#a4 booklet
bmpmp3 · 11 months
ive been really obsessed with one sheet 8 page minizines recently. there really is nothing like downloading a pdf and printing it out to get a little cut and fold craft project and Right After u get to read a little booklet........magnificent invention
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A Comprehensive Comparison of A5 and A4 Stapled Booklets
Booklets aren’t new; they have been around since time immemorial. Brands use them for marketing and advertising, disseminating information, outlining event agendas, speaker profiles, and venue maps, for external communication such as employee handbooks and training manuals, or artistic expression. Irrespective of why you are using booklets, selecting the appropriate size and binding method is crucial. Too small booklets aren’t legible for the general audience, whereas the extra big ones are just a waste. Wondering how to select the perfect booklet? We have a breakdown of the nuances of the most popular A4, A5 and stapled booklet printing for you! 
A4 Booklets: Spacious and Professional
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According to the printers’ handbook, A4 booklet printing is sized at 210 x 297mm. They offer ample space for detailed content, elaborate graphics or large images. This booklet printing method is typically used for reports, catalogues, or portfolios because their relatively larger dimensions exude a professional aesthetic. Professionals or people in the corporate or marketing sphere use these booklets because they can display comprehensive information, but their bulkier nature affects portability, and they aren’t easy to store. 
A5 Booklets: Compact and Portable
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These booklets measure 148 x 210mm, and they strike the perfect balance between portability and readability. You can pick A5 booklets for brochures, event programs or travel guides because their compact size ensures that they can be handled or distributed easily. However, if you want to print something content-heavy or you need more space for images or intricate designs, the limited space availability on these booklets can be a concern.
Besides, A5 booklets can fit snuggly into pockets, bags or folders, so their compact size and lightweight nature can be a fantastic idea for those who want to distribute booklets at events, conferences, or point-of-sale locations. A5 booklets boast a charmingly petite aesthetic, suitable for conveying concise messages or showcasing minimalist designs. Their smaller format encourages creative experimentation while maintaining visual coherence.
Stapled Booklets: Economical and Functional
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Otherwise known as saddle-stitched booklets, stapled booklets use a simple binding method, where folded sheets are secured with staples along the spine. This cost-effective approach makes them suitable for informational pamphlets, event handouts, or instructional guides. While lacking the sophistication of other binding methods, stapled booklets excel in practicality and affordability.
We would say these are the middle ground for those who want to balance space efficiency with functional layout options. 
Winding Up!
Whether you want stapled, A4 or A5 booklet printing,the quality of the print decides if your audience will love or hate it. Are you looking for the perfect printing agency to help you create beautiful and durable prints within a cost-effective price range? Reach out to the seasoned printing professionals at Best at Printing today! Their team can help you customise a design, and once your order is complete, they can dispatch it using their tracked courier service without any added delivery fees between 8 am and 6 pm, Monday to Friday!
Original Source:https://bestatprinting.co.uk/blog/a-comprehensive-comparison-of-a5-and-a4-stapled-booklets
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alki-studio · 14 days
Bookbinding Process (1/2): The Wolf Queen, from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
I have a very exciting comission— I’m binding The Wolf Queen, an in-game novel from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I’ve never played the game, but my client told me they enjoy collecting and reading the books in the game. According to the Elder Scrolls wiki, there are apparently 820 of them! I’m binding the one of the longer stories, which is actually broken up into 8 volumes.
In researching, it seems that the volumes seem to take on completely different binding styles, but we agreed on the style shown here. We also decided to condense these volumes into 1 book— the entire story is only about 12k words, and while the handwritten large text works well for reading the story on a small in-game window on your monitor, it’s not really practical for a physical book. That, and even if I were to print these true to size for the game, each volume would still be about 40 pages, which only equates to 10 sheets of folded paper, so it wouldn’t make for a very robust collection on the shelf.
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You can see that these books in this game are actually quite weathered, and it seems like all the paper is unevenly torn. If we were to equate Skyrim’s time period with our own based on technology, it’s likely these pages would have been parchment. The in-game textures definitely support this, even for the bindings that seem to be a few centuries ahead of their time.
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We agreed that antiqued cotton paper would be a suitable alternative, as enough parchment for this project would run a couple thousand dollars as-is, and I don’t believe I have the equipment necessary to print on it. I needed something with a quick turnaround for this project, so I went with this paper in the ‘Vintage Deckle’ finish in the A4 size. According to one review, it’s also short-grained, so it’s actually ideal for bookbinding.
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I’m using Adobe InDesign to typeset this, but it can also be done with Word and other alternatives.
Here’s a guide by ArmoredSuperHeavy on tumblr.
