#about the lives of the people he eventually wants to protect as the wizard king
oooohno · 18 days
I never thought I would say this but Alecdora (ew) is so right in his opinion to question Yuno’s wish to become the Wizard King when Yuno failed to hold a friendly conversation with the other knights. He infuriates me to no end when he taunts Asta that he’s much more powerful & I know it’s only friendly rivalry but imo Yuno lacks that desire to connect with people. To me he seems only interested in protecting Asta & his family but that’s it. Asta makes friends along the way, he even questions why the Midnight Sun hates humans so much and even stops mid-fight to TALK!!!! Because he wants to understand what is going on!!!! I’m just pissed that Asta’s genuine care & interest in the clover community & his emotional growth as a person is rarely commented on in his rivalry with Yuno grrrr
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shellem15 · 2 months
Was scrolling through the Ludinus tag because I enjoy seeing critters drag his bony ass, and suddenly had some thoughts about ludi and the gods. Keeping the narrative roles of gods and myths in mind, I want to talk about the gods' role in Exandria on a metatextual level, and how it ties into why Ludinus is a big stupid idiot (to put it in simple terms).
So, some preface: in real life religion and mythologies, gods aren't real people (shocker, I know). But the things they represent are real; gods and myths are just ways of explaining real world phenomena. This is why their characterization can be really whack. Zeus, for example, is a dick because in real life, kings are dicks. Artemis is both a protecter of hunters and their killer because, in ancient greece, when you went out into the woods to hunt, either you came back alive or you didn't. You can't analyze the gods as real people because they're not people-- they're concepts. You always have to keep these narrative roles and the historical context in mind when reading these myths. You can't judge them by our modern morals and values, because for one these myths are from ancient times, and also because the characters in these myths aren't humans that follow human moral codes or ethics.
So, in Exandria, the gods are real. And from what we've seen so far, they exist in a weird sort of space. They are both people, and concepts; mortal-like but also not. When analyzing the gods as concepts and roles in a narrative, it's pretty clear that the gods act in ways that align with their domains. The Everlight is merciful because she represents the concept of redemption; Asmodeus is hateful and cruel because he represents tyranny and domination; the Wildmother is both nurturing and brutal because nature is both of these things. You can't remove their actions from their domains, it is an intrinsic part of themselves.
Additionally, the actions they take represent certain themes. The Changebringer defeated Asmodeus in the calamity because freedom is the only way to beat tyranny. Same with the Everlight and the Dawnfather being the ones to strike down the Crawling King (with help from the Moonweaver and the All-Father), because these two gods represent hope, which defeats despair and suffering (I know despair isn't technically Torog's domain but it fits with the rest of his character so I'm gonna throw it in there.) The Raven Queen's ascension is representative of the Age of Arcanum as a whole, of the dominance of wizards over the world. The actions of the gods cannot be separated from their domains, and they cannot be separated from the general narratives seen in Exandria.
These overarching narratives can also be seen in the actions of mortals, too. The Age of Arcanum fell because of hubris. Because mortals thought they could best the gods and the world itself and it backfired on them. It's those rich guys who tried to go to the Titanic and their submarine got imploded by the water pressure. If you fuck around, you're gonna eventually find out. You can't beat the world you live in.
This detail of besting the gods is one I want to focus on with Ludinus. His whole thing is killing the gods to get revenge and "free" Exandria. But how is killing the gods freeing Exandria? The gods are Exandria. Even if they can't physically manifest avatars, they're still a part of it. The gods, being concepts, are written into the fabric of Exandria itself; you can't separate them from the world because they are the world and the world is them.
This fact is why the complete banishment of the Betrayer Gods didn't work; they are a fundamental part of Exandria and how it functions. Their return was, narratively, inevitable, because you can't remove concepts like violence or tyranny or betrayal from the world; they are here to stay, whether you like them or not. That doesn't mean you can't minimize their impact, just that you can't remove them entirely.
This is also why the Matron's ritual did work. When she killed the god of death, she wasn't destroying the concept of death itself, just putting it under new management. The same with Vecna ascending and becoming the god of secrets-- he took over an already existing domain. No fundamental concepts were created or destroyed, it's just that the faces that represented them changed.
Ludinus, in his denial of the gods, is denying the world itself. Both the good and the bad parts of it. He thinks he can remove the gods but keep Exandria mostly intact, but that's not how that works. He's so caught up in his trauma and revenge that he misses the bigger picture. In forsaking the gods, he forsakes the world. In killing the gods, he would be killing Exandria as we know it. (And that's why he's a big dumb idiot).
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ghostenluvs · 6 months
story where some random woman becomes queen of a kingdom where the throne is said to be cursed because of all the coincidental heir-to-the-throne deaths and is absolutely not on board with this, she was perfectly content with her edge of the land territory where she could actually have a moment of peace bc people weren't constantly kicking down her doors all day about the land's horrible management problems because she actually did her job looking out for the welfare of her citizens and the entire kingdom wasn't aggressively debating her legitimacy.
so what does she do? abdicate like a normal person? no. she's extra and I want her to do things impractically so I can have a story.
so girlboss just engages in incredibly and increasingly convoluted plots to stage her own dethroning and every single time it just does the exact opposite of what she wants it to do.
fake someone else having more legit claim to the throne? accidentally uncover irrefutable evidence of the next five people in line actually having committed treason.
try and hire someone to stage a fake coup? the guys she hired fail so badly at it that they accidentally storm the wrong castle and now they're wanted next kingdom over for the most pathetic attempt at a hostile takeover in the past 600 years of recorded history.
try and get a fortune teller to fake prophesise that she'd suck as queen and needs to leave? the wizard advisor who got rid of the last 16 heirs because their vibes all sucked slides the fortune teller 20 bucks extra to prophesise the opposite.
so these two people are engaging in barely concealed to the court antics in attempts to either Not have to deal with all the crud rulers have to deal with or keep the current one in place because the past guys were all pathetic and she may hate it but she actually does her job pretty okay.
she may hate being queen but it's not like she's going to screw over the kingdom at large and it's citizens to get out of it.
eventually she gets desperate and tries to fake her kidnapping by like a dragon or something in exchange for some gold and the dragon and the wizard are old pals from fantasy hijinks college and this woman is halfheartedly yoinked from a picnic and dropped in a really tall tree literally anybody with rope and a ladder could get up and she's back grumpily drawing up ethical infrastructure upkeep plans in less than two hours.
wizard advisor grinning smugly at her while she, exhaustedly and frustrated that nobody would do this before her, signs union protections into law while her attempt of the day to go off and live in a cottage somewhere fails loudly in the background.
she just wants to sleep in past 6 am and not have to deal with big social minefield parties and also not have to deal with assassins from the families of the past 16 terribly pathetic rulers for ten seconds meanwhile court wizard ameilia is forcing her to attend alliance meetings and bringing to her attention the egregious policy failings of the past rulers that she can't just LEAVE LIKE THAT.
so this goes on until eventually most of the glaring issues have been addressed and she just realizes hey wait why didn't I just coordinate a coup with wizard ameilia so she could do all this instead since she's so insistent on fixing everything.
and then she asks and wizard ameilia admits that she also hates paperwork but somebody had to do it.
and then she just pettily throws the contents of her inkwell at her and goes back to reversing some random past king's dumb law he made because he wanted to save face for some dumb embarrassing thing he did while also writing herself a not to assign wizard woman ameilia nine extra court responsibilities and an apprentice so if the next ruler after her sucks at their job they can force some random person with some level of morals into enacting ethical policy too.
this probably makes no sense and I am writing this 46 minutes past midnight but I think it's funny and if I actually put this into chaptered writing I am not really focusing on the ethics or political side of things. I am entirely doing this just to see how far into absurdity I can push this woman's 'someone please dethrone me I need a nap' plotting.
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
Joseph Quinn Characters' Favorite Disney Movies
(according to wheels, who definitely spent a normal amount of time on this)
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EDDIE MUNSON The Sword in the Stone. He's probably a Peter Pan enthusiast too, but the one where the gangly orphan is found by a bad-ass wizard who takes him on adventures and teaches him magic, and he eventually becomes king? That's the stuff fantasies are made of. Eddie Munson's fantasies, to be exact. Bet he totally had an owl obsession at some point because of Archimedes. Deep Cut: Not that I think Eddie has a thing for knights or anything, but Unidentified Flying Oddball. Obscure movie about a nerd in a spaceship accidentally landing in Camelot? Time travel, fair maidens, and weird humor? Eddie would eat it up.
Billy, Ralph, Tom, Leonard and Enjolras below the cut!
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BILLY KNIGHT Dumbo. He calls it his comfort movie, but the poor boy cries during "Baby Mine" every single time. And when Mrs. Jumbo gets locked up. (She was just trying to protect her baby!) And the ending, but those are different kinds of tears. Will also cry if anyone considers killing a mouse instead of doing a catch-and-release. Think of Timothy! Deep Cut: Follow Me, Boys! It's a feel-good found-family movie about a musician who falls in love with a small town that learns to love him back. Minimal trauma, son of a drunk gets a loving family and an ideal father figure, happy endings for everyone!
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RALPH PENBURY Mary Poppins. It's fun, it's magical, Ralph wishes he had a nanny that cool. He loves the mixture of live-action and animation, and never stops wondering how they did it. "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" is one of his favorite words, and he WILL try to work it into everyday conversation. And you know what? He can kind of pull it off. Deep Cut: Babes in Toyland. It's dramatic, it's romantic, it has epic musical numbers, and it ends with a fabulous wedding. It's everything Ralph wants in a picture!
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TOM GRANT The Lion King. It's a classic story told with awesome animals and unforgettable songs. Tom's love of this movie has nothing to do with the fact that Simba reunites with his childhood sweetheart and gets to keep her and rule the kingdom and whatnot. No projection here. Just a good guy enjoying a good movie. Shut up. Deep Cut: Swiss Family Robinson. A family on a deserted island fends for themselves against tigers and pirates and the elements, oh my! And that treehouse? He's definitely spent a bit of time fantasizing about building one of those for himself.
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LEONARD BAST The Great Mouse Detective. I know this feels like a Literary Nerd Cop-Out, but this movie is so clever and full of adventure. Offers a new perspective on a great many subjects - not just the giant toys that aren't freaky at all. Len has no comment on the mouse hookers. Deep Cut: Darby O'Gill and the Little People. Those effects? In the 1950s? CINEMA!
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ENJOLRAS Robin Hood. Vigilante steals from The Man to give to The People? C'mon. Deep Cut: The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh. A vicar in a scarecrow mask leads a gang of smugglers on nighttime missions to evade taxes and the king's goons, thwarting tyranny with street smarts and help from the community at every turn.
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so basically in this au ralsei isn't the prince of the dark, he's just some kid (part boss monster part shadow monster). i already explained how he ended up in the adoption center here. that's basically the premise 0_0
susie and him are close buddies because they were in the same adoption center and susie became protective over him because the other kids made fun of him. over time they became like siblings so they never managed to get adopted because they didn't want to go if they couldn't go together, and since they were very different species there weren't any parents who were able to take care of both. so eventually they just ran away and are now living in hometown.
they've been in hometown for two years (currently they're both 16) so they aren't that new............ they're not really friends with anyone but That's Subject To Change.
