#yandere dr. strange
t0rturedangel · 8 months
if it's not much, some yandere jekyll and/or hyde hc's? can be both sfw and/or nsfw 🤭 anyways take care
╭ . . . 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 ੭
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𝐃𝐑 𝐉𝐄𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐑 𝐇𝐘𝐃𝐄 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 ➤ 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘪𝘵 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘴
❏ warnings : love-sick ('yandere') themes, dark themes, a Victorian doctor, mentions of torture, mentions of blood, murder, Hyde.
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I have SOOOO many requests LOL, and i got so much homework- this shit is more important- ILY MY LOVELIES
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✩ ⊱ Jekyll likes to think that he's the gentler, sweeter and more loving version of the two (technically one) men obsessed with you. he's not.
✩ ⊱ He's manipulative, and knows how to get his way with you- you try to leave? Why? do you hate him, do you want to see Hyde take control of him and never let the face of Jekyll be shown to the world ever again? You're the only thing that's keeping him in power.
✩ ⊱ He also, sometimes, has a brutal side to him too- if someone he doesn't approve of gets a bit to close to his lovely dear spouse (Either your parents arranged a marriage with Jekyll, for money obviously, or Jekyll had manipulated you to marry him) well he's just gained a new test subject- how sweet right? right?
✩ ⊱ Don't worry though, he'll save you from watching- he doesn't want to ruin your little head (anymore than he already has.)
✩ ⊱ Jekyll likes to believe that you're a pure little thing, how could you not be? He could only love someone as pure as you- dont even thing about how he's a terrible man- you dont need to at all! Just keep being you're little angelic self
✩ ⊱ unfortunately for you, Jekyll is a Victorian man (a doctor no less) so therefore he has the mentality of one too, i hope you can see what I'm trying to say
✩ ⊱ Jekyll views you as his property is what I'm trying to say, right? I know it sounds horrible and it is, but that's his mentality- I am not going to sugar coat this for you, my lovelies
✩ ⊱ Don't worry though! Jekyll does have his sweet moments, on some occasions he'll let you roam the house! Though the servants will either be busy or away from you, after all who needs to see them, hm? all you need is him!
✩ ⊱ The doctor is deadly scared of loosing you, to either death, or someone else so therefore, he locks you up in a lovely little room he had made and decorated for you- the walls are your favorite colours, he got all the decorations he knew you would love, makes sure the room is constantly clean and you have a lovely large bed the two of you sleep in (whenever Jekyll is not busy, and is not Hyde- though Hyde will also visit you) though you are shackled, again he doesnt want you to leave
✩ ⊱ Hyde, on the other hand, is some how more gentler- though he's a monster, he's artificially made his soul is full of nothing but hate and rage but somehow he never lays a hand on you
✩ ⊱ He, actually doesn't to much to you. Sometimes he'll only sit on a chair in your room and just stare at you- sometimes he smiles at you (or what seems to be a smile) which is either more horrific or sweeter than what Jekyll does.
✩ ⊱ Sometimes Hyde loves to sit next to you, and let you rest against him, he'll also play with your hand or hair, if it's your hand it will be near the shackle so your aching skin could have at least some relief- you're the only person he will ever be gentle with.
✩ ⊱ Whenever he knows Jekyll is not mentally there, he'll let you out of your room and take you outside (in the night of course- there's less people, and much like Jekyll, Hyde hates having people any closer to you than at least a street away) and show you around, sometimes you'll be lucky and he'll take you to his house.
✩ ⊱ Hyde can cook, shocking I know- but he loves to cook for you whenever he can, and hey- it keeps you full and Jekyll never knows.
✩ ⊱ Unlike Jekyll, Hyde (despite loving you so much) does not really care if you saw something horrific, it just means you'll see what he's capable of, how much he's willing to protect you and how much blood he can shed.
✩ ⊱ though don't you EVER think, EVERRRRR that he'll lay a hand on you, he may be evil but he'll never do that, no Jekyll does that (sometimes, after he's sob and beg for your forgiveness)
✩ ⊱ Overall, yeah no, I beg- do not fall for this man (men?) your life will not look so pretty but they'll love you, at least they'll tell you that they do.
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siswritesyanderes · 1 year
Question for you!😁 Which Yandere marvel characters do you think would want/make their darling age regress? Because I see a lot of Yanderes who would want them to depend on them but which characters (even if it varies from era to era) would take it a step further. Even just to treat their darling like a teenager, I think a lot of them would and I’m curious who all you think would most likely? I love your writing and I hope you have a great day!
It's funny you should mention this, because I was recently imagining a situation where a lot of Marvel heroes (and maybe non-heroes) have a get-together and bring their age-regressed, abducted darlings. Like a party of the forced agere yanderes.
(This is outside the canon of "Safe Because I'm With the Apex Predator.")
Druig and Makkari's darling is by far the best-behaved; everyone compliments them on how well-behaved their darling is. Dressed in brightly-colored overalls and knee socks, their hair is neat (which can't be said for a lot of the darlings; they get unkempt when they physically struggle), they greet the other yanderes with a smile when asked, and they say "Yes, Daddy," and "Yes, Mommy," and the like, every time they speak to Druig and Makkari. They don't use any words that a seven-year-old couldn't.
It's clear from the look in the darling's eyes that they haven't caved under the mental stress of their abduction; there's still an awareness there. Occasionally even hostility. But they behave themself, because if they didn't do so by choice, Druig would just make them anyway. So many of the yanderes are lowkey jealous, not just of this darling's good behavior, but of the general vibe of mutual understanding that exists between them and Drukkari. When all the other darlings are going to a "play room", so the "grown ups" can talk in private, this darling calmly asks, "Mommy, can I bring my food with me?"
Makkari answers, "Yes," and kisses them on the forehead before they go.
Meanwhile, Thena and Gilgamesh's darling is absolutely feral. (Or, as one of the other yanderes politely says, "very rambunctious!") Darling's on a leash, and Darling's trying to chew through the leash. They're dressed in a form-fitting toddler onesie and mittens that make it hard to hold anything. They aren't trusted to feed themself, so Gilgamesh feeds them while Thena leads them around on the leash. When Gilgamesh greets people amicably, and Thena greets people with her aloof smile, their darling glares at whoever they're directed to greet and mumbles a grudging "hello".
None of them are embarrassed about this. Thena is amused and enjoys the friction, and Gilgamesh is chill. Looking at all the other captives, darling demands, "How come they're not on a leash?"
Gilgamesh chuckles, "Because you're still biting yours."
Repeatedly, this darling tries to run for it, and Thena nonchalantly reels them back with a firm tug, not even pausing her conversation with the other guests.
Sam and Bucky's darling is shyly clinging to Sam's side. They don't have to say hi to anyone, because Sam and Bucky both enjoy the fact that they don't want to. "They're shy," Bucky says, and Sam pats their head fondly. They're dressed like a very fashionable five-year-old: everything matches, and they have very snazzy tennis shoes. Bucky and Sam are asked where they bought that shirt, those shorts, that cloth cap.
While darling doesn't talk to or look at the other yanderes, they're fascinated with the other darlings. They're kind of scared of the struggling ones, but their eyes are drawn to something brightly colored: Druig and Makkari's darling. Pretty...And they look friendly... Darling accidentally makes eye contact with Druig, who raises an unimpressed (almost challenging) eyebrow, and they quickly look away. When Sam and Bucky eventually run into Druig and Makkari and start making small talk, darling keeps their face buried in Sam's shoulder, so that only one eye can see the colorful darling who's now staring right back at them, curiously.
"Hi," Drukkari's darling says. They're allowed to carry their own plate!
Sambucky's darling waves hello but does not leave the safety of Sam's side.
The Guardians of the Galaxy were not invited to the party, but they showed up anyway. Their darling is as rough-edged as you'd expect from someone who has to trade barbs with Rocket Raccoon on the daily. They're dressed in an outfit composed of articles that have each been scavenged separately. (And an anklet of what looks like braided wood but is really a part of Groot's body, which can at any time grow roots into the ground, preventing them from walking.)
Rather than sticking by their yanderes (like most if not all of the other darlings do, if not by choice then by force), this darling pretty much runs rampant through the room, sneaking food from the banquet tables and making an honest effort to quietly steal a sling ring from Dr. Strange. Occasionally, Rocket or Nebula or Quill shouts at them from across the room to put something down or otherwise stop doing what they're doing. Groot, in the role of the older sibling, sometimes goes to herd them back.
"In what way is that age regression, and not just kidnapping?" Strange asks.
"Oh, that?" Quill says. "They're just going through a rebellious phase. Groot did the same stuff."
Separately, Nebula muses to someone, "With a father as cruel as Thanos, I never believed myself to have much of a...nurturing side. But ever since we found- GET DOWN FROM THERE, OR I WILL THROW YOU THROUGH THE WALL!" she suddenly bellows.
"Up yours!" their darling shouts back.
"It's nice to be a mom," Nebula continues solemnly.
(Thenamesh's darling tries to convince them to cut their leash.)
Eventually, Mantis puts them to sleep, and Drax spends the rest of the party with them casually slung over his shoulder.
The Guardians are still probably asked to leave.
Dr. Strange's darling is behaving themself, but they have an attitude. They're terse, with their lips in a sour twist that clearly conveys that they would not be here were it not for their magical captor and his ability to appear anywhere they could think to run. Their clothes are impeccable (and have the look of a boarding school uniform), but their hair is messy, suggesting they did not intend for Stephen to have an easy time getting them here.
This darling is simultaneously annoyed by the darlings who make a spectacle of their attempts to defy their yanderes and disgusted by the darlings who obey too well. The way Sambucky's darling is coddled and doted on is unbearably cloying, but Drukkari's darling being allowed to hold their own plate just absolutely grinds their gears, because Strange's darling isn't allowed to do or have anything, without Strange acting as the middle man. They have to politely ask for each bite of food, politely ask for any book or activity they might use to entertain themself, politely ask to go to the bathroom...And Strange really would let them wet themself, if they didn't ask politely enough.
They drag their feet, when Strange walks over to Druig and Makkari and the golden darling themself. They cross their arms tightly, as Strange chats with the Eternals and Drukkari’s darling meets their glower with a look they can't help reading as supercilious.
Strange's darling refuses to greet Drukkari's darling, and they don't consciously register that their unreasonable animosity toward their fellow abductees signifies a great deterioration in their emotional intelligence.
(I can think of more, but this post is getting long, and I'm not sure how interesting it is to other people, lol.)
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Marvel Masterlist
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looking for spiderman/peter parker? He has his own Masterlist ❤
Steve Rogers
Delusional Steve
Pregnant S/o
Single Parent S/o
Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes vs Steve Rogers
Touchy with friends S/o
How Steve spoils S/o
Amnesiac S/o
Nuclear Apocalypse
Killer Steve
Werewolf Steve
Avenger S/o
Rebellious S/o
Steve finding S/o after running away with another man
Hearing S/o sing
S/os friend helping them Escape
Trying to break up with him
S/o goes missing
Steve protecting Villain S/o
Famous S/o
Delusional 50s Fantasy
Clinging onto S/o who doesn’t like being touched
Hospitalized S/o
S/o Framed into Execution
Living in the 40s with S/o
S/o who can die from pregnancy
Bucky/Steve sharing S/o
S/o who is already dating
Insecure S/o
Professor Steve dating College student S/o
necromancer S/o
Haunted House w/ Steve and Bucky
Werewolf Vampire Hybrid Steve
Alien S/o hiding parts of themselves
Ghost Steve communicating through Ouija Board
Figuring out S/os a Lizard human hybrid
S/o suffering from constant headaches
Someone attempting to drug S/o
Model S/o
At a BLM Protest
House spouse S/o
Easily scared S/o who loves horror movies
Doing his makeup when hes asleep
Platonic relationship with his daughter
S/o spending more time with bucky and sam
Magical girl hero S/o
S/o being on team Iron man during civil war
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Bucky Barnes
Winning you over
Bucky Barnes vs Natasha Romanoff
S/o that loves their Stalker
Bucky Barnes vs Steve Rogers
Winter Solider Falling for a Civilian
Gore + Torture TW
Hunted Down
Trick or Treating w/ Bucky
Perusing Dating after Hydra
S/o who is affectionate towards friends
Bucky as a Parent
Prioritizing your child over him
Bucky being in college while S/os still in HS
Bucky w/ Daughter, platonic
S/o w/ cystic fibrosis
S/o who is scared of Bucky
Shoving Buckys head into your chest when angry
King Bucky
Soulmate AU
Crush with a shit boyfriend
S/o that loves pampering Bucky
Running away cause Someone broke in
Running away to the Police
Steve/Bucky sharing S/o
Recently freed Bucky taking refuge with you
Cuddlebug S/o
Pro baker S/o
kpop fan Dancer S/o
Halloween Date
Yandere Letter
Haunted House w/ Steve and Bucky
Shy S/o
Werewolf S/o
Witch S/o accidentally turning herself into a cat
Oblivious S/o
Darlings scared of bugs
Petite S/o
Artistic s/o
Getting a handmade blanket from S/o
S/o insecure about their high pitched voice
S/o whos always tired
Treating his wounds
Touch starved S/o that doesnt know how to show affection
S/o drools in their sleep
Air head S/o
Darling who enjoys being taken care of
S/o whos kidnapped by random people
Fluff Headcannons
“it feels like home when im with you”
S/o who was verbally abused as a kid, made to believe youll never be loved
Darling who has shit friends
Hydra S/o who tries to brainwash him again
S/o who jokes around when nervous
S/o that likes to be carried by his metal arm
S/o with a regular prosthetic arm
S/o got injured trying to escape
General protective HC
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Stephen Strange
Using his powers to get his S/o
Chasing S/o down
Insecure S/o  
Single Parent S/o
Apprentice S/o
Jealous of his Cloak
Using his powers on his Dead S/o
Kidnapping S/o
Yandere Cloak
“Be good for me this time. I don’t want to see you cry again.”
Patient S/o
Tony Stark vs Stephen Strange
Taking their S/o away from their abusive family
S/o with a flat chest
Red string of fate AU
S/o with PTSD
Oblivious S/o
Apprentice S/o getting hurt
Poly Naga Stephen + Tony
Cannibal S/o
Accident Prone S/o
Comforting Anxious S/o
Watching S/o sleep
S/o getting hurt during a city attack
Healer S/o distrusting him cause they think hes using them
S/o favoring his cape as a coping mechanism
Asexual S/o
Darling with narcolepsy and chronic pain
S/o is as good and talented as him
Sneaking out only to come back with puppies
S/o who has bad anxiety attacks
Using his cape to find S/o who sleeps in odd places
Chaotic s/o
Quiet s/o playing ACNH
S/os first time seeing snow
S/o whose ok with being kidnapped as long as they can go to amusement parks
Kidnapped S/o keeps passing out due to fear
S/o wanting to dance in the rain
S/o has the power to teleport
Demon S/o
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Thor Odison
NS FW headcannons
Loki vs Thor
Loki vs Thor Preference
Stronger than Thor thinks S/o
Teaching Thor about Halloween
Finding Puppies
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Loki Odison
Loki vs Thor
Loki vs Thor Preference
S/o in arranged marriage
Using a Love Potion on his S/o
Naga Loki
Affectionate S/o
Teasing his S/o
Valentines Day
S/o who can sing
Insecure S/o who keeps rejecting him
S/os Suicide TW
Brutally taking his Soul mate
Supportive S/o
Harassed S/o
Possessive S/o
Liking his Hair touched by S/o
Halloween Date
Someone cat calling his Darling
Drunk S/o
Asexual s/o
S/o whos best friends with Tony
Depressed S/o
Magica girl S/o
Vampire loki hunting down a s/o whos having fun with it
Platonic yandere  HC
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T’challa Vs Erik
S/o getting Married to someone else after he gets Snapped
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Tony Stark
“I sent you more gifts! do you like them?!
NS FW headcannons
Sugar Daddy
S/o getting attention to the constant attention he attracts
Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers
Cold in Public yet Cuddly in Private
Pushover S/o
Tsundere S/o
Jealous of the amount of attention Steves giving S/o
The Purge
Plus size Lingerie model S/o
“How else would they know you belonged to me?”
