#aaaand a nice thing of art of a turtle
saturnbumblebeez · 2 years
gonna talk about mutant mayhem and nobody's gonna stop me
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i absolutely loved this trailer,, and im excited / anxious for this movie!!!
ok so first im gonna talk about the art style.. which i find beautiful.
the art style and animation are very much spiderverse-y,, and i dont have anything against that! i mean the spiderverse movie was like eye candy,, and im really happy that other animated movies get to be like spiderverse in sense of animation,, it's absolutely awesome that mutant mayhem's also gonna try out this aesthetic!!!
and now,, the teetles
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i love them. i adore them. they're so small 😭
something everyone pointed out is how Leo was like anxious almost all the time while donnie,, mikey and raph were playing live action-style fruit ninja. which is a nice detail! but pls give leo a rest he always has to carry the hard stuff.
but oh well,, we all know they wont let leo rest.
the designs?? well,, i dont have anything against them! i love their designs,, especially mikey's,, he's by far my fave!!
now let's go to April!
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it's crazy how we haven't seen much of her but BADABEEM BADABOOM fanart appeared. i absolutely love april's design in mutant mayhem,, and im really happy that they made her some sorta reporter again! 💛
it's no surprise that some people started hating on the new april,, im really tired of all this hate,, i mean why?? it's just a character,, characters change from reboot to reboot,, of course they'd change april in this version.
but eh,, what can we expect from.. twitter?
moving on.. we have this!!
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L + A?? Leo + April?? i find this kinda cute,, i just hope they dont make this "leo x april" thing awkward or im gonna cringe til i die /j.
i guess this merch explains this april screenshot on the trailer
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i mean it sort of gave me "the main character falls in love with another character and this is the main character's pov" vibes. hope im not wrong.
AAAAND that'd be all i guess,, this is very much the opposite of what i mostly post (fanart,, reblogs,, etc)
so yeah,, turtle power!!!
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orcelito · 5 years
I don’t think I’ve mentioned it but I have been at a con
I... have bought more things than would be advisable. I’ll probably post about them later cause I love them.
Not done with the con yet but it’s almost done
Fun things: I saw the voice actors for naruto, sasuke, & Temari all in one panel!! Of course with sasuke that’s yuri lowenthal and I was so fuckin stoked. Went to a panel for just him answering general questions and tbh he’s such a chill dude. Put heavy emphasis on making sure everyone was safe and comfortable and encouraged us to reach out if we felt we weren’t. I grew to know his voice from yosuke and now ages later I’ve seen him in person & he’s really cool. I would’ve gone to his autograph session but the line was... so long. I did see them up close tho!!! I was leaving the bathroom after his panel and he was Right There, with his wife. Apparently she’d been in the bathroom with me lol, so I can say I have been in the bathroom with temari’s voice actress.
I also!!! Saw Axel’s voice actor. He’s pretty chill too, in a different way. It was a real relaxed panel. I also got to hear, in Axel’s voice, “Axel is bae”, Bc one of the fans said that & this guy was like “you know what? Axel IS bae.” I will always remember that.
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2k18leo · 5 years
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((This may get lost in all the finale talk but I wanted it finished in time for Leo Day, so without further ado, here is Rogue’s personality sheet))
Name: Rogue
Age: 16 (November 5th)
- Leo 16, Donnie 16, Mikey 15, Raph 17, April 17
Gender: Female
Species: Australian Water Dragon
List the most important things about your character.
- Was an actual lizard before her mutation
- Was shipped from Australia to be a pet of a gothic teenage girl
- Did not retain an Australian accent because she was too young to learn one when she was shipped from Australia
- Gets called multiple creative nicknames from Leo, including but not limited to:
-- Ro
-- Rogue-y babey
-- (to the tune of Row Row Your Boat) Ro-Ro-Rogue-y baby
-- Stripes (they both call each other this)
-- Tails
-- Hot Fry ( ??? don’t know where he thought of this)
-- Spade (because of the shape of the mark on her back, which resembles a spade)
-- Reggae ( ?? )
-- Babey Spade
-- Moulin Rogue (to which she always laughs and responds, “it’s Rouge, dumbass!”)
