#abused jungkook
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JK Drabbles - One Shots
Here's a collection of One-Shot stories involving JK. JK as husband, JK as boyfriend, JK as lover.
Some of them are scenes I wrote which didn't make it into my eventual stories,but were such fun to write I wanted to share them.
Each story is saved as an individual chapter.
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook / Reader Also posted on AO3
Masterlist for JK Drabbles - One Shots
#1 - Welcome Home #2 - Be My Slave #3 - Wait #4 - Days Without Incident
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Verbal and emotional abuse of MC by husband. Very harsh and degrading language. If this is disturbing for you, please DO NOT read this chapter.
Also, there are thoughts of cheating. White lies, fake smiles, hidden pain are the norm as our MC struggles in her marriage.
Chapter 4: Days Without Incident - JK as love interest
Scold Me
Days without incident: 0. Every time you reset the counter to zero, you would either be in a state of shock, or felt like you’d just be trampled on. Or, you’d be beating yourself up over having not done something correctly. You’d questioned yourself whether you made the right choices. You doubted yourself, ashamed that you could be so thoughtless and inconsiderate.
No, this wasn’t about something happening at the workplace. You didn’t work in a hazardous working environment, where those signs were put up to remind everyone to be safe. Seeing the number of days increasing was supposed to motivate everyone to continue to be safe. If an accident took place, or someone got hurt, the counter would reset to zero.
This was about life with your husband. Kim Taehyung. You’d been married for three years. When you first met, he had been warm, loving, kind. He’d pursued you relentlessly, first, getting you to out with him, then getting you to marry him. You admired his determination and go-getter spirit. Being in the performing arts yourself, you admired his creative spirit. His designs were breathtaking.
Then things slowly changed. He wasn’t very warm. He wasn’t very loving. He wasn’t very kind.
He was the leading architect in one of the country’s top construction and property developers. He was heavily involved in not just the planning, but also the construction for his projects. Two of the buildings that now made up part of the city skyline were designed by him. He’d won numerous awards for innovative yet stylish designs.
Two and a half years ago, he took on a regional role, requiring him to travel every two weeks or so. It was a promotion for him, one he’d worked very hard for. So now his projects were much bigger, more complex. A big part of his job required anticipating issues, potential derailers, putting in contingencies. Best to put all the necessary plans in place to avoid problems, because once a problem surfaced mid-way it would be a whole lot more difficult and expensive to fix. So, the initial planning was critical. He had no tolerance for mistakes that could have been avoided with proper planning. He was very hard on his subordinates for these sorts of hiccups. You’d heard him shouting at one of them over the phone once. It was not pleasant.
You, on the other hand, were more of a “go with the flow” kind of person. You did plan of course, but you were a bit less of a control freak. Hey, shit happens. Accidents happen. People slip up. Just deal with it when the time comes. Whatever “mistake” made had happened already. No one could turn back time. Instead, you focused on how to make the best of the situation. Keep moving forward.
Your husband wasn’t a very patient man to begin with. But given the nature of his work, it got worse. He’d snap at everything. You taking too long to put on your shoes. You forgetting to turn off the lights. You not topping up the milk. You forgetting that he’d changed his mind about dinner, and cooking the wrong dish. Once you’d tried to mention that forgetting to turn off the light happened to everyone. He countered that he’d told you so many times about it already. He said he was sick of cleaning up after you. That the reason he got upset was he’d already reminded you multiple times. Yet you kept forgetting. It had to be because you didn’t think what he said to you was important, or you just didn’t care. You reassured him it was neither. You felt bad about it for the whole day.
It didn’t help that your memory was really terrible. Your phone calendar was littered with entries, not just about events, but also reminders. Anyone would have laughed at some of your reminders. You even had one to wish your in-laws “Happy Birthday”. One year, you’d forgotten, which meant Tae also forgot since you were the one who remembered everyone’s birthdays. What a tongue lashing you got. Tae had pointed out angrily that you’d never forget your parent’s birthdays, but when it came to his parents, you didn’t care. You almost blurted out, “But they’re YOUR parents,” but you didn’t. You didn’t want things to blow up even more. You just wanted the incident to be over. You felt bad about it too, because he had been right when he said you’d never have forgotten your own parents’ birthdays. What a horrible person you were!
The worst thing was, you never knew when he’d snap. It might have seemed like a trivial thing to you, but it would suddenly become a big issue and he’d erupt. You felt like you were walking on eggshells.
It wasn’t like that ALL the time. You don’t think you would have been able to stay married to him if it were. On days when he was in a very good mood, you could see the old him. Fun, cheeky, loving. More forgiving, patient and understanding. On days like those, you were reminded why you fell in love with him in the first place.
When he was not in a good mood, best to stay away. When he snapped, he became a whole different person. If something went wrong, he’d fly off the handle. Every time your phone lit up with a notification of a text or call from Tae, the first thing you felt was anxiety. What had you forgotten this time? Your mind would be racing a mile a minute, going over what you’d done recently to see if there was potentially anything that could have set him off. You’d let out a little sigh of relief if the text or call wasn’t a tongue lashing.
It was always your fault. That fact was that he didn’t lift a finger to help around the house. You did everything. Since he didn’t do anything, that also meant he couldn’t do anything wrongly. Whereas you, doing everything, had a higher chance of something “fucking something up”.
Because he came at you so aggressively, your first instinct was to defend yourself. Your brain went into “flight or fight” mode and would get complete scrambled. You learnt that there was a term for this: ‘emotional flooding’. A sudden and intense feeling of being overwhelmed by emotions. It can make it hard to think clearly or act.
There were times when you’d try to explain why you did something a certain way. You were often afraid to admit you’d forgotten something, instead, choosing to come up with a reason that could explain your behaviour, hoping he would buy it.
Sometimes it would work. Sometimes it didn’t. When it didn’t, things would go downhill. Sometimes things even exploded over text.
“You think I’m stupid? You’re just making excuses.”
“You really need to know when to just shut the fuck up and stop digging a deeper hole for yourself.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“How could you have messed this up? You fucking swine.”
“Are you blind? Or is your head up your ass when you do things? Your brains don’t work?”
“You make shit decisions. Don’t you think you should have asked me?”
“Just deal with it yourself. Why do you have to come to me for every little decision?”
“Did you wake up today and ask yourself, ‘How can I fuck up Taehyung’s day today?’”
“This is just asshole behaviour. You’re an asshole” (finger pointing). “Get the fuck out of my face. I don’t want to see you.”
Some days you could brush off what he said and the anger he’d directed at you. Most times he’d feel sorry afterwards, and he’d come to you with puppy dog eyes and say he was sorry. But some days, you were shell shocked. You felt horrible for doing whatever it was to him. You couldn’t believe you had been that inconsiderate. He had a right to be angry.
So the times when he snapped became incidents for you. You started keeping track of how many days had passed between incidents. The highest number you got was 15.
Some days you felt trapped. Like you couldn’t just be yourself. You’d dusted off you Kindle and started reading again. You used to be a voracious reader. You liked the quiet at night after having showered, before going to bed. But Taehyung then complained that you weren’t spending time with him because you’d be reading on the sofa, while he’d gone into the bedroom to watch Netflix. So, you didn’t read after you shower, sitting on the sofa. You watched Netflix with him. He’d fall asleep before you did, snoring. You’d turn on your phone light under your blanket and read for a short while before going to sleep.
Contrary to how everything else was going, the sex was good. Taehyung was an attentive lover. He worshiped your body, giving you multiple orgasms before he chased his. In the last half year or so, he’d been a lot more tired with all the travelling, so sex didn’t happen so often, and didn’t last as long. There was less cuddling. But he always made sure you came first. One thing you did notice was that you went down on him every time, but he hardly ever went down on you. The last time had been some months ago, after a big fight. He’d felt disconnected from you and had desperately wanted to bridge the gap. You were still reeling from the fight, but you let him eat you out. You didn’t even come, but you made the appropriate noises and faked an orgasm.
Your BFF Jimin knew everything. You’d confide in him whenever something happened. He often told you that you didn’t have to live like this. He tried to make you see that this tantamounted to verbal and emotional abuse. Tae was gaslighting you. You refused to listen. You had been the one to make Taehyung angry. If you hadn’t done something wrong, he wouldn’t have gotten angry.
Jimin despaired at ever being able to make you see things differently. It didn’t help that he was working overseas at the moment, in a totally different time zone from you.
You’d sometimes recall moments when Tae showed affection. There were so few. They often happened when you were not alone. You’d be out with friends, and he’d say things about how well you keep the house, how well you cook, and he’d hook an arm around you and kiss you on the forehead. Or he’d proudly talk about how successful you were as a dancer, dancing with the National Ballet, but also doing modern dance with a small group of your dance friends. Your group was getting noticed, and now often performed upon request at big events. But all these nice things never happened when you were alone. You’d find yourself thinking, why can’t he be that nice to me when we are alone too? You felt like you were waiting for little crumbs of affection. No prizes for guessing who had all the power in the relationship.
Jimin tried again to convince you that this was not how a marriage should work. No wife should be afraid of getting a scolding from her husband. No wife should have to accept such awful words thrown at her, albeit in a fit of anger, only to just forgive her husband when he looked contrite and said he was sorry.
So you started keeping a record of what had happened, and the things he had said. At the back of your mind you agreed with Jimin. You asked him for the contact of the lawyer who had handled his divorce. You saved it, but didn’t call her.
To escape the situation from home, you put in long hours at the dance studio. Even on days when there was no rehearsal, you’d head in to help out with whatever needed help. You started giving classes to the kids who wanted to learn ballet.
Not being at home, not being around Taehyung also meant your “Days with Incident” could continue to climb. It made you feel a little less stifled.
Spending more time at the studio also meant spending more time with your friends there. You were really close to the ones who were also doing modern dance with you. There were two other women, Ara and Ji-a. There were three men, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook. With them, you felt like your old self. You could just be you. You didn’t have to tip toe around anyone. Your friends had asked if it was tough that your husband was away so much. You smiled and said no. You knew he was busy, and he’d message or video-call you every day. The first part was true. The second part was not. Your friends all quipped that you guys were so lovey-dovey. Namjoon made kissy faces at Ara, who pushed him away laughing. You’d just laughed along with them, a knot in your chest.
Tell Me
Jungkook had been observing you. He noticed that there was a tightness in your expression when you talked about Taehyung. You’d often paired with him for modern dance, so he thought he knew you pretty well. Your eyes would crinkle when you smiled. Your cute dimples would appear. If there was something you disliked you’d wrinkle your nose. He knew what you looked like when you were relaxed and happy. He’d picked up a slight change in your posture when anyone mentioned your husband. A slight slouch, like you were trying to make yourself smaller. A tightness around the shoulders. Your face, a blank mask. Eyes dull, instead of your usual animated, bright-eyes expression. He even thought he saw your eyes water once or twice, but he told himself he was imagining things.
Unbeknownst to you, your efforts at hiding your pain were not totally successful. Jungkook knew something was wrong. Jungkook had always felt drawn to you. He remembered learning that you were married when you’d met a year and a half ago. He’d been so disappointed that you weren’t available. He liked everything about you. How warm and caring you were. How loyal you were to your friends. You had a dry sense of humour and could be really cheeky. Even if he didn’t know how nice you were, he’d might have fallen for you just by dancing with you. The love you had for dance and music. The dedication and effort you put into mastering your craft. The fluid way you moved. The graceful curve of your neck. The beautiful lines of your arms. The way your lost yourself in the music and the moment. How your breath hitched just before he lifted you.
It felt so natural to have you in his arms. Granted you were only there because the choreography required it. But he relished the times when he got to hold you.
He kept his thoughts to himself. Both the ones about you being unhappy, and the ones about him having a crush on you. He told himself that he found ways to be around you because he enjoyed your company. Nothing more.
One evening, everyone had gone off after a late practice. He’d gone to take a shower. He thought he was alone, until he heard someone sniffling. He followed the sound till reached the studio at the end. He pushed the door open slowly and stuck his head in. It was you. You were sitting on the floor in a corner, sniffling. You were looking at your phone.
He felt an overwhelming need to comfort you. He pushed the door open. Your head shot up at the sound and you saw him. You hastily dashed away your tears and put on a small smile.
“Oh hey, Jungkook. I didn’t know you were still around.”
“Y/N, what’s wrong” he said, concern written all over his face.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” you gave me another fake smile, looking away nervously.
“Y/N, it’s not nothing,” he said, sitting down next to you. He could see you were trying to compose yourself and look calm, but you were gripping your phone really hard.
He decided now was the time to say something.
“Y/N, I know deep down you’re unhappy. You’re fine most of the time, but I know that when we mention Taehyung, you’re putting on a front. You say things are good, but I see the tightness in your posture and the sadness in your eyes. Your fake smiles are not fooling me.” He paused to put his finger under your chin to make you look at him.
“Tell me,” he said softly.
You wordlessly handed your phone over to him. Your message app was open. He read Taehyung’s messages:
“I really don’t know what goes on in that head of yours. Why can’t you think like a normal person? Are you fucking retarded? No common sense or basic reasoning. Do I have to draw a fucking map for you? I can't write a playbook of every fucking scenario if you don't use common sense.”
Jungkook’s blood boiled. Who talks to their wife like that? He looked at you, and saw you literally crumble in front of him. You broke down. You hunched over, sobs wrecking your entire body. You covered your face with your hands.
Jungkook reached out to gather you in his arms. He pulled you against him. You collapsed on him. Tears running down your face. He didn’t say anything. He just held you. He didn’t know how long you both sat on the floor like this. It felt like a long time. Eventually you cried yourself out and calmed down.
You sat up straight and wiped your face with your hand, taking a deep breath. He reluctantly let you go.
“How long has this been going on?” Jungkook asked quietly.
“Two years,” you whispered.
“What?!?” he shouted, making you jump. He calmed himself and took your hand in his. “Tell me what’s going on, Y/N.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You related how things had changed between you and your husband over the last two years. Everything came gushing out. Things you hadn’t even told Jimin.
He frowned whenever you said it was your fault, you’d made him angry, you should have been more considerate. He didn’t want to contradict you, so he kept silent. The more you spoke, the more you deflated. You looked so sad and vulnerable his heart broke.
He reached up to hold your face in his hands. He rubbed him thumbs over your cheekbones, wiping away some of your tears. “Y/N, there is nothing wrong with you. So you forget things. Everyone forgets things. That’s no reason to go ballistic.”
His kindness made your tears flow even more. You didn’t realise how long it had been since your husband had treated you with kindness. Jungkook looked at you in alarm, not expecting you to cry harder. He pulled you into his arms again, making soothing noises. He rubbed your back gently.
Being in Jungkook’s arms felt so comforting. For the first time in a long time, you felt like someone was really seeing you. The real you. No pretences. No fake smile. No lies. Your arms snaked up around his neck and you moved closer. You took deep calming breaths. Jungkook gently shook you.
“Are you awake, Y/N?”
You laughed softly. “Of course I am. Did you think I fell asleep?”
“Well, you went quiet and were breathing deeply. That was half an hour ago.”
You sat up in surprise. “What? Half an hour? Oh, I’m so sorry, Jungkook! I didn’t realise.” You moved, wanting to stand up.
Jungkook took your face in his hands again, gently. “Y/N, it’s okay. Don’t apologise. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Are you okay?” he looked at you, clearly concerned.
You nodded. You just realised Jungkook had a small mole under his lower lip. Why hadn’t you noticed that before? You looked into his big brown eyes. They were so warm. Jungkook looked right back at you, but you saw his eyes dip briefly to your lips. You pulled back, suddenly aware that your faces had been inching closer together.
“I should go,” you said, picking up your bag. You looked at the clock on the studio wall. “Oh! It’s past midnight. I can forget about the bus then. Looks like I have to get an Uber.” You said, pulling out your phone.
“No,” Jungkook said, taking your bag from you. “You’re coming with me. I’m driving you home.” His tone broached no argument. He turned and left the studio, making you trot to keep up with him.
You didn’t talk on the ride home. But it was not an awkward silence. It was comfortable one. Being in Jungkook’s presence was comforting. You looked at his profile. He was so handsome. Those big doe eyes. The floppy hair. Strong jawline. Muscular body. He turned and smiled at you. You looked away, embarrassed at having been caught looking at him. He noticed it.
“Go get some rest, Y/N. Don’t think about things too much okay? We can talk more tomorrow. I’m here if you need anything. Promise me you’ll get some rest.”
You nodded. “Thanks, Jungkook,” you turned towards the door to pull the handle, but suddenly turned back and pressed a kiss to Jungkook’s cheek before you scurried out of the car.
Despite his worry for you, that made him smile for the entire drive home.
You didn’t get a chance to talk to Jungkook. You had a fever the next morning when you woke up. Your head was killing you, throat was sore, nose blocked. Great. A flu. You also had some ankle pain as you’d sprained your ankle quite badly the day before. That text from Taehyung had made you completely forget about it until the pain got worse overnight.
Jungkook called to ask you if you were okay. You reassured him that you were fine, and that you’d be back dancing the following week. He told you not to worry about dancing and to rest so you could recover.
He texted you daily to check up on you. He sent you funny videos of animals, knowing you liked animals. His texts always made you smile.
Taehyung was extremely attentive and loving when he got home from his trip. His wifey was sick. Wifey had sprained her ankle. He bought you soup. He made sure you ate your meds.
After you recovered, Taehyung continued to be very nice. Days without incident, 18. Maybe things were looking up.
Now when you went for dance rehearsals, you felt a special bond with Jungkook. Sometimes, he’d put a hand on your arm and look at you questioningly. You’d nod at him and smile, assuring him you were okay.
When you danced, you felt so connected to him. You were more aware now of his body moving around you, moving against you. You enjoyed being close to him. Now he sent you home almost every day. You didn’t kiss him on the cheek anymore, but you’d squeeze him arm as you said goodbye.
You started teaching a kid’s ballet class at the studio. You needed a pianist, and Jungkook had volunteered. The four-year olds were frightened of him at first, but he soon won them over. He was so good with kids! Now they loved their “Uncle Kookie” and would make him pick them up and twirl them. After the class you would sometimes play the piano with Jungkook. You’d taken lessons as well, all the way till you were in your teens. It was fun.
That’s not to say things were all sunshine and roses. There were still incidents at home. They weren’t as severe. But your incident counter never went beyond 8. Each time, the first person you texted about the troubles was not Jimin. It was Jungkook. Once, Jungkook has asked you gently why you hadn’t considered leaving your husband. You said you couldn’t. You said you knew Tae loved you. When Jungkook asked if you love Tae, you couldn’t answer. That gave you sleepless nights. You didn’t know if you still loved Tae. While at home, you withdrew a little. You’d smile when things were great. But you always felt like you were waiting for the other shoe to drop. You were mentally bracing yourself for the next incident. It was exhausting. Tae on the other hand, didn’t notice anything amiss.
Your main source of comfort was, no surprise, Jungkook. He listened to you. He let you cry on his shoulder. He held you when you needed a hug. He went with you to catch the new Chris Hemsworth movie, where you gushed about the hero’s muscular chest and arms and glorious abs. Jungkook insisted his were glorious as well, going as far as to lift his shirt to show you. You’d laughed and told him not to flash everyone in the cinema. But you silently admitted to yourself that Jungkook’s abs were indeed glorious.
Once you’d reached the studio early. Jungkook was alone in one of the studios rehearsing. You stopped to watch. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. His graceful dancer’s body moving lithely. The muscles in his arms and legs prominent as he went through the movements. His big hand running through his sweat slicked hair when he was done. He looked up and saw you standing there at the window. He saw you checking him out. He smiled and waved at you, enjoying how your face turned red and you looked sheepish.
You’d move away quickly, breathing hard. You tried to get thoughts of his magnificent body out of your mind. You weren’t very successful.
Stay With Me
Days without incident: 3. There will still altercations, but they were quite minor. You continued to reset your incident counter each time and adding on to your record of the incidents.
It still disturbed you that you didn’t know if you still loved Tae. He was not the first person who came to mind if you read a new book and wanted to gush about it. When you wanted to try the sushi at the new restaurant that has just opened. When you needed company to watch a horror movie because they scared the bejesus out of you. You’d camped out on Jungkook’s sofa, hiding under a blanket, only the top of your head and your eyes showing. You spent more of the movie shrieking and hiding then actually watching it. Jungkook laughed so hard at you he was tearing. You’d pounded your fists on his shoulder telling him to stop laughing. He’d put his arms around you to stop you from beating him. Your faces were inches apart. His lips looked so kissable. His warm breath on your face. You’d quickly stood up announcing you needed popcorn. The moment had broken, and things went back to normal.
What was most disturbing of all, was what happened when you and Tae had sex. Tae was still an attentive lover. But when you closed your eyes, it wasn’t Tae’s face you saw. It wasn’t Tae’s lips you wished were kissing your neck. It was Jungkook’s. You imagined that those muscular arms holding you were Jungkook’s. That body that was rubbing against yours was Jungkook’s. When you came, you made sure not to say any name. Just in case you said Jungkook’s.
One day after rehearsal the gang had been talking about cheating. Whether sex had to be involved before it was considered cheating. There was something called “emotional cheating”. Ara said a friend of hers had divorced his wife because the wife was cheating on him emotionally with a friend of his. They hadn’t had sex. But the wife had admitted that she felt she had more of connection with that friend. If she had raunchy dreams, she dreamt of that friend. Not her husband. Namjoon argued that nothing had happened. It was only her thoughts and her dreams.
But Ara argued that the emotional connection between two people was one of the foundations of any relationship. It was way important than sex. Ara challenged Namjoon by asking him if he felt an emotional connection with every girl he’d slept with. Namjoon had to concede the point. He’d had one-night stands where there was no emotional connection at all. It was just sex.
The more you heard, the more disturbed you got. Were you already emotionally cheating on Tae? You thought of Jungkook when you were having sex with Tae, for crying out loud. You didn’t know if you still loved Tae.
You carried on living life in this half-state. You felt like you were living two lives. There was your life with Tae. Filled with anxiety. Then there was your life with Jungkook. Filled with adoration, admiration, respect. You wondered how long you could continue like this.
Then things came to a head two months later. Tae was in between business trips. He was extremely on edge as there was some issue with his latest and biggest project. You’d just come back from practice. You hadn’t even put down your things. He screamed that you hadn’t done something for him, and he flew off the handle.
“How could you be so inconsiderate?!? How did hell could you have forgotten?!? Now it’s a total mess!! You fucking cunt!!” He raised his hand, his face red, his blazing, looking as if he was going to strike you.
You flinched. He stopped himself before his hand reached you. His eyes widened in shock as he realised what he was about to do.
“Oh my god, Y/N,” he said, visibly shaken. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Honey. I wasn’t going to hurt you.”
You were backing away slowly from him. Your eyes wide open in fear. Your face was white. He moved forward towards you, reaching out to hold your hand but you flinched again. Whimpering a little this time.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I didn’t mean to scare you! I didn’t mean it!”
You shook your head at him, then turn and fled. You ran. You ran like your life depended on it. You left your apartment. You heard Tae calling out your name. You ran down the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator. You ran to the park just across from your apartment block. You hid behind a tall clump of trees, terrified that Tae had followed you.
With shaking hands, you called Jungkook. You were crying so hard Jungkook almost couldn’t make out you were saying.
“Where are you? I’ll turn around and come get you.”
“Th…the park … across from my place,” you stuttered. “Hurry, Jungkook.”
Keeping watch on your apartment building, you saw Tae step out, his phone to his ear. Thankfully he ran off down the street instead of crossing the road to the park.
Your phone rang. Jungkook’s name appeared. “Y/N, I’m in the carpark. Where are you?” Jungkook sounded frantic. You told him to stay put, and a few minutes later you were in his car. You were shaking so hard. You told Jungkook everything, your words tumbling over one another in your haste to tell him what had happened.
Jungkook’s face was red with anger. As if the verbal and emotional abused weren’t good enough, Tae had almost added physical abuse into the mix as well. This time you needed no convincing. You needed to end it. For your own safety and sanity, you had to leave.
So you stayed at Jungkook’s. You didn’t dare to return home. Jimin tried going to your apartment to get some of your things, but Tae slammed the door in his face when Jimin refused to divulge where you were.
You told you parents. They showed up at your place. Tae had no choice but to let them in. He begged them to tell him where you were. He needed to know you were safe he said. Your mom reluctantly told him you were staying with a friend.
“Is it Jungkook?” Tae growled. “I knew it! I knew she was having an affair!”
Tae reeled backwards suddenly after your mom slapped him hard across the face.
“She is NOT having an affair,” your mom rebuked him. “Thankfully she has friends who care about her. Now excuse me while I get her things.” She stalked off to your bedroom.
Tae and your Dad glowered at each other. Your Dad was keeping his anger in check. What he really wanted to do was pummel Tae to a pulp for treating you so badly. He felt terrible that you’d been suffering for so long and they were only just finding about it now.
Your mom came back out with two large duffel bags. She told your Dad to help pick up some boxes from inside the room as well. She levelled a stern look at Tae. ” You’ll be hearing from her lawyers. And here,” she threw a small red velvet box at Tae. He caught it, and his breath caught in his throat when he saw what was inside. The 1.5 carat engagement ring he had used to propose to you. He‘d once jokingly said that if you ever left him, he wanted the ring back. He never thought it would ever come to pass.
You’d called the lawyer Jimin had recommended. The paperwork had been filed. Your also applied for a Personal Protection Order against Tae, just in case.
You stayed indoors for about a week, not daring to venture out. Jungkook stayed at home with you whenever he could. He cooked your favourite food for you. He let you babble when you need to rant. He let you cry on his shoulder. He held you when you had nightmares at night.
“Jungkook, stay with me,” you’d begged him, crying. “I don’t want to be alone. Please, Jungkook. Please, stay with me.” Of course he stayed. He put his arms around you, his front to your back. He always waited till you fell asleep before he closed his eyes and settled down. Sometimes you'd whimper in your sleep. He'd shush you, stroking your hair. Once you were having a nightmare. You tried to pry Jungkook's arms off you. He quickly opened his arms as you thrashed. Then you rolled towards him and curled up against his chest. One had gripped his t-shirt. You pushed your face into his neck, breathing deeply. He wrapped his arms around you, his nose nuzzling your hair. He stroked your arm slowly. He felt you relax then fall back into a deep sleep. His hands never wandered. He respected you too much for that. His protective instincts were in overdrive. All he wanted to do was keep you safe. He always woke up before you. He had always been an early riser. The other reason for getting out of bed first was sometimes his body would react to you, or he'd dream of you and wake up with an erection. He always woke you up to a hearty breakfast and he’d watch you like a hawk to make sure you ate.
The one thing he didn’t let you do was talk to Tae. Tae had been calling and messaging incessantly. Jungkook could see you were affected by it, but you did not change your mind that you wanted out.
On the first day you went back to the studio, Tae was waiting in the parking lot for you. He looked terrible. Hair dishevelled. Clothes rumpled, like he’d slept in them. Bags under his eyes. He called out to you, begging you to talk to him.
When you saw him, all you felt was anger. You asked yourself why you’d been in hiding for a week when you hadn’t done anything wrong. You asked yourself why you gave this man so much power over you. Enough was enough. You stalked over to him.
Jungkook, startled, followed closely behind you.
“Y/N,” Tae sobbed. “Please, I’m sorry! Give me another chance!” he begged, falling onto his knees.
“Why should i?” you said in a quiet but angry voice. “You’ve been using me as punching bag for more than two years. You made my life a living hell.”
“But Y/N, I love you! You’re the best thing that ever happened to me!” Tae cried.
“It sure didn’t feel that way when you called me a swine and cunt! Don’t you remember, Tae? I didn’t have any fucking common sense. I made stupid decisions. I was an asshole, remember?” Your voice was getting louder and louder as your anger increased.
Tae was taken aback at how vicious you looked, eyes blazing. You were literally spitting his words back at him. He just knelt there with his mouth open.
“Well, you’re the worst thing that ever happened to me! Just sign the damn divorce papers. I never want to see or hear from you ever again, Kim Taehyung!” You turned and walked away, leaving Tae there with tears streaming down his face.
Eight Months Later
Your divorce had been finalised two months ago. You were still living at Jungkook’s. You’d insisted on paying part of the rent, so that made you roommates.
Jungkook watched you become more and more at ease each day. Your smiles were always genuine now. No more fake smiles plastered on your face. You played the piano a lot more. Besides reading, you’d taken to writing your own little, short stories as well.
Once, Jungkook’s parents had dropped by Jungkook’s apartment. They were in town for business and had decided to surprise Jungkook. You could see that Jungkook was close to his parents. He was very respectful and often teased his father. It was so heartwarming watching them together. Jungkook’s mom joked that Jungkook would always be her baby. Jungkook’s older brother was living overseas, so she really only had Jungkook to baby.
This triggered a memory for you. You’d once overheard Tae telling his mom off about something. He told his mom she was being rude, and that he couldn’t believe how uncivilised she was being. It didn’t strike you then, but looking back, that should have been a red flag. If he could be that rude and disrespectful to his own mother, he could be rude and disrespectful to other people in his life as well.
Jungkook’s mom had seen the way Jungkook looked at you. She knew her son had fallen for you. She could see that you had feelings for him too. She cornered him in the kitchen as he was preparing dinner. You were chatting with his Dad in the living room, laughing at something funny your Dad had said.
“So… when are you going to ask Y/N out, Kooka?”
“Mom!” Jungkook hissed, looking over to see if you were still out of earshot. “She just got divorced! I’m not going to push her. She needs her space.”
“Kooka,” his mom said patiently. “I can tell you have feelings for her. And I can see she has feelings for you too. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. You two are so good together! Have you even admitted to yourself that you have feelings for her?”
“Mooooom,” Jungkook said plaintively. “I know I have feelings for her. She kind, generous, beautiful and loyal. I think,… I think I have fallen in love with her.”
“I can see that Kooka,” Jungkook’s mom said, patting Jungkook on the cheek. “You should tell her how you feel. Life’s too short for us not to be honest with the ones we love.”
“I don’t know, Mom. Her divorce just got finalised. I don’t want to pressure her into anything she’s not ready for. Or she might just want more time for herself.”
“I get it, Kooka. But I still think you should tell her how you feel. If she’s not ready, let her tell you. If she is, well, I think you’d be so happy together.”
“Ok, Mom. Let me think about it. Thanks Mom,” Jungkook kissed his Mom on her forehead.
Jungkook and his mom didn’t know that you’d approached the kitchen to get more coffee for his Dad. You were standing right outside the kitchen, mugs in hand and heard the conversation. Jungkook was in love with you? Your heart skipped a beat. Were you ready for something new? Even though your divorce had only been finalised two months ago, you felt that your marriage had broken down long before that. Jungkook had been nothing but patient and kind through it all. You made a plan to do something about it that night.
Jungkook’s parents had left. They were going back to the hotel, then driving back home in the morning. Everything had been cleaned up and put away. Jungkook wished you goodnight, hoping that you had a nice time with his parents. You said you did, and that you had enjoyed spending time with them.
You took a shower, scrubbing your hair extra hard and taking your time to wash your body. You blew you hair dry. You knew Jungkook had just finished his shower because you could hear that the water had turned off. You went to your wardrobe and picked out your shortest, sheerest nightie. It was white. You hadn’t worn it since, well, since the first few months of your marriage. You piled your hair into a messy bun, pinning it up.
You stood outside Jungkook’s room, hesitating. Then you steeled yourself and knocked.
“Come in,” Jungkook called out. He was shirtless, sitting up in bed with a book. His mouth fell open when he saw you. His eyes roamed your body, noting that the nightie was short. Your thighs were bare. The nightie was sheer. He could see the shape of your breasts and the pink shade of your nipples. His eyes moved lower. He couldn’t see any underwear. Were you bare under that nightie? He felt his cock start to harden.
He sat there frozen. You walked over to the bed, holding his heated gaze. You took the book out of his hands, closed it and placed it on the beside table. He looked up at you with wide eyes.
“Jungkook,” you placed your hand on his cheek. “Do you want me?”
Jungkook gazed up at you with so much heat in his eyes, it made you shiver. “Yes,” he whispered reverently. “I’ve always wanted you. Right from the time when we first met and you split your milkshake on my shirt and….”
He stopped short when you leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. You drew back, looking at him, gauging his reaction. He grabbed you by the back of your neck and pulled you down to kiss you. His lips hot and demanding. He unpinned your hair, which fell in waves down your back.
You yelped when he grabbed you by the shoulders and somehow flipped you onto the bed so that he was on top. He looked down at you, eyes dark with desire. He slanted his lips over yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth. This felt right. This connection between you two, it hummed with every touch.
He lay down on his side, his body still half pressing yours as he kissed you. His hand moved from your shoulders to your collarbone, to the centre of your chest, then to your breasts. He rubbed them through your nightie, feeling your nipples harden under his touch. His hand moved lower, over your belly, your lower abs, to your mound. Yes, you weren’t wearing any panties. He brushed his fingers over your lips.
“Mmm.. smooth,” he murmured in approval, as he trailed kisses along your cheek, down to your neck. He dragged his fingers up and down your slit, applying pressure on your clit from the outside. You moaned and rolled your hips, trying to make him go deeper into your core. But he took his fingers away. He took hold of your nightie, pulling it up. You shifted to allow him to remove it entirely. He gazed down at you. He’d dreamed of having you in his bed. Your hair fanned out over his pillow. Your body bare, begging to be worshipped. “So beautiful,” he said softly, as he pressed kisses all over you. Your shoulders, your chest, your breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth, sucking and twirling his tongue around it. His other big hand massaged the other breast, squeezing, rubbing, pinching and rolling the nipple. Your back arched off the bed.
He continued kissing down your body, kissing every inch of you while his big hands continued squeezing your breasts and playing with your nipples. When he reached your core, he pushed your legs wider apart. “Hmm, look at that pretty pussy.” He slid his hand down your inner thighs, spreading you open even more. “Wanna taste.” He placed the flat of his tongue and licked up your slit.
You gasped. “Aaah,…. Kook……”
Jungkook smiled as flicked his tongue against your smooth plump lips. “Want more, Baby?”
“Yes, yes, Kook, more,” you rasped.
He pressed the flat of his tongue against your slit again, licking harder. Which each pass, he pushed his tongue deeper into your folds. When he reached your swollen clit, he circled around it with his tongue. Your hips bucked as you gasped. He flicked the tip of his tongue rapidly against the nub, holding your hips down with his hands.
“Hmmm, you’re so wet, Baby. Is this all for me?”
“Yes.. for you Kook, all for you,” you panted.
“Mmmmm.” He continued licking your clit. He slid one long finger into your hole.
“Aaaah……” you whimpered.
“That feel good, Baby?” he murmured against your hot flesh. “How about this?” He slid in another finger and stroked your walls.
His fingers were coated in your arousal. He slid them in and out, stroking you in just the right way. Faster. Harder. He felt your walls start to pulse around his fingers. You were close. His fingers continued sliding in and out of you as he sucked on your clit. Lightly at first, then with increasing pressure. When you peaked, he scraped your clit with his teeth as you mewled. He slurped up your juices hungrily.
He stripped off his grey sweatpants then climbed up over you, smiling at your blissed-out look. “I’m not done with you, Baby,” he said darkly. He kissed you. You moaned, tasting yourself on his lips and tongue. You reached for his cock and gripped the hard, velvety length. Jungkook was huge. You’d seen a hint of it through the tights he wore while dancing, but you hadn’t dwelled on it, blushing when your thoughts went a bit wild.
“Hmmm, so hard, Baby. Is this all for me?” you threw the question back at him, smiling cheekily. He grinned as he nuzzled your neck.
“You like? You like my hard cock?”
“Yeah, I like,” you said as you watched him take his cock and pump it a few times. The throbbing between your thighs intensifying.
“Want you inside me,” you said, your voice deep with want.
He leaned over you, positioning the head of his big, hard cock at your entrance.
“How do you want it Baby? Soft and slow? Or hard and fast?” he asked as he rubbed the head of his cock against your clit.
“Hard and fast,” you panted, opening your legs wider.
He drove all the way in. Your whole body bucked, not expecting him to slide himself into you so quickly and so smoothly. He paused there for a while, letting you adjust. He was a big boy after all.
“You okay?” he asked huskily. You nodded. He reached up, intertwined his fingers with yours, his other hand braced beside your body and he thrust forward hard. He slid into you, his body pressing yours into the mattress. His pelvic bone rubbing against your clit. He drew back until only the tip of his cock was inside you, then he thrust into you again. And again. The sensations were overwhelming. Whenever he was balls deep in you, the feeling of fullness was exquisite. The feeling of closeness. Your clutched at his big shoulders, your nails digging into his flesh. You ran your hands down his muscular back, relishing the feel of him. You reached down to grip his ass, pulling him against you as he pounded into you.
“Am so close, Kook,” you groaned. Your muscles tensing up. You could tell he was close too.
He thrust harder, so hard your whole body bounced. “Come for me, Y/N.”
“Jungkook!” you cried as your orgasm gripped you, pulling you under. Your body shuddered. Every nerve firing as he continued thrusting a few more times before he came too. “Fuck, Y/N, fuck!” He spurted warm cum into you.
You continued clutching him, his weight pressing down on you. You wanted to hold on to the closeness longer. Him inside you. Your legs wrapped around his hips. He leaned down to kiss you, slowly and languidly this time.
He rolled you onto your sides as he kissed your face. He gazed into your eyes, mesmerised by you. He pushed your hair off your face. He softened and slipped out of you. You whined a little at the loss of feeling him inside you. He pulled you close, kissing you on the lips.
“You know, I might have dreamt about making love to you,” he laughed softly. “You spread out on my bed. You making the prettiest noises for me. Gave me such a hard-on. I had to take a cold shower and cum twice.”
“I might have dreamt of you too, Kook,” you smiled at him.
“Really? And what did you do after you’d dreamt of me?” he asked cheekily.
“This,” you said huskily, taking his hand and guiding it to your pussy. “And this” you added, as you squeezed your own breasts, rolling and pinching the nipples. You threw your head back as you moaned.
“Mmmm, I like where this is going,” he drawled as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. “What else?”
“This.” You pushed him so he was lying on his back then scooted downwards, taking him into your mouth.
“Aah!” he cried, not expecting you to take him all the way in so quickly. His eyes rolled back at how you were licking the head of his cock. Sucking him hard while playing with his balls. He came quickly, so turned on by the sight of your lips around his cock, you looking at him through your lashes. You moaning when his cum filled your mouth and throat.
“And this,” you smiled evilly, gripping his cock, pumping it slowly till he was hard again. Then you climbed onto him, straddling his hips. You reared up on your knees as you moved so the tip of his cock was at your entrance. Then holding his smouldering gaze, you impaled yourself on his cock. He gripped your hips in surprise you as you slid down till you bottomed out. Then you rode him. Hard. He grabbed your ass, spreading your cheeks so that you could sit more squarely on him. You reached up and squeezed your bouncing breasts, tugging and pinching your nipples. Your head thrown back in ecstasy. He’d never seen anything sexier in his life. When your movements became faster and more frenzied, he pressed a thumb against your clit while his other hand held your hip, hard enough to bruise. He couldn’t hold back anymore. Seeing you pleasure yourself on his cock had him coming hard. You cried out too, sliding up and down him a few more times as you both came down from your highs.
He pulled you down so you were lying on top of him and kissed you deeply.
“Can I ask you question, Kook?”
“Anything, Baby,” he said, stroking your face.
“Can I sleep here with you?” you asked him with a mischievous grin, making him laugh.
“Like I’m going to let you sleep anywhere else, Baby,” he said, pressing kisses all over your face and tickling you.
“Stop! Stop!” you cried, tears running down your face at laughing so hard.
“Okay, okay,” he conceded. “You can sleep here with me. But I’m not sure how much sleep we’ll actually be getting,” he said darkly as he rolled you over, pinning you under him.
Days without incident: 1,095. Not that you were keeping track anymore. That all ended that day you left your ex-husband. Your current husband was putting the finishing touches on a crib. He’d stubbornly refused to get someone to assemble it, insisting that he had to be the one to build the crib of his firstborn.
It took Jungkook a little longer than he’s expected, but now it was done. He’d painted it white to match the lavender and white theme of the nursery. He’d painted big white daisies on one wall. On the other wall, he’d stuck a decal of a puppy ballerina, complete with white tutu and ballet shoes. It was adorable. A light purple Jelly-Cat bunny sat in the crib now, waiting for the arrival of your little girl.
You’d made him go wash up and change for dinner at your parent’s place. Jungkook’s parents had come over for dinner as well. Needless to say, they were all over the moon with excitement that they would be grandparents soon. Jungkook was on the sofa, showing them pictures of the crib he’d assembled and the decoration in the nursery room as they all oohed and aahed over how cute everything looked. You stood in the kitchen doorway watching, smiling widely. This was your future. Days without incident. Days filled with happiness.
#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#jungkook fanfic#jungkook fanfiction#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jk fanfic#taehyung#verbal abuse#emotional abuse#gaslighting
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Brutally Broken || BTS ff || 18+ || OT7 || Chapter 1