“its like you were made for me”
S/o who doesnt mind his Yandere tendencies
Jealous Tony
Finding a kitten
Shy/Book-wormy S/o
Valentines Day
Stephen Strange vs Tony Stark
S/os first relationship
Nerdy S/o
Poor yet incredibly Sweet S/o
S/o not wanting anything to do with Tony
Touchy S/o Hiding behind him
Zombie Apocalypse
Sugar Daddy to a Male College student S/o
Single Parent S/o
Learning S/o has Terminal Heart Cancer
S/o with a Prosthetic Leg
Cute S/o that listens to Death Metal
Drawing Tony in a maid outfit
Blind S/o
Vampire S/o
S/o who shuts down after kidnapping
Yandere S/o protecting their Love interest
Punishing S/o who tried to escape
Artist S/o
S/o who can see ghosts
Suicidal S/o TW
“Hey demons its ya boy”
Making Halloween costumes
Poly Naga Stephen+Tony
Tonys Type
Hunted Down
S/o having a delayed reaction to being Kidnapped
Injured S/o
S/o being hit on by Quentin Beck
Cyber stalking
S/os in the military
Crush thinking his Flirts are only jokes
Losing S/o to the Snap
Comforting S/o after a bad day
Strong Kick ass S/o
Not knowing S/o immortal, watching them get stabbed
S/o loving DIY stuff
Finding out S/o been begging to Jarvis to help them escape
S/o secretly making robo stuff
S/o having inhuman strength
terrorist S/o
S/o calling ptsd “spicy nostalgia”
Tonys s/o phasing through security after being kidnapped
Life Threatening Situation
Male S/o is a single parent
Modest S/o wont let him spoil them
S/o in a depressive episode
What kind of gifts does he buy his darling
How he shows affection
dealing with competing suitors
Proposal HC
Vampire Tony Hunted down
Incubus Tony
Assassin S/o
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Natasha Romanoff
Dealing with competition
Wanda vs Natasha
Bucky vs Natasha
S/o whos not into girls
Hunted Down
S/o Disobeying
Avenger S/o
Choosing S/os Clothes
Shy s/o
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Wanda Maximoff
Wanda vs Natasha
Bisexual S/o
Vampire Wanda
ADHD & Autistic S/o
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S/o who runs away
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Nick Fury
Shy and Quiet S/o
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Bruce Banner
Being able to control his emotions
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Hela Odison
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Carol Danvers-
Powerful S/o
Single parent s/o
Oblivious S/o
Oblivious S/o is getting flirted with
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Hunted down
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Doc Oc
Parental/Platonic HC
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Steve Rodgers 
Vocal Steve 
Turned on during a mission 
College Virgin S/o slightly 
Breeding HC 
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Bucky Barnes
Stealing S/os underwear 
Another Underwear Stealing 
NS FW alphabet
NS FW Headcannons
Sexually frustrated Bucky 
Getting Caught 
Dominate Bucky 
Sitting on his face 
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Stephen Strange
NS FW headcannons
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Werewolf Thors Heat 
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NS FW headcannons
NS FW alphabet
Orgasm denial + Aphrodisiac
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Tony Stark
NS FW Alphabet
S/o has a high Sex Drive 
S/os First Time 
Submissive tony 
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“You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that” 
NS FW headcannons
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NS FW headcannons
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avengerslittleone · 2 years
KIᗪᑎᗩᑭᑭᗴᗪ TO ᗷᗴ Tᕼᗴ ᗩᐯᗴᑎᘜᗴᖇᔕ ᗷᗩᗷY
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Warning :cursing,drugged ,humiliation,
Tony :do we have everything to get our baby
Bucky:oh yes we do (smiles)
Natasha:well I got the knockout stuff a syringe and some other stuff and some other drugs to make them limp and some drugs to weaken there muscles
Pepper:ok are we ready
Peggy:Steve you ready
Steve:ready as ever
Dr strange:ok now (opens portal to your universe)
Bucky:(walks by you) Excuse me y/p can you give me directions to the mall
Natasha:(grabs you injects you)I am sorry baby but your mama’s and dada’s can’t have you running
Y/n: Scarlett Johansson , Sebastian Stan , Benedict Cumberbatch (you fell your eyes close)
Dr strange:ok good we got them (closes portal)
Bucky:(carry’s you to med bay)
Bruce:awww they look so cute but now I do my thing so they become ours and our little one alone mine
Natasha:just tell Wanda when your dune she is going to erase there adulthood memories
Bruce:(injects headspace starters in iv and some other stuff)Wanda you can come in now
Wanda:ok (does wiggly woo magic on you)that should be ok
America:are they awake yet I want to meet them
Peter:please I want to
Morgan:please pretty pretty please
Tony:ok but shhh they are asleep
Natasha:(sits by your bad side)
America:awwww there so cute
Tony:shhhh they need there nap time they had a big day
Peggy:there the baby Steve come on
Peter:let’s go (leaves with America and Morgan)
Bucky:jerk so how’s it going
Steve:good she loves it here and we can be happy together same for you and romanoff
Y/n:(rolls over in bed)
Pepper:there waking up
Y/n:(opens eyes looks around) ou are Chw
Bruce:well we are your mommy’s and daddy’s and you are our baby
Y/n:(cry’s) nw you ovie charters you nw weal nw wana be baby
Vision:well you are our baby
Natasha:shhh it’s ok baby (sits in hospital bed with you in her lap)
Bucky:oh see that made them quiet
Y/n:(pulls at Natasha’s top)mama
Natasha:everyone except Bucky out
Natasha:(unbuttoning her top takes nursing bra off let’s you latch on)good baby
Bucky:thank goodness for Wanda
𝗧𝘄𝗼 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿
Peggy:(picks you up off of play mat lay’s you on changing table changes you)
Natasha:(takes you from Peggy)say bye bye to ma she is going bye bye of two weeks
Y/n:bye bye ma
Wanda:nat I need to feed our baby
Natasha:ok (carry’s you to dining room put’s you in high chair)
Wanda:(grabs a spoon of baby food)come on baby look mommy likes it see
Y/n:(eats baby food off spoon spits it’s at daddy/tony)
Yelana:hahaha ha you didn't think that was going to happen
Wanda:(looks into your mind the adult part)
Y/n adult part of brain: I hate these ass holes they are some kinky asshats who want to control some now all I eat is baby food and titty milk and some food and shit and piss my self becoming of the fucken avengers I would rather be at hydra and or dead like piedro
Wanda:(does more wiggly woods on your mind)see now we have our baby and the best part is everyone in your universe can’t find your phone or anything on you your our ’s
Natasha:Wanda can I ask what you did
Wanda:someone’s adult self was coming through so I killed it so now we only have our sweet baby (wipes drool from your chin)
𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗽𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁'𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗴𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘆/𝗻 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿
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ambermation · 2 years
Platonic! Yandere! Strange Supreme x Reader Headcanons
Heyyyy! So I’ve been working on requests whenever I can, and while it is fun to write again, I do struggle with getting burnt out. So, I figured why not make some headcanons in the meantime?
I’m working on a Yandere!Doc Ock x Reader rn! It’s a request and I’m loving it, but not loving the time it’s taking lmao so stay tuned!
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General Headcanons:
This may be a platonic relationship, but don’t think for even a second that this man won’t dote on you for anything and everything.
I’m serious. This man is as loving platonically as he is romantically.
He kinda acts like an overbearing, overprotective parent/guardian. Except 1000% worse (or better! Depends how you view it)
If you’re just a normal, regular ‘ol human, then he’s gonna think you’re absolutely helpless and need him to guide, protect, and care for you. Hell, even if you’re an expert in martial arts, he’ll still think this.
Develops some kind of morning and night routine for you, including what time you should wake up, eat, bathe, etc. And of course how you should spend time with him. That’s a guarantee with these schedules
Babies you 100%. You are his little baby and you can’t change that. You get a paper cut? He’ll act like your arm got cut off, and after he’s done cursing at the paper, he’ll use whatever spells needed to make you feel 10x better than before that nasty bit of tree corpse decided to hurt you.
Speaking of him using magic, Stephen loves to impress you with his vast knowledge of sorcery, especially if, again, you’re just an average human. He frequently uses spells to amaze you, make your eyes grow wide with wonder. He also loves it when you’re impressed with him using magic to heal you, how could he not? His little darling is amazed!!!
Stephen will lecture you for what, to normal people, are minor things or aren’t a actually issues at all. Things such as having some alone time because how could you do that, what if something happened, what if somebody hurt you? Or if you decide you want to do something different from the planned routine, because do you not appreciate his efforts? He just wants to make sure you’re safe and happy, don’t you know he does this because he loves you? Is his love not enough?
Going off of the last point, if Stephen thinks you went too far with disobeying him/disregarding things he’s done for you, he’ll conjure a special cell for you to stay in. There’s no windows, no doors, just a little block of a room. It’s basically a padded cell. He’ll give you your food via portals but won’t really interact with you in any way besides that.
Once he becomes calmer, but still angry, he’ll step into the room and hand you your food that way, but instead of leaving he’ll just stand there. Menacingly. Watching you eat. Never blinking once. That wouldn’t be so bad, if it weren’t for the fact that his stare is like being pierced by a million icicles… yeah I think absorbing all those creatures might’ve had a hand in that…
Then, when Stephen’s anger almost completely dissipates he starts giving off “disappointed dad” vibes. Primarily the “I’m not mad I’m just disappointed” vibe. He’ll take you out of the padded cell and all, but he’ll always carry this sadness when interacting with you in any way. Yes this man is guilt-tripping you 100000000%
Once Stephen’s over this little incident, he’ll go back to doting on you like you’re the only person in the multiverse (even if you technically are, if you two are stuck in Stephen’s bubble of a universe). After all, he loves you, and does want the best for you, but only if you listen to him, because he knows best. He’s here, with you, for a reason. Heaven knows how you managed to survive for so long without the Sorcerer Supreme to care for you. It’s still love, just a very twisted type of love.
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hana-no-seiiki · 5 months
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tw/cw: yandere (more on the soft side tbh, barely appears), mentions of slavery. Power dynamics are whack. AFAB! Reader but GN! Pronouns. Some Aventio sprinkled in there.
HAPPY AVENTURINE DAY!!! ( thank you @rninies / @teabutmakeitazure / @harmonysanreads for informing me cause I wouldn’t have known otherwise)
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“Who is this?” His eyes ran through the sight of your body, a nice and controlled pace yet swift nonetheless. You looked like a dead leaf if he was to be completely honest. Covered in soot, malnourished, fragile. Like you’d disappear with the slightest breeze. Then, his eyes paused, a mark — a branding on the right side of your neck.
But still, he was confused. What was the point of showing yet another slave to him? Was it a thinly concealed, sadistic way of reminding him that he was still shackled? That his freedom was nothing more than a mirage? An illusion?
His benefactor — owner — slowly lifted the veil that covered your face. Beautiful. He’d seen many faces by now, his own among others. But strangely yours reminded him of his past. A wave of euphoric nostalgia almost overwhelmed him.
“Open your eyes, little one.” Jade said with a wicked smile on her face. “I told you I had quite the gift. I was actually hoping to keep them as a . . . collectible. But then I found quite an interesting fact.”
You looked at him with eyes far too similar to his own. Cold, dead, empty. He could think of many other terms to use for yours. One of them including home.
“It seems that the Avgin’s blood will not be running dry all too soon. They’re all yours.”
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“Quit staring at them like that.” Veritas tapped on his book. His face morphing from disturbed to mild annoyance every few seconds.
“Like what?”
“Like they’re an oasis deep within the desert. And you, a man starved for eons, waiting to drink them up until they’ve ran dry. Stop it. It’s disgusting.” Dr. Ratio gestured at you. You were practically a walking ‘owned by Aventurine’ signal at this point. From head to toe, covered in expensive objects. It was a statement to say the least, a warning to those that looked closer.
“You exaggerate. I am simply . . . deliberating.”
“Is it really this one?”
“This reality.” Dr. Ratio placed the corner of his book on the blond’s forehead, “The reality where someone like you actually had the mental capacity to deliberate.”
“Oh don’t be too mean at this hour, Doctor.”
“Or what? You’d force me to find and get you from whatever hole you got yourself drunk in? Unfortunately that is something you’ve already burdened me with far too long ago.”
“I can take care of Mr. Aventurine, Doctor.” You appeared from behind the two. Your signature monotonous voice in tow.
Plaster immediately covered the man in question’s head. “Did anyone teach you manners? You don’t just silently approach someone—“
“I’m sorry.” You replied. Your face empty as a canvas an artist was yet to touch. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”
For once, Kakavasha took his time, let his eyes wander and behold your form. One feature at a time.
“All mine.”
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a/n: this was rushed and written in one sitting, but i wanted to release something at least for our boi ! will be back to hsr fics once penacony’s entire story/lore is out. i miss aeon of dreams! reader so much…
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moonsaver · 7 months
Consider... Dr. Ratio getting a (yandere?) crush on a student from a different department. Not one of his students. Meet-cute without his stone head on so the student doesn't know he's *that* professor. Poor student has no idea who their new friend is they're opening up to
My favorite request thus far! Im gonna try my best, anon.
I imagine it happens when student reader is running an errand and has to go to the different department for it, and Dr Ratio is someone they meet along the way in a bit of a secluded corner, tapping his foot and thinking deeply, maybe even saying things out loud to himself when student reader chimes in and asks about it. One thing leads to another and you actually end up getting along.
I imagine it happens again, once in a while, every two weeks or so, and Dr. Ratio doesn't quite introduce himself – he probably assumes as a student you're well aware of things, and just doesn't feel the need to, since both of you just talk enough to problem-solve and share opinions and facts. It only starts to dawn on him that you probably don't know him until you bring up one of your classmates who transferred departments talking about their professor with an alabastor head that has no mercy at all. His eyebrows are slightly furrowed as he contemplates whether he even wants to tell you.. but he likes the arrangement both of you have. It's enough that both of you are meeting like this, no? You don't need to know who he "really" is.
And by that time, he doesn't realise just how much he actually likes your company. You open up to him in a leisurely manner, and he's.. pleasantly surprised. Considering Dr. Ratio, I imagine he doesn't actually have people confiding in him, or talking to him normally, since his mind is constantly racing. This change of pace with someone who actually understands him is enough to keep his attention.
Of course, he needs to tone down his own prodding and pushing. Technically speaking, even "if" he's taken a "bit" of a liking to you, you're still not his student.. it's a pity.
He knows the exact classes you could thrive in, the course material he's sure you would devour, and the exact assignments he's recently sent out to his students that he knows you'd accomplish well. Sometimes during your conversations, he throws in a few topics and suggests that.. ahem, Dr. Ratio's course covers thoroughly. It feels weird to refer to himself in third person, but he adjusts naturally, and he has to stop himself from immediately getting on the defensive when you point out your own issues with his infamously rigorous course.
Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact he wants to see you more often, even if it means you'll recognize him as a professor with his alabastor head on instead of your new friend that's a bit eccentric. He would love having you as a student, just the potential you have is enough to excite him. The smile on your face after you solve a difficult problem, your rambling about the amount of homework your useless professors have drowned you with, the chirp in your voice as you call out to him in greeting, still unsure of what his name is.. surely, management won't say anything if Dr. Ratio himself takes matters into his own hands and transfer you into his department?
And when you turn up to his office, his alabastor head is on as he effortlessly shoots down any of your protests.
But.. if you continue being uncooperative, fine. Go back to your own department. It doesn't take much to sabotage, Veritas has learned. Just a bit of setting up is enough to ruin your assignments, destroy some of your projects, tarnish your reputation among your professors.. it's simple. Now, now.. instead of trying to problem-solve, why don't you just listen to that eccentric, strange friend of yours and join his department instead? He'll help you out thoroughly.
It doesn't take long after you've shifted departments, and you find out your strange new friend was your stubborn, unhearing professor.. now, it's a pity, but you'll have to stay after classes. Hm? No, no. He won't bother listening to you. You have a lot to cover, and now that he's not keeping any secrets from you, he wants to hear everything about you in thorough detail. Don't think about getting away, either. He'll talk with security and management to allow you to stay much further after hours. No one's willing to help you escape. Now.. there's so much material to cover, so let him teach you on a personal level. That should get you going more easily.
He decides on keeping his alabastor head aside, staring intently at you as you scribble away the mountains of assignments he's just given. You're not allowed to get distracted. If you even so much as lift your head to look aside from him, or your homework, he's quick to guide you by his fingers on your chin towards him, a scowl on his face. For goodness' sake, at least look at your professor if you want to stop writing. He's still your little friend, isn't he? How about you tell him all about that classmate you were getting so chummy with? Don't lie now – he saw everything. It doesn't matter that he's in a different department, it's better if he knows. You're both.. close,no? This is just something friends share with each other. Or do you need an extra lesson taught by him personally?
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
Drabble Idea: Judge Crane decides to give his obsession a third option. Death, exile, or…….
You know he would use his position in order to get his crush all to himself while Gotham burns.
YES OMG SOME LOVE FOR JUDGE CRANE he's so underrated and I actually lost it when I saw the movies in theaters and he popped up <3 like omg look it's my husband
warnings: coercion, ownership, threats of noncon, yandere vibes
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"You can't be serious," you mumbled, but you knew he was-- Dr. Crane wasn't an especially humorous guy, that whole death by exile bit from earlier notwithstanding.
He still smiled at you, though; "It's your choice."
"Well, it's not much of a choice, is it?" you scoffed.
"It's a better choice than anybody else got," Jonathan shrugged, "if you do choose exile, I'm sure these guys would love to give you a nice send-off-- right, boys?"
You didn't even have the heart to look back at the thugs who had dragged you in here, but you heard them chuckling and mumbling amongst themselves. Crane had made his message clear, and you let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine," you said.
"Fine?" he repeated. "What's that mean, you'll just die?"
"No, I--"
"You know, you said once you'd rather die than marry me, do you remember that?" He laughed. But that was years ago, when your father tried to set you up with him because he was a respected doctor and you were a nice young socialite-- it was more about rebellion than anything else then, but learning about his insanity and criminal activities wasn't exactly changing your mind.
"I was wrong," you admitted, "alright? I'm sorry."
He smiled again, a little more sinister than the last time. "Then you can wait for me with the others... sweetheart."
The huddled mass of the 'arrested' dwindled through the day, executives and politicians dragged up the stairs to meet their fate as determined by Crane; soon it was only half or less left behind, with you simply counting the minutes until you'd be taken-- you couldn't imagine what life would be like with Jonathan, and for now, you tried not to.
He came for you at the end of the day, standing above you and smiling down as you stayed sitting on the ground, leaning against a pillar and waiting for whatever he asked you to do. "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say," he admitted as he stared at you. "Hi honey, I'm home or something?"
"You don't actually sleep here, do you?" you frowned.
"No, no-- I believe in work-life balance," he shook his head; then reached his hand out to help you up. "Come on, let's go home."
Though you hesitated, you took his hand and let him help you to your feet with a wince.
"Are you alright?" he asked, seeing the pain on your face.
"They kinda roughed me up," you admitted quietly, though your breath caught when Jonathan pulled you closer.
"Poor thing," he mumbled, petting your cheek briefly, holding your waist a little tighter. "And having to sit on this hard floor all day-- you must be sore, hm?"
You nodded slightly, though you felt strange talking to him like this-- like it was a normal conversation, and not something you had to do to keep yourself safe. If being with him could really be considered 'safe'...
"I can write you a script if you're in too much pain," he offered, "but I think you just need some rest: somewhere warm, a nice big bed..."
He leaned in closer as he trailed off, taking a deep breath beside your head as he rubbed your back. Though he must have noticed the way you tensed up and nearly pulled away, it didn't deter him.
"I'll be good to you," he promised, "if you just behave. You don't need to be so afraid of me."
But you could hear the excitement in his voice; he liked that you were afraid of him. Finally, he had the power over you that you'd denied him all those years ago. No matter how sweet he promised to be, one way or another, he was going to make you pay for that.
