#about to tear all of my hair out
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p4nishers · 2 years ago
no no actually let's go back to that for a sec. eddie was having PANIC ATTACKS so bad that he thought they were HEART ATTACKS at the idea of being marry to a woman, of having a "ready made family" with her. like that's INSANE. and as someone who's aroace and also gets panic attacks at the mere possibility of a relationship, that man cannot be anything else other than gay or aro. like there's literally no other possibility and i really need the writers to remember that they fucking wrote that shit and TALK ABOUT IT.
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ash-and-starlight · 1 month ago
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Zuko turned around, lifted the spyglass to his eye. “Tell me what we’re fighting for. Tell me about your planet.” “Katara never told you?” The faint light of Emptiness III picked out the silver strands in Zuko’s hair. Like the threads that falling stars drew through the night. “I want to hear it from you.”
The Mercy of Magpies Ch 7 out now!!
written by the incomparable @ranilla-bean <33 (We're entering critical yearning territory everyone be warned)
Chapter Post || Cover || Map and Characters || Ch 2 || Ch 3.1 || Ch 3.2 || Ch.4 || Ch 5.1 || Ch 5.2 || Ch 6
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dotthings · 10 months ago
Here's a clip of more from Misha's panel and he confirmed Robert Berens intentionally wrote that confession to mean romantic love not love in a "love ya bro" kind of way, confirmed Berens was going to leave the show for the final season but stayed so he could see that storyline through, confirmed that there were "stages" to how Destiel was treated in the show, it started out with fandom viewpoints, and then some winks and nods done by the show, and then eventually the writers were working in hints in that direction, he confirmed that yes he and Jensen discussed it, confirmed at a certain point they started playing into it more deliberately (seemingly in pace with the writers and the story hints) and reiterated he was really stunned that they were able to give Cas an open love declaration like that.
This is confirmation of writer intent. Confirmation the actors talked about it and knew about it and played into it, following the writers. Confirmation of creative deliberation. No this was not just some headcanon or fandom delusion.
People at the show, who make the show, were for it, and since the network was never going to let that be full-open mutually confirmed they did their best to convey it however they good. Snuck it in the back door. And we've already been told there was a lot of careful chess-playing to get the confession to air and they were all worried the network might cut it.
No amount of screaming and hate and denial from spnstanbunchanumbers on twitter is going to undo it or make Destiel shippers "delusional" for noticing, make it less canon.
The creatives at spn were on your side. This was not a queerbait. If you want to accuse anything of that, please aim it at the cw network and it's cap on representation and its queer erasure, because broadcast TV networks are like this. They are still like this, things do seem to be changing a little, as Misha said, things are becoming a bit more inclusive and open, but it's not like the whole system reforms all at once.
Cas being gay and canonically in love with Dean got erased in show-connected PR, and for a time, stifled on CE con stages. That doesn't make it not canonical.
FYI for historical context, the reason "canon Destiel" even became the major discourse that it did was because of how the show started handling it differently. That shift happened in Carver era. And Carver hired Berens.
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foxstens · 8 months ago
andrew always being at kevin's side because kevin needs it and andrew driving kevin to night practice and andrew patting kevin down to check for injuries and andrew promising kevin it'll be fine and andrew looking awake, interested because of kevin and andrew conserving his energy for kevin's quiet meltdown and andrew smiling for the first time without the drugs because of kevin and andrew always picking up when kevin calls
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tzarrz · 1 year ago
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to all people who said PART 1 made them laugh - i lov u 💗 this is for u
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marypsue · 2 years ago
So if you follow me (and aren't just stopping by because you saw one of my funney viralposts), you probably know that I've been writing a bunch of fanfiction for Stranger Things, which is set in rural Indiana in the early- to mid-eighties. I've been working on an AU where (among other things) Robin, a character confirmed queer in canon, gets integrated into a friend group made up of a number of main characters. And I got a comment that has been following me around in the back of my mind for a while. Amidst fairly usual talk about the show and the AU and what happens next, the commenter asked, apparently in genuine confusion, "why wouldn't Robin just come out to the rest of the group yet? They would be okay with it."
I did kind of assume, for a second or two, that this was a classic case of somebody confusing what the character knows with what the author/audience knows. But the more I think about it, the more I feel like it embodies a real generational shift in thinking that I hadn't even managed to fully comprehend until this comment threw it into sharp perspective.