- She loves to paint and be artsy with Mikey
- Will patiently listen while Donnie explains the technicalities of his latest inventions, and is also eager to be a test subject for some of his newer creations
- Absolutely loves to pull pranks with Leo and will sometimes sneak out with him on the shellhogs to race around the city
- Lives with April because “living with all guys is just a little too much sometimes” (but will crash with Leo if she is over there too late) and helps take care of Mayhem when April is at school/work
- She will sometimes instigate the Disaster Twins and their tomfoolery because she finds it so amusing
- She is actually not much of a fighter (but is well aware how to weaponize her tail and claws) but Raph has offered to help train her in their downtime
Physical Details
- Slim waist
- Thick thighs
- Short torso with long legs
Height: 5’6” (with Leo 5’11”, Donnie 5’11”, Mikey 5’6”, Raph 6’4”, April 5’5”)
Weight: ~ 130lbs
Skin: All scales
- Creamy pale green in color over the majority of her body
- Has “glove” markings on forearms and shins
Hair: None
Eyes: Blue eyes, long eyelashes
Other defining features/extra anatomy:
- Long tail with 17 stripes
- Has horizontal stripes from her eyes to the back of her head
- Three fingers/toes on limbs
- Has a heart-shaped marking in middle of torso on ventral side
- Has a spade-shaped marking in middle of torso on dorsal side
- Constantly laughing with Leo
- Picking at her scales
- Will tap her claws or tail if she is jittery
- Will subconsciously quote movies if it seems appropriate for the situation even if no one around her knows where the quote comes from
- Will flick her tail if irritated
- When she gets nervous, her tail will suddenly curl around an object close to her for support (more often than not this object is Leo and he thinks it’s precious)
- When she’s being flirty, the tip of her tail will caress under his chin *enter heart-eyes Leo*
- Her tail moves in the night, accidentally knocking stuff over while she sleeps
- Often has sarcastic quips escape her mouth
Gestures/Mannerisms: She likes to sweep her tail around to help her hips sway back and forth
Voice: I am still figuring out a voice actor that I feel would fit her well. I’ve thought about Elizabeth Gillies, Liana Liberato, Sabrina Carpenter, Peyton List, etc. If you have any suggestions, I’m always open to options ! :)
Style: Athletic but casual (a cropped sleeveless hoodie with a choker, and a bandana wrapped around her arm)
- Food (will eat anything as she is omnivorous)
- Sunny days (loves to bask in the sun)
- Keeping her nails long and sharp
- Music (almost any kind. She can dance to pop, rap along to hip-hop, belt out to the Hamilton soundtrack (where Donnie will join in sometimes), dance to country music while breaking out in a southern accent, and sway lovingly to some nice jazz)
- Spooky stuff (Horror movies, Halloween, ghost stories, etc.)
- Movies! (Disney, Action, Horror, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Mystery)
- Watching/playing basketball (has somehow managed the ability to dribble with her tail)
- Playing Baseball (is not a bad short-stop)
- Swimming (she’s pretty fast underwater with the help of her long strong tail)
- Playing games (be it video games, card games, board games, etc.)
- Creating art (she loves to draw and paint, and also has a subtle love for photography)
- She has a huge ole’ crush on Leo <3
- Cold weather (unless it’s snowing)
- Cloudy days (she loves the sun, duh)
- Rom-coms (too cheesy for her taste)
- Bad grammar (her previous owner (while Rogue was not fond of her) went to a college-prep school and she often overheard her speak with proper grammar)
- Burnt popcorn (a trAGEDY)
- A bad sense of humor (she’s thankful that pretty much all the turtles are able to laugh and not take anything super seriously because she often has some sarcastic quips that escape her mouth)
Hobbies: She draws, watches movies, will pick up a book occasionally
- Dribbling a basketball with her tail
- Drawing/painting
- Memorizing movie quotes
Fears/Nightmares: Waking up one day back as a regular lizard
Best Quality: Sense of humor
Greatest Flaw:
- Not great at communication (gets cranky when she doesn’t have her alone time but is not good at expressing that)
- Sometimes gets jealous that she’s the “odd man out” and it wouldn’t matter if she wasn’t there because the boys already have April, but loves April all the same
- Perfectionist (likes things done a certain way) but only sometimes
Character Strengths:
- Playful
- Patient
- Good-natured
- A good sense of humor
- Laid back for most things
- A rationalist (very practical)
And the coinciding weaknesses: She’s not the best at opening up to anyone
What she wants and doesn’t want
- She wants to move towards having an actual family. Perhaps getting some training under her belt to know how to fight.
- She wants to stay away from her previous owner (and the snake that Evie always picked on her with, Calamity)
How does the character picture herself? Rogue: Oh gosh, what did everyone else say? This is kinda weird. Erm, I guess I’m a great swimmer. I like to laugh a lot so the boys never fail to make me. I’m not a neat freak, but not a crazy slob either? I like to think I’m fun to be around.
How do others see her?
- Leo: She’s beautiful, funny, short, has a great laugh, is always down to part-aaay. She laughs at my jokes! My jokes! You know that’s a quality girl!
- Donnie: Yeah, she’s… perfect for Leo, I guess. The two of them can get a bit riled up at times but she has a good heart. Plus, it keeps him busy and not a distraction for me when I’m trying to get work done.