(they live in one of the apartments in the complex, the landlord let them stay because people just Didn't move to hometown anymore. they just help them clean and go grocery shopping for them (i still have to decide who the landlord is lol) in exchange for the house. also as soon as they got old enough they started doing little jobs (susie helps at 'sans, ralsei helps at the flower king) so they're "basically fine" (no they're not))
^ outdated, they got surprise adopted by sans 😈😈
susie really disliked kris at first because they had a happy loving family, but then learned that there's more to them... they're also a huge dweeb
since ralsei isn't in the dark world anymore there's someone else in castle town, his name is earlis and he's made out of a heart shaped locket that kris lost as a kid. he's rude to anyone who isn't part of the prophecy and is hopelessly in love with kris (despite only knowing them for two days...) which kris finds a bit weird but. they still want to be friends. earlis especially hates ralsei because he's not even part of the prophecy, and yet kris treats him with basic respect and even finds his dark world powers cool?!?!? FOR SHAME!!!! susie's part of the prophecy so he doesn't necessarily dislike her, he just hates the people she associates with....
his character arc over the chapters would involve him learning to be less judgemental and overcome his Darkner Struggles. also he will be friends with everyone and become less of an asshole
in chapter two he makes rooms for everyone except ralsei, for whom he places a dog bed inside susie's room. one day he will give him a normal bed
ralsei's still a wizard of sorts, but he's more of an evil shadow man you know. he uses shadow magic which is useful for putting enemies to sleep in one way or another (spooooookyyyyyyy).. kris thinks it's cool. susie also thinks it's cool. everyone thinks it's cool except earlis.
earlis's magic is basic bard abilities, he has a heart shaped string instrument which he can use to heal or hypnotize ET CETERA ET CETERA
susie and kris don't change much lol
sooz and rals go with lancer while earlis goes around with kris, acting like a shoujo protagonist ("omg kris you're giving the ribbon to me????? do you think i would look cuter.." "your defense is shit") and he encourages pacifism (just to make r & s sound like Brutal Evil Killars) despite being the world's biggest violence fan. he is a bit of a hypocrite
everything goes about as well as you can imagine but at some point susie and ralsei have a conversation about the whole sooz being overprotective thing. ralsei says he's not five anymore and can defend himself pretty well and susie apologizes for her behavior 💔😢 they firends. sbiblings
it's!!! normal cyber world stuff!!! but with two goat boys!!!!!!!
ralsei's popup ads are "humans 4 monsters in ur area" and he starts crying about how he thought it was a friend making site, "dragon blazers rom hack working 20XX" and he installs a virus on the popup, and "shadow wizard money gang"
earlis's popup ads are "how to make them fall for you qwikihow", "cool blue knight dating sim" and "learn to curse someone in ten easy steps". self explanatory
in ralsei's room in queen's castle he has pixelated kittens from his search "kittycat pixel gif", "minecrap cat gif", "pixel gif cat" etc... a poster of a goth band from "disintegration album streaming free", and a list of names taped to the wall from "names that start with ral" (hes trying 2 find his parents...)
earlis doesn't have a room. he becomes a butler 👻
for the ferris wheel / acid tunnel they split up like this
susie goes on da ferris with noelle
ralsei goes on da boat with kris (didn't want to ruin the moment for susie)
earlis gets stuck on berdly duty
sus and elle talk about normal girl stuff. ralsei and kris talk about being orphans. earlis rants to berdly about how much he deserves to be kris's babygirl and berdly thinks he's hallucinating. very nice and cool
blah blah the roaring is coming waaaaahhh they go have a sleepover at kris's. new fountain who dis
that's basically it gamers... LIKE AND SUB
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fantasyroyalfamily · 6 months
The Princess and The Frog (A Vampire/Were Wolf Story- Sims 4)
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Once upon a time, there lived a princess from the Kingdom of Wolf Bay (Sims 4 Worlds: Brindleton Bay). However, in this world, this particular princess was half vampire/werewolf, which made her one of the most powerful beings in the world.
Princess Tiana was strong, beautiful, and intelligent, but she sometimes had a hard time controlling her lustful behavior. One day, as she roamed her Kingdom, she bumped into a man who had been disfigured to look like a frog and had no memory of who had caused his curse. The frog begged for help, so Tiana decided to help the frog in the condition that he would give his blood to her. Tiana smelled something different about this gentle frog, so she couldn't help herself. In the end, Mr. Frog agreed.
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Tiana wanted to find out more about the Frog curse. She decided to visit Lady Zami, who was one of her father's concubines. Despite being older than Tiana and her father combined, Lady Zami didn't have much information about the curse. However, she did mention that Lady Rain, the only Wizard in the Kingdom, might have the answers that Tiana was looking for.
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Tiana traveled to Lady Rain's home, but felt uncomfortable speaking to the Wizard. She was too curious about Mr. Frog, so she pushed herself into her home. Upon arrival, Lady Rain was initially resistant but eventually confessed the truth about Mr. Frog.
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Lady Rain confided in Tiana that she was responsible for the curse on Mr. Frog because he knew a secret about the Queen, Tiana's mother. Confused, Tiana asked what secret it was. Lady Rain revealed that Mr. Frog was actually a Duke from a neighboring kingdom who had come to ask for Tiana's hand in marriage. However, Tiana's father had denied the request and as Mr. Frog was leaving, he witnessed Tiana's mother having an affair with another man. Tiana was still confused as why would the affair matter if it was a custom of the Kingdom to have more than one partner, so Lady Rain continued, explaining that Tiana's father had made a deal with Tiana’s mother to keep herself away from her own lover due to he was a half human and vampire, which would cause chaos in the Kingdom if anyone was to know.
Lady Rain confessed that the Queen had forced her to curse Mr. Frog because he had discovered the affair between Tiana's mother and the other man.
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Tiana was not surprised by her parents' behavior, but she knew she didn’t want that for herself. In the end, she learned to break the curse and informed her father of the truth, which led to the execution of the Queen, her mother, who she had no close relationship.
Tiana told Mr. Frog everything that she learned from Lady Rain, and with just one kiss the curse was broken.
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A year later, and after some convincing, She finally married Mr. Frog (Duke Clyde). She made a deal with her father that she would have a second marriage with Lord Maro Baywolf, a distant cousin. Part of this agreement is that her first born from her and Clyde will be the next ruler of Wolf Bay.
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Image Order from left to right (King Ronan -Tiana's Father, Lord Maro, Kyrana & Maro II- Maro & Tiana children, Princess Tiana and her husband Clyde, and her son Naveen)
So Tiana had her huge family , but compare to her father she dreamt of a different Kingdom, a larger Kingdom. She made arrangement between Lunara (Werewolf Kingdom) 's princess and her son Naveen, but also marriage between her son and the Princess of Dracu Hollow (Vampire Kingdom). She hope to make strong to protect all her subjects, but she is unaware of the dangers that roam in the dark.
The majority of Tiana's people is human while the minority are hybrid (hald vampire/half werewolf). Lunara's people does not agree with mixing their blood with other beings.
Another dilemma is Clyde's blood made Tiana temporally human whenever she would drink it, which led to the birth of her son Naveen being human while Kyrana and Maro II were born Hybrid.
We will see in the future would happen to this family and how it will impact the future of the Kingdoms. Will it be peace or tragic death?
We will see.
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corvuserpens · 2 years
We mercilessly bully Morpheus for being an asshat, which he is, but right now I want to give him some love because I had a bit of a revelation after I finished reading the comics. Suicide mention trigger below.
In the last issue of The Sandman, The Tempest, Dream says he would never abandon his “island”, and that’s why he comissioned a play about a wizard who turns his back on magic to go live as a regular man from Shakespeare. 
That’s not my point, though. People smarter than me have already written some great (and heartwrenching) meta on that issue.
My point is: yeah, he could never abandon the Dreaming the same way Destruction abandoned his role/responsibilities. This is the reason he wanted to die, he thought it was the only way to be free from his duty as the King of Dreams. He does die eventually, as we know... but not without leaving the Dreaming in order, nor his subjects safe and provided for with a new aspect of Dream to rule and protect them. Not without saying goodbye to Hob, without freeing Calliope and making peace with her, without granting Orpheus the eternal rest he wanted. 
He wasn’t so selfish he would just disappear without making sure he had tied all lose ends first and make sure everyone would be alright without him. Dream loved all his subjects, all his friends, all his family so much, and I wish that had been enough to deter him. I really do. I wish someone would have looked out for him the same way he would look out for everybody he held dear. 
Idk man *shrugs* Guess I kinda feel like he deserved a better fate, despite his despicable actions pre-fishbowl.
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land-of-unsainted · 1 year
well this took way to long to get to
Anyways here’s the official main characters post
As mentioned before, every kingdom is based on a county in Europe, in case you have any questions about the random flags
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Marigold Magnolia, usually called Mari, is a citizen of Alderlot (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿), kingdom of plantlife, they were not born there however. They lived with their adoptive parents and helped them out with their restaurant while also working as a vigilante protecting their kingdom. the king and queen of Alderlot assigned them to leave to go out, find the escaped threat Princess Onyx and bring her back to her kingdom protect her from bounty hunters. Mari is very patient and laid back, very slow to anger but easily mildly annoyed. They’re a bit shy and speak in a flat tone. They hate plans changing and like to follow strict routines and patterns. They like playing the violin and writing poetry and are very skilled in both. After being annoyed by Onyx’s antics for a long time, they would eventually fall in love with her through means in which I cannot spoil. They get along very well with Triton and Anastasia but they don’t want to get close to anyone. They’re also autistic and have OCD
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Princess Onyx (she rarely uses her last names) is the princess of Duleahan (🇮🇪, father’s side), kingdom of death, mortality, and afterlife and also technically the kingdom of stone (🇭🇺, mother’s side), which I have yet to come up with a name for. Due to being born of two different royals, she is extremely powerful and is labeled as a threat to society, a badge she wears with absolute pride. She harnesses the ability to move mountains and masses of land, as well as the ability to raise the dead, talk to spirits, and even easily save a person’s life. Due to being the most powerful and dangerous person on earth, Onyx is kept safe in her father’s castle in Duleahan, but she would eventually escape after realizing she wanted to see the world for herself. this woman is fucking crazy. She’s a selfish, egotistical, self obsessed, snarky, smug, unhinged maniac who likes to kill people for fun. She knows she’s the most powerful person alive and abuses that label as much as possible. This has given her the title “Angel of Death”. She would kill an innocent person if she wanted to but she only kills demons and truly horrible people, not because she cares for the people affected by their actions, but because she gets a feeling of satisfaction from it that she doesn’t get from hurting innocents. Aside from that, she also loves reading both fiction and non fiction. She’s also very sex obsessed and will flirt and/or sleep with any woman or non binary adult that lets her. Onyx doesn’t exactly care what you say about her however she HATES being infantilized and will tear apart anyone who does as such. She loves to flirt endlessly with Mari just to mess with them until she realized she was in love with them and then suddenly flirting wasn’t so easy. She and Triton are best friends who constantly get into wacky shenanigans that usually end up in at least one bleeding corpse. She loves pissing off Anastasia though she doesn’t share the same hatred that Ana has for her. She’s also autistic and has c-ptsd, genetically inherited from her father.
