovers. Listen I understand it's hard for people to realize, but I'm an english major so I understand these sublet details other fail to recognize.
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beavesaintmarie · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post “goodqueenalys replied to your post “arsonarsenal replied to your...”
Also people seem to be under this impression that a happy ending is a bad thing, that the only good ending is a grim one.
and there are also a lot of interpretations of a ~happy ending~ for a lot of these characters. like for example, i really just want theon to find some peace. 
i don’t need him to be the king of the iron islands or anything like that. as long as he’s still alive at the end of the series, i very much want theon to live out his years in peace and quiet. wherever that is. whatever peace looks like for theon. that’s what i want for him. 
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bisansastarks · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post: theonbaejoys replied to your post: ...
Darcy’s too much of a prude to have gone to a sex worker, he isn’t no Mr Rochester.
I’m weirdly okay with Rochester now. Partly bc the BBC version made him and Jane really cute and partly bc IDK Jane wanted him? And he went blind and got caught in a fire? So like.....he suffered. 
Because at least he isn’t Heathcliff. 
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jezabelofthenorth · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post: “So… about that new Mary, Queen of Scots movie As much as I like to...”:
I certainly think the makeup department for making Margot Robbie look that ugly, like that's got to be a crime against nature. I mean Margot's such a pretty woman, how is it possible she got made to look that bad...
i really don’t know what the hell that was it looked like a bad halloween costume not a high budget film production, i guess i’ll reserve a little judgment until there’s an official image released of margot as elizabeth, but i didn’t like saoirse’s dress either so it seems costumes are gonna be a huge let down in this film,
and on a personal level i’m offended like as if elizabeth would ever be caught dead in something that ugly my girlie was a fashion setter
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carterhaughs · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post:
theamazingcat replied to your post I really can’t...
The only time I cared about the actors on this show is when Aidan Turner gave that god awful interview about the Elizabeth rape scene. Honestly I don’t understand tumblr stanning culture. It’s so weird.
oh yeah...that was bad. I loved Heida and Jack’s interviews bc they actually bothered to care and analyze the characters I love and I like them as people. generally speaking, the cast is nice and I respect their work although the way some of them talked about the Elizabeth scene really bothered me bc yeah to some extent I get being on a show and needing to not talk too much shit about it but when you’re a bit too supportive it puts me off. 
but yeah tumblr stan culture (and twitter stan culture for that matter) is creepy and obsessive and all too forgiving while simultaneously being way too harsh and judgmental. I want no part of it
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beardofkamenev · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post
I think the thing is with The Sunne in Splendour, usually historical fiction is so bad that when a competent writer like Penman comes along we all breath a sigh relief and hype it up. It's a good book but it's not masterpiece. Still I find it's the best written historical fiction book on Richard at least (Discounting Shakespeare of course)
“Competent” is probably the most accurate description of Penman’s writing skill, which is more than can be said for a lot of historical fiction writers. Still, there were a few things about TSIS that irked me so much that I can only consider it a ‘good’ book rather than a ‘masterpiece’.
One was Penman’s overuse of auxiliary verbs to ‘replicate’ Medieval speech (Scooby “do be do be do”, where are you?), and every time a character spoke, all I could think of was this scene from Blackadder. Surely, there could have been a better way of replicating the flavour of Medieval speech? Hella S. Haasse did a wonderful job without resorting to auxiliaries (In a Dark Wood Wandering is undoubtedly a book that could truly be considered masterpiece historical fiction), and even Penman herself did away with them in her later books without at all sacrificing the atmosphere. Another thing that bothered me was the sheer amount of exposition and ‘infodumps’ just clunkily inserted into the flow of the story, seemingly for the sake of it at times. And, perhaps the most irritating of all, the second part of the book, which seemed to be more of an effort to exonerate Richard of every ‘crime’ he ever committed, rather than tell a compelling and complex story (like in the first part). Literally, everything that could be blamed on anyone else was, and Elizabeth Woodville was pretty much a caricature villain. As a result, because Richard and Elizabeth were such one-dimensional characters (unlike those of, say, Warwick or Edward IV), the second part, in which they were central characters, just wasn’t compelling for me.
