#plotting: abracaxfuckxyou
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Indrid just really thinks he's neat <3
Diamond absolutely appreciates Indrid. <3
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runawaylabrat · 6 months
I need to plot out relationship tags for Ilia, who would like a family tag either for now or planned threads so I know how many to make?
I have three planned. @anderson-residence @abracaxfuckxyou and @tertiusdecimusfilius
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nolongerthelaw · 2 years
This blog is going to be archived and all muses are being moved over to @abracaxfuckxyou​. If you would like to continue threads or plots please message me over there or on Discord if you have it!
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This blog is going to be archived and all muses are being moved over to @abracaxfuckxyou​. If you would like to continue threads or plots please message me over there or on Discord if you have it!
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prophecyguided · 2 years
This blog is going to be archived and all muses are being moved over to @abracaxfuckxyou​. If you would like to continue threads or plots please message me over there or on Discord if you have it!
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This blog is going to be archived and all muses are being moved over to @abracaxfuckxyou. If you would like to continue threads or plots please message me over there or on Discord if you have it!
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bythebonefire · 2 years
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier. repost, do not reblog!
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name: Spacy
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: Discord once we get into a flow of plotting, but IMs are fine too
name of muse(s): lol a bunch of ‘em now. W. D. Gaster (both Undertale verse and Mafiafell verse), Grillby, Ferno (Underfell Grillby), Flambeau (Underswap Grillby), Luciano (Mobtale Grillby), Orion (Outertale Grillby), and Papyrus specifically from Mafiafell.
rp experience / how long (months / years?): I first started RPing Sailor Moon OCs based on my gal pals when I was in 5th grade so uhhh coming up on 25 years?
platforms you’ve used: AIM, Livejournal, Discord, and eventually Tumblr
best experience: Meeting two of my best friends, @abracaxfuckxyou​ and @puzzlebones​, after joining the UT fandom, and doing a two-week road trip with them along Route 66 last summer. We got lost on spooky backroads! And stayed at kitschy motels! We visited the World’s Largest Ketchup Bottle! It was a highlight of my life frankly lmao
rp pet peeves / dealbreakers:  People not having any indication of their age anywhere on their blog. I don’t need to know your exact age, but at least whether you’re 18+. Other than that, let’s see... this doesn’t happen too often, but does happen occasionally writing a character like Ferno--I’ve written with some folks in the past who even before we directly interact, seem to go into it with the expectation of a ship because he is very flirtatious. I do love ships! I love Ferno ships! But just because a character is very charismatic and charming doesn’t mean a ship between my muse and someone else’s is going to work out. 
fluff, angst or smut: I enjoy a healthy, balanced diet of all three. 😌
plots or memes: I enjoy both! I’d love to do more extended plotlines, but I think memes are a great way to build dynamics that can be fleshed out in plots. Sort of like how good filler episodes in a series develop the relationships between the characters that enriches the story around it. 
long or short replies: Both are good! I tend towards medium to longer. 
best time to write: It really varies lol, my day-to-day schedule is a joke for a lot of reasons. But I would say usually right after waking up in the morning--during my recording days I’ll usually try and bang out a post or two while I’m hydrating and warming my voice up--and late at night. 
are you like your muse(s): In some ways. I’m not as neat and tidy as Grillby for sure, though I relate a lot to the anxious tendencies he’s developed over my time writing him. I also tend to bottle things up until I am a powder keg of stress, and it is definitely not good for either of us, lol.  What’s kind of interesting to me is the feedback loop that’s come out of writing my muses? Grillby’s love of music that gradually became a part of his character wasn’t like necessarily autobiographical--music is still really important to me, but I play it up with Grillbz past the point I’d take it partly because sometimes it’s really funny to see someone so put together be just really weird and excited about something? But also because I think it emphasizes one thing I love about my version of Grillby, which is that he gives the impression of a stoic, silent gentleman, but deep down inside is an overly passionate nerd who can get so swept up in something he adores that he struggles to keep that composed image. It shows his hand as a bit of a closet romantic and a dreamer, and it’s something that endears him to me. But also (to get to the original point of this tangent), I think writing that out through Grillby has given me a greater appreciation for music, and enhanced my own love of it as a medium of art and communication.  So I guess I do see a lot of myself in my muses sometimes, but I feel like writing my muses in some ways has altered the way I see the world and appreciate things too, and that’s just kinda neat. 
tagged by: Stole from @megalobonia​ 
tagging: Take it, nerd
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