celestialwife · 5 months
yayy nice to see you reblog the ship questions as well >:))) 6 for pre-relationship and 7 for love!! -mysilentnightshipping
Aaa thank you dear!! <33 I'm gonna go with Poe and Volya for this one...
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
For Poe, I don't think he'd be surprised in the least, and might even agree with you. He's intuitive, and one of the things that make them work so well is the fact that they kind of instantly *click* because they understand each other on an incredibly deep level - even before they're together (which kind of happens accidentally), they're ready to be besties with each other.
Volya would definitely be a little more skeptical. She knows she feels a draw to Poe, and definitely feels like her life is finally clicking into place now that Poe is part of her family, but for a Jedi, she doesn't believe too much in the idea of 'fate', and thinks the concept of a soulmate sounds silly and as frivolous as some of the prophesies she's read about back home. It's a belief that gets challenged pretty quickly.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Pretty much everything? They're each other's best friend and family, so they tend to do everything together. I think Poe's favorite thing to do with Volya is to snuggle with her, though. It's not something they get to do a ton of, so he doesn't get to luxuriate in snuggling with her too often outside of when they go to sleep at night. Bonus points if he gets to snuggle her while they watch a movie, though.
Volya's favorite thing to do with Poe is either have picnics with him, at a waterfall fairly close to the Resistance base that she goes to when she's feeling overwhelmed, or hanging out with him while he works on his ship. She loves how focused he gets when he's doing repairs, and she'll just end up sitting or laying on the s-foils of his X-Wing talking to him or listening to the music he's playing while he works.
ship questions!
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mysilentnightshipping · 11 months
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sonja ✧ 23 ✧ she/her & bi ✧ 🇫🇮 ✧ self-ship sideblog
✧ i like/follow from abstractragedy and my ask box is always open :)
✧ you can find my f/o list here. i tend to switch up the f/o i'm fixated on, but currently my main f/o is tom wambsgans from succession! <3
✧ expect lots of imagines, some good old blorboposting and some art & fics every once in a while!
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canongf-archive · 2 years
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💗💗 AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH FRIENDS!!!!! 💗💗💗  i am feeling SO loved and it’s makin’ me cry a lil bit!!!!! it has been an absolutely wonderful day so far and so much of that is bc i have all of you in my life!!!!! sending u all of my love, thank u for thinking of me!!!!! 💗💗💗
@omgselinabeckendorf @imaginesforallkindoflove @softnice @abstractragedy @widowsdarling @raquelmrillo @ducksona @derelicthereticshipping
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jyndawn · 4 years
A SELF INDULGENT PROMPT FOR YOU: ben teaching you how to do calligraphy, holding your hand and whispering instructions to your ear 😇 either modern au and canonverse
Ben makes calligraphy look easy.
You keep having to remind yourself that he’s studied the art of calligraphy for years, starting from when he was a young boy. His mother had taught him. You’re just now getting started.
But even after two weeks of practicing, your attempts have not improved. Your writing looks sloppy, uneven, the ink bleeding out from the lines. Your shaking hands have yet to build up the muscle memory to steady them.
A shadow falls over you and a pair of warm, huge hands squeeze your shoulders, making all the tension in your body slacken. Ben. He’s home early today.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he greets with a kiss to your cheek, making you giggle. “Still at it?”
“Yeaaaaah,” you grimace, looking back at the sheets you’ve been practicing on. Ben takes a seat next to you and takes a closer look, shuffling through the pages. “Uh, it’s…not looking very polished. It’ll take me at least 84 years before I show any improvement.”
“You exaggerate too much,” he leans until his head is resting against yours. “You ARE improving; you’re just too hard on yourself.”
Ben sighs and brings a hand up to your shoulder, pulling you closer to his side. “When are you going to see yourself the way I see you?”
You swallow thickly, unable to answer him. Unable to completely accept that Ben sees you as if you’re such a priceless treasure that he covets. You hold yourself to an impossible standard, one that you’ll never achieve, and it’s so easy for you to belittle yourself.
So easy to proclaim that you suck at this and laugh at your own expense. That you’re silly for even trying calligraphy in the first place. 