Pairing - Y/n x 0T7
Genre - Dark Romance
Warning ⚠ - Sensitive content ahead. Mature content. Forced s*x. Slapping. Unprotected s*x. Uncensored. Sl*t shaming. Weak Female lead. Self harm. Strong language. Read at your own risk.
"Please stop, it h-urts"
She placed her hand on his hard abs in order to stop him. He grabbed her hand and twisted it. She cried under him.
"Is she still not obedient yet?"
Namjoon said while drinking wine.
"Let me teach her a lesson"
Hoseok exclaimed and grabbed her face. He slapped his d*ck on her face.
"My little sl*t"
He forces his d*ck on her mouth. He growled loudly at the sudden warmness of her mouth.
"Ahh so good"
He fucked her mouth open. She choked as its too deep for her. She couldn't breath. Tears stream down her eyes.
Taehyung slammed himself on her wet p*ssy. His thrust were strong. She just laid there under them.
"She makes me hard"
Jimin laughed. He makes her held his cock and strokes himself.
Hoseok is getting desperate. He fasten his moments. His d*ck twitchs in her mouth.
She cried. She wanted to push him off her but she couldn't.
He is slamming himself in her mouth as if it's her pussy.
"I'm cumming slutty who're. Don't you dare to waste a drop"
He says and after few hard thrust he cums in her mouth. She felt breathless at a moment. She coughed. She couldn't swallow it all. Her throat is burning.
"You b*tch"
He slapped her face hard and grabbed her hairs roughly. He spits in her mouth.
He commanded. She swallowed it. He pats her head.
"Now let me fuck that mouth"
Jimin exclaimed and hoseok left her. Jimin grabbed her face. He slapped her hard.
"You b*tch, you said I wasn't your type right? Now let me teach you what you deserve"
She shook her head. She felt helpless. She can feel Taehyung twitch inside her. Her head feels dizzy.
She couldn't complete her sentence as jimin slammed his dick in her mouth.
"So warm. Just like that slutty pussy"
He started to fuck her mouth open. He almost choked her with his cock. Taehyung pulled himself put and thrusts in her ass hole.
She felt breathless. She couldn't move. Taehyung slapped her reddish tits. She started shaking terriblely.
"This hole is nothing but a cum dump. It's made to r*ped again and again. This bitch wants nothing but a big dick to fuck her brain out"
Taehyung moans and cums inside her. He leaves her and laid on the sofa. Namjoon walked towards and position himself at her entrance.
"So wet"
His sudden thrust was hard and strong. Jimin finally released in mouth. She couldn't sallow it quickly. She kept in her mouth. Jimin grabbed her neck.
"Disobedience bitch, Didn't jungkook teach to how to be obedient"
He chocked her hard cutting her breath out. She panicked and tried to remove his hands but nothing work.
Namjoon fucked her more aggressively. She is quite sensitive from the previous orgasm.
Jimin leaves her. She was thrown on the floor by namjoon. He hovered over her. He is the cruelest among them.
She feels her legs breaking. It hurts like hell. She mouth burns along with her pussy which is totally red in colour.
She feels disgusted. She couldn't take it anymore. Her loud cries filled the room. Blood started coming out of her vagina.
"you want it harder huh"
He thrusts aggressively. Her back slams against the floor with each thrust. He turned her over and slammed her from back.
He roughly grabbed her hairs. Her scalp are burning from pain. Her vision is getting blured.
Blood flows along her legs. Cum messily spread all over the bed.
He slapped her ass wanting her to thrust back. And she slowly did. He mercilessly thrusted inside her poor hole.
He cums inside her with a loud groan. He pulls out. But she was again thrusted by Seokjin.
"Still so tight"
He fucks her hard. He grabbed the belt and tied her hands.
"You're looking like a slutty dog. Just so freaking fuckable"
He groaned and aggressively thrusted the dildo inside her. She screamed at the sudden pain.
"Please stop"
She yelled and he grabbed her hairs. He bites her earlobe while slamming deep inside her.
She struggled to get out of his grip. He chocks her from behind.
Cum spread all over the floor. The floor is wet and messy.
"You *Thrust* Fucking *Thrust* Who're *Thrust*"
He after few minutes of hard thrust release her hands and weakly support herself.
He kept slamming until he cums deeply inside her. Her whole body aches. She is literally shaking. He let himself in her for few seconds and He pulls out and Her weak body hurts. Her face was bruised. She weakly held herself to stand but she falls on him.
She doesn't have any energy left. Her eyes doesn't have any tears left down. Her hands weakly hold on him. The person whom she thought she could spend her life with. The person with whom she shared her every secret, every sorrow, every happiness. The person whom she did nothing but loved him with her whole heart. The person whom she desired to be with.
Her teary eyes looks into his. Her bruised hands weakly hold into him.
Her Boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook.
This is just a mere imagination. Please don't take it seriously. i don't mean to hurt anyone emotions. There is no involvement of any member in such things. Please if you are sensitive reader then please don't read it. Im not forcing anyone to read it. Please don't take it seriously and get offended.
Do share your comment and vote down if you like it. Thank you...
#jeon jungkook#bts army#bts smut#bts x reader#bts fanfic#bts v#bts jungkook#bts#jungkook x reader#jungkook x y/n#dark romance#jimin x reader#taehyung#taehyung x reader#jimin#jin#jin x reader#jhope#jhope x reader#rm#rm x reader#manipulation#abuse k1nk#bd/sm kink#free use kink#jeongguk x reader#boyfriend#age difference#suga#suga x reader
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Warnings: 21+. MDNI. Yan!JK x Emotionally Abused! Fem! Reader. Parental issues. Hating relatives and family. Reader is just not appreciated by her family okay. Yandere content. Implied isolation which is lowkey consensual(?). Smut. Mentions of cream pie, voyeurism, etc. Mentions of murder (idea only).
There's this understanding between Yan!JK and his darling that she never has to talk to her parents ever again. She is free to use him as an excuse and also living away from her parents with her lover is most ideal. Most ideal for the both of them.
She gets to avoid the snarky remarks thrown towards her, avoid those tiresome and annoying and highly unnecessary family get-togethers where she has to pretend to like her relatives who all just want to watch her burn. It's not really her fault that their kids and grandkids weren't able to cross her qualifications. The best part though, she gets to avoid that mental torture her parents put her through her entire life. But when confronted all they do is gaslight her and make her the bad guy.
Of course Yan!JK completely understands her, I mean, he gets to keep her all to himself forever and forever and all the damn time. He keeps her happy and content and so satisfied and makes her feel so special just by looking at her.
And damn when he holds her, all she wants to do is just stay there all the damn time. His strong muscular arms holding, squeezing her so tight she feels dizzy. Him laying on her chest and cuddling her like a baby and wanting his long luscious hair to be played with. How can she not oblige?
This cute, hot, sexy, sweet, caring, perfect man is so in love with her she would be a fool to go anywhere else. And she doesn't even want to. Who would go back to an abusive place when there is a choice of staying in the safest place in the world with him.
And he's so happy she understands his love for her. She understands why he doesn't let her go to those tiresome get-togethers. Unfortunately they can't always avoid them, but he knows that with him by her side she can do anything she wants to.
Yan!JK loves his darling enough to kill someone without questioning why she wants them dead. But she's a smart girl, she won't misuse that for no reason.
Yan!JK is definitely a giver, not just romantically but also sexually. Would it be so wrong of him to ask his darling to find a dim corner so he can stick his fingers in her hole and make her cum so hard she leaves a bite mark on his shoulder?
Would it be so wrong of him to gently convince her to let him cum in her tight little cunt and fill her up so good she's wet till the next morning with his cum?
Would it be so wrong to take a quick break and go till the car and fuck so hard she'll be limping for the rest of the gathering?
She doesn't think it'll be so bad when she also wants the exact same things as him, right?
#yandere#yandere reader#male yandere#yandere male x reader#yandere headcanons#yandere jungkook x reader#yandere jungkook#yandere jungkook smut#yandere bts#yandere bts headcanons#jungkook brainrot#jungkook smut#tw: emotional abuse#yandere smut#female yandere#yandere fluff
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#bts#kim namjoon#rm#bts rm#kim seokjin#jin#bts jin#min yoongi#suga#bts suga#jung hoseok#j-hope#bts j-hope#park jimin#jimin#bts jimin#kim taehyung#v#bts v#jeon jungkook#jungkook#bts jungkook#bangtan#bangtan sonyeondan#official#I have an emotional attachment to this one#cw substance use#cw substance abuse#substance abuse#substance use
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and even more revalink hcs from this post part 6
previous hc part 5 x i'm too lazy to tag the other ones, just go through this one 😭 i haven't done one of these in a bit so i'm doing this for funsies 😹
who's the primary protector of the two?
hard to say, since they're both warriors with protective instincts, and link had to have learned some survival skills & instincts in botw
neither of them ever rest really, constantly on their guard because they're not letting anyone get the slip on them
i imagine that maybe they bicker over who gets to protect the other, always insisting that they'll be the one to save the other 😹
who sleeps in and who is the early bird?
i think we should know by now where i stand on this 😹
i am the self-proclaimed #1 sleepy link x coddler revali enthusiast. you know damn well i am tucking that blond twunk into a soft comfy bed (the bed being revali)
who is the least patient?
hard to pin down as a generalization, because it's circumstantial between the two of them imo
like we all know link would stare into a campfire all night just to be able to hunt the best game at the exact crack of dawn
but revali is very thoughtful and methodical to me. i just reviewed his diary and the cb memory, and it's clear that his dedication to the craft warrants a lot of strategy, perseverance, and patience. he can be incredibly patient for the things that matter most to him
(i also really like the idea that revali would be very patient with fledglings 🥺 gordon ramsey type beat)
that being said, both revali and link will have a breakdown trying to assemble a single chair from ikea. they insist that the furniture is cursed but zelda assembles it in less than five minutes
which of the two listens to old music and which one is more into the newer stuff?
to me, revali seems like he would enjoy classical music, and classic pop & rock in general. anything before the 2000's, revali can get into
projecting a portion of my own music taste onto revali, he fucks with songs like 'stitches and burns' by fra lippo lippi, 'i melt with you' by modern english, and 'true' by spandau ballet. i will not be taking any criticism at this time 🙏
meanwhile link's playlist is jumping from 'good lookin'' dixon dallas to 'planet of the bass' to 'ETA' newjeans. and he finds all of it unironically genius
who's the first one to quit a new hobby because they're not great at it on the first try?
my instinct was to say revali, but the thing is, revali holds a great insecurity in wanting to be the best, and it's difficult to do that when you're dating Mr. Link Master-At-Everything-He-Tries over here
so if he's not automatically good at it but link is, you better bet your entire ass that revali is learning that shit out of spite to be better or at least just as good at it as link is
bitches can't even have like a couple hobby, everything turns into a competition if it's revali and link ✋😭
who holds a grudge the longest?
revali of course
a while ago, i made a post about how i hc'd revali to be a capricorn sun virgo rising, and i kinda still stand by that. he'll take anything to be a personal slight against him, will block you on everything, and talk shit about you to anyone. petty ahh mf
link just doesn't seem like the type to hold grudges, he's kinda goldfish brain. he'll forget he was even mad at you 15 minutes later
who secretly knows all the lyrics to the other's favorite songs but refuses to expose themselves?
revali actually 🥺
link soaks up melodies and lyrics like a sponge, so he has no problem picking any one of revali's playlists and knowing every single song on there, he will sing his heart out to each song on that damned playlist
revali is a bit of a music snob and isn't always the biggest fan of link's taste in music (as per #4 in this list LOL)
but he tries really hard to memorize link's favorites even if he fucking hates the song, which results in revali practicing korean just to be able to sing fucking 'gangnam style' psy with link 😭
who's more likely to cry about a plant dying?
link hands down. this guy gets overly attached to inanimate objects fr
bro is the type to bump into the corner of a table and be like "oops, sorry mr. table, didn't mean to hit you"
zelda once sent link a bouquet of flowers she had grown herself, and link put them in a nice little vase, made sure they got sunlight and water every day, and gave each flower names
when one of the flowers started wilting, link was about to have a whole breakdown
revali comes home to link trying to perform surgery on a flower, like why it got a whole iv drip bag now???
which of the two is the most outspoken? which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen?
these were actually two separate questions but i decided to mix them, bc i think it's pretty clear who's who
revali is more outspoken and quick to speak, he's confidently opinionated and will mansplain to you unfortunately. he's not afraid to tell you what he thinks, because he thinks he's always right. very much the type to tell you he's just being brutally honest as an excuse to a dick skjdhfkdj
link is soft-spoken, reserved, and a listener, he'll let you take the lead on the conversation or listen you out completely before saying anything.
as such, revali is the one berating the cashier for putting pickles on link's burger when he said he didn't want any 😹
and honestly? link just likes hearing revali's voice, so he's content with letting revali talk his head off as long as they get to cuddle or hold hands.
#revalink#loz#botw#loz botw#legend of zelda#amihan's revalinkverse#amihan's headcanons#q#been a while since i did one of these#kind of just trying to get myself back into writing silly things and not taking myself so seriously#i've been having an unhealthy relationship with creation recently 😽#revali being so soft and patient and considerate with kids is very important to me#never chastises them or raises his voice 🥺#meanwhile he's verbally abusing link to hell and back KJHDFKSKHFJ#link on some jungkook shit i'm certain that he just excels at everything he tries#like he's real wacky goofy unserious but he's very clever and quick when picking up new skills actually#revali the type to overthink the nuance and underlying meaning of everything that's been said n wonder if link even loves him#and link will just be like hehe. revali will love this random thingymabob#jungkookifying link by making him sing to his flowers bc he thinks it helps them grow faster <3
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“i’m going back to 505/if it’s a 7-hour flight or a 45-minute drive.”
pairing: jungkook x female reader
word count:
rating: 🔞
genre/warnings: angst, light depictions of smut, friendzoned canon!idol jungkook (he’s quite literally Going Thru It), toxic reader, emotional manipulation, unreciprocated love, stepping over boundaries, jungkook is clearly not loved but he comes back every. single. time.
summary: she calls him and he comes like clockwork every time, even though he knows deep down that it’s never a good idea.
this time, he has 2 hours to turn around before he picks her up from her ex-boyfriend’s house. will he get there or will he finally let her go?
inspired by the camping vlog after we all discovered jungkook listens to arctic monkeys 🫠 can he stop pls.
"Why do you keep going back to her?"
I...I don't know.
"I don't know," Jungkook repeated his thoughts out loud for Namjoon to hear, in which Namjoon sighed deeply in frustration.
"She doesn't love you, you know," the leader said, taking another shot of whiskey and pouring another one for the youngest. "But it's not like you would listen to me anyway," he murmured, shaking his head in disappointment.
Jungkook stared at the drink being poured in silence. The dark caramel color was beckoning to him to take a shot, even though his thoughts were telling him to stop. He needed to sleep for the night, away from his phone where he could text her at any moment.
What's the point? I'm just gonna keep being alone.
"Being alone is better than coming back like a kicked puppy," Seokjin once eloquently said.
Too bad Jungkook is that puppy.
please like or reply if you want to be tagged!!
© jungkook97 2023. do not repost or modify. please ask for permission to translate.
#jungkook#jungkook angst#jungkook scenarios#jungkook fanfic#emotional abuse tw#toxic relationships tw#writing#mine#hahah hi!!!!#time to be emo!!!!!
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Ven a leer, es un poco gay lo sé, pero un fanfic Taekook al día no hace mal, lol.
#taekook#alfa#omegaverse#kookbotom#taehyung#jungkook#taetop#gay#homosexual#male violence#vkook#taekook vkook#lobo#smut#licantropia#angst#fanfic#bts#romance#dark romance#maltrato#toxic relationship#emotional abuse
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how is that teasing though? who laughed? because all I see is jk stans laughing because he stays giving them drag material against not only jimin but also v
again teasing at the expense of someone else will never be funny especially when the person involved doesn't even smile at said "joke"
you can tease in a way that isn't hurtful but it takes emotional intelligence that I guess not everyone has 🤷♀️
#i dont have the energy#i dont act like jungkook in my personal life#i don’t like making jokes about my friends#but if someone made one about me#im not gonna freak out#i have a backbone#and so does jimin#jungkook is a little bitch#we’ve known this#but jimin is currently in the military with him so#i don’t think he’s so bothered#also what is so hurtful about what jungkook said#he basically called jimin a know it all#so what#whats next#calling jungkook an abuser because he chuckled at jimin calling a jacuzzi ‘scuzzi’
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“You didn’t think that having Jungkook save you from an abusive arranged marriage by marking you would mean that you would have to marry him instead. Yet here you are. Bonded to him for life, with his father threatening to ban you if you fuck it up and with your marriage night one step away. It wouldn’t be that scary if you weren’t aware that his family doesn’t bond with omegas.”
Pairing: Alpha!Jungkook x f. omega!Reader
Genre: Werewolves!AU, forced marriage!AU, childhood best friends to lovers!AU, marriage night!AU, Angst, Romance, SMUT
Warnings: Hard Dom!Jungkook, happy sub!Reader, size & strength kink, he is a lot taller than her, angst & misunderstandings in the beginning, poor woman gets threatened left and right at her own bonding party, please protect her, Kook is hurt by her at first but the problem gets solved hihi, her brother is a dick tbfh, insanely protective!Jungkook, whipped Alpha in loveeee, lots of kisses and touches, he is really soft with her & just a lil nervous, he is so lethal tbfh no wonder she gets turned on by him so easily bahaha, kissing & biting of her scent spots, the spots are on her neck and her tits and her inner thighs, he accidentally stimulates them long enough that she goes into heat, which makes him go into his ruts <3, this is a really passionate bonding night for sureeee, intense and hungry nipple sucking, her poor omega tits swell and produce sweet liquid (not milk just idk omega liquid lmaloaooa listen I made this up as I was going and it's hot), Jungkook eats it upppp, sooooo much slick, lots of drool and tears hihih, rough penetrative sex with his big alpha cock, knotting, lots of orgasms for both, breeding with his hot cum mhmh, listen he fucks her roughly while he is knotted which means she repeatedly gets penetrated by his knot, she likes it cause she is so into him, stimulation of her cervix which feels really good for an omega, she is in heaven with him fr, he never felt as good before as well, sex in missionary then in mating press and then just tangled up in a mess of limbs, praise, hand holding, he calls her "baby" & "my love" & "princess", the cuddliest and safest and giggliest aftercare, they're not aware of it yet but they're true mates <3, oh yeah! they break the bed
Wordcount: 15.8k
a/n: YOU HOES (affectionately) ASKED FOR IT AND THIS HOE (me, derogatory) LISTENED!!! I FUCKING LISTENED!!! AND I AGREED!! We need more Alpha!Kook in our life and on this blog. This is the hottest smut ever like (tmi but) i need to jerk it afterwards, which rarely happens with my smut HFAHDSFH i need him to be my alpha husband and rearrange my guts daily tbfh 😔 have fun besties, i hope this is a worthy enough sequel to the first part 😩💛 ps: for all you omegaverse veterans, i'm still a newbie to this AU and this story is MY interpretation of the AU hehe any rule changes are done intentional to my comfort levels <3
If you knew that agreeing to Jungkook’s plan would mean This, perhaps you never would have agreed. Perhaps if the night hadn’t been so stormy and you so hopeless, you wouldn’t have said yes.
But you did and now you are here. In front of the entire pack, in a long dress as your pack’s priest is talking about eternal faithfulness. You knew that being marked by an alpha would mean that you had to be with him, but didn’t think it would mean This.
Your family is in the audience. First row, next to Jungkook’s family. Your brother stares at you with a look you can’t quite make out. You still can’t really stand his face. Jungkook’s father seems displeased and you don’t blame him. The little stunt you pulled made alpha Urquard furious and it was Jungkook’s father who had to take care of it. He wanted to trade another omega at first, but Jungkook stopped him before that could happen. You didn’t get to see Jungkook for two whole days after this incident and when he came back, his upper lip was chipped and he didn’t want to talk about what happened.
“Urquard’s not gonna bother our pack again. That’s all you need to know”, he told you tiredly while you tried to nurse his lip. “And there’s something else. It’s about us”, he then continued.
“About us? What about us?”
“If we wanna keep living here, we have to do something.”
“What do we have to do?”
“And with this kiss, I may pronounce you husband and wife”, the priest says and howls. The rest of the pack follows. Everyone, except Jungkook’s father who is staring holes into you darkly. It is custom for werewolves to howl for a newly bonded couple. It is meant to bring luck and happiness into the marriage. Having the pack alpha refuse this ritual is not a good sign.
You gulp down the heavy lump in your throat, shifting your nervous eyes to Jungkook. He seems nervous too, clasping your clammy hands. He closes the distance. Thankfully the howls are loud enough to mask your voices.
“He isn’t-”
“I know. Ignore him. He’s a stubborn idiot.” Jungkook cups your cheek. “Can I kiss you?”
You hesitate, feeling dizzy from lack of oxygen in your lungs. His father isn’t howling. What if Jungkook doesn’t want this bond either? If you knew that your night with him would end in marriage, maybe you wouldn’t have said yes to him. He wants to kiss you, doesn’t he? His eyes are studying your lips. You want to kiss him too, but it is so scary to go for it. What if he doesn’t want this bond? You hesitate and hesitate. As a matter of fact, you hesitate long enough for the howls to die down.
Heavy, thick silence follows. The pack stares. The priest stares. Jungkook’s father stares. Jungkook himself stares.
“Hey uhm, this is the part where you kiss me”, he whispers.
“I know”, you whisper back.
The priest clears his throat. Jungkook licks his lips nervously, still waiting for your consent. Someone in the audience coughs.
If you knew that agreeing to Jungkook’s plan would lead to having to bond with him, perhaps you never would have agreed. He promised you that you would just have to pretend, that you wouldn’t have to be with him if you didn’t want to and yet here you are. You are now officially his mate. Well, not until you kissed him. You really want to kiss him, but it’s so scary.
“You have to kiss for the bond to be sealed”, the priest whispers as well.
You glance at the audience. Your family seems nervous. Jungkook’s father seems hopeful but also very angry. You look at Jungkook, whose eyes have darkened slightly.
“It seems that the bond is invali-”, the priest tries to announce loudly, but before he can finish his sentence, Jungkook silences him by pulling you into the kiss.
You gasp, eyes wide open and body frozen. His big hand is on the back of your head, keeping you close. The priest sees it as a sign and begins the howling again. It fills the wedding house, almost sounding like melodies of joy. But you feel sick to the stomach. You are mated for life. Jungkook made sure of it and you made sure of how your marriage will be because you hesitated. You can see it in his eyes once he pulls back and they are as cold as ice. Holy fuck, you messed up.
The iciness of his stare continues long into the festivities. It is the duty of the newly bonded couple to open the dance floor with a dance. You and Jungkook have to wait behind a curtain to be called to the floor. You arrive a little later than him because your mother wanted to talk to you before that. Something about being a good mate to him. You didn’t really listen because she pissed you off.
Jungkook sends you an icy glare, tonguing his cheek.
“You”, you stomp to him. Your mother made you angry enough that you feel the need to take it out on him.
He watches you with a cocked up brow. You shove at his chest. He doesn’t budge, but stares with widened eyes.
“How dare you force the kiss onto me like this. You took away my choice”, you hiss.
“Don’t tch me. You said that it was my choice. You forced me.”
He tenses his jaw, looking anywhere but you. You shove him again with no chance of moving him.
“Did you hear me?”
“I don’t know if you already forgot the five prior conversations we had, but if we didn’t bond today, my dad would have banished us both. I made sure that this wouldn’t happen”, he answers you snappishly.
“This still doesn’t give you the right to kiss me like this”, you throw back, shoving at his chest.
He doesn’t budge, taking your hands to stop you from shoving him again. His grip is strong and possessive, but doesn’t hurt.
“The priest was gonna renounce our bond. I had to act fast”, he hisses.
“Yeah well, I didn’t want to be forced into it.”
“I know that by now”, Jungkook spits and swipes your hands away, turning a cold shoulder to you. He crosses his arms in front of his chest so tightly it looks as if he is trying to hug himself.
“I want an apology for it”, you insist.
“I’m sorry.”
You falter for a moment, not having expected it.
“I’m sorry, okay? Just. Drop it now, please.”
“Drop it? Excuse me?”
Jungkook turns his head away.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
No eye contact.
“I’m done talking to you”, he grumbles.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you hurt me.”
You gawk at him, holding your breath. He turns to you, meeting your eyes with such urgency it feels as if he is trying to drown you in the connection.
“All this talk about not wanting me to hold back. You told me not to stop telling you that you’re mine. Was it just empty talk?” he asks.
His heartbroken scent makes you feel heavy in your chest.
“What? I, I don’t- what?” you stutter.
“Did it ever mean something to you?”
“Kook, I-”
“Don’t call me that”, he hisses and steps closer. The thing is, however, that you don’t feel the instinctive need to step back. He doesn’t feel dangerous to you. Not because he isn’t scary, because he definitely is, but because you know for a fact that he wouldn’t hurt you. “Don’t call me that after what you did today.”
You gulp. He puts his hand over his heart, eyes showing how hurt he feels. His voice quivers as he speaks.
“You made me have my first knot ever. You, you made me feel so good that I bit you. You had your first knotting orgasm through me. I was fucking alive inside you”, he say and puts his other hand on your stomach where you once allowed him to feel himself in you.
You gasp and tense at the touch, putting your hand over his’. His touch seeps into you, reminding you how it was to carry his warmth inside you. Everything inside you wants him within the first touch. The connection is so intense that you draw closer to him instinctively.
“I thought that it meant something to you too. So why did you hesitate?” he stresses, eyes racing between yours.
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” Jungkook pulls his hand away from your stomach. “Wow, okay.”
“Kook, please.”
“Forget it. Let’s just get it over with”, he hisses and a second later, the curtains open and you have to pretend to be a happy couple.
He takes your hand, leading you to the dance floor while howls and claps cheer you on. He positions you and him in the middle of the dance floor, looking down at you with a tightened face.
The music starts. So does the dance.
Jungkook leads it, you follow. He holds you so close. He looks so deeply into your eyes. To anyone else it must seem as if he can’t get enough of his wife, but you are close enough to him that you know his true feelings. He wants this stupid dance to end as quickly as possible.
You can’t bear to look up at him any longer, lowering your eyes.
“Don’t. Look up.”
You obey instinctively.
“You’ve already fucked up the kiss, don’t fuck up the dance as well.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s already a little too late for that, isn’t it?” he says and leans you back as part of the dance. For just a second you see the world upside down before he lifts you again, holding you against his chest as he twirls over the dance floor with you. It makes your dress dance with you and blurs the world around you. He furrows his brows.
“Did it ever mean anything to you?” he asks.
“I don’t know.”
“Yes or no? It’s a simple answer.”
“I was desperate and I-”
“I, I just meant that I don’t know if it meant what it meant to you.”
“Stop talking, seriously.”
You gulp. Jungkook looks away.
“You have to look at me”, you whisper panickedly.
“Don’t worry, the dance is already fucked”, Jungkook says and coincidentally enough, the music switches just this moment. The rest of the pack fills the dance floor, but you barely notice them.
Jungkook steps back and leaves you in the middle of the dance floor. Your chest feels tight. You didn’t want it to come to this. Of course it meant something to you, but he cornered you right now and you tend to say the wrong things under pressure. You didn’t want to give him a dishonest answer, but didn’t have the full answer ready yet. Oh god, this isn’t what you wanted to happen.
Sudden fear fills you. You know instantly that his father is next to you. You force yourself to look at him, holding your breath.
“Ruin this bond, you and your family can look for a new pack. Understood?”
You nod your head fearfully.
“Speak up!”
“Yes! Understood!”
“That’s better. Fucking, bratty omega. Just because my son can’t keep his dick in his pants. I’ll teach him how to discipline you, be sure of that”, he says with a deadly glare and turns his back to you, leaving you in the middle of the dance floor.
You bite back tears.
Alcohol. You need to forget this night. Yes, that’s the solution.
Werewolf bonding parties aren’t that different from human wedding parties. There is good music, delicious food, lots of dancing and even more laughter. There is also, of course, the occasional friendly fighting between two wolves, which may seem scary to a human but is perfectly normal to your species. There is even a saying that if a bonding party doesn’t have friendly fighting, the bond will not last. A part of you had hoped that your party would be such a party just so it wouldn’t be you who ruins the marriage and therefore has to carry the alpha’s wrath. But your wish wasn’t granted the moment you watched Yoongi and Hoseok start a friendly wrestling march next to the margaritas bar.
Speaking of margaritas, you are drunk on them by now. Way too drunk, barely able to stand on two feet.
“Fuck, I need air”, you get out and turn to leave. You run your eyes over the crowd. Your family is by their table, your brother follows you with his eyes. You must be way too drunk because for a second it felt as if he was hunting you with them. You break contact, spotting Jungkook next. He is talking to one of the betas, Seokjin. He also seems terribly drunk. You look away quickly, stumbling past him on your way outside. He follows you with his eyes as you do, but you are too drunk to notice.
The night is cold. A welcome change to the stuffy air inside. Tonight is a new moon. You look up at the moonless sky. Weddings under a new moon mean that they will last long. That’s what the legends say. The new life together starts with the new cycle of the moon. First the fighting, now this. Your marriage seriously wants to last, doesn’t it?
You stumble to a quiet corner, resting against the wall. The music is blurred behind a veil of alcohol and the thick walls of the venue.
The thing is, it’s not that you had to bond with Jungkook which upsets you so much. It is the fact that it had to happen under such circumstances. You are sure that if he didn’t have to mark you in order to save your life, he would have never even thought about taking you as a mate. You know how his family thinks. A wolf with the alpha gen should mate with another wolf with the alpha gen. Bonding with an omega isn’t a thing in Jungkook’s family. And this is what scares you. You are an omega in a family of alphas and his father seems to fucking hate it. What if Jungkook hates it too? He talked about keeping you safe and not wanting to let you go, but he probably didn’t think that he would have to mate with you. He was probably high on his afterglow and talked without thinking.
“Urgh”, you let out, grinding your fangs.
But then, why was he so upset that you hesitated? Was it because he wanted to own you as quickly as possible? But he smelled heartbroken. Someone who is merely upset about not owning you wouldn’t smell like this. This is confusing you so much.
“Who knew that you would be married before me.”
You turn your head to your brother. You must be really drunk because his eyes still seem so different.
“It’s crazy to imagine that you came back and got bonded”, he says.
“Only because you fucked up and I almost had to die for it. Otherwise, Jungkook would have never had to step in and I would have never had to bond with him”, you throw back.
Your brother studies you with furrowed brows.
“Look, I said that I’m sorry and I am. It was an accident. I thought that she was a deer.”
“Tch, sure. I know you were into her. I watched you sneak away sometimes to see her. You got jealous and decided to kill her because you couldn’t bear the thought that she was to be with someone else. Admit it”, you challenge him because you know that it was bullshit. Your brother would never kill someone out of jealousy.
Something changes in your brother’s face, however. Your brother disappears, the face of an ice cold killer stares back at you. The face of a killer who killed before and who would do it again. He steps closer and you instinctively step back. Fear and the desire to flee overcomes you. It is difficult however when he has you cornered. It is a dark corner and there are no people around.
“What, what are you doing? You, you are scary”, you stutter.
“You know, you were never supposed to come back.”
“If I were you, I’d be careful with your words from now on”, he warns, dragging the back of his hand down your face, “are we understood, sister?”
You whimper instinctively, avoiding his eyes. His touch feels like sandpaper on your skin. He comes closer. You are so scared.
“Are we under-”, he stumbles back as a strong hand tugs him away from you. It is so rough in fact that he squeaks against his will.
“Do we have a problem here?” Jungkook growls, stepping between you and your brother. He is huffing his air, torso stretching the fabric of his suit because his protectiveness is making his body grow. Your brother tries to take a step closer, but instantly stops with just one deep growl of Jungkook.
Your brother looks at you for a brief moment. The person you once knew is gone from his eyes.
“I was already leaving”, he presses out and turns his back to leave. He knows better than to pick a fight with Jungkook. He gets as far as one step before the latter pulls him back.
He tries to fight him in reaction, but gives up quickly when Jungkook renders him useless with a strong grip on his chin. His claws dimple his skin, threatening to break through. He is towering over your brother by now.
“You are the one who is going to start picking his words carefully from now on. She is under my protection now. Is that clear?”
“Is this supposed to scare me?”
“Don’t test me.” Jungkook hisses, shaking him by his chin. “I’ll let you go tonight because you’re her brother and I don’t wanna break her heart, but you threaten her again and you’re dead. Are we understood?” he snarls his words, eyes dangerously golden and sharp fangs on full display.
“Yes”, your brother croaks out.
“Speak up!” Jungkook barks, shaking him.
“Yes! I’m sorry, yes!”
“Good. Now leave, you’re ruining my wife’s mood”, Jungkook growls and pushes him away.
The man, who was once your brother, stumbles back and runs off with his tail tucked between his legs.
Jungkook stares him down until he truly left and only then, he turns to you. He puts his hands on your upper arms, touching you so gently one might never know how roughly he handled your brother seconds ago. His features are clouded over with worry. His body is smaller again and his muscles shrunk back to their relaxed size.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” he asks, studying you worriedly.
You shake your head, gasping for air in small, helpless breaths.
“Hey, sshhh you’re okay now. You’re okay”, he says, hugging you against his chest. One hand is on your back, the other on the back of your head. The calming scent of him engulfs you, masking your own frightened scent.
“People need to stop threatening me tonight”, you get out, sobbing into him.
“You’re okay, baby. You’re okay”, he keeps repeating the words, placing little kisses all over the crown of your head.
The fight of earlier feels far away to both of you. Especially to him.
It wasn’t long after you stumbled past him, that he followed you outside. At first he followed you with the intent of confronting you again, but then he saw that you were talking to your brother and he stayed back. Because of his heightened senses, he heard everything of your conversation with him. He also smelled your fear even before hearing your whimper and it drove up his desire to protect you to such levels that he has to tremble now that he finally holds you safe and sound.
“You’re okay. I’m here now. I’m here.”
You tilt your head up, meeting his eyes.
“This wasn’t my brother anymore.”
“I know, I’m sorry”, he says, wiping your tears.
“He murdered her. Kook, he is a murderer.”
“I heard everything. I’ll take care of it. I promise.”
“He looked at me as if he wanted to kill me too.”
“I wouldn’t have let him. He’d have been dead if he tried.”
“Kook”, you get out and hide away in his chest.
You smell so sad and heartbroken and scared. Jungkook feels parts of his body cramp from how much he trembles. He wants to protect you more than he already does. It is driving him insane that he can’t do more for you.
“Jungkook, I wanna go home but I don’t…” Your sad scent reaches its peak as tears roll down your cheeks. “I don’t even know where that is anymore”, you press out and sob.
“Hey no, don’t cry. I’ll take you home”, Jungkook says and puts his arm around you to lead you away from the venue. You let your head fall against him, crying loudly because everything is just a lot for you.
“Do we have to tell anyone? Can we just leave? What if they ask questions? I don’t know what to do anymore, I don’t-”
“Hey, everything is gonna be okay. We’re the bridal couple, they’ll just have to accept the fact that we left early.”
You nod your head in understanding. You are so glad that he took control right now. You would have been lost and overwhelmed without him.
You walk home side by side. It happens for comfort reasons that, after a while, you and he stop hugging so close. You are in nothing but your dress and he is in nothing but his suit. The streets are empty and quiet because the entire pack is currently at your wedding party.
You already walked long enough that you managed to calm down from the initial shock. It is an unspoken truth between you and him that you don’t want to talk about what happened. This means, however, that your walk is silent and that feels really awkward.
The town you grew up in hasn’t changed much ever since you were a child. The same trees still grow along the same streets, except that they are a lot taller these days. The same houses are still home to the same people and bonding nights are still held in the town’s sports hall.
Said sports hall is still close to the playground and the way home still leads through it.
You and Jungkook slow down as you walk down a metaphorical memory lane. You scraped your knee on the slide when you were eight and he had to blow on it to make it better. Jungkook sprained his ankle jumping off the swing when he was nine and you had to hold his hand as his mother rubbed it better again. Under the weeping willow, you and your friends played the silly little dares and you had your first kiss with him.
You look away from the tree, meeting Jungkook’s eyes. He looked at it as well. You turn your head away, feeling your throat tighten in panic. Jungkook feels his heart twist in reaction. The better voice in him says not to dwell on it, the love drunk idiot in him tells him to fight for it. He wins in the end.
“Wanna sit on the swings?” he suggests.
“And do what?”
“I don’t know. Swing? Sober up a little?”
You contemplate for a second, nodding your head in the end.
You weren’t even aware of how much you needed to sit until you are on the swing, stretching out your legs. You hate heels. They’re the worst shoes ever invented. You swing back and forth slowly, Jungkook does the same. This is still the same swing set you and he played on twenty years ago. The chains still leave this weird metallic smell on your hands and the rusty hinges seem to creak even more these days. You look up at the sky. The stars are so clear without the moon hiding them in her shine. You know this view all too well. In your left vision there are some branches of a maple tree and in the right a electrical pole is peaking at you. The view is familiar to you because twenty years ago, you and Jungkook sat at the same swing in the same order like you do today.
You dare to glance at him. He is looking at the sky, unaware of your eyes on him. His face is relaxed, his lips slightly parted in awe of the vast universe. His eyes are the darkest brown right now, reflecting the stars. The street lights behind him illuminate the edges of his silhouette, glimmering in parts of his dark hair as well. He is so beautiful when he thinks that no one is looking.
To think that you subconsciously chose the same swing even after all these years. He broke your heart like this fifteen years ago and now you are back, bonded. Your heart feels heavy. You shouldn’t have hesitated. You don’t know how Jungkook feels about this bond, but you get a feeling that you shouldn’t have hesitated.
A gust of wind sweeps through the playground and makes you shiver. Your teeth clatter and you wrap your arms around yourself to rub your freezing skin. He looks at you, studying you.
“Are you cold?” he asks.
“It’s fine. I just wasn’t planning on being outside for so long. I only wanted to catch some air for a bit. I’m kinda drunk.”
Jungkook stands up from his swing.
You watch him, confused.
He shrugs off his suit jacket and closes the distance to put it over your shoulders. It is warmed up from him, instantly stilling your shivers. It also smells like him, making you just a little droopy. He hovers his hands over your shoulders because he doesn’t know if you want his touch, talking in a soft voice.
“Is this better?”
“Yeah, thanks”, you whisper, feeling your heart race.
“Good. Keep it. I’m too hot anyway”, he says and leaves your side to sit down next to you.
He swings back and forth gently, watching some leaves dance on the ground as the wind carries them. Now is the perfect opportunity to talk, but he feels mute. He doesn’t want to fuck it up. Or perhaps he just doesn’t want to get hurt again.
He dances his eyes over the playground, reminiscing on all the memories he shares with you here. You and he could have been so right and then his father fucked him up. Jungkook forces down the heavy lump in his throat.
“What’s wrong?”
He looks at you with widened eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m an omega. I can smell when people around me are upset.”
“Ah. I don’t know. I guess, just thinking of old stuff”, he says and rubs the side of his neck.
“Yeah. Lots of memories here”, you say and sigh.
Jungkook sees it as his cue to ask you what he had planned to ask you before he witnessed you with your brother instead.
“Why did you hesitate?”
You almost fall off the swing in shock. Jungkook takes your hand, providing you with support. He feels vast of air when you instinctively squeeze him back and intertwine your fingers deeper. There they are again. Those mixed signals. You say one thing, but do the other. You do another thing, but say the complete opposite. Jungkook can barely take the confusion anymore, repeating his question again.
“I get it that you were nervous, but it looked like you didn’t want to kiss me at all. Why?”
“I just…”, you pull your hand back, swinging gently to soothe yourself.
Jungkook swings as well, looking at you.
“All of this is a lot for me. I went from a normal woman to a sex slave by a snatch to an omega marked, to a wife in the span of two weeks. This is a lot to work through.”
“Yeah, when you put it like this, it really is.”
“I didn’t think that our little stunt in the shed would lead to this.”
“Yeah honestly, neither did I. I thought that they would want us to date for a little and that’s it.”
“Yeah”, you agree and glance at him. “I’m scared that you are only doing this because your dad forced you. That’s why I hesitated. I saw the way he looked at me.”
“Don’t think about him. He is old and unhappy. He didn’t force me. Not when I…I dreamt of having you as my wife ever since I’ve known you.”
You stop swinging. Jungkook stops as well, turning with the swing to face you.
“I think that’s why I kissed you. The priest wanted to announce that it’s invalid and I panicked and went in. I just needed to know that this wouldn’t be lost forever.”
“Oh my god, you dreamed of bonding with me?” you press out, eyes full of emotions.
“Ever since I’ve known you. Well, you know, ever since I knew what bonding meant. I always wanted it to be with you.”
He rests his head against the metal chain, reaching his hands out for you. You turn with your swing and take his hands, feeling your pulse in your neck because of how high he raises it. His thumbs draw hearts on your skin, his eyes are so soft.
“Yeah, I guess it’s out there now”, he says, laughing softly.
“It is”, you whisper and squeeze his hands.
Jungkook squeezes them right back, smiling with his eyes before it washes over his lips as well.
“I can’t believe you’re telling me this on the same swing set you best friend broke up with me when we were twelve.”
He laughs, lifting his brows for it. It’s such a cute laugh, making you laugh with him.
“Correction, where I was forced to best friend break up with you ‘cause my dad is a control freak.”
“Right. I’m sorry that your dad sucks.”
"Yeah, I guess I got used to it. He’s my dad, that’s how he is.”
“I’m still sorry.”
“Thanks.” Jungkook says and lets go of your hands to twirl back to the front. He takes a deep breath and stands up.
“Where are you going?”
“If I remember correctly, you always loved the swing the most.”
“I did, but what’s that got to do with anything?”
He walks behind you and puts his hands on the chain of the swing.
“Hold on tight.”
“Huh? Oh!”
He pushes you, making you swing back and forth. You squeal, having to laugh afterwards. Jungkook snickers with you, pushing you a second time to make you swing higher. Your shared laughter dances through the playground and in this short moment in life’s series of moments, you and he feel like kids again. There are no responsibilities lingering in the back of your heads, no fears of the future, no stresses of past days nor dreams ruined by reality. You and he are twelve again, using the swings after a long day of playing adventurers in the forests. The stars shine brighter and the wind doesn’t feel that cold anymore. You are alive again, flying to the very stars with each push Jungkook gives you.
“Not too high please, I’ll get scared”, you squeal, feeling tears of laughter run down your cheeks.
“Don’t worry, I won’t push you too high. I never did, remember?”
You and he talk as he continues to push you on the swing.
“If I remember correctly, you sometimes pushed me way too high because you were a gremlin like that.”
“A gremlin? Wow, okay”, he laughs and pushes you extra hard as playful revenge.
“Hey! No, it’s too high!” you squeak, laughing way too much.
Jungkook does it again.
“Kook please! I’m gonna fall, ah!”
And it happens. Your drunk ass falls off the swing. You squeal, preparing for impact which never comes. Instead he catches you in his strong arms, looking down at you with protective, caring eyes.
“Are you okay?” he whispers.
“Yeah, thanks”, you whisper, watching his lips move. You giggle, dropping your head on his shoulder, “fuck, I’m too clumsy for this.”
“Hah, yeah.”
Jungkook noticed that you looked at his lips. For just a second, he wanted to kiss you. In the end, he didn’t. He won’t ever kiss you again without your consent.
He sets you down gently, holding both your hands against his chest. You look up at him, feeling a little robbed of air. His eyes race between yours as if he trying to build connection between your souls with just one look.
“I promise to be a good husband to you. No harm shall ever come to you through my hands and if I should ever break this promise, it is your right to strike me down. You have my body as protection and my heart to find a home in, ___. You always have and you always will.”
“You keep saying that. Does it mean..?”
“It does. It means that I love you and that I’ll do anything to make you happy.” He exhales shakily. “I know that you don’t feel the same and I’m sorry again that I kissed you. Please, can you forgive-”
You put your finger on his lips, silencing him. He whimpers a little because of it.
“Can I say something now? Please?”
“Of course”, he says and steps back, fumbling with his own hands nervously.
“I’m not mad at you anymore that you kissed me. I, I was planning to kiss you, I was. I just, I saw your dad and he wasn’t howling and then I thought that we’re only in this situation because you had to save me. And I panicked and I was scared that we’d regret it and yeah.”
He nods his head in understanding, lowering his eyes sadly. You take his hand.
“It meant something to me too.”
He meets your emotional eyes, feeling emotional himself.
“It meant something to me, maybe not the same as it did to you but it did mean something to me. I wanted to tell you this, but didn’t know how. I get nervous when I’m cornered and I forget my words and then say dumb stuff.”
“I get it. I’m sorry that I cornered you. I guess I have the tendency to be pushy when I’m nervous. I shouldn’t have cornered you, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah well, I should have said something. I liked what we did in the shed and it meant something to me.” You put his hand on your stomach. “You were alive inside me and it was the best feeling I ever experienced.”
Jungkook sighs your name, instinctively drawing closer to you.
“But we also barely know each other as adults. What if we realize that we’re not right as mates once we get to know each other?”
“I don’t think that will happen. I’m still the same than I was before, just older.”
“You’re an alpha these days.”
“I am and I’ll use this status to provide for you and to keep you safe. I promise.”
“Really?” you whisper, looking up at him with those same puppy eyes you had in the shed.
Jungkook feels weak in the knees. Those eyes are lethal to him.
“Yes, really. All I want is someone to provide for, someone to care for and protect. And for that someone to be you. I just. I wanna keep you safe, ___”, he says.
“Oh”, you let out and exhales shakily.
“Mhm, yeah”, he breathes and brushes the back of his fingers down your temple.
“But”, you begin.
“But not too much. I don’t want you to get hurt”, you say and trace his upper lip. The cut healed by now, but the memory of how it looked is still in your mind. Jungkook chases your touch, closing his fingers around your wrists. He holds you tenderly, tracing the spots most sensitive with his thumbs.
“Alright, not too much”, he whispers, smiling softly.
You share silence, looking at the other. Jungkook is the one to break it.
“We’ll get to know each other again and it’s gonna be nice. I want to make this work”, he whispers.
“I wanna make it work too. Not for the sake of my safety or anything, but because I wanna love you too.”
“You do?”
You nod your head.
Jungkook exhales shakily, closing the distance for a kiss. He stops just a breath away.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
You give him your answer by erasing the remaining distance, connecting your lips with his’. His knees buckle, his arms instantly fall around you to hold you close. The world around you seems non-existent as your lips are lost in the kind of kiss a bonded couple should exchange. It is epic. Jungkook feels so alive. He knows that if he tried hard enough, he could touch the stars.
You feel the same. This kiss is your reminder that whatever you and he have is out of your control. It is a bond made by fate, formed under a new moon. This is how you felt in the shed when he was alive inside you.
Those feelings are heightened because of the alcohol, forcing you closer to him. Which makes him lose control for just a second, ending in you pressed up against the swing set post and with his hand on your lower back.
It knocks out a soft moan from you. Jungkook answers it in a deep purr, sliding his right hand to your cheek to tilt your head higher. He sucks on your lower lip, ending it with a gentle bite.
The effect is instant for you. Slick begins to gather between your legs, your head gets droopy and everything inside you screams at you to give yourself to him.
Breathing shakily, you break the kiss. He stays close, gazing at you with half-lidded eyes and parted lips.
“Oh my god”, you whisper, tracing your own lips. They’re tingling from what he did.
“Yeah. Right?” he agrees, scrunching his nose and stubbing your temple with his forehead in a gesture of adoration. “Who’d have known that we’d kiss like this here”, he says, gazing at you.
Your eyes soften in submission. Jungkook feels drawn to you beyond repair.
“Keep looking at me with those eyes and we won’t reach home tonight”, he rasps, touching your waist as he basically undresses you with his eyes. “I’d take you right here and now. Make you feel so good that you see new constellations.”
Drunk you cannot handle talk like this, breaking into giddy giggles and hiding away in his chest.
“Are you laughing at me?” he gasps.
“No, oh god no. It’s just, nobody ever talked to me like this before”, you explain yourself between giggles, nuzzling closer.
Jungkook chuckles, rubbing your back.
“Get used to it. I realised that I’m kinda outta control when it comes to you. Maybe it’s the alpha gen.”
“Maybe”, you look up at him with pretty puppy eyes, arms wrapped around his waist and chin resting against his chest.
He stubs your nose with his own, hands groping your butt possessively.
“Stop looking at me.”
“It’s hard. When you touch me, I also lose control. I think it’s the omega gen.”
“Maybe. Or maybe you’re just a lightweight.”
“Hah! So you’re saying I’m just drunk?”
“Basically, yeah.”
You snicker, Jungkook grins.
“Come on, let’s go home before I actually do something indecent to you.”
You gladly let him hold your hand now that his kiss triggered your affectionate instincts, following him in happy steps.
Your walk home ends at Jungkook’s house. Two stories high and with a big garden surrounding it, it was one of the more luxurious houses in town.
“This is where we’ll live?”
“If you want to. I figured, you know, given how you still live with your parents and I’m living alone, we could use my place. It’s totally fine if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s okay.”
“Yes? Great then we can get your stuff in the coming days. But for now, let me do this right”, he says and swoops you off your feet.
“Ah”, you let out, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. “What are you doing?”
“Carrying you over the threshold. Why?”
“Nothing, it’s so”, you stop talking to giggle instead, nuzzling your nose against his cheek. “It’s so cheesy.”
Jungkook chuckles, heart racing in his chest. He kicks the door closed behind him and does a twirl in the middle of his hallway.
“Wait! I’m too drunk for this! Eeek”, you squeak, hiding away in his neck. “Please stop, I’m too dizzy.”
Luckily for you, Jungkook listens. He stops and sets you down, holding you close as you sway.
“This wasn’t funny. Oh god, I’m dizzy”, you laugh, dropping your forehead against his chest. He rests his cheek against your head, talking in a chuckle.
“See? Told you. Total lightweight.”
“I’m not a lightweight. You’re just a gremlin”, you say and shove at his chest. He laughs, holding your hands.
“You’re adorable. Come, dance with me”, he says, placing your left hand on his neck and holding the other.
“Dance? Right now?”
“Yeah. Just you and I. We’ll do it right this time.”
“But I’m dizzy.” You step on his foot, making him groan. “And I have two left feet when drunk. Sorry, are you okay?”
“I’m okay. I’m more than okay”, he says, smiling at you as your bodies move to silent melodies.
“It’s fine, baby. Just look at me”, he whispers, right hand on your lower back. It is so warm.
You look up at him. The pull is magnetic and fucking electric. You are so attracted to him. He has you feeling drunker than any amount of alcohol ever could. You are so fuzzy inside because of all the laughing you have been doing.
“You have the most beautiful eyes ever”, Jungkook whispers, raising your pulse with it.
“Kook, I”, you begin, eyes flitting to his lips. Merely seeing the shape of them is enough to reignite the flames in your stomach. Dancing becomes a little harder now that you are so excited.
“What’s the matter?” he whispers.
“It’s embarrassing”, you confess with a heated face.
“Tell me.”
“No, it’s so stupid. I don’t even wanna do it but it just happens.”
He guides his touch from your lower back to your waist. Gentle and loving but insanely possessive at the same time. “I promise I won’t laugh.”
You hesitate.
“I’m, uh, there is slick.”
Jungkook draws closer, making you chase his kiss.
“Shit. There is?”
“Yeah”, you whimper.
He lowers his eyes, making you taste the idea of his kiss. It makes you so desperate for him.
“Is this normal for you or….”
You shake your head, “it never happened before. Not like this. Or that easily. I don’t know, I’m sorry, I can’t stop it.”
“Holy fuck. Baby.”
“It’s so stupid.”
“No, it’s not. Just kiss me.”
You kiss him. At least you try to because before your lips can touch, you step on his toes again. Vigorously.
“Ouch, hey”, he gasps, flinching back.
“Sorry! Oh my god, sorry. Are you okay?"
“Ah fuck”, he laughs, “yeah, I’m okay. You’re a terrible dancer.”
“Hey”, you pout.
He chuckles and pecks your cheek.
“I want to show you one thing before we make it official”, he says.
“Show me, please.”
“Follow me. You can leave your shoes by the door.”
Jungkook’s home is somehow exactly how you imagined it to be. It is neat and tidy, but doesn’t really have a lot of character. The rooms are spacious with little furniture filling them. The furniture is modern and there are barely any decorations present. It is the house of someone who doesn’t feel at home in it. The desire to make it cozy and homey for him becomes stronger and stronger within you. There are already a million ideas swarming your head.
“You’re quiet. Do you not like it here?” Jungkook asks you.
“No, it’s not that. I’m thinking.”
"About what?”
“It’s gonna sound silly.”
“Tell me.”
“I already have so many ideas on how to make it cozier here. Sorry, I know it’s your house and everything.”
Jungkook steps close and cradles your face, making you look up at him.
“And it’s your home. Make it as cozy as you want to”, he speaks softly, eyes warm and caring.
He nods, kissing your forehead.
“This place never felt like a home to me anyway. It can use the caring touch of an omega.”
You can’t explain how he makes you feel because you never experienced it before. The best way to describe it is cozy and safe. You want to curl up close to him and be yourself with him. This is how he makes you feel. As if you are allowed to be your truest You.
“Speaking of cozy omegas, we’re here.”
“Here where?”
“My surprise for you. I worked hard on it these past few days.”
He opens the door for you, allowing you view of one of the coziest rooms you have ever seen. It is filled with soft surfaces to lie on. A bed, a big sofa, some bean bags, a window bench. Curtains frame the window and the bed. The floor is covered in soft rugs. There are pillows to sink into on every surface and he installed fairy lights on the wall and the bed frame.
“What’s this?” you gasp.
“It’s your nest.”
You look at him. He is clearly nervous, smelling of it as well.
“I’m still new to the entire omega heat thing. I know that they’re a thing, obviously, and I know that you like to get cozy for them. I looked up nest inspirations online. It told me that you like lots of pillows and blankets and that I should make it cozy and warm. You can totally change everything in this room, of course.” He touches the side of his neck. “I just thought that I’d try to make it comfortable for you. At least maybe? I don’t know, I just wanna make it nice for you.”
Your lower lip trembles.
“Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t wanna make you cry. Is it that bad? I’m sorry, I suck at interior design.”
You shake your head and fall around his neck, “thank you.”
Jungkook closes his arms around you, nuzzling his nose into your neck. You smell of happiness right now.
“Does this mean you like it?” he asks.
“I love it so much. I never had a nest before. I’m so happy.”
“You are?”
“Yes, so much.”
You step back, giving him a smile. Jungkook retorts it. You giggle and turn so you can hurry through the room.
Jungkook watches you, enjoying the droopy feelings in his chest. The longer you are in the room and the more details you spot, the stronger your scent of happiness gets. It almost fills up the entire room by now, making him feel so warm and complete. He feels at home in his house for the very first time.
“This is so cozy, oh my god. So soft, wow. I love this colour, holy moly. Wow. So cozy. Wow”, you gush and gasp as you inspect everything and anything.
You end up dropping into one of the beanbags, nuzzling into it as deep as possible while you purr in contentment.
Jungkook feels his knees buckle. He got you to purr. Holy fuck, he was seriously placed on this earth to treat you right.
He closes the distance between you and him, kneeling down in front of you. He comes closer, putting his weight on his elbow which he rests on the beanbag above your head. He leans down to kiss your cheek.
You stop your nuzzling, gasping quietly as his sudden closeness surprises you. You look up and can’t look away again.
“You’re the most beautiful bride I have ever seen”, he whispers, cradling your cheek with his other hand.
“Oh”, you let out, feeling dizzy.
“No wonder I had to kiss you.” He furrows his brows. “I know I shouldn’t have done this and I’m sorry.”
“I’m not angry anymore. You built me a nest”, you tear up, “Jungkook, please give me my bonding night. I want to be with you.”
“Really? Are you sure?”
“So sure, please. I can’t take it anymore.” You shiver. “I keep producing slick and I’m so cold without you and, and I wanna feel that good again. Like we did in the shed. I, I wanna feel like this again. Please.”
Jungkook closes his fist on the beanbag, trying to keep himself at bay. His instincts threaten to kick in when you beg like this.
“Do you want it here?”
“Yes, please.”
“And you know what I’ll do to you? What might happen again?”
You deepen the lethalness of your puppy eyes, taking his hand to put it over your stomach. You whisper your words, turning him into puddy.
“I want to feel alive again. Together with you.”
“Holy fuck, ___”, Jungkook croaks and goes in for a kiss. He growls and stops himself. “I need you to say that you understand. Please, don’t make me do it without hearing it first.”
“Yes, Kook. I know what you’ll do to me. I need you to, please.”
“Thank you. Oh my god baby, I wanna treat you so right”, he croaks out and finally falls into the kiss. “I’ll never ever force myself onto you again. Never. Fucking never. Holy fuck, baby”, he babbles between kisses, turning you into a weak, turned on mess. “Wanna treat you so right. My baby. Mine.”
His touch is everywhere at the same time, unable to decide where to find its home. It feels so good. Each spot he touches, tingles and heats up. Whenever he changes spots, it leaves behind shivers and goosebumps before the entire process repeats itself again.
You want to keep kissing him, but soon have to stop because of his touch. You have to gasp for air, you would suffocate otherwise.
Jungkook, barely holding onto the threat of humanity by now, doesn’t see any problem in being denied your lips. He kisses a path to your neck hungrily. Your aroused smell becomes stronger and stronger the closer he gets to your scent glands. He knows how good it feels when someone kisses his scent spots and he wonders if it is the same for you.
He kisses the spot on your left side, forcing you to arch your back and gasp loudly. You instinctively grasp his back.
“Do you like this?” he rasps his words, nibbling on the sensitive spot. You smell so good. Jungkook has never felt such an obsession with another’s scent before. He needs it all over his body, melted with his skin so everyone can smell who his heart belongs to. He can’t stop kissing you, picking up more and more of your scent.
“Does this feel good?” he asks again because you were too busy gasping the first time.
“Ye-yeah”, you gasp out, staring at the ceiling in shock. Your fingers twitch and tremble on his back, claws threatening to come out and slice open his shirt.
What is happening to you? You were kissed on your neck before, but this feels different. This feels lethal, fateful, like it is changing the way you view pleasure. You have never felt so electric before and so close to losing control.
“You smell so good, I can��t get enough.”
“Wow, oh god, wow…”
Jungkook stays on your left side until he can smell your arousal on his lips. Only then, does he kiss a sloppy path to your right side. He moans when he witnesses you roll your head to the side willingly and he moans again when he goes in to worship your hard working scent spot. And it is working hard. Fucking hell, you smell like pure sex and arousal. Jungkook huffs it up hungrily, biting and licking at the delicious spot.
All while you stare and gasp and lose control over yourself. The bites feel so good. You want to squirm and moan. Your head is fuzzy, your body so weakened. What is happening? What the fuck is happening to you? You can’t stop producing more slick. You are so hot. Seriously, so fucking hot. Oh god, you can’t think anymore. Anything you can think is how much you need him to fuck you.
“Seriously, fuck”, Jungkook comes up for air, mouthing at your cheek drunkenly, “you smell so good. I feel high.”
“I wanna be naked”, you croak out, arching your back. You don’t have many thoughts except desire and sex. Being naked is all you crave right now. If you’re naked, Jungkook can potentially bite more parts of you. This is the logic of your fuzzy mind and it is driving you crazy that it isn’t your reality yet.
“Sit up then and let me open your dress.”
You obey gladly, almost dry heaving in desire. Jungkook reaches behind you and opens your dress. He wanted to pull it off slowly to make the moment romantic, but you shrug it off quickly for him.
He meets your eyes. They are golden and clouded in desire.
“Are you okay with this?” he asks.
“Why not?”
“I never saw you naked before.”
“Oh.” A little clarity returns to your eyes. “Right.”
He can smell hints of coyness in your scent. And a little bit of nervousness.
“Wrap your arms around me.”
You obey his order and like this, Jungkook is able to lift you out of your dress and carry you to bed. He lays you down carefully, straddling your lap without sitting down.
You are below him in nothing but your underwear, feeling small and fragile, but so safe.
“Do you wanna take it slower?” he suggests.
“No, just nervous that’s all.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle. We can slow down whenever you need to.”
“Okay”, you whisper and make puppy eyes at him, “can you, uhm, can you bite me more?”
“Yes. Wow this is…hah. Of course”, he lets out, “first, let me match you.”
He is getting undressed. First his tie, then he opens his buttons. His shirt leaves him first, next his belt and last his slacks. He stays in his briefs, heavy cock straining the fabric as much as he soaks it.
Now sharing in your state of undress, he leans down, taking your hands to pin them gently. He kisses you, blurring your thoughts into one big mess of arousal and safety. His thumbs caress your hands as he kisses you. Your scent is on his face, forcing even more slick to run out of you. Any sort of nervousness you felt is getting wiped out with each new kiss you share. He tastes so goddamn good. His lips are soft and the piercings on them are so exciting to feel.
The kiss breaks when air is sparse. Jungkook stays close to paint paths of worship down your body. He bites the softest spots and sucks marks of ownership on the firmer spots. And you are in heaven, wishing for him to never stop. Such heavenly feelings are unfamiliar to you. You had people mark you before, but it didn’t feel like this. With Jungkook, you need him to continue. You need to know that every single inch of you is marked by him in one way or the other. Whether it be a bite mark, a kiss spot or his scent, you need it on your body and each time he gives it to you, you leak more slick. It is out of your control, unfamiliar and amazing. So amazing.
Jungkook is lingering over your sternum right now, hot breath tickling your skin. His strong hands are holding you under your armpits, reminding you that you were owned by the safest lover.
“I know it’s difficult for you, but please stop me if I go too fast. I can’t stop myself once I let go, so I need you to yell it at me.”
“Please. Don’t stop. Please, you feel so good”, you sigh, writhing.
“Wow, I….fuck, I want you”, he rasps, having to kiss every inch of you. “I want you. I want you so bad.”
“Ah…please…don’t stop…”
Jungkook reaches your breasts. They are swollen and plumb from arousal. They aren’t always like this. When you are feeling normal, they also look and feel normal. They are how breasts are supposed to be, sagging from gravity and soft when lying down. Not right now. They stay in place. They are a little bigger, plumber and hot to the touch. They also smell like your arousal. Even through the fabric of your bra. It is so much sweeter and richer than it was on your neck. Jungkook moans like a druggy having found his drug, going in for a taste with an open mouth and way too much tongue.
“Ah”, you whimper, following it up with a submissive mewl. You are losing control again and it feels so good. Why does everything he does feel so good? It is as if you are a virgin being touched for the very first time, which is insane because you definitely aren’t.
“Your skin’s so soft and warm. I can’t get enough of you”, he mumbles between his hungry kisses, turning you into puddy. You lost sense of how much more you can still take before you burst.
His masculine, possessive hands hold your breasts, kneading the sensitive flesh desperately. His spit soaks the fabric of your bra, leaving behind spots of coldness whenever he moves on to a new spot.
It happens again. You experience sensations you have never felt before. People played with your tits before, you played with them as well but it never felt like this. It never felt so otherworldly. They are so swollen. You can’t breathe because there is so much pressure building up behind your nipples. You throw your hand over your mouth to muffle the overwhelmed sob, twisting the sheets with your other hand. It hurts. The pressure really hurts not to be taken care of.
Jungkook doesn’t seem to hear your panicked whimper because he doesn’t slow down in his feast.
“Your scent, I’m so high. It’s insane, holy fuck, so good…”
It gets too much for you. The pressure hurts so much. You’re scared. What is happening to you?
Jungkook squeezes your breasts and bites down gently. The pressure bursts. You wail, arching your back as warmth trickles out of your nipples, soaking your bra.
The sweet scent of it hits his nose instantly. He tenses up and shudders, cock threatening to burst through his briefs.
“What the-”
Jungkook’s instincts tell him to rip your bra off and lick up the sweet scent, but he forces himself to be stronger than them. It is you who lies below him in such a vulnerable state. If he took advantage of that, he would never forgive himself.
“Jungkook, help me. Please. I’m scared”, you beg him in a quivering voice.
“Try to focus on me. Focus baby, right here”, he tells you, cradling your cheeks.
Your eyes search aimlessly for a moment, but soon find their home in his gaze.
“Koo”, you whimper, grabbing his wrists, “I’m scared. What is happening to me?”
“I don’t know. It never happened to me before. My instincts tell me to clean it for you, but I don’t know if you want this.”
“Please, it hurts. Just make it stop, please.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, please”, you sob.
“Sit up.”
You barely manage to obey. Jungkook supports you, using his other hand to open your bra and tug it off of you. He throws it to the side, helping you lie down again.
Your breasts, normally victims to gravity, stay plumb and perky as you lie down. It is yet another proof that whatever he is doing to you is working beyond comprehension.
“Holy fuck, ___, your tits”, Jungkook gets out, gawking at them in total awe. They are seriously so swollen, your nipples are so hard and they seem to keep leaking pearlescent liquid. “You’re so beautiful, but holy fuck they’re so swollen. Baby, wow.,”
“I don’t know what’s happening. They’re so… so…there’s so much pressure.”
“I can’t. Oh god.”
If only you and he knew that this is happening to you because he stimulated your scent glands. If only you knew that simulation of said glands only works this well with your true mate. You could have a hundred other men play with your tits the same way Jungkook did, but your body would never fall into such helplessness with any of them. Only he will get you to such levels of pleasure. Because it is only his mouth which is destined to taste your sweet pleasure.
You and he are unaware of this fact however, because this is still new to both of you.
“What, what do you need me to do?” He stutters, salivating.
“I don’t know. Your instincts, I don’t- ah.”
“Right.” His eyes glow golden. “My instincts”, he growls and gives in to the voices. “Stay still, I’ll take care of it.”
He picks up your tits and squeezes them together so your nipples are close to each other. He lowers his dripping mouth to them, taking in your right first but with the intention that your left will follow very soon.
His instincts tell him to stimulate your nipples with soft bites first until they are throbbing and then change to sucking them. He listens to his instincts, getting you to moan so loudly that his cock throbs painfully.
“Is this working, baby?” he asks, drooling all over your sweet nipples.
“Oh god, yeah”, you croak, arching your back. You twist the sheets, curling your toes. “It doesn’t hurt anymore, Koo thank you…”
“Fuuuck baby, so hot”, he drags out his words until it turns into a growl instead, loving you oh so right.
He bites and bites, licks whenever you sob and bites some more, all while his strong fingers knead your plumpness. And then it happens. You arch your back and wail up as his stimulation finally forces your breasts to tighten and throb. Liquid shoots into his mouth and down his throat. It is the sweetest taste he ever had on his tongue, intoxicating him beyond saving. Jungkook’s eyes roll back, he thinks that for a second he blacks out before he comes back to be totally guided by his instincts.
He gurgles and moans, sucking the sweet nectar from your right nipple while his fingers play with your left just to keep it ready for him. It is a messy business and whenever he changes sides, he has to lick up the mess he made before he can suck on your nipple. It is not a terrible fate. On the contrary, it’s heaven. For both. Jungkook has never felt this high before while you love his tongue on your body. He is so hot and soft, giving you the perfect contrast to the sharp bites his fangs give you.
“Kook oh god, Kook ah! Ah! A-ah!”
You spill tears, grabbing your own face to muffle yourself and make sense of what is happening to you. This is life altering. You are in a constant state of genuine orgasmic bliss and it doesn’t want to die down. You can literally feel how Jungkook sucks the liquid out of you, relieving you of the painful pressure as he does it. It helps so much, while at the same time making everything worse.
He might help you with the nectar of your breasts, but your body still keeps producing slick. And it is getting dangerously full inside you. Your panties feel like imprisonment to your cunt.
You twist a bundle of his hair, sobbing in ecstasy and desperation.
“Koo, I’m scared, it’s so good”, you sob, trembling.
Your touch motivates him. He is starving for you even though he is currently feasting on you. He seemed to have sucked you dry. No matter how much he bites and sucks, your nipples stay dry. The starvation remains. He needs more of you.
“More, give me more please”, he orders, growling his words between vigorous sucks.
“I, I can’t. Ah, Kook ah.”
“Fuck, I can’t stop. You’re so sweet.”
He can’t take a break, he needs more of you. He lets your scent guide him. It gets stronger and stronger, the closer he comes to your cunt. Don’t be mistaken however, it is not your pussy which calls him, but your inner thighs. Your scent glands to be more specific. Working overtime to produce your arousing smell and begging for attention. They are the most sensitive of your scent spots, but you don’t know that yet. You had men kiss you there before, but none of them were Jungkook. None were your mate.
Jungkook shoves your legs open and buries his face in your right thigh with a growl. His fingers dimple your softness, his fangs tickle your skin. Not long and he bites you.
Your entire body reacts to it. You tense and flinch as if he shocked you, letting out a howl of surprise. Your empty cunt aches, craving nothing more than him.
Jungkook lifts his head, eyes droopy and drugged and lips still glossy from your tits.
“Is like a drug. You is like a drug”, he lulls his words and drops his face back in your thigh. Your left one for a change. He kisses and licks it, grabbing your waist possessively. He holds you with such strength that he even manages to bring it in a little, forcing you to burn in a fire you were never in before.
“I fucking want you, fucking need you, fuck can’t get enough.”
“I’m so hot, I-I’m so hot.”
“So hot, so fucking soft. Fuck, your smell drives me insane.”
“Oh god, Kook. I’m so hot.”
The thing about omegas and heats is that it isn’t as common as one might think. Before an omega has reached maturity, heats obviously aren’t a thing. Afterwards, they are manageable when living with other family members. They feel more as if you were bad mooded and grumpy. You managed to sleep them off whenever they happened.
Burning in this unfamiliar fire as Jungkook repeatedly bites your sensitive scent spots makes you realize that perhaps you have never truly experienced a real heat before. Maybe it slumbers in an omega until they are with their true mate. Maybe the grumpy days are just nature’s way of saving the omega of embarrassing moments in front of family.
You can’t explain why you know, but this is it. This is the real deal. Jungkook stimulated your sensitive glands for long enough that he forces you to go into heat. It feels different from anything you have ever experienced, it even feels different from the thing you thought to be your heat when he was with you in the shed. You were wrong back then, this is it. This is the real thing.
And it scares you so much that you beg for him. He comes up when hearing your distraught, cradling your face. He is clearly far away, seeming changed as well. The only thing having forced him away from you is his stronger instinct of keeping you safe. His dark hair is a mess, his eyes are foggy.
“What’s the matter, baby?” he lulls his words.
“I’m, I’m in heat.”
“What? It can happen like this?”
“When you bit my scent spots, it made me…oh god, please make it stop please.”
“What, uhm, what do you need?”
“You. Please fuck me. I beg you.”
“Holy fuck, I-” Jungkook stops himself, growling deeply and twisting the pillow above your head, “something’s wrong with me. I’m losing control over myself.”
“Koo”, you croak, touching his chest. He is burning up, muscles swollen and tense. His heart races like crazy, unnaturally fast at that.
“What is happening to me?” he stresses.
“I don’t know.”
If only you and he knew that his accidental efforts of forcing you into heat, forced him into his ruts with you. If only you knew that these are the effects of being with your true mate. If only you knew that the only remedy is sex. But you don’t know and so you and he are fated to stumble through the unknown, still doing the right things because your instincts are stronger than anything else. It is as if your bodies do the talking without you and him having to speak their language yet. It is most certain that you will be fluent in it one day.
“I want to rip your panties off.”
"Please do.”
Jungkook gives in and does as he wants. He rips your panties off, throwing the thin piece of fabric over his shoulder. He rips off his own briefs next, discarding the fabric. His heavy, thick cock slaps your stomach. He is so big and swollen by now that he can barely stand up despite his hardened nature. His slick pools in your navel and smears all over your skin.
“Holy fuck, urgh fuck”, he drops his head in your neck, “it hurt so much to keep it in.”
“Kook, you’re so heavy.”
“I know, I’m so hard that I can’t keep it standing. I…” He lifts his head, cradling your cheek. “Say you want me.”
“I want you.”
Jungkook shifts his hips so his cock probes at your entrance. You whimper and open your legs widely, putting them around his meaty thighs.
“Just the tip”, he whispers.
“What? No”, you get out and pout.
Jungkook chuckles, cradling your cheek.
“You know, like last time.”
“Oh”, a giggle shakes you and makes your face glow.
He chuckles, soaking up the moment of honest happiness like a dried up sponge would water. Each time he hears your laugh, he falls more in love with you.
“Just the tip when it didn’t mean anything and we shouldn’t have done it.”
Your giggle changes into a sigh of his name. You gaze into his eyes, building soul consuming connection.
Jungkook allows his tip to fill you. Just enough to let you feel that he was finally there with you. You whimper, spilling tears of relief.
Jungkook wipes them, spilling his own tears. He loves you. This is it. The moment it is official that you are mates. And it happens exactly how he always dreamed it would. You under him, looking so vulnerable and safe as he can gaze into your eyes and see your face change in pleasure.
“This means everything to me”, he croaks out and buries himself inside you to the base. “Ah.” He twists the pillow.
“Oh god. Ah.”
“Too deep? Hurts?”
“No, it’s perfect. I feel, ah, I feel whole.”
Jungkook moans your name, eyes filling with emotion.
You touch his messy hair, scratching him behind his ear. Jungkook shivers, eyes threatening to roll back. You are stimulating one of his scent spots, forcing him deeper into his ruts.
“Okay. If you. Fuck. This is my scent spot. It feels. Ahm. I, I have to fuck you”, he struggles with his words, cock throbbing inside you as if it had his own pulse.
Throb. Throb. Throb.
He fills you with more of his slick each time he twitches. It tingles whenever he does.
“Please don’t hold back. Fuck me like you need to, please”, you whimper, shaking in agony. You tickle his scent spot especially good and it’s over for him.
Jungkook’s fingers slip from control. He can’t hold back anymore. He knows that you can take it.
He pulls out only to slam into you again in a deep, passionate rhythm. In and out. In and out. It is endless and harsh and feels so fucking good.
Your eyes instantly roll back and stay there. Your fingers dimple the nape of his neck as you clutch him for dear life. Jungkook himself can’t keep his eyes focused, gazing at you through a veil of blurriness.
“Is this good for you?” he gets out through gritted teeth.
“Good”, you wail, writhing in ecstasy.
“Fuck, I’m fucking high on you.”
He thought that he knew the feeling of your cunt but this is different. This actually forces him to listen to nothing but his instincts. He thought that he was out of control in the shed, but he wasn’t. This is it. You are so hot around him, so soft and you are filled with slick to the very brim. It is Jungkook’s task to fuck it out of you in heavy, strong thrusts, making a mess of your bodies and the sheets in the process. He isn’t aware of it yet but this gives you so much relief. You were bursting inside and now it is finally leaving you. There is no muscle in your body which isn’t currently puddy. Everything you exist for right now is to be fucked by him. There is no other sensation to you than that of his thick cock reshaping your insides.
“Baby, this is a lot. Holy fuck, this is argh”, Jungkook gets out, scrunching his face in anger. He wants to go deeper, but he can’t. It pisses him off, makes him want to break shit. He knows it’s this stupid position. Fucking good for nothing. Who thinks of something that unfavourable? (Jungkook will think back to this moment once he is clear in his head and wonder why he hated missionary so much.) But he hates it right now. He can’t even see himself inside you, his base is barely inside.
“More, I need more”, he growls and pulls out.
“No please, please it hurts please”, you instantly beg.
“Patient, I’m rearranging you.”
Jungkook takes your legs and guides them into a better position. You let him reshape you. This is what your body currently exists for and wants. It needs someone as strong and dominant as Jungkook to bend it to his will. Each second where he handles you feels like heaven.
He puts your legs over his shoulders.
You obey, giving them to him. He puts them on your own thighs, squeezing them against the back of them.
“Hold them for me there. I want you to feel yourself shake.”
“Yes”, you whimper.
“Good omega. What a perfect thing you are”, he lulls and slides his hands to your ankles. He picks them off his shoulders and lifts them up. Like this, he opens you for him. Your butt is lifted off the sheets, your cunt instantly gushes out masses of slick.
“I can’t keep it in”, you confess.
“It’s good, baby. You don’t have to. Relax”, Jungkook assures you in a hungry whisper, eyes a deep gold and mesmerised by you. He moves his hips close and buries his heavy cock back in you.
You mewl, curling your toes. Slick drips onto the sheets as it makes space for his girthy length, you feel whole again.
“There we go, fuck”, Jungkook growls and bottoms out. He stays there for nothing but a second before he pulls out again to pick up a punishing rhythm.
It feels so good that your eyes roll back and you resort to moaning and wailing for him. Jungkook moans with you each time he is deep inside you. This finally scratches the itch. This is finally as deep as he can go. He can finally see himself inside you. Finally he can see how his thick cock reshapes your swollen cunt. He is so big and you take him so easily, moving and trembling around him as he repeatedly pounds you stupid. If you keep this up, he might get pussy drunk.
“I can’t take this. You’re so pretty. Is it good for you?”
“Yes. More, please.”
“You’re so perfect. Holy fuck”, he growls and throws your legs over his shoulders to hold your hips instead and pull you onto his cock each time he thrusts into you. You are tighter like this, jerking off his fat cock.
Your voice pitches and rises in volume. You were never fucked like this before. Your needs were never ever getting satisfied like this before. It is changing you and Jungkook makes it even better by taking your clit between his fingers to massage her. She is so swollen and big that he can jerk her off just a little, making you howl. Your hands drop from your thighs just so you can rip the sheets in your attempt to twist them.
You can’t take it. He makes you climax. It is so intense and fulfilling that your sensitive breasts leak again. You howl his name as it happens.
The scent of your sweet breasts and your pretty face sets off Jungkook.
“I have to. It happens”, he gets out and throws his head back. He moans loudly, falling victim to his orgasm. His toes curl for it, his tones stomach flinches.
And because you are currently in heat, existing for nothing but him, his seed sets you off again. It brings you back into this uncontrollable, intense state of bliss you experienced for the first time in the shed. It should be familiar to you by now, but it is not.
You cry and sob, knowing that you won’t be able to stop orgasming for as long as your body needs to.
Jungkook knots instantly, cursing so graphically that he is surprised himself.
“Baby, I can’t stop. I can’t, I’m sorry”, he chants panickedly, unable to stop his hips from rutting into you. It forces his knot to keep leaving you and then popping back inside. The stimulation is unlike anything he has ever felt before, making his toes cramp from curling them so harshly and his hips become even more violent.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, it feels so good. Stop me, I can’t stop it”, he apologises because you cry so much. He wants to stop hurting you but he can’t. His hips rut against his will.
“Don’t stop please. It feels so good”, you release him of his guilt, clenching down on him as he drills his knot back into you.
“What? You’re in no pain?”
“No pain. Oh god Koo, I’m cumming again…Ah!” You have to wail, squirting around his thick knot as he buries it inside you over and over again.
“Ah! This is the best sex I ever had, oh god”, Jungkook moans, arching his back.
The knot fucking burns so deep in such a good way. You are so empty without him, the breach is so intense and once he is inside again everything is well. Your pussy sounds so wet, squelching around his knot sinfully. This is seriously the best sex he ever had.
“It’s so good, I’m so high”, he growls, following your orgasm with his own. It is so unbearable to keep moving but his hips have a mind of their own. They keep rutting and fucking even through Jungkook’s shakes. “I can’t stop this. Holy fuck, urggghh.“
If you knew that your little stunt in the shed would lead to having your guts knot fucked by none other than Jeon Jungkook, you would have agreed to this bond sooner. Yup, we have reached the point of total acceptance of your situation. Fuck that his father didn’t howl. Fuck that you only married Jungkook because you were forced to. Fuck that this wasn’t meant to happen. This right now is everything which counts. It is making this entire situation right. It was meant to happen.
“Jungkook, I can’t stop”, you sob, grabbing for him helplessly.
“I know. I can’t either”, he gets out, holding your hands and pinning them above your head. Like this he is lying himself down on you, folding your willing body in half and burying his knotted cock so deep inside you that you feel him against your cervix. In your state, lost in heat and his seed, it is the highest level of pleasure he can give you. And you thank him with loud cries and your claws digging into his hands against their will.
His own claws come out to play. He angles his hands so they wouldn’t hurt you. Like this, your hands are under his’, shaking and twitching as he brings you over one edge after the other.
“I can’t stop. Jungkook please help me”, you wail.
“You’re safe. I’m here. Baby, I’m here”, he soothes you and shakes as he manages to bury his knot in you again. You are getting tighter and tighter and his knot more and more sensitive. “Urgh, baby you’re making me- ah!”
He loses control, pumping your belly full of his hot cum. Now that he is pressed against your cervix, his seed pushes its way right past it, giving you the feeling of being alive you so dearly craved. Of course it sets you off again, of course you cry as if you never had an orgasm before and experience it for the first time. Of course it sets him off again. Of course all of this is happening. It was meant to happen. Of course it was.
And as you cry and sob in relief and bliss, Jungkook can barely stop his claws from hurting you. He grew in size and strength. Your small, fragile body is in danger of being crushed under him.
He does what he needs to do. Jungkook grips the headboard, growling like a rabid animal. You are so stretched out, so lose around his knot. And so wet. He can’t stop fucking you with his creamy knot. It feels so good to have you struggle for a second but then take him happily. It feels even better because you moan with such ecstasy each time he drills it back into you.
Jungkook growls and grips the headboard tighter. And tighter. And tighter with each heavy thrust. With each of your moans. Tighter and tighter until suddenly it cracks loudly, breaking into two right under his hand. The bed gives up, forcing you to sink a good ten centimetres.
“What?” You squeak out, looking around you disoriented.
“Doesn’t matter. Look at me”, he dismisses it, cradling your cheek tenderly. One might never know that seconds ago he broke the bed with the same hand. “Look at me, only look at me.”
You look at him and fall back into the pleasure, having to orgasm instantly at the sight of him.
You wail for him, watching with blurry eyes as he orgasms as well.
His seed hits you in the deepest parts of you. He fucked you so sensitive that you can feel his thick vein pump it out of him. His knot trembles as it happens, bringing you to your blissed limits.
“Me too. If you- I- me too.”
His hips freeze as he is deep inside you. Your walls tighten and force his knot to stay inside you. He can’t move. It is happening to you as his seed drugs you, his knot does the rest. You can’t stop climaxing. It is finally happening.
Jungkook whimpers helplessly, dropping your legs and collapsing into you. Your limbs close around him, his own do the same with you. He is on top of you, but gravity forces him to fall to his side and take you with him. You are stuck together, shaking and flinching as your bodies are trapped in the most addicting state of being. You orgasm which sets him off, which sets you off and so on. You should know the drill, but it doesn’t get easier to bear. You drool and sob and moan, holding each other so close that you almost melt together.
Jungkook cries out as an especially strong high hits him, writhing helplessly which ends in your position changed. He is on his back, you serve as his warmest blanket. He hugs you so strongly, knotted cock shaking inside your tight walls. You drool all over his strong chest, feeling far away because you are so close to his scent glands. He smells like sex and ecstasy but also like safety.
It feels more intense than last time. This kind of knotting orgasm isn’t just sexual, it is also emotional. You want to be close and you are and it is ecstasy. There is enlightenment that what is happening to you only happens because you are with your true mate and this enlightenment makes the orgasms only this much more intense.
The sun is starting to rise once you and he finally come down. You are fucked raw and sore by now, crying into the crook of his neck.
“Holy fuck baby, urgh. I can’t do it again. I’m cramping”, he says, “sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m sore. Kook please I’m scared.”
“Don’t be, I’m here. Baby, my love. I can’t believe we did that”, he instantly falls into a love drunk, sappy state. He hugs you so tightly, feeling up your knotted pussy gently to soothe her.
“I don’t wanna be on top, please”, you beg, shivering.
“You’re safe, princess. I’m here”, Jungkook says and changes positions for you. Somehow in a mixture of his strength and your refusal to give up his knot, you and he end up in flipped positions. He is still inside you, keeping you bred and warm. All while he gives you warmth through his body, adoring you right with kisses all over your face and neck.
“I’m so proud. I’m so fucking proud. Holy fuck, I feel high. You did do well. Oh my pretty princess. My baby love”, he whispers between his loving kisses, hands caressing your sweaty, sore skin gently.
This is instinct as much as it is his heart’s desire. He wants to soothe you, adore you, bring you down gently after lifting you so fucking high. He isn’t aware of how important this is to you. You feel so vulnerable and emotionally sensitive. It would be the same thing if someone decided to start open heart surgery on your aware self. This is how vulnerable you feel and it is Jungkook who makes it okay. It is Jungkook who calms you down and reminds you that you are allowed to be sensitive because he is there to protect you.
“I can’t comprehend this. I feel high. Wow baby, wow. How do you feel?” he babbles.
“Oh baby, I know. I’m here. Your Kook is here”, he assures you, nuzzling his nose against your scent spot. He hopes that if he nuzzles it long enough, he can spread some of his relaxing scent on you.
It works. Of course it does because your bodies need no instructions to communicate. It is natural and right and makes you and him feel fuzzy.
You sigh. Jungkook smells the relief against your neck. He kisses a path to your face. Your glassy eyes await him, eagerly building connection once they can.
“Thank you”, you whisper.
“No, I have to thank you. This was the best bonding night ever.”
“No, thank you”, you insist, spilling tears
Jungkook wipes them, knowing that you want to tell him something.
“For what, princess?”
“For, for making me feel like this. I, I was never in heat like this. I didn’t know that I could and it makes me feel really vulnerable. But you’re so gentle with me and it’s so nice.”
His eyes soften. He whispers your name adoringly and kisses your forehead.
“I feel the same. This was my first rut ever. I didn’t think that it would be so intense.”
“Kook, I’m scared. I don’t know what this means.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m here.” He kisses your nose, stubbing you with his own afterwards. “We can ask someone about it, but all I know for now is that I don’t wanna fucking stop having you close.”
“Yeah, me too.”
He kisses your lips, making your heart race and feel at home. He breaks the kiss gently, giving you the fondest and warmest smile ever.
“I’m so proud of you. You did so well, my princess baby.”
“Oh wow”, you get out, having to giggle.
Jungkook giggles with you, smiling as he steals a cheeky kiss. Afterwards he sits up. He is still connected with you by your middles, making you gasp and shiver.
“Sorry, I shifted. Are you okay?”
“Yes, oh god. What is happening to me? I feel so comfortable.”
Jungkook smiles, caressing your sides. He can’t stop looking at you. Your breasts are normal again, natural victims to gravity and so soft. They are still messy and wet from what happened before but nothing new leaves you. Your belly is bloated from his seed and covered in a layer of sweat. No wonder you sweat so much, you were burning up. Jungkook dances his palms over your bloated stomach, furrowing his brows in emotion.
“So alive”, he whispers.
“So alive”, you sigh, placing your hand over his’.
“___”, he says and meets yours eyes.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. I didn’t get to say it as we were doing it because I was dumb in pleasure, but you are so beautiful.”
“You think so?”
“I do. I can’t believe that you’re real and, and that you allow me to see you naked. I just”, he exhales shakily. “I’m just so happy”, he chokes out, throwing his hand over his eyes to hide his tears.
“Kook, don’t cry”, you gasp and pull him down to you. He falls to his elbows, allowing you to hold his hands above your head.
He is pouting and sniffling. You give him a smile.
“Don’t cry.”
“They’re happy tears. We’re bonded, I’m so happy”, he says and smiles through his pretty tears.
Your smile grows, you squeeze his hands. He was right when he said that you and he will get to know each and that it will be nice. You can feel it. You are right for each other. You are so right.
You put your legs around him and push him deeper again.
“Oh”, he gasps, squeezing your hands, “wo-oah this felt really intense”, his voice quivers as he speaks.
“It does”, you agree, rolling your hips up.
Jungkook gasps, “what are you doing?”
“I want more of you.”
“Really? Baby, you’re sore. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Please. Be gentle. Please make love to me, Kook baby.”
Jungkook spills tears, whimpering your name. This is everything he ever wanted. He pulls out of your sensitive warmth to thrust into you.
You and he scream in shock as the bed finally gives up completely and comes crashing down onto the ground. Jungkook keeps you safe with his arms around you and your head cradled against his chest.
You and he share a moment of shocked and disoriented silence before you break it.
“Oh my god”, you let out, breaking into loud, honest cackles. Jungkook looks at you, having to break into laughter as well.
“Did we just get cock blocked by the bed?”
“I think so. It might be my fault. I kinda broke it when I fucked you with my knot. Sorry.”
“Oh god, Kook.”
You laugh oh so loudly, throwing your head back for it.
Jungkook has to almost squeak as he laughs with you, heart bursting in his chest.
“This is so funny. Oh my god.”
“Yeah, it’s hilarious”, he agrees and goes in for a surprise kiss.
Your laugh cuts off, a gasp replaces it. Your eyes fall closed and your hands bury themselves in his soft hair. This kiss is emotional and it is deep. It has meaning. It is happy and filled with love. Jungkook lets you experience it to its fullest, ending it with a stub of his nose and a smile.
“I promise to fix it. I’ll add steel in the frame.”
“So you think we’ll break it again otherwise?”
“Yeah.” He laughs breathily, nodding his head. “If this is how it feels to be with you during stimulation induced heat, imagine how it will be once it’s your natural heat.”
You gulp, gazing at him dreamily. The rising sun shines on his face, making his skin glow golden.
“Koo, I think you need to heat proof this entire room”, you whisper, making him chuckle and nod his head.
“I will. I’ll make it safe and cozy. Shit baby, I can’t stop saying it. You’re so beautiful. The sun is shining on you and you’re so beautiful.”
You feel your cheeks heat up, looking at him shyly
“You’re beautiful too”, you whisper, making him blush.
“Wow, thanks”, he mumbles, scrunching his nose. He does a little shift to be closer to you. The bed croaks and punishes him for it by making the headboard drop. He catches it before it can fall on top of you
“Piece of shit bed.”
“Oh god”, you laugh “I think we need to take care of this mess first and then continue.”
“Yeah shit, I think you’re right. The bed’s out to get us.”
You laugh and snicker, kicking your feet happily. He chuckles and shoves the headboard to the side.
“Come on, let’s take a shower”, he says and picks you up.
You nuzzle into him, feeling beyond safe.
“Do you have snacks too? I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning.”
“Of course. You know what? First fact about me? I’m actually a really great cook.”
“You are?”
“Mhm, I’m also a total foodie. So if you wanna bribe me into snuggles, get me food and I’ll be the cuddliest boy ever.”
You snicker. It makes your heart flutter when he talks cute with you.
“Do you like food?” he asks.
“Yeah, I like food. It’s comfort.”
“Yeah, right. Do you like cooking together?”
“I never did it before.”
Jungkook holds you closer.
“Then I know what we’ll do. Shower and cook and I get to give you kisses. And later when you’re not sore anymore, I’ll make that gentle love to you. If you want me to.”
“Yeah, I want you to. This sounds so nice. Koo?”
“Yes, love?”
“It’s gonna be so easy for me to fall in love with you.”
“Wow, you. Urgh, you drive me crazy you”, he gets out through gritted teeth and presses you against the next best wall to attack your face and neck with tingling kisses.
You squeal his name, having to laugh in giddiness. It will not be the last time that you laugh because of him.
#jungkook smut#jungkook fanfic#jungkook fanfiction#jungkook scenario#jungkook oneshot#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#dom!jungkook#alpha!jungkook#werewolf jungkook#bts smut#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts scenario#bts oneshot#bts x reader#bts x you#dom!bts#alpha!bts#bangtan smut#bangtan fanfic#bangtan fanfiction#bangtan oneshot#bangtan scenario#bangtan x reader#bangtan x you#dom!bangtan#alpha!bangtan#fanfic: alpha omega
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would nowhere!kook accidentally hurt yn during an argument? since his rage has caused him to kill before?
I don’t condone physical violence against women so none of my jks whatever physically struck yn.. but they might grab her really harshly- or try to choke her which is really bad… God I feel like shit.. but I have to be kind of realistic
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Lines of fate | jjk (masterlist)