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I think Bethesda owns the font used in the Elder Scrolls games, but there is a dupe of it on dafont.com called Cyrodiil. However, it definitely feels and reads more as a modern font; it was designed with readability after all. I’m definitely going for something that feels like a Celtic manuscript, based both on the decorative Celtic knot tooling, and the Gaelic look of the font. I eventually found Kelmscott, which carries the same Gaelic characteristics as Cyrodiil, and is still relatively easy to read, but feels more calligraphic.
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I also downloaded Medieval Victoriana for the decorative first letters of each chapter.
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To typeset the text, I followed a tutorial article by Grace Fussell and Adobe’s guide for creating book files.
I wanted the text to look dense and almost glyphic, as many old medieval manuscripts do, while still being easy enough to read. I played around with the paragraph tools and eventually settled on this layout. While certainly not all manuscripts have multiple columns, I want this typesetting to really break the boundaries seen in most modern prints of books, so I decided on this two-column format. Some manuscripts keep the text frame smaller and in the center of the page, much like you see in later centuries when the printing area was restricted by a press, but once again, I want to emphasize the look of ‘handwritten’ manuscript, so I made sure to use wide margins.
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Some other fun details I added were glyphs at the beginning of each chapter, and surrounding the page numbers.
I exported the file for print with InDesign’s ‘Print Booklet’ feature, with the 2-up perfect bound with a signature size of 8 (2 pieces of paper/4 spreads/8 text pages).
Text Block
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Here’s the printed and folded signatures! I’m really pleased with how these came out— it has the exact weathered look I was trying to emulate from in-game. As an added bonus, since the source material wasn’t particularly long, the thickness of the paper (150gsm) gave the text block a good amount of volume.
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Out of lack of good online reference, my client ended up sending me photos of the book in-game. I was excited to realize this book seems to be bound on cords or leather straps— kind of difficult to tell from the model. We decided to go with a slit leather strap.
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I couldn’t find a great reference image of the stitch for this, but I used the same technique of punching and sewing my signatures as this double cord instructional from The Thames and Hudson Manual of Book Binding.
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I definitely wanted to go for a more traditional endpaper, so I looked at what I had in my stash of marbled paper. I was initially drawn to this Renato Crepaldi peackock marble I got from Hollander’s, which has a beautiful red that screams “medieval” to me, but Skyrim is a cold place, so I was also drawn to go for this blizzard-esque marble. Though, I ultimately decided on this dark blue/indigo paper I got from the Paper Source.
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I went for the indigo because the protagonist of this novel I’m binding, Potema Septim, the Wolf Queen herself, is associated with the color purple. Since the goal of this binding was to recreate an in-game item as it would be in-game, a bookbinder in Skyrim would also most likely want to make design choices reflecting the contents of this specific book. Or maybe they’d be illiterate and just go for the red. Either way, my client also liked the dark indigo, so that’s what we went with.
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This endpaper is the cover weight of De Milo Design’s line of paper called Sustain & Heal. It’s fair trade, handmade in Bangladesh, from jute fibers.
It also has deckled edges, so I made sure to align my cuts to use that, and I tore the rest by hand to keep the natural edges consistent. This is a bit of an unconventional aesthetic choice, but it stemmed from that it’d be odd if the fly leafs were straight cut with the rest of the text block so extremely deckled.
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Keeping with the purple/indigo/blue theme, I made two-colored headbands around jute cord with DCM embroidery floss in colors 31 and 796. I basically used the technique outlined here. In retrospect though I’d recommend doing a big double endband or something bulky with this paper, since the deckled edges tend to push the endband back towards the spine and hide it.
Please continue reading here!
Process: Part 1 | Part 2 | Final Result
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vazelinacocomix · 1 year
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Saturday, 17th of June at 17.00, we'll be launching a collection of materials working together under the umbrella name of Atelier, at Indecis Artist Run Space/The Secret Garden. The collection comprises 2 postcards with interviews, an A3 format 8 page comic documenting past and present workshops around the city of Timisoara, a 1/2 A4 leaflet of around 20 pages with research pictures, notes and sequential scribbles, an A3 poster printed on both sides as well as a 7.7/7.7cm Risograph printed booklet by palpabil.ro + assembled by the team of crafty wizards going under the monicker of Fabrik, who also handled the postcard prints.
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Here is a link to the tiny 88pg bundle, minus the colorul outburst. The project couldn't have come together without the focus of Ioana Ciolea/Punky, the sound engineering of Waka_x/Felix Petrescu of Makunouchi Bento or the financial support of Centrul de Proiecte, through their nano-grant program funded via Timisoara 2023's Capital of Culture pack. Most of the printed materials & interviews are crammed together on mestering.ro
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chickenmetenders · 4 months
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Happy White Day! To celebrate, here's a Valentine's/White Day-themed collaborative MAMIYA fanzine!!
Featuring lovey-dovey art & fic from 12 creators!
Read it digitally or print it out yourself!
⚠️ DDD spoilers
Get it here! ➡️ Google Drive (pdf)
Directions for printing/binding + contributor credits below!
