#absolutely all supa strikas characters.
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elmatashaw · 1 year ago
Making headcanons for every character in supastrikas!!
they all are fucking gay
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mimpinightmare · 8 months ago
TOPIC: Diego's Potential Coming Back As A Recurring Antagonist In The Show (Discussions)
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I feel like the Supa Strikas fandom will not remember who he is, SO HERE I AM, REMINDING YOU HIS EXISTENCE! >:D
When I was re-watching "Rookie Season", this guy (for some reason-) have always stand out to me, that ideas and potential character arcs for Diego has been overflowing in my brain for the past months- SO, HERE IS WHAT IDEAS AND ARCS I COME UP WITH FOR THIS GUY:
If Season 8 (or Rookie Season 2) ever come out, I've always feel like Diego should come back as an antagonist for Skarra and Shakes.
When the show introduced him, we were shown of him greeting Shakes and Skarra, (even knowing their names), despite both of them have no idea who Diego is. Then he introduce himself to them and reveals he knows them by RESEARCHING HIS COMPETITORS- This is, of course, not a "101 in how to write character motivation tropes" but, THAT RIGHT THERE IS SUCH A COMMON TROPE FOR VILLIANS TO DO- (like I said, this isn't a case for all characters who do this) This just show us that, Diego, is ABSOLUTELY READY for his opponents coming in his way.
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There's are also moments where he'll do anything to win (or this case, to have the spot in Supa Strikas.) There's a scene where Diego is the last person to arrive to the Try-Outs and slickly, snitch on the Deadly Duo for checking out the Trophy Room. There's also a scene where in the "Training Test", he wasn't doing great in it that, the way for him to win, is to cheat his way, by sabotaging Shakes by holding down the weights.
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And when he got eliminated, he (sarcastically) said he was honored to participate, then goes through a hissy fit that he didn't win, to the point, broke a window- THE MAN HAS GRUDGES AND AN EGO, PERFECT FOR A VILLIAN!
So, after all that, I thought if he DID COME BACK, he should join a super league team (that is not Invincible United or Supa Strikas). I suggest Bark FC. (I SWEAR IS "PROBABLY" NOT BECAUSE HE WEARS PURPLE-)
Now, I know people are probably disagreeing me for putting him in Barka FC (which is fine, we don't need to agree on everything) because Barka FC is well known to be clean and honest with it's tactics, and extremely friendly with other Super League Teams and Players, and pretty much that reputation is thanks to Riano. But, hear me out, THAT'S THE POINT! Diego is shown to be the very opposite of Barka FC is known for, snitching, cheating, being immature after he lose to something. There so much shenanigan interactions potential if he becomes a Barka FC player.
I imagine if he were a new rookie in the team, everyone in Barka would be really nice to him and welcome Diego (he is glad tho). But then, his true colors reveal, every time they lose, he'll go on a hissy fit and say nasty things towards the opponents (even to Teams playing and winning fair and square). Sometimes, he would snitch or accidently spread false rumors because he heard it somewhere, on other players (even his own team). HECK, in Rookie Season, he has really good social skills, so him being a two-face person in the team will make interesting interactions. He would be really friendly to his opponents first, then after Barka FC wins he would give such a handback compliments to them. Imagine Barka FC have to apologies every time Diego do something wrong. Pretty much his Team does not like him (but doesn't show it to Diego's face because, unlike him, their mature people). Actually, I wouldn't be surprise if the guy turn out to be one of the most disliked players in his Team, AND in the Super League-
I kinda headcanon Diego and Riano almost being the same age (Diego being 2 years young than Riano). So, the idea how these two interacting will be SUPER distressing and chaotic. Riano trying his best guiding Diego's way to becoming a "less" dislikable person. Teaching him how to be patient, how to not be a stuck-up, and so far, trying to be the best role model he could be to Diego. Unfortunately, Diego see this as an insult, for thinking there's something wrong with his character to be fix. Riano would be seen, being tired and giving annoyed expressions when dealing with Diego. (Also, I like the Idea, if this takes place after Season 7, Riano would call Shakes up, and let out all his troubles about Diego to Shakes. I also like the idea that, the entire Barka Fc Team would go to a bar or hangout somewhere Diego is out of sight, and cheer each other up after meddling with him-)
Also, had an idea that the Barka FC Players TRY THEIR DAMN HARDEST to convince the Barka FC Higher Ups to let go of Diego from their Team, since he's unbearable to work with and ruining Barka Fc's image. The Higher Ups decline because Diego has really great skills in football and is a great asset for the Team to win. (the players groan everyday, waking up knowing they have to babysit Diego-)
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Now, one of his arcs I thought for him, is becoming an antagonist for Shakes and Skarra. I imagine, either in Season 8 or Rookie Season 2, a scene where Skarra and Shakes bump into each other and start their bickering rivalry. And then out of nowhere, Diego pops in, interrupting their rivalry, and give a speech about his motivations, revealing that he will get revenge on Skarra and Shakes for taking his place in the Try-Outs for Supa Strikas, and promise them living hell when they meet him. (I know it wouldn't make sense if Diego had a grudge on Skarra, because Shakes is the one who got in. But I feel like Skarra would still be on Diego's list because he was eliminated, before Skarra and Shakes.) (Also, I want more Skarra and Shakes interactions in the show-)
And after all the monologue speech from him, Skarra and Shakes just looks at him in confusion and asked, "Who are you?" "Do we know you?", like a call back to Rookie Season 1. Diego would be shocked, and upset of them for not remembering him at all- And explain who he is and introducing himself (again) to them. (They still don't remember-) This will give Diego more motivation to take revenge on them.