Because, my knee-jerk reaction was to reply to the comment, "She hasn't come out to these people she's only sort-of known for less than a year because it's rural Indiana. In the nineteen-eighties." and let that speak for itself. Because for me and my peers, that would speak for itself. That would be an easy and obvious leap of logic. Because I grew up in a world where you assumed, until proven otherwise, that the general society and everyone around you was homophobic. That it was unsafe to be known to be queer, and to deliberately out yourself required intention and forethought and courage, because you would get negative reactions and you had to be prepared for the fallout. Not from everybody! There were always exceptions! But they were exceptions. And this wasn't something you consciously decided, it wasn't an individual choice, it wasn't an individual response to trauma, it wasn't individual. It was everybody. It was baked in, and you didn't question it because it was so inherently, demonstrably obvious. It was Just The Way The World Is. Everybody can safely be assumed to be homophobic until proven otherwise.
And what this comment really clarified for me, but I've seen in a million tiny clashing assumptions and disconnects and confusions I've run into with The Kids These Days, is that a lot of them have grown up into a world that is...the opposite. There are a lot of queer kids out there who are assuming, by default, that everybody is not homophobic, until proven otherwise. And by and large, the world is not punishing them harshly for making that assumption, the way it once would have.
The whole entire world I knew changed, somehow, very slowly and then all at once. And yes, it does make me feel like a complete space alien just arrived to Earth some days. But also, it makes me feel very hopeful. This is what we wanted for ourselves when we were young and raw and angrily shoving ourselves in everyone's faces to dare them to prove themselves the exception, and this is what I want for The Kids These Days.
(But also please, please, Kids These Days, do try to remember that it has only been this way since extremely recently, and no it is not crazy or pathetic or irrational or whatever to still want to protect yourself and be choosy about who you share important parts of yourself with.)
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teddybeartoji · 1 year ago
Do you think Jason fucks or makes love to his girlfriend/wife?
it's both at the same time - he fucks passionately
in missionary, he's resting his elbows right next to your head, trapping you in this little space as he stares down at his beloved - taking in every single one of the sounds you let out and every single scrunch of your eyebrows and the way your lips part and the way your chest keeps brushing up against his stronger and bigger one. he's pressing kisses all over your face - kissing away the tears of pleasure brimming in your eyes while smiling into your skin. when he feels you getting close to your high, he cradles your face, squishing your cheeks together and forcing you to look at him. this is definitely one of his favourite things of all time - your pretty little orgasm face, eyes rolling right back into your head and your body trembling under his. he's so in love with you.
and i think he would absolutely love prone bone position; he's putting almost all of his weight on top of you and it's almost too much but it feels so fucking good; he's whispering praise into your ear while he's so deep inside you it's making it hard for you to breathe; his one hand is under your head/neck almost like a chokehold but it's not too rough, he just wants to keep you close; his hips roll into yours at a steady pace, pushing you into the mattress. and when you cum, he doesn't stop - fucking you through your orgasm and straight towards the next one.
i know u didn't ask for positions but your question just got me thinking hehehe anyway merry christmas nonnie!! thank u for the ask i hope u like it!!
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dewwshi · 12 days ago
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princess of mithral hall
#waiter!! waiter!! more catti-brie dwarvish culture content please#she's SOOO fun to draw i can't stop#i like thinking about dwarf clothing...... metalwork THE HOUSE although this design is pretty simplistic#if i actually sat down and tried to do a full traditional outfit design i would have gone more all out than i did here. MORE METAL!! MORE!!#TAYLOR WANT SHEET METAL#can you imagine all the clan battlehammer weavers tearing their hair out trying to figure out how to fit dwarf trad clothing on a human#i neeeeeeed to stop using green as a prominent colour in all my drawings cuz i always end up hating the colour balance LMFAOAO#i'm halfway through sea of swords now and the way catti is written in it is so... weird.......#like she's normal and fun and acting like herself in all of the scenes where it's just her and drizzt#but then if they have to talk to any npc at all suddenly it's like a fuckin batman and robin situation#and drizzt is doing all the talking and catti is just his sidekick that occasionally interjects#it reeeally feels like it should be the other way around and both of their characters suffer#cuz drizzt is supposed to be quiet and kinda shy and cat is supposed to be talkative and extroverted. I HAD THOUGHT AT LEAST#it's such a weird thing cuz this problem was a lot less prominent in previous books#we forgive cuz it's been a couple books since these two were in the spotlight so maybe that's the issue but bob.......#let catti lead a conversation please#well. it's been 1 book timeline wise since they were in the spotlight#but as far as i understand servant of the shard was also chronologically written in between spine of the world and sea of swords#too many fuckin books with s words in the titles#the tags of my art posts are just a place for me to post reading updates i guess#I LOVED SPINE OF THE WORLD BTW REALLY FUN BOOK EXTREMELY FUNNY#we interrupt legend of drizzt to bring you high fantasy hbo euphoria#OK OK ENOUGH RAMBLING#legend of drizzt#lod#catti-brie battlehammer#catti-brie#dnd#forgotten realms
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onehundredfallenpetals · 2 years ago
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Head in the clouds, both lost in nostalgic dreams
(Click for better quality)
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year ago
i think i might be legit happy for the first time in my life.