➵ pairing: tattooist!jungkook x f. reader
➵ genre: apocalypse au, exes to lovers (?) dad!jungkook, survival, angst, eventual smut
➵ rating: 18+
➵ summary: the last thing Jungkook ever imagined was an outbreak that turned the dead into the living. But even more unexpected is seeing you—an ex he’s known nothing about in the past four years—with a small child who bears a striking resemblance to himself. As Jungkook grapples with the shock and the city spirals into chaos, the two of you are thrust back together, forced to confront unresolved feelings, long-buried truths, and the horrors of the deadly virus taking over.
➵ general warnings: cursing, graphic depictions of violence and death, gore (tried to not make it too extreme), zombies, virus, knife and gun use, explicit sexual content, mentions of alcohol consumption, substance abuse, mentions of depression and mental health struggles, heavy angst and minor character deaths...more individual warnings will be included per chapter!
➵ taglist: comment or send me an ask to be added to the series taglist!! ♡ (CLOSED)
Coming soon!!
#bts#bts x reader#bts au#jeon jungkook#jungkook au#jungkook imagine#jungkook fanfic#jungkook x reader#dad jungkook#jungkook angst#jungkook smut#jungkook fluff#bts smut#taehyung smut#bts fanfiction#jungkook series#dilf jungkook#tattoo artist jungkook#jungkook apocalypse au#bts apocalypse au#kookiestarlight#lines of fate
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CRAZY | JJK (Part 2)
summary you know it sounds twisted. that most people would see hyungwon as the perfect boyfriend. healthy, balanced, all the things that relationships should be. that’s when you realized... you weren't like most people. but that's okay. because neither is jungkook.
pairing ceo!jk x employee!(f)reader
rating 18+ minors dni; smut, fluff, angst
genre coworkers to lovers au, established relationship
word count 13.2k
chapter content [read part one for full character & story warnings pls.] jk & oc first encounter, jungkook lowkey goes a bit yandere in one two of the scenes 😭, jk punches another guy, love at first fuck lets b real, mention of oc's superior abusing their power (not jk), hyungwon appearance 🙄, heejin appearance 🙄, hobi appearance 🎉, bff jiminie appearance 🎉, time skips, jealous mcs, heated argument, jk lies but like... for the greater good? god idk
warnings dom jk, sub oc, pre established traffic light sw system and degradation consent, doggy, dirty talk, protected p in v sex, praise kink, um slight exhibition kink, rough sex, squirting...(on their first fucking encounter yeeeppp help me god)
a/n this is only 75% edited bc i honestly wasn't going to post it for a whilee as i'm working on some other things atm but i felt bad just watching her sit in my drafts all sad n semi finished 😢 alsoo if a bit of the smut dialogue looks a lil familiar... cough salsa.. its bc i was gonna completelyy change up the sexy scene 🥺 and so i used the smut as inspo for the salsa drabble so it didnt go to waste... bye im such a clown. okay thank u, enjoy, and pls lemme know what u think <3 mwah

crazy pt 1 | masterlist | join my taglist | banner credit

Your twelve-month contract as a temp Administrative Assistant at Jeon Corp was creeping to an end, and it was safe to say that you were fucking pissed.
You had put everything into this place—countless overtime shifts, moved into an overpriced house in the city near the firm so you were never late. You eat, sleep and breathe this fucking company. And what did you get for it? An almost certain rejection, apparently.
You were more than sure they'd offer you a permanent position. Your stats spoke for themselves. They were flawless. You’d single-handedly cleaned up the absolute fucking disaster left behind by the previous administrative assistant who bailed after Jeon Jun-seo’s passing—and that was not light work.
And by "bailed," you meant that they were part of the bloodbath that ensued when Jungkook took over and wiped out almost half the staff for incompetence.
The staff who remained still grumbled about it—loyalists, maybe, or just people too comfortable with the way things used to be. They hated him for it. He was ruthless, sure, but effective. Jeon Corp wasn't just successful; it was dominating. They went from merely hitting targets to blowing right past them. And that shift started with him.
Jungkook was good. Really fucking good.
He was young, driven, passionate, and not to mention—a sight for sore eyes. Even as someone who didn't like to openly praise men, you couldn't help but be impressed.
Still, you knew your fate wasn't in his hands directly. He wasn't going to be the one deciding whether your temp position would become permanent. He was the CEO—too high up to care about such things. And besides, you'd never even spoken to the guy. You spent most of your time on the twelfth floor, and he was always buried in work on the nineteenth.
Except for that one time.
Maybe three months ago? You had shared an elevator with him when you both arrived at work around the same time. For eleven floors, you stood silently beside him. Well, you were silent. He was on the phone, speaking in that low, gravelly tone that had a way of crawling under your skin. Being so close, you could hear the slight slip of a Busan accent when he spoke. He wasn't rude, just... intense.
Even while curses slipped from his lips to whoever was on the other end of the line, you couldn’t help but wonder if that was just his usual tone—whether he was speaking to a business partner, an enemy, a lover. Either way, you didn't think it was negative. It was just him.
You knew bits and pieces about the guy from what Jimin had shared—him being Jungkook’s assistant and all—but nothing too personal. Not that you needed to know. Though, admittedly, he had piqued your interest.
A month prior to that elevator ride, you’d caught a glimpse of something that had you squirming in your seat. From your office, you had glanced over to see him leading a meeting on your floor. His suit jacket had been tossed over the back of his chair, revealing the dirtiest, prettiest fucking sleeve you’d ever laid eyes on. His big, tattooed bicep flexed with each movement as he pointed at the projector screen.
The sight had you groaning, pushing your unfinished lunch aside and retreating to the bathroom.
You’d tried calling your boyfriend, hoping to pull him into some filthy phone sex, but he was too nervous to go through with it. In the end, you hung up frustrated, finishing yourself off in the stall, biting your lip to keep from moaning too loudly.
The elevator ride felt quicker than usual. You kept your eyes fixed on the LED screen, watching the numbers tick up, though you were more focused on the way his cologne filled the space, light but somehow intoxicating. By the time the doors slid open on your floor, his call had ended. You adjusted your bag, turning to him with a polite bow.
"Have a good day, seonsaengnim," you'd said, your voice soft as you smiled.
He didn’t say anything back, just looked at you for a second, his dark eyes sweeping over your face. His Adam’s apple bobbed slightly as he gave you a subtle nod, and you walked off, feeling his gaze linger as you left.
And that was it.
You didn't see him again. Not in the lobby, not passing by in meetings, not even when your car and his were the last ones left in the parking lot after late shifts. It wasn't unusual; he was literally the CEO, always busy, always somewhere else. He didn't have time to notice you.
But you couldn’t help but think about it more than you’d like to admit.
If you'd known that you'd never cross paths with him again, never ride the same elevator, never exchange more than those few words before your temp contract ended—would you have done something different? Said something more?
Maybe you would've clicked a higher floor.
But here you were. No offer. No permanence. Just three job offers from other firms sitting in your inbox, waiting for your reply. Of course, you had a backup plan—you weren't that naive. But something about it stung anyway. You'd take one of those offers at the end of the week, move on, and maybe one day, you'd forget about Jeon Corp entirely.
You were really going to miss Jiminie, though.

“So... how's your shift going?”
You rolled your eyes, a soft laugh escaping as you twisted the cap off your water bottle, taking a sip before tearing the lid off your salad. Your phone sat on your desk, Hyungwon's voice crackling through the speaker.
"It's going good, Hyungwon," you replied, voice tinged with sarcasm. "Same as every day."
A sad chuckle echoed through the receiver. "Oh, yeah? Well, we just got new printers at the firm, you know, the Lexmark MX8s? What about y—"
The forkful of salad that was halfway to your mouth dropped back into the bowl. "Hyungwon," you interrupted, incredulity dripping from your tone. "Did you really call me to talk about printers?"
"Well, I—no, I just—"
You sighed, reaching for your water again and setting your untouched lunch down. "Hyungwon, I hope you're okay, I really do. And I'm happy for you and your fancy printers," yours were two seasons ahead, "but this isn't helping. You're not going to feel better if—"
"I just miss you, Y/N," his voice cracked, and instantly, your appetite evaporated. You let out another deep sigh, rubbing your temples, as Hyungwon's next words came out shaky. "And I just want to know what I did wrong. We were doing so well. W-what did I do?"
"Hyungwon…" You picked up the phone, taking it off speaker as you leaned back in your chair, eyes focused on the ceiling. "You didn't do anything. You're a great guy, okay?"
"Yeah," he scoffed, his voice bitter and teary. "Girls don't break up with 'great guys' after an amazing year together out of the blue, Y/N."
Was it out of the blue? Had it been amazing?
"We've been over this," you sighed, adjusting the phone in your hand. "A hundred times in the last month. It's not about what you did. We just—"
"Weren't right for each other," he finished, his voice robotic, like he was reciting a script he'd memorized against his will. A sniffle followed as you heard him reach for tissues. "Just… wanted you to know I miss you. And… could I come by next week? Pick up my clothes?"
You took a long drink from your water bottle, feeling a headache forming. "I’ll leave it with reception. You can pick it up from the office—"
"No," he cut in, his voice tight with desperation. "Please, from your place. I just… I need to see you one more time."
You exhaled deeply, eyes unfocused as you stared out your floor-to-ceiling window. It had been a month since you ended things with Park Hyungwon—a month since you stuffed his clothes into a box and offered to drop them off. A month of excuses, a month of him putting it off, dragging out these unbearable phone calls, asking to see you in person, to talk.
You knew why he wanted to make the exchange in person. You weren't stupid. But lately, something about his calls had been giving you a bad feeling—a taste in your mouth that lingered long after you hung up. Hyungwon wasn't dangerous. He wouldn't hurt a fly. But he was... off. These calls always followed a pattern.
First, 1:15pm, right when you started your break, your phone would buzz. You'd glance down, see an incoming call from P.H, and immediately regret ever sharing your lunch schedule with him.
Then, he'd be kind. Sweet. Boring. Asking about your shift, your day, until something—something trivial—would break his composure. He'd start to crack, voice shaking, or worse, he'd burst into tears over something like… printers.
By the end of the call, there was always that weird shift. Not angry, not sad… something in between. A mix of emotions that left you unsettled, and you couldn't quite put your finger on why. You could feel the resentment beneath it all, though—like he definitely blamed you for the breakup, no matter how many times he asked what he could've done to keep you.
That was fine. You were used to people resenting you. You were top of your major, gorgeous, and a bit of a bitch. But hearing that tone in Hyungwon's voice? A human puppy dog you'd spent a year of your life with? It made your skin crawl in a way you couldn't shake.
And now, here he was, asking to see you again. For what? Closure? An emotional showdown? You didn't care. You just knew you had to end this, fast. Another call filled with sniffles and pleas, eating away at what little break time you had? You'd throw yourself out that fucking floor-to-ceiling window before you let that happen again.
"Fine," you sighed, glancing at your watch as you switched the phone to your other ear. "You can come over next week. I'll check my schedule."
"Really?" His voice immediately brightened, and you rolled your eyes. "Shivers! That sounds great! Just text me when—"
You swallowed the bile rising in your throat. Shivers? SHIVERS?
"Break's over, Hyungwon," you interrupted, forcing a smile into your voice. "Talk to you later, okay?"
"Yeah. Thank you, Y/N. I'll call you tomorrow."
The line went dead, and your fist clenched around the phone.
"God," you muttered to yourself, tossing it onto your desk with an exasperated sigh, "I'm changing my fucking break time."
"Should I come back later?"
You yelped at the sudden voice, spinning around in your chair to see your best friend standing in your office doorway, his signature Cheshire grin firmly in place.
"Jiminie!" you beamed, frustration melting away as you rushed over to pull him into a hug. "No, it's okay. It was just—"
"Hyungwon," Jimin finished for you with a knowing, apologetic nod. "You know, you could always just… not answer when he calls?"
You rolled your eyes, brushing a piece of blonde fringe from his face. "And have his suicide on my conscience? No thanks."
"He's a grown man. He can make his own decisions," Jimin shrugged, laughing when you widened your eyes in faux shock.
You shuffled back to your desk, stabbing a cherry tomato from your salad. "Aren't you supposed to be telling me to run back into his arms and admit I was wrong? Some sort of cousin code or something?" you quirked a brow teasingly, humming around the mouthful.
He laughed softly, adjusting the files in his hand. "I'd never tell you to go back to something you were clearly miserable in, Y/N. Even if he is my cousin."
You swallowed another bite, giving him an appreciative smile before finishing the rest of your water bottle. "That is why I love you, Park." You threw the rest of your papers into a folder and linked your arm with his. "And why I'm going to miss you so much." You pouted playfully.
Jimin rolled his eyes, guiding you out of your office. The usual hustle and bustle of level twelve filled the air as he snorted, "Don't say that. You're not going anywhere, Y/N."
"Mm, I beg to differ." You shot back, bitterness lacing your voice. "I haven't heard a word about permanency, and my contract ends in four days." With a dramatic sigh, you added, "Guess you'll just have to visit me at KimCo on your lunch breaks instead."
"First of all," Jimin smirked, "I wouldn't drive across town on my lunch break to visit anyone, even you." You squinted at him as he teased, "And second, yeah, it's shitty that you haven't heard anything about the promotion—"
"And unprofessional," you interjected, rolling your eyes. "And discourteous, and obnoxious, and plain fucking rude—"
He chuckled, cutting you off with a light shrug. "Yes, all of the above," he agreed as you both reached the elevators. Unlinking his arm from yours, he pressed the button to go up. "But… have you accepted the offer at KimCo yet?"
You frowned, glancing at the lit-up arrow pointing up. "No, not yet. I was going to tonight…" You trailed off, turning to him in confusion. "Jiminie, why are we going up? Our meeting's on level seven."
Jimin glanced down at the file in his hand before his mouth opened to respond, but the elevator dinged, catching your attention.
The doors slid open, and you were immediately hit with the faint scent of tobacco and Bvlgari. Your head turned slightly, seeking the source.
Jungkook stood inside, eyes focused on the phone in his hand, dressed in a perfectly pressed designer suit that somehow looked more sinfully casual on him than it had any right to.
You blinked, tearing your gaze away from him and turning back to Jimin, waiting for an explanation.
"Oh yeah, uh, the meeting's been pushed back a bit," Jimin said, nodding to the elevator. "But you're needed upstairs for a moment."
You frowned, glancing down at the heavy folder in your hands as you stepped into the elevator. If the meeting was postponed, you wouldn't have dragged this big fucking thing around with you. You left some space between yourself and the CEO and Jimin happily slid in between, his usual smile bright and easy.
The doors closed, and silence settled over the small space. Jungkook was still looking at his phone. Jimin still hadn't pressed a button.
You frowned. "Jiminie, why haven't you clicked a floor?"
He turned toward you, feigning confusion as his eyes flicked toward the panel. "Oh, because it's already pressed." He shrugged, flashing a quick smile before turning forward again.
You stared harder at the panel. From the corner of your eye, you could see Jungkook's broad frame. His phone was tucked away now, but his gaze remained fixed straight ahead. He hadn't said a word.
"Level nineteen?" you asked, a hint of confusion in your voice.
Jimin nodded, offering you a simple smile.
The elevator crawled its way up slowly with a few more words exchanged between you and Jimin. Then, finally, the elevator dinged open at level nineteen, and the air shifted.
The sleek, pristine hallway stretched out before you, polished floors gleaming so bright that you could almost see your reflection in the tiles. You had only been here once before, for a department meeting with the CCO, Kim Namjoon.
Jimin politely bowed to his boss as you instinctively stepped back, allowing Jungkook to exit first. His gaze never wavered as he nodded in acknowledgment, his movements calm as he stepped out.
As you followed Jimin down the hall, you couldn't help but notice how eerily quiet everything was. The glass-paneled meeting rooms stood empty, the reception desk vacant. The last time you were here, the place had life, but now… nothing.
Jungkook disappeared into his office without a word while you and Jimin continued walking. Your confusion only deepened as you glanced through the glass panes into all the very empty meeting rooms.
Jimin slowed at the entryway to Jungkook's office.
"Jiminie, what's going on?" you asked, gently grabbing his arm. "Am I supposed to have a meeting with Jeon Jungkook-seonsaengnim? Why wasn't I informed? I need to know what's required—"
"Y/N," Jimin interrupted softly, his hand covering yours reassuringly. "I'll explain soon, okay? I know it's last minute, and I'm sorry for that. Let me just make sure everything is on track." He smiled at you before gesturing to the plush seats outside the office. "Take a seat. I won't be long."
You hesitated, but trusting your best friend, you nodded, setting your folder on the table before sitting down. Jimin gave you one last encouraging smile before disappearing inside Jungkook's office, the door clicking softly shut behind him.
Your eyes darted around the hallway as you waited, the clean surroundings feeling almost too sterile, too perfect. The glass walls of Jungkook's office made it impossible not to glance inside. You caught a glimpse of him flipping through a file, his expression focused, detached. Jimin approached him, placing his own file down on the desk as the two exchanged quiet words.