- Mikey: Omigosh, I love her! She’s an awesome artist! She painted this piece on my shell right here, can you see it? Right here. Yeah, she’s great. Not a perfect chef, but I introduced Kondescending Kitchen to her and I think I’ve got her hooked.
- Raph: Shorty? She’s the best! She knows just when to bring Leo back down to Earth. Is always down for any athletic event. *whispers* she throws a mean spiral on Lace Face. I’ve been training with her a few nights a week, y’know to get her strength up. But it’ll be awhile before we take her on any type of mission.
- April: Oh, that’s my girl! Rogue is hilarious, and definitely great with Mayhem. She lives with me at my place, which isn’t bad. She isn’t a slob, so that’s great.
- Splinter: Is that the one with the tail?
Five adjectives that she would use to describe herself. Rogue: Oh, I guess… hmm… funny? Reasonable, happy, laid back, aaaand… artsy?
Five adjectives others would use to describe her.
- Leo: I’ll say it again. Beautiful, cute, funny, short, hilarious, pretty, smart, smokin’, (no, no, Leo, you’re only supposed to do 5. You’re good) … but I can keep going. (nah, I think we got it, thanks!)
- Donnie: Let’s see… Intelligent, humorous, independent yet social, and likeable
- Mikey: She’s tons of fun! Super friendly, a crazy good artist, awesome gamer, and very responsible when need be.
- Raph: The girl’s tough, athletic, smart, a jokester, and pretty trustworthy.
- April: She’s so funny, we laugh all the time. And we have inside jokes and secrets that I trust her with. Super sweet, but she also has a daring side that hypes me up. Aaand, she’s considerate. A good roommate and friend.
- Splinter: When did Blue get a girlfriend?
Most valued possession: Rogue: Oh, uh… probably the bandana that I have wrapped around my arm here. The boys gave it to me as sort of a family token. I didn’t like the look of it on my face since it hid my stripes but I always like to know where it is even if it’s not on me.
Darkest secret and/or treasured memory: Rogue: Wow, you guys ask a lot of questions. Ummm, I guess I shoplifted this hoodie. That’s not the worst thing in the world, but I’m not sure. Not many people know but I don’t think it’s a huge deal. A treasured memory I guess is when I met the boys for the first time. Also the day I escaped Evie.
Most proud accomplishment and or greatest failure: Rogue: I mean, I’m pretty proud of all the art I make. I guess the best thing I ever accomplished was escaping Evie, my previous owner. Everything kinda went uphill from there.
Current motivation: Rogue: Motivation for what exactly? To keep living? I guess my family. The turtles and April have really opened my eyes to what a happy life could actually be. It’s great. Everyday is an adventure with them and they make me feel so loved.
How does she view the future and/or the past? Rogue: I guess I regret not escaping Evie’s place sooner. That was just not a great time for me. But, hey, it’s all better now. I’m happier than I’ve ever been.
What is her philosophy on life and death? Rogue: Well, back before the mutation, when I was still at Evie’s place, I was just a lizard that didn’t really care one way or the other. Evie would constantly shove her other pet, a snake she named Calamity, super close to my cage. Us Aussie Water Dragons are common prey for snakes so it scared the shit out of me. It happened so much that it got to the point where I would just think ‘whatever. If the snake is going to eat me, go ahead. This isn’t a life to live anyway, being in this cage.’ It sucked and the best day of my life was when I escaped. Now I spend everyday with a smile on my face. I want to live life to the fullest! And the turtles really make that feeling come true.
What kind of energy level do they usually have? Rogue: I’m normally pretty calm and chill but I have been known to get riled up with Leo. Mikey and his bubbly side also hype me up sometimes.
How does she show and/or handle: love, affection, grief, pain, anger, sadness, conflict, change, loss? Rogue: I was conflicted with how to feel when the turtles first invited me to their home. Up until then all I had known were dead crickets and a glass box on all sides of me. So, it was definitely weird for me. I mean, Calamity didn’t like me so all I got were stupid threats from her. But loving the turtles came so easy to me. And ever since I met them I had felt a different feeling towards Leo, but the sensation was so foreign to me that I didn’t really understand. I liked him, all of them, but it was just a feeling of wanting to be around him more.
Does she have a temper? Rogue: I think I’m self-aware enough to admit that I have a small temper and I handle it with major passive aggression. I’m not great at confrontation and I’m used to letting things that really get to me sit inside. It’s not the healthiest practice, but…
How does she respond to the surrounding world, the ‘unfamiliar,’ and other people in general? Rogue: You mean everything outside my cage? It’s fantastic! I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to taste the fresh air when I first escaped. The only type of “friendship” I had was with a tarantula in Evie’s room. He and I weren’t close but I preferred him to Calamity anyday. So coming out into the world and seeing the turtles, I was super nervous. Everything was unfamiliar to me.