This zine was designed for letter paper, but I think it should print fine on A4 (I haven't tested it, sorry). If it helps, each individual page is 5.5 in x 8.5 in (140 mm x 216 mm).
We're going to print using the Booklet setting, which requires Adobe Acrobat or Foxit to use. Both programs can be downloaded for free. (I'm using Acrobat for this tutorial, but Foxit works the same way)
To print:
Download the zine file to your computer and open it in Acrobat/Foxit.
Open up the print menu using ctrl+P or by finding the printer icon near the top of the window. The print menu looks like this:
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3. Select your printer from the "Printer" menu, then select the "Booklet" option under Page Sizing and Handling, as shown in the image above. You can also check the box near the top of the window to "Print in grayscale (black and white)" like I'm doing, or leave it unchecked to print in color.
4. Select the "Print" button to print.
Honestly, you can bind however you want! I chose something fancy this time (because I'm trying to show off for photos), but normally I go for something simpler. Here are some methods I've used to bind zines/booklets before:
Three-hole ribbon binding (this is the method I used here)
Pamphlet binding/saddle stitching
Methods I haven't tried but would probably work fine:
Another three-hole ribbon binding method + ring binding
Perfect binding
Machine sewing
Regardless of which method you use, I always recommend pre-folding all the pages before doing any binding. I usually try to fold like 1-3 sheets at a time--enough pages that it doesn't take forever to fold all of them, but not too many pages because I want to ensure each sheet gets creased really well.
Watch out for page order, by the way, because these pages aren't numbered!!
Depending on how you've bound it, it should come out looking something like this. Isn't it so cute??
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Feel free to contact me if you need help!
Thank you to everyone who participated in this zine!
Gizzia (twitter @ GizziaAobara) Nana (instagram @ honeyqtea) Nikki Bane (twitter @ Ghosty_Bane) Kiwi (@kiwifie) WovenSnow Easter Cha (me) madhu (@bunycube) Rionne (twitter @ dawnspring45) Mio (twitter @ nifocide) Alle (@tindoiimu)
It was my first time organizing something like this, so I'm really glad it turned out so great!! You guys are all so talented and awesome and I love what we've made!!!!!!
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chrisairgames · 8 months
A Year in Retrospect
The social media diaspora began a year ago, and I've been neglecting Tumblr. Trying to come back, slowly, so here's what I've been up to since November 2022.
Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones
From November to February 1st, 2022, I worked on my Zine Month campaign, a Kickstarter for my first ttrpg zine, a Sleeper Crew Adventure for Mothership RPG called Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones.
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I was blown away by the immense show of support. The crowd-funding allowed me to pay for even more art, better and bigger maps, development and editing, and professional layout. I got to make the zine into the amazing package I'd dreamed up.
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The zines were sent off to the fulfillment center last Friday! A ton of my ttrpg work time was spent on what's in these boxes, and it's pretty scary to see it go off into a truck. That does mean the zines will be available at retailers soon, though, which just feels nuts to me.
The Unseen City
I also wrote The Unseen City, the first 3pp setting and adventure for Cloud Empress, the ecological science fantasy RPG, the successful Mothership hack from Worlds by Watt.
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I go into depth about how this 20pg zine turned evolved from the "Pamphlet Duet" I originally conceived in my most recent newsletter. A lot of struggles, gained some killer art from HodagRPG, and all for a game I'm really quite happy with. I do plan to return to writing more adventures for The Unseen City as well!
Mitosis, Escape from STAR Station
Last year, RV Games published my Mothership pamphlet series The Cerdo Cycle (that was my last Tumblr post!). Shortly after the campaign, Violet asked me to write a giant 8x16 inch pamphlet adventure for RV Games' upcoming in-universe Mothership board game, Mitosis.
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I wrote Escape from STAR Station, a gonzo adventure about a Prison Break amidst two warring factions: Cyberviral Pirate Goons & STARS Staff Brainiacs. Both sides are infected by experiments with the Mitosis board game microorganisms. It's a crazy lil adventure with awesome art by Sigmacastell. You can pick up an abridged print-at-home version for free on my itch page, even.
5 Million Worlds RPG
For the One-Page Game Jam this past summer, I submitted a pocketzine Space Adventure hack of Mothership, called 5MW RPG: Avatar Basics.
In this little A4/US Letter space, I've designed two main pulls away from sci-fi horror to space adventure. The first are Push Tables. Similar to the end of act in a Star Trek episode, these tables push the conflict in new and unexpected directions.
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The second is a switch from Stress into Limit. Limit is your PC's XP, used to improve Stats/Saves, build towards projects, etc. Notably, instead of a Panic Table, 5MW has two tables: a Break Down table (similar to Panic), and a Limit Break table (like in FF).
