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i keep smelling something fruity around 11-11:30p its been a couple of days now. anyone know whats up with that?
#also typing is sooooo hard for me rn im trying to br legibke#baby graduated to a cart todsy so i of course had to test her ojt#ok now the dmell is gone HUH#my wallflower is old as fuck; i dont/havent had acandle for While; i dont have a wax warmer going. what the hell#talk tag#edit like 11:45 now i smell something different. what the hell is going on#its not my cologne either
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Light Me A Candle - Photo prompt @eve_poetry @evepoetrygroup #cafedailyphotoprompt #evereadmypoem - Very inspirational prompt👏👏👏🌹🌹🌹 . . . . . #lightme #acandle #candles #remembrance #ofme #angels #heaven #haven #havenly #loveandlight #loveandlightalways💕 #poets #poetryofwisdom #photochallenges #photoprompts #poetry #poems #poetrycommunity #poetrysociety #dignity #godzillion100 #lovejoypeace #kindness #rememberspirit #rememberme #beingyoubeingtrue #newpoetspotlight #writersandpoets (at Poetry by the Bay) https://www.instagram.com/godzillion100/p/BvrrxJUB4Gz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mtmfk6pzxp42
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i just found the most perfect mold for my project, i just need to buy it.
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OK so last year my cat died. and she died in a really painful way. like her intestines got twisted and there no way to fix it even surgery for humans doesnt work usually and she died in the bathroom screaming and i just i remember i wanted to go to her but my dad said its better i let her be, that she wont die in my arms. and i hate it and i remember it each time at night i heard her screams echoing months later and i still remember them so vividly and i miss her and i still fell guilty that i liostened to my dad because i was scared and i didn’t hold her in my arms.
and months pass and i start to get this creeping feeling that something isnt quite right at home. like my mom did the bad energy purifying thing but it’s bad, and its in the restroom where she died. the house has no pet in it now and i get desperate and start searching for cats that we can take so the feeling goes away. and i find a cat and we need to wait 4 more months so i wait and don’t use that restroom and my dad i know he feels somethings off because he never used to close the bathroom door before but now each night he does. so the cat comes, his name is zenobio and hes a really good kitty. hes a good cat but he developed this fucking habit of staring into the restroom like their is something there, just unmoving for hours. after like a month he moved to being inside the restroom and me and dad were like “hes probably seeing her spirit” and thats a comforting thought you know?? but it just gets worse because the bad feeling now moved to the guest room next to the restroom. and it’s been months since i started to feel the offness of that room and i told my friend and she of course was like��“when spirits die a portal opens, and since she ded badly something must have come through” and im like thanks anastasia for voicing what i didnt want to acknowledge jesus fucking christ. i start to panic obviously because r u fucking kidding me i am not prepared to deal with this shit. and then she says “calm down they usually loose interest if u ignore then it will just go away” and i was like yeah sure ignoring i can do that why do u know this stuff how much weird netflix shows did u watch? I didnt go into that room for almost a year, only to take sheets to change my bed and even that was only for afew minutes.
but last week. last week i spent a whole day in that fucking room. in the guest room we had a closet with my old toys so me and my parents sat dopwn to organize what to throw out. well i mostly organized my parents wandared in and out the room. so i sat there a whole day feeling really happy and nostalgic because i found toys i havent seen for years y’all it’s like i was relieving childhood all over again and i happily organize and all said and done we swell right??
WRONG. FUCKING WRONG. ever since i came out of that room the feeling of being watched is back, the bad feeling, the feeling that makes me scared and it’s in my fucking room. my cat won’t go in unless it under the bed (which he needs to crawl into), dusya my old cat isnt here to protect me anymore and about a week ago i woke up and my door was ajar and i hear a whisper like my dads voice saying my russian nickname “delya” and i freaked and checked if it was my dad but no one was there and guys i am freaking out because there is a fucking demon in my house or something else, and its in my room now. like how else am i supposed to explain this shit??? i never believed in demons and ghosts and stuff and i watched buzzfeed unsolved for shits a nd giggles but i didnt not sign up for this shit and please help jesus fucking chirst im not even christian im a jew
#( Q's words )#any experts#?#i really don't know what im supposed to do like mom said put acandle#and i did#but why why why why#is this happening#i miss my old cat#and im scared#demon#supernatural#haunting???
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Holding a candle to someone
Having Autism means I get to see the world in black and white. I see the good, the bad and the ugly in the way those realities present. Where others are not able to do that, they genuinely may not see another person’s faults, and instead will hold a candle to them.
And where on occasions those people are given the benefit of the doubt, I am able to see when someone has been wronged, or whether they deserve to have credit. But it is important whatever our circumstances, we see the reality and adjust our lives accordingly.
As a rule we would rather go with the familiar, than accept a person’s wrongdoings, and have to work through change. But where the mind plays tricks, we must make sure we’re clear on people’s intent. That is important.
