The human was leaned back against a tree, a small bluebird frantically darting around him in a panic. There was the smell of blood in the air. His hand was pressed over a wound as he winced, his face pale and uncertain. "E-Easy, Beatrice. Toa will find us any minute now..."
((maybe for Ash?))
He was outside of her territory, but the scent of blood and danger traveling on the winds urged her near. It was a terrible and constant habit of hers- running straight towards such things.
Ash caught sight of him, weakened and dripping blood. A heavy frown set upon her face.
"You are injured," calmly stating the obvious.
"Are you being hunted?"
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aefitoranight · 11 months
Typically, Styliani tried to keep herself on at least decent terms with the local guards. That is until they prove to be corrupt in one way or another; such as this particular city.
Granted, she'd gotten shafted by her employer and she hadn't realized that the guards were on his payroll until after she'd retaliated. That's what she got for not asking enough questions, she supposed. She had managed to stash herself into a good hiding spot when she heard the sound of shouting and the guards apparently having found a new target.
Time to be petty. She opened the door of the abandoned building and reached out, yanking the person that the guards were chasing inside and quickly shutting the door. Quickly, she clamped one of her hands over their mouth to silence them and whispered, "Quiet now. I promise to explain. Once they pass."
It wasn't until the shouting had subsided and the footsteps had faded that she lowered her hand. "Sorry about that. The guards here are...corrupt, to say the least. Figured that if they were after you, you could use a bit of a hand."
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dreamsofalifeold · 1 year
Montrose sucked in a breath with a hiss. It was hard not to jar his leg. "Ah- fuck... I'm a little worried if we take too long... The adrenaline is gonna wear off... I may just pass out from pain."
Shy hushed him softly, holding onto him as tight as she could without harming the poor man. They were all piled onto the metal bobsled into the Buttercream, bracing Montrose for the ride. Spoker was going to be absolutely pissed about this, but she was the one least likely to ask questions about it.
"Easy, baby, easy...We're going to get you taken care of, alright? Take a deep breath, we're going to be there soon."
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violeteyedkiller · 1 year
@abracaxfuckxyou​ asked: Don't mind Montrose, he's just singing a song nearby. Maybe his singing is tasty?
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(Un)prompted Ask || Always Accepting
As soon as he hears the sound, his mouth parts, drinking the sounds in. However, it wasn’t potent enough for him to feed from. For sounds from a human, he would need a direct connection. Regardless, his jagged teeth were itching to come out. The sort of itching you feel when the smell of food makes you realize just how hungry you really are.
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He quickly covers his mouth, returning it to its more human shape, like he was wiping it clean, hoping it wasn’t noticed. A clear of his throat. Never mind that if you did, Montrose. 
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astrumborn · 2 years
" Of course my love! I'd love for you to join! "
They replied, tapping the space next to them with a smile. Now that definitely lifted their mood. Watching the stars together with John was just wonderful! Perhaps they could catch a shooting star for him?
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justatouchjaded · 2 years
(Continued from here | Now for @prophecyguided !)
@pine-guards-chosen-one :
For now he did as told, consciously controlling his breathing, forcing it into a slower, more regular pattern. As Diamond shifted closer to sit with him, Indrid leaned his head against the other.
“Do you ever dream about your own death, Diamond? Because I have... Too many times... And tonight just happened to be a particularly bad one...” he said softly. “Being drawn and quartered is a terrifying way to go when you think about it. You’re dragged behind a horse to the gallows, hung until you’re very close to dead where they then cut you down, disembowel and behead you, then use horses to rip your body into pieces. Sometimes they don’t behead you and simply rend your head from your body with the horses...”
It was odd how distant and matter of fact his voice was as he spoke. He’d had plenty of others about being hunted or even attacked in their home. This was no different, even if it was one of the more gory nightmares.
Diamond sighed, tilting his head to lean against the top of Indrid’s under the assumption that their hair was probably at least as much of a barrier as clothing would be. 
“Stars, Indrid. That sounds miserable. I’m sorry.” Not for the first time, Diamond found himself grateful that memories from his previous lives weren’t fully integrated into his physical brain unless he actively dwelled on them; the vast bulk of them didn’t tend to shape his dreams overmuch. Even so, enough of them did. And he could empathize far more with what Indrid was describing than he’d like, right down to the miserable, weary weight of repetition. 
But Diamond knew better than to assume Indrid would need the same things that Diamond would want after a dream like that. “What do you want to do?”
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paleobird · 1 year
"Here Miss Ava, this might help. It's a special root tea my buddy makes. He's a healer and told me this would help with something like this," Shepard said, offering her a smaller sachet of herb roots.