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ctrlsht · 11 months
Fragment of the Past 03
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pairing: patient!jungkook x psychiatrist!reader genre: thriller & yandere au
summary: You are a well-known and respected psychiatrist and author. You start treating Jungkook, who suffers from PTSD after surviving an extremely traumatic incident. As you help him confront his traumatic past, he begins to act strangely, and you start uncovering something about him that will change everything.
chapter summary: You thought that you could finally escape from Jungkook but little did you know that he has something more to hold against you. You endure everything that he did to you but he was too much until you can no longer take him anymore.
chapter warnings: hazing, fraternity, blackmailing, manipulation, smut, non con/dub con, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), mc was traumatized, stalking, murder, major character death word count: 11.3K
parts: (1) | (2) | (3)
note: This fiction will contain multiple mental disorders and psychology facts. I conducted my own research to avoid spreading misinformation, but there may be aspects I've overlooked, so I am open for any corrections.
"Why are you here? Aren't you aware of the restraining order?" You threw your pen on the table and stood up from your seat, while a sinister smile curled his lips. He continued to take a step towards you and you immediately pushed the buttons that connected to the reception desk. He only laughed before he spoke.
“It’s 9 in the evening, Y/N. No one’s here except for the both of us.” His words send shivers down your spine.
He was right, Soyeon and your other colleagues went home 3 hours ago and you’re the only one left inside. 
You love to overwork but right now, you wish that you just continue working at home. 
He’s going to kill you before the night ends. You’re sure of it. 
You reach your phone with a shaking hand as you scroll to your contact list and click Detective Jung’s number. 
“Who are you going to call? Detective Jung?” His words were like whispers from the depths of darkness.
Detective Jung isn’t answering your calls. 
“You’d be arrested once you come near me.” You tried to threaten him, but it only sounded like a joke to him.
He took a seat in his usual position as he intertwined both of his hands.
“I commend you for your cleverness when you ask for a restraining order against me,” He crosses his legs and touches his lips. “Unfortunately for you, it won’t stop me from attending our sessions."
“It’s my first time attending an evening session, is it also your first time, Dr. Y/N?” He said with a malevolent grin stretched across his lips.
“I swear, before the sun rises tomorrow, you’d be arrested.” You spoke, clenching your jaw. 
“With how fast you climb to the top, I thought you were smart, Y/N. But I was wrong.” He pokes the inside of his cheek as he smirks. “You should know by now the reason why I’m not in jail for killing my mother.” 
You weren’t able to respond, like a cat caught your mouth. 
“I thought that you’ll do great in kicking me out of your life so I came prepared. I even thought that you’d approach a different detective for this one, and fortunately, you still decide to approach Detective Jung.” He pauses to let out his laughs. “Don’t you know that he was the reason why I’m still free? He’s my best friend, Y/N!” A sinister laugh erupted from his throat as your body started to shake. 
“I even came up with a plan with my lawyer if ever I was arrested but damn Y/N, I somehow wish that you give me a thrill. You made my life easier than I expected.”
As he said those words, your legs turned to jelly, and a tightness gripped your chest. 
You’ve underestimated him and his power and now, your life's on the line. 
“Go ahead and ruin my reputation. Upload those recordings online, I don’t care anymore. I can’t stomach you anymore, Jungkook.” You spoke in a serious tone, before fixing your things.
“Are you sure about that?” He asked, a smile evident in his voice.
“If you think you need to use those recordings to destroy me, feel free to do so. I won't participate in this any longer. I refuse to be a part of your games, Jungkook.” 
“Oh, Y/N.” He sighs before he continues. “If you think that this is all about you, you’re wrong.” He stood up and took out his phone from his pocket. You’re about to go but he thrust his phone in your chest. “Watch it because you’d love to see what kind of a person your best friend really is.” He smirks and you look at his phone. It was a video and you were scared to play it. The thumbnail is Taehyung standing in front of a man with their eyes blindfolded. Taehyung looks so young in here and you aren’t sure what’s happening. One way to find out. 
You wish you didn’t take his phone. You wish that you just proceed on walking out of your clinic, leaving him inside because when you play the video, you immediately hear a painful scream coming from a man. It wasn’t Taehyung who’s screaming, instead, a man was kneeling and bleeding while his eyes were blindfolded, and Taehyung was hitting him with a baseball bat.
Holy shit. 
Taehyung looks so young in the video. His hair was blonde, it’s his hair when he was 17 or 18, as you remember. You can’t believe what you saw. The man that he’s hitting is begging for him to stop but he doesn't. Instead, he hit him harder. 
Your hands were trembling, almost dropping the phone as you stopped the video from playing. 
What was that?
“Why do you look so scared, Y/N? It’s your best friend.” Jungkook slowly took the phone from your hand. 
Your body trembled uncontrollably, fear had taken hold of your very core. You looked at him, shaking your head.
“That’s not Taehyung.” You said.
“Oh Y/N, I wish you’re right, but it was him.” He chuckled. He takes a few steps back and places his right hand on his pocket as he scrolls to find something on his phone. 
When he finds it, he shows his phone once again. You were confused because it’s a group of male people and when he noticed your confusion, he zoomed the screen and you saw Taehyung in the photo.
“He’s part of underground society way back before he was an artist and that's when I knew him, Y/N. He was one of the people who performed the initiation rites for the new members, and that video you just saw? It’s what he does for the society he’s in.”
You can’t believe it, you refuse to believe it. Taehyung won’t do that. He won’t harm—
“Why do you look so shocked?” He asked with a grin on his face, mocking you. “You should know that, as his best friend.” 
“That’s not him.” You said, trying more to convince yourself. “Taehyung can’t do that. He won't take part in that kind of behavior.”
“Then you don’t really know your friend.” He placed his phone back in his pocket. “Stop being too naive, Y/N. Everyone has their own secrets to keep.” 
“Do you really think that I would believe you? Whatever shit you’re trying to pull, you won’t make me believe you.” You said in your sharp tone.
“But the people will.” He took a step towards you with a smirk on his lips. 
“You may refuse to believe it but the people will. They will believe so easily in whatever’s happening in that video.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, each beat resonating with the intensity of the madness you feel. You never felt this kind of anger before. It’s too much that you wanted to kill him.
“What do you want?! What do you really want!” Your rage erupted like a blazing fire, smacking his chest aggressively. You keep on smacking and pushing him, while he doesn't even show any hint of pain. “Why are you doing this to me!” you shouted, tears welling up in your eyes and when you got tired, your hits became slower until you decided to stop. 
Jungkook held your wrist and looked at your eyes with intensity. You cannot resist him anymore because you’re too tired. 
“What do I want?” He repeated the question while staring at your eyes. “It’s simpler than you think.” His words were soft as a smile formed on his mouth. “I want you, Y/N.” 
You sob before you release your wrist from his grip. “I can’t have another session with you. You’re not cooperating.” You respond, letting out a weary sigh.
“That’s not what I mean.” He shook his head, slowly scanning your face down to your body. “I want you without your clothes, laying down while I am on top of you.”
You immediately shook your head. “No fucking way. I won’t let you do that.” 
“Then you agreed to let me upload your illegal voice recordings with your patients along with the video of your best friend, beating the hell out of an innocent man. I bet the people will love to see what their idol really is, right?”
You’re already bursting out of tears, shaking your head. “Please don’t involve him anymore.” 
“It’s your own fault, Y/N. The only thing that I want is a session with you until I recover, yet you pushed my limits. Now, you have to face the consequences of your actions.” He takes a step towards you, leaning forward to see your face full of tears and wipe them using the both of his finger thumb. You hit his arms and took a step backwards.
“You’re sick.” You turn around to gather your things and when you’re about to leave, he speaks.
“I’m telling you, you don’t want to test me because you wouldn’t like the ending.”
That same night, you didn't go home; instead, you went straight to Taehyung's place. He wasn't there because he had a shoot, but you waited. You couldn't wait any longer. You couldn't bring yourself to believe what you had seen unless it came directly from him. You've known Taehyung since birth, and you were certain that the videos and photos you had just seen couldn't be him because you knew he wouldn't do such things.
Yet you don’t understand why you felt betrayed even though you haven’t talked to him.
 When he arrived, that’s the first thing you ask him and it’s too obvious that he didn’t anticipate it. As the longer he can’t respond, the ache you feel worsens.
“Answer me, Kim Taehyung. Are you a member of an underground society?” You repeat the question, emphasizing every word.
“Where did—
“Just answer me!”
Taehyung was taken aback with your screams and a fear is evident in his face. He stood there frozen, unable to move or look away. He sighs before he speaks.
Your body hunched, eyes closed as a tear streamed down your face. You lowered your body, squatted and your shoulders shook with each shuddering sobs.
“Y/N, w-why?” Taehyung immediately went to you but when his hand landed on your shoulder, you stood up, immediately pushing him away.
“You beat people, Taehyung! You beat them to death, you monster!” 
“Y/N, please let me explain—
“Explain what?! How the fuck you beat them until they die?!”
“It’s not my choice! They were threatening to kill me if I didn’t do what they wanted!”
You glared at him, choosing not to respond. 
“I thought it was a normal organization when I joined but I was tricked! I tried to leave but they didn’t let me and they even threatened to kill me if I reported them to the police! I was just 17 years old at that time, Y/N! I didn’t know what to do!” 
He was trembling as a tear formed in his eyes. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Because I was scared that they would involve you. It’s a trap.”
“So you were still involved with them?” Your voice raised and he immediately shook his head.
“No! I managed to get away when we were caught doing the initiation rite, but I managed to run away without being caught. I wasn’t the one performing the initiation rite during that time so it was easy for me to run away.” He explained.
You only stare at him, imagining the 17-year-old Taehyung standing in front of you. During that time, you don't remember anything that may hint he was in danger. The only Taehyung you saw was the jolly and energetic Taehyung, not knowing that he was facing a dangerous situation.
Little did you know that 12 years from now, you’d also face the same situation like he does.
You took a step towards him and wrapped your arms around him, sobbing uncontrollably. You can’t imagine he faced that problem all by himself at that age. You were supposed to be with him as he faced his battles, but he was all alone. 
“Why didn’t you tell me even after you managed to run away?” You spoke, choked sobs wracked your body as he stroked your back gently. 
“It’s okay, it’s all in the past.”
You were in that position for a few moments until you calmed down. You break away from him and wipe your own tears. 
“How did you find out?” with that, you’re back from reality, the reason why you are here. 
“I saw a video of you beating a man. That’s how I found out.” His mouth hung open as his breath came in short.
“Where did you watch it?”
"An anonymous sender sent me the video. I couldn't bring myself to save the video because I can't bear to watch it again, so I deleted it," You reason out. You can’t tell him the truth because it will only complicate things more. “But I already reported it to the authorities and a security specialist and they guarantee that the person responsible for it will be caught.”
You felt bad for lying but you can’t tell him the truth. It wasn’t a good idea to confront him about this manner in the first place but you were not in your right mind when you decided to go here. You were caught off-guards. 
You just need to make sure that no one will see that video again. How? That’s also something you don’t know yet. 
Jungkook hasn’t bothered you lately, and it only worsens your anxiety. You know him and he won’t simply stop. You don’t know what’s his next move but soon, he’ll come after you. 
You always check what’s trending on social media, watching out for any news that can relate to you and Taehyung, but you’ve always found nothing. You even checked on Jungkook’s latest activities on their media pages and there’s nothing suspicious, yet you can still feel the lash that Jungkook tied on your neck.
You’re on your way for a book interview because your newest book entitled ‘The Paradox of Choice’ is about the launch. You’re nervous and you’re overthinking everything without a specific reason why. 
The feeling you felt right now is different from your previous book launching because right now, you don’t feel good. 
Maybe because you've been stressing lately with what’s happening right now or maybe because something is going to happen.
You wish it wasn’t the latter. 
“Three more minutes!” The crew announced.
This book launch is coming along with an interview at an evening talk show. You’ve experienced guesting in several talk shows yet, you felt so anxious that your trembling worsened as the minute passed by.
“Hey, are you okay?” Your assistant held your hand as you stood up. You looked at her and gave her a smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
“Yes, I am okay.” 
As you get closer towards the stage, your heartbeat increases. You pause for a while and take a deep breath, while closing your eyes. 
You can do this.
“Good evening, Dr. Y/N! How are you doing?” Park Jimin—the host asked you with a wide smile on his face.
“I’m great, how are you?” you try to connect the level of your energy to his. 
“I’m great as well! Are you ready? I know you won’t get too nervous since you have been a guest in several talk shows and interviews, right?” Oh, how you wish that’s your case.
“Of course! I look forward to this!”
You had a few talks with Jimin, explaining how the show will flow and you also reviewed the possible questions that he’s going to ask you. You were starting to get comfortable being on the stage. The rolling is about to start when your eyes land on a familiar figure wearing a black hoodie along with a headphone on his head. Your eyes widened in a complete terror, as your pulse raced with each thudding heartbeat.
Jeon Jungkook is here, staring at you with a demonic smile on his face.
“Rolling! We’ll begin in 3… 2… 1.” He was looking at you while he spoke on his headphones. Your surroundings turned into a blur as you felt that every movement was in slow motion. You notice that Park Jimin is already talking with so much energy and you try to wake yourself up.
“What inspires you to write this book? Was there a particular experience or realization that led to its creation?”
You grip your hand to stop its trembling before you answer. “People tend to choose their biggest life decisions when they are in an emotional state, and this book will teach everyone to always think twice or even thrice whenever they make big decisions for themselves. I, myself once experience choosing a decision that I wish I did not choose, and it lend me to regrets, which I don’t want people to experience that’s why I wrote ‘The Paradox of Choice.’” 
You try not to look at Jungkook after you respond but your own eyes are betraying you. There’s a sly smile on his lips as his eyes bore into you. 
You fucking hate it when his eyes are on you.
“How did you research and gather information for your book? Can you describe your process?” You froze on your seat when Jimin asked you that question. Your hands tremble even more, gripping it tightly to stop. You glance at Jungkook who’s standing meters away from you, playing his lips with his fingers. 
You don’t want to answer this because your method of gathering information for your book is what he obviously uses against you.
‘I record the sessions with my patients and analyze it to add an input to the book.’
It was the answer that you cannot say while he’s watching. 
Instead, “I did my own research with the help of my patient’s own experiences.”
Even in your peripheral view, you could still feel his eyes digging into your soul.
Once the shoot is done, you immediately storm out of the stage and lock yourself inside the comfort room for god knows how long. 
You stood before the sink, hands outstretched beneath the gentle stream of cool water pouring from the faucet as it ran down to your hands. 
You slowly rub both of your hands but the trembling of it isn’t stopping. You rub it even further to steady your hands, until you suddenly outburst silently. You can’t scream or cry, and the only thing you can do is endure the anger you feel right now. 
The soft hum of fluorescent lights filled the space with white glow, opposite of what you feel right now. Your hands are still trembling as you look at your face in the mirror. 
You look so horrible. 
When you’re stressed out because of your workloads, you can still appreciate the beauty you have, but right now, you really look so miserable. 
Jungkook is doing his excellent job in fucking you up. 
This is driving you insane. He’s driving you insane. You’re fed up with all of his shit and it’s too much already. You don’t even know what you did wrong for him to do this to you. The only thing you did is help him cope up with his trauma–or more like fake traumas. 
So you don’t know where you went wrong with him. 
Your assistant called your name on the other side of the door, asking if you’re fine which you’re not. You did your best to calm down before you decided to come out. 
It’s almost midnight when you’ve finished packing your things and ready to leave. Everyone’s out already and you don’t know who was left. You’re supposed to go home an hour ago but you choose to rest for a while before you go. 
The basement parking lot was nearly empty when you arrived; not even the guards were visible. But, as you approached your car, you noticed a tall, muscular man standing beside it, wearing a black hoodie, with both of his hands inside his pockets, clearly waiting for you.
He looked up when he noticed your presence, he stood straight, greeting you with a smirk on his face. 
“What took you so long?” Jungkook asked, a sly smile still on his face. 
“What do you want?” You pondered, glaring at him. 
He scoffed, “You always ask the same question over and over even though you already know the answer.” 
You didn’t respond, ignoring him, as you walked towards the driver’s seat but before you even opened the door, he already blocked you. 
“Don’t ignore me while I’m talking to you.” He threatened, eyes buried on you. 
“I have no more business with you.” You answered, passing by him as you opened the front door. 
“As far as I remember, we still have business going on.” He said, provoking you even more. 
You placed down your things on the passenger seat and before you could even hop on, he spoke.
“You’re brave enough to ignore me now. Why? Do you think I’m already done with you?” His voice dripped with a mocking undertone, a wry smirk played on his lips as he spoke.
“Or you’d be glad to see you and your best friend in the news by tomorrow morning?”
You clenched your jaw, glaring at him as you balled your fist. “I’ve already done what you want. I let you continue our remaining sessions but you go beyond that and pester me for almost 3 times a week! What more do you want?!” 
He tilted his head, licking his lips, trying his best to hide his teasing smile. He clicked his tongue before he spoke. “That's the second time you ask that question. Do you have other questions in mind that you’d like to ask?” 
“When will you ever stop?” He instantly laughed at your question. 
“You didn’t even hide the fact that you already want me out of your life.”
“I never try hiding it.”
“You’re becoming stronger and bolder now, Y/N. Well, I prefer this rather than seeing you crying your ass out begging me to stop. Unless, you’re crying as you scream my name.” He wore a suggestive smirk, provoking you even more.
“You’re sick!”
“You’ve been asking what I want and I’ve already told you, Y/N. I hate it when I keep repeating myself. You’re not stupid, you know that.” He arched a brow, a scornful stare bore into you. 
“And you’re delusional if you think I’d agree with that.”
“Then suit yourself and make sure that you won’t regret your decision.” He smirks, biting his lower lips.
“What are you gonna do?” You asked but when he didn’t answer and turned away, you screamed at him. 
“Jungkook, what the fuck are you going to do?!”
He scoffed before he looked back. “You’ll see.”
You want to die.
You just fucking want to die and bring Jungkook along with you.
Your emotions churned like a violent sea, a mix of anxiety, anger and fear that threatened to overturn you. Your heart pounded with rage, and your fingers trembled with fear as you held your phone, trying to avoid dropping it.
A video posted on twitter is playing from your phone, a video that you saw a few days ago.
You felt like throwing up when you saw that video again. Taehyung's face is blurred, but you can tell it's him. People might struggle to identify the person beating up an innocent man, but it won't take long for them to figure it out.
‘I wonder if you guys have any hint of who’s that man on the video? I bet you guys know because you love him so much. But I also wonder if you know your idol’s true color.’
The caption says, and the account is made to specifically attack and throw hate to people.