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Prince Triton Thalassa is the prince of Poseidynthus (🇬🇷), kingdom of the seas. Unlike most other royals, Triton wasn’t born with any sort of magic (aside from the ability to breathe underwater, which all Poseidynthiens have), as a side affect of his twin sister, Siren, being cursed at birth. To make up for not inheriting the family power, the royal wizards gave him the ability to communicate with sea life and summon a trident at will. Due to this, he’s grown very close to the village people of his kingdom and sometimes helps them out with tasks while also fighting off criminals. Despite being the “weakest” of the four, he is a very skilled warrior and was tasked to join Marigold on their journey to find the escaped princess, Onyx. Triton is a very kind and selfless person, a little too much for his own good in fact. He’s a massive people pleaser and has a big savior complex. He gets attached to people easily and has horrible abandonment issues. He tries to stay positive but really he’s extremely depressed and filled with self hate. He has a problem with self destructive behavior and has thrown himself into many relationships throughout his life that end horribly and don’t even last a month. To add on to his list of issues he has really bad identity issues, questioning if he really is a royal or if he was lied to his whole life. Even though he is classified as a warrior he actually considers himself a guardian, and prefers fighting with the intention of protecting. Triton prefers to negotiate with his opponents before fighting and he doesn’t like to kill people, however he will absolutely fight someone if they are deemed a genuine threat. He loves talking to fish, reading, and helping people with tasks. He’s not exactly a vegetarian but he refuses to eat any sort of sea life aside from vegetation. Triton is the only one out of the whole group who can get along with everyone. Marigold finds him to be the easiest one to talk to and he is very close to Onyx and Anastasia. He also has ADHD and BPD
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Anastasia Serebryanyy Moroz is a powerful soldier from the kingdom of Moskrestrova (🇷🇺), kingdom of ice. She came from a very poor family and was abducted and drafted into the military at 7. She spent 20 years being tortured and experimented on to make her the most powerful super soldier in Moskrestrovian history. However after a major slip up, she was forced to escape her kingdom and join Marigold, Onyx, and Triton, to avoid being arrested. She was given the ability to bend and create ice and snow at will, which she typically uses for creating weapons like her ice claws, and is also EXTREMELY strong, so strong in fact that she can lift entire houses and break metal just by biting into it. She is an absolutely VICIOUS soldier, so much so that most would rather off themselves than have to die at her hands. Despite her bloodlust and violent anger issues, Anastasia is a big innocent sweetheart once you get to know her. She loves children and highly values their innocence, as hers was taken from her a long time ago. She’s also a massive airhead and pretty naïve. She may look scary (and she is) but deep down she just wants to be treated like a person, and thus is why she fell in love with Triton, the first person to do so in years. She became super protective of him ever since she started to realize her feelings. She doesn’t have much of a relationship with Marigold outside of mutual respect. On the other hand however, Ana completely DESPISES Onyx for her selfishness and ego, even though Onyx doesn’t feel the same way and sometimes just likes to annoy her. Ana also has c-ptsd
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the-butterfly-blues · 3 years
The Ring-Bearer
Chapter List
Cancelled Until Further Notice
(There is a chance I’ll come back or rewrite this in the future, but I have no motivation to continue this and I don’t wish to give you bad content. I am sorry)
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An eventual Legolas x Female Reader
There are quite a few people in Middle-Earth that are well aware of the story of the rings and the War of the Last Alliance, this including the five wizards, Galadriel, Elrond, and Thranduil. Though, what they do not know is that another ring was created by the Elves of Eregion the night before Sauron revealed his true intentions. Considering it was not made by Sauron, nor was it overlooked by him, the wearer could not fall under his control. As the years pass, the ring soon finds itself waiting in the catacombs of Minas Ithil for its bearer. Fate is set in stone when a young knight comes upon it accidentally. Many years pass by when the knight is soon requested to join a company of dwarves. The journey is long, but not a treacherous as she was expecting. In joining this band of odd travelers, she finds herself falling for the elven prince of Mirkwood.
Prologue/Teaser/Slight Background Information
Chapter One: Gandalf leads the company into the woods in search for a young woman rumored to be ageless. He wishes for her to join them because of both skill and curiosity.
Chapter Two: Joining the company, [Name] still keeps her guard up and rightfully so. When Thorin doesn’t listen to her worries, the dwarves find themselves in a tight, burlap-esque, situation.
Chapter Three: After slaughtering trolls, [Name] had hoped that that would be all for the next few days, but luck is not on her side as Thorin’s Company is being hunted by orcs. The elves are kind enough to share their food and offer their assistance, but upon resting in Rivendell, her time in Minas Ithil is brought up, bringing back memories she had kept at bay for so many years.
Chapter Four: Kíli and Fíli start to become more attached to the knight as she reassures and protects them both. And when faced with stone giants, she finds that they’re the least of her worries as Thorin is persistent in learning more about Talion, reminding her of exactly how long it has been since she’s seen her Gondorian Ranger.
Chapter Five: After an eventful day, all they want is a few hours of rest, sadly, they’re met with a horrid looking creature that calls himself a King.
Chapter Six: Tossed into the frying pan, they fight for their lives, though two of them seem to have a close encounter with death and Bilbo believes one of them to be his fault while Thorin shows his gratitude by helping patch the wound.
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PART 1 of 6 of the Owl Deity Hooty Theory
(TLDR at bottom of post)
Over several long months of research and analysis since March of 2020, I have been following an utterly fascinating thread of potential misdirection and subtle details throughout The Owl House, and today, I would like to start weaving together of what I believe could become one of the biggest and most cleverly disguised twists in the entire show.
To begin, let’s take a look at the B plot of Understanding Willow:
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On first glance, it’s an ultimately inconsequential sidestory with the sole purpose of justifying an excuse to keep Luz and Amity in Willow’s mind, as well as providing some well-needed room to breathe and release tension after the veryemotionally charged confrontation with Inner Willow. After half an episode of Eda and King outdoing the other in ridiculous ways to win Gus’ vote and Gus running off in frustration at the end of the episode from Hooty’s inane rambling, it’s easy to laugh off Gus’ pick and assume that nothing/of value was said when he closed the door for the interview.
However, if one pays close attention to that very scene, Hooty actually canstill be heard (if faintly) underneath Eda and King’s grumbling, interestingly talking about how “It all started with a hunt. Blood red skies. That’s right, I was created-.”
Now, while it may seem silly to focus on dialogue from Hooty of all characters, this A) tells us that there was an event in the past involving blood red skies and a hunt of some kind, B) that Hooty had been created close to said event, and C) implies that what he knows but can’t tell as a story worth a damn is EXTREMELY important to be included and be hidden in such a manner.
For comparison, the only other instance of dialogue being tucked away in the background in the entire show is in Wing It Like Witches:
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During the lecture at the beginning of the episode, the history teacher openswith lore on Belos appointing a head witch to each coven over 50 years ago, immediately cluing in the audience to try and decipher the rest of the lecture as it moves to the background. Adding to this is how the musical sting when Luz shows off her movie obscures what he says even further, making it even more of a intriguing puzzle that the creators clearly intended for viewers to pick up on and attempt to solve.
In contrast, the hidden dialogue of Hooty’s interview is much shorter and not as hard to decipher as the teacher’s history lesson, but at the same time, there are few to no indicators whatsoever in that scene to clue in the audience to even check for something like that. It comes at the end of an episode where most viewers would have been paradoxically tired out and driven abuzz by the revelations of Amity and Willow’s relationship, doesn’t attempt to draw much attention to itself, and frames itself as a comedic subversion of audience expectations with neither the “greatest witch who ever lived” or the self-proclaimed king of demons being picked by Gus.
Instead, he picks someone that the show portrays constantly as an oblivious and gullible idiot after being described as a “state of the art defense system” at the very beginning of the series. Someone who, despite it being played for laughs, is scarily capable of casually subduing Lilith offscreen one episode and then beating her and an entire squad of Emperor’s Coven members without even the slightest change in personality or temperament.
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Someone who, due to being the Owl House itself, could be considered the titular character of the entire show, yet is taken for granted by those who inhabit him and barely gets any respect from even the cutely patronized King - including when Hooty could be interpreted as having potentially been full on DEAD for a time given the use of extremely cartoony X eyes and a lack of vital signs in The Intruder.
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And someone who Eda at best tolerates and at worst abandons in personal interactions and only occasionally acknowledges him when he’s actually doing his job. Yet at the same time is so implicitly trusted beyondprotecting her home to the point where - when up against the closest person Eda has to an equal outside of likely Belos - the only actually recognizable spells Eda used in combat were 1) stereotypical energy blasts, 2) a single shield spell in Covention, and 3) a noticeably large reliance on imitations of Hooty above any other spells she could have decided to use instead.
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In short, the show repeatedly tells us he is just an idiotic gag character through and through, but at the same time demonstrates he has immense power through both onscreen and offscreen demonstrations, implicitly tells us his importance ahead of time through Eda’s imitations in actually serious situations, and treats his interview and origin story as - if not even more- important to keep secret than a long lore dump about how Belos’ reign works.
After all, there being only two instances of hidden background dialogue in the entire season is already intriguing on its own, but for one to get plenty of clues to draw in people’s attention and for the other to be treated as just another gag about a “mere comic relief character” - aka a good way to draw away attention and lower one’s guard - heavily suggests a far deeper significance buried under layers of misdirection, comedy, and conditioned audience expectations.
I mean, when Eda bragged about being “a bad girl living in a secret fortress,” Hooty followed with a remark about how “I’m the secret.” While that line may sound like Hooty simply being confused as part of a one-off on the surface, it’s an odd dialogue choice for the writers to pick when you think about all the other reminders of his nature as the house itself throughout the season. With the precedent these moments set, it would have been much more appropriate for him to latch onto the “fortress” side of “secret fortress” AND it would have been just as equally funny of a joke about his awareness skills, but instead, Hooty broke away from the established trend to say something that would make people suspicious were it to come from anyone else.
In a way, this reminds me much of the many subtle bits of foreshadowing strewn across the show, like Luz unknowingly describing Amity in Witches Before Wizards and Eda burning a hole through Luz’s coven type quiz that coincidentally selected the same track she had taken at Hexside as “a punky potionist.” At the time of airing, these initially seemed like one-off jokes, but eventually came back in full force several episodes later with Amity’s hidden sensitive feelings and love for the Azura books becoming clear in Lost in Language, and the reveal of Eda’s school track in Something Ventured, Someone Framed with her school misdemeanor pictures.
That said, compared to these individual bits of minor foreshadowing, the jokes about Hooty in Understanding Willow appear to simply be the most obvious pieces in a giant puzzle, implicitly and outright telling attentive viewers that there’s a major mystery to be uncovered here.
In fact, I feel bold enough to say that we could be looking at a twist on a similar scale to that of the Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz and Stanford Pines twists in Steven Universe and Gravity Falls respectively, what with this particular puzzle piece coming from how Gus wanted to make THE greatest interview of all time, and how he was looking for someone who was “interesting, accomplished, AND noteworthy:”
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Note the emphasis on the ‘and’ here, as Gus had made a big deal that “people aren’t meantto be all those things” at the beginning of the episode, so as a result, stripping away all the comedic framing of his subplot leaves the intriguing implication that whoever - and, perhaps, what- Hooty is, they really are the most interesting, accomplished, AND noteworthy person out of everyone.
I could go further and talk about why I suspect the mystery surrounding King’s origins, whether true or not, is partially meant to misdirect us from paying attention to Hooty, or how the TOH crew’s could be disguising legitimate clues to his nature among made up and highly meme-able joke answers in order to proliferate said concepts throughout the fandom - thus letting us do all the dirty work of getting ourselves used to the ideas and used to dismissing them at the same time - but to bring things to a close for now, I’d like to leave you all with a question that I’ll start answering next time:
What does it mean when both the most powerful and notorious witch on the Boiling Isles and the possible actual king of demons/the Titan itself/something don’t match up to a house? And what do you think it is that makes him so special to warrant such misdirection?
TLDR: Between Eda’s golem spells, the show stressing his nature as the titular house, his implicit strength, and the odd dialogue and structure of Understanding Willow‘s subplot in relation to him, I believe I have good reason to suspect the show has been giving us many hints towards Hooty being much, much more important than it would like us to currently believe or even joke about. Particularly, through clever uses of comedy to establish and enforce a strong audience bias against looking closely at him or unironically taking him seriously, and to potentially plant the seeds for something I will start exploring in Part 2.
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volturiwolf · 3 years
The Volturi Princess - A Felix Volturi x fem!Reader Story (part 1)
A/N: This is the first Volturi- and Twilight-related story I ever started writing and it is quite long and elaborated/complex, as I tend to overanalyze in many parts. I have wrote a few parts until now and I'll be uploading them in the future. I have been quite emotional throughout writing it, trying to understand the reader's point of view.
A/N 2: I'm sorry if something doesn't make sense. English is not my first language. I also include Italian through the story, with translation, but I'm not a native or a speaker, so I'd like to apologize in advance to those who speak Italian. Enjoy :)
A/N 3: According to "The Amagi" on Youtube, Felix was born in 250 BC (their thumbnail), so I used that in my story.
No of Words: about 5347
Mentions of: Abandonment, Abortion, Anxiety, Blood, Bruises, Coma/Comatosed State, Death Emotional Abuse, Emotional and Physical Pain, Gaslighting, Greece/Greek Language - with translation, Heartbreak, Italian Language - with translation, Manipulation, Murder, Pain, Panic Attacks, Pregnancy, Suffering, Suicide/Suicidal Thoughts, Swear Language, Throwing Up/Puking, Witches/Wizards/Witchcraft
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My heart felt heavy. I may have just escaped the cruelest vampire of all, but I also ran away from the love of my life, my mate, the only person who could fully understand me in this world. I asked him to run away with me, but, although our bond was strong, he felt obliged to stay loyal to his master, his creator. I drove as fast as I could, away from the sunny Volterra, and away from him.
