#about my Thoughts on some of the things that go on in dmbj fandom
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dare i say…..1, 6, 8, and 17 for the ask meme?
ohh please do, i have so many opinions about dmbj. that being said, obligatory disclaimer, all of these are very much my subjective opinions, not fact. fandom discourse ahead, you’ve been warned
for the ‘choose violence ask game’:
1. the character everyone gets wrong
if i had to be completely honest, my hot take would be that technically a distressingly large portion of the vocal dmbj fandom gets pretty much all the characters wrong to the point it’s actually kind of concerning, but if i had to choose one character in particular, it’d have to be xiaoge.
and look. i understand that a number of people have only watched the dramas and aren’t particularly inclined to read the books because of the time commitment that comes with so much material to get through, and that’s fair. but it’s very telling when someone only goes off of the dramas to shape their characterizations (and even then, i could have a hotter take that the dramas, exceptions aside, all have the broad strokes of the characters down with only details that change, so there’s really no excuse) because in the books, xiaoge is repeatedly described as being indifferent and very much disinterested and untouched by what goes on around him. xiaoge choosing to invest himself in something or someone is very much something noteworthy coming from him. and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have emotions, but it does mean he’s a very nuanced character to explore when it comes to them and how they’re displayed.
it’s incredibly frustrating to see how many people, often times for the sake of a trope or a ship dynamic, make him one dimensional. either he’s a cold, almost brutal s*x predator, or he’s a tortured angsty soul that’s meek and emotionally vulnerable the moment he trusts someone enough, or he’s dramatically waxing poetic in his head about his feelings for X Y or Z, or possibly worst of all, he’s a mindless one-fit-for-all doll that caters to whatever ship he’s been placed in.
it’s not like i’m the authority on characterization, everyone has their biases, myself included, but the key to understanding xiaoge is to remember that he’s an old soul, disconnected from the world and people around him both through his particular circumstances and through the way he’s been consistently dehumanized practically since he was a baby. his sense of self is in shambles, and only begins a slow (re)construction through his slow-growing friendship with wu xie and pangzi. of course he has his doubts and fears—the whole evolution from ‘i have no connection to this world’ to ‘my one connection to this world is you’ doesn’t come out of nowhere—but those doubts aren’t expressed in conventional ways, just like any love or affection he might feel will never be thought of or expressed in grandiose or over the top ways. a lot of the things he feels just are, and it doesn’t make them less true or complex just because xiaoge isn’t one to overanalyze things and accepts and is secure in them so long as he’s been made aware of them. he’s also assertive in his judgment of things in general. i could go on and honestly i’m not sure i’m even touching the tip of the iceberg as far as fandom treatment of xiaoge goes but just. yeah.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying
this. is a very loaded question with a very loaded answer. i keep feeling like i need to make disclaimers before i say things like “if you like this it’s fine” because yes it absolutely is. i’m not telling anyone a ship is bad. but if i have to point fingers, there’s a group of people who happen to be very into particular ships with whom i’ve had. less than great interactions. so this isn’t a judgment of the ships so much as it’s a reflection of my experiences with a lot of people who happen to be vocal about liking them.
and in my time in the dmbj fandom, no group of people has been more aggravating to me than ls shippers and lc character shippers in general. and tbh i can extend that to the people who make shipping every possible character combination under the sun their entire personality. again it’s fine if you like any of these things. but that i’ve personally experienced, too many of these people manage to often offer the unholy combination of being extremely pushy about their preferences even when someone politely expresses they’re not into them, and having the worst takes imaginable on any given character they claim to like. it’s to the point where while i initially had no particularly strong feelings about ls as a character, i genuinely do not like him now and do not want to hear about him in general. and tbh by extension i’m not the biggest fan of lc and his characters just because i unfortunately associate him with these people and their behavior. you can imagine how much i enjoy the fact that these are also the group of people who’ve effectively silently bullied a number of other people out of fandom spaces enough that they’re now the face of the dmbj fandom on a number of platforms.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
once again this could apply to so many things. but i think the one thing that gets me the most is the very widespread opinion that dmbj as a canon is inconsistent and full of plot holes and makes no sense. i’ve had people tell me that dmbj canon doesn’t exist because the canon is so incoherent and incohesive, and that the fandom likes it that way because it’s more fun. and that’s just a preference for fanon over canon that’s being justified by passing it off as a fact for some reason.
it’s fine to have preferences, but i draw the line at intentional misinformation. and once again, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, it’s telling of people having largely engaged with the dramas over the books, because the books, while imperfect and sometimes leaving things unanswered (and even then that’s becoming a moot point seeing as npss is tying up a lot of those loose ends in the more recent arc of the story that predictably over half of the fandom is unaware of because it hasn’t been adapted), very rarely end up having major discrepancies. the books, which sorry to say are very much the definitive canon, are actually very cohesive both for plot and characters, and the loose ends, while frustrating, are never to the detriment of the plot. nothing is openly contradictory, or rarely. and with such an extensive source material that doesn’t hand you answers on a gold platter, it also requires some close reading of seemingly innocuous details that become relevant down the line, which can get complicated given the sheer amount of information.
so while it’s not necessarily easy, no dmbj is not full of ‘pits haha’. people only think that because a) they’ve only watched the dramas which are an absolute mess and b) it makes them feel justified in considering dmbj like some free-for-all chinese tomb raiding themed dnd game they can remix ad infinitum, when i honestly don’t understand why that even needs justification. you can enjoy fanon without dunking on both the canon and the people who enjoy engaging with it idk.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
this is honestly a great question and i had to think about it for a bit, so i’m going to offer two (ish) options. the first kind of general one is i wish there were more book-centric fics instead of drama-centric ones, because while i enjoy the shows for different reasons, i love the books and the specific vibe they have, and just overall i prefer them by a fair margin. i’d specifically love fic about anything post restart but that’s a pipe dream tbh.
the second is i wish there were more gen fics about the main characters? i know there are a number of gen fics out there, but a lot of them tend to include or focus on minor characters i don’t particularly care for, and so much of the fic involving the iron triangle specifically tends to either be shippy, or even when it’s gen is still flirting a very close line to shippy that’s gen only in name and hinges on the fact it doesn’t include s*x or kissing or explicit mentions of relationship status. but i want the gen fic where it’s just wu xie and pangzi goofing off over a beer, the gen fic where it’s just pangzi trying to get a rise out of xiaoge by telling him ridiculous dirty jokes as they clean xilaimian’s kitchen while xiaoge stays impassive and eventually wu xie comes back from wherever he was and digs at pangzi for it. i want the gen fic where it’s just wu xie and xiaoge on a walk in the mountains, no talking, just enjoying each other’s presence and the peace the silence brings.
special mention to i would also like for ship fics that include one pair in the iron triangle to not write off the other member for very obvious reasons. like shipping pangxie and conveniently taking xiaoge out of the picture by writing him off as ace (which is a hc i vibe with but not when it’s a poor excuse for excluding him). or like shipping pingxie and just not including pangzi in situations where he very much would be. romance and friendship are different types of relationships but both are as valuable and can and should coexist without invalidating each other.
#ask meme#fandom discourse#dmbj#this is probably the most open i've ever been#and will ever be#about my Thoughts on some of the things that go on in dmbj fandom
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8 Shows to Get to Know Me
thank you for tagging me josi @wanderlust-in-my-soul ♥ am always happy to talk about shows that are important to me~
(tried to write these down in order from oldest to newest! meaning: when they came into my life and changed me)
I. Merlin (2008-2012)
one of the first shows i ever watched from a streaming site (aka illegally online haha), tho i did start watching it while it was airing on our tv. i adore the atmosphere, the world, the characters, and the whole journey throughout all five seasons. it feels whole. the fandom here is also amazing, even if i mostly watch it from afar ♥
II. Theory of Love (2019)
am not really sure when exactly i watched this for the first time, but i have vague memories of the last ep or the special ep only having just aired. it was one of my first introductions to bls - to good and more thoughtful bls - and i loved it with my whole chest. after rewatching it a year ago, i can still say it’s one of those shows that has rearranged something permanently in me.
III. Sense8 (2015-2018)
the show that feels like it was made for me. it’s just so full of things i love: fantasy, mysteries, action, character bonds, found family, love, acceptance, understanding, and even psychological themes. i love each of the characters very dearly and enjoyed all of their relationships with each other. i also loved what this show did with intimacy, both the emotional and physical kind, by showing how it can be a source of great comfort.
IV. The Untamed (2019)
my first ever cdrama that opened up a whole new world for me. it became one of my first ever big hyperfixations, one of my great loves. it let me dive into the world of other cdramas and so even more great shows. and it brought me to many new things and ppl here on tumblr after leading me into editing and so to the mdzs network ♥
V. The Lost Tomb 2 / Explore With The Note (2019)
i cannot really pack dmbj into only one show bc each of the adaptations has given me something to chew on, but tlt2 is always my baby. it is the show that made me love pingxie, the show that made me insane about their story, and the show i would die for. it gave me serious brainrot for such a long time, and even if it’s not the best one of the adaptations, it’s still very, very dear to me.
VI. You’re My Glory (2021)
i never thought a romance show would get to me but this one did in so many ways. it taught me some precious lessons and i think it changed how i see accomplishments, dreams, and working hard to reach personal goals. it gave me hope and strength, and it just made me believe in love that is comfortable and adjusts to your needs.
VII. Bad Buddy (2021)
the show that changed me about a year ago. the show that somehow opened up a lock inside of me, that allowed me to feel new things, that comforted me and understood me. idk if any bl can ever feel as much home as bb does. little did i know that when i started watching this silly bl during the christmas it was still airing, it would consume me, heart and soul, and then lead me here, wrapped up in this bl world.