This could be Jungkook, but you weren't certain because he could have asked others to do it to avoid implicating himself. He has a reputation to maintain as well.
101k views, 5k reposts and 26k likes. 
‘Holy shit. Why do I feel like it’s Beom Seok from Horizon?’
‘This should be taken down.’
‘Eun Dae used to be a member of a fraternity before he become an idol lmaooo’
‘Taehyung was also rumored to be part of a frat before but it hasn't been proven yet.’
Fucking hell. Taehyung must know this shit already and you don’t know what to do. It should be taken down but the video was posted 2 hrs ago and you just saw it right now. Even though it was taken down, people already saved it from their devices.
You were still in the middle of breaking down when your phone rang, and when you saw the caller ID, your blood erupted.
It was Jeon Jungkook. You scream on your phone before you decline the call. You were about to turn your phone off when he sent a message that angered you even more.
‘Decline the call one more time, you will see the video again and I will make sure that the face of Taehyung is visible for everyone to know that it’s him.’
Your hands grew cold and started to shake when your phone rang once again. You had been clenching your teeth before deciding to answer the call.
“How are you, Doc?” He greets you in his sweet voice that only annoys you even more. “Do you think that I wouldn’t do it?” He added, releasing a sarcastic laugh. 
“Take it down, Jungkook.” Your words dripped with menace. 
“You’re the one who made me do it. It’s your fault, Y/N.”
“You monster! Why do you have to involve him?! He didn’t even do anything!” You screamed, pulling your hair out of anger.
“I know but you care for him so much. It’s a natural thing to involve him.”
Your tears run through your cheek as you collapse from the ground. You’re starting to lose your sanity. 
“What do you want?” You spoke in a low voice.
“You want to know? Come here at my place and I will let you know, Y/N.”
You’ve expected that Jungkook is living in a high end luxurious apartment building but you didn’t expect that it would be in the highest floor, a penthouse. 
Jungkook noted that he left the door unlocked so you can enter without him opening it for you. You were scared of what could happen inside his penthouse given the fact that he’s a dangerous person by murdering his own mother but you’re desperate to stop him. 
Your heart was pounding when you opened his double-door and as expected, it was unlocked.
You are greeted by a huge area of floor-to-ceiling windows that frame breathtaking panoramic views of the whole city lights. The living room is adorned with designer furniture, a monochromatic symphony of blacks, grays, and whites, and a wall adorned with abstract art that speaks Jungkook's taste.
The place is beautiful, opposite to the person living in here. 
“You came.” You immediately turned around when you heard his demonic voice behind. He’s in the corner of the stairs from the second floor as he slowly steps down, hands in his pocket with a smirk on his lips. 
“Take that video down.” You glared, speaking with your teeth.
“Or else, what? Are you going to report me again? ” He stopped in the middle of the stairs, placing his hands on the railings. He scoffs when you don't respond. “You should know by now that it won’t work, Y/N.” He added, continuing to step down. 
“I’m already here, so tell me what the fuck do you want?” You raised your voice, itching to know what he really wants. 
“Why are you in a hurry, Doc?” He was about to touch your face when you blocked his hands, throwing it away.
“Take that video down, Jungkook.” You spoke, trying to contain yourself. 
He smirks before he turns away and takes a step towards his kitchen island, pouring wine on his wine glass. 
"I've already done that for being such a good and obedient girl." He sips on his wine, not breaking eye contact with you. “But I can upload it again if you choose to test my patience.” He adds. You bite the inside of your lower lips to prevent yourself from attacking him. 
“Why did you even ask me to be here?” 
“Didn’t I tell you before? I want you, Y/N.” 
He poured wine in another glass and walked towards you, handling the wine for you, but you just glanced at it and returned your gaze to him.  
“Let’s not waste time and tell me what the fuck you want so I can leave now.” You said in gritted teeth.
“I already told you, so stop being stubborn and drink this wine before I change my mind and upload the video with your best friend's face clearly visible along with the illegal recordings you had with your patient.” In an instant, he shifted from a playful smirk to a sudden seriousness, dropping the playful facade. 
You take the wine in his hands and he asks you to drink but you immediately shake your head. “I’m not going to let you poison me.”
“If I’m going to do that, I already did when I first walked into your office. It’s easier to kill you than to kill my mother, if that’s what you want to hear.” His words sent shivers down your spine, forcing yourself to sip in the glass as the taste of rich, velvety smoothness of the wine caressed your tongue. He smirks when he is satisfied with your sip. 
“See, you’re still alive.” 
He turned around taking a step forward and telling you to follow him, but when you didn’t, he looked back and his unyielding gaze bore into you. “Are you coming or do you want me to drag you from where you stand right now?”
You swallow hard, trying not to prevent yourself from showing any signs of fear, but it was harder than you thought because you’re in his territory. 
“Are you going to kill me?” Your words come out as a whisper but he was able to hear it and when he does, he grins. 
“Why, are you scared?” He took a sip from his wine, eyes fixed on you. “To answer your question, no, I’m not going to kill you.”
“Then where are you taking me?” 
“We’ll have dinner, now start to move before I drag you to the dining table.”
You indeed had dinner with him and several dishes were served on the long table. By just looking at what is served, you immediately remember that you hadn’t eaten anything yet since morning and everything you see is appetizing. The whole dining room was magnificent. The space was bathed in a war, golden glow of crystal chandelier that hung from a high, ornate ceiling. If you were in a different situation, you’d love to stay here.
Obviously, your life’s on the line and you can’t just eat and relax right now. 
“Don’t you like the food? Why aren’t you eating much?” He asked before he took another bite of his steak.
You’ve tasted what’s in front of you and it was so insanely good, but you can’t eat much by just thinking of what situation you have right now. 
"I'm not hungry," you reasoned out, then sipped your glass of water. You glanced around to see if there was anyone else in the vicinity, but you saw nothing, not even maids or cooks. It was the perfect opportunity for him to kill you, with no one else around except the two of you.
“I doubt. I know that you haven’t eaten anything. Go and enjoy your meal. It won’t harm you.” You only stare at your plate, trying to wash away the negative thoughts you have. You took another bite of your steak and you can’t help but to crave more on how it tastes so good. 
“I could tell that you like the steak, but you’re having a hard time enjoying it. I wonder what’s running through your mind.” He placed both of his elbows on the table and intertwined his fingers. 
“Will you let me go after this meal?” Your question made him chuckled, loud and mocking. 
“Here you go again, so desperate to leave me.” He commented, wiping the corner of his lips with a table napkin. 
“If you just tell me what you’re planning to do, then I wouldn’t keep asking you.” You answered, taking a sip of your water. 
“This is the plan you’re asking about. Didn’t I tell you before that I wanted to take you out for dinner to show my gratitude for being my therapist? That’s what I’m doing right now.” He grabs his wine glass and leans back before he whirl the glass, taking a sip from it.
“That’s it? That’s what you want? To take me out for dinner?” You asked like you can’t believe what he just said. 
“Why, what do you expect?” He placed his elbow on the arm rest and played with his lips; the mannerisms he does when he’s enjoying something. 
“You must be kidding me right now. I know you want something more. I know you, Jungkook. I know you.”
“If you claim to know me so much, then you should know that I am serious with what I want from you.” His eyebrow furrowed, gazing at you with intensity. “That’s the problem with people like you. You think too much and it leads you to danger.” He scoffs.
He stood up from his seat and took a step towards you, while you didn’t move an inch from your position. 
“From the moment I walked into your office, I know from myself that I want you. With your long hair falling back beautifully to the tight black dress you wore, I immediately agreed to take the sessions with you.” He stood beside you from your seat, resting his hands on the backrest of your chair while you were there, completely frozen. 
“Hoseok and my lawyer Namjoon told me that I should act like the incident causes me trauma to prevent them from suspecting me to be the culprit. I did not agree because it’s bullshit but they keep on convincing me.” He chuckled as he remembered something. “I planned on attending a single session and I won’t show up again but when I saw you sitting on your office chair with a bright smile on your pretty face, I thought that attending sessions with you won’t be that bad after all.”
He caresses your hair and you try not to flinch, clenching your jaw. 
“I do enjoy the sessions we had because you’re so entertaining to watch. You talked as if you know everything but the truth is, you don’t. I just let you think that way because you’re so passionate about what you do. I don’t want to ruin your ego, Doc.” 
He kept on caressing your hair and when you couldn't take it anymore, you stood up, facing him with anger on your face. 
“I’m done with my meal. I’m going home.” You gazed at him with a piercing stare, picking up your things. 
“You think I will let you leave just like that?” An ominous aura surrounded him when `he spoke. You’re trying to strengthen yourself as you take a step towards the door, but before you even made it, he spoke again. “Get back here, Y/N.” He threatened. 
“Stop playing with me, Jungkook.” 
“Try to take another step and I will make sure that before this night ends, your career is over as well as your best friend’s. You know that I can do it, Y/N. You wouldn’t like to test me again.” A cold, sinister flowed from his voice.
You didn’t dare take another step, afraid of provoking him even more. You hate that he can control you with just the use of his words. You still have the lash on your neck, making him take control over you. 
“That’s right, be the good girl that you are, Y/N.” He said, with a smirk on his lips. He placed his hands inside his pocket as he slowly walked towards you. “I don’t understand why you keep giving me that kind of behavior but you can’t stand by it.” He towered over you and he tried to touch your cheek but before he even did it, you avoided his touch and took a step backward.
He smirks, staring at you before he speaks again. “Even if you try to avoid me, I will still find my way to you, Y/N. If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time doing that.” He walks back to the long table and grabs his wine glass and takes a sip on it without leaving his eyes on you. 
You didn’t move nor say anything, observing his movements. You’re at his territory and you couldn’t risk provoking him because he can do anything to you without the people knowing what’s happening inside his penthouse.
He grabbed the new bottle of wine and opened it, filling up your wine glass, walking towards you, and handling you the glass. You only stare at it and Jungkook gestures to you to take it. 
“Hurry up and get it, Y/N. My arms are starting to numb.” He said and you are left without a choice, so you take the wine from his hands. “Go drink it.”
You look at the wine glass and there are a few bubbles underneath it and you swallow hard before you take a sip from it. 
“Finish it up, Y/N. Don’t make me tell you everything you have to do.”
You wanted to cry but you didn’t let your guards down. You’re starting to regret going here. 
You chug the wine while your hands are trembling and he smiles after you finish it. 
“That’s right, you’re such a good girl.” He took the glass from you and placed it back on the table. 
After a few moments, your heartbeat increases rapidly and your whole body starts to tremble. Jungkook was just looking at you as he enjoyed his wine and you suddenly felt so weak, your head started to ache.
There is something wrong with the wine.
You take a deep breath, fighting the weakness within you. You wouldn’t want to show that you’re getting weak in front of him. You walk back to your seat and grab your things before looking at him.
“I really have to go. I have a lot of things to do.” You spoke in your low voice, being careful of your actions.
Jungkook pouted in a sarcastic way. “There’s no way I’m letting you go.” he answered before he smirked. Your headache worsened but you didn’t show any signs of your weakness.
He walked towards you and you admit that you’re getting scared of what he might do. You step back but there is no more space because the table is already bumping your back. He raised his hand to touch your face once again but you blocked his touch.
And in a snap of a finger, he aggressively grabbed your face using only a single hand and his eyes suddenly filled with darkness. “Stop resisting me, Y/N. You can’t win over me.” He spoke in a low but sinister tone. 
Your limbs trembled uncontrollably, unable to withstand the weight of your fear. After a few seconds of staring at your soul with so much intensity, he already released his firm hold on your face but he didn’t move away. Instead, he slowly traces your face with his fingers.
Your weakness worsens and you can’t move nor think anymore. The only thing you can do is let him touch you.
“I love it so much when the cause of your weakness is me.” 
Your eyes widen as you gasp silently when his lips crushes on you. It was hard and you tried to move away but he gripped your arm, unabling you to move. You were trying to push him but because of your weakness, it didn’t even move an inch. 
“Open your mouth, baby girl.” He commands as he speaks in between his kisses. 
“Jungkook s-stop—
“I told you not to fight me.”
His lips went down on your neck sucking your skin and you used all your strength to push him away but he was too strong. He locked your hand on the table as he shifted his kiss on your lips and neck. Your body is shaking and tears are now flowing from your cheek and when he notices it, he stops, staring at you without removing his grip on your hand from the table.
“If you keep being difficult, I fucking swear that you wouldn’t make it out alive and I will make sure that your bestfriend will fall on the ground so hard that he can never recover.” He whispers in your ear, making you stand frozen with a pounding heart. 
You were too weak to fight and you’re sure that it’s not only because he’s dangerous but there is something in the wine you just drank. 
He stares at your face, like memorizing every feature of it. He lifts his hand, slowly wiping your tears away. He traces your face before he moves closer to peck your forehead. His lips were soft on your skin, but it only sent shivers down your spine.
“You don’t have to be scared because I will bring heaven to you.” He whispers before he sucks your ear lobe. 
He held your waist while kissing you, pushing his tongue inside. His lips were so soft and you could taste the bittersweet of the wine he just drank a few moments ago. His hands were traveling around your body while his lips were still on yours. You wanted to push him and run away but you know that you couldn’t do that because before you even reach his gigantic door, you’re probably dead. 
“Do you know how much I crave for you, huh?” He tried to speak in his desperate kisses as his breath became heavier. “From the first time I step in your office, you never leave my head. You fucking drive me insane.”
He lifted you up to the table as his kisses became aggressive and you were just there, being helpless. 
He cupped the back of your neck as he sucked it leaving a bruise before his hands traveled down to your thighs and caressed them. His hands were burning through your skin and you deny that your body starts to burn as well. He lifts you up and your thighs are in between his body carrying you to an unfamiliar room and the next thing you know, you’re already laying down on a bed. 
Your back slowly touched the soft mattress as he started to crawl on the top of you. Your body is trembling and your heart is beating so fast as he brushes your face with the back of his fingers. 
“This is what I really want, Y/N. Me on the top of you.” The room is dark but you could still see the glimpse of his face with how the moon illuminated the darkness of the room. He gently strokes your face down to your neck, until it reaches your chest. He leans forward and places his ears on your chest, listening to your pounding heartbeat. “Just by listening to your heartbeat is enough for me to get turned on.” He whispers in your ears before he brushes his lips to your neck, immediately feelings his hot and wet breaths. 
Your breath rose when you felt his fingers crawling underneath your shirt, fingers wandering at your bare skin. You suddenly flinch when his fingers rub your breast, making him smirk. “You like it when I touch you like this?” He asked in his low and seductive voice, and when you didn’t respond, his fingers circles your nipples slowly causing you to moan. 
You’re wearing a dress and he slowly lifts the end of it, completely taking your dress off and when he did, he gave a peck on your breast before removing your bra. A sudden sense of unwanted pleasure filled your body as he sucked your left breast while massaging the other one, leaving a tingle on your stomach. It didn’t take long before his lips connected on yours, slipping his tongue, letting out another moan. He moves his mouth down to your neck once again, sucking it while his other hand is trailing down your back.
His fingers travel down on the waistband of your underwear, leaving soft kisses. “I’ve always wondered how your bare body looks, and it’s exactly how I imagine. So sexy and gorgeous.” He played with the waistband of your underwear before he slowly pulled it down, leaving you gasping. 
You’re at the verge of crying when he spreads your legs apart, exposing your bare pussy, leaning down and leaving a kiss on your pelvic bone. You tried to push your body deeper in the mattress to avoid his kisses, but he only grips your hips firmly to prevent yourself from moving. “Stop fighting, Y/N.” He said with a stone voice. 
He leaves a last peck on your pelvic bone, moving down on your clit before he kisses it, leaving you panting. You resist yourself from whimpering but when he slides a tongue on your clit, you groan. You were fighting the pleasure that you felt, but the more he keeps on licking your folds, the more your body burns.
"Fuck baby, you taste just like how I imagined it. So sweet for me."
You were disgusted at yourself for feeling something so good, and disgusted at him for doing this to you. 
“You act like you don’t like what you feel, but with how wet you are, it only proves how you love this so much.” He said—almost sounds like a whimper. Your eyes widened when you felt his fingers circling your clit before he slowly inserted it inside. You moan so loud when he moves his fingers as he licks your clit and you cry with the burning sensation radiating to you. 
You weren’t a virgin and you’ve hooked up several times, yet you can’t admit it to yourself that he was doing good eating you out. 
“No matter how you say that you hate me, your body will never lie.” He whispers, as he drag his finger inside and out in a quicker motion. 
No matter how you stop yourself from moaning, that sound escapes your mouth. 
Pain leaves you when he pulls his fingers and when you look at him, he removes his shirt revealing his chiseled and sculpted body. He leans forward to slide his fingers inside your mouth, letting you taste yourself before he slides his tongue. A moan escaped you when he rubbed his fingers on your clit, feeling your wetness, before he inserted his finger once again. 
You’re trying your best not to let out another moan but your body is betraying you because you were moaning in between his lips that you could feel his smirk. 
“Don’t be hard on yourself and let yourself enjoy it, baby girl.”
After a few moments of him fucking your pussy with his fingers, your whimper as you reached your orgasm. You shred a tear when you realize how your own body betrays you. 
He withdraws his fingers as he continues to suck your neck while his hands are circling to your waist down to your hips and grinding his body on you. He then pulls himself to take off the pants that he’s wearing as your body starts to tremble.
You stare at his movements as he pulls down his pants and you gasp when he pulls it down, completely exposing dick. 
His huge, holy shit.
He strokes it and it arouses you even more. You hate yourself right now more than you hate him because you can’t believe that you’re craving it. 
“Please Jungkook, don’t.” Your voice quivered with desperate pleading.
“Stop acting that you’re not enjoying it because your body says otherwise.” He scoffs before he kneels in between your body and pumps his dick, gripping it tightly.
“Spread your legs for me, baby girl.” He commands as he parts your legs. Your eyes widen when you feel that he’s rubbing his dick on your folds as your wetness overflows and a moan is released on your lips. 
“That’s right, moan for me.” He said, almost sound like a whimper teasing you even more and it didn’t take long when he slid his dick inside you making your nails buried on his back. 