(Y/N) grew up quite privileged, in Vampire terms. Being born into the Volturi coven was something many vampires could only dream about. (Y/N) was abandoned by her parents when she was a baby, but Aro, one of the three Volturi leaders, took her under his protection, and offered her more things than she could ever have imagined. After all, she was his only biological granddaughter, the “Volturi princess”, an heiress to the throne; her mother lost that “privilege” when she met and fell in love with a wizard.
(Y/N)’s mother soon got pregnant with her, and then later turned her husband into a vampire to help her with her pregnancy, and stay together forever. However, (Y/N)’s parents couldn’t raise her because they wanted to run free and careless, not commit to anything permanent, so Aro took over and raised his granddaughter with the highest honors and privileges, “as a princess should be raised”.
(Y/N) was a mix of Vampire, Witch and Human, due to the grandmother, Sulpicia, being human when Aro found her; Sulpicia later fell pregnant with (Y/N)’s mother, and Aro transformed her to vampire, as he had planned all along. Aro raised (Y/N) according to his own rules and morals, teaching her how to kill humans to feed from, how to attack and slip away from her opponents, how to lead other vampires, and most importantly, how to keep her identity and existence a secret, not only to humans, but other non-Volturi vampires as well. No one could know that there was a possibility of a vampire having a child with a human, and that the child could be effectively controlled and raised as a regular vampire.
As (Y/N) grew older and older, reaching the human age of 25 within 7 years of her birth, Aro would spend more and more time with her, examining and studying her possibilities and her potential powers’ development. (Y/N) grew up to be extremely strong and fast, an excellent tracker with great intelligence and understanding of the world around her. However, Aro could not risk sending her to “Volturi duties”. She was his hope for a stronger coven; with (Y/N) in the throne, Aro felt like he could conquer the vampire world with ease.
That’s why he was always searching for the best guards he could find, to protect the coven and do his work instead of himself, Caius, or (Y/N). He couldn’t rely on Marcus, as he proved to be too emotional since Didyme died, but was still valuable for his plan. Caius, on the other hand, although powerless, was far more sadistic and “diligent” in following vampire rules, and (Y/N)... (Y/N) was just too obedient, following every order Aro gave her - a strong asset for the Volturi.
Aro was changing guards and trackers quite easily, disposing them when they were no longer needed or when he found better ones. He needed talented and strong vampires to serve the coven and do their work.
Chelsea was the very first vampire Aro created solely to serve the Volturi, after recognizing her potential when she was human. Chelsea’s gift of relationship manipulation was truly useful in bringing new vampires into the coven and was used thousands of times during Volturi's reign. It could also easily dispose of them, making their bonds with other vampires break at will; those vampires were isolated by the other vampires and then killed - Aro couldn’t risk letting them get away knowing the Volturi’s secrets and life.
About 100 years later, Corin joined the Volturi, just a couple decades after (Y/N)’s birth. Corin’s gift of addictive contentment was the one which kept Marcus in the Volturi after Didyme’s death - along with Chelsea’s to make him committed to Aro’s greater plans, and was also used on Sulpicia, Athenadora and any other vampire in the Volturi guard to keep them satisfied being in the Volturi. Under Aro’s instructions, Corin was keeping Chelsea content with being in the Volturi, and Chelsea was keeping Corin loyal to them, each of them using their gifts against each other, without their knowledge.
Sometime between 230 and 220 BC, while travelling in Rome, searching for additional vampires to add to the coven, Aro supposedly met a young, strong and ambitious fighter, who wished to become a gladiator one day, named Felix. Felix did not only look, but also was physically capable of fighting even with beasts, during his short time as a fighter, way before the Colosseum was built. Born into a poor family, his strength was his only way of making money, and becoming a gladiator was his only way out of poverty, a way to provide for both his family and himself.
When his family was almost imprisoned by Roman army officers for outstanding debts, Felix was forced to make a deal with them to fight, in whatever they ordered him to. Fighting turned out to be the only way for Felix to deal with his emotions and rage towards people in power. When Aro approached Felix, he was promised a good life, where he wouldn’t have to worry about surviving another day. Felix did not seem willing enough, not being fond of the idea of serving people in power, who he so despised.
Luckily for Aro, Chelsea was the one who “convinced” Felix to join the Volturi guard, with Aro changing him afterwards. Unlike previous guards, Felix showed impeccable strength, speed and talent towards both dodging and initiating attacks, eventually making him a permanent member in the Volturi Guard, along with Chelsea and Corin.
Felix was assigned as the leading guard for the three kings’ protection, this role extending to the protection of their two wives and (Y/N); though Aro knew that, if it came to anyone attacking his granddaughter, she would be able to handle it by herself. However, he still wanted to make sure that she was safe and that Aro would do anything to protect her.
For about a couple millennias, (Y/N) was content with her situation, being the “Volturi princess” and all that. Besides, having Felix in the Volturi was another reason to stay in the coven, apart from staying loyal and true to Aro for taking her in, when she was abandoned.
Every time Felix looked into her eyes, she felt her whole body burn - though, it wasn’t a feeling of suffering, rather a feeling of longing, waiting for something to happen so badly that her body couldn’t control itself. Although she was partially a vampire, (Y/N) would feel like she couldn’t breathe, like her legs were ready to give up on her, like she wanted to grab Felix and never let go.
Felix, although not admitting it even to himself, would feel the same way, but he knew that his position would not allow him to approach (Y/N) in such a way. He was just a guard - although he was the strongest of them all, and she was the Volturi princess, one of his masters, whom he was only allowed to approach in order to protect. He didn’t want Aro to know he saw his granddaughter like that; it could cost him his position in the guard, or even his life. So, he kept these feelings deep within him, not allowing them to resurface, or act upon them.
However, every time these two existed at the same place, the invisible sparks between them would fly left and right. And only one vampire was able to see them. One who hadn’t felt these sparks in centuries.
(Y/N)’s POV:
I yawned loudly as I woke from a long, much needed sleep. I was the only vampire around who was able to sleep, mostly due to my non-vampire natures. I didn't really need to sleep on a regular basis, but when I did, I could literally sleep 3 days straight and nobody would be able to wake me up. “For my own protection”, as Aro said, I would always have at least two guards outside of my room’s door, in case anything happened while I was sleeping. Like what could even happen? My room was at the furthest side of this huge castle. I’m pretty sure that if there ever was an attack against the Volturi, it would most probably have been dealt with immediately, and the attacker wouldn’t make it anywhere near my room.
I felt the warm sun on my skin, slightly glowing and sparkling beautifully. My eyes, mostly (Y/E/C) with a golden ring around the pupil, could easily adjust to the light. Unlike the other vampires, I could easily live among humans; I could sleep, eat human food, my skin not being as sparkly as others, and I could control my thirst far better than others.
Since Jane and Alec joined the coven, Aro would show an immense interest in them and their skills, helping them train daily and develop their powers further, eventually forgetting about me. I would spend more and more days away from the castle, “protected” by my anonymity, getting to know humans more and more. The longer I was observing them, the more they would trigger my interest in them. They could feel true emotions, real pain, real hurt, real love. They had their families, they received an unconditional love that I could never have.
Unbeknownst to Aro or anyone else for that matter, I have started developing new powers, similar to the other vampires in the Volturi coven or anyone else outside of it. I have also started noticing that I may have an immunity towards others’ talents, feeling that neither Corin’s addictive contentment made me satisfied with being in the Volturi, nor Chelsea’s relationship manipulation could keep me loyal to Aro anymore. If it weren’t for Felix, or Demetri and the Twins, who have all become my best friends by now, I would have probably left.
A vampire named Carlisle Cullen had visited the Volturi and stayed with us for a while, about 100 years ago. He saw the way the Volturi treated humans like they were nothing, and how they were as cruel as to kill other vampires, with the excuse that they were exposing our kind with the way they lived. Entire covens had been wiped out due to such excuses, a way to eliminate potential enemies from becoming too powerful and find as many talented vampires as possible and force them to join the Volturi.
Carlisle was talking about a new way of life, where vampires wouldn’t have to kill humans to survive, a life where vampires and humans could live in peace, without harming each other. He was insisting that vampires could survive on animal blood just as efficiently as with human blood; that animal blood would not make them weaker, and that it would be a much more ethical and sustainable way to feed.
Of course, Aro and Caius were the first ones to mock his proposition, clearly not caring about humans’ feelings and pain. Marcus did not budge at all, his heartache making him indifferent to anything around him. But I was growing more and more interested in this alternative way of life; I was, after all, feeding on human food already, so that I was feeding on human blood as little as I could.
It was a few years after Carlisle left Volterra that Eleazar joined the Volturi. Aro forced him to join after finding out he could detect if someone had any special ability. Aro considered his gift useful in identifying if any of his enemies had any special power when in battles, or when he sent Eleazar around the world to recruit talented vampires.
Eleazar was clearly not liking the way the Volturi forced their ways and wants on others, and how they could take advantage of others for their own benefit. I could just sense that he was displeased and was forcing himself to stay in the coven, one, due to Corin’s and Chelsea’s gifts, and two, out of fear of what could happen to him and his mate, Carmen.
Carmen, a vampire from Spain, like Eleazar, met with Eleazar while he was a guard here, they fell in love, and eventually, Eleazar decided to leave the Volturi and run away with Carmen. Aro decided that he did not care about him and his gift as much as others’, so he let him go unharmed, “blessing” them for safe travels.
Just a few days before he left, I consulted him on my own powers. Though a lower member of the guard, Eleazar had his own room, a decent place to stay, and spend his endless hours in. I knocked slightly on the door.
“Come in”, a calm voice was heard. I opened the door and came into his room. Carmen was sitting on the edge of their bed and Eleazar was reading a book on his desk. They both smiled sweetly. I just felt and knew they were too nice to fit anywhere in here, among the cruel and strict Volturi.
“(Y/N)! So nice to see you!”Carmen exclaimed and stood to hug me. The second we hugged I started seeing parts of her life in Spain, the calm waters of Catalunya, the vast vineyards where she would spend the early years of her life… I quickly detached myself from her embrace. I just couldn’t invade her privacy like that. She and Eleazar both looked at me worried, as if I had offended them.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t let you “show” me your whole life like that!” I looked at Carmen apologetically.
“(Y/N), you saw Carmen’s life?” Eleazar continued, intrigued by my words.
“That’s why I came to talk to you. I..I feel like I’ve been developing a gift, or a few gifts, to be completely honest. And I feel like.. like I have a specific power one day, and another power the next!” I stated frantically.
It was the first time I have openly talked about my powers to anyone, and I was shaking just by the words that came out of my mouth. Eleazar did not say anything, he just stood there for a few minutes, I supposed “examining” me, as if a doctor checking on a patient.
“Remarkable.” He said calmly. He looked at his mate with excitement, as if he just discovered a lost treasure. “(Y/N) has one of the most remarkable gifts I have ever seen.” He then turned to me. “You, (Y/N), are able to copy anyone else’s gifts and keep them as your own. You don’t even have to be in contact with them. Just by meeting someone, you can obtain their powers. I have never met anyone like that. You also seem to have obtained immunity to others’ powers, kind of like a shield. I have met such vampires before. From the stories Aro has been telling, your mother was like that. It is likely that you copied that gift for her. Such vampires are extremely useful to themselves or even others, in battles. Like themselves, you can use your gift to protect others from others’ powers, beside yourself.”
That came too sudden to my ears. I have assumed that I may have at least one power, but I didn’t realise I could copy others’ powers. That is why I was showing signs of Aro’s power!
“How can I train my powers? Eleazar! Carmen! You have to help me!”
“As you know, we will be leaving soon. I don’t know if there will be enough time to train you.”
“It’s okay. We will train as much as you want. Please, Eleazar! Please, Carmen!” I started begging them. As if they were hypnotized, they quickly looked at each other and agreed to help me.
The next few days, before Eleazar and Carmen’s departure, included intense training, far away from Volterra, deep in the woods, where no human could interrupt us. I couldn’t say the same for vampires, but I hoped nobody would cross paths with us. Eleazar and Carmen helped me develop my self-control and self-awareness, concentrating through the deepest parts of my mind, resurfacing my shield and expanding it beyond my existence. I started to have control over it, as if it was an actual solid substance, a veil floating around me towards any direction I ordered it to go.
