#abusive owner
Munchausen by Proxy - But with a Pet
A pet owner whose entire personality is their 'sick' pet. Always talking about how they selfless they are, how much of their time and money and energy goes to taking care of their pet that has all of these sickness the vets can't explain. Anywhere they bring the pet they always have a bag of supplies and meds for the poor thing.
And then once they get home, upping the dose of whatever agent they use to keep their confused and weak pet sicker and sicker.
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sukibenders · 3 months
Me, watching people villainize and hate show!Louis and Claudia for in ways that they didn't in regards to book and movie!Louis and Claudia;
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noodle-artist · 2 years
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xdextarx · 8 days
my mother just told me that
the OWNERS of hundreds of parrots from where I adopted my bb live in part of the city where there was a lot of water and THEY DID LET ALL PARROTS DROWN and DIDN'T EVEN TRY to help them out of cages full of water.
let's pray that they end up being drowned or torn by wolves for letting so much innocent beings die in pain, cold, suffocating and suffering
humans don't deserve to have animals
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disabled-sysboxes · 5 months
RAMCOA System: A term for systems who have been through RAMCOA.
HC-DID: A term coined for systems who have been through RAMCOA and have an incredibly complex system structure. It stands for “highly complex DID”. 
RC-DID: A term coined for systems who have been through RAMCOA. It stands for “RAMCOA caused DID” or “RAMCOA complex DID”.
RAC-DID: A term for systems who have been through RA. It stands for “Ritual Abuse caused DID”.
OAC-DID: A  term for systems who have been through OA. It stands for “Organised Abuse caused DID”.
EOAC-DID: A  term for systems who have been through EOA. It stands for “Extreme and Organised Abuse caused DID”.
MCC-DID: An umbrella term for system’s who have been through TBMC and / or its sub-types. MCC-DID encompasses TBMCC-DID and HBMCC-DID. It stands for “Mind Control caused DID”
TBMCC-DID: A term for systems who have been through TBMC. It stands for “Torture Based Mind Control caused DID”.
HBMCC-DID: A term for systems who have been through HBMC. It stands for “Hypnosis Based Mind Control caused DID”.
RA System: A term for systems who have been through ritual abuse. Can also be another way of saying “Ritual Abuse caused DID”.
MC System: An umbrella term for systems who have been through TBMC and / or its sub-types. Can also be another way of saying “Mind Control caused DID”.
TBMC System: A term for systems who have been through TBMC. Can also be another way of saying “Torture Based Mind Control caused DID”.
HBMC System: A term for systems who have been through HBMC. Can also be another way of saying “Hypnosis Based Mind Control caused DID”. SBMCC-DID: A term for systems who have been through SBMC. It stands for “Substance Based Mind Control caused DID”. DBMCC-DID: A term for systems who have been through DBMC. It stands for “Drug Based Mind Control caused DID”.
OA System: A term for systems who have been through organised abuse. Can also be another way of saying “Organised Abuse caused DID”.
EOA System: A term for systems who have been through extreme and organised abuse. Can also be another way of saying “Extreme and Organised Abuse caused DID”
Programmed System: A term for systems who have been programmed into being a system.
(A) System With Programming: A term for systems who, at first, weren’t programmed into being a system, but were programmed later in life.
Terms taken from our RAMCOA terms masterlist document.
Decided to make a post that lists all of the definitions / meanings of the terms and will link it in our pinned post.
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blimbo-buddy · 5 months
I wish we got more appreciation for the overall story of the TigerStar and Sasha trilogy. But the immediate instinct is to take the surface level "aesthetic appeal" of the art and immediately turn away from it because it looks wonky as fuck, as if that takes away from the great story hidden underneath all of that.
I've done that before too, for a while I straight up refused to even try reading the trilogy based only off of what I saw from the art. Unknowingly missing out on a great story (For Warriors) because of my first impression of the illustrations
It's unfortunate that quote on quote "Bad art" can instantly ruin an amazing story for many because it doesn't adhere to what they believe good art is supposed to be like.
An on the contrasting side: The graphic novels illustrated by James L. Barry look good, very good in some cases. But the writing in them is either dogshit, mediocre, or passable. But we may find ourselves looking past the "meh" writing because we see good art
(This is not meant to trash on James L Barry or anyone else. I respect James for putting so much work into the series for so many years and I respect the effort of TigerStar and Sasha's illustrator)
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fishshit · 1 year
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very quick victuuri skecthes made in my notes <3 (please check the tags for the explanation of the text)
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againstpollutions · 4 months
everyone wants to talk about neil and jean being foils but what about riko and andrew
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classicchains · 1 year
I'm going to be the reason you need therapy
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the-lark-ascending69 · 5 months
More android!Robin thoughts:
She's charged through solar energy. She calls it "photosynthesizing". She gets sleepy during rainy days and wants to cuddle and have Nancy read to her.
She's considered highly defective according to the standard. Whenever she has a technical problem, the engineer at the repair shop tells Nancy she's better off getting a new one - there's no fixing this one. Let's say Nancy isn't very pleased to hear that.