Polite or rude? Rogue: I like to think I’m polite? I mean, I was never really taught any manners from Evie.
Stingy or generous? Rogue: Umm… both? Neither? I don’t have much to share or hoard.
What kind of ‘public’ face does she display? Rogue: The turtles know I’m not crazy about Evie, so they accept that I don’t always want to talk about her. I’m pretty much an open book, though.
Leader or a follower? Rogue: Both? Neither? I have the reasoning to be a leader in some cases, but I will always do what Raph says if he’s giving orders… even though I don’t go on missions with them. He and April are the oldest and definitely know more about the world than I do. As far as I’m concerned, he’s the leader and I respect him too much to argue about that.
More happy by themselves or in a group? Rogue: I spent years alone in a cage. I love being around people. We don’t even have to be doing anything, but their presence makes me feel a bit safer.
Does he/she have any addictions/dependencies/fixations/fetishes/ or other strange behavior? Rogue: Is popcorn an addiction?
What is her sexual preference/experience/values? Rogue: I like Leo.
-History/Background- Rogue: I feel like I’ve talked enough for one day. I’ll let Taylor finish this off.
Setting: Present day in Rise universe
Occupation: Nah, she’s a mutant lizard, although she sometimes wishes she could help pay rent for April’s apartment because she spends so much time there. April doesn’t mind it since she’s already used to the boys raiding her fridge, but a job under Señor Hueso was mentioned at one point (and might possibly play a role in the future)
Educational background/other learning experiences: Her previous owner has good grammar, but she did not develop the ability to speak until after mutation
Intelligence Level: As smart as a pet of a prep-school kid can be. She also has learned plenty from the turtles and April.
Short Term Goals: Probably finishing a book or a video game.
Long Term Goals:
- Finding the perfect weapon for herself.
- Keeping the family she was so lucky to find
- Has no idea about her biological parents since she was shipped out so early in life. Doesn’t really bother her that much, though.
- Previous owner: Name is Evangelique (Evie) Flint, who named Rogue and took care of her fine, meaning she was fed adequately. However, Evie favored the other pets that she owned (her snakes and scorpions) and would sometimes get the snakes close to Rogue in order to freak her out (Australian Water Dragons are often prey for snakes). When Evie was moving houses with her family, Rogue was able to escape. She never looks back.
- Leo: She and Leo are super close and became fast friends. He flirted with her for months before she actually caught on. Rogue always thought he was cute but was pretty clueless when it came to romance. April filled her in and helped them get together (the best wingman). He is always able to make her laugh and it’s not difficult for her to reciprocate. He enjoys playing with her tail. They’re young and in love but still best friends. The others refer to them together as “The Stripes.” He doesn’t really get seriously jealous because he trusts her with his brothers. He adores her laugh and the heart-shaped mark on her chest.
- Donnie: They’re cool friends. She looks up to him as if he is older than her because of how smart he is. He’s more calm with her than he is with the boys because he’s seen her rational side. She’ll stay out of his way when he’s busy, but won’t decline being a helpful assistant or test subject for an experiment.
- Mikey: She thought he was super funny, like Leo. He was fascinated by her splotches and patterns, and was overjoyed that she liked art as well. One of their first times bonding together was over video games.
- Raph: He approached her first when they first encountered her, mainly as a way to shield his brothers if she was a threat. She likes to play some type of sporty game with him even though she is not nearly as in-shape as the rest of them. It was his idea for her to start sparring. He appreciates how tough and level-headed she is. He thinks she’s a good fit for Leo.
- April: Rogue was fairly relieved to make friends with a girl. April loved her look and thought the choker and hoodie was awesome. She lets Rogue sleep on her couch whenever she pleases, and she thinks it’s great that Mayhem likes her.
- Splinter: They’re not close. She’s met him a couple times and only because she felt it weird that the rat had yet to introduce himself. It’s sort of a mutual respect that they have.
- Born in Australia and shipped to Poughkeepsie, where Evie lived. She was lonely and constantly tormented by her owner and the snake, Calamity, who lived just a single frame of glass away next to her cage.
- After years of living in Poughkeepsie, Evie’s family decided to move to Detroit because of her mother’s business demands.
- Early on in the move, Rogue was able to escape and out of the vehicle and off the Mid-Hudson Bridge into the Hudson River. The river carried her down to Manhattan where she consumed an Ooze-quito and became mutated.