“You should have seen my workbooks when I first started. I didn’t have the patience back then. I wanted perfection just like that,” he snaps his fingers for emphasis, “and if I didn’t get it right the first time? I’d quit.”
“Bet your mom didn’t like that.”
Ben laughs so hard that his shoulders shake. “Oh, god no. She grounded me. Dad had to play mediator between us and he practically begged me to do it so we could have peace in the house again.”
You can’t help but laugh along with him, picturing Ben as a stubborn child knocking heads with his equally stubborn parents.
“But I’m glad they didn’t let me quit. I eventually grew to love it,” his smile fades a bit, “and it makes me feel close to them. Like they’re actually here.”
Your mood sobers, remembering that Ben’s parents had passed away a few years ago, days apart from each other. Ben was devastated when he found out.
“Anyways, what I’m trying to—to get at is,” he takes a deep breath to compose himself. “We can’t expect perfection whenever we try something new. In fact, we need to accept that we’ll make mistakes. We learn from them and that’s how we improve.”
“That makes sense,” you flip through your workbook, mentally noting that there’s a little improvement between the first page and the one your practicing on now. Small, but it’s progress. “I just gotta...stay positive. Keep practicing.”
“And quit being so hard on yourself,” Ben adds. “You’re off to a great start and I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. I’m proud of you.”
You feel your eyes burn with the threat of tears and you blink them away, willing your face to stay composed. “Thank you, Ben.”
“Anytime, starlight,” he smiles so widely that the corners of his eyes crinkles. “Give me a kiss.”
“Just one?” you tease, smiling back at him. “Are you going to be satisfied with just one kiss?”
“Perhaps I should be more specific.”
“You really should,” you lean up and press your lips to his, reveling in how soft and warm they are against your own. You draw away slightly, your nose bumping into his. “So how many?”
“That’ll take 84 years for me to give you that many.”
“Then we better get started.”
Then he dives in to receive his second kiss.
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clydeluckylogan · 3 years
i had to chime in when i saw that y’all also assigned clyde as summer baby, he’s definitely a cancer and i love imagining a summer birthday for him !! (and not just bc capricorn aka my sign matches well with cancers, noooope.) as his birthday is so close to july 4th (maybe july 3rd or july 6th?), maybe when he was a kid it could go unnoticed a bit (not by his folks or anything) but yknow his school friends maybe weren’t in town for the day or already made other plans. (oopsie i made it sad) but after you two start dating he starts appreciating his birthdays more, because they’re always so lovely and fun with you 🥺
This is it. This is the message that confirms Clyde is a summer baby. 
His parents and siblings never forgot his birthday. It definitely got overlooked by his friends. So yeah, sometimes it was a sad thing.
You’re right though, he does start appreciating his birthdays more when he’s with you because you never forget. You always make a big deal out of it because you make him realize that it’s important, that he deserves to be celebrated and to be showered with love. 
I love this so much. 
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callmehopeless · 4 years
75. Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing Kiss with our mans flip :3
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“Smells amazing.”
Flip’s hands skim around your waist as you stir the wooden ladle - pushing at the chili and humming to yourself quietly. He loves this part: loves coming home to the muted melodies, the smell of something delicious on the stove.
He loves coming home to you.
Hands roam under the cotton of your shirt; flattening on your stomach, pulling you flush to his own. The way you lean back into him as though on instinct...God. Will there ever be enough of this for him? Ever be enough reasons not to lavish you in kisses?
Speaking of which...
He nudges your jaw upward; finding the place your pulse jumps. Wet lips press to the curve of you: fingers squeezing, Flip’s satisfied hum reverberating through the flannel on his chest.
“Flip,” you tut, breathy in your protest. “Baby...”
“What? So my beautiful wife doesn’t deserve me treating her to a little affection?”
His teeth nip slightly at your skin there, and oh. Yes: that’s it. That’s the ticket.
“You...” you sigh, eyes closing as the spoon falls slack. “You want your dinner all burned? That’s where this is heading, Zimmerman.”
Flip shrugs.
“I could be eating something else...”
