thedeadleafs · 3 months
Why you shouldn't sleep on Mansfield Park
Mansfield Park seems to be the Austen novel that gets the least love and Fanny Price often gets overlooked in favor of Austen's flashier heroines. In this video, I aim to give you a new perspective on Mansfield Park and why you shouldn't be fooled by Fanny's demure nature.
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dandelion-network · 2 years
Going through my youtube subscriptions and 80% of the booktubers haven't updated in 1+ years. If I had to guess, they mightve moved over to the clock app. Disappointing but that just means I have to look for new booktubers that read more of what I've been getting into. So if folk have any nonfiction booktuber recommendations, send em my way. Im already subscribed to abookolive.
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aliteraryprincess · 4 years
Nonfiction November TBR
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Since Victober went so well last month, I decided to participate in another event this month: Nonfiction November. This event is being hosted by abookolive, Curious Reader, The Book Bully, and Infinite Text over on YouTube. The goal is to read nonfiction during November.
I’ve heard about this event for at least two years now, but this is my first time participating. It just so happens that I…
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academiceve · 6 years
How To Read More: Personal Tips
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In 2015 I decided to make reading a priority and started tracking my reading progress, set reading goals and try to complete reading challenges. I’ve been able to complete 4 challenges so far:
In 2015 I read 26 books
In 2016 I read 48 books
In 2017 I read 80 books
In 2018 I read 80 books 
I’ve been asked to share my reading routine and how I make time for reading on Instagram a couple of times, so I thought writing a separate blog post about it could be useful to some of you!
Until you make reading a priority either by setting a challenge of reading a certain amount of books per year or reading a set amount of pages each day you will not read more if you have been struggling with it in the first place. Prioritising reading over binge watching tv shows/movies or mindlessly scrolling on social media will help you read more until it becomes a habit. It is said that it takes around 21 days of consistently performing an action until it becomes a habit, so why not prioritise reading? If it is important for you, making reading a priority will devoid any excuses related with lack of time. We all have the same amount of hours in a day and we consciously choose to spend it, so saying that you don’t have is not really an excuse. 
Figure out at what time points in your schedule could you dedicate to reading. As I’ve already mentioned, one way to get into reading would be to read a set amount of pages every single day, either in the morning, during lunch breaks or evenings. For example, you could set a page goal of reading 25 pages every day and dedicate some time to it depending on how fast you read. It could be anywhere from 15 - 30 min to an hour. Personally, I usually read on my commute, as it takes me about an hour with public transportation to get to the research lab that I’m currently interning at! You could also read before bed time or during lunch breaks! 
Setting small reading goals can help you focus on reading, so that you can achieve them! I would recommend either setting a daily page count goal or a yearly reading goal. You could do 12 books per year, meaning that you read at least 1 book per month. My reading goal this year is 20 books, I wanted to cut down to enjoy the process of reading more but you can read more about my 2019 reading goals HERE. I’d always recommend quality reading time over quantity but do whatever suits you and your lifestyle best! You can also look for reading challenges online, as well as join fun communities on Instagram, GoodReads and YouTube. 
If you need inspiration to read, I would highly recommend following ‘bookstagram’ accounts on Instagram or watching ‘booktube’ videos on YouTube. Although I follow many book accounts on Instagram, my favorite BookTube channels are PeruseProject, Savidge Reads and ABookOlive. They also give great reading recommendations and update you on new releases! 
Another tip for tracking you reading would be to join GoodReads. This website and app allows you to search and catalogue books into lists, as well as participate in yearly reading challenges by declaring a goal of how many books you would like to read per year! It’s like FaceBook but for reading and I love it! You can follow me on GoodReads HERE. 
If you really don’t have time or don’t always want to read books, there’s always an option to listen to audiobooks! I would recommend checking out the app Scribd because it’s a monthly subscription based app full of different kinds of audiobooks, e-books and magazines! The first month is free and if you don’t like it, you can cancel it any time! I read 2 books in January through Scribd and the price is cheaper than for Audible! Check out THIS LINK for more! 
I hope these tips help you to get back into reading and build a routine to achieve all of your reading goals! If you would like to read more from me, click HERE to see other blog posts! You can also follow my studygram HERE for some inspiration! 