i got out. i actually got out.
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casualavocados · 9 months ago
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We agreed that I'm in charge of the bars. But you come here all the time to watch me. How am I supposed to lead my people? Use your head, okay? Suit yourself.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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Jellyfish Prince 💙
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cockringhoratio · 2 years ago
i know everyone sees him as second fiddle to knives bullshit but legato is Everything he is the reason the manga Works do you understand. wolfwood alone is not an adequate foil to vash bc he wants to be saved. he sees himself as guilty and recognizes the “wrong” in himself and wants to overcome it (nightmare of the orphans, eyes screaming in pain). his arc is more How can someone be better and still survive, not Should someone be better bc wolfwood ultimately does believe what vash is selling. by comparison, legato asks vash what if i dont want to be saved what if im happy here in the death and misery and cruelty what if i want this and vash’s answer is To Kill Him. he is the only person vash intentionally kills. he doesnt even kill knives bc knives’s plant bullshit is not actually vash’s ideological opposite. legato is. knives is kinda incidental to vash’s ultimate struggle against humanity’s ~dark side~ and how to reconcile that with their ability to grow and be better. i am shaking you by the shoulders do you understand do you fucking get it he is load bearing he is EVERYTHING DO YOU GET IT!!!!!!
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m0e-ru · 14 days ago
What do you think is the one thing adachi hates the most about the protagonist?
I mean, it’s quite clearly shown (even moreso in Golden and installments after that) that Adachi’s really frustrated with bancho with how he sees each other as one and the same, yet so different at the same time. Well, how they ended up differently despite working on similar foundation.
more under cut bcoz guess who wrote an analysis !!! and the suggestion box is still open feel free to add more complaints and asks and call up our landline for nonsense i will gratefully listen to
Let me get this straight, Adachi would not have hated bancho or cared at all about him if not for how they’re associated with one another. For bancho, it kind of sucks that someone is one sidedly beefing so hard with you, for the sole reason you ended up in a better place compared to that one guy. Adachi’s hatred and frustrations were all a matter of coincidence, which makes you feel bad for bancho when he does get this treatment from Adachi (albeit Adachi’s reasonable enough not to say it out loud, but his inner monologue teems with a sort of envy for this poor boy, and how it slips out in his actions and tone sometimes in a passive aggressive manner.)
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Despite all that, Adachi still cares about bancho as a senior of sorts; a man who’s older. Bringing back the idea that he thinks of bancho as a different reflection of himself, Adachi just wants to set bancho on the right path, even if it means making Adachi himself look bad.
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Adachi’s just been projecting on bancho the whole time. When we take the manga’s bancho, Souji, we can see more clearly how Souji was also much more similar to Adachi in some ways.
Souji distanced himself from others. This doesn’t stem from any digust from other people, but rather, he does it in consideration of the other party. He’s going to transfer out of schools soon, and he’s had experiences of disappointing people he made friends with because their bond couldn’t mature. Thus, Souji has grown an antisocial behavior to keep people at bay, at the expense of his own growth and happiness he could’ve had if he stayed with these people.
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Adachi can see Souji’s growth from the fact they “grew up together”, in a sense. They both started living in Inaba at the same period of time, are associated with the same handful of people, and started off at the start of the same path (in a way).
Adachi’s older, clearly, so his beliefs and instincts have been honed and cemented in place, compared to someone as young as Souji.