You choke on your own tongue just enough to make him smirk. Fingers massage the skin on your hipbones; making you squirm in that heady way you always do.
Fuck; he loves it. 
“I’ll go set the table. Keep my hands occupied.”
He’s a flirt.
But he’s yours.
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direnightshade · 4 years
Do you know if there are any Hungry Hearts fics out there?
Hi, my friend!
@sydneyssmut has some content for you here.
@in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather has some Jude here.
@callmehopeless has a couple bits about Jude here and here.
@abstractragedy has a fic here.
@aclamclriver has content here and here.
And I’m always open to writing Jude if anyone ever feels like putting a request in for him. :) Hope that helps you, nonny!
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elithien · 6 years
i'm so glad i found your work. it always carries this ethereal feeling that i'm drawn to, and you succeed to capture the chemistry between rey and kylo so wonderfully. seeing such great art inspires me and motivates me to work harder on mine. thank you for sharing your art with us :')
This got me all so tingly ;v; thank you so much for this lovely, lovely message!
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Coming soon to Now part of the Reylo Fanfiction Anthology:
bound to be something, a Changing Seasons piece by @abstractragedy.
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reylomuseum · 3 years
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The Reylo Museum 5th Edition
Theme: Free
Deadline: 12 September 2021
Sign-up Form: tinyurl.com/reylomuseum5
If you have any questions, please write me a message or an email.
Tagging the artists who have previously taken part in the project. It would be a pleasure to have you participate again.
@persimart (@persimonne)
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politicalmamaduck · 4 years
Reylo Fic Recs: Fantasy, Fae, Magic, Fairy Tale, and Mythology
Ours Is The Fury by @shmisolo
Rey was tasked with taking Storm's End for her king.  She defeated the Storm King Snoke in the Rainwood, but when she proceeded to the castle itself, preparing for a long siege, things did not go to plan.
A Man Called Winter by @reylotrashcompactor
The girl didn’t dream. Perhaps it was because she needed more to fuel nighttime sojourns than fantasies of a full belly, of escaping the desert. Perhaps she exhausted all these dreams years ago, falling to sleep in the soft embrace of hope and waking in the hard grip of reality. Or perhaps dreams simply could not permeate the armored shell she slept inside, those rusted walls resistant to blaster fire as well as the simple comfort of imagination. Maybe this was why, on a particularly stifling night, when sleeping on her gritty pallet in the too-still air finally proved unbearable, and she had rucked the mess of salvaged pilot seats and threadbare blankets into the sand outside her door, that he came to her first. She laid under the stars, straining her exhausted body for a cool breeze, and found sleep. And he found her.
Between Death and Winter by @shmisolo
“I’ll answer none of your questions, crow,” she snapped.Ben placed the butt of the spear down in the snow and leaned on it as he sheathed his sword. He was breathing more heavily than he wanted to admit as he looked down at her.You should kill her, then, he thought in a voice that sounded very much like the Lord Commander’s. If she’d rather die, then let her die.Except there was something wrong in that. He didn’t know why, but it felt wrong.“Pity for you,” he said and he broke the spear over his knee. “I’ll be taking you with me back to Castle Black.”The moment the words were out of his lips, he regretted them. He was the First Ranger, he was in the middle of a ranging—he didn’t have time to keep a spearwife hostage.
all true lovers are by @abstractragedy
She might seem lonely, but Ben can sense that this forest is her faithful audience, and she is nothing but alone. The birds chirp a symphony to her, and the greenery around her bows, grateful to be blessed by her beauty.  She truly is beautiful, but that’s not the entire reason he is so drawn to her.  It’s her Magic.
Wintertide by @transpogrrl
It was important work, gathering fuel for the Burning of the Ren, though only an outcast like the Scavenger could do it. The ceremony marked the turning of one year into the next, and ensured the light would come again to drive back winter’s darkness.The good Queen had tried to change the ancient rite, to mark the year without the loss of one more soul from their war-torn land. But in the ten years since her decree, the disasters sweeping over them had only multiplied. Famine, flood, unearthly winds and the summer’s fires had torn at people’s goodness, and the refugees that sought the Queen’s peace had only taxed it more. When a Wizard suggested that only human sacrifice would appease the angry spirits, the people listened, and demanded a real Ren for the fire.
