#abo avengers au
kotaka-kun · 11 months
ABOctober day 25:
prompt - pheromones
The change was subtle enough, gradual, like the changing of the seasons. But it happened all the same, this slight shift in Shiro’s scent, the familiar warmer notes coming back as the last vestiges of the acrid scent of his anxiety fell away, the ice of winter melting away. 
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Affinity Series Masterlist
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Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader
Alpha!Steve x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader
Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
Snapshots and moments between Alpha Bucky and his sweet little Omega Edit: This duo turned into a throuple thanks to a certain Captain. So there will be snapshots between Alpha Steve and their sweet little Omega both all together and separate mixed in. (Also the Steve in series is very much an undercover perv. It's a headcanon of mine that I love) There is no chronological order to this series so if you only want to read about one pairing you'll easily be able to do so.
18+ MDNI, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Poly, A/B/O, additional tags per installment.
Bannner by @cafekitsune Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Current Total Wordcount: 37,659
Current Installments: 11
Status: Ongoing
Honey I'm Home: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader
Hearts are wild creatures, that’s why our ribs are cages: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader
Intoxicating. That's What You Are: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader
Best Served Hot: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
Oh, I'm A Mess…: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader, Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
On The Line: Alpha!Steve x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader, Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
I'll open the sky for you. Set the rain on fire: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader
Keep Your Eyes On Me…: Alpha!Steve x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader, Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
If You Want To Taste The Universe. Just Kiss her…: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader
Mess With The Best. Die Like The Rest: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
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mmimagine-40 · 3 months
Pup pt.1
Alpah!Steve x Omega!Female Reader
Hello...Its been ..awhile...
But I am back! So much stuff has been since I last updated and I really wasn't sure if i'd come back. But after re reading my pup story I wanted to finally come back and finish the story and some others I didn't finish. So I am going to be republishing Pup the Alpha! Steve x Omega! reader story, redone. Its the same story just written a bit different I hope the new people enjoy and anyone who is an old reader is excited to see the story is back. Lastly I know I had many people who were tagged in this series, I didn't want to tag them all if they were no longer interested in the story. So if you are interested to be tagged so you see the update right away please let me know. And I hope you enjoy the story!
Warnings: Talk of abuse, harsh words and mistreatments, Age gap
SideNote: In this story Steve is older then the Reader. By like 8-10 ish years. (more or less read how you would like). But I wrote this as a reader who is 22 and Steve is around 30. I believe I talked about this is an ask before but I want to make it a point again. The reader is not underage. The nickname of Pup is my idea in the ABO fantasy how you would call a partner Baby. I hope that makes sense.
 Y/n’s breath came out hard and raspy. Her chest was burning and hurting a lot. Her whole body was  so tired and wanted to just collapse to the floor. But she couldn't, she needed to keep pushing. Keep running. Running away from him and that house and that town.  It took her months to plan and get to that alpha to let her go out with him and finally  make a break for freedom. “Come on little omega, come back to your alpha.”. That voice growled out. Echoing through the woods and towards Y/n. Y/n pushed off the tree that she stopped for a sec to lean on. Pushing herself to keep going. Although no matter how much she runs or how fast she runs , she feels like she can’t get away. That he is getting closer. It was only a matter of time and he would have her back in his grip. At that point there was no telling what would happen to her. What he might do to her. 
As had been running so much at a point she can’t tell him her vision is blurring from the tears that kept running down her face or from how tired her body was. But she kept on. As she did her vision got more and more blurry. The woods around her turning into only a vision of greens and drowns. She wasn’t able to make out an of the objects around her to the point that she started to trip over branches , rocks and other items covering the ground in her way. As she looked behind her to make sure he wasn’t close after all her tripping , she didn’t see the large tree root sticking out of the ground. Which she tripped over. Lodging her foot in the root. Causing her to twist her ankle and fall to the ground with a loud scream. As it left like she broke or tore something in her leg/ foot. A chuckle comes from in the woods, not too far from where she laid in pain. “Oh little omega. Did you get hurt?”, the voice said in a  condescending way. “Come on omega. If you just come out now we can get you some help and then maybe your punishment won’t be so bad if you just listened.”. Y/n bit her lip hard as she drug herself behind the huge tree. Wedging herself into the little carved area of the tree. She was about 90% sure he would find her and drag her back to that hell hole. But that 10% hoped he wouldn’t that he would leave her. Even if she died out here in the woods injured and unable to get back to a town that would be better then having to spend another second next to that disgusting Alpha.
As she leaned her head back closing her eyes, she tried to take deep slow breathes. Hoping he won’t hear her harsh breathing from being out of breath and being in some much pain. As she rested her eyes a smell filled her nose. A musky smell. Not a bad over-powering one. But a nice one. One that felt warm. It felt like being wrapped in a cozy blanket in front of a fire, inside a warm cabin hiding from the harsh cold outside. The smell thats away all the pain. Not just to forget a bit about her leg but also all the pain of that other Alpha. The pains of her childhood. The Pains her father put her through. Everything disappeared as her scenes where overtaken by this smell. 
As Y/n was going through this all she didn’t see that Alpha whos scent it belonged too not too far away. Who didn’t see her but stopped his work of getting fire wood as he smelled the distressed omega smell. He was about to walk closer to her when he stopped as he heard the mean and grimmis voice of another Alpha. “Omega! You're making me angry er the longer you stay out! And you know what happens when im angry!” The voice bloomed as he screamed out. The other Alpha’s eyes narrow at the alpha. Seeing him walking around looking very upset. He stood between the Alpha and where he came smell the omega. Holding him axe in hand , he cleared his voice. “Excuse me but your on private property.” The alpha that was screaming turned around ready to yell at the person who dared to stop him. Only To stammer back as he sees the build of the Alpha. Who towered over him and looked like he could knock him out with one punch. “I’m sorry. My girlfriend and I got into a disagreement and she ran off into the woods. I meant no harm”. The mean alpha spoke with a small smirk. Trying to play off a nicer caring vibe. The Alpha narrowed his eyes as he looked at him. The yelling and his body langue told him that wasn’t the case. “Well I’m sorry to hear sir. But I’m sorry I haven’t see your girlfriend or smelled her around here. I’m going to have to ask you to leave now”. He said to the wicked alpha. Whos face turned twisted. He wanted to argue. But only being able to smell the alphas smell and not picking up Y/ns anymore, along with the fact he was slightly scared of this alpha. He just nodded and walked off. The other Alpha watched him. Once he was sure the alpha was far enough away he turned back to the scared omega. “He gone now” He says aloud. Knowing that she heard them. Which she did. Y/n sat against the tree listening to everything. Coming out of her little day dream of the other alphas smell when she heard the grimace voice of the alpha. Her breath catching in her chest as she hears the other alpha defend and hide her. Scaring off the one casing her. “I can’t” She says softly in a raspy voice as she had tried to stand but couldn’t with her hurt leg. As well as her whole body felt still. Almost shut down from all the running she put it through the last few days. Slowly the alpha made his way over to her. He made slow step towards her to show her he won’t hurt her. “Are you okay?”, he asked as he got closer. Looking down at her ankle that he can see was turning purple from where some of her skin poked out from her leggings and shoes. He also noted how her clothes where torn and very dirty. Looking like she had been running through the woods for days. By the state of her in all he would guess that was the case. He kneeled in front of her as she shook her head no to his question. Finally opening her eyes again as she looked up at him as he looked her over. He was taken back a little as she looked pretty young. “What's a pup like you doing out here?”. Y/n slightly started crying again. She didn’t even know she could cry anymore at this point but here she was crying again. But this time she really wasn’t sure what about. If it was the past and what that alpha did to her. Or if it was the fact that she could possible be free of him. Or its also possible it was this feeling she had around this new alpha. Growing up she was always afraid of all the alphas around her. Taught they where higher then her and would not hesitate to remind her of that. But this alpha was different. He felt warmer, safer then all the other alphas she met before. His smell , his looks , just his whole aurora around him felt so safe. 
The alpha in front of her looked worried at her. Worried about what she has been threw. The torment she has had to deal with so far. What the hell that other alpha put her through. “Hey, its okay your safe now I promise.”. He said softly as he looked back down at her ankle. There was no way she could walk on it like this. He looked back at her with a soft look. Trying to stay calm and soft with her. “Your ankle looks really bad. I’m going to have to carry you back to my cabin. Are you okay with that?”. He ask, watch as she nodded. He was careful with her. Picking her up gently as he walked them back to his cabin. Y/n wasn’t able to hold herself back as she leaned on to the alpha. Taking in his sent and relaxing. Feeling her relaxe in his arms the alpha smiled a bit. “So whats your name pup?”. “Y/n” , She says softly. “Well Y/n its nice to meet you , Im Steve.” 
After a bit of a walk Y/n and Steve get back to Steve’s cabin. While holding her he was able to slide open the back door as they enter the house. Steve carries Y/n over to the couch and gently puts her down. Helping her to sit down. He takes a seat on the coffee table infront of her as he gentle pulls her injured leg onto his lap. “I can see toue ankle is already turning colors and swelling. I’m going to have to take your shoe off. It might hurt okay?”. He ask trying to be as gentle with her as possible. Y/n nodded as she gripped the couch bracing herself. Steve nodded as he untied her shoe trying to be gentle as he took off the shoe. Y/n winced and moaned in pain as the shoe came off her swollen foot. Steve looked over her foot, frowning. “I’m not going to lie pup, this does not look good”. “Do you think it's broken?”. She asks biting her lip not to scream in pain. Steve Gentle propped her foot up on a pillow as he stood up. “I’m not sure your foot is very swollen, so it's hard to tell. I’ll get you some ice to see if that helps bring the swelling down. Unfortunately that's all we can do as the doctor is closed for the day as it's pretty late in the day. I can take you there first thing in the morning.”. Steve said as he walked over to the kitchen grabbing an ice pack and coming back over. Wrapping the ice pack in a towel before gently setting it on Y/n's ankle. Y/n groaned lightly at first as the towel touches her but slowly relaxes as the coldness actually feels good. Steve sighs as he sits on the coffee table again next to her leg. “I understand if you're not ready to talk but can I ask what you were doing in the woods running from your alpha?”. Y/n looks down at her hands. She wasn’t ready to fully talk about it but she knew she probably should tell him a bit if he is helping her. “He’s not my alpha and I'm not his omega. We aren't mated. I was forced to marry him. I ran away when he tried to mate me, I didn’t want it. I-”. “That's okay you  don’t have to go any farther with it.” Steve cutts her off. He could see how much it was hurting her. He didn’t need to know all of the story. Just that she was trying to get away from this alpha. She doesn’t want to be with him and needs help getting away. Y/n looked at him a little shocked. But thankful that he understood she has been through something terrible. She needed help, that's all he needed to know. Not the full story till she's ready. “ Okay , so we will get you to the doctor first thing tomorrow. For now lets get some food in you and get you cleaned up.” Steve says standing up. He headed to the kitchen. 
After they eat some food. That y/n couldn’t tell was actually really good or she was just that hungry  after not really eating for a few days. But either way she ate all the food quickly, starting to feel a bit better with having some food in her. After cleaning up Steve helped get a bath set up and set up a little stool in the bathtub that she could move from the toilet to the side of the tub to the stool. So she didn’t put much pressure on her leg. Y/n was very thankful for all he was doing. “I know its not the best but at least you can get clean up a bit. Get some of that dirt off of you.”, Steve said as he helped her into the bathroom. Y/n nodded as she slid to sit on the closed toilet lid. “Heres some clothes they might be a little big for you but hopefully they will do for now.” Steve set some clothes down on the counter along with a towel for her. y/n thanked him as he walked out. Being careful to slowly take off her dirty torn clothes. Tossing them to the side. She bit her lip as she moved her slef to the stool in the tub. Using an old cup and wash rag steve gave her to help her clean up. Y/n couldn’t help but to take the wash rag and scrub her body. Trying to wash away all the memories , touch and smell of that other alpha. Wanting it all off of her. Scrubbing so hard her skin started to turn red. Only being happy when his smell was completely off of her. Replaced with the smell of the spiced body wash that was Steves. It wasn’t as nice as his alpha scent but it was better then the smell of that other alpha. 