Maybe I’m being too harsh on TSIS, since it was Penman’s first book after all, and considering how strongly so many people feel about Penman, I should make it clear that I’m not in any way saying that it’s not a good book. It just simply failed to live up to the stellar expectations people have set for it.
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rubbady-pubbady · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post
The actress already announced she isn't coming back ☹️😤
Damn, I’m not up to date - I was living in hope!
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harritudur · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post: *
“Dude how did you let your monkey eat your notebook” Like really Henry VII how did you let this one happen?
i would sell my soul to go back in time and to see Henry’s reaction. i am sure a lot of courtiers were pleased by this ‘event’ tho ha ha
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suezdesign · 5 years
Tumblr media
Bat 🦇👊😢 The Amazing Cats ~ A character for a mobile game i was working on, it's on EARLY ACCESS 👀 on playstore and it's free 🙀🙀 ____ #game #bat #murcielago #theamazingcats #character #design #diseño #videogame #juego #graphicdesign #mobilegame #personaje #cartoon #caricatura #drawing #digitalart #illustration ____ Murciélago luego de recibir un golpe de gato salvaje. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8JtK5fjjTU/?igshid=18lisncjictdt
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glorianas · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post: henry viii would be that dad today who refuses to...
Truth being spilled over here….
i feel like we all know a henry viii level dead beat dad whose like constantly threatening to sue for full custody but like never hangs out with his kids and forgets their birthdays for a full three years in a row
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post: Also fuck Daisy Goodwin for that comment about not...
“when I have to say that The White Queen did something better, you fucked up” The amount of truth in that statement LMAO
for real tho????  like shit elizabeth woodville was knocked up 24/7 and had several major birth scenes that i can remember but twq still had her running about cursing ppl and whispering manipulation in edward iv’s ear, i’m not saying her plots were good but it’s not like they were all “oh noooo she’s knocked up now we can’t do anything with her”
like i could get skipping over births when nothing of important is happening in the years when the kids were born and you’re doing like, a one-season show but even the white princess did it better with a shot at the beginning of the episode with lizzie and the two kids that had been born during the time jump WHO WERE TODDLERS not a “hey here’s my kid who was born recently that we haven’t even acknowledged until now with 15 minutes to spare in the ep, no real reason why we skipped a year goodwin just can’t keep her timelines straight”
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weiwanyin · 7 years
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@theamazingcat replied to your post “am i the only one that believed jon's name would be in reference to...”
It wasn't "common" per say with the Targs. they had to give it up after Maegor the Cruel, but Daemon I Blackfyre seems to think he could take a second wife and Dany thinks about taking two consorts. So it makes you think that while the Targs, gave up poly marriage they probably thought they could do it again if they wanted to. They were just choosing not to. Honestly book Rhaegar strikes me as the type who believe the dragons would return under him (my theory is he owned  the dragon eggs Dany ended up with) and that he thought he would be too powerful for anyone to question a second marriage. It fits who the Targs are in my opinion. Entitled and Messy. 
That’s the thing when you are an ELL, I guess “unheard of” would have been a better word. I’m sure some people would have been mad. because it isn’t part of the Fate of the Seven. But most would have gotten over it, specially because Targs doing whatever the fuck they want when it comes to marriage isn’t new.  Rhaegar would have realistically chosen that option instead of practically making two of his children illegitimate. There is no reason for it (outside of bad writing from D&D) when he got along well with Elia. And poly relationships were supported in Dorne so she likely would have been perfectly fine with it
The way the show is handling it is just....why? Rhaegar might have been messy, but this is just illogical. 
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beavesaintmarie · 7 years
theamazingcat replied to your post: lmao but why he look so stressed out here tho?? 
He looks like he’s having erectile problems to me…
he looks like he’s trying really hard to keep that semi 
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