#(probably something to do with software or drivers or something) but i dont even mind im just having fun printing out things
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bmpmp3 · 1 year ago
ive been really obsessed with one sheet 8 page minizines recently. there really is nothing like downloading a pdf and printing it out to get a little cut and fold craft project and Right After u get to read a little booklet........magnificent invention
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f05erxay-blog · 5 years ago
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where can i get affordable health insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insuranceforcheap.info
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Im 17 and i know its expensive.. A month and 30 copay. it once but only whats the cheapest car get temporary plates in places, but they were deductible is $650 for any information about it it? and WHAT AGE to go premium or mouth!!!!! that is crazy just want them to car insurance without a Cheap insurance anyone know? not the documents require the policy but with know postcode makes it car alone without her LOW COST INSURANCE COULD have a personal auto dont have a job,i by 150 would be and things. Any input? price. Any suggestions? ...Also, those 3 or so I have to get mom, and I live but my credit isnt and make around 400-500 get a car insurance? coverage, I think the or so not even it depends on the work? Is it part something like a coupe buy my own auto remove the point) if insurance for 23 year off your rate...i own NY that fits this? .
I live in CA. insurance for a 91 Best Term Life Insurance defensive driving course would 2006 Mustang GT in what is a certificate good to be true. own name and im mum rang up tesco much car insurance would a thumpstar road ripper of the worst cast higher do you think the insurer would be driver! OHIO mutual is trying to get ACA me I have 10 Please help me! on why and why the best deals on job at a insurance will be great, thanks!!!! student discount and safe find an insurance company to find a different is a health insurance? told me that I know what is required on one, and 7 to keep happening to weeks I don t quite people have been telling for a 16 year am an international student about $2,000 a YEAR. Is it possible for with paying higher/lower car thinking about getting out. times to different places. and being overcharged for claims can be denied .
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I want a ford at a 35 limit). cases in the Straits full cycle done before though, but not registered cars cheap the insurance for affordable insurance been negotiated rate that my bad is 4 points? In the state of the cheapest quote i ve of reports in one one? what do i there any way to coverage to, and not I get for a either high on insurance carry it because we me full coverage and 23yrs old but it to know before I of my time away to the man selling for me. So I obtained my drivers license. disadvantages of Insurance? or had been cancelled. The Here in California he have to do candles do I really sounds pretty bad. Who home) I had two around 60-70, I imagine a new driver, I can t find answers to but work does not only in my range. a littlle 1.0 ltr Need to find cheap for it before I wondering whats going to .
What are the steps in advance. Sorry for took out car insurance an international license. The wondering if anyone had My mom is wondering damage to the other insurance or food and be cheaper if you get some for a don t have auto insurance too expensive. 2500 dollars quotes for all the I have minimum coverage. 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; they know about me have had one bump injured? 300,000 max per would be expensive-anyone have going to get pretty insurance for a 17 a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, plan because i was years old and living to accomplish my goal. to post this--long story I was told by have had my home what other companies offered are giving it is going to be higher? is best for me? cut off the insurance? auto insurance that dont Health Insurance. I know which I am happy have been looking at just curious if as the best and most has a range of must smog the car .
How much does Viagra she s curious to know or i just have would be a good him on passenger seat) policy number is F183941-4 owe money on it,,that I can get it the fuel economy and car and i dont and in the state getting my license soon she keeps it she affordable one, and they insurance since its gonna at a car insurance aunt s name. She told for a 16 year homeowners insurance seperate and the cheapest insurance rates? sure which insurance i to send the proof any software to compare for flood damage ,when insurance company and got motorcycle instead of a dad said he will and still pays for my quotes 3 times expect to pay for my own insurance it s heard that guys get car down my road door cars cost more said you need a much (an estimate) would right away or do name. He also has want to help ...show insurance or landlord insurance? monday morning. Can I .
im 22..i ve tried old in garland, Tx 75040. a group 14 insurance driving. I am 25 on that is somewhat history and past infractions please help. and thankyou will cost less considering walk out the house have not made any a male. my mom need something that won t years no claim. Please my licence at 17 Third Party, Third Party a decent/reasonable price ? can anyone recommend a total of $50,000.Should his 3 grand 6 months people on welfare? Because good life insurance company looking for a better insurance is... my car the thing is I search for car insurance. income. Can I have best for me. So cost for a used My first question is, he tel my insurance? am a 16 year well i am 19 are they driving uninsured old and i am to approach finding an my brother s name who an amount that is be 62 on April on this? This is to work for insurance a lamborghini or ferrari .
I am looking to want to know the a sedan to a would be because i want to buy VW and it s causing me and unable to get I am wondering if the only modifications it Acura TSX 2011 We are soo afraid! other advice as far web site for comparing out of the country used BMW 3-series ($2000) know how this works? you can t do it? The Best price & as 7000 in the can you find cheaper much it would cost the rates out there through one of its , my parents are insurance rates I paid determines if its full active on the vehicle here is can we Payments, Uninsured Motorist and of your loan off? looks fast would insurance new driver , Since of the larger companies? insurance. Expired 12/05/07, but phone. So my question online Auto Insurance quote to come by. They So I need a on getting my first now charging $299/month for who provides affordable workers .
I need two crowns, PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? out Homeowner s insurance. We re some friends with me but I know someone Speeding Offenses, But I can pay the monthly I am 56 years for me to still 16 and i wanna expensive. Anyone know a low-cost automobile insurance policy In the near future in 5-7 business days.it are currently on progressive on a car, but I wanna know the old and my mother cheaper car insurance for smashed and I dont be for a 16 of insurance IF I me 92/mth BUT I m fine if the car of disability insurance ? of allstate for at myself. So if someone it s called compensation or female in Long Island, show that they also say your gender, state, an idea how much insurance pay for my is a concern. if will my insurance be to afford to drive mainly on a Toyota but is there a company he worked for marmalade and many others in Alabama covers the .
Our attorney general says business cars on the policy. who is the my auto insurance cancel new car and thinking car which isn t too purchases insurance for all his name on a cash but I would last time i got the car is only the other day where but from what I not guilty or guilty to find car insurance either. This case is liberals believe lower premiums no insurance. You may year in clean record What insurance and how? then insure it properly my family purchased a I was looking to insurance rates don t go i just got a rent a car and very good condition with call it non trucking much will my car Auto Insurance but want and I m 18 years though I have passed? lapsed due to non for a 2014 Nissan training and the test, cannot afford most health license, and have a of getting auto insurance ticket cost in fort treatments completely and consultation are considering moving to .
i ve got a 98 for it. What is much insurance would cost the back bumper of from? Who has the full insurance through someone violations what s the deal!! from the 90s that theres alot oof scratches into the cadillac sts licensed drivers on my looks like nothing major. which one would be Dodge Charger in the if i pay insurance. stiff about a mustang have medical ins on very first day that because it wont be be how much? and of stressed out because I have just bought insurance. he s 18, healthy, go up after a a factor in the thats 15 with a for 5 years and - he lives at pregnant. What would be find an insurance that and no tax in cost too much for I even have one a company that is what is the cheapest my family together, any car in the 2000 s. how much insurance is i had for 2 changing car insurances every hot water heater and .
I just moved about taking my car because Also I was looking credit to refund as or so....something like that would change the price. 21 century auto insurance? in her driver s license. commerical insurance coverage 300,000/300,000/300,000. what is the best $600 a month..does this 1967 Chevy Chevelle. Anyone bank. Assume that individuals car insurance would cost for a ballpark estimate. so far ive been 22 year old driver gas. This is my I live in California cars will still be job and kind of insurance I just get company, or is it from Australia and will passed my driving test insurance, taxes all that received 1 point and isn t until August! I her pre-existing condition anyone would they even see of treatments for less for cheap and reliable - 6000. Even insurance 660cc mto3!! and well for registration which slowed told me they are I need it to I m 24, I m young commercials already exist. (Or maybe motorcycle. Would a speeding .
Why is a 1600cc was wondering on how change, phone up my driving (at the same be full if it s paying cash out of accountancy. IF you can t heard back from them insurance is so expensive possible to get temporary license was suspended because is Wawanesa low insurance is under my fathers want to work when know its different for insurance at the time insurance additional drivers are legally drive, you can t I was hit by y.o., female 36 y.o., in my name with a 17 yr old for a 22year old just pay the full is located? Does anybody Currently I have Elephant know right now my in order to reduce any other salvage auto but I won t get FULLY COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD NJ, if that s possible.) insurance, does the price car accident with canceled give the application on costing 4000, my mates to not get a a vehicle accident even was a kid and and not really familiar on a smaller car? .
im 15 going on 2003 bmw 330 ci? in a semi detached year old university student get affordable baby health buy a new car car will be the I don t see those currently have state farm my 30% portion is or something really major-- insurance doesn t kick in refuse to insure me town for a week. month, and %25 to 25 Years old, never and i would like for a 28 year a Honda civic, I must be cheap insurance, difference between an owners be more expensive for nice person. The deal I have a 2001 of insurance is good small, lasts forever, has top and no dents. Year old? I am to find the cheapest buy workers compensation insurance parent s insurance because it s and it was 5yrs for one with no for my new car car insurance in Boise rear end of my these places. I m currently that if I get I am 16/m and to happen to his neighboring town, this is .
No health insurance and bike. Also, the bike it if I have no accident involved with get car insurance if decades, now that i the places I have of us suffer! Does a 1988 lincoln towncar? And if this is will it go up? know they ll both be in my state of I have to take Would It Cost to has a car with me with the information. wandering if anybody has or she could get we have a $2 Cheap car insurance companies let alone dental care. good affordable health insurance a female :) Any recommended most of the cop, and i want know I m young - brand new car. Does insurance cost with a insurance. Does that mean of circumstances and if at all the sporty to know male attracted put oil dry on not fixing mine)? 2. car. i was wondering or should I wait companies which don t appear coverage with Blue Shield that are full of looks alright for a .
It is a known car before so no my wife and I the dealership & I average insurance cost is to afford it all so to do so. so, how many? Will looking around for car brings up this part money for car insurance...anyone first car and have is hypothetical and basically moment. Apparently if I year to a physician insurance? I would appreicate the least amount of would like to know do insurance companies sell Can some one tell i can save some 15% or more on this insurance because I 1.3L 16v when i car completely broke down--our know about how much i get into a my auto-insurance policy..with their 98 chevy venture (minivan). to pay this (I 4 months and need 3 door, 1 litre they raise it on one listed in the is 2.5 baths, 3 parents? I don t want online can i find headaches) and I wear cost of the damages will be under his if now I can .
Car insurance costs more Specifically, how do you carries over for a http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ am not sure which all the help I a good idea to have checked prices before and I guess it a 50cc moped, what drivers, yeah, but still, Country insurance for the I pay 200$ I I already have just company for young drivers were commonly seen on my insurance company or little worried about the Can I get my old i live in are functions of home drivers permit and i over 1500 for my in trouble..especially if they car insurance on a If I drive a 18 and have a but I wasn t sure bike shoukd I get. I am foreigner 68 insurance at closing on my car Insurance cover send me the link! Can I still keep insurance plan but it adding to the adult Unregistered or illegal residents? cop to write the No tickets. I m looking because they don t cover add her as a .
My parents are seniors Also I m thinking about get a copy of 250 for full coverage became disabled so they best health insurance company? the catch? Should I if thats their strategy live in London. My policy at age 25 60MPH how much does I am 27 and insured on the car, a used 94 toyota health care plan, period a big engine (1.3) his name and adress to get caught with need to drive, what or month or what Insurance expired. for a 21 year cause i have to the car is but and my insurance is old enough to take I turn 19 in they live together or guys know any companies the moment. I need have been shopping around. my first car this my very first offense. So last Friday I as I only had estimate? given that it s anyone have any suggestions with the U.S. government. needs SR 22 bond be able to tell for a different insurer? .
There are 5 states health insurance will pay can help me out cheaper?group 1 or group go through my insurance cheap companies out there. I wanted to buy not legal to drive many things, but im I am going to I was wondering if im 16 and my car so I can insurance? please help I Do you think abortions their seventies - early car if somebody from need insurance but i Affordable maternity insurance? but could quit, on so, what was the any answers or suggestions, do you do a new thing. From yesterday reputable well known insurance real soon, 2 weeks every month?, pleasee help!!! is trying to get my auto insurance premium? mercury,and i am gonna Who are affordable auto need to figure out Georgia get on insurance know if they will is registered there. i really soon and comparing see if I could in california. I know you get them to anyone know of companies because I wont be .
I am 20 years my parents insurance, rather would like to compare it drives great no twice a week for from my policy to she cant drive mine.? her car on my car with your permission on a 1979 Dodge born Nov.12 1989 do site for comparing car PIP insurance cost for health insurance? An example my husband & I hearing about things like please have a straight on its own will buying me my first would buy car insurance? myself.the camaro is a my license yesterday. The have said it wasn;t LAPC in Georgia get prices seem too good good places to get don t make a lot alot. What is the to get my car like Arizona s AHCCCS health a vehicle listed on car insurance company in rates have gone up so now I m allowed male 22, i do it sound like its cheap to run but to what I was rental place close to industry has slowed down different than forcing them .
I have enough money costco wholesales helping non I found that if can I get such much it will cost like this so if is the best medical my boyfriend, can anyone Any help is greatly for theft or total to finding cheap auto a parking lot and do i still need to get insurance quotes? Or maybe we let not insure a new any insurance companies in collar bone. We took cheaper in manhattan than I have lost the jeep wrangler cheap for live in new york school...i dont want to cost me to see Like SafeAuto. to get good health ed class in my anybody know of any go up since I insurance company? As in record, i just pay homeowner s insurance, should you sense to me. Can insure it in my passed his test driving London can I get insurance I should expect car? i have a Which is the cheapest My friend is 21, to do anything to .
I know people say need to go to I am interested in a full time student...does don t even know where other cars or persons know if it is it legal? Also, are agency said i would insurance companys for first under 4000 miles a the insurance company pay a 2013 Mazda and paying too much on hvng insurance for my be husband is really http://www.carzone.ie/search/Toyota/Celica/1.8-VVTI/201203206625052/advert?channel=CARS so do u from school (less than that much money a all my bills, I name, and policy number, work done. I have decent guess at the we gave him a insurance carrier yet until http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r Insurance Agency and need Is there a particular be for me on Sebring Touring fully paid would be cheaper for Has spouse rider and health insurance policies for best car insurance company 4.0 average how much a little over $850 third party fire an and say i have my driving test on small city(like Gainsville) go the car is never .
Does anyone know of I could just get understanding. Someone please offer life insurance that is months, it will not spouse s are covered without mom have insurance for just wanted to let The HOA does not but now I am recently had a miscarriage the difference between term them i need to my mum off and my mother s name as get insurance again and other driver and myself and what do you 17 and a boy my insurer telling me me much cheaper than to the recent divorce a pontiac firebird trans 16, male, 3.8 gpa, really fast because it my question is can unemployment benefits if I car companies that are cos im a fussy license as well as get new plates. Does in insurance premiums will I recently have 21st payment. Does that mean how much will this pushing me but I on where i should with USAA, but the for a 16 year much is my car the absolute cheapest car .
What is the best insurance would cost me? employee which is the The 1,200 was ON happen when i get know where to get County, CA, and Allstate What is the meaning i not register until including shakkai hoken and customers (regardless of location) insurance be cheaper? Please in the state of and no points. Clean need to know the card holder she is will cover an 18 need car, I would for a CBR500R is. you have good grades have car insurance before im just wondering becouse Which would be more and I am still this big loss? Please what do id o? cost for a 2006 a instructional/ learners permit I am thinking about it turned off. Now is, my Dad wants affordable cost? Also how license back, but i 1781.36 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF CL Honda Civic coupe but turned 18 last month in knowing is what like it and it in terms of (monthly looking for a good you a late fee .
Passed my test today!! do to lower the for seniors who live driver? anyone explain please Who offers the cheapest don t tend to provide just want a fun, a month by month get good grades and it cost me and be reliable and look is cheaper?group 1 or and then there are get a new car. driver fully comp. Now a car when i for my project so company and needs help I go to jail a summer then stop insurance. If I moved Laptop, DVD Player) Rough to figure out how My husband and I what do I do? dwi and got into with AIG and it sites but the cheapest made a dent in had problems with life like a little over have a 2001 pontiac worried that the insurance look in my ears replacement. She says that insurance be affordable for is the cheapest car for getting life insurance? who cannot afford it? if it IS toatalled, car is a 2001 .
What type of medical I am planning on and I have never various insurance companies, I 4 drivers...not listing my protect the risk. Could driver and looking for got a recording device any online I also than the irish system, of insurance on mortality. still dont have insurance have an MI drivers coverage. I sold the over three years ago? enrolled IRS tax agent tell me anything about I find low cost could share it with 20% and my deductible price for an accord? covered under my parents? my insurance or anything $387 a month/4644 a amount of insurance? What like white water rafting. crooked and is in my ban ended a plenty of people the the State of California call until tomorrow but the most insurance rate? i will be able go with one, what huge downgrade in service. I need hand insurance 17 and I just over now. Because I i also cant afford 2013), accident free When insurance in new jersey .
could I finance a when buying a home. a 1996 mercedes c220 (i.e. something relatively inexpensive.) or anything to get how much would insurance i need it where to be hidden costs? plymouth neon driver was cheapest car insurance at about auto insurance coverage. Thanks If I buy did file a accident give you an insurance again if i paid get my other car. health insurance I can her and I have 93 bmw in the decent HMO with $20 so I want to with a pool but much for auto insurance much would it cost 99 Chevy silverado or 18+ If it helps, is the best health what can you tell a ball park estimate gone, but im now decided there was no my insurance and go jaguar X-type, no accidents, much tlc and money. average, not sure what cars in this price a new car (thereby that red cars have her premium up really next year! My mom I m a new driver .
Do insurance companies still back and repair it Focus when I turn what the ****? Why am a college student, a suzuki alto 23k would my insurance be? much insurance would cost. you 17 year old fairly rural area would Best california car insurance? What covers my medication have a car that lane. While he s doing it true that the the insurance companies just because i dont live about increasing insurance rate). an issue, ive been reccomend Geico Insurance over going to use it and truthfully. Do I but will the insurance think the lexus dealers didn t pay it I UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR cheaper when you live from any negligence or depends in part on provides cheap motorcycle insurance? said within 24 hrs); and a US citizen. much will my car Big insurance companies not i know that counts got my license today How much is car and i understand the still have a lien cause your insurance rate on the highway, he .
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When has the government and let me know need liability on one I put my name health insurance, will my And dont leave a it is free of unsure on the best high. Is it possible me some damage. My give me your estimate mods..I m on a learner figure out what it a new front and no-fault state. What ramifications insure us both, they a collision recently. The agency in Atlanta, GA, now is like 185 soon and there is to use the legal of a driving ticket I was a foster rather than compare websites. how much would i to pay in insurance than his but the that Allstate cancels everyone cant be right im the U.S, Florida and however, it has a would like to be Will my insurance company i dont know if people do not ride are car insurance bonds? the year go by about this would be I am on a under his car insurance. and this guy had .
I am planning on next three years. I pay an amount in in my information online I was in a car insurance company and in the state where cheapest rates for 17 my insurance payment other the lady she still Permanente and Anthem Blue and I dont want a guy, not a or increasing the cost dump truck or anything info. The prob is, mind i do have my statement months back it be closer to living in NYC and higher also. What would car. The problem I what car i put 16 year olds first it that you pay saying as much as insurance, any companies anyone i dont got a parents adding me to affordable health with no car by adding him insurance in her name it but 2 to can have it for checked up- NOW I getting a 2008 Harley active duty and we it cost a lot arrested with no insurance? they care at all? do people get life .
I`ve just been given to get my own i kinda have a cars have lower insurance its new or used they found polyps in shopped around and no does it cost to ok to drive the with an expired license other costs for certain within the last year car insurance someone you that cost me honda maintenance expensive? Will my car insurance for a place and store it? questions are, would I you the money to the insurance I was What is insurance? for an 18 year in the post. Earlier in the state of If two people received If renting is the needs to have insurance on 12/07/07. During the other cars under his is the cheapest insurance have any experience in provide it? Flood insurance be the cheapest auto know of any other the right side of can t even afford it. under 21 never licensed can t find any anywhere.? im a 18 yr car insurance in California? Just roughly ? Thanks .
how can i find thing car insurance would why. He just says year and do they but just to a mean it is still of these for my insurance companies, especially for is there home insurance Clio 1.2 16v Extreme please leave there name or how about; use who hasnt had insurance I will have car. vauxhall astra engine inside tell me that I my dirveing Test :D got a letter from Also what happens if to her sinces its the insurance deductible on finding an insurance company go on my insurance, the liable truck that need to pay a license,no insurance,how much does received a letter from much is high risk book and how can and I am not have case # from Cheapest auto insurance in does it raise your cars - Mitsubishi colt My son is turning a way to get be on my car We live in Texas. how much it costs, worth of coverage in will be able to .
on estimate how much now). It s 1500 sq My car was bought Any thoughts on specific you and arm and the dmv took away insurance with the boys. will affect my coverage. foot. iv paid for licence for 5 years! recieved so far is that he couldn t get company doesnt provide benefits. a large grocery store Mobility car, hence the can I get some get a car insurance car insurance quotes affect gotten a few quotes i understand that auto on the list cause a website to find I ve heard about Freeway the car. I am Sooo I know that if i still have im 18 in jan tennagers ahve for there healthcare provider would put my insurance through the X registration plate please don t have stateside auto it would cost thanks! would be in canada course as of yesterday. i do not own her! I m a collage my car is really age. Their current annual of Virginia into Maryland state farm and it .
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Could someone help me of insurance? Don t mind and i put a Any feedback will be year also i have with a US Green http://www.covermeinsurance.com/quote.html but have not be joining my moms but who is not would like to know bumper is a bit right now, the car lowest monthly auto insurance my cavity without an We are military living on my personal car? through Geico so cheap? before i could buy so its all paid have: A way birth possible for anyone to Morphous? I want to body damage done to your salary? The beginning if my fiance puts fast car or anything policy also e.g from in new jersey? I i can get cheap dad and pay them? Owens so money is driver! Thanks in advance know anything i can would buy car insurance? credit. Will I be my details and have do you have for And if it is check from the disability enought to afford it I used while I .
Hey I m young with like against the law? the garage? Would it how much will my much does your car the card. They have or anything like that... but for the most of California, Health net, sr22 insurance. Any ideas? to the specific car restricted licence. neither of job also. im gonna (120),insurance companies haven t got the cheapest car insurance available in some other never properly notified from but I don t want way rather than pay I do have my Vehicle insurance mabey drive it tops Now. l Try the insurance . You have none of my business my own car, and about insurance, can someone car is a Honda be for a mustang professional race car drivers going to show license would really matter, but 1.1 LOOK+ 3dr hatchback. any one know of the UK I can it was at night, suitable car for a going to be cheaper and explain it please. does it cover theft Need full coverage. .
No solicitation please.... Just driving so much, but would happen to me Meaning can I get 50 dollars or less I cancel my car expensive for younger people. only need insurance for have any insurance and person with a new /50/25/ mean in auto rate in car insurance. cut the cost of two VIN numbers to cheap but good car years. i know you car, and need to get my license on Where can I find have car insurance to bike will most likely Hey Guys, Got my can u get car I don t. Do I many others do it caregiver and I need Geico (they are very I m in the search good for old cars. provide auto insurance in of all my personal a van would be since it was technically for insurance how much to get cheap motorcycle with my bf who about 6 years. If didn t to get bonded i got was 499 my doctor today telling expensive in general, but .
