#abi toads
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This video was made by AbiToads I seen on TikTok. I'm back to full health now. Well I mean my liver is getting back to normal. I even been posting and making more videos game gameplay content on my TikTok and my YouTube channel. I even saw The Super Mario Bros. Movie. It was just amazing in my opinion.🤩 But getting back here's a new fan audio on Triforce of Power @nayru-s-clay-tablet for @mcaquila. Remember you can also read her comics on Webtoons and comicfury. Once again thanks to @maldreathezora for the inspiration and thank you for your kind words on my health @mcaquila, @maldreathezora, and @magical-game. This week artwork cover is ToyAgumon drawn from my friend @magical-game. Check out @magical-game Patreon page if you get a chance. And if you wanna known ToyAgumon information then check out my Digimon Feild Guide page. I hope you all enjoy listening and getting ready to prepare for Ganondorf return on Tears of the Kingdom.🤩
One more thing thank you so much for the art presents last week on my birthday @maldreathezora and @vigoburrito . I really love Pikmin and like playing Mega man series which is fitting for Ganondorf's on @growingupgerudo and @nayru-s-clay-tablet as Mega Man X and Zero. I'm trying to get Mega Man battle network collection.
⭐ YouTube ⭐ TikTok ⭐
#cwgames#triforce of power#fan audio#tiktok#toyagumon#digimon#mushroom#SoundCloud#ganondorf#mega man x#zero#pikmin#abi toads
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Wittle froggy animation by Abi Toads.
#frog#animation#indie animation#whimsical#cute#frog butt#adorable#restore me#enjoying the beauty of nature#Instagram#abi toads
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Mushling Nightlights // Abi Toads
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Do you know what dæmons are (from his dark materials) and if yes, can i see what you think Abi, dabi, and any of the others you wanna possibly share would be? (If no, 👉👈 can i tell you about it cause i would love to see more Dæmon aus for ocs tbh)
STOHSOUH ACTUALLY YES!!! I have looked into this and done some (very mild) research, and I have thought about what Abiteth's daemon would be! I initially had it as an Abiteth/Dante AU because I wanted to have some different AUs between my Abiteth x Dabi (and/or Touya) AUs, and TyTeth AUs, but!! I technically have an idea for daemons for all 4 😊😊
Unfortunately I don't have the strength to draw them right now (saving up my art strength for art fight!), but I can at least describe what I have in mind for their daemons (and also keeping in mind that the daemon is normally the opposite sex of the person which I love to see because that is actually something I thrive on LMAO).
Dabi would have a snake as his daemon, reflecting both his cunning, sly, and slippery nature, but also how his story is revolves around transformation and change. She would start as a snake with white or pale scales, then after the fire she and Dabi would suffer from a forced separation?? Then reconnect, so Dabi can be away from his daemon for a significant amount of time. After this and after Dabi dyes his hair, she chooses to manifest as a large black cobra, and once he reconnects with his family (if he does and if there is healing there and NOT what we got in the fucking canon) then she would settle as a white snake. Not entirely sure on breed in this case!
Touya would have a wolf as his daemon - wolf pup to full-grown wolf. I don't have much to say in regards to that story wise, just that I know he would have a wolf. His daemon being a wolf reflects his loyalty, love for his family, and honestly leadership. Obviously this is in an AU where he doesn't go through the specific trauma that led to him becoming Dabi.
If this was a twin AU, then both Dabi and Touya would have wolves. Touya would have a red wolf, and Dabi would have a white wolf. Similar to if it was JUST a Dabi AU, his wolf would go through the same thing that Dabi and his snake go through (also realistically, until both of his daemons settle in either depiction, they would shift between wolf and snake, just that in the case of twin!Dabi, his daemon settles as a white wolf). The twins both having wolves makes so much sense to me because at the end of the day, they both love their family (and each other) and work well together no matter how many arguments they have, so the wolf speaks to both Touya and Dabi's personalities. Both Touya and Dabi's daemons would settle.
Abiteth's daemon regardless of AU would never settle, but choose to be in a specific primary form depending on which AU it is. Touya's Abi would have a male elk as her primary Daemon, which reflects Abiteth's strength and good heart. Dabi's Abi's daemon would primarily show himself as a tarantula, which reflects her resilience, patience, and general creativity. Twin!Touya/Dabi's Abi's daemone would show himself primarily as a tarantula too, I think. Dante's Abi's daemon would show himself primarily as a frog/toad, reflecting her adaptability and how grounded she can be - but also how slippery she is. In the case of Dante's Abi, her daemon would also primarily appear as a raven (which is true for all of them but yeah, IDK if I'm making sense LMAO). Abiteth would be classed as a witch if I was going with a proper His Dark Materials AU.
