#abby's ask box
gives u a banan
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why do you blog like a 5 year old writing in a lisa frank diary with a half-chewed crayon /pos
I don't want to hear another word about the glow-in-the-dark Lisa Frank stickers decorating my fucking closet you walnut.
What the fuck does pos mean? PIECE OF SHIT?
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My PL fanfic: Professor Layton the Vial of Life !!
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About the fic: The Vial of Life is a highly valuable artifact that grants the gift of immortality to whomever drinks from it. The Vial was showcased at a famous museum in London, until it mysteriously gets stolen by an unknown thief. The two meet a new face, Robin Banks, who willingly decides to help on their search for the Vial. It is now Layton’s job to track down the thief and recover the Vial safe and sound. Along the duo’s journey they uncover secrets, make new friends, grow bonds and solve an all-new mystery.
Who is the creator of this fanfic? - @sophapop !
What will this blog entail? - Chapter updates of PLVOL, qna, as well as art for the fic!
How many chapters will there be? - That my friends, we will find out ;)
Table of Contents
- Prologue
[More coming soon…]
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Asks will be answered at random! Feel free to drop an ask and the mystery solving gang will answer!
After returning from my trip a few weeks ago, I saw that the prologue to my fic got some positive feedback and I’m so happy that y’all got the time to read it! I’m very excited to see how far I’ll bring this project along, and I hope you’ll enjoy it as well :]
Additional credits:
Abby Fraser belongs to @inkskull360
[This blog post will get further updates in the future!]
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countrymusiclover · 4 days
1 - The Day Everything Changed
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Part 2
Star Crossed Enemies
@severa-kane @100foreverfiles @ocappreciation @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @lover-of-books-and-tea
2 years ago
“Get your hands off me. I haven't done anything wrong!” I screamed and kicking my legs about while having guards drag me down multiple hallways until we got to one of the pod launch bays. “What the hell do you think you’re doing to me!”
Footsteps came up behind me and the guards where I sharply turned my head around seeing my mother Dr Abigail and father Jake Griffin coming up to us. “Remove your hands from our daughter now please.”
“Counselors. We are just following your orders that you sent us Dr. Griffin.” One of them spoke, removing their hands from my forearm.
I elbowed the other guard in the stomach and he stumbled backwards into the nearest wall. “Orders. What orders have you told them?”
“Cassiopeia, honey there isn’t another way to ensure they won’t kill all three of us. I’m sorry, but we are sending you to the ground.” My mother explained beginning to take steps towards me till I harshly slapped her hand that reached out to touch me.
“You kicked me out of the house at sixteen to lower suspicion of you possibly having two kids but now you’re saying that isn’t enough!”
My father went around the corner escorting someone by the arm where it took me a minute before I recognized who he had alongside him. “Jake! We can’t let anyone else know what we are doing.” My mother gasped seeing my best friend.
“Cass! Why are they sending you down there? It isn’t safe yet. It hasn’t been a hundred years yet.” Glass Sorenson came running to me with her blonde hair and blue eyes, flinging her arms around my neck and began to cry.
Wrapping my arms around her I sobbed into her shoulder not wanting to be forced to leave her. “I don’t know why they’re doing this. I don’t want to go, Glass.”
“Dr. Griffin, please don’t do this. She’s my best friend.”
Mom sniffed through tears that were welling up in her eyes. “Glass, it’s family business-“
“Oh for god sake. I have a sister. Her name is Clarke and we are twins and nobody knows about us. That’s why they are sending me to the ground without knowing if it's survivable or not!” Throwing my hands up in the air I shouted getting frustrated that she was avoiding the truth.
Glass grasped my hand closest to hers. “Can I at least say goodbye before you send her down?”
“Yes. You can say goodbye, Glass.” My father nodded with a very weak expression.
Glass spun around on her feet, throwing her arms around me a second time. “I’m going to be praying that you make it. Because you are so much stronger and tougher than anybody thinks you are…may we meet again.” She sniffed back some tears once she had broken the embrace.
Squeezing her shoulders underneath my fingers I wiped away falling tears. “I will see you again, bestie. May we meet again.” From that day forward anyone else that came from the Ark couldn’t be trusted in my eyes.
I was born in space, but I became a Grounder.
Two guards drew the tent curtain opened on either side of me as I strolled inside with my shoulders back and head held high knowing who I was standing in front of at this very moment. The woman I now considered to be my Commander was seated on her throne of trees spinning a dagger in one hand until I paused in my step directly in front of her presence. “You summoned me, Heda.”
“I have an assignment for you. You are my best tracker and fighter in the ones up to take my place when my fight is over.” The Commander began speaking.
Brushing some of my loose hair from my eyes I had twisted one side of my hair into a braid and left the rest of it completely loose. “How have you chosen me to serve you today, Heda?”
“Anya has informed me that one of her scouts has stopped reporting the number of the sky invaders on our lands. I want you to set up camp near their camp and find out all you can about these sky people.”
Nodding my head in understanding I bowed my head down to her. “It will be done, Commander.”