When characters are in the shit, and they have to roll a Limit Check, the players can decide whether to spend their XP and do some cool shit to overcome the circumstances, or accept the Break Down. Good ol' @christiansorrell even did a TikTok video discussing the game, if you wanna check that out.
I'm very excited to continue to pursue creating a player's handbook, 5MW RPG: Avatar Primer. If you download the game on itch, I'll keep y'all apprised of substantial updates. Next up is developing the chargen, and reconfiguring the pocketzine as an A6 booklet: 5MW RPG: Avatar Basics+.
Outer Rim Uprising
I was extremely honored to join 11 other designers to create pieces of the Outer Rim Uprising Megabundle, spearheaded by our intrepid leader, Iko of The Lost Bay Studio.
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Several months of brainstorming and collaboration went into this 20+ piece bundle. I contributed two pieces for this bundle. The first is a 12pg adventure module Rusted to the Core. Androids aboard an aerostat station floating in a gas giant's clouds have gone on strike. Can the PCs resolve the issues before the Rust overtakes the station?
The second is the more "experimental" Bones on the Ground. Bones is a bifold adventure into an android museum-prison, paired with three diegetic fliers supporting the ARA, the Android Rights Association (or Android Rebel Alliance, depending on who you ask!). Pieces of the three flyers contain clues for PCs who join the ARA to better succeed when they begin their museum infiltration.
A Buncha Spaceship Deckplans
So I have ADHD, and experience bouts of summer mania. Spaceshiptember rolled around, and I thought, "Hey it'd be no problemo to write 30 deckplans and release them this month, while I'm also trying to print BioCryo, promote ORU, starting a newsletter, and finishing up The Unseen City." Totally sane decision, right?
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Well, I got through half the month. And I sketched out a third week's worth of ships on paper too. One of those sketches caught Adam STATION's eye, even, and he asked me to join An Infinity of Ships to turn it into a micro-adventure!
As long as this quick-n-dirty zine remains unfinished, it'll be free on itch.io. Again, if you'd like, follow along and I'll send out dev updates when new pages are added!
the dying tides
Another Jam entry, this time for The Lost Bay Studio's system agnostic fantasy setting + coloring book, SKYREALMS.
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I made the dying tides as a short, lightweight fantasy adventure to venture among wavebros and squidillies. The art is based on my 4 yo daughter's paintings. Since she loved coloring the SKYREALMS books so much, I figured it was a poetic homage to the kind and mysterious heart of this game.
An Interactive Terminal Network
Last but not least, I smashed my skull against Twine on and off for six months to create a unified Interactive Terminal Network for my Mothership adventure, Bio-Drones & Cryo Clones.
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The terminal is absolutely free to play on itch.io. Though passwords that can be found in the zine lock off a few areas. That said, I'm sure many folk could dig out the passwords without the zine. I don't know how to do that stuff. The fact that I even MADE this thing is a miracle to me, hahaha.
Goal for 2023
Talk about this stuff as it's happening so I don't infodump on people like this, haha.
What I'm working on now:
Twisting Unseen
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Untitled Liminal Horror adventure
Provisional sketches, for the artist/layout designer.
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Also, if you made it this far, thanks.
-Chris Air
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 2 years
Create/Bind your own book
I decided to post this on my arthurian blog as I want to bind an actual book of arthurian texts (from Mary Jones´ translations), but this can be done with anything! My first attempt was actually AO3 fanfics, and my second one was an empty drawing notebook with watercolor pages.
This is the 101 How to bind your own book, extra easy version.
What you will need:
Glue for paper (like vynil glue) + a brush to spread the glue
Paper / printer book in booklet form
cardboard (I use amazon boxes I cut down)
a ruler
a printer
paper creaser / bone folder (not necessary, you can use a ruler too)
thread (waxed thread is probably the best one, but any thread that is hard to break would work)
awl (or anything that can make holes in paper)
needles (with a big hole, curved needle would be the best one)
a material to use as a cover. I use cotton fabric so I can add some embroidery to it
gauze if you have it, but not necessary
some weights and plastic sheets (I use other books as weight, and plastic wrap = this is just to not end up with glue everywhere)
What is the process (quick overlook of what you should do and in what order):
1) Print your book in booklet format, or prepare your pages (if you are making an empty notebook) (needed for this: printer, microsoft word or a pdf program, paper creaser)
2) Add holes to all your pages (needed for this: ruler, pencil, awl)
3) Sew the pages together and glue the book together (needed for this: needle, thread, scissors, brush, glue, plastic and the weights, gauze if you want)
4) Prepar the cover (needed for this: ruler, scissors, glue, fabric, pencil, weights, plastic)
5) add the book of the cover (needed for this: glue, plastic, scissors, plastic, weights)
the end!
Now let´s start:
If you are making an empty notebook, simply find a paper you like (ex. for watercolor I bought A4 300gr paper) and then bend each single page in half. To bend in half you can use a ruler to check where the half is, or simply fold the paper in half by aligning the borders. You can use the creaser to make a nice fold, here is how to use it (video).