VIII. Vice Versa (2022)
if there’s one show to define me right now, to define me for the past year, it’s vice versa. it’s everything to me in every sense. it’s a show i go to when i want to cry, or smile, or feel warm, or happy, or sad, or delighted, or comforted, or loved. it’s a show that feels like a hug, a show that heals me in all the ways i need to be healed. it means so much to me. and it doesn’t hurt that it’s still one of the most beautiful bls i’ve ever seen ♥ (i could write essays of vv, tho at the same time it feels like the jane austen quote, “if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more”)
some honorary mentions:
The Long Ballad (2021), Not Me (2021), My Country: The New Age (2019), The Blood of Youth (2022), and 3 Will Be Free (2019)
tagging: @leonpob @stormyoceans @dimpledpran @hils79 @psychic-waffles @ardentlytess @oswlld @sanoreo ♥
#tag game#this was a lot of fun ^^#tho choosing shows was extremely difficult#especially when i don't remember all of them lol#but these came to me first so here we are!#also fun to see that msot of these shows#are from 2019#a good year huh#edit: i apparently do not know how to count
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For the ask meme: 9, 10, 12, 17, 28, 33, 40
thanks for the ask!
9. How do you find new fic to read?
honestly i just open whatever tag i want to read and backread from whatever's the newest. i do filter out certain things (length, completion, some archive warnings), but other than that, i don't do much else, just go from there. this is, as you can imagine, harder in smaller fandoms, and sometimes i feel a bit like a rat searching for crumbs.
10. How do you decide what to write?
usually what i write is either 1. prompted (rarer these days now that i'm not Known as a prompt writer), or 2. based on ideas i toss around with my friends. talking concepts through with people helps solidify my thoughts and portrayals—i'm not very good at forming cohesive narratives on my own, without anyone to bounce them off of.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
hmmm, i can think of a lot i used to be neutral towards, but now i hate or dislike strongly, but not much the other way around...................maybe non-linear narratives? i used to find them annoying, but since i started writing them for sunrise and realised how useful they are, they've grown on me.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
pacific rim or his dark materials fusions always get me. i think these are a bit more common, though (pacrim has its own fusion tag, even), so i guess my most obscure and highly-specific au would be a dmbj-zmyx fusion/crossover—dmbj could definitely work as a door world, but both fandoms have a really small english fanbase, so i'm not sure the overlap between them, and likely, i would be the only one who wanted to read it.
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who?
i don't tend to let people read the entire completed fic before it's posted, but i do send my friends excerpts! poor @lungache has to listen to me both ramble about my concepts and toss my horrid little sneak peeks at them, and @lucientelrunya gets the same treatment, and i greatly appreciate both of them for it.
33. If you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? Is it different from your ideal chapter length to read?
the ideal chapter length is whatever gets the job done, but if i'm writing a multichapter fic, then whatever length the first chapter is is the bare minimum for all following ones. i've written fics that had 1k chapters, and i've written fics that have 5k chapters—it really just depends on how much i'm covering per chapter. (also, my chapters these days tend to be longer just because i love description and emotion, and refuse to be concise.) for preferred reading length, usually anything 1k+ is good for me, and i'm not too picky—i'm willing to read 2k chapters, or 30k chapters.
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
depends entirely on what i'm feeling. i haven't reread most of my bookmarks, but if i'm in desperate straits (have been through a tag and read everything i'm willing to already), i'll go back and reread things.
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OK, so I’ve been thinking a bit about how I fell into c dramas lately. Because I can’t seem to make the timeline make sense in my head. And after much research this afternoon, I think I’ve finally figured out why: the pandemic really has just entirely fucked with my perception of time. O_o;;;
I keep thinking that I just got into DMBJ like... “last year.” It FEELS like it should have been last year. But after that one WiP Title meme response, I was abruptly reminded that I was just getting into HeiPing almost exactly a year ago... and that was at LEAST a year after first getting into DMBJ. So I did some looking.
I reblogged my first TLTR posts in mid-late July OF 2020. Definitely NOT a year ago. XD And I caved and got an iQIYI subscription around the end of July/beginning of August of 2020 to watch it. So it’s been like... 2 1/2 YEARS, not ONE year. OTZ
Thanks pandemic... everything that happened around when you started was “a year ago” I GUESS???
Then I got curious about when I first got into c-dramas, because in my head that was “a couple of years ago” but CLEARLY IT WAS NOT.
My first tagged The Untamed post was from November of 2019.
I’m almost certain I started watching that in the summer of 2019. But either way, it was only a YEAR (or less???) from my first forays into c dramas to landing in the DMBJ pit?
No WONDER my mental timeline construct on that one is so fucked up. I was so sure I was in TUD fandom for longer than a year before branching out into Guardian and I was sure I was in Guardian for at least a year before stumbling into DMBJ but CLEARLY THAT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN THE CASE????
OMG, I am so confused. O_o;;;
I was writing (and posting) Legacies Lost up until the first full semester of lockdown began, which would have been Fall of 2020. And I don’t THINK I was in Guardian fandom before that? Maybe I overlapped more than I thought?
...my first Guardian post was May of 2020, but I’d clearly been watching for at least a little while by the time I reblogged that post.
I am SO fucking confused, you guys. I REALLY THOUGHT I was in c drama fandoms for much much longer before landing in DMBJ. HOW IS THAT SO CRUNCHED AND CONDENSED???
Ooooooooooh. OK, I see. I forgot that the summer of 2019 was Rocketman summer. And I was definitely NOT yet in c drama fandoms at the time. But now I remember that a friend was putting The Untamed on my dash for at LEAST 6 months to a year before I started watching it. That might be why it seemed like it was longer. And I guess I really must have overlapped more between Guardian and TUD than I thought I had. The tipping point to me posting more Guardian stuff was in June of 2020 and it was a month after that that I fell into DMBJ.
Sorry guys; probably no one cares, but this is weirding me out a little. XD All this time I really thought I was in Guardian fandom for way longer than DMBJ but APPARENTLY NOT??? I’m so confused. XD
OK. I’m gonna go... toddle off and think about other things now. XD
#eirenical babble#eirenical blogs fandom#guys i don't even KNOW#my memory of these events is CLEARLY NOT CORRECT#but tumblr time stamps don't lie#I FEEL VERY WEIRD ABOUT THIS#XD#anyway#i'm going to go do something productive with the hour and fifteen minutes before dinner#OTZ#dmbj#guardian#the lost tomb reboot#the untamed#tumblr milestones#...I GUESS???#c dramas#rocketman (2019)
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8 and 13 for the fanfic ask?
8) How often do people catch onto your little details?
I can't actually say! People sometimes notice stuff I want them to notice and sometimes they don't xD There's always things in my fic that people don't notice, but I could write two pages of meta on most sentences in any of my fics, so … people not noticing everything is very normal! With longfic, I also used to only post it when I was done writing, and at that point, the reactions don't feel as immediate anymore, because I wrote the stuff I'm posting weeks, sometimes months ago.
Honestly, most of the time I'm just curious to see what people DO notice. It's kind of like determining a cat's favorite food, you put out a bunch of stuff and see which bowl the cat goes for xD So if a reader notices detail 1 but not detail 2, I don't feel sad about detail 2 going ignored, I just file detail 1 away as something that caught people's attention.
I do sometimes fret about people not noticing plot stuff when they don't comment on it -- in my current fic, for example, because it's a case fic, I'm doing a lot of dropping hints between the lines (because straight up exposition just isn't very interesting to read or write) and then, when nobody comments on something I thought was hinting at kind of a big thing, I'm like BUT DID YOU NOTICE IT??? But then, people will catch on when the detail becomes a plot point, so even noticing that stuff isn't essential.
In conclusion, I guess the answer is "sometimes"!
Do you have a favorite character to write for?
Overall? That would be "the crossest man in Scotland" Jamie MacDonald (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZLkvzJGfJA). Warning for lots of offensive language and offensive everything in that clip, also really badly rendered video. Writing Jamie is entertaining and satisfying and just the right level of challenging. I haven't done it in a long time because the heart wants what the heart wants and I fell out of that fandom, but I do sometimes wistfully think back to being able to open a Word doc and just write a flood of Jamie MacDonald obscenities.
In DMBJ, it's a toss-up between Pangzi and Xiaoge. Pangzi is easy to write because he's fairly normal, he processes things in a narartive-friendly way, and he's got some spice to his mental commentary so it's easy to keep the narrative voice interesting. Xiaoge is less narartive-friendly, but I love writing him because the way his brain works is very soothing. He's very good at dismissing things he deems unimportant, so you spend very little time on irrelevant tangents and there's little deliberation or what-ifs or questioning of priorities. His POV is clean and pragmatic and very detailed -- he's a great observer and will produce endless paragraphs of introspective analysis on stuff, so when that's needed, his point of view is incredibly useful. (Unlike Wu Xie, who is the exact opposite of that; he'll spend six paragraphs thinking about architecture while having a gun to his head, sob.) I guess Pangzi is my go-to when I'm trying to move things along, and I go for Xiaoge when I need to zoom in on all the details and look at things up close. Wu Xie I use when I want the reader to feel confused and distrustful of the narrator xD.
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Hi! I'm very new to the DMBJ fandom and completely lost about what to watch or read first. I've watched about 9 episodes of Reunion, fell in love with the characters and started reading fic. I've read the first novel and watched a couple episodes of LT1. But I see complaints about some of the shows and don't know whether to keep watching chronologically or skip around for the best Iron Triangle content. And should I plan to read all the books? Any thoughts or suggestions? Thank you!
Hi, and welcome!
DMBJ can seem a bit daunting and confusing at first just because there's so much of it, it jumps all over the place, and all the canons are muddled together.
On the other hand, part of what makes DMBJ so delightful is that there's so much of it, it jumps all over the place, and all the canons are muddled toghether.
It basically means that you really can just jump in wherever, and watch/read in whatever you like, and you will get the important stuff (and find your favourite details). And then when you go back and reread/rewatch stuff after you've read/watched more, you will pick up on a whole heap of new things you hadn't before.
I would absolutely recommend reading all the books (and unless you can read Chinese, I am so sorry that the terrible official English translations are all we've got for the first half of the main series, but it is worth it to get the story, and once you get to the fan translations those are MUCH better, I promise).