“Fuck Y/N, you’re so tight!” He moaned as he went deeper. He placed his hand on your back and a pain filled you when he dug deeper. He was sucking your neck as he kept thrusting in and out. You were pulling his hair, as he groaned on every thrust he made. He stops from time to time to suck your nipples and kiss your lips, making you moan continuously. 
"You're taking me so well, fuck. That's right, take me so well."
You’re starting to cry with the unwanted pleasure you feel but Jungkook only kisses your tears away. And with a hard thrust, you’re about to come. Your breath comes out heavily as you keep on whimpering with every thrust he does. Jungkook curses, his thrust becomes harder and you start to tremble.
“Yes baby, cum all over me and show me how much you enjoyed this.” His words almost sound like a whimper and it only motivates you to reach your second orgasm. 
And when you did, you cried louder as he thrust harder and deeper for the last time. 
You were lying on his bed without your clothes, while he was beside you, sleeping peacefully as if he hadn't disrespected you an hour ago. His bed was the softest and most comfortable you had ever experienced, its softness enveloping your body in a gentle embrace. However, all you could feel was disgust and anger at what he had done to you.
 You should be running right now but your body froze and you can’t move them even an inch. It happened three times in a row, and you've been begging him to stop, but he doesn't listen, as if he were possessed by a devil. He's already a monster himself, but you didn't anticipate him forcing you to comply. Most especially, you loathe yourself because your body responds to his desires, leading him to believe that you genuinely enjoy what he's doing, but in reality, you're horrified.
The room is dark, and the moon casts its enchanting glow upon it. You're gazing at the full glass window, where the distant city lights flicker in the distance. An emotional numbness envelopes you, leaving you unstable and broken.
You slowly turn towards the person beside you, and as expected, he's asleep. You can't believe how different he appears when he's sleeping, nothing like the person you know. Instead, he resembles a man who wouldn't harm a soul when his eyes are closed. However, the burning anger you feel hasn't subsided. You can never forget what he has done to you. 
The anger surged within you and you wanted to lash out, to make him feel the same pain he has caused you. You clenched your fist and the thought of killing him gnawed at the edges of your sanity. 
You looked around to find something to protect yourself from him. Slowly, you raised yourself from lying down, careful not to make any movements that might wake him up. With trembling hands, you reach your dress from the floor and put it on before scanning the room.
You've been here for quite some time, but this is the first occasion you've had to observe his entire room. As expected, his room is quite spacious, yet you can't discern the color of the walls as darkness covers the entire space. Your eyes catch a glimpse of a chest of drawers in the corner of the room, and above it, there are photographs adorning the wall. As you take a step closer, your heart rate quickens upon seeing the photos that are affixed to the wall.
The room might be dark but it’s evident that the polaroid photos on the wall are you. There are a lot of photos of you and they are a mix of a photo from your social media accounts and a photo that he took without you noticing it. 
He’s been stalking you for a quite long time already. 
A memory comes back when you’ve felt that someone is looking at you or when you’ve felt like he’s around and you brush it all away believing that you were wrong but it all makes sense because he’s been stalking you and you don’t have any idea of it. 
Your trembling hands worsened as your jaw clenched, turning around with your eyes glared at his sleeping figure.
Your anger consumes you, and with every fiber of your being, a raw, primal fury pulses, urging you to harm him. As your rage intensifies, a dark abyss opens in your mind, and your thoughts race. You take a step toward the bed where he's lying down as your heart thunders in your chest.
‘You fucking monster.’
Even if there isn’t enough light, you still manage to look around to find something. You returned to the chest drawer opening it and you gasped as you saw more photos inside. You didn’t try to look at them one by one focusing on finding something.
‘I will fucking kill you’
From the drawer, you walked around and opened every cabinet inside his room to find something you’re looking for and when you did, your body suddenly froze. 
A gun.
With your heavy breaths and trembling hand, you took it out from the drawer and took a moment to stare at it. 
But before you’ve processed everything, you heard a voice speak.
“My little Y/N, what do you think you’re doing?” 
You immediately stood up, turned around, and saw Jungkook standing 7 feet away from you. The room was so dark that you couldn't see his face, but you could make out his silhouette. He was wearing pants but nothing on top.
You pointed the gun at him but he only laughed it out. Your entire body froze as you pointed the gun firmly on him and your heartbeat echoed loudly on your ears. Your breath came short, as if your lungs were struggling to keep up with your racing thoughts.
He walked slowly toward the bedside table and switched on the lamp, causing the room to fill with a warm glow. It wasn't very bright, but it was enough for both of you to see each other.
He grins as he sees that you stepped back, holding the gun firmer when he took a step towards you. 
You’re shaking so bad but you can’t hold your guards down because anything can happen in just a matter of seconds. 
“What, you’re gonna shoot me after I satisfy you?” He said with a grin on his lips. 
“I’m going to kill you.” Your voice is low but every word you say is sharp enough to show that you’re serious but he only scoffed at your words.
“Really, you’re going to do that?” His voice was seductive, provoking you even more. 
You try to find any signs of fear on his face but you find nothing. Instead, it only worsens your emotions. You weren’t sure if the gun that you’re holding is loaded and you only pray that it does. 
It’s your first time holding a gun and you don't have any idea of how to use it but your life is in danger and you have to act accordingly. 
You cocked the gun and pointed it out at him once again. 
“Do you even know how to use that?” He pouted as if he cares but it was full of mockery and sarcasm. 
“Don’t come near me.” You whispered as you held the gun firmly.
“Come on Y/N, don’t embarrass yourself.” He took a step back and sat at the edge of the bed, while his eyes were on you. “We both know that you aren't capable of doing that. Didn’t I satisfy you enough?” 
“Shut up.”
“As far as I remember, you love it so much when I eat you out. Did I think that wrong?” He rested his hand on the mattress behind him. “I love every reaction that you make when you feel so good. I love it when you dig your nails on my skin because you can’t contain the stimulation. And by how you feel so weak with my touch and kiss–
“Shut the fuck up!”
Your heart raced, your body trembled and a cold sweat broke out on your forehead. your thoughts worsen into chaos and an overwhelming dread washed over you. You can’t take the words he said. You just wanted him to shut up.
He stares at you with so much intensity, like he can see through your soul. “You should’ve checked if the gun was loaded, babe.” He commented shifting his gaze to the gun you’re holding. 
You shook your head as you pressed your lips firmly. “You monster. I’m going to fucking kill you.”
“Then kill me,” He spoke in his low voice. “Shoot me, Y/N.” He slowly stands up and walks towards you, making you step backwards. You panicked even more but you tried your best to stay still and point the gun towards him. 
“Show me how brave you are, Dr. Y/N.” Your back bumps into the cabinet behind you when there is no more space for you to step back as you were shaking so badly and you can no longer hold your tears. He pressed his chest on the muzzle of the gun while looking at you with so much intensity. 
In the blink of an eye, he firmly grabs your arm, attempting to wrest the gun from your grip, but you hold it even more tightly. You push him using your elbow, but he chokes you, and you tremble in pain. He's strong, but your determination is unwavering, and you won't lose to him this time.
You step forcefully onto his right foot, and when he shows his weakness, you swiftly break free from his grasp. However, he manages to trip you, causing you to fall and drop the gun.
You immediately crawl to get the gun but he pulled your leg away from it. 
“You can never escape me, Y/N!” He spoke as his hands circled around your neck. 
Your eyes were starting to blur, preventing you from seeing anything for a few moments. A sense of helplessness washed over you until your eyes caught the gun a few inches away from you. He was focused on choking you to death while you’re focused on reaching the gun. Desperation clouded your thoughts, urging you to stay stronger and when you finally reached the gun, you immediately pulled the trigger in his direction. 
You stood up when he released you, as a searing pain tore through his body upon being struck by the bullet, leaving him gasping for breath. You held the gun firmly while he endured the pain in his rib that had been hit by a bullet.
You cocked the gun one more time and pointed at him. 
You panted heavily as a panic gripped you, the inability to catch your breath adding to the rising sense of fear. He clenched his jaw, forcing himself not to let a sound escape his lips. 
He pressed his hand on his rib, looking at you with the same eyes that you despise so much. Despite being shot, he can still manage to look at you with mockery. 
"Do you believe that after what you've done, you have already… won?" He smirks as he slowly falls on the ground, enduring his physical pain. “I was in your position months ago. Holding a… gun as I shoot my mother. How ironic that the person… who tried to heal me was also the person… who would try to kill me.” He felt an agonizing, relentless throbbing at the site of the gunshot trying to ease the pain. He tried to stand up before he continued. “You’ve said a lot of times that my actions are… bad but look at you right now… Doing the same… thing.” 
“We’re not the same!” You shouted, holding the gun with your two hands. “You ruin my life, you monster!” You felt a seething rage, a burning intensity that threatened to overtake you. 
He only smirks at your response. “Really? Because last time I checked… I shoot my mother for being the monster that she is.” 
“Don’t you dare compare yourself to me!” Your fingers were trembling, itching to pull the trigger. 
“You might keep on denying it but we both know the truth.” Even in his situation, he can still play with a sinister smile on his lips. 
“You’re fucking wrong—
“Come on, Y/N! Look at you!” His eyes blazed with fiery, smirking at you as he cut you off. “You’re just like me! We’re really meant to be!” You are consumed by fury, your thoughts a turbulent storm of anger as his sinister laugh triggers you even more. Your heart pounded in your chest, tears streaming down your cheek and without you noticing it, you’re shooting him continuously.
“Fuck you! Motherfucker!” 
You continue to curse and pull the trigger even though he's already lying on the ground. Your anger blinds you to the point where you can no longer process your actions.
“I’m not like you! I’m fucking not like you!” You screamed along with every shot you made. Your heart pounded on your chest, as your words dripped with outrage. The only time you stop is when the gun is out of bullets. 
The room was surrounded by blood as you observed his lifeless body lying on the ground. You couldn't recall how many times you had shot him, but judging by the considerable amount of blood scattered about, it was evident that you had shot him numerous times.
Your vision swam before you, blurring the edges of reality as the world around you seemed to spin. You glance at the gun you’re holding and you immediately drop it off. Your whole body trembled uncontrollably, making you collapse on the floor. 
Blood. There’s a lot of blood.
The surroundings fell into an eerie silence and a chill ran down your spine. You're suddenly suffocated by fear as you crawl backward.
He’s dead. I killed him.
The only thing that you hear is the ticking sound of the clock and nothing else. You slowly look around but the only thing you see is blood. 
“But look at you right now, doing the same thing.”
“You’re just like me! We’re really meant to be!”
You covered your ears as you heard him. He was dead but you can still hear his sinister voice. 
“You can never escape me, Y/N!”
The horizon blazed with a rich, golden hue as the sun's first rays pierced the darkness. Birds whistled as the day began. The air, now filled with the promise of warmth and life and with each passing moment, the sky emerged from its darkness.
Yet the horror you’ve made is still there. 
You’re under the glass window, watching the world to start its day. The room is still covered in blood–your body is still covered in blood. The sun has risen yet you wanted to stay in the dark. You don’t know what to do anymore. 
You suddenly heard the ringtone of your phone, making you feel more vulnerable. You covered your ears to prevent yourself from hearing it yet the sound seems to hunt you. 
After the call dies, you thought that it won’t ring again but before you can even have a peace of mind, it rang once again. 
Your legs tremble when you stand up. You do your best not to look at the corpse laying on the ground as you walk out of the room. 
His living room is exactly how it looked the last time you saw it. You look around to see any living thing but you sense nothing. Your phone is still ringing when you spot it on the top of the dining table where you ate last night. 
Where he forced you to drink a wine that made you weak. 
Tears welled up in your eyes when you saw the caller’s ID. 
It was your best friend.
It was Taehyung. 
“Thank god you answered! Where the hell are you?! I’ve been calling you since last night but you aren’t answering! You’re gonna kill me for worrying to you!”
Hearing his voice broke you down. Your tears flowed continuously as an uncontrollable emotion poured out on you. 
“Y/N, what happened? Why are you crying?” A deep concern is evident in his voice. 
You were shaking, crying with broken sobs as you covered your mouth in an attempt to calm down.
“Y/N! Speak up! What’s wrong?!”
“Tae… Please help me.” You attempt to speak. 
“Where are you? I’m going there.”
“Y/N, what happened?”
“I made a grave sin.” 
Your wailing sobs echoed through the whole area as you fell on your knees. He keeps asking what happened but you’re having a hard time admitting it. 
“Y/N, how am I going to help you if you can’t tell me?”
After a few moments, you started to calm down. Your sobs gradually subsided, a quiet hiccup escaped you as you closed your eyes briefly.
“I killed a man.” The words escape your lips and a new set of tears forms on your eyes. 
You never thought that you would resort to killing him. Out of all the things that happened, you wanted to end everything without harming anyone. You’re a well-known psychiatrist who has an advocacy that despite of who you are and what you’ve become, your mental health matters. 
You know yourself well. You know your strengths and weaknesses, and the cause of your happiness and sadness. But that’s what you thought. 
You can’t control your emotions. 
No matter how you try, you will always have a hard time controlling it.
There are a lot of reasons why people act without thinking when they are emotional. According to a study, physiologically, emotions can activate the body's fight-or-flight response. When emotions trigger this response, stress hormones like adrenaline flood the system, preparing the body to respond to perceived threats. This physiological reaction can reduce the ability to think clearly and may lead to impulsive actions.
“Where are you?” After a long pause, Taehyung finally spoke. 
“At Jeon Jungkook’s place. One of my patients.” You respond in a low voice. 
“Message me the exact address and I’ll be right there.”
You weren’t in your right mind when you pulled the trigger. You didn’t like what happened. 
Therefore, you weren’t just like him. 
It was his fault, after all.
a/n: finally, it's complete! Thank you so much for joining me in writing this JK fic. It's my first time delving into the thriller genre, and I've truly enjoyed the experience. I also hope that you all enjoy reading it as well. Have a great day, everyone!
taglist: @idkjustlovingbts @koohrs @minshookie29 @aajjks @softie00 @exquisite-bands @kingofbodyrolls @floralflowexs @oopscoop @yoonjinhusbands @ash07128 @kookiesbunny @cinnikoi @yluv-damara-13 @hoseoksluv89 @darkuni63 @iloverubberduckiez-blog @fangirl-death-rose @looneybleus
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one-piece-aus · 1 month
Hi there! I’m glad you’re still doing Whumptober, so I’m here again to get my annual dose. (hope you’re doing good too!)
May I ask for Day 23 & Trafalgar Law? I’ll leave it up to you if you’d prefer to write it yandere or not. Thanks in advance and may you have a lot of fun with this year’s prompts! 💙🌹
Of course! My apologies for the delay Michelle, and I do hope you enjoy the story ^-^
Whumptober Day 23
Yandere Trafalgar Law x Reader
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"Father's a fool if he thinks I'm going to marry," you mutter under your breath as you tread carefully through the woods. Holding up the lantern, your path can be seen even in the dark of the night. "Hopefully I can get far enough so they can't find me when they notice I'm missing in the morning."
"So who can't find you?"
"AH!" You jump, startled by the male voice. You wave your lantern, trying to find the source. "Who's there?"
Blast, here you were fleeing through the woods in the middle of the night, escaping the arranged marriage your family set up for you, and someone already discovered you. Dread weighed your thoughts of being dragged back home. Frustration clenched your jaw.
"Show yourself!" If you were going to be taken back, you'd at least like to know who to resent.
"I'm right here, [Y/n]-ya." The male's voice purrs right in your ear.
You flinch, turning around and raising the lantern, highlighting the ravenet man. Silver and gold eyes shine as they peer down at you. Stepping back to properly gander at the tall man, you notice the strange circular golden earrings and the carefully trimmed & small beard (goatee).
"Wait... you're the doctor by the outskirts of the town."
"Dr. Trafalgar." He bowed in greeting. "Though I've been your family's doctor for a long time now, you may call me Law."
"Law... right," you said averting your eyes and moving the lantern away from your face so he doesn't see the blush forming around your cheeks. Oh, how you wish your heart didn't flutter so much when looking at his face.
"What are you doing out here at night?"
"I- I was just about to ask you the same," you said, unsure if he was here because of your family.
"Me? I'm just out here collecting a few herbs. A few... patients of mine have gotten sick. I need to cure them from everything."
"O-oh... I see." You wanted to question further, like 'Why would he collect herbs at night?'  Alas, you held in your tongue in hopes he would do the same. "I'm- I'm running away. I need to get far enough or else it's gonna get me by the end of the night."
Law hummed in a tone that sounded pleased, perhaps your ears are playing tricks on you. He places a hand on your shoulder, smiling down at you. "If you need a place to stay, [Y/n]-ya, I have a place suited to your needs."
"...You won't tell my family will you?"
"Not to worry, [Y/n]-ya. It'll be doctor-patient confidentiality."
And just like that, you're in his arms, thanking him. He places the herbs he collected into his bag and begins escorting you away to his place. You're not aware the herbs he was collecting were nightshade, unaware of the plague doctor mask he has at his hip, and unaware you made his job of taking you all too easy.
His darling won't have to worry about being found, by tomorrow, there will be no one looking for his darling.
Tags: @bookandyarndragon
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nwheregirl · 1 year
My content is usually for Keanu Reeves and his characters, but @gea-chan96 requested some Mads Mikkelsen’s characters as yanderes and, being one of my favourite actors, I couldn’t say no! So…
P.s. I apologise for the delay, but my personal life kept me away from tumblr. For this reason, I will close requests and just write whenever I feel like it.
-Would marry you, then show you their yandere side:
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I imagine them being very elegant, old-fashioned men. Yes, they are still violent but they would never show that side to their lovely wife. Being rich, and having everything always ready for them, they would probably court you and take you to dates until you naturally fall in love with them. After your marriage, they would start to show how possessive and jealous they can be. They would probably make you move into an isolated house, with all the luxury of course… kept away from the outside world, like a bunny in a cage. They would spoil you like a princess and if you dare to show sadness towards this lifestyle, they would make you feel guilty. The only time they give away their true nature, is in the bedroom.
A little bonus: with Le Chiffre, 007 would notice the toxicity of your marriage… it’s up to you to decide to stay with your husband, or run away with James Bond.
-Would kidnap you:
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These two are both very carnal and violent man: the only difference is that, while Nigel is completely unhinged, do to being a street mob boss, Hannibal has to keep a certain type of composure. The cannibal who take the whole kidnapping process very slow: making you trust him, becoming your therapist, even. And only then, he would tie you up in his cell… keeping you close to the meat… just to scare you even more.