Y/n softly moaned as she washed her hair out too. It felt so nice to wash all the dirt and sweat out of her hair. She even took a little more time to double wash it just to ensure all the dirt was out of her hair. Finally leaning up to drain the water. Starting to feel cold as the warm water turned cold. She leand over to grab the towel. Sitting on the stool as she dried her self off before moving herself back over to the closed toilet seat. Y/n leaned back a little out of breath as her body was still very tired, very running. After a little bit of a break she reached over to grab the clothes Steve left for her. An old sweater that looked too small for Steve. Maybe he once wore it but now he was too bulk to wear it. She slipped the sweater on, thankful for the warmth it wrapped her in. Along with it were some old looking sweatpants as well. Far too big for her. But she made it work with rolling them and tying them tight around her waist. After she was done she made her way to the door. Holding her foot up as she leaned against the counter and wall to walk to the door. 
As the door opened Steve jumped up making his way over to her to make sure she is okay and help her back to the couch to sit down. “Ill leave it up to you but you can either sleep here on the couch or you can take my bed. Whichever would make you more comfortable.” Steve said as he helped her prop her foot back up. Y/n looked around making notes of the exits. Just in case. Its not that she doesn’t  fully trust Steve but in the situation shes been in anyone would be worried about any alpha. “Its okay you can stay down here if it makes you feel more comfortable. I understand.” Steve say nothing how she looked around. He can see this omega is pretty messed up. Whoever that alpha was he messed her up pretty bad. Steve brought some blankets and pillows over for Y/n helped her to set up on the couch to lay down. “Okay , you okay pup?”. Steve ask after getting Y/n all settled down. Y/n looked up at him nodding. Steve nodded as he stepped away heading to his room. “Ill leave my door open so if you need anything don’t be afraid to yell for me pup. Okay?”. Steve said watching to make sure Y/n nodded and that she was okay before turning to head into his room “Night Pup”. 
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A Second Chance Is A Better Chance - Part 7
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Witch Reader, eventual ? x Omega Witch Reader and Alpha Steve Rogers X Omega Witch Reader
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Summary: Rejected by your true mate at 21, you’ve given up on the Fates and the Moon Goddesses giving you a second chance. Being a Roamer for the last 9 years, you’re an Omega hardened by the world. You’re safe on your own because of your witchcraft, but it doesn’t stop Alphas and plenty of others sniffing around, especially when you’re an unmated Omega witch, who’s wolf also happens to be white, the rarest kind. You don’t need anyone, but why do you keep coming back to Brookville and why do you keep walking into trouble and helping people that you don’t know but for some strange reason feel like family. And where is that smell of apple pie coming from?
Series warnings: A/B/O, eventual smut, violence in parts, witchcraft, shapeshifters
Chapter Summary: Frank digs to find and what happened in the woods, leading him and Billy to a hard realisation.
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of past violence, shitty childhoods.
You’re body ached. Everything hurt. And what the F was that buzzing. Someone really needed to turn that alarm off. You reached out to nudge Frank only to find his side empty and the sheets cold. You felt along your body and then behind you for Billy. He was also gone but his side was still warm. You curled over into it as the door creaked open.
“Come on sleeping beauty.”
“Nooooooooo Billy, too early.” you replied burying your head into his pillow.
“Come on princess. That was your suppressant alarm.”
“What? It’s noon already?”
“Yep, come on, sit up. Violet sent waffles.”
You rolled over to see Billy, bare chested and still in his grey sweatpants. He was carrying a tray full of waffles, tea and fruit. The pouch carrying your suppressants was also there.
You pushed yourself up on the bed. Hissing as the pain from your broken ribs shot down your side. You soon forgot about the pain when you eyed Billy’s half dressed form as he kneeled on the bed as he placed the tray on your lap. Of course he happened to catch your wandering eye.
“Alright eat the waffles before you eat me.”
You laughed as you quipped back.
“In your dreams Billy boy!”
Billy smirked as he lay down beside you.
“Oh I dream about it alright, a lot in fact. Usually your sprawled out on my bed, wearing those boots and nothing...”
“Aunty Y/N, Aunty Y/N.”
Billy’s smutty tale was cut off as Jess and Luke’s eldest pup, Dani, barrelled into the room. Billy reacted quickly, scooping her up before she made it to the bed and walking her back to the doorway, where he was met by Jess.
“Hey!!! I want to see Aunty Witch!” Dani protested.
“Not today pup.” Billy answered, as he handed her to Jess.
“Mommmmm, tell him.”
“I told you already Aunty Witch needs to rest.” Jess has replied.
You heard the signs of sniffing and tears and your omega side cried out to sooth her.
“As soon as I’ve eaten and had a nap pup I’ll come and see you.”
“Promise” a little voice replied as she strained to look around Billy.
Jess smiled softly at you over Billy’s shoulder and soothed her pup as she walked away.
Billy closed the door and strode back to the bed a firm look on his face.
“You are going nowhere little witch” he stated firmly, pointing at you in the process.
“It’s rude to point Beta.”
Billy paused as you called him by his presentation. You rarely did that and when you did it was to flirt or get your own way. He knew you called Frank Alpha when you were vulnerable.
“Nice try, but you aren’t getting round me this time. You’re to rest, eat, and do as you’re told!” he told you firmly.
“And who told you that Beta? Violet, the all knowing empath or Alpha?” you sassed back.
Oh you were really pushing his buttons now. The fact you did it so calmly irritated him more. You knew calling him beta and Frank alpha riled him up in more ways than one. He needed to shut you down before he got carried away and was tempted to put you over his knee or worse. The last time he’d tried to bring you in line you’d cut him off.
“Logan did.”
You choked on the waffle you had just shovelled into your mouth.
“You heard me Omega.”
“Why would you call Logan?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that you turn up here in the early hours of the morning. Shaken up. Ribs broken. Stinking of distress. Living on candy and Red Bull. With your phone full of messages and calls from them and that Coulson couple!” he snapped at you.
Billy rarely snapped at you. The only time he had was caused by another beta getting a little overly friendly and you’d threatened to turn him into a frog instead or seeking him or Frank out for help. Billy didn’t like that.
It was a couple of nights after Jess’ traumatic labour with her second child. You’d happened to turn up unexpectedly (thank you fates) as they’d bartered with Jess to go to hospital. The look in her eyes when you’d entered the room and her softly whispered request for you to help her had sent you into action. The baby was breach and Jess refused medical intervention. You’d delivered enough babies in the omega shelters and at your old pack to know what to do. After a couple of hours a healthy baby girl was delivered and Jess, although exhausted would be OK. The first few days were spent like most packs did when a new baby arrived. Taking care of the parents and baby, but as a pack that was a little alpha heavy, the overprotective side of them was at a height and Jess begged you to get them all to step back a little.
“Use your omega charm if you have too or cast a spell, I don’t know, just please get them out for a bit.” she’d told you.
So lunch had been spent with alphas Electra, Matt and their beta Foggy. The evening was for Frank and Billy. You were having a good time. You’d stood between the alpha and beta at the bar as Frank had introduced you to a couple of locals you didn’t know. You thought he was being friendly. Billy knew otherwise. He was making it clear you were with them. You were unmarked, omega white wolf witch. Plenty would say you were trouble and you kind of were. But if Billy and Frank said you were welcome in town, you were and it wasn’t up for discussion.
Then it happened. Billy wasn’t sure what pissed him off more. The other beta eyeing you when you were in his arms. Him  trying to get a sneaky look down your top when you hustled Frank at pool and that he had the nerve to carry on looking when Frank had placed a kiss to your forehead and growled at him to mark his territory. But then the thing that made him snap was that the rival beta had slapped your ass and grabbed you as you returned from the bathroom. The asshole had even gone as far as to send one of his own pack, a little brunette omega over to distract Billy and Frank in a bid to steal their attention away. It didn’t work. They knew he had his eye on you and it was confirmed as he slapped your ass as you passed by. It was hard too and those around you turned as they heard. Instead of scurrying over to Frank and Billy you rounded on the beta, shocking him with a lightening bolt and grabbing him by the throat.
You were quickly pulled back into Billy’s chest as he tightly wrapped his arms around you, forcing you to release the beta’s throat. Frank slid in front of you, growling deeply. He looked taller and broader than usual as he learned over the beta. The growl seemed to fill the room and you watched as heads tilted in submission.
Billy placed his lips against your ear and whispered roughly.
“Wrong move Princess”
“He touched me!” you’d quipped back as you tried to wiggle free of Billy’s arms. He pulled you roughly back into his chest.
“And you let us deal with it” he answered firmly.
“I can deal with it myself!” you’d snapped back as you went to throw some more lightening his way. You decided the beta would make a great squishy toad. Toad legs were good for spells so it made sense to make use of the asshole, but before you had chance to do anything about it Billy had manhandled you away, turning you and pulling you against him.
“Look at me. Look at me Omega.”
You refused.
“Y/N, will you just look”
“No, I won’t! I can take care of myself! I’ve been on my own nine years Beta! You think that’s the first time someone’s grabbed me!” you snarled back.
Billy was aware that eyes were on him. People looking between him and Frank as events unfolded. Frank had marched the visiting pack out the bar as the alphas of the other town packs observed. Nodding at Frank and being ready to jump in if needed. Not that it would be. As soon as the pack had figured out who Frank was they were quick to make their exit.
And Billy, well Billy was pissed off. Pissed off by eyes on you. Pissed off by the beta that touched you. Pissed off that you wouldn’t calm down. Pissed off that you’d taken matters into your own hands instead of turning to him or Frank for help. You were there with them. Staying in their house. Taking care of each other on and off for months. When you weren’t with them they checked in with you regularly. Sure you had a few other friends now but it wasn’t like it was with them. Surely it was obvious you were under their protection. Apparently not. As you pushed away from him, Billy saw the flicker in your eyes as the witch and wolf in you raged. Fuck, were you about to run?
He made a split second decision and grabbed the back of your neck, pulling you back to him and growling into your ear.
“Calm down. You’re under our protection. Now behave.” he snapped.  Before you had chance to swing at him or throw a spell, Frank appeared pulling you into himself and away from Billy.
“What the fuck are you doing Beta?” he growled quietly enough so only they could hear.
“I thought she was going to run off!”
Frank shook his head in disapproval.
“You can’t grab her like that, she’s not ours!”
Billy huffed and ran his hands through his hair, as the realisation washed over him. Only mates grabbed each other like he had grabbed you. He was out of line and he knew it. You’d fought on the way home and you’d left a few days later, once Jess was back on her feet. You’d barely utter a word to Billy before leaving and had been distant since. The odd visit here and there, before not seeing them for nearly six months.
Now, you stared each other down. Both reminded of the that time and the almighty argument that had followed.
“Really? You going to snap at me again? Grab me by the neck? Put me in my place?” you snarked.
Billy sat down, this time perched on the end of the bed.
“I should never have done that. I said I was sorry.”
“But you weren’t.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m a witch Billy, I know when someone’s lying. You weren’t sorry, you thought, you still think you did the right thing.”
“I didn’t want you running again. All you’ve done is run.”
“I roam, not run.”
“Hmm, so what are you doing now princess?”
You put the fork down and looked away from Billy, towards the window. The curtains were slightly open and you watched as the dust particle danced in the sun.
This time you were running. This time you were scared. Could they have followed you? Should you have come here? Have you put Frank’s pack in danger? Why was it hurting so much to have left Brookville?
“I don’t know” you replied as the tears started. “I don’t know, I don’t know.”
Sobs ripped from your chest as you repeated it over and over. Billy pushed the tray of food away and pulled you into his lap.
“I shouldn’t of come. I shouldn’t of come. What if they’ve followed me? I’m such an idiot! I shouldn’t have come. I didn’t know. I didn’t know where else to go.”
“Shhhhhhhhhhhh Omega. Shhhhh I’ve got you.” he assured as he rocked you back and forth.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
A firm voice from the bedroom doorway pulled at your attention. Frank stood arms over his chest before moving towards you and Billy.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
You went to interrupt but Frank was quick to stop you.
“Don’t. You came here for a reason. I’m guessing to feel safe and you are.”
“But nothing, over the last eighteen months Y/N you’ve done more things for us than Billy could count.”
That made you smile. Frank, now perched on the bed beside you, ran his hands through your hair.