Whether you want to read them before watching the shows, after watching the shows, or in between watching them is up to you. You will get a lot of details in the books that you won't in the shows - and there are also some fantastic books and extras that haven't yet been adapted into show format (Zang Hai Hua and Southern Archives immediately jump to mind). You can definitely jump around with reading the books, too - I read Sha Hai and Zang Hai Hua before I finished reading the main series, and didn't have any problems keeping up with what was going on (although it helped that I knew how the main series ended before I read them).
Like with all TV adaptations of books, the dramas have made quite a few plot changes, so it's definitely worth both reading the books and watching the shows.
The dramas, ah... The dramas are definitely not all created equal. Some of them are significantly better than others, but they're all a lot of fun to watch. (I'm told that even 2.5 has some redeeming features, although that one I have yet to watch for myself due to a lack of time and some of the less than great things I've heard about it). Everyone has their favourite drama, and opinions on most of them vary wildly from person to person in the fandom - what can be one person's favourite one is one that someone else absolutely hates. So, yes, you'll hear complaints about all of the shows, to be honest, because every show has some part of the fandom that dislikes it. Some of these complaints are objectively valid (the longer shows absolutely suffer from some annoying and boring filler in order to pad out the runtime, for instance, and DMBJ as a whole has a problem with fridging female characters), while a lot of them are pretty subjective and come down to the person's personal likes and dislikes.
I like all the shows that I've seen, although I definitely have my favourites, and all of them have both their good points and their bad points. Even with my favourite (Reunion) there were parts of it that I just straight up don't like and will fast forward through on rewatches (and yet I know people who love those self-same parts, but who will fast-forward through parts that I really liked). Which is really just a long-winded way of saying that you're not going to know which of the shows you like better than others (and which parts of those shows you do or don't like) without watching them for yourself.
As for what order to watch the shows in, that entirely comes down to personal preference: do you WANT to watch them chronologically, or do you want to watch the best Iron Triangle stuff first and come back to check out the other shows later? Both of these are completely valid choices and neither is more confusing than the other. You can always change your mind if you start watching one way and decide that that isn't working for you, and switch to the other way.
If you want to go for best Iron Triangle content first, I would suggest either finishing off Reunion, then going back to watch Ultimate Note and Tomb of the Sea (there's a lot less Iron Triangle and pingxie content in it compared to the others, but what's there is really amazing), and then watching TLT1, TLT2, and the donghua, or watching Ultimate Note, then finishing off Reunion, then Tomb of the Sea, TLT1, TLT2, and the donghua. Then 2.5 to finish off the main story shows.
If you want to watch chronologically, it's TLT1, TLT2, TLT2.5, donghua (although the donghua could go before 2.5 or even before 2, since it covers one of the books that 2 covers), Ultimate Note, Tomb of the Sea, Reunion.
As I said above, though, if you want to skip around, there isn't a problem with doing that. If you get partway through one of them and really don't want to keep watching it, you can skip on to the next show without a problem, you'll easily pick up all the important stuff anyway (especially once you start Ultimate Note, which has a 'previously on' type recap at the start of the first episode to quickly bring you up to speed on the major plot points that take place before it).
The Mystic Nine (the Republican-era prequel) you can really watch whenever/wherever you want, since about the only impact it has on the other shows is that it's the show that introduces Zhang Rishan (who later appears in Sha Hai and Ultimate Note), and there's a few references to it here and there in later shows.
Time Raiders, the 2016 movie, is completely standalone to everything. It's best described as a steampunk-ish AU of DMBJ. It's absolutely hilarious and I love it, but it really has nothing to do with the main canon.
There's also several spin-off movies and short series for Tomb of the Sea and Reunion, but I'd really advise that you watch the shows first. The spin-offs have nothing to do with the main plot, and the characters in them really won't mean anything to you without having watched the shows, since they feature side characters from those shows.
Have you found any of the DMBJ Discords yet? There's a few of us around. If you haven't and would like to join, let me know and I'll shoot you some invite links!
Hope some of this helps, and enjoy watching/reading/falling into these pits with us!
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honestly you're one of the rare ones who didn't lie about reading the dmbj og books bc after seeing some ppls tweets there are way too much of 'its bc i've read the book i hate it' and then they proceed to describe the thing they hated that was in the book and i just start laughing. anyways same about the 'restart'. like hell i'd exchange what zu yilong and huang junjie did for what was happening in there and it all ending with wu xie rapidly aging and going bald no thank you
I just think that this is the kind of a rare fandom, where whether you are a fan of the books or not, it doesn't matter unless you're making sense and consistent with what you're saying, bc the novels are a hot mess tbh. Like even if you're a huge fan of the books for some reason, there had to be places where u were like "well that was... strange" lol
So like it weirds me out when ppl keep agressively yelling ooc and he'd never do that, if that's what he did in the novel. you mean like "ooc compared to what this character is in your head?" but thats not ooc lmao
For me it's just the overall feeling I guess, like if I'm watching and it feels right or it feels.. well, not. Chemistry plays a huge role too.
Like the only Qilings I love are Yuliang & Junjie, but whoever came up with the "Yuliang is the closest to the book Qiling version" is hella wrong and lying, you can check it yourself. But I can't consider the fact that they're so much softer and more gone on Wu Xie as a flaw, although some aparently do xD
Same as I personally can't accept the Wu Xie's "don't worry about him" line in the new one, but know for sure that there was tons of moments in the books like and I quote here Wu Xie literally going "knowing how skilled Xiao Ge was I wasn't worried about him at all, so I just watched him as he ran, distracting the creature". Like I'd rather have SOP version of Wu Xie being hella scared even when XiaoGe just jumps down stuff and running to check on him first out of everyone else after bomb explodes. But thats not whats happening in the novels, so it's technically ooc haha
Those who read also know that like "I'll notice if you disappear" 'I'm a man with no past and no future' scene in UN that was done so touchingly and romantically.. well, to say that it didn't carry as much emotion in the book is to say nothing lol. It just wasn't the vibe UN went with.
And why would I even want the Reboot book reunion going "why are u here?" of nothingness, if I can have what these idiots did with their heart eyes and "you're here, I'm okay now" and everything?
I mean, if you want the book version, fine by me, but like blaming people who wanted by novel #...12orsmth for them to pass some stages and get the warmth we got in UN and SOP is insane.
I mean, just the fact that in the Restart book Wu Xie had an internal thought that next time they see each other they might not even know how to behave with each other and that for him he's just a random person he passes by in his long life just almost made me close the damn thing lolz
yeah, about him basically dying at the end.. also no thanks. stupid me prefers them living together and Qiling hating Wu Xie being hungry birdy and going to buy him food xD
"going bald" lmaaaaaao it said it'll grow back its ok

I honestly considered myself an extra Xiao Ge fan, until I saw some ppl's reviews and opinions and thought "omg lmao some just go straight overboard with everything", esp considering canon.
I was straight up laughing at that one comment "all he does in this part is looking lovingly at Wu Xie and protects him". I was like damn, so many of my faves are cancelled like that... I mean, you're watching HOB anime and like "my god it's such a bad representation of the Hua Cheng character, all he does is stares at Xie Lian and protects him" lol (I'm sorry but this 11 episodes are NOT the part of the book that tells his story and who he is, but this in fact doesn't mean that they "reduced him to a tool" lmao). Meanwhile some DMBJ books Wu Xie goes "I knew he was hired by the 2nd uncle just to keep us safe". LMAO SO WHAT? this is not making him a tool, that's just what he does, it doesn't make his FULL CHARACTER, just bc he does that.
Like seriously, it sounds as insane as someone splitting MDZS in 3 parts, watching the last one, then the first one and saying like "you know in the last part all that LZ does is stares lovingly at WWX and protects him, he was much more complex and flawed in part 1". Like wth lol... ITS THE SAME FUCKING CHARACTER.
Also I saw one UN review that was positive, but just went that Xiao Ge in that part felt more like humane or smth, bc "at some point he even grew a scruff". I was just sitting there like... out of all the things in this series that made him humane, why mention the scruff? Like since when it's a thing...? I mean just bc Shen Wei or Lan Zhan look perfect all the time that somehow means they don't have feelings or less human beings? I do not get.
So all these tantrums of "ISTG IF THEY EVER SHOW QILING JUST PROTECTING THEM... I'M GONNA BLEW UP" and the same one saying that they're the book fans, I'm like "how didn't u blow up during several books already?" lolz
I like love reading so many different opinions, when it comes to this fandom, bc it's so fascinating, but some arguments just don't go together well haha
And I'm a huge fan of UN, but like.. some go a bit TOO extra about it and their arguments just don't stick sometimes, bc they're trying again with the "it's the less-est ooc from books", but it wasn't as much it, as the fact that it just had soul in it, which sometimes in my opinion actually completely lacked in the og novels.
Anyways, as an extra Qiling's fan myself, I can tell that some are going waaay overboard with stuff.