Jimin greeted his boss again with a respectful bow. "Seonsaengnim," he smiled, placing the file in front of Jungkook.
Jungkook didn't look up from the papers he was thumbing through. "Is she waiting for me?"
"Yes, sir," Jimin replied, his hands clasped neatly in front of him. "You have about thirty minutes before the board meeting, so I thought now could be a good time for you to meet with Y/LN Y/N… The temp administrative assistant from level twelve? Her contract ends in—"
"Four days," Jungkook finished, finally closing the file in front of him. He reached for the one Jimin had brought, flipping it open. "Why hasn't her contract been extended? Her performance is strong, and she has streamlined operations in her department. Does she not wish to stay with the company?"
"She does, sir," Jimin nodded. "But I was informed by Namjoon-seonsaengnim's assistant that Lee Dohyun does not plan to extend her contract. He intends to let it end."
Jungkook's brow twitched slightly, his eyes narrowing as he flipped through the papers. "And why does Dohyun plan to do that? She's efficient, profitable. She cleaned up the mess the last administrative assistant left behind." His tone was clipped, irritation poorly masked.
Jimin shifted on his feet, the hint of hesitation visible in his posture. "I'm not entirely sure, sir. It's mostly hearsay, but…" he cleared his throat, glancing at Jungkook before continuing cautiously, "there's a rumor that she rejected one of Dohyun's advances a few months ago. Since then, word has flown around that he's been less than accommodating toward her."
Jungkook's eyes darkened, his fingers stopping their idle flipping as his gaze snapped back to Jimin. "So, he's punishing her for not entertaining him?"
Jimin's silence was enough of an answer.
Jungkook's jaw clenched, the tension in his shoulders building. He flipped the file shut, the subtle thud of the paper echoing in the quiet office.
"Why have you brought her to me, Jimin?" he asked, shooting a sharp look at his assistant. "There's a chain of command. At least six people between Dohyun and me."
"There are," Jimin acknowledged. "But some months ago, you mentioned noticing a significant increase in productivity and efficiency in Administration… You said the improvements could be attributed to the new assistant's work. I just thought considering her contract ends in four days, you'd want to meet her personally before she accepts another offer."
Jungkook leaned back against his desk, glancing at the glass door where you were sitting, your legs crossed, eyes absentmindedly focused on a strand of your hair. His gaze flicked over your tight black pencil skirt, the cream blouse that hugged your figure, the neat ponytail held in place by four bobby pins.
"She's very good," he admitted, eyes dropping back to the folder. "But I don't meddle in the hiring department. Tell Dohyun to reconsider his decision."
Jimin shifted slightly. "He's on leave for the rest of the week, sir."
Jungkook sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "Then go to the next in command, Jimin. I'm not—"
"She's accepting an offer from another firm tonight, Jungkook," Jimin said quickly, catching himself. "Jungkook-seonsaengnim," he corrected. "Once she signs the contract with KimCo, there won't be time to make a counteroffer."
Jungkook went quiet; his eyes focused on the closed folder in front of him as Jimin pressed on. "Just five minutes, sir. That's all she needs."
Jungkook's eyes flicked up to meet Jimin's. He rolled his eyes, leaning back on his desk, arms crossing over his chest. "You're supposed to make my life easier, not harder, Park."
Jimin couldn't help but grin, looking over his shoulder to catch you glancing down at your Apple watch. He bit back a snicker when you rolled your eyes, clearly getting impatient.
"She'd be a big loss, seonsaengnim," Jimin said honestly as he turned back to his boss. "I believe I'm making your life easier. You live, eat, and breathe this company."
Jungkook groaned, closing his eyes briefly before nodding. "Send her in. Five minutes."
"Thank you, seonsaengnim." Jimin bowed, turning toward the door.
"Jimin," Jungkook called out, his assistant's hand freezing on the handle.
"Yes, sir?"
"Draft effective immediate termination papers for Lee Dohyun and put them on my desk when you leave for the night."
Jimin bit back a grin. "Yes, sir."

You straightened in your seat as soon as you saw Jimin approaching, eyes narrowing suspiciously. He looked like the cat that caught the canary, and you didn't trust it for a second.
"Y/N, this way, please—"
"No," you snapped, swatting his outstretched hand away. "Brief me."
There was no way you were walking into a meeting with the fucking CEO without any preparation. Was he fucking high?
Jimin chuckled softly, clearly enjoying this way too much. "Relax, Y/N. It'll only take a few minutes. Jungkook's not much of a talker…" He reached out again, and you batted his hand away once more.
He laughed again, then pouted, blinking at you with wide, innocent eyes. "Please, Y/N? Just trust me."
"God, you're a cunt," you muttered under your breath, shooting him a glare as you stood and smoothed your skirt. Reluctantly, you started toward the office.
"Unprofessional…" Jimin teased with a grin, snickering when you turned and mouthed 'get fucked' at him before stepping inside.
The glass doors clicked softly behind you as you entered the impeccably tidy office. "Seonsaengnim," you greeted with a bow. “Y/LN Y/N. It's nice to formally meet you."
Jungkook barely glanced up, his dark eyes sweeping over you for just a moment before he dropped them back down to the file on his desk.
His nod was curt, his voice low and indifferent. "Jeon Jungkook," he said, as if his name wasn't already plastered across every inch of this building.
When he gestured toward the seat in front of his desk, you sat down, crossing your legs as he settled back into his chair. His attention returned to the open file. "Your contract ends in four days."
"Yes, sir," you nodded, hands resting in your lap as you held back any trace of bitterness.
"Do you not wish to stay here?" His voice was steady as his eyes flicked up to meet yours.
You blinked, a little surprised by the question. "No, sir. I do wish to stay. But I haven't heard anything from management regarding a permanent position."
"Who do you report to?" Jungkook asked, though you were sure he already knew the answer.
"Lee Dohyun-seonsaengnim."
He leaned back in his chair, drumming his tattooed fingers lightly against the desk as he skimmed the file. "Your work is impressive."
"Thank you, sir." You smiled softly, ignoring how those four simple words made your stomach flip. "That means a lot coming from you."
His gaze lingered on you for a second longer before he closed the file and set it aside. "Y/LN Y/N," he said, his voice calm, "Why do you think your contract hasn't been extended?"
You blinked, momentarily thrown off by the question. "I'm not entirely sure, seonsaengnim."
Jungkook hummed. "You've been here almost a year. Your work speaks for itself. Yet your contract hasn't been extended." His gaze locked on yours, and for a second, he almost looked genuinely interested. "Why?"
You inhaled slowly, keeping your expression as neutral as possible. "I've heard rumors, sir. But I'm not one hundred percent certain."
An eyebrow arched, and Jungkook tilted his head slightly. "Let's say the rumors are true. Do you think personal reasons should outweigh performance?"
"No, sir," you answered steadily. "But I don't control the decisions."
A faint smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, and for a moment, his eyes flickered with amusement. Whether he appreciated your honesty or just liked watching you squirm, you weren't sure. "Do you plan on accepting an offer from another company, Y/N?"
You gave a slight nod. "Yes, sir. My first choice is KimCo. They've offered me a permanent coordinator role in their administration department. I plan on sending my letter of acceptance tonight, after my shift."
Jungkook was quiet for a moment, his dark eyes roaming over you lazily, but enough that it was impossible not to notice. "Is there anything I can do to change your mind?" he asked finally, his voice casual as he leaned back in his chair. "Or are you happy to go to KimCo?"
"I would prefer to stay, sir," you said, holding his gaze. "If Jeon Corp is willing to match the salary offer and I'm guaranteed a permanent position."
"What's the offer?"
"₩67m, sir."
Jungkook's expression didn't change. "We can do eighty."
"I'll have your permanent administrative coordinator contract drafted by tonight and emailed to you. Will that work?"
It took you a second to process his words before you blinked in surprise. "Yes, sir," you replied, fighting to keep the smile tugging at your lips in check. "It would."
Jungkook leaned back further in his chair, his eyes flicking over you once more, lingering in a way that wasn't accidental. Then, with a simple nod, he closed the file in front of him. "Good. I'll expect your response by tomorrow morning."
You still don't really know how it happened.
Maybe it started when you stood to give him a polite bow before leaving his office, and he reached out for a handshake at the exact same moment. His cold hand accidentally brushed against the side of your inner breast through your blouse as you leaned forward, and suddenly, both of you froze.
Jungkook pulled his hand back sharply, his brows furrowing as he stared down at the file on his desk like it was the most interesting thing in the world, muttering a low apology, his usual confident tone suddenly gone.
It was... so cute.
Seeing the man who looked like he could ruin your life with just a snap of his fingers suddenly all shy and flustered as if he was more embarrassed than you were? Fucking adorable.
Maybe it was his instinct to avoid an HR complaint, to maintain professionalism in what could have been misconstrued as an inappropriate touch.
But you weren't going to misconstrue it. It was an accident.
And, honestly... you always were kind of a sucker for bad boys with soft eyes.
"Fucking goodddd!!!" you moaned, your voice barely coherent as your cheek pressed against the cold surface of his desk. Each relentless thrust from Jungkook had your body jiggling under him, your mind lost in a haze as his hips slammed into you without mercy. "S-so fucking b-biiiiig."
Your eyes rolled back, throat raw from the croaky whimpers that escaped between each ragged breath. His hand was firm on the back of your head, keeping you pinned down, helpless as he took you apart, piece by piece.
"I know, baby," he cooed, his voice laced with that condescending pout that only made you clench harder around him. "I know it's big, baby. But you can take it, can't you?"
His fingers tangled in your hair, brushing lightly over your flushed cheek in a teasing, mocking pat. Then, without warning, he pulled back and slammed into you harder, deeper, until you felt him hit that spot. That fucking spottt. Your breath caught in your throat as he didn't stop, didn't let up, just kept going, over and over and over.
Your mouth fell open in a silent scream, nails scraping into the polished wood of his desk until you felt the lacquer gathering beneath your fingernails. The loud, wet slaps of his hips against your ass echoed through the room, his heavy balls smacking into your swollen clit.
"'Course you can take it. 'Cause you're such a hard worker, hm? Such an overachiever, aren't you, baby." His voice dripped with dark amusement, each taunting word sending shivers down your spine. His hand pressed your head harder into the desk, the weight of him leaving you trembling, drool pooling on the wood beneath you as you gasped and whimpered, completely at his mercy.
"You can take it, Y/N. Know you can," he murmured, every word like a filthy promise, his gaze locked on the way your body was surrendering to him, giving him everything. He wasn’t going to stop until you broke. Until you were his.
"Color, baby." He growled into your neck, his breath hot against your skin. He hummed in delight when he felt you swallow, your gasps feeding into his satisfaction.
"Green," you choked out, barely able to form the words. "Do anything to me. Green, fucking green to it all," you cried, voice raw as tears blurred your vision, and Jungkook groaned, teeth grazing the delicate skin of your throat in approval.
His grip tightened in your hair again, yanking you upright until your back was flush against his chest. "G-g-godddddd," you choked out, body trembling, tears threatening to spill as his thrusts grew quicker, more brutal, each one slamming harder and louder, drowning out everything else.
Your hands shot up, clawing desperately at the back of his neck as you tried to hold on, your body burning from the inside out as he destroyed you. His lips ghosted over the curve of your neck, teeth grazing your skin just as his hand slipped down your stomach, his fingers finding your swollen, slippery clit with ease.
Jungkook's pace became punishing, driving into you harder and faster, your body quivering under his touch. His lips brushed lazily over your neck, whispering filthy praise into your ear as his fingers circled your clit, sending a jolt through your entire body. The wet, sloppy sounds of his hips smacking into your ass filled the room, each thrust sending you closer to the edge.
"F-fuck, Jungkook," you gasped, your voice cracking as his pace quickened even more at the sound of his name on your lips. "It's s-so… fuck…"
He groaned low in your ear, his hand fisting your hair tighter, yanking your head back as his hips crashed into you over and over. "So good, Y/N baby," he cooed, his voice dripping with lust. "You're doing so fucking well. Taking it so good."
The praise made your throat bob, your entire body teetering on the edge of collapse. You couldn't think of anything but him—full, Jungkook, full, Jungkook. It was all-consuming, the only thing that mattered.
You weren't just wet anymore—you were disgustingly soaked, your arousal dripping down your thighs, mixing with the sweat on your skin as he ruined you. You let out a sob as tears streaked down your cheeks, your mascara no doubt smeared beyond repair as your entire body burned with pleasure.
"Careful, baby," he hummed darkly, voice tinged with amusement. "Don't want anyone to hear you, huh. Coming to check if you're okay..."
Your eyes flicked toward the glass doors, your head lolling back into the crook of his neck as you realized the vulnerability of your position. Fucked out, skirt bunched up around your waist, tits spilling over your bra, completely on display and helpless in his arms—holy fuck. The idea of someone seeing you like this had your thighs pathetically trembling as you felt yourself get even wetter. Sicko.
"S-sir," you stammered, the words forced out between his relentless thrusts that threw your body forward. "Cl-close the blinds."
Jungkook's lips curled into a smile against your neck at the lack of conviction in your words. Fucking perfect. His breath was warm as he whispered, "Why would I want to do that?" His hand slid to your chin, his fingers gripping firmly as he forced your eyes to the glass. "Y'look so fucking pretty, Y/N. Who would want to hide all that?"
Humiliation mixed with need, making your core throb even harder. The reflection of your wrecked form stared back at you—trembling, sweaty, makeup running down your tear-streaked face.
Well, he wasn't wrong. You did look kind of pretty.
The thought of how many other women had been in this same position with him briefly slithered through your mind, but you whimpered, pushing it away.
"H-harder, Jungkook… please," you gasped, voice a broken plea. "P-please, baby?"
That was all it took. His low groan vibrated through you, his hands gripping your waist tight as he snapped his hips into you with a force that made the desk rattle beneath your hands. One hand cupped your breast, tugging harshly at your nipple, while the other slipped down to mercilessly slap at your clit over and over.
"Shit, shit, shit, shittttt!" you sobbed, your voice high and broken, pleasure tearing through your body.
"You're close, aren't you?" Jungkook rasped, his voice rough as his thrusts grew erratic, harder, faster. "Getting so fucking tight around me. Gonna come for me, aren't you, baby?"
Your mind was gone. You couldn't focus on anything but the feeling of him inside you, stretching you, filling you, owning you. "J-Jungkook..." you slurred, your head falling back against his chest, "please make me come, baby, pleasepleasepleaseeee."
Jungkook's arms tightened around your trembling body, and in one quick motion, he sat back in his office chair, pulling you down into his lap. You cried out as his hands hooked under the back of your knees, planting his feet on the ground and spreading your legs wide, completely open, and facing the see-through fucking doors.
He didn't give you a second to breathe before he started pounding into you again, his fat cock hitting so deep at the new angle that your body shook uncontrollably. You couldn't even hear your own cries—just the wet, obscene slapping of skin and Jungkook's gorgeous groans in your ear.
"Rub your fucking clit," he commanded, his voice thick with urgency. "Come. Now, Y/N. Fucking come."
Your hand flew to your clit, trembling fingers rubbing furiously, slipping because you were so fucking wet. "Jungkook," you gasped, voice breaking, tears pouring down your cheeks.
"No, baby, f-fuckkk, I'm sor—" You couldn't stop the sobs, your body convulsing as the tension coiled tighter and tighter inside you. "Jungkook, I'm—I'm so sorry, ahhhh fuckkk! I-I'm gonna squirt, oh my goddddd!"
"Fuck, yes," he growled, and just as your body started to seize up, his hand shot down, pressing hard on your lower belly and bladder, right where he was buried deep inside you. His hips didn't relent, pounding into you with the same brutal pace.
The pressure on your abdomen made everything inside you snap. Your scream tore through his office as your walls clamped down hard on him, your body shaking violently as your hand trembled, losing its grip on your clit. You came so hard that your hand slipped away entirely, but before the overwhelming release could fade, Jungkook's hand was there, replacing yours instantly. His fingers rubbed your swollen clit with intense pressure, refusing to let you stop.
"Fuckk, look at that fucking pussy, Y/N," he growled as he slapped your pulsing clit over and over. "Keep going, fuck, keep squirting on my fucking dick, baby, holy shittttt."
The filthy command tipped you over the edge again. The sensation was too much, and you started to gush even harder. Wetness sprayed everywhere, soaking his lap, drenching the desk. You were fucking gone.
"Holy fuck," Jungkook choked out at the sight of your cunt gushing out liquid, his hips jerking erratically as his body tensed beneath you. He came hard into the condom with a deep, broken groan, his grip on you tight as he rode out his release, still rubbing your clit with nasty, unrelenting strokes, making sure you didn't stop.
Your body convulsed violently, your legs shaking uncontrollably as he kept rubbing, drawing out every last wave of your orgasm until you were a trembling, sobbing mess. His big hand cupped over your warm pussy, feeling it throb beneath his palm as he slowed his thrusts, easing you through the last shudders of your release.
"My godddd," he growled, his voice raw with awe as he moved his hand and looked down at the mess you'd made. Your quivering pussy, glistening and red, his slacks drenched, the chair wet, and even some paperwork on the desk soaked through.
Fuck, he groaned internally. He's obsessed.
Your chest heaved as you slumped against him, completely spent, your head falling onto his shoulder. Jungkook’s hands glided up and down your trembling thighs, suppressing the smile tugging at his lips as you buried your face into the crook of his neck, clinging to him like he was the only thing holding you together.
"Well done," he murmured, his lips grazing your forehead before pressing a soft kiss there. You could still feel his heart racing against your skin as you tried to catch your breath.
"Seonsaengnim," you muttered, still panting, "I'm so sorry about your papers—"
"Shut up," Jungkook cut you off with a roll of his eyes, your sudden shift to formalities clearly grating on him. His hands continued their soothing path over your stomach, fingers brushing lightly over the soft skin before he gently adjusted your legs on his lap. His strong thighs kept your feet dangling above the floor, his touch softening as he patted your belly absentmindedly, his voice easing. "It’s alright."
You tried to gather yourself, your mind still spinning. "I haven't done that in a while," you mumbled into his neck, the words slipping out without thought. "God."
Jungkook swallowed hard, suppressing the mix of emotions rising in his chest. Pride at making you feel this way. Anger at knowing someone else had. His jaw clenched briefly before he cleared his throat, forcing a casual hum of acknowledgment. "Good."
He patted your belly a couple more times, as though resetting his focus. "You okay to get dressed?" he asked, his voice slipping into something nonchalant, though the grip on your thighs lingered a moment longer than necessary. "I've got a meeting soon."
You cleared your throat and nodded, feeling a little unsteady as you began to push yourself up from his lap. His hands helped guide you as you stood, and you winced slightly as he slipped out of you, leaving you feeling oddly empty. Your legs wobbled beneath you, but you ignored the sensation, letting your skirt fall back into place. You glanced around the room, searching for your panties.
You crouched down, looking under the chair, then the desk, even flipping through some of the papers on his desk, but there was no sign of them.
"Have you seen my…?" you trailed off, turning to look at him, feeling the confusion settle in as you noticed his casual indifference. Jungkook, now having disposed of the condom, zipped up his slacks with an air of calmness that seemed just a bit too casual for your liking.
You raised a brow, suspicion growing. His expression mirrored yours with a glint in his eyes.
"Where are they?" you asked, narrowing your gaze.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he straightened his shirt. Then, he casually slipped his hands into his pockets, and that's when you caught the faintest flicker of black lace peeking out from one of them.
You scoffed, stepping toward him, but before you could snatch them back, Jungkook caught your hand. He snickered softly as he brought it to his lips, pressing a mocking kiss to your knuckles.
“01J09. Lock the door when you leave, Y/N." His tone was commanding but light as he slipped past you, grabbing his suit jacket as if nothing had happened. He gave you one last look before walking out of the room, leaving you standing in the middle of his messed-up office.
You slumped back into his chair with a huff, quickly adjusting your bra and buttoning your blouse. As you started to tidy the room, you found some disinfectant wipes in a cupboard and began cleaning the desk, trying to distract yourself.
The sound of the door opening behind you startled you, and you quickly turned, assuming Jungkook had returned. But when you locked eyes with your best friend smirking widely at the scene, your stomach dropped.
"You fucking slut!" Jimin shouted, closing the door behind him as he made his way toward you, cupping your face with both hands. His grin was bright, teasing, as he shook his head in disbelief.
"Holy shit! I'm mortified that I just walked past and saw my best friend getting railed by my boss… but I'm also so fucking happy! So, are you staying? Are you guys a thing? How did it happen? Holy fuck—"
"Jiminie," you whined, pulling his hands away and turning back to the desk to finish cleaning, "I'll tell you later. My legs hurt, and we need to get to the meeting—"
"The meeting's over," Jimin interrupted with a snicker, "it's been an hour."
"What the fuck?!" Panic washed over you as you turned to face him, eyes wide.
Jimin just shrugged, still wearing that smug smile. "It's fine, Y/N. I took notes; they're on our shared drive. It wasn't anything important. Definitely not as important as the 'meeting' you were in."
You snorted, tossing the used wipes into the bin and slipping your heels back on as you made your way toward the door, legs still shaky. "Jesus, Jimin, I can barely walk."
"I noticed," Jimin teased, his voice full of amusement. "Want me to carry you?"
"No thanks," you replied quickly, shuddering at the thought. "I'd rather crawl than have anyone see you carry me out of here."
"Are you at least going to the bathroom to fix your hair and makeup?" he asked, eyeing you critically. "You look like you were attacked by a swarm of wasps..."
You groaned. "Yes, Jiminie. I'm going to the bathroom. Now stop pestering me, or you'll be having movie night alone tomorrow."
His smirk softened into a playful smile. "Okay, okay. I'll wait for you in your office."
You waited for him to leave before entering the pin code to lock Jungkook's office door. After hearing the beep and confirming the door was secure, you turned to head toward the bathroom, only to find Jimin still blocking your path, brows furrowed and eyes wide.
"Jimin-ah, move—"
"He gave you the code to his office?" Jimin's voice was serious now, the lightheartedness from earlier gone.
You blinked at him, confused by the sudden shift in his tone. "Yes. Can you please move?"
Jimin didn't budge. His frown deepened as he processed the information. “Y/N… He doesn't just give the code to his office out. To anyone."
Your stomach twisted at his words. "Maybe he'll change it later. He said he had a meeting to go to—"
Jimin shook his head. "He hasn't changed that code since he took over. And… he just canceled his meetings for this afternoon. I thought it was because…"
The sinking feeling in your stomach grew worse. Of course, Jungkook lied and just wanted to leave. What was he supposed to do—sit there and cuddle you? Offer you aftercare? This wasn't new for him. You weren't special. Just another woman in a long line.
You swallowed hard, ignoring the bile rising in your throat. "Jiminie, can I… meet you downstairs? I need to go to the bathroom."
Jimin's expression softened instantly, his hand reaching out to brush some hair from your face before leaning in to kiss your forehead. "Okay, love. I'll get you some water and wait in your office."
You thanked him quietly before heading to the bathroom, locking the door before you leaned heavily against the sink. Staring at your reflection, you sighed at the sight. Your sleek ponytail was merely a distant memory, makeup smeared beyond repair. And there, on your neck, was a deep hickey blooming against your skin.
"Idiot," you muttered to yourself as you turned the tap on, starting to scrub your face clean in attempt to erase every trace of what just happened.
What was happening to you? You never let stuff like this get to you. You'd had more than your fair share of one-night stands, and you knew better than to let them mean anything. It was nothing to him, and it should've been nothing to you.
But god, it felt like so much more than nothing.
"Idiotttt," you muttered again, this time more frustrated. As you aggressively wiped away the mascara and dried tears, your eyes kept drifting back to the hickey. You sighed, knowing you had no makeup to cover it until you got back to your office.
With a huff, you walked toward the toilet and sat down, your hand grazing the mark on your neck while you peed. The memory of his lips still lingered fresh in your mind, and the longer you sat there, the more the reality of it all began to sink in.
Fuck, you groaned internally. You're obsessed.

Jungkook pulled the keys from the ignition, stepping out of his car and adjusting the collar of his suit jacket when it shifted out of place. The door clicked shut behind him as he locked the Mercedes, casually slipping his phone into his pocket—right next to your panties, still snug in the black fabric of his slacks.
When he reached the reception desk, a fake redhead sat behind it, focused on a stack of paperwork. She didn’t notice him at first, not until the sound of his footsteps caught her attention. The moment her eyes met his, Jungkook noticed the way she straightened in her seat, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“Oh, hello,” she greeted, her voice sweet but dripping with an attempt at seduction. “Welcome to Jang Merriott. How can I be of service?”
Jungkook swallowed the grimace threatening to surface, but his lips curved into that fake, charming smile he’d perfected for work events. “Hi, darling.” His voice was smooth, just the right amount of warmth. “I’m here for a business meeting, but I’m so silly...” He leaned in slightly, watching her eyes widen. His voice dropped to a lower, more intimate tone. “I forgot which room it’s in. Think you could help me?”
His eyes flicked to her nametag—Cho Minju—and when he looked back, he could practically see her mind spinning. “I-I…” she stammered, fingers hovering over the keyboard. “Do you have the name of the—”
“Lee Dohyun,” Jungkook answered easily, not missing the way she gulped when he added softly, “Thank you, baby.”
“L-Lee Dohyun,” she echoed nervously, typing the name into the system with shaky fingers. Then she paused, biting her lip. “I, um… I really shouldn’t if you aren’t—if you’re not on the guest list…”
“It would really help me out, Minju-yah,” Jungkook murmured, his voice taking on a softer, boyish edge. His brows furrowed just slightly as he leaned in a touch more, looking at her through his lashes. “If I’m late, Dohyun-seonsaengnim will kill me… I’ll make it up to you. Promise.”
Her wide eyes blinked up at him, her lip caught between her teeth. He could see the internal battle playing out in her head—protocol versus the hot guy in front of her. Predictably, protocol lost.
“Floor 13, room 304,” she whispered, her cheeks flushed.
“Thank you, baby,” Jungkook replied with a charming smile, slipping a hundred-dollar bill into her tip jar before walking toward the elevator. Minju’s breath caught again as he turned and walked toward the elevator, not looking back once.
As the elevator doors slid shut with a soft chime, Jungkook’s facade dropped, and he let out a small, amused scoff. He thought that was going to cost him at least a couple grand.
The elevator hummed softly as it ascended. When the monotone voice announced floor 13, the doors slid open, revealing a quiet, plush carpeted hallway. Jungkook strode out, his eyes narrowing slightly as he made his way to room 304.
“Jungkook-seonsaengnim?” Dohyun’s voice cracked in surprise when he opened the door, eyes widening at the unexpected sight of his boss. “I’m on leave, sir, is everything oka—”
The words barely left his mouth before Jungkook’s fist connected sharply with the side of his jaw. The force of the blow sent Dohyun crashing to the ground, his head snapping back as he sprawled out, half-dangling outside the doorway. His feet splayed awkwardly on the floor, barely moving. Jungkook nudged his limp body inside with the toe of his polished shoe, stepping over him as he calmly closed the door behind him with a soft click.
“Everything’s fine, Dohyun.” Jungkook’s voice was casual, almost too calm, as he crouched down to level his gaze with the man on the floor. Dohyun was clutching his jaw, eyes wide with terror, blinking back tears as he struggled to sit up. Confusion mixed with fear spread across his face, trembling as he tried to find his words.
Jungkook tilted his head, a slow, cold smirk pulling at his lips. "Great, actually," he continued, the menace in his voice unmistakable. His eyes flickered over the man on the ground as if he were nothing more than something to be dealt with. “And it’ll be even better in a second.”

The soft click of heels against tile echoed down the pristine hall of level nineteen. Jimin and Hobi were either side of you, all three of you deep in conversation about Jimin's latest epic love saga.
“And afterward, we went and got ice cream,” Jimin sighed, a dreamy smile spreading across his lips. “And he even paid for my cone. I think he’s the one.”
You and Hobi shared a knowing look before turning back to him. Hobi giggled, shaking his head, while you leaned your head on Jimin’s shoulder, smiling warmly. “I’m sure he is, honey. Was it at least a double scoop?”
Jimin beamed, nodding enthusiastically, but his excitement faltered the second he caught the teasing smirks plastered on your and Hobi’s faces. His expression morphed into a pout as he narrowed his eyes at the both of you.
"Whatever. Just because you—" Jimin shot a pointed look at Hobi, "—don’t sleep with anyone more than once because of your deep-rooted commitment issues, and you—" he turned his accusing gaze to you, "—have found the only person in Seoul as crazy and fucked up as you to spend the rest of your life with, doesn’t make Min Yoongi any less of a perfect prince."
Hoseok grunted, crossing his arms dramatically as you broke into laughter. "You're not wrong," you hummed with a shrug, right as Hobi muttered defensively, "I don't have commitment issues."
It was Hobi’s turn to receive knowing looks from both of you before he sighed, dramatically slowing his pace as you reached the entrance of the meeting room. "Whatever, you guys suck."
Snickering softly, the three of you stepped inside, bowing politely to the handful of executives already seated around the large meeting table. As usual, the three of you were early, but you noticed that a few others had already claimed their seats. Unfortunately, there weren’t three consecutive spots left for you all to sit together.
Your gaze immediately went to the head of the table, the seat reserved for the CEO, which was still empty. You knew Jungkook was in a meeting with Kim Namjoon that had run overtime, so their arrival was indefinitely delayed.
The seat closest to the CEO’s chair—Namjoon’s usual spot—was unoccupied, but the one on the opposite end, typically claimed by you, Jimin, or Hobi, was already taken. You felt your blood boil when you saw Heejin, the newly appointed temp head of Communications while Sana Minatozaki was on maternity leave, sitting there comfortably, scrolling through a document on her laptop.
Jimin caught your eye, noticing Heejin as well, and gestured toward the chair next to her, silently offering it to you. You just shook your head, flashing a small smile as if to say, no fucking thanks. He and Hobi settled into two seats beside each other, leaving you to scan the rest of the room for an available spot.
Your options weren’t great.
A middle seat between Hailey and Vernon—two relentless chatterboxes from levels three and four—caught your eye. You grimaced immediately at the thought of being dragged into their non-stop, ping-pong conversation about god knows what. They could probably talk about fucking office supplies for hours if given the chance.
Then your gaze shifted to the next option: a seat next to Kang Minho, the scruffy finance head. As expected, he was already twirling a cigar between his fingers, his eyes twitching in clear defiance of the new no-smoking rule in meetings. The urge to light it was practically vibrating off him.
You sighed.
That left the only bearable choice: a seat next to Oh Sehun, the head of Technology and Innovation. He was known to be quiet and professional, and most importantly, he's least likely to annoy you.
Resigned, you pulled the chair next to Sehun, placing your laptop and phone on the table in front of you. He glanced over with a polite smile, nodding in greeting. You returned the gesture, settling into your seat and immediately focusing on starting up your laptop.
The room settled into a quiet lull, with only a few hushed conversations breaking the silence. Most of the attendees were either finishing up side discussions or preparing for the meeting as they trickled in. As your laptop booted up, you instinctively picked up your phone, slipping it under the table. Your fingers moved quickly, opening the location app and tapping on Jungkook’s name. The pin was still loading when you heard a throat clear beside you.
Oh, here we fucking go.
You locked your phone and turned toward Sehun with a forced smile. "Yes, Sehun-ssi. How can I help?"
His smile widened slightly, a little shy. "Uh, I just wanted to say… congratulations. Your promotion to Head of Operations & Efficiency—it's no small feat. Not an easy title to earn or handle. But I've seen your work, and it's… admirable. Truly."
You almost frowned, caught off guard. That was… really sweet.
"Oh," you replied, your voice softening. "Thank you, Sehun-ssi, that’s very kind of you. I appreciate it a lot." You smiled genuinely this time. "And I’ve heard a lot about you, too. Running your department is also no easy task, and you do it well."
Sehun grinned, his head dipping slightly as his ears turned a bit red. "Ah, thank you so much," he murmured, looking humbled. "I’ve learned a lot from our CEO, Jungkook-seonsaengnim. He’s incredible. One day, I hope to have my own business and run it just like him."
You bit the inside of your lip, warmth swelling in your chest at the compliment to your man. "He is," you agreed softly, your smile a little more private this time. "And I’m sure you will."
Sehun’s lip was caught between his teeth as his eyes seemed to linger just below yours, but before you could say anything else, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room, drawing your attention. You turned toward the entrance.
Jungkook and Namjoon strode into the room, their presence immediately commanding attention. Namjoon greeted the department heads with a dimply smile, but your eyes locked onto Jungkook. His gaze, however, wasn’t on you—it was unwaveringly fixed on Sehun’s reddened face. A flash of something dark crossed his features, and he didn’t spare you or anyone else a glance as he took his seat at the head of the table.
Straightening in your chair, you swallowed the scoff that rose in your throat. He didn’t even acknowledge you, his attention already on the file in front of him as he flipped through it silently. Namjoon’s eyes flickered over Jungkook’s hardened expression before realizing the CEO wouldn’t be opening the meeting. Clearing his throat, Namjoon stood up and took over.
"Good morning, everyone. Glad to see you all here," Namjoon greeted, flashing a bright, toothy smile. The room responded with polite murmurs. "We’ve got a full agenda today, so let’s start with—"
About thirty minutes into the meeting, you were still focused on your notes. Namjoon was wrapping up his discussion on a new marketing campaign strategy that had piqued your interest. You were typing up the last few points when Jungkook’s deep voice suddenly rang out. Your body reacted instantly, muscles relaxing after hearing him finally speak after what felt like hours of his silence.
"Sehun," Jungkook called out, his tone firm and commanding, and your head snapped up instinctively, surprised to find that Sehun had leaned over, perhaps about to whisper something to you while Namjoon was speaking.
"Did you have a question about the campaign strategy?" Jungkook’s voice was measured, but you felt the tension behind it.
Sehun jerked back, startled by the sudden attention. "Oh, I- no, sir, I was just—"
"Conversing with your colleague while your superior was in the middle of speaking," Jungkook finished for him, his dark gaze unwavering, pinning the tech head in place. "I'm sure I’d be more than capable of answering any questions you have regarding the project. Go ahead."
It wasn’t a suggestion—it was an order.
Sehun swallowed nervously, eyes flicking down to his laptop as if it held the answers. Then, foolishly, he glanced at you, probably hoping for some kind of lifeline. You could only offer him an apologetic look, knowing your boyfriend's ways.
Jungkook’s jaw clenched visibly, his irritation evident as he barked out, "Do you need her to speak for you?" His fist tightened on the table beside him, knuckles paling. "Are you that incompetent?"
Your gaze slowly shifted from Sehun, who was visibly shaken, to your boyfriend, who was fucking seething. You sighed softly, dropping your gaze back to your laptop, fingers resuming their typing with a small shake of your head.
And then his voice came again. A little softer, but still pissed. "Did you have something to add, Y/N?"
Your fingers froze mid-typing. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence. You could feel every pair of eyes turning to you. Everyone knew about your relationship with Jungkook. It wasn’t a secret, but it wasn’t exactly something you had announced over the firm intercom, either. Most of the department heads were aware and knew better than to draw attention to it, but there were still some, like poor Sehun, who hadn’t quite pieced it together yet.
When you looked up, Jungkook’s dark eyes were locked on you. From your peripheral, you saw Jimin and Hobi exchanging wide-eyed glances, while Heejin’s gaze flickered nervously between you and the CEO.
Every fiber in your bratty being wanted to fight back, make him repeat himself, ask him what the fuck he was trying to prove by putting you on the spot in front of a room full of department heads. But the professional in you won out, forcing you to bite your tongue.
You shook your head calmly. "No, sir." The silence was deafening. You turned to Namjoon, whose eyes were carefully trained on his papers. "My apologies, Namjoon-seongsaengnim," you said. "We didn’t mean to interrupt you. Please, continue."
Namjoon nodded appreciatively, sending you a brief smile before moving on. “Right, as I was saying…”

The meeting finally wrapped up, and everyone began packing up their things. Some were quicker than others to vacate the room, with Kang Minho leading the pack, cigar already halfway to his lips, lighter flicking in agitation.
You closed your laptop with a little more force than intended, irritation still simmering under your skin. Grabbing your jacket off the back of your chair, you stood, feeling Sehun shifting beside you, fumbling to gather his things. You could almost sense the apology hanging on the edge of his lips, and you sighed internally, praying he wouldn’t try and engage in conversation with you again.
Jimin and Hobi walked over, ready to leave, but your attention was drawn to Heejin’s voice as she spoke to Jungkook. Your movements slowed as you listened.
“Thank you for such a great meeting, seonsaengnim,” she said sweetly, her fingers tapping the edge of her laptop.
You clenched your jaw slightly, the inside of your cheek caught between your teeth. Namjoon had handled ninety percent of the presentation—what the fuck was she even thanking him for?
“I actually had a few concerns for the Communications department that I was hoping to run by you—"
"Take them up with your superior," Jungkook replied, not even bothering to glance her way as he slipped his phone into his pocket and made his way toward the door.
Heejin smiled, clearly undeterred as she closed her laptop and followed after him. "But you are my superior," she giggled. Your brows furrowed as you turned to look at her follow after your man like a lost puppy. Your grip on your laptop tightened.
Jungkook sighed, forgetting she had even been promoted recently. Still, he didn’t glance at her. “Make an appointment with one of my assistants, Heejin,” he said, his voice dripping with impatience. “I have somewhere to be. Excuse me, please.”
Excuse me, please? You rolled your eyes. Why doesn't he just tell her to get on her knees and get to work?
Heejin nodded, still all smiles as she left the room, laptop clutched to her chest. You gathered your things and fell into step with Jimin and Hobi. Jungkook paused near the end of the table, his gaze boring into you, but you ignored the stare, slipping between your friends as you headed out.
“Y/N-ssi,” Sehun’s voice cut through the air as he jogged to catch up with the three of you.
You sucked your teeth, glancing down at your watch. Fifteen minutes until your production conference. Enough time to grab something to eat since you’d skipped breakfast—thanks to Jungkook’s insistence on christening yet another room in your new house this morning. The laundry room, this time. And as it turns out, sex on top of a dryer was a lot better and less uncomfortable than you’d expected.
Jimin took your laptop from your hands, giving you a soft smile. "I’ll drop this off at your office. Hobi and I are heading that way."
You nodded in thanks, turning back to Sehun, only to catch Jungkook’s eyes glaring at you from behind the tech leader’s frame. His brows were furrowed, a silent question written all over his face—what the fuck are you doing?
Ignoring your fuming boyfriend, you refocused on Sehun. "You alright?" you asked.
Sehun nodded quickly. "Yeah, I just—" He started to say more but stopped abruptly, his body stiffening as if he could feel Jungkook's glare on the back of his neck. Turning, he blinked, clearly startled to see the CEO still there. "Oh—hi, sir. Once again, I’m so sorry about—"
"It’s okay, Sehun-ssi," you cut him off, drawing his attention back to you. "I need to grab something to eat. Is this important?"
Sehun shifted nervously. "Ah, well... it can wait." His ears were going red again. "How much time do you have? Did you want to stop by the cafe on level 10 before your conference? I was heading there anyway—"
At that, Jungkook’s head snapped up, his gaze zeroing in as he pushed himself off the table. You stepped around Sehun, positioning yourself between him and your clearly furious boyfriend.
"No, thank you, Sehun. I’ll catch you later, okay?" You kept your tone light, ignoring the fact that you had definitely not told him that you were on your way to a conference.
Sehun, still a bit confused, turned slightly to see what had you moving so quickly. And that’s when he saw it—Jungkook’s dark, cold glare burning holes through him. Before Sehun could stutter another word, Jungkook’s eyes flicked down to you, noting the goosebumps on your arms. He grabbed the jacket from your hands and silently made you slip your arms into it.
That’s when the realization hit Sehun like a fucking brick.
His face went ghostly pale, and you could visibly see him swallow nervously. "Oh my god… are you—are you two—"
You nodded simply, sliding your arms into the jacket as Jungkook remained silently brooding behind you.
"I—I am so—sir, I’m so sorry! I would never—"
"Sehun-ssi, it’s fine." You gave him a polite, almost bored smile. "Let's talk later."
Sehun barely managed a shaky nod before he bolted, red-faced and flustered, out of the room.
"You’re such a jealous psycho," you muttered under your breath, turning to face Jungkook, who was still fuming quietly. You puckered your lips for a kiss.
Jungkook just glared, his eyes flicking to your lips for a moment before leaning down to give you a quick, soft peck. You frowned, leaning in for another, but he pulled back, narrowing his eyes at you.
"Why’d you sit there?" he asked, glancing down at your jacket, noticing you hadn’t done up the top two buttons. When he reached to fasten them, you smacked his hand away, refusing to let him make you look like a nun.
"Because your girlfriend was in my usual seat," you shot back, poking him in the stomach before turning on your heel and heading toward the door.
"And I’m the jealous one?" he muttered, flicking the lights off as he followed behind you.
"Yes," you hummed, walking down the now-empty hall, clear of all the departmental seniors and visitors.
You reached the elevator when Jungkook’s arms wrapped around your waist from behind, his head resting comfortably in the crook of your neck. You smiled, pressing a kiss to his warm cheek as you reached out to press the down arrow.
"That poor boy almost pissed himself because of you."
"I felt like I was very soft on him," Jungkook shrugged, taking a deep inhale of your honey scented skin before pressing a kiss to your neck and standing upright. His hands slipped under your jacket to rest on your belly over your blouse, his fingers grazing your skin gently. "Could’ve been a lot worse."
You chuckled, rolling your eyes, but couldn’t resist the urge to look up at his adorable pout. You puckered your lips again, and this time, he gave in, leaning down for a proper kiss. Spinning in his arms, his hands fell naturally to rest on your ass as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.
A soft moan escaped your lips when his tongue slid between them, licking into your mouth in the way only he could. It felt like only milliseconds before the elevator dinged, snapping you back to reality. You reluctantly pulled away, biting his lip gently before spinning around to face the opening doors.
The elevator revealed Kim Namjoon, standing there with his head tilted, eyebrow raised. "Jungkook-ah, the board is waiting. Answer your fuckin' phone, man," the CCO huffed, gesturing for you both to step inside with a hurried wave of his hand.
You smiled at Namjoon and walked into the elevator, Jungkook right behind you. His hand found its way back to your belly, rubbing absentmindedly as you hit the button for level 12.
Namjoon scrolled through something on his phone, snickering. "What time are you planning on getting there tonight, Kook? The RSVP says 6, but they don’t start serving drinks until 8, so I'll be there around 9," he chuckled.
Your ears perked up at the mention of the event. You fiddled with Jungkook’s tattooed fingers on your stomach, glancing up at him as you waited for him to respond.
"For what?" Jungkook asked, not looking up from his phone.
You almost frowned at his response. He already told you he had a sponsorship function tonight. Jungkook never forgets things like that.
Namjoon barely glanced up. "That promo celebration for the girl taking over for Sana-ssi?" He explained, locking his phone and leaning back. "Shit, I forgot if we need to bring gifts. I'll check with my assistant—"
You didn’t hear anything after that. Everything faded, the muffled sounds of the elevator blending together like white noise. Jungkook’s hand stiffened against your stomach, and that was all the confirmation you needed.
He hadn’t gotten his schedule mixed up. He knew damn well what event Namjoon was referring to. The "sponsorship function" was actually a celebration for that dirty slut from level 7, and that dirty slut from level 7 had gotten a permanent promotion, which would bring her even closer when fucking working with him.
The elevator doors slid open, and without a second thought, you shoved Jungkook’s hand off you and stormed out.
"Baby," Jungkook was immediately on your tail, ignoring Namjoon’s confused calls from behind.
"Wh— Jungkook-ah? What the fuck? Where are you going?"
"Baby, wait." Jungkook's voice was tense as he caught up to you, but when his hand reached out to grab your arm, you shoved it off aggressively.
"I’m so fucking serious right now, don’t touch me, Jungkook." You spat, whipping around to face him. He just shook his head, trying to step closer, but you put your hand up, keeping him at a distance. "I’m not fucking kidding—"
"Baby, listen to me—" he tried, his voice urgent.
"Get the fuck away from me," you snapped, digging into your pocket for your phone, your fingers trembling as you scrolled through your contacts. "God, you know I fucking hate it when you lie, and you just—" You groaned, your fist tightening around your phone as you shoved his hands off you once again.
"Who are you texting?" Jungkook frowned, trying to get a look at your phone over your shoulder.
"None of your fucking business," you spat, stepping out of his reach.
"Y/N, don't. If you're not going to let me explain—"
"My mom," you snapped sarcastically, your fingers flying across the screen as you started typing. "They finally adapted technology so you can get cell reception six feet underground now. It's great."
Jungkook scoffed, clearly unamused, but he continued following closely behind you as you started walking again. "If you can lie to me, then I can fucking lie to you, right?" you added mockingly.
He tried to grab your phone, but you dodged him, sending the message just in time. His jaw tightened when he saw the screen. "Like hell you’re sleeping at Jimin’s tonight, are you fucking crazy?"
"Well, I’m not staying in a house with a fucking liar, that’s for sure," you shot back, your tone sharp as you moved further away from him.
"You’re not staying at Jimin’s," he repeated firmly, his voice absolute.
His certainty made you laugh bitterly. "I’m staying at Jimin’s or I’m staying at Hyungwon’s. You fucking choose."
Jungkook’s fists clenched at his sides, his face hardening in disbelief. "Why the fuck would you say that, Y/N?"
"I don't have anywhere to go, Jungkook!" Your voice rose, frustration and pain bubbling to the surface. You could feel eyes on you from the staff scattered around the floor, but you didn’t care. "You are my home. I don’t have anywhere else to fucking—"
Jungkook’s expression softened when your voice broke, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. He stepped closer, his hands slipping under your jacket, palms smoothing down your hips. "Then don't fucking go, baby. Just don’t go anywhere, please. Don’t go to Jimin’s." He begged.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt the warmth of his hands, the familiar comfort of his body close to yours. His face rested in the crook of your neck, and despite your anger, you found yourself leaning into him slightly, knowing full well that getting to your conference on time now was just a lost cause.
"Tell me why you lied then," you mumbled, your voice quieter, your sniffles betraying you.
Jungkook pulled back, his thumbs swiping gently under your eyes, wiping the tears away before they could fully form. His fingers brushed under your nose as he wiped away the dribble there. "Because I knew it would upset you. We’ve been doing so well in our new place, baby—I didn’t want anything to ruin it." His voice was soft, almost pleading. "I’m so sorry, Y/N. I was only going to make an appearance and come home straight away."
You studied his face, your own expression softening despite the anger still bubbling inside you. You understood him, you really did. But you still hated when he lied. "Then why didn’t you just ask me to go with you?" Your voice wavered, doubt creeping in despite yourself. "Did you... not want to be seen with me?"
You didn’t even know where the self-doubt was coming from. Jungkook loved you. He loved letting people know you were his. He didn’t care who was around when he kissed you or rested a hand on your body, claiming you without shame. But something about Heejin… She got under your skin in a way that you couldn’t describe. Maybe it was because she’d been here longer, known him longer. She was going to be in meetings with him now—department head meetings, one-on-one meetings. The thought alone made you feel sick.
Jungkook sighed, his hands cupping your cheeks, and pressed two quick, soft kisses on your lips. "Don’t say dumb shit like that," he murmured, his voice soft but firm. He pulled back slightly, his eyes locking with yours. "I wanted to have a joint office, but you said that was unprofessional or whatever." He rolled his eyes, giving you a little smirk.
You blinked, hugging your arms around yourself, stepping back a little. "Then why?" Your voice was quieter now, laced with the confusion and hurt you couldn’t hide. "Why didn’t you want me to go? I’ve gone with you to plenty of functions."
Jungkook hesitated, and you felt the tension settle back into the air between you. His silence weighed heavy, and that familiar twist of anxiety and anger began to gnaw at you again.
"It’s because of Hyungwon, isn’t it?" you asked, even though you already knew the answer. "You didn’t want me to go because people from his firm are going to be there, and he could be too, right?"
Jungkook’s jaw clenched, his eyes hardening slightly as he averted your gaze. He didn’t need to say anything. His silence confirmed everything.
You let out a short, bitter laugh, shaking your head. Not only did he keep you away from a party celebrating the one woman you couldn’t stand the most when it came to him, but he also made sure you didn’t go because of the one man he had a problem with the most when it came to you was attending.
"Fucking hypocrite," you muttered, stepping further back from him, your stomach turning in disgust.
"Baby, it’s not like that—" he started, his tone filled with urgency.
"Then what is it like, Jungkook?" Your voice rose again, frustration spilling out as you threw your hands up. "You didn’t tell me about the party because you knew it would piss me off that it’s for Heejin. But you also didn’t want me to go because there was a chance Hyungwon could be there! So, what? I can’t go because you have a problem, but I’m supposed to sit at home and wait for you like a fucking housewife while you go to a party for a bitch that you know I can’t stand? How the fuck does that make sense?"
Jungkook’s face was a mixture of guilt and frustration. He took a step toward you, but you held up your hand again, stopping him in his tracks.
"God, can you just go away?" you spat, your voice trembling slightly as you felt the tears begin to well up again. Shaking your head, you started to walk away.
"Baby," Jungkook grunted, his frustration growing as he followed you.
"No, Jungkook. I need space. Seriously." You didn’t even turn around, your voice sharp as you neared your office.
"We don’t do space. That’s not how we work," he argued, right behind you.
"Well, maybe we need to start doing space," you snapped, reaching for the door handle.
Before you could pull the door open, Jungkook grabbed your wrist, spinning you around to face him. His eyes were intense, wild, like he was barely keeping himself together. "If you keep walking away from me, I'm going to follow you into that conference room and make you sit in my fucking lap during your entire presentation."
The seriousness in his voice made you want to roll your eyes, but you kept your expression blank, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response.
Jungkook’s jaw clenched when you didn’t answer, but he didn’t stop. "I can’t have you two in the same room, Y/N." His voice was low, almost dangerous, as if just saying Hyungwon’s name triggered something in him.
You just blinked, still silent.
“If I see him anywhere near you, I’ll kill him.” Jungkook said it simply, like it was just another fact. “I wouldn’t regret it. But they probably won’t let you stay in my cell with me, would they, baby?” His brows furrowed, head tilting as he asked, like he was genuinely curious to know the answer.