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It’s Non-Fiction November time again and I’ve decided to take the opportunity to try and read some of the non-fiction that has been languishing on my TBR for a while. I do read a fair bit of non-fiction anyway but it’s always nice to focus on it a bit more. I do have some fiction books that I need to read for blog tours this month so it won’t be a month entirely filled with non-fiction but the factual books will be my main focus other than review books.
Non-Fiction November is run by Olive at abookolive and Gemma at Non Fic Books.
So without further ado, here are the books I’m going to be choosing from:
Waco by David Thibedeau
As we’re already a couple of days into November I’ve already started reading this book and have been riveted by it. I’ve always had a fascination with cults but Waco is one that I’ve discovered that I didn’t know anywhere near as much about as I thought I did. I’ll be reviewing this one when I’ve finished it and have got my thoughts together.
James Baldwin and the 1980s by Joseph Vogel
This is an ARC that I’ve had for a while and have been putting it off because I feel a bit intimidated by it. It’s years since I’ve read anything by James Baldwin but I’m still keen to know more about him. I think this will be such an interesting read and am going to use Non-Fiction November to push myself to finally pick it up.
The Vanity Fair Diaries by Tina Brown
Shamefully this ARC has been on my TBR for around a year and I still haven’t got to it so this is high on my list to get to this month. I think it will be an easier read and something I can dip in and out of so I’m looking forward to getting to it.
Histories by Sam Guglani
This is a book I was sent for review fairly recently but I’m so keen to read this book so wanted to add it to this TBR. I think a book of stories about the NHS will make for a moving and interesting read so I’m keen to read this asap!
Mansfield and Me by Sarah Laing
This is a graphic memoir of Katherine Mansfield which I treated myself to recently and I’m so looking forward to curling up with a blanket and devouring this book in an afternoon.
How to be Human by Ruby Wax
This book was sent to me for review in the summer and I really want to read it soon. Books about mental health always draw me to them so I feel sure this one will be my kind of book.
Truth or Dare by Justine Picardie
So this book has been on my TBR for years and years. I bought it in hardback when it came out as I’d loved a couple of Justine Picardie’s earlier books but for some reason I’ve never picked it up. I spotted it among my books when having a sort out in the summer and have kept it out to read so hopefully I’ll get to it this month.
The Little Big Things by Henry Fraser
This is another recent addition to my TBR and I’ve been so keen to read it. I have an incomplete spinal cord injury (amongst other things) and have been seeking out books about people who have SCI. This sounds like such an inspiring memoir and I can’t wait to read it.
Women and Power by Mary Beard
My husband bought me this for Christmas last year and it’s such a small book I feel sure I can squeeze it in at some point this month.
The Upstarts by Brad Stone
This is an audio book that I’ve had for a while and am quite keen to listen to it. It’s nice to have an audio option and this one seems like it will be an engaging and interesting read.
Deceit and Self-Deception by Robert Trivers
I’ve had this book on my TBR for quite a while and I have started reading it before but found it too much so put it down again. I do still want to read it though so I’m thinking I might read a chapter here and there over the month rather than trying to read it in one go.
Rock Stars Stole My Life by Mark Ellen
This is yet another book that I’ve had since it was first published and my husband (who’s slowly discovering a love of reading) read it over the summer and has been recommending it to me ever since. It looks like a really fun, easy read so I’m expecting that I’ll get to this one.
Mercury and Me by Jim Hutton
I went to see Bohemian Rhapsody last week (I loved it) and it made me want to read more about Freddie Mercury. It seems I’ve read all the biographies I own on him already apart from this one so I’m sure I’ll pick this up very soon.
Three Things You Need To Know About Rockets by Jessica Fox
I believe this is a book about a woman who worked at NASA and gives it all up to move to Scotland to work in a book shop. It sounds like a perfect read to me and I’m really looking forward to it.
When We Rise by Cleve Jones
I saw an interview with Cleve Jones earlier this year and found him to be such a fascinating man that I immediately bought his book. I still haven’t made time to read it though and I really want to get to it soon. Hopefully this month!
Twenty-Six Seconds by Alexandra Zapruder
This is a book about the famous Zapruder film of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It came up on a recommendation from Amazon a while ago and I couldn’t resist buying it!
Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana K. White
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you’ll know that I can’t resist a book about decluttering and this is my latest purchase. I like to keep myself inspired to keep my house organised so I reckon I’ll be reading this one before the month is over!