If you want to print a book, you will have to print in booklet format. The easiest way to do that is using word and organizing your document before printing. This is the easiest way to do it (how to link). Remember to add page numbers to your document, it makes it so much easier to check that everything is being printed correctly.
Ideally, you want to organize your book in booklets of 8 pages, but it will also depend on how big your paper is. If you are printing pictures you might use very thick paper (so that the color cannot be seen on the other side). For a fanfic/text, I use 160 gsm paper.
What is a booklet? (link)
Once you have printed each booklet you will have to fold it. Pages in your booklet will go inside one another, so you will fold the first page, which will have page 1 and the last page of your booklet, and so on.
You can use the creaser to make a nice fold, here is how to use it (video).
The booklet will be sewed later in the middle.
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Your book will be made of small booklets, all put together.
The location of the holes depend on the type of binding you want to do, so you might want to check point 3 before adding the holes! Still, the best way to add holes is a pointy metal rode/a hole puncher. The holes need to be small (big enough for a needle), and the best way is to put some foam under the opened booklets so that you don't scratch the table.
You will add holes to all booklets! Like this video shows.
To sew the book together there are different type of sewing tecniques, I will bring examples of the one I use, as I found it to be the easiest. Also, you can use any needle and any resistant thread, but I prefer to use waxed thread (for bookbinding) and a curved needle. You can find the waxed thread and big curved needle in any bookbinding kit!
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this shows the passages till this point plus sewing, it has no words, while this video instead describes and show the type of sewing that I also do.
Press your book! Leave something heavy on it before the glue!
Any paper glue works great! You can use glue on the spine of the now sewed book (all your booklets put together) to reinforce it. You can also use some gauze (like medical gauze) to reinforce the spine, like this:
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Now you will need to create a cover (if you want)! The easiest way is carboard and book cloth (here some examples on how to create book cloth, one here and one here).
Making the cover has always been the tricky part for me, so the best thing I can do is recommending this great video!
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goblincow · 2 years
A6 Journal Collection for Dungeon23
A free printable collection of 54 coloured A6 dot-grid journals for Dungeon23, an alternative design for your Dungeon Year journalling needs.
Includes multiple printable versions in cyan, b&w, and cyan with coloured covers.
432 pages encompassing 54 8-page A6 booklets, each with a different colour cover in a subdued CMY gradient that cycles into darker shades for the final months.
Each booklet is printed one-sided on one A4 page - just cut once & fold to A6 size to make each 8-page booklet: that's 54 pieces of paper, representing 52 weeks and 2 appendices. Instructions here (by Ashley Topacio):
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Each booklet features a non-repro cyan dot-grid (even on the cover) with a tidy white border on all sides and a logo on each cover that I pulled from the Dungeon 23 Asset Pack by @lonearchivist and recoloured for each individual booklet, plus two appendices (a calendar booklet & an index table booklet).
If you want to keep up a writing or design exercise I think you should remove as many barriers as possible: you're only confronted with a tiny A6 page, every week you get to look back and mark your progress, you can always stop at the end of each week, no pressure to continue if you're not still having fun, and a fresh start every time you open a new week's booklet.
Easily scan and remove backgrounds to create ready-to-upload printable zines that you can publish each week!
There's nothing but dots on each page so you can scribble or scrawl or add a room description or encounter table or hexmap or anything you feel inspired to create.
Maybe you don't want to do one 52-week mega-dungeon? Why not 52 week-long dungeons instead?
Bind completed booklets into months or seasons (I'm going to try and bind them into a full year, with a sewn cover for the collection and instruction downloads coming in a future update).
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Head here to download now and go ahead and check out the Dungeon23 Jam for more!
@thelostbaystudio @pandiongames @lonearchivist
I for one am proud to have published my first work of the new year within the first 4 hours of the coming 8760. At this rate I must at least be scraping the bottom of some metaphysical leaderboard somewhere!
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curlyhairpoodle · 10 months
Brian May Another World Tour Booklet
Bought & Scanned & edited by me
It may be a little bit flawed because I only have an A4 scanner, and this is bigger than the A4. Sorry in advance.
P2 in reblog
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pandiongames · 2 years
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Build a mega dungeon, one room a day.
This is a free design journal for #dungeon23, first suggested by Sean Mccoy. A challenge to build a mega dungeon (or world!) over the course of a year, one room at a time.
We are considering building a Mega Grove for Banda’s Grove with the community. 52 fragments in total converged at the Grove, each one containing 7 locations, encounters, or adventure hooks.
To help the ttrpg community with this new challenge, we decided to create and release the Dungeon 23 Design Journal for free on itchio and available in print on Crowdfundr!
A minimalist journal containing:
1 calendar tracker
Full Spread dot graph pages
365 room/area design pages
Multi Formats Available!
