#about to pass outb
dogcollarpunk · 2 years
Genuwine fondness for the wrestling mutuals, hi everyone. Happy to have gotten into wrasslin this year btw
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ozdwibe · 1 year
july heat got me writing may to august
the longest poem i write could be anything
my rawest give, spontaneous overflow not enslaved
crude chaos left to VICE, origin plus progress
heard some oldy say, drunk verses his had no faults found
my drunk intents the same, my heart broken by hers, my heart broken by me, the songs that helped,
my kadhal i kept locked in,
girl superficial chances with me, my brag real in potential
my kinetics my tech to fuck find out, find fuck out
my slow, result of my want to relevance
my strength eliot, his complex length
shoutout to ignorance, i know nothing nor do you
questions unanswered my might, words omitted mystery
halkat jawani my affiliation with the unknown
so intoxication i own,
unacceptability be purpose less rebellion
i take a moment savouring
my moment passing
my verse not intuit my verse modified
me pure, my sensitivity not, it all numb i harbour
less generalization for sake reputation
have tossed my cig, seen cig to corruption,
mistook sapien girl as my sapio muse
nakama captain beside me,
his wish broke i, for i his better
my ego i integrate, my lust too
my coherence for the elite
cant enough about me,
this write i continue till my high lows,
till no twice think about farts
creative juices uncurbed da
side chicks mine upkeep hope i grant second chances
i dont, so i haven't
ego holds notion of higher consciousness
limitations realities yet experienced
for this one too, dont end soon
y'all learn soon, autocorrect is autowrong
my mind goes hehehehe, mango ente ooril manga
this absurdity my legacy my drunkardness my time
my music my empowerment my moment for the life i love
google helps me, consequently i help it back
my courage boosted by the man made, the gods interfered
imma call her
give dopamine to myself
my young blood to impress her
her my imagination
all amagalamation,
gonna think of her
of alcohol
of being higher
of intergrating mistakes, of accepting the correct
of looking fine
quest freedom, evermore more
might decide for myself
like i said, i won't stop till the high, low matter nay
its not that deep, she knows, detached pisces
i know she likes me too, more when her blood gravitates
mahn these water signs, thier confusion with ease
bring simplicity, fire asks courage
what do i ask, only presence yours
lets stop compensate with imagination
teamwork, make manifestation work please
manz tryst with autopilot
alliteration, mistakes my strength
my inspo for more, this would take me to all the ones i image, my slow token to understand the why of slowers, my aim to make feel slow, my aim taken over my aime with the e, i lose track, im timebomb/ reminded of hope... i need to write more,,,,, my conversation, coherence soon
my argument with myself turns hope into answers
few personal space time cuts later, i sync with current sync
not living from one obsession to another
not about not doing, but about doing different
im going to let touch my heart, ill let hold it
i choose not to stand in way
this not bravado, this necessary
so long, having let not feel
pray consequences of own
this time embody wild, not talk
my immediate sucess is here
my success postponed
from all the plays delays
no touch to taste
this dirty song, that i judge
betray song!
my dirt song from all stories
the seen, the mislead
the trust of few, misused misflourished
my beat is all i know
my beat is all i can
you never know
i know
i can
no i no
beat is no know
no know
no can
i no u no
we both no no
what you get
you never know
what you can
feel outbeing
solace outbeing
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seashellblue · 1 year
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Part 3)
Free-to use-story ideas under the cut, click here if you want the details as to how and why.
New post same story, here's the highschool rewrite of "Apep And Apophis" I got partways through. Maybe someone'll find something interesting in how the versions diverge.
Outline as follows:
The story begins with a fight scene between Apep and Apophis, judged by the ever-masked Aten. This fight should show off the skill of both brothers, but end with Apep the clear victor, on top of this, Aten should clearly favour and praise Apep, while admonishing Apophis for a lack of skill. Both points should come together to help form the framework for a rivalry between the siblings.
Immediately after the sparring session, a messenger should enter, praising what they had seen of Apep’s skill in combat, as well as introduce the fact that Aten serves as royal advisor to Nun and Neith. The messenger will then announce that official coronation for the next king of the kingdom of Isfet will take place in *some interval of time* within the same day. Apophis responds by saying something along the lines of “As if we’d forget,” in an annoyed tone. Since Apophis expects to be soon named crown prince, he’s somewhat annoyed that the messenger didn’t address him first.
I think it wouldn’t be too jarring to skip directly to right before the ceremony and lightly skip however many hours were in between the training and the celebration with a montage, so that’s what happens next. Apep and Apophis are now “backstage,” so to speak, having a last-minute conversation. Apep is excited and curious as to who between them will be named king, then Apophis cooly replies that he knows that he’s going to be named king, due to him being the elder of the two brothers. Apep is completely supportive of this idea, and comments about how he believes Apophis would make an excellent king.
The ceremony officially begins, Apep is happy-nervous, while Apophis is silently confident. That silent confidence is shattered, however, when Apep is named crown prince of the kingdom of Isfet, this comes as a surprise to no one but Apophis’, seeing as everyone else has been very obvious regarding which prince they prefer.
The Moon-eater Khopesh is officially introduced and presented to crown prince Apep. It’s probably important to make sure to rub in just how ceremonially-significant this event is, the symbolic passing down of the ancient heirloom to Apep from his father. When the rite is finally completed Apep joins in the following celebration. All the while Apophis is left standing there, internally devastated, but never letting the turmoil show for a moment.
Although Apep probably spends the rest of the night partying, Apophis, Nun and many others who are less celebration-inclined eventually retire to their royal quarters. Before that though, is the beginning of an extremely intense confrontation between Apophis and his parents (Nun and Neith for clarity’s sake). One small detail before the conversation begins, as Apophis barges into whatever royal room his mother Neith signs quietly tells the present guards to leave the room so that the three of them may speak privately, probably aware of the coming storm.
Obviously Apophis begins by demanding to know why Apep was chosen as heir, despite Apophis being the eldest. His parents explain the reasoning behind their choice, which ultimately just boils down to Apep being better in everything important for a crown prince and future king to be. Apophis’ parents, aware of his jealousy but perhaps not its extent, are mostly just confused why Apophis isn’t as happy for his brother as they are for their son.
The next section of the conversation involves Apophis’ venting some of that jealousy in an uncharacteristic emotional outburst. Bringing up how he’s always felt outshined by his brother, and kingship was going to be the one thing that he was going to have that his brother didn’t. Apophis’ parents are surprised by the outburst, Nun specifically saying that it’s almost as if Apophis was talking about his worst enemy, questioning if Apophis actually feels that much animosity towards his brother.
Apophis calms down slightly, and denies possessing any genuine hatred towards his brother. However, partway through saying this, Apophis’ suddenly staggers, before catching himself on the pillar he was standing next to. This marks the point where Apophis’ has been possessed by his namesake, the demon Apophis (whose name will be bolded for the purposes of avoiding confusion between the two characters), the demon using the prince’s negative emotions as an access point. Key visual note, for the duration of this possession Apophis’ eyes will be gold instead of their normal brown.
