#abul x reader
asmrtist-brainrot · 2 years
Hii not sure if ur interested, but could I request Abul x reader x Abul’s family (platonic!) headcanons? Just the reader slowly creeping into their hearts and abul’s family slowly starting to accept them as part of the family? (nothing is more powerful than making ur boyfriend’s family love you more); imagine that, at one point, Alrick (grandpa) and celestia (mom) start protecting YN from others questioning abul’s relationship w/ them (if it's in a negative view)
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It's already sort of a well-known "secret" that Abul is very fond of his partner soooo...
Gender Neutral! Reader
~ Dari
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Platonic! Royal Dragon Family + Abul X Reader
Alrick is somewhat of an old fashioned, slightly pompous ass to most and held onto a lot of the views that he felt kept him safe...
but he still loved his son and so loved his grandson and he learned to also love the person, the human, that his grandson loves too
you sort of wore him down, holding that same fire and spirit that your own grandmother held
soft and gentle and bright, you reminded him so much of his loving son
Abul lowkey started getting suspicious when Alrick started having you do some "paperwork" with him and worries if he's just drinking insecurities in you or plotting to make you leave him
and essentially bursts in on one of these times to see that you were in fact helping with papers but also having tea and a chat, even seening Alrick full on belly laugh at one of your cheeky quips.
... struck dumb until you chirp for him to join you both, Alrick gives him the evil eye about it thoigh and gruffly tells Abul later not to interrupt his time bonding with his future in-law
Abul needs time to reboot after that but is very relieved to see that he's softened up
Alrick is terribly protective of you now, a looming force that simply bashes away any opinions of nobles because fuck them all, he's the strongest and will make them love you as much as he does
Celestia knew what you were to her son when she first saw how he looked at you and it just made her so happy to see him breaking tradition because he loved someone so much
she also already loved you after she figured out what type of person you were
... You did remind her a lot of her late husband, they weren't really in love but she still loved him as the father of their children and respected him as the good man he was
and OOH, you were just darling! such a cheerful and playful thing - she's gotten so sick of the uptight stiffs that you were someone she feels like she can let loose around
she lowkey pesters Abul about when he'll propose because she's been dying to plan a wedding
Kass, not long after meeting you and finding out you were her brother's partner, was over the moon
she was brimming with delight after finding out you were such a sweetheart, practically dragging you away from your chores or her brother to go and explore with her - much to Abul's chagrin
often cracks jokes about "how did someone like you end up with my oaf of a brother?"
she pouts when you defend him but quickly bounces back to pride that you loved him so much
Kass appoved of you the minute she figured out how deep your feelings were and just feels at ease around you
you don't judge her for anything and yes, that includes being a bit of a gossip - she loves spilling about the messy things surrounding the nobles
ya'll know she has the hottest tea around
she's also real amused you managed to get into Alrick's good graces too
Abul thought it couldn't get any weirder until he found out his stepbrother was making nice with you, it also annoys him a bit because he was such a prick but the minute you're in the room - he's just sooo nice
Bren and you were essentially already best buds after you both started working together, you were happy to show him the ropes and defend him if necessary
it strange for him to have someone to defend him so readily, so... he adores you and the both you play board games and read together
even after his royal attachment to the dragon family was revealed, you still treated him like the pair of you were friends all your lives
but now, you happily call him your brother
he felt welcome long before he was revealed to be related and he had you to thank for that
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Holaaa, I love your posts so i was wondering if you could write a matk sloan imagine where y/n is black and she has to deal with a racist patient (the same thing that happend to bailey) y / n cries and vents with mark about this situation, and obviously mark tries to protect her. but in the end she decides to operate on the patient with great professionalism.
Ps sorry, i know its long😅
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Pairing: Mark Sloan x POC!Reader
Warning: None
Slipping your hands into the latex gloves you stood in the abulance bay awaiting the gunshot victims that were being brought in. This was a all hands on deck situation, Alex stood next to you just as the first ambulance pulled in
The door opened and the both of us rushed forward claiming this case before the others could
"What do we got?" the medic hopped out and removed the patient out of the ambulance
"Forty year old male, gsw to his left leg, abdomen and left clavicle" she went on to give us his stats as we wheeled him into the hospital
The man groaned in pain as he pulled the oxygen mask down, you were about to tell him to keep it on when he started scowling at me
"I don't want her on my case!" Alex looked over at you as you wheeled him into the room, refusing to let his comment get the best of you
"If I'm being treated in this hospital I don't want a black person working anywhere near or on me. I'm pretty sure this baboon doesn't even know what she's doing" Alex was visibly angry by the way this man was reacting, he opened his mouth to defend you but you stopped him before he could say anything that would get him fired
"Sir I am your doctor and I am going to be treating you today. So we can either come to that agreement or you could walk right out those doors and go to another hospital" the nurses paused what they were doing as you spoke sternly to the man
"Doctor Y/L/N outside now" cheif Hunt ordered but you stood in place wanting to slap that smug look on the man's face
"She can't speak to me that way, I want her fired!"
"Doctor" scoffing you removed your protective gear and left the room, Hunt hot on your heels
"That is exactly how we do not talk to our patients Doctor. I don't know what he said but whatever it was you still had no right to speak to him that way" he towered over you, hands on his hips, grilling you in front of everyone in the pit
"With all due respect sir, you should ask what caused me to react that way before trying to embarass me infront of everyone" with that being said you turned around on your heels, briefly locking eyes with Mark
You quickly walked down the hall before Owen could say anything else not caring about what would happen afterwards. You were fuming and you wanted to scream so loud until your throat hurt but for now all you could do is hideaway in the on-call room
"Don't let him get to you Y/N" you paced the floor running your palms down your face in hopes of calming down before the tears could get the best of you. Whenever you got extremely angry you had a habbit of crying out of frustration
"Hey, you alright in there" Mark's voice came from the other side of the door, when you didn't answer he opened it and stepped inside
He could feel the tension radiating off of you as he stood in front of you. Interlocking your fingers with his he pressed his forehead against yours knowing that him being close would calm you down enough for you to tell him what happened. Taking a few deep breaths of his strong colonge you felt yourself calm down, the tears now streaming down your face
"Babe don't cry, look at me" using his index finger he tilted your head back, he was mad that someone made you this upset and he sure as hell was willing to give that person a piece of his mind
"Talk to me"
"The gsw patient that was brought in made it very clear how he felt about me, a black person" Mark knew there were patients that couldn't see past a persons skin colour and he knew that they're a lot to handle
"He called me a baboon and when I set him straight and let him know that I wasn't going to run out of the room crying because he called me a monkey Hunt came in and picked up on my tone, not even giving me a chance to tell him what lead up to that" buring your face in his chest Mark wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, if only people would stop being such pricks"
There was a knock on the door and then it swung open Owen standing there with regret etched onto his face. Clearing his throat he spoke
"Alex told me what went down and I'm sorry for the way that I handled it" your grip on Mark tightened as he continued
"You're right I should've spoken to you in a decent way than arguing with you in front of everyone. I managed to convince the patient that you are one of the best general surgeons in this hospital and he agreed to have you operate on him" Mark looked down at you and he could see the wheels turning in your head, he knew that you were still unsure about seeing the jackass again
"I'll do it" placing a kiss on Mark's cheek you followed the ginger back to where the asshole was being preped for surgery by the nurses. You were adjusting the IV bag when the man reached out to you and you froze
"I'm sorry doc" still upset you nodded slightly, you didn't know if he meant it or he understood that he wasn't in a place to argue with the person who's going to operate on him
"Let's get him to OR 2!"
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hey! I was wondering if you could do number 6 with Taron please?
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prompt six ;
“ please don’t change a single little thing for me.”
prompt list
dieting&body image stuff. swearing also.
pairing | fem!reader x taron egerton
a/n | I’m so sorry if this isn’t what you wanted. I was feeling awfully insecure today. please send in more ideas for the prompts, and add details for more specific blurbs. |
You had been dating Taron for over a year now, but just recently deciding that you two should become public. As simple as “coming public,” sounds, it wasn’t at all simple, not even close.
The first thing most big budget or popular actors have to do when coming public, is ensure that the team they work with is okay with it, making sure that the person is well liked and that whatever recent project they had been working on wasn’t tainted by...well, you.
At the time Taron was working with a new director, someone other than Dexter this time. Taron wanted to expand his career, though he was afraid to, for exact reasons like this.
Taron told the director of the film that you two were thinking about coming public, and the director was okay with it, but insisted that you have a whole team of people ensure you looked your best at the premiere for the film. You weren’t complaining though, anyone would want a whole hair and makeup team by their side for a whole night, you found it quite exciting. That is until, they had a ‘personal trainer’ come in. Even the thought of them getting you a personal trainer made your stomach churn and your eyes prick with insecurity’s in the form of tears.
Taron had no idea they were even getting one for you, let alone cared that much about what you looked like. In his eyes you were beautiful, and heavenly creature placed on this earth, just for him to love and cherish.
While Taron was away for filming, they had the personal trainer come in almost five times a week. Though the trainer wasn’t a trainer at all really; more like a lewd dietician. The Trainer gave you a meal plan of 800 calories- a day.
“That can’t be enough-“ you argued, it was absurd, and you weren’t looking to lose much weight, nor did you think it was necessary.
“ Trust Me, this meal plan will ensure that you look absolutely gorgeous next to Taron.”
“Ouch. That stung,” you thought to yourself; but you gave in, realizing that this was Taron’s career after all, and that they were only doing this to keep you fit and ensure that you were, good enough to stand with him during the premiere.
“It’s just Hollywood stuff.” You reassured yourself.
