shinmiyovvi · 2 months
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Here are my TNMN babis :3
Alt. version under the cut
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meear · 1 year
The Dumbledores as Cain and Abel
I spent years being confused at how you were supposed to spell "Aberforth", because I kept seeing different spellings for it.
That was before realising Aberforth's name was actually only Abelforth in the French version.
Once I noticed that, I had to wonder why such a change? And then I thought hold up... the translator is onto something.
It's very common for names to be changed in translation, especially in Harry Potter: you could ask anyone who didn't read the books in English, and they'd give you a bunch of examples. But most of the time, proper nouns are translated because:
1) there's some sort of pun in the original name, like "Ravenclaw", "Longbottom" or "Slytherin": these names were constructed from english words, so it makes sense to change them in other languages
2) the original name fits the character's personality. The names "Snape", "Moody" and "Umbridge" all carry negative connotations, so they're all a perfect fit for their owner. But naturally a non-english speaker wouldn't register that, so the names need to change
In short, HP names tend to have meaning, so it's natural to translate that meaning for a foreign reader.
But as for Aberforth, why would you only change one letter? "aberforth" doesn't seem to mean anything anyway. Google says it's Gaelic for "from the river", but I don't know how reliable that is, and this doesn't seem so important.
The only explanation is that the French translator wanted to insist on the biblical reference.
Aberforth (or Abelforth in French) does share many similarities with Abel from the Bible:
1) their name, for one
2) sheep-herding: Abel was a shepherd ("Abel became a herder of sheep while Cain was a tiller of the soil"), and we know Aberforth was fond of goats and tended to them as well
3) much like how God favoured Abel's offering over Cain's, we know that Aberforth was Ariana's favourite, not Albus
4) both Aberforth and Abel were the (more admirable) younger brother.
Cain was the traitorous older brother who spilled the blood of his own sibling. Albus admits his own guilt in HP7 and claims Aberforth was a better person than him. This leads us to the most important point:
5) Albus blames himself for Ariana's death. the story of Cain and Abel is known as the first fratricide in abrahamic religions: it is very likely that either Albus or Aberforth (and I'm convinced it was Albus) was guilty of that sin, which led to their sister Ariana's death.
So yeah, I don't believe for a second any of Grindelwald's spells hurt Ariana. Of course, they're all guilty nonelethess, but I think it's important that Albus directly killed his sister too.
So I looked around to see if this possible connection was already well-known, but I could only find traces of it on a French thread from 2007. It was before the release of deathly Hallows, so the guy only suggested it based on Aberforth's fondness for goats (ahead of his time fr). He wasn't taken seriously because well, someone pointed out Abelforth wasn't Abelforth in the original language. Now we have the Dumbledore lore though!
Rowling's a Christian, and that religious influence can definitely be seen in Harry Potter (especially HP7, there are even some biblical verses in that one). It doesn't seem far-fetched to me.
If she intended it, it's still interesting that the translator took it upon himself to make that connection explicit (i dont see why else he'd change the name). Then again, while I like the translation (I never would've realised the Abel thing otherwise), what if it HAD been a coincidence? Did the translator only create meaning from his own interpretation? Much to think about