- I’m still figuring out a story on how she met the turtles and the events leading up to the present because she’s currently been with them for nearly half a year (I’ll probably write some drabbles on it in the near future, so stay tuned)
Physical Strength:
- Her tail is the strongest part of her body
- She has enough strength to workout with the boys, but cannot do any of the heavy weights that they can.
Coordination/Reflexes: Not bad reflexes. She’s not clumsy, but her tail has been known to knock things over in an environment she is unfamiliar with.
Fighting Style: Is typically prone to striking with her claws and/or tail
Unusual Abilities/Powers: Nothing mystical about her besides the mutation
Weapons/Other Gear: Has yet to find a weapon that works for her
((couple things, Tumblr completely messed with the format of this but oh well, yes I referenced Leo’s pose from the episode Newsworthy, but I just adore his pose so much that I was super excited to draw it, they may or may not be holding hands, that’s up to your interpretation :D, but yeah. this personality ref sheet was super long but I really wanted to milk this character because I hope she sticks with me for a long time. If you read the whole thing, thank you so much, I appreciate you more than you realize :) )) 
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dekayingtree · 5 years
Answer them all :^)
1. Selfie
2. What would you name your future kids?
Daniel, Samuel, Samantha, Edith, or something else haven't fully decided yet and honestly need my SO's input.
3. Do you miss anyone?
Absolutely. I miss my best friend in middle school, my ex (for platonic reasons), and the one kid in kindergarten that I scared away when I kissed him.
4. What are you looking forward to?
Sounds cliche but my degree
5. Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
My dad.
6. Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Yes (thanks anxiety)
7. What was your life like last year?
Tired, broke, failing calculus
8. Have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
9. Who did you last see in person?
My mom????
10. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Yes and it causes concern in my family because they think I'm having an episode when really I just wanna go apathetic for a while
11. Are you listening to music right now?
Nope just my fan
12. What is something you want right now?
13. How do you feel right now?
Pretty chill ngl
14. When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Not too long ago and it was my nephew
15. Personality description
Bitch I can't even describe a cup of pudding let alone myself
16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn't?
17. Opinion on insecurities
18. Do you miss how things were a year ago?
Eh... 50/50
19. Have you ever been to New York?
20. What is your favorite song at the moment?
In Your Eyes- Peter Gabriel (has been favorite for a while)
21. Age and birthday?
20 and none of your business
22. Description of crush
It's a soda that comes in grape, orange, or strawberry
23. Fear(s)
Yes (thanks anxiety)
24. Height
25. Role model
Gonna sound cliche but Jesus, Stevie Nicks, Steve Perry, David Bowie
26. Idol(s)
Ironically don't have any because I don't believe in idolatry
27. Things I hate
Not much
28. I'll love you if...
Is a classic example of conditional love
29. Favorite film(s)
Bicentennial Man, Never-ending Story, The Cat Returns, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, and a bunch of others that I apparently instantly forgot
30. Favorite TV show(s)
Fairy Tail, Once Upon A Time, My Hero Academia, iZombie, Doctor Who, The Muppet Show
31. 3 random facts
A strand of your hair is probably the thinnest object you can feel.
Les Paul once wanted an all-maple guitar but decided against it after realizing how heavy maple was.
David Bowie had celiac's disease.
32. Are your friends mainly girls or guys?
33. Something you want to learn
How to be kind
34. Most embarrassing moment
When my tit fell out AGAIN at the lap pool
35. Favorite subject
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
House, Career, Spouse
37. Favorite actor/actress
Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman, Anthony Hopkins, Ian McKellen, Meryl Streep, Kristen Chenoweth, Judy Garland
38. Favorite comedians
Robin Williams, Tim Hawkins, Jeff Dunham, Christopher Titus
39. Favorite sport(s)
Hockey, baseball, basketball, whatever's on
40. Favorite memory
Looking out the window at the snow and whispering "why do they call it the ice age? Because. Of all. The ICE." (I was like 3)
41. Relationship status
42. Favorite book(s)
Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Wolves Of The Beyond, Warriors, Seekers, To Kill A Mockingbird (aaaand the it would take to long to list them all)
43. Favorite song ever
Don't have one
44. Age you get mistaken for
45. How you found out about your idol
Again, I don't idolize so change the phrasing or I won't answer
46. What my last text message says
"Not with that attitude"
47. Turn ons
Nice hair, nice smile, good body, FUNNY, taller than me
48. Turn offs
Obese (unhealthy overweight), bald (long story), no personality, anything to do with snot or spit
49. Where I want to be right now
In a healthy state of mind
50. Favorite picture of your idol
I don't idolize
51. Starsign
52. Something I'm talented at
Music and art
53. 5 things that make me happy
Food (within reason)
54. Something that's worrying me at the moment
If I screwed up a family relationship and didn't realize it
55. Tumblr friends
Hhhhhh @thin-white-duck and @bowies-thighs
56. Favorite food(s)
57. Favorite animal(s)
Cat, Owl, Turtle
58. Description of my best friend
Taller than me, twiggy, slightly tan, funny as hell and is great at giving haircuts
59. Why I joined tumblr
Literally to follow rboz and then I became chaotic oops
60. Ask me anything you want
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bathalyon · 7 years
Super Junior as High School Students!
