ooh like what! like what!?
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“... ‘Mal’ was rather commonly spoken of. The other monikers I have gained over the centuries were, of course: ‘The God of Chaos & Destruction’, ‘Chaos Incarnate’, among many others. None I have the desire to go over.”
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do you have any nicknames!?
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What a-- bizarre question to simply blurt out. Without context, or prior conversation.
Malpercio paused, and considered, before replying,
“Yes. I suppose I have a few.”
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Did you kill Ryker!?
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“No.” his response is immediate, though Malpercio does give pause. He considered, before clarifying, “although he no doubt will wish that I had simply done that.
Death is far too merciful an end, for some.”
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“This seems to be the will of the people.”
A chill – sheer fear – ran down Ryker’s spine. Wide eyed, he had begun to turn, but then felt Malpercio’s large palm, long fingers, grip at his face. He was slammed into the ground, and Ryker flailed, kicked, but he felt like his body was being forcibly gripped by the very ground itself.
And it was; like a maw, the earth had opened up beneath him, like jaws, jagged parts of the ground clamped around the backside of Ryker’s body.
Malpercio watched stoically, as he pushed Ryker’s small body further against the jagged maw of the earth, his gaze narrowed. Then, beneath Ryker, the earth gave way, and began to bubble upwards. It bubbled upwards with a dark red, like blood, then dark black, like tar, mixing and oozing together.
Gurgled, groaned noises, some high pitched, others deep and resonating; hundreds of them. Slowly, arms, hundreds of arms began to pull upwards, out of the tar, that blood. All of those arms, their hands, gripped at Ryker’s body.
Ryker screamed, that noise louder than the sound of the thousands of creatures that were currently beneath him.
Malpercio idly released his hold on Ryker’s face, and stepped back. Instantaneously, the earth’s jaw grew in size, massive, far above where Ryker was, those hands still clawing and pulling at Ryker’s face, his stomach, his arms, chest, legs: Ryker still screamed.
Then, the maw clamped shut, violently, and pulled Ryker downwards, before it settled naturally.
Malpercio stared at the spot a moment, before he turned, and began to leave.
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An exhale leaves him, and then Malpercio is gone from where he had been residing.
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Perhaps he should have killed that silver furred hedgehog. What an annoyance.
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Inuyasha — Season 2  {Sentence Starters}
“Nobody trusts you!“
“No! I will NOT stay calm!”
“You mean you can’t fix it?”
“So, you absolutely refuse?” 
“Aren’t you the clever one?”
“If that were true, I’d be thrilled.”
“I don’t ask that you understand.“
“I’m gonna make you my woman.“
“I can’t concentrate while you’re fighting!”
“I warn you: You’re not gonna die quickly.“
“Stop it. I know you’ve been following me.”
“Even the mightiest are inferior to someone.”
“The power that I desired… It wasn’t like this.”
“You referred to him as though he were still alive.“
“You haven’t got any power on your own, do you?”
“If I was in your position… I probably couldn’t do it.”
“I won’t let you go, even if you beg for forgiveness!“
“I’m tired of hearing your voice! You make me sick!“
“It looks like you’re inured! What happened to you?”
“I think I just shortened my life by a hundred years.“
“Your life belongs to me. No one else will have you.“
“Killing me won’t help. You should know that already.”
“Tell me your name, now that you have disturbed me.”
“If you try to do that again, I’ll tear your stupid arm off!!”
“Don’t you dare! Don’t you touch her… not now or ever!”
“Don’t you know I’m the only one who can protect you?“
“What is that you plan to do about it? —– Will you kill me?“
“Don’t start that again! You’re not winning points for persistence.“
“Tell me, why do I get the feeling you’re unhappy to know I am well?”
“It’s been one trap after another! I’m getting tired of these deceptions.”
“My soul is much freer than it was, then. I am free to hate, free to love.“
“I won’t let you hurt, ____. I’m the one you should be coming after, not her.”
“I’m sorry to bring up such painful memories. It must be hard for you to talk about it.”
“I came so that I could ask you, in person, how it felt to have your own power turned against you… and very easily, I might add.“
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On anonymous, send me questions you’d like to know about my muse / how I portray my muse.
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[ I’m only going to say this once ( might add it into my rules later? I dunno )! Just a reminder: I don’t care if you send in multiple sentences from a prompt that I reblog! I’d prefer it, in fact, because it gives us more chances to interact, and it might open up new things your muse might not’ve said / gotten the chance to do otherwise.
Plus it’s fun to answer them and think up scenarios for reasons why the sentence would’ve been said in the first place. I reblog the prompts for a reason, and seeing people stop after just sending in one can get kind of disheartening.
Kravitz ]
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BOLD what your muse experiences , ITALICIZE leaning. then tag your mutuals to do the same! Please repost. Do NOT reblog!