Neith and Nun instantly go to help their son, but Apophis waves them off, angrily saying that he doesn’t need their help (which I’d like to mark as something Apophis’ wouldn’t have said unpossessed). Nun asks if Apophis is really okay, to which the prince responds that he’s got a headache, and he just wants the night to be over. As he turns and storms out of the room, Neith tells Apophis to take care of himself.
Time skip to next morning (though taking into account all the partying, probably more like the next afternoon), we’re in a scene with Apep and Neith, situated at a massive pool full of lily pads presumably connected to the fantasy version of the Nile river. Apep questions Neith, asking if he was really the right choice, wondering if Apophis would’ve made a better ruler. Neith responds by saying it doesn’t matter whether Apep or Apophis is officially crowned king, as long as the two brothers work together, Isfet’s prosperity is assured. The still-possessed Apophis walks in, telling Apep he just found the really cool, secret hunting spot, and that the two of them should go by themselves, without any guards or royal processions, since those would scare away the animals. Apep, completely trusting of his brother, agrees to go alone, and Neith lightheartedly promises to keep their secret. As the two brothers leave, Neith tells Apep that she loves him, these will be the last words she says to Apep, so that should be noted.
The scene transitions to Apep and Apophis walking through the increasingly more secluded wilderness, Apep begins wondering what it’ll be like to one day become king of Isfet, this obviously causes Apophis’ blood to boil, the anger multiplied a thousandfold by the demon Apophis. Eventually Apophis has them stop, having apparently reached the secret area he’d mentioned earlier. He then asks Apep if he could hold the Moon-eater khopesh, which Apep is fine with giving to him.
So it’s at this point the worldbuilding concept of god-relic is introduced through Apep talking about the Moon-eater khopesh. He talks about how the khopesh is a magical weapon that is said to activate in the presence of a worthy wielder. He then fantasizes aloud about the glory and riches he could bring to Isfet if the weapon activated for him.
This imagery of Apep activating the khopesh, of him going down in Isfet’s history as a king of legend while Apophis’ gets written off as a side note, is what finally pushes the older sibling over the edge. Apophis stabs Apep through the chest with the Moon-eater khopesh (which he had yet to give back to brother). It’s only after this that the demon Apophis stops possessing the elder prince, Apophis’ demeanor instantly shifting to one of absolute horror. In a panic, Apophis abandons his brother and the consequences of his actions. He runs back to the royal palace, still holding the Moon-eater khopesh he used to stab his brother.
Apep spends an unclear amount of time bleeding out onto the desert sands, before he finds his mind suddenly clearing. As he sits up and notices his gaping chest wound is suddenly missing, the sands begin to swirl around him, taking the form of a massive snake. Apep is terrified, specifically because he guesses exactly which demon he’s talking to. Regarding specific dialogue, I like the idea of Apep saying “You’re Apophis!?” Or something like that, and then Apophis would say something like “Indeed, The One Who Was Spat Out, The Serpent of Rebirth, Encircler of the World … your namesake.” Just to include some historical titles and references in there. I like the idea of a little bit of subversion here, where Apep says in advance that he’s not accepting any deals that Apophis offers, and the demon responds by saying that Apep was a fool for thinking he had a choice in the first place. Next conversation point is Apophis saying that Apep will act as its agent of chaos, but that it’s not going to reveal what exactly that means just yet. After being painfully turned into Apophis’ chosen, there’s a slight visual change to Apep’s character design. For his scales, they begin to look a bit like minerals and precious metals, though for clarification’s sake, this change is not literal. Black scales look like obsidian, grey becomes flint and yellow shines like gold. In addition his eyes change to gold, but also gain slit pupils, which is actually not a natural feature of king cobras, the animal Apep possesses the traits of. After being informed that Apophis will be following his progress, the next thing Apep does is turn to return to his home, the royal palace. That is, until Apophis reminds Apep of who exactly was the one to murder him, and who would have already spun a story to pin the blame on Apep. The realization that his own brother has turned against him begins to set in, and Apep instead turns and runs off into the desert, too distraught to think clearly. Cut to montage of Apep slowly realizing just how bad an idea it was to walk into the middle of the desert alone and with no supplies. I’d like the idea of showing both days and nights passing with no word from Apophis. A weakened Apep thinks about how stupid it was for Apophis to revive him, only for him to simply die of thirst in the middle of the desert. He briefly wonders if this was all just a trick of Apophis’ to make Apep suffer, or that maybe he’s been dead all along and this is just a dream.  While continuing to walk along at a painful pace, Apep thinks about all the people he never got to say goodbye to, which not only serves to reinforce Apep’s bond with his loving parents, but also serves as a stealth introduction for Kauket and Heqet, whose names Apep mentions in passing. Apep then sees a structure in the distance, and bitterly thinks about how Apophis’ probably planned this, and wonders if Apophis also chose the most arduous route possible just to see him suffer. As he switches to the proper path leading to the distant town, he passes through a large rock outcropping, the rock forming two walls on either side of Apep. It’s as Apep is almost done walking through that he’s ambushed by shadowy figures. Weakened by the trek through the desert, Apep is knocked out by the unidentified group, though the weapon used to do seemed to have an odd and unnatural glow to it as well. With Apep unconscious as their feet, Sutekh and his thugs are revealed, Sutekh being centered to help show him as the leader of his group.
Cutting back to earlier, at the Isfet palace, Apophis stumbles in. Very clearly distraught, he claims that while out hunting he and Apep were attacked by “bandits” and that Apep bravely sacrificed himself to save both Apophis and their kingdom’s sacred relic. Disturbingly, Apophis does possess several shallow wounds (which one could infer were self-inflicted), which means he is quickly ushered out  to the infirmary, and conveniently does not have to explain his story further.
Montage of the news spreading and its effects. Neith and Nun are in mourning, messages are sent by falcon to Kauket and Heqet (we could even have their hieroglyphic names written on the letters, as another stealth introduction), and two elite-looking members of the guard (Anuket and Anhur) are shown being notified of the news (another stealth introduction).
When we finally return to Apophis, bandaged and seemingly alone in the infirmary, he begins to muse aloud how he never wanted to kill Apep, he only wanted to change his destiny, all while holding the Moon-eater khopesh in his hands. It’s at this proclamation that the khopesh begins to glow, seemingly activated by Apophis’ stated desire.
However, instead of this moment being cause for celebration, it only multiples Apophis’ emotional distress. He begins to scream about how the khopesh shouldn’t have chosen him, that he doesn’t deserve it after killing Apep, before finally returning to quiet sobbing. Though Apophis doesn’t know it, Aten (who should be sprinkled into as many shots as possible as a background character) has heard the entire meltdown while standing at the infirmary doorway, and quietly scuttles off into the shadows.