The Scavenger Bride by @the-reylo-void
After a fairytale summer romance, Rey of Jakku sees her beloved, Prince Ben Solo of Alderaan, off to his uncle's temple, only to learn of his death at the hands of the Dread Knight Ren, a feared warrior who never takes prisoners. But fairytales are never quite that simple, and Rey soon finds herself swept up in a game of political intrigue that threatens to tear the galaxy apart. With new lifelong friends (thieves, but who's counting), mostly-dead ex-boyfriends with too many names, a grumpy wizard who wants nothing to do with any of this, and POUS (Porgs of Unusual Size), Rey's got her work cut out for her and will need her wits, strength, and the strange force she's felt inside of her for years to find her true love. 
The Hunter and the Swordsman by @dreamsdescent
It was the first part of the night, and the Hunter was rising in the sky. Four stars stretched out in each direction, with a belt of three across the middle.For many generations he had watched over her kind during these long nights in the depths of winter, and now he was her only companion.The star that made the Hunter’s right shoulder shone red, reminding her of warmth, of flowers and flesh and blood, of all the things that sustained life amidst the cold emptiness of the heavens.With the fire of earth at her back and the fire in the sky over her face, Rey calmed herself and listened. Soon she could hear it, the song of the red star, low and lonesome like the call of the mourning dove.She reached out to it as if it were to someone, and sang a quiet, but high and warbling answer, as if to say, you are not alone. Whether she was reassuring herself or the other, she did not know.The red star blinked in the sky, beating along with her heart as she fell into a dreamless sleep.
Stolen Hearts by @capaldisrighteyebrow
As the Judge of Souls, Rey weighs humans' hearts to assign their fates. When an imposing man who goes by Kylo Ren shows up without a heart, Rey seizes the chance to solve a mystery that threatens the universe. Returning to the mortal world together, Rey and Kylo rush to find his murderer and restore balance.
The Dragon Queen's Moon by @diadumene
“My handmaidens once told me a story,” Daenerys mused. “During my time in Essos, I would hear many variations of the story. Would you like to hear the one I liked best?”After a moment, Sansa nodded. “I would like that very much, Dany.” Dany gave her a look of approval and straightened her back. “Let me tell you the story of how the dragons were born and the moon and the sun fell in love with one another…”
All In Her Arms by @aionimica
Three things are to be expected when the dragon came back to the stars. The first was that one didn’t leave their home at night.The second was that one didn’t go check the noise they heard at the edge of the woods, no matter the cause.And last and final and arguably most important was that one most definitely did not get married.
in this white wave by @something-pithy
It was King Kylo’s season, and he had been born to rule it. Blood of the Tuatha de Danaan ran in his veins, yes, but in addition to the most glorious of the sidhe,  the darkest of the Unseelie. He had been born to break the wheel and rebuild it anew, to rid the world of the systems and order that stifled it and bring the Unseelie back to power so that they could set the fae free once more. And he would be enjoying his victory -- the death of his twisted, decrepit master, his rightful place in the universe secured, the triumph of the Unseelie over the Seelie -- but for an impudent nocker, a tinkerer, a little no-one who had worked her way into his very soul.In which King Kylo of the Winter Court and Rey of the Summer Court struggle with the past, themselves, and their ferbidden Seelie/Unseelie luuuuuurve.
echoes (again) by @soul8
again and again, she slips from his grasp like moonlight (reincarnation au where ben seeks her through their past lives and maybe, just maybe this time this time will be the last)
there may be something there that wasn't there before. by @aquawolfgirl
She’s a thief, small and lithe. Her days are spent pickpocketing and snatching from market stalls. She has the sun in her skin and the light in her smile. She is beauty. He is a prince, at war with himself. He is a mix of a man, a hybrid of containment and utter chaos. He has the night in his hair and hatred in his eyes. He is beast.cShe just stole from the wrong garden. “You are aware that doesn’t belong to you, are you not?”