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Alcoholism. Amnesia. Anxiety. Appetite Loss. Binge Eating. Co-Dependence. Cynicism. Defensiveness. Denial. Depersonalization. Depression. Derealization. Devaluation. Displacement. Dissociation. Drug Abuse. Dysphoria. Emotional Detachment. Flashbacks. Flat Affect. Guilt. Hallucinations. Hypersomnia. Hypervigilance. Hypochondria. Idealization. Insomnia. Intellectualization. Introjection. Isolation. Low Self Esteem. Narcissism. Night Terrors. Obsessive Compulsion. Overeating. Panic Attacks. Passive Aggression. Paranoia. Phobias. Projection. Psychosis. Rationalization. Regression. Repression. Restrictive Eating. Risky Sex. Self-Harm. Somatization. Splitting. Sublimation. Suicidal Ideation. Sleep walking. Suppression. Thousand Yard Stare. Triggers. Trust Issues. Violence. Whiplash. Temper.
tagged by: — tagging: @spywithjeweleyes / @dreggmxn / @fortruechaos / @absoludreams
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‘strength is my, uhh… power!’
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“You do not sound certain of that fact. Your voice lacks conviction, as does your posture. Straighten your shoulders, speak with clarity and confidence.” Malpercio pulls out the scabbard of his sword from where it’s hooked onto his waist-side, and whacks Silver on the upper back with it: a physical prompt to get him to straighten his posture.
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BRAVELY DEFAULT sentence prompts pt 3.
‘augh, i’ll thank you not to go killing me off in your weird fantasies.’
‘i hate not knowing if we’re even doing the right thing.’
‘you just collapsed out of nowhere.’
‘i failed… failed to protect you.’
‘no need to worry about me. i’m fine.’
‘(name)!? you have that i’m-in-pain look again.’
‘please, i’m trying to be serious here!’
‘been some time since we’ve had any good news.’
‘i feel nothing at all. nothing save a stabbing pain, all over…’
‘how much longer must we suffer this sadness?’
‘for now, we’ll grit our teeth and bear it. together. until it’s done.’
‘the road ahead will be hard and bitter, no doubt. have you the resolve to persevere?’
‘you’re… me. you’re me from back when i had nothing.’
‘i’ve always been alone, for as long as i can remember.’
‘and always have i hated.’
‘even chance meetings over in a moment can provide a spark to keep a person going.’
‘don’t worry, (name)! i for one appreciate the effort you made!’
‘the aid of others does not diminish the scale of one’s achievements.’
‘… should i be mad? i feel mad.’
‘i met a girl who sang a song that went “i gave him my digits just to watch him fidget!"’
‘you’re stronger than you think.’
‘a sword to defend, not to take… never, ever forget that.’
‘i find you as frightening as you are pitiable.’
‘geez, why’s everyone so bloodthirsty? what a pain…’
‘never fear, i’ll keep waiting for you. thousands of years, even!’
‘so much hurt, so much suffering in my wake…’
‘it was a long battle.‘
‘all because i was a fool.’
‘you’re not responsible for anyone’s fate but your own!’
‘know that you do not walk alone.’
‘has this little charade served to ease your weariness?’
‘we’re alive. i’ve the aches and pains to prove it.’
‘strength is my, uhh… power!’
‘if there’s no path forward, blaze one!’
‘it seems you wish to know true terror.’
‘totally, wholly, COMPLETELY unacceptable!’
‘apologise, and i might let you go.’
‘even the harshest journeys have a way of becoming fond memories.’
‘i suppose it’s time to return what i borrowed.’
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It sounds like something Silver might say. Scarily so. (Well, not entirely alone, but… near enough. And he’s certainly been feeling it more prominently as of late).
“ … I think I can understand that, ” he shrugs, looking for somewhere else to look. He finds maintaining eye contact with this… being, in particular to be… unnerving.
“ I mean, I… I guess if you ever want some company… I won’t mind? ”
What? Why did he say that? This person has an air about him that Silver can’t quite place, and air that leaves him somewhat unsettled. But… in the corners of his mind… there’s a small hope that this feeling may dissipate in time.
Maybe it stems from the shared experience of loneliness. Maybe it’s just his desperation for company himself. He can’t really tell.
Given Malpercio’s general height compared to most nowadays, eye contact seemed a tad difficult to maintain. Not that he cared, terribly; after the first initial attempts of it, Malpercio himself had also given up keeping eye contact. Unless absolutely necessary.
The other had mentioned to him, how Malpercio had looked ‘lonely’, which had prompted Malpercio to respond as he had done so. He had merely been speaking the truth: Malpercio had not been looking for either sympathy nor empathy.
So, for the silver mobian to agree, and then offer to give him company. Well. Malpercio paused, and considered before responding.
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“No. That will not be necessary.”
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Rouge goes to comment on that but keeps it to herself. Something about that wording struck her as incredibly odd, as if a number of other things weren’t already setting off red flags in her head. Like for instance, right now, with the levitation of this unconscious man. She was no stranger to powers that had to do with the manipulation of gravity but something about this just felt… different.