Robin has gone through a lot of repair shops in the past, some cheaper than other, and poorly done fixes have left her with a few problems - a constant twitch on her right leg - poor motor skills from the waist down, in general, she's kind of clumsy and tends to trip over anything and everything. Her battery lasts half as much as it's supposed to (she needs to photosynthesize more often), and she's completely offline and can't access the web.
Her favorite philosophers are Descartes and Berkeley.
She's constantly haunted by the existential horror of her existance and has had more than one panic attack over the nature of her own conciousness. She repeats to herself, over and over again, that because she can think and perceive she must exist, but she tends to overthink and worry she's nothing more than a machine without self.
Harder than convincing herself, though, is convincing others. It takes ages until Nancy realizes she's concious and capable of thinking and feeling as much as any human.
Nancy is the first of her many owners to let her read and make decisions of her own. She has a plan to falsify documents and make Robin pass as a human, so she can live a normal life (Robin dreams of entering college to study linguistics).
Before that, Nancy used to treat her very poorly, because she thought she was nothing more than a machine. It makes Robin so desperate, she feels so much anguish over it.
Robin's model was initially engineered to function as an emotional support android for mentally ill and traumatized people. They're common for some therapeutical treatments, though as she is, you would think she's the patient.
Robin can cry. That's not a feauture of her model - one of her previous owners loved to emotionally and physically abuse her (one of the reasons she's been through so many repair shops), and would pretty much treat her as a punching bag, the way you'd hit a pillow - he didn't know she was concious, yeah, but he was so horribly sadistic that he took her to a clandestine repair shop to implant artificial tear ducts in her, so she would cry when he hurt her. It made it more satisfying to him.
Robin can feel pain. Due to her many technical problems, she pretty much feels a little bit of pain almost all the time.
She chose her name herself. Nancy was the first person to ever respect that.
Being a lesbian is also not a feauture of her model. She's very adamant that she is one, though.
Nancy is very careful with her. She doesn't want her to suffer any more damage.
Nancy ends up hiring her brother's friend, Dustin, alongside his girlfriend Suzie, to fix whatever technical problems Robin has, since they're the only ones willing to try instead of telling her to get a new one.
Robin has a very real fear of death.
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darkwood-sleddog · 9 months
Can the balanced dog trainers please stop fucking talking about positive reinforcement as if those dogs are not “obedience trained”? A majority of competition obedience dogs I know were trained with R+. Letting your dog wander on the end of a line because you want to do so does not = untrained. It is simply…a choice.
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As someone who is American and still watches actual broadcast television (news, Guy Fieri...) and am suffering through another election year... I am sick to death of hearing the term "illegals." Absolutely SICK. TO. DEATH. Like, okay, I know that the southern border has issues. It's pretty much our modern day Ellis Island, with many people there escaping...some of the same kinds of issues - and others. There are people there waiting to be vetted, seeking aslyum or work. And, indeed, there are a lot of people who hop the border illegally. I used to live in Arizona, in farm country. People without legal paperwork who could be exploited were a staple of the farming industry there...unfortunately. I lost an opportunity for a job at a restaurant once because I "didn't speak enough Spanish" - code for "Our restaurant is employing people under the table for beneath minimum wage and without benefits that we can threaten to report and have deported if they speak up wanting basic workers' rights." (I came away from that particular encounter not mad at immigrants for "stealin' mah jerb!" but mad at the company / restaurant for abusive corporate practices...go fig. Guess I think differently). Even here in Pennsylvania, I've had chance encounters with people who had no papers. (People who just want to work and take care of their children). Anyway, yeah, there are processing issues and people who don't go through the legal channels because our government makes it next to impossible. But every GOD. DAMNED. TIME. I hear the term "illegals" I want to tear my hair out! Or hit people with fish! It's not only used for people who are going through the LEGAL channels (It's code for "Hispanic" basically, or just "non-white"), even people who haven't? It's a dehumanising term. That's what I take it as. "Illegals" is a term purposefully used to make people sound like something...other than people. And so I find the MAGA commercials insulting both to my intelligence and dignity. It's like, why don't you go all the way, MAGA? Why not use the really horrible slang-term I heard waaaaay, waaaay too much in my white-person childhood around Arizona redneck white people? Why not tweak your commercials and start whining about "wetbacks?" I mean, you might as well, since you term everyone "illegals." You expect us to think of people as not human. It's too late for me. I've worked with too many "illegals" in my life to think like that.
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bigprettygothgf · 1 year
people that have never interacted with a cat in their life are always the first people jumping to psychoanalyse every single harmless funny/cute cat video as being abusive when its just like. completely normal cat with human behavior
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samsammysamson · 8 days
Good night everyone, except for people who declawed their cats
(( mod if you know what it does to the cat you know, idk if I need to explain it))
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rjalker · 20 days
me: If your cat tries to run outside when you open the door, you should train her not to do that.
stale-cheetos-and-fragile-egos: you want me to beat my cat? You want me to beat up my cat? You want me to kick my cat like a football???? why don't you lock yourself up inside all day and see how you like it?!?!
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rasairui · 1 month
Interview went well yesterday, have another one today. Really hoping I can move forward with one of these, they're both doggy daycare jobs and I really miss working with animals. I'm honestly more excited about the one I had yesterday even though it's a bit of a commute, their facility sounds FANTASTIC and I'd get doggy first aid training in the first month <3
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