#abigail clarke
bobstermclovin · 29 days
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kajalnasit · 7 months
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Abigail Clarke
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nthspecialll · 1 month
I think something that makes the red dead fandom so much more interesting is how active that the voice actors are and how much they interact with the fans. Especially as it isn't just the big creators but also the smaller crooks and crannies where not a lot of people would normally visit.
We have Noshir ruling tumblr, Roger having a party on Cameo, Alex is sharing Sabigail art on instagram and Rob is fooling around on tiktok, constantly interacting, constantly bonding. As someone who has been in a lot of fandoms, this is one thing I think makes the fandom so much better, that the cast is down here in the trenches with us. They are all amazing people who are keeping the fandom alive and helping to flesh out the characters with headcannons and ideas.
I love these voice actors and I want to thank them not only for making the game but for being so active with us, the fans, and so supportive of everything we make and all of our nerdy little ideas and things.
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gwenyn28 · 2 months
The "real" reasons why these actresses left 9-1-1
Because it is a common accusation Buddie fans have to deal with I wanted to talk about the reasons why the female love interests for Buck and Eddie left the show.
I already talked about it on twitter but due to a limited space I couldn't post links and go deeper into the stories. Therefore I will talk about this a bit more on here.
I will admit that there might have been some fans out there who were really mean and acted weird/rude towards these women. But still... there are real reasons for leaving the show, not "the Buddie fans bullied them and they couldn't handle it anymore so they left".
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Connie Britton (Abigail Clark)
When 9-1-1 started in early 2018 Connie Britton was part of the main cast. She was casted as the dispatcher "Abigail Clark" so that the viewer could have not only the firefighter's view but also the dispatcher's. After an incident at a rollercoaster where Buck lost a person Abby looked up his number to ask if he was okay. They started to talk and soon after got into a relationship.
To begin with, her contract was just for one season and she left when her contract was up. Ryan Murphy said in an interview that they were renogotiating her deal because she loved the cast and wanted to come back for a couple of episodes (what we later got with the train wreck in the season 3 finale). But just as a guest star, not as a main cast again. In the meantime, for that dispatch connection, Jennifer Love Hewitt as Maddie Buckley (now Han) was cast.
It was also the plan NOT to bring her back in season 2 so that Buck could grow on his own and that this growth won't be connected with Abby anymore. After all, they just had a brief relationship and she left him at the airport and ghosted him afterwards.
So, all in all, she was just supposed to be there for one season only. She didn't want to have a longer contract because she prefers to work just for one season of any tv show. And because she and Ryan Murphy are good friends, he agreed on this, wanting her appearance on his new show in 2018 to help him get the series off the ground.
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Tiffany Dupont (Ali Martin)
Buck and Ali met in season 2 during an earthquake where she was rescued by him and Eddie. Later on they met again and started to date. When Buck was crushed by a ladder truck and severely injured she broke up with him afterwards in the hospital. She told him that she couldn't live with him being in danger and that he wanted to continue with this risky job after his leg would be better again.
Tim stated in an interview 2019 that he loved Ali but she wasn't his first choice. Because she had chemistry with Buck and Eddie he decided to bring her back for Buck. Their relationship would have to go through the "make it or break it" because she knew that Buck's job was hard and dangerous and Ali wasn't a first responder. So, it had to be decided if she could live with that or not. In the end Tim wanted to keep her as an option for the next season as he reintroduced her but the relationship didn't make it.
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Megan West (Taylor Kelly)
Megan West was already one of Buck's former hook-ups who was introduced in an earlier season but came back in season 4 and 5 to play Buck's love interest. The possibility to give her a bigger role was there due to Jennifer Love Hewitt being on maternity leave. Therefore her character could get some screen time and she got a whole backstory.
Kristen Reidel, showrunner at that time, stated in an interview the inevitability of the couple's separation because of the people they were. Their characters were the complete opposites and even though sometimes opposites attract this didn't happen with Buck and Taylor. The break-up was the only logical conclusion.
Since Taylor's story arc came to an end with this break-up and the narrative of the show didn't demand another independant character, Megan West left the show after her story was told.