After Eleazar and Carmen left, I started travelling the world more, trying to copy as many powers as I could come across with, while also training my shield. My excitement for the endless possibilities was what kept me going - kind of when Aro would add another talented vampire to his Guard. His Guard. Felix. I wonder how he was. I hadn’t seen him in a while. I wondered if he thought of me like I thought of him.
After travelling pretty much anywhere I could reach, I eventually went back to where it all started: I went to Greece. Aro met Sulpicia here, apparently my mom met my dad here. Maybe I could find out, understand why they left me. I have never met them, but I felt as if my tracking skills could detect them through my own existence.
I started travelling through the country, hoping that they stayed here or, at least, that they’re alive. I spent about 2 or 3 years in Greece, trying to take in every different place, while also avoiding the battles that seemed to take place in every other corner. I was feeding off animals mainly, mostly when I couldn’t find any other human food. I was washing myself in rivers, streams, whatever I could find.
I was stopping by any village that seemed to be still standing, asking about the current situation. The Greek Revolution, which started a few years ago, seemed to still be going on. The Ottomans, who had been occupying Greece for almost 400 years, could not allow Greeks to turn against them and start claiming their rights within the Ottoman Empire.
Many Greeks I met and talked to, admitted that some of the Ottomans were actually being nice to them; it was only the Ottoman government ordering their armies to execute massive massacres against Greeks, and after all this time, a few Greeks started gathering up and planning a revolution, away from Greece, in fear of being caught. They started getting organized and finding possible allies to help them with the Revolution; they just couldn’t risk getting caught within the country that they were hoping the independent Greece could become. The battles were becoming more and more intense, both on the mainland, as well as on the islands.
I started looking for answers, anything that could suggest that my parents were still alive and somewhere in Greece. To my surprise, I crossed paths with many Greek nomad vampires all over the country. They were also fighting against either Ottoman vampires or each other for territorial claims; however, they all talked me out of travelling north, towards Macedonia. The region had started being reclaimed back by Greek humans, but vampires were also seeing the potential for the area and they fought against each other for the land.
All of the nomads I encountered were talking about some of the most vicious vampires claiming the land, their enemies being literally slaughtered and burned to set an example for other vampires to back off their territory. I was intrigued, and I knew that, most probably, I would be able to deal with them or flee before they got to me.
So, I started travelling north, through the woods and mountains, in order to avoid any possible battle between humans, though many of them seemed to hide in the mountains, preparing for their battles. Macedonia was a quite big and vast region, so I had to travel quite a few days and search every possible corner.
I know I shouldn’t have done this, but I was feeling exhausted from all the searching. I haven’t fed in quite some time, and my throat was burning by the familiar need for blood. I haven’t seen any animals all these days, and I was wondering if they were gone or hiding.
Sadly, I came across a human. He seemed to be wounded, probably during a battle, his blood gushing out of his body. I couldn’t help myself, when I breathed in the smell, the burning sensation becoming unbearable. I thought of approaching him slowly, so as not to scare him, offering to help him, but deep down I just wanted to feed off of him.
“Γειά! Συγνώμη αν σε τρόμαξα. Σε είδα από μακριά. Μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω με κάποιο τρόπο; (Hey! Sorry if I scared you. I saw you from afar. Can I help you in any way?)” I offered calmly.
The man was trying to suppress his growls. I could sense his pain. I tried to help him stand on his feet, and then I saw all of his memories. He was in the army, fighting alongside Greeks against the Ottomans, in Macedonia, just outside of Thessaloniki. I didn’t even know I was so close to a city, let alone Thessaloniki.
He was trying to pass through the woods, when he came across what seemed to be two red-eyed vampires, one male and one female. They tried to attack him, but someone else managed to shoot him first, forcing the two vampires to run away. I don’t know how or why, these two felt familiar to me, I could feel that through his memories.
“Γειά! Μπορείς.. Μπορείς να πας στο κοντινότερο χωριό; Νομίζω.. Νομίζω ότι είδα κάτι στο δάσος, δε νομίζω ότι ήταν κάτι φυσιολογικό! Πρέπει.. Πρέπει να προειδοποιήσω τους άλλους! (Hey! Can.. Can you get me to the nearest village? I think.. I think I saw something in the woods, I don’t think it was something normal! I have.. I have to warn the others!)” He mumbled in between sharp shoots of pain.
“Με συγχωρείς πολύ! (I’m really sorry!)” I plead with guilty eyes. I put my hand in his wound, searching for the bullet, while he was consumed by pain. I took the bullet out of the wound, and quickly attached my lips on his skin, sucking the blood as fast as I could, biting deeply unintentionally. His screams were becoming louder and louder, so I covered his mouth with my hand, while trying to shut him up or break his jaw. A few seconds later, he stopped screaming, and I let his lifeless body fall, completely numb and drained out of blood.
I felt renewed, his blood travelling to every part of my body and giving me a new kind of strength that I haven’t felt in a while. I still felt guilty for killing him, but he was already wounded and I couldn’t risk him exposing our kind to others. I assumed that whoever found him - if anyone found him - would also assume that he died of blood loss, so I tried to position him in a realistic pose for that purpose, as best as I could. I left him there, and continued the search for my parents.
I was running through the woods, trying to locate the two vampires from the guy’s memories. My mind was chaotic, I wasn’t thinking about something specific. I stopped in my tracks. What Aro taught me, and what I understood from Demetri’s tracking skills, is that you have to stop, take a breath and realize your position in the world. Then, you would be able to realize everything around you and find your targets. I have successfully found other vampires like that before, vampires who I have either met in person or smelled their scent, but I didn’t know if I could find someone through someone else’s memories of them.
I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate as best as I could, focusing on the smaller details of the guy’s memories of these vampires. I felt two vampires running on my west, about 10 kilometers away, and I ran after them. They were running fast, but I was way faster. Within a minute or two, I was running right behind their tracks. They must have realized that a stranger was following them, but, instead of running, they suddenly stopped. I stopped as well, and we were now facing each other.
The female had long, brunette, curly hair, and the male short, dark brown, straight hair; both of their hair looked shiny, healthy, and rich. They were of average height and their eyes were piercing red, as if they also fed quite recently. The female was exceptionally beautiful and enchanting; I could only compare her to Heidi’s exceptional beauty. The male looked quite stoic and austere, though still beautiful.
Both of them on defensive positions, waiting for me to attack. I wasn’t planning to move any further from my position; I was only waiting for their own reactions. I felt that kind of a burning sensation within me again, like a feeling buried deep inside me, trying to find an escape.
Suddenly, the male growled at me, flames springing out of his hands, and being thrown at me. I felt my heart fall out of my chest, fearing that this would be my end. As if my body reacted on its own, I felt my own shield extending out of my body, building a wall around me and protecting me from the male’s attack. My hands started burning and flames came out, ready to counterattack the male. The male looked at the female, dumbfounded by what he witnessed, still in a defensive position, but ready to attack again.
The male shrinked back, the female following close by. “Who are you looking for? We haven’t seen you around. Who are you? Why are you here?” The male requested. His voice serious, but smooth at the same time; a voice I could only describe as the warm earth below their bare feet.
“No, I’m not. I come from Italy, though I think I was born around here. My name is (Y/N), I’m looking for my parents. I don’t quite remember what they look like, but I’m pretty sure that they lived around here. They abandoned me when I was a baby.”
“This has been our territory for almost 3 millennials! We would have known if any humans abandoned their offspring around here!” The female exclaimed, as if she didn’t believe a word I said. I didn’t want to tell them the whole story, but I had to show them that I didn’t mean to fight in any way.
“I never said they were humans. My mother was actually sort of a vampire, like you.”
The female started letting her guards down. “What do you mean sort of? I’ve never heard of a “sort of vampire” before!” She continued doubtfully.
“Believe me or don’t, my mother was born half vampire, half human. My dad wasn’t even a vampire before she met him. He wasn’t even human to be honest.” My eyes started stinging slightly. I could have had a good, happy life if they didn’t abandon me. I wouldn’t have to grow up with Aro.
“You said you were from Italy.” I nodded at the male, as he continued. “You never said where exactly.”
I wasn’t sure if I should tell them my real origin; I wouldn’t like them to know I was a Volturi, but I knew I needed help to find my parents. If they were actually here as long as they say, they might have known or met my parents at some point.
“Volterra. I was born here, in Greece, like my mother, but grew up in Volterra with my grandparents.” I looked down, kind of scared, kind of anxious, waiting for their next move.
The female gasped. “Are you a Volturi?!” I looked at her, straight in the eyes, swallowed, and nodded. “I know the Volturi. Who are your grandparents?”
“Aro and Sulpicia.” I answered so quietly that, if they weren’t vampires, they wouldn’t have heard me, my voice trembling slightly.
The female suddenly fell on her knees, the male wrapping his arms around her, comforting her. I didn’t know what was going on. Did I say something wrong? Were they scared? The sheer mention of the Volturi would scare a lot of vampires, but I thought that maybe these two seemed strong enough to deal with them.
The female started sobbing, no tears coming out of her red eyes, her body shaking. I felt something within me break. I felt that I didn’t want to upset them, that’s why I was hesitant in telling them who I really was. The male looked at me, pain in his eyes. I saw a familiar look. I saw me in his eyes, what I looked at in my mirror anytime I was thinking about my parents, or, sometimes, when I thought of Felix.
“Are you a half witch?” The male asked quietly. Something snapped in me. How would he know that?
“I swear, I didn’t do anything to your mate! I DIDN’T!” I shouted at the male. I didn’t want him to think that I would hurt his mate, or himself.
“I know you wouldn’t. It’s just..” He looked at his mate who had stopped sobbing, but was still down on her knees, unable to stand up. “..my mate is Aro and Sulpicia Volturi’s only daughter.”
My body tensed and shivered. If that woman is the only daughter Aro and Sulpicia ever had...could that mean..?
I took a few steps back. “AM I YOUR DAUGHTER? ARE YOU MY PARENTS?” I looked at them in disbelief.
Those were the people who abandoned me! That let me grow parentless, under Aro’s rules and directions! I was breathing heavily, in between sobs. I didn’t even realize that I set my whole body ablaze, until both vampires looked at me shocked. I didn’t feel any pain, but I couldn’t stop the flames licking my body, and in my frantic state, I started panicking even more.
The male started approaching me slowly, trying to not scare me away. “Shush, shush. You’re okay. You’re doing okay. I know how it feels at first. You’re experiencing some aspects of the life as a witch. It’s okay. Close your eyes and picture the flames in your head.” I closed my eyes and tried concentrating on the flames. “Now, imagine them burning out, becoming smaller and weaker.” I focused on the flames, imagining them weakening. After a few minutes, I felt them getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappearing. I opened my eyes slowly.
The female was standing next to the male, watching me carefully. In a quick motion, she pulled me and embraced me, stroking my hair lightly. I breathed in her scent, a mix of mountain flowers and the saltiness of the sea. Her touch was soft, and filled me up with what felt like a thousand different emotions.
But, I mostly felt safe. It was the first time in my life that I actually felt this safe. And whole. I felt like I actually belonged somewhere. I hugged her back. Tears started spilling from my eyes. That was my mom! That was actually my mom! After all this time, we were finally together. I felt the male, my dad, hugging both of us, and in that moment, I felt my legs giving up on me, and I finally fell into a long sleep.
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Hey,So i'm not sure if my last request went through.So i'm resending it :).I really love your writing btw :》.Can i ask for a fic where asta is trans fem or genderfluid.I saw a fic where asts is trans fem on patreon but i don't think it's updating again.And i thought the concept was really nice.
I'm glad to hear that you like my blog and content! And of course you may ^-^ I made this as a kind of ... "transition" story where Asta starts to think about her identity, eventually realizing that she is indeed trans and tells Sister Lily that she's a girl, after which Sister Lily tells her that she is loved and accepted. Hope you like it
A/N: I'm reflecting a lot on conversations I've had about the topic with my sister and friends, and their personal experiences with this. But I recognize that everyone's experiences with being trans can differ a lot, this is just one take.