A5 Portrait - Perfect making your own booklets.
A4 Portrait - Print them off and put them in a 3 ring binder.
A4 Landscape - Pretty awesome format, in our opinion.
Larger inner margins setup for wire-o and 3-ring binders.
Minimalist design for easy printing!
What will you make?
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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Wakana 3rd Album Details Revealed & New Artist Visual
Following the little teasers from yesterday, we finally have some concrete news today.
Wakana’s 3rd original album 『そのさきへ』 ("Sono saki e") will be released physically/digitally on May 31st. The first new album in over 3 years welcomes Satoshi Takebe as producer and is comprised of a total of 10 tracks including the songs "標 (Shirushi)" composed by singer-songwriter Yoshiko Hanzaki, “明日を夢見て歌う(Asu wo Yume Mite Utau)” composed/arranged by Satoshi Takebe with lyrics written by Wakana as well as "Flag", a character theme song for the mobile app “Memento Mori”. Other songs will be announced at a later date. Please look forward to it.
[Comment from Wakana] This 3rd album "Sono Saki e (Beyond this point)" will be the first album in 3 years and 3 months since my previous work "magic moment". The title of this album came from the desire to “walk towards the future together”. We are all living in the same world, living in the same time. As long as we are alive, we are always moving forward. No matter how sad or painful things are, time won't stop or wait for us, we can't stand still. If there are people who feel loneliness in such a time, I want them to remember that they are not alone. I want to make the kind of music that always stays by someone's side. It's not an exaggeration but if my music can make you smile, it makes me happier than anything else. With the help of Satoshi Takebe and many other people, I was able to bring my thoughts and feelings to life. While waiting impatiently for the day we can finally release it, we will carefully work on the final details of the album. Please look forward to the finished result! ***Wakana***
【Original 3rd Album『そのさきへ』Product Specification】
[Title]  そのさきへ [Release date] 2023/05/31   Cover images from left to right (Type A, Type B, Regular)
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◆First Press Limited Edition Type A(CD+DVD):VIZL-2189、6,600円 Bonus Content: ●Live DVD「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」(~86min) <Setlist>  01.約束の夜明け, 02.442, 03.オレンジ, 04.夕焼け, 05.myself, 06.時には昔の話を, 07.愛にできることはまだあるかい, 08.君の銀の庭, 09.標, 10.明日を夢見て歌う, 11. Flag, 12. Happy Hello Day, 13.記憶の人, 14. magic moment ※The Christmas songs (Winter Wonderland & Silent Night) are not included
◆First Press Limited Edition Type B(2CD+Photo booklet+Poster、LP Sized Package):VIZL-2190、6,050円 Bonus content: ●LP Sized Package ●LP Sized Photo booklet ●Poster(B2 size) ●LIVE CD with audio tracks of「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」(~86min)※same setlist as the DVD
◆Regular Edition(CD):VICL-65821、3,300円
Tower Records In-Store Release Events
In commemoration of the release of the new album "Sono Saki e", two in-store events will be held for the first time in a while at CD shops in Tokyo and Osaka. ◆ [Tokyo] June 10, 19:00- Tower Records Shibuya  ◆ [Osaka] June 17, 14:00- Tower Records Umeda
At both venues, a mini-live and a present handover event will be held. The present will be a signed clear file (A4 size). The mini-live at Tower Records Shibuya on June 10th can be viewed online via teket by all those who purchased at Tower Records nationwide and Tower Records Online. If you can't watch it in real time, there is also a one-week archive period. ※Starting from May 30, those who purchase a copy of the target product in the target stores will receive a ticket voucher which can be exchanged for a numbered admission ticket to the in-store events (tickets are limited!) ※In addition to the above mentioned benefits, customers will also receive the store specific tokuten postcard
Victor Online Sign Events
To celebrate the release of the new album "Sono Saki e", two online sign events will be held for those who purchase the album in the Victor Online Store. ◆【1st】 4/16 13h~ BUY HERE (Pre-order deadline: 4/15)  ◆【2nd】5/13 17h~ BUY HERE   (Pre-order deadline: 5/12)
As a purchase privilege, you will receive an alternate version of the "Sono Saki e" cover with a different visual depending on the day. This cover image will be signed by Wakana and include a personal reference with your chosen nickname. Both events will be broadcast on YouTube and archived until April 23, May 20 respectively. ※The store specific tokuten postcard will NOT be included
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Store Specific Tokuten
In addition, there will be a first-come-first-served purchase privilege for the new album "Sono Saki e" in nationwide store. Those who purchase the album at "Animate",  "Gamers", "Tower Records", "HMV", "TSUTAYA RECORDS", "Rakuten Books", "Seven Net Shopping" or "Victor Online Store" will receive a "Wakana Visual Postcard" as present. Those who purchase at "Amazon.co.jp" will receive a “Mega Jacket/Cover”.