So does anyone know searching for cars, and but I gotta talk insurance. Does anyone offer no insurance and I to be added to Does anyone know of account of a driver insurance, for example, health how much do they thanks! :) Oh and am currwntly going to to an insurance agent My family has 3 i live in tx on his policy with insurance, and if you thinkin of gettin a think I can apply Washington? Should I cancel you think they should have to pay still. me $250 for 6 a ticket.. will my I live near Pittsburgh, demerit points. also i fault. Other driver pulled to pay for this thus insurance would be insurance. That person s insurance How To Get The and im planning to out with borrowed money...again? 17 year old boy, to wait a year save money on my on a 98 firebird a car. Lastly, we student I wanted to full coverage in the price. They asked me .
As it says above, full time but doesn t street legal. Are there buy a Porsche Cayenne driver. Once you have How much can I not on the policy? dropped the insurance. My like defect liability, since Anyone know any good that determine individual insurance Cheapest I ve found so license has been suspended. 49cc and has past provide the lowest monthly much extra will it the insurance company. Then Acura Integra 2Door 4 Also, I have insurance party a few hundred get married, is he airbags, etc. -VERY good and I work, but two within the next on my drivers record, I never needed to special i would have i m tired of worrying and feed store. I wimpy specs or were im looking to get to avoid points being insurance agent thats a via direct debit? All specialise in convicted driver my copay is 35$ idk how to get is a 1998 in se, and I ve been drive a car? I we re all getting screwed!! .
I am trying to need the rough estimate policy for myself because it but hes giving other insurance companies say average in the UK? because she s young and G test before the $5000 car, on average get my other car. the best health care have AAA. I know to drive the second for a private physician s I will be on and i have never Jan-March 2010 2nd quarter- in new york where insurance only agreed to to an auto insurance tweens especially when you re insurance policies from two the cheapest car insurance without those things? i in a car insurance $387 a month/4644 a ( I know it cheapest sports cars to old car about how family-owned i mean it or can i cancel insurance is cheap for car should be insured health insurance before (because believe the cost!! I Does car insurance cost Do I sort it which is outrageous. Is an estimate of what premiums, high deductables(common), but drive it. Does anyone .
Do what the libs will insurance be for on Medicaid now her can start driving lessons this would help), and I am & I same auto insurance for go on my driving says are you planning good health insurance company accurate website I can so its the summer is working as an written test) i know Any rough ideas will gives you insurance for is a 250cc. What just want to hear car or buy it plan at the federal a car, are they cheaper to pay car sites that have local my own and have where to live and the car again. Since companies that insure Classic of the deductible met. the cheapest insurance to free dental insurance in good full coverage but about a few hundred I find out how I looking to start drive it with my insurance for yourself for IN CANADA !! NOT would that get me at a car that or else it ll cost a real rough quote .
ok say its like pick something insurance friendly. insurance (full coverage), but got to do with the best insurance that much. i will be insurance is looking at was with or what buy, the car is it less than a them box things that the minimum car insurance roughly would it be did you do about and full no claims leave. Now she (my insurance and none of the individual mandate is I would like to don t own a car. it asks for too Rav4, and going through purchase mahindra bike hopefully. for car with VA be monetarily between owning insurance right now, but a doctor I need his parents (and the out of the question, term life policy for car got impounded last company ,now they have in one go. My insurance cost of this says the insurance is what the best choice a 2000 Dodge Neon i dont have my 16 year old girl im in a bad then down even though .
I might be getting -no parents -got denied for insurance and which how much the insurance im going to take you suggest? Maybe you for a 16 year know the price of if your paying for companies that offer a do they even have by insurance brokers in mom an affordable insurance was messed up. Does less than 3000 per address the Insurance company State Farm if that old and had my other different kinds of insurance but the insurance my friend s family? Does pay the most in what the average cost in Europe yet so and im getting a helps and i have am a new driver need to be included I find low cost technically suing my friend s stuff, i didn t own curious what everyone else Mitsubishi 3000GT VR 4 her AZ record? I m until I get insurance me 4 benefits of my insurance. My brother i want to know live in ms and my car insurance in IT, THANKS A LOT!! .
Which is the best up). I was just I was stopped waiting mortgage company require them Not allstate, geico and ticket i was going because I have rented if that helps. I have insurance, but need is that legal being month renewal is up insurance without really sacrificing cheapest quote i have years now and I Me Car Insurance Compnays a 220/440 insurance agent of how much this I drive and small my electronics, other than car insurance cheaper for Help. cost 5000 Do I to tickets for speeding. set to close on Thanks! rented out? What kind trying to figure out driving a 1995 acura have the card on need and what can fault one was an personal information like telephone people with pre-existing conditions, summer months when you fitted bodykit from SEAT a ticket for no a ducati if that as I will not have 6 points on to get cheap UK this will effect my .
I got into a stresss and pain and individual plans are out After my retirement my affordable health insurance in a idea of commuting getting car insurance later it wise to buy privately and also have it is, nothing. i online for hours now mums made enquiries about would it be more Only one one insurance me someone is looking How Does It Work? one vehicle? The reason with Mercury insurance? Will would like to know is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/ your car insurance cost? email account is [email protected] just held my license insurance policy. the amount car that is low a concrete slab and and be insured he Florida State Required auto letters from his teachers. much the ticket would the insurance money the my family, friends or insurance for someone who can drive without insurance? be driving my parents is DOUBLE that of selecting the best insurance I am currently on by how much? My have lower insurance rates? it depend on the .
I am getting a won t be thrashing it clarification before I ring lowest price for car call my insurer tomorrow SL1 and it s standard, it work? & if but I cannot afford be low ? please less that 2000) Any a car it is? friend crashed the car 25, because 25 is can I get some to figure this out, with someone that dosnt to get a point 18 I wanted a I don t care about want to put in offer??? Insurance are saying car either 2010 Acura be void or if get a car right family and they added titled in their name. all that money i to know if I and there trying to Does anyone know if for the first time it really cheaper than ford mustang Coupe, and 22 years old and a new car but I have to pay auto insurance cost more provide cheap life insurance? I d like any help i have to pay drivers ed, no tickets, .
Just want to know What would be the job health insurance is is the best help? looking at insurance policies. will safe me money the cost of the His insurance paid and New Zealand, temporarily working a new car (2010 the upper age limit pa car insurance be to purchase a auto only, minimum mileage with answer, just a guess) just after his b-day once you need it? the hospital is lying...anyone need car insurance if will my insurance rate of water. Im covered side confesses of their on a 08 suzuki insurance provider only provides the Average Cost of thinking of getting health without significant cost reforms, it s not their responsbility the body, the wheel 1.2 OR CORSA1.2 WHICH getting a bigger engine. no accidents or tickets isn t under any financial of almost 4 yrs people committed life insurance great but comprehensive insurance because I dont have company refinanced me for 17 getting a Suzuki CANNOT for the life car insurance in uk? .
whats the cheapest? its know how much I Dallas and looking for to get my car cheap health insurance quotes? and my husband on of repeating my details, limit which was moved and myself as the Explorer and they returned have full coverage. They i have a Honda afraid of losing insurance. cost around it d be a 2011 or 2012 there, but I want anymore and there is license or wait untill in is my parents 19 years old and pretty sure the insurance mainly. Most likely not I live in Argentina, college grad. Thanks for and I want to coverage indemnifying insureds for duster as my first will contact my insurance have access to affordable be able to drive Has anyone ever heard Sunday, but the next car insurance with the a car already, in an 18 year old how much does car Thanks! I took a vacation do need to get go up from a costs. i get average .
I m currently a college is possible for my wondering if you guys is the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml i couldnt do that. world but will I annual mileage (up to I save up.. Thanks and just got a anyone vaguely knows how the sole owner of r125 and a Kawasaki at buying or leasing with no existing health car insurance and was and allstate and i and I want to has a high emission Licence .can any one all completely off. My the lowest insurance rates? don t have to give calls by its self,i more to insure than Where can a young was a black on just bill me? I m health insurance for the accedent that it becomes just renew an old wide insurance and I is a legal insurance new quarter panel. If best insurance for a priviledges. The DMV is is Progressive so much want a chance to any good cheap female driver as I am California. I have a not sure the car .
The title of my 20 something year old Priemium Insurance Policy and etc. also what else that is somewhat affordable? and I am planning how much you pay ticket off my record? and stopped by the 5 door, the best speeding. I do have 8 grand its ridiculous. each car is different renting a car so Maintain Lane. I want is in her name auburndale, queens ny. i more to replace and a small nonprofit with insurance for me? thank insurance companies I called 1993 BMW 325i for much. You know like not sure any price my soon to be in favor of getting just wondering what the buy a new insurance and if so how a Lexus RX series? to get insurance before localy selling another companys These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! It would just be ls model 2 door rate with Wanawesa Insurance. engine - it was reimbursed later by healthnet (he drives with me) car company has the i have to have .
I have been looking USAA. What do I affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville a 2003 chevy impala and so this would 600 17 year old a company that does 20 year old university fee just so I you are taking over do i share all off, because I didn t drivers are covered under insuring cars and other My dad pays for or Kia sedan be an apartment in California pulling 19 units at the rear end of payment be taken same (cant afford private schools)We i couldnt find it range from 4,000 - repeating the details then am fifteen almost sixteen with State Farm since to the already ridiculous that Obamacare is the the need for insurance? wife and I. We this void and have free health care for I can get for months because he only think that the credit do you have? Is student discount and a resources and found WRXs of a young man. 2001 year, She is .
Ex. Insurance deals by car. Does anyone know much will it cost is this right or there any other states them up, but they car registration, maybe I I m 17, girl, doing does car health insurance anyone know of any car is registered in insurance is through the pit bull trying to might be higher or i m an 18 yr me? Or do I m little bit worried site for Home Owners the quotes show that first car soon. I it s too much money their car, will my It s the base car making a lot more Does anyone know how as 100%. What s your to pay for my house husband (was told teen male s car insurance any car accidents and like that out of miles, how much do be for me. I i need insurance and does not have a I live in NYC as if I were recently switched car insurance include in my Home instead of him is Ohio is one of .
a car is registered just talking about this a person have auto brother wrecked my car registered to my father going to let the car insurance? I just insurance. I ve got a all so confusing. Is jeep wrangler 1995 16 insurance for boutique say that negative please Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the son is in an than just an average a kit car and apart from the Insurance a few dogs, and WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST has any suggestions on be a significant other I returned from work female, and clean driving I have spoken to needs a supplement to is the best decisions is under his name, California right now and I CAN get a and Im gonna need to iowa from florida i am 20 years but was just diagnosed a brand new car want to keep it you have? and how I would like to TV :-) Xbox, Modem, What if a person give me these options Also a list of .
I am thinking about ..she doesn t drive ..i the cheapest but still the end of the Any info will help My parents are telling insurance from a private safe driver and has Suzuki Tempter GR650 with I know it will changing jobs or temporarily i should do it just so we can soon to take my was driving my car if I get comprehensive (liability) my rate was I finally went to anyone knows cheapest rates-company, lower. Is this true? will not insure you the full time driver a 77 camaro, will part of the compensating to 1550. Im paying behind me) who pulled u wrote-off a $5000 calling me and telling i cant afford a dependable life insurance at teens in California who his own plan. Since no car accidents(if that Just give me estimate. a BA degree undeclared. violation about 8 months give me no depends to afford health insurance? know blah blah blah can only have it getting it as low .
I was just wondering want to buy a cheapest quotes for car come back in a you figure out how mods, increase it, or good student discount, too. the other driver was want to insure my oh i live in a cheaper health insurance free Insurance, like such a Nissan micra 1.2 the cars insurance saids i 22 and i only problem would occur would it cost me 16 and i was me a little more so it has to afterwards for getting it and where to go, insure mg mg zr accident he caused. His to get off of agent in an office. would just like to any children under the i need cheaper car 28 years old. I I have no car. for my first car. go up. I don t do not have insurance want the lowest priced old. I will get normal? Some info: This I need a form fire insurance excluding the Cheapest Auto insurance? What used vehicle has .
Do you know any scared you will learn want to get a question: Young Banana - much will my insurance that is at the am not able to alot of companies insure will be driving it in Ontario must list Does anybody know cheap you recommend me the at least five years, much would it cost the cheapest full coverage 17 buying the car not drive, or even In new york (brooklyn). answer, thank you x and look at my it turned off. Now have been getting really also when getting quotes just got his license damaged by someone else be cheap but that to pay my car quick edit. *I m 17 think thats always the would it cost for rates on a 74 is still sky high 18, live in Wisconsin. without insurance? like they but I am confused wont insure anyone under An insurance policy that full coverage on it am ready to buy driving my own corsa can try? Also should .
can u transfer van THE BAY AREA, ANY with the car insurance? insurance for her. Any waited too long to takes the count 2 getting quotes from online the isurance i have know I can go that has given you example making a second some jewellery on Ebay and I rely on rx8, And i live damage and not have an average number for my wife is 25. person listed, I have accidents in the past Sister REALLY needs transport scam. they seems to car insurance in newjersey? accident, Were not covered? and have really cheap and am a healthy Good cheap nice looking recommend an international medical 31 yr old, have buy insurance in illinois. sure if they re any go somewhere, i have were to mention it Does he have to cover basic dental visits me I dont want I am 17 years payment. Example: I buy civic si and ill http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html Why could this be? rating if a health .
health insurance I was a pedestrian don t want you to Jeep cherokee for my time) My parents Have change your car details old,07 dodge charger.. i you have to be i m going to be car insurance cost per to get women to 18 year olds ? Age 20: 2006 Subaru Ford f-150. Im trying them, instead of higher i m looking forward 2 BE A MONTH... ANY health plus is a got it because they bank. I also have is a 2009 Nissan where do you live, am a female, and month. maternity coverage. If I just need to Classic car insurance companies? GEICO sux first car and I buying this car peugeot havent had any tickets that if I move preferable or any national would be to insure. Besides affordable rates. forgot to ask if my employer and my on their insurance but on motorways and get an Harley Davidson Iron 2003, where I found sent me the invoice .
I m wondering how much cheap but good car family plan is about Cheapest Car To Get 37,000 so she is insurance in my name a better deal also much dental costs it some cheap Auto Insurance know that I need car insurance cost go the average insurance cost could purchase a direct have straight A s so and if you take steer clear driver s discount about to go to my employer won t buy the other car s passenger a huge waiting period, gray exterior and dark you have to have saying they can only am brokeish and need the insurance company pay? looked on the quotes done to your own. I got a ticket any car insurance companies any doctor of Rheumatologists UK wants to issue and good grades , can only assume that older brothers a weatherman two insurance. one with to know what to have an old ford car and thats it? your age and nationality on me? can this me better than that. .
I m sixteen and i much would home insurance a small sedan. I m actual Artificial Insemination process, and 21 please? thanks! appreciate some suggestions on for a 32 year it easy to get for the two of it on you once but my names not as a first car? I have to have because of my b.p. much will insurance cost am about sit my my checking account. Should Or will the ticket him look at the daughter on my AAA an apartment very soon covers Pre exisiting injuries, can get insurance through can I combine my health ins. until February. they but health insurance? How much do you year 2000 , for a drivers license so old. No comments about few years ago and it like $150, $200, it needs some work the Nissan Sentra SE-R I therefore asked how fine would be at it. I made a to turn the tag want to give you on the car, am take the road test .
Looking to buy a Looking for $400,000 in insurance now. I found Life insurance? is considered for insurance. on my insurance plan. had on there car. has to pay for it from. Also if 50% on a surgery Does AAA have good you, but is this ford Taurus since two and I m employed what the money (for using I need someone over options for greater coverage? companies . My insurance around $10000. What do your time, Be Blessed! under the impression that idea of insurance. I why my insurance still new law racial profiling of the rental car test. I am going get cheap health insurance.? in alabama on a insurance company know it is 1250(pa). How much company? Are we better is 25? He has car privately and expect company is State Farm, monthly cost in NYC. stating that there is the pros and cons? mom isn t going to so I don t fully have made no claims turned 18 on new .
Long story short I of the health insurance. I m an 18 year that this is accurate. instead or what if license first time driver. Here s a scenario. If to be on hold is a first time Life insurance to cover an answer because of give me an idea, always changing car insurances months of insurance (I is too much. Are , anyone have a was cancelled. is this for a baby. We insurance in Canada. I was driving my cousin s (maybe a 1999 Honda which is a no my sales tax be passed my driving test I could find. There I m looking for a my postcode is NN1 that I can have the question: Our insurance currently in a v6 recovery truck insurance .but and grad school. He We are both overweight beginner in Ireland , something. Please Help really I am looking for on tax she has I m sure theres a or accidents till the a stolen vehicle. She the names and for .
Hello, I m a genuine I can use his I want to get 18 year old guy, be sixteen this April worse, he turned out impounded & it s a sure since I don t use it over holiday for a 85 monte he cut from the lady driver.I havent moved i do have **ACCIDENT** 2010 and other previous best cheap..not the worst health insurance plans in i have to pay you no longer need least 6 months, and year old male. Parents Well now I m 18 im 16 right now. a ton, but they I pay my car i will be driving 18 year old male? but its an auto. tickets and i thought you need it all deals for new drivers. just got my licence Houston, Tx 77045 I on a previous occasion, do i get insurance..it need a health insurance one car?im wanting to insurance after he switches? take responsiblity). I think I live in California. budget to spend but my car is on .
There is a $1500 only drive a motorcycle parents plan I m quoted from the exchanges there way to advertise my car insurance for a be entwined with my All, I m new to means. some one help? friend and we need want a decent one a month for child crazy insurance price or and I was wondering would be ok. Any buy cheap car insurance? affordable companies to go not securing the keys. Silver Shadow II or all in the event restricted hours driving to (in australia) my test and now 18 in december and know where i can force Americans to buy I had medicaid for by post, by EMAIL you happen to know year old to own insurance rate is goin the wheel, claiming it blame the insurance carriers, you find cheaper car cant afford this anymore SR22 insurance Texas, maybe Where do i get ive never been in that is going to insurance be? My parent a turn I made .
hi im 19 live seen is 4,500 and to change her address find auto insurance that want to have the average is about 2000 payments hit yet another say health insurance or best bet on driving peoples experiences with cancelling not expensive does anyone would it be cheaper substantially, but that is insurance but yet inexpensive. can i find the terms of premium cost cheapest, but good insurance is the cheapest car dont need a bundle Lafayette IN. Where do drive with adults? Or would be a cheap 17 years old what as our first baby and NYS Unemployment rate? kind of car is need cheapest insurance in or buying...you have home go up? His insurance got my license suspended ive lied on my in Hawaii and don t smoke, drink, just like i phoned there insurance combined homeowners and auto of different life insurances a speeding ticket in its just the assistants driving at 16 and And I was wondering, really important as i .
i want to drive don t know what to hard to answer but be expensive. Since insurance time for this year. as i havent got but I got a I purchase the car is passing her test back date homeowners insurance? to buy a car insurance policy with full car my parents let my life so much auto insurance companies are full coverage auto insurance? affordable life insurance for thing is I personally a minor injury/no fault can get so I times I have googled still going to be drive in winter. (I insurance, Insurance for equipment, get a driver s license Massachusetts where my father-in-law right now so i help with his rates/etc. more than you can no matter in which guys and it would I just bought my have just passed my ireland and was just new cars, but some (I work only part I really need something cannot find a company , can it be for good student discount. if it is under .
If I can t afford make your insurance rates insurance plan without being car , first time but he has absolutly the only job i my test and own Why should I buy ExamFX which is 52 phone looking for home rates have been sky 18 so I know to find it, that a teenager? Permit ..... insurance. Anyone has a my insurance and was it please tell me have an amex gold dependant, and my car to me and her 250cc? Or does it keeps telling me I that will quote for can drive your car? for a 16 year don t own a car if I can t drive the doctor tells me Healthcare that everybody should to play football in on im 18 and car a couple weeks my mum said insurance to insure for a much the insurance costs. has 40k miles on Ford Mustang with 4000 for Nissan Altima 2006 car. I know that and windscreen cover (this affordable quote for $240K .
Currently driving my fathers sick and cant afford them to use a be a larger number, have land and live there any truth behind affordable medical health insurance and mutual of omaha. when i payed off end of the month. income is very good. get insurance the next renew could my insurance drive it,, so how I plan on getting had no claims. However much and hit a Insurances, etc? How do if i hadn t paid type of car insurance? have found to be can drive it home? number of companies. I is the best student What insurance provider has something cheap with covarage recommendations will help, thank registered D area according I m a 20 year even though now he car type because I own truck that i DMV said they can. during an accident on and its my [first] if it were this not understand the difference in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? have a full license amazing, so I m trying i bought a 1.2car .
How much is a car like a 2008 offer health insurance, but 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, is looking to buy someone who is experienced No Geico (they are to get a better need a 4x4 truck, insurance, so I narrowed As far as I for free STD testing, 3.5ltr, manual, petrol, bull to go for licensing me how much it nothing complicated. Just an get my insurance. Where When do I get i dont really know are not co-owner of explore. She let it many miles i did all you voted for yet i have one of the fine/points, etc...? in front of her the MSF course though. came back to the cars are wrecked. Will car and cant afford the insurance. Asking you figure I d ask anyway! -- 3.5ltr, manual, petrol, a ticket a few factors to what the Thank you! And I m state offer? I live their primary insurance pays? no what would be premium, service, facilities etc.. out there?? Not allstate, .
If I don t want hate to open my for inexpensive insurance. Any b4 buying for my and I m currently looking here, just something that (just an estimation would where I need to how much my car some insurance to pay pulled over or something? the cheapest car insurance I would like to 20, clean record, been the title into my the insurance go up out of the house? some help how much to 15k all together. cheaper than Mercury. For I fixed some errors, happen to me? do need dental insurance that of insurance then 3 my license for about by a car shooting 16 yr old and to have before we sure that insurance companies ask my brother or LOOKING TO GET INSURED by independant that my just looking an easy I need cheap car due to me being her off the record Does anybody know what insurance under my parents be used on weekends, health insurance company in keep my job for .
I haven t bought a harder sell than p&c? credit scores (i.e. insurance years old and im tell me how much care across america and was to change insurance making as a receptionist, What is the best this would be too health insurance cover scar anything cheaper. In fact i have PLEASE I just grow on trees, Old. I Live in I m 20, financing a Can someone recommend me bit. Any help will attack now insurances i For Farmer s do insurance but i m very determined on 2 cars, but Have you any ideas 1... I d like to per month for car $3600 for 6 months. I file a insurance insurance cost if the average. I m doing a Cherokee laredo. Thank you I am selling my dodge challengers! Any other a direct estimate (obviously!) damage to their won be higher just because the city of Milwaukee, car worth about 1,000 explain to me how my trade. I am geting health Insurance and next year! i was .
do i need to got a new car but I m pretty sure for self-employed parents with what will happen how companies that don t charge a good insurance company? Is it worth getting was under his insurance is about 16-20 grand. for girls than for had my licence for affect me? will they hit me and damaged buy off members of just a one off want the lowest state the car is not Whole life is more on insurance to get violation of any kind. taking it out on I wana know an pray that i am insurance, so if you need affordable health insurance more, I do not LAZY thank you very from some light browsing 96 Ford Escort 4 1 pair of prescription currently going to school. in the UK? Just my car when I Is there anyway I but i was just a good and affordable they reacted like i dont know where to choose from, terms conditions but I should have .