a/n i cut it here because the rest is nawttt edited at all and very rough 😬 but any takers on a part 3 ??!!?! just give me 6 months and it's all yours xx
#📁crazy.docx#jungkook#jeon jungkook#jeon jeongguk#jungkook fic#jungkook imagine#jungkook fanfic#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jungkook fluff#jungkook angst#jungkook smut#jungkook yandere#jungkook soft yandere#bts jungkook#bts#bts angst#bts fluff#bts smut#bts fanfic#bts x reader#park jimin#posessive#posessive love#jealousy
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢 - 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐁

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐈 | 𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐁 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐔 title: champagne confetti - side B (part 2 of champagne confetti) pairings: heartthrob!jk, yandere!jk x fashion employee f!reader genre: dark romance, smut, porn with plot, 90s word count: 18,4K beta read by @chaoticpuff17
main masterlist

Prompt 1:“you give me brand new emotion, you got me drinking that potion” Prompt 2: The lines did blur, in his mind for sure. Will you be tamed or will your passion for fashion falter for greater good - a life without Jeon Jungkook. When everything you’ve worked for hangs in the balance, his twisted love comes as both a gift and a curse.

summary: You, a determined fashion designer, find yourself entangled in a collaboration with the irresistibly charming and egotistic heartthrob, Jeon Jungkook. Will this partnership remain strictly professional, or will he make the lines blur?
warnings: minors dni 18+ | physical violence, hint of incapable police department, jk is the boy saviour here and everybody bends backwards for his famous ass, dubious consent, possessive/obsessive behavior, emotional manipulation, references to medication that affects mental and physical responses as "drugs" or "pills" or "medication", power imbalance, themes of isolation and confinement, gaslighting, mentions of mafia and criminal underworld, forced intimacy, oral sex (m!receiving), numbness, reader's difficulties getting wet, use of lube, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, riding/cow girl, orgasm difficulties, creampie, and so on (if i'll forgot smth, im so soorrryy!)
disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain strong language, explicit content, obsessive behaviour, alcohol drinking, abuse of medicine, illegal activities, oppressiveness, which we do not condone.
previously: 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢 next:

author's note: happy new year to all of you! so, where to start right? this was a long ass ride, mainly because i was fighting with myself to not burn out on this fic coz i loved it so much, and i still love it, but i won't lie that i got lil overwhelmed with how much love this fic received and how much pressure i had to suppress to not decide to just not finish part two. I am so so so grateful for each and one of you! ♥ and thank you for your patience too. Life's not easy, please understand that, i always try my best. Thank you all.
On a different note, part two a.k.a side B content is most likely something you might or might not expect to happen. And while I understand that many of you might not like where the narrative is headed, I humbly ask you to express your opinions in a nice and respectful way. If you wish to treat champagne confetti as a one-shot, I suggest you to not read part two, naturally.


1996 If they asked you how you managed to slip away when he had you in his grasp, ready to pull you back upstairs, you wouldn’t know the answer. That night became blurrier each day. All you remember is the rush of adrenaline as you pushed through the crowd, your heart racing with each step that took you further away from him.
If they asked how you ended up in the New York City police department, drenched in a flimsy pyjamas with an empty black file you once thought was your portfolio, shivering from the cold and sheer panic coursing through your veins, you wouldn’t know the answer.
If they asked how Jeon Jungkook picked you up not even thirty minutes later, knowing exactly which department you were at before you even managed to get your bearings and speak of what had happened to you, you wouldn’t know.
Apparently, you head-butted Jeon Jungkook. Well, that would explain why you were arrested and why he picked you up, ensuring the officers wouldn’t press charges against you.
Why didn’t you say anything to the officers, you may ask. Unless you did.
"You’re arresting me for what?! SELF-DEFENSE, MOTHERFUCKER, KIDNA—"
"Baby, that’s enough already. I’m so sorry, officer. I threw her birth control away by accident—"
That’s what he told them. You got into a fight over birth control, ran away in the heat of the moment, and accidentally head-butted him. You could still see the dried blood under his nose. His whole story felt like one truth mixed with lies, but you may not remember much. You certainly didn’t head-butt him by accident. You would never miss such a exquisite chance, god forbid.
"Are you seriously going to believe that sh—"
"Sir, she’s clearly having an episode. I’m so sorry about this," Jungkook’s voice dripped with concern as he addressed the officers, his hand running through his hair in apparent distress.
"Listen, you little—" your words were cut off by one of the officers raising his hand.
"Ma’am, please calm down. Mr. Jeon here is a respected man. These accusations you’re making are very serious."
"But he’s lying! He’s manipulating everything!—" your voice cracked with desperation.
"She’s been under a lot of stress lately," Jungkook interjected smoothly, fixing his gray zip-up hoodie, all dry unlike your clothing. "The fashion industry can be brutal. I’ve been trying to help her cope."
The officers exchanged knowing looks, their expressions softening as they regarded Jungkook with sympathy. One of them nodded understandingly, "We see these situations more often than you’d think, sir."
"I can take care of her from here," Jungkook assured them, his voice honey-sweet but his eyes cold as steel. "She just needs rest and her medication."
You watched in horror as the officers began nodding, your truth dissolving in the face of his perfectly crafted lies. The world seemed to tilt on its axis as you realized no one was going to believe you over him. He made you look like a psycho.
So, if they asked how in God’s name you ended up being led back to the glass cage you vacated only a few hours ago, with memories flashing before your eyes like a broken film reel, you wouldn’t know. Because that shit is straight-up unbelievable.
Each moment felt disjointed and surreal, a series of fragmented thoughts punctuated by Jungkook’s voice, smooth and calming yet laced with menace.
As he guided you back through the sleek hallways of the penthouse, the familiar opulence felt suffocating. The delicate decor, once a sign of luxury, now seemed to mock you. Jungkook’s hand rested on your lower back, a possessive gesture that sent chills down your spine.
"I hate you," you whispered, the words slipping out before you could rein them in.
Jungkook paused, the hand on your lower back tightening just enough to make you flinch. His gaze locked onto yours, those dark eyes flickering with something you couldn’t quite decipher—was it anger, or something more akin to hurt? The sharp intake of breath that followed felt like a crack in his carefully crafted facade, and for a fleeting moment, the man behind the mask was revealed.
"No, you don’t. You don’t know what you feel," he replied, his voice low and steady, like the calm before a storm. The tightening grip on your back felt almost protective, but the intensity of his gaze was unnerving.
"I know enough. I know you’re trying to control every aspect of my life. You can’t keep me locked away forever."
"Locked away?" he echoed, the corner of his mouth twitching in a sardonic smile. "Is that how you see this? This is a sanctuary, a place where you’re safe. I’ve given you everything, Y/N."
"Everything?" you scoffed, your voice trembling with disbelief and rage. "You’ve taken everything from me, and now you added my dignity to the collection." The words hung heavy in the air between you, and for a moment, you caught a glimpse of something dangerous flickering in his eyes.
"Well fucking done, Jeon–"
"Well fucking done, YOU!" He interrupted with his voice laced with anger.
"How do you imagine me trusting you after the stunt you just pulled?!" He turned to face you abruptly, screaming those words into your face.
"You are one to talk, Jeon! That baby room upstairs speaks volumes, you fucker!" Jungkook’s face turned pale, his eyes widening with genuine surprise.
"You went into the baby room?" His voice was a mix of shock and something else you couldn’t quite place—fear, perhaps?
"You hid the portfolio there, of course, I did."
"That room was supposed to be a surprise," he growled, stepping closer until you could feel his breath on your face.
"You had to ruin it."
"Surprise?" you shot back, your voice rising. "You can’t force a future on me that I don’t want, you moron!"
His hand shot out, gripping your arm tightly. "You think you have a choice in this?" he hissed. "You think you can just walk away and pretend none of this ever happened?"
"I know I can," you said, your voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance. "And I will. You don’t own me."
Jungkook’s grip tightened, his face inches from yours. "You’re mine, Y/N. You always have been. And you always will be.”
"You’re insane," you whispered, tears stinging your eyes. You saw the change in color in his eyes when you said those words. With a burst of adrenaline, you yanked your arm from Jungkook’s grip and bolted up the stairs, his furious shouts echoing behind you. Your feet barely touched the steps as you flew toward the recording room, heart pounding with fear. Bursting into the room, you slammed the door behind you, your eyes locking onto the recording booth.
Jungkook stormed in moments later, his face contorted with rage. "I’m gonna fucking teach you a lesson, you ungrateful brat!" he bellowed, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of you.
You held perfectly still, watching as he moved closer to the recording booth. Your heart pounded in your chest, each beat echoing like a drum in your ears. He hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering around the room, before stepping into the booth.
As soon as he was inside, you sprang into action. You dashed towards the door, slamming it shut and locking it with trembling hands. Jungkook’s eyes widened in shock as he realized what had happened, and he lunged towards the door just as you secured the lock.
"What the fuck, Y/N!" he roared, pounding on the glass. "Let me out!"
Ignoring his furious shouts, you grabbed a nearby chair and wedged it under the doorknob, barricading the door. You took a step back, breathing hard, and met his furious gaze through the glass.
"This ends now."
You ran through the penthouse, desperate to escape before Jungkook could free himself.
As you reached the front door and yanked it open, you collided with a solid figure, stumbling back. You looked up to see a man with dark hair and intense eyes, his expression a mix of surprise and concern.
"Who the hell are you?" you snapped, your voice trembling with fear and adrenaline.
"Min Yoongi," he replied, his tone calm yet probing. "I’m a doctor. Jungkook called me—"
Panic surged through you, but you forced yourself to stay composed. "We don’t need a doctor. Jungkook is sleeping anyway," you lied, trying to keep your voice steady.
"He must have forgotten he even called you—"
Yoongi’s eyes narrowed as he took in your disheveled state, your pajamas still not dry, and the raw fear in your eyes.
"You look terrified," he said, his tone gentle but firm. "Are you sure everything’s alright?”
Your chest tightened, a wave of panic rising. You needed to get rid of him—fast.
"Really, Yoongi-doctor-whatever, it’s fine. I just need some rest—" You cut yourself off, realizing you were only digging yourself into a deeper hole. Yoongi looked unconvinced, his gaze piercing as he studied you.
Before you could finish, a loud crash echoed from upstairs, followed by the unmistakable sound of something heavy hitting the floor. Your heart skipped a beat, and your mind raced, knowing Jungkook must have escaped the recording booth.
Yoongi’s eyes flickered towards the noise, his expression darkening with suspicion. "What was that?" he asked, his voice laced with concern and suspicion. Your mind raced, trying to think of an excuse, but you knew it was futile.
"It’s nothing," you insisted, forcing a smile. "Probably just some stuff falling ov—" that’s when an even louder crash sound echoed. Yes. He is totally out of there. You couldn’t hold back anymore.
"Fuck!" you muttered under your breath, closing your eyes as you listened to Jungkook’s heavy footsteps. You could sense the rage in every thud. The tension between you thickened, your body shaking as his furious footsteps grew closer from upstairs. You could hear him bellowing for you, rattling the doors in his rage. The time to make a run for it was slipping away.
"I need to get out of here. Please, you have to help me," you pleaded, turning to Yoongi.
He didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he looked at you—his gaze unreadable, as if he was weighing something in his mind. After a beat, he spoke again, his voice clipped and cold.
"Don’t be like the others, Y/N."
You froze at his words, your blood running cold. "The others?" you whispered, barely able to comprehend what he was implying.
Yoongi didn’t elaborate, but the weight of his gaze told you everything you needed to know. The look in his eyes wasn’t one of compassion—it was something darker, more knowing.
Yoongi’s gaze was locked on you, but you couldn’t afford to stop, couldn’t afford to hesitate—not when Jungkook’s rage was closing in on you, his every step a reminder of how little time you had left. Without warning, you darted toward him, trying to push past him. Yoongi moved in response, stepping into your path, his cold gaze never leaving yours.
"You're not leaving," he repeated, his voice quieter now, but no less firm. His presence was like a wall, blocking every path of escape. You didn’t stop. You tried to shoulder past him, using every ounce of strength and fear-fueled desperation to break free, but his arm shot out, grabbing your wrist with an iron grip.
"Let go of me!" you hissed, thrashing in his hold.
Yoongi’s expression remained impassive, but you could see the subtle shift in his stance as he tightened his grip. He wasn’t letting go, not without a fight. You yanked your free hand back, driving it forward with all the force you could muster, slamming it into Yoongi’s chest.
"He said you’re a good girl, but all I see is a brat who needs to be tamed," he warned, his voice steady but sharp. You fought him again, but the door seemed impossibly far, and Jungkook was just moments away.
In that moment, all you could do was scream.

You slowly woke up, the soft hum of voices drifting into your awareness before the world around you even began to make sense. At first, there was nothing more than a distant buzz, the kind that lingers when you’re still trapped between sleep and reality. But as the fog in your mind began to lift, the sound of two familiar voices cut through the haze—Jungkook’s, low and impatient, and Yoongi’s, calm and cold.
You blinked slowly, your eyelids heavy as if you’d been drugged, though you couldn’t be sure. You tried to sit up, but your body felt sluggish, unwilling to obey. Everything seemed wrong. The weight on your chest. The thickness in your head.
"She’s still out of it?" Jungkook’s voice, sharp and worried, came from somewhere nearby.
You tried to focus, but the disorientation kept you from piecing together the words. Still, you could feel the presence of both men—close, but not yet in your line of sight.
"She's sleeping," Yoongi’s voice was colder than you remembered, a warning in its tone. You instinctively tried to move, but your limbs refused to cooperate. Panic threatened to claw its way to the surface, but you pushed it down, trying to stay composed. You couldn’t be weak. Not now.
"She’s stubborn," Jungkook murmured, frustration evident in his voice. "You know she’ll never accept it. If I show her the truth, she’ll run again."
Yoongi’s laughter was light, but there was no warmth in it. "You sound like Namjoon."
"How is Peaches?"
There was a pause, thick with unspoken tension, before Yoongi continued, his words measured but still carrying an undercurrent of something darker.
"Her recovery... is progressing very well. She’s strong. Stronger than we probably thought."
"That’s good to hear."
"You can mend the wounds, but the mind... that’s another matter. She won't be the same." You flinched at his words. What happened to the woman they are talking about?
"But that essentially works in Namjoon’s favor."
Jungkook’s voice grew quiet at Yoongi’s words, the weight of the implication settling between them like a heavy shroud.
"How so?" His tone held a mixture of confusion and curiosity, but there was an underlying edge, as if he didn’t fully trust where this conversation was heading.
"Namjoon... He’s always been good at seeing people as they are. He doesn’t need to force things. He knows how to manipulate the mind. To make someone want to comply."
Jungkook remained silent for a long moment. His breath was audible, shallow and strained, and you could almost feel his inner conflict.
"Well, I should stop by for a crash course ’cause apparently I cannot move this one," Jungkook huffed, frustrated. Yoongi’s laughter again, light but tinged with something darker this time.
"You need to claim her, make it official. Show the world that she’s yours." Your pulse quickened, and your mind started to get dizzy again.
"She’s already in your head. You think it’s the running that’s hurting you? No, Jungkook. It’s the fact that she’s living in your thoughts, in your every decision. You’ll bend over backward for her, but she’ll never respect you for it. She needs to see you take control. Then she’ll respect you. Then she’ll stay."
"How am I supposed to make her mine when she keeps running? My original plan is fucked; she saw the baby room, hyung."
"You’re overthinking it, Jungkook. She’s already seen it, so what? It’s not a crime to want a child, for fuck’s sake."
"She saw the future I was building for us, and she’s already rejecting it."
Yoongi let out a slow, calculated breath, his voice steady as he responded. "She’s rejecting it because you haven’t made her understand it yet. She doesn’t know what’s good for her. You’ve given her too many choices, Jungkook. You’ve let her think she has the power to decide. And look where that’s gotten you. She’s running, isn’t she?"
There was a pause. You could almost hear Jungkook’s thoughts racing as the truth of Yoongi’s words sunk in.
"You’ve got to take control of the situation, Jungkook. Make her see that there’s no running, no escaping, that there’s no reason to!--" he raised his voice an octave higher before he hushed it again when Jungkook motioned urgently to prevent from waking you up.
"Make her see that you’re the one who decides her future now. You’ve made all this for her—don’t let it slip away just because she’s scared."
"I don’t want her to be scared… I want her to want me." The weight of their expectations, of what Jungkook was being urged to do, twisted in your chest like a growing storm.
"Well, if this won’t work, we can think of something more—"
The idea hit you like a punch to the gut. The thought of being pushed into a corner, with no choice but to accept the suffocating control, twisted your insides. This wasn’t love. This wasn’t a partnership. This was manipulation. But they didn’t care. They never did.
As you lay there, helpless and broken, the seeds of doubt and fear began to take root in your mind. Would you ever be able to escape? It was too much to listen to, and you don’t remember at what point in their conversation you fell back asleep.
"Sedate her, if you have to," Yoongi continued, his tone smooth but dangerous. "Keep her compliant. Keep her obedient. She can’t fight you if she doesn’t have the strength to."
"Once she’s fed up with all the side effects, she’ll do anything to stop it—"
"If she’s weakened, if she’s broken down enough, she’ll have no choice but to comply."
"What if she’s pregnant, hyung?" he asked, hope and worry evident in his tone. Yoongi rolled his eyes and sighed out of frustration.
"You boys should realize that pregnancy does not have to happen after you stick it in once, for fuck’s sake."

You woke up to the sound of running water, the steady rhythm of droplets hitting tile. Your head still felt thick, the remnants of whatever drugs they’d given you making it hard to fully shake off the fog. As you struggled to sit up, the door to the bathroom opened, and a cloud of steam billowed out. Jungkook emerged, a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair damp and tousled from the shower.
Your eyes instinctively scanned his body, taking in the intricate tattoos that decorated his arm. Each one seemed to tell a story, a piece of the puzzle that was Jeon Jungkook. He caught your gaze and threw a smirk your way as he began to dry his hair with another towel.
"You cooled down a little?" he asked, his tone light but with an underlying tension.
You swallowed hard, your mouth dry. "What did you give me?" you managed to croak out.
"Just something to help you rest," he replied, stepping closer to the bed. "You were exhausted, and I needed you to stay put."
"Stay put?" you repeated, trying to muster some anger, but the drugs still held you in their grip. "You drugged me, Jungkook."
"To protect you," he said, his voice firm. "And to protect us. This running has to stop, love. There is no getting away and that’s final."
You tried to sit up straighter, but your body refused to cooperate. "How is this supposed to work between us?" you asked, fighting to keep your voice steady. "You can’t just keep me here like this."
Jungkook sighed, running a hand through his damp hair. "I know it’s not ideal, but I want to make this work. You just need to trust me."
"Trust you?" you scoffed, though it lacked the bite you intended.
"Yes, love, trust me." He moved closer, his presence overwhelming as he sat on the edge of the bed. You wanted to speak up, but he was faster.
"You are confused—"
"Confused?" you interrupted, your voice a weak protest. "I know exactly what’s going on."
"You think you do," he countered softly, "but you don’t see the full picture. You don’t see how much I care about you, how much I’m willing to sacrifice to keep you safe."
"Safe?" you echoed, feeling a mix of frustration and helplessness.
"Yes, and before you think of snooping around the penthouse again, your portfolio is already in the hands of someone who can give you a very high-profile job." You stared at him, processing his words through the haze.
"I kept my promise," his eyes bore into yours, filled with an intensity that made it hard to breathe. It was never here, and the file you thought your portfolio was in, was just scribbles of something incoherent. You made a mistake. You should have given up the portfolio and just built your career from the ground up again. Or you should have never met Jeon Jungkook. Never given him the chance to fall in love with you, lure you in, and lastly fuck you good. Way too good.
"At what cost, Jungkook? My independence?"
His expression softened slightly, though his resolve remained.
"You need to stop fighting me. You need to see that this is for the best—"
He climbed onto the bed, his towel barely clinging to his hips as he moved closer to you. His presence was overwhelming, and you couldn’t help but feel a mix of fear and reluctant fascination. He leaned over you, his lips brushing against your ear.
"I want you to succeed," he whispered. "But you need to stop running for that to happen and let me take care of you."
Before you could respond, he captured your lips in a soft, lingering kiss. It was a stark contrast to the confusion and fear swirling inside you, and for a moment, you found yourself melting into it.
He pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours. With that, he settled beside you, keeping you close and, as if it were a peace offering, he said:
"Friends is on the telly. Wanna watch?"

You stood under the shower, the warm water cascading over your body, trying to wash away the heaviness that clung to your every move. Despite the soothing temperature, you couldn't shake the lethargy that had settled deep in your bones. The antidepressants Jungkook insisted you take were doing their job, keeping you subdued, but they also left you feeling like a shell of yourself. You did not want to scream or argue. You had no strength to fight him; all you felt was a twisted, strange calmness.
The door was unlocked as there was nothing to lock them with, and he even insisted that wherever you are in the penthouse, the door will never be shut fully or you’ll lose the privilege to be alone even for a second. It was the aftermath of your little stunt in which you locked him in his recording booth and the state Jungkook left it in was not pleasant for the eye.
As you stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around yourself, you caught a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror. The person staring back at you seemed distant, a shadow of who you used to be. You had lost some weight, something Jungkook had noticed too, as his cooking became very carb- and protein-oriented.
In the kitchen, the smell of cooking filled the air. Jungkook was at the stove, focused on preparing breakfast while the stereo was on in the living room just like every morning. This time, he put the whole SWV album on repeat. You mentioned you liked girl groups. So now he plays girl groups in the mornings. The sight of him in his domestic element would have been comforting if not for the circumstances. Body covered by a large black shirt, his tattooed arm moved with precision, flipping whatever was on the pan and stirring a pot of something that smelled sweet.
"Morning," you said softly, your voice still raspy from sleep.
He turned, a smile spreading across his face. "Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?"
You nodded, though sleep had been fitful at best. "Yeah, better. Thanks."
In normal circumstances, you could imagine yourself sassing some nasty remark his way, but somehow that is not what your brain thinks of anymore.
"Good," he replied, his eyes flicking over you with an unreadable expression. "Breakfast will be ready soon. Take a seat, baby."
You moved to the table, your legs still unsteady. The medication made it hard to feel grounded, and you grasped the back of a chair to steady yourself. As you sat down, a memory flashed through your mind, a moment that made your stomach churn.
It had been a week ago, or maybe more. Time blurred under the constant influence of the drugs. You had missed a dose, intentionally, hoping for a moment of clarity. But Jungkook had noticed the difference in your demeanor almost immediately.
"Take it," he had ordered, his voice devoid of its usual warmth.
You had refused, shaking your head, trying to stand your ground. But the look in his eyes had shifted from concern to something darker, more desperate.
Before you could react, he had grabbed you, forcing you down onto the bed. The pills were shoved into your mouth, and he held your nose, forcing you to swallow. Tears had streamed down your face, the bitter taste lingering long after the pills had gone down.
"Don’t make me do this again," he had whispered, his voice breaking with frustration. "Just take them Y/N."
Since then, you had complied, taking the pills under his watchful eye, the memory of that night a constant reminder of what defiance would bring.
Jungkook set a plate of pancakes in front of you, breaking your reverie. "Eat up," he said, his tone softer now. "You’ve lost some weight."
You picked up a fork, your hand trembling slightly. As you took a bite, he sat across from you, watching you closely. The silence between you was heavy, filled with unspoken words and lingering tension. This is so fucking awkward.
"I, um…" you began, hesitating. "I need something."
"What is it?" he asked, his gaze never leaving your face.
"I need some Tampax."
Jungkook's expression hardened at your request, his jaw tightening. The silence stretched uncomfortably as he processed your words. "Tampax," he repeated, his voice flat.
You nodded, feeling the weight of his gaze on you. "Yes. I..I got my period."
He exhaled sharply, running a hand through his damp hair.
"I thought you to be pregnant," he muttered, more to himself than to you. His frustration was palpable, the air thick with it.
"I'm sorry," you said automatically, though the apology felt hollow. What were you even apologizing for? For your body doing what it was supposed to do? For disappointing him? Why would you say that? Something flickered in his eyes when you said that, though.
"Can I go with you?" you asked carefully.
Jungkook's eyes shifted, darkening as he processed your question. His jaw tightened, and for a moment, the air seemed to thicken with tension. He remained silent, staring at you as if weighing something in his mind. You haven’t been out in what seems like a month. You wouldn’t know; he took out every single thing that indicated time or date, just as he made all the doors lack the keys so you wouldn’t ever lock him or yourself somewhere. But you have been behaving, and looking at Manhattan through the thick glass windows was just not enough anymore. He did not even let you step on the balcony.
"Where?" he asked, his voice low and guarded.
You flinched, the words slipping out before you could stop them. "To the store. To get the...tampons."
"I can take care of it—"
"Kookie, please."
The softness in your voice seemed to catch him off guard. His expression faltered for a moment, a brief flicker of uncertainty flashing in his eyes before he composed himself. Jungkook's hand gripped the back of the chair as if fighting the urge to reach for you, to demand that you stay where you were.
"Please," you repeated, your voice barely a whisper now, trying to steady the trembling in your chest. "I just want to... feel normal, just for a moment. Please, Kookie."
His gaze shifted from you to the window, the silence between you thick and heavy, suffocating. The idea of letting you go outside, even though he would be right there, scared him, and it was evident in how reluctant he was whilst granting you this plea.
"I promise I’ll behave—" you added quickly, your voice barely audible as you tried to make him see that this wasn't about defiance, but about a small piece of normalcy that you so desperately needed.
Jungkook stood frozen for a moment, the weight of your words hanging in the air like a fragile thread, ready to snap. He looked at you, eyes dark with something close to frustration, but there was a vulnerability too. You could see it in the tightness of his jaw, in the way his hands twitched, as though he was battling with himself.
Finally, he let out a slow breath, exhaling through his nose like a release of tension. "Fine," he muttered, the word falling between you like a reluctant concession.
"But you won’t get out of my sight." Jungkook continued, his voice hardening, as if the promise of letting you go outside came with an unspoken condition he couldn’t shake off.
You nodded, accepting his terms without argument. You didn’t have the strength to fight him on this, nor did you have the energy to explain that you weren’t asking for much.
A simple errand, just a quick trip.

"Let’s go, then," he said, his voice gruff.
You stood up, feeling the weakness in your legs from the antidepressants. They made you compliant, dulled your senses. Jungkook’s arm slid around your waist, his grip firm and possessive. You didn’t have the strength to resist.
Dressing was always a slow process for you, but this time for a different reason. While before you did not know what to choose to wear, now you just didn’t feel like dressing up. You chose simple clothes, if that word was ever even in your vocabulary – it is now. But when you looked upon your grey Max Mara coat with fur on the hem of its sleeves, you could not keep trying to hold on to some semblance of normalcy. You longed to be you again.
Jungkook’s eyes never left you. Not when you pulled on the last piece of clothing, not when you sat down to zip up your boots, and not when he put a warm scarf around your neck to keep you from the cold of December.
The car ride to the store was silent except for the radio that proudly played Christmas classics. You had to chuckle a little when you heard his voice playing from the radio of his reimagination of Oh Holy Night. It’s the time of the year, and you did not even realize how agonizingly slow time was in that penthouse. You stared out the window at the bustling streets of Manhattan, the snow-covered pavements, people all around. It was overwhelming, the normalcy of it all.
You walked into D'Agostino, and his hand never left yours while the other was pushing the trolley through the aisles. You looked at him, the sweater complimenting his build, his big brown coat on top of that.
You moved through the aisles, adding items to the cart under his watchful eye.
When you reached the health aisle, his grip tightened. You glanced up to see him slipping a box of pregnancy tests into the cart. Your heart sank, but you said nothing. That was what he was waiting for – to give him a reason to punish you in whatever way he pleased. But you wouldn’t give him that. Nonetheless, the implication was clear, and sooner or later you would have to fight him on that.
"Just in case," he mumbled.
As you turned the corner, you nearly collided with a couple that looked oddly familiar. They didn’t look normal, not in the way people usually did. There was something off about them, something familiar in a way that made your chest tighten. But you couldn’t put your finger on it.
"Jungkookie! Didn’t expect to see you here," the man said, his tone casual but with an underlying edge. His eyes lit up when he saw Jungkook, and it wasn’t hard to sense that they were far more than just friends. The man wore similar attire to Jungkook but in darker colors, his whole aura projecting wealth and power. She, on the other hand, was adorned in a striking red coat, her pregnant belly barely concealed beneath it. The red was too bright, too vivid, and you couldn’t ignore how much attention they drew, even in a crowd.
"Just running some errands. You know how it is." Jungkook’s voice and smile were thin, like something else was at play beneath his words. You could feel the tension in his body as he shifted slightly to face them. Was he scared of you misbehaving? Or acting up? Just what was going on in his head right now?
"Y/N, this is Jung Hoseok and his wife." There was a brief pause, his words heavy with something unspoken. Jung fucking Hoseok. You knew that name, knew the stories. The man was a businessman of the highest order, owning the distilleries producing the finest whiskey and brandy carrying the Jung’s and Kim’s name. He had nothing and everything at once with that fucking mullet.
"Hoseok, Princess - this is Y/N."
Hoseok raised an eyebrow, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than comfortable. His smile was smooth, disarming, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He was a predator in the shape of a man.
"Nice to meet you, welcome to the family," he said smoothly, his tone warm, but his eyes glinted with something that made you feel as if he was evaluating you like a piece of merchandise. It was a greeting, but it didn’t feel like one. There was no warmth in it, no welcome. Not yet.
It was ownership, as if he was claiming you as kin before you even had a chance to understand what was happening. You could barely move, trapped in his gaze, in the suffocating air thick with tension. And then there was the mention of "family."
Your mind scrambled to understand the connection. What the hell did Hoseok have to do with Jungkook? Was this some business partner? Some associate? And then you remembered the stories—Jung Hoseok, the name whispered in the same breath as the Jung family distilleries, their illegal dealings. Alcohol, drugs, money, power... and whatever the hell was happening behind the scenes that you didn’t even begin to comprehend.
Jungkook’s hand clenched around yours, his body rigid as if daring you to question his actions. But you already knew—there was no room for questions here. No room for defiance. No room for anything other than what he allowed.
You felt a shiver race up your spine as Mrs. Jung—Princess—smiled sadly, her eyes flicking between you and Jungkook. She tilted her head, and for a moment, the world around you seemed to close in. Her eyes held something unsettling—empathy, maybe, but also something darker. She wasn’t looking at you with pity; it felt more like an understanding of the kind of life you were being thrust into. A life you couldn’t escape from, no matter how hard you tried.
Her smile deepened, but the sadness never left her eyes.
"I hope you’re adjusting well," she said softly, her voice carrying an air of familiarity, but it was cold beneath the sweetness. "It’s a big change, isn’t it?"
Her words were innocent on the surface, but you knew better. They were a reminder of the power dynamic at play here, a subtle reaffirmation of your place in their world. You were still the outsider, and no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself otherwise, you were still under their watch, under their control. No freedom would ever be guaranteed.
Jungkook’s hand tightened around yours, the possessive pressure grounding you back in the moment. His gaze flicked from Mrs. Jung to Hoseok and then to you, an unreadable look passing across his face. He was silent for a moment, but the tension between the four of you was palpable, almost suffocating.
"Do you think you’ll make it to the Christmas gathering, Kook?" Hoseok asked, his voice smooth, his eyes glinting between you and him. As if he were asking whether you are ready to be part of the family.
His eyes darted to you, as if measuring whether or not you would speak, or even if you would understand what was actually happening.
"I’m not sure, Hyung," Jungkook finally answered, his voice colder than it had been moments ago. His grip on your hand remained firm, a silent warning that nothing about this encounter was casual, nor were any of you truly free.
"We’ll see."
Hoseok chuckled softly, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. He leaned back slightly, crossing his arms as if the conversation were some kind of game to him—one where he already knew the outcome. The tension was suffocating. Every word, every gesture was an unspoken measure of who had the power and who had none.
"Well," Hoseok continued, "I’m sure we’ll all be expecting you there. It’s a family affair, after all. Wouldn’t want anyone to feel... excluded." He gave a small nod, and the implication wasn’t lost on you.
"Peaches wanted to talk to you for some time, Kook."
He visibly stiffened, his body language shifting into something more guarded. His fingers tightened around yours, the possessive grip now tinged with something darker, like a warning, a reminder of who he was and who you weren’t.
The mention of Peaches—and her connection to whatever the hell was going on—left you unsettled. Another piece of the puzzle that you didn’t understand, but felt creeping closer with every passing moment.
"Yeah, I know," was all Jungkook said. His tone brooked no argument. Who is she? What was her connection to Jungkook, and why did his entire demeanor shift the moment her name was mentioned?
Hoseok, watching the two of you closely, seemed to relish the silence that followed. He leaned in just slightly, eyes flicking between you and Jungkook, measuring something unseen. Just what is he trying to achieve?
His eyes never left Jungkook, but his words were directed at both of you. "She’s been wanting to have a chat for a while. About everything."
"Don’t worry about it, we’ll talk soon, Hyung," Jungkook finally muttered, his gaze turning toward you, softening for just a moment.
But the unease in his voice didn’t fool you. The more he avoided talking about Peaches, the more you knew there was something lurking beneath the surface. Something he was hiding. Something you weren’t meant to see. And it only made you feel more trapped.
Jungkook’s grip on your hand tightened so much that you winced, but you dared not say anything. His eyes flicked from Hoseok to Mrs. Jung, his expression unreadable. There was something cold in his gaze now, something sharp, but it was directed outward—at them.
The tension between them was palpable, an unspoken war fought with words, smiles, and a look that only people like them would understand. And then, just as quickly, the moment passed.
"Well, we won’t keep you," Hoseok said, his gaze lingering on you just a moment longer. His smile never faltered, but the weight of it made you feel small, insignificant.
"It was nice finally meeting you, Y/N."

Her name resonated in your head for a while before you gathered the courage to actually ask. There must be a reason why not one but two people had already talked to Jungkook about this Peaches. Who in the world names their child Peaches? Anyway, the way his demeanor shifted at the mention of her name left you with more questions than answers. You did not know why. This should not bother you at all.
Despite Jungkook’s attempts to reassure you that nothing was going to change, the nagging feeling of being kept in the dark gnawed at you. You had become part of his world, yet there were so many aspects of it that remained a mystery. Who exactly is Jeon Jungkook if not a popular heartthrob of this generation?
One evening, as you sat in the penthouse, the silence was interrupted by the soft strains of a piano melody drifting through the space. Jungkook was at the grand piano, his fingers gliding over the keys with a grace that belied the tension that seemed to have settled over him. You watched him for a moment, the music a temporary balm to the unease that had been building between you.
Taking a deep breath, you decided it was time to address the elephant in the room. "Jungkook," you called softly, walking over to where he sat. He looked up, his expression guarded but not unkind. You did not really express any affections towards him as of late. And apparently, he was giving you space to come to him yourself. How generous after what he has done to keep you here.
"Yeah, baby?"
You took a seat beside him on the piano bench, your fingers lightly brushing the keys. You sighed loudly because you couldn't believe you were actually going to ask him that.
"Who is Peaches?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly. More from embarrassment than fear of his reaction. Jungkook’s expression shifted, a playful glint appearing in his eyes.
"Hm, someone sounds jealous?" he asked, his tone light and teasing. Obviously, that was the first thing he was going to ask.
You flushed, feeling your cheeks heat up at his question. "No, I’m not jealous," you retorted quickly, but the slight tremor in your voice betrayed you. Were you not?
Jungkook’s grin widened, and he leaned closer, his face just inches from yours. "Oh, really?" he murmured, his voice low and mischievous.
"Because it sounds like you might be a little bit jealous." You turned your head away, trying to hide the embarrassment creeping up your neck, interplaying with frustration that was very much successfully toned down by the number of pills you’d taken this morning.
"I could not give a flying fuck, Jungkook, I’m just curious."
"A flying fuck, huh?" he repeated, his tone laced with amusement. Jungkook chuckled, the sound low and rich, his breath warm against your cheek.
He reached out and gently turned your face back to him, his fingers light on your chin.
"Peaches is Kim Namjoon’s fiancée," his tone softening but the amusement still present in his eyes. You could feel the tension in his fingers as he held your chin, his thumb brushing lightly against your skin. And you could also not miss how the little ball of nerves you had in your chest suddenly evaporated.
You blinked, trying to process the information. "Namjoon’s fiancée?" you echoed, your voice barely above a whisper. You knew Namjoon as the man next to Jungkook in the majority of the photographs he had hanging up, and you recall him talking about this Namjoon even before you got yourself into this situation. Jungkook looked up to Namjoon. The name carried weight, and you could see why Jungkook might be protective over such a significant part of his and his family’s life.
"I saved her life."
His words hung in the air, adding another layer to the mystery surrounding Jungkook and the world he was a part of.
"You saved her life?" you repeated, your voice softening. The weight of his words began to sink in, and you could see the depth of his connection to this woman named Peaches.
Jungkook nodded, his fingers still gently holding your chin. "Yeah, I did," he said quietly.
"H…how?" He seemed to be weighing his words carefully, the playful glint in his eyes dimming slightly. It was obvious. He wouldn’t tell you.
"I’m not sure you’re ready to know all of it at once," he said gently, his thumb brushing your skin. "But what you need to understand is that everything I’ve done, everything I’m doing, is for the good of the family."
"Are you like…Hoseok?" you asked, your voice wavering just slightly as you tried to make sense of everything. Jungkook leaned back slightly, his eyes narrowing as he processed your question. He tilted his head, almost as if he were weighing your words. His fingers, which had been so tender on your chin, slowly slipped away, leaving a cool emptiness behind.
"Depends on who you think Hoseok is?" he replied, his voice light, but there was an underlying edge to it—a hint of something he wasn’t quite ready to share. You frowned, not fully understanding.
"Everybody knows who he is, Gguk." Jungkook’s lips curled into a small, amused smile at your bluntness. The nickname "Gguk" rolled off your tongue like it had been there all along, and for a brief moment, his usual playful demeanor flickered back, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. His gaze softened just a little, but the weight of the conversation hung heavy between you.
"He’s mafio—"
"Yeah, I know what everyone thinks.." Jungkook’s lips quirked into that familiar smile, but this time it was tinged with something a little darker.
"You think Hoseok’s just some dangerous guy who gets his hands dirty, but it’s more than that. It’s about belonging."
"It’s not all suits and guns and power plays. There’s a whole other side to it—" he continued. You tilted your head, not sure if you were entirely following what he was saying.
"Jungkook, I thought you were a goddamn heart-crushing pop-star." He laughed.
"I’ve been everything the world thinks I am, but that’s not all."
"But… you’re not like Hoseok, though, right?" you asked, needing reassurance that he wasn’t too far gone. Jungkook’s gaze softened as he looked at you, his fingers now tracing small patterns on the back of your hand.
"No, I’m just a heart-crushing popstar," he said finally, his voice amused.
"I am still very much part of the family though,—"
"You’re part of it now too. Whether you like it or not. And I’ll protect you. I’ll make sure you’re safe."
The sincerity in his voice made your heart ache. You wanted to believe him. You needed to believe him. But the weight of the world he was offering you was far heavier than you had imagined.
"That’s how we roll."
His fingers continued their slow, deliberate tracing on your hand, a reminder that he had all the control here. You pulled your hand away from his, shaking your head, your chest tightening as you tried to keep your emotions in check. He looked confused for a moment and undoubtedly started to question whether you’d taken your medication or found a way to sneak past his watchful eye.
"You’ll understand why eventually," he murmured, his voice low and sure, as if he were speaking a truth you weren’t yet ready to hear.
And then, before you could say another word, his lips were on yours again—slow, but with a possessiveness that sent a shiver through you. It was suffocating in its intensity, and yet you couldn’t bring yourself to pull away, trapped in the haze of his touch, the drug in your system, the desperate need to find some kind of relief. To feel something else rather than the empty numbness of your brain.
The medication, the constant monitoring, the suffocating feeling of being trapped in your own mind—it all faded into the background as Jungkook's kiss deepened, his tongue tracing the outline of your lips, sending sparks of sensation through your numbness. You felt yourself getting lost in the intensity of the moment, your hands rising to grasp his shoulders, pulling him closer as if trying to anchor yourself to something, anything, that felt real.
The possessiveness in his kiss was almost palpable, a reminder that he was in control, and yet, you couldn't bring yourself to care, too caught up in the desperation to feel something, anything, that wasn't the dull, hollow ache of your own emptiness.
Your thighs spread wide as you settled onto his lap, the hardness of his erection pressing against your core, sending a jolt of electricity through your body.
You did not stay in this state of mind for too long though.
"I don’t want this Jungkook."
Jungkook's kiss paused for a fraction of a second, the softness in his movements turning sharper, as if the words you spoke were a challenge, one he wasn’t ready to hear. His breath was heavy, his chest rising and falling with the rapid rhythm of his pulse. He pulled back just enough to look into your eyes, his gaze dark and intense, like he was searching for something—an answer, an explanation, perhaps even your submission.
"You don’t want this?" His voice was calm, but there was an underlying sharpness to it, a hint of disbelief. His thumb brushed lightly across your bottom lip, his touch almost possessive, as if claiming that too.
"I…I don’t know." The confusion in your words only seemed to fuel something inside him—a deepening desire, a need to pull you even closer, to make you feel as though you were already lost to him.
His hands roamed, shifting to your back, pulling you against him with a force that made your heart race, your breath hitch. He was strong, too strong, and as much as you wanted to push him away, your body—distant, clouded by the drugs, the numbness—reacted to him, betraying the words that your mind screamed.
"You can fight this all you want," he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear, sending a shudder through your body. "But you know you're mine, Y/N. I’m not letting you go. Not now, not ever."
You tried to focus on your words, the ones that should matter. "I don’t want this, Jungkook," you repeated, your voice weak, and yet, something in your chest tightened. The longing for freedom, for a way out, collided with the dull pull of your body’s response to him. It felt as though you were suffocating between two opposing forces—one part of you screaming to break free, the other part craving the warmth he was offering, even if it was twisted.
"Hey, look at me, baby," Jungkook’s gaze softened, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. The heat in them was still there, darker, more intense, as he tilted your chin up to meet his gaze.
The drugs were fogging your mind, the reality of what was happening slipping away like sand through your fingers. You felt his hands tighten around your waist, pulling you even closer, the pressure building between you both, and yet, a small voice in the back of your mind screamed no. It screamed that this wasn’t right, that you were more than this moment, but the drugs and his kiss drowned it out, and all you could do was let yourself be consumed by him.
"This is happening. This is us." His voice was firm, steady, and with each word, the finality of his claim echoed between you both.
You wanted to push him away. You wanted to tell him to stop, to make him understand how wrong this was, but your body betrayed you, too caught in the haze of his touch, his kiss, the overwhelming pull of his presence. You closed your eyes, trying to block out the sensations, trying to escape into the numbness that you had once sought.
But Jungkook wouldn’t let you. His fingers slid to your jaw, guiding your face back to his as his lips found yours once more. This kiss was different—it was hungry, possessive, the kind that felt like a demand rather than a plea. You could feel him pressing against you, his desire unmistakable in the hardness of his body, and it was suffocating, consuming you in ways you didn’t know you could be consumed.
He pulled away just enough to look into your eyes, his chest still rising and falling beneath yours. "You don’t want this now, but you will," he said softly, his voice full of certainty. "You’ll see. You’ll understand at the end,—I’ll make you understand."
The intensity of his gaze held you captive, the world outside this moment blurring into insignificance.
"Jungkook…" you whispered, your voice trembling. The fear, the confusion, the longing—they all mingled into a desperate plea for something you couldn’t quite name.
His eyes softened, but the possessiveness never left. "You’re mine," he repeated, his voice a low, soothing murmur. "I’ll protect you. I’ll keep you safe. But you have to trust me, Y/N–"
"You have to let me in."