Shakes and Skarra would brush him off and leaves, underestimate Diego capabilities as a person. Then in the future, Skarra and Shakes would be in complicated situations together, have to solve it together, and will reveal, Diego is the one behind it (and they will take him down together). They will have to now knowledge Diego as a threat and (unfortunately for their sake) have to look out for one another.
I know, and i mean, I KNOW, some people in the Supa Strikas community, want for Shakes and Skarra to interact more and DESPRATE some continuation on their relationship getting better. SO WHY NOT DO THAT, IN A WAY, BY GIVING THEM BOTH, THE DEADLY DUO, A COMMON THREAT TO SOLVE??? DIEGO! :D AND ABSOLUTELY KNOW, somewhere, out there, if Season 8 were to happen, people want to see Skarra's Redemption Arc, so this is one of the way I can think of that would do it! After dealing with Diego sometimes, both of them will slowly open up and bond. Rivalry slowly turns into Friendship again. And Skarra, even though is hard for him, will tell Shakes how he feels. (Less sad and aggressive than in "Food for Thought S7E11" of course-)
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I also like the idea of Diego, despite him, probably, have a grudge against Supa Strikas for not picking him, is STILL A FAN OF SUPA STRIKAS-
He would scoff of merely thinking and talking about them in one scene, but in the next one, he is impressed and spats out information about what makes Supa Strikas great. And then realizes what he's doing and nonchalantly says "I mean, their still a bad team tho..." or something similar to that.
It will be a running joke in some episodes, to the point, his Team DEFINITELY knows he still loves Supa Strikas, and a massive Nerd for them. (I even envision one of the players gifting Diego a Special Edition Supa Strikas Jersey and was super excited about it, but then he immediately snaps out of his fanboying-ness, and cuts to him saying "I-I mean, It's a fine Jersey...", but then continues of him saying something like, "Would be a shame if that gift will go to waste...", then takes the shirt in a speed of light, close the door, wears the jersey, and reveals his room is full of Supa Strikas merchandise-)
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I know this is a dedicated post for Diego, But may I give some potential ideas for Raj :
Half of me is torn between 2 ideas:
1. Raj and Diego would be on the same team.
2. Raj would be in a different team, and he would join Sa Ming FC. (I've always wanted some Sa Ming screen time for so long, even though they never have dialogue and not important in the show, to the point, the creators unfortunately forgot they exist- So why not bring them back, with RAJ as a NEW ROOKIE?!?! Like COME ON, I absolutely love his design, I just wish in the future, if there if more Supa Strikas seasons coming, we will see him again) (Also need more Asian Representation in the Show, so Sa Ming FC, which represents Thailand, and Raj together, united, is the Asian Solidarity I must have and need!!!)
Shout out to @strika-archyvez for conforming Sa Mings FC's Origins being from and representing Thailand, in their post, under the comments!
There's also some cool facts about their lead player. :D You should totally read up about it here:
Here's some few ideas I thought for Diego's and Raj's Relationship with each other:
Raj would be the only one who tolerates Diego's behavior and would become "Side Friends" with him in the Super League. Raj would be Diego's moral compass (that Diego tries to ignore), and try to snap senses into him for what he's doing. Diego would think Raj is a nuisance, but secretly likes his company, since his team, nor other players, wouldn't want to hangout with him because of his behavior.