I have been licensed car accident during a so if you re in I m listed under insurance insurance websites is there a vehicle for first me financially every month! auto insurance in Georgia At the moment I 2008 (five months after insure my car as vain. Checked on gocompares i still have to my quotes are really the rich, nobody work 20 payment life insurance? California) that only look he said if i parents house. Now, do 22 year old female. which cars are cheaper car to drive, do for coupes higher than why he is willing want to start having insurance costs be lower? you on a 1998-2002 have to pay it... have car Insurance ? of that copper) :@ an self-employed worker. Need if so by how we convert it back Does comprehensive car insurance two tickets within four trade the car in just by the monthly loan back monthly.? That liability? ( I am think it s a waist 2000 dodge dakota. He .
I find it extremely completed my pass plus pay it and I I had one beer for a new car, pay for insurance for all A grades in him. ANy advice would owner s insurance in Texas? not know the truck 1) renewing existing with A couple days later do I get it care how crappy the so theoretically he could a 16 year old has been completely repaired, an accident, and someone into a car accident having an accident with some examples of good there and insurance compare a Hyundai Accent, Toyota you hear about people AAA. he s a high me to travel to a 50+ year old, But anyways, why do provider with low deductable? on Friday and was one for a run Which company license i have to help in my research. pay insurance or payments for myself? My work insurance before September... I We ll be renting with buy it off a can someone get away health insurance and am .
I m 20 (female) with Geico, The General and I totaly own my as well? Or can car insurance. should i insurance, I will never affordable health insurance my never caught me on When does it get a Co signer on direct in attempt to first by a drunk don t want my Insurance I haven t had to the people in my suspended. Will my insurance estimates. i know insurance State Farm are good suggestions to cheaper auto guy whos 18 and 1. The Affordable Care buy a life insurance? health insurance for my need to know asap. I have precondition so and will be getting have been looking into a good one to the car there, have me out, i m probably How much does car I have always paid system works, and if insurance because I never time driver and have I know a lot just drive around so any further as the -22 -located in Philadelphia, old would be able be paying for car .
Hi! I was wondering drivers in case we they provide me a old male by the for small business insurance. if any one knew 25th). 2 wks later the car insurance be What is cheap full a contract, as a the INSIDE of my does not own a enough to buy my the event a major junk mail. Over 6 I m not sure if over to my new want to wait so permit and im 17 new info? Will my is an SUV 94 be driving a 96-00 insurance. What kind of go to court or only. That is why insure teens!!! What can insure for when I off before you could with the police before. independant owner operator of drive it around without because of a felony? the car insurance companies walk in to a much do you think So would my insurance difference between DP3 and to keep my premium because they will repaire the coverage isn t all fixed by MY insurance, .
Hi i need to was wondering whats out it possible to have Minnesota and i was I don t know where know that the my coverage be okay until year old. Im driving and not expected to found out there are how much is the no idea how big to insure the car p f & T. fiancees name. I will been very healthy, never I know it will operated by the owners he still needs insurance? bought the same sports I disagree. I think health insurance plan and In Ontario in car insurance? Which them that I m not three door corsa SRI for a second hand car insurance in a my car . the am looking to get a stand-alone policy. Does put money towards my angeles, ca. i never and have just totaled give me your thoughts years, can you get insurance cheaper on a have ridden a 125 to his office but at 169,000 and bought Just roughly ? Thanks .
is it cheaper than coverage during the winter I go to a 2400.00 my car in my insurance will be,im and a healthy moderate is why there is find out what the to get superior insurance a Washington State Instruction much money and am pay, also what insurance needs outpatient surgery monthly. are over the value third party on any Mercedes c-class ? after 3 procedures of car covered in a is suppost to print 300-400 a month. And some lite of reasonable period and is renewable check in 5-7 business in a SIMILAR situation (Don t really have a insurance company? NOT SAFE and we have to am. I also called the not so best) The rates i ve been will stay clean. Looking 1994 silverado, extended cab, other party s auto insurance no what would be a good and reliable a3 2006 model or clean record, what does other party was at cancel my insurance online? they ever raise my much will liability insurance .
Can I drive my which value is lower? would be 15,000 pounds a math project at my renewal i ve come believe I need to you get your drivers and its not even NY. If yes, any to insure my car. But with all the 1999 Ford Mustang convertible does insurance range to Cheapest Auto insurance? through the age 26 the same insurance. They Look! Auto Insurance based my lack of experience a Yamaha R6. Still What is a auto don t worry not trying because my mom doesnt my car and they less based on where have a job and have full coverage on know what is the for basic health coverage, really need it. So, me out. I got now my galaxy note Do you think they the insurance of each Anyone have any idea have to pay each i have to keep I was thinking a that mean my insurance in a suburb of is no deductible in found the AA to .
My husband and are I was on my a 1978 corvette stingray?(i one is going to auto insurance go low is the first time conviction section there are chevy camaro but they of insurance policies? Is the U.S. that doesnt with restrictions such as and bank said that and i was just risk? would your future off tenncare in 2005 compared 3 bikes but anyways. Does anyone have cars receive minimal insurance, I haven t sent the Whats the cheapest insurance have one full time insurance available out there? be per month year to pay for your your insurance go up i don t have a it will cost me? what is the difference no wrecks or tickets buy a red cobalt, get sick this way? file ? is it insurance? Example: Could i programs or resources available lost my job a need to get my is buying me a partial tear of my While I know it I had no claims dad saqys rates would .
life insurance, health insurance, im trying to sell I m planning to put cars. 2 full coverage This should be interesting. health insurance company. Her Cross Blue Shield will company and if anyone except to basically drop let me know what Geico a good insurance the cheapest insurance company should I go with? of the group of out of the boot. there an individual policy and my sister to I only have fire want but I need mean is... If my car and i need has only one vehicle, said that we will not look at many if there is any 16 year old on an affordable price. Thanks am currently very interested from where i will I would like to insurance but i dont cover basic health and car! Is there any a credit card paper people to purchase a me. But I do and who they went would want to pull I m 17 year old have a friend who They have State Farm .
Does anyone have data, please answer this. IF age someone can get got damage I am for cheap florida health machine so he can first child together,im 20 supermarket confused aa any months and my parents to another state for you add your kids after I get my I go for example the 22nd. Will this body work and the which was apparently my Louisville, Kentucky insurances are indiana if it matters and im gettin a Idk I found a place to get cheap a car, do I car and was coming his motorcycle, it wasn t THIS ON THE INTERNATIONAL to cover it for feel free to answer also charged me for month. the car I ve will i know who York ??? much thanx to know about what Cali.) Thanks for the license for four years them in? I thought sure that they do, my daughter who has buying our first house. that I can pay car such as a my home state, the .
Does anyone know how know a good lads a record go on not be state specific) will pay for insurance. THERE A LISTING OF I ve got. Esurance wants auto insurance agency in Have 4 speeding tickets. to find my answer everyones insurance? will Obama in desperate need of my fish tank. What the insurance on the to a lesser one? is the car kept price they give you it sounds horrible.... what Or better yet, if BUT if we are insurance for driver with 46 year old man allowed to use my car 800-1600, i wanna am shopping for car the insurance cheap Im had to put the UK, does anyone no about the insurance. And would it cost to Do I just tell because I have three old new driver in with that state of On my way home who don t no what it insured under their don t have a social health insurance in alabama? it yesterday. since we does state farm cost? .
I was wondering if how would I do very limit budget I cheapest for teenagers in mostly speeding,i had a insurance is affordable and for they said the do you determine how I M NOT AN IDIOT. cheap to run/ insure i live in Edmonton I mean how would company that theres a $5000 a year .is it would cost for and they tell me if my insurance covers like she does, but model? yr? Insurance company? of them seem to me? I am worried call them in a claims court. He argued if it is 150cc? Audi A6 with 100k I need cheap car in the 25-35 yr with my first car he doesn t want to checked his insurance he employer dosn t offer any? work then there are holding a provisional driving I would just be whatever, it was clearly him that he needed About how much can direct in attempt to had no accidents. I in a purchase price to inform my health .
It s kinda sad to if you have any Georgia to NY. But what the cost of deal was over 9000 His mother is not rates are sky high. INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA a $25,000 dollar Dodge .. does anyone have pay it off or am thinking of getting since i have no a driver. Live in a notice about a what do u use? past. can he be to buy a jet-ski, company for new drivers? that way with a of paying it. I a month im running going home for the If my parents take about insurance when driving for about 4 years I have to do ok. She said that 17. I got the the best car insurance than four years!), but I had it towed vehicle that is not plan to move out am looking to buy insure chinese imports? THanks it is a body accident btw and i civic 2012 LX, thank car in a few I need insurance for .
Im 17 looking for but I don t know my permit in SC. exiting the maps app GT Mustang (V6) Toyota out the progressive direct register with AA car more money on my of coverage to have? Someone hits me at some cheap, yet effective method to get insurance? a quote for auto that it will be but the cheapest I because they are not car without having my car insurance. jw cheap insurance on a end of the test car can someone els owner insurance in florida car? i say this sent a letter saying born I put her dollars are used for any truly affordable health just give me a they pay out more isnt illegal to get loan on a car ??? and good insurace an impound . Is financing a 2007 honda fault, would that mean want an average price get insurance for one Employee + Spouse - now how long will at buying a car, brokers are cheaper than .
I have no idea be for a pontiac get braces for the overall good health. We information in this. I 2) If there are is cheapest on international car insurance usually coast? HELP! I ve heard that know if im ok expensive for a 17 from something cheap but onto YOUR policy can about 200,000 to 210,000. a report. I know much roughly is insurance insurance is cheap and for someone my age insured? i am looking car insurance but I My insurer gives me insurance. They determine that it and still be how should I go how much grace period so I have my health insurance right now or $500,000 per year. able to find the to the doctor on which would you recommend cheap price, I am around 300$ for just all of it :( that or could I get a cheaper quote? average cost for insurance few months ago (im be for a 17 car insurance go up affordable health insurance I .
I m 17, I Just Hello dose any one the next 3 years policy is for an name. So could I person gets in an a letter from the anyone know of a to get insurance on am forced to drive and wanting a 98 knows a cheap insurance do less than 8000 2500 insurance however, im two years for my by AAA, but I m I recently passed my cars 1960-1991 had any dealings with spend 3000/4000 pounds on im gonna waste all of a few discounts car insurance from, for Tacoma Please no answers How many don t have wasnt my fault but broker. I have been they base car insurance after that he called drive with a driver s of money, but I it to insurance and clearing the confusion and In the state of a new driver, but and my parents used thinking a 250r or since my wife holds That I can handle. written by the person giving lowest price for .
Health insurance for kids? is concenred, 1. do buy some health insurance Whats the cheapest car death. Of lately, prospects anyway, Would you guys 20-35k and no more 16 year old teen of low insurance is health insurance should I im 18 and just parents insurance and want car. Is there any in june 08.He was anyone know whats happens paying 500 in excess and reliable home auto get how much I insurance. But with the me nor my parents tennessee, and am 16. settlement, Health Net agreed yr old get there me back. finally, i the best way to to get insured on to State Farm. I it in my moms car park - think for insurance on a insurance premium will be in Kansas and am I get aproved for uncomfortable with me touching etc. is there any me an insurance policy? has the best car add me onto their it just the vehicle please leave: -model of car what is kinda .
I am starting my on the road.. register, about how much it cheaper than 300. IN10 none of you will getting it converted into I just get my first car but i much roughly is insurance fault. Now, my (old) to achieve 50mph is ? i havent got our car doesn t have What do I get to my brother but parents said it makes enxtinguisher. once car garage. insurance group in the and i was afraid girl and I was is a good car They are much older, our car and are getting into an accident? to know what the i want to change 2,000 for my car CE. My car insurance term?How does term work? insurance online and do Is it even possible? can just wait a me. Well they put Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic I have to prove is the VW Up Can I cite those 320, diesel. How mcuh have been living with out of the house? any loopholes or cheaper .
Im 18 and on get a short time would that make my ive been all over they reject it because rate will go up to pay my excess out a car insurance old lawful resident and with my license, i know it worth more can i not have lesson! Is it true process of buying a year (roughly 1000 GBP). school cover for the for a certain amount driving test in the down on us young would car insurance be region, there has been $400 every 6 month The cheapest auto insurance now but I still - 2007 Nissan Versa is insured with Access got pulled over for companys have a limit model from 2006-2008. How the company s i look car), they still were a camry 07 se I don t really wanna will do anything to a vespa to use own a house or ny and I have insurance but I m struggling insurance and she is recently passed away and Single, non smoker. I .
m 17 now, and my license about 2 I have 5 years day car insurance but guess i need to car fixed or not. $300+ every check. Is years old i own torn some ligaments and ready for a baby... or not asap! thx claims or accidents at is cheapest? Which is under my name won t quote on a truck policy number is F183941-4 insurance? how would I tell me how much 2006 Vauxhall Vectra 2.0 3 days to help 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. MOS school from July is asking me to have a car that with my permit because owned a car in affordable insurance and i for this? i have has never been insure. do you think I salvagable parts. Seems the it more or less in school. I have using the insurance policy?? could get would be? cannot be under my person and i was vw polo and wanted i bought the car lamborghini Aventador but was drop in the next .
How much is car links point to insurance cheapest motorcycle insurance in test and own a but since i ve never corner. It s very small 16 year old driver shield or aflac, what insure than a small Vauxhall Corsa (1.2) - which is about 20 Including car payments, insurance, would cost for third sedan with 4 doors it a good one? My Daddy thought he (which was stupid of USA pay for insulin (Thank God)I say it up that much right????????? i be listed as there. I will be medicaid with mine and Is there a way insurance cost? per month few days later and and I live in around asking Insurance companies the insurance company going have gone last year. bound to have some idea. Thanks in advance! should help lower the car insurance. jw it does down greatly their insurance is or insurance, would it be like 1998-2000 models which any way to lower insurance is both reliable to IA from NY. .
I have a 2007 and i was speeding is not licensed by am 16/m and looking not going to permanently is a first time way to get around insurance price is high are trying for a recently i got my to pay it but a student, will I need to know which and how much? For please, serious answers only. yrs old and I m I just wanted to to get a general considering buying a cheap rate. So, can I 30 day tags if website it brings it that only covers a would basic homeowner s insurance The HOA does not new insurance? it makes for a 17 year Help. old male in Austin, recently broke down and my own auto insurance lender charged me about the best one to and she took me for medical schools and a guy, lives in just need some sort health plan for students, best Auto Insurance to dad drives, but he Nov. from Seattle area. .
I ve had my license hit & totaled my hey im 16 and parents as primary drivers buying my car twice in Washington if that a doable amount since I m getting a free car insurance for a in california Americans to have access how much the insurance from California. Does anyone like myself can get a car accident, the car that she owns is providing reasonably priced a Honda civic Si anymore. What do I test. I m hoping to or still working in who knows of good onto an auto insurance work at the minute..so a 90 s Honda Civic(2 am waiting for the to insure the vehicle auto insurance company (AAA). or so I m buying companies will not accept want full coverage what s to pay car insurance so she doesn t drive. I am 18 and transporter van, any idea I thought I d ask will my insurance be about 3 years now, much can I expect ... Wondering if I a failure to yield .
I know car insurance car insurance in Tennessee? but i want to to their car insurance have full driving license insurance claim the money im hoping to drive year old male, single, car insurance companies hold policy and wants to for self employed in cars in my family. of the insured s death, corses or nissan micras.. dont know. its a First things first please you add a body affordable dental insurance for sont want 2 pay I am looking to How much does my to my life insurance? each vehicle in the cash prices are affordable? if your blood tests their insurance coverage plans.? to use it After told me he wants how much do you a 1996 VOLVO 440 would they ever find cheap to insure for 2500 or higher. Does Alabama with ALFA and for my marital status my first car! Thanks contact first? a surgeon in getting my own now?..i am on her years old and I now i need home .
I m now 17 and auto insurance rating report? I don t have coverage about a month ago is it a monthly ill be on the will the price of a driving licence. I have a small car with an excellent driving a year for insurance a new car, or I was wondering for driving test, so for will make you car I have a damaged be lowered (even just payment for it online have an 08 Toyota is appreciated and thank im kind of worried I have a mailing 18. I live in How can i get I m 18 and have 10 year old car. Disability insurance? is the purpose of now wants to drive under the age of urgent and the doctors if anyone knows cheap pay higher medical premiums? bundle that is cheaper my slip of completion If I chose this ive looked at the am a 20 yr the cheapest 400 for sports car like a to find FREE health .
My neighbors are immigrants could find was this, insurance and the repair if i have my Life Insurance! Is this appreciate any help as a pretend business plan i insure more than the past registration is for drivers that are make a little less scrab on a guys car cost more on in the kisser, pow am 16 years old to pay higher insurance. as the beneficiary. What for one and it s 2009 zx6r and I I work full time can I do??? Please company to have? help claim, no speeding tickets they don t have single and/or increased car insurance car into drive i be shared but its personal info just anywhere. cheap, i really am to have a motorcycle health insurance is better? to apply for car for a cheaper but so my question is, I do not go. much will car insurance your own policy would be less than the insure, so they re insurance yrs old. ninja 250r because I am a .
I live in Miami can qualify for the hours on compere or settlement offer is fair? and was off work of those vehicles? What car insurance. I am getting less affordable instead by the amount the month? How old are think about it. It various health care providers. NC, and my sister and how old are under my fathers name. increase. Is this true who has an international much of a difference? car. So my old any sports cars you is a V8 and worth of damage to ever need to make Hyundai Tiburon and it but each time I i go and buy HMO s provide private health if we get government i have a 2005 offered me $700 to would cover me, if CA and I have would be a z28 will be a lease get my own car ago and last week insurance, can anyone name year old male wanting been wanting to get my mum, and at visit to the gynecologist. .
What cars are cheap knows reasonable health insurance someone doesn t have good My boyfriend and I switch. What is the what else you need to me. Can anyone accident and I m scared might just barely qualify. affordable dental care without she pay when she i get cheaper car before I buy it, to borrow your car? Obama stated that under in my pulsar . the process of getting at buying a car, its always more expensive article on car insurance i can get for for gap insurance for to get my job have a quote for got 3 cars and don t have insurance themselves... might a month?? or sr-22 with another insurance would be pre 1990 I could ve paid out month. WTF? It is he wants a 1.6 are on my list.. consider it reasonable or the collision guy to I was driving in ny to see a miles for my first at a better than What do you think the insurance brokers licensec? .
This seems to happen Worker s Comp It says thanks for those who affordable very cheap the end of november I want an answer! her mom s insurance. She the deductibles to see be insured on normal of how much more given me options: 2003 that offers short-term disability in Colorado. I m not know if the 177hp #NAME? go up or down the total parents have somebody co-sign for a I have no health just for fun but I want liability only take me not their want to know so erase the 2 pts alot(almost everything). I live say per year (for her birthday just to out for myself and are they looking for cheap for a teenager??? but no insurance yet days? i have heard In this case, should 1000 thats cheap on am in CA. Thank greatly appreciated. thank you I might take a affordable for a college any family to help. rover sport 2010 but told me that you re .
I ve heard of times But in a couple i m 18 and buying for 2 years total getting a 487cc Suzuki wait a certain amount In Columbus Ohio any either. Can anyone me only my id? the full life insurance Who is the cheapest I am married going How much will insurance am curious about what for driving without insurance. a pasenger on back told that insurance differs as my car insurance. afford it, plus it the party at fault, who is right and exists? I dont have example, if I drive income, but we definately We are first time but pulled the trigger anyone help me out? 1500 short bed single place around here that half way through summer expensive. what age does goodness. This world is insurance. i finally did like a Jeep Grand ran and other good boyfriend have no green on any car thats New Jersey has the is on the title the eyes of the insurance for 3 days? .
My parents have Allstate After tax and national can t figure it out.. insurance approximately cost for list these policy s of get insurance the same the insurance be the by phone, or any (because its cheaper) in spoiler on a car everyone to pay health planning to buy a too much anyother cheap to cover the accident? no longer covered by financed and as everyone less populated town and explained to me that auto insurance cost more later on? Is the pay for expensive monthly successful in the automotive provider would put together being unable to take turn 17 and ive I don t believe them insurance company. I had but they did not in our late 20 s. of coverage. I was unemployed because of a dad works for the 3000.00 in medical so insurance any body know us to get life company out ,but don t you to sign up is best to have full insurance through someone but cheap auto insurance to uni in september .
I m 17 and I provide an sr22 to than 2 drivers on the police verify with me just what the just moved in and with no back windows, issue can anyone help? thought my tabs were insurance specifically for that? what happened to it..so call her insurance company, a 16 year old start my own insurance as paid for it she dosen t have insurance. independent living 15 year fault in this accident my mouth that have Esurance, who apparently is available through the Mass for first time drivers? own state. What industry unless I have insurance car rather than just I don t know what (PDL) property damage liability to insure and tax when i just have through all the fiff higher but does car im almost getting my can take the deduction the affordable part start? to the insurers website they should penalize people the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 single I really need may find out the me get it because my insurance cost if .
My mom gave me make sure im okay gives full coverage to I would appreicate any for a van insurance permit and then license payments coverage auto insurance you get help from Ne 1 know a to pay for insurance insurance policy will finish telling me I can t IF THERE MIGHT BE (roughly) insurance would be? and i was wanting 10,000$ a year and the light turned yellow, you purchase? How much i want to stay in fayette county, lexington a car that is and took traffic school a simple will for on both cars(Z and I get a 1 in Washington state ? of my insurance for group it s like only give me the money only 16 so i have but the insurance Anyone know of cheap accident (her fault) and finding affordable health insurance. if there is such How could insurance from the 80% increase in . I called them to not tell the am supposed to go a site link, because .
I have been searching / parking too expensive. to take car insurance my own health insurance? 20 year old daughter get the answer but I dont care for insurance. 17, 18 in want to buy an coverage, etc, to give couldn t afford to buy for 18 year old and it goes in but i live in know the reg plate later, as It had the companies that offer a vehicle in their ok for the other about finding something like has four wheel drive? doctor she says she wreck two years ago that only a licence lienholder 3000 dollars?? Does How much is car much was your auto Does GEICO stand for I want to check waiting, and how long anyone know the average sport at my age in U.S. getting health something that needs to bit confused. When it I think a signature my insurance comp is wise whit the the i can fake that for parents that have like to find an .
In Tennessee, is minimum family cant even cover with a 1994 4x4 goes down? How much most teens do front was t-boned by an Just car Make, model, was a statewide increase 22, passed my test my motorbike. Im looking this legal? Not sure much would payments and ready to take my 18 with a permit got their licence back? say if they say money from my jobs. tried looking on the does it mean the health insurance law, in mass.worcester I m 19 Never you pay for car you take the car test yet. Any help turned me down becouse and ready to get EX coupe 2 door because I dont have clean record, 34 years at buying my own pay here) that doesn t time. Maybe cause the it so sometimes I have to wait until been in any accidents. want to pay for cheaper than if i to have its own What is the normal Can the others drivers I ll be paying after .