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Tibetan Sea Flower (藏海花) Drama Review or Why I Think It’s a Laundry List of Crimes Actually
Because somebody had to do it
So the Tibetan Sea Flower (or 藏海花, or Adventure Behind The Bronze Door) drama, meant to be adapting the Tibetan Sea Flower novel, first sequel following the main eight volumes of Daomu Biji, has been out for a while now, and I finally got around to actually finishing it. And I have Many Things to say about it
That I can tell, a lot of people in the English-speaking part of the fandom have praised it for various reasons, and while I’m glad there are people who enjoyed it, I’m not one of those people, so for the sake of variety of opinion I thought I’d share my thoughts about it. I could honestly write an essay because that’s how many crimes this drama committed in my opinion, but no one wants to read All That so this is going to be an attempt at a highlight reel
TLDR; Tibetan Sea Flower is firmly at the bottom of my list of DMBJ adaptations with Lost Tomb 2.5. It’s only slightly above that because unlike Lost Tomb 2.5, Tibetan Sea Flower has a few redeeming qualities at least
First off, some things I did enjoy, or if not enjoy, that I can appreciate in a “there was a vision” sense
My favorite part of this drama was the first 4 or 5 episodes, and the choice to start with the tail end of volume 8 of the main story was a smart decision in that it gave a lot more emotional impact leading into ZHH proper. The start of the drama is fast-paced without feeling rushed, and while my opinion on the ZHH drama isn’t entirely based off of doing a one-to-one comparison with the book (mostly because adaptations inevitably change things to adapt to a new medium so they can’t and shouldn’t be one-to-one copies), the fact it followed the book to a T was a touch I appreciated. The cinematography, directing, and music for the most part are also a strong point this drama has going for it. I can also appreciate that the PingXie married vibes were off the charts to the point where every single time someone said “you’re the patriarch’s chosen one/friend” they might as well have been calling Wu Xie ‘Zhang furen’ it would have been the same thing. The addition of Ten Years Later (and the Fishing King extra which isn’t really an extra anymore since it’s been published as part of Ten Years Later) is also a decision I can appreciate in theory, and from a storytelling perspective makes for a fulfilling and thematically relevant ending. Chen Minghao as Pangzi also almost single-handedly carried the entire drama, iconic, thank you for your service king
Now that that’s out of the way, I can get into the meat and entire point of this post, that is some of the multiple crimes the ZHH drama committed because trust there are Many
I think the fact it started out so strong to me is what makes the rest of it worse. I’m not even sure if I can actually coherently explain the extent of the psychic damage this drama gave me by the time I finished it. There are sometimes significant differences between the drama and the book, which is something I expected because it’s an adaptation, and departures from the source material aren’t necessarily a bad thing. So it’s not that it’s different from the book that’s fundamentally a problem for me. What is a problem, however, is when an adaptation decides to make choices that fundamentally compromise the integrity of both the characters and the overarching plot. I don’t tend to expect anything from DMBJ adaptations, mostly because in general their quality varies, and they’re the main source of the misconception that DMBJ canon is a mess of inconsistencies and lack of cohesion when the original source material is by opposition generally both consistent and cohesive. The ZHH drama is one of those drama adaptations that decided to take the equivalent of a sledgehammer to everything from characterization and lore to any hope of cohesion between it and either the other drama adaptations or the books
The Zhang family lore takes the biggest hit. The casual obliteration of it is probably my biggest beef with this drama, and I can already hear people saying “but it’s not obliterated if it’s thematically adjacent, it doesn’t have to copy the book!. Now listen. It can be thematically relevant and not need to copy the book without creating completely unnecessary plot contradictions with the rest of the story, and as far as the Zhang family lore reworks are concerned, some of them aren’t even thematically appropriate, and sometimes are done in a way that’s?? Honestly baffling to me. Zhang Nian’s entire arc and existence is one of those, because he manages to make himself and the entire subplot that stems from him completely irrelevant by episode 20 where the drama just goes “...so anyway!”
There’s also the choice of having the tianshou (or the heavenly gift) be some sort of bug poison/disease that’s implied to be the only thing holding the Zhang family back from being “free” and living a normal life, and so from the moment Xiaoge decides to take on the mantle of Zhang Qiling for his own personal reasons (which is another issue I have), he alone bears the weight of the heavenly gift, and the rest of the family either disperses into living perfectly normal lives, or is at a bit of a loss as to what to do, which while this last bit is true to some extent for the overseas branch in the books, it stems from circumstances forcing them rather than a goal they wanted to achieve. I’m going to be very generous in blaming this change on censorship, but this alone, surface level as it is, is already contradicting the Zhang family’s most important thematic relevance in the story beyond the lore itself: the fact that they’re meant to be a family led astray by their own hubris and isolationist elitism, eventually switching gears from re: Queen’s Banquet an ancient people likely cursed by primordial entities beyond human understanding into becoming Other and seeking a cure for that, to a widespread and powerful clan pulling the strings of an entire empire for centuries upon centuries seeking a way to achieve true immortality
In the books, the Zhang family’s downfall is their own hubris that blinds them to their own failings to the point that eventually they lead themselves to being wiped out entirely by the Wang family, at least as far as the main branch is concerned. In the ZHH drama, their downfall isn’t even a downfall so much as it’s like they decided to retire and are having post-retirement depression. Zhang Nian is a pawn for the Wang clan, and in that sense he’s “relevant”, but his story is long-winded at best and undermines the impact and importance of the Wang family itself that ends up becoming a barely relevant footnote much like Sand Sea itself
The only thing I’m willing to believe is that Xiaoge either suffers from a more powerful version of the tianshou or is the only Zhang family member at present that suffers from it, mostly because we have no other living members of the main family alive to know if the tianshou ever became a burden Zhang Qiling alone carried for the rest of the clan. I’d be here forever if I started getting into how the ZHH drama somehow managed to lowkey retcon the Zhang family lore that was hinted at at the end of Queen’s Banquet, but it’s impressive how it managed to do even that. By the time it reached this point in episode 31 I was honestly just head in hands
Characterization issues in this drama also exist, and the three characters who suffer from it the most are probably Zhang Haike, and to a certain extent both Xiaoge and Wu Xie. Zhang Haike’s character is changed to the extent he might as well be a different character altogether so I won’t bother going into detail or I’ll be here for a while (TLDR; more or less erasing the fact he wears Wu Xie’s face permanently erases the somewhat antagonistic and overall complicated relationship he has with Wu Xie), but Xiaoge and Wu Xie have smaller changes that create contradictions down the line
Despite the drama mostly (but not entirely) disproving that Xiaoge specifically chose Wu Xie to carry on the task of tending to the tibetan sea flowers, it doesn’t discard the possibility entirely, which creates a number of problems, namely the fact that Xiaoge’s entire reasoning for going behind the bronze door in Wu Xie’s place and pushing him away the whole way up Changbai Mountain was to try and push Wu Xie out of tomb robbing and conspiracies altogether. Xiaoge sets up contingencies to help Wu Xie if he reaches specific points of no return, but going behind the bronze door is essentially Xiaoge doing the exact opposite of choosing Wu Xie to do a task, he’s aggressively unchoosing him. He also doesn’t ever relegate his duties as Zhang Qiling to other people
The same goes for the reasoning behind Xiaoge becoming Zhang Qiling being a deliberate move to help him find out who his parents are. This I can’t entirely discredit simply because the Three Days of Silence extra (the story of Xiaoge meeting Baima) gives no specific timeline or indication of his reason for going to the Jila temple besides that he was looking for a woman but he didn’t know who she was, and ZHH the book itself never talks about the circumstances behind Xiaoge becoming Zhang Qiling. The early main books place emphasis on Xiaoge’s driving force being discovering his identity and by extension his place in the world, so it’s not impossible to consider that might have been the case when he was a child as well. This is mostly vibes and not so objective, but the vibes are different, and to me Xiaoge becoming Zhang Qiling carries something more akin to a lamb offered as a sacrifice that accepts the role it’s been given, coupled with stepping up to a duty the Zhang family had essentially abandoned by that point, as opposed to doing it for strictly personal reasons. The same goes for the entire reasoning behind the tianshou wanting to kill Zhang Haike’s wife and taking control of Xiaoge to do so, because there’s irony in making Xiaoge, historically the least traditionalist Zhang alive outside of his actual duties as Zhang Qiling, Zhang family traditionalist number one via tianshou as if tianshou ever cared about the Zhang family’s isolationist politics or other earthly forms of power or symbols
Wu Xie is more complicated in that part of the problem for me is that I don’t particularly like Zhang Luyi as Wu Xie. Or in general as an actor. I’m aware this is a personal preference, but a lot of the more emotional moments were lost on me because to me he simply wasn’t conveying whatever emotion was meant to be conveyed convincingly. The biggest issue I have with Wu Xie’s portrayal outside of that is the subtle erasure of his character development. Reducing the Wang family’s relevance and impact cheapens their importance in the overarching story, which in turn cheapens the Sand Sea plan and its extreme difficulty, and the heavy personal cost of it for Wu Xie, which takes shape in the changes to the origin of his self-harm scars. Again, changing things from the book is fine, but when it alters what I consider to be a fundamental element in a character, it becomes a problem
The ZHH drama makes a point of showing that the first two scars that Wu Xie gives himself stem from what’s basically survivor’s guilt. He failed to protect the Zhang family, like he failed to prevent a situation that forced the Yinshaluo (I’m not sure that’s the name of the tribe considering all the place names in this drama are fake) warrior to sacrifice himself to stop the storm. Wu Xie punishes himself because he feels he failed, because he felt like he could have and should have done better. There are elements of that in the reasoning behind his scars in the Sand Sea book where their origin is explained, but the fundamental difference is that ZHH drama Wu Xie’s actions and reasoning come from a place where survivor’s guilt aside, he’s not objectively to blame for situations beyond his control, and in that sense, he’s “morally good”. Sand Sea book Wu Xie’s actions and reasoning come from the perspective of a man who deliberately orchestrated events in which he manipulated various people into becoming his pawns on a very high risk chessboard. Each scar represents a bad choice of move of the pawn that resulted in the death of his chosen sacrifice, so the element of failure is there, but the difference lies in the fact that contrary to the ZHH drama where he fails to save people, in the book, the people behind the scars are his victims that he willingly led to their deaths. He punishes himself because it’s his way of tolerating the intolerable from himself. Wu Xie’s amorality for the greater good in Sand Sea is such an important facet of his character, and by shifting the origin of those scars, it takes away from that element that the ZHH drama doesn’t hint at at all, or barely
There’s so many more things I could get into about this drama, like how paralleling Wu Xie and Xiaoge as being similar feels like a fundamental misunderstanding of their characters because them being different is the entire point. It’s doubly ironic when NPSS said recently that the entire point is that they’re entirely different people who only after the ten years have passed meet in the middle where their trajectories truly parallel each other: one of a man who went from a god to a man, and one of a man who went from man to god. I could talk about how Mama Bear Pangzi is a carry-over from the Reboot drama that doesn’t accurately reflect either what Pangzi is like in the books or how his dynamic with Wu Xie functions in them. I could talk about how despite there being good intentions in adding those scenes, shoving in as many impactful moments from the main story and Ten Years Later + Fishing King as they possibly could ended up feeling like boxes were being ticked off a list and it took away from their impact to the point some of those moments felt off or bland. It didn’t help that whether it was a directing issue or a filming issue (not an acting issue because Zhang Kangle was overall a good interpretation of Xiaoge), Xiaoge had practically no actual chemistry with either Wu Xie or Pangzi. I could talk about this drama’s pacing issues where it yo-yoed between going fast then excruciatingly slow. I could talk about the irony of an adaptation managing to both take a sledgehammer to the source material in a way that’s honestly criminal, yet ironically also being one the least newcomer friendly DMBJ adaptations
It’s safe to say I won’t be watching the ZHH drama again. This post exists mostly for the purpose of expounding on why I didn’t like this drama despite its strong start instead of just saying “it was bad”
#dmbj#tibetan sea flower#adventure behind the bronze door#meta#something of a review#i really could go on about this drama#i honestly had hopes for it in the beginning#but there came a point where it just kept getting worse and worse until watching it became a chore#i'm glad there are people who enjoyed it but i think i just wasn't the target audience#and not to make this a books vs drama people thing#but that i could tell from talking to different people on different platforms#and what's been said on weibo and dmbj forums#the books readers in a broad sense were somehow not the target audience either
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Which ships do you take prompts for?