You looked down at your mug, swirling the mulled wine as you gathered your thoughts. "I... I think I’m ready to go back to work," you said finally, your voice barely above a whisper.
The change in Jungkook’s demeanor was immediate. The warmth in his eyes flickered out, replaced by something harder, colder. He set his mug down on the counter with a soft clink, his posture stiffening.
"What makes you think that?" he asked, his tone deceptively calm, but you could hear the edge beneath it. You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to meet his gaze.
"I’ve been good, haven’t I?"
Jungkook’s eyes narrowed slightly as he studied you, the tension between you palpable. He took a step closer, his presence imposing. "You have," he admitted, his voice low and measured. "But that doesn’t mean you’re ready to go back out there."
You felt a pang of frustration, but you tried to keep your voice steady. "I need to feel normal again, Jungkook. I need to get out of here, to do something meaningful."
His jaw tightened, and he reached out, gently but firmly taking the mug from your hands and setting it aside. His fingers lingered on your wrist for a moment, his touch both comforting and possessive. "This is meaningful," he said, his voice softening just a fraction as he looked into your eyes. "Us, here, together. This is your life now, Y/N."
"But..but you promised." Jungkook's expression flickered, a brief moment of conflict passing through his eyes before his gaze hardened again. He took a deep breath, his grip on your wrist tightening slightly as he processed your words.
"I promised to keep you safe," he said, his voice firm but with an undercurrent of something you couldn’t quite identify—fear, perhaps, or desperation. "And letting you go back to work... it's not safe for you now, Y/N."
You pulled your wrist free, taking a step back to create some distance. "I can’t stay cooped up in here forever, Jungkook," you said, your voice trembling but determined. "I need to feel like myself again. I need to be around people, to do something other than just exist in this penthouse."
He took a step closer, his hands reaching out to cup your face, his touch gentle but his eyes intense. "You are my life now," he said softly, his voice breaking slightly. "And I can’t lose you. Not to anything or anyone." You closed your eyes, leaning into his touch despite the turmoil inside you. Jungkook’s thumb brushed over your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"Freedom comes with risks, Y/N," he murmured, his voice filled with a mix of love and possessiveness. "And I’m not sure I can handle those risks."
"I promise I am not plotting, Gguk—" you began, but Jungkook’s eyes narrowed, his grip on your face tightening ever so slightly.
"Are you not?" he cut in, his voice low and dangerous. The hint of desperation from before was now replaced with a cold, steely resolve.
"Just give me a chance to prove—" His eyes bore into yours, searching for any sign of deceit.
"I don’t know if I can trust that, Y/N," he murmured, his voice filled with an unsettling mix of love and possessiveness. He was silent for a long moment, his jaw clenched, the muscles in his neck tight with tension. Finally, he let out a slow breath, his grip on your face softening.
"We have the family dinner coming up. It’s important, and everyone will be there. If you can behave, show that you can handle yourself around my family, then maybe... just maybe, we can talk about you going back to work."
The implication of his words settled over you like a weight. This wasn’t just about proving yourself to him; it was about proving yourself to his entire family. The thought was daunting, but you knew this might be your only chance. To get away from his grasp.
"I’ll do my best," you said, your voice trembling with a mix of determination and anxiety. "I promise."
A small, almost tender smile tugged at the corners of Jungkook’s lips. "Good," he said softly.
You swallowed hard, the pressure of the upcoming dinner weighing heavily on you. "Who will be there?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jungkook’s eyes flickered with something unreadable. "Everyone," he said simply. "My parents, all of my Hyungs... among whom someone can offer you a position if you make a good impression."
This was your chance, and you had to take it.
"I’ll be on my best behaviour," you promised, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside you.
You stood there in Jungkook’s arms, the Christmas lights twinkling softly around you, you resolved to do whatever it took to reclaim a part of your life.
"Now, show me how good you can warm my cock this Christmas."
His murmured words were low and commanding. You swallowed hard, your mind racing as you tried to process what he was asking of you. This wasn’t the first time he implied that he wanted you to drop down there. He was obsessed with your body and how obedient it became when you had the right amount of pills and alcohol in your system. You both could deal with detox once you realized that there was no different route in your life but him. That was his plan all along.
You could smell the mulled wine on his breath, and it only added to the sense of unease growing inside you. He reached out a hand and gently stroked your cheek, his touch sending a wave of revulsion through your body.
As the flames danced in the fireplace, casting a warm glow over the room, Jungkook's eyes locked onto yours, his gaze burning with a fierce intensity. He reached out and gently stroked your hair, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. Without a word, he guided you to your knees, his eyes never leaving yours. Quick flashbacks ran through your mind from the last time he did that. Normally, fear would take you down or push you to protest. Not anymore. He made you his doll. At least partially.
As his hands closed around yours, he gently guided them to his sweatpants, his eyes locked onto yours with a spark of excitement. You felt a rush of anticipation as your hands made contact with the soft fabric, and Jungkook's eyes seemed to gleam with a knowing light.
He urged your hands to explore, to delve beneath the waistband and discover the secrets that lay hidden beneath. Your fingers trembled slightly as you complied, slipping beneath the fabric to find the warm, smooth skin. Jungkook's eyes fluttered closed, and a low, husky moan escaped his lips as your hands made contact with his flesh. His hips seemed to arch into your touch.
Your fingers wrapped around him, feeling the warmth and the hardness.
Jungkook's eyes snapped open, and he gazed at you with a fierce intensity, his pupils dilated with desire. "Yes," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own ragged breathing. "Like that. Just like that."
You could imagine that this was your high school boyfriend. You for sure loved him back then. Because now you have to suck and fuck that man like you mean it if you want out.
Your lips made contact with the warm, smooth skin of his cock, and Jungkook's eyes fluttered closed, a low, husky moan escaping his lips. You began to suck, your mouth wrapping around him like a warm, wet glove. Jungkook slightly moved his hips against you, inviting you to take more, to suck him deeper.
You felt his hands tangling in your hair, holding you in place as you worked to please him. The sound of his breathing, the feel of his heat, and the taste of his skin is nothing new for you anymore, and you desperately wish you never got the taste of him.
Jungkook's moans grew louder, and his hips began to move, thrusting gently into your mouth. You felt him growing closer and closer to the edge, and you knew that you were driving him wild. Your mouth moved up and down, sucking and licking, as Jungkook's cock grew harder and thicker. You felt his precum dripping onto your tongue, and you knew that he was close to coming.
Jungkook's hands tightened in your hair, holding you in place as he began to thrust faster, his hips moving in a rapid, piston-like motion. You felt his cock hitting the back of your throat. His body tensed when he pulled your wet mouth from his cock just in time, his cock still throbbing with desire. His chest heaved with exertion, his breathing ragged as he gazed at you with a hungry look in his eyes.
Without a word, Jungkook reached out and grabbed your wrist, pulling you to your feet. He spun you around, pressing your back against the wall next to the Christmas tree as he loomed over you.
You felt his hot breath on your skin, his lips inches from yours as he whispered, "I'm not done with you yet." His hands roamed over your body, stripping away your clothes with a fierce urgency.
Jungkook's eyes devoured you, his gaze lingering on every curve and contour of your body. You felt his hot breath on your skin, his lips inches from yours, as he whispered, "Mhm, I’m gonna fuck you so hard and nice—" his hands continued to strip away your clothes, leaving you naked and exposed before him.
Jungkook's hands grasped your hips, lifting you up as he slammed you against the wall. But instead of thrusting into you, he paused, his eyes locked on yours as he whispered,
"I want to savor you, to taste every inch of your skin."
Jungkook's lips crashed down on yours, his tongue invading your mouth as he kissed you with a fierce, possessive passion. You felt yourself getting lost in the sensation, your body responding to his touch as he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring every corner of your mouth.
As he kissed you, Jungkook's hands began to roam over your body, touching, caressing, and claiming you as his own. His fingers trailed down your neck, over your shoulders, and down to your breasts, where he cupped them in his hands, his thumbs tracing circles around your nipples.
His lips left yours, and he trailed kisses down your neck, over your shoulders, and down to your breasts, where he sucked your nipples into his mouth, his tongue swirling around them in a sensual dance. His fingers continued tracing down your stomach, over your hips, and down to your thighs, where he parted them with his hands, his fingers brushing against your entrance, spreading your lips wide and finding very little of wetness.
His brows furrowed in concern, and he lifted his head from your breasts, his eyes locking onto yours with a questioning gaze.
For a moment, he simply looked at you, his chest heaving with exertion, his lips still wet from kissing your breasts. Then, his face softened, and he whispered, "Do you want me to stop?" His voice was low and husky, but laced with a hint of uncertainty.
Was he testing you?
The Christmas tree lights twinkled in the background, casting a warm glow over the scene. The soft hum of the lights and the quiet beat of Jungkook's chest rising and falling with each breath were the only sounds in the room.
What are you going to do now?
It was not uncommon for someone on such medication as yours to have trouble with dampness down there. Even when the excitement might be there, waterfalls weren’t.
"It's just the medication…" Jungkook's expression turned serious, and he kissed your forehead tenderly.
"I know, baby," he said softly. "We'll go slow. We don't have to rush anything."
He shifted slightly, adjusting his position so that he could hold you more comfortably. As Jungkook held you, his hands moved slowly, caressing your back and sides with a gentle touch. How? Why? Where is the Jungkook who forced you down on your knees and fucked your throat until you cried?
The contrast between the Jungkook who was now so gentle and the one who had been so forceful left you bewildered. His tenderness felt alien, almost as if he were a different person. You couldn't help but wonder if this was just another side of his complex personality, a side he was showing now to keep you close, to make you feel safe.
"Why are you being so gentle with me?" you whispered, unable to keep the question to yourself any longer.
Jungkook paused, his eyes searching yours. "Because I love you," he said simply, as if that explained everything. "I want you to feel safe with me, Y/N. I want you to trust me."
You felt a lump form in your throat, the words catching you off guard. Trust. It was such a fragile thing, something that had been shattered and mended too many times. Could you really trust him? This could simply be another foul play.
Jungkook's gaze softened, and he cupped your face in his hands. "I know I've been rough with you, baby. I know I've scared you. But I need you to understand that everything I do, I do because I can't bear the thought of losing you. You're my everything, Y/N."
"I need to feel like I can breathe." You whispered, bare and vulnerable.
"I can give you that," he said, his voice steady. "But you have to promise me something."
"What is it?" you asked, your heart pounding.
"Promise me that you won’t leave me, baby," he said, his grip on your face tightening slightly.
"I won’t," you replied, your voice trembling at the thought. But your answer was rather enigmatic, and his brain opted to process it the way he wanted and not the way you meant it. You won’t. You won’t promise that.
Slowly, his grip on your face relaxed, and he let out a breath he seemed to have been holding. "Good," he murmured, pressing his forehead against yours. "Because I can’t live without you."
He kissed you softly, his lips lingering on yours, and you responded as best you could, trying to convey the mix of emotions swirling inside you. It was almost disorienting, this gentleness from a man who had shown you such brutality.
"I want you," he whispered, his voice low and husky. "I want to be inside you, to feel you wrapped around me." He paused, his gaze never leaving yours. "But I don't want to hurt you. I want to make it good for you."
"Just like the last time." He smirked, recalling all your dirty juice on his body and bed once you came undone the first time he claimed you as his.
He took a step back, his eyes still locked on yours, and nodded to himself. "I'll be right back," he said, turning and walking away.
You watched him go, wondering what he was doing. But then you heard him rummaging through a drawer, and you realized what he was looking for. He returned with a small bottle of lube, his eyes never leaving yours.
"I want to make sure you're ready for me," he said, his voice low and gentle. "I want to make sure you can take my big cock into your tiny hole." He moaned at the thought of being inside you again.
"I can’t hold back, baby. I'm going to fuck you good until you can’t walk."
He poured some lube onto his fingers, his eyes never leaving yours as he climbed on top of you. You felt him touch you, his fingers slipping between your lower lips, spreading them with his two fingers apart and caressing each side, making you breathe loudly. You gasped, feeling a spark of pleasure ignite within you, just a little. He knew exactly how to touch you, how to coax your body into a state of complete surrender.
The warmth of his hands seeped into your skin, spreading a comforting heat that eased the tension from your muscles. Every stroke, every caress, was a reminder of his dominance, yet also of his desire to please you.
His fingers moved with a rhythm, slow and deliberate, exploring every inch of your sensitive flesh. He started with light, teasing touches, barely grazing your skin, before gradually increasing the pressure. You felt a fluttering sensation in your lower abdomen, a mix of anticipation and need. Your breath hitched, and you let out a soft moan, encouraging him to continue.
You were feeling something after such a long time of numbness. He made you forget about how sore your muscles were every morning, how tired you woke up even though you slept for more than eight hours, and how you emptied your stomach now and then because the drugs made you nauseous.
He whispered soothing words, his voice a low murmur that vibrated against your skin. "That's it, baby," he said, his breath warm against your ear. "Just relax. Let me take care of you."
His fingers moved with an intimate knowledge of your body, finding all the right spots inside you to make you gasp and writhe beneath him. He took his time, not rushing, making sure you were fully prepared, fully aware of every sensation.
His lips hovered over yours, eyes locked onto yours. Slowly, his lips descended, brushing against yours in a gentle, teasing caress.
"You are such a good girl for me." His fingers continued to move, stroking and teasing, building the tension inside you. You felt his hands moving, positioning you the way he wanted when an idea struck your brain. This is it. He will think that you’re finally falling in line, that you are content living by his side, and eventually showing him some love he is forcing from you. You decided to use this moment to your advantage, to make him believe you were giving in, that you were starting to accept your place by his side.
You clung to him, as if seeking more of his touch, more of his warmth.
"Jungkook," you whispered, your voice trembling with a mix of genuine arousal and calculated submission.
"I wanna ride you."
His eyes widened slightly, a flicker of surprise quickly replaced by a dark, eager gleam. You would pay to see that micro-mimic again. He smiled, a slow, predatory smile that made your heart race.
"Oh, do you now, baby?" he murmured, his voice low and filled with anticipation.
You nodded, maintaining eye contact, letting him see the sincerity in your gaze.
"Yes, please."
Without another word, Jungkook shifted, guiding you to straddle his lap. His hands moved to your hips, his grip firm but not painful, holding you steady as you settled yourself over him. The feel of his erection pressing against you sent a shiver of anticipation through your body.
"Take your time," he said softly, his eyes never leaving yours. "I want to feel every inch of you."
You bit your lip, lowering yourself slowly, savoring the feeling of him filling you. He let out a low groan, his fingers tightening on your hips as you took him in, inch by inch. The connection between you felt almost electric, every nerve ending alive with sensation.
Once you were fully seated, you paused, giving yourself a moment to adjust. He felt even bigger now that your arousal was half artificial. Jungkook's eyes were dark with desire, his breath coming in short, shallow gasps.
"Good girl," he whispered, his voice thick with arousal. "You feel so good."
You began to move, rolling your hips in slow, deliberate circles. Jungkook's hands roamed your body, caressing your back, your breasts, your thighs, as if he couldn't get enough of touching you.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice a husky whisper. "So fucking perfect."
You leaned forward, capturing his lips in a heated kiss. His lips were soft yet demanding, moving against yours with a fervor that matched the rhythm of your hips. You could taste the lingering sweetness of mulled wine on his tongue as it slipped into your mouth, exploring and claiming.
As you bounced on him, your movements became more urgent, driven by the growing need that coursed through your veins. You were getting riled up. You knew you wouldn't cum. At least not like before.
You broke the kiss, gasping for air, your forehead resting against his. "Jungkook," you moaned, your voice trembling with need. "I need you."
Jungkook's hands moved to your hips, guiding you, urging you to move faster, harder. The friction between you was exquisite, each movement sending waves of pleasure through your body. His kisses grew more desperate, more demanding.
"I'm right here, baby," he groaned, his hands tightening on your hips, his own need evident in the way his body moved against yours. "You're doing so well. Keep going."
You closed your eyes, losing yourself in the rhythm, the sensation of his body against yours. The room was filled with the sound of your heavy breathing, the soft hum of the Christmas lights, and the quiet creak of the couch under you.
You glanced down where your pussy swallowed his cock, noticing the bulge in your belly growing each time you slumped down on his cock.
"Cum for me, baby," Jungkook whispered, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down your spine. "I want to feel you."
You shook your head slightly, the frustration and the numbness from the medication making it difficult to reach the peak you both desired. "I... I can't," you gasped, feeling the tears of frustration prickling at the corners of your eyes.
"Yeah, you do, baby. I know you can." Jungkook's voice was firm but encouraging, his hands guiding your hips as he increased the intensity of his movements.
He shifted slightly, angling his hips to hit that perfect spot inside you with each thrust. His thumb found your clit, rubbing gentle but insistent circles that sent jolts of pleasure through your body. The combination of his relentless thrusts and the skilled motion of his thumb began to break through the fog of numbness.
"Just focus on me," he murmured, his voice low and soothing. "Feel every touch, every movement. You're so close, baby. I can feel it."
You let out a soft whimper, your body responding despite the numbness. The tension inside you began to build again, each touch, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through you. Jungkook's presence, his voice, his touch, all combined to draw you closer to the edge.
"Come on, baby," he urged, his voice thick with arousal. "You're so beautiful like this, so perfect. Let go for me. I know you can."
You closed your eyes, focusing on the sensations, on the heat of his body against yours, the rhythm of his movements. The frustration began to ebb away, replaced by a growing need, a desire to reach that peak, to give him what he wanted.
"That's it," Jungkook whispered, his voice a mix of encouragement and command.
You could feel the tension coiling inside you, tighter and tighter, until it was almost unbearable. But the finish line not close at all. You could feel the pleasure building, but it was like reaching for something just out of your grasp.
You clung to him, your nails digging into his shoulders, your breaths coming in short, desperate gasps. A little drop of sweat rolling down your forehead. You knew you had to come somehow or this wouldn't stop. He wouldn't let you go, he would know if you faked it right away.
You forced yourself to concentrate on his touch, on the rhythm of his movements, on the sound of his voice. You felt the tension coiling tighter inside you, every nerve ending tingling with anticipation. Jungkook's relentless pace, the way he filled you so completely, the firm circles his thumb traced over your sensitive spot.
"Jungkook," you gasped, your voice trembling with need and desperation. He leaned in to take one of your nipples into his mouth, his thumb moving faster against your clit, his thrusts deep and steady. You bit your lip, trying to channel all your focus into the sensations he was creating.
With a final, desperate cry, you felt the coil inside you snap. Your body convulsed around him, your muscles clenching and releasing in a rhythm that matched the pounding of your heart. Jungkook held you through it, his movements never faltering as he guided you through your release.
The aftershocks of your orgasm slowly receded; after all, it felt like you only edged hard instead of cumming but that was good enough for you to moan his name and shake for him to be sated.
You collapsed against him, your body spent, your mind hazy. Jungkook followed you over the edge, his own release shuddering through him as he buried himself deep inside you. He held you close, his breath warm against your neck, his heart beating in time with yours.
"You did so well," he murmured, his voice filled with pride and affection. "So perfect for me."
For now, that was enough.
Enough for him to give him hope that you are his and he is yours.

The church bells rang out a somber melody as you and Jungkook stepped inside the grand cathedral. The last time you were here was when you told your parents you didn't get accepted to MIT for neuroscience as they wanted. Instead, you had announced your desire to pursue a career in the fashion industry. You still remembered their horrified faces.
Jungkook’s grip on your hand was firm but gentle as he guided you to a seat near the front. Garlands of evergreen and red ribbons decorated the aisles, reflecting the deep religious commitment of Jungkook’s family. Yours believed in science, and if you went to church, it was only for the image it gave your parents. But Jungkook insisted that you, as in you and him, cannot skip the service. It’s a no-no in the family.
Seeing Jungkook in something so not hipster or at least, fuck boy like, made you re-think just how much he had grown as a person without you ever noticing. The crisp white shirt tucked neatly into his tailored black slacks, a perfect striped suit jacket on top, tie underneath, all Bloomingdale, you took a mental note. The hint of cologne that wafted every time he moved made him look almost unrecognizable compared to the tattooed, oversized-hoodie-wearing Jungkook you first met and it made you wonder when did you start seeing him as a helpless heartthrob. Gone was the boy and instead there was this stand-up guy holding your hand.
You settled into the wooden pew once the priest began the service with a deep, resonant voice. You tried to focus on the words, on the serenity of the moment, but your mind kept drifting to the upcoming dinner. This had to be the performance of your lifetime. But you have to try to endure words that have no meaning to you or your soul while you wait for the innocent naivety of distant future’s mothers and fathers, lawyers and doctors, or good people and vigilantes, in the form of a child choir, to start singing.
You spotted Hoseok and what looked like Kim Namjoon with, you assumed, Peaches, nearing your seats. Jungkook's grip tightened slightly, a silent signal that he was aware of their approach. He was scared you’d run away, that you’d ruin everything. He was right to be scared. To ruin their family Christmas might be on your Grinch wishlist, but you would be the most obedient woman on the planet if you had to. Because that meant, you had a chance of getting out of that ugly block of a tall building more than once a month when you begged for it. How you’d get rid of your "boyfriend," that was a story for another day.
While the service continued, you felt a hand slip into yours, warm and reassuring. You looked up to see Peaches smiling gently at you, her curly blonde hair framing her full face, and her eyes filled with quiet strength. She was wearing Versaci’s black slit medallion dress that you thought there is no way to get after the 94’ movie showgirls. But she has them, and a what seemed to be a very nice fur coat draped over her shoulders.
She was quite the beauty, and your brain immediately imagined her on a runway. Although she was rather petite next to a man like Kim Namjoon. She squeezed your hand lightly, a silent gesture of support. It was comforting, and for a moment, you felt a small spark of hope.
"Hi," she said quietly, and at that moment, you couldn’t hate her like you hated the rest of them.
"Hi," you whispered back, offering a small, tentative smile. Her presence was unexpectedly soothing, a reminder that there might be allies or at least people who sympathized. But mere sympathy wouldn’t help you get out of this arrangement.
Jungkook noticed the exchange, his eyes softening slightly, though his grip on your hand remained firm. He leaned in, his breath warm against your ear. "You’re doing great," he murmured, his voice low and encouraging. "Just a little longer."
Hymns filled the air, and the congregation joined in with reverence. You tried to let the music and the surroundings wash over you, to find some peace in the chaos of your mind. Peaches’ hand in yours was a constant source of comfort, a silent promise that you weren’t completely alone in this.
The service drew to a close. The priest offered a final blessing, and the congregation began to disperse. Jungkook helped you to your feet, his hand never leaving yours.
"Good to see you both," Hoseok greeted, his smile genuine but his eyes sharp. "Are you ready for the dinner tonight?"
Jungkook nodded, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. "Yeah, we’ll be there. But we’re stopping by my parents’ house first."
Namjoon glanced at Peaches, whose movements showed pain once she stood up. Nonetheless, she gave you a reassuring smile.
"We’ll see you there," he said, his voice calm and composed.
As you walked out of the cathedral, Peaches leaned in and whispered, "Don’t let them get into your head."
Her words resonated with you as you made your way to the car. Jungkook’s parents' house was your next destination, and you knew you had to maintain your composure. This was your chance to prove yourself and eventually free yourself.
Jungkook’s family home was grand and imposing, decorated lavishly for the holiday season.
You took a deep breath as you stepped out of the car, Jungkook by your side. He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze before leading you to the front door.
The door swung open before you could even knock, revealing Jungkook’s mother, her face lighting up with excitement. She was a petite woman with a warm smile, but her eyes were sharp and assessing.
"Jungkook, darling!" she exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug before turning her attention to you. "And this must be Y/N!"
She reached out and took your hands in hers, her grip surprisingly strong. "It’s so lovely to finally meet you," she said, her eyes flicking down to your fingers for a good moment before she realized that what she was looking for was not there. Her smile faltered slightly but she recovered rather quickly when she saw your confused mimics.
You forced a smile, feeling a bit overwhelmed by her forwardness. "It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Jeon."
"Aish, that’s how the staff calls me," she said with a light chuckle, waving her hand dismissively. "You call me eomma, honey."
Before you could respond, her gaze had already shifted, and she was inspecting you more closely, her hands suddenly on your shoulders, then your arms, and finally your stomach.
"You will be so pretty with a—" she began, her tone filled with genuine admiration, but her hands still firmly on your midsection.
"Eomma!" Jungkook interrupted abruptly, his voice firmer than usual. He gently but decisively moved her hands away from you. "Ya, is that a sponge cake I’m smelling?"
Mrs. Jeon blinked, momentarily thrown off, before breaking into a warm smile. "Oh, yes! I made your favorite, Ggukie-ah!" she said, her enthusiasm shifting to the mention of the cake.

The dining room was filled with people, all of whom seemed to know each other well. You felt like an outsider, but you kept a polite smile on your face, determined to make a good impression. This house, or rather mansion, was overwhelming. Tall ceilings and crystal chandeliers loomed overhead, and the mansion was beautifully decorated, with twinkling lights and elegant ornaments adorning every corner. A massive Christmas tree stood in the center of the hall you passed on your way, its branches heavy with decorations and presents piled high underneath. It seems that the Jungs or maybe this whole family is rather obsessed just as much with crystal as it is with kidnapping women.
Jungkook introduced you to everyone you didn’t know, his grip on your hand never faltering. As you sat down at the long, elegant table, you noticed a blonde man watching you from across the room. His name was Park Jimin, and you knew exactly who he was.
A goddamn chairman of Dior looking at you and your little black dress Jungkook insisted you will wear. It was a gift, from whom he did not say. And your heart could not reject such a fine piece. 1947 Christian Dior, a classic embodiment of the fifties shape. You loved them, and your selfishness could not choose to not wear them. Jungkook was not bluffing when he said someone who could give you the job would be here after all.
The shocked look Jungkook noticed on your face when he introduced you to Jimin was much more evident than you intended it to be. He gave you a reassuring nod, and you took a deep breath, ready to face whatever came next.
"So, Y/N, how did you and Jungkook meet?" Hoseok’s voice raised above the murmur of conversation once the tightest circle settled around the table. Among what they refer to them as the elders. Parents, and other relatives. The previous generation you may call them, and judging by the greyness of some of their hair, even the one before. Jungkook did lend you to them to answer some, rather, traditional remarks that you tried not to let rot in your brain.
Oh dear, what a beauty you are, surely your children will be as beautiful. You look like a perfect match. You have such a kind face, dear. I'm sure you'll make a wonderful wife and mother.
Among which is the how you and Jungkook met.
This question was no different in the message it was sending.
His question was casual, but you sensed the curiosity behind it. His wife was sitting next to him and on the other side, none other than Namjoon and Peaches, followed by Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jimin. It looked almost biblical, this kind of hierarchy.
You smiled, trying to appear as natural as possible. You know he knew, every single person in this room knew that he knew but he asked anyway. His wife nudged him gently to stop prying, but he did not pay her more mind than putting his palm on her swollen belly.
"We met through work on Klein’s campaign," you began, your voice steady despite the pressure. They were waiting for you to slip up so they could eat you alive like hungry wolves.
Peaches smiled warmly, her hand resting on Namjoon's. You arched your brows at her demeanor as you could not quite place the state of her mind when it comes to, you know, all this.
Jungkook squeezed your hand gently, his eyes filled with pride.
"Ah, the Klein campaign," Seokjin said, his tone light but his eyes sharp. "That was quite a project, wasn't it? Jungkook mentioned how pivotal your role was."
Kim Seokjin is a lawyer. And a goddamn good one. The man would get you out of the death penalty and that’s maybe why Hoseok is keeping him close. At least, that’s what you heard. Each and one of them is somehow valuable to the infrastructure you don’t have the right to glimpse into, just yet. But how Jungkook falls into this scheme remains unknown.
You nodded, maintaining your composure. Breathing in and trying to ignore what his words were suggesting.
"Yes, it was a significant project. We both put a lot of effort into it."
"Effort, indeed," Yoongi chimed in, his voice low and smooth. You could not overlook the undertone. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at his oldest Hyungs, not quite understanding what they were trying to do. And here you thought he asked them to test you. You felt your cheeks heat up, the scrutiny intensifying.
Hoseok's wife, sensing the tension, tried to steer the conversation into something more—
"I loved the collection. Gguk is one hot motherfucker, cannot lie with that one."
You would not know how to call this kind of linguistic expression but, it seems, it worked.
Laughter erupted around the table, the tension easing slightly. Jungkook blushed at her comment, scratching the back of his head.
"Thanks, noona," he mumbled, clearly embarrassed but also grateful for the lighter mood.
Namjoon, ever the diplomat, leaned forward with a curious expression. "Y/N, what was the most challenging part of the Klein campaign for you?"
And now this started to seem like an interview. But for what? The job you were hunting for let's see if you can handle this family interview. You are trying to convince yourself that someone like Kim Namjoon cannot be this incredibly dull because he’s only testing how you’re going to behave. How do you know your way with words as this family needs to keep appearances.
You heard bits and pieces that you are now able to connect, at least a little. Jungkook was not in your imaginary map of this empire that people talk about in hushed voices. You were never that interested; you just wanted to keep doing what you love and have a roof over your head. Now you gotta do a lot more than just mind your business if you wanna stay in the line of your work.
Because you bloody want to.
You bloody want to reach the toppiest top of tops in the fashion industry as a designer. Even after all of this. You still want that; otherwise, you’d perish already. This dream of yours proved to be a conflict of interest not only in your head but also in this family.
To be or not to be, that is the question.
You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of all eyes on you.
"Jeon Jungkook."
You said that with a somewhat strange lightness in your voice. Jungkook choked a little on his wine and Taehyung, who sat opposite him, gave him an exclusive view of his mischief grin, his tongue darting out to touch his upper teeth.
Another set of laughter erupted around the table. Jungkook, still recovering from his mini-choking incident, chuckled and squeezed your hand. And it was in that moment, amidst the laughter and warmth of this, let’s say, unconventional family, that you felt a sense of belonging you had never experienced before. Growing up, warmth and familial affection were foreign concepts, mere figments of your imagination. But here, with Jungkook and his family, you were starting to understand what it meant to be part of something bigger, something warm and real, and you certainly didn’t know how to feel.
People call them greedy but they prefer ambitious. Ambition, after all, is what drives us forward. Isn’t it? They weren't just a family; they were a well-oiled machine, each cog turning in perfect synchrony. Each person at the table had a role to play, a purpose that intertwined with the others.
The room seemed to close in as you sank deeper into your thoughts. The warm glow of the chandelier overhead, the laughter that felt like a distant hum in your ears, the rich aroma of food in the air—it all became background noise and your head was reeling with questions you wanted answers to.
What is it that changed within you?

The evening wore on, and it seemed Jungkook was more than pleased with you today, judging by how extremely happy he looked talking to his Hyungs. But your attention was on one person only now.
Jimin approached you during a lull in the conversation. "Can we talk for a moment?" he asked quietly. You turned your face back to Jungkook. You knew better, so you opted to ask for permission to be excused for a moment. You met Jungkook’s eyes, his expression softening slightly as he saw the silent request in yours. His gaze lingered for a moment before he gave a subtle nod, a gentle smile tugging at the corner of his lips, as if assuring you it was okay.
You stood up, excusing yourself politely to the group, and followed Jimin, your heart picking up its pace with every step. The air between you felt charged, as if there were unspoken words waiting to be voiced.
Once you were out of earshot from the others, Jimin led you to a quieter corner of the house, the low hum of the gathering fading into the background. His eyes met yours, and you could sense a mix of nervousness and something deeper behind them.
"I see you’ve received my gift." You glance down at the dress, fingers brushing the soft fabric.
"Thank you, Jungkook have to insist I wear them–" A small smile tugs at his lips, but there’s a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. The held a quiet intensity, his usual playful demeanor replaced with something far more serious. The atmosphere around you seemed to change as he spoke, his words carrying weight.
"It’s good you’re focused on Jungkook—" his hands were paying attention to the crystal glasses he was pouring Kim’s brandy into.
"Well, it’s not like I had a choice." You stumbled awkwardly. You cannot mess this up, Y/N. You just can’t. You kept repeating to yourself that you had to, or otherwise, you’d do something Jungkook would not fancy at all.
Jimin didn’t seem to notice your discomfort as he handed you a glass of brandy, his gaze still fixed on the amber liquid swirling in his glass. "You’ve always got a choice in this family," he said, his voice low, almost too calm for the conversation you were having.
"It’s up to you if you choose wrong or right."
The words hung in the air, sharp and heavy, as Jimin’s gaze finally met yours. You took a slow breath, trying to steady the racing thoughts inside your mind. The glass of brandy in your hand suddenly felt like a weight you weren’t prepared to carry.
"What do you mean?" the words slipped from your mouth before you could stop them.
"Jungkook might not be in the center of all this—" he gestured to the lavish room you were in. This was a private office, and from what you gathered with your wandering eyes, it was Hoseok’s office.
"But he is still part of the family just like I am—" His posture relaxed, but his eyes betrayed an undercurrent of something deeper. You listened to him, gulping every word he said. "Just like you ought to be."
"He’s not just the charming guy you think he is. He’s tied to a world you don’t understand yet, and it’s not a world you can just walk away from if things go south."
For a moment, you couldn’t find your voice.
"Why are you telling me this now?" He took a long sip of his brandy, his gaze flicking briefly to the door before locking onto yours again.
"Because I need you to understand you are going nowhere if I offer you the position." The air between you thickened, and your pulse quickened as Jimin’s words sank in. You opened your mouth to respond, but your voice faltered. Jimin let out a soft sigh, the corner of his mouth curling up slightly as he leaned in, his voice lowering, now more direct.
"I need you to know that this is a goddamn privilege—" But the look in his eyes told you it wasn’t that simple.
"Women in this family do not work, they don’t have to." His voice was low and measured, but there was no mistaking the command behind his words. You slightly flinched at such an old stereotypical remark but remained silent. You can’t slip away.
The room felt smaller suddenly, the space between you shrinking with each word he spoke. You tried to steady yourself, to push past the shock and confusion that was flooding your mind, but it was difficult. And suddenly, you did not know whether you actually wanted this.
"Gguk seems to think that this will bring you two closer." His tone shifted ever so slightly, a faint edge of something you couldn’t quite name creeping into it. He wasn’t just making an observation, he was planting a seed, subtly drawing attention to something you hadn’t yet fully realized.
"So pardon me for ensuring that it fucking will."
You stood there, the glass of brandy suddenly feeling like it might slip from your hand, the weight of his words crashing over you. He leaned back slightly, his posture shifting to one that seemed more confident, more relaxed—like he was watching a show unfold and you were its central character.
"Hoseok was not pleased altogether, let me tell you that—" The silence that followed was deafening. Your mind raced, trying to process everything that had been said. Where is this leading to?
"—but if this helps you to know your place here, so be it."
"Jungkook’s not immune to the politics of this family. And neither are you," Jimin continued, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took another sip of brandy.
"So what is it you want from me?" Your voice came out stronger than you expected, but your heart was still pounding. You needed to know what he was after, what his angle was in all of this.
Jimin’s smile deepened, his eyes glinting with something unreadable.
"There you go." He mused, laughing softly.
"You can have it all,—" he said, his voice soft but cutting.
"—only if you’re willing to make the right choice."

As the evening drew to a close, you found yourself standing by the Christmas tree with Jungkook. Back at the penthouse, the lights twinkled softly, casting a warm glow over the room. He looked down at you, his eyes filled with a mix of possessiveness and affection.
"You did well tonight," he murmured, his hand gently cupping your face. "I’m very proud of you."
You smiled up at him, feeling a strange mix of emotions. He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a soft, lingering kiss. Jungkook's fingers trailed down your cheek, pulling you closer.
"Let’s get ready for bed, or Santa won’t come and eat his cookies–" he said, his voice husky with emotion.
You smiled a little at his goofiness and nodded. He took your hand, leading you to the bedroom. The room was dimly lit, the moonlight casting silvery shadows on the floor. You could hear the distant hum of the city below. Not even on Christmas can the never-ending busyness of Manhattan be stopped.
Jungkook started undressing, his movements slow and deliberate. He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing the chiseled muscles of his chest and the tattoos that adorned his skin. You couldn’t help but admire the way the light played over his body, highlighting every contour and shadow.
As he turned to head to the bathroom, you slipped into the walk-in closet, needing a moment alone. The closet was a treasure trove of designer clothes, including your own designs for Klein. The scent of expensive fabrics and faint traces of perfume filled the air.
You closed the door behind you and leaned against it, the weight of the evening pressing down on you. Your heart raced, and your breaths came in shallow gasps. Panic gripped you, the pressure of the family’s scrutiny and the reality of your relationship with Jungkook closing in. So how are you going to stop them from getting into your head if they already planted the seeds?
You sank to the floor, surrounded by the clothes that represented your dreams and ambitions. The panic intensified, and tears welled up in your eyes. You closed them tightly, trying to calm yourself.
Breathe, Y/N. Just breathe.
You focused on your breathing, counting each inhale and exhale, trying to ground yourself. Slowly, the panic began to subside, replaced by a sense of resolve. You couldn’t afford to fall apart. Not now.
"Baby, you coming?"
Jungkook's voice filtered through the closed door, warm and concerned.
He had stood by you. The whole evening. The whole time, actually. The memory of his touch, his kiss, his… love.
You wiped your eyes quickly, taking another deep breath before standing up. The panic had subsided, leaving you with a fragile sense of calm.
You took a moment to compose yourself, looking around at the clothes that symbolized both your dreams and the immense pressure you felt. You reminded yourself why you were here, why you endured the scrutiny and the stress: because you had a vision, a goal to reach the pinnacle of the fashion industry. And now, Jungkook was a part of that journey, whether you had planned it or not.
"I want my life back," you whispered, the words barely escaping your lips.
Opening the closet door, you stepped back into the dimly lit bedroom. Jungkook was waiting by the bathroom door, his concern evident in the way he studied your face. His shirtless form was suddenly a comforting sight, his presence grounding you in the reality that he was here, supporting you.
"Everything okay?" he asked softly, closing the distance between you with a few strides.
"Yeah," you replied, forcing a smile. "Just a bit overwhelmed."
Jungkook nodded, accepting your answer but not entirely convinced. His bare skin glowed, every muscle defined and accentuated by the dim light, an embodiment of raw beauty.
"Want to wash it away?"
He took your hand, leading you into the bathroom. The steam from the shower had filled the room, creating a warm, misty atmosphere that was both soothing and intimate.
You undressed slowly, Jungkook’s eyes never leaving you. The way he looked at you, with a mix of desire and affection, made your heart race for an entirely different reason. You stepped into the shower together, the hot water cascading over your bodies, washing away the remnants of the evening’s tension.
Jungkook pulled you close, his hands gliding over your wet skin. You rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. The sensation of his strong arms around you, his body solid and warm, was a comfort you hadn’t realized you needed.
"You were amazing tonight," he murmured against your hair, his lips brushing your forehead. "I know it wasn’t easy, and I want you to know that I’m gonna keep my promise."
You pulled back slightly, looking up at him, your eyes searching his for any sign of doubt. But as you looked deeper, something shifted. The lenses through which you saw Jeon Jungkook began to tint with a soft, rosy hue. His face, so familiar yet infinitely captivating, seemed to glow with a newfound warmth. The world around you faded, and in that moment, the colors of your life transformed, blending into shades of pink and gold, painting a picture of something…something you never quite felt yet.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the sound of the water. "It means so much to me, Jungkook."
He smiled, a small, reassuring smile that made your heart flutter.
"I love you, baby."
The hot water cascaded over you both, creating a steamy haze that made everything feel surreal. Jungkook’s hands moved gently, tenderly, as if he was afraid you might break. You felt safe, cherished, and for a moment, all your fears and doubts melted away.
You did not flinch anymore when he ran his slender fingers over your perky nipples, not when his other hand slipped down the small of your back to grip your naked ass cheek. Instead, you leaned into his touch and asked yourself the same question you did hours ago.
What is it that changed within you?

The first light of Christmas Day filtered through the heavy drapes of the penthouse, casting a soft glow over the room. The world outside was quiet, blanketed in a gentle layer of snow that muffled the usual city sounds. You woke up to the warmth of Jungkook's arms wrapped around you, his breath steady and calm against your neck.
Jungkook stirred beside you, his eyes fluttering open. He smiled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Merry Christmas," he whispered, his voice husky from sleep.
"Merry Christmas," you replied, your voice still groggy. The scent of pine from the Christmas tree in the living room mingled with the aroma of coffee brewing in the kitchen. It felt like a picture-perfect morning, almost too serene for the turmoil that often lingered beneath the surface of your life with Jungkook.
He got up and wrapped himself in a robe before heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You took a moment to collect yourself, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep and the ever-present tension. As you joined him in the kitchen, you noticed the table set beautifully, with a spread of breakfast items that looked straight out of a holiday magazine. There was bits of this and that on the tray and after a long time, you had an appetite to eat it all.
"Are we feeding an army or just trying to impress a really hungry ghost of Christmas past, Ebenezer?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at the lavish display.
Jungkook chuckled, a light-hearted sound that momentarily eased your nerves. "I thought we could indulge a little. It’s Christmas, after all."
You nodded, taking a seat at the table. The food was delicious, and the effort Jungkook had put into making this morning special was evident. For a moment, you allowed yourself to enjoy it, to pretend that everything was normal.
After breakfast, Jungkook led you to the living room where the Christmas tree stood, twinkling with lights and adorned with ornaments.
"Jungkook—" you began when you noticed the little beautifully wrapped box being tucked in the branches of the tree.
"I know, I know you said no gifts, but this is something for the both of us." His voice was gentle, almost pleading.
You sighed, but nodded, stepping closer to the tree. Jungkook reached for the box, carefully removing it from the branches. He turned to you, his eyes filled with an intensity that made your heart pound.
He handed you the box, his fingers brushing against yours. "Open it, baby," he urged softly.
Part of you wanted to freeze the moment, not because you wanted to remember this part of your life, but because you wished to not know what was coming your way. You had to decide now, and the tingly feeling inside of you, remembering Jimin’s words from last night, had never been clearer.
You can have it all, only if you’re willing to make the right choice.
Your hands trembled slightly as you unwrapped the box, revealing a small velvet case. You glanced up at Jungkook, your heart racing, but he simply nodded, encouraging you to continue.
You didn’t need to say it out loud for everyone to know what was inside. Yet, it still took your breath away. Not that you expected any less from Jeon Jungkook.
The ring commanded attention, with its centerpiece—a large, marquise-cut diamond. Set in a band of lustrous yellow gold, the setting featured intricate, filigree-style detailing that adorned each side of the diamond, evoking the elegance of a bygone era. Delicate, smaller accent diamonds were carefully embedded within the gold framework, amplifying the ring's dazzle and enhancing its vintage charm.
Your breath caught in your throat as you looked up from the ring at Jungkook, who had dropped to one knee before you.
"Will you marry me?"

