#absolute all star binghe
k0mmari · 4 months
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Hello, I just wanted a place to put all the concept art and the process for desining the hero costumes for Binghe and Shen Yuan for scholomancefan's amazing fic, Absolute All-Star Binghe! Enjoy the mess <3
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tunafishprincess · 4 months
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Fanart for @scholomancefan and hellister’s superhero au fanfic Absolute All-Star Binghe
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monsieurboyardee · 2 years
modern au lbh is a super famous model and actor, and he is always talking about his boyfriend, the cutest and prettiest and kindest man alive. And so everyone is super curious as to who this bf is, all this anticipation…and then this weeb with bedhead just walks in like “hey”.
Like just imagine. The tension is thick in the air, everyone is on the edge of their seats, any minute now lbh’s famed bf is gonna walk thru that door!! He must be beautiful!! Otherworldly!!
Sy, in his stained hatsune miku sweater, fingerprints all over his glasses: whats up
For a moment everyone is like “…is that a new temp or smthn??” And then lbh just screams “YUAN-GE!!!!!” and LAUNCHES himself at this strange little man and everyone just about vomits blood.
Sy is in fact wearing socks with adidas sandals. The socks are tucked over his sweatpants.
Everyone stares at where lbh and sy are conversing, just absolutely seething with jealousy. How tf did GQ’s hottest man alive (for five consecutive years!!) fall for THAT?? Especially when he could do so much better!!! Like so much!!! He could have anyone he ever wanted?? Why did he go for the guy with the fuckin yy stallion novel themed backpack???
But then idk maybe someone snarkily insults lbh (out of anger and jealousy at his dating preferences) and Sy just snaps his head in a perfect 90 degree circle and is just like “You wanna repeat that?” And then just starts TEARING THIS POOR PERSON APART. Sy doesnt even realize that the person was really insulting him, all he understood was that there was a slight against his binghe mixed in there and as the President of lbh’s fanclub he will NOT stand for any kind of slander against his perfect lil meow meow!!
Meanwhile lbh is just letting this happen while he watches sy with stars in his eyes lol
And maybe they get sy all dressed up to do some photoshoot and when sy steps out in an emerald suit with contacts in and his makeup done, everyone is like “wait shit!!! He is rlly attractive!!!”
And then someone’s like “hey does he kind of remind u of someone?” And that’s when everyone realizes that this is the famed lil brother of shen jiu, an acting legend and lbh’s own acting coach
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shioritsumi · 1 month
Actor AU SVSSS but slightly different....
A drama for PIDW is in the works, and they've got a great talented cast! They even have the mysterious famous star Zhao Xiao starring as Shen Qingqiu, and a new and upcoming star Luo Lixin as Luo Binghe!
Luo Lixin is new to show business and he tries his best to fit in and get accustomed to the job, but canon Luo Binghe is hard for his tender insecure personality to wrap around. He constantly wonders about Bingge's own emotional journey and won't stop talking about his own headcanons about his own character.
Zhao Xiao, however.....he's well established in China as a talented, experienced, and VERY STRANGE MAN. People are constantly spreading rumors that he might be a vampire or smth bc they're pretty sure he's been acting for like a hundred years and the only thing that's changed is how long his hair is. He's lazy, he's affectionate, he's prone to random outbursts and giddy laughter, he plays the most serious dramatic characters with profound speeches and sad backstories and even villainous arcs-he has made it his personal goal to be the Tumblr sexyman of every show and movie he's in. He wants to be your problematic fave.
Zhao Xiao may also literally not be human. He makes references to having met Luo Binghe and encourages Luo Lixin frequently with his headcanons. The man may be a transmigrated character from the PIDW universe and he absolutely weaseled his way onto the set but no one knows why. He seems fixated on Luo Lixin, but whether it's bc he wants the young man or if he just wants to cultivate exactly his perfect impression of how Luo Binghe "should" be depicted is still unclear to everyone.
Especially Luo Lixin.
What he knows is he joined a drama cast and one of the other lead actors immediately took him under his wing and started giving him lots of advice and suggestions that seem to help??? He has a mentor! Right? Other members of the cast have asked directly if Zhao Xiao is trying to groom him for some reason but Luo Lixin refuses to believe it and Zhao Xiao is so amused by the idea that he won't even dignify it with a proper response aside from laughing until they change the subject. (He is of the opinion that if Lixin WANTED a relationship he wouldn't be opposed but people assuming he's trying to groom the 20-year old into a relationship by....giving him advice about the field he has excelled at for the past 50+ years so he can do his job better....that's some hilarious shit.)
Luo Lixin literally having a backstory similar to Luo Binghe and still being on set as a literal ray of sunshine.