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thatbiologist · 1 year
G’eth Character Name Bank
First Names
Masculine Names
Alfred, Andrew, Arlo, Arthur, Balthazar, Barry, Ben, Benedick, Bernard, Burchard, Cedric, Charibert, Crispin, Cyrill, Daegal, Derek, Digory, Drustan, Duncan, Edmund, Edwin, Elric, Evaine, Frederick, Geffery, George, Godfreed, Gregory, Guy, Harris, Harry, Horsa, Hugh, Humphrey, Iago, Jack, Jeremy, John, Kazamir, Kenric, Lawrence, Leoric, Lorik, Luke, Lynton, Lysander, Madoc, Magnus, Maukolum, Micheal, Miles, Milhouse, Mordred, Mosseus, Ori, Orvyn, Neville, Norbert, Nycolas, Paul, Percival, Randulf, Richard, Robert, Roderick, Stephen, Tennys, Theodoric, Thomas, Tristan, Tybalt, Victor, Vincent, Vortimer, Willcock, Willian, Wymond
Feminine Names
Adelin, Alice, Amelia, Beatrix, Beryl, Bogdana, Branwyne, Brigida, Catalina, Catherine, Claudia, Crystina, Deanna, Desdemona, Elaine, Elinora, Eliza, Enide, Eva, Ferelith, Fiora, Freya, Gertrude, Gregoria, Gueanor, Gwen, Gwendolyn, Hannah, Hegelina, Helen, Helga, Heloise, Henrietta, Igraine, Imogen, Jacquelyn, Jane, Jean, Jenny, Jill, Juliana, Juliet, Katie, Leela, Lettice, Lilibet, Lilith, Lucy, Luthera, Luz, Lyra, Malyna, Margherita, Marion, Meryl, Millie, Miranda, Molle, Morgana, Morgause, Nezetta, Nina, Novella, Olwen, Oriana, Oriolda, Osanna, Pamela, Petra, Philippa, Revna, Rohez, Rosalind, Rose, Sallie, Sarra, Serphina, Sif, Simona, Sophie, Thomasine, Tiffany, Ursula, Viola, Winifred, Yrsa, Ysabella, Yvaine, Zelda, Zillah
Gender-Neutral/Unisex Names
Adrian, Alex, Aiden, Arden, Ariel, Auden, Avery, Bailey, Blaire, Blake, Brett, Breslin, Caelan, Cadain, Cameron, Charlie, Dagon, Dana, Darby, Darra, Devon, Drew, Dylan, Evan, Felize, Fenix, Fernley, Finley, Glenn, Gavyn, Haskell, Hayden, Hunter, Jace, Jaime, Jesse, Jo, Kai, Kane, Karter, Kieran, Kylin, Landon, Leslie, Mallory, Marin, Meritt, Morgan, Nell, Noel, Oakley, Otzar, Paris, Peregrine, Quant, Quyn, Reagan, Remy, Robin, Rowan, Ryan, Sam, Samar, Sasha, Sloan, Stace, Tatum, Teegan, Terrin, Urbain, Vahn, Valo, Vick, Wallace, Waverly, Whitney, Yardley, Yarden, Zasha
Surnames, Patrilineal - First Name (Patrilineal Surname)
Ace, Allaire, Appel, Arrow, Baker, Bamford, Barnard, Beckett, Berryann, Blakewood, Blanning, Bigge, Binns, Bisby, Brewer, Brickenden, Brooker, Browne, Buller, Carey, Carpenter, Carter, Cheeseman, Clarke, Cooper, Ead, Elwood, Emory, Farmer, Fish, Fisher, Fitzroy, Fletcher, Foreman, Foster, Fuller, Galahad, Gerard, Graves, Grover, Harlow, Hawkins, Hayward, Hill, Holley, Holt, Hunter, Jester, Kerr, Kirk, Leigh, MacGuffin, Maddock, Mason, Maynard, Mercer, Miller, Nash, Paige, Payne, Pernelle, Raleigh, Ryder, Scroggs, Seller, Shepard, Shore, Slater, Smith, Tanner, Taylor, Thatcher, Thorn, Tilly, Turner, Underwood, Vaughan, Walter, Webb, Wilde, Wood, Wren, Wyatt, Wynne
Surnames, Townships in G’eth - First Name of (Location)
Abelforth, Argent Keep, Barrow Springs, Barrowmere, Bedford, Brunhelm, Bumble, Casterfalls, Dunbridge, Falmore Forest, Folk’s Bounty, Frostmaid, Fulstad, Heller’s Crossing, Hertfordshire, Humberdale, Inkwater, Little Avery, Marrowton, Mistfall, Mistmire, Morcow, Necropolis-on-Sea, Otherway, Parsendale, Piddlehinton, Port Fairwind, Redcastle, Ransom, Rutherglen, Saint Crois, Tanner’s Folly, Tavern’s Point, Wilmington
Surnames, Geographical Locations in G’eth - First Name of the (Location)
Cove of Calamity, Deep Woods of Falmore, Eastern Isles, Eastern Mountains, Foothills, Frozen Peak, Lakes, Maegor Cobblestones, Northern Mountains, Southern Isle, Tangle, West Coast, Wild Wild Woods, Woods of Angarad
Surnames, Nickname - First Name the (Something) 