Yoongi leaned against the wall, his brow furrowed in thought. "You know, Jungkook, the mind is a fragile thing—"
"We've seen how the actual medication isn't helping her as much as we'd hoped. It's making her numb, Hyung. She's still spiraling. We need to try something different, something that might break through her—"
Yoongi crossed his arms, contemplating Jungkook's words. "And you think this is the way? To trick her into thinking she's taking the medication?"
"Sometimes," Jungkook replied softly, "a little deception can lead to the truth."
The end of part two - side B

©pennyellee. please do not repost
tag list: @pamzn - @jaedayy (was unable to tag) - @mylyus-blog (was unable to tag) - @vanillacupcakefrosting - @jjeonjjk7 - @darkuni63 - @jeonaraathedreamer - @urlovelily - @kissyfacekoo - @looneybleus - @btspurplesky - @seokseokjinkim - @doulcha - @sexytholland - @minyngrl-blog - @mizuumii (was unable to tag) @ali99eel - @loomipee @jkslvsnella - @tearykth - @iveivory - @lachimolalajeon - @mother2monsters - @junecat18 - @mayvalentine33 - @ttanniett - @elle0604 - @mageprincess7 - @laylasbunbunny - @ashthetic7 - @00frenchfries00 - @weareatthebadlands (was unable to tag) - @annafarrr -
Don't be a silent reader, let's be friends chummers! Only love please! ♥
see ya soon, love, p.
#bts fanfic#bts#bts fic#jungkook#jeon jungkook#jungkook smut#bts jungkook#jungkook seven#jeon jungguk#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jungkook x calvin klein#jungkook x oc#jungkook x y/n#jungkook yandere#bts x reader#jungkook scenarios#bts jk#bangtan#bts smut#yandere bts#yandere jungkook#90s aesthetic#fashion au#heartthrob#fic: champagne confetti
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Black Pearl (Pt. 3) | Yandere JJK x Reader

Preview: Jungkook always got what he wanted. And he wanted you. Dangerous. Obsessive. You ran, but he was never going to let you stay gone. Because pearls aren’t born from perfection. They’re born from pain. A wound, buried deep, pressed and shaped until it becomes something rare. Precious. And you? You were his pearl. And this time, he won’t let you slip away so easily.
Word count: 17k
Genre: Yandere
Pairing: CEO Billionaire Jungkook x reader.
Warnings: Yandere, smut (praise kink, soft dominance, oral, edging, overstimulation, creampie, mild breath play), stalking, obsessive behaviour, kidnapping, manipulation, controlling & emotionally abusive behaviour, self starvation, self inflicted injury.
Disclaimer: This type of content is not suitable for all audiences and I do not condone any of the presented behaviour. This is purely for entertainment and fictional purposes and I don’t think any BTS member would act like this.
Author's note: The final chapter of the Pearl series is here! It’s truly been a journey, what started as a simple one-shot has now transformed into a full three-part series lol. Can’t wait to know what you guys think of this long awaited chapter! Don’t be a silent reader, show some support and feedback!💜
Read Part 1 Here | Read Part 2 Here

Jungkook couldn’t sleep.
For the third night in a row, the bed felt too cold. Too empty.
The penthouse, with its towering windows and sprawling view of the city, offered no comfort. The soft hum of traffic below only amplified the silence pressing in, the void you’d left behind. The space where you used to sleep, beside him, against him, was untouched. Undisturbed.
The scent of you was already fading. That delicate trace of vanilla, once clinging to his pillows, was now nothing but a phantom he couldn't chase. And still, it haunted him.
His hand drifted across the sheets, fingers searching for a warmth that wasn’t there. How many nights had he held you close, pressing his lips to your hair as you slept, the steady rise and fall of your breath easing something sharp inside him?
Now, there was nothing.
All he had was silence.
He missed your laugh, that soft, breathless sound when he held you too long while watching late-night movies. The way you’d roll your eyes, teasing him for being too clingy.
You were his. Safe. Perfect. Until you weren’t.
And now, the pain in his chest twisted deeper with every hour you were gone.
He had been patient. He had given you space. Three days. Three days too long.
And all it had done was prove what he already knew.
You weren’t safe out there. Not without him.
And if you wouldn’t come back willingly? He’d bring you home himself.
Jungkook’s jaw tightened as he sat up. His black hair strands over his forehead, messy from restless tossing, the ends curling slightly against his temples. He dragged a hand through it, pushing it back in a slow, frustrated motion.
The pain of your absence wasn’t just a wound.
It was a void.
And he was done waiting.
The rain pounded against the thin windows of the dingy motel room, a relentless rhythm that matched the frantic beat of your heart. The air smelled of damp carpet and stale cigarettes, the kind of place no one asked questions, a perfect hiding spot, for now.
You sat on the edge of the unmade bed, arms wrapped around your knees, your body trembling despite the layers of clothing you’d borrowed from Bora. The oversized hoodie swallowed your frame, the scent of her perfume lingering faintly as if it could somehow protect you from the icy grip of fear pressing against your chest.
The cash Bora had given you was already running low, the stack of bills feeling smaller each time you counted it. You hadn’t slept. Not really. Every creak of the floorboards, every shadow shifting outside the window made your pulse race.
He could be out there. He was out there. But you couldn’t think about that. Not yet. You have made it this far. You had escaped him, for now.
The cheap motel phone sat untouched on the nightstand. No messages. No calls. No way to reach out. You couldn't risk it. He had made you disappear once already, who's to say he couldn't erase you completely this time? But even as you tried to calm yourself, your mind whispered cruel truths.
He’s looking for you.
He never stopped.
And deep down, you knew that this wasn’t freedom.
The shower sputtered weakly, lukewarm water cascading over your shoulders as you stood under the spray, hands tangled in your wet hair. The tension in your muscles hadn’t eased, it felt as though it were pressing into your bones. You had been running on fear for days. The motel’s water pressure barely did anything to wash the grime from your skin, but it was the first moment of quiet you’d allowed yourself. Alone. Hidden. At least, for now.
You tilted your head back, fingers massaging your scalp, when-
A small bump.
You froze, fingertips brushing over the back of your neck again, right at the base of your hairline. It was subtle, barely noticeable, but unmistakable now that you’d felt it. Your pulse roared in your ears, the water no longer soothing but deafening.
No. No, no, no.
It couldn’t be.
A tracker.
The nausea hit fast, your stomach twisting as panic set in. You pressed both palms against the cool tiles, breaths shallow, the water blurring your vision as it ran down your face.
That son of a bitch.
He had tagged you.
A shaky, horrified breath escaped your lips. You needed to get it out. Now.
Ripping the towel from the rack, you wrapped it around yourself and stumbled out of the bathroom, dripping water onto the worn motel carpet. The tiny blade you’d swiped from the first-aid kit sat on the nightstand.
Your hands shook as you dialed the front desk.
“Front desk. How can I help you?”
“I-" your voice cracked, but you forced it calm. "I need a first aid kit delivered to my room. Please, it’s urgent.”
“Of course, ma’am. Someone will be up shortly.”
You hung up, staring at your reflection in the dim motel mirror.
It’s fine. You could do this.
The first slice was brutal, the sharp sting making you wince as the blade nicked the sensitive skin at the base of your neck. Blood beaded instantly, but you pressed on, teeth gritted as you dug deeper, forcing yourself not to stop.
And then, there.
A hard bump.
It shifted beneath your fingers, foreign and wrong.
You had to get it out.
Pinching it, nails slick with blood, you yanked the tiny object free with a wet snap. The pain was instant, sharp, but the chip, barely the size of a grain of rice, sat trembling in your palm.
You stared at it, chest heaving. He had tracked every move you took.
Rage burned hotter than fear. Without hesitating, you slammed the metal edge down on the chip, grinding it into the nightstand with all the force you could muster. The delicate material cracked under the pressure, shattering completely beneath the blade.
You won.
A knock echoed through the room. The first aid kit. Relief flooded you so hard your knees almost buckled. Finally.
Without hesitation, you unlocked the door, the towel still clutched loosely around your chest, hair dripping down your back.
You swung the door open wide.
And there he was.
Dripping from the rain, black hair clinging to his forehead in damp strands. Soaked, but unmoving. Water streamed down his pale skin, tracing the lines of his jaw.
The first aid kit you had asked for was clutched loosely in his hand.
His eyes, darker than you’d ever seen, seemed to pierce through the dim light, stormy and unreadable, yet fixed unrelentingly on yours.
For a heartbeat, the world stilled. You couldn’t breathe. The towel slipped an inch lower on your shoulder, the sting at the back of your neck flaring as the open wound met cold air.
His gaze dropped.
Saw the blood.
You didn’t even get a chance to speak before his hand shot out.
Fingers wrapping around your throat.
Not choking. Not yet. Just holding. Firm enough to pin you against the doorframe as his other hand slid up the side of your neck- brushing over the cut, making you wince. Then he saw it. The torn skin. His thumb grazed the blood on your skin, his breathing ragged, his soaked shirt clinging to every tense muscle.
When he spoke, it wasn’t loud. It was soft. Deceptively calm.
“What. Did. You. Do?”
You swallowed harshly, pulse hammering beneath his touch. His cold fingertips against your raw skin sent a shiver through you, but it wasn’t from the pain. It was the look in his eyes, dark, calculating, unreadable.
“I asked you,” he repeated, softer this time, more dangerous, “what did you do?”
Your eyes flicked toward the crushed remains of the tracker, the fragments of it scattered across the nightstand. His eyes followed. And then something shifted behind those dark eyes. Understanding. Realization.
His fingers curled tighter around your neck, but it wasn’t the pressure that scared you most. It was the heartbreak you saw cracking through his rage. You swallowed hard, voice trapped somewhere between a sob and a whimper.
He studied the wound at the back of your neck. For a moment, his lips parted like he was about to speak, but instead, his hand dropped to your wrist, holding it firmly but without the earlier desperation.
You winced as he turned you slightly, his eyes narrowing at the crimson streaks staining your skin. The cut, still raw, an angry slash where you’d torn the tracker from your flesh. His jaw flexed, the tension visible in his shoulders as if the sight of you hurt was somehow a personal attack.
“You could have seriously hurt yourself,” he muttered under his breath, voice lower now, controlled. But his hand trembled slightly as he released your wrist, his fingers ghosting over the wound again, almost hesitant. Almost gentle.
You stayed frozen, heart hammering, the sharp pain pulsing with every beat. Without another word, Jungkook turned, reaching instead for the small first-aid kit you’d called down for.
He unzipped it with a single sharp motion, tossing the contents onto the bed with practiced efficiency. Alcohol wipes, gauze, antiseptic, a small roll of medical tape. His hand hovered briefly over the disinfectant before grabbing it, his knuckles pale with restraint as he returned to you.
“Sit,” he ordered softly, nodding toward the bed.
You didn’t move. Not right away.
The flare in his eyes returned, but he didn’t force you. Not this time. He just stared, voice tight. “Please.”
Slowly, cautiously, you sank onto the edge of the bed, the towel still damp around your body as you watched him kneel before you, his damp hair curling over his forehead. His soaked clothes clung to him, but he didn’t seem to notice, or care. All his focus was on you.
“This is going to sting,” he warned, peeling the cap off some bootle with a soft pop.
You flinched when he gently tilted your head to the side, exposing the wound fully. The cold air made the cut throb, but it was nothing compared to the sharp sting of whatever he was using. You gasped, body jerking slightly as the pain flared.
“Easy,” he murmured, his free hand bracing your shoulder, thumb tracing soothing circles against your collarbone. “It’s almost done.” His voice was softer now, less like the man who had just cornered you and more like... something else. Something frighteningly tender.
He was quiet as he worked. His fingers were precise, methodical, but the way they lingered, soft brushes against your skin. When he secured the gauze with medical tape, he finally exhaled, his hands lingering at the sides of your neck for a heartbeat too long. His head dropped forward, his damp hair brushing your shoulder as he stayed there, breathing deeply, as though he was grounding himself in your presence, trying to steady the storm beneath his surface.
You could feel the tension in his body, as though he might shatter if you moved. But you didn’t. Couldn’t. Because despite everything, despite the anger, the fear, this closeness felt dangerous in an entirely different way. His warmth, his tenderness, it whispered of something terrifying. And yet, when he spoke, the tenderness cracked.
His fingers ghosted over your jaw, so light you barely felt them. But the way his voice broke sent a chill through your veins. “You never stopped running. You never even looked back.”
“You thought you could just leave me,” he whispered, voice trembling with restrained fury. “That you could run, disappear, like I wouldn’t burn the whole world down looking for you?”
Tears burned behind your eyes, but you blinked them back, chest heaving. “You... you chipped me Jungkook. You didn’t give me a choice.”
His lips twisted, something bitter curling the edges of his mouth. “I gave you everything. I made sure you were safe, well taken care of. Protected, loved…”
You shook your head, struggling to speak as his grip lingered. “That’s not love, Jungkook. That’s control.”
For a moment, the storm in his eyes faltered. “You don’t understand,” he whispered, voice breaking, “I can’t lose you. Not again.”
The vulnerability was so brief, so fleeting, it almost felt like a trick. But you saw it, the cracks in his armor, the fracture behind his anger. And then, just as quickly, it was gone. His jaw clenched.
“You’re coming home,” he said, voice resolute, as if there had never been another choice.
You shook your head, “No. You can’t-”
“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be,” his breath warm against your face. “I told you before. I would never hurt you. But this? This? You’re hurting yourself. You’re lost without me.”
“I’m not-”
“You are.” His voice was a low snarl now, but there was an ache beneath it. “You think this is freedom? Hiding out in a place like this? Looking over your shoulder every second, terrified? That’s not living, baby. That’s suffering.”
You tried to push against his chest, but he didn’t budge. He was a wall, an immovable force caging you in.
“I was fine before you,” you whispered, voice cracking.
His lips curled into a bitter smile, shaking his head. “No, you weren’t. You were lonely. You were scared. You let men watch you every night because you thought you had no other choice. But I” His hand brushing over your waist. “I gave you one. I took care of you. And you ran.”
Your entire body trembling as the weight of it crashed down. He was everything you feared. Who did he think he was? Twisting your choices, your pain, into something he could control.
“Let me go,” you demanded.
His eyes darkened, “no.”
And just like that, the storm returned. His grip shifted, rougher now as he cupped your face, forcing you to meet his gaze. “You’ve had your freedom,” he hissed, the pain in his voice undeniable. “Three days. Three days without me, and look at you. Bleeding. Shaking. Scared.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but he wasn’t listening.
“I’ve been generous, haven’t I? But I can’t do this anymore. I won’t.” He whispered, pressing his forehead against yours.
“Stay with me. Love me. Try to love me back.”
Your voice was barely a whisper. “And if I say no?”
The answer was already there in his eyes. The anger. The twisted devotion.
“Then I’ll give you what you want,” he said softly. “You want to be alone?”
His hand fell away from your face, his expression hardening, voice chilling.
“Then be alone.”
Your stomach twisted as the meaning sank in, but before you could process it fully, Jungkook moved, so quick, so controlled. His hand clamped around your wrist as he pulled you forward with terrifying ease.
“No!” you gasped, struggling, twisting against his grip, but it was like fighting against iron. “You don’t get to- Jungkook, let me go!”
He didn’t speak, didn’t react. His face was void of emotion now. When you twisted harder, thrashing, his grip only tightened, dragging you toward the door.
“Please,” your voice cracked, desperate. “You can’t do this!”
“I can,” he said darkly, yanking the door open. “And I will.”
The storm outside raged as he hauled you into the rain. You fought, kicking, clawing, nails digging into his wrist as the cold downpour soaked you both. But it didn’t matter. He barely faltered.
You caught glimpses of him through the rain, the sharp lines of his jaw, the muscles in his forearm flexing as he held you fast. His soaked shirt clung to him, but his expression remained blank. Detached.
Like he wasn’t even there.
“Stop! Jungkook, stop! You can’t make me stay with you!” you screamed, voice raw, trying to dig your heels into the wet pavement.
He said nothing.
The sleek black car waited just outside the motel. The door opened with a mechanical click as Jungkook shoved it open, dragging you inside despite your thrashing.
“Get off me!”
But the door slammed shut, trapping you.
The rain blurred against the glass, muted as the lock clicked softly into place. Jungkook climbed into the driver’s seat, soaked to the bone, silent. His chest heaved, hair plastered to his forehead, but he refused to meet your eyes. The quiet inside the car was deafening.
“Jungkook,” you whispered, voice trembling. “Please.”
Still, nothing. Just the sound of the rain and the steady hum of the engine as he pulled onto the street. The city lights bled past in streaks of white and orange, distorted through the water clinging to the windows.
The fight in you was waning, your body exhausted from struggling. Still, you refused to give up. Not yet.
You pressed yourself against the door, heart hammering. “Where are you taking me?”
A beat passed.
Then, finally, his voice broke through the quiet.
The rain pounded harder against the windows as the black car sped through the city, the rhythmic drumming a sharp contrast to the suffocating silence inside. The leather seats were cool beneath your bare legs, the damp towel clinging to your skin, and every bump in the road made you acutely aware of how exposed you were.
Jungkook hadn't said a word since he said where he was taking you. His steady grip on the steering wheel was far too calm for someone who had just dragged you from a motel against your will.
You shifted uncomfortably, clutching the towel tighter around your chest, heart still racing. The streetlights flickered past, blurry through the rain, but your mind kept circling back to the same desperate thought. Someone could see you.
A girl in a towel, dripping wet, visibly distressed, someone might notice. Someone might help. The tension only thickened when Jungkook’s voice finally cut through the quiet, low and steady.
“Change into these.”
Your head snapped toward him just in time to see him reach toward the backseat, one hand still on the wheel. He tossed a bundle of clothing onto your lap, his sweatpants, a black hoodie, and a pair of flip-flops. The fabric was warm, soft, and smelled unmistakably like him. You stared down at the clothes like they might burn you.
His knuckles whitened on the steering wheel. "Put them on."
You shook your head, pulse hammering harder now. “No.”
His gaze flicked toward you, dangerously calm. “You’re soaked. You're freezing. Put them on.”
You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to keep your voice steady despite the panic rising in your chest. “I’m not changing.”
His eyes narrowed. “Why?”
You gripped the towel tighter, not saying anything. The brake lights ahead glowed red, painting his face in shadows as he slowed for the stoplight. And then, he turned to you. His voice dropped to a whisper.
“You think someone will save you?”
You stayed silent, too afraid to answer.
He didn’t blink. “Listen very carefully.” His voice was soft, “You will put those clothes on. Now. Or I will pull this car over and dress you myself.”
Your breath caught. You could feel the weight of his control in the way he said it, the promise behind those words leaving no room for argument. A car passed by in the opposite direction, headlights flashing across his face. The shadows in his eyes deepened, unrelenting.
“I’m being generous,” he whispered. “Don’t make me remind you what happens when you push me.”
The stoplight turned green. The car surged forward. And you knew, deep down, he wasn’t bluffing. With trembling hands, you reached for the hoodie.
The hoodie felt heavier than it should have, the fabric warm but stifling as you unfolded it with shaky fingers. Your heart pounded as you clutched the material, hesitating, half-expecting him to reach over and force it onto you himself. He didn’t. But his silence was far worse.
The only sound was the steady rhythm of rain against the windshield, the soft hum of the tires on wet pavement. Jungkook’s knuckles stayed pale against the steering wheel, his profile carved from stone, unreadable and cold.
You bit your lip, turning slightly in the seat, as much as the seatbelt allowed, and slowly, so slowly, peeled the towel away just enough to slip the hoodie over your head. The fabric swallowed you whole, the sleeves hanging past your hands, but at least it covered you.
The scent of him hit you instantly, familiar, overwhelming, like the last three days had never even happened. Your stomach twisted violently, teeth sinking deeper into your lip as you fought the sting behind your eyes.
You weren’t free. You’d never been free.
The sweatpants were next. The damp towel fell away entirely as you wiggled into them, struggling with the heavy fabric. They were far too big, bunching awkwardly at your ankles, the waistband nearly slipping down despite the drawstring tied tight. The flip-flops came last, the rubber cold against your still-damp feet.
You felt ridiculous. Humiliated. But most of all, trapped.
Jungkook hadn’t said a word. Just a few glances your way as you finish dressing.
The city lights blurred outside the rain-streaked window, neon reflections rippling across the glass. The tension was unbearable, pressing in on all sides.
You couldn’t take it anymore.
“Why are you doing this?” Your voice was hoarse, barely louder than a whisper.
Jungkook didn’t respond. Not at first. Then, with agonizing slowness, his fingers flexed on the steering wheel. His gaze remained fixed on the road, but his voice, when it came, was devastatingly calm.
“Because you belong to me.”
Your breath caught. “No, I-”
“You do.” The words lashed through the air, sharp enough to cut. His jaw tightened, a muscle ticking just beneath the surface. “And you’ve already proven you can’t be trusted on your own.”
You shook your head. “I was fine.”
“You were bleeding in a motel room. Alone.” His voice dropped lower. “That’s not fine. That’s you falling apart without me.”
You stared at him, heart pounding so loud you could barely hear the rain anymore. The car slowed. The entrance to his penthouse garage loomed ahead, the metal gate rising automatically as he approached.
Panic gripped you in full force, your hands curling into fists against the hoodie. “Jungkook, please, just- just let me go. I won’t tell anyone. I won’t.”
His head turned, his eyes met yours fully. The look in them shattered your words completely. Deadly. Devastating. And worst of all, aching.
“I already let you go,” he whispered. “Three days. I gave you three days. And all you did was run yourself into the ground.”
The car pulled into the garage with a soft hum, the doors locking the second it came to a stop. The rain had slowed, a dull patter echoing in the silence.
You were trapped. Completely.
And you could feel it in the air, the shift. The way his control tightened like an invisible leash. Jungkook exhaled, his hands finally leaving the wheel. For a long moment, he just stared ahead. Silent. Tense.
Then, without warning, he turned to you. His voice was quiet. Too quiet.
“Come inside.”
You shook your head violently.
The sound of the driver’s door opening made your stomach twist. He walked over and opened your door.
His hands were gentle when they closed around your wrist. But firm. You fought, thrashing in the seat, but his grip only tightened, dragging you forward until your feet hit the garage floor. The damp flip-flops slapped weakly against the concrete, barely making a sound.
“Don’t,” you gasped, twisting. “Please!”
He didn’t respond. He just scooped you into his arms, your body going weightless as he carried you toward the elevator, holding you close like you were fragile, like he cared. But you knew the truth.
The elevator doors slid open with a soft chime, and your heart nearly stopped.
Not here. Not again.
You fought harder, hands pushing at his chest, but he didn’t budge. His grip stayed, his face betraying nothing but calm control as he stepped inside. The doors slid shut.
And you knew.
You were back in his world. And no one was coming to save you.
The penthouse loomed, all glass and cold marble, the rain blurring the city skyline beyond its massive windows. The space was as you remembered, pristine, expensive. But there was a weight now. A darkness you couldn’t shake.
The elevator doors slid shut behind you both with a soft chime, the sound barely audible over the pounding of your heart. Jungkook’s arms remained locked around you, holding you securely against his chest as he carried you through the silent halls.
He didn’t speak. Didn’t look at you.
The only sound was the faint hum of the rain against the windows and the measured rhythm of his breathing, calm, controlled. But you could feel it, the tension tight beneath his skin, the restraint in every step he took.
“Jungkook, put me down” your voice cracked. He didn’t. Not until he stopped. In front of a door you didn’t recognize.
You stiffened, stomach twisting. “What is this?”
He didn’t answer. Not with words. The door swung open with a quiet click. The room inside stole the breath from your lungs. It wasn’t like the rest of the penthouse. No sharp, black marble. No cold steel fixtures. This was... warm.
The walls are painted in a soft colour, the exact shade you’d once offhandedly mentioned loving. Shelves filled with your favorite books and ones you've wanted to read. The bed, covered in rose-scented sheets you recognized instantly, and a cozy reading nook, complete with a folded blanket draped carefully over the cushion.
It smelled like you. It felt like... you.
Jungkook’s arms finally loosened. Gently, he lowered you onto the bed. The plush mattress sank beneath your weight, but the moment your feet touched the floor, you recoiled, heart slamming against your ribs.
“This, this isn’t…”
“Yours,” he finished, voice soft. He crouched before you, at the edges as he met your gaze. “This is yours. I made it for you.”
Your breath hitched, horror crawling up your spine. He had built this. Every detail. Every scent. This wasn’t care. It was a cage disguised as a gift.
You shook your head, throat tightening. “You can’t, you planned this. You can’t just lock me in here and expect me to follow though.”
His hands caught your face, cupping it so gently it almost felt like a lie. “I’m giving you a choice.” His voice trembled, his thumbs brushing along your cheekbones as his gaze bored into yours. “I’ve been patient. I let you run. I gave you time. And all you did was tear yourself apart. You were hurting.”
His voice broke. “And I can’t lose you. I won’t.”
You shook your head violently, but his grip only softened, his forehead pressing to yours, damp hair sticking to your skin. “You’re mine,” he whispered, “Stay with me. Love me. Try to love me back.”
Tears welled in your eyes. “You can’t force love, Jungkook.”
His face twisted, pained, but still, he didn’t let go. “I’m not forcing you,” he whispered, voice barely audible. “I’m saving you.”
You tried to pull back. His grip didn’t budge.
“So what?” your voice shook. “You’re going to keep me locked here? Make me stay until I say the words you want to hear?”
The answer was already there. Written in his eyes. The ache. The obsession. The broken devotion. His hands dropped. And the softness was gone.
“Then be alone,” he said, voice hollow.
Before you could react, he stepped back.
The door clicked shut.
You lunged for it.
Too late.
The lock engaged with a soft, damning click.
“Jungkook!” Your fists slammed against the door, voice breaking. “Don’t do this! Let me out!”
No footsteps. No threats. Just you. Alone. In a room made for you.
It wasn’t love. It was a prison.
And Jungkook wasn’t going to let you go.
Day 1
You screamed at the door. Pounded your fists until they ached, your throat hurting from calling his name over and over. No response. No one came. A small, square opening at the bottom of the door, just large enough for a tray, slid open on silent hinges. A meal. Gourmet. Expensive. The kind of meal you used to love. You didn’t touch it.
Day 2
You stayed curled on the floor, refusing the bed. Refusing comfort. The room, so carefully crafted to mimic everything you loved, only made it worse. His presence clung to the sheets, to the perfectly chosen vanilla-scented candles on the nightstand. You couldn’t escape him here. But it wasn’t the comfort he wanted you to feel.It was control. And the silence pressed heavier with each passing hour.
Day 3
Your stomach ached. The small panel slid open again. Another tray appeared. Steaming food, carefully arranged, as if he had personally chosen every dish. The scent lingered in the air longer this time, making your stomach twist painfully. But you stayed on the floor, glaring at the tray like it was poison. Until the hunger gnawed so deep it felt like your ribs might cave in. You gave in, just a little. Two bites. A few sips of water. It was enough to take the edge off. Barely. But you hated the way it felt like you had given up.
Day 4
You spoke aloud, just to hear something. Your voice cracked, hoarse from dehydration. A whisper.
The silence mocked you.
Day 5
You ate half the meal. Not because you wanted to. But because you had to. You were trembling. Dizzy. And the tray slid open like clockwork. Silent. Unchanging.
Day 6
You were counting the ticks of the clock.
Day 7
You were trembling. Dizzy. Your stomach had dulled into something hollow, no longer sharp but lingering, a constant reminder of how weak you’d become. The tray slid open. Silent. Unchanging. A fresh meal. Water. Neatly arranged, as if this wasn’t a prison but a carefully curated illusion of care.
You stared at it for a long time. You didn’t touch it. Not yet.
The silence felt heavier today, pressing in on all sides. The ticking of the clock had become unbearable, a steady, relentless rhythm mocking the pulse hammering beneath your skin. The books on the shelf blurred together when you stared at them too long. The soft sheets felt like a trap rather than comfort. And the loneliness, the loneliness was suffocating.
You sat on the floor, back pressed against the wall, knees drawn to your chest. The hunger gnawed, but it wasn’t the worst part anymore. It was the quiet. No voices. No sound beyond the clock and the faint hum of the ventilation system. You hadn’t heard him. Not once. Not his voice. Not his footsteps. Nothing. And somehow, that was worse than his presence. Because deep down, you knew he was watching.
You could feel it. That unbearable tension in the air, the invisible weight pressing down on your chest. You imagined him behind a screen somewhere, waiting. Studying. Calculating how long it would take for you to break completely.
And the most infuriating part was...
It was working.
You hadn’t eaten everything on the tray the last few days. But you’d eaten enough. And with every bite, shame curdled in your stomach, the bitter truth settling in. You were already losing.
And Jungkook knew it.
Day 8
The door slot slid open at the same time it always did, another tray. But this time, something was different. Beside the untouched plate of food sat a cup of tea. Your favorite. Steaming. Fresh.
Your stomach twisted as you stared at it, the familiar scent filling the room, so gentle yet overwhelming. It wasn’t just tea. It was a message. A whisper through the silence.
I’m still watching you.
You clenched your jaw and shoved the tray back toward the door without taking a sip.
Day 9
The hunger was unbearable now. You hated the way your body trembled when you stood, knees buckling. The pounding in your skull made everything blurry, the edges of the room tilting.
When the tray arrived this time, you didn’t shove it back. Not right away. Your stomach had gnawed too deep, wearing down your defiance. You forced yourself to eat. Just a little. Enough to stop the dizziness. The tea was gone this time. The blanket you had ignored for days? You dragged it onto the bed that night, curling beneath it despite yourself. Pressing your face into the pillow, trying to block out the smell of him lingering faintly in the fabric.
You hated how much you missed the sound of his voice.
Day 10
It was quiet.
You found yourself standing in front of the bookshelf, fingers trailing over the spines. The books were yours. The same worn covers, the same creases where you had folded pages. You pulled one down, a comfort read. Something you knew by heart. And a piece of paper fluttered from between the pages. A note.
Four words, written in the same sharp, elegant script you knew far too well: “Reading this again baby?”
You crushed the note in your fist, heart pounding so violently it hurt. You hated him. Hated the way he was always in your head. But hours later, you still found yourself reading the book. Turning the pages like they might somehow drown out the loneliness.
Day 11
You woke suddenly that night. Not because of a nightmare, but because of a sound. Footsteps. Soft, deliberate, right outside the door.
You froze, breath caught in your chest, listening as the steps paused. He's here. He's right there. Your heart pounded louder. Waiting. He’s going to come in. He has to. But the door never opened.
The footsteps faded. You stared at the door for a long, long time after that.
Day 12
You didn’t even realize you were doing it at first. The words just spilled out, a broken whisper into the empty room. “Why are you doing this?” Silence. “Why won’t you face me? Say something! Anything. If you’re watching, just- just talk to me!” The only answer was the steady ticking of the clock. And somehow, it was worse than hearing his voice.
Day 13
The tray arrived. This time, along with the untouched food, there was something else. A small music box. You hesitated, fingers trembling as you lifted it. Delicate. Fragile. When you twisted the key, a soft, haunting melody filled the room. The same song you’d hum when showering. He remembered. He always remembered. With a broken sob, you hurled the music box across the room. The melody cut off with a sharp, metallic crack. Shattered. Just like you. But later that night, as you sat curled in the corner, you found yourself picking up the broken pieces.
Day 14
The silence was unbearable now. You were curled beneath the blanket, barely able to focus, when the static crackled softly through the ceiling. You jolted upright. His voice, smooth, calm, filled the room.
"You're not eating enough."
Your breath caught. Hands clenching into fists. “Stop it! Just leave me alone!”
The speaker remained quiet for a moment before his voice returned, quieter. Steadier.
"You can keep fighting me... but I won't let you waste away."
Rage flared hot. “You’re trying to break me! You don’t care. You never cared.”
You screamed, hurling the empty tea cup across the room. It shattered against the wall, pieces scattering across the floor.
But he didn’t respond. He didn’t need to. Because deep down, you could feel it. The cracks forming in your defiance. And Jungkook knew you were breaking.
Day 15
It was the middle of the night when the speaker crackled again. You were half-asleep, curled on the bed with the blanket wrapped tightly around you. When his voice cut through the quiet, your eyes snapped open.
"Did you sleep better tonight?"
You swallowed hard, heart pounding. Your throat felt tight, sore from days of yelling that had long since stopped. “I’m fine,” you whispered, though no part of you felt fine.
There was a pause, a soft static hum lingering before he spoke again.
"I miss you."
You shut your eyes, fighting the tears burning at the corners.
Day 16
The next time the speaker turned on, his voice was softer.
"I only want to keep you safe. Look at you now... You're just hurting yourself. This isn't what I wanted."
You stayed silent, curled on the floor, facing away from the door. Your chest ached as you pressed your hands against your ears. But even then, you could still hear him. Gentle. Soothing. "You don’t have to be alone." You hated how badly you wanted to believe him.
Day 17
The next food tray wasn’t like the others. There was food, yes. But also, a single white rose. Beautiful. Your stomach twisted as you stared at it. The same flower he had given you when you first started to meet. A symbol. A reminder. You wanted to throw it away. Smash it. Instead, you set it carefully on the nightstand.
Day 18
You woke up shaking. A nightmare, dark and suffocating. The room felt smaller today, colder. Lonelier.
You sat by the door, knees drawn to your chest, speaking to the silence like it might answer back.
“Jungkook... please. Just talk to me.”
You pressed your forehead against the wood, voice breaking. “Please...” But he didn’t answer. And somehow, that hurt more.
Day 19
The tea returned. This time, it wasn’t just tea. A slice of strawberry cake sat neatly beside it. The kind you used to share with him, back when he’d seemed... softer. Safer. You stared at the tray for hours. The sweetness felt too much like a trick. But eventually, you caved. The tea was warm, the cake sweet and rich on your tongue. Comforting in a way you hadn't felt in weeks. You hated that it made you feel better.
Day 20
You were pacing. The walls felt closer. The silence is heavier. The loneliness clawed deeper with every passing hour. You found yourself lingering at the door. Waiting. Listening for footsteps. For him. But no one came. You whispered into the empty air. “I hate you.” But it sounded so much weaker than before.
Day 21
The speaker crackled back to life just after you had finished eating. You didn’t even flinch this time. "I’m proud of you." His voice was low, soothing, so calm it made your chest ache. "You’re taking care of yourself again. That’s good. I told you I wouldn’t let you hurt yourself."
You stared at the untouched rose, wilting slightly in its glass. "I’ll be with you soon." And you didn’t know whether the fear twisting inside you... was still just fear. Or something worse.
Day 22
The speaker remained silent all day. No soft reassurances. No sweet words drifting through the room. Just silence. And it was louder than anything else. You found yourself pressing your ear against the door, straining for the sound of footsteps. Waiting. Hoping.
But there was nothing.
Day 23
You couldn’t take it anymore.
The weight of the quiet pressed too hard, suffocating every thought in your mind. So when the speaker finally crackled to life that evening, you spoke first.
"Jungkook?" Your voice was fragile, breaking with every syllable.
The silence lingered. Then, softly "Yes?" You closed your eyes, hating how much relief bloomed in your chest just from the sound of him.
"...Why won’t you come in?"
The pause that followed stretched too long. Then, his voice returned, softer. "You’re not ready yet."
You clenched your fists, trembling. "You don’t get to decide that!"
"I do."
And then the speaker cut off.
Day 24
The next tray arrived with something new.
Resting beside the plate was the pearl necklace.
Untouched. Perfectly intact.
You stared at it, pulse rising, throat tightening as you remembered the weight of it against your skin, the way he’d fastened it himself the night he gave it to you.
There was no note. No message. Just the necklace. A silent reminder. You left it on the tray. But you didn’t push it away.
Day 25
The room felt utterly unbearable now.
No matter how you shifted, how you paced, there was no comfort. The books blurred together. The food was tasteless. The scent of the room.
You wanted out.
Just... anything but this silence.
You whispered, voice broken, “Please... I’m sorry.”
But there was no answer.
Day 26
The tears came unexpectedly.
You didn’t even realize you were crying until the sobs shook your chest, your body trembling as you curled into the bed.
It wasn’t just the loneliness anymore.
It was the pain of being ignored.
You had screamed his name a hundred times before.
But tonight, you whispered it like a prayer. "Jungkook... please."
And he still didn’t come.
Day 27
You heard it.
A soft click. The sound of the lock shifting.
You sat up so fast the room spun, heart racing as you stumbled toward the door, pressing both hands against it.
It didn’t open.
But it was unlocked.
For the first time.
Your pulse pounded louder than ever before. Was it a trick? A test?
You stood there for hours. Waiting. Listening.
But nothing else came.
Day 28
You didn’t move.
The isolation had settled deep in your bones by now, making you feel weightless and heavy all at once. You had stopped marking the days, though you knew it had been weeks. Your loneliness had shifted into something quieter, emptier. You had forgotten the sound of your own voice, the rhythm of real conversation.
So when the door creaked open and his figure appeared, the sight of him knocked the breath from your lungs.
He stood in the doorway, dressed in black, as calm and unreadable as ever. But something was different. His eyes. They lingered longer, tracing over the fragile state he had left you in. The trembling of your hands as they rested limply in your lap. The way you curled in on yourself at the edge of the bed, too exhausted to even flinch.
He didn’t speak.
He didn’t step closer.
But he didn’t leave either.
Your heart slammed against your ribs. He was there. Watching.
“Why…” Your voice cracked, hoarse from disuse. “Why are you here?”
No answer.
His gaze dropped, just briefly, to the half-eaten tray of food from that morning.
The silence stretched. He was giving you nothing, no hint of emotion. And somehow, it hurt.
You hated him.
You missed him.
“Say something,” you whispered, voice breaking as you gripped the sheets beneath you.
His lips parted. Just barely. Then he exhaled slowly, like he was gathering himself.
“You’ve proven you can live alone.”
Your breath hitched, a bitter laugh escaping you, though there was no humor in it. “You call this living?”
Jungkook’s face didn’t change. But there was a softness. “No,” he said quietly. “This isn’t living. But you made your choice. You didn’t want me.”
Your pulse pounded so loud it drowned out the rest of the room. He was turning this on you. Making it your fault. And the worst part? It was working. The walls felt smaller. The air colder.
“I never wanted this. I wanted to be left alone, not be lonely” Your voice cracked, rising slightly. “You’re the one keeping me here. You.”
He stepped closer.
Not threatening.
Not towering.
But calm.
Dangerously calm.
“I gave you everything,” he murmured, gaze locked onto yours. “And you ran. So I gave you what you wanted. Isolation. Freedom from me. And look what it’s done to you.”
You hated the way your body reacted to his presence. The way the sound of his voice filled the void you hadn’t even realized was so loud.
A tear slipped down your cheek, unbidden. Weak. And when it fell, Jungkook’s expression shifted, just for a heartbeat. Regret.
“I won’t keep you in here forever,” he continued, quieter now, crouching slightly so you were eye level. “I just need you to understand. I can make it better for you.”
The words hung heavy between you, poisoned with manipulation you were too tired to fight.
You shook your head, tears streaking faster. “You’re lying.”
His head tilted slightly, dark eyes searching yours with unnerving patience. “Am I? Look around you. Have I hurt you?”
But the absence of pain didn’t make it right.
“I don’t want to feel like a prisoner,” you whispered.
“You’re not my prisoner. You’re here because I care. I want you safe. And you can have more than this. But you have to stop fighting me.”
He reached for you then. Not harsh. Not demanding. Just a careful, gentle touch, fingertips brushing the damp tear from your cheek. You flinched but didn’t pull away. Not completely.
The weight of his hand was warm. Familiar. And for the first time, it didn’t feel like a threat.
It felt like relief.
His voice was a whisper, coaxing. “Let me take care of you. Let me make this better.”
You hated him for it.
You hated how much you wanted to believe him.
And when his hand lingered, waiting for your answer, the worst part was how quiet the room felt when he finally stood, turned, and left.
The door locked behind him.
And you felt colder than ever.
The lock clicked open.
This time, when the door swung open, he didn’t stand in the doorway like before.
The hall beyond was empty.
You blinked, heart pounding as you stared into the open space, pulse thrumming in your ears. He hadn’t spoken through the speaker today. No roses. No food tray.
Just the silence, and this.
You should have run. Should have bolted straight for the exit. But your legs didn’t move. Not out of fear. Out of something worse.
The endless days of nothing. The quiet that pressed so hard against your ribs you thought you might break under it.
And that was the moment you realized, this was intentional.
This was another test.
A crackling whisper brushed through the speakers, making you jump.
“You can come out now.” His voice. So calm. So controlled. “I’m not keeping you in there anymore.”
You hesitated, arms wrapping tighter around yourself.
Your steps were slow as you crossed the threshold, the numbness in your legs reminding you just how long it had been since you’d moved beyond those four walls.
The penthouse was silent.
Spacious. Beautiful. The floor-to-ceiling windows revealed the cloudy city below, so far away it felt like another world entirely.
You barely had time to process it before you saw him.
Jungkook sat in the oversized armchair near the windows, legs spread, forearms braced on his knees as he watched you. No threat. No chains.
But the weight of his presence was more suffocating than any lock.
“Come here.”
You didn’t move.
His lips pressed together. But he didn’t get up. Didn’t chase you. His voice softened, low and coaxing.
“You’ve been through a lot. I just want to talk.”
And then you noticed it.
The couch. A folded blanket. A steaming cup of tea on the coffee table, the scent wafting faintly.
He wasn’t trying to trap you.
He was making it look like comfort.
You shook your head. “I don’t want this.”
He exhaled slowly, leaning back in the chair. “I know. But you need it.”
A pause. His dark eyes swept over you, scanning every tremble, every sign of weakness you couldn’t hide. “You need to rest. To heal. You’re… you’re hurting yourself more than you realize.”
You hated how calm he sounded. How convincing.
And you hated yourself more for wanting to believe it.
But you stayed frozen.
That was when he stood.
Slow. Unthreatening. His hair hung over his forehead, sleeves rolled up to reveal the tattoos along his forearm.
And when he approached, he didn’t grab you.
He just… reached.
Fingers brushing your wrist, barely a touch. Just enough to let you feel the heat of him.
“I’m not going to hurt you. You know that?”
Your throat closed.
You didn’t fight when he guided you gently toward the couch. The blanket was warm as he tucked it around your shoulders, the tea, hot, fragrant, pressed into your trembling hands.
And then he knelt in front of you.
Not towering. Not intimidating.
Just watching.
You stared at the cup, trying to steady your breath.
It was too much. The silence. The quiet care.
This wasn’t control. This was… kindness.
Wasn’t it?
Jungkook’s voice broke the quiet. Softer now.
“You’re safe, baby. You don’t have to be scared.”
And for the first time since he took you
You felt like you were breaking.
Jungkook exhaled, his shoulders relaxing slightly when you didn’t resist. His gaze stayed on you, lingering on the faint tremble in your hands.
He stayed silent, letting the tension breathe. Letting the quiet speak louder than words.
Until he reached out again.
Slow. Deliberate. His fingers brushed your cheek, so gentle it felt like a question.
You flinched but didn’t pull away. Not fully.
His eyes darkened. Something flashed behind the calm exterior, but he didn’t press. He just held his hand there, warm against your skin.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
The words made you freeze.
His touch lingered, and for the first time, there was no trace of that quiet control. Only something vulnerable.
“I never wanted to hurt you,” he continued, voice breaking just slightly. “I just…” His thumb pressed a fraction deeper, tilting your face to meet his eyes. “I couldn’t lose you. I won’t lose you.”
The worst part was, you could hear it. The sincerity beneath his words.
And you felt yourself softening.
You clenched the cup tighter, forcing your voice to steady. “You didn’t really have me in the first place, Jungkook.”
His expression shifted.
Not anger.
He lowered his hand but didn’t move back. “I kept you safe. I made sure you were taken care of. And I gave you time. To think. To understand.”
You shook your head, pulse spiking. “You locked me away. That’s not care.”
“You were hurting yourself.” His voice sharpened. “Running around, starving yourself. Bleeding in some filthy motel room.” His jaw flexed, the calm mask cracking just slightly. “Tell me what part of that was freedom.”
You didn’t have an answer. Not one you could say out loud.
Because deep down, you knew.
You had been falling apart.
But that didn’t make this right.
Jungkook’s hand closed over yours where you still gripped the cup, his warmth sinking into your skin. His voice softened again, calmer. Dangerous.
“You’re not a prisoner.”
You swallowed hard.
The door was still locked. You both knew it.
And yet…
You didn’t fight when his thumb brushed over your knuckles.
“You’re here because you belong with me,” he whispered. “And I know you can feel it. Even now.”
The worst part was, he wasn’t wrong.
Because after weeks of isolation, weeks of silence and aching loneliness…
You weren’t sure what scared you more.
The way he made you feel.
Or the fact that, for the first time,
You didn’t want him to leave.
And he knew it.
Jungkook didn’t speak again. He didn’t have to. The quiet filled the space between you, heavier than before but softer too. Less suffocating. His presence lingered like the scent of him, clean, warm, familiar in a way you wanted so badly to resist.
But when he finally stood to leave.
“Wait,” your voice cracked, barely above a whisper.
He paused, fingers curling into his palm at his side.
But he didn’t turn around.
“I…” Your throat tightened painfully. “I don’t want to be alone.”
Betrayed, by yourself.
Jungkook turned back, his face unreadable, you hated how desperately you searched for softness in his eyes.
But it was there.
Beneath the control.
Beneath the satisfaction.
He stepped closer, moving so carefully, as if not to startle you. His hand rose, fingertips brushing along your jaw in a touch so delicate it sent a shiver through you.
“You don’t have to be,” he whispered.
His thumb stroked gently over your cheek, and you hated how your body melted into the contact, how your eyelids fluttered shut despite every part of your mind screaming at you to stop.
“But you have to let me take care of you,” he continued, voice lower now. “No more fighting. No more running.”
You nodded.
And his breath caught like you’d just given him the one thing he’d been waiting for all along.
Jungkook’s thumb traced over your cheek, lingering just a moment longer before he finally spoke again, voice hushed, coaxing.
“That’s it,” he whispered. “Just let me in.”
The words felt like velvet, soothing you, wrapping around the emptiness he had left behind for so long. You hated how desperately you clung to the warmth of his hand against your skin.
You should have felt disgusted. Angry. But all you felt was… relief.
Jungkook’s hand fell away, just for a moment, and you nearly leaned into it, craving the contact you had sworn to resist. But instead of pulling back completely, he reached for you again, his fingers curling gently under your chin, guiding your face to meet his eyes.
No anger. No coldness.
Just patience.
“You don’t have to be alone anymore,” he murmured, searching your face like he was memorizing every fragile piece of you. “You don’t have to hurt like this. I can make it better. But you have to trust me.”
You blinked, heart pounding.
“I… I don’t…”
The words wouldn’t come. Your mind felt too foggy, too heavy with exhaustion.
He didn’t push.
Instead, he shifted closer, slowly lowering himself to sit beside you. His presence was overwhelming, but not in the suffocating way you had feared.
Not yet.
You hated the warmth his nearness brought.
Hated that it felt good.
When he spoke again, his voice was softer. Vulnerable.
“I missed you.”
Your breath caught, throat tightening painfully.
“I shouldn’t feel like this.” The confession escaped you before you could stop it, trembling and broken.
His head tilted, eyes narrowing just slightly, but not in anger. He looked almost… wounded.
“Like what?” he pressed gently.
You shook your head, biting your lip hard to hold back the tears threatening to spill.
“Like I need you.”
The words felt like betrayal. A surrender you hadn’t meant to give him.
But instead of pouncing on it, instead of twisting it into something cruel, Jungkook exhaled a slow, steady breath. His hand moved, not to restrain you, but to cup your face again, thumb tracing the curve of your jaw.
His voice was barely a whisper.
“You do.”
You felt your pulse stutter.
“But that’s not weakness,” he added, his lips parting as his gaze softened further. “It means you’re finally being honest with yourself.”
You wanted to fight him. To tell him he was wrong.
But your body had stopped listening.
His touch felt too steady. Too comforting after so much silence.
“You’re tired, aren’t you?”
You nodded, barely.
Jungkook didn’t speak immediately. He stayed close, his hand lingering on your face, thumb brushing gently over your cheek as if grounding himself in your presence.
“Let me help you, just for tonight.”
You hated how those words sank into your chest, how warm his touch felt after so many cold, empty days. But you were too weak to fight. Too lonely to push him away.
Jungkook guided you carefully to your feet, the weight of his hands steady but never harsh. He didn’t rush. Didn’t force. But you knew, somehow, that there was no choice. Not really.
The bed was as you remembered, too soft, too perfect, like it had been crafted to comfort you in ways he never should have known. He helped you sit, kneeling briefly to smooth the blanket over your lap. Every movement was precise. Practiced.
You should have felt caged.
Instead, you felt seen.
And you hated it.
He stayed by the edge of the bed, watching you carefully. His dark eyes traced the curve of your face, the trembling rise and fall of your chest, like he was memorizing every vulnerable piece of you all over again.
Then he shifted.
Slowly, he reached for your wrist, fingers brushing your pulse. Not restraining. Just… there.
His hand lingered, when the warmth of his palm closed gently over yours, anchoring you in that quiet, unbearable moment.
You didn’t pull away.
You didn’t want to.
“I missed you.”
You closed your eyes.
A tear slipped down your cheek before you could stop it.
And that was all it took.
Jungkook shifted, closing the space between you so carefully it felt inevitable. His hand cupped your face, his thumb catching the tear, wiping it away like it physically pained him to see it fall.
You flinched, but not from fear. It was the tenderness that hurt more.
"Don't cry," he whispered, so gentle it made you want to break apart completely. "Not because of me. Not anymore."
Your lips parted, breath shallow, and for a moment, it felt like he was waiting. Not for permission, but for the final thread of resistance to snap completely.
You leaned into his touch. Barely. But it was enough.
Jungkook's eyes darkened, something unspoken lingering behind his gaze. His thumb traced your cheek one last time before his hand fell away, leaving your skin cold in its absence.
But he didn’t leave.
Instead, he spoke quietly, carefully, as if testing the fragility of the moment.
"No more silence, not when you’re with me."
You should have said no. Should have pushed him away and demanded your space back.
But you didn’t.
You nodded.
And when he shifted onto the bed beside you, when he wrapped his arm around you, tucking your head against his chest as the warmth of his body bled into yours...
You let him.
The next morning came softly.
Sunlight filtered in through the sheer curtains, casting pale gold patterns across the walls. You blinked awake, the unfamiliar warmth pressing against your back making you still for a heartbeat before you remembered.
His arm was still wrapped around you. Loose but present, his palm resting over your hip, his chest rising and falling in the steady rhythm of sleep. He was close enough that you could feel the heat of his breath against the back of your neck, the steady weight of him on you in ways that felt both comforting and terrifying.
You should move.
But you didn’t.
And as much as you wanted to hate it, there was a part of you that had craved this, the safety of being held. The feeling of not being so completely... alone.
Your breath hitched as you shifted slightly, the tension breaking as Jungkook stirred behind you. His grip tightened, not harsh but possessive, and you felt him exhale slowly, his lips brushing just above your shoulder as he murmured, half-asleep.
“You’re still here.”
His voice was deeper, softer in the haze of waking. But there was something heavier beneath it. Relief.
“I... didn’t want to wake you.”
He stilled, fingers flexing slightly where they rested against your waist. For a long moment, he didn’t speak. Then, he drew back just enough to press his forehead lightly against the curve of your neck, voice barely a whisper.
“You never have to wake up alone again.”
The words sank into you like a promise. One you weren’t sure how to feel about.
You nodded once, throat tight. But you didn’t pull away.
Not yet.
When you finally shifted, pushing yourself upright, Jungkook let you go without protest. His eyes followed your movements, dark but calm as he sat up as well, the sheets pooling around his waist.
You expected him to say something. Maybe a demand. Maybe a reminder that you were still his.
But instead, he only offered a quiet, “Are you hungry?”
It caught you off guard. The simple, human question. You blinked, unsure how to answer, until your stomach twisted uncomfortably.
You nodded.
Jungkook didn’t move right away. He just watched you, gaze softening, lingering on your face as if he were committing this moment to memory. Then, without another word, he stood up and disappeared into the kitchen.
You stayed there, frozen, the sheets warm where he’d been. And for the first time, you felt something you couldn’t quite name.
Not freedom.
But not fear either.
The scent of coffee drifted from the kitchen, warm and rich, grounding you in the present. You sat there, fingers curled loosely in the sheets, listening to the soft sounds of Jungkook moving, the quiet clink of plates.
Everything felt so... normal.
And that was the most dangerous part.
You should have felt restless. On edge. But instead, the tension had dulled, replaced by something you couldn’t explain. Your chest felt heavy, like something you had been bracing against was finally slipping. And it left you hollow.
When he returned, a tray balanced effortlessly in his hands, the sight struck you harder than it should have.
Two plates. A cup of tea. A cup of coffee.
Like you were just any other couple sharing a quiet morning together.
He placed the tray on the bed, careful, measured. The food was simple. Toast, eggs, a bowl of cut fruit.
You hesitated, waiting for the catch. Waiting for the control.
But it didn’t come.
Jungkook sat at the edge of the bed, close but not touching, and for the first time, there was no expectation in his expression. No pressure. Just quiet observation, his gaze tracing the delicate way you curled your fingers around the teacup.
You took a sip, letting the warmth settle your nerves.
“Thank you,” you murmured, barely audible.
Jungkook’s eyes softened, a flicker of something almost... hopeful.
“You don’t have to thank me,” he replied, voice low, but so achingly tender it made your throat tighten again.
You lowered the cup, unsure why his words felt so heavy. So final.
The silence stretched as you picked at the food, the tension shifting into something unfamiliar. Not fear. Not anger. Just... quiet. Comforting. His presence filled the space without suffocating it, his gaze never leaving yours but no longer pressing in the way it once had.
And you hated how easy it felt. How his care felt so real.
You should have been angry. You should have resisted.
But all you could feel was the warmth lingering in your chest.
Jungkook finally broke the silence, “Are you... feeling better?”
You knew he wasn’t just asking about your physical state. You hesitated, the words catching in your throat. But then, with quiet honesty you couldn’t explain.
His breath hitched, so subtle you barely noticed. But you saw it. The way his fingers curled slightly against his thigh, like he was restraining himself from reaching for you.
The thought of him doing so didn’t feel bad? It felt... safe.
That moment lingered between you, the silence stretching just long enough to feel fragile. Like if either of you spoke, it would shatter whatever fragile peace this was.
Jungkook didn’t move, his gaze still soft but searching, as if he were waiting for something he wasn’t ready to name. His hand, so close on the bed beside you, flexed as though he was fighting the urge to touch you again.
You should say something. Set a boundary. Remind him that this, whatever this was, was not real.
But you didn’t.
Because for the first time in weeks, there was no fear twisting in your chest. No loneliness gnawing at the edges of your mind. Only warmth. Only him.
You felt it when his gaze dropped, lingering on your lips for just a heartbeat too long. The tension shifted, heavier but not threatening, intimate in a way that made your pulse race.
You were the first to look away, blinking down at your hands curled around the tea cup. The heat of it seeped into your palms, grounding you as you struggled to steady your breath.
And still, he said nothing.
“Can I hold you?” His voice quietly asked.
You swallowed, heart hammering, the vulnerability in his words cracking something deeper inside you. He wasn’t demanding. He wasn’t forcing. He was asking.
And you hated that you didn’t know how to say no.
You nodded.
But it was all he needed.
Jungkook moved carefully, cautiously, as though afraid you might vanish if he moved too fast. His hand lifted first, brushing your wrist, fingertips tracing the inside with a softness that made your breath hitch. And then, slowly, he shifted closer, drawing you into him.
The heat of his body pressed against yours, his arm curling around your waist as he tucked you into his chest. His heartbeat was steady. Calming. And when his chin rested lightly against the top of your head, a broken breath escaped you.
You should pull away.
You should hate him for making you feel this, this way.
But all you felt was your chest easing as you sank against him, as the tension melted away and left only the steady rhythm of his breathing.
And when he whispered, “I missed you,” voice so low it barely reached your ears, you didn’t stop the way your fingers curled into his shirt.
You didn’t stop yourself from believing him.
Because, in that moment, you missed him too.
The minutes passed in quiet, the kind of silence that felt heavier with each heartbeat. His arms stayed wrapped around you, steady but never tightening, the warmth of his body seeping into yours as you both stayed like that, eating your breakfast.
And you hated how much you didn’t want it to end.
You felt the steady rise and fall of his chest. He smelled the same as always, clean, warm, familiar. The scent that had once felt suffocating now felt like a strange kind of comfort.
It made you wonder when you’d stopped fearing his touch.
You shifted slightly, just enough that your head rested more fully against his back. His fingers brushed your waist, light but grounding, and you felt the subtle way he reacted to your closeness, his breath catching, his hold instinctively tightening just the slightest bit.
You should speak. You should break whatever spell this was.
But instead, your voice betrayed you.
“I missed you too.”
The words barely left your lips, so soft you thought he might not hear. But he did.
Jungkook stilled beneath you. Completely. As if those words had stolen the breath from his lungs.
You felt it when he exhaled, shaky but measured, his face pressing closer, lips just above your hair. His hand shifted from your waist, fingertips tracing along your spine in slow, careful circles, like he was trying to soothe you but couldn't quite stop himself from savoring the moment.
“Say it again,” he whispered. His voice was not demanding. Just... desperate.
You hesitated, teeth sinking into your lower lip. The walls you’d tried so hard to build felt paper-thin now. Crumbling. You couldn't let yourself lie.
“I missed you,” you repeated, voice quieter but steadier this time.
Jungkook made a sound, low, pained, almost like a sigh of relief, and then his lips pressed softly against your temple. Not forceful. Not possessive. Just... there. The kind of touch meant to soothe. To comfort.
But it left your skin burning.
His voice, rougher now, broke the quiet again. “You don’t have to be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you.”
You should have argued. You should have reminded him that taking you, locking you away, controlling every piece of your life, was hurting you.
But in this moment, with his warmth around you, with your body pressed against his, the words caught in your throat.
But because his voice sounded too real. Too genuine.
And you were so, so tired of fighting.
So instead of speaking, you let your fingers curl just slightly tighter against his chest.
And when he pressed another kiss, so soft, so reverent, to your forehead, you didn’t stop him.
You let it happen. You didn’t want him to stop.
His lips lingered against your forehead, warm and gentle. His breath fanned softly against your skin, but he stayed still, holding you in that delicate silence where neither of you spoke, both too caught in the weight of the moment.
You felt the tension low in your stomach, the heat of his body so close, too close. And yet you didn’t move. Didn’t stop the way his fingertips brushed along your waist, tracing lazy circles like he was memorizing the shape of you.
You hated how badly you wanted more.
The way he made you feel so seen, so painfully aware of every inch of your body pressed against his. The steady strength of his arms. The soft way he held you, careful but possessive, like you were something he couldn’t bear to lose again.
You exhaled shakily, your fingers curling tighter into his shirt as your heart pounded louder than the thoughts screaming in your mind.
Stop. Don’t do this.
But then his lips grazed your temple, slower this time, lingering longer. And when he whispered your name, just your name, like it meant everything, you felt your resolve slip further.
“I missed you, so fucking much,” he whispered again, voice rougher now, closer. “More than you could ever understand.”
You swallowed hard, your body betraying you as you tilted your head just slightly, just enough for his lips to go lower, brushing the curve of your cheek. His breath caught, so did yours.
His hand flexed at your waist, fingertips pressing a fraction deeper, grounding you both in that unbearable closeness. You could feel his pulse beneath his skin, the steady rhythm matching your own, too fast, too desperate.
“I’m right here,” you whispered back, the words slipping free before you could stop them.
Jungkook’s breath deppend. And then his lips were closer, brushing the corner of your mouth, lingering in that unbearable space just shy of a kiss.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked softly.
The question shattered something inside you. The gentleness. After everything, after all the ways he had broken you down, he was asking.
You hated how much you wanted to say yes.
Your lips parted, trembling as you nodded once, the faintest movement. But it was enough.
Jungkook closed the space between you, his lips pressing against yours, soft but deliberate. The kiss wasn’t desperate. It wasn’t rough. It was slow, careful, his mouth moving against yours like he was memorizing every second, savoring the way you let him in.
You melted against him, your body reacting before your mind could catch up. Your hand slipped from his chest, fingers curling into his hair as the kiss deepened. His other hand slid up your back, pressing you closer, as if he needed to feel every inch of you. You hated how much you didn’t want it to end.
Jungkook’s lips hovered just above yours, his breath warm, shallow, as he searched your face. The tension was unbearable, the heat crackling in the air between you, electric and undeniable. His hand, still cradling your jaw, shifted, thumb pressing lightly at your chin, tilting your face just enough to keep you open for him.
This wasn’t soft anymore. It wasn’t gentle. It was desperate, he barely contained as he fought not to lose himself in you.
“You don’t hate me,” he whispered, voice rough now, his lips brushing yours as he spoke. “Say it."
Your pulse pounded, your chest twisting, heat spreading low in your belly despite every voice in your mind telling you to stop. But you didn’t stop. You couldn’t.
“I don’t hate you,” you whispered back.
And then he kissed you.
Harder this time. Deeper. His hand curled tighter around your waist, pulling you flush against him until there was no space left between you. The kiss was consuming, dizzying, his tongue parting your lips in a slow, deliberate slide that left you breathless.
You hated how much you wanted it.
The warmth of his body, the way his hand slipped under the hem of your shirt, spreading heat along your bare skin, it felt too good, too real. His other hand tangled in your hair, tilting your head back, deepening the kiss until your body melted against his completely.
“Look at you,” he whispered against your lips, voice thick with satisfaction. “You’re finally letting me in.”
You whimpered, torn between defiance and submission, but the way his body pressed into yours was relentless. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, tugging just enough to make your stomach twist with want. And you hated yourself for how badly you wanted for more.
“This is what you needed, wasn’t it?” His lips brushed along your jaw, “You needed me. You were always mine. And now... you're finally ready to admit it.”
“Jungkook,” you gasped, but it wasn’t a protest. Not anymore.
It was a plea.
He felt it. Heard it. And the darkness in his eyes only deepened.
“Say it.” His fingers trailed lower, dipping beneath the waistband of your shorts, teasing, barely touching, but enough to have your breath catching. “Say you want this. Say you want me.”
Your body betrayed you completely, hips arching into his touch, heart slamming in your chest. Every trace of resistance felt like it was slipping through your fingers, lost in the haze of him.
You whispered it.
“I want you.”
The words broke something in him.
His mouth crashed against yours again, hungrier this time, his grip bruising as he pulled you closer, pressing you back into the sheets. His body covered yours, the heat of his skin searing against you as he moved, lips tracing your neck, hands exploring every inch of you like he had finally won.
Because he had.
Jungkook’s breath shuddered against your skin, his forehead pressed to yours, the heat between your bodies smoldering, thick with tension. His grip stayed gentle, but you could feel the way he trembled, the way he fought every instinct pressing him to lose control. His hand brushed along your waist, fingertips tracing so lightly you barely felt it, but it was enough to make you shiver.
The darkness in his eyes wasn’t anger. It wasn’t dominance. It was hunger, desperate, consuming, and yet so carefully restrained.
He was holding himself back.
You could see it in the way his jaw flexed, the way his breathing stuttered when your lips parted, so close to his, yet not quite touching. His thumb along your cheek, as if memorizing the shape of you, as if this wasn’t enough, could never be enough.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, voice rough, thick with need.
You didn’t answer with words. Your body spoke for you, arching just slightly, leaning into him instead of away. Your skin burning beneath the whisper of his touch. And he saw it. He felt it.
He kissed you again. His hand slid up, cupping your jaw, tilting your head just enough to deepen the kiss, to taste you the way he’d been holding back from for far too long.
A soft, helpless sound escaped you, muffled against his mouth. And that sound undid him.
“You’re perfect,” he rasped, voice breaking as his lips grazed the sensitive spot below your ear. “You feel perfect.”
You gasped as his teeth caught gently, nipping just enough to make your pulse spike. And still, he was holding back. You could feel the tension radiating from him, the way his hands trembled as they mapped the curve of your waist, the dip of your stomach.
But then his hand brushed lower.
And you froze.
He felt it instantly, the way your body tensed, the way your breath hitched, not in pleasure, but fear.
Jungkook pulled back, his face hovering inches from yours, brows furrowed with concern as his gaze searched yours. His voice was softer now, careful. “Baby... what’s wrong? Did I-?”
You shook your head quickly, shame burning your cheeks. “I...” The words caught, and you swallowed hard, voice barely above a whisper. “It's just been a while since….”
The tension shifted. But it wasn’t the kind you expected. Jungkook didn’t pull away. He didn’t look frustrated or disappointed. If anything, his gaze darkened, softer, but more intense, his thumb stroked along your cheek, reverent.
For a heartbeat, he was silent. Then he exhaled slowly, like he was grounding himself, pressing his forehead against yours. His lips brushed yours, gentle this time, coaxing. “I’ll be gentle. I’ll take care of you. Just... let me.”
You nodded, but your pulse hammered so hard you thought he could feel it where his chest pressed against yours.
Jungkook’s touch shifted, his lips returning to your throat, his hands sliding lower, exploring. Slow. Unhurried. He kissed his way down your collarbone, lingering, tasting, savoring every inch of skin he could reach. His hands explored your sides, your waist, the curve of your hips, never pushing, never rushing, just admiring.
When his fingers brushed between your thighs, you gasped, body arching instinctively, and he froze again, watching your reaction with careful, deliberate patience.
“Is this okay?” he whispered, pressing a kiss just below your navel, waiting for your answer.
You nodded, breathless, the heat blooming under his touch so consuming you could barely think.
“Words, baby,” he murmured, his lips trailing lower, his voice huskier now.
You swallowed, voice trembling. “Yes. Please... don’t stop.”
His eyes darkened with a mix of desire and restraint. His grip on your waist tightened slightly, grounding himself as he fought to maintain control.
His grip trembled slightly as his hand brushed beneath the hem of your shirt.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. His fingertips grazed the fabric, waiting. Giving you a chance to pull away. “Let me see you... please.”
You swallowed hard, heat blooming low in your stomach. The feeling was unbearable, spreading through you in a way that felt both terrifying and... so painfully good. Your hands curling into the sheets beneath you, heart pounding as he slowly began to lift your shirt.
Your body tensed. The vulnerability of it all, the way his dark eyes stayed fixed on yours, not even glancing lower yet, made your throat tighten.
“Jungkook...” your voice was barely a whisper, shaky and unsure.
A groan rumbled low in his chest. The shirt slipped higher. Over your ribs. Up to your collarbone. His gaze never faltered, never dropped, holding yours like it was the only thing keeping him grounded.
“Breathe, baby,” he whispered.
You exhaled shakily, nodding, and with careful patience, he peeled the fabric over your head, letting it fall forgotten beside you. His eyes finally dipped lower, trailing over your bare skin, his lips parting just slightly like the sight had stolen the breath from his lungs.
“God, you're perfect.”
A flush burned beneath your skin, heat creeping all the way to your ears. Your hands instinctively moved to cover yourself, but Jungkook caught your wrists gently, stopping you before you could hide.
“Don’t,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “Please, don’t hide from me.”
His lips returned to your neck, pressing soft kisses along the delicate line of your throat, trailing lower as he shifted down the bed, his mouth exploring every inch of skin he bared. Slow. Reverent. His touch ignited something deeper.
When his hands found the waistband of your shorts, you stiffened again. His thumbs traced slow circles at your hips, and when he finally met your eyes again, his expression wasn’t demanding. It was patient. Tender.
“I want to make you feel good,” he murmured, voice raspier now. “Will you let me?”
You nodded, chest heaving as his fingers slipped beneath the fabric, inching it lower, pressing soft kisses to your stomach as he guided them off your legs. Your underwear followed, and you barely had time to process the sheer vulnerability of being so bare before he spread your thighs gently, pressing his palm to the inside of your knee, urging you open.
You tensed instinctively, thighs trying to close, but his grip was steady.
“Shhh,” he soothed, voice soft. “Let me take care of you, baby. Just relax.”
Your pulse hammered, the vulnerability making you feel lightheaded, dizzy, but the way his eyes darkened as he stared at you, like you were the most precious thing he’d ever touched, made it impossible to pull away.
He pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh first, lingering there, lips soft and patient, before trailing higher. Your breath caught, your body trembling beneath his touch as his mouth moved closer.
“You’re so sensitive,” he whispered, voice thick, his breath fanning against your bare skin, making you shiver. “So perfect.”
And when his tongue finally pressed against your core, soft but deliberate, you shattered.
A gasp broke from your lips, your back arching as the sensation flooded through you, overwhelming and unbearable all at once. Your hands flew to his hair, unsure whether you wanted to pull him closer or push him away, but he didn’t stop. He didn’t hesitate.
He held you steady, his hands gripping your thighs gently, keeping you open for him as he worked you apart with slow, torturous strokes of his tongue, learning your body, savoring every reaction.
“That’s it,” he murmured between kisses. “Let me hear you, baby.”
You didn’t. You couldn’t. The pleasure was too much, too consuming, and when his fingers joined, circling you in perfect rhythm, your entire body jolted beneath him, your thighs trembling against his shoulders.
“Jungkook” Your voice broke.
His response was a groan, the vibration against you making your stomach tighter, the pressure building unbearably fast. His hand slid higher, pressing gently against your stomach as if to hold you still, to keep you grounded as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
“Princess,” he whispered against you, his tongue circling that sensitive spot again, sending you spiraling. “Let me feel you come for me.”
And when you did, when your body finally gave in with a cry, shattering completely beneath him, he didn’t stop. He kept pressing soft kisses along your trembling thighs, easing you through the waves of pleasure until you were boneless beneath him, breathless.
Only then did he rise, his lips brushing yours, tasting you as he whispered softly.
“That’s my girl. You’re so beautiful when you fall apart for me.”
He hovered above you, his body warm, solid, grounding you as you shook beneath him. His lips brushed along your jaw, slow and tender, whispering soft reassurances against your skin. “Shh I've got you, I’ve got you, baby.” he murmured, his voice a gentle hum, low and comforting.
“Breathe, baby,” he coaxed, lips brushing your ear as he trailed his thumb along your trembling thigh.
His hand slid lower, caressing the curve of your waist, your hips, his touch gentle. You felt the heat of him pressing against your entrance, the slow, insistent nudge that made you tense instinctively
He moved with infinite care, easing just the tip of himself inside you. Your body resisted, stretching around him in a way that made you gasp, your grip tightening on his arms.
“I know,” he whispered, his voice thick with restraint, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I know, you’re doing so well for me.”
His hand dipped between your thighs then, circling that aching bundle of nerves with slow, deliberate motions, coaxing your body to relax, to surrender to the pleasure he was giving you. The tension ebbed, replaced by a deeper warmth, a slow ache that wasn’t pain but something else entirely.
“That’s it,” he praised softly, pressing just a little deeper, the fullness making you whimper. “You’re taking me so perfectly.”
His lips finding yours again in a kiss both sweet and desperate. “You feel so perfect,” he groaned, pressing deeper, stretching you inch by inch, the sensation so overwhelming yet so right.
“Almost there, baby,” he whispered, voice thick with praise, his fingers still working you in time with his slow thrusts.
And when he was finally fully inside you, when your body clenched around him in a way that made his breath catch, he stilled, his forehead pressed to yours, whispering, “You did it. You’re mine now, baby. All mine. So perfect… so beautiful.”
“That’s it,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your cheek, his hips barely rocking forward, just enough for you to feel the movement, the way he filled you completely. “Tell me how it feels,” he coaxed.
“It… feels good,” you whispered, breath hitching as he pressed just a little deeper, his body moving in perfect rhythm with his hand.
A soft, trembling moan spilled from your lips, shaky and unrestrained.
“I know, baby,” he cooed, his breath warm against your ear. “I know it’s big, baby. But you can take it, can't you?”
The pleasure swelled higher, overtaking everything else as his hips moved more fluidly, his thumb pressing just a little harder, matching the steady rhythm of his thrusts. The tension inside you coiled tighter, unbearable, and the way he watched you, like he was unraveling right along with you, was enough to send you spiraling.
“Jungkook” Your voice broke on a whimper, your body arching into his touch, trembling as the heat burst inside you, shattering everything.
“That’s my girl,” he whispered, his voice thick as he followed you over the edge, his body shuddering as he buried himself deeper, holding you so close, so completely his.
He felt you tighten around him, your muscles clenching instinctively. You whimpered, your fingers digging into his shoulders, and he kissed your neck, his lips trailing down to your collarbone, soft and coaxing. “Such a good girl, taking me so well.”whispered, his tone laced with that condescending pout.
His grip on your hips tightened just enough to hold you steady, his chest pressing flush against yours as he filled you completely, stretching you inch by inch. The burn of it was sharp, overwhelming, but he didn’t let you retreat. He kissed the corner of your mouth, his voice a low, soothing whisper against your lips.
“Shh, baby. It’s okay… I know it’s a lot,” he cooed, his breath warm as his lips trailed down your neck.
You whimpered, your nails digging into his shoulders as your body clenched around him, the ache mingling with unbearable pleasure. He paused, barely moving, giving you time to adjust, but not without teasing.
“Feel that, princess?” His voice was dark against your ear, praise dripping from every word. “Feel how deep I am? Stretching you open, taking me so perfectly. My good girl.”
Your walls fluttered around him at the praise, the fullness making you pulse with unbearable need. His hips shifted, deeper, faster, and the pressure made your breath stutter, a broken gasp leaving your lips.
“That’s it,” he groaned, lips brushing the shell of your ear. “So tight- so fucking perfect for me..”
His fingers traced down your trembling body, circling lower. Teasing. Testing. Then pressing exactly where you needed him, a firm, slow stroke against your swollen clit. Your body jolted, hips bucking into his hand.
“Just like that,” he praised. “I want you to fall apart for me, princess.” His pace fast as he thrust deeper, harder, but still painfully controlled.
A strangled moan slipped from your lips, head tipping back against the pillows. Every inch, every pulse of his body against yours sent you spiraling closer.
"Say my name," he growled, voice thick with need, the demand pressing into your skin as his hips rolled deeper, dragging a gasp from your lips.
And with one final, punishing thrust, he pushed you over the edge. Your body clenched tight around him as the pleasure hit.
His body stayed flush against yours, chest rising and falling with ragged breaths as he buried himself completely inside you, holding you there, so deep, so full it made you whimper softly. His lips brushed along your temple, soothing yet possessive as he whispered, "Shh, baby... just stay like this for me."
His hand slid up your waist, fingers splayed wide, anchoring you beneath him as he kissed the corner of your mouth, slow and lingering. You clenched involuntarily around him.
He stayed buried inside you, stretching, filling, refusing to move. He stayed there, buried deep inside you, keeping you close
“You okay, baby?” He asked softly, a tenderness lingering in the words, but there was something deeper, almost hesitant, like he was holding something back.
You nodded, though your body felt heavy, boneless beneath him. He saw it, the tension behind your eyes, the worry you couldn’t quite voice.
He lingered inside you a beat longer, his hands cradling your waist, before he slowly, carefully eased out. You whimpered at the loss, body clenching around the emptiness, and he kissed your forehead as if to soothe the throb he’d left behind.
“Shhh, I’ve got you,” he whispered, slipping from the bed. His absence felt colder than it should have, and when he returned, the damp cloth in his hand, his expression was quiet, too quiet.
He cleaned you with such care, pressing soft kisses to your thighs, but his eyes lingered longer than usual, his lips parting as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words.
After he finished cleaning you up, he helped you into a fresh pair of clothes, carefully smoothing the fabric over your skin as if tending to something fragile. His own shirt hung loosely on his frame, his hair falling into his eyes as he pulled you close. His warmth surrounded you, steady, grounding. His hand traced those soothing circles along your back, lips grazing your hairline.
“I’ll take care of you… always,” he whispered, the words a vow more than reassurance.
Minutes passed, the quiet stretching comfortably between you, until your voice broke it, hesitant but firm.
“Jungkook… I need the morning-after pill.”
His breath hitched, barely noticeable, but you felt it. His hand paused, resting lightly against your hip as he exhaled, steadying himself.
“Of course, baby,” he murmured, voice soft but tighter than before, laced with something heavier. He kissed the crown of your head, holding you so close it almost hurt. “We’ll take care of it first thing, I promise.”
But when his lips pressed to your forehead again, lingering this time, you felt it. You knew he wanted something different. Something he knew you weren’t ready for yet.
Late afternoon. Outside, the city moved on without you, cars honking, people living, oblivious to the silence pressing against your chest.
In here, the world was still. Controlled.
Jungkook sat across the room, seated on the edge of the grand sectional, reading through paperwork like it was any other day. Like you weren’t trapped here, your life rewritten by his hands.
But the pressure was unbearable now, pressing so tightly against your ribs it hurt.
He had stolen your freedom, hidden you from the world, branded you as his. You were supposed to despise him. Fear him. And yet... you couldn’t untangle the warmth from the pain anymore.
The sweater wrapped around your body, the one keeping you warm, smelled like him. The meals he cooked, the gifts he brought you, the way he was always there, hovering silently as if his presence alone could make up for the control, it made everything so confusing.
You hated him? You couldn’t stop craving him.
His head snapped up instantly, the dark, unreadable gaze locking onto yours as if the mere sound of his name was all it took to demand his attention.
“Yes, Princess?”
The endearment made your throat tighten. It felt real when he said it. Like you were his world. But you weren’t his world, you were his prisoner.
And yet...
You swallowed hard, pulse pounding in your ears.
“I need to talk to you. Please.”
The papers fell forgotten. He was up instantly, crossing the space between you with that silent, predatory grace. Close but not touching. His presence was too much. Always too much.
“I’m listening.”
You shook your head, forcing yourself to look him in the eyes. He couldn’t intimidate you into silence this time.
“I don’t want to live like this.”
The tension in his face shifted just slightly, the smallest crack in that perfect, controlled mask. His lips parted, but no words came.
You continued.
“I know you care about me. I know you love me too much to let me go freely. But, Jungkook, I feel trapped. You control everything. My clothes. My food. My freedom. I miss some parts of my life. My classes. My friends. My family.”
His brows furrowed. His lips pressed into a thin line, as if forcing back words.
You took a breath.
“I can’t be yours if it means losing everything else. I can’t be your precious pearl if I’m just something you keep hidden away.”
His jaw clenched, hands flexing at his sides as he turned away, pacing toward the window.
The reflection in the glass made him look even colder. Detached.
But you saw through it.
“You think I’ve taken your life away from you,” he said, voice tight.
“No- well yes,” you whispered, throat closing. “You have.”
The quiet was deafening. His back remained to you, shoulders tense, head bowed slightly as if weighing every word.
Then, so quietly you almost missed it.
“I had to protect you.”
The words sliced through the tension, rough, pained.
He exhaled, voice lower now.
“You were putting yourself in danger every night. Dancing for strangers. Letting men stare at you. Touch you. They didn’t deserve to see you like that.”
You stiffened. “It wasn’t like that-”
“Yes. It was.”
He turned then, eyes darker, filled with something too complicated to name.
“I watched. I saw the way they looked at you. They were never satisfied just watching. They wanted to consume you. Tear you apart. You would’ve let them if it wasn't for me!”
You flinched.
His voice dropped. “I couldn’t stand it. Seeing you let yourself be treated like you were nothing when you-” His voice broke, the rawness seeping through his control. “You’re everything. And you didn’t even see it.”
The anger drained from his face, replaced by something worse.
“Jungkook,” you whispered, chest tight.
He shook his head, turning back toward the window, his reflection fractured in the glass.
“I couldn’t lose you,” he rasped, voice broken now. “Because no one else ever stayed.”
The truth in his voice left you breathless.
You thought of the wealth he came from. The cold, distant parents. The hollow loneliness that shaped him long before you.
You finally understood.
Your hand brushed his sleeve.
“You don’t have to keep me like this,” you whispered, voice cracking. “I’m not leaving you. But you have to let me have some part of myself back. Let me go back to school. Let me see my family.”
His head shook instantly, jaw tightening. “No. I made sure of it. The world... they think you’re gone.”
“But you can undo it.”
He froze.
You forced yourself to keep speaking. “You have power. You could make this disappear. Make them stop looking for me. I can live again, and I’ll...”
You hesitated, voice shaking.
“I’ll stay. Willingly.”
His eyes snapped to yours, searching, desperate.
You held his gaze, pulse unsteady, then gave a slow nod.
“I won’t leave you. I just... I can’t stay if you keep me like this. I need to feel like myself again.”
For a long, painful heartbeat, he said nothing.
And then his hand cupped your cheek. Tender. Devastating.
His thumb brushed your cheek. His lips parted like he wanted to speak but couldn’t.
And then, brokenly,
“I can give you that. If it means you’ll stay with me... love me. I’ll undo some things. School. Your family. The reports. I can... I can make it all disappear.”
His forehead rested against yours. His voice barely a whisper.
“Just don’t leave me.”
And the worst part?
You whispered back.
“I won’t. I promise.”
But the tightness in your chest whispered the truth you weren’t ready to admit.
You were falling for him.
A year had passed.
The world outside shifted, seasons blending into each other. The penthouse no longer felt like a cage. Not when you stayed every night by choice.
You stood now in front of the floor-length mirror, adjusting the delicate pearl necklace Jungkook had fastened around your neck just an hour earlier. His pearl. His perfect, untouchable treasure. But it didn’t feel like possession anymore. Not in the way it once had.
Not after everything you’d both endured.
Your gaze lifted, meeting his reflection across the room. He stood near the windows, adjusting the cuffs of his tailored black suit, the city a blur of lights behind him. The sharp cut of his suit only emphasized the strength he carried so effortlessly, but his face was different now, softer, less guarded.
Yet even with that quiet vulnerability, the way he looked at you, like you were something delicate, precious, hadn’t changed. His gaze followed every detail of you, lingering where the fabric of your dress hugged your waist, heat in his eyes, reverence in his stillness.
You still felt it. That ache. Not the old ache, the pain of being trapped. This was something deeper, heavier. An ache you couldn’t explain, except it felt like trust.
Like love.
"You look beautiful," he murmured, closing the space between you, his breath warm against your neck as he pressed a kiss just beneath your ear. His hands slid to your waist, steady, grounding you against his chest. "You're going to make me lose my mind tonight."
A smile tugged at your lips despite the flutter in your chest. "You say that every time we go out."
"And every time, it’s true."
The feeling inside dulled, replaced by something warmer. Something you hadn't fought in a long time.
Jungkook had changed. Slowly. Carefully. The control was still there, woven into the very fabric of who he was, but not like before. No more locked doors. No more isolation disguised as protection.
You were finishing your final year of university now. Just weeks away from graduation. And he had kept his promise, your name cleared, your life restored, the whispers of your disappearance carefully erased like they had never existed.
And tonight, you were late for dinner with his mother.
The thought made your stomach twist. He felt it immediately, he always did.
“Hey.” His hands shifted to cup your face, thumbs brushing lightly over your cheekbones. “You’re overthinking again.”
You swallowed hard. “She hates me.”
“She doesn’t hate you.”
“She thinks I’m... I don’t know. A distraction. Or a gold digger or something.” You exhaled shakily.
Something flickered in his eyes at that, pain, just barely contained. His fingers tightened, but when he spoke, his voice was gentle.
“She doesn’t know us. Of you.”
Your heart pounded as you nodded, leaning into his touch. His lips found yours, slow and deliberate, a kiss meant to soothe, to reassure. When he pulled back, it wasn’t enough. You were too close. You needed him close.
But he smiled, a hint of mischief softening the intensity in his eyes. “We’re already late. But first.” His hand slipped into his pocket, retrieving a sleek black envelope with a silver wax seal. “I have something for you.”
Confused, you blinked. “What is this?”
“Open it.”
You carefully broke the seal, heart thudding as you unfolded the thick paper. The header was instantly familiar. Jeon Industries. But lower, Co-Chief Executive Officer. Official Offer of Partnership.
Your breath caught.
His lips twitched, almost shy, a rare sight. “You’re graduating soon. You’ve worked so hard. And I…” His voice dropped, softer, vulnerable. “I want you with me. Not just here. But at my side. As my equal.”
You stared at the offer, words blurring as the weight of what he was offering sank in. Co-Chief Executive Officer. Power. Trust.
It wasn’t control.
It was faith.
“I- I don’t know what to say.” Your voice trembled, the words too small for what this meant. For how far you’d come together.
“Say you’ll think about it.” His thumb brushed your lower lip, gentle but possessive in that way he still couldn’t quite shake. “Say you’ll stay. With me. Always.”
Emotion swelled in your chest, and this time, you didn’t fight it. You reached for him, pressing your lips to his with a fierceness that startled even you, hands curling into the lapels of his jacket, needing him closer.
When you finally broke apart, his breath was ragged, his forehead resting against yours.
“Forever,” you whispered.
His lips curved, but it wasn’t playful this time. It was raw. Honest.
“Good. Because I was planning to keep you anyway.”
A laugh bubbled up, light, genuine, effortless. This is us now. Complicated. Imperfect. But whole.
He kissed your forehead once more before straightening, smoothing his tie as he murmured, “Now, let’s go. We’re already late, and my mom... she’s terrifying when she’s waiting.”
You rolled your eyes but let him lead you toward the door, his hand laced with yours, grounding. Reassuring.
This was your life now. A life you had chosen. A life where both of you were still healing, still learning, but together.
And neither of you was going anywhere.
The pearl rested against your collarbone, cool, delicate.
A perfect thing. Untouched. Just like he wanted you to be.
But pearls weren’t born perfect. They were born from wounds.
A grain of sand, sharp, intrusive, buried so deep in the flesh it festered, twisted, until the ache became something beautiful.
"Love me. Stay with me. Try to love me."
You had said yes.
Not because he held you too tightly. Not because he asked.
But because, somehow, the ache had become him. Embedded too deep. Impossible to remove without breaking you open entirely.
Not trapped.
Not broken.
Shaped into.
His pearl.
#pearl series#black pearl#bts fanfiction#bts fanfic#bts yandere#yandere bts#jungkook yandere fanfiction#jungkook yandere#bts jungkook#jungkook bts#bts jungkook smut#bts jungkook fanfic#jungkook fanfic#jungkook bts ff#jeon jungkook#jungkook smut#jungkook#bts fanfction#bts smut#bts ff#bts fic
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"what’s your name again?" | JEON JUNGKOOK [FOLLOWERS POLL’s CHOICE]
one shot