…so so so many. I’m a raging multi shipper and I’m in a lot of fandoms. It’s probably easier to say what I don’t ship.
*SPN: no Wincest or Samifer or Lucifer x anyone. I tend not to ship villains in general. I prefer a ship with either Dean or Cas or both but I’m open to Sam ships too.
*MDZS: no Xuexiao or really any Xue Yang ships (though I think I’d be okay with Xueyu). No Lancest, Niecest, Wencest, or Jiangcest (Wei Wuxian is NOT their blood relative so that doesn’t count for him.) I’m a little reluctant on most Jin Guangyao ships too tho I’ll do 3zun and variations there on. I tend not to like intergenerational stuff so tend to avoid older folks x juniors but I’ll ship the juniors together and depending on the ship I’d probably be willing to try?
*TGCF: …I kinda don’t get Qiurong but I’d be willing to try? But otherwise I think I’m good. I’d even be willing to do Bai Wuxiang ships as long as it’s understood it’s gonna be dark as fuck. No Xianle cousins as a ship. I think I’d struggle with Qi Rong in general but I’d give it a go. No Shicest. (This is a theme, I’m usually out on incest ships)
*SVSSS: other than family/relatives (like Tiankang jun x Luo Binghe) I can’t really think of any no’s? Im especially a proponent of Shen Qingqiu/Yuan harem rights. I’d rather not write Shen Jiu or Original Luo Binghe but…eh, I’m open.
*2ha: fuck Shi Mei. Not literally of course, but I really ain’t out here shipping Shi Mei with literally fucking anyone. Other than that I think I’m mostly game? Though I don’t remember some of the side characters that well, there were just too many names in that one big reveal about Xue what’s-his-name and Luo something-or-other.
*I’m not writing at all for Harry Potter anymore, because J.K. Rowling.
*DMBJ: I haven’t seen Mystic 9 yet so I don’t know those characters and can’t write for them yet; stick to folks in UN and TLTR and I’m probably good for most stuff? Except Wu Sanxing, and the villains, big ol’ nope.
*Qianqiu: until I reread and get a better sense of the side characters I’m pretty Yanshen only.
*Yuri in Ice: I don’t really like Otayuri, Yuri’s just too young for me to personally be comfortable shipping him. But the older folks I’m pretty open to multishipping them.
*Guardian: I’m pretty Weilan centric, I see Chuguo more familial/brotherly, and I haven’t really thought about other ships but idk try me? It’s fun to experiment.
*Leverage: anyone in the team x anyone else in the team, I’m game,
*Check Please: basically just Zimbits. I’d try other things, especially with Shitty, but no Kent Parson at all please.
*Star Wars: mostly JediStormPilotRose and permutations there of but idk I’d try other just about anything other than villains and LukeLeia. I am not familiar with Clone Wars or the Mandolarian and have only seen the movies (not Solo).
*Star Trek: I’ve never done much shippy writing for Star Trek but I’m certainly open to it. I’ve only written Spirk and McKirk, them as twosome or threesomes is good. I’d ship most of the original bridge crew in whatever configurations, really (note that I’m ToS specific, I’m not really into the new movies). I’ve not written for TNG at all but I think it’d be fun to explore. DS9 I’ve only written Miles/Julian but I’ll ship Julian with basically anyone and again I’d be happy to explore any of the main crew x any of the main crew, they all have such good chemistry I think it’d be fun. No Gul Dukat or Kai Winn. They should suffer alone. No Voyager or later series, I just haven’t seen them so I don’t know the characters.
*MCU: any hero x any other hero, in twos or threes or moresomes. I haven’t seen the last three or four movies (my last was…uh…Black Panther, or was Captain Marvel after that?). I’ve seen none of the TV shows except the first two episodes of Hawkeye. I definitely have a preference for the Captains (all three) and Clint but I’ve written World War 3some, Barbershop Quartet, and others. Also I do ship Thorki. Like I said my incest thing isn’t 100% (when they’re not blood relatives I tend not to care if they were raised together.) Deadpool is also fine but I’ve only seen the first, and I haven’t seen either Venom movie.
*Word of Honor: note I haven’t read TYK yet, but I’m open to virtually anything I guess? I’d prefer no Zhang Chengling x older folks. I favor Caoxiang, Wenzhou and Wenzhouyi.
*Other fandoms I’ll write for (most of which I have written for): Babylon 5, Voltron, Firefly, Gundam W, Psych, One Piece, Sherlock Holmes, Horatio Hornblower, any Jane Austen except Northanger Abbey (only cause I’ve never finished it oops), Love Nikki, Ruruoni Kenshin, Fushigi Yuugi, Those Years in Quest of Honor Mine, Slayers, Miraculous Ladybug, Doctor Who (9 and 10 era stuff only), Wheel of Time, the Elenium by David Eddings, Xanth, most but not all CLAMP franchises, The Witcher (but I’ve only seen the first six episodes), Slayers, Hercules, Xena…there’s others too. I’m 39, I’ve consumed soooooo much media, TV, movies, comics, manga, books, everything over the years, I don’t even fucking know anymore so you can always try me?
General note that none of this should be seen as judgement. I’m a pro-shipper. You do you and I will support you and cheer you on, I just won’t read it myself and would rather not write it, tho in truth I’ve never yet found the ship I wouldn’t at least try to write if something about the prompt caught my eye. Like, I HAVE written Wincest, and Wincestiel, and Winjimstiel, when the prompt had me interested. The worst thing that happens if you send me something that isn’t my thing is that I won’t write it, but I promise I won’t judge you or go on the rampage or anything. Shipping is awesome. Fandom is fun. I don’t have to like what others like and others don’t have to like what I like and it’s all good.
Second note: many of these fandoms I either never finished because of time and money and/or I haven’t really actively been in for a decade or more so I can’t promise my characterizations will be spot on or that I’ll remember every character.
Tl:dr I will write most things, though I generally avoid incest/blood relative shipping, cross-generational shipping, and shipping villains x the hero they hurt. I also usually don’t like cis-swaps. My AO3 list of fandoms I’ve written for has like 40 fandoms on it, I’ll write for any of them, and there’s stuff not on that list I’d also write. I will write m/m, m/f, f/f, non binary/non gendered/gender queer stuff, and poly. I’m pro-ship and pro-kink, send me whatever you feel like and if I like it, and know the characters, I’ll write it.
ETA: sure enough forgot stuff and immediately thought of it after. No RPF please, it squicks me, EXCEPT Yizhan. At this point I would write Yizhan if asked.
#unforth replies#I give it five minutes before I think of a dozen things I should have included#nope didn’t take that long I literally didn’t finish typing these tags
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Atlas: Enneagram + DMBJ Characters (1/?) ↳ Type Five: Wu Xie
"I finally feel the universe expand – it’s hidden in heartbeats, exhales, and in the hope of open hands." x
@creatorsevents Recreate Your Creation: My old Enneagram + The Untamed -series x
it's been a while since i thought about the enneagram types or listened to sleeping at last. my old series was, however, how i got into editing on this site. i have come a long way since then, editing and fandom wise, and it felt only natural to return to this series for this event. i doubt tho that i will be able to finish all of these edits before it ends (i can leave the tag off later on not to bother the event blog heh)
i am not an expert when it comes to the enneagram types (who even is) but i've always been interested in various types of personality quizzes. sleeping at last's music and the songs about the various types gave me another level of interest. now i wish to apply this love and fondness of the enneagrams and these songs to my newly found (if you can call it that when it's already been over a year) fandom and the characters of daomu biji. i am starting with wu xie as he's the protagonist. here are my thoughts on why he is type five:
"Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense."
this is the introduction to type five on the site am using (which i've linked as a source to this post) which seemed like the closest fit to wu xie. assigning these types is always a struggle, and with wu xie, i also considered type two and saw some of the other types in him too. all ppl are complex and no type fits anyone perfectly, so let's just say that wu xie is part type two and most likely has a wing in six (named "the problem-solver"). five is dominant in him however, as fives revolve around the thought of competence and being useful/capable which seemed like driving forces behind wu xie's character. he is also just very thirsty for knowledge which we all love about him (what a nerd).
otherwise, for the good and bad in this type, i looked at the different levels of development (nine different levels). all the types have stages of growth which show their worst and their best qualities. level two says:
"[Fives] observe everything with extraordinary perceptiveness and insight. Most mentally alert, curious, searching intelligence: nothing escapes their notice. Foresight and prediction. Able to concentrate: become engrossed in what has caught their attention."
i think this shows in wu xie during the reboot era when he has grown into himself in the best ways, tho many of the positive traits of fives (being keen to knowledge, wishing to figure out how things work, seeking answers, coming up with plans and different options as well as resourcefulness and insight) are visible during his younger years too. i just think he has cutivated himself more when older, after going through many difficulties.
of the average levels, i felt that level six fit the best:
"[Fives] begin to take an antagonistic stance toward anything which would interfere with their inner world and personal vision. Become provocative and abrasive, with intentionally extreme and radical views. Cynical and argumentative."
and then at his worst wu xie has been on level eight during his sand sea years:
"[Fives] get obsessed yet frightened by their threatening ideas, becoming horrified, delirious, and prey to gross distortions and phobias."
wu xie is very keen to obsessions, overthinking, and self-blame. it is his sense of guilt that often drives him forward and he regrets many things in his life. fives are also said to be keen to isolating themselves which often happens when wu xie doubts his own competence. the worst case is when xiaoge leaves for ten years and wu xie starts his insane mission alone to make sure that xiaoge doesn't have to do this duty again (aka he doubts his ability to fight against forces that harm his friends which leads into self punishment). another example could be xiaoge's memory loss and how wu xie retreats into solving the mystery alone instead of staying beside pangzi and xiaoge at the hospital. he regards it safer to do what he still thinks he's good at instead of wallowing in the feeling of uselessness.
as i see type two traits in wu xie too tho, i think his main instinct is to seek out ppl and connect with them instead of isolating himself inside his own head. type two traits also show in his kindness and forgiveness towards others. with his wing in six, he also brings in his tendency to pull ppl closer, value loyalty, and provide a home for everyone. he is a beacon for others and enjoys this feeling of purpose.