Bald, Bastard, Bear, Bearded, Big, Bird, Bold, Brave, Broken, Butcher, Bruiser, Careless, Caring, Charitable, Clever, Clumsy, Cold, Confessor, Coward, Crow, Cyclops, Devious, Devoted, Dog, Dragonheart, Dreamer, Elder, Faithful, Fearless, Fey, Fool, Friend, Generous, Giant, Goldheart, Goldfang, Gouty, Gracious, Great, Hag, Handsome, Hawk, Honest, Huge, Humble, Hungry, Hunter, Innocent, Ironfist, Ironside, Keeper, Kind, Lesser, Liar, Lionheart, Little, Loyal, Magical, Mercenary, Merchant, Messenger, Old, Orphan, Pale, Polite, Poet, Poor, Prodigy, Prophet, Proud, Reliable, Romantic, Rude, Selfish, Sellsword, Scab, Scholar, Shield, Shy, Singer, Sirrah, Slayer, Slug, Small, Stoneheart, Swift, Tadde, Talented, Tart, Tenacious, Timid, Tiny, Tough, Traveller, Trusted, Truthful, Viper, Wizard, Wolf, Wyrm
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stephanlentz · 6 years
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I juste noticed I missed to post this CharaDesign Entry from december 2016. 
“Have you ever heard of this old dude, traveling from chimney to chimney? Making presents he takes out of his enchanted bag, just to hear children's laughter? Then you probably know about Abelforth, a wizard on a quest of redemption. “  
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deathsletters · 2 years
In the new Fantastic Beasts movie, at the end where Abelforth is talking with Aurelius (Credence), was I the only one to immediately think of the parallel with scene in the Harry Potter's movie, when Snape is dying and Harry is by his side?
If I remember correctly, Aurelius asks if Abelforth thought of him, and Abelforth replied ''Always''. And then, THEN a single tear roll down the cheek of his son. Like with Snape and Harry.
We've got again a unique child, who is desperately seeking love from their parents.
Fortunately, none of them died in that scene.
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Albus put the dumb in Dumbledore
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did Abelforth know about GGAD? (just a random thought rly)
In a lot of GGAD fanfics of the summer 1899, Aberforth knows about the true nature of Albus’ and Gellert’s relationship - it’s usually an interesting theme
But in reality, he certainly never knew, right?
I mean, Aberforth said in DH Gellert and Albus were “best friends”, our two boys were probably hiding somewhere everytime they were together - to plan a new world order and snog without someone nearby -, we might suppose the society was a bit homophobic...
So their relationship was most likely a secret (even if we can wonder about what Bathilda saw/heard/understood)
Or maybe the old Aberforth wanted to keep unspoild the private life of his brother, despite the fact he talked about all of Albus’ awful flaws - but we could ask ourselves if falling in love - so not just be friend - with someone who wants to rule the world isn’t a “flaw”? And consequently, why Aberforth didn’t tell to the Golden Trio? idk (ok I don’t bloody know if it’s clear)
(if Dumbledore wanted to keep his former relationship with Grindelwald secrete, why he dropped the “closer than brothers” line also? fortunately, Travers and Theseus are a bit oblivious (or Albus said it because he knew they were not going to understand and it was funny?))
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(this is the face of a man who drops huge revelations all the time but is amused because everyone miss them)
(sorry for the mistakes and shitpost, i wrote this quickly and it’s almost 4AM now so (ok this is not an excuse), i hope it’s understandable though)
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uths-ethnol-spam · 4 years
About Hogwarts Legacy in the late 1800s
(sorry for the mistakes!)
It’s happening in the 1800s. In the late 1800s.
Do you know who’s also at Hogwarts in the late 1800? Abelforth Dumbledore, Elphias Doge, but also Albus bloody Dumbledore.
(He’s born in 1881 if I remember right, so he entered at Hogwarts in 1891)
Do you think we are going to have background about him?