Two months go by, and the diet was absolutely killing you. You were tired almost all the time, with a pounding headache, making it almost impossible to get any college work done, nor be able to take full shifts at work anymore. The only thing you had been looking forward to was seeing Taron that week. The Friday couldn’t come soon enough, and you had wanted to do something special for Taron but the diet had made you so lethargic that you laid in bed almost all week, only getting up to feed the cats and yourself, the little bit you could eat.
Taron came home Friday afternoon, you were sleeping in the room upstairs when he came home.
“ Y/n!! Love! I’m hooomee.” He yelled cheerfully, slipping his trainers off, but you didn’t call out, or come flying down the stairs like usual. “Y/n?!” He called out again, walking up the stairs. That’s when he saw it, the horrific sight before him. There was dishes everywhere in the room, tiny tea cup plates scattered, a pile of plastic water bottles in one corner, your laundry overflowing in the basket. The smell of body odour and the cats litter overwhelmed him as he noticed corsets sprawled out, a new pill bottle on the nightstand, combined with four scales and a tape measure, sprawled on the bathroom floor as he walked closer to the bed. And there you were, fast asleep, almost all colour left from your face, you looked terribly sick to Taron, making him panic.
He shook you, almost harshly as he was scared that you were dead. “Y/n?! Y/n?! Wake up!!” He shouted, still in shock from the sight he had witnessed. You groggily groaned, turning over, and opening your eyes slightly, to see Taron standing over you, almost making you jump. You sat up quickly, seeing stars, which made you close your eyes, attempting to adjust to the sudden burst of energy, energy you hadn’t had in months. You opened your eyes, still dizzy and trying to focus on Taron.
“ What the fuck have you done-“ his voice wasn’t patronizing, instead he sounded scared, perhaps terrified. You sighed, “ I’m sorry for not cleaning up T, Ive been in bed for two weeks.” You attempted to laugh, but even that made you want to pass back out. “Are you sick?-“You started to close your eyes again, “ hey! Y/n! Look at me!” Your eyes shot open again, focusing on his worried and upset expression, “ why are you like this?” He asked rubbing your back.
“It was that- fucking personal trainer your director hired.” You gave him a sympathetic look.
“ What trainer!?” Taron asked, confused and flabbergasted. You scoffed, your eyes growing tired still. “Taron, don’t fuck with me okay- the, god damn trainer for the premiere.” Taron knitted his eyebrows together in confusion, “ Babe, what the bloody hell are you talking about?”
You sighed, feeling exhausted, but gaining enough energy to tell him, “ Taron, your director, hired a trainer or whatever the fuck, so I could lose weight and be more; ‘presentable,’ at the premiere.” You told him, collapsing yourself back on the bed and shutting your eyes. Taron shook you, “ y/n you need to stay awake, I’m going to call an abulance.” You laughed coldly at his fingers working fast to call the emergency services. “ don’t be ridiculous T, I’m fine-“ and before you knew it, you were passed out.
You woke up in the hospital, Taron holding your hand by your side. He was ecstatic when he saw you awaken, peppering kisses all over your face and hand. “ oh god, I was so scared y/n.” He admitted as he stood above you, looking at you lovingly, all you could manage to do was return a smile.
“ I backed out of the premeire. Told them that a family emergency came about next week, and that I really couldn’t come.” Your face was that of disappointment, Taron had ruined his relationship with the director because of you.
“Taron, you cant just pull out of your job like that, it could ruin your career.” You sighed, resting your head back down. “ y/n, I don’t care about the premiere, I care about you! And any director that thinks starving someone into their sick way of promoting a movie, is no director that I want to work with again. “ he admitted, you smirked at him, and he did the same. He leaned in, capturing your lips into a kiss. When he pulled away, he whispered a sentence you would never forget,
“Please don’t change a single little thing for me bub. I love you.”
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moonlit-imagines · 5 years
Old Money
Jason Blossom x reader
prompt: @alwaysananglophile: “Jason Blossom and Old Money by Lana del Ray?”
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You spent all summer with him, Jason Blossom. Those summer nights seem long ago. He raced his red car around the backroads of Riverdale, keeping you close in the passenger seat. Into the sunset you went. You could still smell his cologne on his letterman jacket. Seeming so young and simple, where did it all go wrong? Where did he go?
That was a question you most certainly didn’t want answered. He was missing and, my dear, you just wanted him back in your arms. Your mind, body, and soul lay uneasy. You kept yourself awake at night, near your phone, just in case some good news came. If Jason called, or Cheryl had something to tell you.
The small town’s sunset brought you memories of your dearly beloved, but it couldn’t bring him back. Will he ever come back? Will your love light his way? God, you were starting to sound like Cheryl. You felt alone on this warm, breezy night. The rural part of Riverdale sure let your mind run wild.
“Please, Jason, come home.” You pleaded with the wind. But the wind could not make your wish come true.
If you send for me, you know I’ll come. If you call for me you know I’ll run. I’ll run to you.
You looked through the flowers in the field and carefully observed them closer, not wanting to pick and kill them. Some people were not so generous, though. You sat on the hill and let your anxieties fade away, but life isn’t so kind.
Emergency response vehicles sped past you, heading towards Sweetwater River. Police cars and abulances blared their sirens. You went to investigate the scene.
After a fifteen minute walk to the river, you watched the paramedics pull something from the water. Someone. Could it be? You approached the police tape and watched carefully from behind.
“Chief Keller?” You called. He spun around and his face sunk.
“Y/N, I think it’s best you leave. I’ll call you as soon as possible.” He warned.
“Chief Keller, what’s going on?” You asked. One of the paramedics shouted to Keller from the shore, then you saw it. Saw him. You dropped down to your knees, and the chief rushed over.
“Y/N, everything will be alright, just stay calm.” Keller told you, but it helped nothing. Deep down, you knew he was gone. But there was a hole in his head, so this was a whole new story.
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thewordcollector2 · 7 years
23 Courage Quotes to Spark Your Inner Spunk
Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم / Au nom d'Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux / In the name of Allah (God), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful (Arabic, French and English)
Assalaamu 'alaikum السّلام عليكم / Que la Paix soit sur vous / Peace be with you (Arabic, French and English)
Salut, Lecteurs* / Hello, Readers! :) This is my first post for the new Hijri year, 1439 AH, and that's the reason why I'd like to give you a special token. Today, I would like to give you a gift of courage, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله (si Dieu le veut* / God willing). Trust me, you'll need it pour la vie ('for life' in French). Bonne lecture* / Happy reading! ;)
*"Hi, Readers" or "Hello, Readers" in French.
*God willing adverb (if this is what God wishes) = si Dieu le veut (French)
Note: This phrase is no longer used often in French.
*"Bonne lecture" is a French phrase which can be translated as, "Happy reading" or "Good reading" in English.
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"Courage" is an English noun. Its adjective and adverb forms are, "courageous" and "courageously". It has the following meanings: "mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty"; "the ability to do something that frightens one"; "strength in the face of pain or grief"; "the ability to face danger or pain without fear", etc. Some of its synonyms include: "bravery", "braveness", "courageousness", "pluck", "pluckiness", "valour" (valor), "fearlessness", "intrepidity", "intrepidness", "nerve", "daring", "audacity", "boldness"; "dauntlessness", "doughtiness", "stout-heartedness", "hardihood", "manfulness", "heroism", "gallantry"; "backbone", "spine", "spirit", "spiritedness", "mettle", "determination", "fortitude", "resolve", "resolution" ; "guts", "grit", "spunk", "gutsiness", etc.
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Be strong and courageous = jadilah kuat dan berani (Malay)
"Courage" is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor—the Latin word for heart. In the olden days, "courage" had a very different definition than it does in the present. Initially it meant, "to speak one's mind by telling all one's heart", but gradually, this definition evolved, and courage came to be identified with being heroic.
Courage is a universally cherished virtue. Genuine courage comes from our core (heart), as it is the seat of our sentiments (feelings). It is etched deep within us, and it takes chutzpah (guts) to be resolute and stand up for what we really believe in.
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In Middle English, courage referred to "what is in one's mind or thoughts". Today, anyone with courage has only fearless feats and courageous acts in mind. (Vocabulary.com)
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There are many types of courage. Nowadays, most people focus mainly on physical courage, because the masses are conditioned by the media to do so. According to Wikipedia, "Physical courage is bravery in the face of physical pain, hardship, death or threat of death, while moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, discouragement, or personal loss".
Physical and moral courage are imperative in our lives. There is, however, a vast difference between the two. Physical courage is our ability to cope successfully with physical adversity (hardship), while moral courage is our capacity to triumphantly overcome the fear of emotional harm, aversion or rejection from others, when we are faced with a situation where we are required to do what is morally right. For instance, firefighters, soldiers, and Navy SEALs need loads of physical courage; while it is essential for leaders, activists, and healthcare workers to possess a great deal of moral courage.
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Apart from physical and moral courage, there are many other kinds of courage. The following are the names of some: social courage, emotional courage, intellectual courage, and spiritual courage. To find out more about these courages in detail, please follow this link: http://moon.greenpeace.org/courage/courage.html
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As nouns the difference between "courage" and "strength" is that "courage" is the quality of a confident character not to be afraid or intimidated easily but without being incautious or inconsiderate, while "strength" is the quality or degree of being strong. As verbs the difference between "courage" and "strength" is that "courage" is (label) to encourage while "strength" is (obsolete) to give strength to; to strengthen. (WikiDiff)
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Spunk is defined as courage or the ability to carry on with good cheer and strong heart. When you are having a tough time learning to do something but you persist and keep coming back and trying again, this is an example of when you show spunk. (YourDictionary)
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Be good, be brave, be confident! = Soyez bon, soyez courageux, soyez confiant! (French)
The adjective and adverb forms of the noun "spunk" are, "spunky" and "spunkily". Its synonyms include: "courage", "bravery", "pluck", "pluckiness", "courageousness", "braveness", "valour" (valor), "mettle", "gameness", "daring"; "determination", "spirit", "backbone", "strength of character", "fortitude", "nerve"; "guts", "grit", etc.