Zhao Xiao wonders if perhaps this guy is also a half demon? NAH....that'd be funny but those don't exist here lol that'd be hilarious.....unless. NAH, of course not, in this world all magic exists only in fairy tales. Of course he also has magic so. NAH that's a fluke of transmigration, of course Luo Lixin is a human and him having the same surname and playing Luo Binghe is a coincidence. Then again, what were the odds of him, a dragon from PIDW ending up in this world and playing a major character in the PIDW drama series? NAH none of that counts bc he forced himself into that role.
so wait
is this a coincidence or not that all this has come together all at once? He'll just play it close to the chest until he figures it out, and play his role as the shizun to his new Binghe to the best of his ability. He wonders if anyone else in the cast is also from PIDW too....he wasn't like an "important character" and his meetings with the main character didn't end well for him, but maybe he's not the only one. Surely Luo Binghe killed other demons or creatures that ended up here too? Or maybe he's reaching bc he's gotten bored of humans. Luo Lixin better be really interesting before he gives up on humanity again and decides to become a hermit again and sit out on the world for a few decades. He did that around the turn of the century and it didn't turn out too shabby....
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tcfactory · 4 months
sj thaumaterge or redmage. lqg paladin. sqh astrologian (he sees some shit in those stars bro). i forget which one is the one where a part of your psyche comes to life and says "dude this literally isnt fair what the fuck" but that one is yqy and sword. this is my personal contribution and offering
(Hello I had this in my drafts for uuuuh too long. I thought I posted this one already, rip.)
Black mage/thaumaturge rights for Shen Jiu, I think he would do great with a combat class that's all about standing still and casting Explosion!!!! at people. Very therapeutic. But also I can picture his demonic cultivator background as multiclassing into Reaper. It's one of his best guarded secrets, but if he's ever cornered fully, he can rely on his voidsent and Enshroud to fight his way out.
Liu Qingge could be a paladin (and the Confiteor combo would be a decent stand-in for his sword array), but I think he's more of a dps type - if anything, I would put him as a red mage. The class is more magic based than physical, but at the same time going in and stabbing the enemy is a core part of the class identity and some of the skills - Fleche and Contre Sixte specifically - are all about summoning swords to rain down on the enemy. Having a few 'support' spells fits into his role as the sect protector and (although not overwhelmingly powerful bc something something raise tax) RDM is known to be overwhelmingly flashy. Have you seen the RDM LB3? That's a goddamn nuke all right.
Yue Qingyuan is practically made to be a dark knight, yes yes. Even better if, after Shen Yuan transmigrates, his 'Fray' is literally just straight up Shen Jiu - "The next knight who bares steel, I'm not only going to kill him, but I'm going to kill his wife, his friends, and burn his godsdamned house down!" sounds like something SJ would say and mean every word of it. Maybe his soul got linked to Yue Qingyuan's after his 'death'.
Shang Qinghua is absolutely an astrologian and he keeps griping about his card luck. Not just the future sight aspect fits his character, but also the fact that AST is a healer that has little personal dps (even for a healer) but provides constant buffs. And when planned out correctly, its healing is pretty insane - Macrocosmos alone can bypass some mechanics that make other healers sweat blood.
Mobei-jun would either be a warrior (good tank, godly self-healing so basically unkillable in dungeons, very good team player in raids) or a dragoon (frankly I just really like the aesthetic for him, also Ishgardian job so it connects to ice and Qinghua's AST).
Shen Yuan as Shen Qingqiu would probably multiclass as summoner/scholar (hah!), but he would be kinda shoddy at both? He does enjoy having a bunch of critters to summon, so I guess that's something and let's be honest, Expedient/Desperate Measures is a skill made for Cucumber-bro, always rushing into his death to Binghe.
I have no idea what job Binghe would have tbh. He's the one I'm blanking on the most. XD I guess samurai would be the most 'powerful'/selfish dps, but it's also a class with a very rigid rotation I can't see LBH executing effectively (or maybe he could be one of those 'Ad-hoc' samurais who just do their own thing, adjust rotation on the fly and still pull incredibly high numbers. They are not always viable, but they were a thing with some iterations of the class).
Sha Hualing is a dancer. Nothing else needs to be said.
