#abusing my poll privileges
asktherae · 2 years
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sneakykpopblog · 1 year
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bylerserotonin · 2 years
Not Byler related like at all but I need to know…
And you HAVE to choose
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I wished I could have separated out the saxes in the woodwinds poll, but there would have been too many options to squeeze in to 10 :((
So i squeezed in as many saxophone types as I could <33
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happinessisntfun · 2 years
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viscerism · 2 years
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chuuugs · 2 years
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nocturnal-birb · 2 years
Okay so I have 2 Plushia au again ready to be unleashed but I’ll let you guys decide which one to unleashed
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greatcurve · 2 years
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exculis · 2 years
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gggoode · 2 years
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macontheweb · 1 year
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Today, Australia is voting in a referendum on the Voice to Parliament: an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisory body, enshrined in our constitution, that will give our First Nations peoples a say on policy that affects them. A Voice would be the first step in Australia reckoning with its history: a history which has so far ignored and silenced — often violently — the voices of the oldest living culture on the planet.
It is not lost on me that I am a non-indigenous person being asked —again — to weigh in on the future of indigenous Australians. I don’t take that lightly, nor am I sure whether a referendum is right for this. I would have felt perfectly comfortable with a Voice being enshrined without my input. Maybe that would have spared my indigenous friends the emotional toll of begging for political recognition.
But it is the way it is, so I’m voting Yes. I’m voting Yes on Wurundjeri land. Stolen land. Land where I live the kind of comfortable life out of reach for many indigenous Australians.
I’m voting Yes because it’s time for real reconciliation.
And I’m voting Yes because here hasn’t been a single argument from the No camp that I could square with doing the right thing. They say the Voice will divide Australia, but Australia is already divided. They say it will give indigenous Australians an unfair advantage. It won’t, but it will hopefully start undoing the years of unfair privilege white Australians have had in deciding their fate. The No camp has told us, “If you don’t know, vote no,” as if that’s an acceptable thing for our country’s civic discourse. As if the answer to not knowing is not to find out, not to ask questions, not to make an informed decision weighed by evidence.
They say indigenous Australians don’t want it. The polls say eighty percent of them do.
In all areas related to quality of life, non-indigenous Australians are leaps and bounds ahead of the people that lived on this land first. Indigenous Australians aren’t living as long as non-indigenous Australians. They are being incarcerated in disproportionate numbers. They don’t have the same access to high quality education. Domestic violence and sexual abuse rates are disproportionately higher in indigenous communities. The economy, housing, employment…the list goes on and on and on and the stats remain dire.
We are already living in a No world. It isn’t working.
It’s time for a change. I don’t know if we’ll get it. I’m fearful that we are too conservative and too selfish a nation to take this one small step, but I hope desperately when I wake up tomorrow we will have said, “Yes. Have a seat at the table. It’s long overdue.”
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First Random Writing Dump
CW: mentions of self harm and emotional abuse
As decreed by the poll, most of ya’ll seem fine with a little bit of word vomit, and since I have some time, I’m just gonna spew a bit of my thoughts on my version of Charlie so far. It won’t be much, just a jumbled list of rough ideas. I don’t know how set I am with these, but here goes:
- They may or may not be renamed
- They use they/them pronouns but don’t correct people who misgender them; they find gender to be an odd concept, and they can’t quite grasp why people care so much about it
- They know a lot about human history but have not personally interacted with many people beyond what is necessary (until later)
- Their capacity to empathize with the plight of humans comes from guilt, their mother, who is still going to be Lilith… maybe…., a horrific chance encounter, and their relationship with V (gotta pick a name for her lol)
- Still, growing up in a privileged position largely removed from the sinners’ reality while being surrounded by reminders that these people invited suffering through their own wickedness has given them this sense of innate superiority; they are semi-aware of the fact that their elitist mindset exists and is not…great…but they prefer to bury it under toxic positivity and pretend it’s not an issue
