fortruechaos-moved · 5 years
Continued from here. || @absoludreams
“It is, but--” oh, and there he goes. So much for that. It’s not even fair to say it’s raining. It’s pouring, it’s a deluge. Thunder cracks in the distance, shattering silence.
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Shadow falls silent and watches. Silver looks so at peace in the storm. Shadow kind of misses when he took joy in the simple pleasures like that; he remembers being awestruck at watching a candle burn. Obviously the ARK didn’t have any storms, but he was still just as bewildered when he learned about them for the first time.
Instead of voicing his memories, instead Shadow says, “You better not get sick.”
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gadgte · 5 years
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there’s  a  small   &   short  laughter   /   upon  seeing  silver  pout.   well   /   you  suppose  rain  was  something  foreign  to  him   (   which  gives  you  somewhat  of  an  idea   ).   it’s  not  like  you  want  to  ruin  the  other’s  mood   /   you  just  rather  not  get  sick  from  the  rain.
❝    if  you’re  not  prepared  for  the  rain  you’ll  definitely  catch  a  cold.    ❞   which   /   the  two  of  you  weren’t  prepared   (   however   /   that  could  be  easily  mended   !   ).   ❝    let’s  go  find  an  umbrella   &   we  can  walk  in  the  rain  together.    ❞   you  say   /   dashing  with  all  your  speed  to  go  find  an  umbrella.
@absoludreams   /   continued.
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nakotnes · 5 years
❝The best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time.❞
LIVES  IN  A  PINEAPPLE   /   @absoludreams
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it  sure  is  huh   ?
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somewhereinchaos · 5 years
" hello darkness my old friend … "
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          ╳ ┊ u l t i m a t e  »  “It’s Shadow.” he huffed. “And I’m not your friend.” What even was friendship? Something he didn’t have time for. If only these people would stop trying to talk to him.. Shadow just wanted to be left alone. (Though sometimes there was this weird feeling in his chest. Loneliness? No, it didn’t matter.)
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
“ it wasn’t anyone’s fault. not really. ”
A group of people had died: not killed by the creatures, not killed by angels or demons. By humans, by other people-- the group had been murdered, in a frenzy of trying to gather resources. In the desperation of survival.
Kendall had tried, and failed, to save them; in the process, he had gotten injured, and had been rendered unconscious. Silver and the others had hurried Kendall back to their temporary base.
Silver had been by Kendall’s side, when he had awoken. After an awkward silence, Silver spoke, and Kendall could hear that reassurance, yet uncertainty, to Silver’s voice,
“It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Not really.”
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Kendall just laid in the makeshift bed they’d setup for him on the ground, and stared up at the bits of broken, cracked ceiling overhead. At the way the sunlight shone in through the holes, how particles of dust from debris and lack of cleaning floated by gently.
His eyes closed, and a light sigh left Kendall, before he replied quietly,
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“Maybe.” it was hard to lay full blame; so many people scrambling for dwindling supplies. So many of those resources, nearly tapped dry. Could they truly just turn the other cheek, and cite desperation as the cause? Blame the circumstances, their environment, and not the actions of others?
...Kendall didn’t know. For once, he couldn’t dole out any of his own reassurances, or his own thoughts.
He just felt tired.
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BOLD what your muse experiences , ITALICIZE leaning. then tag your mutuals to do the same! Please repost. Do NOT reblog!
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Alcoholism. Amnesia. Anxiety. Appetite Loss. Binge Eating. Co-Dependence. Cynicism. Defensiveness. Denial. Depersonalization. Depression. Derealization. Devaluation. Displacement. Dissociation. Drug Abuse. Dysphoria. Emotional Detachment. Flashbacks. Flat Affect. Guilt. Hallucinations. Hypersomnia. Hypervigilance. Hypochondria. Idealization. Insomnia. Intellectualization. Introjection. Isolation. Low Self Esteem. Narcissism. Night Terrors. Obsessive Compulsion. Overeating. Panic Attacks. Passive Aggression. Paranoia. Phobias. Projection. Psychosis. Rationalization. Regression. Repression. Restrictive Eating. Risky Sex. Self-Harm. Somatization. Splitting. Sublimation. Suicidal Ideation. Sleep walking. Suppression. Thousand Yard Stare. Triggers. Trust Issues. Violence. Whiplash. Temper.
tagged by: — tagging: @spywithjeweleyes / @dreggmxn / @fortruechaos / @absoludreams
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miracleofnorende · 5 years
‘ all i want is a big garden and no responsibilities. ’
@absoludreams / ◈ / popular text posts / ◈ / ACC.