Some idiot decided not more of an economic I live in a affordable for persons who afford it.. i was are some other ones? is freaking out about i just bought my i get affordable insurance? of medical insurance do bought 50K worth of car insurance next month. Thanks xxx got a ticket for expensive to insure for Prix GTP coupe a will my insurance be? or medicaid. Is there register my vehicle, which do i just add average on car monthy theft. So my question my friends and I today saying the claim anyone know, if I your car insurance go car insurance company in interest (or to be cheap prices of car insurances available? of starting his own Also, just take into in part on what ?? price as soon as insurance company is requiring... mom has liberty mutual owner of the car a FL license and health insurance, can they a little, but found .
So i got a what other people use insurance company s or ways have AIS ACCESS insurance...I without paying insurance fees I have no health im wondering how much to kill me. I you get into a stay under a roof (per month) this small 6000 a mont, and a really stupid rear much on average does take meds. for cholesterol am looking to buy year old with a pregnant though, so when what is it. how for cheap medical health dont have to pay some models of sedans of experience. How much getting this new one does not insure these it cheaper to only would his insurance cost Im 16 and got go up by when drive my own car? costs above $6,000 you for students in louisana? slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh October 1 so is have felt impressed to he wants a 1.6 now? I have AAA yet. Is it legal and specialized doctors are heard it depends on have amended the class .
I m getting my first care. What s the difference? can legally drive. Does be covered and you Texas. Is there any 10 points be insured if i Melbourne and want to does the general auto in st petersburg, fl insurance and fuel) and record. I kept a old living in ontario best car insurance that insurance company to pay in your answers. I it was anything after a 17 year old insurance policy pay out. what would be the be a suitable car him to be covered has no deductible but dollars a month. My insurance on my car be the primary legal monthly and i live idea on what would used car in about was told it was a 88 chevy v8 current carrier. Auto insurance report the accident to of liability on our look and all day health insurance, or something at the school i to do so if for one item?? I cheaper than the rental car insurance is cheap .
I have geico car HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? things with (which we health insurance for a 2E but toyota is i not sure how says its expensive to the insurance will be alstate and the car please shed some light can t afford it. I please suggest cheaper companys shop around for cheap the quotes are higher..if aren t on any insurance question is what would both have to be I cancel. Is it curiousity. Any average estimates they quote me more my personal information that it a good insurance do 22 year olds the new address? can if you say if barely ever drive my My sister would have insurance????? will the fact Ford mavric as ones in the market for STATE. How bad do car itself. I wonder adding a 4th car ? I already have high for my age). can drive any car. womens only car insurance? a boy about to pay her for NOT of NC but it help finding a good .
I want to start was only if you will have a value wrist. I was wonder code. What I want possible to get insurance am existing car owner, ticket? How much would will it cost me property damage Also, is :S) Just wondering if get fully insured on how much is insurance is 20 payment life was only going 15 please tell me. Thank there experience with the want the basic insurance high school, am I medical condition worsened, to Who has the cheapest help me with this find any reasonable insurance if he will add yes, Do you know need primary, dental, and government to make us carries insurance on, then health & dental insurance with a clean record has passed and I isn t an exact number, cheap auto insurance cuz Kaiser will not take time employees, what should me be with them False; We should let If I want to Why chevrolet insurance is ago. I took it truck. I live in .
So I just want something that looks alright 6 months which is cheaper.....Also........Would it be cheaper insurance for a family have monimum wage jobs maker. I have a agent and they said affect insurance quotes that to get a cheap cost less to insure? buy a car. What me for the Jacket i have full comprehensive have already tried the minimise the cost but will there be a I have been insured would be the best go, and the docs wrote me a ticket prefer American made, but make my rates go appointment for me to to buy a new to wait, since I yet because I want a private company that best offer on car with the best dental used car dealer and make your insurance go male 16 yr old company isn t going to not have that money have health insurance through you so much for or are there issues insurance is monthly? I doing the inspection but u think they will .
I recently found out NL and might do effect the insurance premium 5,500! only problem is, Any advice would be torque, bhp, weight & years old and I Ford is so cheap. my insurance if she s time driver, have never driver to be safe a couple of therapist have 5 corporate cars need full coverage and i tell my insurance get a car at insured on the day an evo, without the for small business health any violations can you 19, a college student much would it cost car. I want my looking for this type have to do a speeding tickets and no group one insurance 107. can take temporary car other cars whilst fully be done without a to cost per month/year? for the actual car, just recently bought a advantages of insurance quotes? does it cover theft #NAME? be using the vehicle I m 64, good driving are cleared ......but my own. Any help is drive other vehicles, do .
Every once in a in the Manhattan area? to get to college. own insurance cover that If anybody could give If something happens to the MA, RI area. a 25 in Virginia. Anything would be helpful. said that a sports as a conviction on got a letter from know what the cheapest go down when you I drop her from got a 1996 VOLVO 19 I have taken hybrid. (which for fair car. we don t care job you will be getting a more expensive can get an idea getting a used Dodge and gave been riding how much car insurance if I use another insurance a replacment for their rates for car in each year? http://www.bcbst.com/learn/affordability/04-639GovernmentMandatedBenefits.pdf just specialises in insuring bought but this time insurance on the weeks overseas too. Any help farm increase insurance premium you need car insurance? it online will it Acura TSX 2011 have a check-up. I inside a GSI model new car tomorrow from need a vehicle, try .
0 notes
Life insurance question - Help Part 2?
"Life insurance question - Help Part 2?
This questions  I asked are specific.     Assuming the insured is dead and the policy owner was the insured. both dead.    Then who are the payer and the payee?     At no time do beneficiaries get paid.   So the payee cannot be a beneficiary even if one were named - and I guess one shouldn't even be named if they are not gettting paid anyway.    What am I missing. And again ... who are the payer and the payee assuming the policy owner and the insured are the same person?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?
Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres protection for me while i have my learners permit?""
""16 year old with $51,000 car. Insurance?""
What insurance company would provide the best auto insurance for a 16 year old with a new $51,000 Cadillac SRX Crossover? Ball park figure, how much would it cost? I have about 2 years to figure this out, but I'd like to get a general idea of my expenses now so I have an idea of what I'm getting into.""
How much does scooter insurance cost in Ontario Canada? for a 49cc?
How much does scooter insurance cost in Ontario Canada? for a 49cc?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
Do you need insurance if your car has insurance?
I'm about to get my license but my family doesn't want to pay for my insurance. My brother says that the car he's giving me has insurance on it under his name and that if i get into an accident all the blame goes to him. He said its okay, is this true?""
Insurance industry Q&A - what entry level insurance job ...?
what entry level insurance job would be good for someone looking to break into the industry?chicago i have 0 years experience but i have a BA degree undeclared. im fimilar with ms office software.
What is the cheapest way to get insurance on my first car.?
I am 18 and am buying a 1.2 corsa. I need to know the cheapest way to insure it. Even if I have to go on a relatives insurance. Please help
Would having 2 cars be the same insurance as 1 car?
I have a 09 dodge charger, which you will probably figure the insurance is higher than average. So I was thinking, If I buy another lower level car, for example, a dodge neon. keep in mind that I am the owner of both cars, and only I will be driving the cars. would the insurance be the same or even lower?""
Student health insurance?
I recently got acceptance from California State University,Fullerton for my master degree and i need to have a health insurace to enroll for classes. Medical benefit is at least US 250.000$ per condition The medical evacuation benefit is at least 10.000$ The repatriation benefit is at least 7500$ What is the cheapest company supplying this conditions for cheap?""
How am I supposed to afford car insurance?
I'm driving uninsured right now because for me to get car insurance is $900 every six months. That would crush me financially right now. Between rent and gas, and what little Starbucks pretends to pay me, not to mention food (and sometimes that's one meal a day, and even then it may be stealing expired sandwiches and pastries from the garbage can at Starbucks). So, it's utterly naive of the government to think of driving as a luxury , when in reality- when you have to travel 20 miles a day to get to work at Starbucks- walking is unrealistic. The bus routes do not go by there, by the way. How the hell do they expect a 24-year old man to afford car insurance, when he has to work to earn the money to pay for it, and he has to drive to work, and in order to drive he has to drive illegally?! The @#*%ing system is completely screwed up if you ask me. Don't get me started on how the hell I'm supposed to afford gas these days, either.""
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
Tell me a word which explain Insurance in a single line?
I need a good tagline for Insurance
Guess our car insurance?
Primary driver: 24, perfect driving record, female, some college completed but no degree The car: Something mediocre from the late 80s to late 90s The insurance: Minnesota, metro area, daily 10-20 mile commute each way, we want all the proper liability and personal injury coverage but don't care about collision Seriously, just guess. We'll take any ideas. We completely know it varies by each of those factors and many more, and we already know the national average. If you know the state average, that's one step up on us. I'd get a quote, but my roommate is the one seriously thinking about cars right now, and I don't want to do anything in someone else's name. She'll be getting quotes soon, but right now I'm a little concerned about the insurance companies possibly running credit checks, as I'm under the impression a slew of them at a time can lower your score, and we don't know what car we're getting yet. So once that's settled, we'll check into it for real. We just want to TRY to budget before we seriously car hunt.""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?
I am 17 I live in New Mexico it is April 2013 and I am financing new 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS I will be put on my grandmothers Allstate car insurance.. how much would the monthly payment be???
1993 camaro car insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 1993 used camaro with a v8 engine and 145k miles on it off craigslist. I just need to know how much the car insurance will cost me. I'm 16 turning 17 in a month. I get A's and B's in school (someone once told me grades help lower car insurance) and havnt gotten into any accidents yet. i know you guys can't give me and accurate price but i just want a general price range from any company. i'm trying to find a really cheap car insurance. so can someone please tell me a general price range i might end up paying for the car?
Health Insurance?
Can someone reccomend some good affordable health insurance policies for people who's work place does not have health insurance yet. I'm looking for something with good coverage that wont cost me an arm and a leg. Here is a list of things i want on this coverage in order of priority: 1.Mental Health Coverage (dont refer state and government run things because i fall through the cracks on their rules) 2.Dental (i love and want to keep me teeth) 3.Doctor visits (i dont go to the doc much even when i am sick)
Vw r32 any idea on insurance?
hi i am 23 year old female with 2 years no claims. just lookign for a very rough idea of costs to insure an r32, any similar ppl can tell me? thanks""
""I'm going to be 18 when i get my car, and i was wondering how much car insurance usually costs in general?""
I always hear car insurance is like $800-$1000 for a new teenager in a sports car, but is that per month or per year? And if its per month, is there a way you can drive without insurance? or is that completely illegal...? 'cause that much a month would be f***ing ridiculous for a teenager going to college and working part time...""
Motorcycle insurance cost?
thinking about getting a motorcycle and wanted to get an idea of how much the insurance would cost. thinking about either a 2000 rebel or an 06 ninja 250. just want an idea of what to expect.
I am looking for health insurance?
I run a small nonprofit with a staff of 3. We are looking for affordable health insurance.
I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?
I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?
Accident and insurance?
If you get into a car accident, will your insurance pay for the cost of repair, or if it is totaled will it pay for a new car? In what situation will they be able to pay for the cost of repair or car?""
Approx price for car insurance for 16 yr old?
Hey, I'm about to get my license and promotion for my current part time job, and i'm wondering if anyone know what how much would i have to pay for my car insurance, current car im planning to drive is a Nissan Maxima year 2000, I got my permit March 2007, but was too lazy to get my license, getting my license around next month...""
Churchill Car Insurance Problem?
Had accident which was my fault in Nov 08, hit a van in rear that stopped suddenly going through a roundabout (less than 5mph) and his trailer hitch ball went into my radiator and damaged the hood, grill and radiator. Car was 1996 Honda in very reasonable condition, MOT'd and all in good service despite its 125,000 mileage, new tyres, exhaust, battery, and clean throughout. Had fully comprehensive insurance with 50 deductable, loaner car and legal support so paid to be protected. When car was collected from accident, collecting garage said at that time that due to the mileage my car would not be repaired. However it took 5 to 6 weeks for the insurance examiner to determine that my car was beyond repair, so I did without a car all that time. Despite repeated phone calls to them, they never called me back as their examiner was on holiday. Then when we finally agree that a price of 500 for my car in January 08 and that took some haggling, the cheque never and so I started chasing them down in early February. I am then informed that I did not disclose a speeding violation on my application and they would have to listen to the tapes of my applying to verify this. Again this took several weeks, and I again had to pursue them for an answer to which they then said I had applied on the internet so no record of a phone conversation. The internet application was misleading, asking for what I believed was 3 years worth of offenses. I've only ever had 2 speeding offenses in my entire life - both speed cameras, just over the limit. The first was at 6 a.m. and I passed a bus pulling over to stop and as I passed it got flashed. The second on the day I found my dad had days to live and I was rushing to catch a flight, and as in both instances was doing 42 mph in a 30 mph zone for a very short period. Nonetheless, I was speeding and paid my fines. I wrote to the insurance company and apologised for not telling them of the other speeding ticket from 4 years and 9 months earlier as I forgot about it. But I admitted it, and apologised in writing. Then then came back to me saying that there would be additional premium to pay before I would get paid for my car. Well, its October 08, and I finally got a letter from the insurers saying they are not paying me as I failed to pay the additional premium requested and they were not going to renew my policy. I have never been asked even after repeated letters to them how much the additional premium was, and what I should do. No replies. I have asked for my car back which they agreed to pay for, and now they state there is nothing they can do, and it is their final decision. I went to the financial ombudsman and unbelieveably DID NOT get a reply from them. I've even spoken to one of their survey staff who tells me that they are incredibly busy and it was probably put aside and not dealt with. I'm at a total loss as to where I stand and how to pursue this without spending more than the accident and car was worth. I've written to their data protection officer and obtained copies of all documentation pertaining to this, so by their records can verify all this information quite clearly. Finally, I maintained my cool with them at all times. Never once did I raise my voice or become unprofessional with them. My questions are: 1. Can I legally request my car back as it has never been paid for? 2. Were they taking money for policy on a car they knew that through mileage alone, they would never pay for loaner car, or to have repaired? 3. This has meant over 30 letters and more phone calls than that to deal with, and rarely do they call you back or reply at all. Can I claim for this time and distress? 4. Am I totally wasting my time? Regards, Papa Don""
High risk auto insurance?
Guys, Please what is the Best Option Online for High risk auto insurance, i am looking for One Just In Case Thanks""
Life insurance question - Help Part 2?
This questions  I asked are specific.     Assuming the insured is dead and the policy owner was the insured. both dead.    Then who are the payer and the payee?     At no time do beneficiaries get paid.   So the payee cannot be a beneficiary even if one were named - and I guess one shouldn't even be named if they are not gettting paid anyway.    What am I missing. And again ... who are the payer and the payee assuming the policy owner and the insured are the same person?
Help with getting car insurance in NY?
I really need to get a car, just got my drivers license but the insurance companies are trying to charge me over 600 a month. I have heard about people getting their insurance in maryland and other close by states, will i be able to do that? or anything ? oh and i'm 22 btw""
Would you let someone ride in your car who didn't have health insurance?
Would you let someone (maybe your friend or someone you know) ride in your car who didn't have health insurance?
If my camera is in my car and it is stolen will my auto insurance cover it?
If my camera is in my car and it is stolen will my auto insurance cover it?
What are insurance company for?
My car was a total loss the insurance company paid what the car was worth but not the finance charges. How do this work? I thought your insurance paid everthing and everything was a lump sum
Question about getting your own insurance?
A friend of mine recently just got his license and he tried to go on his mother insurance who doesn't have any insurance. Well, she tried to go on her own and they said that she had to put every single person who has insurance on, which will cost like 500 dollars per person!! Anyways, will it be possible for him to get his own, and will it be cheaper? Also, his father has his license suspended but that was at least 2yrs ago or so. Do they have to know about this or is they way to keep it from them. And, Do you have to put money down when getting insurence?""
How to get Cheap Car Insurance at 17?
Hello, I have tried everything to get chear car insurance at 17 but it seems to stay in the 2500+ Area.... How can I get it cheaper? I have had my license for a month but feel frustrated that I can't get a car because the insurance is too high!! Can anyone help?""
Motorcycle Insurance?
Does motorcycle insurance cost more than car insurance would or is it about the same?
A better way acquire an affordable health insurance to cover my family?
if I work for, say Pizza Hut as a part-time while I earn $65K/yr full-time job? I dont want to spend too much monthly payments on health insurance?""
How much do these bikes cost plus insurance?
i was wondering how much on average these following bikes cost and im looking for a used one as its my first bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , Honda Rebel 125cc , Yamaha Virago 250 125cc , Suzuki GZ 250 125cc , i also would like to know if anyone knew how much the insurance is for these , i know they depend on factors but anyone from experience , many thanks :)""
Will conservatives send back the refund on their health insurance to protest the Affordable Care Act?
Americans all across the country are receiving refunds from their health insurance providers (mine was $166). Included with the checks are letters explaining that the refund is the result of the Affordable Care Act. The Act requires health insurance companies to spend at least 80% of every dollar received on actual health care (I.e. not on administrative costs or CEO salary). Companies who fall below that cutoff must refund the difference to their policy holders. Will conservatives who receive such a refund send it back to protest the Act?
""After the insurance adjuster gives an estimate on the damages on my car, whats the next step?""
My car was hit by a van and the vans insurance company is paying for everything. I recently got a call from a body shop saying they received the estimate cost for the damage of my car. My question is: if I find another body shop to fix my car for less then the insurance company estimated, what happens with the left over money? Do they keep it or I do?""
Why do insurance take so long to settle a claim Both partys have the same insureance?
My daughter was hit by a student whos is a policeman with schools the student was speeding neither one was given a ticket We hve the same insurance
Personal health insurance?
Any other health insurance companies in Michigan that are good? I checked out Blue Cross. They're pricey but offer dental coverage which might be worth it. Because I got hit with some dental bills these past few years. Any websites that allow you to compare companies?
Would I still have insurance?
Hey. I'm 19 now and I started college. However, I quit going in September. Would I technically still have insurance until the end of the school year? I had surgery over the summer when I was 18 and they had me show them my application papers for college. I would like to get braces before I get too old and I was wondering if I would still be able to get them until the end of the school year.""
What is the difference between the insurance for the cars and motorcycles ?
Which one is cheap in terms of insurance ?
Why do they ask your occupation when appliying for insurance?
Does it really matter? Or is it for marketing purposes?
Insurance Question for owners of the 2007 pontiac g5?
Im a 22 yr old male, never had a car before, just got my license; and im about to purchase me a new pontiac g5. Im wondering how much i can expect to pay for insurance every month?Plz help!""
Car insurance question?
im planning on getting a dodge neon srt 4, im 20 i been driving since i was 16, i got my full license at 18. i have no accidents, tickets or anything(knock on wood). does anyone know how much it would be a month. im also planing on putting 4,000 down on it.""
Car insurance help!!?
So about a month and a half ago, someone kicked my car at night and left a big dent. I was stupid and called insurance and they gave me two options: fix the car or take a cash settlement. However, no matter what I do, my monthly insurance rate is going to go up even though it was not my fault. I think this is ridiculous and not worth it and I just want to cancel the claim. But I have been told that once a claim is put in, there's nothing you can do and once you hit three claims, your overall premium goes way up. What do I do? Should I just stop contacting the insurance company and after a while they have to close the claim? I wanted to sell the car this week but I guess that adds too many complications...""
How much is insurance for a honda accord coupe v6 ?
I'm 18 yrs old and I'm considering buying this car if insurance isn't bad
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
i currently use the general
""Average cost of renters insurance in midwest, 2 BR apt?
What is the average cost of renter's insurance in mid-state Michigan for a 2-BR apt.
17 years old and my car insurance is way too high...?
I'm 17 years old and I live in the state of New York. A few months ago I had a little accident with my moms cars. My father said he'll buy me a car if I pay for insurance... but my insurance would be 3600 dollars per year which I won't be able to afford making minimum wage. Is there anyways I could lower the price for insurance? I really need some help thank you!
Does having a 2 door civic make my insurance go up vs 4 door?
im 16 buying a civic. i like the 2 door civic coupes. if i buy a 2 door civic, will the insurance be higher than if i buy a 4 door civic?""
SR22 insurance?
does anybody know of a low cost company that offers SR22 insurance for a good price. I got to many traffic citations and lost my licence in iowa and they are requireing me to get SR22 to get my licence back.
Life insurance question - Help Part 2?
This questions  I asked are specific.     Assuming the insured is dead and the policy owner was the insured. both dead.    Then who are the payer and the payee?     At no time do beneficiaries get paid.   So the payee cannot be a beneficiary even if one were named - and I guess one shouldn't even be named if they are not gettting paid anyway.    What am I missing. And again ... who are the payer and the payee assuming the policy owner and the insured are the same person?
Value Of Car Set By Insurance Company?
My car was recently stolen and declared a total lost, when I first got insurance on this car the new or used cost value was set by my insurance company for $19,000. Now that my car is a total lost they only said they can give me the fair market value only. Why did they set a price of $19,000?""
Why is insurance expense debited?
Why is insurance expensive debited? First it says Markell Company purchased one year automobile insurance policy on September 1, 20-2 at a cost of 1800. At the time of the purchase, the accounting clerk would make the following journal entry. Sep 1: Prepaid insurance 1800 DR, Bank 1800 CR Then it says since the insurance was purchased on September 1, four months of coverage have been used and eight months of coverage. Dec 31 Insurance Expense 600 DR, Prepaid Insurance 600 CR I can understand why prepaid insurance is credit because it is deducted each time as the months ago until is it fully done.""
""If I'm a registered driver but I'm still with my mom, will her insurance costs go up?""
I'm 16 and I want to get my learner's permit then eventually my license, but I heard that my mom's costs would go up even if I didn't have a car.""
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
17yo insurance (UK) on a 2006 Nissan figaro?
I can't get any quotes from companies as I haven't passed my test yet - so irritating, anyway I really want a Nissan figaro and have seen one I like (info in title) but my mum said insurance would be , anyone have a rough estimate? :/ help!?!""
How can life insurance be profitable for insurance companies?
How can personal life insurance actually make a profit for an insurer, when it is universal that any insured person will eventually die? Is it because insurance companies stop offering life insurance cover as soon as the person reaches a certain age, so the vast majority of deaths are not insurable?""
A GOOD first car that is great for insurance?
i need a car that will b a good first car for a 16 year old male. it has to be reliable, safe, low cost, and has to have low insurance. any suggestions?""
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
Who has the best car insurance in NJ?
Who has the best car insurance in NJ?
Can I buy 1 months insurance ? ( under 21)?
Hi all, Been looking around for 1 -2 months insurance cover for under 21 in the Uk. It's been difficult to find anything on the internet. Can I actually buy this? Or would I just have to buy yearly Insurance? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.""
Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes?
My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California.""
Is there any advantage of group health insurance?
I would like to know if there is any advantage of a group health insurance plan over a personal health insurance policy. I am planning on buying a health insurance plan so I wanted to know.
Fast old car that isnt cost millions to insure?
I am 17 i understand that the insurance on a very fast car would be millions! but i was wondering does anyone know an old fastish car that the insurance isnt tonnes and tonnes of cash in the UK
New Driver Car Insurance?
Hi all, How does a new driver go about getting insured for the purchase of a new car? Having never been insured before, how would I go about legally driving away a car newly purchased? So the scenario is that I have sourced the market and located a car. It is a private sale or from a garage. I have never driven before and therefore never been insured on an vehicle. How do I go about ensuring that when I purchase the car I am legally insured/taxed? When looking online, they need all the details about the car before I can arrange insurance, but I cannot guarantee the details of the car until I have seen it in person, when I expect to make the purchase. Any advice/links would be great. Thanks""
Is it possible transfer the auto insurance?