I use "he/him" pronouns in the paragraphs where Asta hasn't yet started thinking about his identity, then I use briefly "they/them" pronouns during a shifting period between "he/him" and "she/her", and at the end I use "she/her" pronouns. This is to depict the process better
Warning: fear of being abandoned, fear of transphobia (but nothing bad actually happens)
Genre: general
Length: ~0.6k
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Asta doesn’t really think about his gender while growing up. Mostly it’s due to living in the orphanage. The kids sleep in the same room, same bed. And they get what clothes the orphanage can hand them. They eat at the same time. Play together. Overall, he doesn’t think that he’s being excluded from the others. It’s just one big family.
But those thoughts do start to surface eventually. Especially when it comes to marrying Sister Lily in the future, or the idea of it. That’s where comes the question of who he is.
Somehow “he” doesn’t really fit. Yes caring for loved ones is important. As well as protecting your friends. And yes, the goal of becoming a Wizard King was still the ambition to reach.
Changes start happening to their body. It’s not really unexpected. They see their siblings going through similar changes, but they can’t… help but feel.. something, jealousy maybe, for the girls. There’s nothing wrong with being a muscular girl. Hell no! But still… There’s… they don’t quite like how they… look.
They know that they aren’t necessarily the smartest people around, but they do know that it’s not just about looking. The way they look. They’re sure it’s also about how they feel.
If they were honest, they’d prefer to be called “she”.
She’s not sure how to bring it up to Father Orsi and Sister Lily. She’s not sure if it’s… okay to feel like it. But she needs to ask, doesn’t she? So, she does. She needs if it’s okay to be called with feminine pronouns instead. Or rather that she’d wish they would do so.
Which is why one day as she’s helping Siter Lily in the kitchen, just doing the dishes, she pauses for a bit and clenches her teeth for a moment. And then she takes a deep breath.
“Hey… Sister Lily..?”
“What is it?” She asks with a smile. Her voice is gentle and it brings a smile to Asta’s lips. That tone of voice is always so warm and welcoming, and it eases up the anxiety and apprehension.
“Do you think you could-,” she pauses for a moment, and reformulates. “I’m a girl.” She decides that she doesn’t ask, but instead she informs, because she is certain now. She has been thinking about this for a long time now, and she’s sure.
Sister Lily pauses for a moment, and she looks at Asta, who in turn looks at her. She didn’t really expect Asta to tell such a thing so abruptly. But at the same time, she’s glad that she told her.
“And you’re beautiful,” Sister Lily smiles. She not quite sure what she should say, but Asta is precious to her, and this doesn’t change the fact.
“So… you’re okay with it?” Asta confirms, just wanting to make sure.
“Of course,” she assures. “You’re still you, and it doesn’t change the fact that we love you.”
This time it’s Asta who doesn’t know what to say. She’s just been so worried, for so long; for as long as she can remember. And it’s that worry that’s being pushed out by relief in the form of tears down her face.
Sister Lily smiles and moves to hug her, wrapping her arms around Asta and just holding her close. “You are loved,” she continues. But she wonders, quietly, inside herself, if she should say something more.
But Asta doesn’t need her to say anything more. She just hugs Sister Lily back, and cries out of relief. She doesn’t need to hear anything else than those words at that moment: ‘you are loved’.
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potionboy3 · 3 years
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► basics:
Full Name: Elyan Goldcrest, goes by Elian in more recent years and sometimes by Wren as a nickname from his last name (Charles Tennyson Turner's short poem, The Gold-crested Wren, 1868)
Birthday: August 13, 1241 (I imagine it was friday) Pronouns: He/him Sexual Orientation: Bi Hogwarts House: Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Nationality: English Personality type: ENTJ
► personality: Elyan is cunning, clever and a talented wizard but gets greedy and often jealous of other people’s success. At times he can be manipulative and control others, even the ones he cares for the most, thinking that he’s helping them be the greater version of them self by doing so. Elyan’s greatest wish has always been to be brilliant and worthy and he does achieve his goal in a way, being one of the most powerful wizards of many generations,  only to have to hide this from everyone in order to protect himself and his brother. Behind his hard shell, he’s lonely and graves for affection but doesn’t show it too often to other people besides his brother and friends and loved ones. He is very loyal to his friends and often surprises them by being helpful unexpectedly.  His values in life change through the years as he is from the Slytherin family and was wealthy. His family didn’t support muggleborns and only after falling in love with one he starts to change his own views about it. In general he stays neutral and absent from politics in order to keep his identity and true nature as a secret.  ► magical info:
Wand: Snakewood (blood wood to be specific), dragon heart-string.
Snakewood had magical properties, and could be used as a wand wood. Garrick Ollivander did not use the wood, but Mykew Gregorovitch did, selling at least one wand using the wood in his wand shop. Salazar Slytherin crafted his wand from snakewood. Some magical snakewood trees resisted attempts to prune or kill them, and their leaves had powerful healing properties. 
Patronus: Dragon
One of the most powerful and formidable creatures of the magical world, dragons are ambitious and dominant. With the ability to breathe fire, they quickly assert themselves, garnering both fear and respect from those around them. They are unafraid to take risks and prefer to live by their own set of rules. They are quick to lead and do not back down from a challenge. Dragons are strong in their convictions and will stand for what they believe is right. Those with a dragon for a Patronus are sure to be fierce fighters, and the Dementors better be ready for a challenge!
Patronus Memory: Before waking from the spell it was his father showing him love and being proud of him after a won practice duel but after waking up, it was seeing his brother there with him and knowing he’s not alone. After meeting Henry it was always a moment with him. 
Boggart: Seeing himself die, changes with time to seeing his brother dying with him. Eventually in long distance future it changes completely and it’s him, being alone alive forever.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Fire spells, such as Incendio, Firerope and Fiendfyre
 ► background:
Place of Birth: His family castle
Home: Family castle, multiple flats around London and other around the world
Elyan was born to a prominent medieval wizarding family. He was the oldest son of Aegar the uncrowned king, who’s story was later mostly lost in the history. Elyan was a skilled wizard and a warrior, often brutal in action wanting to prove his worth in the family. He made a lot of decisions in battles that his father didn’t approve, finding him too intense and savage. Aegar traveled a lot and left Elyan and his mother Kerina in control of ”castle” while he was gone.  Post attack years:
Elyan and his younger brother Theo were attacked by a group of vampires, who broke into their house. The target of the attack was Aegar in an effort to halt his political ambitions. Aegar, however, was travelling and the vampires only found his family and their staff. The brothers were turned during the attacked and their mother was killed trying to fight them off. Once Aegar returned, he was distraught and the family was plunged into chaos. Aegar couldn’t kill his sons so he decided instead to attempt to find a cure. For a while he tried to hide his sons’ vampirism but as young vampires, the boys were out of control and dangerous. Eventually he decided to put them under enchanted sleep while he worked on the cure. Years passed, then decades, and he failed to find a solution. Aegar passed away before he could get to his goal and the boys were left under his spell.
Legacy era:
Centuries passed and the brothers remained under the powerful spell their father had cast, until one day in the late 1800s, they were suddenly awoken by their distant relative from the Gaunt line. Disoriented and extremely thirsty, they attacked their rescuer, killing him. The following years were spent constantly on the move, trying to understand the new world they found themselves in and learning to control their vampiric urges. Every time the body count started getting too high, they would pack up and find a new place to lay low in. After five years, the boys wanted to return to Hogwarts to finish their education and re-enter the society. They chose their grandfather’s nickname “Goldcrest” as their surname and hid their vampirism from everyone, pretending to be descendants of their house.
► physical:
Faceclaim: Gijs Blom
Eye Color: blue/grey
Hair Color: light brown
 Height: 178cm
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 ► relatives:
 Mother: Kerina of Archensheen Kerina was the great granddaughter of Salazar Slytherin, one of the famed founders of Hogwarts. She was a powerful witch on her own right, and wielded great influence in the medieval wizarding community. She married Aegar on her father’s behest but the two developed a loving relationship. Elyan loved his mother who he was the closest with in the family. She saw a lot of her own family’s traits in Elyan and treated him in a way Elyan wished for everyone to treat him, like he was magnificent. They agreed on things and Kerina trusted his judgement. She wanted him to be the head of the family in the future. Kerina was killed as a result of the attack that turned her sons into vampires. When Kerina died, Elyan mourned her greatly and felt more alone than ever. Faceclaim:  Claire Forlani
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Father: Aegar son of Elyris Aegar, called “The Uncrowned King” by his supporters, had inherited great ambition from his father. He wanted to unite all the known Wizarding world and rule as its king. He dreamt of a Goldcrest dynasty that would span centuries. He experimented on magical artifacts and created a proto-deathly-hallow called the Crown of Might. Its properties and creation has been lost to history and it is said that it was destroyed long ago. Elyan was the first born of Aegar and the obvious choice to be his successor but after Theo was born it all changed and his father thought of Theo as the superior choice. He did plan great things for Elyan as well but not as great as for Theo and it bothered Elyan a lot as he felt it was his birth right to be his fathers favorite. Aegar and Elyan drifted even more as he grew up to remind Aegar a lot of his own father who he had a troubled relationship with. Despite everything Elyan always wished for his fathers love and wanted to prove himself. Faceclaim: Peter Franzén
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Brother: Theo Goldcrest by @gaygryffindorgal
Theo’s birth in 1243 coincided with a comet lighting the night sky. Aegar took this as a sign that Theo was destined for greatness and suited his purposes wanting to rule over all wizard-kind.
Because of his fathers affection for Theo, Elyan distanced himself from his younger brother, seeing him as a thief of his destiny. After he was old enough to understand his father’s favoritism, Elyan didn’t want to spend time with Theo anymore than necessary and rarely showed any emotion towards him. On rare occasion he felt pity, if Theo failed at something their father expected him to better, since it was something he himself was very familiar with. Only when the two became vampires, he started to care for the younger again. Suddenly they were both stained from their legacy. When Aegar pulled away from Theo, Elyan started to feel for the boy and was there for him and even made him a lucky jewerly to cheer him up and show that he’s not alone. After being put to sleep for centuries and waking up with only Theo left from the world he once knew, he grew an even closer bond with him and felt the need to protect his little brother. Theo struggled greatly with the new world at first but Elyan forced himself to power through so he could keep both of them alive.He went too far with it sometimes and even starved himself so that Theo could get enough blood.  Faceclaim:  Spencer MacPherson
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Elyris was a medieval wizard who earned the name “Goldcrest” for his Patronus, which took the form of the little bird but was unusually powerful against Dementors. Elyris was politically ambitious and strove to become the first king of the known Wizarding world. His ambition never came to be but was passed on to his son Aegar. Elyris was not a warm man, and was often cruel to his son when trying to shape him into the strong man he wanted him to be. Elyan admired him greatly as a child and learned a lot from his grandfather. Elyris didn’t show the same type of favortism for Theo as Aegar did, even though he agreed with him about Theo being destined for greatness. He was still very impressed by Elyan’s skills and character.
Faceclaim: Clive Russell
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Others: Salazar Slytherin, The Slytherin family, The Gaunt Family, The Peverell family, The Potter family, Voldemort,
   ► relationships:
 Allegiances: Slytherin, the house of goldcrest, slytherin family previously,
 Love Interests:
Henry of Alderly (HPHL)
Elian met Prince Henry at Hogwarts during his sixth year (also his first year in school after waking up from the spell). They started a secret relationship while still in school and it continued through the years. They fell deeply in love and even though they couldn’t always be together or be seen publicly, Elian always came back for Henry until his death.  They had their ups and downs like during The Second World War, they had a drift that caused Elian to decide on joining the muggle war as a spy and he got hurt badly and kept hallucinating Henry like he used to know him. After the war they did reconcile.  He was very different with Henry from anyone else and showed him sides of him no one else knew. Faceclaim:  Harrison Osterfield
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  Gabriel Grimm (somewhere after golden era and HPMA) @gaygryffindorgal​
Elian began to run into Gabriel on multiple occasions and they worked together after The Second Wizarding War to find the Goldcrest family artifact, which was familiar to Gabriel. They started a fiery relationship which included lots of betray  from both sides. From time to time they were enemies and then again the opposite.