Speaking of coincidences, Sdachi’s just sick of the same people’s treatment towards Souji compared to himself as time went on. Dojima might see Adachi as an incompetent subordinate, but still takes good care of and praises Souji. Nanako could’ve trusted Adachi more as a secondary responsible adult figure next to her dad, but she clings onto Souji more as he comes around.
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Adachi was so lonely and dwelled on the more negative things in his life, rather than taking the time to think about how nice it is without the pessimism or even backhanded compliments he makes about Inaba. He doesn’t see or remember how Dojima also does care about him and praises him genuinely on the occassion, being clouded by all the yelling and hitting on the head. Adachi forgets Nanako was grateful for his help with her homework, and how he even does his best to cheer her up when looks down (especially when it’s his fault lol)
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But with bancho, he’s just sick of him. He’s too busy putting a mirror frame inbetween them, self-projecting, and hating how well off bancho’s going on with his life.
“Why couldn’t that be me?” he could ask himself. He finds himself in twisted ecastacy in the accomplice ending, for the reason that he’s crashing down with bancho himself. Adachi can now see the boy rot the same way he did, and things will be as they’re supposed to be: They’re one and the same, after all.
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All these things happening to bancho was because of his efforts to open himself up to people, and remember that he’s loved and does his best to reciprocate.
It’s unfortunate for Adachi because hes a whole decade older than bancho and we only see him getting a similar treatment, a chance to foster bonds and friendships, so much later. He can’t adapt to it as quickly as bancho did, because of the status of himself, and the status of the environment around him.
As such, Adachi’s character and place in the story well defines the themes of bonds overall. Humans are social creatures, it’s truly impossible to be alone. We see these two different outcomes in bancho and Adachi. If you let yourself open up and have the sun shine on your face, the world can seem brighter and you’ll be happier with people you love and who love you. Or, you can continue to hide in the dark and decay, to the point you’ve rotted so much you believe you can’t even go outside, despite all the hands that reach out to you you’re too scared to take. Thus, you shun them and hide deeper into the dark if anything else goes wrong.
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Personally, growing up and maturing myself, you just feel bad for Adachi. Back then, i couldnt understand bancho’s immense well of patience and kindness and consideration for others, that he even included Adachi. Only to realize i was in Adachi’s place the whole time. To see a man so utterly depressed, and how he’s done nothing about it and just let himself get all moldy inside. But you have to cut him some slack, because there most likely weren’t any angels around him with that same well of patience and kindness as someone like bancho, someone he met much later in life.
And, how at the time, consultation and/or medication at the time was stigmatized—and the state of the time he was born and grew up in.
im not sure if it’s an honor to say that god chose him to be its prophet and usher in the New World. To see him as an avatar or representative of the people that feel the same, or understand the fact that a majority of the people of Inaba share a collective belief in this manner.
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ponyrepress · 3 months ago
I think we need to blow up the mouthwashing tag on every social media site
Solid fucking agree 🚬🐴
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#asks#anon#can people treat I dunno. really heavy topics with the weight they deserve instead of fandomizing them like everything else. I know the#answer but still. and the way people have done it too is insaneeee like come the fuck on you people are literally ignoring shit for your own#comfort and thus creating some evilass metatextual instances ie using anya as a vessel for your own shit (denying her agency) and ignoring#jimmy on all levels because he makes you so uncomfortable but still wanting to have just one person to blame so villainizing the shit out of#curly when he did very much so fuck up big time but was still a person who did try even if it wasn't enough and also an abuse victim but#nobody likes to acknowledge that because nobody likes the idea that an abuse victim can fuck up big time and still be an abuse victim and#there's also the matter of how people idolize swansea and go oh he would've never let this happen when bro did know what happen halfway into#the months after the crash and didn't formally do anything until daisuke died. and people just act like daisuke can't and never would do#anything wrong when he literally stood there while jimmy rufied swansea. also the whole infantalization by the fandom really takes on a#whole nother tinge when you remember he's the only asian person on the Tulpar. like. guysssss. tears my fucking hair out and kills myself.#there's a reason that the only tag for a media I've found deeply personal I've refused to follow is mouthwashing because from the shit#that's slipped through the cracks alone good fucking god‼️‼️‼️ this is the uncomfortable game about accountability capitalism and sa do NOT#fucking remove the nuance from it. jesus fucking christ😀#anyway. yea.
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omppupiiras · 6 months ago
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my mom's birthday is coming up & i wanted to make her a lil corn son of her own 🤗 but i had to make two just incase i messed one up haha
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