Like Blood, Like Honey by @lariren-shadow
“Sweet Rey,” Kylo said as he gently grabbed her chin.  “We’re all monsters in the Unseelie Court.”When Rey moves in with her grandfather the summer before college she expected a part time job at best.  Instead she found herself mixed up in the world of faeries.
Waves Calling Her Home by @shelikespretties
“When will you return to me, Selkie wife?” he taunted. “Have they hidden your skin that well?”She nudged him hard in the ribs with the foot he’d been cradling, pushing him away. “I’m no one’s wife, and my skin is safe exactly where I placed it. I’m not coming back. I’m here for a reason.”
The Sands of Jakku by ASingleWhiteDoe
Rey is a street rat and a scavenger in the deserts of Jakku, but when a haggard man approaches her and Finn about a lamp located in a strange and wonderful cave, all of that changes.
between belief and the sea by @thewayofthetrashcompactor
Rey has a busy schedule: between her part time jobs, trying to get a degree, and breaking into certain people's homes to steal items she can pawn off to Unkar Plutt, she doesn't have time for anything mysterious or unusual. And she's not exactly in the habit of returning lost property. However, something gets her to make an exception. Which somehow mixes her up with Ben Solo, and that turns out to be a hard bond to break.
Song in a Thousand Pieces by @thewayofthetrashcompactor
Snoke holds up a hand. “A nightingale.”The man bows. “Yes, my lord.”“In the Jakku forests.” Snoke’s voice is emotionless.The man pauses before answering, unsure of himself. “Yes, my lord,” he finally says.Snoke settles back into his throne. “Kylo Ren," he orders, and Kylo swiftly steps forward. "Bring it to me.”
Paradise Regained by @lasthopesolo
Where all fates of the universe are decided, there lives a wandering immortal, leaving behind in her wake dried and decayed things. Rey, bringer of death and rot, worries she will never find her place of belonging. Everything changes when she comes across a wailing immortal, the scent of spring clinging vigorously to him as fresh flowers dance in the wind around him.
Wherever There is You, I Will be There Too by @optimus-pam
According to Greek mythology, Tartarus is the deep abyss used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked. Rey journeys there in search of a lost soul.
it shall not be death by TolkienGirl
Rey of the Jedi Knights is sent with her sword and Holy Fire, to destroy a palace of thorns.It doesn't quite go as planned.
Fated by @shmisolo
Emperor Palpatine declared that it was the new horse in his stable that  would reward Kylo of Alderaan’s saving his life, fulfilling the Law of  Surprise.  But the fates had other plans, and would not be denied.
My own fics in these categories:
“Do you remember when we first met?” he asked, tracing her cheekbone. “I thought I had strayed into a dream,” she murmured, looking up into his eyes.“Long years have passed; you do not have the cares that you carry now.” He sighed, looking down and burdened for only a moment. He looked back up at her, focusing his powerful gaze once more. “Do you remember what I told you?”She could not meet his gaze. She knew the words; they were etched on her heart. Yet she still could not believe them, could not believe that he had said them in the first place, let alone held himself to them all these years later. “You said you would bind yourself to me, forsaking the immortal life of your people.”
your love is my immortal crown
A young woman makes a choice and ascends her grandfather’s throne, becoming a goddess and a queen to save her lover, the god of spring, who will stop at nothing to return to her.
The Prince and the Dragon
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a prince who met a dragon woman.
if it were only the stars we had wanted to conquer
Amid a backdrop of persecution of magic users and First Order colonization, Kylo Ren discovers a powerful fellow magic user named Rey on a mission for his master. There is more than meets the eye with Rey's magic, however, and she longs to understand her true calling. Yet her fate is inextricably bound with his own.
I am sending back the key
Rey's mysterious new husband, Ben Solo, asks her not to enter his study. But who is he really and what is the truth about his family history?
Hidden in the Desert Sands
The prince ran away from home, and found himself in the desert. A scavenger's kindness reveals more than scrap metal buried under the sands.