Imagine you walk in a corridor and in a secret room a young boy is writting letters in French about alchemy stuff and he has red hair
Imagine a quest about sweets and sherbet lemons
Imagine if there is a Triwizard Tournament and if your character is not a volunteer Albus is (and thus we could see another quite important wizard a bit younger than Albus)
(or imagine a quest about goats, or a moment we can cast spells at bullies who are insulting a young boy with dragonpox scars, etc)
Perhaps it will happen in 1870s yeah, and it will be as great - but I can’t help wondering why the late 1800s - and neither later nor sooner - and for now I don’t see another reason except Albus’ (and Abe’s and Elphias’) current presence
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bluecrownedbird · 6 years
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Usual guest 
© Melli ~ Don’t share/repost without credit please.
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dyrise · 2 years
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(Be aware that this post contains spoilers)
Ok so I went to see SoD another time (my heart broke twice) and watching the last scene again made me realize something. Love is a key theme and at the end of the movie, the love all the characters (except for Dumbledore) feel towards someone has evolved in a positive way.
Queenie & Jacob : they marry each other and end up sealing their love.
Tina & Newt : they seem ready to acknowledge their love and to let it grow.
Newt & Theseus : they simply realize how much they mean to each other.
Abelforth & Credence : they truly want to learn how to love/ trust each other.
Bunty : her relationship with Newt isn’t exactly what she hoped for, but she understands that this form of love is still precious and she values it more than ever.
Yusuf : he thought that he only sought revenge but in reality, he cared about Leta and was always capable of love.
But if you think of Dumbledore and Grindelwald…
Dumbledore understands that the love he feels for Grindelwald will never fade, but he can’t give in to it anymore. "Do what’s right, not what’s easy".
It’s truly heartbreaking because we know that he will always remind the others how precious love is… despite being himself so unfortunate in love. He was loved and he loved people, but in the end he’s the one who was never able to "love freely" the man he desired.
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shinmiyovvi · 9 months
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Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies
Main Ocs
Valena Vilanueva (Ultimis: Info | Trivia | Reference) (Primis: Info | Trivia | Reference)
Gong Ji Eun (Ultimis: Info | Trivia | Reference) (Primis: Info | Trivia | Reference)
Arthur Frensby (Ultimis: Info | Trivia | Reference) (Primis: Info | Trivia | Reference)
Dragomir Ostrowski (Ultimis: Info | Trivia | Reference) (Primis: Info | Trivia | Reference)
Salvatorix Crew
Stefan von Hoffmann (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Alfred Friedrich (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Elliott Rousseau (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Gavrilo Petrović (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Marcelito Gonzalez (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Lorenzo Beneventi (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Ryuji Tanaka (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Rochelle Levesque (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Mirabelle Hawkins (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Shadows of Evil
Eleanor Marchetti (Info | Trivia | Reference)
TBA (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Col. Ramiro Necalli (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Treyton Kollins (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Dr. Devonna Gresham (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Roderich McNerlin (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Self Insert
"Shin" (Ultimis: Info | Trivia | Reference) (Primis: Info | Trivia | Reference)
Height Reference:
Ultims/Primis (Casual) | Ultimis/Primis | Salvatorix | SoE | Victis
Face Claims:
Ultimis/Primis | Salvatorix | SoE | Victis
Voice Claims:
Ultimis/Primis | Salvatorix | SoE | Victis
Tarot Cards
XVII | VIII | XII | I (Primis) XIII | XVIII | IX | IV (Ultimis)
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Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War/ Bo6 Zombies
Len Villanueva (Info | Reference)
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That's Not My Neighbor
Wilbert Colemann (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Delora Steding (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Dr. Stanford Abelforth (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Noriku Hirawa (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Lazaro Palmiotto (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Ollie Palmiotto (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Ruslan Gulliver (Info and Triva | Reference)
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Painted Roses (Modern Au ArJi)
Echoes of a Certain Past Series (Codz Oc Backstories)
The Devil's Accord (Original Work)
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estian65 · 2 years
""My brother Albus always wanted a lot of things," Abelforth interrupted him, "and the people around him had a bad habit of taking a beating whenever he carried out his grand plans."
Albus : no, remember worrying makes you suffer twice...