Dante would also class as a witch, and his daemon would show herself as a few different kinds of birds of prey, interestingly enough. She'd jump between a harpy eagle, bearded vulture, and macaw. The eagle in particular is a good reflection of Dante because of his intimidating appearance and prowess. I don't know if his daemon would ever settle, but since Abiteth's won't settle, I don't think his would either.
Dabi's daemon - snake Abiteth's daemon - tarantula
Touya's daemon - red wolf Abiteth's daemon - elk
Twin Dabi's daemon - white wolf Twin Touya's daemon - red wolf Abiteth's daemon - tarantula
Dante's daemon - harpy eagle Abiteth's daemon - frog/toad (sometimes raven)
#other options for Abiteth's daemon definitely included a bunch of monarch butterflies#Ask Air#Dabiteth AUs#I think if i had more brain power I could go a bit futher#BUT THIS IS WHAT I HAVE FOR NOW I HOPE YOU LIKE IT#moonraisedsunchild#THANKS FOR ASKING BTW!!!
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Random thought
Bursting into hasan’s room holding your baby “She’s about to walk.” Because you couldn’t let him miss that so you put her down and the baby starts walking. So basically your daughter just took her first steps on a Hasan abi stream with is kinnda goated
Toad, I have opinion about babys first steps.
I think that after the boy is born, because his first will be be a boy, his first two are boys and the he has his daughter, Hasan would develop this habit of always stop and say hi the the kid when walking past him. It doesn't matter what he's doing, going to the bathroom- he's stopping, had to leave stream for a minute- he's stoping, on a very important phone call- he's stopping and waiving and saying hi to his boy.
That said, the one time that doesn't happen is when he's walking back to the stream room. You and the baby are on the little bit away from the room, and Hasan walks past the two of you and heads back to the stream, not stopping, not saying hi, zero acknowledgment of the baby. So the baby tries to follow him into his room, and he does, and it's on camera, and Hasan does not see it. He only notices when he feels a little tug on his pants. He stops and picks the kid up, becuase ✨💫baby💫✨, it's only at that point he realizes the kid was in a different room, and he starts to freak out cause he just kinda teleported. Chat chipped it tho and shows him, and you when you make your way into the room after picking up the toys and stuff.
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Den 26
Vstávám dneska dost pozdě. Je už skoro šest, než se vyhrabu ze spacáku. Nechce se mi ven, zrovna dneska bylo tepleji, tak se mi dobře spalo. Posbírám se a vyrážím zpět na trail. Už občas přichází dny, kdy se mi šlapat nechce. Radši bych se někde posadil do stínu a jen odpočíval. Není to tak, že by mě to tu nebavilo, to vůbec ne, ale dal bych si pauzu. Poprvé se těším na město, které snad bude zítra.
Abych zahnal tyhle chmury, pustil jsem si do sluchátek písničky. České písničky, abych si mohl zpívat. Tak si tak zpívám a vesele si ťapu asi osm prvních mil. Radost končí, přichází bolest. Ostrá bolest. Bamba to popsal, jak kdyby mu do holeně někdo při chůzi mlátit krumpáčem. Tak přesně tohle se mi teď děje. Bolest ve spodní části holeně, nějaká šlacha tam. Jsem poslední, kdo to z naší skupinky ještě neměl. Fakt divný, že nás to takhle nakonec oběhne všechny.
Je to dost nepříjemné, moje tempo se hodně zpomalí, asi na 2 míle za hodinu. Přijdu si najednou jako želva, šinu se hrozně pomalu. Ale nedá se nic dělat, není kam jinam utéct. Musím dopředu. Má to ale i jednu výhodu, najednou mě přestala bolet spálená záda. Co bych za ně teď dal.
Nevím, jak je to možné, ale tělo si vždycky něco najde. Každý den je nějaký kousek těla, který mě bolí. Většinou je to každý den něco jiného. Někdy se to mění i několikrát za den. Ale máme to tak všichni. Prostě bod na těle, na který se zrovna soustředí naše pozornost. Pro mě je to teď moje levá holeň.
Někdy kolem pozdního oběda se dobelhám k McDonaldu, který tady u dálnice stojí. Jak jsem se na něj těšil, tak teď vůbec nemám na jídlo pomyšlení. Nicméně si stejně objednám a najím se. Zároveň jim ukradnu do ziplocku trochu ledu a nacpu si to mezi ponožky na postižené místo. Takhle to leduju asi dvě hodiny. Obsluze je to jedno, jsou na lelkující hikery zvyklí.