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   ❝ I would be more for a farm, but… That does sound so nice. I hope you’ll find your garden one day. ❞
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storiesoforsterra · 5 years
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“Don’t listen to everything people tell you.”
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truelesson · 5 years
“Do you want some tea? Would that help?”
✒ It’ll Be Okay – ACCEPTING
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       “I’m not certain it will do any good, but you won’t ever hear me refuse tea.”
       Cyrus drummed his fingertips against the window sill so fast and hard that it hurt. All it took was a good pair of eyes to see his tension by the way he sat bolt upright and the way he clenched his jaw, yet for some reason, he was a little surprised that anyone would bother taking note, let alone offer help. Most of what he’d learned over the years pointed to the world being cruel and uncaring for the most part, so imagine his surprise when people proved him wrong at every turn.
       “Sorry, I really should thank you properly. It’s very nice of you to offer. Forgive my shortness, I just have much on my mind.”
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fxstbxmp-archive · 5 years
@absoludreams from ( x )
“ Looks like he’s gone ... ”
Auburn had grew quite used to this. The world distorting around her, images flashing by, sudden, 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵 𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 appearing before her eyes. But this time, as soon as enemies appeared, closing in, they were gone - and the hedgehog beside her had fallen to his knees, sweating profusely.
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“ The best thing we can do for now is go back to the base. You can stand up, right ? ”
Oh come on Auburn. Be a little more considerate. The dude doesn’t look well at all, check on him. Crouch down, look after him ...
“ ... You alright, there ? ”
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coupdegravy · 5 years
“ i have spent my whole life alone ”
@crystarchived​ / ⁂ / salt / ⁂ / NA.
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   ❝ Really? That must have been so rough… ❞ Of course, the cavalier knows loneliness. A steadfast companion even when surrounded by those who carried his same blood, who should have been comforting and loving but only ever managed to be so distant he could barely recall them— until he had chosen his companions. His family. Still, to have lived a life entirely of solitude… ❝ But it doesn’t have to be like that anymore, right? We are friends! And you have so many people that care about you, Silver! ❞
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fortruechaos-moved · 5 years
❤ + absoludreams? only if you want
Would be my honor
The only interaction our muses have had was a dumb SA2-Snapcube shitpost, but MAN do I wanna interact more because their Silver is great!
One of my biggest pet peeves with people who write Silver is making him like a “smoll bean cinnamon roll” with no real character flaws but like? Silver is SASSY. And Shadow gets this side of Silver perfectly while still capturing the naive essence that is him. I have a lot of fun watching this blog!
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gadgte · 5 years
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❝    alright  silver   ,   we’re  gonna  teach  you  stuff  about  the  current  culture.   that  way  you’re  not  confused  about   ,   well   ,   everything.    ❞
@absoludreams   /   alpha  gamer  lessons
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gothamparlor-blog · 5 years
❛ it’s a great day for a walk. ❜ (to almond!)
“Huh?” Almond turned his head. Out, visiting family in Soleanna, he figured he’d just wander around a bit before heading home to deal with nagging parents. He wasn’t expecting anyone to talk to him, but the hedgehog seemed friendly, and pretty young. Besides it was sunny with a slight breeze, and that was good walk weather.
“Yea, it sure is! This is actually the old path I’d take walking to the shore from my house. You headed any place special, stranger?”
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somewhereinchaos · 5 years
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          ╳ ┊ u l t i m a t e  »  He had just witnessed the white hedgehog move some random boxes using psychokinesis. It peaked Shadow’s curiosity.. a little bit anyway. “That’s not Chaos control, is it?” He kept his arms crossed, not very approachable. The black one didn’t even care to introduce himself first before asking questions.
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
✂ - a vivid memory
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Kendall remembers when he felt worthy of life. It was shortly after his parents had died; maybe a year after. He had saved a village from being destroyed. They had hailed ‘Sonic’ as a hero.
His first heroic deed.
He could only feel gratitude that he’d made others lives’ richer. Yet it made him feel hurt for those lives that had been lost before. Still, Kendall chose to keep helping others.
He chose to believe in their right to life, beyond his own sorrows.
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