“Stop!” Frank answered, abrupt this time, but as he continued his voice softened. “I’ve already spoken to Logan and Rhodes, they got all of them, they’re already on route to The Raft. Now, I need you to explain why you jumped in like that?  You didn’t know her did you?”
You shook your head.
“So why?”
You shrugged and Frank sighed in response as you buried yourself back into Billy’s chest.
“I looked on a map, where they were isn’t even near to that cottage you stay in. Why were you out like that?”
You shrugged again. Billy squeezed your thigh.
“Don’t lie to Alpha. He’s right. You came here to feel safe. We need to know what happened and what you were doing.”
“Mark the date baby, Billy boy said I was right!”
Billy scoffed and you stifled a laugh. Frank began to stroke your face.
“I know your strong, probably the strongest woman I know..”
You snorted at his response.
“I think Jess and Elektra might have something to say about that Frankie.”
“Yeah, they’d agree. You can stop rolling your eyes. I know they agree, they said so less than an hour ago. But you might be strong, a witch and a white wolf but you’re still an omega and it’s not the brightest idea for you to be wandering in the woods. Woods like those, on your own and at night. So, tell me little witch, what were you doing?”
“I was stretching my paws.”
Billy’s head snapped up from where he’d buried it in your hair and you missed the look him and Frank exchanged.
They knew what this meant. The fact that you’d let out your wolf, gone for a run out on your own. You felt safe. You felt at home. Sure you felt safe with them but you’d always refused to run out with them, saying that was just for pack members. The closest you’d got was a wander round the house and even then, all you’d really do was curl into Frank and try and avoid Billy’s advances. He liked how fluffy your tail was apparently, which was code for “I’m going to follow you around and sniff you inappropriately (if you let me)”.
Frank and Billy looked at each other again seeing the sadness in each other’s eyes.
“Baby, that alpha you helped, you’re sure you didn’t know her?”
You shook your head. Then realisation washed over you.
“Wait, how’d you know it was an alpha? Or a she?” you asked.
“Rhodes, the Sheriff told me.”
You gave him a knowing look.
“Fine, Logan told me. I also spoke to the alpha.”
“What?” you questioned.
“The redhead, I spoke to her.”
You felt a rumble from Billy’s chest where he held you against him. He knew who Frank was talking about and he wasn’t happy about it. Frank sent him a warning look, before he turned to you his eyes softening.
“Did she smell familiar?”
You nodded.
“Do you know why?”
You shrugged.
“Her mate was an omega witch too. They were fated, together before so there’s a sprinkle of powers with her.”
“That’s the only reason?”
“What other reason would there be? You know how it works Frankie, I told you, after Salem....”
"I know, I know, after Salem you have to stick together." Frank replied as he sighed.
Frank knew you weren’t stupid and you certainly weren’t naïve. Ten years on the road had seen to that. The witch and white wolf in you made you as sharp as a knife. You were the strongest witch he’d ever met. Stronger than any he’d met in the army and they’d been on the frontline. Were you that numb after all these years that you wouldn’t spot a second chance when it wafted under your nose? Literally. When he thought you were his he’d tracked you down, but you had run off twice and given him the slip. You’d always been attracted to each other and he knew you’d seen him before you’d met. So, had you kept a safe distance to avoid the sting of rejection again until you were sure he wasn’t yours?
You had only met when you had because of the creep in the library.
Frank took in your scent. You were still scared. Even in Billy’s arms with Frank at his side you were scared. But it wasn’t just the Hydra rogues was it? It was that your second chance was wafting around and you thought it was going to be taken away from you again. Frank knew the story of your rejection. You’d drunkenly told him one night, having returned from Jess’ baby shower. Who gets drunk at a baby shower? Apparently you and Elektra did. You were wearing a pretty pink dress as you’d instructed guests to wear the colour of their gender guess. You and Violet were two of the few wearing pink and you gave each other a knowing look. You’d paired the dress with a pair of boots that Billy still talked about months later. You’d grown used to Billy and Frank and their need for touch and comfort. You reciprocated but didn’t instigate. Drunk you though, drunk you instigated a lot of things. Your hands wandered, you laughed more, giggled even. Their lost little witch actually giggled. Then you’d pressed yourself into Billy as Elektra fiddled with your hair. She described to Matt what your dress looked like and how your boots hugged your thighs. Billy’s hands wandered to squeeze your ass and his lips grazed your neck. Frank noticed the quickening of Matt’s breathing as Elektra described how Billy was touching you. Jess and Luke slipped away, as did other members of the pack. Foggy watched doe-eyed as Elektra continued to twist and play with your hair. Frank could see how the atmosphere in the pack house was changing, how Billy kept a firm grip of your ass and ground your hips into his. He could smell the upturn in everyone’s scents, including his own. He moved to press himself against your back. Billy lifted his head from your neck and smirked at him. Elektra whispered something to you and you laughed, tilting your head back as you did. Billy took the chance to run his lips across your chest, hesitating where you’re Beta Mark would be if you had one. Frank looked down at your neck, running his eyes across your bonding mark, then down to your chest where Billy looked up at him smirking again. Purring snapped him out of his trance, and he watched as Elektra pulled Matt towards you. That was enough for Frank. Billy touching you was one thing but this was about to become something else.
What were they doing? You were drunk and you couldn’t give a clear consent, especially with those two toying with you like they were. He’d pulled you away, earning a growl from Billy. The others huffed, knowing not to growl at their alpha.
“What’s wrong Frankie? Want her for yourself?” Billy snarked.
“Watch your damn mouth Beta!” he’d snarled back. “She can’t consent.”
Elektra and Matt slipped away, Foggy shuffling behind.
Picking up on Frank’s upset tone, you stepped towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’m OK Frankie. I’m not even that drunk.”
“You’re drunk enough.”
You pressed further into him and whispered his name in his ear, telling him how long it had been since you’d been touched, how you wanted him to touch you. Frank had to be a damn saint.
“Stop Omega”
You carried on.
He Alpha Commanded you. And then he felt like shit. Your eyes filled with tears as he pushed you away and you took it personally. Really personally. Tears streamed down your face and your scent turned to rejection. Frank tried to pull you back but you’d pushed away, declaring how nobody ever wants you. They all knew you’d been rejected. You’d told them that first weekend you’d stayed with them but they didn’t know the full story. They did now. As you blurted it all out, practically word vomiting all over them. Eventually you’d let Frank pull you into his arms and he’d carried you to the sofa as you finished the story of your shitty childhood, which was followed by your mate rejecting you. You’d fell asleep in Frank's arms and he and Billy agreed to never overstep with you again. There’d be nothing passed friendly kisses and hugs, over-familiar ones in Billy’s case. But that would soon be a thing of the past.
Frank knew it would hurt to let you go. Billy, well Billy wouldn’t take it well at all. None of them would but you weren’t theirs, as much as they wanted you to be.
Frank felt a pull as Billy mind linked to him.
“We’re losing her aren’t we Frankie?”
“Sorry brother, but she was never ours to keep. We gotta remember that.”
“Let’s keep her a little longer Alpha, please.” Billy responded give his best puppy eyes to Frank.
“That only works when it’s her doing those eyes Bill.”
“It was worth a try.”
“A couple more weeks. She needs to be here a little longer. I can’t explain it but she does.” Frank responded. He really couldn’t explain it. It was a feeling in his gut. The goddesses? Was it them? He wasn’t sure. He’d long given up listening to them.
But they’d keep you for a little bit longer at least.
Meanwhile in Brookville……..
“You’ve got a nerve Rogers. You remember the pack agreement? Remember what it says on that piece of damn paper you had all of us sign. You tell us if there’s trouble!! I’ve got a pregnant omega in the house!! My omega!! The Coulsons have more grandchildren on the way, not to mention all the other packs and what they have going on, and you don’t think to tell us that you’ve got a pack member missing, that Hydra are involved and that they’re here, in our town!! One of our friends!! Someone important to us and our omega, is now running because of this bullshit!!” Logan yelled.
“I’m sorry. I should have told you, I”
“Sorry doesn’t cut it Rogers. Get out of my house.”
“Gentlemen, it’ll be my pleasure to walk you out.” Scott, the pack beta, began to lead them from the alpha’s office. Logan’s voice stopped their exit momentarily.
“And Rogers, tell Romanoff to stop asking about our girl.”
“Excuse me?”
Logan smirked. Romanoff was up to her usual tricks, asking questions and making calls but not feeding the full story back to her alpha. She’d never learn.
“Romanoff. She’s been asking around about Y/N. Tell her to stop. I need her back here when Storm has the pups. She won’t come back if people are sniffing around her and Castle won’t let her out of his sight if he thinks she’s in danger or at risk. She means something to them. To us.”
“What does Castle have to do with any of this?” Steve scowled. Logan noticed the switch in his scent. Was that a hint of jealousy? Interesting.
Clearly Romanoff had not told Steve about her enquiries or that when she’d found out via Phil Coulson that you were on very friendly terms with Castle and his pack, that she’d called them. That Frank had listened to her side of the story and then told her to fuck off and to leave you alone, and Romanoff didn’t like that much.
“Well, Y/Ns a friend of theirs. A good friend too. She’s known them a little while and they are very fond of her, a little overprotective. Russo especially. You know how he gets.”
Steve’s scent spiked. Oh he was pissed off and jealous. He nodded and pushed passed Scott to leave, Rhodes following him.
“You think he caught her scent on Romanoff?” Scott asked.
“Looks that way.”
Steve stormed down the street to his truck. Rhodes calling after him.
Steve felt the the alpha in him seethe. Why was he so angry. Where was this jealously coming from and since when had he liked strawberries, why could he smell them everywhere. On Nat, in the woods when he’d found the pack fighting among themselves, where they’d found the knocked out rogues, at the Coulson’s, even lingering in the X Pack’s house.
Nothing made sense anymore. Romanoff had some explaining to do.
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sparkie96 · 11 months
The Spider, The Witch, The Captain, The Soldier and the God
Strange’s Spell goes awry, due to Loki and the TVA’s interference and getting rid of the events of the Blip and Endgame, and sends them all back five years, where everyone, including May and the Avengers, who still reside at the Tower in New York, forget about Peter Parker, but not Spider-Man. Thanos dies on Titan.
Feeling absolutely awful about Westview, Wanda hides the Darkhold in Agatha’s home, but due to a discovery, she goes back to the now apparently empty Avengers’ Compound, using her magic to change it into the perfect home while setting up a smaller Hex around the premise. Due to her time in the Hex, Strange’s Spell doesn’t affect her.
Peter, utterly alone, downtrodden, and homeless, goes to said Compound, accidentally breaching the mini-Hex and finds himself in an enchanted forest. Sensing and relating to Peter’s pain of no longer having a family, Wanda takes him in.
For some reason, well, not some reason, they were on an assignment in Egypt in a mystical tomb, Sam and Bucky are not affected by Strange’s Spell either.
Rated for Omegaverse, Language, Canon-Typical Violence and later Suggestive Themes.
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missacidburn928 · 2 years
Thinking about doing commissions through Ko-fi...
Not that I think anyone would actually purchase one. But you never know.
I'll see how I feel in a week.
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Do you have any fic recs where dicks relationship with the batfam is the focus?