My other fic rec lists:
Fic Recs Under 100 Kudos | Smuggler Ben Solo | Historical AU | Modern AU | Dark Side Rey | Canonverse | Smut |
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bexterbex · 4 years
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So I have been taking a break but I still got some stuff for y’all. Some different but really good things to get you through these weird and crazy times.
Implications by @angelqueen04​ From their Ao3
When Palpatine implied that Padmé and Obi-Wan might be up to something, what if Anakin hadn't responded by turning into a jealous twit?
A Padme/Obi-Wan/Anakin piece or Obianidala piece. The description is perfect for this steamy piece [Status: Complete]
the stars of the south (guide me to you) by @abstractragedy​ From their Ao3
There’s something living in the forest. Something you can’t quite put your finger into.
The opportunity to head south to your grandparents’ old cabin for the summer break was more than inviting. A whole month of solitude, early mornings with orange-red sunrises, the rushing water of the creek – all of it sounded positively seductive, and you were more than interested.
Now, after you’ve settled in, you are positively certain something is taking residence in the forest – something unnatural. 
A Flip Zimmerman x Reader that is all types of mysterious. If you like Mountain men/Lumberjacks this is a good mythical take on it. [Status: Complete]
Veneers by @obfuscatress​ from their Ao3
Ad left 10h ago in section male - male
HHeart: Looking for someone to accompany a middle-aged man to a social outing in the country NEXT weekend. I only wish to make my homophobic mother squirm non-stop for sixty hours and nothing more. Successful applicant will be rewarded handsomely. Cash bonus on offer if you are one or several of the following: young (must be eighteen or over - no practical joke is above the law), working class, someone with an extreme aversion to received pronunciation or in possession of a strong regional accent/dialect.
A Kingsman Harry Heart/Eggsy Unwin Fake Dating AU that is SO good. Honestly changed my view of that movie and got me into this ship. [Status: Complete]
Returning to Sanity by AchillesTheGeek on Ao3
It's just after the Battle of Hogwarts, and the insanity that was Voldemort is over. The clean-up is about to begin. How will the Wizarding World return to sanity? And will Harry manage to keep his?
EWE. Rated M for later chapters. M/M, adult themes, possible MPREG
I know Harry Potter is controversial right now but this is a really good Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy work that doesn’t give money to JK Rowling. Its 100 chapters and really really good. It’s a beast at 605,095 words, but if you have nothing else to read at the moment this is good to curl up with. 
NOTE: These are works that I enjoy, you don’t have to like them. I am open to suggestions but I can be very picky about what I actually enjoy. I have consumed a lot of work, but there are only so many that I would recommend. No hate on any authors work but this is my opinion.
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waywardrose · 4 years
Bold all the likes
SOFT: baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
DARK ACADEMIA: neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
EDGY: closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
70s: colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
PREPPY CASUAL: collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colourful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairylights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
tagged by: @hrh-selene-r (Thank you, honey!!!!)
tagging: @morby, @abstractragedy, @a-true-janian-reply, @notsolittledebby
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lifeoneptune · 4 years
I was tagged by @davethecryptid  to spell out my url w song titles and tag as many blogs as there are letters in my url! let’s go!
l - lonely gun by cyn
i - isle of flightless birds by twenty-one pilots
f - figure it out - royal blood
e - experiment on me by halsey
o - oh no! by marina (and the diamonds, i mean i know she took of the diamonds)
n - no care by daughter
e - evil twin by arctic monkeys
p - paraíso portatíl by selvagens à procura de lei
t - the president has a sex tape by k.flay
u - up to no good by the hoosiers
n - na na na (na na na na na na na na na) by my chemical romance
e - everything you’ve come to expect by the last shadow puppets
ok 14 mutuals here we go (only do it if you want to! )
@whenhewasyoung @goodboybensolo @polovtsiandances @heaven-by-the-sea @thebatshitcrazyfangirl @pennyshipsreylo @kylorenownsmyass @thewickedphantomofchess @paranoid-calm @abstractragedy @braceyourselveslampiscoming @naked-lickable-cat @madasahatterlostasalice @daydreamerneko123
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jyndawn · 4 years
Summary: Clyde comforts you when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Rating: E
Pairing: Clyde Logan / Reader
A/N: Long time, no see. I’m a little out of practice so bear with me; work has been hell and I’m always tired. But I’ll try to start writing more. Anyways, this is a small snippet for my darling @abstractragedy​ to cheer her up. I love you! And so does Clyde. ♥ 
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“I’m scared, Clyde.”