#ceproject2#dmbj#ultimate note#wu xie#sleeping at last#countaspieceofme#dmbjenneagrams#we've come a long way#sorry i blabber#am open for thoughts#do yall agree#or should i perish
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Fic Tag Game
Once again I saw this before work and then promptly forgot to do it when I got home. So I’m doing it now at almost 2:30 am. As always, thanks to @vishcount for the tag!
Name: Kholran (or Khol)
This is my go-to screen name for just about everything. I made it up for a tabletop RP character that I never ended up actually playing. So I stole his name for myself and have been using it ever since. Chances are if you encounter a Kholran anywhere online, it’s me.
Fandoms: Since this is specifically about fic, I’m going to limit it to fandoms I’ve written in. Because otherwise we’d be here all night.
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit: Specifically Bard/Thranduil (Barduil). It literally took one exchanged glance on screen and I was totally sold on this ship. I wrote more for them than any other ship I’ve shipped. AUs, canon, you name it I wrote it for them.
Les Miserables: Ok so let me start by saying I’ve been a huge fan of the musical since middle school, when the 10th Anniversary Dream Cast happened. I read the Brick in 7th grade. So I didn’t JUST jump on the bandwagon when the movie came out. But that Les Mis renaissance did inspire me to write my one and only fic in the fandom. A Titanic AU that turned out less cracky than intended. Don’t judge me.
Guardian: So technically speaking I haven’t PUBLISHED any Weilan fic yet. But I do have the first four and a half chapters of a mermaid AU finished. And I plan on getting back to it and finishing it once I stop obsessing over my pool noodle in-
DMBJ/Lost Tomb: Something about cdrama gives me plot bunnies. And adopted side characters. And rarepair pool noodles, apparently. This is where I’m living right now, paddling around on the SS Risang.
Tropes: Uhh. I’m positive I write tropes but it’s not like a conscious thing? I guess angst with a happy ending is where it’s at? Considering I love me some damaged characters, it’s almost impossible not to write a lot of angst into my fics. But I also want to give them love and happiness and cookies.
Fic I spent most time on: I think probably the aforementioned Weilan mermaid AU. Because I started it last...September? Maybe? And I haven’t finished it yet.
Favorite fic(s) you’ve written:
I’m happy to report that I don’t...hate...my old fics? Like I can re-read them and sometimes even think I’m not half bad at this hobby. But at the same time I fall into the mindset of “Oh that could have been better. I should have done this differently. I want to change that so bad. Man I wish I’d finished this series.”
So I think I’ll have to say the Under Your Skin Barduil series, featuring soulmate tattoos. I wish I hadn’t gotten too insecure to finish it because I had a whole big idea plotted out that I just never ended up writing. I like what I did finish though. And then I think my very favourite is my Risang pool noodle baby, I Will Go Now to My Pyre. Not only is it my rarepair crowning glory (in that I named the ship, was the first one in the tag, and got more than one “I never even thought about this ship before but I’m into it” comments), but I’ve put so much time and sweat and tears into it. (PS I promise I’m working on the conclusion! It’s 7k words and counting!)
Fic I spent least time on: I don’t even know. Maybe I Get By? From concept to publishing I think it was only a few days.
Longest fic: It’s definitely GOING to be the Weilan AU. But currently it’s In Every Age, the Les Mis Titanic AU. I Will Go Now to My Pyre might end up beating that one by the time it’s done. We’ll see.
Shortest fic: AO3 says it’s Run, which was the intro to a Barduil Zombie Apocalypse AU. But it didn’t get much of a response so I never continued it past the brief intro.
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks:
Hits and Kudos: And Here My Troubles Begin, part 3 of Under Your Skin. Not surprised. It has porn in it.
Comments: I Will Go Now to My Pyre, and I cannot thank all of you enough for validating my pool noodle this way!
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: Um. Literally all of them. Like I said above, as soon as I re-read them, I want to re-WRITE them. Because I think I can always make them better. But I guess I’ll really say the Under Your Skin series. Also like I said above, I had a whole storyline planned out for that and I’m sad I didn’t get around to fleshing it out.
Share a bit of a WIP: Ok, here’s a tiny sneak peek of the next (I say next instead of last even though it’s supposed to be the last because the word count is getting away from me and it might end up split) chapter of I Will Go Now to My Pyre:
“Did you do this yourself?” he asked, grimacing at the state of the bandage as he started to cut it away, slowly revealing the marred skin beneath. The question was met with silence, and Liu Sang briefly glanced up from what he was doing. Zhang Rishan had an odd expression on his face, like he'd somehow misinterpreted what Liu Sang was asking. “The bandage. Did you do it yourself?”
“Oh.” Relief? That was weird. What had Zhang Rishan thought he meant? “Yes. I spent some time in the Army a while back,” Zhang Rishan replied, as if that explained everything.
Liu Sang watched him for a moment longer before turning his focus back to his task. Everything about the dressing and the wrapping was wrong, and half the gashes he'd revealed needed stitching. He wondered if they'd even been cleaned first. Probably not, given the warmth of Zhang Rishan's skin and the angry reddened edges of the wounds. “Not as a medic, I hope,” he muttered after a beat.
I tag: ALL of my writer friends. I want to know all about your projects. TELL ME.
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Thoughts of a rare soul who enjoyed DMBJ’s Time Raiders 2016 adaptation (2/2)
Or: why TR 2016 is a Pingxie movie
Continuation from this post.
Okay, normal movie review aside, this post is my attempt to discuss the very-compelling Pingxie story that pulled me into the deep end of niche within niche fandom. I am now wholeheartedly shipping Pingxie.
Incredibly long post, so here’s a summary:
Symbolism & foreshadowing in nuances
Pingxie & past lives
These are the nuances that sold me TR: the song, the button, the masks, the scarf, the hands. They added an extra layer to the movie and made you really think about the real story.
Because the story isn’t truly about tomb raiding and fighting monsters, it is as Wu Xie stated at the beginning, “This should be a story about me and him.”
It’s a story about Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling/Men You Ping, about their connection that probably started thousands of years ago, and it ran so deep that we couldn’t possibly fathom how far.
Wu Xie asked, “When did it begin? How did it end?” We don’t know, but we know it definitely exists.
To sum up the story before starting the analysis:
As a kid, Wu Xie snuck inside a maze-like place, took a button from a relic and was chased by a ghostlike figure for it, let’s call the ghost Bronze Mask. This experience haunted his dream all the way to adulthood. Then he discovered the tomb of Iron Mask, a tomb builder, found a key to the Snake Empress's tomb, and met ZQL ‘for the first time’ on the raid with his uncle. They bonded, and for some reason, ZQL wanted that button, which WX gave it to him upon their parting. At the end, it is implied that Bronze Mask is actually ZQL and Iron Mask is Wu Xie.
Wait what? You think that ending came out of nowhere?
First, let’s go back to the very beginning. The performer’s song.
Which, according to English translation, goes like:
“Life is a dream What is unreal would be real Life is a mirror that shows your reflection But I hope the reflection doesn’t show the mundane Flowers bloom and flower wilt are a way of life How can life be as you wish?”
At first glance, it didn’t seem to be anything significant, just very pretty words, but after I finished watching, I realized it could be interpreted as foreshadows.
The beginning couple of lines could allude to WX’s dream, and the possibility that there’s something more tangible in this connection with the Bronze Mask figure. Then they foreshadow the ending sequence when WX and ZQL walked past one another as themselves, but turned and saw each other as Bronze Mask and Iron Mask.
The words are telling us that even seemingly unlikely, things could just as likely to happen in life, and I thought they tie the ending back to the opening very neatly.
The idea of mirror and reflection seems to come up quite a bit in the movie, window, mirror, camera lens, dialogues.
I'm thinking that a reflection of themselves symbolizes the idea that there lies another facet of their identities, hinting at past lives. Then we have ZQL’s crisis over his existence and amnesia, constantly wondering who he is, and whether he will one day lose himself.
The last two lines are about ZQL’s immortality, if to live means to bloom then wilt, then he doesn’t belong to the land of living at all.
At the end, the song goes:
“We don’t seek smoke and mirror Looking back at the time when the wise man rises It was a time of innocence and purity.”
Mirror appears again here, I haven’t even begun dissecting what this could mean. But I like to think the last two lines fit very well with Wu Xie’s character development, how he grew up after this trip.
NEXT, the pendant thing that I'm going to call a button.
The button honestly foreshadows that ZQL is Bronze Mask in two instances: when he took it from WX the first time and gave it back, then when he asked for it again when they were inside the tomb.
This is the connection that tied WX to Bronze Mask until he met ZQL, until he returned it at the end, AFTER the two of them formed a new connection with pictures, and memories from inside the tomb.