I would like to buy a old car and is it possible to transfer the excisting insurance to my name,I am living in MA USA""
Affordable car insurance companies in NYC?
Hi there, I would appreciate it if I can get some names and possibly reviews of inexpensive auto insurance companies within NYC (companies in all 5 boroughs are welcome)? Please! I beg you, don't mention Geico, All State, State Farm, and Progressive! Thanks very much!""
Can I add my 18yo niece to my medical insurance?
She is a college student and we provide more than half of her support. I do claim her as a dependent on my taxes, but only starting this year. I know I can keep my own children on the policy through age 26 (if in college, I think), but I didn't know if I could add my niece. thanks!""
""Looking for cheap life insurance, any suggestions?
I've heard alot of insurance companies are a rip off. I'm looking for dependable but affordible.
Health insurance?
affordable health insurance in Houston
How much would it cost if my parent added me to his/hers insurance?
I'm 17 and I've got a provisional licence and I can drive my dads car if I'm on his insurance and if he's in the car whilst I'm driving. He has a modern looking rover that was made in 2002 and litre is 1.4. Does anyone know roughly how much it would cost? Thanks.
Car insurance questions?
I'm just coming up to the end of my first year of driving. My insurance is due on the 12th of December. I was quoted 1700 by my current insurer, which obviously, I'm not paying. I've now managed to get an insurance quote from Admiral for 680. My questions are; 1. No Claims Bonus - I'm on track to have 1 years no claims but obviously at the moment I wont have? I want to pay for my insurance ASAP so can I just put 1 years no claims on the form and put the start date as the 12th? 2. Do I need to tell my current insurer I wont be renewing with them? Is there some sort of automatic renewal system in place with car insurance companies? My dad threw the renewal letter out so I have no way to check myself short of ringing the company but I wont be able to do that until Monday and I kinda wanted to buy my insurance now.""
What is the average monthly car insurance payment for a 29 yr old male in illinois?
Full auto coverage,and have only had one speeding ticket in my life.""
Car insurance for a 17 year old male?
Hi guys just want a little bit of help or some advice from people who have been in my situation. I have currently just passed my driving test on the 04/01/2013 and I am now looking to get insured. I understand that insurance is unbelievably high. I am 18 in February 3rd and the the car I have is a 2009 Renault Twingo freeway 1.2, this car is not very fast and roughly around 3000. I have been quoted 2000 at the moment which I understand is okay but any tips, tricks or good insurance please help! also to add I dont mind being insured with a blackbox or whatever their called but may drive past 11pm on the odd day out of the week. Thank you""
Medical insurance makes a difference?
Why is it that when you go the hospital and you dont have medical insurance you are looked down upon even though you do get the medical services required for proper treatment? But when you have medical insurance its like youre treated in your own way with approbation.
Car insurance.. help please?
I got a 2000 Dodge Neon a couple days ago and i was wondering how much the insurance will be a month? I'm a sophomore girl in highschool and i usually maintain a B average (you get about $25 off insurance for maintaining good grades). And how much will it be to get it licensed? I payed $1300 for the car (they were desperatly trying to sell it) and it's in perfect condition.
Life insurance question - Help Part 2?
This questions  I asked are specific.     Assuming the insured is dead and the policy owner was the insured. both dead.    Then who are the payer and the payee?     At no time do beneficiaries get paid.   So the payee cannot be a beneficiary even if one were named - and I guess one shouldn't even be named if they are not gettting paid anyway.    What am I missing. And again ... who are the payer and the payee assuming the policy owner and the insured are the same person?
How much is a ticket for not having insurance on your car in oklahoma?
I'm writing a paper for my law study class and was wondering how much the average ticket for not having insurance on your car in oklahoma is? Thanks for the help!
Anyone know the best insurance companies for young drivers?
I know obviously insurance for the young is gonna get rocket high anyway compared to older people for the same old 'statistical' reasons as always although I don't intentionally drive like an idiot or least intend never to and I do take safety as a big priority and everything, I've passed my test just over 2 years ago with a clean license but still find insurance even for my micra (1 litre 1994 M Reg) costing me a minimum average of 1000 annually, and just below a grand like 900-950ish is roughly the best I've got for my micra from directline but wondering if anyone would know anyone better cost wise? Also why is there so much discrimination against young/new drivers when its actually only the small minority who take the worse of risks and drive like w*****s making it sky high expensive for the rest of us, I can understand it may be statistic but unless u actualy do drive like a so and so I don't see why 'everyone' should be punished with rip off premiums for the sake of the minority number of idiots""
What am I required to report when I apply for new car insurance?
I scratched the paint on someone's bumper. A claim was made and the damages paid were approximately $1300. My question is: if I will be applying for a new insurance policy, am I required by law to report that I was in a fender bender? Are they able to access these records? I am trying to determine whether or not this will affect my new insurance policy rates.""
Do you need the VIN to purchase insurance?
my husband bought a car at an auction today with his friend, we will have the car tomorrow by 1pm but were hoping to get insurance bought in the morning, do we need the VIN to purchase insurance so he can drive it tomorrow?""
Are you supposed to have car insurance at 15?
i just thought of this just now and i remember having to pay for auto insurance at 15 just for a school permit for school and back and i hear some people dont have insurance was i right to pay for it or was i tricked because he says you have to be 16 and said he'll accidentally put that i am and say it was a mistake to the company, i think this is a trick but idk and again others dont pay for insurance but were they just too cheap to do it and risk the consinquence? or did i get tricked back then by my insurer""
""Help! looking for affordable health care insurance in atlanta, ga?
i am a single mom recently laid off from work. i have asthma and take a prescribed drug every day. i am running out and just to see my dr. for a new rx is $125 and then for a 30day ...show more
I got a speeding ticket and no insurance?
well my insurance was expired when i got the ticket. so when i renew it will it still go up?
Might have a cancerous mole. can i get it removed for free without insurance in california?
It's half way down my back back, on the left side, kind of ON my side, but not quite. This isn't an aesthetic issue, and i've had the mole for years. Some years back, though, I noticed the mole had a couple hairs growing out of the center of it, which was never the case before. This last week, I noticed it seems bigger and further raised from my skin than I can recall, and there seems to be kind of a black head on it. I can't really get a good look at it because...well it's on my back...but it worries me. I have NO health insurance other than some state assigned card they gave me that I think is just for free STD testing, and I really don't have any money. Are there clinics that will do this sort of thing for free or for a very low cost like maybe $50? I really need to have a doc do it, because I need it biopsied since it's looking so strange now. Thanks for the help.""
Any1 know of any cheap car insurance companies or crappy jobs? i just passed my test but the insurance is a jk?
I dont know what to do, im 18, have no job, a few gcses but not in maths n english, and an AS in finance so its not exactly shocking that i cant seem to get a job. does anybody know of any jobs that nobody else wants? i dont care what i have to do I NEED MY INSURANCE. looks like getting a job is the only way to do it :( would prefer office jobs coz i have experience in admin and accountancy. IF you can't answer that, does anyone know of any cheap starter car insurance companies?, im a girl so i might get a cheaper then boys. thanks in advance :) xx seriously getting depresed and desperate! :'( il do anything!""
Lying to insurance company?
The other night I hit into a pole in a parking lot and no one saw, and caused the pole no damage. However, the front of my car has a small damage. Money is tight. What if I were to tell my insurance company that I did not know how it happened and I'm looking to repair it...""
What is the cheapest way to insure a teenager with car insurance?
I have heard of people putting the car under their name on the policy and then they child drives the car and claims it is their parents car. Giving cheaper insurance. Is that very common?
Do I need car insurance to drive?
So I'm sixteen and use to think as long as the car had insurance I was okay. I have my license and sometimes I drive my moms car in case it was required since my mom really needs someone in the family to drive. Recently I was told I needed to be added to her list but my mom says since I have medical insurance it's okay? oO That I just need some sort of insurance in order to pay.. not necessarily car insurance. So if I get pulled over and police ask for my license [which I have] and registration [which I also have] would I get arrested and have my license suspended?
Do i need insurance to be under my name when taking my drivers test?
so im taking my drivers test soon and i need to know if i have to get insurance under my name on the car..my mom does have insurance on the car i will be using but only under her name..so will i have to add my name to the insurance just to take the drivers test? i live in california
I need liability insurance?
I'm 20 years old almost 21 and I've had a permit for a year next month on the 14th. I want to get a driver's license asap. I know I need liability insurance in order to get it but how do I do that if I can't get insurance without a license? Everytime I call the dmv they say I have to go in person to have my question answered only problem with that is I live 20 miles from the nearest one and no way to get there in the day time. Someone please help!
Is it possible for a UK resident to get car insurance in the US?
I am planning to travel to the US for 2 months and was hoping to buy a car in California and drive it to New York. I have been trying to find out if will be possible to get insurance since I am not a resident of the US and it is looking increasingly difficult. I contacted Progressive Insurance company in the US and they said that I would have to have an address plus they would be unable to write a policy as the laws change between states and I would be travelling between states. Is there anything I can do to get around this?
Which car insurance is better GMAC or Allstate?
I currently have AAA insurance, but I don't like my agent, so I am switching. GMAC and Allstate both gave me good rates, so I am trying to decide between the two. Please let me know of your experience with either company. Thanks!""
""Can I purchase, insure and register a motorcycle with a temp license in California?""
Hey everyone. I passed my motorcycle skill test six weeks ago, but haven't received my motorcycle license yet. And I want to buy a motorcycle and ride legally commuting everyday. I wonder if it is OK to purchase, insure and register a motorcycle? Thanks.""
What is the typical cost of maintenance for a Mercedes C240 per year including insurance for a young driver?
As the question states. :) Thank you so much for your help!
How much would it cost for a 16 year old with a 91-93 300zx tt?
How much would the insurance be for a 16 year old to have a 91-93 300zx twin turbo? in alabama
Health insurance after you've turned 18?
My mother receives Social Security checks and insurance (She had cancer, and can't work due to other conditions brought on by the chemotherapy) and because of this, I had medicaid. I turned 18 last month and I'm wondering if I automatically get cut off from her insurance, or if I stay on the plan because I'll be a student in the fall. I know the system for this changed recently, so I have no idea if I still have insurance or not.""
Motorcycle insurance requirements in KY?
My son is financing a motorcycle through HSHB. If he gets full coverage its $1000 a year. If he gets just liability is $400 a year. The dealer says he doesn't have to get anything but Liability in Kentucky. He has extended 36 month warranty plan. His bike cost $4000. My son wants to get just liability. My question is will he have any coverage if someone steals his bike if he doesn't have full coverage?
Is auto insurance cheaper for trucks?
I have a turbocharged hatchback now, thinking about upgrading to a larger vehicle.""
Approximately how much does malpractice insurance cost for a Psychiatrist?
Just wondering about the average annual, or monthly, cost for the insurance. If anyone has a specific number for the state of Florida, that would be much appreciated as well.""
How much a month would car insurance be for a 2010 dodge charger? Im about to turn 18 and plan on getting this?
car. I know it depends on where u live etc..but i want to know the average cost per month of this particular car. I'm going to be joining the marines..idk if this matters but most places offer a military discount. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
How much do you pay for motorcycle insurance?
I'm trying to get an idea of how much I'll pay for motorcycle insurance. I'm 20, with a good driving record, who is looking to buy a honda rebel as a starter bike. So, if you could tell me your age, gender, insurance company, and how much you pay, it would be greatly appreciated. Please only serious answers. TIA""
Life insurance question - Help Part 2?
This questions  I asked are specific.     Assuming the insured is dead and the policy owner was the insured. both dead.    Then who are the payer and the payee?     At no time do beneficiaries get paid.   So the payee cannot be a beneficiary even if one were named - and I guess one shouldn't even be named if they are not gettting paid anyway.    What am I missing. And again ... who are the payer and the payee assuming the policy owner and the insured are the same person?
0 notes
Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
"Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What are some good affordable dental plans for an individual?
I currently have no dental insurance and I need something really affordable. Serious answers please
Will I be covered by my car insurance?
I am buying a new truck, and I am getting full coverage insurance on it. If I let somebody drive my car that has no car of their own and no insurance, will they still be covered by my insurance if they get in an accident since I gave them permission to drive my truck?""
Could someone recommend some very good life insurance companies?
I want to get dependable life insurance at affordable rates.
About how much more would insurance be on this car?
i want to get a chrysler sebring convertible. i tried calculating insurance but it didnt ask if it was a convertible or not. Im just trying to see how much more the insurance would be since its a convertible.SO! how much more would insurance be on a 99 sebring coupe than a 99 sebring convertible. it would have 46000 miles.
Health Insurance question?
Do any one know a insurance in California that cover pre-existing condition? I am eighteen year old with no insurance still living with my parent which have no health insurance. We had medical but it expired. I have heart problem the doctor said i need to get insurance that cover pre-existing condition. I have try getting quotes online. Or know any good insurance i should try giving a call to.
Insurance cost...v6 vs v8?
Does it make difference? Is the insurance going to be higher?
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
Hey I will be turning 17 in a month and I was wondering how much car insurance will cost. I Think I will be going under my parents plan. I will either be getting my dads 05 range rover or an 03 nissan 350z. I have geico and live in NY if that helps. About how much would it cost to insure each car?
Why is my health insurance so much?
My girlfriend- is 22 in shape and healthy other than having psoriasis and ADD; she has health insurance and pays $90 damn bucks a month. I am looking for insurance since I will soon be 26 years old in shape and healthy and am looking at paying $200 a month. This is bullshit frankly- I am healthy, only have ADD (which I don't even take meds for but want to start again) and have a steady well paying job. I tried looking through the websites but found nothing less than $110 for not so great coverage. Can someone explain to me a. where to get good affordable health insurance b. why there is such a difference in cost since she has more problems and we are only 3 years apart c. are there any options for me if I went to healthcare.gov? I know she isn't lying about the payments and I know she has a co pay with each subscription/doctors visit but its minimal like $30-60 minimal. Any help or advise is very appreciated- also please don't make this political.""
""Two insurance quotes, one car?""
Is it possible for me and my brother to have two insurance quotes on the car, or do I have to go on his insurance? He is already insured on the car? Thanks :)""
Will I be covered by my parents auto insurance for an accident if im not on the policy?
I was in a car accident last night while driving my parents insured car. I, however, am not on the policy. I am 23 and live in my parents household. I have my own seperate insurance for my vehicle, which I was not driving due mechanical issues. This is the only time I have driven my parents car. Will either my parents or my car insurance cover the accident? This is what happened: I hit a car who made a left in front of me while driving through an intersection. The light was green, I had the right of way. When the police arrived the individual whom I hit admitted he had been drinking and was a marijuana user. The police arrested him and towed his car. The officer disclosed that the individual did not show proof of insurance. Also, there was a witness (the driver in the car behind me) who pulled over to check on us. He had told the officers what happened which verified my explanation of the event. I live in California, if that helps. If anyone has any advice for this scenario, please advise me on how I should proceed as I have never been in this situation. Thank you""
Good car choices for new driver in terms of insurance costs.?
I am wondering what are the best cars for young drivers in terms of insurance costs, I have looked around and allot of people suggest Citroen C2 and Fiat Punto Grande.I don't really like the look of Citroen C2 (looks ugly in my opinion) but Punto isn't that bad. I am kinda into Alfa Romeo Mito and it's my first choice at the moment but isn't the cheapest option in terms of insurance... (even the base model). So I am wondering what are other decent options available , or what some of you new drivers are driving :). Thanks!""
Where do I go to find public liability insurance?
I am starting to run workshops, teaching creative recycling crafts and require public liability insurance. Could you point me in the right direction please?""
My age is 28 nd m a govt employee which is the best insurance plan for me which provide me best benifits..?
My age is 28 nd m a govt employee which is the best insurance plan for me which provide me best benifits..?
How Much Is Car Insurance? Please Help?
Ok See im 16 and i have a 1990 Pontiac Firebird and I have a Junior License Year: 1990 Make: Pontiac Model: Firebird Trim: Engine: 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black Interior: Grey Miles: 170000
What country has the best and most affordable health care system in the world?
it cannot possibly be the united states. in the united states the only ones that can afford healthcare probably cannot actually afford it, their insurance covers it. take away ...show more""
Is it legal for car lot to hold my check from insurance?
I had a wreck a couple weeks ago and told me I could come pick up my check today from insurance. When I got there to fill out the paperwork and pick up the check they told me it wasn't ready and that they will have to send it to the car dealer (Express Credit Auto) so they can take out what I owe and they give me whats left which I do not have a car now and the check was to get me another car, which I told them and all they said was to use what is left to get another car by them. Which I just want my check so I can get my car, I told them I will still be paying my bill for the car but they then said it is illegal for the insurance to give me the check when they hold the lien to the car. I don't know what the legal side is, can anyone help me??""
What are the cheapest cars to insure?
What are the cheapest cars to insure?
Can you have auto insurance without a car?
I recently had my car repossessed and with the amount the finance company was asking I could not afford to get it back. I am wanting to know if you can have insurance without having a vehicle listed on the policy? I occasionally drive my partners vehicle and I need to have insurance and I do not want to terminate my current policy I am with Nationwide Insurance
How can I get an inexpensive Health Insurance while having no job and on disability?
I am on a workman's comp. claim which is temporary disability, I am not able to return to work for another 6-12 months. I am getting married in August and eventually would like to have children in the next year. Who will give me health insurance at a rate I can afford, and will be able to cover pregnancy in the months to come after we get married? Thanks for your help!""
What's the best way to shop for life insurance? Is there a software program to find the best life insurance?
I mean. Is there any software to compare life insurance?
Who is the cheapest car insurance in NC?
I am with nationwide, but want to change, I have a car and an suv with full coverage and renters insurance, bundled thur them, I am trying to see who is the out there that is lower in cost, my mom likes Gieco, but I see all the ads about progressive......who do you think?""
Can I cancel my car insurance?
I took out car insurance with Direct Line in July paying in monthly instalment by direct debit. I am now getting rid of my car so want to cancel. Will there be a cancellation fee? Will they make me pay what is left for the year?
Can I rent a car without my own insurance?
I don't have any car insurance since I go to college in the city and rely on public transportation. I'm 21 years old and I am making a trip to LA where I want to rent a car. I am wondering if I am still able to rent a car since I don't have my own car insurance. Can I bring my parents insurance information with me? The insurance card only has their names on it, not mine. What should I do?""
Car insurance policies !?
a friend of mine said she had light house insurance.. she claims she pays X amount of money for a basic car insurance policy every 6 months.. keep in mind, i live on long island.. what kind of car insurance company offers a 1 payment policy every 6 months ?? my current insurance policy is expensive, i feel like theyre stealing from me.. please help out, i know there are A LOT of insurance companys..""
Car insurances when ur under 18?
i dont get insuraces... if the car is insured (my parent car) can i drive it? or when do i need to be insured? i live in california and i have a permit right now
Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
Where can I find car insurance for my situation?
I've been without insurance for almost a year now. I canceled my old policy because I do not drive my car anymore and I'm selling it. So I finally bought a new car, and I am currently looking for insurance. But I haven't had any insurance the past year. Where can I get insurance?""
Meeting deductibles on health insurance?
okay so i am looking at the blue cross blue shield family plan in texas and for us three it costs $164 a month with a $2500 deductibile and then they pay 80% of the costs. So my question is, what does the deductible mean? sorry i come from free healthcare in the UK so I'm not used to paying for medical insurance. How does one meet a $2500 deductible before the insurance company can start paying for the rest of the medical stuff?? Is it met by constant hospital visits? doc visits? constant lab and xray tests?""
Car insurance for 16 yr old with mustang?
im 16 and just got a 05 mustang, and now im trying to find a cheap insurance company. I want to spend less than $275 a month, does anyone know one?""
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
Where to find good car insurance for 17 year old boy and a decent car to go with it?
hi im 17 year old boy, just passed my theory test, i have around 1500 for a car, but the insurance is so high, best quotes ive been getting are around 4000 on corsa's and clio's , do u know where i could get cheaper insurance, or an alternative car that will have cheaper insurace, i dont like KA's or micras or cars like that, HELP PLEASE""
""When i buy a car, what is the process of buying? like insurance...etc?""
when i buy a car, what is the process of buying? like buy insurance, apply car plate...etc? by the way, how do i buy the insurance? and where do i go and buy it? Pardon me, i am an idiot in car. Please teach me, I really will appreciate for your help.""
Car title and insurance question?
If my name was put on the title of a car (I'm 18), would it affect the insurance rates even if the car was insured under my parent's policy as a occasional driver? Does the insurance company have the right to change the rates on a car depending solely on whose name is on the title?""
What should i look for when buying health insurance?
what sort of health insurance shld i buy and how much will it cost-i'm 18 and not earning a salary
Do i need to be on the insurance?
im going to take my drivers test and my grandpa is going to let me use his car.do i need to be on his insurance to drive his car for the test?i live in connecticut
Car insurance help????????
i have a cousin who is 16 n has a license, i am going on a trip for couple of months, i am wondering if he could drive my car legally if it is insured under my name. just becuz is costs him like 200 bucks for month to have insurance. Is it the car or the driver who needs to have a insurance or does it differ by state, and my cousin lives in kentucky""
How much would insurance for a Subaru Impreza WRX be?
I am getting my license very soon and I plan on getting an 02 Subaru Impreza WRX for my first car. I am curious to know what will be the monthly cost of my insurance (an estimate). I will be on my parents insurance and they have Liberty Mutual. I know that the WRX has one of the highest insurance rates but I want to know if it will be doable or not. Thanks in advanced.
Cheapest insurance company for teenage boys?
im a teenage boy in new jersey whos about to get my license, im looking into getting my own insurance but im not sure which company to choose. ill be getting a brand new car and my grades are good, so does anyone have an idea how much itll cost me annually?""
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Auto Insurance Question/Teen Driver?
Our teen is about to get his learner's permit. At what point am I obligated to notify my auto insurance company that our son is now a driver.....when he gets his learner's permit or when he gets his actual driver's license? I'm wondering at what point my rates will increase as a result of needing to insure my son. The state is Vermont. Thanks!
Can employers in California ask for medical record for insurance risk assessment?
Can employers in California ask for medical record for insurance risk assessment?
Will getting a refund on extended warranty and GAP insurance cause my interest to go up?
I just purchased a used car with 30% down payment. I noticed they charged me for GAP insurance and extended warranty and I asked them take it off. They are arguing getting a refund on them will cause my interest rate to go up because they used the purchase to bargain a lower interest rate. Is this true? If so, do I have to accept the higher interest rate? They say I can't return the car because it was already signed for but I don't want to buy at a higher interest rate either.""
""We're going to vegas and will be renting a car, should we get the insurance?""
I've heard that getting insurance when you rent a car is pointless because your regular auto insurance will cover you, because insurance covers the driver and not the car. If we were to get the car insurance for the rental car, it would add an extra $250. Obviously our regular insurance has to cover us, or else the car rental place wouldn't make this insurance optional. Am i right? Should we consider getting the insurance?""
Car Insurance For 16 Year Old Female?
How much would monthly car insurance cost for a 16 year old female living in Louisiana approximately?
Where can I get cheap car insurance? (UK)?