“When you landed in our territory years ago I had many of my advisers tell me I should have just killed you right then and there.” I spun on my boots about to leave till she called for my attention again making me peek over my shoulder back at her. “I’m very proud that I made my own decision and kept you alive. You may have come from the sky but you’ve proven to be a true Earthborn, Warrior Cass.”
“I appreciate that I have your respect, Commander.” I smirked back at her spinning on my feet leaving her tent and heading off onto the assignment I had been given.
Days later I had moved into one of the nearby caves not too far from the sky camp. I sat on one of the middle ground branches hearing a small group of them coming in my direction. Wearing a pack of knives that were attached to a leather strap I scanned the area seeing a group of four guys running from one of the traps Lincoln had set up to catch reapers.
One of the guys that was wearing goggles on his head was screaming in the direction of some clan members that I knew about. “They can kill us whenever they want. Then they should get it over with! Come on! We know you're out there!”
“You want to kill us…” The second guy with long black hair grabbed the goggle wearing guy and slapped his hand over his mouth trying to shut him up.
“Bellamy!-“ The other sky person hollered to the one I was guessing was the leader of the group. I leaped down from the tree drawing out a flute with multiple darts inside of it, blowing into it I shot the other three in the neck and they collapsed out cold.
Raising myself up from my knees I bolted towards the last standing guy with curly raven hair. He tried to run at me but I twisted one of his arms around his back shoving him against the nearest tree. “I wouldn’t bother trying to call for help if I were you.” I whispered a warning in his ear, pressing a dagger to the back of his neck.
“You don’t scare me, grounder girl.” He growled back, doing his best to not show me any hint of fear.
Spinning him around pushing his back against the tree I soon realized that he was slightly taller than I was so I had to angle the blade up more than I originally thought I would have to. “I’m guessing you're their leader. I’ll give you a bit of advice, don’t put yourself out in the open unless you have a death wish.”
“Like I’ll ever take advice from the enemy.” The guy I heard them call Bellamy spat in my face. His dark brown eyes locked onto my green gaze.
Stepping away from him I tossed the dagger in my hand downwards towards his boots hearing a foghorn from somewhere else off in the distance. “Keep the blade you’re gonna need all the help you can get, Bellamy.”
“How the heck do you know my name? What the hell is yours, grounder?” He raised his tone, shifting his gaze from mine then down to the dagger at his feet.
I smirked hearing the horn noise getting louder telling me it was time to go. “I can’t give you the answer right away. Otherwise that gives away the game. See you around, Sky Boy.” Twirling on my feet I bolted into a run through the terrain leaving him too stunned in shock to chase after me.
It had been a few hours since the acid fog had cleared, meaning I could leave the entrance of Lincoln’s cave when I wanted to. Quietly entering the rest of the way inside Lincoln’s cave I saw a girl with dark black hair beginning to wake up. Hearing other footsteps running in I slipped behind the available space in the wall, making sure she or Lincoln didn’t see me watching them. The sky girl had managed to grab the keys and the group of boys that were with Bellamy helped her off the cave floor. She jumped into the goggles guy's arms. “How did you find me?”
“Followed him.” He chuckled in relief, hugging her back.
The girl broke the embrace and ran into Bellamy’s arms until he saw a spear laying beside a passed out Lincoln on the stone floor. “We should go. Now. Before he wakes up.”
“He's not gonna wake up.” Bellamy picked it, gripping the spear tightly in his hands.
The girl attempted to grab his wrist. “Bellamy, stop. He didn't hurt me. Let's just go.”
“They started this. Finn. Move.” He ignored her.
The guy that was bent down by an unconscious Lincoln noticed the horn he was wearing on his hip before Lincoln woke up and stabbed him in the belly where he collapsed onto the ground. “Foghorn.”
Bellamy raised the spear about to hurt Lincoln until I leaped out from hiding and up onto the older boy's back. “Argh! Get her off me-“ He struggled to grab a hold of me where I made him drop the weapon before he gripped my thighs throwing me off and onto my back harshly.
“Stop! That's my brother!” The young girl cried out moments after Bellamy and Lincoln went fighting over the spear till my friend grabbed it. He knocked the sky boy down pushing the weapon against his throat until she screamed.
I gasped sharply but wasn’t fast enough before the other guy hit him over the head and he fell unconscious. “Lincoln! - uhh you son of a bitch..” Scrambling to my feet I attempted to rush over to him but I felt a dart go into my neck making my vision blur, seeing Bellamy holding the dart flute up to his mouth seconds before everything went black.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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janeway-lover · 8 months
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You and Uriel are in a box again
Yes, I know. Why, though?
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heeseongism · 2 years
hellaur hellaur its -- abby ❤️‍🔥
i jus wanted to ask how you are doing!
also you asked me if i would like a tag and yes i would love to!!
have a good rest of your day!!
hii abby 💗 im doing okay sweetie tysm for asking :( hru?
ooh okay which tag would you like? tysm i hope you have a good day/night too bby <3
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whumpinthepot · 1 year
Can I get Abby - 42 for the ask thing?
