#about rube
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hesperocyon-lesbian · 23 days ago
What really gets me about liberals in the US is how fundamentally politically naive they are. They’ve spent decades now handwringing about how they can’t break or even bend the rules to accomplish their goals all while their opponents have flouted those same rules the entire time. The precedent has already been established but they’ll always cling onto their precious process even as it accomplishes nothing over and over
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crehador · 1 year ago
i feel like this moment was kind of glossed over (in part because of tl issues but also in part because forget me not just didn't really react to it lmao)
but i'm obsessed with how x set up a rube goldberg machine that ended with hot tea being poured on forget me not's head
and they even released this official sticker
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arttsuka · 5 months ago
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Some doodles I did instead of paying attention to class
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unnecessaryyandere · 1 year ago
If you have videos from James Somerton deleted channel, Archive it. Archive it all. Archive every example of him twisting others words to spread his hateful misogny and blantant misinformation. Archive every example of him taking other peoples hard work and presenting it as his own. Do not let him erase the evidence that could help people bring him to justice and do not let his die hard fans say, well do you have proof he said that? He deleted his channel not out of remorse but out of fear of reprecussions and further critisim.
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kivaember · 1 month ago
i dont know if i missed it but if not: missed opportunity for drifter to really go into detail the hilarious and insane dynamics of Entrati's family in the KIM convos. like:
drifter: i've met entrati's daughter and her kids drifter: they're ok drifter: very insane. drifter: deranged. drifter: so completely fucked up the hex: drifter drifter: them being infested is the most normal thing about them- the hex: did the infestation drive them insane drifter: no drifter: it actually made them more sane drifter: somehow
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andmaybegayer · 10 months ago
Look I don't hate C you can write good code in C if you try and I understand the reasons for its popularity but so many people who don't know shit about C give insane made up reasons for why C is good. C is like if after world war 2 everyone decided to pattern every single gun on the sten because it was really easy to make. And now people retroactively were like actually the sten is the original gun and it's good because it interacts very closely with the bullet and has fewer moving parts. This is nothing, the sten is like that because it's cheap as fuck and when it breaks you can fix it in a burned out French cottage with some sheet metal and a rock and a cigarette.
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 9 months ago
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clara voice: is that what i look like from the back?
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itsbebebe · 2 months ago
I love Lynne Ghost Trick. She is a woman put in so many Situations.
And she dies in all of Them.
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daisybell-on-a-carousel · 2 months ago
Batfanon would be way more fun if they treated Jason like a domesticated villain
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guppygiggles · 3 months ago
Hi, Casper. I know I haven't exactly been talking much in your ask box, and I still love and enjoy your art very much!
So, friend... I wanted to ask, we've seen what happens when Casper feels down and Avery cheers him up... But what about the other way around? What would Casper do to cheer up Avery?
I've been on a cheer up kick lately- maybe because I wish to have it? Idk
Awwww Rubes, thank you very much. 💙
Avery does his best to stay in high spirits, but he does get sad and low moods sometimes, just like anyone else. Canon Avery especially does, often over the state of the world and whether or not he will be able to do anything to change it for the better.
When he is sad, Avery doesn't really enjoy being forced to laugh... he'd rather be quietly cuddled and held close, and can even get a little clingy. He also gets tired more and is more likely to need extra rest and naps.
Casper would stay right by his side for as long as he needed, sleeping beside him, being his big spoon (even though Casper is much shorter, hehe), bringing him tea, doing chores for him so that he had more time to rest. And of course, there would be lots of hugs and cuddles. He would apologize and feel guilty for not being at his best, but Casper would gently shush him and just keep doting on him regardless.
I think there would come a point when Casper could see his old self shining through again, and then there would be some gentle tickles to coax that light out. Avery is normally pretty bold about being a lee, but I think he'd be more shy and vulnerable in a cheer-up context.
This led me to imagine Casper sitting on Avery's lap, facing him with his legs wrapped around him, and gently tickling under his cloud head... making him hold Casper even tighter as he blushes and giggles, and Casper teases him with "Awwww, there's that silver lining I love so much~"
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wavetapper · 1 month ago
reading and books as a medium are held in such ridiculous sanctity on here. who gives a fuck
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viric-dreams · 9 months ago
Tamara could have easily gone the way of the Bohemians, with her interest in painting and later photography (she's not particularly artistically talented, but learned to make sure to immortalise as much of Varchas in paint and canvas as she can before the memories become too blurred and distorted), but she'd accidentally found a new calling.
At present she's involved in a scheme with one Margaret Hawes, Society Lady, ensnaring rich society types in scandal. One well-timed photograph and a tip to the press, and the scandal is enough to get any respectable society type sent to the Tomb Colonies!
Said marks would often try to bribe their way out of these compromising photos reaching the newspapers, however whatever they can offer does not compare to the cut that she (and now Tamara) get from the Venderbight business owners, whose entire economy has been absolutely booming due to the influx of rich exiled Londoners.