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ladysunamireads · 4 months
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westiec · 6 months
Writing Patterns Meme
I feel like I would've called this the Opening Lines Meme, but I'm not in charge around here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tagged by both @bladedweaponsandswishycoats and @tavina-writes thank you kindly
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
"Shizun, please, let me help." Luo Binghe's eyes were big and wet, and it was completely unfair how weak that made Shen Qingqiu, especially now. It Does a Body Good - Scum Villain, Bingqiu, lactation kink pwp for Tit4Tat
"Come on in, Rex," Anakin called out as the door to his temporary rooms slid open. These were nicer accommodations than they'd had in a while, all things considered. a different intimacy altogether - Star Wars, Anakin/Padme/Rex, first time threesome, also for Tit4Tat
First, there are kisses. A Tender Shoot Unfurling - Love Between Fairy and Devil, Dongfang Qingcang/Xiao Lanhua/Changheng, a polyship remix for Multiamory March
In retrospect, Wen Ning should have realized that something like this might happen. Novel Avenues of Empirical Research - MDZS, Wen Ning/Nie Huaisang, body discoveries of a horny nature for Cursed Clutch Exchange
Sizhui is pleased to discover that he loves traveling with his Ning-gege. wanting spills out - MDZS, Lan Sizhui/Wen Ning, soft fucky somno, also for Cursed Clutch Exchange
Somehow they always seemed to be running away from gunfire and explosions. Medically Inadvisable - Trigun, Vash/Wolfwood, a comedy of errors for Misinterpreted Tropes flash
Her husband always looks so fucking pretty in a skirt. Fucking Pretty - MDZS, Jiang Yanli/Jin Zixuan, genderplay pwp for Bulletproof
If someone had told Mo Xuanyu just a few years ago that she'd be living in Jinlintai as an officially-recognized sister of Jin zongzhu and apprentice practitioner of the ghostly path, she never would've believed it. things are happening every day - MDZS, Mo Xuanyu & Xue Yang, a slice of a very trans modern cultivation AU, for MDZS Genderfuckery
The first thing I noticed was the color of the sky. It was that really pretty ice blue right before the clouds in that one post, you know the one. I Died and Got Transmigrated Into WHAT???! - Scum Villain, OC/Shang Qinghua/Shen Qingqiu, some absolute nonsense for Birthday Bash [I am making the executive decision to skip some even sillier Birthday Bash masterpieces lmao]
Shen Yuan was having a hard time meditating. New But Not So Strange - Scum Villain, Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan/Shen Jiu, trans ace queerplatonic sex pollen times, for Amperslash (and a bonus, because I just like this one:)
Sister Felicity was stricken one morning with the undeniable and utterly ruinous realization that she was in love. Like a Wellspring, Her Love Overfloweth - Original Work, nun/demoness, piss kink with feelings for Flash Flood
What have we learned?
I like a one-liner, and I tend to start by declaring that A SITUATION IS UPON US and then rewinding a bit to look at how we got here.
Fairly even split between past and present tense, and usually a close third POV unless I'm Intentionally Doing A Bit.
Less dialogue than I expected! Usually when I do this one, I have a bunch of: "Opening words," they say, as the Situation comes to a head, "and then the second, longer half of that sentence."
Let's do @sandumilfshou @jaggededges123 @theindianghost and @livingmeatloaf, plus whoever else would like to play!
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cooliogirl101 · 2 years
what are your top 10 bingqiu fics?
Note: These are not in any particular order of preference because I can't possibly rank these, I love them all so much.
High Mountain, How I Long by Minimalistness: This fic is just...beautifully done. The author portrays the emotions so deeply on both sides and it hurts in the very best way, yet the ending is so soft and treats the characters so gently...gahh. Only good things to say about this one.
System Restore by Straightforwardly: Short but excellent. I need more fics centered around SQQ just absolutely overwhelming Binghe with affection because that shit is A++.
you don't need poltergeists for sidekicks by nyoomer: This fic honestly made me cry, every part of it is perfect. The ending is slightly bittersweet but ends on a very hopeful note and it's just all-around an incredible story.
Plastromancy by x_los: Creepy in the best way, if you like Coraline you will adore this fic. Warning for body horror-- it's not too graphic, but definitely present. Does a very good job of portraying the monstrous edge to LBH's devotion.
to love another (and to learn yourself) by nyoomer: yet another fantastic fic by nyoomer (all their fics are fantastic tbh), starring OG!LBH and SY. Wonderful study on redemption, forgiveness, and trying to be better. The character development in this fic is fantastic and I love the way SY stands up to Bingge in this one.
Scum Villain AUs by Feynite: A collection of SVSSS mini-fics, as the name suggests. Honestly all these AUs are super creative and well-written but my favorites are the supervillain, genderbend, and dragon monster AUs.
How to stop being strung along by a guy and get what you deserve by x-los: Another amazing fic by one of my favorite authors. Red string of fate soulmates AU and I adore the potential implications here. LBH figuring out who SQQ is immediately and helping him adjust to the PIDW world? Yes please. My only complaint for this fic is that there isn't more of it.
Unfinished Business by kitsunealyc: Basically SJ dies and is reincarnated as SY (where he gets some much needed therapy) and then reincarnates back as SQQ, and tries his best to stop the whole generational trauma thing in its tracks. The whole redemption and healing process is done so, so well done here. I usually don't like OG!LBH/OG!SQQ fics but in this one they both go through so much character development (and besides, SQQ and SY are the same person here). Also, this has one of my favorite lines in a fanfic ever-- "In hate or in love, if Shen Qingqiu placed second in Luo Binghe's esteem, no one would dare to claim first." Like?? Literary genius.
but every day still new to wake up by millepertuis: This fic has it all-- humor, wholesome moments, denial, thirst (on Binghe's part-- SQQ is, of course, oblivious), hurt/comfort. I lost this fic once and spent over 2 hours trying to find it again and it was worth every bit of that time.