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Annelise Cepero (Natalia Dollenmeyer)
At the end of season 6 Buck met Natalia, a death doula, and started to date her. It seemed as if they had a connection (a weird one, but still a connection) and so she was Buck's girlfriend at the time season 6 ended.
In an interview mid-March Tim Minear said that he wasn't really interested in going down the road with Natalia when he took over again from Kristen Reidel as previous showrunner for season 5 and 6. He decided that it was time for Buck to stop talking about death, it was boring. He wanted Buck to live some more and to pursue joy. Buck should finally find happiness.
It seems like it was not just a creative decision. Not only storywise Tim decided to break up Buck and Natalia over hiatus. Annelise is based in New York. After the end of season 6 there was the writer's strike happening and season 7 was postponed. During that prolonged hiatus she got a contract on Broadway for "Hotel Happy" that premiered in February 2024. Therefore she couldn't join 9-1-1 again.
And since Tim was also fine with her not coming back storywise... it was mutual for her not to return.
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Gabrielle Walsh (Ana Flores)
Gabrielle Walsh was a guest star and played Ana Flores, Eddie's love interest. When they first met when she was Chris' teacher, they really didn't get along. But later on, in the "Jinx" episode, Eddie asked her out and they started dating.
In an insta video (uploaded on youtube) she stated that she liked being on the show and that she loved her role, praising all the cast members. She admitted that she was sad to go but in the end everybody deserved to be with who they really loved. Some people interpreted this as a comment towards Buddie because directly afterwards she also talked about the Buddie fans and that there are no hard feelings concerning them, that she loved them.
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Edy Ganem (Marisol)
Edy Ganem played Marisol and was brought in last-minute. She was kind of a hardware store fling for Eddie in the season 6 finale. Back then nobody knew if 9-1-1 would be renewed (or taken over by abc) so Kristen Reidel wanted to give every character a partner and love interest in some kind of closure if the show had ended back then. Marisol who was introduced earlier on on a call seemed to be a fit for Eddie in Kristen's eyes.
Coming to season 7 she was not planned to come back at first because Eddie was supposed to start dating Tommy Kinard. But then, as already stated above, Annelise Cepero wasn't able to come back as Natalia. This would have left Buck without a storyline. So Tim decided to switch from Tommy dating Eddie to Tommy dating Buck. Edy Ganem was free and could come back as Marisol for season 7 to play Eddie's love interest because Tim Minear didn't want both Buck and Eddie without a partner.
In an interview in April 2024 he stated that he had no clue about Marisol and her character. (She doesn't even have a last name.) He didn't want to give her screentime to explore the character and went with what he had. Or better, what Kristen gave him - the nun storyline. The idea was amusing to him and he thought it would help to learn more about Eddie.
In the end Marisol didn't stick around. She didn't even get a proper on screen break-up, just vanished after the end of the Vertigo storyline for Eddie.
It might have to do with the actress behind the character. She showed her true self more than once, posting trans- and homophobic things on social media and kind of victimized herself. Therefore it was a win-win to let her go after season 7, story- and personwise.
In conclusion: I read it very often that people say that the actresses left just because they were harassed by Buddie fans. Like I said in the beginning, there might have been some fans that have acted that way.
But the reasons I listed above where the cause for them to leave or not to return to the show - other obligations, wrapped storylines etc. And not just because "Buddie fans were mean to them".
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brambeag · 2 years
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@crxwes's dolls 😛
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gt-icons · 11 months
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Summer icons
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femmehysteria · 8 months
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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nightofnetter · 6 months
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bobstermclovin · 1 month
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slayerchick303 · 1 year
I just finished Home, and I have some thoughts:
Rhodey was in a hospital gown when he got out of the pod! I swear to all that is holy, if they have him been replaced by a skrull after his injury in Civil War, I will march on Disney headquarters! That would cheapen Tony's death, funeral, and Rhodey's amazing conversation with Sam in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I said I'd freak out if they made the swap previous to FATWS, and I meant it!