They would meet by random chance, and alot of chaotic shenanigans happens that Raj tries to stop it. I also like the idea Raj would bring Diego to go drink tea, or any beverages, in any shop, to make Diego avoid doing anything scheming for his own good. (Shakes and Skarra should thank him for that in those situations-)
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I'm not sure to give him a Redemption Arc or make him stay as a villain. In one hand, I like the Idea he will get better by meeting good people in his life that confronts his behavior (by being BRUTALLY HONEST with him) and confronting Skarra and Shakes about his whole ordeal. But in the other hand, all his trickery and plans I made in my head, are kinda unredeemable for him, and I'm fine with the idea of this man living in the past and refusing to let go of the grudges that Skarra and Shakes wasn't even at fault for.
Either why, I'm fine with either of them. He's a character who has GREAT PONTENTIAL and hope the creators see that.
(This scene in "Trial And Terror, Rookie Season Episode 3" of him really confused me, like I really thought in a way he still controlling the train, but he didn't know it doesn't work, since everything is under control like Coach said, then have bunch of Blammo Bars after "controlling" the train. NOPE. He was eating Blammo Bars and his pain away because he's miserable he didn't get into Supa Strikas- )
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BOY, THIS TOOK LONGGGG THAN I THOUGHT- I just want to share ideas of Potential villain Diego for a while now. Unfortunately, not a lot of content around him (don't blame the fandom, he's only a side character in one episode in Rookie Season-). So I guess, I'll be one of those people~
The only stuff I saw, that is remotely Diego content wise, is this lovely art by @matchanxious , where he's older and he's plays for Sultans FC. If this were to happened, I WOULD LOVE HIM TO INTREACT WITH ZOOM ZAHIR (NEED MORE CONTENT OF ZAHIR-) and Duvall too, I guess-
Would Imagine him being super dedicated towards Sheikh, like giving strategies, doing schemes for him with Duvall, and getting any chance to talk to him, but Sheik would get annoyed and try to avoid him- AGAIN DIEGO HAS SO MUCH PONTENTIAL!!!
There's also an old headcanon back in 2021 (I think???) I saw, from also @matchanxious , hers truly:
"Diego would be a Conservative"
This is @matchanxious beautiful artwork of Diego! Please show her artwork some love!!! :
Again, we're at the end! Thank you for reading this if you reach it at the end! Very much appreciated!
And guess what? I actually will be working on 2 analysis post towards two characters from Supa Strikas, by suggestion! :D They will take a little while to do since, again.... COLLEGE! So be patience when I come back with those analysis. And probably more art and edits coming!
Thank you again for reading!!!
- MimpiNightmare
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yanxioustrikas · 15 days ago
i am very aware of yesterday’s events that went down in supablr. a lot has been said already so this post is simply me echoing these messages, (along with some of my thoughts). my apologies if this post feels like it’s all over the place.
i express my great appreciation and love for supablr, because it makes me happy to see how much creative contributions y’all have to offer here! i love supa strikas as a whole. i watch it when i’m bored. i fell in love with the show’s background character designs. i’ve never felt more involved in a fandom than being involved in supablr!
please don’t ever stop creating guys! this fandom wouldn’t have even existed without fandom members’ contributions. small, large, your contributions are all appreciated! ocs, headcanons, episode analyses, character appreciation posts, fanarts, fanfic, etc…, i appreciate them all, even if some of them are not my cup of tea. know that there will always be someone who will appreciate your creations.
you are also absolutely allowed to not like some things. we all have different opinions and interests, and that’s part of the beauty of fandom spaces. headcanons are called headcanons for a reason, and it is also not an obligation to stick to them. for example, i like giving nationality headcanons to supa strikas characters, but that doesn’t mean i’m above everyone else in this area. my headcanons are not “correct” headcanons. in fact, i would love to hear you guys’ nationality headcanons too!
at the end of the day, it is not easy to satisfy everybody, and that is okay! we can at least acknowledge each other’s thoughts and ideas with respect and appreciation. we can disagree on somethings and move on after. and we also shouldn’t be breaking up friendships over this.