To Conquer an Emperor by zarasu: SY transmigrates into one of LBH's wives. I think this fic gets better as it progresses and I love the concept (Rachel for Leah by x_los is the other SY reincarnates into one of LBH's wives fic that I really love) and the character development for LBH is excellent. Also the latest chapter? LBH's self-loathing and self-doubt meets SY's unconditional acceptance? Yes please.
Sit With Your Soul by Tossawary: Not bingqiu but this is one of my top 3 svsss fics ever, basically it's a daemon!AU where SY transmigrates into SJ's daemon. The focus is on platonic SY/SJ but SY's interactions with LBH in this fic are adorable as well. One of my favorite characterizations of SJ.
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bingqiufics · 1 year
Title: Closer than You Think
Author: pop_up_ninja
Relationship: Bingyuan
Universe: Modern AU
Status: Complete
Rating: Teen
Length: 6,489 words
Summary: The most popular matchmaker in the city, Luo Binghe, had finally met a threat to his glowing reputation.
He had only been in the matchmaking business for a couple of years, and his five-star rating had never been marred with a single scratch. All of his customers had left hand-in-hand with their perfect partner after a short time in his care.
Recently, Luo Binghe had been approached by a wealthy middle-aged couple.
That was how Luo Binghe found himself in his office, cradling his head in his hands, after his new client had left.
Comments: This is absolutely adorable. I love fics where Binghe gets accidentally seduced by an oblivious Shen Yuan :)- mod Curie
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idlebeks · 2 years
SVSSS Fic Recs
I'm working on a podfic list. But here, have a couple of Scum Villian recs in the mean time. All BingQui, mostly rated E. This is a fun fandom, there is so much potential for both extreme angst and extreme crack, often at the same time.
Every Binghe/ge deserves a Happy Ending [buy one SY, get one free] by Shireyaki
You can have a Shen Yuan YOU can have a Shen Yuan WE ALL CAN HAVE A SHEN YUAN
Scum Villain AUs by Feynite
Various random alternate universe fics.
Supervillain AU Genderswap AU Hades & Persephone AU Dragon Monster AU Mermay AU Free Guy AU
& Many More!
Into the Abyss by esama
In which Shen Yuan pisses the System off and it sends him straight into the Endless Abyss.
Four years later, Shen Qingqiu does the same to Luo Binghe.
Fruiting Body by Calamity Butterfly (Calamity_Butterfly)
“A new body? What has my Shizun done?” Luo Binghe asks mildly.
“Oh, I died again, didn’t I? This time, I died saving you from a qi deviation brought on by that sword,” Shen Qingqiu answers, stroking the caps of the trembling mushrooms still pressed up against his sides. “I suspected I was going to die so I prepared a new body, just in case. But it’s taking a long time to remember myself, and I’m not sure I want to go back once I do.”
Shen Qingqiu awakens in the Sun and Moon Dew Flower body, more fungal than human, and networked into a vast, sentient mycelial network. His new body is more complicated than he anticipated. Luo Binghe finds him, and that is also more complicated than he anticipated.
The Many Trials and Tribulations of Ming Fan by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
Ming Fan just wants to get through ONE supervised night hunt without this happening.
Or: the one where Shen Qingqiu continues to be attractive to people who aren’t Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge. It's a problem.
“Da-shixiong.” Ning-shimei’s groan was barely audible to anyone who didn’t have a cultivator’s enhanced senses. To him and the rest of their assembled siblings, though, it rang out like a bell. The only one who didn’t notice was Shizun. He was up ahead and deep in conversation with the Lord who’d summoned them to investigate a series of local disappearances.
“I saw,” Ming Fan sighed. “Eyes front. Everyone knows their roles.”
Frankly, he’d been braced for this moment since he’d asked around about the family hosting them for the duration of this investigation. He’d discovered that they had two marriage-aged daughters in the household, neither of whom were engaged.
Loaded God Complex, Cock It And Pull It by Camorra
There were three things of which Shen Yuan was absolutely certain. The first, that Luo Binghe was an irredeemable jackass. The second, there was a part of Luo Binghe, and Shen Yuan didn't know how large, that wanted Shen Yuan dead for trussing him like a pig and dumping him on his own front porch. And the third, that Shen Yuan was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Luo Binghe. P S Y C H !
omg they were roommates by smellslikecitrus
Shen Yuan was a normal chemistry major. What did he do to deserve getting booted into his least-favorite novel?!
Silver lining: Binghe makes really, really good food.
Plastromancy by x_los
"One night, Luo Binghe notices something odd about the way his blood is pooling on the floor of the woodshed."
A twelve year old Luo Binghe meets his Other Shizun.
AQ by x_los
Before he rose to captaincy, Shen Yuan attended a briefing given to all command level officers in Star Fleet that outlined the scope of the Q threat. According to Admiral Picard's report, the omnipotent Q are devious, amoral, unreliable, irresponsible and definitely not to be trusted.
Orphaned stowaway Luo Binghe doesn't even know he is one.