It is people’s intent that determines good character. That if good character isn’t happening because of their intent, we mustn’t hold a candle to them.
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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🛏🛏A 🚙4x4 parked on the🏝beach in a tiny village near Goa. A tourist named Akash complimented the Goan fisherman on the quality of his fish🎏and asked how long it took him to catch them. “Not very long,” answered the Goan fisherman Korma. “But then, why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more?” asked Akash. Korma than explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family. “But what do you do with the rest of your time?” “I sleep late🛏, fish a little🍤, play with my children👨👧👦, and make love to my wife💑. In the evenings I go into the village to see my friends👷♂👩🏭👨⚕👨🌾, have a few drinks, play the guitar🎸, and sing a few songs🎼. I have a full life.” Akash interrupted, “I have an M.B.A. from Stanford and I can help you. You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat. With the extra money, the 🛳larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet 🚢⛴🛳of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middleman, you can negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Panjim or even Mumbai City! From there you can direct your huge enterprise.” “How long would that take?” asked Korma. “Fifteen, perhaps Twenty years.” “And after that?” “Afterwards? That’s when it gets really interesting. When your business gets really big, you can start selling stocks and make millions!” “Millions? Really? And after that?” “After that, you’ll be able to retire, move back to your village you love, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, make love to your wife, and spend your evenings drinking and playing the guitar with your friends!” And than Korma Said “I am already doing this now and I don’t want to waste 20 years to reach where I am again” . #quotetofollow #kutkutkut #a #shortstory #travel #reading #book #hobby #acandle #ashortstory #moralstories #happiness #contentment #defined #inspirationstory (at Goa, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxcqdLhK-1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aydiheajm9qt
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Wheels Spinning
Type ACandle burned at both endsDepressionFailing HealthFear of the UnknownWhat if it’s not done?What if someone else does it wrong?What if I let them down?Rest?So much to be done.What’s the worst that could happen?Push myself into that heart attackThat seems to be inevitable?WorryCan’t let it goGuiltWhat isn’t being done?Shouldn’t I be doing something?Doctor’s Orders:RESTHard to shut downBut yet…

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・ 7/28-30 アリマツーケット in 松坂屋名古屋に出店します! ・ 詳細は↓ アリマツーケット in 松坂屋名古屋 開催のお知らせ 2021年7月28日[水]から8月2日[月]にわたり、松坂屋名古屋店 南館1階オルガン広場にて「アリマツーケット」を開催します。うだるような暑さが続くこの頃、暑さ負けしないように、くれぐれも気をつけてください。これまで有松天満社で開催してきたアリマツーケットの出店者の方々とともに、衣服やアクセサリー、日用品など、夏バテした身体にも心にも優しく元気になれるものを集めました。またお買い物を楽しむことができるワークショップや、有松のものづくり文化に触れる体験など、アリマツーケットならではのブースが並びます。ぜひこの機会をお見逃しなく。みなさまのご来場心よりお待ちしております。 アリマツーケット in 松坂屋名古屋 日程|2021年7月28日[水]―8月2日[月] 時間|10:00-20:00 ※最終日のみ18時まで、松坂屋名古屋店の営業時間による 場所|松坂屋名古屋店 南館1F オルガン広場 アクセス|名古屋市中区栄3丁目16-1 https://arimatsu-ket.com/2107-matsuzakaya/ https://shopblog.dmdepart.jp/nagoya/detail/?cd=059057&scd=000055 出店者リスト 【全日(7月28日―8月2日)】 ・nuage|こども雑貨とアクセサリー、時々お花 ・maison m.m.d.|瀬戸焼のアクセサリー ・Bonheur|ドライフラワーアクセサリー ・A STOREHOUSE|有松しぼりの洋服や雑貨・陶器 ・fairy|アクセサリー ヘアアクセサリー ・cucuri|絞りの形状記憶素材を活かしたアパレル、雑貨製品の販売 ・ChouChouBridal|有松の結婚式のPR&ウェディングにまつわる小物の展示 委託販売 ・ufu*|淡水パール等のアクセサリー ・Cuoio47146|手縫いのレザークラフト ・mill|eco print(草花染め)の布小物 ・わたしのリゼロ|ローゼルシードをつかったデカフェ ・A Re Material|有松の絞り模様を転写したお箸 ・vevehouse|ベネチアガラスで制作したガラス小物、アクセサリー 【前半(7月28日―30日)】 ・BONHEUR &MERY_J_MADE & あいにー|デニムアクセサリー、ビーズアクセサリー、蝶のアクセサリー ・Holt Flower&Green|ドライフラワーや観葉植物など ・SAMO serendipity|美濃和紙糸で編んだ帽子 ・Unique8128|ハンドメイドのアクセサリーやインテリア雑貨 【後半(7月31日―8月2日)】 ・27cakes|キッチュなビーズアクセサリー ・FATE8|スケートボードを利用したアクセサリー、雑貨 ・RioFlower|ドライフラワーの販売とお花の定期便(生花)の紹介 ・a_s_t|ビーズ、布、アロマグッズ ・竹内養蜂|知多半島産天然はちみつ ・Acandle|キャンドルの体験ワークショップと販売 【ワークショップ】 ・TIGER CRAB|似合う服がわかる骨格診断 ・アリマツアー|凸凹 形状記憶加工の絞り体験 凹凸 ・a_s_t|お守りアロマ作り体験 ・Acandle|夏のちねりキャンドル体験 ※ワークショップは7月14日[水]から松坂屋名古屋店HPにて予約を開始します。 ※空きがある場合、当日会場にてご予約・ご参加もいただけます。 (松坂屋名古屋店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQmyBoHrKMz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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babys breath, zinnia and sunflower!