Gravik's human face was a man he killed, so I'm assuming the same is true for G'iah. If she is indeed going to be Abigail Brand as leaks have suggested (meaning Abigail Brand is dead), I'm going to be mad! Like legitimately disappointed. Brand is one of my favorite parts of the Astonishing X-Men comics run. I ship her and Beast so hard.
When was Everett Ross swapped? It has to have been after Black Panther because he would've reverted to his skrull form after being shot and/or Shuri would've noticed while healing him. Has a skrull infiltrated Wakandan leadership?! How many? For how long? Because that's BAD. Imagine the havoc skrulls could wreak with Wakanda's resources.
The CGI in this was pretty good. Especially compared to other recent Disney+ titles. That being said, I hate a lot of how they used it. Giving G'iah a huge Drax arm?! Bad choices in multiple ways: A.) the big Drax arm looked so weird as did other things. B.) do they think Marvel fans are too stupid to get what they were doing if they didn't make her arm huge? They should've kept Emilia's arm the same size, only given her Drax's tattoos and skin color at most. We would've understood. C.) the clothing changed too! How does that make sense?
Is Gravik really dead, though? Is Raava? We don't know if Raava has super skrull powers, but Gravik had like EVERYTHING. That seems like it should make him pretty invincible.
How did people not clock how off Rhodey was? There was like an enormous change in his personality. Raava was a jerk!
So, Fury and Sonya only tranqed those secret service members at the hospital. That wouldn't automatically make them revert, right, or every skrull would be outed when they fell asleep. If all those guards were humans, they were legitimately the worst security detail ever. That one guy literally listened to SkrullRhodey pretty much out herself and did nothing. He didn't even warn the president Rhodey was acting uncharacteristically. Every member of White House personale will have to be tested somehow. Maybe check for purple blood?
I really thought Ritson would die at the end. I guess he's just awful (which is unsurprising). I'm glad he won't be president much longer, as Harrison Ford is taking over the role of President Thaddeus Ross in Captain America: Brave New World. That being said, part of me worries that President Ross might be even worse than Ritson.
I kind of loved Varra and Fury's ending. It redeemed the awful, "I guess we'll never know moment."
****EDIT:**** I didn't think about this at the time, but I saw someone else bring it up. G'iah has Captain Marvel powers now! Doesn't that mean she should be caught up in the entanglement mess Captain Marvel, Photon, and Miss Marvel are dealing with in The Marvels?! That's an ENORMOUS plot hole. Not to mention, G'iah is ridiculously overpowered now. People complain about how powerful Superman is, and G'iah is so much worse.
I enjoyed Secret Invasion, even if it wasn't the best Disney+ show. The comics are still WAY better. Regardless, I'm looking forward to The Marvels even more now.
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quarter-lif3crisis · 2 months
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Great Pretender | 2020
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crxwes · 2 years
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dumps 🎣
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Chaotic Neutral
Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising
⭑ Sent down to earth with the rest of the group, only for a petty crime of trying to feed your sick mother. You had stolen someone else’s rations and a fight broke out. 
⭑ Being in the ship’s cell had hardened you somewhat, but you were able to talk to Clarke who was next door to you. 
⭑ The day you landed on earth, was the day that everything changed. 
⭑ You were no longer safe.
⭑ And so you stood behind those with loud mouths and bravado. John Murphy was the best option, and soon Bellamy was the camp leader. 
⭑ You didn’t like the others on earth, but you did take a liking to Clarke, Octavia, Wells, Jasper, and Monty. 
⭑ Slowly you became part of Clarke’s crew - 
⭑ And Bellamy seemed like such a big arch-nemesis at the time 
⭑ But over time you learned to trust each other, because you had no other choice. And when you saw that changed in Bellamy, something in you shifted. 
⭑ As a significant other, Bellamy is very protective but also very caring. 
⭑ He wants to make sure that you feel comfortable and safe at all times. 
⭑ He can get a bit jealous, but not overly. He isn’t possessive either. 
⭑ Bellamy loves cuddling. And he’s very good to cuddle as well. There’s no greater feeling than having his arms wrapped around you. Nowhere else do you feel this safe. 