The masks--specifically the Iron Mask foretells Wu Xie’s identity as Iron Mask.
He put it on when he was telling the writer the story in the opening. Then when he first discovered the tomb and the key, he also did that. I was very confused on why someone would put on a rusty old mask? I just chalked it up as a method to open the cage. I was wrong! BAM, foreshadow!
That brings me to the scarf that Iron Mask wore in the ending sequence.
Looks familiar?! Well I would argue that that’s the same scarf that ZQL wore the entire time in the movie, and he very clearly used it to fight A-Ning. If the button is WX's connection to Bronze Mask, then the scarf is a memento--it's ZQL's connection to Iron Mask.
FINALLY, THE HANDS! And Michelangelo’s reference. Separate hands appreciation gif set here.
Hands are incredibly expressive, and I found myself very drawn to them while watching movies. Well, they are the forefront of Pingxie in this story, the movie keeps on showing them, figuratively and literally, reaching out to each other.
Hands are to catch, to hold, to protect, to save, and you will see all of these in Pingxie’s interactions. Heck, the director ended the movie with an entire sequence of their hands and freaking allude to The Creation of Adam!
There’s the first handshake, where ZQL opened up for the first time, and WX appreciated it and reached out first.
Then comes my personal favorite scene which I gif entirely here.
WX, standing on death’s door and still legit worrying about giving MYP his memories in the camera. Boy, pls stop. And you see ZQL freaked out. This was the first time ZQL reached out, this was trust, this was him caring about someone for the first time, you know, as far as he can remember anyway.
Then WX said to MYP, “I said I’d take care of you.” He really did jump headfirst onto a questionable tomb structure to save MYP.
Here, WX literally saved ZQL, and figuratively saved him from his mind and existential crisis as well. Because after, ZQL said to WX, “Memories aren’t everything, daring to imagine is what everything is all about,” which is his character development! Hooray!
Bonus, that hands hold on the magical carpet ride.
AND the Creation of Adam allusion? Which shows God giving life to the first man?
WX is man, he’s always on the left of the painting and all the hand-scenes, ZQL is basically god-like immortal, he’s always on the right. When the allusion to the Creation happened, WX was actually on higher ground, he was the one doing the saving. In this case, the mortal human gave the god life, not the other way around because ZQL didn’t know what living was, so he let WX show him.
The whole idea of past lives probably deviated so much from drama and novel, but it created such a compelling bond for WX and MYP in this movie.
That is why I ship Pingxie now.
You can’t watch this thinking it’ll be like the drama, or like a live-action remake of the novel. No, it’s meant to be a standalone film that showed only a corner of the DMBJ universe, but it unfailingly portrays the deep connection between WX and ZQL, and I love it.
#dmbj#time raiders 2016#pingxie#zhang qiling#wu xie#the lost tomb 2#the lost tomb reboot#movie analysis#text post#long post#i can't believe i wrote what's akin to an english paper on a movie i didn't even plan to like#this is extreme niche content#mine#gif#tr16 stuff#dmbj stuff
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AU fics for DMBJ/Fic Thoughts (Chinese)
I can’t really imagine them. Some AUs go along with some parts of the original setting, which are ok, but a complete AU never really attracts me the way it might in another fandom. It’s not reasonable for a character to have the same personality as Xiaoge without his crazy backstory, and he isn’t interesting to me in the same way.
This is in stark contrast to, say Huang Shaotian from TKA. I love him in AUs and I absolutely buy his character in any AU, so long as he’s got some kind of talent. His character traits can very well manifest in any setting and it doesn’t have to be vidya games (competitive). But Xiaoge by virtue of his character just wouldn’t exist without that crazy backstory.
I love seeing him written with some fundamental differences from normal people (or even not really normal people like Wuxie and Pangzi) but also very human at the same time, with likes and dislikes, limits and talents. That’s why today I’m here to tell you about the sponsor of this post a great fanfic I read recently (in Chinese).
怯观音 (Fearing Guanyin): a pretty long fic (12k words) with very little ship content but is Xieping according to the author. In summary, rain village wants to hold a religious thing and someone needs to dress up as Guanyin for the day. Xiaoge gets chosen via lottery and he’s... amazing. Narrated by Wuxie in a very authentic voice. Xiaoge fits my criteria of both being more than human and very strongly human at the same time. Both Pangzi and Wuxie are so nice to him. Of course, with this length, it also talks about other things that happen between Pangzi, Wuxie and him. Very sweet, a bit sad but very sweet.
Note that in Chinese depictions, Guanyin is female because she can bless childbirth and is overall a “nicer” god but there’s no feminisation.
A loosely translated quote from the fic: “This is his typical method of expression. It’s straightforward, simple and impossible to argue against. He’s telling us to not fear, that he’ll be fine alone, that he’s always been alone. But we don’t want him to be alone.”
Or of him playing Guanyin: “He kept his poise and elegance. His expression was a mix of patience and distance, so impossibly different from the person who’d buried his head in dinner as Pangzi and I debated. This calmness definitely wasn’t just acting, and I couldn’t help but doubt that this wasn’t his first time participating in something like this. Perhaps it was some ceremony of the Zhang clan, or a ritual for the Feikun Balu god... Or perhaps, he’s simply too used to quietly shouldering expectations and fervent prayers.”
God it’s so good and my translations are so bad. This isn’t a fic rec but rather just my thoughts after reading (and rereading it).
Edit: I just found out the whole thing is a Liangzhu reference. Liang notices a piercing on Zhu’s ear and questions why she has one even though she’s supposed to be a dude. Zhu says she used to play Guanyin during their village’s festivals. Liang eventually thinks to himself? that after that, he didn’t dare look at Guanyin (tying back into the title here!). There’s a Xieping edit on bilibili that plays off that line and it’s short but good! Highly recommend consuming both together.
Btw the author says in the endnote that they think Zhang probably has a piercing so maybe we’ll get more Liangzhu referencing Xieping fic from this amazing author??
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Fic Writer Interview
Thank you @lucientelrunya for tagging me
name/nicknames: daydreamorama everywhere, feel free to use any diminutives
fandoms: Mostly DMBJ, but I'll read any fanfic relevant to my interests, if there was more Heroes content I'd probably still be there too
two shots?: Not really. I tend to write one larger thing with multiple one shots spun off it, then some random unrelated one shots.
most popular multi-chapter fic: (also my most popular (as determined by kudos) would be my very first fic Ships And Sand (I have a small sequel I hope to focus on when my current wip is done :D )
actual worst part of writing: When you've fully daydreamed a scene and you got it just perfect, but you don't have a writing thing handy, and by the time you do you forget the perfect line of dialogue/transition thing. (followed closely by when you thought you had a scene completely written out and you go to edit it and realized you stopped mid conversation)
how do you choose your titles: Seeing the title box and then throwing in the first thing that pops into my mind. Hopefully a pun.
do you outline?: Not at all. I usually just get random scenes inserted in my brain and when I write them things happen. Sometimes later scenes mean rewriting earlier scenes, so I always have the beginning/middle/end written before posting the first chapter. (if I outline my brain considers the story already written and then I can't write it :sob:)
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: so many. I have a Xiao Hua/Xiuxiu/Hei Xiazi (qpr/romantic) fic but I just can't figure out the voices of Xiao Hua and Xiuxiu (and Hei Xiazi, but I fixed that in the rarepair exchange)
callouts @ me: when you wake up in the middle of the night with an idea, do not think you'll remember it in the morning. You never do.
best writing traits: character emotions. I really like to immerse myself in what a character is feeling, and I want the reader to know what that emotion is with no room for doubt or interpretation.
spicy tangential opinion: I don't actually mind when cannon ace characters are written as not ace in fanfic. Mostly because I find most cannon ace rep a 'blink and you'll miss it' and if you're not ace you probably relate to the character in a different way. Fanfiction is all about exploring and having fun and the majority of people tag on a03 very well so I can avoid anything I don't want to read. (also straight characters are written as gay all the time so :shrug:) (though I do love all ace interpretations cannon or headcannon and wish there was more)
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Shipper tag game
tagged by @sunriseverse (thank you for tagging! <3)
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
uhh probably sakura/syaoran from cardcaptor sakura? very original i know i continue to be Very Basic. to be fair i was 13 and i’d just discovered what fanfic was so there’s that. now it’s more of a nostalgia thing? they’re cute but yeah not much else
Which ship would you consider your first one?
probably sakura/syaoran or link/zelda from the legend of zelda, again very basic but technically i discovered fandom through zelda forums so
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
still sakura/syaoran, and yes it was terrible because i was still like 13
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
i honestly have no idea but i’m going to assume it was probably link/zelda just because of the forums (i keep repeating the same two ships over and over rip)
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
no. not in a public setting anyway. i tend to keep to the ships i like and steer clear of the ones i don’t, and if for some reason i come across one i don’t like enough times that it starts to annoy me i’ll bitch about it in private because i’m a big believer that occasional bitching with your friend group is healthy, or at the very least while not tagging it/censoring it so it’s not going to end up somewhere the people who do ship it can see it
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
i don’t think i ever had genuine notps before dmbj really, at most 99% of the time it’s not really what i’d qualify as a notp, more just ships i don’t really care for? but i don’t have any strong feelings about them either way. dmbj fandom is particular for me in the sense certain spaces and people have pushed certain ships onto me enough directly or indirectly i just immediately get annoyed whenever those ships pop up so i avoid them like the plague now. i’m not going to say what they are (even if if you know me you probably have an idea) but they do exist
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
pingxie from dmbj the brainrot is very real 😂 though for lack of food i mostly read chinese language fics these days (reminds me i should also make myself some more food one of these days too)
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
absolutely no one is shocked it is once again pingxie my beloveds who’ve had me in a chokehold for the past two years now atp i am literally here forever help
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
uhhh you know what i was going to say not really but actually. and it’s weird i have such strong feelings about this since i never hardcore shipped them anyway but ichigo/rukia from bleach i just refuse to perceive that is not the endgame
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
not really? if anything the closest i can think of is zhongchi/tartali from genshin that i initially didn’t really understand the appeal of but i got curious and ended up liking it. i’ve drifted away from it now because i don’t really enjoy the genshin fandom in general, and i don’t agree with a lot of the takes on them but that happened i guess
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
honestly i can’t really think of anything besides hopelight from ffxiii? and i guess kaeluc from genshin but i also don’t super actively ship those it’s more of a casual thing. oh wait i thought of this coming back but i kinda vaguely like ardyn/noctis from ffxv also casually but that is definitely cancellable over material oops
What is your favorite crack ship?