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Eddie Redmayne : Norbert Dragonneau
Jude Law : Albus Dumbledore
Ezra Miller : Croyance (Credence) Bellebosse / Aurelius Dumbledore
Dan Fogler : Jacob Kowalski
Alison Sudol : Queenie Goldstein
Callum Turner : Thésée Dragonneau
Jessica Williams : Eulalie « Lally » Hicks
Mads Mikkelsen : Gellert Grindelwald
William Nadylam : Yusuf Kama
Poppy Corby-Tuech : Vinda Rosier
Victoria Yeates : Bunty
Richard Coyle : Abelforth Dumbledore
Maria Fernanda Cândido : Vicência Santos
Oliver Masucci : Anton Vogel
Dave Wong : Liu Tao
Alexander Kuznetsov : Helmut
Fiona Glascott : Minerva McGonagall
Katherine Waterston : Tina Goldstein
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childotkw · 4 years
Pour la dame je pense à Ariana.
Je le souvien je tu avais dit que tu ne pouvais pas révélé de choses sur abelforth ( je crois ) donc je le vois bien complice de Ariana.
Elle a tuer grindelwald qui a en quelque sorte ruiner sa relation avec son frère ( enfin albus était déjà un con ).
De plus je crois que le vampire a dit qu’il restait avec la dame ca il l’as trouve intéressante.
Donc il peut penser que son histoire et sa vengeance peut le divertir.
Mais après je ne vois pas pourquoi elle ciblerais Tom.
Au contraire si elle veut se venger de dumbeldore elle s’allierait plutôt à lui .
For the Lady I think of Ariana. I remember you said you couldn't reveal anything about Abelforth (I think) so I can see him being Ariana's accomplice. She killed Grindelwald which somehow ruined her relationship with her brother (well Albus was already a jerk). Besides, I think the vampire said he was staying with the Lady and he found her interesting. So he may think that his story and his revenge can entertain him. But then I don't see why she would target Tom. On the contrary, if she wanted revenge on Dumbledore, she would ally herself with him instead.
Certainly an interesting theory!
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chaotiicgoods · 3 years
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@sixvisxpacem​ said: 💝 + Credence
CREDENCE & NAGINI: I love their bond in the movie, I feel like they understand each other deeply because they have a similar background, even if the circumstances were not exactly the same. I don’t know how the movies will end, but I have a verse in which Credence remained in Newt’s case and didn’t age during that time so he could still be there in the Golden trio era, and I would love to explore that, too. It would be sad 😢
I would also like to explore other ships in my verse in which he’s Abelforth’s grandson, maybe with Hermione! 
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What I would love to see in the next Fantastic Beasts movies
(as always, sorry for the mistakes and for my poor english, I’m not a native speaker, etc! I will continue to correct it)
If you already read other posts I wrote, you know that I’m into plans and organised texts. So here we go again.
Just to be clear:
it's neither a request, nor what I think we should or need to see, and I won't be mad if we don't have the following scenes it in the next films. (I do have an opinion on what can be interessing to include in the movies, but again, it's my opinion! just ideas, and a lot of questions without answers also, etc) (and well it’s not groundbreaking but who cares)
About Newt and his friends
About Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald
About the Summer of 1899
About the other characters
About the Wizarding Society, Muggle world, etc
Some explanations we would like to have
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1. About Newt and his friends
- Newt as a selfless and intrepid hero who loves all of the magic creatures
- To be honest, all the team as dauntless and loveable heroes and heroins facing bad guys (and Jacob - who’s already the kindest and smoothest man - being also incredibly brave)
- Newt and Tina, as a couple, loving each other, fighting together, having each other back, growing stronger and more confident with each other (like they’re fighting and are in symbiosis) (in the last film obviously)
- Queenie Goldstein as a powerful witch while she explains why she joined Grindelwald’s side - because she believes Ministry is going to do nothing for her, because she believes in a brighter future without the Statute
- (At least) some clues about Nagini’s and Riddle’s meeting
- Credence’s true family? And because his past is quite tragic and he’d already gone through awful experiences, maybe his happy end?
- Theseus not knowing how to act after Leta’s death: should he follow blindly the Ministry? Trust Dumbledore, his brother and the rest of the team?