From this ask game!!
Cw: pet whump talk
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
Ok so, Abby is an extreme hypocrite and tries to shape her image to be a hero type. Her presentation would be on pet activism and she would try to get signatures to take down pet corporations with power points to why you would want to help the cause and the problems that institutionalized slavery brings to everyday life and even try to scare the crowd by saying “You could be next!” With examples of people going missing and then being spotted as mindless zombies in the next state over a year later.
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princesses-and-such · 2 years
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princess-unipeg: I can understand how you all hated Frederick for insulting her looks behind her back. But remember he eventually saw passed her appearance and fell in love with her for real. He’s also a victim who’s had it way worse. Older brothers he can never match up with, a father who treats him the worst and a broken mother who’s dealing with her own troubles. Also remember he’s the one to have moved the plot forward that led Gwen to the CPC and the one to indirectly foil whatever plot his father conducted when his last comment resurfaced.
I love Frederick, he's easily one of my top fave Cursed Princess Club character and that goes for a lot of people! (just look at how people were worried about Fred being in the hole in episode 134)
However, even with everything that happened to him, it's still unfair what he said about Gwen, especially when she's been nothing but nice to him. All the positive things that happened to Gwen after that were things that no one would have known would happen.
Like that comment about her dress was just uncalled for. 😭 Very unepic of him
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This is something that the story recognizes and he himself knows, since he felt incredibly guilty when he found out that Gwen knew he called her ugly. His feelings about her obviously changed, but it's still something that Gwen has not been able to move past yet due to the misunderstanding in the earlier chapters.
Obviously, that's not something that'd make Frederick an irredeemable villain. It's just something that both he and Gwen need to have a frank conversation about without any pressures from arranged marriages or fairytale fantasies clouding their judgements.
The Webtoon comment section in episode 16 was insane though. Like there were people who genuinely thought Frederick deserved to get threatened by his dad for not wanting to marry someone he wasn't attracted to?? What the hell was even going on there???
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theriddlersunderwear · 2 months
This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my blood sugar. please help me with a small donation or share my pinned any help can save my life.Please help & Blessings ❤Thanks
Go check out their pinned post <3
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bro where ARE you
I went to Hell
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elekinetic · 2 years
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russian roulette
@strangeswift its been real
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countrymusiclover · 4 days
Star Crossed Enemies
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Cassiopeia was born before Clarke Griffin and this posted a challenge for the family until their mother Abby made a very hard choice. Send the oldest daughter down to the ground before they send the 100 prisoners. After being tossed onto the ground like dirt Cassiopeia must quickly learn how to survive, learn how to fight a new language but the one thing she could never prepare for was being the enemy of Bellamy Blake.
1 - The Day Everything Changed
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list ( send ask to be added ) @severa-kane @100foreverfiles @ocappreciation @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @lover-of-books-and-tea @kmc1989
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I feel like the lake scene was the most CW most in WIndy so far lol.
Definitely! I was kind of rolling my eyes during that scene as well as Calian and Lucia's "date". I know there's a certain amount of literary license, but they've been so accurate with everything else, the lack of propriety pulled me out of the story for a bit. Luckily, Kate was there to draw me back in.
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
helloo darling 😌 i am late but could i request a 🪩?
these are such weird lyrics but i love the song and i haven’t really got the chance to know you so i hope you understand :)
if you're gonna try and walk on water // make sure you wear your comfortable shoes
piledriver waltz by arctic monkeys
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whumpinthepot · 2 years
17 One fun fact about the world of your WIP?
25 Easiest character to write?
24 Share a song that makes you think of your favorite character dynamic.
Hi hi Elli thank you for the ask, from this game for Rats Race because that’s the story I’m working on.
17 One fun fact about the world of your WIP?
It takes place in the boxboy universe but also fits into the TSATS universe so it’s almost like an au from my original world building. The real fun fact is that I was around for the original brainstorming for WRU years ago from Dex, and I wanted to write my own story with a loose bbu concept! (I can’t find the faqs page I just looked everywhere for it)
25 Easiest character to write?
I want to say Ratty but they confuse me sometimes so I think I can say that Clarence is definitely the easiest character for me. Clarence is easy for me because they are based off of a character from my first book TSATS so writing them feels familiar already. They’re just a very sweet, and timid, singular goal driven baby.
24 Share a song that makes you think of your favorite character dynamic.
I don’t know if its my *favourite dynamic* per say but I don’t have a lot of songs for anyone but Abby so I choose this one!!
Abby with Ratty:
Tongue & Teeth by The Crane Wives
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theriddlersunderwear · 2 months
Hello, this is a longshot saving life call, I am Imonje from Gaza. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, just an injection for today to save my life please I beg. I was diagnosed with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes and due to the current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. My donation link is attached in the pinned post, I might have sent this ask to you earlier but kindly consider donating and sharing. This is the only option I have at the moment to save my life from going into a coma.
I can't even afford to buy a candy bar at the gas station, but I'll still put this out there.
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