Night becomes day and past returns to the present as we shift back to Apep’s side of the story in the Red Sands Arena. Apep wakes up to the unsettling black insectoid eyes of Serqet, which startles him, which startles Serqet, suffice to say everyone is quite startled by the whole affair. Nekhbet, who hasn’t had any reaction so far, asks Apep how he is. Serqet, on the other hand, is more curious about what he is. When Apep replies that A, he’s fine, and B, he’s a king cobra, Serqet is quick to point out that his scales and eyes have the wrong colouration for a king cobra, having observed the abnormal colouration of Apep’s scales and eyes. Apep replies that he’s special “or something” Nekhbet asks where he’s from, Apep replies something like “you first,” and both begin glaring at each other with growing levels of suspicion and distrust. In order to break the growing tension, Serqet suggests that they all reveal their backstories at once, and that she’ll go first. Serqet goes into how she was kidnapped when her village was raided by bandits, and how her family’s likely dead, all the while playing off the horror of her current situation to a disturbing extent. Nekhbet is mildly persuaded by Serqet’s story, and gives a summarized version of her origin. She was raised to join her father as a member of the royal guard of the kingdom of Ma’at, and served dutifully until one day when she failed to protect the king and queen of Ma’at (Re and Mehet-Weret) from an assasionation attempt. The king and queen died, her father died, and she was kidnapped and sold off to the Red Sands arena, where they are now. Finally, it’s Apep’s turn, but his story is even more lacking in details. All he says is that someone that he once trusted betrayed him, and he was forced to run off into the desert. He ends his story by saying he’ll escape the arena, because he's going to get revenge. After he’s done explaining, the call goes out for the next fight. As their cell doors are opened and the trio are walked into the arena, a few quick things happen. One is Apep debating whether or not he should try to fight his way past the guards to escape, eventually deciding there’s too many of them to attempt to do so. Another is Nekhbet gloomily saying that, judging by the size of the crowd, they’re probably going to be fighting the arena champion Maahes, which means they’re also probably all going to die. Apep, Serqet and Nekhbet are in the arena proper. Nekhbet and Apep each pick up one of the weapons scattered around the arena, Nekhbet a spear and Apep a Khopesh. Serqet opts to not go for any weapon, instead relying on her tough exoskeletal claws and poisonous stinger. These will make the fighting styles each of the three characters will be using for the rest of the story.
As the gate on the far side of the arena begins to open, Apep scans the crowd, his eyes landing on Sutekh, the master of the arena. Apep also notices the figure standing beside Sutekh (this being Set), and the look of guilt on his face. His attention is then pulled back to the arena when Maahes emerges, the silhouettes of Apep, Nekhbet and Serqet seem small when shown in front of the arena champion.
What follows is a fight scene, I don’t think a blow-by-blow description is necessary here, but I will describe the part where the fight begins to get interesting. It starts with Maahes trying to crush Serqet ("Like the bug you are!"), but Apep steps in and takes the hit instead, getting knocked across the arena. His impact cracks the arena wall, with a dust cloud and everything. Everyone assumes he's dead, or at the very least mortally wounded.
Since everyone’s attention is on the remaining two fighters, no one notices as Apep stands back up. Nekhbet manages to land a glancing blow on Maahes before he goes to crush her with a massive clawed fist. However, he’s distracted when he hears Apep yell from behind him, taunting Maahes by saying he’s not finished yet.
As he jumps back into the fight, Apep’s internal narration notes his new demonic power boost. Still, Maahes clearly has more experience having superpowers, so Apep is mostly relegated to playing defence and dodging Maahes’ crushing blows. One image I particularly like for this fight scene is Maahes’ throwing a punch so strong, that when it connects it creates another dust cloud. When the cloud clears, Apep is shown catching the blow, but also shaking from the exertion.
On the other side of the arena, Nekhbet and Serqet come up with a plan. Nekhbet picks up Serqet and flies over Maahes, he only just notices the shadow they’re casting before Nekhbet drops Serqet on Maahes’ back. Once there, Serqet is the one to strike the decisive blow by stabbing Maahes with her tail, then backflipping off Maahes as the titan falls paralyzed to the ground.
The crowd roars, calling for the killing blow. Nekhbet and Serqet are off to the side, and look to Apep, waiting to see if he goes through with killing the downed Maahes. Apep refuses, not caring that the crowd’s now turned against him. 
Sutekh orders Maahes’ death anyway, and his collaborators restrain Apep, though they only have to point their bows at Nekhbet and Serqet to stop them from protesting. After Sutekh does a menacing villain walk down from the raised box where he was watching from, he gives a little monologue about how it’s a little insulting that Apep thinks he can decide whether Maahes’ lives or dies. Sutekh is the one in control here, and with that he kills Maahes with his scepter, then knocks out Apep with the blunt end before he can protest. As the scene comes to a close, the focus shifts to Set, still in the raised box, a conflicted look on his face.
Scene transition, this time it’s later in the night and Apep is sulking in his cell. He gloomily thanks Nekhbet and Serqet for helping him defeat Maahes. Afterward, Nekhbet is the first to hear footsteps heading towards their cells, which turns out to be Set. Things are tense as Apep asks Set why he came, Set replies something along the lines of “This is why.” while unlocking the cells of Apep, Serqet and Nekhbet. Nekhbet and Serqet are quick to exit their cells, but Apep stays behind for a moment, asking Set if this [him letting the three of them out] is a trick, to which Set replies there’s only one way to find out. As the four are making their escape, Apep further questions why Set is helping them. Set's main reasons are his koral objection to his father's fighting arena, especially how it's all just for entertainment. The pure vitriol in Set's explanation goes a long way to ease everyone else's distrust in him. Set was planning on leaving that night on his own (he says, while visually indicating towards the supplies he's been carrying with him), but decided he might as well cause some trouble before he left and free his father's newest champion fighters while he was at it. Just then, shouting can be heard behind the four, the guards of the arena are on to their escape. As the protagonists are running away, Apep asks why they can't just confront the guards and Sutekh directly, riding high on his newfound knowledge of his demonic power boost. Set explains that his father didn't just become the head of the arena for no reason, he's in possession of a strength-boosting god relic he used to kill and replace the previous leader of the arena.
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l0vergirlwrites · 2 years
overwhelmed ; matthew murdock
warnings: mentions of anxiety, being overwhelmed, sad matt :(
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“matt, do you want some tea?”
the simple question seemed so easy to answer. but with matthew’s skin growing hot, his mind fixated on too many thoughts, too many voices, too many textures; he could only let out a groan & shake his head.
you had woken up in a good mood, a complete contrast to matthew’s. he sat at the small circular table in between the kitchen & living space, head in his hands & eyes shut. you assumed he was just exhausted from work, maybe the last case he was pushing through was making him more irritable than normal. it wasn’t like matthew would tell you straight away what was wrong, he kept his walls up like that.
nodding your head at him, you thinly smiled in his direction & got back to making breakfast like you always did on tuesday mornings. it was a system you had come up with early on when you first moved in with matthew; you each alternated daily chores, including making meals. it was a system that worked quite well & resulted in fewer arguments about who did what.
matthew inhaled a sharp breath as you cracked some eggs onto a freshly greased pan & got to work on scrambling them. he could hear every little sound the stove made, the eggs crackling as they cooked & the movement of the spatula on the pan felt like it was scraping his ears. you were too focused on the stove to notice his knuckles turning white from how hard he was gripping his hair.
on top of that, he could hear his neighbours snoring or watching the morning news too loud, the sound of skaters on the road below cruising by, car horns from an accident a few blocks away blaring, radio signals from across the street, morning chatter from everywhere— it was making matthew go insane with all the overlapping sounds. His skin was growing hotter as time passed & matthew couldn’t take it anymore.