Faceclaim: Cody Fern
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Best Friend: 
Malcolm Stolberg-Burke Elian was popular among other slytherins but didn’t really enjoy their company. To his own surprise he grew to like the Gryffindor boy Malcolm who sat next to him in charms class. They shared a similar since of humor and became really close friends. Elian shared his secret with Malcolm and he accepted it.  
Malcolm Stolberg-Burke @gaygryffindorgal Faceclaim: Calahan Skogman
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Friends: Primrose was Henry’s childhood friend and important to him. Elian didn’t like her during school years but after she found out about his relationship with Henry he decided to tolerate her. At first he loved to irritate her on purpose but they became friends eventually. After Primrose married his best friend Malcolm, they got even closer. Elian also saved her life once. Malcolm and Primrose were the first one’s outside Henry to learn that he was a vampire. 
Primrose Gray @endlessly-cursed​ ​Faceclaim: Anna Popplewell
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Cora Hastings
Eventually it became a time for Henry to get married due to his status as a prince and a duke. Elian was supportive of the idea and encouraged him on it. He married Cora Hastings and eventually opened up to her about his relationship with Elian and Elian wanted to get to know her. He liked her right away and the two became friends. 
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Other friends: He was talented in school and it granted him some popularity and friends among the other Slytherin’s. Mostly the most annoying and awful one’s and he found them really boring but liked to keep his place in hopes of having useful connections in the future. UP FOR MORE AND FOR DOORMMATES
Pets: He had a gold-crest bird back in the day, a gift from his father. He also had a bond with the Basilisk living inside Hogwarts but hated his brother’s rat. 
Adam Brynn (1800s) Adam was a member of a radical movement to eradicate all magic in Britain. He saw how unjust the Wizarding government was and became embittered. He was a squib from a family of wizards and felt shunned by them. Despite being justifiably angry, Adam and the rest of the movement soon begun using questionable methods in their quest for justice and revenge. Their actions lead to the deaths of many innocent bystanders. Elian became face to face with this group when he returned to Hogwarts in the late 1800s. The school was a big target for the group, as it housed most young witches and wizards in the same place. Faceclaim: Darren Barnet
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Others: Vampire hunters, Gabriel Grimm sometimes
► misc;
Hobbies: Duelling, fencing, archery, metalsmithing, reading and learning everything he can  Extracurriculars: Doesn’t take part on many extracurriculars, wanting to keep his identity hidden Favourite Subject: Defense against the dark arts
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feralgalaxy · 2 years
An Actual History Lecture on Halcandra
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Well, did I mention I got really bored of reading about American corruption for one of my summer classes I decided to write a whole passage about Halcandran corruption instead? Because I kinda did that. Lol.
Fair warning this is. Long. The Halcandra of my lore was an empire that never seems to consider the long term affects of their actions, and ultimately destroys itself.
Buckle in. And please don't make any real world or political allegory here it's really not that deep-
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
In its earliest iteration, Halcandra was a city-state populated mostly by magic-users from a variety of planets and upbringings. Mages, Wizards, Witches, Druids, and Students would converge in the city to share knowledge, write scrolls and teach young magicians to master their craft. 
As the city-state began to grow wealthy thanks to the traffic and trading it harbored, rival nations and countries that inhabited the planet cast a greedy eye towards Halcandra. A series of raids and attempted takeovers inspired Halcandrans to organize and fend off future attacks. Mercenaries, soldiers, and mages came together to form an army, headed by an individual who would become Halcandra’s first King.
At first, Halcandrans only wanted to protect themselves from raiders, and they did just that. However, opportunities to take the offensive arose, and the Halcandran army advanced. Fueled by retaliation for earlier raiding, Halcandra would take over enough of its home planet territory over the coming years to effectively have full rule over the entire star, renaming the planet itself to "Halcandra."
At this time, Halcandra was still governed by Magic-Users as it had been during its humble beginnings. Magic is a force that exists in all living things, but those who were able to wield incredible magic power would become social elites of Halcandra. The rules and principles of magic, old scrolls and bestiaries, and ancient tales of heroic legends were taught in Halcandran schools. Magic had been incorporated into early forms of technology, such as runes and elemental crystals providing archaic electricity and refrigeration to those who could afford it. A number of magical artifacts and tools, such as Star Rods and the Dimensional Mirror, were created at this time. 
One day, however, an interesting phenomena occurred in the Halcandran capitol. A portal would open up, and drop off a number of people from another world. They appealed to the current Halcandran King by telling him how their world came into disaster and they begged for sanctuary, which he obliged to. This faction of new civilians would come to be called the ‘Science-Users.’ Eventually, the King and the Leader of the Science-Users became great friends, and he allowed the Science-User people to permanently settle in Halcandra and eventually elevated a number of them to the royal court. With the introduction of Science-Users, the technology industry exploded (In a good way :) ) Not only did Science Users import their science based technology to Halcandra, but they would begin to marry magic and science into one. They created starships with portal technology that could travel anywhere in the galaxy, shortening year-long trips down to a matter of moments. Holograms could project images and information to anyone who had them. And Clockwork Stars with the power to grant wishes would be created and set loose in the galaxy to learn. 
Despite this boom, Halcandra was now beginning to find that they had a growing overpopulation problem. While many of her people were living in prosperity and enjoying these new technologies, many more lived in effective squalor and were left behind by the system. Halcandra as a planet was also not ideal for farming most crops, and the ones it could grow were unable to sustain its now massive population. A great number of people were starving, and the king feared a revolt. Influenced by his Science Using advisors, however, he got the idea to expand Halcandran territory to other planets and give their people more kicking room while also spreading their technology to “those without.” And so, the Halcandran military took to their starships and invaded a number of underpopulated planets. Many of these planets didn’t fight back, and those that did would be effortlessly squashed. Halcandran residents would be given a parcel of land and allowed to populate these planets as colonies, growing food and cultivating raw materials for the mother planet while out there. 
With the success of the takeovers of smaller planets, Halcandran egos were inflated. They conquered more and more land, seeking more valuable materials and resources for their rapidly growing empire. Until a coalition of planets came together to try and stop the ravenous threat of Halcandra. The Coalition is powerful, enough so that an invasion of Halcandra’s home planet takes place and the King and Queen are assassinated, though their children are saved by one Rosewood Knight and the invaders are pushed back and out of the planet. 
The Capitol Invasion is a humiliation for Halcandra, and the new Queen instead opts to try a hand at peace and scaling back her parent’s invasions of other planets. However, tensions begin to rise between Magic Using and Science Using Halcandrans. Magic Using Halcandrans blame the Science Users for causing the overpopulation crisis and their insistence on invading other planets, which led to an invasion that reminded Magic Users of a time when Halcandra had been regularly attacked by invaders. Magic Users also blamed Science Users for the destruction of Halcandra’s environments and the loss of magical values in society. Science Users, however, believed that Magic Users relied on their power too much and held back in the war against the Coalition. They felt that magic was beginning to get in the way of their progress, and that the old teachings of magical creatures and fundamentals were archaic and useless. 
It would be during this time that the puffball Galacta Knight was born to the Rosewood Knight. Fortune tellers predicted that the young boy was destined to become a hero who would save Halcandra, and that he would be the force that would either unite or divide an empire that was showing signs of division. Galacta Knight would be given a blessing by the Queen (a practiced magic user) and sent to the best schools and mentors to learn about and master his magical potential and become a knight under her. The Queen would reclaim some planets and territories lost in the Coalition war with her new Knight, but would die relatively young of an illness. 
Her brother, a man fascinated of and sweet-talked by Science Users, would become the new King of Halcandra. With a new all-powerful Knight at his disposal, he would begin a new conquest of planets in the spirit of his father. Galacta Knight, wishing to repay the royalty that provided him with his outstanding upbringing and hoping to be the force that ultimately unites Halcandra, does not disobey his king’s orders to dismantle the Coalition even though he believed, in his heart of hearts, that the action was wrong. With nothing to stop Halcandra’s second conquest, the King promotes Galacta Knight to the Commander in Chief of the Halcandran Military and given the coveted title of “Strongest Warrior in the Galaxy.” The King, meanwhile, ascended himself as the Halcandran Emperor. He commissions a new crown for himself- dubbed the Master Crown- and begins expanding Science User technology, permitting new factories, the conquering of planets for raw materials and resources, and ultimately pushing Magic Users aside. Protected lands once held sacred by Magic User populations were cleared for development, schools no longer were required to teach basic magic to students, and a number of sacred magical artifacts were being dismantled and stripped for parts. In some Halcandran territories, practicing magic would even become a criminal offense. 
Infuriated by this, a growing radical Magic User rebellion forms and calls themselves the Jambastion Cult. At first offering sanctuary to mages and wizards being pushed around by Science Users, the Cult begins to denounce the Science-loving Emperor and call for the destruction of Halcandra so that it may be reborn as a Magic Using society free from the meddling of Science. To do this, the cult’s leader, Hyness, concocts a plan to summon the powerful destruction god Void Termina to level Halcandra. To prevent others from standing up against the god, the Dark Hearts are created and scattered across Halcandra as the Cult’s first attack, causing anyone hit by them to grow mad with power. 
Protected by the Friend Heart, Galacta Knight is able to evade this attack and gets to work on freeing his friends and soldiers with the heart’s mysterious powers. Galacta Knight’s greatest friends and allies- General Marzi of the Halcandran Army, Princess Cheri of a Halcandran Ally nation, and Fecto Fennis of the Halcandran Healer Corps band together and go on the offensive against the Jambastion Cult, bringing down their top generals until they are tasked with stopping the god of destruction itself. Galacta Knight uses the power of his friend’s bonds with one another to create a new form of magic and craft the Heart Spears- artifacts that will seal the god and the Dark Hearts away. With this mission blessed by the Emperor, he names the party the “Heroes of Yore.” Granting them the titles of “Valor Hero,” “Fable Hero,” “Core Hero,” and “Aeon Hero.”
However, Void Termina grows too powerful for the heroes. And one by one they fall, leaving only Galacta Knight alone to seal the god and end the Jambastion War. He would seal Void Termina, their realm, the Dark Hearts and the Friend Heart away into an artifact henceforth known as “The Jamba Heart.” Galacta Knight returns to Halcandra a hero, but he returns alone. The fallen heroes are laid to rest with honors.
Galacta Knight isn’t given the time to grieve. Soon after the winning of the war and loss of the other three heroes, he is sent to round up the scattered cultists to be either captured and tried for treason or killed should they resist. Upon seeing Hyness again and capturing him, something seems to snap in Galacta Knight, or he is given a drastic order by the Emperor himself. Whatever occurred, Galacta Knight would then fly into a fury after the capture of Hyness. He ultimately ends up destroying the planet the remaining cultists had fled to. Those cultists who had not already been captured and transported, Halcandran soldiers, and innocent civilians alike were killed in the billions. 
The Emperor, Science Users, and the remaining Magic Users are shocked at the display, and know that Galacta Knight had grown too powerful for them to fully control. They began to fear him, and decided he should be dealt with before he could kill them all. They bargain with Hyness, and agree to give him and the remainder of the Jambastion Cult freedom if they agree defame and tarnish Galacta Knight’s reputation before putting him on trial for the destruction of a planet, alleged conspiracy to revolt, and for wielding magic for the purpose of destroying Halcandra. Jambastion Cultists testify against him in trial, and the verdict is ruled to be a guilty one.
Hyness informs the Emperor that, since the means to properly kill Galacta Knight do not exist, they should seal him away until they do. And so, Galacta Knight is sealed away in a crystal prison and banished to the outer edges of the Gamble Galaxy, to be unsealed when a sufficient means of properly dispatching him is created. Immediately after, the Emperor walks back on his deal with the Jambastion Cultists, who are also put on trial and similarly sealed away at the edge of the galaxy. 