- They have been trained to fight (heaven and hell are still basically at war, after all), but they’ve never had a real battle, and they’ve certainly never killed anyone before; the weight of dealing death terrifies and paralyzes them
- They are aware of what they are, and they deeply fear what they are capable of
- They are not very well acquainted with their demonic form, and they’d rather not be; it’s often triggered by ugly feelings they don’t want to confront
- Yeah, they’ve got some things going on deep down. Beneath the sunshine and rainbows and genuinely good intentions, there’s this raw, wriggling darkness, gnawing on their insides like maggots; they don’t know why
- Spoilers: it’s the manipulation and emotional abuse Lucifer subjected them to as well as the resentment harbored against both parents for deciding to bring a child into a realm meant as an eternal torture chamber for evil people; they don’t consciously recognize the abuse they experienced because of strategic subtly, gaslighting, and isolation from other experiences. Both they and Lilith know something about Lucifer is off, and it creates this eerie, underlying fear that permeates every interaction, yet neither of them know how bad it actually is; Also Lilith likes to make excuses just like: “Oh, don’t be like that. He’s just doing whatever coz he loves you :)”
- Their warring sides will come to a head; the anger inside them will boil over, and they will be a terror
- Lucifer cuts them off after a falling out that occurs because of the hotel proposal; they will only be accepted back once they’ve “come to their senses”
- Charlie and Alastor have a weird relationship; they’ve got this yin-yang, mirrored image thing going on; they:
1. Are both biracial and are torn between different worlds
2. Have distanced themselves from one (their blackness. Yeah, Charlie is technically half black. But it’s a little more about their relation to the whole of humanity for them), but while one is actively trying to seek it out, the other has been conditioned to avoid it
3. Are performers (which will play a role in discussions of identity, y’know, what it means to perform an aspect of identity; what is whiteness vs blackness; queerness vs heteronormative ideals; how we generally define them and individually express them. But it’s also just “hey, we both like doing a thing. Oh, wow. Neat.”)
4. Have a volatile amount of anger that makes them violently lash out
5. Have strictly opposing yet similarly extreme moral principles
this will also be present in their designs (they have opposing coloration: blue vs red, white on black vs black on white, etc.); then there’s the wolf vs deer thing… I feel like I’d need a separate post to go through all that. I feel like this is already a lot lol
- They kinda feel conflicted about being friends with Al because he allows them to cut loose a bit and have fun, and they weirdly enough have a bit in common….but like…. dude ate people…..uhhhhhhh (does that make them a bad person if they like a literal murderer?), but then they think “I’m not supposed to judge. I’m supposed to help (and I’m totally fine….right….?). Meanwhile, V’s just like, “No, babe, please judge”
- They don’t like absolute silence, and they don’t like being alone; it allows their mind to wander into dangerous places; since Alastor is a literal radio that spits out music and static constantly, they sometimes just seek him out when their thoughts are too loud. Like, he just becomes a sentient noise machine for them basically
- Charlie’s got a habit of chewing on things when they’re nervous—pens, the inside of their cheek, their nails—coz dog (or….wolf….dragon….thingy); it’s usually harmless, but when they feel especially bad, they bite themselves (sometimes they bite the stuffing out of pillows as a substitute); when they start to more aggressively gnaw on their nails, V usually tries to guide their hand away
- They hide under the bed when they are feeling particularly miserable and anxious
There’s a lot more crap brewing, and I didn’t go into as much detail as I could have…. But I think that’s enough for maybe the week idk. If anyone’s at all curious, I might make another post about V or something.
Leave thoughts in the notes if you wanna!
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
WN Women Bonus Polls #4: Priest
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[Propaganda below] - Spoilers Warning!
Feng Xiaoshu/Princess Jing’an from Lord Seventh
"How could a good-for-nothing hedonist like me be a match for a heroine like her? Don't be silly, Your Majesty." - Jing Beiyuan, Lord Seventh (Tumblr)
Submission: i love the kind of woman that can kick my ass 
Differences between FXS in Lord Seventh & Word of Honor (she’s wildly different lol)
Gu Xiang from Faraway Wanderers / TYK
Submission: She's purple and she's dumb as rocks and i love her 
Lang Qiao from Mo Du / Silent Reading
[No propaganda submitted]
Carrd Link
Lin Jingshu from Can Ci Pin / Imperfections
[No Propaganda Submitted] 
Carrd Link
Liu Qianqiao from Faraway Wanderers
Submission: someone please tell Liu Qianqiao to drоp her ungrateful man and also that im frеe on thursday night and would like to hаng out. on thursday night, when im frеe. 