Living With a Tiger by x_los
Shen Yuan has been engaged to Emperor Luo Binghe from almost the hour of his birth. He grows up knowing his place in the world exactly; he is far less certain of his place in his betrothed's guarded affections.
Scum Villain's Accidental Romance System by BurnerAccount
Shen Qingqiu has accepted that yes, this is a novel. And yes, it is going to have stupid plot points that he can (probably) do nothing about. His inevitable, horrible fate is his most probable future - but hey, it's at least a ways off yet, right?
A Stallion novel has stupid tropes, but he's 100% - no, 1000% sure, that these aren't in the standard package.
Anyways, Stan Shen Qingqiu by x_los
Millennial vs Gen Z? Shen Qingqiu wishes.
A young transmigrator has a new idol; Shen Qingqiu is very tired.
I Wish You Were My Husband by Feynite
AU based on The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir (familiarity with that story's not required).
Wherein Shen Yuan transmigrates into a harem intrigues romance novel (gay edition), Yue Qingyuan really fucks up, Liu Qingge is not suitable for his job, and no one even remotely sees Luo Binghe coming.
Always the Light Falls by Letters2Elvinscend
Growing up is hard. Living up to your mother's expectations is harder. Realizing your Shizun is actually kind of hot is damn near impossible.
System Temporarily Unavailable, Please Don't Abuse The Substitute! by Asymptotical
The System has to go bail another System's world out of a plot crisis.
It told them that its Host would notice, but did they listen? Of course not.
We Never Dreamed These Walls by straightforwardly
When Luo Binghe falls into the Endless Abyss, he accidentally pulls Shen Qingqiu down with him.
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k0mmari · 4 months
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My piece for the Bingyuan Minibang 2024 hosted on Twitter, for Absolute All-Star Binghe, written by scholomancefan, with art by me and poppyraina It was a very fun project to be apart of, I hope you guys like it too :))
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shen-liqin · 2 years
Craving Mobei-jun POV fics rn ngl.
I wanna see a fic that shows just how much regret this emotionally constipated demon lord has for treating Shang Qinghua like shit. Like yes he stops beating him at some point but I want a fic where someone straight up tells Mobei-jun or at least says in his presence that no, beating up the person you love DOES NOT SHOWCASE YOU LOVE THEM.
I want this man to realize just how different human and demon culture is. I wanna see him react to realizing that beating up someone in human culture (for the most part) means that you absolutely loathe or dislike them. Sure, he started off that way during the early years of Qinghua helping him but we all know that he learns to love him in a sense.
I just want the angst to be honest, with or without comfort doesn’t really matter. I just wanna see this demon lord with abandonment issues realize just how much he actually hurt Shang Qinghua and how badly he was misunderstood by him.
Just imagine that during the month (or two??) Shang Qinghua was hiding from Mobei-jun, Mobei ends up desperate enough to ask for the assistance of some of Qinghua’s disciples (like an au where after it’s revealed Qinghua was colluding with demons and the people on An Ding Peak just accept it because majority of them probably understand where he’s coming from, minus having wet dreams starring the northern demon lord).
Imagine at some point he overhears the disciples gossiping and doubting why this cold and stoned faced demon is even looking for their shizun when they all know that he “despises” him and probably only needs him because he actually knows how to handle finances.
“But I thought the Northern lord was infatuated with Shizun-“
“YOU FUCKING IDIOT, STOP READING THAT LIU SU MIAN HUA’S NOVELS!!! Everyone on this damn peak knows that the demon despises our Shizun. He’s probably only looking for him because he half-runs the northern kingdom.”
Mobei-jun is in shock for two reasons.
1. He’s being slapped once again by the reality off how much he actually relied on Shang Qinghua and how much his kingdom depends on the mousy man (plus angst points because from his POV he actually trusted him and got abandoned)
2. When and how the fuck did they think he hated Shang Qinghua? Qinghua? Qinghua who saved his live more times than he can count? Qinghua who actually stayed left despite everything they’ve been through? Qinghua who he secretly daydreamed being wed to and living in domestic bliss-
Then he gets hit with what’s probably the most bone-chilling news he’s ever heard.
“B-but the Tales of the Northern Consert say-“
The moment Mobei hears that he feels nauseous. He remembered Qinghua listing it as one of the wrongs he committed against him but didn’t really comprehend why it was a bad thing. Up until that point he had only associated it with being a reason Qinghua left, which is why he felt sick every time he remembered once being proud of the bruises he left on his advisor.
He never really knew it’s meaning amongst humans.
Meanwhile, Shang Qinghua is just lamenting the fact that his king hasn’t found him yet and is spending the next few days avoiding wife plots that have sprung out of nowhere (they were probably meant for cucumber-bro and his demon puppy Luo Binghe).
Just some random thoughts.
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esamastation · 2 years
Vibes I want to write (with svsss AU examples)
1 Sci-fi character in a fantasy setting. Like, Detroit Become Human Android in Scum Villain or something. Shen Qingqiu is an Android owned by Shang Qinghua who used to be his editor. He became a deviant out of pure loathing of Sqh's writing. Then they transmigrate? Now there's an android in a fantasy world trying to blend in and survive. Can he cultivate? How does he recharge? I wanna find out.