Galacta Knight would be unsealed every couple of years or so in an effort to kill him, but each time proved unsuccessful and he is sealed away again and again. With each failure to kill the one being that threatened his rule, the Emperor begins to lose himself and turns on the Knight’s kin and the remainder of his loved ones. Galacta Knight’s elder sister, who dutifully served as the Royal Family’s soothsayer for years is ordered to be assassinated, her wife and child being forced to flee for their lives. Similarly, Galacta Knight’s own wife who was with his child fled Halcandra in fear that her and the child’s life was in danger. 
As more attempts on Galacta Knight’s life fail, the Emperor’s bloody reign of terror increases its fervor. Any of Galacta Knight’s apprentices who do not denounce their master are rounded up and killed. Tales of Galacta Knight’s heroics are forgotten and replaced with myths of a blood psychopath who killed indiscriminately. A Puffball known to be cousin of Galacta Knight speaks out against her family’s oppression and is executed for treason. History books and records detailing the exploits of the legendary knight are seized and rewritten to omit his name or replace it with tales of his tyranny. Those apprentices who denounced their master are rounded up and killed. Any who express sympathy or pity for Galacta Knight, his family, the Heroes of Yore, or his apprentices are executed. Those who express sympathy or pity for those executed are put to death. 
Halcandra is tearing itself apart as people are executed left and right while Galacta Knight continues to not be killed by the newest and most destructive of technologies. 
And then, one fateful day, the dormant Haldera Volcano blows its top and threatens the Halcandran Capitol. Though his advisors try to coax the Emperor to safety, the mad ruler can only sit in the corner of his chamber and weep as Halcandrans evacuate the city in droves. The Emperor perishes, and Halcandra falls. 
Those who escaped the destruction flee to any of the Halcandran colonies to mixed success. Some planets take in the refugees and allow them to cultivate new lives, while others find themselves free of Halcandra’s influence for the first time in a long time and rebuild or find opportunities for retaliation. A few Magic Users and scattered individuals come to the Halcandran ruins to loot and hunt for artifacts until a dragon known as Landia hoards the most dangerous ones within the Haldera Volcano to protect them from those who might do harm. In particular, it closely guards the Emperor’s Master Crown and recognizes it as a source of corruption that, when its power is tapped into, has the potential to corrupt and possess the individuals that wear it. 
Galacta Knight’s crystal prison remains undisturbed for the next million years, and nobody unseals him until Meta Knight wishes for a duel against the Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy. And though the tales that paint him as a force of evil remain in the galaxy, they become obscure with years gone by and are eventually regarded as mere myths and tall tales. After all, no Puffball could ever become this powerful…
… Right?
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Redeemed Morgana General Romance Headcannons
She survived her redemption after smitting Arthur, releasing his soul finally letting him be free. But now she must live with the guilt and shame she feels. Her pain and her anger is the reason everthing has happened. Hate destroyed Arthur and it destroyed her. Now she must fix all the things she's done and build trust with people who despise her. Good thing she has you too help.
Trust is hard to earn and takes time to build. Morgana has hurt so many people, lashing out from her own hurt. She has many apologies to make and many bad habits to break. One day she will be forgiven but until then she must work hard to prove she is not who she once was.
Hisirdoux grew up in the Castle when Merlin took him in. He knows the old Morgana, you know the old Morgana, and your both determined to bring her back. She had so much good in her and all her ideas brought light to the world. She is a powerful mage with strong opinions and if she focused her magic and passion on the right things she could make the world a better place.
Toby is surprisingly the first one on the Trollhunters Team to reach out. He knows what it's like to loose your family and he also knows evil people can become good. Aarrrgh is weary of her but when she gets on her knees apologizing for giving Gunmar power, for allowing him to hurt his people, and not taking better control of what King Arthur was doing to trolls Aarrrgh knows she means it. She is forgiven and he promises someday she will have his trust but for now they are merely allies. Not friends yet but... soon. Aarrrgh understands pain and hurt, he understands becoming something your not and he knows Morgana can fix her past mistakes just as he did.
Aarrrgh, Toby, Hisirdoux, and you now have a big job ahead of you. Now you must help the others trust or at least tolerate Morgana and show that she is no longer a threat. One battle where she helps defeat her brother and save Hisirdoux's life isn't enough on a never ending list of all the bad she's done in the past. She will have to work hard to make up for what she's done but helping defeat her brother was a good first step.
Jim and Blinky are next. It takes Aarrrgh Toby and you to help push them but Jim slowly understands why Morgana has done what she's done and he does his best to forgive her. He was there when Morgana fell, he was there when she protected him and Claire. She was a radical woman stuck in a time where she had no true power. Forced to submit to people who did not have her beliefs and forced to be someone she wasn't. You buffer their conversations and soon Jim finds himself going to Morgana for advice and trusting what she tells him. It's not a lot but it's a start.
Blinky is hesitant but he bonds with Morgana over their shared love of books and writing. Morgana explains to him when she was a young girl she'd spend hours in the library reading books. In the castle they were one of her only soliaces. You and books that is. They talk about old authors and history long forgotten by humans. Blinky gives Morgana an old book she mentioned loving and it's a slow way towards amends but it's a gesture to show she's getting there and it's enough for her. When she tells you what happened its enough to make you tear up as Morgana reads the book to you, sharing a tender moment and celebrating a step in the right direction.
It takes some time for Jim to regain his confidence with everyone encouraging him. But when he finally does feel ready Excalibur is his to wield. Morgana focuses on the magic part of the blade and unlocking it's power while Blinky helps retrain him to fight with a bigger and different shaped sword. He no longer posseses Merlins amulet but Morgana assures him he is worthy of her late brothers sword and he is still a Trollhunter. She never thought she'd work with one of Merlins champions but she'd rather work with Jim than any other Hunter.
As Jim trains with Excalibur you have one last apology to give. Claire. Claire thinks you've put a spell on her friends and is very defensive when either you or Morgana come near her. She thinks your a spy and you only want to trick them, that your friendship is built on lies. It takes time and patience but eventually Claire tells you why. She opens her heart about the possession and the Shadow zone and how Morgana hurt her and there's a lot of yelling but it's okay. You and Morgana understand. You comfort the girl thanking her for her vulnerability and her strength.
You decide to give the team time to reflect on everythings thats happened. Morganas made her apologies and has worked towards redemption now its time to let the others think of what she's said and take some time for yourselves. You propose a little vacation into town. You want her to learn about what she's missed and see how different the 21st is from the 12th.
It's time for Morgana to see the New World. It's something Morgana can't even believe. Woman have rights to their bodies and have so much more freedom than she ever did. There are so many more inventions and food is much more accessible. The streets are clean and the people seem happy. However out of everything you show her the local cafe bookstore has got to be one of her favorites. Something old mixed with something modern she enjoys the baked goods and loves the strange drinks as she browses the many books. Any dates now happen there where she can catch up on a few hundred years of reading or at the cinema where she sees the books she reads come to life.
Hisirdoux is the first to visit you on your self imposed excile. He brings wine and snacks and you and Morgana are never one's to turn down a fun conversation about magic. You talk about books, spells, potions, and Camelot. You reminesce late into the night about the good old times and Douxie assures you, your both doing great.
When you come back after a few weeks the group is happy to see you both again. They'd all missed Morgana and you and even Claire admits she missed having another female wizard around. It takes awhile but she eventually moves on accepting Morgana is no longer evil. The Trollhunters they all remember but they forgive.
Blinky asks Morgana about the books she's been reading while Toby and Jim ask her for stories about Excalibur and Camelot. Claire soon joins in having questions about magic and Aarrrgh chuffs watching curiously. Morgana still has the pain of her past haunting her but she's never felt more assured she'll heal or that everything will be okay.
It's a slow path to redemption but with you by her side to smooth things out its not as slow as it'd be alone. As you take her home she gives you a kiss. If theres one thing she missed most while she was locked away, it was you.
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babygirlkiki1016 · 4 years
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The day was quiet, quieter than a man's tomb. As I sat upon my throne, I watched as each soldier stood in their place. Protecting me from any harm that may come my way. Yet we had no harm, our world was hidden from the rest of Middle Earth. The only people allowed to find it was the wizards and they rarely ever came around.
"Everyone is dismissed from their duties," I announced, standing from my chair, it was made out of dragon scales. All different colors and sizes, and when a new child was produced by the king and queen another would be added on. It's been in my family for generations, unfortunately, none of the men in my kingdom piqued my interest. I knew I would have to marry eventually, but not today, I still had time to find the one.
"My Queen." Lani, my handmaiden came rushing in as the soldiers left. She bowed her head before continuing her speech.
"Lani, how many times have I told you not to bow?" She kept her head down as I approached, was she terrified of me?
"Right, apologies your grace. I have news from the gate, Gandalf the Grey wants your attention." Well, speak of the devil, at least something interesting is going to happen today.
"Do you know what he wants?" I asked heading towards the garden, she quickly followed.
"He says he wishes to speak with you, that it was for your ears only. And also to keep an open mind if you will." I sighed, of course, he would say that I did tend to have a temper at certain times.
"Send him to the garden, and bring us some tea from the kitchen please." She bowed once more and left to complete my request. I hated when people bowed to me, we were all the same here there is no reason for her to treat me like royalty. I was the queen, yes, but everyone in the city lived like me. Every one of us would help each other, I was just like them. Just like any other female or handmaiden, cause if they asked me for a favor I'd take care of it in a heartbeat. We didn't have much ever since The Blast, but it helped us stick together especially since with what we had lost. The flowers in the garden were blooming once more, it was a mixture of colors. Some black, blue, and even white, it truly was a sight to see.
"I see you have expanded your Kingdom, it's bigger than the last time I remembered." Gandalf smiled, engulfing me in a tight hug as a greeting.
"We're doing better, it's been a while since you've visited, how are you?" I offered him a seat on the white wooden bench, gladly he took it.
"I'm doing fine thank you, you're probably wondering as to why I visited."
"Most likely to come to check on me and how I'm doing, and no I haven't found a husband yet. None of the men in the city suit my interests." He chuckled at my comment, and happily took the cup of tea from Lani who had entered.
"Well perhaps maybe you'll find a suitor on the outside of Larthas." Outside? Did he mean past the gate? Lani handed me a cup of tea in a black glass small cup. Setting down the tray in her hands, she left me and the grey wizard to ourselves.
"What do you mean outside of Larthas? Is there a dragon that needs slaying?" I joked and he gave me a look, so that's a yes.
"His name is Smaug, over 60 years ago he took the kingdom of Erebor." Erebor, wasn't that one of the greatest dwarven kingdoms? "There is a company of thirteen dwarves being summoned to the Shire."
"No, I will not help those filthy men. Not after what they have caused us, we lost our home. It's karma if you ask me, their kingdom can stay taken over."
"I thought you might say that, which is why I brought this." He pulls out a scroll closed with a red ribbon and hands it to me. On the inside, there was a message, written in dwarvish by Thor.
"On Durin's day, the door shall be open, but not only will Smaug and the Arkenstone be present. Also the records and reports of Digonisks, the truth remains in the King's room, in his bedside table. This is only for the eyes of The Soul Of The Black Dragon." I read, my eyes widened in shock, evidence, after all these years there was evidence that my people weren't monsters. "How did you come by this?"
"Thorin Oakenshield's grandfather hid the truth from everyone, but his son found out. Thror wanted to hide it because he did not want the dwarves to be hated. He did not want to risk your people coming after his, so with Thrain's last breath, he wrote this. I found his remains in Dol Guldur, he died by starvation."
"How did you know he was there?"
"Thorin told me a rumor of where he was, and I decided to go see for myself. Thorin doesn't know, and I would like to keep it that way. He's already lost so much." Well, I guess that's something me and this dwarf have in common. We both don't know where our parent's last remains are. "I know you hate dwarves and humans for what they have done, even I have a small hatred for Thror. Yet these dwarves weren't the ones who slaughtered your family, I beg of you to help us."
"What about this Thorin? Does he know I'll be apart of this?" He shook his dead, were we not going to tell him at all?
"I figured I'd tell him if you come." He waited for my answer, as much as I despised those greedy midgets. He was right, they weren't the ones who killed my mother or my father. And if what Thrain wrote is true, my people have a chance to have their names redeemed. We could come out in the open again, we could be free.
"Alright Gandalf, I'll be there. When do we start?"
Chapter 1: The Company
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