Wiki Link
Manman from Itinerant Doctor / Youyi
Submission: *waves around adoption papers*
Youyi Carrd Link 
Su Qingluan from Lord Seventh
[No propaganda submitted]
Wei Chengxiang from Tai Sui
Wei Chengxiang is one of the most important characters in Tai Sui. She's the impoverished foil to the rich kid protagonist, and she becomes one of his most important friends. She grows up to travel the world, joining the most downtrodden, powerless people on her continent and helping fight for them to have a better life.  She dresses like a boy as a child in order to work factory jobs, and once she's grown up, she continues to dress in "men's clothes" despite living as a woman. She trades sassy backtalk with one of the most terrifying people in history. She has kickass gambling-themed cultivation powers. She gives her friends handmade embroidered new years gifts. She has a permanent magic wound on her face in the shape of a tear track. She goes on a revenge quest and succeeds! She kills the people that hurt her loved ones and eventually contributes to the downfall of the entire societal system that abused her.  She goes from impoverished orphan to founder of a rebuilt nation, and she never once stops being wise as hell and cool as hell in that time, even when she's facing unfathomable odds. I love her. 
Zhao Qindan from Tai Sui
Zhao Qindan is a smart, generally talented rich girl that grows up extremely sheltered as a result of her family's power. When she's introduced, she's very much the naive rich girl archetype. Then, as a young adult, she's almost forced into a heinous arranged marriage, and the main character has to step in to save her. She's suddenly thrown into the real world in the aftermath as she flees her family, and she's utterly unprepared to deal with this.  But! Over the next nine years, once out from her family's thumb, Zhao Qindan grows up into an intellectual powerhouse. She takes up the cause of the poor and downtrodden, and she learns about the system of sexism that drove her to her own desperate situation (the arranged marriage). She becomes a renowned debater and public intellectual, and she later begins to write for one of the continent's first newspapers. She eventually becomes one of the most respected reporters on the entire continent, shaping public opinion near-single-handedly, and she helps dismantle the social systems that led to both her family's unfair privileges and her near-miss forced marriage.  She lives for two hundred years and never marries, reaching old age as an internationally beloved and respected author. She's unbelievably cool. Dandan ILY.
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heterophobicdyke · 3 months
LMAO there's a celibate straight women in the notes of your poll submission saying how you as a lesbian "gets to have partners without having to consider whether that impacts women's liberation" while she has to "remain celibate" and "you should at least acknowledge that".
meanwhile, its unsafe in most of the world for lesbians to date. in countries in which its legal and safer, trans ideology and polilez radfems have overtaken lesbian spaces. even the women's movements has forced lesbians to remain closeted for the sake of its image. (i remember another lesbian here made a long post about it with sources, that you reblogged?)
straight radfems have no empathy for lesbians. arrogantly demanding lesbians "acknowledge" this made up privilege they've projected on us, as if lesbians aren't forced to live lonely and loveless lives all the time due to the combined oppression of sexism and homophobia.
Haven’t seen it [edit: she must have blocked me because it’s not there] but yeah just because we don’t abstain from men (which considering how violent they are to women shouldn’t be so heartbreaking), doesn’t mean our experience and relationships are privileged. I find straight women so tone deaf to lesbian issues.
It’s not a privilege that lesbians aren’t attracted to men when the fact we aren’t attracted to men has meant we’ve been raped, institutionalised, and forced into relationships with men we cannot find attractive in order to pretend to be “normal.”
Various axes of oppression intersecting can mean that OSA relationships present social power for not being seen as a f*g/dyke on the axis of homophobia while also being dangerous for women on the axis of misogyny. Lesbophobia is half misogyny, half homophobia, and means lesbians also suffer for “rejecting men” despite it not being a choice. We also have brothers and fathers and men on the street who could and do rape and abuse us. But apparently only straight women suffer at the hands of men.
The privilege of being OSA, as a woman, is often demonstrated *outside* of the OSA relationship. You know you have the reproductive attraction—when all animals are perceived to EXIST for reproduction. That’s why bisexuals are only a glitch; homosexuals are the fullblown error. The “sisterhood” is defined by being into men. “Sisters” don’t fuck so lesbians have always been viewed as a predatory threat to feminism by straight women (Lavender Menace anyone?). The fact we are sexually interested in women means straight women interpret us as manly. Except they choose to be around men and not us.
Homophobia won’t necessarily change with febfem/celibacy under female separatism. It will still exist among women as it does now. But it’ll be less frustrating hearing OSA women critique gay male things like drag when they don’t go home to an OSA man. I think it’ll happen less anyway because half the reason gay men are critiqued so much on radblr is because het-partnered radfems are justifying their relationship by acting like men who aren’t attracted to women pose the same violent threat to women than those who are, even though sexual violence is (IMO) most terrifying.
Anyway. We have to do something about men because I want to walk around my neighbourhood and not fear being raped. So I will work with all women without male partners.
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