Yes! These are all fics I've adored
FAVORITE!! I place this fic on a pedestal. It's one of the best fics of all time - The primacy of personal conscience
Favorite! Another one of my all time favorites. Dick, Jason, Tim are deaged to their robin eras and Damian and Bruce are in their current ages - Just, How
Dick gets split into three personalities - The choice to be seen
FAVORITE!! - Dick's buried. But like hell is the batfamily going to let it stay that way - The unnecessary requiem
ALL of CamsthiSky's fics focus of Dick's batfam relations and are good reads - Link
Small moments with Dick and the family - Snippets
Dick, Damian, and Tim. Absent parent Bruce and needy Bruce are the same person as always- prodigal
Favorite! Dick and Damian's relationship and evolution - Snapshots
Sad fic if Dick's reaction after Ric was darker - Strength in a Lack of Continuity
Batfamily's reaction to Dick's sexual objectification - I can't hear you, I don't fear you now
Good fic about something I don't remember (sorry! It's been years but I saved it so it must be good) with young justice and batfamily reactions that were accurate - End Days
If Bruce was a lot darker and acted on his overprotective tendencies collection. It's centered around Dick - Darkish Batfamily
How the batfamily reacts to Dick getting shot in the head - Fallen
Dick buys a bunch of plants and bonds with all of them - let your love grow tall
All of Danishsweethearts works are good - Danishsweethearts
Sad fic about Dick being batman again and batfamily's reaction. I think Tim would react differently. Maybe. But it's a fantastic angst fic - My life's going by but it's just begun
Dick, Damian, and Dick's massive group of friend and allies - Missed a spot
Dick's a civilian but he's still their big brother - Those times that Dick Grayson got tangled up with the batfamily
Dick, Peter Parker, Cat Noir, Danny Fenton and their fathers. PS they're all socialite friends. This has to be canon - The Black Tux Gang
Angst story about Dick if he had mental illness. No happy ending - Shattered Tea Cups
Dick is a changed man after spyral and batfamily's reaction - Downward spyral
Someone planning a hit on Nightwing? Not if Nightwing does it on himself first (fun) - Money for daffodils
Favorite! Dick has retrograde amnesia and Bruce struggles to cope - Harbor
Dick died seven years ago. And then woke up - Faith and fate
Dick's secret abilities the batfamily doesn't notice - Unusual skills and habits
The truth of Dick's death and everyone's reaction - Code B
Favorite! Dick is Talon, Tim is Red Hood, and Jason is Red Robin - A New Adversary
Favorite! Jason and Dick are close. Told through the eyes of everyone else - proximity
Soft fic. ABO but Dick acting as Tim and Damian's mother - Your truth is a deception meant to poison me
Dick's gone but the rape of him is not. The batfamily will avenge their brother. The whole world will - Take the night back
ABO robin reversal collection - Robin Reversal ABO
Werewolf au where Dick meets Jason and Bruce comes along - Den and Pack
If Dick got deaged to renegade era - Pause in the Pendulum
Sweet fic about the Batbros seeking comfort in Dick - Haven
Favorite! Duke time! The Batfamily teasing Dick lovingly - Shenanigans
Dark batfam fic around Dick - Gaslight Manor
Dick will do anything to protect his family (Has Constantine/Dick) - Time (to protect you)
If Dick was Terry McGinnis' biological father - Beyond the Night Collection
Talon!Dick in the Teen Titans universe with batfamily - Just a dead kid
Angst, sad fic about Dick getting tired of being the mediator - Please just get along (I can't do this anymore)
One of my all time favorites - Everyday one headcanon about Nightwing
Batfamily mourning the loss of Dick's hair - He's shorn, we're torn
Jason tries stealing in Bludhaven rather than Gotham. He meets Nightwing instead of Batman and his life gets a whole lot better - Hot wheels
Stephanie time travels and meets Robin Dick! - Oops
Favorite! ALL of iloveyourwords' fics - iloveyourwords
Favorite! ALL of ScarlettSwordMoon's works - ScarlettSwordMoon
Angst fic. So much angst. Sometimes Jason's anger gets the worst of him but it's not because he doesn't care - not even rain has such small hands
Favorite! The heroes are forced to forget Dick. And they regret (has constantine/dick/zatanna) - Love that burned green against skin
Favorite! ALL of Kuroaki's works - Kuroaki
Dick, Tim, and Jason watch Encanto and, well, Surface Pressure was made for Dick - Who am I if I don't have what it takes
Pre-robin Dick. Dick's only fault is his over-competence - lightning is the shine (but I've been working on the thunder)
Favorite! Dick's name comes out of the Hogwart's cup. This changes everything and nothing - heavy is the crown
The batkids are unhinged. Poor jason - The AU noone asked for
Dick falls. And so does everyone else (iloveyourwords' fic) - icarus
FAVORITE!! Dick, Jason, Damian undercover on a cruise. Everything goes wrong - Like those foreign stars
YJ where Dick joins Deathstroke and Bruce breaks inside - Fallen son
Favorite! ALL of miss_aphelion's works - miss_aphelion
Here's a starter for miss_aphelion's works - Dick of Troy
Dick and Bruce in the eyes of the JL - Boy on the couch
Favorite! Dick is stuck in his dreamworld and his family just want him back - Happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Hunger Games Au! Dick volunteers as a tribute - To get a dream of life again
Dick and Bruce and Dick's graceful manipulation of people - Some men fall from grace. Some are pushed
Dick takes time away from Bruce and finds himself again - Local oldest child takes time away from family
FAVORITE!! One of ScarlettSwordMoon's works - shipping rivalries
FAVORITE!! Dick reveals his trauma through singing - A robin's song
FAVORITE!! Dick's personality gets split in three - Three is a party
Dick runs away to Bludhaven but the batfamily won't let things rest - What stalks in my shadows
FAVORITE!! The batfamily is stuck in a timeloop where they can't save Dick - One thousand, Three hundred, and Nine Hours
Tim being a cute menace and feral Dick - little menace
FAVORITE!! Damian has a few choice words to say about Bruce's treatment of Dick - The threat
Slade saves Dick from the Court of Owls and Rose's view of him - Quiet now, you're going to wake the beast
FAVORITE!! Bruce is gone and Dick is seeing ghosts. The batfamily just wants to protect him - The haunting of Wayne house
FAVORITE!! Deaged Dick and Damian collection - you've always loved the strange birds
Dick's been deaged wakes up in a world with 5 robins no thanks to Slade - persephone's in hell
FAVORITE!! The batfamily's in a time loop trying to save Dick - rewind, remix, retry, redo
Funny fics I'm in love with!
Hilarious and all-around fun - Batbros Wreck Havoc
Favorite! ALL of pupeez4eva's fics but here's a starter for fun - That Torturous Thing Known as Time Travel
More fun fic (can you tell I like the humorous ones?) - A Bunch of Ridiculousness
Don't mess with Dick from Jason's perspective. Jason, Dick, and Bruce - Dig Down Deep
Accurate fic about batfamily's reaction to Dick dating Joey - Families Ever Changing
AU: Justice League meeting Nightwing focusing on Dick, Bruce, and Barry - Starry eyed
(Sorry had to slip another one in) JL's reaction to Dick - Your call may be interrupted
The batfamily will not let anyone take cover pictures of Dick - The annual Bludhaven firefighter's calander for charity
Another JLA story. Dick was a wild child nightmare robin - Adventures in batsitting
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Looking for some recommendations by you or your kind followers 🥰
Steve or Bucky mafia / mob or abo series
And Henry Cavill series (I've fallen into a big rabbit hole of lusting over that man lol)
I've read all of your stories so much Lulu, like Consolidation Bride is like my number 1 series. I reread it often sometimes when I walk my dog or when I'm moody and on my period😂.
Hi lovely. Aw, I'm happy someone loves Consolation Bride as much as I do. I'm tempted to write a sequel, I just don't know when.
Let's see, I will list the blogs coming to my mind in random order. I hope I don't forget half of the people I follow...
I highly recommend @angrythingstarlight's blog for Mafia AUs. She has wonderful Mafia AUs for Bucky.
@navybrat817 has great stories for Bucky & Steve & Henry's characters. Check her Bucky list for Mafia stories.
@kinanabinks has an awesome Mafia Bucky x Best Friend (fairy) series. You can find it here: MOB!BUCKY MASTERLIST
@jtargaryen18 has a wonderful Mafia Steve / arranged marriage story called His Inheritance (ongoing). I got it on my reading list.
@sinner-as-saint has all your little heart desires, including mafia AUs, A/B/O and so much more.
@biteofcherry has great a/b/o & mafia stories for Steve. I think some are dark, so check the warnings for triggers.
@smutsonian has this mafia Steve I just discovered and need to read.
@buckyalpine has a story called pretty little thing with Mob Bucky. It's on my reading list.
You are looking for Henry & his roles? Fear not. Look at @littlefreya's blog. Here's her "stories" masterlist. There is a drabbles masterlist in her bio too.
Do you need more Henry? Here you go: @viking-raider will help you out.
@waiting4inspiration has an Alpha Bucky series.
These are the ones coming to my mind atm. If anyone has stories for nonnie to read, please feel free to add them to his post. 😊
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katie-delaney · 3 months
Stucky Fic Masterlist
Wanted to put all my fics together, see below, under read more cos Jesus when did I write this much fic?!
Alpha Steve/Omega Bucky
He Ate My Heart 119,487 words, work complete, series WIP (Also contains Steve/Bucky/T'Challa in one sex scene but relationship is Stucky) AU but avengers adjacent.
Vanity Fair 5885 words, in progress, AU, forced marriage, rich brat Bucky, veteran Steve Rogers.
Cabin in the Woods 14,513 words, complete, AU
The Alpha Party 12,458 words, complete, college AU
Breakfast 28,741 words, complete (Also contains Steve/Bucky/Tony in one sex scene but main relationship is Stucky) AU
Intent 34,277 words, complete, period drama AU
Pushing the Envelope 12,560 words, complete, AU
The Meat Grinder 34,666 words, in progress (also contains Bucky/Steve/multiple others but main ship is Stucky) AU
Alpha Bucky/Omega Steve
Bungee Jumping 3900 words, complete, post CATWS
Coming Home 6369 words, complete, AU
Relics 5008 words, complete, AU
Atypical 5731 words, complete, AU
Ghosted 10727 words, complete, vampire AU, vampire Bucky, human Steve
The New Gods 40,135 words, in progress, (Also contains Steve/Bucky/Others in sex scenes but main relationship is Stucky) AU
Mission Failure 3717 words, complete, post Captain America The Winter Soldier.
Alpha Bucky/Alpha Steve/Omega Bucky
Empire State of Mind 8871 words, in progress, college AU
Alpha Bucky/Alpha Steve/Omega Peter Parker
Domestic Bliss 9277 words, complete, post CATWS AU
Alpha Bucky/Omega Steve/Omega Peter Parker
The Officers Tent 13168 words, in progress, AU
Top Quality Silk 2755, pre CATFA, complete
Cinematic 3596 words, pre CATFA, complete
My Best Girl 5055 words, pre CATFA, complete
Straight off the Top Shelf 5094 words, pre CATFA, complete
A View to a Kill 12,962, pre CATFA, in progress, also contains Bucky/multiple original female characters, main romantic ship Stucky, in progress
The Virgin Poster Boy 6482 words, mid CATFA, sex scene Bucky/Steve/female character but romantic ship is Stucky, complete
Sky Scrapers Rise Above Us, Keeping Me From Finding You, 5653 words, post CATWS, complete
Til the Stars Go Out 8553 words, post CATWS, complete
Stay with Me 5391 words, post CATWS, complete
Title of Captain America's Sex Tape 7418 words, post CATWS, complete
Mile High Club 5007 words, mid CACW, missing Quinjet scene, complete.
Waking in Wakanda 10,992 words, post CACW, complete
American Idiot 11,946 words, post end game, complete
Your Wife Waters Flowers/I Wanna Kill Her, 8928 words, post end game but canon divergent, complete
The Bodyguard 24,420 words, bodyguard Bucky/artist Steve AU, complete
The Healing Witch 5274 words, AU masseuse Steve/veteran Bucky, complete
Goin' Out Swingin' 9330 words, rockstar AU inspired by Pam and Tommy, complete
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? 2962 words, vampire AU, Vampire Steve/Human Bucky, in progress
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phantomchick · 3 months
Hear the silence by EmptySurface the self insert fic that got me to start giving other SI fic a chance, continues to be great
the name of the game by a_sassin Follows the story of a civilian shogi player in the Naruto world and all the shinobi trouble she gets dragged into.
If You Give Me A Sword by TakaGang Ichigo (from Bleach) is the firstborn of the Uchiha mainhouse and Itachi is relegated to middle child.
Senju Of Wave by TheBeardedOne Naruto raised by Tsunade au
With Friends Like These by RecklessWriter sasuke time travel fix it
BNHA (can't believe the manga's ending in 5 chapters? Time flies)
The Democratic Republic of One for All by featherlessquill (CinnamonScribbles) All Might tells Izuku he can't be a hero, the echoes of One For All vote and decide they think he can and give Izuku the quirk
Harry Potter (disclaimer: I'm not a terf/transphobe fuck jkr)
Encounters of the Future Sort by CalmlyErratic The fifth marauders + Lily and Snape travel forward in time to Harry's fifth year. Chaos and angst ensues.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Snake by gonzoclock James and Lily baby trap Voldemort without his knowledge, Harry is Lily and Tom's bio son.