- A character eventually agreeing with some of Grindelwald’s ideas about magic things which shouldn’t be hide and stuff, but fighting against him anyway (well, most likely Queenie)
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2. About Albus Dumbledore and (or) Gellert Grindelwald
- Albus Dumbledore as the charismatic, incredibly marvellous and skilled wizard he is, while people around him are impress by his aura: imagine Albus walking in the Ministry, and people who are supposed to protect the whole country are amazed, even scared: he’s stunning, blazing with power (and with cold fury, because the Ministry obviously did something stupid and Dumbledore is mad at them)
(at this point, we finally understand why he is the most powerful, skilled, prodigious, dazzling wizard of his age)¹
- Albus with colourful and amazing clothes
- Albus facing his Boggart (which is supposed to be Ariana’s corpse, but well, who knows)²
- Gellert Grindelwald facing his Boggart (what could it be?) (ok, I’m just curious here)
- The backstory of the Deluminator: why and when Albus developed this magical device? Did he always used it to have fun with light, or was it initially a more personal object? Had Albus created the Deluminator to find Gellert Grindelwald to fight him, at the end?
- A funny and arrogant (and bitter?) Dumbledore’s rejoinder, while he’s conscious of his marvellous mind and skills (like in the books)
- Dumbledore’s reaction when he discovers who is the actual Master of Elder Wand (again, i’m curious)
- Are Grindelwald’s mismatched eyes™ a sign of something important about his past, his abilities? is his hair white - and not anymore blond - because of Dark magic?
- A moment when we see how Dumbledore is able to manipulate surrounding people, including allies and friends
- A heartbreaking and breathtaking dialogue in 1945, while they fight against each other - and I wonder if - how - they are going to talk about their past, shared ambition and dreams, sentiments, guilt, regrets, etc
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3. About the Summer of 1899
- To be honest, it’s mostly: Albus and Gellert as remarkable, arrogant, impish, brillant and not wise at all young wizards in a flashback of 1899
passionate discussions about the Hallows, politics, the Statute, or complex magic things
wandless magic, non-verbal spells, forbidden and dangerous rituals³
Albus’ reactions while Gellert has his visions (was he already able to control his Seer’s abilities?)
how they have fun (common sense of humour, a bit bitter and jeering one most likely?)
And thanks those very quick scenes, we understand why Albus and Gellert fell in love with each other - they both were a freedom symbol for the other in a way, all what they always desired and dreamed of - and their common ambition elevated them, made them wanted a bright and glorious future
(ok, too much to show, yes, i know)
- Also, an already dangerous and extreme Gellert and an in-denial Albus (about the Inferi army, etc)
- A glimpse of the relationship between Abelforth and Ariana, between Albus and his family, and between Gellert and Albus’ siblings
(edit: and yeah i forgot, a kiss or something - an act only did by lovers and not best friends, because there are still people believing they are friends - and their relationship is technically still not canon?)
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4. About the other characters
- Adult Abelforth, loathing his brother, suffuring
- Tom Riddle at Hogwarts, possibly facing Dumbledore, or as a young charismatic awful future Dark wizard, or acting like he’s jealous of Grindelwald’s influence and like he already wants to surpass him
(it could be great to see him, at least few seconds, to build the bridge between FB and HP and most importantly to have a more detailed vision of Wizarding modern History, you know what i mean?)
- Ministry people who do not like Dumbledore because it’s funny
- A character who’s scared by the war and finally who gives up, and who runs away to try to be as far as possible from the political troubles
(it would show how war is an ordeal - I do not have the impression that the pressure and all were something so exposed in HP books, it could be great to see it?)⁴
- Minerva McGonagall, Alastor Moody, Cornelius Fudge, etc, being young - if they are already born in 1945? It’s not written anywhere so idk
- edit: I forgot Hagrid, it could be awesome to see him as a teen in the last movie during the events of the Chamber of Secrets’ first opening!