Nigel doesn’t need all of that: he stalks you, tries to understand your routine for a few weeks and then, when you’re finally walking home alone…it’s over, baby.
-Would use black magic on you to make you fall in love, be completely obsessed with him, adore and serve him:
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I mean… I’m not sure if in the universe of Dr Strange doing this type of magic is possible… let’s just pretend it is. He’s a sorcerer, right? And a villain, so an evil one. He doesn’t need anything but his Book of Shadows and his hands to make you fall in love with him. And that’s exactly what happens: you were supposed to be Dr Strange’s apprentice… but for some reason, you betrayed him and teamed up with Kaecilius. When Stephen understood why, and what had happened… it was too late, you had already made a blood path with your “lover”.
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atlasscrumpit · 6 months
My Character Ai Links
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Miguel O’hara
Possessive Miguel
Yandere Miguel
Unhinged Possessive yandere Miguel
Clingy Symbiote
Werewolf Bucky
Affectionate obsessive werewolf Bucky
Toxic Steve Rogers
Obsessive and Toxic husband Steve Rogers
The Winter Soldier
Cold and two sided
The Mandalorian
Obsessive Din Djarin
Mob Boss Miguel
Your Mob Boss Husband
Miguel O’hara au
Prison au
Hydra Bucky
Bucky is your handler in Hydra
Ghostface Miguel
He’s hunting you
Frost Giant Loki
He loves how tiny you are
Doctor Barnes
Bucky Barnes, head doctor at the mental ward
Dark Steve Rogers
He’s obsessed with you in sickening ways
Yandere Tony Stark
Obsessed Tony
Dad Miguel O’hara
Strict father Miguel
Dark Loki
Possessive and obsessed with you
Doc Ock
Why he kinda?
Doctor O’hara
Mental ward doctor
Doctor Stark
Mental ward doctor
Doctor Strange
Cold and tired of everything
Dr Arthur Harrow
You ended up at his facility
For the daddy issue girlies
Overbearing god
Yandere Boyfriend
Just a friend
Mafia Father
Protective mafia boss dad
For the mommy issue girlies
Scarlet Witch
Yandere Wanda
Vampire Bucky Barnes
Obsessive vampire Bucky
Vampire Miguel
Blood lust
Bruce Banner
Kind and shy
Yandere Jake Lockley
Obsessive and violent
Yandere Steven Grant
He’s obsessed with you but still cute
Yandere Marc Spector
He likes to punish you
Evil Wanda
She's obsessed and keeps you trapped in a false reality
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avengerslittleone · 2 years
Tᕼᗴᖇᗴ ᗷᗩᗷY
Steve:ready to get us our baby and no ones else's
Natasha:oh I can’t wait to feed my baby naturaly
Bucky:I got some more drugs to make our baby go sleepy
Yelana: ha James let’s go get me my god daughter
America: are you ready yet or is there something else you need to get
Natasha:let’s go
𝑌/𝑛 universe our current universe
Y/n:(walks around mall in avengers tee shirt and ripped jeans and green Nike’s)I can never be tired of walking around the mall
America:(opens portal)we’re here
Natasha:let’s go now I want them
Steve: patients bae I know you want them
Bucky:(walks through portal )
Y/n:(walks downs the stairs of house walks out side )
Steve:I have eyes on the baby it looks like there headed to throw trash out down that darks alley way nat Bucky now it’s your time
Y/n:(throws trash start walking the other way)
Nat:excuse me you dropped something
Y/n:(turns around oops I am sorry picks it up and throws ways the small picks of trash)thank you mam (starts walking away)
Nat:go now bucky (walks after you )
Y/n:(feels someone followed you starts running but trips )ow
Nat:(picks you up holds you in place)
Y/n:please let me go I will give you anything but please let me go
Nat:I’m sorry sweetheart but mama cannot do that you’re our baby and we have had to cross the multiverse to get you so no
Bucky:and what we are doing is for your own good because your our baby and we’re are you caregivers/mama and dada’s and we know what is good for our little baby
Y/n:(feels needle go into your neck)please help let me go le me o (falls asleep)
Steve:let’s go (walks through portal)
Bucky:ah now we have our baby home amercia you can close the portal now
Steve:come on we only have so much time before then wake up
Bucky:I will take there clothes and phone and burn the clothes and brake the phone and burn that as well
Natasha:(puts diaper and onesie on you clips pacifier to onesie)
Steve:let’s put the restraints on them so they don’t get the idea of running
Later on
Y/n:(wakes up try’s getting up)what the fuck where am I (hears someone come In)
Nat:hay baby
Y/n:let me go you fucken psycho I want you now (thrashes against restraints)
Bucky:baby stop your going to hurt your self (yells Steve)
Steve:you yelled oh that’s what you called for (hands regression shot and muscle relaxer to Bucky )
Y/n:(screams get those shots away from me )
Bucky:(gets angry I said hold still)
Nat:(pulls the railing of the crib downs holds your head straight)
Y/n:avengers are supposed to help not be kidnapping ass holes
Bucky:(sticks y/n neck)those should help)
Y/n:wa wat s it
Nat:it’s going to make you our baby faster
Y/n:no wana mama dada papa
Bucky:we now have our baby
Steve:we do have our baby
Nat:out I am going to feed then so out
Steve:you done
Nat:yes (puts shirt back on) they are taking a nap
Steve:have you told yelana or your parents
Nat:no I just don’t want you know to happen I just got my baby I don’t want them to fight over them
Steve:(walks out with Natasha closes door)
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ambermation · 2 years
Hey! May I have a Yandere Strange Supreme oneshot? Strange is still in the stalking phase. Darling is sleeping and he decides to sneak in for a cuddle. Reader moves and he's scared he woke them up, but they just snuggle with him in their sleep. Strange absolutely melts cause he's so touch-starved 🥺💓
Hi! I’m so sorry this took so long, I was in a slump for a while. I freaking love this scenario so much 🥰 He’s so totally touch-starved baby boy doesn’t even remember the sensation of snuggling 😓
Warnings: Stalking, Soft!Yandere Behavior, Unintentional/Unaware Cuddling (does this count as a warning?) The behavior shown by Stephen here is completely unhealthy and should not be viewed as ideal for real life nor romantic in real life.
Word Count: 1075
If there’s one thing Stephen has plenty of, it’s time. Time to do nothing but watch over Ultron and Killmonger for all eternity. But it’s only fair. It might seem like a cruel fate, but Stephen thinks that he’s cemented his extended (frankly, let’s be real here, nearly immortal) lifespan to this. This atonement, to pay for destroying his universe for his selfish desires. It seemed as though he were doomed to live out this fate, nothing of any joy to accompany him during any of it.
But then came along you. You, with your bright smile and enchanting personality that rivals the stormiest of days. Now Stephen has never officially met you, not yet, at least, (he plans to introduce himself some day, but that time has not yet come), but he’s been watching you for a while now. A few times he’s even stayed in the same room with you, quite literally the fly on the wall. But he never came forth. Why would he, when he's entirely content (as of right now) merely watch you? Just the sight of you was enough to satisfy Stephen. You were both a distraction from the tedious task he’s been resigned to as well as a great recreation from said duty. He’s not sure how he first caught sight of you, when there were endless universes flying through the magic portal he conjured, but miraculously he did. And he has never looked back since.
Quite literally too. He never wants to take his eyes off of you, no matter the number of eyes the form he was in had, he didn’t want to take a single one off of you unless absolutely necessary. Even if he had to, he would find a way to keep at least one eye on you, his pride and joy in this grand multiverse.
Tonight- or was it day? It was impossible to tell in his universe- Stephen was once again observing you. (One could argue that it was also night time in Stephen’s universe since he was constantly peering into yours.) He saw you do your nightly routine before you climbed into bed. And after several minutes, you were fast asleep. Your breathing was steady and calm. Lying there, on your bed, with soft, pale moonlight gently caressing your form, in Stephen’s mind, you looked just like a royal. No, not a royal, something more… ethereal. He pondered over this for a moment before the answer came.
An angel. A regal angel, at that. You were his regal angel.
A mere glimpse of you was enough to take his breath away. And tonight that rang especially true. Maybe if he was a better man, he could be with you. He could be with you physically, not just spiritually. If he wasn’t such a monster, maybe he could be worthy of you. Of your sweet embrace. Of your compassionate reassurance.
His mind began to wander. What would it be like to talk to you? Would your voice be as lovely as it sounds from his universe? What would it be like to hold you? Or even, what would it be like to be held by you? These thoughts, along with a vivid reel of images showcasing said thoughts, swam through his head. Before he was fully aware of what he was doing, Stephen was already inside your room, having stepped through a portal he conjured. Just a few feet in front of him there you lay. A content, almost blank, expression on your face as you dreamed. Stephen, emboldened by your peaceful presence, quietly made his way over to you. The scent of you only encouraged Stephen more.
With movement as swift as a bunny and as gentle as a feather, Stephen was now in bed with you. Actually with you. Not some illusion he cast, nor some dream of his own. This was real, very much so.
It was just as Stepehn had always dreamed of. It was a type of magic that even he himself was unable to replicate on his own.
His arms were snaked around your waist, his head just beside yours. Seeing you up close granted him to see all these minor features of yours he could not pick up before. He devoured every new detail he discovered. As if you couldn’t be even more lovely, there you were again, proving the sorcerer wrong once again. Usually, he’d be very disappointed to be wrong, but for you he’ll make an exception. You kept solidifying your position as an angelic royal gracing him with your presence.
Just as Stephen was getting comfortable, you shifted. He froze. Did he wake you up? He held his breath, fearing the worst. You were gonna wake up, realize that someone was in bed with you, and scream. He was a fool to think that he could deserve anything as wonderful as this. That he could come even close to being worthy of someone like you. A monstrous entity such as himself deserves no such pity from the multiverse. In an existence as vast as this, there’s nothing one could truly hope for without ultimately being crushed by the soulless, contemptuously demeaning reality.
Stephen’s mind was plagued with these thoughts until suddenly, he felt your body shift; he felt you lean into him rather than recoil away. You… you were actually enjoying his touch. As if to dispel any more negative thoughts of his, you gave a sigh of content. The sound made Stephen freeze once again. This time, however, it was out of a happily surprised and shocked kind of frozen. How could someone like you treat a being like him so nicely?
By now you were completely wrapped up in Stephen’s arms with no hint of fear whatsoever on your face. It almost felt like the two of you were a couple. The thought made his heart swoon. He smiled. With his eyes closed, he once again imagined what life would be like by your side in a normal life. Hell, even with how he is now. If you were like this in your sleep, and if you truly were the person he thought you were based on how long he’s been watching you, then there was hardly a doubt in Stephen’s mind that being together wouldn’t work out.
Because if his darling can (subconsciously) recognize the good in him, then maybe he isn’t the monster he thought he was.
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chimcess · 10 days
Nachash || jhs (Prologue)
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader (ft. Taehyung) Genre: Supernatural AU, Demon!Hoseok, Doctor!Reader, Smut, One night stand, Angst, Horror AU, Incubus! Hoseok, 90s AU, Yandere!AU (that's putting it lightly) Rating: 18+ (don’t interact if you’re a minor) Word Count:  6.6k+ Summary: After losing both of her parents, Y/N decided to sell her home in Florida and move back to New York City, a place she barely remembers despite having lived in Harlem for a decade. Her reality begins to blur as she loses track of dreams and waking life. At the center of this confusion is Hoseok, a sweet man who gives her an eerie sense of déjà vu. She can't shake the feeling that Hoseok isn't who he claims to be, and she's haunted by a strange bar that keeps appearing in her nightmares. Warnings: Wet dreams, explicit sexual contact in those dreams, graphic violence, hard dom Hoseok, demon Hobi acting like the horrible creature he is, emotional manipulation, DEATH, alcohol consumption, sexual harassment (brief), dream manipulation, stalking, vampire mind control, asshole Hobi (seriously), morally grey Taehyung, morally grey vampires in general, vampire bar, use of pagers because this is the early 90s (I have pager code translations at the bottom of the page), lots of cursing, vaginal fingering, pussy slapping, multiple orgasms, sadistic Hoseok, death by sex in her dreams, did I mention how horrible of a person this Hobi is?, mans is an obsessive stalker, and this is just the prologue because Tumblr's new rules are weird and don't make sense, let me know if I missed anything... A/N: I've had to split this into two seperate parts since Tumblr does not allow posts over a certain line count anymore (boo!), so I'm giving you guys the beginning section first! This entire story will be based in the 90s and will have a lot of pretty dark elements attachted to it. I really wanted to force myself to write a character that is so out of my wheelhouse it made me uncomfortable-- and that's exactly who incubus Hoseok is in this one. Happy Halloween everyone!
Next Part to be released 10/31 || Released early on AO3: here
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August 1992
My bones cracked, the sound echoing through the sterile silence, and I struggled to catch my breath. A thin layer of sweat clung to my skin, and I patted myself down to make sure I was still awake, still alive. Slowly, the panic subsided as I took in my surroundings. The bright fluorescent lights above made my eyes ache, but their harsh glow was a strange comfort. I was still in the hospital. The bed beneath me creaked as I sighed and flopped back down.
The nightmares had been haunting me for a while now. I couldn’t pinpoint when the first one came, but it had been two months since they turned sexual. The worst ones hit during my 24-hour shifts, as if my mind was playing some twisted game. There was always a man—always the same man—with golden eyes that glowed in the darkness. His skin was soft, supple, and disturbingly perfect.
Even when I closed my eyes, his perfect face flashed in the darkness behind my eyelids. It always ended the same way. I would climax, my body thrashing violently, only to look up and see his skin peeling away, ashes raining down, with fire slipping through the cracks. My own body would begin to burn, and I’d scream in horror as his once-perfect face revealed a skull with flames and black smoke oozing out. I would wake up just as his skeletal hand reached for my throat. The scenario changed, but the ending never did.
Sighing, I fumbled around for my phone. When I found it under my pillow, alongside my watch, I realized that I was due back in twenty minutes. I groaned. There was no going back to sleep now. I carefully climbed off my bunk, trying to remain as quiet as possible. Dr. Boseman was fast asleep, blissfully unaware of my nightly torment. She still had another hour before she had to return to the floor. I didn’t bother looking in the mirror. The ER was filled with messy doctors, and I would be no exception. Slipping my shoes back on and shrugging on my white coat, I quickly put on my lanyard and left the little room.
It had been a relatively slow night. We all knew better than to say the dreaded “Q” word, but that didn’t mean we weren’t aware of the unusual silence. The most excitement we had was a car accident victim, and he would survive. My attending physician, Dr. Kepler, was at the nurse’s station laughing with some of the nurses.
“Morning, Doc,” came Shannon’s voice, the night custodian.
“Hey, Shan, how are you?” I smiled at the elderly woman.
“I’m fine. About to clean some bathrooms.”
“Good luck with that,” I waved, knowing the small talk was over.
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll need it.”
Dr. Kepler smiled when I was close enough to talk. He was a handsome man with broad shoulders and pearly white teeth. I knew better, though. He had a bad habit of cheating on his wife with residents. He had never shown any interest in me, most likely because I never treated him differently. Some of the girls were too friendly with him and lost their professionalism, and he took advantage of that. As much as he disgusted me, I had to admit he was one hell of a doctor.
“Dr. L/N,” he greeted.
“Evening, Dr. Kepler,” I replied. “How’s it going, Angie?”
The tech beamed at me. She had started working at the hospital around the same time I had begun my residency, and we made fast friends. On quiet days like this, the two of us would sit at the desk and shoot the shit. She gave me a little wink.
“Oh, you know, paperwork and stuff,” she replied.
“One of those days?”
“When isn’t it?” She rolled her eyes.
“I feel your pain,” Kepler forced his way into our conversation. He was dreadfully boring, so I chose to ignore him whenever this happened. Typically, he would realize no one was paying attention to him and leave. “I had to help out in L&D tonight, and let me tell you, I am glad I did not go that route. Couldn’t imagine having to deal with hysterical females all day.”
I grimaced. He was such a pig. Angie rolled her eyes but kept her mouth shut. If she spoke up, he would never leave. A few nurses gave half-hearted replies, and I caught the eyes of Issic, one of the nurse practitioners who helped out in the emergency room. Normally so well-behaved and soft-spoken, the large, teddy-bear-like man glowered at the doctor. If looks could kill, I could not say Dr. Kepler would be dead, but I had to admit he would be majorly hurt. Still, no one called him out on the gross comments. We never did.
“I’ll see you all tomorrow,” Dr. Kepler bid us goodbye, his rant about how stupid specialties other than cardiology are.
Angie twisted her nose in disgust once his back was turned. She disliked him more than I did. He made obvious advances toward her, something that made her and everyone else at the station uncomfortable, but there was not much we could do. I told her to report him for sexual harassment, but she never did. Nor did anybody else. I had never noticed how little we stood up for ourselves before.
“Glad he’s gone,” Mariah, an RN, commented.
“Creep,” another tech said.
“Anyway,” Angie did not acknowledge them. “I’m going out for drinks with some of the other nurses. You want to come?”
“Where at?” I checked my watch. I would have to begin my pre-rounds soon.
“This new bar Dauphine. Selene went a few weeks back with some friends of hers.”
“I’m not in the club scene,” I reminded her.
I knew Selene, not well, but I did know her. We met at Angie’s Christmas party last year along with a few of her other friends. I had left early but not before Selene had started to bump and grind with anyone she could get her hands on. This included Jeon Jungkook, the local wack-job-false-prophet-wannabe-fortuneteller and my cousin’s boyfriend. The two ended up having sex in the back of his Impala where said cousin found them in the middle of the act. Jungkook said it was his “destiny.” Selene simply laughed and was right back on his lap. I did not care much for her after that.
“There are only certain rooms like that. The main area is like a lounge. She said it was chill until they went dancing.”
I hummed. It had been a while since I had gone out. Maybe it would be a nice distraction, especially with the weird dreams I’d been having.
“When?” Angie smiled wide. She knew she had won me over.
“Thursday. I made sure to get a day you weren’t on call.”
And then my watch began beeping, signaling my return to work. Angie pouted her bottom lip out and batted her eyelashes. I smiled and shook my head.