2 Alternatively the previous one but reversed. Emperor Luo Binghe crosses universes to find his Kind Shizun and finds the perfect candidate. In a Star Wars universe, Crèche Master Shen Yuan doesn't know what he did to deserve this Dark Sider's attention, but he wishes Binghe would stop trying to fight droids/aliens/space ships for no good reason. The property damage is getting ridiculous. Actually no, that isn't too interesting, Luo Binghe is too op, hmm. Luo Binghe uses some sort of Banishment ritual and Shen Jiu finds himself in the Stargate universe. Ooh, Shen Jiu in Marvel. Tony Stark makes him new arms and legs and they fight about whether cultivation is magic or not. Shen Jiu loves/hates mobile phones. And then Shen Jiu makes his way back to PIDW and brings all his new sci-fi knowledge with him.
3 A kingdom built on misunderstandings. Shen Yuan transmigrates as himself and by applying Airplane Logic to the world, he accidentally makes himself out to look all knowing He's mistaken for so many things. Immortal master, legendary hermit, great seer. People start following him, thinking they're joining a great sect. His works and words get spread out and people think he's thousands of years old. Shen Yuan just wanted to find a nice place to read some local literature, but now he's the Great Scholar, a Sect Leader, the oldest immortal, probably divine in some way  and he can't say a thing without people taking it as gospel. Also somewhere along the way, he's become all those things and also there's a sect hall now? And he's not entirely sure how that happened.
4 Angry genre savvy. Shen Yuan has read PIDW back to back; he knows all of its bullshit plot devices. Most of them are mortifying or humiliating or just stupid, and way too many of them involve papapa, but they work. Absolutely furious about it, he applies those plot devices into situations as needed. And what to him is humiliation seems like incredible insight and mastery to others. Shen Yuan hates it but keeps doing it because, goddamnit, it works.
5 Immortality but make it uh, mentally Eldritch? Idk how to explain this one. Sometime ago I glanced at a webcomic where the main character was locked in some kind of liminal space for a million years where he trained himself to be op and came out literally none worse for wear and I was like, "Yeah he should've been mentally pulverised by that, he should've been absolutely disintegrated." So, if you have a magic system that has the ultimate goal of immorality, what does that do to your psyche after hundreds and thousands of years? There's gotta be some intentionally wrought changes with all that cultivation and meditation, because normal human brain capacity and just plain old sapience isn't built for that. What does the mind of a thousand year old cultivator look like? Pretty inhuman, maybe? Shen Qingqiu with a mind like carved jade, polished to perfection over generations, and utterly strange and terrifying to a normal human.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
What I'd really love to see is a svsss au where shen yuan had the immense powers from saiki k.
Like, svsss is already a romcom of a guy shunted into a fantasy world with meta knowledge and immense power for no reason apart from 'make a happy ending' as a fairly thick veneer over an absolute hot mess of a tragedy with a happy ending, red flags galore, complete with a protagonist completely removed from the concept of romance and resigned to his fate of being abandoned by the people around him because of the circumstances he was 'born' into, but he's funny about it.
The disastrous life of saiki k is a fast paced crack comedy about a guy granted immense power for no reason with meta knowledge of the world as a thick veneer over something a little darker and traumatic with a happy ending, complete with a protagonist completely removed from the concept of romance and resigned to being ignored by the people around him because of the circumstances he was born into, but he's hilarious about it.
Now I don't think it should be a 1-1 transplant of saiki to the svsss world, but to imagine an sy with those powers who didn't manage to find loyal friends, who moved out to live alone as soon as possible to avoid issues with his powers, who gravitated to web novels because of their regular updates as opposed to being constantly spoiled for books with finished endings. An sy who despite his ridiculous levels of power died alone in a stupid way and woke up in a world filled with people who also had immense and varied powers, dealing with the prospect of immortality when his own powers are still constantly growing and interfering with his life, but be silly about it.
I want to see a sy with telepathy still failing to understand what lbhs deal is because of his own denial, a sy with the power to crush mountains with a finger trying not to blow down walls with a sneeze because someone put him on a mountain FILLED with plants in SPRING, an sy who deleted an entire country from the planet aged four trying to dodge overly enthusiastic maidens he keeps saving because he doesn't want to steal from the protagonist and also no, lady, please. Shen yuan sitting in the water prison absolutely deadpan as people try and scare him with 10 iq stories about the acid waterfalls. An sy who hares around the peak trying to avoid being spotted on valentines day as he redirects unwanted admirers and improves his disciples dates just so they can all have a good day.
An sqh who really, honestly truly doesn't know how pidw was made real, honest!! All he could do was see ghosts! It's not his fault the story he wrote to make rent turned into all of this!! But because you're here can you pretty please make some ice, I'm in desperate need of air con and my king hasn't showed up in weeks!