All his bottled feelings just bursted & he didn’t mean to take his anger out on you.
“Can you stop being so fucking loud?!” matthew said sharply, causing you to widen your eyes in confusion & turn to him with a hurt expression.
“i-i’m sorry. i didn’t realize—“ you tried to apologize, still unsure how you were being loud, only to be cut off again.
“stop, please just stop!” matthew begged, griping his hair harder while taking some deep breaths, showing you that something was obviously wrong.
turning the stove off immediately, you slowly tip-toed around the kitchen to the table, not speaking until you were sitting beside him.
matthew’s body was tense, muscles flexed & slightly shaking with each inhale from his nose. his eyes were shut tightly while he mumbled curses to himself, unable to bear the overstimulation he felt throughout his mind & body. you could list a hand full of things that could've caused his outburst, you know he wouldn't communicate like that if he was truly upset with you.
“matt… baby” you coaxed quietly, almost afraid to reach a hand out to touch the skin of his bare shoulder.
you usually don't touch him quickly when he gets like this, knowing it can set him off more or not bring too much comfort. but when he didn’t respond, you only moved closer & called for him again, hoping he could focus on you.
“you need to relax, matthew” you told him in the same tone, lightly touching his shoulder to show him that you were there with him. saying his full name can help a little.
he just continued to grip his hair & inhale quick breaths, his mind clouded & unable to focus. it was like he was drowning in the sounds, with his strain on cases & his vigilante duties. everything eventually becomes too much when he pushes himself & it ends messy.
“i-i-i can’t… i-i can’t” he began to break down, angry tears falling down his cheeks as he curled into himself, his voice cracking with exhaustion & sadness.
the scene before you hurt, it hurt to see matthew like this. it wasn’t rare to see him like this, you knew of his abilities, his trauma & how bottling emotions results in these outbursts every now & then. but the breakdowns were something you don't think you'll ever get used to, seeing him in so much mental pain.
giving his shoulder a small squeeze, you leaned your head closer to his & whispered, “focus on me, y/n, i’m right here”. saying your own name can help too for him to focus.
trying to release one of his hands from his hair, you eventually got it loose & rested it above your heart, holding it in place while your free hand rubbed his back slowly. matthew's hand on your heart pressed into you firmly as he shook from anxiety, but he was trying to "find" you with whatever he could.
“focus on my heartbeat, my voice. block everything else out” you whispered to him, resting your forehead on his shoulder.
matthew could hear your heartbeat faintly through his ears while every other sound tried to overpower it in his head. his breathing was erratic & your reminder of “in & out, slow breaths” helped him little by little. the soft strokes of your fingers on his back helped ground him, allowing his body to be less tense & his muscles un-flex. the kisses he felt on his shoulder comforted him deeply with how cold they felt against his hot skin.
“you’re almost there matthew, it’s okay” your voice said with honey, squeezing his hand reassuringly when you saw him relax more.
your heartbeat was the driving force of it all, & despite its pace being slightly faster than normal, matthew was slowly able to match his to yours. the hand in his hair loosened its grip, his shoulders relaxed, & his chest felt lighter. his tears stopped falling as fast & his eyes opened, the bloodshot pupils looking towards your body.
moving your hands to his cheeks, you smoothed your thumbs over the leftover tears & pulled his forehead to rest against yours.
“you’re okay, i’m right here”
shutting his eyes in regret, embarssment & apology, matthew felt terrible. he never liked anyone seeing him so vulnerable, but he's grown to get better with you. it's still a struggle though.
“i’m so sorry—“
quickly pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth, matthew stopped talking & swallowed the lump in his throat while you spoke.
“No need to be sorry, it’s okay. i'm here for everything, including this” you told him, but that still didn’t ease his guilt.
matthew’s hands rested on your knees, his thumbs rubbing back & forth along the skin of your lower thighs. “i shouldn’t have yelled. you didn’t do anything wrong—you didn’t deserve it” he accounted, caring more about you than himself.
“thank you for recognizing that. but i’m more focussed on you, baby”
Baby, god matthew loved being called that.
"can you tell me what caused this? is it different from last time?"
sighing & closing his eyes again, matthew thought about so many things, it just made his anxiousness worse.
“i’m just,” he paused, his eyes closing tightly. “i’m really overwhelmed, with everything,”. "i'm tired & i... i don't feel like i'm doing my best, you know? there's so much going on in the city, with work, with you-- i can't balance it sometimes".
nodding your head at his honesty, the only solution you could think of was a break. something matthew rarely did.
rubbing over the stubble on his cheeks again, you brought up the idea. “how about you take a break then? a few days off will help get you in the right head space” you told him as he leaned into your touch, sighing when he heard you mention a break.
you expected that sigh.
“i can’t leave foggy at the office all alone… & the city...” matthew guilted, not sure if his friend or his city could handle it.
humming in disapproval, you ran one of your hands through matthew’s tugged hair, “your mental health matters more than your jobs, baby. fog will understand, he’s your best friend. & there's enough superheroes that can cover for you” you assured him, seeing him nod his head because he knew you were right.
comfortable silence overtook you both for a moment, matthew basking in your touch & how much calmer his body felt with you here with him.
“thank you” his small voice said, pulling you onto his lap so he could hug you properly. "thank you for being here, for me"
you couldn’t help but let out a short laugh at the sudden movement, but you held him close to your chest as his head buried itself in your shoulder, his arms tightly wrapped around your waist like he wouldn’t let you go. matthew took in your scent as he kissed your skin a few times as a further ‘thank you’, only thinking & breathing in you. your hands ran through his hair again, cradling the back of his head delicately as you smoothed your other hand on his back muscles, goosebumps rising on his skin.
“please stay” matthew pleaded as he remembered you had work soon, almost forgetting that the world didn't revolve around you both, the moon & the sun.
“i’m staying right here, don’t worry” you responded with a kiss on his head, holding your man with love.
you were matthew's compass, his lifeline.
you wouldn’t leave him when he needed you most.
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domestic-life-owa · 3 years
Chapter 7
Warning. This includes shipping of wrestlers. If you don’t like, don’t read.
An: this is shorter then most, but I wanted to give a good look at what Adam is working through emotionally.
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Adam limped through the school, cursing himself for not getting extra paper for class last Friday. The walk into the school had been painful enough, and now he had to walk to the other side to get to the teachers lounge. He just thanked God that he didn’t have to go up or down any stairs. He passed a few students on his way, but they were too occupied to really notice him.
“Damn Page. What fight did you lose?” Matt asked as soon as he walked in. The room had him, Reby, and Matt.
“You seem surprised that I’m not a fighter.” He joked, walking over to the supply closet.
“What are you even doing at work looking like that?” Reby asked, turning her eyes to Matt who put his hands up in defense.
“Don’t look at me. The guy hates staying at home.”
“If I looked like that I’d just retire.” Hardy chuckled, shaking his head.
Adam did his best to grab the stack of paper while also keeping his balance. After a moment of struggling Matt got up and went to help him, taking the paper.