At his comment and with his gaze set firmly on her, she blinks a few times but decides against questioning him on this and giving him the benefit of the doubt. The bat cautiously closes her eyes and places a very clear image of the local G.U.N base in her mind. Just the outside of it, last thing she wanted to do was bring unauthorised personnel into the base.
He kept his gaze on her, and slowly, that image settled inside of his soul. Malpercio inhaled deeply, and if Rouge had her eyes open, she would see the world around them shift, as though ripples of water were endlessly distorting their surroundings.
Instantaneously, they were outside of the very base of operations that Rouge had just pictured. The unconscious male’s body limply dropped onto the ground, and Malpercio stepped away, those ripples having faded as soon as they’d appeared.
Inside, some G.U.N agents were scrambling as their chaos energy radars, things no doubt reserved for the chaos emeralds’ general whereabouts and tracking, were going haywire.
Merely because Malpercio stood outside of the building.
“I had thought I would save you the trip back.” The smallest of smiles, before Malpercio glanced over, seeing the activity picking up inside of the building itself. “It seems our time together shall end now. Farewell, Miss.” Malpercio rest a hand on his chest, and briefly bowed, before he stepped further back, and was gone from view, as though he had stepped through some invisible rift.
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Rouge has to stop herself from scoffing in amusement at the man’s words, giving a mild shrug of her shoulders.
“ You didn’t strike me as the sympathetic type anyways. ”
She crosses her arms over her chest and lets out a small sigh. She didn’t like that she was being targeted like this. It was a bit unusual but at the same time? Typical, really freaking typical. G.U.N had plenty of enemies and eventually? She was going to be on that list. But for the time being, she was simply going to have to treat this as business as usual.
“ Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s an operative targeting scheme running around. Those are really more frequent than most people think. But, that’s how being a government spy goes. ”
“Yes. That is generally how I am perceived.”
He glanced over, and idly shifted his head some; and the unconscious man’s body on the ground rose up, levitating above the ground. Malpercio then turned his attention back to the woman as she continued to speak.
“I am well versed in assassinations. Now. I must have you picture in your mind, your base of operations. Just the image of the building shall suffice.”
Malpercio kept his gaze locked with hers, as he spoke, and did not look away from her eyes.
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Rouge freezes, a chill jolting up her spine as her ears twitch at the sound and she watches unflinchingly as this man before her manages to take out another that had clear intentions of wishing her harm. What struck her as far more impressive was the fact that he was able to easily cauterize the wound of the man after knocking him out, rather than simply doing what most people would and killing him.
After a beat, she lets out a sigh, her wings flexing as a result of her relaxing and letting the tension unwind from her body as a result of her fight or flight instinct. The bat clears her throat awkwardly and manages to muster a polite smile at the very least.
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“ Well then, thank you very much~ I wouldn’t be as well off as I am presently if it hadn’t been for your uncanny timing and excellent skills. ”
She momentarily eyes the unconscious man, mentally noting any details that struck her as alarming before continuing.
“ I’m sure I can find an empty interrogation room to use back on the base with little to no issue. Especially if I explain this was an attempt on an agent’s life and all that jazz. ”
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“Very well. I would inform your base of operations soon: this may not be the only attack on your peoples.” Malpercio cleaned the blade of his sword as best he could with the materials at his disposal, before sheathing it at his side again. He paused a moment, stared down at her, and cleared his throat before adding,
“Make no mistake: this was not about saving you. I had merely been curious about the events that were to unfold. Assassinations do not happen without due cause.”
Yet still, Malpercio had intervened. He could have easily stood aside and watched as she was taken out.
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“ Un… injured? ”
The bat blinks, looking herself over throughly. Had she gotten hurt when she wasn’t paying attention? And just… who was this guy? He gave off a vibe of sheer power that gave Rouge chills.
“ I mean, I feel fine, I appreciate someone asking, I suppose~ ”
“You... Hm. I could have sworn,” Malpercio murmurs to himself, then his brows furrowed. “Ah. I understand.” He turned then, swiftly; and the sound of his sword leaving its scabbard cut through the quiet; then, another noise. Blade through flesh, the screams of a man as his limb was cut away from his body.
Malpercio had severed the man’s leg, mid jump; and the male landed on the ground, bleeding. Malpercio moved, again, but instead of killing the other, he simply knocked him unconscious with the blunt end of the sword.
Malpercio’s hand glowed, and he reached over to cauterise the man’s wound so he wouldn’t bleed out and die. While Malpercio straightened his posture, he turned to glance down at the bat mobian,
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“My apologies for startling you with my earlier, no doubt confusing, question. At times I see events before they unfold and it can be challenging to discern them.
The unconscious man was no doubt sent to assassinate you. I have merely rendered him unconscious so you may question him when he awakens.”
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