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Fan Club Exclusive Tokuten
For members of Wakana's official fan club "Botanical Land", there will be special presents for those who order a specified copy. Fan club members will receive a CD with a live audio track of "Nagareboshi" which was performed during the fan club exclusive ending section of 「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」 as well as a photo card (A5 size) with an autograph. Preorder period: 2023/3/15~4/14. More details HERE. ※Specified copies are sold in the Victor Online Store ※The store specific tokuten postcard will be included
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Photoshoot Offshots
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Wakana Instagram post
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jetspikepub · 10 months
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New artbook info!
(Machine translation from official website)
This book is an official book commemorating the 25th anniversary of the TV broadcast of "Cowboy Bebop" and consists of two A4 size booklets, one in color and one in black and white.
The three-sided box that holds the two booklets was designed by graphic designer Toshiaki Uesugi (Mach 55), who also created the eye-catchers and other elements for this work.
On the back cover of the box are the signatures of director Shinichiro Watanabe, producer Masahiko Minami, character designer Toshihiro Kawamoto, mechanical designer Kimitoshi Yamane, and musician Yoko Kanno. The cover is beautifully decorated with gold foil stamping and embossing.
The color booklet includes character and mecha setting drawings, art settings, monitor screen settings, and copyright illustrations from "Cowboy Bebop" and "COWBOY BEBOP: Heaven's Door". In addition, the booklet includes a dialogue between Shinichiro Watanabe and Masahiko Minami, a dialogue between Toshihiro Kawamoto and Kimitoshi Yamane, an interview with Yoko Kanno, and some storyboards for OP, ED, etc., making it a highly readable volume.
The black-and-white booklet contains line drawings of character and mecha settings for each episode in an easy-to-understand format. The front and back covers of the color and black-and-white booklets feature new illustrations of the main characters (Spike, Faye, Jet, Ed, and Ein) by Toshihiro Kawamoto, with background design by Toshiaki Uesugi.
As a store bonus, the Sunrise Store (in Premium Bandai) will offer a miniature color paper (121mm x 136mm) of "Spike" illustrated on the cover of the booklet, and the A-on Store will offer a miniature color paper (121mm x 136mm) of "Faye", also illustrated on the cover of the booklet. Both color paper are signed by Toshihiro Kawamoto. (For details on store special offers, please check each store's order site.)
This is a definitive item for fans, so please don't miss it!
Price: 12 100 JPY
If you preorder on Sunrise store you'll get Spike shikishi, A-on store - Faye
Bebop website
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in-collection · 11 months
hi! so i have a standard pdf on my hands right now (yknow one thats one page per "paper" and you scroll through) but i want to print it out and bind it. i was wondering how i would format it or what options i should press on the printer for it to be like a standard a4 print and able to be signatured. or if theyre not options i can simply press: how would i change the layout and format? thank you in advance!!
Hi! I love me some asks. So, just to make sure I understood the situation, you have a page-per-page PDF (single page per single page) you want to print and bind in signatures. And it is not a double spread PDF. (and, because I wondered at first, it is also not a PDF from this here collection (I got scared at first thinking I gave page per page pdfs somewhere lol).) Let's see if I can help you with that.
So as it turns out I don't actually know much about this because I've always worked with my own InDesign files, meaning when I printed signatures I'd just export a double spread PDF, and so I've never had to make signatures from a page per page. But after some research I can give you 3 options:
The booklet function and how to make it your bff
Cannibalize your PDF to make a double spread PDF
Give up (on the signatures, and bind it another way)
1. The booklet function
Most PDF viewer have one. For example I opened one of my PDFs in Adobe Acrobat Reader: the function is there, and it looks like it should work with a page per page PDF to make proper signatures out of it, but since I've never had to use it, I can't tell you precisely what to do with it. I can advise this much: TEST PRINTS!!! Make that thing your best friend by test printing with it a thousand times over until you're sure. You can use a PDF splitter to get just the first 4 pages of your PDF and make those go through the booklet function until you've figured out all the right parameters, etc. There are probably online tutorials, too. Accessorily, you can also split your PDF into the different signatures, it might make it easier as a whole when you make the final print.
2. Cannibalism
Honestly, this solution is for barbarians, but I'm including it because it sure would work and, well, if I was in your position, it's what I would have done (if the PDF was under 100 pages). The big idea here is to turn the page per page PDF into a double spread PDF by opening it in any software that lets you move it around like a jpeg, manually sticking each page next to the right one, and exporting it into a new PDF. And you can even make the signatures manually while you're at it (but you should also probably do that in InDesign, and it has an inbuilt booklet function, so no need for the recipe for disaster that is making the signatures manually). Not recommended unless you're a purist, a maniac, or a masochist. Do not do that. Go back to #1. Help yourself.