“I got it.” He assured Adam. They both said goodbye to the couple before starting the walk back to Adam’s classroom. They walked in silence before Matt finally said something.
“Why don’t you have your crutches?”
“I’m fine.”
“Don’t start that shit.” Matt glared at him.
“Start what?”
“Cutting people off when they worry. You did it when you got injured, when you got kicked out, whenever Jeremy put his hands on you-“
“Matt, I’ve told you to stop saying he hit me. He didn’t.” Adam snapped as they walked into his room.
“So you came to school bitchy and bruised for no good reason?” Matt set the paper on the counter before turning to look at Adam.
“Yes. Now let it go.”
“What is wrong with you today? Did something else happen?” Matt questioned. He may have been used to how Adam acted in school, but he had been better the past year or so. More open with people.
“Me and Kenny had a fight.” Adam mumbled.
“Couples fight, I’m sure it’s just the stress.” Matt offered, but Adam shook his head.
“I feel like I’m falling apart, Matt. Like I’m lying to everyone all the time, and it’s all about to come apart around me. The hell is wrong with me.” Adam ranted, sitting on the edge of a desk. Matt stood Awkwardly, trying to find the right words.
“I think this is something you need to tell Kenny. You both love each other, so don’t push him away.” Matt patted Adam’s shoulder lightly, giving him a small smile.
“I know.”
A few hours later
Adam’s eyes scanned over his class. He had his intro to physical art class, which was normally a quiet class. They tended to just work on their project and listen to music. He looked back at his computer, looking through some local therapist while trying to think of what he was going to say tonight when he got home. His attention was brought back to the class when a few people in the back were getting rowdy. Said people were Sammy, Marko, and Kip. They were all talking amongst themselves, slowly getting louder and louder.
“Boys, let’s quiet it down.” Adam called out, making the boys glance at him. They seemed to quiet down, so Adam went back to his computer. He opened a few emails, reading over them before he heard a chair quickly get pushed out. He looked up just in time for his student Darby to launch himself at the three boys.
“Boys!” He quickly jumped up and did his best to run over. Darby was hitting whoever he could while Sammy, Marko, and Kip were fighting back. “Someone grab another teacher!” He hollered at the other students as he grabbed Marko, trying to pull him back. This earned him a hard elbow to his ribs, causing pain to shoot through him and let go of the boy. Adam grabbed his midsection, coughing a bit as pain corded through him. He felt something snap in him.
“God fucking damn it!” His outburst actually caused the three boys to stop right as another teacher walked in. “Your four, vice principals office. Now.” He turned to look at the other teacher. “Watch the rest of my class.”
Adam practically limped to the office, keeping each of the boys in his sights. As they walked in he didn’t even ask if Cody was there, just opened the door to his office. Said man looked up surprised to see them all.
“Mr. Page’Omega, what are you doing in here?”
“These boys broke out in a fight in my room.” He snapped. Cody nodded, looking between the boys and Adam. “Ok, I will take care of this. And, I think you should go home.” Cody made eye contact with Adam, and if Adam hadn’t felt as angry as he did he might have seen the worry.
“I’ll get a sub in your room immediately, and my assistant will call Kenny.” He said, leaving no room for Adam to argue. He nodded and left the room, shouting the door so Cody could talk to them.
For what felt like the hundredth time that day, he made the walk back to his classroom. Thankfully the period had ended, and it was his prep so no one was in the room. When he walked in he looked around, just standing in the middle of the room. He felt drained, and he didn’t know what to do.
“Mr. Page?” He turned to see Kris sticking her head into the room. He forgot she normally came to his calls during his prep. “Mr. Omega is here.” She practically whispered, and Kenny walked in immediately after.
“Oh Adam…” he walked up and wrapped his arms around Adam, letting him rest his head on his shoulder.
“I’m so tired.”
“I know. Let’s go home.”
Kenny looked down at Adam who, even asleep, had a strong grip on Kenny. As soon as Kenny got a call that something had happened rushed to the school. He hated watching Adam hurt, and it seemed to be more and more often. He allowed his hand to run through Adam’s hair, feeling the soft curls.
“Ken?” He looked back at Adam’s face, seeing his eyes open.
“Hey. How are you feeling?”
“Like shit.” He mumbled, pushing his face into Kenny’s chest. He was slowly realizing they were both laying in bed. “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I was an ass this morning.” He continued, ignoring what Kenny said. “I should have understood, and you're right. I need help, especially after today.”
“Adam, just calm down. You don’t need to think about that right now.” Kenny tried, but Adam pulled his head up to look at him.
“I don’t know what happened Ken. I’ve split up fights before, but it felt different. I had so much anger, and then… nothing. Like all the energy was yanked out of me.” Adam admitted.
They laid in silence for a few moments. “I logged out of your computer, and I saw you were looking at therapists. Did you find any good ones?”
“You remember dr. punk?”
“Our school counselor?”
“Ya,” Adam confirmed. “Well, he’s in the area and taking clients. I figured, if anything, he already knows my family stuff, and I know him. Might make it easier to open up.” He explained his thought process.
“If you think that would help.”
“I’m also going to try and be more honest with you.” Adam whispered, almost ashamed. “Matt pointed out that I tend to close myself off with things like this, and I want to be better about that.” He refused to look up at Kenny, afraid of what he would see. Kenny brought his hands up to cradle his face and have him look up at him, making eye contact.
“I want you to feel safe telling me things. You saying you want to share that with me lets me know you mean it. And I’ll be patient, I won’t rush you.” Kenny smiled at his husband, making Adam smile as well.
“I love you so much Kenny Page’Omega.”
“And I love you Adam Page’Omega.”
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moustacheshe · 4 years
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Yandere! Stephen Strange x Reader: 'Taking Care Of You~'
Warnings: kidnapping, drugging, forced medication
"Mrs. (l/n) what are you doing at work?" A male voice asks referring to your cough, your red running nose and your reddened eyes. You sight and look up from your computer. On the other side of the desk stands Dr. Stephen Strange looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "I can't stay at home. Besides it's only a cold. So thank you for asking but I'm fine, Sir." You answer with a raspy voice giving him a forced smile. 'God he just won't leave me alone will he...' Nevertheless he doesn't seem to happy with your answer. "I can't let you work like that. You'll leave right now and go see a doctor." He seems a little bit angry but you don't care. You're a grown up person and can decide for yourself rather you can work or not. Maybe he's not even talking about your wellbeing but that of the patients. "Don't worry I'll stay away from the patients I won't even come into contact with one. I'm here in the office all day lo-" He interrupts you with a gesture of his hand and leans forward resting his hands on your desk. "I'm not talking about the patients. I'm concerned about YOUR wellbeing." His gaze rests upon you making you really uncomfortable. "Listen i-it's very nice of you...that you care about my wellbeing but-" You grip the mouse of your computer tight in your hand when he interrupts you once again. "If you don't listen to me then I'll have to-" Now he gets interrupted by a knock on the door and a nurse entering the room.