Outside, the storm rages; constant rain, flashes of lightning, heavy wind kicking up debris. The weather station is on TV with the reporter reading off a severe thunderstorm warning and a tornado watch for the county. Clyde had turned it on a few minutes ago and hadn't moved from his spot on the couch. The rigid way he’s holding himself tells you that he’s ready to haul you to the basement if it gets any worse. 
Thank God Clyde moved out of that trailer; a tornado would have shredded right through it. Here, in this small house — with an actual foundation that’s anchored to the earth — you both stand a better chance. Hopefully you don’t have to put it to the test tonight.
“Don’t be,” Clyde puts an arm around your shoulder and pulls you to his side, squeezing gently. “I’m right here and I ain’t goin’ nowhere. Seen plenty of storms like these o’er the years; it’ll pass.”
��I’m not — not talking about the storm. Not really,” you start haltingly. “I mean, yeah, the weather’s a little scary, but I’m more scared of starting the new semester.”
Clyde eases away slightly to appraise you, his concern shifting from the weather over to you seamlessly. The soft, loving look in his eyes is what makes you fall to pieces. Your face crumples up, tears tracking down your cheeks, shoulders hitching. You expect that he’ll move away, taken aback by your hysterics, especially something over as simple as starting college.
But everything about Clyde doesn’t budge — his facial expressions, the way he keeps holding you close even as you’re crying your heart out. Even when the thunder shakes the walls of the house you two share, Clyde Logan doesn’t budge.
“It’s just overwhelming and — and with the pandemic and the costs and I won’t see my friends as often. And my family and you. Especially you. What if...what if after all this, you won’t love me—”
“I’m gonna stop you right there,” he says with an edge in his voice that startles you to silence. “Seems t’me you need a reminder to take with you before you leave.”
He tilts your chin up and you nearly start bawling again when you see that rare, genuine smile that he claims only you can bring out.
“You ain’t ever going to lose me,” he starts, then wipes your tears away with the pad of his thumb. “Time and distance don’t mean a damn thing t’me. I’ll always love you, banana split, for as long I live.”
You take in a shuddering breath, willing yourself not to get choked up, your lips trembling. “I love you, too.”
“Ain’t never been more proud of you than I— ”
A hiccup from you interrupts him, followed by another one. Another. Clyde purses his lips, trying his damndest not to laugh at you, but the hiccups keep coming. You try holding your breath, but you can’t get them to stop. You slump over, your head in your hands, fingers gripping your hair tight enough to sting.
“Go ahead and — hic — laugh. This is my own — hic — fault. Goddamnit.”
You feel Clyde’s hand warm on your back, rubbing up and down. “I’m trying my best not to, sweetheart. You ain’t making it easy on me.”
As your hiccups settle, Clyde pulls you onto his lap. You unload everything that’s been weighing on your mind onto Clyde and he accepts it without hesitation. He listens and gives you the reassurance that makes everything more bearable. Easier to carry with you.
Soon, the thunderstorm settles along with your worries. The very next morning, Clyde takes you out on the back porch and when you look up, there’s nothing but clear skies aglow with pinks, oranges, and purples.
The future looks bright.
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clydeluckylogan · 3 years
CLYDETIME CLYDETIME. i really do be thinkin about clyde all the time. just wanna cuddle that big soft man. i do feel like he's a very tactile person with those he loves, he takes a bit of time to open up but once he does, he WILL be all over you. small touches throughout the day, lingering hands and soft pecks whenever he can give them. and he'll always end the day with cuddles :')
I have to say I love the enthusiasm here as well as the soft Clyde thoughts you provided. 
Soft and cuddly Clyde Logan is my favorite Clyde Logan. Luckily he’s soft and cuddly all the time once he’s opened up and comfortable with you. 
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