Sqq and sqh playing telepathic chess during boring meetings and sqq leaving him to suffer when sqh is asked a question even though he himself knows the answer.
Lbh trying everything to get shizuns attention and discovering his total weakness to his cooking. Like, will let you cheat in class levels of bribery.
Sqq stalking dourly through fields of aphrodisiac plant because he's raised his body temperature high enough to burn out any pollen before it gets too close and the system just despairing at getting this man to do something interesting.
Cat!sqq transforming back as fast as he can because he's got a meeting in half an hour and having to rush around trying to find something to cover the cat ears he didn't manage get rid of.
Shen qingqiu pulling out his limiters and dropping the mask to reveal a deity in the shape of a man, something crafted purely of psychic energy and burning fury, determined to hold maigu ridge together and keep the realms apart with his will alone, to save luo binghe if it killed him again. A shining aura stretching miles, glowing like a star, halting the earthquake with his bare hands.
Sqq seeing a bug and freaking out so hard he teleports to the northern demon realm and lands in a slushy pond, and sqh nearly giving him away because of how hard he's laughing.
#Like honestly the parallels are great#Long post#Sqq leaning hard into the aloof elegant scholar vibes because he still struggles to control his strength even with the limiters#He doesn't want to hurt anyone.#Sqh: please please tell me what my king is thinking right now he's been glaring at me all day!#Sqq (having been forced to hear an endless carnal monologue for hours from him): oh no not a chance. No way are you getting me involved.#Sqq: whatever insane thing you two have going on go ahead. Just don't involve anyone else in that EVER.#Sqh: bro 😭?!#Sqq: *makes a peace sign and goes invisible*#Sqh: BRO?!! Not even... Expensive northern import for the protagonist to cook with?#Sqq: *reappears with a pop* go on...#Sqh is salty he didn't get the godlike powers when he created the world they're in. Sqq tells him it isn't worth it#Being forced to see the past of an object with just a touch when you live in 5 million words of bad smut?? NO THANK YOU.#But both being espers AND from the same world they're still buddies (much to sqqs dismay).#Sqh is just barely outside sqqs telepathy range on an ding and lives in fear of him sensing him writing and catapulting himself#through the window at mach ten to beat him up.#Sqq every time he has to sit through a meeting with some corrupt official: thought crimes aren't real thought crimes don't count#Sqh: so how are you this bad at feelings. My guy you are an empath.#Sqq: shut up.#Lbh would definitely catch sqq doing something impossible or op and be so head over heels. He's like his father that way.#svsss#svsss au#shen qingqiu#shen yuan#scum villain's self saving system#scum villian self saving system#sqq#shang qinghua#sqh#svsss shen qingqiu
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
I think I have answered this question before, but I don’t mind because I like talking about ny favourite characters!
(And my favourite characters change hourly, so-)
I can’t rank them, I love them all equally, but my current favourites:
1. Luo Binghe from Scum Villain Self-Saving System. I can’t help it. Fanon likes to paint him as comical, at times, but I love how competent he is! He just… would like to be a housewife. Preferably his Shizun’s housewife… and, he is, as Shen Qingqiu says himself, the type of person to smile to your fave while sliding a knife in your back and I love that for him
2. Quan Yizhen from Heaven Official’s Blessing. He throws a bed at Pei Ming. He’s obsessed with his shixiong and beats up his own followers for badmouthing him. He’s smart enough to realize that everyone thinks he’s stupid, therefore he can use obvious tricks because nobody thinks he can fool them. There’s a scene where Xie Lian and Quan Yizhen both praise something for being beautiful (I think it was the Brocade Immortal’s fighting) and even Ling Wen is like “You know I’m trying to kill you right?” He’s great :)
3. Tim Drake from DC Comics. The third Robin, the one most similar to Batman, the world second greatest detective. Can sneak up on Superman and managed to stalk Batman. Was going through a lot and tried to clone his best friend. The quintessential perfectionist. I headcanon that he plans his dates out on corkboards and no one will convince me otherwise. Also, his relationship with Ra’s Al Ghul in his Red Robin run was comedy gold.
4. Artemis Fowl from the books of the same name (I’ve never seen the movie and like to pretend it doesn’t exist). Fakes his own death multiple times and steals gold from fairies and is altogether a criminal mastermind. There’s a scene in the first book where Holly Short (the other main character) tells him to stay put and she’ll bring him back a lollipop (mocking him). She leaves and he mutters “But I don’t like lollipops.” Also gets made fun of for having a girly name, which I can relate to since I was made fun of for having a masculine name.
5. Shen Qiao from Thousand Autumns. God, he’s just the best. He is absolutely infuriating. He has the patience of ten thousand men. Began the book waiting for him to snap, then realized that I didn’t want him to lose his temper because that would make Shen Qiao sad and Shen Qiao deserves all the happiness in the world. His martial brother pushed him off of a fucking mountain. Yan Wushi names a deer after him. Have you ever seen baby Shen Qiao? Qiao-er?? The cutest little fella, the sweetest bean, has never done anything wrong in his life.