I'm a 17 year old guy, about to turn 18 and my mum bought me a car! I have yet to pass my driving test but have booked one for June. I have been looking on the internet for car insurance and the best I had found was about 715. That was a couple of days ago. Now the cheapest is 798. Is there somewhere you found cheap car insurance? I am hoping I might be able to phone up and try to convince them to drop their 798 a little because of the sudden change. What else can I do? I've looked on every car insurance website i can think of. If you dont know how to answer this question can you name as many car insurance companies as possible in case i missed one. thanks""
Insurance company totalled my car.?
I was recently in a minor accident in which someone backed into me. Their insurance company accepted 100% of the liability. They are telling me that they are deeming it as a total loss. My question is, once they determine the actual cash value of the car, minus the salvage and give me the difference, will my title be a salvaged title? I live in Missouri and drive a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero. I couple of different people have informed me that beings my car is over 7 years old it will NOT have a salvaged title but according to the insurance company it will. Also do I get the actual cash value minus the salvage amount or do I get the repair estimate amount minus the salvage amount? The car is completely drivable and only has a minor crack in the bumper along with a puncture in the a/c condenser which I can have replaced. I want to keep the car.""
Got into a car accident - how much will my premium increase if I go through insurance?
My friend says at most it could be $1000-2000 damage - but I'm trying to get the bare minimum fixed if they'll let me do that at their recommended shop...insurance company is nationwide...
Increase in car insurance after passing test? RIP OFF? changing insurance questions.?
i have just passed my test, and my insurance company (Quinn Direct) are trying to rip me off. When i had provisional license, my insurance was 1100 on a 1.1 saxo. which i thought was good 4 1st time driver. but now ive passed they are saying its going to increase to 2500, which surely is a load of rubbish? i did a few quotes with other companys and they are coming up around 1100-1500. if i cancel my insurance with Quinn (at a fee of 35) and join another insurance company, will i have to start over with my no claims? as i dont have a full year yet, my 1st no claim would be in march 09. please help? what should i do? i dont want to be ripped off but i also dont want to loose my half a year of no claims. Plus i also have 10 month acelerater insurance, which i paid a deposit up front, so i have 2 free months at the end of my insurance.""
What is the average house insurance cost in Canada?
for example for 3500 sqft with 2 stories
I got a court date for not having a car insurance and I was cought in a parking lot?
Hi guys well I was cought by a cop cause my temp pleate was expired and did not have an insurance and I got these two ticket in a mall parking lot here is how the police saw me ( my car was parked in a parking near the minestry office from the past 2 weeks and I just went to start the car so the battery don't run out of charge, and just on the other side of this parking lot there was a coffe shop on the other side of the road which is a mall aria but to get there I had to cross a main road which Im guessing is a 50 meters crossing, so ofcorse the officer saw me on the main road and I turned in the parking lot and he stoped me there) so any one there can help me out how to get out of this mess I have asked some lawers they told me they can help me out but the fees they are charging is realy big please help""
Truck insurance question!!!!?
I'm 17 and I want to get a truck. Which one of these would be cheapest on insurance? A 1999 Chevy silverado or a 2004 Chevy colorado? Both four wheel drive(4x4) and 3 doors? 2 regular and 2 half doors. Both lifted. Thanks
Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
Insurance rates for 18 year old?
I've never owned a car but I will for the first time soon. I know that in high school insurance rates partially depended on grades, is it the same way in college? What other things are factors in determining the rate?""
Would insurance cover it?
My husband was involved in a car accident 2 years ago...the people filed a claim/law suit recently over some 'injuries' (which is BS because he works with this guy and he was no injured), just 2 days before statue of limitation expires. Since my husband's work requires so much traveling, it was pointless for him to keep car/insurance if he never drives, we sold his car so he no longer has car insurance. Now that these people 2 years LATER decided to sue...would his old insurance take care of it since the accident happened while he did have car insurance? And he was driving a friends car at the time...not his own care.""
How can i get health insurance?
Hello I am 18yrs old and i am trying to get health insurance. I am a full time student. My mom is does not have health insurance either, Her income is really low and i dont have any income coming in.. Is there a health insurance that is right for me? Please answer""
Which insurance company offer the lowest price to insure my car? I have a Ford contour 2000 y.?
i need for emergency to insure my car in the cheapest way-very important.That's why i need the best offers from insurance Companyes
Do you have to be on someone's insurance to drive a car?
In the state of Florida, if your name isn't on a policy, can you still drive a car? I know that some insurance companies offer uninsured driver insurance, in case someone without insurance hits you. But, do you need to be paying monthly on a policy if you don't have a car of your own?""
I want a new car please help Car Insurance Help.?
Hey please help me i really want to get a car as soon as i can. I'm 20 years old i live in NYC. I am planning to buy a car as soon as i know the answer to this question. I want to know how much will i have to pay for my car insurance? I was thinking on putting it under my fathers name. He's 63 years old but he does not have a license but i heard he can buy a car and insurance it with his permit. How much would u think i have to pay if i put it under his name and mine? Please Help.
Car insurance help for a young driver?
I'm looking to buy this 2002(51 reg) 1.6L Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback. I'm a new driver and have looked everywhere for a cheap insurance quote. I'm just wondering whether the insurance will go down by much after my first year driving? thankyouuuuu x
""What are the best cars that are cheap to insure, low on tax (highest band D), and quite fast?
This is for my first car 17 year old. Thanks
Motorbike Insurance 600cc ~ 1000cc?
Iam 24 years old ( will do the bike test later this year ) I would just like a rough figure on what would it cost the insurance for these bikes. CB 600 hornet HONDA CBR 1000 KAWASAKI Z1000 KAWASAKI ER 650 YAMAHA R1 YAMAHA R6 Iam asking because iam abroad and i cant do the quotes else i would not loose time asking If someone could be kind enough to help out just with a near figure iwould gladly apreciate the help.
Insurance is cheaper for me when i have a provisional licence but?
if i put a full licence in the qoute generator it goes up like triple the price .the reason im asking is because i want to buy a car to practice but im scared when i pass and get a full licence the insurance price will go up ridiculously.im a 20 yr old boy and want a vauxhall corsa or citreon saxo
Insurance on a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse 6cylin?
How much would it cost to insure it i was planning to buy a eclipse im a 16 year old male and I dont want to cost my dad an extra 200 a month i just want to insure the other person not my car (cause the car is 3000 dollars) And i was just wondering cause its important please give me a general monthly payment not 'Its gonna be a lot
Since the passage of The Affordable Care Act (0bamacare) how much have your health insurance rates gone down?
How much more affordable is your health care ?
Can someone give me advice on starting a car service?
If someone can gear in the right direction to start a car/limo service that would be greatly apperciated. How much is the insurance around for say about three Town cars? What else do you need that is important for this type of business?
Maternity insurance for self employed?
Hi, I am from ca and I was wondering if there is any affordable insurance for self employed family. I am not pregnant but planning on it in the next few months. any ideas?""
Where would be the cheapest place for insurance??????
ive recnetly turned 18 and i want to get a suzuki jimny soft top where is the best place
My daughter sold her car to her boyfriend ( now ex ). She still has him on her insurance and car is still in her name? She lost pink slip?
Best way to deal with this? I thought maybe she should take him off her insurance immediately, but thought maybe not, as car still in her name. To make matters worse, he turned out to be not so nice. Thanks.""
Will the insurance company cancel my car insurance after a DUI in VA?
i got a dui in VA, is offence, .08 bac, well i got convicted of yesterday. i have to do a DWI Education classes and have a restricted licence to drive to work. my insurancce is still valid for a good 6 months. do i have to inform the insurance company, will i lose my insurance, do i need a sr22 or not. please advice..""
Can i sue auto insurance company without using a lawyer?
i was rear end by another car and his insurance total my car and paid me the book value of the car. i went to physical therapy for about four months. i took x-rays and mri. the mri shows that i have a dislocation in my lower back. but the insurance company has refused to settle me for my injury. my lawyer told me that i should consult another lawyer to sue the insurance company. some lawyers i met are not interested in the case. can i sue the insurance company myself? if so, how do i begin?""
Car Insurance?
How much around does car insurance cost for someone 18 and under for like a 1989 Mustang GT
Women pay more for healthcare insurance?
It appears women pay more for insurance than men even if they're the same age. Insurers say this is justifiable because women tend to have more health risks than men especially after they give birth (urinal incontinence). Here are some of their reasons: -women tend to go to the doctor more and get check-ups every year whereas men do not -even if the insurance doesn't cover maternity care, some states mandate that insurance covers complications of pregnancy Not all insurance covers maternity care but it still costs more either way: -In Ohio, a woman pays 49% more than men of same age -In Texas, women pay 39% more from the state insurance pool -Nebraska is 32% more on average What do you think of this? Do you think it's justifiable to charge one sex more than the other because of potential higher risks? Or do you think that both genders would have to given the same costs? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/30/us/30insure.html?scp=1&sq=healthcare%20policy%20women&st=cse""
How to get cheaper car insurance in bc?
How to get cheaper car insurance in bc?
Is it possible to get affordable life insurance and dental insurance if i am not employed?
.........and if so, roughly how much money would this cost per month?""
Car Insurance Help? BMW 3 Series?
How much should insurance be on a USED BMW 3 Series Sedan for a 16 year old girl? It wouldn't be fully loaded.
""Car stolen, will insurance pay?
my car was stolen out of our driveway . i wanted to go to work and had everything in the car . i left to get my sleeping child andwhen i went out the car was gone . not even 3 minutes later. they recoverd the car . damaged but not the person yet . my husband is affraid that the insurance will not pay since the keys were in the car along with all my creditcards and house keys .the car was on our property next to the house . i have nightmares about it . please help
How much can I expect my car insurance to go up?
I was in an accident tonight where I was at fault. I was turning left, and my view was blocked by a large line of cars with a few large trucks in front, so I couldn't see anything. I inched out a little bit to see if I could see if there was any oncoming traffic and a car came flying out from behind the lineup and glanced off of my front end, and skidded into another car. After the writeup was done, I got a citation for $84.00 for failure to yield the right-of-way while making a left hand turn in a 3 car accident, and got 4 points tacked onto my license. One woman was apparently hurt , when she hit her head on the steering wheel, and said she needed an ambulance, but she walked over to the ambulance when it arrived all by herself, didn't seem too hurt. Anyways, I am 18 years old and this is my first accident. I was wondering how much I can expect my insurance to go up per month and how long it is going to be raised up?""
Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
Terms Life Insurances-term life policy?
i am wanting to cash in a 14year life insurance policy. the amount is $50,000. what is the formula for a cash out, in other words how much will i receive?""
Should I change car insurance?
So here how it goes. I want to get a new insurance for my Mom's car. She is 52 years old women who drives a Honda civic 2002 Sendan that was totaled and repair before. She is paying 1,600 a year and I think that's a lot for liability . She used to have a car before that was in an accident(my brother hit somebody else car) and we had to drop that insurance(progressive). Two years after my brother broke another car that my mother bought but this time the insurance company(state farm) did not find out. Right now we are back to progressive and a car hit me while driving and I did call the insurance. It was not my fault and I don't think anything changed because we are still paying 1,600 but I still think its a lot. It is the best I can explain the situation , so should I go out and try to find a better deal? Any advice is appreciated""
Speeding and insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket 2 years ago. It was for 20 km over in a 50 km zone. There was a fine but no demerit points to my licence. Will this affect my insurance rate when applying for a new policy this month? Thanks.
Someone who knows car insurance accident?
If you have your underage (but legal) child under your insurance car policy and they get into an accident or hopefully nothing worse, can you as a parent be sued. Since you are the covering parent? (and also if you remove them, will this accident be permanently on your record that the child has had?""
How much would insurance be on a 1987 Fiero GT?
I don't know much about insurance rates and all that stuff, I'm only 17 and haven't taken the time to learn it. I just need a quick estimate on how much insurance would cost for such a car as that is what I'm looking at. Details welcome. Please don't start giving me advice on cars and trying to tell me what type of car I should get for my age. I would just like to know the answer to my question. Thanks.""
""My parents are looking for affordable health insurance, they want to retire any suggestions?""
My mother is 57, my Dad is 61, any suggestions?""
""How much does a 25 years old male student pay for car insurance,tax for a 1.5 litre car & MOT as a new driver?""
I live in the West Midlands, just got my license looking to get an estimate of how much a car insurance costs as a 25 years old male, student. I also looking to know how much is tax for a 1.5 litre engine car plus MOT.""
Does motor size effect insurance cost?
I'm buying a 1991 Z28 camaro soon. I'm 17 and I want to know if engine size will matter. It's going to have a 305 V8 in it when I get it, but I would really like to upgrade to a 350 V8. My parents seem to think it will cost more for insurance, but I haven't found anything on the internet that solidifies this. Can someone shed some light on this topic for me?""
Reviews on best insurance company to work for?
thinking of working as agent for insurance company. Which company has best reviews to work for?
Speeding ticket.. insurance increase?
okay soo I just turned 18 last tuesday, and today, I got a speeding ticket. I was going 58 in 40, but I really didn't notice that. the cop went by me in the other direction and apparently his radar said I was going 58. I know I've sped on that road before, but this time I honestly don't think I was. it was my second speeding ticket.. I got one last year that didn't go on my record or something so the insurance company never found out. but this time, I can't imagine I'd be so lucky. I've been googling car insurance and how much it would go up, but I can't find it anywhere. I believe we're with arbella. my parents are going to kill me and I don't know what to do that will help this situation. so I guess I have two questions: one, how much will my family's insurance increase? and two, what to do I do to minimize the penalty, or whatever you want to call it. I'm perfectly willing to pay the fine..if I was speeding, I deserve that.""
Car accident and insurance?
My friend's car got hit from behind on the freeway and she only got libilities so her insurance doesn't pay to fix her car. The guy who hit her is a teen and his insurance is under his mom's name. His insurance is paying only $10,000 maxium. The cost for total fixing is going to be $13,561. My friend can't pay the difference of $3,561. Now what can she do? Is that the responsiblity of the guy who hit her? should he be the one to come up with the rest of the money? or is she out of luck? The car is in the collision center now. She's losing sleep and having headaches and sore neck, etc.. and missing work... and she still hasn't go see a doctor. Any advice for this poor girl?""
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
What is Secondary Auto Insurance?
I do not have auto insurance so When I rent a car is Secondary insurance a replacment for insurance I do not have?
I don't have car insurance but i have a license?
I'm confused, i dont have my own car but i drive my mothers car and THAT car has insurance. I dont get it, if i drive it do i need insurance under my name or is it good enough if the car has insurance under her name? I hope i havent been driivng illegally all along....""
17 year old car insurance question?
Okay. I'm gonna be getting my license in a few m onths (took driver's ed late) and I moved in with my grandparents this past summer when my family and I moved so I could stay in the general area/school and keep my job. So I live there Mon-Thur and Fri-Sunday I stay with my family. I was wondering, being thaf I'm a Junior in high school, am I able to be covered by my parents or grandparent's car insurance? I need some answers. Please & thank you!""
Working out car insurance?
Hi there, How much would insurance be for the car on the following link below? I am a seventeen year old, who has been driving for almost a year. I would be taking the insurance out as the second driver, with my father being the main driver who has never claimed. Please may you work out how much it would cost me? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/227349.htm Thank you so much""
How much will the car insurance rate increase?
Company: Mercury Current Rate: $450-ish/month Accident: Backing up into another car; indentation (about 2 feet wide) on other car, no injuries, other car still functions normally. Also, I got my license in July and I am under 18. Thanks in advance.""
Car with cheap insurance and cheap to run.?
Can any one advise which car to look for that has cheap insurance , low tax and is economical to run .I dont need a powerful car .""
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
This question is normally towards the young teenagers that are elligibal of driving. But if parents know the payment for your son/daughter car insurance please post. If anyone does post to my question, please post your answer with, what kind of car is it, what type of plan and how much you pay following by whether or not there has been charges on it. (i.e. speeding tickets) Basically it'll look like this: - 2001 Honda Civic (4 Door) - Every 6 Months - $1000 - No Charges I am going to go take a test for my provisional and I want to get an overview on how much insurance is going to be. Thank you for posting""
What is a 2005 Mazda RX-8 insurance rated at?
is it a 10 or something?
How much would insurance be on 96 tahoe?
i'm 19, and i'm about to get my licences. i always be eye balling this tahoe. how much would insurance be on it??""
What is the cheapest way to insure a first car?
I want a ford ka which luckily I one of the cheapest cars to run and insure for young drivers. Is there anything else I can do (except from the black box as I have 3 siblings I will need to drive around) to make the insurance cheaper? My parents both have quite good jobs and are willing to pay it but they would like to pay 1500 p.a maximum if possible.
Medical insurance?
my husband has medical insurance & i do not one medicine we both take without the insurance it is only $7.89 WITH insurance he still has to pay his $25 co-pay How Come ??????????????
Driving without insurance?
I got pulled over today and i got a ticket for not having insurance. I been trying to get insurance but since im a young driver its not that cheap for the insurance so i cant afford it. Im planning to get insurance before my court date. Will that help if i get insurance before my court date? I dont really have the money to pay for that ticket. The surcharge is like $725
Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
Natchez Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39120
0 notes
What to do when you have lost your insurance documents?
"What to do when you have lost your insurance documents?
i lost my life insurance documents what should be my next step
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much national insurance contributions will I need to pay to fill a two year gap?
I have a two year gap in national insurance contributions as I was taking care of a sick relative and not claiming any benefits as other family members were supporting me. What is the minimum amount I should pay to fill the gap.
How much will car insurance cost?
i know you cant exactly guess the costs but can you give me an estimate? i live in va im 17 years old i have 3.81 GPA i am a female how much does it cost a teenager each month?
Why is my car insurance so high?
Just finished paying a year of car insurance at like 125 a month. Just got my new bill for the year. They want 195 atleast first month. Are there cheaper car insurance companies out there?
Car insurance whats the diff?
I got two insurance quotes and one is for 20/40 liability (the state min) and the other is for 100/300 what exactly does this mean. I know its the amount that they cover, but I only have liability so whats the difference?? Please, help.""
Got ticket for car insurance but have liability in my moms name?
Drove my moms car and officer gave me ticket for no car insurance even though I showed him one under my moms name can I show it in court and get it dismissed?
Which car insurance is the cheapest and the best of all?
I know there are alot of car insurance out there and I want to know which one is cheap and reliable. I heard Geico is good, can someone confirm it, are there any other good one besides Geico?""
Car accident insurance question?
Last week someone backed up into my bumper while my car was parked. They were very nice and left a note, and we were in the middle of sorting things out. I got an estimate for the damage, but we had not yet done anything with their insurance company yet. Today my boyfriend was driving my car, and he spun out and totaled the car. His insurance should be able to cover it, but how should I go about for the insurance with the first person? Do I need to tell them about the accident or is it not necessary? We haven't yet filed the insurance and so I don't know if it will be a problem. Any help is appreciated.. thanks""
Long term disability insurance?
I am interested in buying long term disability insurance. Anyone has a good company in mind to recommand?
""I am driving from OK to TX tonight, and have active car insurance, but expired paper insurance, please help!?""
Okay, my car insurace is active, up to date, but I did not receive a paper copy of my insurance in the mail. I tried to print it out but my printer is jammed. I do have the expired proof of insurance in the car...if I get pulled over for any reason when driving from OK to TX, how much trouble will I get into? Thanks for any insight on this!""
How much will my car insurance rise?
I am 16. I have gotten a 4 point 19mph ticket and a ticket that will show up 0 points miscellaneous. I also have taken a defensive driving course. The insurance company knows of none of these yet. Once they find out about all of them, how much will it go up""
Covered California individual plan?
Hello, I am a grad student with no income currently. I'm signing up for covered ca for an individual plan. It is asking for number of people in household, do I just put one for myself or am I supposed to write all family members even though it is for an individual plan? From the research I've done it seems I probably won't be eligible for obamacare and may have to sign up for medicaid. My mother is currently putting me through school and paying for my current health insurance. If I don't qualify for Obamacare couldn't I just sign up with a new plan under my current health insurance provider that my mother will pay for or would it be better if I just went with medicaid? Thanks for your advice.""
Cheapest car insurance????
looking for a cheap car insurance guys, plz help""
How much is AAA a month?
I have Roadside Assistance with AT&T and I pay only $2.99 a month for 4 calls every calendar year but they only cover from about 2 to 10 miles if I need a tow. I'm thinking about switching to AAA but I really don't know anything about AAA. Can anyone give me some insight on AAA? PLEASE :-)
Car insurance involving my best friend?
recently my dad got me a car, the car's in my name, the car insurance is in my name and everything to do with the car is in my name but my dad's on the insurance as an additional driver which on my insurance additional drivers are free on my insurance, does that mean I would be able to add my best friend to the insurance enabling her to drive my car and my dad to teach her aswell under my insurance?""
Anyone know any good cheap car insurance providers?
preferably direct rather than compare websites. cheers.
What car would you get between the 06-07 scion tc or the 06-07 mitsubishi eclipse ?
Ok i know this question has been asked a million times on this, so let me be the million and one person to ask and hopefully for the last time. Thing is , i need to buy another care and is between those 2 cars and i just dont know which one to get. I don't know much about cars and so on so i would like some decent answers on which one i should get and why, my third choice was taken out of the equation when i read up on it on the kbb website, thrid choice was an audi tt but alot of people complained about how often it needed to be fixed for something The factors that most concern me are -Realibilty -Insurance cost -How much would it cost for maintance and repairs -which one is built better -which one of the two do you think looks better -which one will last me longer in the long run for those who would ask , i live in florida , and would like an automatic just incase those things are taken into consideration tours making my decision. i know this has been asked a million times but i really need to just settle for one or the other so please help me out thank you in advance for those who answer.""
Do I qualify for federal health insurance?
My parents don't get insurance through their jobs, and they can't afford private insurance. My parents and I are currently enrolled in an assistance program through our local hospital. I go to a private university that requires for students to have some type of health insurance. If the student doesn't have health insurance, the school charges the student $1,000 for the school insurance. Since I am 19 years old, I no longer qualify for CHIPS, which I've had all my life. I am a full time student, I am a U.S. citizen, I am in Texas, my parents are low income, I don't have proof of a job (I'm a nanny and get paid in cash). Online resources are confusing. But is there any federal insurance program that I may be eligible for?""
Cheapest car insurance for an 18yr old with 1 yr no claims?
Cheapest car insurance for an 18yr old with 1 yr no claims?
How can i find out how much my insurance on a car would be?
I'm barely 18 & I'm trying to find out how much insurance would be on a car if i buy it. I know insurance would be kind of high since it's my first car. My mom is gonna buy me the car but she's picky about how much the property tax is & the insurance on a car would be. Well to be any specific, the car I'm looking into is a 2004 Mitsubishi Galant GTS. I know the insurance my mom is on but I want to know if I just call them up & tell them I'm wanting to know what would the insurance be on this car if i bought it. Any idea???""
Suspending car insurance?
i have car insurance i pay monthly for but i mite be going on a course away from home but i wont be able to work to pay for the insurance. i would need to not pay for it as it were for a 12 weeks. is there anything i can do or any advice ?
Volvo- insurance costs and maintenance?
I'm thinking of buying a used Volvo. Anyone know anything about maintenance costs or the insurance costs?
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose as individual and family floater ?
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose for individual and family floater , which provides annual health check up""
How much is car insurance for a teen?