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5. About the Wizarding Society, Muggle world, ect
- The consequences of Grindelwald’s actions around the wizarding world and in the Muggle world: how things are destroyed, how he influences the governments
- The influence of rich and conservative pure-blood families through the war: how several of the sacred-28 families supported Grindelwald, how they influenced the whole magic society, why their inaction killed people, how the Ministry is corrupted, why it didn’t really change, even after the end of the war⁵
- The same conservative influence but in the very heart of character’s life: how Nagini is marginalized, for example⁶
- Why not political opinions expressed by several characters, to show how politics is a delicate and intricate subject, and why neither Albus Dumbledore nor Gellert Grindelwald are all white / all black, how Grindelwald gain influence, etc
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6. Some explanation we would like to have
- Why is Albus Dumbledore DADA teacher? We know he wrote articles in Transfiguration Today before graduating, so why teaching DADA? (guilt, will to help young people to not be tempted by Dark magic and power like he was, or was there simply already a Transfiguration teacher?)(should I mention it’s never said in the HP books?)
- When and why will Albus be the Transfiguration teacher? (edit: we have clues in FBtCoG because Travers says Albus is not going to be allowed to teach DADA anymore so I guess it explains it)
- How can Minerva McGonagall be at Hogwarts, already be a young woman - if I remember well, she’s not even born? Or extremely young?
- How Gellert Grindelwald summoned a phoenix - and more likely, let’s theorize, how might he summon and control Fawkes?
(because Credence can’t be a Dumbledore - or at least, can’t be directly related to Albus, Ariana, Kendra and Percival - or is he the illegitimate and secrete son of Abelforth? a cousin of Albus?
but if we consider Credence is not a Dumbledore, Gridelwald had been able to control a phoenix which is linked to thhe Dumbledores, right? is it thanks the blood pact? of because of Credence’s Obscurus? we don’t know
edit: or there is the theory about Credence being created by the philosopher’s stone I guess, so with Ariana’s Obscurial and most likely Albus’ blood)
- Why nobody knew that Grindelwald and Dumbledore met each other when they were teenagers, when Rita Skeeter published Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore in 1998?
(i’m not so angry, i’m mostly confused)
The Ministry knew Albus met Gellet Grindelwald in 1899, right? How can a that huge information be a secret during decades? Why Rita Skeeter only found it after Dumbledore’s death? Albus said they used to be “closer than brothers”: after that and because Travers doubted of Dumbledore’s true side, Albus had been restricted and watched by the Ministry during FBCoG. It should exist papers, files, archives which confirmed all of this. So why everybody forgot that Gellert and Albus knew each other when they were young?
- Or about Albus’ and Gellert’s former close relationship, didn’t Travers or Theseus understand they were lovers? Or if they understood, they - again - didn’t tell it? (Travers is not fond of Dumbledore, it could have been a scandal, why he didn’t say it?) Can all of that make any sense?
- Why isn’t the Blood Pact ever mentioned in Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore - or most likely, how everybody (Albus; Gellert; Newt and Newt’s friends; the Minstry; Grindelwald’s acolytes, etc) had succeed to hide it from the press and the whole magic society?
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That’s already a lot so let’s stop here Half of it is not so deep but I’m a simple girl, I’m always here for characters’ and background’s (lore?) development I will be pleased to hear what are your own wishes also
¹ : certainly one of the thing i would the most like to see in the next movies, which is also something very important in the FB and HP universe - i have the feeling his power, skills, etc are more an idea than a reality. (and i indeed used a thesaurus to describe him)
² : Boggarts, Albus’ Boggart, how - in Albus’ situation - it mirrors his Erised reflect and how it might show important elements about him is a subject i really want to broach, i already planned it, it may be great to talk about it i think?
³ : talking about forbidden rituals, i talked here about the Blood Pact and why i think it was illegal, Dark, etc :
Why Albus didn’t tell Ministry employees about the Blood Pact
⁴ : to be fair, there are elements which are reminders of the pressure of the war in the book, especially in OotP and DH, but the Golden Trio did not experienced the war like the common people did, and the story - even very short - of someone who was scared is something i will be pleased to discover
⁵ : well, i talked a bit about pure-blood conservative families, their power and their influence in two posts:
How can everyone find their true-love and still be in love after years in HP? (”magic-soulmates” theory and conservative society)
Why are the Weasleys poor? (eng&fr) (theories about pure-blood families, inheritance, etc)
(it’s theories, but it can explain my point of view - headcanons? - about those families and the Wizarding Society)
⁶ : again, check the two posts if you are interested!
Thanks for reading!
I again apologize for the mistakes - and there might be incorrect informations, even if I hope there are not
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