Fascist ideology in the Harry Potter Fandom. [Or, for real everyone, we are in the middle of a global rise in fascism please *think* about the things you're reading and the ideas they're platforming.] by skeli666 excellent meta is excellent
Star Wars
Biting His Own Tale by ADragonsFriend Anakin time travels, this does not make stopping Palpatine's plans magically simpler. Cathartic for those who wanted Darth Vader to actually do the work to atone after Luke redeemed him and for those who find prequel fix its unrealistically easy with just knowledge of Palp's identity/the clone chips sometimes.
Wings over Gotham by icarus_chained platonic abo my beloved, divergent from no man's land on, one of my favourite series
straight back by TheResurrectionist That oliver gets mad at batman on his friend bruce wayne's behalf fic. If you follow my tumblr you've already seen me reccing this but still can't leave it out
let the light in by TheResurrectionist that other great platonic ollie & bruce fic
Chronicles of Narnia the seas of all i knew by softtooth_jpeg edmund/caspian, I love the way this fic goes into Edmund's psychology and why he acts the way he does at the start of the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, top tier writing
Four Thrones by shinealightonme A short but great fic that shows the Pevensie's transition from the end of the lion, the witch and the wardrobe to kings and queens.
Waiting on that morning sun by DustOnDaydreams
“To the Generals, Admirals, Officers, Soldiers and Sailors of the Fire Nation, Halt your advance. Pull back to your nearest military stronghold, and await further orders. Do not engage any forces unless absolutely necessary for your own defence. Put out any fires you come across. Sign it only with the full list of the Fire Lord's titles." “Your Majesty, do you not want to put your name to the missive?” A young pimpled scribe squeaked out to the shocked silence. “No. I want them to obey the order.” Or Zuko's transition from child soldier to young monarch in charge of a corrupted nation
(Un)Fortunate Circumstances by lomku au where Tony and Steve meet differently
Or how Steve wakes up from the ice in the SHIELD facility, runs into Tony, and kind of kidnaps him in his bid for freedom.
Even the Score by Sineala for phoenixmetaphor stony oneshot, Tony high in the hospital panics and attacks Steve. Super good.
Sucker Punch by Sineala Angst. Angst. Angst. Oneshot. Steve never quite warms to Tony Stark, Avengers benefactor. The Molecule Man never strips Iron Man out of his armor. Life goes on for the Avengers, but as disagreements split the team -- and Shellhead and Winghead -- again and again, Steve wonders why Iron Man always picks Tony over him. And when Steve finds out, it happens in the worst way possible. Captain America was a good man by ElnaK inspired by Sineala's work this is Tony's side of the fic, "Sucker Punch". IT'S SO GOOD BUT PREPARE FOR ANGST.
Legally Insane by Xparrot continues to be my fave yugioh fic
Percy Jackson
ATLOP: Trial by Fire by WardofWinters (QoLife)
Percy was having a normal day at the beach, until he decided to try to waterbend like Katara from his favorite show.
Nothing to make a song about but kings by iwillpassthis
It’s a fortune that Poseidon has a mortal son, because when an ancient curse hits his kingdom and all the sea gods disappear… well, someone must rule.
Original work
The Gift of Perfect Knowledge by BookmarkBookworm
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kotaka-kun · 11 months
ABOctober day 24:
prompt - alpha
“Do you remember,” Keith began slowly, like he always did when talking about the past after realizing that Shiro didn’t always remember, “How often I was sick, back before?” Shiro frowned, but nodded. 
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Oh, I'm A Mess... (Affinity Series)
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Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader
Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
Wordcount: 7243
You and Bucky have officially bonded! So why does Steve still smell so damn good to you? After getting injured on a mission, Bucky connects the dots and is able to shed some light on the situation. What could this possibly mean for the three of you?
Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Shameless Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Domestic Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Alpha Steve Rogers, Shower Sex, Naked Cuddling, Breeding, Protective Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Is a Good Bro, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Steve Rogers Feels
Hello, Hello, Hell-O, Once again I started out writing with one plan in mind and well my characters just said "NOPE. This is where we're going. Don't fight it." And thus this, a bit plot heavy, fic was born. Have no fear though, there still we be snapshots of just Bucky and his Omega, as well as some with just her and Steve. What can I say, the characters have officially taken over and I'm just here to transcribe it all to you. Happy reading! This snapshot was heavily inspired by GUESS IM IN LOVE by Clinton Kane. Give it a listen to set the mood if you'd like. Also the lyrics used are from Tears Dry On Their Own by Amy Whinehouse. I do not own any rights to this song and you should give it listen!
Bannner by @cafekitsune Divider by @firefly-graphics
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The hearth is filled with a crackling fire, it’s soft amber glow filling the space with warmth as you lounge in your favorite pj's, wrapped up in a blanket cocoon. A pint of Ben & Jerry's in your lap and Supernatural playing on the flat-screen. Dean Winchester is truly the best distraction. Currently you're all alone in the house as The Avengers have been called away on a quick mission.
Having recently made your bond official, you decided to stay at Bucky and Steve’s for a while, so you can remain close to your mate. You had some paid time off you needed to use or lose at work anyway and this seemed the most appropriate way to utilize it. 
Your phone goes off, alerting you of an incoming text.
My Alpha 🐺: Hello my sweet little Omega. The mission’s over but it’s gonna be a bit before I get home. I have to go to the infirmary when we land. I got injured protecting a group of children. Just got struck with a stray bullet or two and a cut to the forehead. Nothing too serious that my Super Soldier serum can’t heal quick enough, but it’s protocol to get checked out after any injury in the field. See you soon babygirl. I love you 😘 Me: 😲 Oh my goodness Bucky! You better be okay! Get here as soon as you can so I can see for myself that you are still in one piece! I love you too ❤
This news turns your calm energy to one of anxiety. You begin to seek out items to make yourself a nest. A place you can find comfort and safety as you nervously wait for your Alpha to return home.
With your mating bond being still a little new, he can feel just how out of sorts you are and although he’s trying to send calming vibes down the bond you're still out of sorts. It’s increasing his need to protect you and is starting to put him on edge. He knows he can't get to you until he’s cleared by the doctor. 
Steve hasn’t left his side since they boarded the Quinjet. He didn’t sustain any injuries himself and is perfectly fine to leave. He’s only still here because he wants to make sure his best friend is alright. 
He turns to Steve sitting in the seat next to the exam table he is laying on. “Hey, would you mind heading home ahead of me and making sure my Omega isn't scared and alone while she’s stressed out over me. I can’t stand knowing she’s in that house by herself right now. I'm afraid my instincts will take over and I’ll bite someone's head off the longer I sit here feeling her anxiety through the bond and I can't get to her.”
The blonde agrees of course, wanting to make sure you're okay himself. “Yeah, no problem Buck. I’ll make sure to try and keep her calm as much as I can. You just get checked out and hurry home as soon as you're able to. I’ve got her til then, pal.”
“Thanks Stevie. Now go take care of my girl.”
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Upon entering the house, Steve finds you sorting through the blankets in the living room. “Hey there, Doll. Buck sent me to check in on you. Said he could feel your anxiety through the bond. He’ll be here soon. He’s just waiting for the all clear from the Doc once she’s done with anyone with major injuries first.” 
You drop the blanket in your hand and rush to him, wrapping him up in a giant hug, happy to no longer be left alone with your treacherous thoughts. You just need to be held for a moment and he smells like Bucky since somehow his blood is on his undershirt. Seems he had taken off the top half of his uniform at some point. 
The urge to take his blood stained shirt is increasing the longer he holds you. You must have it for your nest. Taking a step back, you thrust your hands underneath the fabric, running them along his abs and up his chest until you can pull it off him. 
Steve stands there motionless, in shock from the unprompted groping you just gave him. He watches as you inhale a big whiff of their mixed scents through your nose, as you clutch the shirt to your chest and face. 
It starts to actually calm you. Which is interesting since you're newly mated and Steve is not your bonded Alpha. Maybe it's because Bucky’s always with Steve and they’ve known each other so long. Maybe it’s because you know what his dick tastes like on your tongue. Or it can be a whole other thing entirely. You’ll have to figure that out another time though, because right now all you care about is trying to stay calm until you lay eyes on your Alpha again.
Yes, Bucky reassured you it’s just surface wounds that’ll easily heal within the day but until you can visually check that he’s okay you're going to continue to feel unsettled. 
A now shirtless Steve, shakes himself out of his stupor and begins to try and relax, releasing calming pheromones into the air. You just want to go back to your nest and continue to perfect it until Bucky is back. So that’s just what you do. “Thanks for coming home to check on me Stevie. It means a lot. Really. I’m gonna head back into the room now though. Holler if you need me for anything.” 
From time to time, Steve ducks his head into the bedroom to check on you. He watches as you fidget with your nest, trying to get it just right. Seeing you like this is doing something to him he can't quite understand. It’s making him feel all warm and content, but also a bit melancholy. 
He’s really struck out in the love department throughout his life. No one seems to just fit for him. He’s very happy that his best friend has found his Omega though. You two really are perfect for each other. Even now, mated to Buck, your scent is still mouthwatering to him. Just your mere presence can soothe his overactive brain. He’s drawn to you like a moth to a flame and even though he’s not quite sure why that is, he truly enjoys the feeling. But that’s a secret he’ll have to keep to himself.
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You lose yourself in constructing your nest until you hear voices filter in through the hall, right as Bucky’s thick scent hits you. “Where’s your shirt pal?”
You run out of the room, pausing once you reach the end of the hall and spot Bucky. Taking a visual account that he’s all in one piece. Other than a cut that is already healing on his forehead, he looks disheveled, but perfectly fine. 
“You're okay.” You whisper and run into his arms. Soaking the bond in relief and love. Burying your face in his neck, saturating yourself in his sandalwood and whiskey scent. You pull back to gaze into those soulful baby blues.
“Hi, babygirl.” He kisses your nose.
“Hi, Sarg.” You kiss the cut on his head. “I’m so glad you're back. But you look a complete mess.” He chuckles at you and squeezes your ass that’s cradled in his hands. “That so Omega?” 
You bite your lip and nod your head. “Mmhmm. Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
“As you wish, sweet girl. Night Stevie. Thanks again for checking in on her” You wave goodnight as your Alpha carries you off into the hall.
Steve watches your retreating forms with longing in his eyes and an ache in his chest until you're out of his sight. 
Someday I’ll have that. 
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Bucky carries you through his room to the en suite, noticing the nest you made on his bed along the way and smiling to himself.
He places you on the counter as he reaches in and starts to warm up the shower.
You take your time undressing him and kissing every bump, bruise and healing laceration. “Keep that up Omega and we won't even make it into the shower. Now lift your arms up so I can help you out of these clothes.” 
You raise your arms and he steals a kiss after he removes your shirt. Tracing his fingers down your torso til he reaches your hips and taps them to let you know to lift them so he can remove your bottoms. He leaves a trail of kisses up your calves and thighs as he makes his way back up. With one more tortuous kiss he lifts you up and carries you into the large walk in shower, now filled with steam and sets you down underneath the waterfall spray.
You reach over and grab the shampoo off the built-in shelf on the wall. “You’re too tall for me to reach you all the way up there so I’m gonna need you to either bend down or kneel so I can get my hands on that scalp of yours.” 
He kneels before you.
With your breasts level with his face, he can't help but sneak a little kiss to your sternum as he wraps his arms around your hips. As you begin to massage and lather up his scalp, you feel the tension leave his body. The content purrs emanating from his chest send vibrations through your lower abdomen. You continue on this way for a few more minutes until it’s time for him to rinse. “Up and at em Alpha. Time to get all these suds out so I can clean the rest of you.”
With a dazed and tranquil look in his eyes, he pulls himself back up. Keeping eye contact with you until he tilts his head back and let’s the water wash away the white lather. As he’s rinsing his hair, you prep the loofah with his favorite soap. Once his head has returned to the upright position you begin to cleanse your Alpha.
You run the loofah along his strong torso and shoulders. Down his large biceps and forearms. Over his thick thighs and defined legs. Purposely ignoring the hardening length rising from his patch of curls. 