Thank you so much
baby’s breath : what did you want to be when you were a kid ?
A writer and a doctor. I still kinda wish I had it in me to write well enough for the first, but I’m really glad I got over the second option haha. As cool as being a doctor is, it’s certainly not for me.
zinnia : do you believe in magic ?
That depends on what we’re referring to as magic, but I think I’m more inclined to believe in it. I’m always hopeful about magic, at least.
sunflower : what’s your favorite quote ?
Changes often but the last few days I’ve been thinking about this two a lot: “Alright, we’re powerless, so light up acandle! There’s nothing going on here that we can’t handle!” and “I’ve spent my life inheriting dreams from you. What do I do with this winning ticket? What can I do but pray?”. They’re both from In The Heights, by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Flowery asks!!
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She is a candle; she was made to burn brightly. A candle that sits unlit is a purpose unused. The biker is dangerous to her; sure he’s exciting and fights her nature, maybe that’s what’s attractive. She needs the matches to be who she is, a burning candle. She has fun, lives dangerously, but it only leaves her feeling empty and lonely without knowing why. Who wants a candle that is unlit? It doesn’t spread its warmth, or give light. Maybe like so many of us what she wants isn’t what she needs. Maybe chasing all these exciting fun things distracts us from our purpose. Or maybe we’re all just here to use each other.
Maybe the match knows that she needs him, it’s also in her nature to go out. Candles are fragile things. He has only so many chances left in his box to pick her up and relight her after she’s been put out again and again. Until he himself is empty and unable to help anyone else again. Maybe he knows that loving her is costing him something so precious to himself…
but oh god how he loves to see her burn.

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My birthday wasn't too long ago and I was wondering if you could do a imagine where the reader celebrates with the whole bones gang, including the squinterns please. - awkward anon
-you all go to founding fathers (of course)
-somehow you get a really big table which is really a bunch of tables pushed together
-everyone sings happy birthday to you as you blow out acandle from a single cupcake
-they couldnt get a whole cake into the bar so they got you a cupcake
-hodgins pies you in the face somehow?? whered the pie come from who can say
-some of the time hype you up when you drink whether that be alcoholic or not
-its your birthday theyre all legally your hypemen for the night
-hodgins, angela, lance, and daisy all sing wannabe (angela and daisy drag lance and hodgins into it)
-theres a lot of karoake
-even brennan sings
-also wendell and vincent do a duet to chasing cars as a joke and it was GREAt and pretty gay honestly
-everyone got you some small things that were really meaningful
-they all just give you lots of love and it was a great night
#happy really late birthday!#bones imagines#bones imagine#bones x reader#anonymous boye#evan answers#answered
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A Candle🕯️- Short Story One evening a 👨💼man took a small candle from a box and began to climb a long winding stairway. “Where are we going?” asked the candle. “We’re going up higher than the house to show the ships the way to the harbor.” “But no ships in the harbor could ever see my light,” the candle said. “It is so very small.” “If your light is small,” the man said, “just keep on burning bright and leave rest to me.” When they reached the top of the long stairs, they came to a large lamp. Then he took the little candle and lit the lamp. Soon the large polished mirrors behind the lamp sent beams of light out across the miles of sea. The start of an avalanche is a little drop of snow and as it rolls it becomes mighty. When the sun shines what can a little candle do? But in the thick darkness of the night, even the little candle gets its importance as it expels the darkness. Each of us has our little role to play in this life here on earth. When we keep shining and do our duties diligently we become important to the world and find our purpose of life. Our role may be significant or insignificant but what is important how ardent and sincere are we in pursuing it without discouragement. A tiny candle or match can start a forest fire. The little flames of your good example can actually change the lives of others without you knowing it. Can I be the light to my life and the life of others? How significant is my light? Do I value my own light? What efforts do I take to pass on the light from my little candle to others? “Without knowing what I am and why I am here, life is impossible.” Author: Leo Tolstoy . #quotetofollow #kutkutkut #a #shortstory #travel #reading #book #hobby #acandle #ashortstory #moralstories https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxYExABbGw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=efutxibkct05
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dont be like acandle wich light the others and burn it self
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