to conclude, go crazy with your work of art. it makes me happy to see this fandom growing and expanding :)
i love you all <3
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carlosoliveiramybeloved · 4 months ago
who I think supa strikas characters would vote for to cope with the fact trump won pt 2
The rest of the coaches:
Coach Edwin - I believe Brazilians learned A LOT after the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro who was basically a worse version of trump (im pretty sure they’re friends)
Also judging by his personality and the fact he has a daughter I strongly believe he’d vote blue
Coach golare (the miserable fat coach from season 1 ep 7) - he looks like a trump supporter… idk I’m not analyzing this random ass npc
Rich American coach that literally owns Las Vegas idk how to write his name - Red. I don’t think I need to elaborate
I he’d either be absolutely fissured on the election or wouldn’t gaf at all + if asked he’d try to stay neutral about it to not cause any rumors on media (wouldn’t work and he’d end up admitting he supports Kamala)
North - I can’t see him actually caring and/or showing support for any side
Big bo - at first I was thinking maybe Trump…but after all those videos I watched from middle aged white men voting for Kamala, I could just think of Bo
But if he actually voted red and was questioned about it i feel like he’d say “IM NOT RACIST. I even have black friends”
El Matador - He’s like those immigrants that got their papers and started judging other immigrants that don’t have theirs yet
like those 60%+ of Latinos that voted red like mf he doesn’t like u
This or he wouldn’t care, maybe would say Kamala/Trump out of the pressure caused by the media
Twisting Tiger - Kamala, he’s part of the few characters that have common sense
Would be super open about it too
And I totally can see him dissing trump out of nowhere
On a random interview: “Yeah 34 assistances are pretty impressive…but 34 felonies is just insane”
(assistances as in football assistances and yes ik 34 is a little too exaggerated)
Block - idk u decide
Klaus - would be really lost and confused about everything
Rasta - another family man, democrat for sure
Other players
Skarra - Seriously wouldn’t care
Would insist on is “idc statement” and yell at journalists if they try to ask anything related to the election
Maybe would irritate Invincible United supporters…I just feel like most of them are republicans
Like, remember that episode where Vince contracts 3 IU fans to pretend they’re ss supporters? They look so much like republicans somehow; probably because of how aggressive they were
Diggan - Like Klaus, also clueless
Douma - Would also try to stay neutral about it, and like Skarra, would be rude to journalists if they try to pressure him into saying anything related to the election
Riano - AGAIN, like other professionals, he would try to stay neutral about it
But deep inside, he’d vote blue for sure
Miko Chen - Kamala sorry I’m too tired to elaborate
“Where is-“ Not here ❤️
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abyss-strikas · 2 months ago
The way I’m going insane with the power twins’ names cuz that’s so clever and absolutely hilarious Skarra could have had a field day if he founds out also IU lore👀👀👀👀? I love it cuz that’s so in line with canon (also the show should have gone a bit deeper with Automatic ngl cuz ain’t bro a long time player?) anyways loving the post ncksnncnfnd
(Post in question)
Dude, I already had names lined up for the twins because at the time, Liam was actually one of the twins but under a different name, Logan, and the second twin was just named Max. (I changed Logan's after the episode Altered Ego from Rookie Season, since there is a character of the same name). Just finding out that the writers DID have names for them in the script was astounding to know, especially since they easily could have done "Power Twin #1" and "Power Twin #2". I do want to say that I headcanon Norm to be the twin that hung out with Shakes at that charity event Skarra set up, and Stan is the one who messed up cause he was not paying attention at all (I could go over them at some point, but now I'm thinking of having Stan have ADHD, I think it would fit.) ANYWAYS–
I do want to stress that the names "Standard Power" and "Normal Power" are not canon, just a suggestion as to what Stan and Norm's full names could be. Still, it does lean in more with what the show writers' would do. If you stopped to count the puns in the series, there would be A LOT. Either way, I am going with those suggested names, but I do already have their new names lined up as well. I won't reveal that just yet though.
I think Skarra would have a field day with teasing the twins about their full names, if under different circumstances. The others might get in on it, but I could see Dingaan seeing it more as playful banter and thinking their names are cool. I feel like Dooma and/or Auto would tell Skarra to cool off on the teasing at some point, since they need to focus on winning games and he HAS to work together with the twins since they both got assigned to be strikers again.
It's kind of hard to say what they could and should have done with Automatic, but if they were planning both Season 7 and Rookie Season at the same time, they should have at least given more scenes to Automatic in Season 7 if it was going to lead up to Rookie Season. I can only recall Auto speaking in Perfect Match when he sees Skarra making another post for his charity event, and probably in Food For Thought when the whole IU team is arguing.