Kneeling before him you look up into the handsome face of your Alpha. “Turn around for me please, so I can continue on.” He gives you a little mischievous smirk and takes his time turning towards the wall, giving you his back side. 
You start at the bottom and make your way to the top. Soaping up his calves and the back of his thighs. Skimming over his taut buttocks. Taking your time to worship his strong back and lay kisses across his shoulder blades and scars before you lather them up. You slide the loofah down his arms, pulling yourself closer until your chest rests against his back.
You bring the suds to the rigid thickness standing proud between his legs. Taking your time to cover every inch and making sure you don't miss a single spot. 
You drop the loofah, to aide him in rinsing off his body. Your tiny hands wander over every dip and valley of skin you can reach until you wrap them around his girth and begin to stroke his length. He can't help but moan out at the feeling of you taking such good care of him.
He places his hands against the wall to maintain his balance as he gives in to the pleasure you're giving him.
You deepen the pressure but keep up the languid speed as you feel your Alpha’s breath begin to quicken, groaning out. “Fuck baby that feels so good.”
“Good. You deserve it Alpha. You’re a good man who does amazing things and will put his life on the line for others. Making you feel good is the least I can do.” You lay a kiss between his shoulder blades and increase your speed. 
His breath hitches in his throat and he lets out a deep growl, shaking your chest with its powerful tremor. Before you can even comprehend what is happening your back hits the shower wall and in one solid thrust, Bucky is deep inside you. 
You scream out from the stretch and utter uncontrolled ferality your Alpha just showed. 
“You wanna make me feel good Omega?” 
“Well nothing feels better than your tight little cunt wrapped around my cock as it takes a pounding.” 
Your eyes roll into the back of your head at his dirty words and deep strokes. 
“You have no idea how desperately I want to bury my knot in you right now, Omega." He skims his lips across the sensitive flesh of your exposed throat. "Unfortunately the shower is not the greatest place to be stuck together. What I can and will do though, is fuck you so deep and hard you cant help but turn into an incoherent mess.” 
All you can do is whimper, wrap your arms around his chest and hold on to his shoulders. 
You Alpha is nothing if not a man of his word. He starts fucking you so deep your seeing stars. Pulling orgasm after orgasm out of you, over and over again. You’ve lost track of how many times you’ve fallen over the edge. You have no idea how he’s lasted so long. Damn super serum.  
He couldn't be happier with himself, seeing that cock drunk look in your hooded eyes.
“Look at you, Omega. All pliant and fuzzy headed. Hind-brain taking over. Too bad were not in your nest, otherwise I would for sure be stuffing you full of my knot and fucking a baby into you.” His hips begin to speed up. “Fuck just thinking about you all round with my child growing inside you is making me wanna pop my knot right now and get a head start on our family. Would you like that, my sweet little Omega? Want your Alpha to breed you and keep you full until there’s no way you aren't pregnant with my child.” 
“F-f-fuck please Alpha. Please. Fill me up.” You mumble and slur out as your walls begin to clamp down on him as you reach the precipice of another climax.
“Fuck. You really do want that don't ya, Omega? Your little pussy is squeezing me so tight. Trying to milk me for everything I got.” His rhythm starts to falter. “That’s it baby. Fuck . Need you to come for me one more time and I'll fill you up. You can do it. Come on pretty girl. Come for me Omega. Come. Now.” 
That command was all it took for you to shatter and explode in tidal wave of pleasure. Taking Bucky along the ride with you. If it weren’t for your Alpha pinning your thighs to the wall and your arms wrapped around his shoulders, you surely would have collapsed to the floor. All you can do is cry out as he pulls back at the very last second and pops his knot against the outside of your entrance.
Your greedy pussy milks what length remains inside you for every last drop. Draining him dry as he bites down on your neck, reclaiming his mark into your supple flesh. Chest heaving up and down from the sure willpower it is taking him to not bury his knot deep inside you and making sure not a drop of his seed is wasted.
You take a moment to collect yourselves as the warm water continues to cascade down your skin. You’re placed back on your feet with a gentle kiss and satisfied purr. “Looks like we're both dirty again. You wash my back and I’ll wash yours. Deal?”
You lightly nod your head and laugh at your Alpha’s antics. “Deal. But no funny business. It’s been a long day and I just want to get clean, crawl into my nest and fall asleep wrapped up in your arms.”
“That I can do Omega.” He begins to clean you up as you do the same for him. Trading sweet kisses along the way. Once you’re both fresh and clean, you turn off the shower, dry off quickly and head off to bed.
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It’s time for some skin to skin snuggles, just how you like them. No blanket could ever be as warm as your Alpha’s chest.
You’re starting to drift off when you feel Bucky move his arm as if he’s grabbing something. "Omega. What's Stevie’s shirt doing in here?"
You freeze for a moment before burying your head in his chest and rambling. “It smells like you even though it's mixed with his scent because your blood is on it and I don’t know why but I just had to have it in here. It just felt right, okay.”
He runs his flesh hand lightly up and down your back feeling you begin to slightly panic. “Omega, it's okay. I do have a question for you though.”
You swallow. “Yes, Alpha.”
He kisses the top of your head, sending reassurance through the bond. “Please answer me honestly if you can. I'm truly just curious. I know we're mated now, but has Steve’s scent changed for you since I placed my mark on this pretty little neck?”
You shift nervously. “Umm. No it hasn't. Every other Alpha’s has, but not his.”
He continues to rub your back. “Do you like the way he smells?”
You take a deep breath and answer honestly. No sense in lying to your Alpha. “Yes. I do. Even more so when it's mixed with yours. I can't explain why either. I'm so sorry Bucky. How can I be bonded to you and his scent still smells so good to me. I’m the worst Omega.” You can feel a panic attack coming on. 
He pulls you in closer to his chest, lifts your chin with his metal finger and makes you look him in the eye. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, babygirl. You are not the worst Omega. And quite frankly, I’m not even upset. Rather intrigued, actually. If you're up for it, I wanna test something out.”
You shakily nod your head. “O-okay. What do you have in mind?”
“I’m going to ask Steve to come in here. I’d like to have him join us in the nest, if you're okay with that of course, and see if he’ll sleep here tonight. I know he’s a bit shaken by today’s events too. Is that ok with you Omega?”
Your brows begin to furrow as you think of him sleeping all alone after such an exhausting and your sure, emotional day. “Oh poor Stevie. I don't want him to sleep alone. Of course he can come in here. Technically his scent is already in the nest. Do I need to get fully dressed though? Our skin to skin contact is kind of important to me right now.”
He can’t help but smile at how adorable you are. “That’s all up to you babygirl. I mean the man’s dick has been in your mouth and he’s watched me fuck you more than once. I’m not going through the effort of getting dressed for the little jerk. If he’s uncomfortable he can figure it out.”
You shake your head and laugh at his antics. “You really can be an asshole sometimes. I’ll keep being naked then and just stay under the blanket cuddled up against you for now.” You kiss his chest. “You can go ahead and call him in.”
Bucky calls out and Steve peeks his head through the door. He's a bit taken aback by the feeling of happiness, lust and underlying longing he has as he gazes upon you two cuddled up in your nest. 
“You rang?” He hits you with that mischievous little smile of his.
“I found where your shirt went punk. It’s right under her pillow. Apparently our scents combined does something to her. Go figure. Anyway, I know you’re probably feeling out of sorts after today's mission and we don't feel like you should be sleeping alone. Wanna hop on in the nest and help me keep this little one warm and cozy?”
His eyes widened and his brows scrunch up. “What!? You just recently mated and you want me in your nest? Shouldn't my scent bother you now?”
You start to fidget in Bucky’s arms and look at the blonde. “I can't explain it but it's never changed for me when it comes to you. And he wasn't lying. Your scents mixed together makes me feel calm and safe. I’d really like it if you slept here tonight Stevie. No pressure though if it’s too weird for you.”
He scoffs. “Weird for me. My dick has been lodged in your throat. This is pretty tame.” 
“See told ya��� Bucky laughs out as you smack him along his ribs. 
Shaking his head at his best friend he responds to you. “I’m more than happy to join you. There’s only one problem. I sleep in the nude and I’m sure you won't appreciate that.”
A coy little smile lights up your face. “I prefer skin to skin. Your level of comfort is up to you.”
He turns to your mate. “You sure about this Buck?”
Rolling his eyes at his best friend he replies. “Stop being a scaredy cat and just get in already Stevie. You can be awkward about it in the morning, alright pal.”
Not wanting to risk Bucky's temper, he undresses and climbs in behind you as you curl up tighter against your Alpha's chest. He keeps his distance though, laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling.
Bucky can feel your distress thinking you’ve freaked Steve out. “You got something against cuddling up against my girl with me?”
“You got in the nest, but are way the fuck over there. I’m not gonna bite your hand off.”
“Fuck this.” He leans over you, grabs Steve’s hand and places it on your bare hip. 
You stiffen at the touch, until Steve scoots closer, his chest flush against your back, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“There. All better now. Get some sleep babygirl.” Bucky lets out a low purr along with Steve that begins to lull you right to sleep.
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The next morning…
Bucky rouses first, as the sunlight reaches his eyes and sneaks out of bed to start some coffee. When he returns to the nest he finds you cuddled up against Steve with your head on his chest, a serene look across your face. He watches as Steve cracks his eyes open and just stares in awe at the sight of you curled up against him.
“You could wake up to that view more often ya know?”
Surprised by his words, Steve looks at his best friend. “What on earth are you talking about Buck? She’s yours. It’s your bite mark on her neck, not mine. This is the only time I’ll ever have this view. I’m just trying to savor it and imprint it in my brain, so I can revisit it when I’m all alone again.”
He softly strokes your cheek and hair.
Bucky can’t stand this pity party any longer. “You’re an idiot ya know that? She clearly has two mating glands and apparently two True Mates. How else would her scent not have changed for you when we mated like it did all the other Alpha’s on the team. And your scent hasn't changed for her either. She told us that just last night.”
Steve can feel himself starting to get agitated. “That’s ridiculous Buck. An omega with two Alpha’s is extremely rare. Don’t patronize me thinking I have a chance here. She’s yours, okay. I get that.”
“And I’m telling you that she might be yours too. What’s so wrong with that?” He inquires. 
“Yes please do tell me what is wrong with that, if that's the case?” You speak up.
Neither of them had noticed that you had awoken.
Steve looks down at you lying on his chest. “There’s nothing wrong with that IF that's the case. I just don't believe it is. I think my best friend and his omega are just feeling guilty that I’m all alone and keep catching them in the various stages of love. It’s ok guys. Really.”
You abruptly sit up.
“You think I pity you? That I'm just humoring you by letting you get close to me when I'm feeling vulnerable. That your scent doesn't provide me a sense of calm and safety just as much as my Alpha’s does. That I haven't been confused and trying to figure out why the fuck you still smell so damn good when I’m now mated to Bucky.” 
Your eyes begin to water. “You think I chose to have somehow fallen for my Alpha’s best friend too.” You slap your hands to your mouth with your outburst and turn to Bucky. 
“I’m sorry. This is just all too much. Excuse me.” You scramble out of the twisted bed sheets, running straight into the bathroom and locking the door, uncaring of your current state of nudity. 
Steve stares after you, mouth agape, as he processes your confession. Bucky just pinches the bridge of his nose. “Way to go, Stevie.”
The taunt shakes him out of his stupor. “How are you so calm right now? Your Omega just basically said she’s also in love with your Alpha best friend.”
Bucky just looks at him with a deadpan expression. “Keyword there pal…ALSO. She isn't any less mine or in love with me because her biology gifted her with two mates instead of one. We’re not typical Alpha’s, so it’s not that much of a stretch to think we wouldn't attract a typical Omega. Unless you're telling me you aren't drawn to her and want to be with her just as badly as I do.” He glares at him. “Now that would most certainly raise my temper.”
Steve lets out a huff. “So you’re telling me, that if I admit to you that I’m drawn to her. That her scent literally calls to me. That I’ve replayed that night we all hooked up together over and over and wish I had gotten a chance to at least have kissed her. That I live for the moments when it’s just the three of us here in the house, locked in our own little bubble, and I hate that I have to go to bed alone while she’s wrapped up in your arms. You're telling me, that saying all of that, doesn't make you want to punch me in the face?”