> summary: jungkook met you at a costume party for the new year eve. you're bold, drunk and horny.
> pairing: jungkook x reader
> genre: small smut, one shot (shorter than i thought tho)
> warnings: smut, protected sex!!, public quickie in the female restroom (i'm not good with warning)
> word count: 2.8k
*french writer, i apologize in advance for my awful english!

Jungkook never likes masked parties. But when Hoseok suggests going to one where everyone is in costumes, he reluctantly agrees. He has nothing better to do for New Year’s Eve anyway, and it seems better than drinking alone at his parent’s house. He sighs as someone bumps into him—that’s why he avoids crowded places.
Everyone wears costumes as if it’s Halloween. He’s not surprised to see most of the women in tight, short dresses. Jungkook considered dressing as a character from Squid Game but decided against it—there are already too many of them here.
Instead, he throws on his old Spider-Man costume from Halloween three years ago. It’s been gathering dust in his closet, but it saves him time and money. To account for the cold, he adds gray joggers and an old black sweatshirt. Tonight, he’s not Peter Parker but Miles Morales. He doubts anyone will notice the reference, though.
“Damn, I didn’t expect it to be this crowded,” Jimin says, handing beers to his friends.
Jungkook glances around and nods. It’s New Year’s Eve, so of course, people their age are out celebrating.
“It’s been a shitty year,” Taehyung groans, downing his beer in one gulp before heading to the bar for something stronger. His girlfriend dumped him last month, and he’s still obsessively checking her Instagram, where she flaunts her new boyfriend.
Jungkook shakes his head, amused. It was a rough year. His grandfather was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, none of his romantic flings went anywhere, and the company he worked for went bankrupt. Now, he’s living with his parents –again- and working a terrible job under an abusive boss. He sighs and takes a sip of his beer.
“At least we’re still standing,” Hoseok says, ever the optimist.
As the night goes on, the four friends drink steadily in their corner of the nightclub. Taehyung ends up crying on Hoseok’s shoulder, while Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“I don’t understand,” Taehyung whines. “I’m a good boyfriend! I used to bring her flowers all the time and give her all the attention she wants.”
“She’s a bitch. You’re a good guy,” Jungkook says, leaning closer so Taehyung can hear him over the music. “Stop wasting your tears on someone like her.”
“Maybe I’m bad in bed?”
“Stop it,” Jimin groans, grabbing Taehyung’s shoulder. “With your third leg, it’s definitely not about sex. Some women are just terrible people. Go find someone new tonight.”
“What?” Taehyung sniffles, while Jungkook silently gestures for Jimin to stop talking.
“Yeah, Tae,” Hoseok chimes in. “Find a girl, have some fun, and forget about her.”
Jungkook buries his face in his hands. Taehyung is too drunk for this advice. He’s not a one-night-stand type of guy and will probably end up vomiting on whoever he approaches.
“I need a smoke,” Jungkook mutters, getting up and wiping his hands on his joggers. He weaves through the crowd toward the exit, hating how packed the nightclub is.
“I’m sorry!” a voice gasps as their bodies collide. Jungkook instinctively grabs the stranger’s arm to steady them. Both of them are clearly tipsy, but they look more unsteady than he does.
His gaze falls on the person in front of him—his very own Gwen Stacy. The mask hides all of their face, but the costume piques his interest immediately.
“It’s my fault,” You begin. “I didn’t—” You stop mid-sentence when you look up at him. “Oh, Miles Morales!” You giggle, recognizing his costume. And your laugh makes him smile.
“Hi, Gwen,” Jungkook smirks, the alcohol making him bolder.
“Hi,” you reply as you both step outside into the chilly air. It’s a welcome relief from the stifling crowd inside. Jungkook pulls out a cigarette and lighter.
“I like your costume,” he says, noticing you scanning the crowd inside, probably looking for your friends.
You remove your mask and smile. Jungkook doesn’t expect you to be this attractive—especially the kind of attractive he’s drawn to.
“Thanks. I like yours, even if it’s a little inaccurate,” you tease, making him chuckle.
You pull out your own cigarette, accepting his lighter with a nod of thanks.
“It’s too cold to be Spider-Man.”
“Well, not Tom Holland’s Spider-Man,” you quip, freeing your hair from the costume.
Jungkook’s eyes linger on you briefly before smirking. “Marvel fan?” he asks.
“Hm, you?”
You’re pretty and a Marvel fan? Jungkook looks up at the dark sky, silently thanking the universe for this coincidence. Before he can come up with something to say, you speak again.
“I almost dressed as Wednesday Addams, but it’s way too cold for that,” you explain, and he nods.
“Wednesday was my first choice, too,” Jungkook jokes, making you laugh.
“I’m Y/N,” you say.
“Jungkook,” he replies.
“Did you come alone, Spiderman?” you ask, and Jungkook shakes his head.
“I came with some friends.”
“Yeah, me too. It was either this or sleeping early. I figured it’d be more fun to get drunk,” you say, tossing the bud of your cigarette. Jungkook licks his lips with a smile. He guesses you’re a yapper, which is a good thing because he’s not drunk enough to talk freely without embarrassment. “Do you drink tequila shots, Spiderman?”
“Are you offering?” he teases, and you nod. “Alright.”
Even though he asks, once you’re at the bar ordering a round of six tequila shots, Jungkook is the one handing over his credit card to the bartender. You scold him, insisting you’ll pay for the next round. He’s just happy that you’re thinking about continuing the night with him, though he’s a little apprehensive about drinking more.
“Alright, on three,” you say with a smile, counting down before you both toss back the first shot and bite into a lemon. “Where are your friends?”
“Somewhere in the club,” Jungkook replies, his head nodding to the rhythm of the music.
You grab his hand and guide him to the dancefloor. Jungkook marvels at how easygoing you are. Most girls he meets play hard to get, but you’re different—just here, vibing with everyone around you. His smile widens as he watches you mimicking the dance steps of a guy dressed as a banana.
You burst into laughter when you mess up the choreography, and the banana-guy spins you back toward Jungkook, probably assuming the two of you came together. You stumble into his arms, your rosy cheeks and bright giggles captivating him even though he can barely hear it over the music.
After the fourth shot, Jungkook has to stop, reaching his limit. He isn’t used to drinking this much, especially tequila. But he chuckles, watching as you confidently take down two more. When you turn to him, he shakes his head in disbelief.
“Already?” you tease, giggling, and he rolls his eyes, amused. You finish the remaining shots by yourself, and he’s genuinely impressed. How can someone as small as you handle so much alcohol?
Jungkook blinks a few times, shaking his head. He’s almost certain you’re going to regret this if you keep bouncing around to the music like that.
“Are you drunk?” you ask, leaning closer, and he nods, patting his chest to settle the burn in his throat.
He grabs a bottle of water he ordered, takes a sip, and offers it to you. But you shake your head, and Jungkook can’t help but feel a strange responsibility to make sure you’re okay. You’ve only just met, but he’s already trying to sober you up a bit—anything to avoid you ending the night sick.
“Do you drink often?” Jungkook asks, grimacing as he takes another sip of water. He’s already done with tequila—probably for life.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you chuckle, your tone playful as you make him smile and shrug.
“Just that you definitely know how to hold your liquor.”
“I just needed to get drunk and forget this year,” you admit, tossing your hair over your shoulder.
“Do you want me to walk you to your friends?” Jungkook offers, his voice laced with concern.
“Are you tired of me, Spider-Man?” you joke, swaying slightly as you both half-dance to the pulsing music.
“W-What? No!” Jungkook stammers, looking adorably flustered, and you laugh at his reaction.
“I’m kidding,” you say, nudging his shoulder with a grin.
“Can… I have your number? Or maybe your social media?” he asks, leaning closer to your ear to make himself heard over the music. You pull back to meet his gaze, your hands resting lightly on his shoulders for balance. Both of you have hooded eyes, softened by the alcohol and dim lights.
Jungkook feels a rush of admiration for your boldness. You don’t care about the people around you or their opinions. His hand hesitates before resting on the small of your back. You tilt your head, your nose brushing his as your lips hover dangerously close.
“Do you want to have fun?” you murmur, your mouth brushing his ear, the music muffling everything else.
“What kind of fun?” he asks, his breath caressing your cheek. He feels himself leaning into the moment, emboldened by your energy. Why not? There’s nothing wrong with a little flirting with a stranger on New Year’s Eve.
You smirk slowly, your hand slipping into his to guide him off the dancefloor. Jungkook frowns slightly in confusion when you lead him into the women’s restroom. Before he can ask why, you cup his face, pulling him into a kiss that sends his heart racing.
He finds it thrilling—kissing someone he just met, in a place he’d never expect. It’s not the kind of fun he was imagining, but he’s definitely not complaining. You guide him blindly into one of the stalls, closing the door behind you as he presses you against it.
“What if someone catches us?” he whispers, his lips trailing along your jaw.
“We can stop if you want,” you reply, threading your fingers into his hair before pulling him into another heated kiss.
“No,” he says honestly, making you smile. “But we’re drunk.”
“Can’t get hard when you’re drunk?” you tease, your lips brushing the column of his neck. Jungkook chuckles darkly, grabbing your hand and guiding it to his joggers. Your eyes light up as you feel his growing arousal beneath the fabric.
Jungkook’s breath hitches as your hand starts to stroke him above his jogger. His mind races—this is new for him. He’s had his share of casual flings, but never with a stranger and never in public. Surprisingly, the thrill of possibly being caught makes the moment even more exhilarating.
He wonders if you’ve done this before—you seem so at ease. But before he can ask, your hand slides under the waistband of his joggers, palming his growing bulge. His eyes close almost instantly, a soft groan escaping him as your touch sends heat coursing through his body. His own hands find your backside, squeezing gently, grounding himself in the moment.
“Do you want to fuck me?” you whisper, nipping lightly at the sensitive skin of his neck.
“What—I—right now?” he stammers, wide-eyed, and you nod. Pressing your back against the door, you reach behind to unzip the bottom of your costume, your movements deliberate and teasing. Jungkook’s gaze remains locked on you, his mind racing.
His eyes widen further as he begins patting the pockets of his joggers in a frantic search for his wallet. He knows there’s a condom in there—he’s certain he hasn’t used it. A chance like this? No way he’s letting it slip by. He’s just a guy, after all, and if a beautiful woman wants him, Jungkook isn’t about to say no.
“What are you doing?” you ask, laughing as his wallet slips from his fumbling hands. He scrambles to catch it, earning another amused giggle from you.
When he finally retrieves the little plastic wrapper, he holds it up proudly. You smirk, pulling him into a heated kiss while he helps you peel off the bottom half of your costume. The black panties underneath match the dark tights perfectly, a sight that makes Jungkook’s breath hitch. His hands twitch at his sides, trying to maintain control.
“I’ve never done this before,” he admits softly, hiking your leg up to wrap around his waist, pressing you against him.
“Yeah, me neither,” you reply with a playful giggle, one hand gripping his shoulder for balance while the other threads through his messy hair. “New year, new experiences, right?”
“You’re really something else,” he chuckles, his tone equal parts admiration and disbelief. His eyes meet yours, silently asking for permission. You nod, and his hand slides between your thighs, fingertips brushing against you through the thin fabric of your panties.
“Fuck,” you whisper, your head falling back against the door as your hips instinctively press into his touch. Your reaction sends a shiver down his spine; he swears he’s never heard anyone curse so beautifully.
Jungkook frees himself from his boxers, giving his cock a few slow strokes while watching your every reaction. His gaze flickers between your face and the way your body trembles under his hand. When he pushes your panties aside, he hesitates momentarily to open the condom.
“Tell me to stop,” he says suddenly, his voice wavering as he tries to cling to the last shred of his rationality.
“Don’t you dare,” you reply with a grin, tugging at his boxers to free him completely. He groans, any semblance of self-control slipping away as he feels your hand stroke him again, this time skin-on-skin.
The muffled music from the club outside only adds to the surrealness of the moment. Every so often, someone walks into the restroom, and Jungkook tenses, half-expecting a knock on the door. But the thrill of being caught only seems to heighten his excitement. When you grab his face to focus him on you, your lips brushing against his, he realizes he’s long past the point of no return.
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath as he rolls the condom over his length. His other hand pushes his joggers just low enough to give him room to move. “Are you sure?” he asks one last time, his voice trembling with need.
“Yes,” you answer without hesitation, guiding him to your entrance. His fingers dig into your hips as he presses forward slowly, the stretch eliciting soft gasps from both of you. He stills for a moment, his forehead resting against yours as he adjusts to the overwhelming sensation.
“God, you’re so tight,” he whispers, his voice rough with desire.
“Please, move,” you urge him in a whine, your nails digging into his shoulders. He doesn’t need to be told twice. His hips pull back before snapping forward, setting a steady rhythm that has you biting your lip to keep from moaning too loudly.
Jungkook’s movements grow more erratic as he loses himself in the sensation of you. The cramped space of the stall, the muffled music, and the ever-present risk of being caught only add to the intensity. His hands roam your body, gripping your thighs and waist as he thrusts into you with increasing urgency.
“You feel so good,” he groans, his voice a low rumble in your ear.
“Faster,” you gasp, your hands sliding down to grab his ass and urge him deeper. He obliges, his pace quickening until the sound of your bodies colliding fills the small space. “Fuck –“
You bite down on his shoulder to muffle your moans, and he curses under his breath, the combination of your teeth and the tight grip of your walls pushing him closer to the edge.
“I’m close,” he whispers, his breath hot against your neck. His thrusts grow rougher, the door rattling slightly with each movement.
“Me too,” you manage to reply, your voice shaky as the tension in your body builds. His thumb finds your clit, circling it with just enough pressure to send you spiraling over the edge. Your walls tighten around him as you climax, your muffled cries vibrating against his skin.
“Fuck,” Jungkook groans, his hips stuttering as he follows you, spilling into the condom with a final deep thrust. He collapses against you, his chest heaving as he struggles to catch his breath. The countdown outside ends in cheers and shouts of celebration, but neither of you notices, still lost in the aftershocks of your high.
For a moment, the two of you stay like that, tangled together in the aftermath. Then Jungkook pulls back slightly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. The sounds of celebration seep back in as you both begin to steady your breathing.
“That was…” he trails off, unable to find the right words. “Hot.”
You smirk, cupping his face to leave a lingering kiss on his swollen lips.
“Happy New Year,” you whisper, your voice soft but playful.
“Happy New Year,” he replies, his hand snaking behind your neck to pull you into another kiss, this one just as passionate as the last. Jungkook knows he has to go back to his friends soon.
“What’s your name again?” you laugh, your breath mingling with his as he chuckles.
“Jungkook. Yours?”

hiiii!! first of all, happy new year to you all. may 2025 be a better year for you. secondly, i know, I KNOW, i'm a little late with the one shot i promised, i'm sorry! i was too busy those last few days. to be honest, the one shot didn't result as i was hoping for. I had a few ideas about it and it doesn't look like... what i expected. but i promise you a jk one shot for the new year so here it is. i'll do better next time, i swear!! but i do hope that you enjoyed reading it <3 I'll see you around, and on that, i'm going back to write the DOU chapter 6 now that i have free time!! luv y’all — Riza
#bts fanfic#bts jungkook#bts#bts fic#jungkook x reader#solarhys#jeon jungkook#bangtan#jungkook fanfic#smut#jungkook bts#jungkook smut#jungkook x y/n#jungkook x you#jungkook fluff#jungkook one shot#jungkook oneshot#new year 2025
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