"Dr. Strange you have a surgery in a few minutes the others are already looking for you." Stephen looks at the nurse and then back at you. He sights and straightens up. "We're going to talk about this later. Because I'm pretty sure you are not going to follow my...let's call it 'advice' for your sake." You look at the nurse for help but she just looks confused back and forth between the two of you. 'If this keeps going on there will be even more gossip going on...' You think while despairing on the inside. Dr. Strange goes for the door and is about to leave but not before giving you one last strict glance. The door closes. You let out a heavy sight and close your eyes. A little growl rumbles in your throat. 'He's so annoying. Why can't he just leave me alone?'
It all just started when you've got your new job in this hospital. First it only was a polite greeting while passing each other on the hall. Then after a while you've always felt his eyes on you even when he couldn't be there. You may be paranoid but you always feel like there's someone following and watching you. Every time he meets you he would try to start a conversation with you, which would end up with you struggling to find an excuse for ending it. You know he had this really bad accident and he was gone for a long time. You truly felt sorry for him. But he eventually startet working again. It still is a mystery to you how he can operate with his hands but you're not all about questioning it. There were rumors about magic or something like that but you can't imagine him being a wizard...or anything like that.
The rest of your shift went by very slowly and the cold is really getting to you. It's already dark outside and you pack your stuff in the backpack ready to go home until you hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" You say and blow your nose. The door opens and Stephen Strange enters the room. Knowing who it is you don't pay him much attention. Not after he talked to you like he did earlier that day. "I'm already leaving Dr. Strange." You tell him without looking in his direction. "Mrs. (l/n) I don't appreciate the way you're treating me." His voice sounds calm but... "Ooooh YOU're not appreciating the way I treat YOU." You snap at him having enough of his bullshit. 'He's so arrogant! How can anybody like a person like him?' Quietly you let out a few coughs while looking at him waiting for his reaction. Your throat is dry and hurting. "Listen (y/n)... " He sights and pinches the bridge of his nose. "...I'm... I'm sorry, okay." You look at him a little surprised with a raised eyebrow. "I just don't want you to push yourself to far. I see how much you work and you even go to work when you're sick." Now you're just confused. "And your point is...?" You ask him. "I just want you to stay at home tomorrow and get some rest. Please don't force me to-" You interrupt him feeling kinda creeped out by his behavior. "What? You want to force me to stay home? Look I may or may not understand that you worry about me but I'm really tired at the moment and I don't want to discuss this topic any longer. You do you and I do me." You say your voice breaking a few times while talking. Without saying another word you quickly grab your stuff and push past Dr. Strange. "Good night, Sir." With these words you leave the room and the doctor stays behind.
'Why? Why isn't she seeing that I care so much about her... Am I doing something wrong? Why can't she see that there's more than just working in the same hospital...more than just friendship...' He has so many questions that he can't seem to find an answer to. The first moment he saw you he knew there was something about you...something special. He can't get you of his mind even though he always tries to keeps a clear head. The only reason he returned to the hospital after becoming the Sorcerer Supreme is to see you and to be with you. But...it can't go on like this forever. He needs you. You are his. Watching you at home just isn't enough anymore. 'I need to confess my love. ... But what if she says no?' In that case...he has to come up with a plan to 'convince' you.
You close the door to your house behind you and lock it. 'What's gotten into him?' You sight leaning against the door. 'He never acted like this in the past... Well he creeped me out a few times before but he never like...threatened me.' The more you think about it the more nervous you get. You shake your head. 'He always acts like that... He's probably not used to people not listening to him. Maybe he even is a little bit of a sociopath...' All these thoughts are driving you crazy and you feel the cold slowly taking its toll. So you decide it would be a good idea to take a hot bath and then go to bed. No sooner thought than done. You just throw everything you brought back from work into your bedroom and make your way to the bath. The steaming hot water feels like heaven and you feel your airways slowly relieving.
After a long relaxing bath your body is aching for sleep. Exhausted you lay down in your bed and pull up the blanket over your shivering body. You put on some warm clothes after your bath but you're still cold and you shake like a leaf. The cold really distresses you and you have trouble falling asleep. But after what seems like hours of tossing and turning in bed you eventually fall asleep. As you doze of into sleep you didn't notice the presence of a person standing next to your resting form.
"Isn't she beautiful?" The dark figure whispers. His cloak slightly touches his cheek in order to tell him something. "Yes yes I know just a little more time. She'll soon be ours." He steps closer and kneels beside your bed. His hand wanders to your cheek were his fingers slightly travel over your skin. He feels the heat coming from your body. Carefully he reaches for your forehead. "She has a fever..." He sighs and shakes his head. "I'll have to think about a plan for tomorrow. I can no longer wait and see." He whispers his cloak waving in excitement.
You wake up to your alarm clock going of. If you haven't felt like shit the day before now you do. You feel like you haven't slept at all. Getting up from your bed your body is aching and you feel kinda dizzy. 'At least I'm not cold anymore...' You think to yourself looking in your closet for something to put on today. After finding something warm to put on you get yourself ready for work. As you were eating your breakfast your phone rings and you pick it up looking at the screen. Your boss is calling you. You gulp. "Hello?" You answer the call. >Oh good morning Mrs. (l/n). I hoped you would answer my call before making your way to work.< The voice of your boss sounds through the phone. "How may I help you, Sir?" You ask having no clue at all. >Well first of Mrs. (l/n) I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't know how much stress you go through at the moment. And that's why I'll give you a few days off.< He sounds worried which confuses you even more. 'What loss is he talking about?' "Pardon me Sir but I don't quite understand." >Dr. Strange told me everything. I had no idea of how your situation at the moment is. Don't tell me otherwise I know it's hard to lose a family member and denial is the first option to come to your mind.< 'That asshole Strange...' "Listen Sir I don't-" >Oh I'm sorry Mrs. (l/n) I have to go. Get some time to work on your grief and your problems. Have a nice day.< "BUT I-" It was to late he'd already hung up. You sit there on your table slowly letting your phone sink starring in disbelief. 'He's really done it...' Letting out a loud sigh you lean back in your chair and repeat the whole conversation in your head. Suddenly you yell out in frustration and pound your fists on the table making the silverware clink. "Why?! Why can't he just mind his own business?!" You growl to yourself. You massage your temples and cough a few times. Now you're getting a headache and you feel even worse than before. Suddenly your doorbell rings. You get up from your chair with a loud sight and make your way to the door.
