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somewhereinchaos · 10 days ago
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The Death of Comet 332P
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somewhereinchaos · 1 month ago
saw some people discuss the old theory that in sa2 and sonic x it’s implied maria and shadow never met and all of shadow’s memories of her are fake + that he was actually created on prison island. and while i personally love shadow’s backstory being mysterious and sa2’s story is genius because it leaves some things open to interpretation ( which is why ppl are still having discussions about it! )
i think that within the game (sa2) any confirmation about the memories being real or fake would hurt the story, as the idea is that shadow chooses to believe in those memories rather than the memories themselves being real or not.
… but i also think it would be so unnecessarily cruel and less impactful if it was later confirmed shadow is not the same shadow from 50 years ago and he’s just a fake with.. everything about him being fake. i like the direction they chose, letting shadow meet her again in sxsg. and sure if you’re a big fan of the ’shadow and maria never met’ theory, white space could have pulled things from shadow’s fake memories i suppose.
but i like maria and shadow being real friends.
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
movie shadow, assumed dead, gets discovered by stone. they exchange sad looks.. and then they sulk together.
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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          " all of you ungrateful humans, who took everything away from me, will feel my loss and despair! "   /   indie & mutuals only SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG, created by seiko.
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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i think in this shot where shadow is discovered inside the meteor he looks a little sad? :( makes me wonder if he was exiled or if he wasn't meant to fall down to earth.
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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some heartbreaking hc's :
shadow has zero trust for any scientists who are interested in him on a biological level. he's not willing to give out any samples, he was already kind and docile on the ARK and while that place was filled with scientists as brilliant as gerald, it never resulted in a cure. he doesn't remember much about being experimented on but i think if someone brought a syringe or any other medical equipment close to him it would bring back painful memories and he would likely lash out.
... even if someone had pure, good intentions he's not willing to help out in any way. he doesn't like the idea of his dna being collected because there's always a chance of someone stealing it. but would he help out if the scientist was researching a cure for the same illness maria had? it may sound cruel and selfish, but he would boldly refuse anyway. he doesn't like the idea of a cure that's made from his blood; who's to say they won't inherit his strange mutations, the hivemind and other awful side effects? ( he didn't know about him being part-black arms which is why he was okay with giving his blood to maria. )
there's also the fact that he doesn't think being a cure is his purpose anymore, it hasn't been that for a very long time. he's a weapon now, he holds onto that title strongly and he fights to keep a promise alive.
also if something were to happen to him, he would prefer to be blown into pieces. he would prefer to be lost forever. because it's a fear of his, that someone would use him even after he's gone.
if he's still aware and able to talk and he's with someone he deems trustworthy, he begs for them to make sure no one collects his body. please.
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
I'm really not a very angry person there's just a lot of rage inside me
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
im afraid the corocoro shadow manga is peak.
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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my cover for the recently announced idw sonic special "chasing shadows" that I'm also set to draw and is coming out next year with scripting by Kiel Phegley
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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          "... Well, I think we can cure you from that. It's called heart-break."
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"Just because I'm girly and a little lovestruck doesn't make me stupid or weak or incapable...ugh. I can't stand when people talk down to me just 'cause I'm a romantic."
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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          ╳ ┊ @whrrlwind : throws a snowball at him >:)
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          ⸻! For once Shadow didn't dodge.. possibly because he just couldn't believe Sonic would do something so childish all of the sudden ( alright.. he gets it now. ) The snowball hits him right in his quills and he slowly looks back at the hedgehog behind him with a pout.. It's not funny to him, he hates the feeling of things stuck in his quills. Hmph!
          Then the glaring stops and he looks down at the snow. Then back at Sonic. You can probably guess what he's thinking about.. And as quick as lighting, he grabs a chunk of snow and hurls it towards the other ( there's probably ice inside it, he didn't really check. )
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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          ╳ ┊ @yourflame / maria : "Shadow, Shadow look!!" The blonde is way too excited about the simple novelty of such a mundane machine, but never the less enthusiastic as she inserts the kurregg cup into its slot and closes the lid. A couple minutes pass as the machine steams and whirrs to life, before on cue it begins to drip coffee into the little white mug - and she's just beaming. "Isn't that neat?"
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          It's no surprise the Ultimate lifeform was used to different kinds of machines at this point. They were fascinating in his opinion, always with a specific purpose. And to work they often needed a sample of some kind; a quill or a little bit of blood.. which he would provide. But not everything was about making medicine— just like this little coffee maker here. He's quite attentive as she shows him how it works, his eyes locked into the machine.
          Ah. Shadow's not sure how to describe the smell but it reminded him of the professor. This dark liquid was coffee and it's supposed to stimulate your brain, making you feel more.. awake. That's what Gerald had said. And he always had a cup with him..
          "It's neat. But are you going to drink this? It's a little.. strong, isn't it?" The hedgehog wasn't entirely sure about this. But if Maria wanted him to be the one to taste it, then he would do just that.
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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Wonder what it's like to feel grass under your feet for the first time in your life. Wonder how it feels knowing you'll be the one to destroy it.
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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          "I don't think they're meant make you feel like you're nothing. And I know I would never compare to his real granddaughter. But.." Oh, he's like a sad wet dog, don't look at him.
          "Is it wrong to wish I'd at least be something?"
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" Who needs father figures, huh? "
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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          "The closest thing to father I've had convinced me we should both just kill ourselves because Maria isn't here anymore."
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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unfortunately we're all going to die once i make a verse for him.
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somewhereinchaos · 2 months ago
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          ╳ ┊ @badnikbreaker / rouge : ❝ it'd be a lot easier if i actually cared as little as i pretend to. ❞
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          "Tch. I'll just be twice as ruthless so no one will notice anything wrong with our team." To an outsider, his words sound entirely devoid of emotion, of humor. 'He's so insensitive', they would think. But someone like Rouge would notice the slight tilt of his head and a shrug of his shoulders-- When he's serious he doesn't do these gestures. Dry humor, as dry as it can be.. But he's joking.
          "..." Her words do hit close to home, though. People don't pretend just for others, they do it to protect themselves. That's the case for Shadow anyway. Because he has to feel like he's in control even if he can't stop himself from.. caring.
          "You're fine."
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