Automatic literally became sort of interesting to really interesting after Rookie Season. He was sort of interesting to me in the episode "Return to the Pirate Tower" because of his unstoppable throw-ins. I think if he was given that chance to play as a midfielder with Supa Strikas, thinks would have been very different. I'm sure Auto would have moved on since he's been with IU for so long, but a part of me thinks he still holds on to that resentment.
I sort of hope that if we ever get a new season, either for the main series or Rookie Season, we could have some scenes between Skarra and Automatic bonding over what Supa Strikas did to them. Maybe they would develop their own brotherly relationship, even if Skarra won't admit to it. I think Auto wouldn't mind it, but it would also feel weird to him cause the need to protect someone else was never there before, but now he's got this vicious chihuahua he's playing with and I just, I just think they would honestly.
Now, I kind of did have Skarra and my oc, Trent, also have a brotherly relationship, even if Skarra wouldn't admit to that either, I feel like maybe there were would be tension between Trent and Automatic until like the two of them bond over their experiences of dealing with Skarra, and they become pretty good friends after. Which makes it worse for Skarra since now he's got Auto greeting him with noogies and pranks, and Trent is greeting him with hugs, spinning him around cause he's much shorter than him, and getting embarrassed by him.
I'm rambling again, I apologize. But hey, I'm glad you enjoyed the post! I'd probably should make a separate post for all the IU headcanons I have at some point, WHEEZE. Or just Supa Strikas headcanons in general. Let me know!
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Ive decided to make one of these introduction posts bc i feel left out ;((
Welcome to my slow descend into madness, im ghost, he/they, and this is my main blog!! English is not my first language so if theres any spelling mistakes. no there isnt<333
Im very annoying both in my tags and on my own posts so if im talking too much or bothering you feel free to tell me (or just block me thats fine too lmao)
My brother's acc :@game-ghoul
The fandoms im in are:
Dc (mainly young just us<3 but youll see other characters pop up too sometimes) ((very vocal n52 hater n52 my absolute beloathed))
Supa strikas
Hybrid heroes
Iron widow
Dt 2017
The owl house
Gravity falls
Craig of the creek
Studio c (just og cast really)
Jk studios (freelancers, loving lyfe, all that good stuff)
Aikatsu (ripppp)
17776 and 20020
Ever after high and monster high
Animaniacs (og and reboot)
Im not very active on mcyt anymore?? But i watch the occasional ldshadowlady and scar videos
Historical fashion and other unorthodox pieces of history (e.g. historical cooking, historical make up, etc.)
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toutallyahoe · 4 years ago
The other day I was talking with some friends about Supa Strikas (and with that I mean, I was talking about Supa Strikas and they had to endure it.) And the conversation made me cackle. so here are some highlights. Me: I really don't like the Technicali uniforms. Friend: So that's why you drew that guy without it. Me: ....LISTEN- - Me: His name is Chuck T. Chipperson Friend: ooooh, I like that name! other friend: Don't give him ideas. Friend: Hey, all I'm saying is I always need names for Avonvale characters (for context: Avonvale is a personal project that friend is working on, which is a very whimsical, cute fantasy setting. And I'm in love with it). - Me: *shows picture of Don Aldo* Look at that hairstyle. Friend: Oh, a tiara fringe. Me: ... That's honestly a pretty accurate description of that hairstyle. - *Still on topic of Don Aldo* Friend: It looks like he's wearing a bald cap that is a size too small. Other friend: Bald caps come in different sizes? Friend: This is why they should.
me before i dragged you into this hellhole with dumb football boi agsjsjfbsjfjsjrbsbf
but god these conversations between your friends is absolutely amazing! they got you there with the technicali uniforms daeling! although, i honestly would draw (or strip) those dumb bois off those uniforms too because its so damn hideous
love how you also just show off don aldo and his ridiculous fucking hair style. you have been shaming this samba dancing lad even in your supa strikas fic and i am just honestly fucking cackling. i cant blame you tho because jesus christ that man needs to go to the salon asap!
also, your friend is absolutely fucking hilarious with them saying don aldo's hair style (if you can call it one) as a "tiara fringe" and also just the bald caps but ajdbsjfbfajslfksifhwkrjjwf and i wish them the best of luck in that project they are working on! seems very interesting and im always a sucker for fantasy type fiction
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