As you open it and see who's standing in front of it you feel anger and annoyance boiling up in you. "How dare you?!" You spit. The person in front of you is non other than Dr. Stephen Strange. He stares at you with an unreadable expression but you couldn't care less. "Stop interfering in my life! What's wrong with you?! Don't you have your own business to mind?! Just leave me the hell alone! Stop staring at me and SAY SOMETHING!" Your outburst gets Dr. Strange back into reality and focused on you. "Listen (y/n) I'm just doing this because you clearly don't care for yourself." He says in a calm voice. "I don't see how this is your business! Just stop already! Leave me alone!" You beg desperately trying to get him to understand. "(Y/n) why don't you understand that I care a lot about you. I just want to protect you." He explains putting his hands up in a calming manner. You take a step back in your house ready to close the door if he trys something. His behavior is really creeping you out and the worst thing is that you can't seem to understand him. "I-I...Dr. Strange we are colleagues and...I really want to leave it at that. I mean you still have Christine. She cares a lot about you a-and she is the same age as you and I thought you two were-" You try to make it clear that you have no interest in him...because you're not blind and you get the hints he's giving you. 'But maybe he's just trying to be nice...?' "No!" His sharp tone makes you flinch slightly and you are about to slam the door in his face. "I don't care about Christine! I only care about you and I love you (y/n) don't you understand?! I want you to be with me! I need to protect you it's dangerous out there!" Your heart is racing and you feel like screaming right now. "Okay that's enough. Please leave now Dr. Strange!" You try your hardest to sound tough and determined but your voice comes out shaking. He looks at you raising his eyebrows realising what he's just said. "Oh no (y/n) I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. I'm-"
You slam the door in his face before he can come anywhere near you. "Please (y/n) don't lock me out." The voice of the doctor comes muffled from the other side of the door. "GO AWAY! I ALREADY TOLD YOU I'M NOT-" Suddenly you hear a noise coming from behind you. You spin around in panic and look around behind you. But you can't seem to see anything suspicious. 'Okay (y/n) get it together! I can't even call the police on him otherwise I'm probably going to lose my job...' You feel really bad and weakened because of the cold and the stress. Leaning against the door you try not to cry. "(Y/n) I can feel that you're not well. Let me take care of you. Don't force me to-" "SHUT- up!" You scream your voice breaking in the end. Turning to face the door again you shake out of anger and fear. "If you don't leave immediately I'm going to call the-" Suddenly something grabs you from behind. It feels like some sort of fabric is wrapping itself tightly around you. You try to scream but the same fabric covers your mouth. As it also forces your legs together you are about to fall but it somehow keeps you standing. You struggle against it but it only keeps getting tighter until you can't move anymore. The cold is not helping you  either because of your weakened state you can't keep up the fight for long. You pant heavily and give in to whatever is holding you. The fabric around you losens a little bit as you begin to shake out of fear and exhaustion. You look to your door as suddenly some sort of portal appears in front of you. Out of the portal steps Stephen Strange who was behind your door just a moment ago. Your eyes widen and you want to back up but the fabric won't let you. "I'm sorry I don't wanted to do that but you left me with no choice." He steps towards you until he's only a few centimeters away from you. You wimper in response and fight the tears from coming out. Dr. Strange notices your frightened state and wrapps his arms around you. He presses your shaking form against him and trys to calm you down. "Shhh it's okay. I'll take good care of you. You'll never have to stress yourself with work again. It's not good for you." You weakly start to struggle again and scream against his chest until your throat hurts even more. He just tightens his hold on you and says nothing because he knows you'll get exhausted eventually. As you finally give up and stay still in his arms you start to cry and muffle pleas in the fabric covering your mouth. "You can let go of her now." Dr. Strange says and the thing holding you releases you. It flys behind the doctor and lays itself around his shoulders. "Please let me go I promise I won't tell anyone and we'll just forget about it... You just have to let me-" You plea with what's left of your voice and try to free yourself again with nothing more than a light push. "Hush I don't want to hear this nonsense anymore (y/n). I know it will be hard for you to adjust to your new life believe me I know it to well. But you'll be safe with me in the Sanctum Santorum." You shake your head and still try to escape his grasp. "My family and friends will search for me and they are going to safe me-" You have to pause and start coughing. This was to much for your voice. "That's enough (y/n) you need to rest now!" Stephen pulls something out of his pocket. "What *cough* are you-" You panic but the next moment you feel something piercing your neck. The liquid entering your system imitately makes you feel dizzy. You still try to struggle against him but you can already feel yourself slipping of into sleep. As your consciousness slowly slips away Stephen takes over the weight of your body. "There we go sweetheart that's much better isn't it?" He whisper as your struggles fade and you finally give up the fight against sleep.
You slowly begin to wake up. It's warm and soft around you. The smell of freshly washed bedding fills your nose. You move slowly and open up your eyes a little. Carefully you move your sore limbs and sit up slightly. You are still a bit dizzy and your vision is slightly blurry. As you look around the unfamiliar room you are in it hits you like a lightning bolt kicking you out of your dazed state. He kidnapped you. You feel panic rising up in you and you throw of the bedsheet. But the moment you want to leave the bed you fall face first on the ground. Something was holding your leg and as you turn to look what it is your face goes pale. A chain was attached from the bed to your ankle. "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" You shout panicking even more and pulling on the chain. Suddenly you stop as you hear someone opening the door to the room. You quickly look for something to defend yourself with and grab the beside lamp from the nightstand. Stephen enters the room holding a tray with a bowl, cutlery, a glass of water (at least you think it is water) and some bottles which look like they're containing medicine. He also wears rather strange clothes and the oh so familiar cape. The moment he looks at you and sees what you are holding his expression changes in disappointment. "I hope you slept well, sweetheart. Although I really thought you would change your attitude after your nap." He stets the tray aside on a large dresser and turns to face you. You slowly stand up holding the lamp in front of you. The chain on your ankle is forcing you to only fully stand on one leg. "You drugged and kidnapped me and you really think I would 'change my mind'? You are a sick psychopath! You are a mon-" "I AM NOT- a monster! (Y/n) I did this because I love you and I want to protect you. You'll come to understand it sooner or later. Now please put down the lamp you're going to hurt yourself." You don't even think about putting it down on the contrary your grip around the lamp tightens and your hands begin to shake. Stephen sighs and his cape detaches itself from his shoulders and darts towards you. You whimper and try to hit it with the lamp to keep it away from you. But the red fabric is to fast for you and dodges your every swing. It wraps around the lamp and pulls it out of your hand which sends you falling on your butt. "NO!" You yell frustrated. The cape now again wraps around you but not without you biting, pulling and kicking it. "STOP!" You can't keep up the fight for too long and again end up wrapped in a tight embrace. The cape lifts you up and lays you back down in the bed. "Please Stephen...please let me back home. I'm begging you please..." You begin to sob and squirm. Stephen just ignores your pleas and takes the tray he brought in before to the nightstand beside your bed. He sits down on the bed with an unreadable expression.