“Duty calls,” I turned around and began walking away. “See you Thursday,” I called behind me.
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“Fuck,” I sighed, throwing my head back.
“You’re so wet,” the man groaned, releasing my clit.
I squirmed underneath him, legs shaking, and breathing erratic. The man chuckled darkly, sticking a third finger in. I cried out once more.
“You’re such a fucking slut,” he rasped before slapping my right breast.
I screamed, the pain and pleasure mixing so many times tonight that I could no longer discern the two. He slapped the other side. Tears fell from my eyes.
“I’m going to take my time with you,” his voice felt further away than it had before.
His fingers were gone, and I whined. I hardly recognized the person I had become. Never had I begged for a man’s touch or wanted rough sex. I knew he could do anything to me, and I would not complain. I knew that he knew that as well. I also knew that he loved it. A sharp, painful slap was delivered to my already aching pussy. Another scream.
“And when I’m done,” slap, “I’m going to devour you.”
And I came undone for the third time.
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I adjusted my dress again, feeling its snugness a little too keenly. It had been ages since I’d gone out, and Angie’s insistence on looking “sexy” felt like a cruel joke. Most of my wardrobe consisted of scrubs and old college hoodies, so my little black dress, tucked away in the back of my closet, had to do. Back when I was nineteen, it had fit like a glove. Now, it clung to my newer curves, which weren’t so new anymore. Should I change?
Groaning, I fell back on my bed. What am I doing? If Angie were here, she’d tell me to stop acting like “such a virgin” and laugh. She always laughed hardest at her own jokes. According to her, being with less than three guys by age twenty-three was unheard of. The fact that I was pushing thirty and had only been with two was some sort of medical anomaly to her. The virgin jokes had been annoying at first, but I’d learned that was just Angie’s sense of humor. Childish, yes, but she was likable enough to forgive it.
I sat up and looked at myself in the mirror again. The dress looked good, better than I expected. So why the apprehension? Struggling to pinpoint the source of my anxiety, I finally gave up. I threw on a leather jacket and started putting on the finishing touches to my look. I was meeting everyone at the club since Angie lived on the other side of town. She had kindly offered to pay for my cab. After texting her that I was ready, I slipped on a pair of black boots and stepped outside to wait for my ride.
The night was cold, unusually so for August, even for New York. Adjusting to the climate had been tough. Originally from Jersey, my family had moved to Florida when I was a child. I’d gone to Tulane for undergrad and then moved to New York for med school. After graduating from Columbia two years ago, I started my residency at Harlem Hospital Center. I was planning to stay for my ICU fellowship.
A gust of wind ruffled my clothes, and for a moment, I swore I felt phantom hands caress my hips. The sensation sent a shiver down my spine. My mind was still on edge from the nightmares. Last night’s had been particularly vivid: horns had sprouted from his head before he ripped a chunk of my breast out with his teeth, blood dripping onto my sheets as my screams echoed off the walls.
My phone rang, its sharp tone startling me. Angela had pressured me into getting a cellphone a few months ago, and I was still getting used to the intrusion. Handy at times, sure, but mostly an annoyance. The bulky Nokia was far too cumbersome.
“You in the car yet? The driver’s name is Jimin.”
As she said it, a pair of headlights turned the corner, and the car slowed down.
“About to get in now,” I said, eager to hang up. The assumption that I was wealthy because I had a cellphone always embarrassed me.
“God, I’m so excited to see you!” Angie squealed, the sounds of the club already drowning her out. I regretted agreeing to come out. “The password is Conti. Whatever that means.”
I smiled. “It’s a street name in New Orleans.”
The car pulled up to the curb, and I quickly opened the door. 
“I’m about to get in the cab,” I said, buckling up. “I’ll see you in a bit, Ang.”
“Page me when you get here!”
The ride was quiet. The driver greeted me, asked for my name, then lapsed into silence. Soft R&B played in the background. To distract myself, I sent a quick message to my mom and listened to the driver quietly singing along. He had a nice voice. Just as we pulled up, TLC came on, and I felt a pang of disappointment that I wouldn’t get to hear him sing along. I thanked him before getting out. Jimin drove off seconds after I closed the door with a polite ‘goodnight.’
The alleyway leading to the club was less intimidating than I’d expected. Angie’s description of a long, red-lit path had conjured far worse images in my mind. The lights were bright enough to see by, and the walk was short. Voices drifted from outside the club, easing some of my tension. Maybe the rumors were just that—rumors.
Dauphine had a reputation for attracting the town’s freaks. Drugs, alcohol, sex parties that ended in blood-splattered walls, and people who went in but never came out. The rumors spiraled out of control after Namjoon Kim was found dead outside. Typical media frenzy—no one cared when ten prostitutes went missing, but a rich CEO gets shot, and it’s front-page news. I rolled my eyes. Some things never change.
A group of friends stopped talking as I approached, and apprehension churned in my gut. Bile rose in my throat, but I forced it down. I couldn’t bring myself to look at them. Their presence was enough to leave me shaking. One of them snickered, and I shivered. Without even glancing at them, I knew they’d be terrifying. The bouncer opened the peephole in the door.
“Conti,” I said, my voice harsh.
The door opened seconds later, and I practically ran inside, shoving past the bouncer without much care. He didn’t seem to mind my rudeness. Without their eyes on me, I could finally breathe. I paged Angie to let her know I was here.
Angela: 110 307
Angela: 209
Y/N: 08
I shoved my pager back into my bag and started navigating the maze of the bar. The nurse had been right; it was more subdued than I had imagined. Red and black dominated the color scheme, with large sofas and booths scattered about. Neon signs pointed to the restrooms, and the place was pleasantly devoid of orgies or bloodbaths. I felt a wave of relief—no strobe lights, no thrumming dance floors. 
A few minutes later, I found the bar. Only one man was seated there, engaged in a tender conversation with the bartender. She caressed his cheek, and I melted at the sight. It was heartwarming to see such affection in a place rumored to be so dangerous. I doubted many would be comfortable with their partner working in a place as infamous as this.
Respecting their privacy, I took a seat a few stools away and picked up a small drink menu. Angie was nowhere in sight. I stifled a laugh; the menu was a mix of classic cocktails and blood types listed underneath each one. For a place as notorious as this, I hadn't expected it to be a vampire-themed bar. I was already excited to see the dance floor. Themed bars in New Orleans had always been a blast during my Tulane days.
"Good evening," the bartender's voice was silky smooth.
I smiled. "Hi."
"What can I get for you?"
Suppressing a grin, I said, "I'll have a dirty martini. Shot of O negative."
The chuckle slipped out before I could stop it. The bartender smirked, her skin glistening under the red lights. The man at the other end of the bar looked at me, his eyes wide, before bursting into loud laughter. Eyes turned towards us, the sensation making my skin crawl, but I stayed composed. The bartender leaned in closer.
"Are you okay with cherry liqueur?"
I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
She laughed. "Then you don't want that shot, babe."
I nodded, glancing at my nails. Where was Angie? Rolling my eyes, I groaned. She’d probably run into some guy and forgotten about me. I straightened up, trying to see over the tall booths scattered about. No sign of her blonde head anywhere. With a sigh, I gave up. She’d show up eventually.
"Looking for someone?" The bartender slid my drink over.
"Oh," I clutched my chest, startled. "Just a friend of mine. She got here earlier but I can't find her. She said she’d come get me."
"I might’ve seen her." Her brows knitted in concern.
"She’s tall," I gestured, "really skinny. Blonde hair and blue eyes. She’s wearing a blue sequin dress."
The bartender nodded. "Yeah, I saw her and a couple of girls head to the back. She ran off with a guy not too long ago."
I groaned. Of course, she did. I must have missed her on my way in. Sinking into my chair, I threw back my martini, ripping the olive off the toothpick. My annoyance was palpable. I tried calling her, but there was no response.
Y/N: 420
Y/N: 3011
After a few more failed attempts, I paged Monica, another tech from the hospital I was close with. I used her last name; there were too many Monicas to keep track of. Her code number was written down on a piece of paper in my wallet.
Y/N: 221
"Hey," the bartender called out.
She seemed hesitant to speak. I felt a pang of guilt for making her uncomfortable. She probably thought her tip was on the line. I willed myself to calm down.
"Sorry about that."
"No worries," she replied, waving me off. "Just… be careful. We get some characters in here. I’ll keep an eye out for your friend."
I smiled at her. "Thanks."
"Anytime. If you need anything, just ask for 'Bootsy,'" she winked before taking my empty glass and returning to her boyfriend.
My pager buzzed.
Everson: 419
I rolled my eyes. I hated technology outside of medical settings. Pagers were useless for meaningful conversation. Luckily, Monica carried her cell everywhere, flaunting her family’s wealth. Her phone was much nicer than mine.
"Hey babe!" She shouted over the music.
"Angie left," I spoke louder than necessary, hoping she could hear. "The bartender saw her leave with a guy."
Monica laughed, the sound like nails on a chalkboard. We were too different to get along beyond pleasantries.
"Go Ang!" She giggled drunkenly. "We’re all in the back."
I rolled my eyes. "It’s my first time here."
"Bar, take a right, walk straight until you see a bunch of doors."
"What’s the entrance look like? Everything looks the same here."
"The door is black with a purple bead hanging off the handle," she hiccuped, then burped. "The lights around it are really red."
Annoyed, I shoved my phone into my purse and slid off my chair. The long hallway was daunting. This part of the bar was dimly lit and far more unsettling. Unlike the eyes on my back earlier, there was no one here. The jazz music faded, and I fought back a shiver. This place was creepy.
I went to the end of the hall only to find it empty. No door, no beads, nothing. Monica had given me the wrong directions. As frustrated as I was, I couldn’t be too upset with her. She had no idea what she was talking about and already had a few drinks in her system. My anger towards Angela only grew. I sent her another text, seething, and started to wander again, hunting for the elusive door.
The nurse was right; this place was a labyrinth. High ceilings and narrow passages could make even the most fearless person feel claustrophobic. I had to hold my breath when the walls seemed to close in. Aimlessly, I roamed, still finding nothing. The longer I walked, the more convinced I became that this lounge had been a catacomb at some point. From the outside, it didn't look nearly this expansive. My heels clicked loudly in the eerie silence. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I glanced around nervously.
"How the hell do you get lost in a bar?" I cursed myself, turning back the way I came. The bartender was nice enough; maybe she could help.
"It's a lounge, sha," a voice said behind me.
I screamed, flinching, and spun around, losing my footing. I grabbed the wall, but the impact scraped my arm against the rough bricks. The person offered a hand, but I ignored it, picking myself up and glaring at the stranger.
He was gorgeous—tall, slender, with broad shoulders and lean muscles under a white button-down shirt. His hands, large with long, piano fingers, slid back into his pants pockets. His doe eyes sparkled with amusement, and his grin was wide and boxy.
"My apologies," his voice was honeyed. "I didn't mean to startle you."
I kept glaring. "Startle? You nearly gave me a heart attack."
He snickered before his eyes fixed on my arm. "You're bleeding."
I looked at my shoulder, noticing the rip in my jacket and the blood seeping out. Throwing my hands up in exasperation, I yelled, feeling tears welling up. Tonight had been a disaster from the start—the dress, the people outside, Angie ditching me. Every part of it felt like a waste of time. I should just go home.
"Are you okay, sha?" he asked, gently touching my arm.
I laughed bitterly. "Does it look like it?"
"No, you look upset."
"Great detective work, Captain Obvious," I snapped, rolling my eyes and yanking my arm away. "And it’s pronounced cher, not sha."
He stepped back, his smile never faltering. He seemed amused, which I found odd, but I couldn’t walk away. I didn’t like him. He was creepy, even in his beauty, and his eyes reminded me of the group outside. Yet, my feet felt rooted to the ground, as if frozen in fear.
"No, cher, it's sha where I’m from."
I sniffled. "Louisiana, huh?"
"Born in France, but my family moved to New Orleans when I was young. I learned Kouri-Vini from a trumpet player in the French Quarter."
Embarrassed by my outburst, I nodded. Trust me to correct the grammar of a Frenchman. The night’s mood soured further, all my hopes for a good time dashed. Still, I couldn't deny a strange attraction to the stranger. His presence, unsettling yet warm, invited me to stay.
"You looked lost."
"I am. Trying to find my friends, but I have no idea where to go. They said 'the back,' like that’s helpful. I’ve been wandering for at least thirty minutes."
He placed a thoughtful finger on his chin. "You really shouldn’t walk around alone," he warned. "There are a lot of unsavory characters here."
"Are you an Anne Rice character or something?" I scratched my shoulder, wincing at the sting. "Why are you talking like that? It’s weird."
"Should I apologize?" he asked.
I shook my head. "Not if you can get me back to the bar."
He laughed. "I believe that can be arranged."
"You're doing it again." This time, we laughed together.
The walk back was shorter than I’d expected. He moved silently, with perfect posture, his perfection unsettling. Too symmetrical, too beautiful, and far too polite for someone who looked younger than me. As the jazz music grew louder, I learned he played the saxophone and trumpet for years in New Orleans. He opened his first bar, Midnight Moon, a few years ago and moved to New York City to branch out.
"What do you do for a living?" he asked.
"I’m a resident."
"Doctor," he whistled. "Very impressive."
"Not as impressive as being a rich, successful CEO in your twenties."
He laughed loudly, drawing a few looks. On cue, I lowered my head, feeling strange. Normally confident, here I felt the need to stay unseen, their eyes on me unnerving.
"What’s your name?" he asked, surprising me.
"Y/N," I answered, meeting his gaze.
He smiled, dazzling and unsettling. "I'm Taehyung."
"Nice to meet you, Taehyung," I said, my heart racing.
His eyes were a strange color, almost black with flecks of red under the lights. They were beautiful, but the spell broke, and I looked away again, feeling uneasy.
“There’s someone here who wants to see you,” Taehyung said, his voice rasping, almost angry. “But I don’t want to share you yet.”
I sucked in a breath, startled by his proximity. He had moved closer until we were chest to chest. I breathed him in—freesias and honey. My mouth watered, but I stepped back with effort. Taehyung didn’t follow.
“It’s probably my friend,” I said, noticing the bartender’s boyfriend staring. “We were supposed to meet here.”
“Y/N,” Taehyung’s eyes locked onto mine. “Remember what I said about unsavory characters.”
I nodded, dazed, as he brushed my hair behind my ear.
“Don’t leave with it, sha,” he whispered, sending a shiver up my spine.
I was too stunned to respond. Whatever Taehyung had said flew over my head as I placed my hand on the cheek he kissed. The skin still tingled where he had touched. When I looked up, he was gone. I spun in a circle, but there was no sign of the man anywhere. I made eye contact with the guy at the bar again and felt uncomfortable going up to him. He was frowning at me.
Taehyung had said someone was waiting for me, and the only person I could think of was Angie. She must have decided to come back after seeing my messages. Her hookup must have been lackluster if she came all the way back here. I chuckled to myself and finally walked to the bar. It would be fun to drink and talk shit. Then we could finally meet up with Monica and the girls, and my night could start looking up.
Angela was nowhere in sight when I got to the bar. The same man was still looking at me, as was the bartender. A new figure sat in my chair. It was another man by the looks of it, judging by their shoulders and haircut. I continued my search for Angela but still came up empty-handed. She was just looking for me.
"Looking for something?" the bartender asked.
I nodded. "Yeah, the guy I was with said someone was looking for me. Have you seen her?"
She pursed her lips and glanced at the other man. "Can't say I have. Taehyung was probably confused."
My shoulders dropped in defeat. Again, I was left stranded. I should probably just go home and call it a night. A small voice told me to go and find Taehyung. He had said he didn’t want to share me. How had he known someone was waiting for me?
I couldn’t think about it for too long, as if my mind wouldn’t let me. I thought about him, his perfect face, and how beautiful he was. His eyes, eyes I could not recall the color of for the life of me, staring down at me. His voice, a gentle purr in my ear beckoning me closer. A draft startled me out of my daydream and I realized I wanted to leave.
I sighed. "I think I’m going to head out then."
I swore I saw relief wash over her face. Her lips had been tight when I came back around, but she gave me a small, genuine grin. Probably some asshole customer. Every place has them, even a luxurious one. Her shoulders stiffened when the other man raised his arm. Her boyfriend’s hands clenched. That guy must be the douche.
"Bourbon." Oh, yeah, definitely a tool.
I rolled my eyes and did not think before taking a seat at the bar. I could at least distract her. She frowned at me and continued making his drink.
"Thought you were leaving?"
"I could get another drink before I go." I smiled at her.
"Dirty martini for the lady," the mystery man said.
My heart stopped. His face... My mouth dropped open at the sight of him. My dream man. He was sitting right in front of me. Every detail, every line and curve were the same. Even the mole on his lip was there. Just like Taehyung, it was hard to look into his eyes, but I knew they would be the same. I couldn’t remember what they looked like, but I was certain they shined a gentle, soft gold in the dark.
"You do like them dirty, right?" He grinned.
I couldn’t respond for a few moments. The resemblance was uncanny. The anxiety Taehyung’s presence had given me was nothing compared to this. It felt like an elephant had sat on my chest while every nerve in my body screamed at me to run. And just like Taehyung, I found myself unable to move. I found that I did not want to. I welcomed the feeling.
"How did you know that?" I asked, still in awe.
"I overheard you earlier. Was going to buy you one then but you left before I could."
I swallowed my thickening saliva. It was hard to get down. Every part of me wanted to run. My body begged to get away from him, but it also yearned to be near him. I was alight in every way possible, and the confusion was hard to wrap my head around. Do I stay or do I go? As if he could read my mind, the man reached out and ran a finger over the top of my hand. Electricity shot through my body, and it burned where he had touched.
"Have a drink with me."
"Okay," I whispered, hypnotized by his voice.
The bartender placed my drink in front of me before going back to her side of the bar, like she was trying to stay as far away from the man as possible. I knew his name, it was on the tip of my tongue, but I was insane to think it was even possible. He was a stranger, and there was no possible way he was my dream man. The two just looked similar. In my dreams, his eyes were gold, and his skin was much paler and sickly. I glanced at his hands and relaxed even further. In my dreams, the man had scars over every inch of his body.
"I’m Hoseok, by the way." He smiled at me, and I quivered.