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Let not the fear of the people prevent one of you from saying the truth if he knows it. ~Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest. ~Maya Angelou
Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. ~Paulo Coelho
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. ~Muhammad Ali
Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. ~Bruce Lee
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. ~Nelson Mandela
Goodness is about character - integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people. ~Dennis Prager
We don't develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. ~Barbara De Angelis
The secret to happiness is freedom... And the secret to freedom is courage. ~Thucydides
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Hope, faith, courage = omeed اميد, imaan ایمان, shojaa'at شجاعت (Persian / Farsi)
He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery! ~Anne Frank
If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it. ~John Irving
I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. ~Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. ~J.K. Rowling
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~Lao Tzu
Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim. ~Nora Ephron
Sometimes even to live is an act of courage. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca
A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression of humility. It is a foundation for the development of such virtues as prayer, faith, courage, contentment, happiness, love, and well-being. ~James E. Faust
Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. ~John F. Kennedy
If I am to sit down, who is there to stand up? ~Maulana Syed Abul A'la Maududi
The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect. ~Brene Brown
Creativity takes courage. ~Henri Matisse
Traveling (travelling) gives you some perspective of what the rest of the world is like. I think that having the courage to step out of the norm is the most important thing. ~Meghan Markle
A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. ~Malcolm X
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The following is the translation of the word "courage" into 17 languages:
Arabic: shajaa'ah شجاعة
Chichewa: mtima
Dutch: moed
French: courage
German: Mut
Hawaiian: koa
Italian: coraggio
Malay: keberanian
Portuguese: coragem
Slovak: odvaha
Somali: geesinimada
Spanish: valor
Swahili: ujasiri
Tagalog: tapang
Turkish: cesaret 
Urdu: bahaaduri بہادری
Zulu: isibindi
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You've probably heard the phrases, "take heart" and "bon courage" before, but what exactly do they mean?
"Take heart" is a verb as well, it can mean the following:
to be courageous; to regain one's courage
to become encouraged
to have more courage or confidence; cheer up
If you take heart from something, you are encouraged and made to feel optimistic by it. (Collins Dictionary)
A synonym of "take heart" is "take courage". It means, "To be resolute in difficult circumstances". Other synonyms of "take heart" include:
be encouraged
be comforted
cheer up
perk up
brighten up
be heartened
buck up (informal)
derive comfort
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Be courageous and do not be afraid = Kun shujaa'an wa laa takhaf كن شجاعاً ولا تخف (Arabic)
"Bon courage" is a French interjection. It means, "good luck!" (more idiomatically, 'take heart!'). Its literal meaning is, "good courage".
A Note on Its Usage
Bon courage is an essential French expression for offering verbal support before or during a difficult task. It’s like saying "hang in there" or "good luck", such as when driving past a cyclist going uphill or when someone is about to take an important test. Bon courage indicates that the person’s success depends on their own hard work and that you have every confidence that they’ll make it. (Lawless French)
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It takes strength to be firm,
It takes courage to be gentle.
It takes strength to stand guard,
It takes courage to let down your guard.
It takes strength to conquer,
It takes courage to surrender. 
It takes strength to be certain,
It takes courage to have doubt.
It takes strength to fit in,
It takes courage to stand out.
It takes strength to feel a friend’s pain,
It takes courage to feel your own pain.
It takes strength to hide your own pains,
It takes courage to show them.
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Be courageous and compassionate = Kun shujaa'an wa raheeman كن شجاعاً ورحيماً (Arabic)
It takes strength to endure abuse,
It takes courage to stop it.
It takes strength to stand alone,
It takes courage to lean on another.
It takes strength to love,
It takes courage to be loved.
It takes strength to survive,
It takes courage to live.
~David L. Griffith
Whenever you feel you have neither, may the heart of the universe hug you today with its warmth, and love.
And may the wind carry a voice that tells you there is a friend sitting in another corner of the world wishing you well! ❤
More from the Word Collector 2:
11 Heartfelt Hope Quotes - http://thewordcollector2.tumblr.com/post/143100737918/11-heartfelt-hope-quotes
8 Words Related to Gratitude in Arabic - http://thewordcollector2.tumblr.com/post/161172966693/8-words-related-to-gratitude-in-arabic
6 Words Related to Forgiveness in Arabic - http://thewordcollector2.tumblr.com/post/137151022718/6-words-related-to-forgiveness-in-arabic
Spanish Word: Nube - http://thewordcollector2.tumblr.com/post/17091625089/spanish-word-nube
13 Must-Know Chilean Slang Words and Phrases - http://thewordcollector2.tumblr.com/post/154565272948/13-must-know-chilean-slang-words-and-phrases
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Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher
Sources and Further Reading:
This post includes text from the article, “Courage - Wikipedia”, available under the Creative Commons Attribution license, CC BY-SA 3.0.
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This post includes text from the WikiDiff entry, “Courage vs Strength - What's the difference? | WikiDiff”, available under the Creative Commons Attribution license, CC BY-SA 3.0.
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This post includes text from the Wiktionary entry, “Take heart - Wiktionary”, available under the Creative Commons Attribution license, CC BY-SA 3.0.
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This post includes text from the Wiktionary entry, “Take courage - Wiktionary”, available under the Creative Commons Attribution license, CC BY-SA 3.0.
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This post includes text from the Wiktionary entry, “Bon courage - Wiktionary”, available under the Creative Commons Attribution license, CC BY-SA 3.0.
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Okay readers, that's it! ;) I hope that you found this entry enjoyably informative, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله. Dieu vous garde ('God keep you' in French), Wassalaam 'alaikum والسّلام عليكم  :) :-h
Soyez courageux et bon* / Be courageous and good (kind),
Sam سام.
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*"Soyez courageux et bon" is French for "Be courageous and good" or "Be brave and good".
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legendbringerlove · 7 years
In the annals of OC history, there are many losers. Ones that stick with you because of how bad they were or how rediciously overpowered they were. Some are just there because you noticed that they are basically an anthesis to EVERYTHING that the series stood for. And then you have Reisu from Sailor Titan who punched out God and sacrificed the entire world because he wanted to join his evil girlfriend (I wish I was kidding. Linkara was insane when he was 13)
And then you have...Count Logan, aka the incarnation of Beast Boy. But, rather than talk about it with you, let’s let Mykan himself discuss it.
I was hoping it wouldn't come to this as it spoils...
-The story that only 105 people have viewed, 84 have downvoted, and there is a one percent chance that one person hit the wrong button. Oh, and it’s a story that you have told at least 4 times now. Hell, I think you have told this story so much that it is outdoing the Radtiz saga as one of the most overtold things in history!
but as people are ignoring the small parts of it anyway (I may as well do this)
-Or you can wait for it to end and then explain it, but again we know the ending, we know what is going to happen.
And one last thing...
-Let me guess, it’s something that is going to make me want to laugh like a hyena?
-*Laughing like a hyena pup*
(The stuff has hardly any meaning to me in this field) "Common-sense and good judgment won't save you this time... not from me."
-He does know what commen sense is, right? He does realize he basically just said, “You won’t win, because I’m a moron.”
-And now, for the hardest thing I can do on this, look at this image and try not to laugh. But it is so hard right now. I mean, look at it!!!! There is just so much wrong with it, that it isn’t even funny.
Let’s start with the color, wich is practically screaming 90s edge right now. This is all black, wich does not really stand out all that much in the grand scheme of things. Even characters like Darth Vader and Batman have some color in their athestic when they are designed. That’s because, making him pure black like this kind of just screams “Pay attention to me.” Now, a lot of the time, when the hero is meant to go rouge or turn evil, they usually will either invert their colors or wear their old costume as a cape. This is none of those thigns and is just something that makes me think of a kid trying way too hard.
Lastly, the face. Will someone please tell me where he stole it from? Because I know I saw that look before. Maybe it was done during the Titan era of Teen Titans when Dick and the others left the book or it was an unused design choice.
COUNT LOGAN: (formerly known as Beast Boy of the Teen Titans.)
-Formally known as the artist, his purpleness, and Smitty the wonder poodle.
Is an evil and very powerful interdenominational sorcerer, and is initially the primary antagonist of my fanfic,https://www.fimfiction.net/story/390095/friendship-is-failure-10--teen-titans-the-end-of-ends.
- is initially the primary antagonist of the Wii game Super Paper Mario.
Ok, with this and the “Twilight” thing back in the Lighting Dawn Page (Wich I will  get to) I am really starting to think he just grabs words from the wikipedia articles and uses them.
He was reincarnated from Beast Boy to serve as a slave to The Dark Prognosticus
-*Pulls out cell phone* Hello, Nintendo?
(A powerful and evil prophetic spellbook)
-Only Mykan can take something  from Super Mario and try to treat it seriously.
Garfield Mark Logan
-Hmmmm, better on this if this were only about the other four members of Titans. Only one thing to do...Research the hell out of it!!!!!
When he was 5, he got sick after being bitten by a green monkey. His parents saved him using an untested animal serum, which unintentionally mutated him green and gave his animal powers.
-It was a machine not a serum. If you are going to talk about a superhero, get your cannon straight! *Looks up* Oh, we are going animated. Well, as long as we stick to one of them, I should be fine
After that, Garfield's entire life was shaped by nothing but heartbreak, tragedy and misery!
-You know, except for the billions, the mansion, th fans, the love and affection, the...
Shortly after his mutation, Garfield’s parents died in a boating accident during a flood. An accident that still haunts him as he believed he could have prevented and saved his folks.
-Yep, stole this from the Titanstower site.
Then, his foster mother died in a tank explosion
-*looks it up on both the sites* Nope, it was foster father in a temple explosion and, wait a minute...
That’s from the freaking comics!!!!!!!