Steel Gray eyes meet the Cerulean ones of his best friend. Making sure that he focuses on what he is about to say. 
“If I hadn't seen first hand how she reacts to you and cares for you, yeah, you admitting all that shit would make me crazy. But I know my Omega. I see the sadness in her eyes that she tries to hide from me when you go off to bed alone when she’s here. Or the pure joy in them when you compliment her cooking after we’ve shared a meal. Hell she takes care of you as much as she does me. I’ve never seen her do that with Sam. Not that the asshole deserves it any way. He openly flirts with her just to piss me off.”
He stops himself before he gets too far off track. “I’m not going to tell you what to do here Stevie. Especially not with her most likely crying in the bathroom right now. What I will tell you though, is that I’m not willing to let her go even if she does have two True Mates and the other happens to be my best friend. I love her. She’s worth it.”
You’ve heard their entire exchange so far through the door you're resting against. Your tears have dried up and breath returning to normal. A warmth has spread through your chest at Bucky’s declaration. Even though you want to stay in here and protect yourself from further rejection you need to let your Alpha know how much you love and appreciate him. 
You stand up and grab one of his shirts from the hamper and throw it on. You’re feeling exposed enough and need a barrier to further protect yourself. You open the door and catch his gaze as he turns to you. Without sparing a glance to Steve you walk up to him and wrap your arms around his neck.
“God, I love you.” You pull his mouth to yours and lay a soul-deep kiss on him. Resting your forehead against his as you pull apart. “You’re worth it too, ya know. And I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me Alpha. Whether or not that includes some excess baggage. I’ll have to get back to you on that front though.” You place a soft kiss to his chin and turn around in his arms, you need his strength at your back for the next part. 
You take a deep calming breath and stare into the ocean eyes of the golden Adonis sitting on the bed before you. “I’m sorry for my emotional outburst, Steven. It wasn't fair of me to do that. Your feelings and desires are your own and I respect them. No matter how much those words stung I shouldn’t have reacted that way. Again, I’m sorry.” You turn back around and look up at Bucky. “Smells like the coffee’s ready. I’m gonna go get a cup and start breakfast. Eggs and bacon okay or do you boys need something more after the day you had yesterday.”
He knows what you’re doing. Trying to take care of him and take your mind off of the rejection you feel without distressing either of them about it. Damn sweet little omega. Even when she’s clearly hurting inside because of him she’s still taking care of both of us.
“Eggs and bacon sounds great babygirl. Anything else you feel inclined to make is a bonus.” He kisses your forehead and you shuffle out of the room. Leaving the awkward situation before Steve can even really respond to your apology.
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“She could barely look at me other than when she said she was sorry. Which was unnecessary to begin with.” Steve barely manages to get the words past his lips. 
“Yeah, well. She’s trying to protect herself from feeling rejected further. I can bet she doesn't want you to feel obligated to try and make this work because she was upset. She would never want that.” Bucky clarifies.
This shocks him. “What? Rejected? I didn't reject her. I would never reject her.”
As coff escapes the brunettes lips. “Stevie. You told us that you think we're just feeling guilty and sorry for you instead of the possibility that she has two mates. Sounds like a rejection to me, pal.”
“No, no, no. That’s not…I didn't mean it that way. I just meant that I wasn't lucky enough to have something like that be true. Of course I want her as mine. I’d be a fool not to.” He can feel himself start to panic. 
“Well you're a fool who put his foot in his mouth and made her upset. Figure out what it is you want before digging your hole deeper. I’m going to ask you point blank and I want an honest answer. Do you want to be with her?”
Without hesitation he responds. “Yes.”
“Do you think she could be your true mate?”
“Does the thought of her being mine first bother you?”
“Surprisingly, no. You deserve someone like her Buck. She really is perfect for you. I would never want to mess that up. That’s the main reason why I hid my feelings.”
“Okay. Would you want to make us a bonded pack instead of just a bonded pair?”
“Yes. I would. I’d feel honored to be in a pack with you. It feels right.”
“Alright. Then you need to tell her that. I’m not the one who needs reassurance. Make it right with her and we’ll go from there.” He turns and heads out of the room. 
Steve quickly grabs his boxers from the floor, slips them on and follows Bucky out to the kitchen where they find you cooking, hips swaying as you sing along to Amy Whinehouse playing from the Bluetooth speaker on the island. Cant beat cooking and good music to brighten your mood up.
“Even if I stopped wanting you A perspective pushes through I'll be some next man's other woman soon I cannot play myself again I should just be my own best friend Not fuck myself in the head with stupid men He walks away The sun goes down He takes the day, but I'm grown And in your way In this blue shade My tears dry on their own”
You can feel their eyes on you as you finish cutting up the fruit and placing it in a bowl. You spin around to check on the bacon cooking on the stove. “You gonna stand there all morning gawking at me or are ya gonna help out?” 
They scramble to get into the kitchen. Steve beating Bucky just barely. “What can we do?”
You’re still having a hard time looking at him right now but you can get through this. “Um. Why don’t you grab me the eggs from the fridge Steven so we can get them cooked up and Sarg you can set the table while I finish up the bacon. Good?”
Bucky saddles up behind you, wrapping his thick arms around your waist and pulling you close. He runs his nose up your neck and whispers in your ear. “I know you're feeling some type of way right now babygirl, but please just try and let him remove his head from his ass. He’s just scared. I have a feeling you’ll be pleasantly surprised if you hear him out. Plus I’ll be right over there if you need me.” He kisses your temple and heads off to set the table, swatting your ass on the way for good measure. Cheeky Alpha.
As you're flipping the strips in the skillet, Steve hesitantly moves up next to you, an egg carton clutched to his bare chest. “Need a hand with cooking the eggs so you can focus on the bacon?” he tentatively asks. 
You turn to look at America’s Golden Boy and find an awkward and somehow withdrawn man standing next to you. Is this my doing? He looks so sad. Oh Stevie.
You give him a small smile. “Sure. I’d love the help. Hey Sarg, how do you want your eggs?”
“Are we having toast?” He queries.
“Only if you're making it.” You quip back.
“Then I’ll take ‘em sunny side up, extra runny please. Steve can manage not to screw that up.”
“Ha ha. Very funny Buck. What about you, Doll? Any particular way you’d like yours cooked?” He’s got all of his focus on you as he patiently waits for your answer.
“Scrambled will be just fine for me, Steve. Thank you.” You can feel that warmth starting to spread through your chest again the longer he stands beside you, bathing you in his citrus and cedar scent. 
“You got it, Doll.” He gives you that devastating smile of his and you can feel the threads hanging on to your bruised ego starting to fray. Stupid handsome Alpha messing with my hormones.
You continue to cook in silence. The only sound coming from the speaker on the island. You exchange small subtle touches as you pass over one another for this or that as you finish making breakfast and place it on the table. The tension has slowly built and you have no idea when or if it will break. 
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Bucky sits at the head of the table with you to his right.
Surprisingly, Steve chooses to take the seat next to you instead of across the table. After a couple of awkward silent bites Bucky pipes up. “This is perfect, Omega. You're always taking such good care of us.” 
You feel heat rise to your cheeks at his praise. “I can’t take all the credit this morning. Steve helped out.” 
“Well it wouldn't have felt right if you did it all yourself. I’ll always help you out whenever I can, Doll.” He’s gazing at you with such an earnest look in his eyes. 
He reaches for your hand. “Doll, there’s something I need to say before I lose my nerve.”
He has all your attention now. “Go ahead. I’m listening.” You give his hand a little squeeze just as Bucky slides his hand onto your thigh and gives a squeeze as well. Just letting you know he’s right here with you if anything goes wrong. 
“I need you to know that I wasn’t rejecting you. I was feeling sorry for myself and on the defensive. I spoke out of fear and you got hurt because of it. It’s killing me inside that you could believe, even for a moment, that I wouldn't want you.” 
He intertwines his fingers with yours. 
“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in an Omega and it just so happens that my best friend got to you first. I’ve been harboring feelings for you for a long time now and had just come to terms with the fact that I would most likely end up a lone Alpha forever when your scent didn't change after Buck claimed you. That night we all hooked up was the closest I thought I would ever get to having you. And I didn't even get to kiss you.” 
You cock your head to the side. “You wanted to kiss me that night?”
“Oh little omega, I always want to kiss you.” There’s that confidence you love so much rising back to the surface.
“I just wasn't allowed to. I knew my place and I would never do that to Buck. You're made for each other. So when he suggested that the one thing I crave for, could very much be a real possibility, I felt like a joke was being played on me. How could I be so lucky to not only have found a true mate but share her with my best friend. An omega with two mates was rare even in our day. I didn't want to get my hopes up for it to all come crashing down and I lose not only you but my best friend in the process.”
You push back a blonde lock that had fallen into his eyes back into place. “I get it. I do. That’s why I apologized for my outburst.”
He squeezes your hand in his and places the other against your cheek. “No, no, no. You didn't need to apologize. You had every right to feel that way. I’m just an idiot who was lost not only in his head but in the past as well. I might be this big strong Alpha now, but some of those old insecurities of the smaller me make an appearance from time to time. That was one of those times.”
He runs his thumb along the apple of your cheek. “What I’m trying to say, is that I’ve fallen for you too. It’s more than just being drawn to your scent. No matter how mouthwatering it is. You're sweet and caring. You never exclude me when you’re around and you treat me like a real person not some Superhero to be adored. You keep me grounded and I have never seen Bucky more like himself than when he started seeing you. If you're willing to try and Buck is truly okay with it, I would like to see where this goes. Ultimately I would like us to become a pack. I would want you to be mine as much as you are his. What do you say, Doll?”
You stare into those deep pools of cerulean, full of nothing but adoration and a hint of fear. Placing your hand against the nape of his neck, you pull him forward into a kiss. It starts off slow and sweet, quickly morphing into an inferno of need and passion. You pour everything into this kiss, uncaring that your Alpha is watching, until you pull apart, desperately in need of air. 
His eyes are lust blown and he’s sporting a dopey lovesick grin. “I take it, that’s a yes then.”
Bucky busts out laughing. He can’t help himself. “Oh, man. You really are still that skinny little awkward punk. All dopey eyed after one kiss from a Dame ya like.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Oh shove it, asshole. I remember you wandering around the house all love drunk when she kissed you the first time. You have no room to talk.” 
You turn to Buck with a slackened jaw. “You got all twitterpated after I finally let you kiss me goodnight? Awww, Alpha.”
Not embarrassed by it in the slightest he leans in towards you. “Damn right I did. That kiss was fucking magical. I’d never felt anything like it before.”
You place a sweet kiss on his lips and then turn to Steve and do the same. “I’m sure this back and forth ribbing between the two of you will never truly die down. So who’s up for movies and snuggles? I might even be willing to be talked into a little heavy petting.” 
You get up from the table, starting to clear the dishes, when Bucky stops you. “Omega let us do that. You are to relax the rest of the day.”
You place the plates back on the table. “Does that mean my movie marathon is a go?”
Steve wraps his arms around your hips and pulls you close, laying his head on your stomach as he gazes up at you. “Yes, little omega. We can have a lazy day full of movies, snuggles and most certainly some heavy petting. Buck and I just have to check in for a quick debrief with Tony, but we can do that over video in my office after we clean up breakfast. Why don't you go make the living room all cozy for the three of us and pick out the movies you want to watch and as soon as we’re done with business we’ll be all yours.”
You’re smiling from ear to ear, thankful this morning has turned around and excited to explore this new dynamic together. Who would have thought you’d have not one, but two True Mates. Best friends at that. You’re sure this ride is gonna be full of twists and turns but you can't wait to get started. 
“Just don’t keep me waiting too long.” You kiss his forehead as he releases you and then place one on Bucky’s cheek as he passes by, taking the dishes to the sink. 
You begin to walk into the living room, grabbing the hem of Bucky’s shirt you're still wearing. “Oh and boys. Clothing is optional.” 
You pull the shirt over your head and continue on your way, sauntering over to the couch, two sets of blue eyes locked on your bare bottom. You hear them both mutter simultaneously “Fuck” before a flurry of movement is heard. 