i don’t do crack ships really because i’m Very Basic and have zero imagination so i need substance to connect dots 😂
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
i can’t tell if this is past or present tense so i’ll just answer both. if it’s purely the amount over time it’s probably a toss up between destiel from spn and soukoku from bsd. if it’s currently what do i read about it’s pingxie
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
this is such a loaded question, weirdly a lot of them start off with differing degrees of antagonistic or challenging/playful relationship going on (on the surface anyway) and it progresses from there, and the care is both intense but not so easily expressed. there are clearly exceptions to this exhibit a: pingxie but those tend to pop up more for some reason. this is not discourse by any means but for example it’s why i preferred klance over sheith and that’s all i’ll say about voltron because that’s a can of worms i refuse to open ever again. what i’m saying is sometimes i wonder why i’m not a heihua person because on paper that’s what i should be and yet here i am with the old married couple 500k slowburn of a ship instead 😂
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
i wasn’t sure about what to put here but @sunriseverse is right, anything that fundamentally changes either of the characters for the sake of the ship or a trope. fanfic by nature is ooc to a degree anyway, but there’s a difference for me between when people make the effort to understand the characters and how they work/would work together, and when they either reduce them to two-dimensional cardboard cutouts for the sake of smashing them together, or make them out to be something they’re not. even more so when it then becomes the Universally Accepted Fanon Characterization
tagging @shaish, @tatchling, @tiesanjiaoshenanigans, @kelly42fox, @thatlittlemouse and uhhh honestly anyone else who wants to do it
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A thousand and one thanks to the wonder that is dmbj fandom. With your assistance (and, I suppose, Spotify’s), I made it through two straight days of driving, multiple accidents (not mine) in the roughly twenty miles I was in West Virginia (seriously, y’all, what was UP) that added multiple extra hours to my day, all while floating in a lovely tomb-based headspace.
In particular, thanks to @xcziel for re-linking me to the dmbj playlist roundup from back in June, which gave me a whole SLEW of people to bounce around among.
The bit that kept me going during the last push to the hotel on day 1 was definitely @psychic-waffles's Hei Xiazi but it's just 70s/80s jams, which led to many thoughts about HeiHua and age and mixing and matching different Heis with different Huas.
And then! Then day 2 was absolutely dominated by @s1utspeare's Scripting Songs, which just really covered the gamut and led to all sorts of interesting thoughts about a special room in a branch of Club Moonlight, likely in Brussels or Berlin, one half consecrated ground, the other half distinctly unholy, where there are semi-regular, semi-official crossover meetings of People Who Do Not Look Their Age For Various Reasons.
Ramblings under the cut:
Firstly: your mix-and-match HeiHua. Because, like, I know part of the whole thing is that Hei Xiazi looks like a fraction of his true age, and they did that to lovely effect in Ultimate Note, but what if he appeared on the higher end of that fraction? Zero disrespect to Liu Yuning, but part of his whole ~vibe~ is the contrast between that cherubic babyface and his lived experience. In other words, what if you had Ji Chen's Hei Xiazi, all smirk and looming and careless competence, with the tiny-delicate-flower-who-will-eviscerate-you-without-getting-a-single-drop-of-blood-on-himself Xiao Hua of Liu Yuhan? Like, how does that change their vibe at first meeting when they aren't visually the same age?
And, of course, I want zero change in their actual interactions, i.e. Hei Xiazi is still working the sugar-baby-me-up-you-can-pay-me-for-ALL-sorts-of-things angle, but there's the added frisson that he definitely looks ten years older than Xiao Hua, who definitely looks like a bad choice you make in a bar at three am, who shows a little of the mileage of his own century of three am decisionmaking. And Xiao Hua is still going to rail him through the mattress (or tree trunk or back seat of an expensive car or or or), but he will need a slightly larger stepladder to loom over Hei Xiazi this time. How different does that feel from when they start out a matched set?
And then how do you play it as time passes? What is it like when people no longer make the mistake on first glance of who, exactly, is the kept man, because they look the same age? What would reboot!era HeiHua look like when for the first time Xiao Hua has (the potential for) more crow'sfeet than Hei Xiazi has (if Xiao Hua didn't have as rigid a skincare regime as he clearly does)? Does Xiao Hua ever secretly worry that Hei Xiazi is going to get bored with them now that there's not the illicit thrill of being worked over by a man who looks so much younger and softer than he is? Does Hei Xiazi ever refuse to think about Xiao Hua wanting to trade him in for a younger model? What sort of complicated, not-talking-about-it, insecure sex do they have about it? In what ways do they put away their personal angsts as soon as anyone has the audacity to imply that they might be experiencing the same sort of ~drama~ as Wu Xie and Xiaoge over aging and immortality and dying, presenting a united front of being Beyond Such Concerns?
Lots of good thoughts brought on by Joan Jett's cover of Dirty Deeds and Girlschool's cover of 20th Century Boy, is what I'm saying.
And then! Then I can't even tell you what song made me think about Moonlight's Secret Immortal Crossover Back Room, which Hei Xiazi reintroduces Xiaoge to at some point, after scolding Zhang Rishan for not taking him earlier, but even as part-owner of Moonlight, Zhang Rishan is actually gobsmacked that the informal meetings in the secret backroom are still happening.
Sure, he remembers meeting the Russian with a shock of red hair and the silent man with the mechanical arm who loomed behind her when Fo Ye sent him to Europe in the early 50s, how they sat in an uneasy truce with those in the room with whom they had worked during the war but now found themselves on opposing sides. He remembers the pair of Scots with ludicrous coats who sat on the side of the room draped in holy symbols of a dozen different religious orders, how they would occasionally share a table and a drink with the two Frenchmen - one offensively blond, one unstintingly morose - who always sat on the side of the table opposite them, never crossing even a finger onto the other side. He remembers the convoluted menu of both food and drink, which seemed to have some unspoken set of rules he never figured out. (If it were half a century later in an entirely different country, he would have noted its similarity to the Cheesecake Factory menu, but it wasn't and he wasn't, so that's neither here nor there.)
Yes, Zhang Rishan remembers all that, but he was young enough at the time (though not nearly so young as he looked) to not really appreciate the virtue of having acquaintances who understood what it was to remember life both before the automobile and the internet. But time has changed Zhang Rishan, even if his face is the same.
So he shows up with Hei Xiazi and the patriarch, who are both greeted by name with affection by the redhead, whose half-robot friend now sat at the table with her and spoke English with an almost offensively blond American, who was quiet and looked dreadfully out of place in this slightly seedy backroom filled with people who'd worked clandestine missions for dozens of countries that no longer existed. At least, he looked out of place until Zhang Rishan found himself neck-deep in an argument over the nuances of 1930s Communist movements around the world and their correlation with contemporaneous art movements, both of which they spoke about with first-hand knowledge. The half-robot rolls his eyes with affection, and he and Xiaoge break off into a mostly unspoken conversation about the hazards of navigating an unfamiliar world with a dodgy memory. (Hei Xiazi and the redhead, meanwhile, were cheerfully attempting to drink each other under the table. Zhang Rishan is trying not to listen too closely, but he thinks they may be playing Never Have I Ever.)
The elder Scot isn't there, but the younger one is back, hair all grown out, now accompanied by a Welshman in a comfortable sweater who looks far too wide-eyed to fit in at first, too young to be anything other than a misplaced grad student. Zhang Rishan has sympathy for him, remembering his own time in a similar room, perhaps the very same one, feeling both desperately old and young at the same time, until the blond Frenchman - also riding solo, also extravagantly drunk - sneers something inaudible, going just that little bit too far, and there is a feeling about the Welshman, something unseen, that crackles through the room, weighing heavy on them all for an instant, like the low pressure before a storm or the sea retreating before a city-crushing wave. All this, and the Welshman never moves from his near-horizontal slouch in his chair. The bar holds its breath for a moment, and the Scot puts his hand on the Welshman's forearm, saying something low, and the room exhales, the grad student returned where a force of nature had been an instant before.
The Frenchman decides it is time for him to drink elsewhere, and the Zhangs are able to enjoy the rest of their evening in the company of fellow (quasi?) immortals. (Hei Xiazi, of course, never stopped enjoying himself.)
Help me, dmbj fandom, you’re my only hope.
My flight got cancelled. For a week. My petsitter already returned the keys. So here I am, in the middle of nowhere, in a rental car, with hundreds and hundreds of miles to go between me and the cats. I find myself in DIRE NEED of tomb-adjacent music to keep the fic-pondering mojo alive, as I’ve already listened to my own playlists a kajillion times.
Help me distract myself from endless highways by linking me your favorite dmbj or dmbj-inspired playlists! The iron triangle in my head needs to jam out to some tunez!
#dmbj#dmbj playlist meme#the lost tomb#sha hai#mystic nine#moonlight club!au#heihua#hei xiazi#xie yuchen#zhang rishan#and now it's time for spot the crossovers#natasha romanoff#winter soldier#bucky barnes#steve rogers: rebellious little punk of an art student#duncan macleod of the clan macleod#methos#lestat#because see the immortals need holy ground to have a truce#and the vampires need not-holy ground#get it?#oh and I guess technically louis and conner macleod show up in flashback#I'm pretty sure spike also drinks here on occasion#the what we do in the shadows crowd isn't cool enough#but tilda swinton definitely shows up sometimes for the frozen blood slushie with a rose float#I feel like I am forgetting some other obvious immortal-ish people who worked intelligence in world war 2 and are still around#who could have crossed paths with zhang rishan and hei xiazi#but my fandom brain is letting me down
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