Stephen takes the bowl with the food he prepared for you while the cape forces you in an upright position. "Stephen please..." Your whole body shakes and tears stream down your cheeks. The doctor looks at you and you could see he was feeling guilty for just a brief moment. "You need to eat now (y/n) and then you're going to take some medicine." His monoton voice scares you. "Please you don't have to do this! Just...Just let us talk about this. I really-" "Quiet!" Immediately you go silent biting your buttom lip. "If you don't behave, I'm going to put you somewhere you really don't want to be." This thread sends a cold shiver down your spine and makes you wonder what he is capable of. "W-What are you?" You dare to ask which softens his expression. "Well I'm nothing to be afraid of as long as you are good." He reaches out for your face and puts his hand on your cheek making you flinch. "I'm not going to tell you, yet. It's already way to much for your little head to take in right now." His thumb strokes your cheek in order to calm you down. You don't dare to speak nor to move. He then takes his hand away to pick up the spoon and feed you the dish he has prepared. It looks like some kind of porridge. "Now you must be hungry. You need to eat something." He scoops up some of the food and directs it to your mouth. You hesitate to open up your mouth. "(Y/n)...please don't make me force feed you." Against anything your brain screams at you, you slowly open your mouth and let Stephen put the food in it. "Good girl." He praises you. You slowly swallow the warm and almost tasteless porridge. It's at least a little bit sweet. Dr. Strange feeds you the rest of the bowl leaving your insides feel warm from the food. He gives you a warm smile. "See it wasn't that bad now was it?" Besides feeling a little bit better after eating you still want to strangle him. He then opens up the medication. "I'm not going to take the medicine from you." You say cold, but feeling scared on the inside. He stops for a moment making you panic you even said something. "Well if that's so I'll need to do it another way." You want to back away but the fabric still holding you won't let you. "I actually hoped you would say that." A dark smile you've never seen before forms on his face. He takes a pill out of the jar and puts it into his mouth. 'He's not going to...' You start to struggle again seeing him taking a mouthful of the water. Stephen then takes your head in his hands forcefully opening your mouth with his fingers. You shake your head and start to cry again. He connects his mouth with yours and infuses the water and the pill into your mouth. For a short moment he stays like this holding your head still. As he pulls away from your shaking form he puts his hand over your mouth for you to not spit it out again. "Shhhh. Just swallow it. You're going to be okay I promise." You whimper trying to spit everything out but only a little bit of water runs down your chin. Finally you decide to swallow the warm water containing the pill. Stephen smiles as he sees you swallow the medication. He takes his hand away and studies your red face. Admittedly he really wants to feel and taste you. As a man who actually is not dirty minded he really needs to hold back when it comes to you. "You need to rest now. The medication will soon have an effect. It'll make you feel a little bit sleepy but the cold should go away very soon." He lays you back down and his cloak lets go of you positioning itself back around Stephens shoulders. You don't dare to move as he places the blanket over you stroking your hair in an effort to calm you. He just sits beside you on the bed admiring you while stroking your hair and face.
After some time you again feel the urge to sleep. 'Probably the medication...' You thought to yourself while your vision begins to blurr. Stephen notices and smiles softly while still stroking your hair. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you." He whispers as you slowly drift of into sleep again.
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sierracortney011 · 4 years
COVID 19: Time To Wake Up
Yes, Its Time To Wake Up – Almost everyone is staying indoors because of COVID 19 and the world economy is being grounded because a few people have decided to take control of the world by purposely releasing a virus that causes a pandemic.
To realize their agenda of reducing the world’s population and take control of everything, they have made sure there has been so much misinformation in the media. Unfortunately, nobody is talking about what the Surgeon General put out because part of the agenda is to misinform people, and they don’t want you to know the truth.
How the agenda started and the end game
Nearly 2,400 years ago, in ancient Greece, Plato discussed the importance of population control.
Aristotle advocated the use of abortion and infanticide to control the population. In 1798, an essay on the principle of population was written by Thomas Malthus, outlining the idea of positive checks which are diseases, wars, disasters, famines, and genocides.
Malthus believed that these things should be used to increase the death rate and believed that human misery was a necessary consequence.
In 1859, Charles Darwin published the Origin of Species. In it, Darwin only hinted at the implications of the human population, but his cousin, Sir Francis Galton, became obsessed with the idea. In 1883, Galton’s inquiries into human faculty and its development, he wrote that he intends to touch on “various topics more or less connected with that of the cultivation of race” or as we might call it, eugenic.
Eugenics is a term from the Greek word eugenic of noble birth. In the early 20th century, eugenics became an academic discipline in universities. Organizations were formed and funded to win public support. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute rejected the idea that all humans are born equal, and began selling the idea of cultivating a new master race of noble bloodlines.
Planned Parenthood was formed in America by racial eugenics advocate, Margret Sanger.
The president of IBM, Thomas J. Watson, established a special subsidiary in Poland called “Watson Business Machines” to assist in the Nazi invasion of Poland. This business continued throughout the war and IBM managed the entire operation from its headquarters in New York.
During the Nuremberg trials, the Nazies quoted US Supreme Court, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in their own defense. They claimed that their eugenics program was being run from the United States. The Nazis were rightly tried for war crimes, but not Thomas Watson, who went on to create the IBM World Trade Corporation and passed it to his son.
Thomas Watson’s granddaughter ended up marrying Margret Sanger’s grandson. Bill Gates, whose father worked on the board for Planned Parenthood and his mother worked on the corporate board of IBM who Bill Gates partnered with to create Microsoft.
With no medical background, Bill Gates then went on to become the world’s foremost pusher of vaccines and population control.
The big question
Do you think this is all coincidence? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds the WHO, the NIH, the UN, and the CDC. Now, Bill Gates is saying that until we get mass vaccinations, we might never be able to gather in groups. Gates says, “Activities like mass gatherings may be in a certain sense more optional and so until you’re widely vaccinated, those may never come back at all.”
The president’s of coronavirus response team are all pushing the Bill Gates vaccination agenda. Dr. Anthony Fauci is on the Leadership Council of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In January of 2017, Dr. Anthony Fauci told a crowd at Georgetown University that there would be a surprising outbreak during the Trump presidency.
Dr. Anthony Fauci says, “There is no question that there will be a challenge for the incoming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic and infectious diseases. In the sense of already ongoing disease, we have certainly a large burden of that, but also there will be a surprising outbreak.”
Deborah L. Birx is a board member for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, which was founded by the Gates Foundation and known for millions of dollars of fraudulent misuse of funds. In October of 2019, Bill Gates sponsored event 201, a simulation that estimated 65 million people killed by a coronavirus.
In November of 2019, The Pirbright Institute funded by Bill Gates was granted European number EP3172319B1 for a coronavirus vaccine that may be used to treat humans.
In April 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci says, the virus will keep coming back and he says the ultimate game changer will be a new vaccine. In Australia, the Prime Minister is telling people the shutdowns will last months. He says, it’s the new normal and the only way out of your home is to accept the vaccine.
There is no proof that vaccines are the answer. In fact, the CDC admitted in federal court that it does not have studies to support the claim that vaccines do not cause autism. A top UN scientist admitted that the vaccines are killing people.
It is time to do some hard thinking. Will you allow your government to impose forced vaccinations on you?
What should you do?
The only way these people can get away with this evil did is if we stand by and do nothing. A famous quote says, “The only thing necessary for evil to perpetuate is for good men to stand by and do nothing.”
We cannot stand and let this continue. We have no choice then to do something. Here is what you should do:
Go and watch the movie called Out of Shadow to understand the agenda of the media
There are civil rights that are being violated. Right now they are arresting people in different places and removing them because they’re not wearing a face mask.
Doctors should be bold, to tell the truth, and not join forces with these evil people.
The news going around is that social distancing should be 13-feet not 6-feet. This is just garbage. No virus lives 13-feet. What they are trying to do is when they insert the RF chips in us, they don’t want us standing next to each other because the satellite isn’t going to be able to pick up on one or ten people.
One thing is sure: if we don’t stand up against these people now, they will achieve their evil plan.
DISCLAIMER: “This is an OPINION based article, and does not imply that our staff supports the opinion of any contributor”
The post COVID 19: Time To Wake Up appeared first on First News.
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