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"I, uh, appreciate it." The more tea, the better. It was certainly doing a good job at keeping her cough under control.
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Indrid just really thinks he's neat <3
Diamond absolutely appreciates Indrid. <3
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itscnlyfcrever · 1 year
7. Is your muse difficult to ship with?
Mun Related Shipping Questions!
Only if you want something more serious than a one night stand or fling. Which I feel kind of bad about because I know he’s a very popular object of thirst. He’s just not interested in anything deeper anymore.
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oddlies-a · 1 year
♆ for something your muse hates
headcanons !
Ignacio…hates a lot of things, as picky as they are. One specific thing, however, are inconsiderate people. For example, they absolutely LOATHE having to step off of the path they’re walking on due to people not being nice enough to move for them to keep walking. They also don’t like people who do stuff like litter or just make a mess and don’t clean it up.
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spxnglr · 1 year
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❝ I never have given much attention to the fungal populations in this forest, have I? ❞
AN UNHEARD-OF PHENOMENON FOR HIM - RESPITE FROM WORK. Not that it'd been arranged without any reluctance at all; as far as he was concerned, there was always something to do, errands and other matters that eclipsed any need for a vacation. Still, Janine, upon clearly reaching her limits with one of her employers, had banished him from the Firehouse, demanding that he spend at least a week away from the laboratory. With that in mind, where else was he going to go, if not to stay with his significant other?
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THE PAIR LIVED IN DIFFERENT STATES, SO TIME TOGETHER WAS RARE ENOUGH. Still, Duck didn't seem to mind - he was even willing to let the man accompany him while he worked, lest he abandon him to perish of boredom (and the one thing he hated doing above all else was nothing), so, the pair were spending the evening at Monongahela, a tranquility that never existed back within the constant chaos of New York soothing him more than he thought it would.
❝ You'll have to show me what species grow here, and where their numbers are most densely concentrated. That'll keep me occupied for a while. ❞
@abracaxfuckxyou || 𝚂𝙲.
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Continued from x with @abracaxfuckxyou
"That's just Torbek's face," the bugbear replied, his head tilting to the side. Though he could feel the tired exhaustion that seeped into his very bones. He couldn't count that well but he was pretty sure he hadn't slept well in a number of days equal to the number of fingers on his left hand.
"Torbek does feel kind of sleepy. If you're offering for a place to stay, Torbek won't say no. Oh! And Torbek promises to try not to be weird at allllll."
"There is no need to promise me such things, Torbek," they assumed that was Torbek's name. Or at least how Torbek reffers to Torbek, which is really at that mattered in the end, "We are all strange, in our own way. Come."
The werwolf gestured for Torbek to follow, leading the bugbear into her home- a cozy log cabin. The front door was larger than a standard frame, made to accommodate a wider variety of beings.
"I only ask you not break anything maliciously or steal from me. Do you like stews?"
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oflostinfound · 1 year
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"Can babies have brownies?"
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|| 💛 ||: " Uh, no, darling, they cannot. She's still bottle feeding. Soft and solid foods won't come for a minute. "
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|| 💛 ||: " I, on the other hand, can have brownies, so... "
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dreamsofalifeold · 1 year
Arms reach out and pull the crying woman into his arms. The Sylvan's head rests atop her blonde hair. One hand rubs small circles into her back. Indrid doesn't know how to comfort her, but simply and quietly holds her tight. ((that hurt to read holy shit. Indrid is here for her))
She buries her face in his shoulder, trying to suppress her sobbing as she clings to her only solace in a sea of misery. They're wrong; she's not just nearby. She's not a loser, not just convenient, if she was, he wouldn't be here. He's seen her worst, and he loves her...right?
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violeteyedkiller · 2 years
Continued from X
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Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time he’s ever come across such a scene. And if he was honest, it probably wouldn’t be the last. Violet eyes glance back up from the body, getting a good look at that odd mask of the other. 
   “No. I don’t think you can. Or, more accurately, you’re not going to get a chance to explain. This city has a very strict no murder rule.”
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Fingers shift to long, white, knife sharp claws, poised. Unfortunately for Montrose, Stan’s retired. 
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cflight · 1 year
It's unclear how Taako found out about Ekira's birthday but he offers them a plate of tea biscuits and cookies. They were recipes from his cookbook, a copy of which was hidden under the plate.
((hope this is okay!))
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“Wow! This is all for me?” they gasp, taking the plate of cookies, immediately shoveling them into their mouth. They couldn’t resist sweets if they could help it— giving a sheepish grin as they try to speak through their stuffed cheeks, quick to remember their manners. “Um… thank you! They taste great!”
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