His legal guardian, Nicholas Galtry, despised the boy,
-Ok, we are going with the comics stories then? But, then this whole world will make even less sense. Because if this Dark Probobcious is as powerful as  you say it is then why isn’t it being watched over by Dr. Fate? Or being burnt into cinders by John Constantine?
Hell, searching for Beast Boy and getting him a new home is now even dumber because this is the DCU, and they love their heroes!
abused him daily and plotted to have him killed so he could get the inheritance money.
Garfield ran away, but was captured by two thieves, whom abused him and forced him to do their bidding.
-Hey, mr. fanboy, you got the order wrong! It’s Temple, Theives, and then  evil attorney.
That’s when the Doom Patrol came along, adopted the boy and trained him, and he because BEAST BOY.
-Well, actually it all depends on the universe. See, if you go by the cartoon, he broke into their hq and they found him worthy to be on the team. However, if you go by the ccomics, he tried to join the titans and doom patrol without telling of his guardian about his double life. However, they rejected him because they needed his guardians permission (Ok, what? So, did Dick set that up or was Roy just teasing?)
Then he was found by the titans when he was mesmerized by a ringleader to be a giant gorrila. Then he began to work with the Doom Patrol and was THen adopted by elasti-girl and steve Dayton after winning a legal battle with the lawyer. Sadly, since Doom Patrol never caught on as well as the X-men, they were cancelled in their 169th issue and were all killed with the exception of Beast Boy.
That was when he went into acting on the show Space Trek 2022 as the alien metamorph tork. However, he was the scrappy of the show and was fired. After traveling with his highschool girlfriend, Jillian (so much for Terra being the one.) he found himself back in the saddle when she was kidnapped by Arsenal (Galtry) After he kicked the bad guy’s ass, he joined Titans west along with Flamebird, Hawk and Dove,  Bumblebee, and two others even I don’t know. Meanwhile his powers continued to evolve until he could only change full into his animal forms
Due to Mento’s harshness,
-He must of hated the way he made fun of his hat.
And you wonder why the X-men are the more popular of the two.
and stubborn strict attitude,
-this was when he met the titans and...oh, is he still continuing? Sorry, comic history can be fascinating sometimes!!!!!
Beast Boy felt alienated from the team and struck out on his own.
-That is copied word-for word from the wikipedia article!!!!!
Everywhere he went he was rejected and treated harshly due to his green skin,
-Pictured, total rejection
Any comic reader know who the yellow winged guy and blue black guy are?
Wait...Ok, the girl is Lillith, the guy is Vox, and the yellow dude is golden eagle.
but eventually came the TEEN TITANS, and all that.
-Ok, I think he just mixed up at least two continuties here. Worst than I do, and I have seen more superhero crap than him.
Here, Beast Boy assumed the role of a comic relief-- telling bad jokes, being mischievous—
-Wich is his character that he loves and tends to make him liked and you are-
but all this is really a mask of laughter-- he uses it to hide the pain and sadness from his life.
-Going to make it sound as depressing as possible and OOC for your story to work.
(Much like supressing the rage, but eventually it will snap)
-Or as a way to relieve stress, but I am not a psych major.
Despite the good times he had with the Titans, there were more bad times than good.
-I have been watching the show and I can tell you right now that this bullcrap!
(Most of which came from Raven’s abuse and rudeness, and her supressing her powers is no excuse)
-Yeah and then you have all of the times she was caring towards him, but go on, I am curioous to see where you are going with this *Puts head on hands)
-They don’t include him
-Don’t include him in what? His games? Cartoon watching? What?!
-they make fun of him
-And he usually fires back.
-They insult him
-Raven smacks him (even when he’s right on Trouble in Tokyo)
-Awwwwwww, poor baby, lets back up the abulance.
-When he has a good idea (an honest one) they don’t listen to him
-Because he’s usually wrong?
Then again, that’s BB’s curse: Any friend or loved one he makes will eventually die or turn on him (It’s always the same)
-Pictured, a person turning on Beast Boy
Worse, people in the city don’t seem to appreciate him much (Preferring the other Titans to him)
-Been through 13 episodes so far and haven't seen a simgle sign of that.
Girls don’t like him, he can’t hang out with cool crowds unless the Titans are with him.
-Yeah, it’s not like he has a fan club or anything.
He’s pretty much an UNSUNG HERO (A person whose heroics go unnoticed and/or unappreciated by others)
-How horrible, he is doing this because its the right thing. Oh my god, this is simply horrifying.
(So as you can see… I already have MORE than enough to make him become Logan with or without THE GIRL)
-All based on lies, misunderstanding, and tricks of the mind.
Then, along came Terra. Finally, someone who liked him just for who he was,
-Unlike that Jillian woman or the other Titans who liked him because of his...
and they had so much in common too…
-Yeah, like she enjoyed his laughter and he thought she was pretty and...and there was...she was....Um...any titans fan care to help out?
it was like they were MADE FOR EACH OTHER, and that fate was finally rewarding BB for all his years of suffering!
-Yeah, by offering him a pretty girl! Who cares about the basic stuff like life completion, friendship, and a life goal to complete it. It’s the girl that is the most important thing in existance.
But then, there was THAT STUFF…
-Like it seems that the only reason why anybody ships them is becausse they are cute.
-Terra thinking he broke his promise about her powers
-Her involvement with Slade
-Her fighting the Titans
-Her turning into stone
-aka the adaptation of Judas Contract that was actually well done!
“You were the best friend… that I ever had!” (Her final words to him before turning to stone)
-And that scene was actually well done. And Beast Boy moved on, strong that he was.
And then, came Things Change.
There, had to get at least one head explosion out of me before moving on.
She pretend to have amnesia and was pushing him away because she wanted to forget her past (even all the good times they had) She wants nothing to do with Beast Boy.
-You go girl!!!! Grow up and move on through the pain, we are all rooting for you.
“You’re my friend! You’re a Teen titan!”
“You’re wrong!”
…all so she can live a normal life and forget her past!
-A perfectly reasonable reaction to a horrible trauma like almost DIEING!!!!!
That is cold, cruel, extremely selfish, and very foolish as well,
-Yeah, she’s not catering to YOUR, sorry beast boy’s, needs
but it’s not like she cares that she broke his heart… perhaps irreparably!
-Pictured, an eternal broken heart
(It’s hard to find a pic of Beast boy shipped with anyone but Raven)
He didn’t deserve that, not a bit!! The little guy’s gotta have something in this world to hope for.
-It doesn’t have to be love you know. IT can be friends, family, and the future. Love is just one of the many things you can find.
What’s he got to hope for now? His one and ONLY true love ditched him…
-I know this is odd, considering I am a huge shipper but...I really hate this idea. It basically says that you have no other choice but to have the ONE perfect love in the world. You are going to have multiple loves throughout your life that you will say is perfect until you discover that the best love is the great love. Sometimes you will move on, sometimes you won’t. But there is no such thing as there is only one true love.
(Just like everyone else he ever befriended or loved die)
-You know, except for EVERYPONY ELSE!!!!
(end of BB’s origin)
-As interpited by a guy who has never read a comic before in his life.
-I do not care if this is from Super Paper Mario or how awesome it is...it still makes me think of noses!!!
After the breakup, things only went from bad to Worse. He was highly disrespected in JC
-Wich is odd, considering that this is the DCU, where they make freaking museums dedicated to their superheroes.
-The newspapers only did columns on the other Titans (Not interested with him)
-PP: Um, Mr. Jamenson, why do you only want me to pick up photos of Robin, Raven, Cyborg, and Starfire.
JJJ: PArker, everyone knows that Beast Boy photos don’t sell!!!!
-There was no BB merchandise in the stores (Just that for the other Titans)
-Man the collector’s market must be a bitch over there. Either that or every store is owned by Matell. Yes, I am still bitter about the lack of Katara figures!
-More and more BB’s favorite hangout places had changed and were not replaced (Leaving him with very little ways to go)
-Ok, now this has gone from bad luck, to conspiracy, to just plain rediciously sad.Surprised that he hasn’t said that Beast Boy’s favorite show was then cancelled, and that Sega announced it’s ending Sonic games.
As if he weren’t miserable enough, Despite the Titans trying to be sympathetic, all they really did was badger him to accept change and “MOVE ON!!”
-How dare they try and get him to get a life. Those horrible people. I can see why I am on their side and not that on the whiner’s
What the hell does HE have to move on too? The other titans have moved on from their problems.
-What? No they haven’t!!!!
-Robin and starfire are dating
-Yeah, I can see how this addresses their own individual character conflicts. It was only their romance that was important.
-cyborg is cool with who he is and people love him
-Yeah, those few scenes are all that’s needed to say that he’s fine with being trapped forever in a metal shell, unable to touch anything and is an inhuman creation.
-Raven beat Trigon, he’s no longer a threat to her.
-So totally makes up for the YEARS of truma she is acculmating.
…and BB is still losing things, as well as confidence in his team (Then again… that’s his curse: They love you, and they turn on you)
-Because you do the following...
And don't you try to tell me The Titans wouldn't do that, because THEY ARE capable of doing so, and to me, they are no exceptions. they either die or turn into jerks (Just like everyone else BB ever encountered)
-Am convinced that if you do one bad thing, that will forever taint you for life. No matter who you are, you can never change yourself for the better.
After many fights with the Titans and having a super falling out, BB quit.
-shame he didn’t stay longer, he missed out on the party they had to celebrate his farewell.
Realizing he can’t stay in JC or with the Titans anymore as they are only ADDING to his pain!
-*Imagines Beast Boy dressed in goth clothing and laughs*
Then again, where would he go?
-Titans west? Bunk with Aqualad who he had built a bond with? You know, those superheroes that you say there is no room for even though you spent time putting in the additions of the Doom patrol for no appearent reason!!!!!