Alec mi podstrčil dvě tabletky ibuprofenu, který by měl pomoc proti zánětu. Nejsem moc zastánce prášků, ale spolknu to. Vyrážím dál, máme to pět mil do kempu. Po pár minutách bolest úplně přejde a jsem jako rybička. Asi ty prášky, říkám si. Míle mi pod nohami ubýhají a v kempu jsem okolo čtvrté. Normálně nemám moc rád odpolední šlapání, ale dneska mě chytla nějaká druhá míza a rozhodl jsem se, že ujdu ještě pět dalších mil. Je to hodně do kopce, vyběhnu další své Empire state building než se dostanu k místu na stan. Asi mi za tohle tělo zítra nepoděkuje, ale já to tak prostě cítil. Navíc mi to pomůže na zítra, místo 6000 stop už je to jen asi 4000, a to se dá. Abych uvedl věci na pravou míru, kopec mi dal tak zabrat, že jsem vyžral všechny snacky z mých kapes na bederním pásu. Je to asi 150 sacharidů.
Celou dobu do kopce hraji se sluncem na honěnou. Schovává se mi za obzorem, jako kdyby už chtělo zapadnout. Já ho vždycky dohoním, chvilku na mě svítí a pak zase popoleze trochu n��ž. Takhle je to celou cestu. Potkávám třikrát Horny toad. Vypadá to jako ostnatá ropucha zkřížená s ještěrkou. Český název neznám. Taky mi mezi nohama projede ta užovka křovinná, ale z toho už si hlavu nedělám. Hlavně že tu nepotkávám ty chřestýše.
V kempu na mě čeká Stir it up. Je dost překvapený. Když odcházel, byl jsem ve stavu dojít si maximálně na záchod. Jsem rád, že tu je. Zítra zase bude asi úsek se sněhem, tak je dobré na to mít parťáka. Rozložím spaní na kovboje a chystám večeři. Vracím se a spacák mám plný vody. Achjo. Vlhko ve vzduchu asi, takže narychlo stavím stan, aby se to nezhoršilo. Ale tohle už dneska neusuším. To zas bude noc��
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Transistor Sister #191: Favorites of 2023 December 23, 2023
Image: Abi Ooze
Just a bunch of songs I liked a whole lot this year! The unofficial kick off of my "Honey, It's the Twenties!" slow marathon! listen on Mixcloud
Freddy Cannon - Transistor Sister Home Front - Nation (single mix) Abi Ooze - A Song About Drinking Uzu - Mada Hadeth ماذا حدث؟ Pinch Points - Pave Me Water Machine - Hot Real Estate R.M.F.C. - Harmless Activity Romance - XYZ
Inu - Lift The Lid SIAL - Sia - Sia Rata Negra - Bien Triste The Toads - Ex - KGB Berliner Doom - Alte weisse Frau
Nightwatchers - 4000 Morts Accidente - Interdependencia Radical Kitten - Uppercat Powerplant - Walk Around (Hang My Head)
Melenas - Promesas
#radio#community radio#transistor sister#best of 2023#music#punk#playlist#post punk#wprb#new wave#hardcore punk#egg punk#melodic punk#synth pop
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Quang khem - jeleń Chinha
Dodano: 2007-12-15 23:12:59
Pod koniec XX wieku świat obiegła naukowa nota. Lasy tropikalne płw. Indochińskiego kryły tajemnicze jelenie. Był wśród nich duży mundżak Muntiacus vuquangensis. Zwierzę to jest dotychczas największym spośród wszystkich opisanych zwierząt z tego rodzaju. Zostało odkryte w 1994 roku i opisane jako przedstawiciel mundżaków cztery lata później. Posiadamy niewiele informacji na temat innego mundżaka - Muntiacus putaoensis odkrytego w 1997 roku przez biologa Alan Rabinowitz w północnym Myanmarze (Birmie) a dwa lata później opisanego z próbek DNA. Jego dystrybucja i stan konserwacji są nieznane. Tymczasem obok słynnej prowincji Vu Quang, gdzie odkryto Sa-ola, w regionie Pu Mat żyje Quang khem, kolejny przedstawiciel nieznanych ssaczych grup jelenich.