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mmimagine-40 · 17 days
Pup Masterlist
ABO! Avenger AU. Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega!FReader
While collecting fire wood Steve comes across a injured omega running from an alpha who's trying to force mate her. Steve takes her in and helps her in anyway he can. Maybe it was just the goodness of his heart. Or maybe its because seeing her and being around her just felt ...so right. Like she belonged by his side. His skin burning by just a slight touch of her. His heart beating so fast every time she looks up at him like that.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
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Stucky Fics
Weirdly enough it took not watching Marvel anymore to get into these boys.
One or both is in the Avengers
The Best Way to Wake - LeeHan Bucky was in the ice and was found a year after Steve. Steve is determined to make Bucky’s experience better than his was.
Head Over Heels- Chiyume Bucky (re)learns things about himself when taking dance class with Natasha 
My Albatross Always With Me -LolitaBlue Bucky Barnes joins the Avengers team as a weapons developer. Steve has an attitude about it. 
Rhapsody in Pink- 1918 After chemical castration from Hydra, Bucky’s libido is causing some hallucinations.
Like A Good Little Soldier Girl_Back_There, xPixelx Bucky gets brought on as a sniper to the avengers team. Steve has a lot of feelings about it.  
Pour the Guinness buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle), lyn7 Modern Bucky meets Steve at a bar and does not realize who he is. 
Sorry, Not Sorry Art_By_DrowningByDegrees, SoftObsidian74 Vet Bucky really resents Cap. And thinks he’s hot.
Through a dark night, without a sunrise, love will tell us where to go LunaCanisLupus_22 Bucky can’t remember being the winter soldier but that doesn’t stop him from being wayyyy interested in Steve. 
Retired Avenger(s)
Song of the Rolling Earth - the1918 Steve is living a quiet life on the farm when he saves a young man who got hit by a car. 
if you're looking for jesus (then get on your knees) - voxofthevoid  former captain gone rogue meets agent Bucky 
ABO fics
Love Me Tender Like What Keeps You Well thiccbuckybarnes Retired Widow captain Steve Rogers and young omega Bucky. Jane Austen vibes.
Wanna Feel the Heat With Somebody- 2bestfriends  Omega Bucky finally takes a risk and gets a new job. Too bad his boss is way hot. 
On the cover of Alpha's Health -Jerana photosheet, omega captain america Steve
Heart of Fools- Claudia_flies alpha captain america, hired omega Bucky
Mistletoe Season- lordeofstucky  Christmas fic, Captain/alpha steve
The Omega Protection Act - Imagineitdear omega rights, omega Bucky, past non-con
The Way I Feel For You -Becassine  avengers fake dating with omega Bucky.
Lullaby for Futures Lost - Oh_i_swear ex-special forces nanny Bucky taking care of omega Steve’s baby while he does his avengers stuff.
(Not A) One Night Romance Girl_Back_There, Oh_i_swear Dad Steve and younger omega Bucky. His kids don’t exactly approve
A Year and a Day Julie_dAubigny (burningbrightly) mistreated omega Bucky with a mysterious past rescued by Steve. Medieval ABO. 
Dad/Single parent fic 
you will always be my favorite form of loving thiccbuckybarnes dad steve, college student bucky
On The Back Of A Raindrop - musette22  dad steve, gardener bucky
I wanna be yours-prettylittlehead22 dad bucky, art teacher steve
Songbird-chicklette washed up star Bucky, art student Steve
(Not A) One Night Romance Girl_Back_There, Oh_i_swear Dad Steve and younger man Bucky. His kids don’t exactly approve
Prince Charming - Brenda Tattoo artist Bucky is a bit of a matchmaker and loves the ladies. Then he meets Steve.
Home Is Wherever I'm With You by cydonic Bucky moves next door to flip a house. Cue adorable dad Steve next door.  
All About Sarge - Izulkowa, myfailsafe ptsd processing featuring adorable dog.
A Higher Epsilon- deadto27 veteran/dogwalker Bucky, meet-cute  
Can't Keep My Hands to Myself - AHM1121, MissyRivers Bucky is a tattoo artist/yoga instructor. Steve needs a way to wind down.
Prince Charming - Brenda Tattoo artist Bucky is a bit of a matchmaker and loves the ladies. Then he meets Steve. 
Sorry, Not Sorry Art_By_DrowningByDegrees, SoftObsidian74 Vet Bucky really resents Cap. And thinks he’s hot.
Human Au- College
Learn Me Hard Oh, Learn Me Right -AHM1121  math tutor Bucky
On Thin Ice-fandomfluffandfuck. Friends with benefits college hockey au. (feat. daddy Bucky)
Alkynes of Trouble by yammz Nerd Bucky, Jock Steve, lab partners.
Human Au- Sex work
E is for Escort VenusDoom3 escort Bucky hired by Tony for Steve. 
Whiskey & webcams by fallenangel69 Bucky does camwork and roommate Steve gets very curious. (gay Bucky, Steve discovering his sexuality)
General human au
The Big Board buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle) Bucky Barnes, senior news anchor at SHIELD and stat guy Steve.
I was alone, I took a ride (I didn't know what I would find there) unremarkable Shelter 2007 au artist Steve
A Very Specific Type- yammz Bucky has a type and silver fox Steve fits it.
Then a small thing happened by beaarthurpendragon- Bucky’s combat photographer career ends with an accident. He goes to a lake house next door to Steve’s mom. (Grief,astronaut Steve, Christmas)
chemistry-deadto27 Bucky has a disappointing one night stand with Steve but keeps running into him. Yoga instructor Bucky, Photographer Steve, Bucky making rom-com level bad decisions.
Put It on Repeat, It Stays the Same by giselleslash The boys get snowed in and realize that fwb is not working for them. 
Give me a pen, I'll write you a story orphan_account Bucky gets to meet his author idol. A huge misunderstanding starts them off on the wrong foot. Bdsm with sub Bucky. 
The House on Winter Lane ClandestineMira (LoquaciousJargon), Duchess_On_Fire Former MIT student Bucky after a car accident lead to losing his parents and his arm. Works for construction company and starts hooking up with silver fox Steve, who is building the house that was Peggy’s dream. FWB/angst/grief.
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centuryberry · 7 months
so for the abo au, Macaque’s Yue’s bio father, right? Or is he still her uncle?
He technically is both father and uncle is the main fic, but it’s interesting to see how different the dynamic will be as him as her father from the very start
Iwould also *love* to hear more details, if you’re okay sharing! Are they still from Yue’s original clan? How’d the two of them end up meeting and being together in this au? Please, spoil me with all the details, I’m captivated!
I also love that the fic originated from this au! It adds that extra bit of fondness for me, knowing that such a beloved fic came from this idea ❤️
I'm bouncing off the walls knowing that people want to hear more about this AU! Of course, I'd love to share more!
Warning(s): mentions of miscarriage (not involving our characters, just the concept for worldbuilding purposes)
In the A/B/O AU, Macaque is Yue's bio dad. Yue was a surprise for him and Shanzha since children born from A/A and O/O couples are rare - and especially for the O/O couples, the risk of miscarrying is high. This is usually why same second gender couples are not as common. They exist, but they're not accepted by society (typical society). Male Omegas and Female Alphas are also not common, so they are also "othered" - either being extremely desired or aggresively rejected by their clan/troop/family.
There are also a lot of harmful stereotypes connected secondary genders and pressures to have lots of children as A/B/O AUs tend to do.
In this AU, there are a lot of changes to the world:
The Demon King of Confusion does not die from his fight with Wukong
Wukong finds RinRin in Diyu and manages to bring her back to life with the help of a Red-Buttocked Baboon
With RinRin at his side to temper him, Wukong doesn't cause as much trouble or drama with Heaven, focusing more on maintaining his kingdom
Is currently being pursued by the Brotherhood to join their cause
The Demon King of Confusion returns to the LoES to lick his wounds and decides to rebuild his army. He strikes at the Zodiac Monkey Can and manages to overtake it and nearly wipe them out
Shanzha had been in the clan temple and training under Long-Arms so she was left unscathed from the incident but decided to leave and avenge her clan (they might've been jerks but they didn't deserve to go out the way they did - especially the children)
The Spirit Macaque Clan never fell and Macaque grew up loved though maybe a little coddled as an omega
The Demon King of Confusion attacked the Spirit Macaque Clan and tried to take Macaque as a new concubine (like he had with RinRin); Shanzha had caught up by then and cut through most of his forces and head shotted the Demon King of Confusion with her arrows before he could do irreversible harm
Macaque is admiring and smitten with Shanzha for her heroics and even more so when he discovers that she's an omega like him
At some point, Macaque's older sister ascends as Macaque Spirit Queen and Macaque and Shanzha get married; they decide to travel the world together and not let their designations limit them from finding adventure
About Each Character and their Designations:
Wukong (Male/Alpha): He's the traditional alpha archetype at first glance, but he loves pink, cute animals, and child-rearing (a omegan trait). He hates how RinRin feels that she should hide her designation and repress herself, but he supports her all the same. He often concedes to RinRin in affairs within the kingdom. He's often pressured to live up to the perceptions around him.
RinRin (Female/Alpha): She's extremely closeted about her designation and attempts to pass as an omega or, at least, a beta because of her father's toxic beliefs. Her extremely sweet, feminine, and people-pleasing mask is also influenced by this. She's actually the more "alpha" between herself and her husband.
Macaque: (Male/Omega): He hides his designation out of necessity during his travels but he's comfortable about his second gender. His personality doesn't fit the Omega archetype so he's been criticized a lot for it by others. He's nervous about being a father since he's been told that he "wasn't the nurturing type."
Shanzha: (Female/Omega): She knows enough about herbs to "pass" as an alpha or a beta. While she initially acts harsh and aggressive (alpha traits) - a result of her life in LoES - she's actually very soft-hearted and kind, which her mate and a few others she trusts are privy to seeing. She had to repress her omegan instincts and put up an alpha front to survive. Currently carrying a pup.
Facts about Bun!Yue:
By the time Macaque and Shanzha head to FFM for sanctuary and medical help, Shanzha is three months pregnant with Yue and facing some difficulties
Yue's a kicker
Wukong and RinRin offer some of their magic to reinforce Yue's growth and increase her chances of survival
Macaque already has her heartbeat memorized
Gives Shanzha cravings for spicy food and lychee berries
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the-vex-archives · 11 months
DCU Masterlist (2023)
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Bruce Wayne
"My Father's Daughter" Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 ( x Step-Daughter! Reader)
By all definitions you were a daddy’s girl. It’s been you and him since your mom left you both. But what happens when your both forced to face your past?
"Mercenary" Part 2 ( x Daughter! Reader)
Reader is Bruce Wayne's unofficial daughter and a mercenary, she doesn't spend much time in Gotham. Until she's paid to kill the Joker
"The Duchess of Hell's Kitchen" ( x Daughter! Reader)
Y/n Wayne the blind Princess of Gotham, meets Matt Murdock who makes it his mission to train her and help her adapt to being blind. She later goes on to become the Duchess a feared anti-hero often found working with Daredevil.
"Found Out" ( x SVU! Reader)
"Pearl Ring" ( x Stark! Reader)
a certain ring on a certain finger has the world believing a Stark is engaged to a Wayne and your father isn’t happy.
"Surprise" ( x Fiancé! Reader)
the Avengers crash your date with your fiancé.
Incorrect Quotes
"Egg Donor" ( x Small Assistant! Reader)
"Level Headed" ( x Small Assistant! Reader)
"You Missed Our Date" ( x Daughter! Reader)
"I Own Your Father" ( x Wife! Reader)
"Please Don't" ( x Stark! Reader)
Jason Todd
No summary provided
Damian Wayne
"Whipped Like A Motherfu-" ( x Older! Damian Wayne)
The boys never thought it was possible for their youngest brother to have a soft spot for a woman. Or a soft spot in general. So how will they react when they witness their brother being lovey-dovey first-hand?
"Gentleman" ( x Muslim! Reader) ( x Older! Damian Wayne)
Damian Wayne with a Muslim S/O
Incorrect Quotes
"I Own Your Father" ( x Step-Mother! Reader)
Clark Kent
"Crash And Burn" Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Final Part ( ABO AU) ( x Lawyer! Clark Kent)
No summary provided
Ghost Maker
"I'm Aware of Your Professions" ( x Batsis! Reader)
Cutting his hair for him
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