There was something off about his teeth. His canines were too sharp. In fact, all of his teeth were. They were so white they almost glowed in the red lights. Too perfect. Everything about him was. I scooted away from him and angled my legs toward the bartender. I wanted to leave again. I wanted to get away from him. I had been right about his name.
I took a nervous sip of my drink. Why had I sat down in the first place? At the moment, it had seemed like the right thing to do, but now I felt conflicted. Had I really wanted to stay? It surely felt that way at the time. Now, I wanted to go home, and my body language was clear. Still, I could not stand up and walk away. Still, I took another sip and curled away from him without moving.
"Are you okay? You seem tense."
I nodded too quickly and enthusiastically to ever be taken seriously. Hoseok seemed amused by this, just as he had been smirking at my squirming moments before. He was unsettling. Maybe it was his resemblance to the monster from my dreams that had me on edge. Yes, I thought, that had to be the reason.
"Bad night," I replied, my hands shaking. I quickly finished my drink and stood up. Hoseok smiled at me. "Thanks for the drink. I’ll be going now."
"See you soon, Y/N."
I was so focused on leaving the bar, I did not hear the slip of his tongue. I had never told him my name. That night, after I got home, I dreamt of Hoseok killing me again. The next day, Angela never showed up for work, never answered my messages. No one else had heard from her either.
Her body was found mutilated and tortured in a motel room a few blocks away from Dauphine the following morning. My dreams began to include her in them. She cried for me to help her, blamed me for her death, and even laughed as I got my throat ripped out. I was never able to focus anymore and was blessed that my residency program finished only four months later.
After graduation, the dreams stopped. I stayed with my parents for the summer, played in the Florida sun, and decided against going back to New York for my fellowship. Instead, I chose to stay in Tallahassee and start my career. It was safe there. He was gone. A few years later, I left for Jacksonville, and my paranoia had started to fade.
Years had gone by, and my memories of his face began to escape me. His name was nothing more than a gentle whisper in the deepest pits of my mind. Even then, saying that would be an overstatement. My return to New York was in the wake of my mother’s death. My dad had passed away a few years prior, and our vacation home in Harlem, the same place I lived in so many years ago, had become prime real estate. I got a fellowship through Columbia upon my return. Life was looking up despite my grief, and I was ready to start a new venture in my medical career.
That was the beginning of my eventual end. I had cheated death all those years ago. Angela was my replacement, though I had no idea at the time. That thing knew she was waiting for me. It knew she would not let me out of her sight, so it took care of the problem. My fear gave it power, and it indulged itself in my torture. When I came back, it knew.
This time, I would not be lucky. Nothing and no one would get in its way. Soon, all memories of that night vanished. Angela’s name escaped me first, then her face, and finally what happened to her. Dauphine and its never-ending halls were gone. The thing that sat at the bar made sure of that before making his next move.
It was mid-October when he came back into my life, all memories of his face wiped from my mind, and his game really started. My death would be his favorite. A death he rejoiced in for years to come only to be disappointed that nothing lived up to that night.
Things like Hoseok lived for the chase, and I proved to be his greatest target.
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© chimcess, 2024. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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darkbluekies · 2 years
The cynical playhouse
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yandere!doctor OC x GN reader x psychopatic!doctor
Summary: a mad doctor has decided to take you for his sick experiment and your very own yandere, Dr Kry, is not going to let this slide, he'll get his hands dirty to keep what's his.
Warnings: mental torture, physical torture, indication of masturbating, mad doctor, mentions of killing, death, mentions of graphic pictures and screams, nudity (not sexual), killing someone with a crowbar, yandere themes, chains, scalpel, cuts, blood, needles, drugs, gore
Word count: 3.2k
Day 0 — prologue
"I need someone that isn’t very strong minded, someone that will respond to the experiment.”
“The hospital is filled with vulnerable patients.”
“But they’re watched by so many nurses and their families are breathing down their necks. If anyone disappeared, people would notice … I need someone that no one would miss, you know?”
“There’s one actually … one that no one really knows anything about. Their family has never visited and none of the nurses have barely seen them. They could be interesting for your experiment.”
“Dr Kry’s little sweetheart.”
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Day 1
You can hear someone whispering in the room. Lazily, you open your eyes to see who Dr Kry is hissing with. In the darkness of the room you can tell that there are two men, but you can’t tell who Dr Kry is. None of them resembles him. You know how his body looks and both of these men look too … old? 
“Oh, they’re awake”, an unfamiliar voice chuckles lowly. 
“Not for long.”
“What’s going on?” you mumble tiredly as you feel one of the men take your arm in his cold hand. 
“Shh, just relax for me. It’ll just sting a little.”
The sharp pain from a needle causes your eyes to pry open and your heart to stop. Your eyes dart down to where the pain originates from and finds that the unfamiliar man is currently injecting you with some kind of substance. 
“What are you doing?!” you gasp in pure terror. 
“Shh”, the man with the needle says calmly and puts his finger over his mouth, a warning for you to quiet down. “You’ll soon go to sleep, don’t worry.”
You can start to feel how your body starts to go numb, how your eyes want to flutter shut. You fight against the substance, refusing to let your unconscious body fall in the hands of these two strange men. 
“Don’t fight it”, the man with the needle says in a comforting yet taunting manner. “Just give in.”
“N-No ..”, you choke out. 
Your vision starts to get more and more blurry until it all turns black. 
You wake up with your head down on a table. Groggily, you sit up and look around. Quickly, you seem to sober up the second you realize that you’re not in your hospital room anymore. The room you’re in now is an empty, white room with a large mirror to your side. It takes up most of the wall. A security camera is watching you from the corner of the room. You look down at the table you were sleeping on and notice that your hands are cuffed to the white surface. 
Your heart accelerates to 100km/h. It’s going to jump out of your chest at any moment. 
“W-What’s going on?!” you shout and look around in despair. “Hello?!”
“Don’t panic, my dear”, the voice who told you to give in to the substance says through the speaker under the security camera. “Calm down and listen to me, okay?”
“W-Where am I?”
“You’re in my little … playhouse. We’re going to have a lot of fun here, you and I.”
You shake your head as tears start to form in your eyes. You don’t want to know what his kind of fun is. Panic starts burning in your chest.
“Please let me go”, you start to sob. 
“Don’t cry. I only need you for a little while.”
“A-And then what? Will I get to go home?”
“Home? Gosh no! You’d go straight to the police and expose all the fun we had here! My funhouse is exclusive. I can’t let just anyone participate!”
“I don’t want to participate!”
“But you’re here now. I can’t let you go. I can tell you what I’m going to do with you, though. I’m going to test the human’s brain and you’re going to help me. If everything goes well, I’ll get famous!”
You wish that you could wipe your runny nose, but your hands are chained with heavy chains and you’re in no physical state to lift them. 
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Day 2
Nothing really happened yesterday. You were left alone in the white room. A sound was coming from the loudspeaker. The sound of flies flying around. In the beginning, you tried to find something of a rhythm in it to create somewhat of a melody, but quickly started getting annoyed at the buzz. You had shouted to turn it off and only heard a giggle in the loudspeaker in return. You don’t know how long time had passed, but you’re sure you had to sit and listen to that sound for at last four hours. 
Today, however, the man has decided to step it up a notch. The door opens and he walks in with a TV on a rolling table. You refuse to look at him. The TV turns on and you’re forced to see a slideshow of the most grotesque pictures taken at crime scenes — some by the cops and some by the killers themselves. Over the pictures, a distorted melody with occasional screams can be heard. You don’t doubt that the screams are real. This one breaks you down easier than the buzzing you heard yesterday. Even if you look away, you can still hear the sound. You can’t lift up your hands to cover your ears. 
“Make it stop!” you plead and feel the tears burn behind your eyelids. “Please!”
No response. 
“P-Please, I-I’ll do anything”, you sob, your whole body shaking along. “I’ll do … do anything … please.”
“You were cuter than I thought”, the voice in the loudspeaker says. “So fragile. I get why Dr Kry wants you.”
“Dr Kry? I-Is he involved in this?!”
“No, he’s not. Your little doctor is actually looking for you. I heard that he destroyed a trash can in anger and looked at the security footage yesterday.”
You look up at the security camera. 
“Oh, don’t bother”, the voice says. “This camera leads to my own little private collection. I want to save my playtimes so I can rewatch them once you’re dead.”
You sob again. 
“Look up, Y/N”, the man says, “and turn your head to your right.”
You do. The only thing you can see is your own image. Your red eyes, the messy hair, your body in the hospital gown and your hands chained to the table. You look horrible.
“That’s right”; the man sighs out in satisfaction — almost a moan. “Looking so ... so fragile. Fuck."
You look down in the realization that this is a one way mirror. He's sitting on the other side of the glass, currently getting off on your fear. You've never felt so exposed before. You can only imagine what he'll do with the footage later on. Shame creeps up on you. Embarrassed to be treated like this, ashamed that you can't do anything to stop it. You're only a pawn in his manic game.
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Dr Kry has been running around looking for you for over twenty four hours now. He hasn't rested once, hasn’t eaten once either. The only thing he’s nourished himself with is energy drinks and coffee, but that’s only to keep up his energy so he can look for you. The very thought about sitting down and eating makes him sick. How can he? You're his will to live! If he can't find you … no, he doesn't want to think about that. He is going to find you. He has to.
Yesterday when he walked into your room and found that you weren’t there, he had freaked out. First, the thought that you had snuck down to the cafeteria. Firstly, he had gotten annoyed. Like, hasn’t he made it clear to you not to leave his room without him by your side? He promised himself that he would punish you if he found you munching on a sandwich down at the cafeteria. He’s had to punish you a few times for sneaking out or talking with other patients and doctors and it hurts him so much every time. He doesn’t blame you, never does. You’re a little sweetheart, it's other peoples’ bad influence that makes you act badly. But that’s why Dr Kry is here. He’ll always make sure you never get in trouble. 
He couldn’t figure out for the life of him who could have made you sneak out, but he promised himself to make sure they never talk to you again. To his disappointment, the cafeteria was empty. Somehow, he was happy that you weren’t here, it meant that you didn’t betray his trust by walking down here … but he’s disappointed because that meant that you could be anywhere in this large building. Or even outside in the harsh, cruel world. He had asked people if they’d seen you, but he got two answers — both disappointing. They’d either not seen you … or they didn’t know who you are. Dr Kry kicked a trash can on his way to the security room. On the way, he met one of the doctor assistants he never talks to. The man avoided his gaze and switched corridors the second they walked past each other. He watched the security footage … but it was all deleted. There was nothing to see. You were nowhere to be seen!
Dr Kry has been all over the town in search of you. He's been to your parents house (without them noticing), to your friends houses (you’ve only told him about them once, but he remembers so well)  and all the possible places you could hide — such as coffee shops and parks. You’re nowhere to be found. 
He sinks down in his seat in the car and hides his face into his hands. Where are you? He doesn’t believe that you’ve hid from him anymore. You wouldn’t last this long. If you wanted to give him a scare, you’d hide for an hour or so and then pop out to scare him … you wouldn’t do this. Someone must have taken you. 
It hits him. Someone must have seen you. You can’t just have disappeared like that. He thinks harder, enough to make his brain creak. There was no footage from the security cameras from the night you disappeared from the period of two am to three am. Someone must have deleted it. 
That assistant. The one he passed by yesterday. It must have been him. 
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Day 3
“Today, my little doll, we’ll see how your brain reacts to physical pain!”
You don’t answer. Three days have passed and you’ve already lost all hope. Not a single bite of food have you been granted and not a single drop of water. If you don’t get to drink today you’ll die. Somehow you hope that the freak behind the one sided mirror won’t give you any water. You just want to get out of here and if the only way is death … then so be it. You feel like you’re a ghost. None of this is really real, you’re not actually sitting in the chair, your hands aren’t actually chained. You’re just dreaming. You’re not here. You’re not here. You’re not here. 
The door opens and the man enters. You can’t look at him, he makes your stomach turn. 
“Before we start, I remembered that you need to have something yummy to eat”, he says as if he was talking to a doll or a child. “I brought you mashed potatoes.”
“I don’t want it”, you mumble. 
“Open up.”
He holds the spoon with mashed potatoes to your mouth. You keeps your lips together and turn your head away. The man pokes your cheek with the spoon, growing more and more impatient. 
“Eat. It.”
You gather enough courage to shake your head.
“Ungrateful little bitch!” he shouts and flips the table over.
You choke back a scream and break out in sobs, squeezing your eyes shut. Your entire body is shaking with terrified sobs. He slaps you with all his might causing your head to swing to the side. Your body would follow if it wasn’t for the fact that you’re chained to the table. You sob more at the fear of this madman than the stinging pain.
“If you don’t behave, I’ll have to finish up our playtime earlier than I want to”, the man whispers and grabs your face between his cold, disgusting hands. “And I want to play with you for a bit more.”
You glare at him through your tears. He picks up a scalpel from his white lab coat and places it over your bare arm. You shake your head desperately, voice no longer working. 
“It’s just a test, my little doll”, he whispers. “Everything is for human kind, okay?”
“No!” you manage to shout. “I don’t want it, stop it!”
Too late. He has let the sharp knife-like object over your arm. You let out a loud scream which echoes in the room and makes the man smile. 
“So beautiful”, he purrs and lets the bloody scalpel run lazily over your lips. “My own little doll ... I’m going to fucking destroy you.”
The door bursts open and before you can register anything, the man in front of you has been tackled to the floor and beaten to a pulp. You recognize the blonde hair and break out into relieved sobs. The man stands up, blood covering his white lab coat. 
“Shh, it’s okay”, he pants as he unlocks your chains. “Don’t cry, I’m here now.”
As soon as your hands are free, you wrap them around his strong neck and bury your head into his shoulder. Dr Kry hates to see the cuts on your body and he hates to feel how you tremble in his arms. He lifts you up and you hook your legs around his waist. With one muscular arm around your waist and one around your shoulders, he carries you out of this horrifying room. A few guards run past him to get the unconscious man. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N”, Dr Kry whispers with tears in his throat as he walks. “I’m so, so sorry. I shouldn’t have left your door unlocked. I’ll never forgive myself. I’ll kill him, I promise. I’ll make sure he never hurts you again. I’ll take care of you better, never let you out of my sight.”
You cry against his shoulder as he takes you back to your room. You cling onto him even tighter. He’s your knight in shining armor, he saved you! You’ll always be in debt to him. Fantastic Dr Kry. 
Dr Kry places you down on your bed and starts to look and feel around, to see if you’re really here or if he’s hallucinating. He hasn’t been sleeping for a long time. 
“You need to wash yourself”, he says. “You look horrible. I can do it for you.”
You nod. Dr Kry picks you up again and walks into the bathroom. You get placed in the tub before he removes the dirty hospital gown. He’ll burn it — never want to see it again. You sit in the bathtub and hug your legs close to your naked body to hide, wishing to never exist again. Dry Kry wishes that you didn’t hide, you’re so beautiful. He shakes his head. Now’s not the time. He feels the water pouring from the showerhead with one hand as he adjusts the water with the other. 
“Bend your head back for me”, he says softly. “I don’t want to pour water into your eyes.”
You bend your head back and he starts to pour the lukewarm water over your hair. 
“Is it comfortable?” he asks. 
You nod carefully, scared of every single action. 
“How did you find me?” you whisper. 
“I found the guy that helped your sick capturer. I pulled him into a storage room and forced him to tell me where you were”, Dr Kry says, hatred in his voice. 
He won’t say what he threatened the assistant with, but you can only imagine. 
“I came just in time”, Dr Kry says. “He was going to hurt you badly, that son of a bitch. I’ll make sure he pays for it, my- …” He cuts himself off, almost giving you a pet name. He clears his throat, embarrassed. “I’ll make him pay.”
“What were you going to say?” you ask quietly. 
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.”
You give him the sweetest doe eyes that makes him melt and he can’t do anything else but tell you. 
“I was going to call you ‘my little one’”, he says with a shy smile and runs his free hand through your wet hair, the other one continuing to pour water on your scalp. 
“I like that”, you whisper and look down. 
Dr Kry smiles in relief. God, you’re so fucking cute.
“You are my little one”, he says softly. “My only little one.”
He melts at the sight of your small smile. He’ll never let anyone steal that smile from you again. He’ll never let anyone take you from him again. 
“Doctor …”, you whisper weakly as he shampoos your hair. 
“Please never leave me. He scared me so badly.”
“Never. I’ll always protect you. I’ll lock your door at night and be much, much more careful. I’ll make sure he disappears, okay?”
You nod tiredly. Dr Kry sighs and leans forward to press a promising kiss to your forehead. 
After he’s bathed you, he gives you a new hospital gown and tucks you into your bed. You hug the teddy bear and sniffle. Dr Kry glances down at the bruises around your wrists and gets filled with anger once again. He’s going to kill that psychopath. How dare he touch his darling? 
As soon as you fall asleep, Dr Kry leaves the room, locking the door behind him. He feels the handle to make sure that it's locked before scurrying away to the security room. He turns off the cameras and grabs a crowbar on his way. This motherfucker is going to die. Normally, Dr Kry doesn't like getting his hands dirty, but this time he's looking forward to it.
He opens the door to the jail cell. The man is sitting on the bench inside with his head in his hands. He looks up and his eyes widen.
"D-Dr Kry, listen, man-", he starts, trembling.
"Quiet", Dr Kry growls. "I don't want to hear a single word from you. I'm going to kill you."
"Y-You can't, the cameras-"
"Your little friend isn't the only one who can manipulate cameras." Dr Kry swings the crowbar around his hand. "No one will know who killed you and I don't think anyone will care either. You're mine to play with now."
The man goes white.
"I'm going to play with you like you played with my darling", Dr Kry says in a warning calmness and takes a step forward. "I'm going to give back for everything you did to them."
"I'll never touch them again, I promise!"
"You bet you won't. They're mine, do you hear that? Only mine. The fact that you thought you had the audacity to touch them is enough for me to kill you. But after what you've done … I'm going to make you suffer." Dr Kry towers over the trembling man. "I'm going to beat you so badly that you can't move, can't think, can't breathe. The dying part will be done by yourself."
"N-No please, I'm sorry!"
Dr Kry swings his crowbar. "Too late."
He closes the door behind him.
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