⭑ Before doing anything dangerous, Bellamy cups your face in his hands and rubs his lips over your lips. And like a promise, he tells you he loves you and kisses you so deeply. 
⭑ When you’re alone together, you talk about the future and what you want. If you want kids, where you’d want to live etc. If you think of something midday, you’ll try and find each other to add it to the list. E.g., “I want a flower garden” or “I changed my mind I want to live by a lake” etc. 
⭑ He always makes sure that you’ve eaten, and if you’re hungry he’ll get you whatever you want (or whatever is closest to it). 
⭑ You share a room/tent (I mean it changes doesn’t it!) And he has minimal possessions, I mean everyone does now. But you have your little knick-knacks that you’ve created, little gifts from friends. 
⭑ The moment Bellamy fell fully in love with you, was when you had found a few of his favourite books. 
⭑ He doesn’t mind PDA. Bellamy will wait for you to sit next to him so he can hold you against his chest. 
⭑ He would really appreciate you listening to him when he opens up. Not a lot of people know a lot about Bellamy’s interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes. 
⭑ He would want to marry you, or if that wasn’t possible, he would want to commit to you as much as possible. 
⭑ You do worry about him a lot. It’s in his nature to protect, defend and lead. He raised Octavia, so it’s ingrained in him to be the first to react and step up. 
⭑ He gets surprised when you remember things about him. Especially memories and other people in his life that are long gone
⭑ Bellamy teaches you skills, he doesn’t want you to have to rely on anyone. 
⭑ Doesn’t like it when other people look at you with lust in their eyes. He will move closer to you, but not be too obvious
Theme Song:
‘Davy Jones’ by Fia Oradd
Relationship Tropes:
Snarky Power Couple That Can, And Probably Will, Destroy You
Moon (mysterious, night-person, creative, introverted) (Bellamy) x Eclipse (has so much worth but doesn’t see it, initially closed-off but has the biggest heart) (You)
Rivals to Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers
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cloudaintfair · 5 months
Yes, I've yet to start season 3 in its intended sequence.
Yes, I'm catching quite a few episodes out of sequence.
Yes, I've seen all the available episodes from season 7.
Yes, I'm familiar with many plot developments.
I'd say, among Buck's romantic partners, my preference leans towards Ali first, followed by Natalia, and then Abby.
Ali, although unable to cope with the constant danger inherent in a firefighter's life, showed true loyalty by waiting until Buck had recovered before ending their relationship. This contrasts sharply with Chimney's ex-girlfriend, who appeared indifferent and failed to visit him during his recovery after getting "Final Destination"'d.
Ali proved to be a reliable support for Buck when he needed it most.
Natalia's position after Ali is more of a consequence of her actress's departure from the show rather than her actions within it. As far as I recall, she exited the series, prompting the writers to dissolve her relationship with Buck.
Otherwise, they risked repeating the same narrative as with Abby and her relationship with Buck.
Abby follows Natalia on my list because I believe Abby genuinely cares for Buck. Their relationship originated from Abby's concern for Buck's emotional well-being after a traumatic incident (failing to save someone who was dangling from a roller coaster)
I attribute the flaws in Abby's storyline during season 3 more to the writing choices than the character herself. There were missed opportunities to handle her departure differently, such as having her end things with Buck over the phone, a feasible option given the time period. Instead, the prolonged drama around Buck and Abby's relationship tarnished Abby's character in the long run.
I'm eager to see where Buck's relationship with Tommy will lead. Personally, I'm not invested in the ongoing shipping debates. While I love the concept of "Buddie," my primary interest lies in the development of the storyline itself.
My introduction to 911 was through Buck's powerful confrontation with his neglectful parents. However, I felt somewhat let down by the direction that storyline took, particularly evident in the Madney wedding episode. Nonetheless, I still find Buck's "candid" words to his parents refreshing, as it diverges from the typical narrative where characters like him readily forgive neglectful parents without any meaningful dialogue.
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darkphoenix180 · 5 months
CW's The 100 character poll
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