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strqyr · 2 years ago
the thing about "are you okay/alright?" as a question is that it's pretty straightforward to answer. it's a 'yes' or 'no' question; either you're okay, or you're not. but that's also its pitfall: saying 'yes' when you're actually okay is incredibly easy, it's one word and there's no reason to lie or avoid answering to someone who's clearly concerned about your well-being, so when the answer isn't 'yes' but it isn't a 'no' either... well...
absence of a 'no' isn't a 'yes', ya know?
that's really the thing with ruby; she never told her team she was fine. she either ignored the question, something else happened to catch everyone else's attention, or they straight up said "maybe we shouldn't worry about home right now, we got enough problems to—" when that's clearly weighing on ruby's mind.
it's like what weiss said: ruby felt like she couldn't talk about her problems to them. and it's not hard to see why, especially when the one time in the ever after she aired her frustrations and was met with "you don't really mean that" instead of understanding.
( and before anyone gets ahead of themselves: no, this isn't about blaming wbyj for all of ruby's problems; it's about understanding why things got to this point and why even good intentions may have unfortunate consequences )
this whole situation, how they should have gotten past the "are you okay?" question to address the obvious problem at hand, is perfectly laid out in the first episode with weiss.
blake and ruby ask her about what happened after they fell, if anyone else fell too, to which weiss' answer was that no, she doesn't know if anyone else fell, that they should focus on finding others first before going over everything, after a beat of silence. it's only when they find yang and this exchange happens that weiss breaks:
weiss: i sort of thought you'd be a little happier to see us. yang: i am... it's just... it must have gone pretty bad, huh?
it's the admission, saying the quiet part out loud, that does it. there's no hiding behind "hey let's focus on this another thing first" or anything like that. and that's exactly what ruby needed, someone else seeing her avoiding answering the question and telling her that she's clearly not okay and that this is the time to stop and talk about it, the rest can wait. but it never got to that point bc something else always came up, even after ruby snapped and it became so very obvious to everyone else that she wasn't okay.
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cottoncandyruby · 2 years ago
thank you for tagging me @mythicalamity 💚
here be my song. but, unfortunately, I'm unsure of the translation, so the plot of the movie would have to be a surprise with a trailer that gave absolutely nothing away 😅 but I think the title is 'The Sun Is Still There' (do correct me if I’m wrong tho!)
and well, I guess it's obvious if anyone was gonna be the sun it'd be this guy…
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join in if you’d like! I love seeing the music y’all listen to 🎶
Rules: no cheating! You’re starring in a movie with the last person you saved in your camera roll. The last song you’ve listened to is the title. Who/what is it?
Thanks for the tag @mcbeanzontoast honestly I’m not complaining about this at all. :)
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no pressure tags: @twistedboxy​ @offworld-lamb​ @neurotic-nico​ @holyymountain​ 
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tasberry · 2 years ago
You know, watching all the volumes I missed out on in one go has been really interesting.
Initially, I thought Ruby being with Oscar was maybe just gonna be a one sided ship on Oscar's behalf?
I thought it was cute as heck, and I loved the idea of two kids, with such extraordinary pressures put upon them, just... being normal dorks with each other.
Maybe that's boring, but that was kinda why I liked it, you know?
They're both two characters that have so much to live up to, and their circumstances are the furthest thing from boring....aaaand yet the relationship they could have would just be the epitome of the "couple that gets nervous to even hold hands" trope.
On my way to get caught up, seeing everything up until last weeks devastating cliffhanger...I don't get people saying they can't see the Rosegarden implications?
It's not subtle about it at all. Hell, even people I know ship Ruby with someone else (or no one at all) have pointed out that there has been a spotlight on how important Oscar and Ruby are to each other.
Even if the characters don't totally get why that is themselves, the narrative and animation choices keep drawing back to it, you know?
Sure, you could point out Oscar and Ozma merging and the can of worms that that argument brings. That's fair.
That being said, however, I don't think they're going to end up being merged.
Even if they come close to it, I don't see it being permanent or that Oscar would lose himself or become a second wheel with Ozma taking the reigns.
With all the emphasis put on Oscar being his own person and Ozma genuinely not wanting the incarnation process to continue....why would the story pull a 180 and seemingly go against its own messaging? Being your own person and breaking toxic cycles seems to be an important theme here. Especially with what we've seen in V9 so far.
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ghostlightfic · 8 months ago
loop distraction from Those questions. favorite space fact and why
feel free to talk about space a lot actually i really wanna know more about it
[Loop hums.]
Loop: I don't know if I have a favorite, but. Did you know Saturn has eighty-two moons?
[Isabeau startles, eyes wide.]
Isabeau: Eighty-two?
[Loop smiles indulgently.]
Loop: Eighty-two.
[Mission cheer up Loop: success?]
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