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- The Best Class’s President of the year - aaaand nobody listen to him - loves to have a chat with the teachers, an attention-seeker - When the teacher is absent, he’s the one who would know it first, and ask for replacement task so everyone knows he’s in charge. - he sits on first row, beside Kibum and in front of Heechul  - LT: “Guys, Kim Seongsaenim can’t teach us today, I think he’s fall from the cliff or something, but I asked for assignment, YEAH!!” The others: “...” HC: “Let’s kill him.” - He has this one nerdy girl who always been crushing on him. He knows that but pretends to be clueless so he doesn’t have to break her heart. - Is on Charity club and Student Communication Center Club. - Wears white everyday. One time he wears all white from top to toe, and the school janitor thought he’s spirit of clean-ness - always bring wet tissue/? and handkerchief in his bag just to wipes something dirty (OCD alert)
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- The Narcissistic Flower-Boy but has a LOT of fans - Supposed to be second-in-command but he can’t even lead himself - Trust me his personality it’s getting better every year, now people can look at him in the eye - rumored to be gay because... JUST LOOK AT THOSE FACE!1!1!1 - (un)usual things on his bag: comb, small mirror, asuka’s miniature, and marker for signing on his fans stuff - HC: *is doing something nice* HG: “What are you doing?” HC: “Uhhh, doing charity?” HG: “BUT YOU’RE SATAN!” - Sits behind Leeteuk so he can wake him up if he’s asleep in the middle of class, and beside Hangeng just because he needs translator. - Jealous of Eunhyuk since he’s the Vice-Class president. - is on Anime club and Drama-Improv Club - make a bet about whose the real gay in class, because he’s SURE he is not the only one....
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- The Exchange Student form China who happens to be stuck with other 14 idiots. - Lives in Students Dormitory with Zhoumi and Henry - is on Martial Arts club and Korean Language Club - Sits on Second row beside Heechul and Henry, Behind Kibum and In front of Zhoumi (Ha... good luck for imagining that...) - Teacher: *explains something* HG: “Henry, can you explain that again to me?” HR: “Idk hyung, I’m not Korean” HG: “Zhoumi, Can you..” ZM: “I’m not Korean either hyung...” HG: “Kibum, do you understand--” HC: “FOR GOD SAKE HANGENG YOU HAVE ME!” - the victim of language and culture barrier. One time Kangin was asked him what he has for a pet, instead of answered, “dog” he said, “crab” - still bring chinese lunch although it’s his third year on Korea - has the most blank faces in every classes. - his parents are rich because they are one of successor from China, but he prefer to be quiet about it than taking a risk to be robbed by his shameless friends (as in 13 of them, except Siwon)
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- The weird guy who makes you question things - his fashion style kinda emo but rebel/? - sits on fourth row, beside Shindong and behind Eunhyuk, all he do is sleep in class - is joining the school band as vocalist. Guess what their genre is... yup, EMO. - when he’s bored he goes to people on the second row to touch their philtrum. But he ends up getting slapped by Heechul. - Cass: *in chaos* YS: *humming in song* “Is there anything I could help?” KB: “Yes hyung, we need you to shut up!” - bad at math but good at art - is on School band and Musical-Drama club - has crush on his keyboardist but it goes away when he knows she doesn’t like turtles - client of detention because sleeping in classes - annoyed by Eunhyuk all the time because there is this ‘rivalry’ thing between dance club and musical club, but when it comes to class he just annoyed because Eunhyuk like to tease him about his voice - the others make him promise to not wondering around when there is school trip, because if we lose him, the world is the one in danger, not him
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- The one of those Unpopular High-School Jock - always wear his baseball uniform although there were no training that day - sat on the fourth row, beside Shindong and behind Sungmin - best-friends with Leeteuk since he has to persuade him to not tell teacher if he did something wrong - was a school bullyer since he has big figure, but rn he’s just lazy - mistaking Heechul as a girl ONCE, and he regret having a crush on him in the past - KI: “Hey Wookie, Can I copy your homework?” RW: “I don’t think all the answers of my homework are correct” KI: “Well, Is that what I’m asking for?” - client of detention because sleeping in classes.2 - is on Basketball Team and Video Games Club - He was bullying Sungmin in their first grade but now they end up in same class make him more sorry towards him - Don’t worry, Sungmin forgive him although he still can’t be 3 meters around Kangin, face to face. - He always treat the guys especially eunhae since both of them look pitiful