The Body Keeps Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk
This is another book that I’ve had for a while and I’ve put off reading it while getting my health on a bit more of an even keel. It sounds like such a fascinating read about how the body and mind affect each other and how emotional issues can manifest physically, and how the body feels pain. I think this will be a brilliant read and I want to make time to properly read this so I may not get to it this month if it’s very in-depth but I would like to read it soon.
    Obviously this is a long list so I know I’m very unlikely to read all of these books but I wanted to give myself options to choose from and will aim to read as many as I can.
Are you taking part in Non-Fiction November this time? What non-fiction do you plan on reading this month? I’d love to know. 🙂
It’s Non-Fiction November 2018 time! Here’s my TBR… It's Non-Fiction November time again and I've decided to take the opportunity to try and read some of the non-fiction that has been languishing on my TBR for a while.
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horror-gremlin · 6 years
If you love reading and literature go to youtube and check out
Better Than Food: Book Reviews
I have really come to hate 'booktube' save for like five of them. This guy is one of the ones I love. He doesn't do any of the YA stuff, he's not bright and bubbly and he could give a shit less about that problematic bullshit so many other youtubers freak out about.
You should also check out SFF180, The_Bookchemist, Jen Campbell, and abookolive
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So I just finished reading Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor and let me tell you this (spoler ahead):
I loved this book. I loved it a lot. And was ready to give it 5 stars and have an emotional evening over the finale. The problem is: THERE IS NO FINALE. The book just STOPS in the middle of what could have been a truly powerful scene. And while I get that we need to get to the next book, this is not even a cliffhanger. This is simply not finishing a chapter. And it made me really angry and sad. Not so long ago Olive (abookolive) shared her frustration over another book which does pretty much just the same thing, and I can shake my head in agreement and disaproval.
So yeah. This is a beautiful book with a beautiful story and beautiful writing. But I will not give it those 5 stars, because this is not a telenovela and this is just not done. Want a cliffhanger? Write it. But not this.
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booksovertv · 7 years
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📚 Nonfiction November 📚 . . Olive @abookolive and others are hosting Nonfiction November. I will try to participate. My load this month is pretty hefty. Plus, I’m playing catch up as well. I wanted to share some books on my shelves that I want to read if I have the time. Maybe, I can squeeze in one or two. . Are you participating? Have you read any of these and think I should pick up ASAP? Please share below. • #nonfictionnovember #bookstagram #shelfie #homelibrary #booksovertv #nonfiction #igreads #igbooks #booktube #readersofinstagram #books #wellreadblackgirl #bookish #bibliophile
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readeropolis · 5 years
Old and Interesting: A Video Essay | abookolive #booktube
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SUPER excited about this one. Purchased it per @abookolive recommendation on her channel (which you should all check out) #bookstagram #bibliophile #bookish #books #booklr #bookblog #bookblogger #longbourn #books #thenovelsanctuary #bookphotography #sunflower #readingblog #booklover
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Non-Fiction November TBR | 2020
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It’s that time of year again. Every November for the past few years has been a time I try to read more non-fiction than usual. This is generally very easy because I never read non-fiction throughout the year and because of that I’m excited to participate in the Non-Fiction November readathon yet again. This readathon is exactly what it says on the tin, it’s a month-long readathon dedicated to reading non-fiction books. If you want to find out more about the readathon you can check out abookolive’s announcement video here.
This year is going to be interesting because I have a significant amount of school reading to do throughout the month. Some of it counts towards my tbr (yay!), but most doesn’t. I also have a ton of essays to write throughout November so finding the balance between schoolwork and fun will be a challenge.
The Fire Never Goes Out · Noelle Stevenson
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Noelle Stevenson is one of my favourite creators. She was the showrunner for one of my favourite tv shows of the year She-Ra, and her book Nimona is an all-time favourite graphic novel of mine. So, I was more than a little hyped to find out she was releasing a graphic novel this year. While I don’t know much about the focus of this graphic memoir, I already love Stevenson’s artistry and storytelling so I’m more than likely to love this one.
Eloquent Rage · Brittany Cooper
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I was introduced to the work of Brittany Cooper by one of my favourite YouTubers For Harriet. This manifesto on race relations in America and its intersections with feminism has been highly praised for years. Interviews with Cooper have shown her to be as eloquent as the title of her debut suggests. I’ve been meaning to read more books about race since I picked up Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni-Eddo-Lodge last year and I expect this book to be similarly incisive and impactful.
