#about Victor
ask-silent-death · 4 months
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Updated picrews of Victor
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beckett-guerrero · 1 year
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Reyna Guerrero / 25 / Seamstress Beckett Guerrero / Old / Owner of Guerrero Travel Agency Victor Guerrero/ 23 / Self Proclaimed Professional Jester
About the Guerrero Family:
Beckett never really thought about having any kids of his own for most of his life. As soon as he was able to, he moved out of Rosewood with such a quickness it's amazing he even packed. He needed to get away, needed to find some purpose or passion, anything to make him feel like his life hadn't been all about healing from his incident inside and out. So, with Nadine's help of course, he started traveling more, reading more, discovering more music wherever he went. He spent a few months in various places, sometimes with Nadine, sometimes without but either way, it was clear that their friendship was still (and still is) the anchor that holds him no matter how far he is.
Sometimes he felt like he was running away but eventually, somewhere between Amsterdam and Greece, he started to feel..different. He'd wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and he liked himself. Genuinely liked who he saw, what he felt, who he was becoming as he started to make more friends wherever he went. And soon followed his own journey with falling in love, having crushes, learning what it was like to actually be happy. Heartbreak of course came and went but there was no denying how happy he is whenever he's not in Rosewood.
And then Reyna was brought into his life.
During an extended vacation in Brazil, Beckett starting dating a woman who he later found out was already pregnant by the time they met. The father was out of the picture and Beckett surprised even himself when he decided to stay with her and support her through her pregnancy, which turned into staying through Reyna's first year of life. Eventually, Beckett and Reyna's mother separated but decided to remain co-parents for Reyna's sake and because Beckett truly couldn't imagine his life anymore without his adopted daughter in it. As Reyna got older, Beckett officially adopted her.
Reyna has always been quiet, private and incredibly curious. Spending most of her formative years in Brazil, she's mostly spent holidays and some summers in Rosewood. Usually visiting her grandparents without Beckett. She used to stress a lot about her parents relationship and went through a phase of wondering about her birth father but overall is probably closer to Beckett than her mother. She's always been grateful for the ways he's been there for her and tried to make her life full and exciting. It's why she's always trying to tag along with him. It was along these travels that she became mostly curious about different fabrics and always trying to have the best outfit for any occasion. Her aunt Nadine gifted her a sewing machine one Christmas and the rest was history. She currently works part time for Percy Finch and part time for her father at his travel agency.
Victor, however, was born to a set of Rosewood parents who gave him up for adoption at birth. He was in foster care until he was ten when Beckett adopted him. As good as Beckett's intentions were and as nice as it was to leave Rosewood, Victor struggled a lot with the change. Where his sister excelled at most things she did, Victor was the opposite. He was much like a younger Beckett, passionless and lost, just vibing his way through classes. What he liked most was making people laugh and throughout high school he was known for either being right on point or doing a bit too much into making people laugh. He begged his father to let him go to high school in Rosewood, certain he'd make his own name for himself. And he did, but not the way he expected.
He was everybody's favorite clown and prankster and whenever he would get suspended, he'd just hop on a flight with his sister and cause havoc elsewhere and Beckett is an absolute enabler of it all. He never actually enacts any consequences, despite all the parenting advice he gets. He recognizes how important it is to let Victor figure it out on his own time but it doesn't mean he doesn't worry. Victor, however, is mostly no thoughts and all vibes.
Per Reyna's suggestion though, the Guerrero's have decided to spend the Fall and start of Winter in Rosewood, despite Beckett's disagreement. But Reyna convinced him that it would be good for Victor, for all of the, finding that being their grandparents and childhood friends gave them more of a full family experience they didn't have growing up. That and she's tired of watching Beckett pour all of himself into work as his life just floats away from him.
All connections welcome!!! Esp if someone wants to be Victor's mysterious bio fam.
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mourningreveries · 2 months
FULL NAME: Victor Morgrave
SPECIES: Original Vampire
AGE: Old old old
DATE OF BIRTH: November 13th
OCCUPATION: Vineyard owner and winemaker
WORKPLACE:  The White Willow Winery and Vineyard
POSITIVE TRAITS: Compassionate, Generous, Loyal
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, Burdened, Discontented
LENGTH OF TIME IN RAVEN’S PEAK: For longer than vampires have walked the earth
FACE CLAIM: Paul Wesley 
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The time before the change to his family that would go on to have a ripple effect on the rest of the supernatural world doesn’t feel like it belongs to Victor Morgrave. The parts that he remembers, which are almost exclusively limited to the moments shared with the people who are still around from that time, namely his siblings, are hazy and indistinct. He remembers particular feelings he had better than specific instances, but even those are merely echoes of what they were at the time, and really, it’s understandable; when one has been alive so long that they lost track of just how long it’s been several lifetimes ago, well, it’s difficult to keep in touch with who you used to be.