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- The Class’s snack storage and Division of Documentation - He prefer to sat in last row, in between Kangin and Yesung, also behind Zhoumi - He’s a Mama boy, so if you wonder where all the foods he has came from, yep it’s his mother - this guy hates pizza and noodles and it makes all the guys love him even more - SD: *leaves the class with full box of pizza* HC: “Yah yah yah, fatso! Where are you going?” SD: “uh.. throwing these? wae hyung? wanna some? I don’t eat pizza” HC: “huh, I guess world is indeed fair” - he doesn’t like to take photograph, so he’s the one who works behind camera instead - is on Screen-writing Club and Food Club - people always treat him like a kid, HE IS KIYOWO THO - This boy doesn’t care basically love ‘jaeyuk’ more than girls - if the class is more crowded than the usually, there must be a ‘wrestling competition’ between him and Kangin - He has been the winner of that competition for 5 consecutive weeks
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- The All-Time High School Sweethearts - He always be that guy who stare at the window in classes, with earphone on both ears and calm looks on his face - speaking of window, he sit on third row beside the window, behind Heechul and in front of Kangin, Zhoumi in his other side. - Sorry girls, he has girlfriend on math class - He used to be nerdy with those big specs but puberty hit him hard - He became popular since his girlfriend is Vice-President of student organization - Heechul always think that he’s the true gay in class, but when he knows Sungmin got a girlfriend, damn tears. - is a genius on learning new language. He listen to Hangeng-Henry-Zhoumi convo and discover how to speak Mandarin immediately, also he watch anime hentai from Eunhyuk’s pc and know he knows how to speak Japanese - KH: “Hyung stop doing that...” SM: “Huh? Stop doing what?” KH: “Smiling, the fangirls outside are having trouble breathing...” - is on Psychological Club and Foreign Movie Club - He made out with Kangin on Group therapy themed “Jocks need Nerds, but Nerds can murder Jocks without leaving a trace”
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-The hyperactive Class Clown and Leeteuk’s right-hand - has been friends with Donghae since they were on Kindergarten - he sits beside him and Zhoumi, in front of Yesung and behind Henry. third row - is on Food Club too because he eats a lot, ppl always say that Shindong is the one who has large stomach, they are wrong - also in Dancing club, the foods he eat are burned there - SW: “I think Eunhyuk is handsome...” EH: “HAH! DO YOU HEAR HIM GUYS? HE SAID I’M HANDSOME! SIWON-AH SAID THAT AGAIN!” SW: “I think I have talent on lying, hehe” - he call himself ‘Jewel-boy’ but the boys call him ‘Sun Go Kong’ - spends his time too much with Donghae, he become the 2nd Pabo in class - that one guy who gives teacher random questions and random answers - is happy when everyone cracks up because of his jokes - is the real angel here, PROTECT HIM - although he’s kinda silly but everyone never doubt his leadership, even Heechul is afraid of angry Eunhyuk
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- The Not-So-Chinese-Playboy - He’s Siwon’s cousin, no wonder they kinda look alike- he sit on third row, between Eunhyuk and Sungmin, behind Hangeng and In front of Shindong. - he knows he born with ‘handsome genes’ that’s why he’s known as the class’s player - at every lunchtime he would come to cafeteria to pick up girls - his success rate is 4/10, depends on how dumb the girls are - is on basketball team since he wants to see the cheerleaders, and on School Magazine club - KI: “Yeah, talk to you later nunna” *hang up the phone call* ZM: “Is that your sister?” KI: “Yep” ZM: “Is she pretty?” KI: “Do you wanna see her from hospital or graveyard?” - he’s the most ‘up to date’ person on class. His gadgets are in diverse. One time Eunhyuk was in shookt when he knows that Zhoumi’s toilet could lift the lid by itself - knowing a lot of people at school, kinda popular. And the boys make him gossip scouts and news notifier
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- Class’s Crybaby and Beauty-Pabo - people said he’s handsome but he doesn’t believe it til now - he’s not stupid on common knowledge, he’s just stupid at doing his life - he sits beside Eunhyuk and behind Siwon - he loves poetry and photography, makes him joined Writing Club and Photography Club - because he friends with Eunhyuk, he also takes Dance Club. He kinda follow Hyuk everywhere.... - he’s spoiled by Heechul because he looks like lil puppy who needs its mama (or tamagochi) - Teacher: “How many world war has happen up until today?” DH: “ME! 6 WORLD WAR” EH: “Yah, not that many!” DH: “Jinjja? Is it 5 and a half?” - The others never let Siwon, Donghae, and Heechul walk together, the hallway would riven - he cried watching Bambi and Documentary of Crocodile’s Evolution - he has a lot of secret admirer, not fans tho, just the one who cannot talk to him because of his 14 overprotective brothers