He tried to go to other towns and maybe start over… again he got rejected, booed and judged harshly for his green skin and prejudice people.
-This makes no sense whatseover considering his own fandom and how many people love him.
To top it all off, the nights were cold, creepy
-Oh gee, if only he could become an animal with a lot of fur or a cold-blooded reptile.
and filled with nightmares of his past!
-The one time he ripped Dick’s comics, his nightmare about being turned into a veggie burger, that one nightmare where he is stuck in a musical and he is one of the worst human beings on the planet.
All the people he had lost, all the people he thought were his friends, all the people who wronged and betrayed him!!
-That pizza he had ordered a month ago that was lost. That comic he will never read, and of course, the lost of ms. Snugglebottom
-Roy: *Throws a rock* Quiet out there, I am trying to sleep!!!!
Overtaken by extreme anger, hatred, pain and sadness, Beast Boy went POSITIVELY INSANE!!
-Calm down, no need to get excited
Any bit of light and love in his heart had complete diminished after so much pain and torture!
-Ok that is it!
Just replace the rest of the blog with this charactrer!
(Just like any human being who suffered so much for so long. Sometimes they just SNAP.)
-More like is a self entitled boob who wants everyone to kow tow to him and him alone and won’t listen to reason
The Dark Prognosticus could sense this, and Teleported to him from Raven’s room.
Only someone with heart filled with extreme hatred and darkness would be able to unleash the powers within.
-Ok, so let me get this straight. With all of the powerful and black hearted villians in this world. Ones that would so easily fill the job of being the dark one that this thing craves, it picks out a lonely and sad little teen who only lost his family and girl? There are probably billions of other people out there who are suffering from the same type of thing Beast Boy is, but this one time he is going to hone in on?!
The book was now fully awake, and IT
-They all float down here gar!
had chosen HIM to be THE ONE to unlock the dark magic with in and fulfill it's dark desires.
-Garflied: Really, me? Not say someone with a whole ton of power or someone who would lead better or someone who has a blacker heart than me?
DP: Yeah, look, you are the only one who would follow orders and not stab me in the back for power.
Whether or not BB wanted to do this or not (Which he didn’t) the choice was not his!
-Why does this feel like a filmaker trying to defend the actions of his character to help with his vision?
The book was choosing HIM, and that was final!
-Yeah there it is, the it was them not my character.
No amount of will or nobility or courage could defy it.
-Can’t fix it because I am the writer and what I say goes. Look this was all cliche when Homer tried it in the Illiad!
The Book shot him dead…
-Oh, bang bang, he shot him down, bang bang that aweful sound.
(That’s how the Doom Patrol found his corpse)
-Again, billions of other people out there, but he was the one he homed in on. Then again, Beast Boy was the one who broke into his room. But you should feel sorry for the sap.
Now everything was set and ready for the book to work it’s will and put its curse in motion.
-You know what I love about this? Reading this whole thing means I don’t have to read the fic.
Not that I was going to anyway, kind of not really interested in his non-starfleet stuff. Well, except for the stuff I’m usng for evolution but that is another fic.
Beast Boy’s spirit and personality soon began to fade away as he was cursed and corrupted by darkness and hatred beyond imagination.
-If that is beyond imagination, then boy howdy do you have a limited imagination.
Finally, he was reborn, as an adult version of himself, an embodiment of darkness and servant to the book.
-A nega pope?
-A name so important, I had to capitalize it.
: A villain who is motivated by grief and regret!
-Never heard of that one before! It’s like the third time you made this!
(It's not because of just Terra dumping him, I think we've already COVERED that. Insist that it's just because Terra dumped him... "You're are dense")
-I empthasised this, not to say “Well, he has a point,” I am empathising the just to point out that it doesn’t really matter in the eyes of the viewer or the reader. See, if you wanted us to believe that it wasn’t just Terra dumping him, then leave out the stalking and the scenes where he gets beaten by the bullies. Leave out the bits where he is pining for her every five minutes. As it stands, it seems that it was only Terra that was responsible.
Hell, by not having Beast Boy talk about his past, all of the above you have said feels like tacked on filler to try and make it seem like it wasn’t the only thing that was affecting him.
A slave to the book,
-I would make a religion joke here, but I want to think I have more aof an appreciation for my audience.
Logan had no choice but to accept his new position fate. He could never go back to the way he was. He was created by evil to SERVE evil (Nothing more)
-and yet still has the mind and body of Beast Boy why? Wouldn’t this be a hinderance to him?
“I am doing as I was created for. These are the wishes of The Dark Prognosticus. I serve it…! This is my fate. The price I had to pay for the way things were. The way I suffered!”
-You will never understand my needs Terra! You will never understand my pain!
(Logan explaining to Terra his position)
That and he may as well use this opportunity to exact VENGEANCE on people who wronged him.
-Hmmmm, died and came back. I could explain my experiences or go on a talk show and make millions. Or I could go evil. Well, evil has cookies.
Using his new powers, Logan began to kill others to understand his might and increase his abilities.
-Understanding through death, makes sense.
He eventually Met Dr. Nekard,
-Must not break down laughing at the name. I will not break down laughing at the name.
whom became his first minion, after which, Logan used the powers of the book to create his other three minions to help him in quest.
-Let’s see, what will we need? A hot sexy general, a lackey with a special power, and a big dumb tough one.
Eventually constructing a castle to serve as their base of operations, located in a realm composes entirely of darkness
-He constructed his own freaking castle...Dude, get out of the evil business and get into evil constructing! You’ll make a mint.
(Reflecting the Count’s heart… cold… miserably… painful)
-Why is it that every description you put in is like a goth kid’s first poetry section!
and his outfit,
-Is the second lamest attempt at a costume I had ever seen and I am a sonic fan.
the way it covers his entire body is because he doesn’t wish to look upon himself (Because he was shamed and ashamed)
-So he was created by the Dark Proboscis, but he still retains enough of his sanity and will to be shamed.Methinks you are trying to have some cake and eat it too.
Poor Logan was a mess; deep down all this was still not helping him, and life itself has become a prison, always reminding him of his betrayal and heartbreaks!
Sorry but all of this talk is making me think of pennance. Aka, someone’s bright idea. Someone thought of this, thought it was cool and an interesting take on the character. Someone thought that this was an interesting take on the character.Someone thought this design was a good idea!
He hated it that other people had it better than he did,
-*A slave on Apocolpsy* Yup, having the time of my motherfucking life down here!
and he began to see the worlds and meaningless and worthless!
-Even the planet of the malls?!
However, even death itself could not solve his problems, as even in death there is no escape from the feelings of darkness.
So incredibly insane, hurt and upset
-No, please go back to how he is feeling things after death.
(As well as it being the wishes of the Dark Prognosticus as well as his own fate)
-No, sop right there! You are saying an emotional impossiblity.
he realized all he could now to end his suffering was to fulfill the Dark Prognosticus’ wishes:
-I said stop! How in the seven hells are you supposed to feel remorse, sadness, and depression while you are dead? What are we using Green Lantern logic now? Because if we are, then you just invalidated a comment you made not too long ago where you said,
“I am not using the rest of the comics because there is no room for those heroes.”
He was going to get revenge by destroying everything that wronged him, took away his happiness and everything he couldn’t stand… Existence itself!
-Thanos steps in, and frowns at him, “That’s my job Logan.”
Logan: No, I’m all power ful and-urrk *Neck snap by the mad titan.*
Thanos: And that was for trying to mooch on my girl Death.
Death of the Endless: *rolls eyes* Fine, one picinic.
Thanos: YAY!!!!! *Skips away*
Before you Thanos fanboys come at me for the previous setch, let me say this...Thanos is my favorite of the Marvel Galatic villians. I make fun of him as often as I do Doom and Dr. Doom is my favorite Comic Book villian of all time.
So he turned to the pages and unleashed the greatest and deadlist spell/prohphecy
-Will someone get this guy a Thesarus...and a dictionary, because he still has no idea what deities are.
within the book, and thus, THE VOID
-~into the void~ *Starts rocking out the kiss music.
was formed which would eventually engulf the entire universe!
-Antimonitor: Hey mack, get out of my line of work  *Wipes Logan from Exsitance* I swear, all of these yutzes standing in my way. Oy Vey, it’s enough to get a brain hemorage.
Don’t know why I made the Antimonitor Jewish on that joke.
“What have I done?!” (Logan regretting his actions)
-Ah, see this is classic “My character isn’t bad, really!” actions to try and make you think that he is ok. Here is the problem though...You just talked about how he wants to wipe out his pain and misery, you have put this all on him. You have spent the past few paragraphs into making him into a whiny putz that you don’t have sympathy for, at all.
With the prophecy now in motion, Logan felt content, but deep down he was greatly remorseful.
-I am really happy about this! But also I am vewy sad. Won’t you please pity me!!!!!!!
However, because he was a slave to the Dark Prognosticus, he couldn’t let his emmotions get to him,
-And so he-lets his emotions get to him and he goes off on a mass murdering rampage because he feels angry, hate, despair, loss, and so many other emotions.
so he continued on his path as a way of accepting his position and making the most of things.
-Made the castle into a bacherlor pad, got a hot tub, brought out some game systems, made a theater system, kind of homey actually.
To strengthen the void, Logan and his henchmen killed people and obliterated more worlds themselves to accelerate the void’s expansion.
-This was, in hindsight, really stupid as it will attract attention. He chose to do the smart thing instead and wait it out. It was long, but it was well worth it.
Logan decided Tamaran would be the first world to go, as he was angered by Starfire and Robin, and how their relationship worked and he lost Terra.
-*Bangs head* You just said that this wasn’t just about Terra!!!!!! Look, if you want us to believe that this isn’t about Terra, then leave her out of it. Remove her from this paragraph and your argument is won. Here, I’ll help!