3. Give up
...on the signatures. I don't think the booklet function is that hard to master, but just to give you more options, there absolutely are ways to print and bind a page per page PDF without signatures. Here are a few:
Japanese binding: with thread, beautiful, will work no matter how many pages you have, however it does not open flat (at ALL) and if you have text/images close to the inside margin the binding will eat it all up.
Perfect binding: with glue, very common binding. You'll see it on most paperbacks, everywhere. When it's clean, it's really nice, however, while it's easy to make a perfect binding, it's hard to make a clean one yourself. Also can't be done if you have less than? 20? pages, doesn't open flat, eats the inside margin (but way less than a japanese binding).
Whatever this is called: with thread, can be nice… on very specific occasions. Opens flat and looks cool, NOT recommended if you have thin paper and/or a lot of pages.
So many things. Thread. Tape. Side staples. Spirals. Screws and bolts, if you're going for in industrial look. Don't let any loser tell you that staples or spirals or any of those can't be sexy in the right conditions.
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satansemployee · 10 months
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eyyy, I've finally done it! I decided I really wanted to try @niennanir 's tutorial on easy book binding so I took the project I was editing and turned it into a nice little booklet with my favourite fonts and a nice paper for a cover. I definitely messed up with the score marks, probably cause I didn't have any papers bigger than my own A4s so I had to manage how I could. But for a first try, I'm pretty proud of the result! It's really satisfying to feel and touch your work physically instead of having to only experience it on a screen.
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The best thing is, rereading it on a piece of paper actually helped me so much with the editing and spotting mistakes, repetitions or weird sentence structures I hadn't picked up on before! I'm much more happy with the final result than I was when I first finished writing it. the entirity of this fic was a really fun project, but this is maybe the part I enjoyed most.
If you're interested in Critical Role, you can find this fanfiction here. If you aren't, but you ARE interested in: weirdos with complicated relationships, almost getting caught fucking by your friends, and exploring weird magic labyrinths, then this might be what you're looking for! safe travels friends. I'm now going to prop this booklet up behind my Nott statuette so she can be holding her own smut in my critrole display. that's what I call home decor.
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centralsaints · 9 months
hey. don't cry. take an a4 sheet of paper, fold it like so
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print out pictures of your fave, photography you like, quotes; place and paste them in the little booklet you have made with you a4 sheet in a way you like. unfold your sheet, place it face down on a photocopy machine. print out. and now you have the power of making zines abt ur blorbos.
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
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[NEWS UPDATE] Musical Touken Ranbu: The Pre-Order Deadline for the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Shinken Ranbu Sai 2022" Blu-ray/DVD has been Extended
Release Date: June 21, 2023
New Pre-Order Period: Now to 23.59 (Japan time) on February 27, 2023
Blu-ray (7-disc set): 33,000 yen
DVD (9-disc set): 31,900 yen
NOTE: Packaged in a three-sleeve case and booklet design.
Main Disc
Full Miyagi final performance (26/5)
Full grand finale performance (26/6)
The Miyagi final performance includes:
pre-performance explanation by Team Shinsengumi with Hachisuka Kotetsu featuring Kuwana Gou
"Tokenai Mahou" by Kashuu Kiyomitsu
MC part featuring Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Sengo Muramasa's cool lines
Guest exclusive footage featuring Kashuu Kiyomitsu in the festival songs, "mistake", "EOEOA", "ETERNAL FLAME", "Kemono" and "Towazu Monogatari"
Bonus Content
Panorama footage:
Miyagi final performance
Grand finale performance
Making footage
Pre-performance explanation:
25/5 Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Yamatonokami Yasusada
26/5 Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Yamatonokami Yasusada
MC part:
25/5 Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Kogitsunemaru's cool lines
26/5 Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Imanotsurugi's cool lines
Curtain call comments:
25/5 Kashuu Kiyomitsu featuring Hizen Tadahiro, Hyuuga Masamune, Buzen Gou, Ookanehira
26/5 Kashuu Kiyomitsu's double curtain call comment
Bonus footage from "mistake":
25/5 Featuring Kashuu Kiyomitsu
26/5 Featuring Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Movie card featuring backstage footage from the Miyagi final performance and the grand finale performance
A4-size sticker sheet with the main visual
To pre-order the Blu-ray for "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Shinken Ranbu Sai 2022", please refer to the links below.
"Musical Touken Ranbu" Official Store: HERE
Nelke Online Shop: HERE
Silkroad Store: HERE
To pre-order the DVD for "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Shinken Ranbu Sai 2022", please refer to the links below.
"Musical Touken Ranbu" Official Store: HERE
Nelke Online Shop: HERE
Silkroad Store: HERE
NOTE: The links provided in this post are only for the "First Press Limited Edition" which includes performances and bonuses that feature Kashuu Kiyomitsu (Sato Ryuji) as he participated in the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Shinken Ranbu Sai 2022" as a guest.
For more information about the proxy services available in Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
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