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Siwon: - The Real High School Prince and Church Oppa - His parents are on of biggest donors for school - Everyone who knows this immediately treat him like prince, (everyone knows tho...) - despite his handsome appearance, the boys always mock him because he looks older than he suppose to - always go to Church to pray or just refill his holy water for purifying Heechul - he sits on second row, beside Henry, Behind Ryeowook, and in front of Donghae. - From the first day of school, he always wants to be friends with Ryeowook, but Wookie can’t stand Siwon’s greasiness - KB: “Why are you so rich and Zhoumi looks like he always got nothing to eat?” SW: “Because I always thankful for what God’s ha given to me...” KH: "HEECHUL HYUNG! SIWON HYUNG IS GIVING HIS TRIAL TO KIBUM” HC: *slams table* “NOBODY PERSUADE MY BABY!” - He’s on Christian Club and Charity Club, holy shisus... - the boys crowned him as “the one who likely to become a president” and “the one who likely to become a sugar daddy if Heechul ask him to”
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- The most normal among the freak - actually he’s not normal, he’s too quiet - despite the silent he does, he always get 1st rank at school. No, not class, at SCHOOL. - sometimes he would play with the other boys, ot be the one who split the fight with his intelligence - he sits in first row between Leeteuk and Kyuhyun. In front of Hangeng - tbh, his favorite hyung is probably Sungmin because he’s the next normal one - YS: “Kibum-ah, you’re too smart for this class, why are you in this class?” KB: “Hyung, If you want to look smarter you need to hang out with dumb people” - is on Science Club and Math Club - loves astronomy because he wants to go to somewhere more quite than this class - the only person who would fight him is Kyuhyun, but both of them are lousy so they just ends up crying and made up - Siwon’s companion going to church
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- The Music Box and Class’s Chef - he sits on first row, beside Kyuhyun and in front of Siwon - he choose a song that suits situation of the class everyday - SD: *is eating* RW: *plays SJ - Cooking? Cooking!* DH: *is crying* RW: *plays Seventeen - Don’t wanna cry* HC: *is doing anything* RW: *plays Sunmi - Gashina* HC: *death glare* “really Ryeowook, really?” - he also the one who does commentary when somebody doing something, the most absurd thing he does is commenting on Yesung who just chewing gum - is on Radio Club and Cooking club - He won from category of “the one you wants to get stuck in deserted island with” and the reason is just because he can cook - admits that he has girlfriend, but nobody believe that. everyone wonder what kind of girlfriend who wants parrot as her boyfriend - once ask Siwon to buy him a GIRAFFE as his birthday gift
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- The Gamer with Mouth full-of Sarcasm - that one guy who never pay attention on class but always get the 2nd rank - Leeteuk would always be the one who snatch his phone or game out of his hand so he would interact with others - he sits in first row between Kibum and Ryeowook, also in front of Henry - there is one time when Kyuhyun made Donghae cry because he said Donghae is useless - HG: “I can’t believe you said that, I’m mad at you!” KH: “Hi Mad At You, I’m Kyuhyun! Nice to meet you” - is on Algebra club and starcraft club - the boys never let him goes into argument with Heechul, there would be no end - but sometimes Heechul is his companion on playing starcraft and mock the others in sarcasm - everyone call him “Evil Junior” - He almost killed Yesung’s turtle by giving it a camphor - Siwon’s second target of purifying soul
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- The one little bastard - he came from Canada but his soul is Germany - likes to hide porn inside Eunhyuk’s table, so he’s the one who get blamed - sits in seond row, between Hangeng and Siwon, Behind Kyuhyun and In front of Eunhyuk. - since his cheeks are chubby, the hyungs often pinch it so it gets red - SD: “I get nervous when you get silent in the corner of the room” HR: “Waeyo hyung?” SD: “Molla...” *look at Henry’s magazine* - is on Violin Club and DJ Club - his parents is Korean, but they lived in Canada for 7 years and now forget how to talk in hangul/? - his favorite hyung is Heechul since he’s always on his side whenever porn is involved - HC: “HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT MY BABY WATCH PORN, HE’S INNOCENCE!” LT: “HE FREAKKING NAMED THE FILE “TISSUE NEEDED”, HOW COME I’M NOT SUSPICIOUS!” - he sleeps on the same bed as Hangeng because he’s skinnier than Zhoumi
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