He wanted Starfire to see and feel what it was like ot have everything you ever loved taken away from you
-There, this is all that was neeeded, but by adding in Terra you have ruined you own bleeding argument!!!
“My pain becomes your pain!”
-Here suffer you slave girl who was trapped on a station, lived with the fear of being raped, tortured, and emotionally scarred worst than I am. Feel my pain!!!!
Logan wished the Earth not be destroyed just yet (Maybe tinkered with) mainly because he still has SOME fondness of his homeworld (and Terra was on it)
-*drinks some Romulan Ale* And another thing about your argument, it doesn’t really hold water under-hic-under-hic-srcuntny
Deep down he actually still had feelings for the girl, and his remorse continued to eat at him (Especially after all he had done)
-*drinks some more* see, right there? By saying that he feels about her and that he cares for her, you are making this more and more about Terra. You bearly touch upon anyhting else about his backstory. It’s like you only use it for more emotional baggage. Sorry kid, but that won’t fly.
He eventually captured Terra and brought her to his castle as prisoner, where he would make her watch all the worlds fall and then he would kill her too.
-Then you add this malarky into the mix, giving us more reason to believe that this is solely about Terra. You don’t want us to believe that this is only about her, then ditch her. Remove her from the equation. And *Drinks* I don’t think I can feel my eyes
“You wanted Change, Terra? YOU GOT IT!!!”
-You know what would be an interesting twist...if Terra killed herself because of all of this. I mean, she can’t be normal, she is being forced into a superhero role now, and appearently can’t even have her own opinion without causing death. I would be looking out for her, guys.
But this was it. Logan was completely broken, a prisoner not only of his own power but his feelings as well.
-Wich, even though it isnt just about Terra, is revolving around Terra for some odd pecular reason.
After much time of being haunted and feeling extreme guilt of all he had done (Including beheading Flurry Heart as was shown earlier int he fic)
-As well as the sin of wearing that horrible outfit!!!! I mean, my god, that outfit is like one of the worst things I have ever seen in my life!!!!
He had truly seen just how evil and despicable he had become, and he fell into despair worse than anything he had ever had.
-So, let’s go over the dark Prognosticator little plan here.
Pick an emo teen who is convinced that his life is misry and sadness and we should all suffer like he has because no one else in the world has.
Put him under his control so he can destroy everything in exsitance
Instead of giving him a happy life to make control easier, he maks sure that he falls DEEPER into dispair, setting it up for an immintent downfall
Lets him kidnap the girl who is responsible for all of this
I am really thinking that this bad guy sucks as plans.
He loved Terra so much, and nothing he could do would change that.
-Wich is why, instead of controlling her, he threw her into a dungeon and made her suffer the torment of watching the world go bye. Truely he is a tragic lover in all of this
He really wished there was some way he could end all this, maybe even reverse it all (Bring back those he killed) and maybe… just maybe, things could be okay again.
-Well, there is always Mykan’s tried and true Dues Ex Machina! Why worry about consequences when there is Dues Ex Machina
However, there were problems regarding all this.
-That he was being written by a writer who thinks that this all you need to make a sympathetic villian?
-Logan could not close the void. Once he had unleashed it… it’s out of his hands. He can’t stop it no matter how much he or may not want to.
“The prophecy cannot be stopped. Even I cannot stop it now!”
-Also he was still owned by the Dark Pronogsticus. It was the master, he was the slave. He had no choice but to continue to fulfill the book’s desires. It was what he was created for!
-And in order to do this for peak efficencay, he...kept all of the memories. Again, villian of the year.
-Plus, now that he thought about it, why should he stop? He’s come this far. It’s too late to go back, and he’s got nothing to gain by going back anyway.
-Are you feeding us information or giving us story beats, because this is all stuff we can glance over as we read this stuff. Then again, considerign your prose is usually very dull and dry.
Count Logan will never be a redeemable villain no matter how many times you claim he is/will be. (Words of a mocker)
-Gee, think its because of the whole entire baby killing; thing?
That’s how they all treated him while he just BB, the same way you’re treating him now. (My argument)
-So your argument is, since they treated hi bad once in a while that it is ok for him to go genocidal on us all?
So what’s he got to gain by stopping? Nothing but more heartache, more misery, pain, and all the things that what started all this in the first place.
-*Puts on psycological glasses*  Now, maybe we should start talking about your psycogolgical issues.
Joking aside, while this kind of thinking is ok for a villian, it’s generally more accepted if the villian had some sort of charisma or was really  symptatpetic to us readers. This allows us to understand their plight. However, the way Beast Boy is written in this, feels more like his just crying his eyes out for nothing, especially in comparison to his fellow heroes.
He can never move on, (He has nothing to move on to) There is nothing to be gained from quitting, only lost.
-Except freedom, help, and a lovely new vacation in the bahamas. But, then again, this is the weakest villian I have met.
Since the prophecy could not be stopped…
-For reason’s hereto unexplained.
He couldn’t free himself from his bond with the book…
-Even though, later on we see him break the connection by just having a new bad guy take it up.
And he felt he had come too far to quit and had nothing to gain by stopping… Logan regarded his remorse as pointless, and he continued on destroying things (But his remorse continued to eat away at him and it pained him dearly)
-So, he hated to destroy, but he kept on anyway even though it did nothing to help him...You know, there is a proper way to do this. If any of you have a favorite villian that has this persona, please write it down in the comments below.
As Logan continued with his plans he had lied to his henchmen.
He told them that after all worlds were destroyed, he would build whole new worlds with peace and happiness that THEY could enjoy “With none of the icky stuff” as the minions put it.
-Define icky stuff, and if you could please do it as an adult, that would be great thanks.
When In actuality, he is planning on leaving it all in ruin and perishing along with it, feeling he has nothing left to live for and is too upset and ashamed with what he has done to go on anyway. (Though he cared deeply for his minions)
-You know, you could skip steps one through three by just letting the void do it’s job. You would win...you would succeed.
To him, the world just held no meaning, no joy, and nothing to exist for as it pained him so much. There was nothing at all that could save him now…
-Viewing what? Am I supposed to see something?
Count Logan is a very unique figure to the heroes and the ponies.
-Wait, what? How? He sounds like generic villian 587 to me. Doesn’t seem all that different from any other villian who has the “Woe is me and my life, how much misery do I have suffer in order for me to have my life fufilled.”
He is the only enemy they have ever faced who is driven by sadness
I...I just. I am trying my best to not use Mr. Freeze because that one is too easy! Oh god, there are just so many that are motivated by sadness it isn’t even funny. I mean, isn’t that like one of the three big motivators for villians? Insanity, rage, and sadness leading to a desire for revenge?
Dude, do not try and anyalize a comic book villian if your only connection to the universe is a freaking cartoon show!
and remorse, rather than a lust for power or control.
-Hmmm, I count Sombra as one of the ones motivated purely by control. Starlight was motivated by the sadness of losing her only friend, Tempest was by the fact everyone shunned her after getting scared, And then we have some of the DC villians. I mean, shoot, just one season of the Flash will give you plenty of villians motivated by sadness and heartbreak.
He created the void out of bitterness and heartbreak.
-But again, Terra was not a determining factor. Remember that.
All he wanted to was end his suffering (Something that only NON-EXISTANCE could make happen)
-Still don’t know how you feel anything while dead or why the book picked a winy teenager instead of any of the heartless other bad guys out there in the DC universe.
He at first seems to be a stereotypical, heartless villain, with no feelings or regard for anyone or anything!
-And he is. Thank you for agreeing with me.
Only now to be understood; Logan is in fact an emotionally tortured person which makes him less evil than he appears
Ok class, sit around, it’s time for another lesson in writing. From an ACTUAL writer and not some chump who thinkgs that writing is something that you just do to relieve yourself og pain.
Just because you understand a person and their actions, does not make him a tragic villian. It doesn’t make him less evil, just because you know his actions. Look at Dr. Doom. He lost his mother and that is his big motivation, does this mean that we should see his desire to conqure the world as less evil? NO! It is still freaking evil.
You want to make a tragic and sympathetic villian, fine. That is perfectly fine and dandy, some of my favorite villians of all time are tragic villlians, but don’t try to force it onto us. Look, Magneto is a very tragic villian, but his past doesn’t hide the fact that he still KILLED an entire ship of people and would wipe out all homo sapiens if he had the chance.
(His actions are not justifiable but they are understandable)
-No, they are not. Doing this because your mother is held by the devil, understandable. Because you feel that the Kryptonian is misusing his power while you are incapable of understanding the basic thought of genuine kindness, understandable. Doing this because you found out that your whole freaking life was a lie and that it was all because some electric company wanted you to lead them to a promise land and that the greed of humanity is making you inot a horrible person? Understandable. KEfka...is not understandable and is just scary.
He is a tragic, sadistic and hopeless character, whose evil deeds, hatred of worlds and lust for destruction were all born from the purest of emotions… LOVE.
-If you have to tell us this, congratualtions, you failed in making a really tragic character. What’s more, by not showing us any real remorse, we don’t really feel that he is...
You mean, you just went on a few minutes, tellin us about how this was tragedy and all of that jazz, just to break it down to love?!!!!!
All he ever wanted was to be truly loved and understood, instead he always got the exact opposite of all this. The Titans negligence and pushy ways pushed him over the edge.
-Looks at all of the times Beast Boy is paling around with the gang( Oh yeah, I can so totally see that. I mean it is so obivious that Beast Boy was negelted and was painfully pushed on.
Will you please stop pushing your own agenda onto a character?
The Titans, as well as others are responsible for creating Count Logan and bringing forth all the chaos.
-So our sympathies lie with them since they are trying to save people and stop this while he is basically letting himself be pushed around.
-THEY were harsh with him
-THEY drove him insane
-You know the problem with the above? If I wasn’t a fan of the show, I would be questioning this with the question of where is the proof.