Hunger · Roxane Gay
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Roxane Gay is one of those authors I feel like a bad feminist for having not read yet. She’s is one of the most highly regarded feminist essayists of the current moment and I have yet to hear a single bad word about her work. This memoir chronicles her relationship with her body as a fat, black woman. I’ve heard this book harrowing with content warnings for rape and eating disorders so I hope I’m in the right headspace for this one in November. I can only imagine how moving Gay’s work must be to have amassed such a loud and passionate fanbase and I cannot wait to experience her words.
Feminism and the Servant Problem · Laura Schwartz
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This piece of historical non-fiction exactly what it says on the tin and focuses on the suffrage movement from the perspective of working-class women and domestic labourers in particular. This is one of my required readings for the semester and I’m definitely counting it towards this readathon. Hopefully, it’ll be solid reading but when it comes to academic non-fiction I can never tell whether it’s going to be dry or engaging. But I’m interested in the topic already, so I might enjoy myself.
Feminism, Femininity and the Politics of Working Women · Gillian Scott
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This is my other piece of required non-fiction reading for the month. Technically I’m supposed to have it done by the end of October, but given that I haven’t finished the introduction yet, it’ll probably get done in November. This book details the rise and fall of the Women’s Co-operative Guild and so far what little I’ve read of it has been solid. Hopefully, I’ll manage to get it done before the end of the month, but it would be no skin off my back to count it towards my Non-Fiction November TBR.
That’s my ambitious Non-Fiction November TBR. If I’m being honest I probably won’t get to most of the books on this TBR outside of my required reading. It has been a struggle to find the motivation and time to read for myself during the academic year. And with reading for my other literature courses, assignments, and the fact that I turn into a giant stress ball during the academic year, it’s more than likely that I won’t get too much pleasure reading in November. But regardless having a TBR motivates me to think about making time for reading for fun.
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chloemetz · 5 years
Blogmas 2019 - The Boujee Book Tag
So, how Boujee am I with my books? Tonight for #Blogmas 2019 it's The Boujee Book Tag.
‘Tis the season for more book tags tra la la la la la la la laaaaaaaa. I know I’ve done a lot of Christmassy Book Tags over Blogmas but I’ve seen so many good ones, so why not?
This tag was created by abookolive. Go and give her some love!
1. What is your average monthly budget for books?
Hahahahahaha. Oh, you’re serious? I don’t set myself a budget some times I’ll buy 1, sometimes 3…
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Nonfiction November TBR
Check out my Nonfiction November TBR #nonfictionnovember #novembertbr
What is Nonfiction November and Why I decided to Participate
This month I’ve decided to participate in Nonfiction November hosted by Olive from abookolive and Gemma from Non Fic Books. Honestly, this is one of my favorite readathons of the year. This readathon is one of the reasons I grew to love nonfiction because it allows nonfiction a little of the spotlight. Because people are posting about…
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academiceve · 6 years
do u know any reading challenged going on rn ?
For reading challenges you can always check out THIS blog.
I always participate in BookTube reading challenges, particularly Non-Fiction-November hosted by the ABookOlive on YouTube and The Reading Rush (which happens at the end of July). But there are so many more you just have to Google it! 
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thegoblincourtier · 6 years
Non Fiction November 2018 | TBR
Non Fiction November 2018 | TBR
It’s November, and that means it’s time for Non Fiction November created and hosted by Olive @ abookolive and Gemma @ Non Fic Books!
It also means it’s time for NaNoWriMo, which I’ve signed up for this year, so who knows if I’m actually going to get any reading done or not.
I’ve read zero non-fiction this year and I’d like to be reading more, but to help me out with NaNoWriMo the majority of the…
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booksforyears · 7 years
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Day 2 of #allthebooksjan is “First Read of 2018”. I’m starting off my Year of Reading (Mostly) Women by ~finally~ picking up some Didion. I figured her classic essay collection SLOUCHING TOWARDS BETHLEHEM was a good place to start. A special thanks to @abookolive for sharing this Insta challenge - I’m looking forward to the rest of this month in photos 📚❤️📷 #book #books #read #reading #bookish #booklover #booklife #bibliophile #bookface #joandidion #slouchingtowardsbethlehem #essays #essaycollection #womenauthors #2018readwomen #shelfie #picadormodernclassics #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #penguindropcaps #persephonebooks
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