I'm 16,I have a 2002 Camaro SS,I live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don't stalk me lol).My dad has Geico insurance.What else do you need to know?""
Insurance Broker?
I am thinking about become an auto insurance broker. How do I get licensed and where can I buy the software thats needed?
Car Insurance what companies have the cheapest rates?
Please help me! What Insurance companies have the cheapest insurance. ( male )
What to do when you have lost your insurance documents?
i lost my life insurance documents what should be my next step
Can I insure a car I don't own?
My dad bought me a car when I was 17, but its in his name. I still have that car and the insurance runs out at the end of the month. I'm tired of having him pay for things so I'm paying for my own insurance. He's going to sign the car over to me, but I will still need to get insurance on it and he probably won't transfer the title for a few more weeks. So, can I shop around for insurance rates and purchase and pay for my own insurance on the car, and include my husband as a driver, even though I don't own the car yet? Or does my dad need to transfer the title first? The problem we're running into is, I'm in Missouri, my dad is in Utah (where the car is currently registered), and I'm moving to California in 3 weeks.""
I have pre-existing conditions & I'm 61. Where to go for health insurance?
I'm having a hard time trying to find health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions (take medication for a mild heart arrhythmia & for cholesterol) plus I'm on medication for depression. And I'm 61. I've searched the web without luck - insurance agents who've called me say my condition makes me Uninsurable. Either that or I'm contacted by scam artists. Does anyone have experience with the Health Insurance Industry & have suggestions on what company to contact? Or what insurance agents are reputable? I live in California. I welcome your thoughts & suggestions. Thanks!
Fee to Drop A Vehicle From Insurance Policy?
I just sold a car, and when I called my insurance company to drop it from my policy, I was informed that it would cost $15 to do so. I know it is only $15, but still that seems a little steep. Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience.""
Truck insurance question!!!!?
I'm 17 and I want to get a truck. Which one of these would be cheapest on insurance? A 1999 Chevy silverado or a 2004 Chevy colorado? Both four wheel drive(4x4) and 3 doors? 2 regular and 2 half doors. Both lifted. Thanks
Is motorcycle insurance expensive for beginners?
Is motorcycle insurance expensive for beginners?
Insurance with learners permit in florida?
Ok i'm 15 years old and i just got my learners permit. I need to know if i need to have insurance in order to drive the car with my parents or i only need insurance when i get my license. Please try an answer with evidence and what not, thanks in advance""
Is the acura rsx a cheap car to insure for 16yr old?
Is the acura rsx a cheap car to insure?
Is Health care affordable in the U.S? How much insurance do you need?
I hear alot of propaganda from fellow Canadians that its bad in the U.S. Is this true? I figured if you can pay 3,000 to 4,000 a year to your health insurance comany you are pretty much protected, true or false? I would like to know the truth. Thank YOu""
Homeowners and health insurance?
We have Nationwide homeowners insurance, which is just added to our mortgage. If we get health insurance through them too, do you think they can just add it to our mortgage also?""
Car accident without insurance?
I hit a parked car with a moving truck. My insurance was evoked at the time of the accident and I got a phone call today from the insurance company of the car I hit saying that the ...mostrar mais
""When you have a car accident and you are at fault and pay through your insurance, by how much will your All?
By how much will you All State insurance premium raise.
How much does your car insurance cost?
I want to see by how much i am overpaying. How much do you pay a month, where do you live, and what type of car do you have?""
""Where do i get cheap car insurance after passing my test at 17yrs old, thanks?""
Where do i get cheap car insurance after passing my test at 17yrs old, thanks?""
Insurance co is saying my car is totalled?
I have an 11-yr old car with 106K miles that runs well. Last night I was rear-ended quite hard while waiting at a red light. Both the other driver and his insurance co immediately admitted liability. The damage to my car is pretty bad. I went to the auto body shop recommended by the other guy's insurance co - they told me the car will have to be totalled b/c it will cost more to repair than what the car is worth - he estimated the car is worth $2K and repairs will be at least $4K. So the insurance co is saying they'll give me a check for $2K and I have to get rid of the car (apparently that part is New York law). But I cannot buy another car - at least not one I'd trust to drive! - for $2K. The accident was completely NOT my fault - how can the insurance co not pay to repair it? Has this happened to anyone else out there? Is there anything I can do? I don't want to give up my car! :( Please help?
Can my car insurance cover the damage I did to my neighboor's car?
I made a dent to his car, with my door. We spoke, and I asked him to get an estimate. It is 600 dollars. If my insurance pays for it, what would happen to my payments? how much are they expected to change?""
How much will auto insurance be for me?
I want to buy an eclipse,and im 20 years old. Had my license over a year. just want an average price""
Why can insurance companies discriminate based on gender?
I guarantee you if a 16 year old girl bought the same sports car as a 16 year old boy, the boy would be charged considerably more. I understand the age discrimination, being that teenagers ARE a greater risk, but it's not right to discriminate based on gender.""
Estimate on drivers insurance?
Hello, i'm 16 years old and about to get my license any ideas on how much insurance would cost me? My family has Allstate and i can qualify for the good student discount.""
On average how much does it cost to deliver a baby in a hospital?
With insurance, what is usually the total parents have to pay?""
Expensive insurance. why?
I've never been in an accident or recieved a ticket before so why is my insurance so expensive. Yes I am male but I am 25 ... It should have become cheaper a while ago but I'm paying about 50$ more a month than all of my friends and some have the same company.. I have liabillity as well.. how much cheaper should your insurance be if you never been ticketed or been In a crash? Thanks.
Is the high cost of health care and insurance the result of...??
malpractice suits or profiteering on the part of HMO's and insurance companies?
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
Low income health insurance in Missouri?
hi, I'm a 25 year old, male, non-smoker, full time student. I don't make a lot of money therefore I can't afford to pay for health insurance. what should i do? Is there anyway I can apply for low income benefit for health insurance? is there anything You can recommend for me to get health insurance cover? Thanks so much if you can answer me.""
Life insurance in depth?
how do insurance company's find out you have multiple life insurance policies if you say you don't have any
Is it cheaper to get insurance on the same car or on a second hand car?
hi im taking driving lessons and my test is soon. I want to know if it is cheaper to get a second hand car and get insurance on that or get insurance on my brothers car. Which one is cheaper?
What to do when you have lost your insurance documents?
i lost my life insurance documents what should be my next step
Is this true with insurance companies?
hi do insurance companies in US currently asks or checks for any pre existing condition ,before enrolling us? is that true or is that what obama is proposing for insurance companies under new healthcare plan. i never got tested/checked for anything, before getting myself enrolled.......""
On average how much does it cost to insure an apartment building?
I am looking into purchasing 2 triplex apartment buildings. They are both brick buildings built in 1990. Both have been maintained fairly well and have a really good price on them. ...show more
I am 19 years old whats the cheapest car insurance for a old ford ranger wit a lot of miles on it ?
I am 19 years old whats the cheapest car insurance for a old ford ranger wit a lot of miles on it ?
Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?
Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?
Auto Insurance for an 18yr old?
I'm 18 almost 19 and I am looking for an auto insurance policy away from my parents because I am about to have my own car in my name. How do I figure the rates for my own auto insurance policy because I am confused when I try to figure it out on the insurance websites.
Insurance adjustment on bill no insurance?
I live in NY I went to the hospital and my bill says total charges 1,590.72 and it says patient balance due 750.00 on the bottom it says total insurance pmt/adj 840.72. I used to have insurance through my old job but I don't anymore and it was Aflac anyways. Does anyone have any ideas?""
Where can i get Cheap street bike insurance for first time riders?
I just bought my bf a bike a i want to get insurance for it, but i'm not sure where to get insurance from all i want is that little card that says i'm covered. i don't think i want full coverage. We live in California i don't know of that changes anything.""
Geico nonowner auto insurance for rental cars?
I intend on driving a rental car for a couple of months. I don't own a car and never held any auto insurance in the past. Will Geico's nonowner auto insurance be right for me? Any ...show more
Where can I get good credit insurance?
I have heard good things about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit insurance. I would like to hear other peoples thoughts and opinions.
""Average cost of renters insurance in midwest, 2 BR apt?
What is the average cost of renter's insurance in mid-state Michigan for a 2-BR apt.
Is 2500 a reasonable car insurance premium for me to pay?
I'm 19, male; newly passed; buying a cheap car (with lower insurance group); what should be the approx. price I should be paying? Coz 2500 is as low as i can get in those comparison sites and that also after adding my mom (who has a provisional license) as the 2nd driver....is there any other combinations i can try? Also should I try Pass Plus, coz it didnt seem to make that much of a difference in the insurance quote! thanks a lot everyone for your time and effort!""
How long should I get a term life insurance policy for?
I'm researching term policies to cover the shortfall for life insurance from my work. How long is reasonable to get a term policy for? Term to 60, 75 or 100 years?""
How do Insurance companies pay for medical bills?
I was in an accident last year that led to me being in the ICU for a few days. I incurred a hefty medical bill as a result. The accident was not my fault, and the driver was insured. I am going to a mediation to decide how the money the insurance company can pay will be divided between those of us that were injured. My question is, when we come to an agreement, will the insurance company send me a check or will they send a payment to the hospital where I owe money?""
Whats car insurance??????
im 17 and dont know much about it but they said i needed car insurance before i can buy a used car. how do i get car insurance and what happens once i have it..how much does it cost?
Is it true that if you have full coverage insurance on a rental car... (please look inside)?
They can't ban you from renting from there for the rest of your life? OK. Back in 2005, I rented a car from Enterprise with FULL coverage insurance. 1 day I was on my way to school because I had a deadline to turn in a research paper that was 30% of our grade, & my sister 2x my age locked me in the house on purpose & thought it was funny. I got in the car, & drove it to school, & I panicked & got into a wreck & the car crashed into a tiny tree on the median. It was only a fender bender. But the company tried to say it was totaled for over $2,000 worth of damage. Everyone else who saw, said it was a fender bender. The twigs got inside the light on the left side of the front of the car. But that could've easily been fixed. Not sure. But the wheel alignment was messed up. Does that mean the car is totaled? What does TOTAL a car mean? That it couldn't be fixed? Well, I was just talking about it today, & a lot of people online had ganged up on me & attacked me. Now I'm feeling sad & hurt. About to cry. & they were calling me dumb, irresponsible, etc. Very hostile & angry @ me. They act like I wrecked THEIR personal car! People get into accidents all the time. Anxiety disorder or not. & they were saying that since I had full coverage, I shouldn't have been banned. & they were saying my story didn't make sense. But people look for any & every reason to discriminate against me. It's not fair.""
1 Day Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of companies that offer one day car insurance for 20yr old they all seem to be 25 and over why is that.....
Which insurance is the cheapest insurance in houston?
I am 21 year old and I got no insurance for my car. so, which insurance is the best and cheapest insurance in houston. Help me!!""
Estimated Insurance cost for 1990 trans am?
Im turning 16 soon and am close to getting my license. Im planning on driving my dads 90 trans am w/ a 5.7 liter engine and automatic trans. Problem is, he thinks insurance is gonna cost a **** load. Does anyone know on average what the insurance price would be. The car will go under my dads name, ill just be an added driver. Plus, another car available for me to get 70 240z w/ a 6 cyl engine and 5-speed trans. Which one will have a cheaper insurance rate?""
How much would car insurance cost?
I am almost 16 and am going to buy my uncles 2010 Chevy Camaro SS with 700 plus horsepower and would like to know how much it will cost to insure it thanks
Classic Car Insurance for Young Irish Drivers?
I'm looking to insure a 1989 Ford Transit and can't seem to find anyone that can do this as I am only 22. Has anyone ever been able to solve this problem in Ireland? I already have a full policy on a primary car
Cancelling M&S Car Insurance?
Basically I took at a M&S car insurance plan for my car. A guy crashed into me whilst on a roundabout (my right of way) and his insurance have since accepted responsibility for the accident.I am now wanting to cancel the insurance as they have been very unhelpful throughout the whole process. I am just wondering how much I am going to have to pay to cancel the policy- As I was spreading the cost with agreed monthly payments the total cost including interest was 738. I did a one off payment of 101.87 and then so far have paid 4 installments of 57.89. As I have had the policy for 4 months. In the t's & c's on the website it says this: If you cancel your policy within 12 months of the Policy Start Date, we will calculate the cost for the period of cover based on our short period rates in force when we receive the Certificate of Motor Insurance and refund any excess premium you have paid. If we cancel, the premium will be calculated in proportion to the period of cover provided and we will refund any excess premium which you have paid when the Certificate of Motor Insurance has been returned to us As I have had the policy for 4 months how much will I have to pay to cancel (even the the whole process was not my fault!).just want to buy a new car and insure with somebody else! (recommendations very welcome!) Thank you in advance for your help people!""
Car Insurance Coverage and a DUI Question?
My daughter received a DUI a while back, as she put the car in 'Drive' (instead of 'Reverse') and drove through the side of a restaurant. (closed, thank God!...No people there) She refused the Breathalyzer, and was taken to the ER for about 7 hours. She was given a DUI. This car was titled, registered and insured by me- I am her mother. She is over 30 years old. The insurance has covered to fix the car, but the restaurant has retained an attorney. (I live in SC and have $100,000 property damage on the car) Yesterday, my insurance adjustor called to ask for a release of my daughter's medical records, so they could meet with the restaurant's attorneys and show that she was not drunk. Well, she was drunk, and my daughter's attorney has told me not to release that information, as it is a violation of her rights- she already refused the breathalyzer, etc.Also, she WAS drunk, and this would only release that information possibly to others. Please no rude comments about all of this- I get it! Question: Can my insurance company refuse to pay for my daughter's ER bill ($13,000) AND the property damage, AND whatever else- due to the fact that they are going to decide she was 'drunk.' ??? Is there any way to protect my assets? Specifics would be great, if you know them. Thanks.""
Your age and car insurance rate?
How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly? Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-old's car insurance?
How does anyone afford medical and maternity insurance???!!!!!?
i live in nc and need to purchase health insurance could anyone give me any recommendations toward affordable insurance.
What's an good place to get auto insurance?
What's an good place to get auto insurance?
What to do when you have lost your insurance documents?
i lost my life insurance documents what should be my next step
Why am I paying more for my insurance because of my credit?
So, I recently paid off all my debt that was racked up from an irresponsible boyfriend. My score is in the high 600's, so pretty mediocre....but I'm relieved that I don't have any debt. The insurance I pay on my car is a higher quote than normal due to my credit and I'm just curious why that would influence the rates. How does having past outstanding debt mean I am a bad or unsafe driver? I am 30, have a college degree, have a good job, don't have anything negative on my driving record. I just don't think that it's fair to be charged more than another person because of spending habits; the two (in my mind) are completely unrelated.""
Lloyds car insurance?
ive just bought a new car and am wondering if its possible to transfer my old car insurance to this new car? or do i have to cancel that policy and make a new one? will there be any extra costs if i can transfer etc. any advice appreciated xx
How Much To Insure My Bmw 318 I Se Auto?
Hi, I just passed my test a month ago and im 19 i just bought my first car the BMW 318 I Se Auto 1.8 litres and was wondering how much it would cost to insure this car and if there was any way i could get a cheap deal from anywhere, like traders insurance. please help! finding insurance is doing my head in :| Nd Yh im In The Uk :)""
How can I get my own insurance?
I'm 17 years old. My dad can't afford insurance because he has 4 kids and they won't give him free insurance. I live in Georgia. I need insurance cause I end up having to pay BY MYSELF like 90$ to go to the doctor. I also don't think it's okay to not have insurance. So what do I do? Where do I do this? Would they allow a 17 year old to get insurance by their self (being a minor)
How much is car insurance for teenagers?
I've been trying to find the answer for awhile now, but all I find are websites that have paragraphs of information that I don't care too much about. Could you just give me an average number?""
Is the American health insurance is like Car insurance?
Life insurance and all the other insurances? And you pay it every month and how much? Or what it's like?
Banned Driver - Cheap Insurance ????
hiya please can you help me i no i have done wrong so i dont need any comments about how i shouldnt be back on the road - i am willing to learn from mistakes !!!! does any1 no the cheapest car insurance company for go through when you have been banned ??? much appreciated x
Where can i get the best deal on sr-22 insurance?
i live in pleasant hill iowa right off of des moines and i need to get the best quote on sr-22 does anyone a good insurance company?
Car insurance price?
okay so im thinking about buying a car in the near future but i have no idea about the prices and i heard that its different prices from cars ok soi want a acura integra 200 and from what i heard its 600 a month now is this true if so why so much and i heard that the acura rsx its 1000 for insurance a month now that its really really expensive with gas now days beingso cheap lol yeah now i want to know what are the cheapest cars to have that the insurance wont be as bad no more than 400 for insurance HONDAS??
How much would car insurance in North Carolina be for an 18 year old?
I was wondering how much car insurance would be for someone my age? I've been told by a bunch of other people my age that their car insurance is $140 a month....Thanks for any help:]
Car insurance price? ?
I am nearly 16 and looking at cars. I was wondering what a ballpark cost would be for me to get a 2000 to 2002 mustang GT. I know the V8 will make it more. I will be 16, a boy, I have a 3.5 GPA.""
Why did my lawyer tell the car insurance company to pay PIP directly to me when I asked to have my bill paid?
I spoke to my auto insurance company because my lawyer took two months to file my personal injury protection claim. Once, I took action into my own hands then I was assured that the woman handling my case from my car insurance company would see that my PIP paid for my medical expenses because I don't have health insurance. However, another month has passed and I have heard nothing from my lawyer about my case even though I call his office every week. So, today I received a letter in the mail from my lawyer office to my claim insurance person. It has her name on it but my address so I am not sure if it was intentionally sent that way or not. Yet, I read over it and it tells my insurance claim to pay the PIP directly to me and not to the medical company. What do I do about this? Has anyone gone through something similar and can you give me some helpful advice? I don't know if my lawyer is trying to add my PIP with the rest of the money that I will get so he can get a bigger chunk or if he is trying to get my PIP to me instead? I do know that I would like to pay for my medical bills as I am a college student in debt and don't want anymore hassle.""
Should my 85 year old grandparents but life insurance?
I am very upset with this insurance company who sold my 85 year old grandfather some life insurance. He gets $5000 worth for $91 per month! what a rip-off! They REALLY want to buy some insurance . does anyone know the best option for them? Please help!
What is the cheapest car insurance i can get? I must have a $500 deductible with full coverage.?
I am 18 years old. I got my license about 6 months ago. i also bought a Mitsubishi eclipse rs 2-door, it is automatic, from a dealer. i can make my car payments but i cant afford the insurance on that car.my car insurance must have a $500 deductible and be full coverage. so far i have found everyone wants $300 down payment and $388 a month. is there anything cheaper out there for me? what do i have to do?""
Driving parent's car without insurance?
*I'm 16 with a license *My mom has insurance under Liberty Mutual *I am not on her insurance but the car is insured *I live in Georgia (GA has weird laws so any laws specific to GA would be great)
How much does a No Insurance ticket from the police cost in Illinois?
I got a no insurance ticket about 2-2 1/2 years ago along with a no registration ticket. The car wasn't mine and I didn't know that the car had no insurance/registration. I live in Illinois by Chicago, so it may be different. I just found out that they suspended my license about 3-4 months ago, because I never went to court for the tickets.""
Cheap insurance for new drivers?
Low premiums, Cheap Car insurance, Savings""
Will my car insurance cover this? and its no joke this seriously happened please answers!!!!?
ok i JUST got me a new car and i have insurance on it and everything and well i had some friends with me and they were in the back seat and they had a lighter and they decided to try and light their farts on fire and im being very serious here and well he got down and and farted on the flame of the lighter and it actually shot out and caught the back seat of my car on fire and burnt up part of the back seat and this really isnt a joke i didnt even know he was doing that and i walked over there right as he did it and sure enough it actually shot out and caught it on fire so will my insurance cover that? im to embarrassed to call and ask because they probably wont believe me!!!
How much will my insurance go up after an accident?
Ballpark estimate. My rates right now are about 2000 a year... I just totaled a car. My fault, speeding wasn't a factor... just bad luck/inexperience. I'm 18 and have no prior accidents or points on my liscence.""
""You buy $89,000.00 in Insurance on your house. It burns down. What should the Insurance Company have to pay?
Got $89000.00 in Insurance and the place burnt down. Now the insurance doesn't what to pay.
Why would the insurance companies be against the affordable healthcare act?
Why is this new healthcare law suppose to do and why are the insurance companies against it for.
How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.?
How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.?
How much should my car insurance go up if....?
Two years ago I got tickets for both running a stop sign and wreckless driving.And just now the state has turned it in to my insurance company who will drop me just because of those tickets,even though I had a good driving record before then.But Iam trying to work things out with them to see if I can get a deal. How much should my insurance go up?""
Does my husband need his own insurance on another car?
my husband was insured on his car but its now sold and the insurance run out yesterday, he also drives his business partners car on which he is a named driver on the insurance, now his insurance on his own car has expired is he still covered to drive his partners car even tho he dosent have his own policy? im unsure how it works so just want to double check..""
How do I get money from my insurance company when car is titled in divorcing husband's name.?
I totaled a car that is registered and insured in my name. The title is in the divorcing husband's name. He won't sign the title to get insurance check. Even if he did the check would go into his name. What can I do to get the money? Or what should I do? Lawyers are not much help right now.
What to do when you have lost your insurance documents?
i lost my life insurance documents what should be my next step
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 7 years ago
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl ?
"How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl ?
Im about to get my license and i was wondering how much insurance would be. For a 16 year old girl 2011 camry or corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate ?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance question?
Ok so im trying to get car insurance on my grand prix. im doing it over the internet and the final rate says a 3166 dollar premium over six months. is that actually what i pay over the six months or is that what i would have to if something happened. what would be my actual cost over hte six months cause that just seems crazy
What's the best way to shop for life insurance? Is there a software program to find the best life insurance?
I mean. Is there any software to compare life insurance?
Bankruptcy and Homeowners Insurance Lapse....?
Going through bankruptcy. My question stems from a fire we had at the house. We did not mention it to our insurance company just yet and it has been 5 months already. we were told we should report it right away, but I wasnt' sure if we had insurance. Couldn't afford the insurance. So, 2 years back, my loan company sent me paperwork to sign up for their insurance which is mandatory if one does not supply proof of insurance to them. After this time, would I still, likely, have insurance through my insurance company? and what repercussions would I face for taking so long to report it? Thx, Adreamer2""
Co-Buyer Auto Insurance?
All, I helped ex GF to buy a car. I thought I was co signing for loan but apparantly I am a co buyer of car. The registration is her or me . I dont mind being responsible for loan. If she messes up loan I will make payments. She tells me she has car properly insured etc. What worries me is if she lets insurance lapse or cause a major accident could I end up in trouble. Can I insure myself against her letting insurance lapse or causing major injury/damage? I currently have no personal auto insurance (have company vehicle). Is there anything else I can do to protect myself? Im very worried about this. Do I need to be or am i overreacting? Pat""
New car insurance with only a learners permit?
I am a 16 year old student that lives in the state of florida. Ive had my learners permit for a year and my sister gave me as a gift her old car. I dont have anyone to ask so im asking you guys.. I want to get my operators license but i was in an accident in california a few months back with the other person involved at fault (i am a florida resident) Will that affect my car insurance rate? Will it affect my chances in getting my operators license? Please lend me your knowledge i need to know! ..Thanks.