-THEY caused him to lose faith which allowed the book to curse him
-Again, even though the book had a billion other canditates, this whiny putz was more worthy.
*At the titans and Terra* "...You did this!" (That is what I'm aiming for in the story: It's more THEIR fault all this is happening... though it doesn't excuse BB's actions either)
-And you...failed. Hard. It isn’t even funny with how hard you failed at bringing this important message to life. Why? Because we never really see him remorseful for his actions and evrrything he does in this feels more like everyoen is at fault for not bowing to him and treating him like a god because he has had a bad life. Oh boo hoo hoo. We are so saddened by something that obiviously doesn’t really affect him. This totally makes us sympathetic to his cause and think that the titans, who only wanted him to move on, are the bad guys in this.
and NOOOOOOOO... regardless of what you may pretend to think (Without hurting yourselves)
-And this also hurts your argument, because now it makes you look like a child. Well, you are one.
I was trying to justify BB's actions,
-You know, if you just read what you write once in a while, I wouldn’t have as much fun as I am now.
I'm just trying to say that his actions were UNDERSTANDIBLE. (Not that it matters, since you people are still whining about it anyway)
-I am not whining, I’m complaining. Do you want to hear whining?
Thank you Rarity.
Ra: You are welcome darling.
So now it's clearer... I suggest people learn to READ and not judge.
-Translation: Let my character alone! He is pure and untouchable! Stop trying to hurt his feelins by insultin him! You are all monsters who need to learn better! WAHHHHHHHHH!
Sorry, but we read and we interpit. You don’t want that, then don’t write it.
Until next Time... I leave you vids that have Logan in them...
-Oh joy. Welll, lets see what we got here tonight!!
Mykan out.
-Ehh, the song is a little too depressing and doesn’t really match up. The lyrics are a bit dull and lifeless.
-Jared Leto, please do not give this guy a dead rat, he doesn’t deserve it.
Anyway, this song doesn’t really work. This is a whiny little brat who is striking out against the world just because he doesn’t get what he wants. The song talks about the futility of war, about it affects the soldiers beyond what we see, and how it hurts everyone. There is no favorites in war, only titles that we give ourselves anf what others tell us we are. And in the end, war will will change us all.
-I apologize for Les Mis fans. He probably never really watched the show at all. But if I am right, this is again talking about tragedy and the loss og friends who moved on. This is not all about you screaming out about how thee guys are wrong.
-*BANG!* You do not sully one of the most important days in human history with your slime.
-Somedays I wonder if he actually watches these musicals or jut listens to the songs.
Now then, unlike the Bio I made for him (Because I spied on people and saw they're getting ready to riff him... like fish to the hook)
-Hey, sorry I was late to the party but work was literally zapping the comedy out of my body.
Now I'm going to give my own insights on what I made The End of Ends like it was.
-HAHAHA!!! Buddy, once it is out there, any and all interpitations belong to us the readers. We do not care about you.
And remember... It's NOT just because BB was dumped by Terra, but that plus an and entire life of hardship, tragedy, heartbreak, misery and shameful people treating him wrong.
-Sadly, since you use the “Greatest emotion of all, love” line, you made it more about Terra than what you were going for, sorry, but them’s the breaks kid.
Firstly, people like to tell me how wrong I am about how the Titans treat Beast Boy,
-You kind of are. Big Time. It’s like saying Misty is a bitch while forgetting the rest of her character traits. That is called, ‘flanderization.’ not that you would know anything about that, right?
perhaps they are wrong, but it makes no difference to me.
-I love how this is never about you and how you are wrong. No, it’s all on us.
Remember, my RULE OF ONE SIDE
-Ah yes, that stupid rule.
It's all ONE or all THE OTHER, not both-
-Because that is how humanity works! Remember, there is only one type of person and a person acts only like one way all of the time. He never changes or has his moments of kindness.
Sometimes the Titans are nice to him, sometimes they are mean to him.
-It’s like humanity has different emotions and feelings throughout their lifetimes and it takes more than just a few days to get to know a person.
  Not anymore, it's either all one or all the other.
-Aren’t you glad I am not making a politcal joke right now? I so could but I refuse!
 They are either all bad or all good.
-Yeah, its not like I know of good people back where I used to work and I can tell you about them, but they were all bad. Yep, no good at all. Or I would say that if I were a jerk.
  (And if they are all bad, then anything good that's ever happened is now null and void to me "It means nothing")
- That’s right. Even if you do good oout there people, according to Mykan logic, you are already bad and must be punished. Don’t try and redeem yourself or make yourself better, just bask in the glow of your own villany, or better yet...
Like I also told you before, Beast Boy respected Terra's wishes and let her go (Be it I wrote it that way or not) and for that... I'm going to beat him up.
-And people wonder if the scene on Fall was a paraelle to how the characters feel about Mykan abandoning them and treating them like garbage
 You know the rules in my world- If a guy loses a girl and it really steams me, then the guy will not only be denied having any happiness in his life BY ME,
-Because you are the high allmighty master of the realm and we must all obey you, or else. Yadda yadda. We know, and that they must follow your evil whims or be punished because they can’t have lives or do what you lack the courage to do you mangy coward.
 the following must go into effect.
-And here we go, you might want to get some hot chocolate. Most likely, you heard this one before
-He lives a long and pointless life, with nothing but scorn from others, unappreciated, and loses more than he gains all the time (This way, he'll have nothing to gain by moving on)
-Even if it makes no sense, it’s completely OOC, and really just ends up demeaning the character in the end. Hey as long as my sense of worth is built back up.
-Have a super falling out with those who were once his friends. Again, I don't care if people say his friends never treated him that way, MY RULES ARE MY RULES.
 -I would like to imagine when he says these things that he has his fingers in his ear and screaming “Can’t hear you!!!”
You break them, and I'll break you
-Heh, these characters are stronger than you think. They won’t break so easily.
 (The cartoon character) and Common Sense and good judgment won't save you this time.
-You know, when you say this, you are just saying that you have no common sense or good judgement. Wich kind of says a lot by your standards.
-He must become an Anti-Hero by choice, or become the primary antagonist (Usually NOT by choice) There was no "Yes or No" when it came to that book. It chose him, and that was it. "The choice is not yours"
-Deconstructed that out the window. Although, I do want to go for another round on that one.
 -Do not reconcile with former friends. The friendship is shattered... FOREVER,
-Yes, because that’s how it works. That is so how life works for those of you who are usually insane in the membraine.
end of story. Even if I wrote it so BB agreed to help the others face Draken in the final battle, in the end,
-It doesn’t even matter!
Sorry, in a Linkin Park mood
he would still wish NEVER to makeup and reconcile with them, balk at their desires to want to make up with him, and just leave,
-Only to cry about it a little later on his blog about how much they suck and are cruel and he wants his momma.
so they'll all feel dejected, hurt, and Terra can be heart-broken (Hopefully irreparably like how she did to him.)
-Either that or they all party like crazy while he is gone and get Kid Flash as a replacement.
-If reconciliation looks hopeful, the dude must die.
-Wow, you are a giant monster aren’t you? I mean, there is evil, there is cruel, and then there is you.
  That way he STILL can't reconcile with his friends, and they can still be hurt (That's why I killed BB on Friendship is Failure #3, so the potential will never be.)
-And yet it still felt like it did in the end. See, this is what happens when you try to do something that you just aren’t  good at.
Yeah, I know (I can tell without reading) a lot of you are insulting me right now
-Actually, I am making a soundtrack for Fall arc 1. Trying my best to think of a good Dislestia theme that I have.
and saying how much my rules suck. Well it sucks to be you then. "When you read in my world, you'll read by my rules."
-And the problem with that is, the moment we came here, it became our world too.
And the rule stands for BB or any guy in a couple I deeply supported: "Get the Girl... or Get punished!"
-Even if they don’t really have that much in common or are really all thatgood together, they must get together.
But remember, Terra is not the only factor.
Now, as for Logan himself, people also complain "He's too stuish and overpowered"
-I’m not complaining. I like OP bad guys. It makes me excited to kick thier asses. It feels so good that there are strong bad guys for me to kick. Because to me, a god is just another face for me to kick. If there is a dinosaur in the ice, then I want to teach it to balance atop a ball and-
Well, he kinda HAS to be, and for several reasons.
-Because I am an unoriginal hack who has no idea how tension works.
1: He is supposed to have the tittle
-I am going to be mature and not laugh at that mistake. I will not laugh and move on.
of "An Evil that is beyond ALL imagination"
-Its a shame that he isn’t, not really. Shishio, Kefka, Sephiroth, hell even Garland are more badass and evil beyond all imagination than this guy. At worst, he’s Kylo Ren.
  (Regaurdless of whatever wangasty, bitchiness, or emo slurrs people wish to mock him with)
-Oh please, as if I resort to slurs. I let the other people and my betters do that for me. I prefer to deconstruct.
 With a title like that, he SHOULDN'T be that easy to beat or even scratch,
-Ah, but with everything, there has to be a balance. Go too far one way and he’ll seem too invinvable and not very believable that the heroes can win. And when you go too far where you are taking out power houses from the cannon verse. Well, then it goes way to far and makes it look less like the villian is powerful and just an over bearing boss.
For example, Freiza was just the right mix of super powered while making it believable that he could be taken down. Dio is the same way.
 otherwise he's just another MOTW. (Monster of the Week)
-We know how Acronyms work.
  He has to be really strong, fierce, and deadly, to hold up a reputation like that
-Or just be poweful and intimating.
(Something that NO MLP villian ever did with me... not even Sombra or the Storm king)
-Wait, so the tops for you are Storm King and Sombra? SOMBRA AND STORM KING! Look I love Storm King and all, he’s a fun and silly villina, but tops on the mlp roster he is not. Hell, Tempest stole the show from him! And you put the dreaded Even on him as if he was some sort of powerhouse of MLP villians?