O zwierzęciu tym wspomina Karl Shuker w książkach "From Flying Toads to Snakes with Wings" oraz "New Zoo". Quang khem w tłumaczeniu w lokalnego języka oznacza powolnego jelenia. Zwierzę to ma bez odnóg, proste i powywijane, nierozgałęzione poroże, czym upodabnia się do antylop. Czaszki quang khem wybrane przez Dr Nguyen zostały wysłane do Copenhagen University, gdzie były badane przez Dr Petera Arctandera, który dotychczas był niezdolny, by przyporzadkować je do jakiegoś znanego gatunku .Na skutek tego jego systematyczny stan pozostaje nieokreślony i binominalna struktura gatunku nie została wyznaczona. Do naukowej literatury kryptojeleń wszedł poprzez naukowe prace wietnamskiego biologa Nguyen Ngoc Chinh. Nguyen Ngoc Chinh trafił do Pu Mat, szukając sao-la, wrócił z czaszką pewnego ssaka, ssaka na którego myśliwi wołają quang khem.To powolne jelenie stały się jeleniami Chinh. Na razie jest zbyt wcześnie, aby mozna było twierdzić, że jest to gatunek nowy, ale Arctander, był niezdolny by porównać jego DNA z znanymi gatunkami jeleni.
Rezerwat Pu Mat
Odkąd badania są nadal prowadzone w pierwotnej formie, są ogromne nadzieje, że w przyszłości dojdzie do kolejnych odkryć. Obszar Vu quang jest "biologiczną kopalnią złota" - mówi MacKinnon, który spędził 25 lat w Azji jako biolog środowiskowy. Taksonomista Colin Groves z National University Australia mówi: "Region reprezentuje dużo więcej gatunków niż okazy znalezione w poszczególnych latach; Tu gatunki mogłoby być znajdowane przez najbliższe 100 lat." Miejsce długo było odcięte od świata przez działania wojenne i nagle stało się otwartym biomem przyrody. Ten biom kryje więcej nieznanych gatunków. Podobnie jak świnia Sus bucculentus, nie wiemy jak wygląda ten gatunek, ostateczne odkrycie i opisanie go jest jednak kwestią czasu.
Caniche Vel Thomas Lounak©2007 FromCryptidMy for KryptoZoo
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In this video, we see a frog and a baby alligator sitting on a table in a house. Someone picks up a pot and pours water onto the frog, which backs up to exit the water stream. The alligator is next, and it closes its eyes and arches upwards in the water stream.
There are a few things that you should notice right away to analyze with this video. Take a moment and make a list of everything that you observe. You may start with what you see - you have two animals together, an alligator (aby) and a frog or thad. Also, the setting20a b0care of throughout its life by these caretakers. The fact that it is a baby is also concerning - how would a baby alligator end up in someone’s home? It was either bred as a pet or taken from the wild, both of which are not they are sitting on a table in someone’s home. Another important thing to note is that this is a 20opportunities for research. Scroll through comments, too - anybody can make any accusation or 0that they close a set of eyelids when submerged - that this gator’s ‘submerged’ behaviors have turned on and its head lifting is it trying to get air. However, even if you didn’t get to that conclusion - the way assurance the toad is treated, the two animals put together, and the baby alligator in a human household are all good reasons to distrust this video and consider reporting it. Daley, J. (2019, October 7). How do we prevent pets from becoming exotic invaders? Scientific American. Retrieved April 30, 2023, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-do-we-prevent-pets-from-becoming-exotic-invaders/you can also then verify anything too. After checking into this - or thinking about it critically - check out our analysis below:
Now that you’ve observed, take a moment and consider the setting, situation, and the reason that this animal will be well taken care of throughout its life by these caretakers. The fact that it is a baby is also concerning - how would a baby alligator end up in someone’s home? It was either bred as a pet or taken from the wild, both of which are not ge see two behavioral responses from the animals in the video, which are both excellent opportunities for research. Scroll through comments, too - anybody can make any accusation or 0that they close a set of eyelids when submerged - that this gator’s ‘submerged’ behaviors have turned on and its head lifting is it trying to get air. However, even if you didn’t get to that conclusion - the way assurance the toad is treated, the two animals put together, and the baby alligator in a human household are all good reasons to distrust this video and consider reporting it. Daley, J. (2019, October 7). How do we prevent pets from becoming exotic invaders? Scientific American. Retrieved April 30, 2023, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-do-we-prevent-pets-from-becoming-exotic-invaders/you can also then verify anything too. After checking into this - or thinking about it critically - check out our analysis below:
A good first step is to scroll through comments. Doing so reveals that this is likely an albino pixie frog, which are indeed kept widely as pets, though keeping a wild animal as a pet is considered unethical by some. The other, however - a baby alligator - should never be kept as a housepet (at best, it should remain in a realistic habitat in a rescue setting). If you consider the alligator’s entire lifespan, keeping a baby alligator is very different from keeping an adult alligator, and looking at how this has worked out in the past, you’d be right to be skeptical that this animal will be well taken care of throughout its life by these caretakers. The fact that it is a baby is also concerning - how would a baby alligator end up in someone’s home? It was either bred as a pet or taken from the wild, both of which are not good options. Then there’s the fact that it’s next to a frog, which it generally should not be interacting with in the wild; generally, alligators and frogs do not socialize with each other, and so this is probably a dangerous pairing. Then, there’s the animals’ responses to the water. The frog backs up and exits the water, showing that it did not want to have water poured on it. The person tries to follow the frog with the water and it steps out again, which shows that the person did not respect the frog’s choice to leave. The alligator is a little trickier - searching for a few different terms about gator stress behavior didn’t lead us anywhere, but a rather large number of comments on both reddit and tumblr stated that the gator behavior is not positive, and it’s plausible, knowing that gators spend time submerged - and finding online that they close a set of eyelids when submerged - that this gator’s ‘submerged’ behaviors have turned on and its head lifting is it trying to get air. However, even if you didn’t get to that conclusion - the way that the toad is treated, the two animals put together, and the baby alligator in a human household are all good reasons to distrust this video and consider reporting it.
Source on why pet gators are generally bad: Daley, J. (2019, October 7). How do we prevent pets from becoming exotic invaders? Scientific American. Retrieved April 30, 2023, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-do-we-prevent-pets-from-becoming-exotic-invaders/
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The Mushlings, Abi Toads, Markers, 2021
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♡ Inky Cap Mushling Plush by AbiToads ♡
♡ Campaign ends June 24th ♡
#cute#kawaii#mushroom#cottagecore#toycore#kidcore#mushling#inky cap#plush#plush toy#plushie#plushy#abitoads#abi.toads#abi toads#art#under 30#fashion blog#shopping blog#makeship
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#ARE YOU ALLOWED TO BLURB YOUR OWN BOOK. IS THIS ALLOWED#ursula vernon#t. kingfisher#Abi reads Toad Words
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Mushroom Ita Bags // Abi Toads on Etsy
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Obligatory Mario Kart The Quarry Counselor Alignment
Try Hards:
Jacob - Bowser main. Will yell. Found out Kaitlyn let him win when they were kids and now has a vendetta against her that he will pass down to his children. Drops bananas behind item boxes.
Kaitlyn - Toad main but picks Bowser purely to take him away from Jacob. Is somehow constantly surrounded by a triple shell. Xoxo stay toxic 💕
Nick - Peach main. You merely adopted Mario Kart, he was born in it, moulded by it. Wins the most but will occasionally sabotage himself, Jacob and Kaitlyn to help one of the others win (mostly Abi and Dylan)
Here for the vibes:
(They're all Yoshi mains. I don't accept criticism, especially not when I'm this correct.)
Emma - Yoshi or Pink Gold Peach. The others suspect she's secretly a Mario Kart Master but she rarely tries. Suspiciously efficient at barreling down multiple players when she has the star power up.
Dylan - Yoshi or Waluigi. Only tries to win if he's playing as Yoshi. Waluigi releases his chaotic side where he just aims to make people laugh so they mess up. If it's possible to fall off the track, he will fall off the track.
Max - Yoshi or Dry Bones. Purest, least competitive player. Pure joy radiating off him at all times. Once claimed Laura needed to sit in his lap to give him the power to win and he actually won so now it's his excuse forever.
Don't actually know how to play properly but accidentally win:
Ryan - Picks Shy Guy because he "likes their vibes". Consistently, miraculously goes from last to first place without anyone noticing, including him.
Abi - Toadette or unironically picks the babies because she thinks they're cute. Always has the best luck with items but forgets to use them. Profusely apologises for the targeting items.
Laura - Roselina or Daisy. Waits for everyone else to sabotage eachother and either glides to victory with the same item she picked up at the start or stays in last place on purpose to barrage everyone with the sabotage items.
#the quarry#tq meme#mario kart#dylan lenivy#emma mountebank#max brinly#kaitlyn ka#jacob custos#nick fucillo#laura kearney#abigail blyg#ryan erzahler#the quarry counselors#allignment meme#i cant explain why max dylan and emma all have similar auras but they do
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