For Victor, that’s probably just as well, because who he was back then isn’t someone he would want to remember being today. A brash, arrogant young man with the power of divinity in the palm of his hand made for someone who could be less than pleasant to deal with. Certainly he could be charming when he wanted to be, but he really only was when it suited him. Behind closed doors, he believed himself and his siblings to be better than all others, champions of the divine, and he was prepared to go on a crusade of faith to take control of everything when the time was right, even if his siblings weren’t yet convinced of his mission. Of the four Morgrave siblings, it was he who lobbied hardest to go through with the plan to split the stone and take a portion of its power all for themselves, hoping to use it to make his vision for a world ruled by faith a reality; it was a decision that would ultimately bring him an unbearable amount of guilt in the centuries that followed.
After the change, Victor was left with nothing. The god, who he had believed himself so completely to be a chosen champion of, had shunned him and taken everything away, not just from him, but from his entire family. The power he had been so arrogant in being the master of was gone, and had been replaced by new power that was dark, and unnatural. But worst of all, was what it did to his siblings. As selfish and arrogant as he had been, Victor had always cared deeply for his siblings, and to see what the change did to them, particularly his elder brother, was worse than anything that had happened to him. And when his brother left town and left a trail of bodies in his wake, Victor was quick to follow, desperate to repair the damage he’d played such a big part in causing.
In the time that he was in pursuit of the elder Morgrave, Victor underwent a significant change. His guilt drove him to do better, to be better, and as he found himself cleaning the messes that his brother had left behind, he also found himself wanting to do whatever he could to help those who needed it. When he did finally catch up to his brother, it was as a person that was almost entirely unrecognizable from the person he had once been, and though it was far from easy, he was able to bring his older brother back into himself, before they went their separate ways again.
After so many years spent chasing down his brother, Victor found himself not knowing what to do now that he had achieved what he’d set out to do, and so he returned home for the first time since he’d left. What he found was that, in his absence, war had broken out between the supernatural species that had come to be from the Original Families, and he was all too willing to step in with the others to bring peace back to the region through a truce. He had no desire to watch the world be torn apart by the creatures he’d had a hand in bringing into existence, and so he stayed in Raven’s Peak to help maintain the peace. 
These days, Victor finds himself growing tired of eternity. He’s been alive for so long that there is very little left that he has yet to experience. Within the last century, he’s traveled all across the world, having taken in each and every new experience that he could find. Before that, he spent several centuries mastering every conceivable skill there is to master, and while he found his true calling in wine making during this process, even that has lost some of its luster from doing it for as long as he has. And even after all this time, he still carries the guilt with him, though he can hardly remember why he feels it by this point. He spends less and less time in Raven’s Peak all the time, and more and more time searching the world for one of two things: either something that will undo the curse of eternity that has been placed upon him, and allow him to finally move on, or else something that will convince him that living for eternity is still worth wanting.  
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hinamie · 5 months
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surprise it's yuri!!!in 2024
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panthermouthh · 9 months
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“Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust?”
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pigeon-princess · 10 days
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“There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.”
I've had this vision in my mind for ages so I finally decided to take a stab at drawing a cover for one of my favourite novels⚡
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theerurishipper · 1 month
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First <- Part 18 <- Part 19 -> Part 20
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shorthaltsjester · 3 months
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when people think delilah just completely takes over and laudna has no control. when people think jester is just an uwu child who has been manipulated by every man she’s met. when people think vex is an empty husk of daddy issues without her brother by her side. when people think fjord is an arrogant asshole who doesn’t pay attention to the party around him. when people think scanlan saying that vox machina doesn’t care about him is an accurate assessment.
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yuriinadress · 5 months
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stevenrogered · 4 months
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Benedict gives John advice | Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Sneak Peek
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Harry: And why shouldn’t I blame Spiderman for your injuries?? He calls himself a hero, protecting civilians like you should be his priority! Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kick his ass for letting you get hurt!!
Peter: Because-
Newscaster on the tv next to Harry: In this footage you can see Peter Parker, known freelance photographer for the Daily Bugle, actually shove Dr. Doom out of his way while yelling “move it or lose it,” as he runs with his camera, presumably to capture more pictures of the vigilante known as “Spiderman”
Peter: -I’m a dumbass.
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ask-silent-death · 1 year
Tomorrow is Victor's birthday!!! People don't forget this is important!!
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the way victors always tried to protect each other because they are the only ones who know what they went through. the way haymitch fought to make sure they didn’t alter katniss’s body. how haymitch fought against finnick sharing his stories to protect him from the memories. how katniss was ready to mercy kill beetee when she thought they were taken by the capitol. how katniss made it a stipulation for the victors taken captive be given pardon no matter what. even enobaria. how peeta comforted the victor from 6 as she was dying. they all protected each other whatever way they could. because they were the only ones there for each other really
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butchered-icarian · 1 year
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"A phenomenon often seen. A sceptic adhering to a believer; that is as simple as the law of the complementary colours. What we lack attracts us. Nobody loves the light like the blind man."
- Victor Hugo.
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hinamie · 5 months
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dropped everything because i had to do a proper tribute :( have an updated redraw of my very first yoi piece
2016 - 2017 - 2024
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panthermouthh · 6 months
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“I was benevolent and good, misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.”
Imagining what it must have been like for the creature to behold his reflection for the first time. How long did he spend staring in to the water, tracing the lines of his stitches?
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