I'm just doing this now to mock the Storm King (Practically all MLP villains...)
-Oh this is going to be fun. Allow me to start with some Storm King questions.
*Picture Logan talking to the Storm King*
*The storm king wishes to help Logan, feeling he become more powerful if they teamed up*
Storm King: Wait, why would I want to work with this guy. He’s kind of...emo and depressing. He’ll cramp my style! Besides, he just isn’t that marketable. I mean, look at that armor, my stocks will plummet from the idea alone!
Logan: "In your world, they call you "A King?"
S.K: Well, acutally they call me the boss. I am trying to get King Trademarked but the lawyers say I don’t have a case. No good snakes.
Logan: "In mine... we would call you "a child"
Storm King: Me, a child? Oh that’s funny coming from mr. Livejournal. I have something you don’t, emo boy. Personality. Yeah, Tempest may outshine me in the movie, but lets face it...at least I’m fun. You just cry every five minutes and say how we all need to bow to you.
"An arrogant, demanding, blinded child!
Storm King: Are...are you ignoring me? I just insulted you and you are just going off on your tagent?
Do you really think that you can come to me with a proposition, assumed that I even WANT or NEED your help? Storm King...!
Storm King: Hey, you came to me, appearently to mock me. You must not have much to do.
  *Chuckles* Oh, forgive me... "Your highness." You said we understood each other... You COULD NOT be more wrong!"
Storm King: You’re right, we don’t understand each other. Give me a moment. *Snaps fingers* Tempest?
Tempest: *rolls eyes* Yes, master.
Storm King: Write me a sob story.
Tempest: *Frowns, and uses her magic to type up a story* Here ya go boss. I’m going to go get hosed.
Storm King: Ahem...My mother abused me until I was 10, leaving me to fend for myself. All the while I craved the kind touch of someone, anyone out there. It was soon that I realized that by letting others follow me, I could make the world care for me and love me like I always wanted. This also helped to fill in the loss of my father and friends, who always seemed to dissappear whenever I got close to anyone. I decided to become king in order to make the world love me.
There, now I have a sad sack story, now we understand each other.
Logan: "I understand you; your petty quest for bits of power... your need to conquer... your desires! But you... don't see me."
Storm King: *Blinks* I see you, right there. You are standing there, in front of me.
Logan: "Oh, but I am, especially in one particular way: I've EARNED my title and my position. You've been GIVEN yours, Storm King.
Storm King: Weren’t you given your power because a book saw you and thought that you were perfect for the host. Then it GAVE you the power to wipe out existance? That sounds like you were given the power to me. Right Tempest?
Tempest: *slurred* Too drunk to care!!!!!
Storm King: See? You were also given the power to make all of this by that book.Were it not for the book you would be just little Beast Boy!
I... am a true embodiment of darkness... and you're just a little boy."
Storm King: If the embodiment of darkness is a whiny 17 year-old...I need a new line of work.
Logan *Cuts in&: "You are excused... *Taps his Cane for his minions to come* Take him away, and dispose of him."
Storm King: Don’t bother, I’m out! Have fun with your destruction or whatever. By the way, my assasstant emptied your booze storage.
Tempest: ~HEre we are, the princessess of the universe~
Whoo! That felt good... now moving on...
-Awww, but I was having fun putting in the actual Storm King personality and ignoring your horribly adapted piece of material. Yeah, I know he stole it. Don’t know where, but I know he stole the dialouge.
2: He's so overpowered: Well... um, in case you didn't notice
-Yeah, I kind of been skimming the original...kind of boring if you ask me.
"He's trying to LITERALLY obliterate the universe" and in a short time as well (A matter of weeks)
-Do not get me started on your little timeline shennigans!
Don't you think you need an awful lot of power for that--
-The empire did it with only a small planetoid.
to destroy planets whole, shatter multiple stars with one strike, wipe out a million races just like that. You need LOTS of power for that.
-Eh, just a planet sized planet buster and you’re good.
And remember... It's NOT just because BB was dumped by Terra,
-But it is, I’m just trying to lie my pants off.
but that plus an and entire life of hardship, tragedy, heartbreak, misery and shameful people treating him wrong.
-i.e nobody kissing his ass and treating him like a king.
  He's angry, insane, and hurt, and he wishes to stop the pain and get revenge at the same time... Killing himself simply, will not do it (As spirits can feel pain as well, and eventually the spirits of others would join him in death...
 but through NON-EXISTENCE, that won't happen)
-Antimoniter: Ok, now I am gonna sue somebody.
Also, getting back to the Titans, and my STILL being wrong about the way they treated
-Oh joy, more “They hurt my cinnamon roll!!!!”
 Beast Boy, I still don't care. The goal of the story was to make it more THEIR FAULT all that destruction happened
 -So to prove your point, you had to lie, falsifie evidence, make faulty excuses, and trick the audience.
(They drove BB off the edge... which made the book curse him... which brought forth the destruction)
-It was all their fault and not the whiny crybaby in the corner who wants everyone to kow tow to his needs!!!!
"You did it, Titans"
-You know, this would be the point where ever one gives him a bitch slap.
And being nice to BB won't drive him off the edge, will it? and it also won't make it look more like their faults like I want it to be.
-Again, so you have to lie in order to make your story work. Have you not seen the problem with this?
That's pretty much the basic idealism I have and want to see in fiction.
-So, you are bringing out ideals and making things seem brighter?
 You tell me, "The Titans are his friends... Never treated him like that... ect, ect" I don't care.
-And I know you don’t care. Hell, this hasn’t been about making you mad, fixing you, or anything else. This has beenn purely for the enjoyment of somepeople who want a good laugh.
You tell me "He's overpowered, a stu, an unredeemable villain." Still not caring...
-Not caring, yadda yadda. How much you want to bet he is going to say that this isn’t a version of him.
I like him just how he is. and NOOOOO... he isn't a version of me,
-*Claps* Thank you for proving my faith in you.
because I do not wish to destroy ACTUAL REAL worlds or kill people in real life.
-Nope, but let’s look at the facts. He represents your ideals (No redemption, no forgiveness), he represents your hate (Terra doesn’t get together with him, he despises the Titans), he is a force of your creation that is to provide release for your own pain (Wich you admit as such), and is a whiny little brat who has to deal with the fact that no one is treating him right and he wants to be held.
Yep, that is you. It doesn’t even need to be the killing world or powers to be you. But it’s the real important thing. If you didn’t want it to be you, then you need to ditch the persona.
Killing fictional people is just part of the story (The story is no good without it) doesn't Count.
-Points to the above statement*
"Yes it does, and a it makes you a sick little freak that should be locked up"
-Hey, when you make all of the insults for me...
Again, I say... No it doesn't.
-You should actually pay attention to what you write you  know. People can so easily use it against you.
This is my world, and what I say goes... and I say, if you don't like it, then take a hike and take your so-called "Common Sense" with you!
-Very well idoit!!!!
Until next time, Mykan out!
 -Waves by.
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asmrtist-brainrot · 3 years
Hello! Would you be willing to do headcanons for Duke or Abul? Preferably the listener trying to spoil him the best that they can or just any soft moments you can think of (btw ur writing is just 👌👌 chefs kiss)
I gotchu bruh
And thank you for the compliments!!
Gender Neutral! Reader
~ Dari
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🐲 King Abul Dierian 🐲
(I still don’t know how to spell his last name.)
mmm, he just works so hard and has practically has to be everywhere at once, honestly being king just comes with many responsibilities and while he takes it in stride...
it takes a lot out of him
but being someone that has enough self-care that he literally left the kingdom to spend his time alone on a faraway mountain - he usually makes sure he gives himself time
mostly by doing all the work quick and early
there is still a lot and while you cannot give your king much as he has almost everything... there are things you could do for him
visit him throughout the day, make sure your work could be easily covered as you do so - perhaps just get him in on something so you could follow him around as an attendant of some sort
honestly taken aback by all the things you're doing
fresh baked bread, tea is made, pillows and cushions are fluffed, and you're just sitting on his lap and feeding him as he kinda just runs the kingdom from his desk
probably kinda embarrassed that you occasionally will just pepper him in kisses, running your fingers through his hair and scratching at the base of his horns - rubbing at his neck and shoulders and back
his tail is just thumping away, and his cheeks get all flushed and he just can't stop smiling
while usually restless and pacing, while you're perched in his lap - he doesn't feel the need to move and surprisingly gets done a lot quicker than usual
will absolutely ham up the whole "tired and needing stress relief" thing to get you to do it all more often, complete with the pouty lip and eyes
🐂 Duke 🐂
(Baby just don’t got a last name... It’s fine, we’ll give him ours.)
another hard worker that feels the need to move a lot
honestly, you probably won't be able to get him to stop from doing chores as the man wakes up at the crack of dawn to take care of the farm and such
but you might be able to lighten the load by doing some of the chores between your studies of the tome, though nothing too taxing because he will scold you for it
"Let me use these muscles for something darlin'!"
somedays, he works harder than others so getting some stuff together so he doesn't have to worry about it and just rest with you would be ideal
making dinner and cleaning up inside, putting on some moon bell tea for his aches and pains - draw up a bath and warm it with  a spell so he can wash up
he will be so taken aback that he just doesn't know what to say, kinda scrambling for a response before shyly telling you that you didn't need to do all of this
just kiss him and point him in the direction of the bath, he'd just get his tail into the bath with no more lip
after everything, have him lay down and give him a massage - he might still be sore after all and he would not complain if you got a lil' more handsy
then shimmy under his arm, kinda use him as a blanket
read or sing or talk to him, he finds such comfort in your voice and security in the knowledge that you'd be there the next day
... Duke is a very simple man and the both of you don't have a lot of means so it is more than enough for him to know that you care so much
(the thought of you being his house-spouse also speaks to the domestic part in him)
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