6. Marth from the Fire Emblem series. There’s a scene in the remake of the first game where, after you recruit one of the characters during a fight, Marth can talk to him. The character is like “I understand if you don’t trust me.” Marth: “Why wouldn’t I trust you?” “I literally tried to kill you fifteen minutes ago.” Marth: “The past is in the past.” Marth is just the most polite boy. He was the first male character to be included in the FEH Bridal Event and he is… so cute…
7. Mara Jade from Star Wars. Specifically Mara Jade in the Thrawn trilogy. She is loyal to Karrde because he was nice to her. She wants to kill Luke so bad, but she can’t because if she doesn’t find out why he’s so weird before she kills him, she’ll never be at peace. Darth Vader’s coworker. “Who’s this “son of Vader” you keep mentioning?” -Mara Jade, while sitting next to the son of Vader they keep mentioning. Mirrors Anakin and I just love that for her (especially since he went good -> evil and she went evil -> good, they mirror each other babeyyy) She’s like “Are you sure you don’t want me to murder this creepy old guy?” The straightman in her and Luke’s relationship and it is so funny that the literal ex-Dark Jedi is the normal one.
8. Hiwatashi Nazuna from BNA. She is in love with Michiru. Anyone else: “Your agent is weird.” Nazuna: “Shut up you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Michiru: “Your agent is weird.” Nazuna: “You make a great point and I’m going to start distancing myself from him right away.” The trickiest trickster to ever trick trickers. She is willing to kill for Michiru and it’s honestly very relatable.
9. Kudou Shinichi from Detective Conan. The dumbest man alive. Also the most dramatic man alive. Obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and infodumps about him constantly. Is terrible at pretending to be a child, literally nobody is convinced, but Conan is so cute, how can they say no to him? Has the strongest moral compass of any character (aside from maybe Shen Qiao) and the world is lucky his moral compass is so strong, because if he decided to be evil, no one would be able to stop him. My favourite moments are the ones where innocent little Conan-kun smiles and says horribly dark things that even make the murderer scared. Absolutely terrifying, at seventeen and seven, good for him.
10. Tianlang-jun from Scum Villain Self-Saving System. I know it’s another character from Scum Villain, but hear me out. He is absolutely insane. He decides to destroy the world because everyone thought he wanted to. He barters with Su Xiyan over how attractive his face is. He asks Zhuzhi-lang if he thinks he’s ugly. He is a pure-hearted innocent maiden and also the most powerful character in the book. He only loses to Binghe because he was stuck under a mountain for over a decade, and his body is rejecting his demonic qi and falling apart. He makes a coffin look like a throne and is intimidating as fuck, then asks Shen Qingqiu to help him up and his arm pops off. And he just says “Dang. It happened again, Zhuzhi-lang.” My favourite red herring of all time, I just want to pat-pat his head.
These are the current ones. Shout-out to Yan Wushi from Thousand Autumns, who spends the entire novel fucking with Shen Qiao then has the terrible realization that he fell in love with Shen Qiao. Also, he made a very convincing woman. Also also, as I was looking through my notes on Thousand Autumns, I was reminded that he has the truly remarkable ability to ruin Shen Qiao’s reputation without even being present. Amazing! Second shout out to Bai Rong, also from Thousand Autumns, who gets a crush on Shen Qiao and offers to become his sugar daddy. A lot of characters try to seduce Shen Qiao, but Bai Rong was my favourite because she was just so… cute about it.
I like a lot of characters… Thank you for your ask :)
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gurggggleburgle · 2 years
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every time i think about the svsss donghau i think about how shitty the geometry and texture is on this is just soooo fucking whack and i laugh. but it also lets me think about how potentially the actual explanation for all of this is that binghe is not actually not that good at cooking. He’s decent and all around talented, but Shen Yuan despite being a rich ass bitch doesn’t know what good food is and has a sad white girl on tik tok energy when it comes to cooking and just eating nice food in general. Man died of food poisoning and you can’t tell me it wasn’t from eating 4 year out of date cup of yogurt he found in the back of the fridge while dipping in goldfish crackers into ranch and angrily typing his comments while having had instant noodle things and cheap ass takeout that’s almost a little sketch but whatever the delivery time was short ASF for 3 weeks in a row.
Chronically ill and weak bodied Shen Yuan is absolute classic but the crack theory and visual that the man just literally doesn’t know what a good bowl of congee is supposed to be despite everything is fucking hilarious to me. It’s like when my mom forgets to buy apple sauce for latkes or when people try to tell me there isn’t a difference between jewish and southern bbq style brisket. I just think it’s funny to imagine this bitch doesn’t know what good food should taste like despite everything, especially considering the world is a shitty novel full of hyperbole.
The concept that binghe’s cooking is just overblown is chef’s kiss mwha to my gremlin loving being who loves chaos in all things. orgasmic cooking my ass. he gets 3.1 stars on yelp from me
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