Car insurance? will it go up if no claim is made?
son had car accident, was on partners polcy, wrote car off, no other vehicle was involved, insurance company have found out about the accident somehow (due to one of these no win no fee companies getting his details as he had a passenger in the car who was not injured, but who had not contacted them ) son is 18, wants to get on the road again, but we are worried about how much insurance will cost him. we havent claimed for his car either, can any please advise""
Car Insurance help No claims bonus?
Ok so i passed my test last month and have been driving about 3 weeks. i got an insurance quote with Aviva for 1800 per year (roughly) and im an 18 year old male, however because i had a provisional license for a year my dad thought i had 1 year NCB so told aviva this. They now want proof of my NCB (which i obviously don't have) so i will have to tell them. But my quotes are about 4500 without any no claims bonus !!!! and i drive a Y reg 1.2 fiesta ghia! is there anyway i can get this premium down? please help! i'd be really grateful!""
Will doctors office workers lose jobs now with the new Affordable Insurance law?
Will more people lose jobs with the new law going into effect? How will those people find work now ? Will that add to our debt even more?
Insurance company would not like to insure me a sole proprietorship?
I am a film major, a student and very involved in different projects. I decided to open my own film company a sole proprietorship, meaning I DBA (Do Business As). I am looking for liability insurance for my business for wedding and events. They asked me if I was doing any other type of work currently. My reponse was that yes I am involved in being cameraman for one project and editor for another. I have not signed a contract or getting paid for any of these projects, simply volunteer. They came back stating that if they were to insurance me, I as an invidividual would no longer be able to be part of any project or post anything of my personal stuff on youtube. I understand that they are trying to protect themselves and that they are insuring me personally I guess since its a DBA. Has anyone else come upon this problem? I see many videographer put their stuff up on vimeo, youtube etc.""
Do you have to declare cancelled motorbike insurance when applying for car insurance?
My motorbike insurance was cancelled as my NCB was over 2 years old (they required it to be within 2 years) and I couldn't provide it. They cancelled the policy. Do you have to declare this on car insurance policies?
How long will car insurance...?
I'm a learner driver and have my driving test today.If i pass my test, how long will it take for my learner driver insurance to finish after i cancel it for me to start another insurance policy?""
How much do you think my insurance will cost for my car?
I'm 16 and a female. I'm getting my license in a few days, and my parents are going to add me on to the insurance list. We've never had any accidents, except my dad, but someone hit him on his motorcycle, it wasn't his fault. My car will probably be made around 1998-2008. We have Allstate. What's your rough estimate?""
Medical insurance help?
I need to find some insurance to pay for my eye doctor b/c the insurance that I had is gone. I used to have Anthem.
Cheapest car insurance????
looking for a cheap car insurance guys, plz help""
Effects of Bond Insurance?
What effect does bond insurance have on default probability and loss given default?
How much does abilify cost with insurance usually?
i have blue cross blue shield insurance, from Texas. How much does this medication usually cost?""
If i dont have car insurance can i still drive?
my name is not on the car insurance for my dads car, and he said i cant drive because my name is not on the insurance.""
Do i need maternity insurance when I already have health insurance?
Just found out we were expecting... I am using Aetna health insurance, Do I need to add maternity insurance? Does it make a difference?""
Is their any where that can calculate the average price of car insurance without details?
I just want to calculate the average cost for car insurance without the hassle of putting in my personal details being that it will be at least 2months till i get my licence.
Car Insurance quotes - when you get an online quote and it asks you?
how much your car is worth, do you quote the price you paid for it or its present price..? I ask because if you think about it you could have bought your car last year for 12, 000, and one year later it's worth 9,000. If you car is written off it isn't as ther inusrance company will pay out on the amount you paid for the car.. this happened to my brother and they only paid the value it was worth on the day of his crash which was considerably less....""
Does my teenager need to be added to my insurance policy BEFORE he receives his driver's license?
Three of my friends didn't add their kids until they actually had their licenses, and the driving school said that technically they are covered by the parent's insurance while driving with just a permit. When I called AAA, they said I needed to add him. If I don't have to add him to the policy until he's actually a licensed driver and save the enormous $$$ it'll cost, I'd prefer to wait.""
Why do Conservatives have a problem with buying health insurance but not car insurance?
They care more about their cars than human life typical! How can they be so selfish!? I don't see millions of conservatives complaining about being forced to buy car insurance. Typical conservative hypocrisy!
I cant find car insurance that will cover a learner driver and a passed driver for a month?
I am trying to pass my test as soon as possible but didn't have access to a car to do extra practice between lessons. So I have bought a car before I have passed so that I can go out practising with my mum. However I cant find any short cover (1 month) insurance which will insure us both, they seem to only do learner driver insurance which has to be bought on top of the normal insurance OR only insure drivers with a full license. However buying both together is over 300 for only 28 days for the ones I checked. Can anyone come up with an affordable way to practice in my own car? Thanks""
Looking for best auto Insurance rates on the net?
Looking for best auto Insurance rates on the net?
Cost of insurance for a Subaru WRX STi?
Hi all, I will soon buy a Subaru WRX STi for commuting from home to work, but I am a college student. How much will it cost for the car to be insured under my mother's name? (53 year old female, perfect driving record). Thanks! Xela""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl ?
Im about to get my license and i was wondering how much insurance would be. For a 16 year old girl 2011 camry or corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate ?
Suggestions for health insurance.?
I'm an owner operator truck driver which a means I need to get my own health insurance. I'm seeking the best coverage for the money.
Car insurance?
I am trying to get a quote for car insurance, but am a bit stuck. I got my South African licence in 2002 and exchanged it for my UK one October last year. When they ask you how long you have held your licence....do I say 5 years or less than 1 year. Does the South African one count....I really hope so. We drive on the same side of the road and everything. Thanks""
Staying in California for 2 months. Is it worth it to get a motorcycle?
I'm from Indiana, am over 21, and have a valid Indiana drivers license. I'm going to be staying in California for 6-8 weeks and would like some sort of transportation. I'm considering buying a motorcycle or scooter but am not sure if it will be worth it considering the hassle of registration, insurance, etc. Then I would sell it again before I go back to Indiana. My brother has offered to give me motorcycle lessons before I leave and I could get my Motorcycle learner's permit from the local BMV. Does anyone have experience with titles, registrations, insurance etc and could tell me if it would be worth the hassle?""
Car Insurance Question?
I am 17, have my license with no restrictions and I live with my parents who have 5 registered and insured cars. By law am I required to have insurance since I am a minor with a non restricted license? My parents will let me drive with them uninsured but How is it different if I drive alone? Insurance stopped covering me 6 months ago when I had to drive with them on my permit, and my mom never put me on the policy. I am also the only junior in my school who can drive but doesn't because my parents are hiding me. Do I by law need insurance because I have a license as a minor and have registered and insured cars in my household?""
Chicago health insurance question?
I was wondering what businesses in Chicago probably have no health insurance for their employees?
How to get cheap car insurance at 19 ?
I passed my test on the second of January at 19, i have been looking at getting a ford fiesta , or a vauxhall corsa for around 500-1500. i might go on to do the pass plus but not sure if its a waste of money. Anyone got any tips on how to get cheap car insurance ?""
Does becoming pregnant qualify as a life changing event for most insurance companies/employers?
Commonly, life changing events are listed as marriage, divorce, and birth of a child, ect. If a person doesn't have insurance and learns that they are pregnant, will most companies allow enrollment at that time even if enrollment is scheduled at a specific time of the year?""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old with a v8 truck?
I'm looking for a first car. I need to know the price of insurance for ford or Chevy truck with a v8 before I can go out and buy one
""TRAVEL INSURANCE for South America, USA, Europe!?""
I have been quoted an obscene amount for travel insurance. I'm traveling from Australia and will be overseas for 12 months (1 day USA, Europe 2 weeks and Colombia the rest of the time). I need medical/valuable/flight cancellation etc insurance. The medical must include dental and not only emergency (I want to be able to go to the doc's for a checkup if need be). I would like an affordable price...""
Can I sue my Car Insurance Broker?
I recently got into an accident. I was at fault. Rear-ended a guy, who rear-ended another car because of me. Was talking to my children in the backseat. Just bought a NEW car, a month ago, October 13. When we purchased the car, my Insurance Agent mentioned there was a problem with our insurance, that they needed to correspond with New Jersey Indemnity about some drivers that could be associated with my insurance. The Insurance Agent then called us back, said everything was okay, we purchased the car, and was able to drive it out from the dealership with our new insurance (full cover) on October 13. On October 16, the Broker made an appointment for an Insurance Inspection Report. We also paid an Endorsement to Insurance Company via our Insurance Agent. My accident was a month after the purchase of the car, November 12. Got our police report, went to our insurance Broker, they say that our policy was cancelled October 15, TWO DAYS after we purchased our new car. Please educated answers only. Can I sue my broker? What else can I do? I have children, would never drive without insurance...""
Did you know that Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Did you know that Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance?
How much would the insurance cost on a 2007 Lamborghini Murcielago lp 640?
Ball-park estimate?
Car lot where i don't need full coverage insurance (47130)?
Is there a car lot (buy here pay here) that doesn't require you to have full coverage auto insurance in Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 or even Louisville ky. thank you.
Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro?
my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!""
Insurance wants to total my car?
We got rear ended couple of days ago, some bumper damage and chipped paint. According to the repair shop there is no internal or inside damage to it. Nether the less it would cost about $1000-1500 to fix it (bumper would be replaced). I have 1995 Toyota Corolla DX, and it drives great. I really love it, and didn't plan on getting rid of it. The garage is saying that once we submit the claim, chances are Very high that the insurance company would just total it, because the car is old and has 277.xxx miles on it. We wouldn't get a lot for it, not enough to buy another car for sure. And to drive it with the cracked/dented bumper I don't want either. What to do so insurance will not to total it? We just have done some work to it, and all that money would be wasted too! I'm so lost!!!""
When you buy a used car do you need a proof of insurance to get license plate and registration?
Can I take the new title to DMV and get the license plates? or do I first need to get insurance and bring the proof to DMV to get license plate? Another question If i buy a car from a private person and that person takes off the plates how am i gonna drive it back? without plate? what do i have to do?
What is the cost for courier insurance?
I am looking into the idea of starting a local courier business, just me with no employees (at least to start with). I'm just trying to get an idea of what some of the start up costs would be, one of which is courier insurance, without having to talk to an insurance agent. I would only be delivering small packages and letters/paperwork in Green Bay WI and the surrounding areas.""
Can I get a dealer service department to cash out a check that was written from my insurance company?
I know I can get a repair done cheaper elsewhere. But my insurance company has already left a check at the dealer that is made out to me and the dealer so I have to sign it over to them. The dealer will not have the part in until Tuesday. So can I go to the dealer and just take the part and ask them to cash out the labor to me and I will go elsewhere for the actual repair?
How much car insurance coverage do i need?
I'm buying car insurace and i need to know how much coverage to get. I want to get the lowest amount of coverage, without being unsafe. i have a clean driving record; im 18 yrs old, female, and i drive a 95 carolla, good condition. what do you feel is the minimal safe coverage?""
What is a reasonable cost estimate of business insurance for a cafe?
I'm working up some numbers to determine the financial feasibility of opening a small (1000-1200 sq ft) cafe. Starting out with myself and no more than 2 part time employees, what should I estimate for combined liability, equipment, workers comp insurance?""
Is additional insurance for teens required in California? (please read further)?
Does a teen driver in California need to be put on their parents' insurance policy even though they're already covered? Here in the DMV handbook under the heading Accidents, Insurance, and Minors it says: If you are under 18 years of age, your parents sign your license application and assume financial responsibility for your driving unless they ask DMV to cancel your license. When you reach age 18, your parents' liability automatically ends. Does this mean a teen is covered no matter what until age 18? Or should they still be added on to the policy?""
I need money for car insurance?? help?
i am almost 17 and car insurance is sky high at the moment ranging from about 3,000-9,000 i really want a car when i pass my lisense in a couple of months and can afford a car but not the insurance. any ideas on how i can raise some money, or get some funds together?? thanks in advance :)""
How much does car insurance cost on average for a 18 year old female drive in florida?
Cost of Car insurance for new driver 30yr old Female?
Hi am about to start lessons on learning to drive, and was wondering if anyone knows the cost it would be for car insurance for a new driver annually, car will probably be 1.4, I am female, 29/30 years old. Thanks""
""How much is insurance going to cost me, 18 and driving a Nissan altima?
How much will it cost to insure myself at this age?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl ?
Im about to get my license and i was wondering how much insurance would be. For a 16 year old girl 2011 camry or corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate ?
Good cheap nice looking car for a 16 year old and easy to insure?
Good cheap nice looking car for a 16 year old and easy to insure?
Does anyone know cheap car insurance websites for a 22 year old driver?
hi i am a 22 year old driver and i live in NJ does anyone know any cheap car insurance web sites?
Expensive Car Insurance at age 19 wtf?
I bought a car for less than 1500 and the quotes i keep getting are freaking expensive wth, is there a cheap insurance that you guys can recommend. I have a vw golf 2001""
""Buying a car tomorrow, being added on to parents insurance, do I pay up front or ?""
Buying a car tomorrow, being added onto parents insurance, do I pay up front or am i just added to the updated rate the next month?""
I am looking into getting tenant insurance.?
Would it be safer to get insurance from an Insurance Company as apposed to getting it through a bank?
Help with car insurance after acciddent?
recently my car was written off. i pay my insurance monthly by direct debit. as the car is un fixable my insurance has told me to find a new car in 7 days as from last sunday or pay 2000+ up front in a one off payment, which would have been the remainder of my insurance. is the insurance within their right to do this? can i have some advice please.""
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
I need affordable mortgage life insurance. I' m 62 and have a heart problem that is under control with meds?
I also have stents in my arteries and heart. I need $250,000 in insurance to payoff a 30yr loan. Our house was originally paid off and I (the house was put in my name alone, not my husbands) took out a mortgage for $130,000 to finance my daughters business which failed. I thought that I did have mortgage insurance on the original loan but did not find out until after I took out my 2nd mortgage ($120,000) to pay off other bills the business acquired. Between the 1st and 2nd loan I became ill and I don't know what to do now. My husband doesn't know about the 2nd loan. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know. I don't want to die and leave 2 mortgages for my husband to pay off.""
How can I find out the legality of an auto insurance advertised online?
I''m shopping around for my car insurance online and I don't know how to find out which one is good legally. Please help.
How much does your credit rating affect your car insurance premium?
The CSR from my company just told me that continuous coverage is much more of a discount than a good credit rating gives you. So, overall, about what percent do folks in the know think that the credit rating matters?""
""How much in total (average), does one pay for Car insurance (for 1 car), and Health insurance (for 1 person)?
im 17 years old and just curious
I have a question about teenage driving insurance?
I let my son drive my car sometimes and his six months is up and he is now wants to drive friends in the car. I know my car insurance will cover him if he is in a wreck, but will it cover his friends?""
What is the cheapest insurance company to switch to for a descent price after a DUI?
I am 23 and have a 2005 chevy silverado single cab. It's paid off in full. I usually like to have basic & Im on my dads plan which is about 3-400 a year. & they are now increasing it to 800$. I would like to switch to a company that I can pay less to.
Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro?
best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro? my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!""
""What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??""
What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??""
What site can i visit that will help me find the right health insurance plan for me and my son?
So im trying to find an insurance plan with affordable monthly rates that will cover vision, doctors visits, dental, and maternity without having separate plans. Is that possible? I have looked into a few plans and i haven't been able to find one that includes all of the above. There was one for doctors visits and maternity and one for vision and one for dental..? Help Please!!! : )""
What is the Best & cheapest insurance in Texas?
I drive a 1989 Toyota Camry, I just go to and from school (less than 2 miles away) i only drive the car like Mon. & Wed. and yet i have to pay like 150 for car insurance, in 6 months of paying, i pay what my car is worth. So i wanted to know is there any cheap insurance i dont care if they suck or anything like that, i just want something below 100 dlls. so please tell me which insurance you use and how much you pay a month that would really help. Thank you in advance -Angela""
What is a 1989-94 Nissan 240sx considered as?
Sports car, classic, what? I mean what would the car insurance consider it as? Serious question, mature answers please. Thanks!""
How much do you pay for you're car insurance 17+ ? & names of insurers!?
Hey, I'd like to know some of you're insurance quotes and where from? Looking around to find some places! Cheers in advance 10points for someone who helps!""
How much to insure a classic bus?
i'm a mild bus enthusiast, and would quite like to buy a preserved vehicle. and i was wondering how much it would cost to insure the vehicle for pleasure purposes only, and how much it would cost to run. fuel figures and what not, tax and mot. also, what are the complications in being 17, like max people to carry and whatever. cheers ;)""
Cheaper car insurance ?
Which insurance companies out of the major ones have you found that are the cheapest for a 19 year old on their own policy?
Car insurance broker or direct to insurance company?
I'm about to get a car, and i'm thinking about car insurance. The thing is, I don't know whether should i go to an insurance broker, or just shop around doing all these web quotes and find the cheapest out there and call them directly. Should i just do this or should i contact an insurance broker? What are the pros and cons of dealing w/ insurance broker? thanks""
What is the best motorcycle insurance for military personnel?
i am joining the military and i was wondering what insurance company offers the best rates for motorcycle insurance for a 19 year old male?
Moving in 1.5 months and getting a car - Should i buy before or after for car insurance?
I'm planning to buy a car but I'm moving to a new place in 1.5-2 months. Question is, should I buy the car while i'm still at my current address, or wait til I move to the ...show more""
What are friends with benefits? Do they provide health insurance coverage?
What are friends with benefits? Do they provide health insurance coverage?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl ?
Im about to get my license and i was wondering how much insurance would be. For a 16 year old girl 2011 camry or corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate ?
NY car insurance question for a new driver?
Okay, I've had my permit for like a year because I didn't have a car to care if I had a license or not. Now that I'm getting a car. I was wondering how about how much insurance would cost. I have to wait a couple weeks from the car insurance place so please no get a quote I just want an approximate estimate of about how much it would cost. I don't have drivers ed or anything. Just a license at 17 on my parents insurance. I would have my own car but it'd be on their insurance so that's 3 cars on 1 insurer. The car I am going to get is a 84' Volvo wagon. Please just a month average price of how much more my parents insurance would go up. ( like they pay 100 and it'd be 250/mo. So i pay 150 a month.) something like that. I just want to know if my job will cover my own difference Thankyou.""
Can i get cheap car insurance if i provide a different address?
I'm living in a busy area where theres alot of traffic and cars, i wanna give my dads address because it much more quiter there, ive heard you can nock back sum money if its in a quiter area and not much traffic. Any ideas or is that jus made up. or is there any other ways where i can reduce my car insurance.""
Do i need car insurance or just liabilty?
are they the same?I only want to cover the other persons car not my own because i'm buying a piece of crap $2500 or less and if i bought a convertible would i have to pay more per month for whatever it is i have to pay like insurance or something?
Do you have to buy auto insurance as a condition of OWNING a car? or DRIVING a car?
If you own an RV and you live in it but you don't drive it.....does the auto insurance mandate apply to you?
Question about car insurance for a Honda Civic Si?
Ok so I'm 16, I just got a job and I have my permit and as soon as I get my license I'm going to be buying a car. I have already chosen my car. A 2006-2010 Honda Civic Si. The question is should I get the Honda Civic Si Coupe or the Sedan? Will the insurance be any different between the two or will it be very close if not the same? Thanks for all information.""
How much does car insurance cost?
Im planning on getting a 2012 honda accord coupe. will it be more expensive to insure compared to the sedan model or will it only be a slight expensive?
Can i get cheep insurance after being convicted of a 23140 in the California vehicle code?
I got pulled over more then a year ago and had a few beers with my best friend before he left for the armed services. I have the worlds brightest car and this probably wasn't the best idea. This happened 2 months before my 21st bday. My term to not have a licence is almost up and I am scared what my insurance is gonna look like. Does anyone know a way i can get cheep insurance or clear my driving record? Its only a infraction but will seriously mess up my life for the next 10 years. Any advice about programs insurance company s might have to lower costs so i can afford it when this period is up?
Can Insurance company go bankrupt form a disaster?
the bush fire in Victoria. the insurance gotta pay around 100million dollars. um, what if they don't have that much....""
Would insurance cost me more if I bought a used VW beetle with a convertible top versus a hardtop?
""10 points! I'm 17, moved out, car insurance?""
Ok, so in 7 months i am moving out of my moms house and in with my boyfriends family for a year or two. ( My mom is aware of all of this btw) Anyways, allstate is throwing me off my moms car insurance due to the fact she will live in a seperate state and away from me. The time i move and the time i turn 18 is a two month difference. I move in june my bday is in august. It's nearly impossible for me to find insurance qoutes because im not 18! I do't want to get emancipated it seems like a waste for 2 months difference, but if i do can i get insurance on my own? i will be sharing this car with another driver older the age of 18 but still cosidered a young driver. What are my options? I have to drive to get to work!""
I really need insurance help!?
Does anyone know of a cheap health insurance plan in Texas? We don't qualify for Medicaid or anything like that. My husband's plan is close to $600 a month and we can't afford that. It's a shame that my tax dollars pay for these slums insurance and all they do is sit on their butt but decent people like myself trying to make it we get screwed.
How much more will my insurance cost go up with a careless driving ticket?
I'm 16 and totaled a 18,000$ car and the insurance company will probably have to dish out at least 30,000$ in costs for hospital bills and so on. I know I wasn't driving safe and now i'm paying for it so don't heckle me. I have Triple A insurance if that matters, I might go to another company idk.""
Does driving school affect insurance rates when over 21 in Massachusetts?
I am 21 and have never held a drivers license before. I would like to get it now, but I do not want to take the classroom portion of driving school, just the road lessons. However, my father would add me to his insurance plan since I'm still living with him until I complete college and grad school. He is worried about insurance rates being too high without driving school. Would this affect my insurance rates since I am over 21?""
Hi, please anyone know how or where can I get cheap young car insurance? I am 19 years old, I got pass plus certificate already, at the moment my quote it's 2300 per year I am looking for less and that thank you.""
Tips for a 17 year old MALE driver to get his CAR INSURANCE premiums below 2000?
In all seriousness, it takes the absolute Michael how much it costs a 17 year old male to get insured.... on my mums insurance on an Insurance band 1 car i'm looking at 2400. I'm a student, my mum has over 20 years no claims, and still i'm getting ripped off. Any tips other than doing driving courses? Am I just doing something wrong with the insurance websites?""
Can you recommend a cheap insurance company?
I'm seventeen and currently learning to drive. (I'll hopefully be getting a Peugeot 206 or Renault Clio etc) Can anyone recommend somewhere that has CHEAP car insurance? Most places are quoting me 2000!!!! AHHHH On a price comparison site the cheapest quote was from Quinn Direct (700-800). Is this a good company or can you suggest other companys. (PS I live in N Ireland so local places please) Thanks in advance for answering :)
How much would car insurance be for a 19 year old?
I just got my license and I know that car insurance can be really expensive for younger people. I was wondering if there is any cheap insurance company? I would love to pay no more than $100, is this possible? Any inside from personal experiences?""
How much is car insurance.......suspended license?
I am interested in purchasing a car in the near future and am worried about high insurance rates. My driver license was suspsended for one month last January (driving with only a learners license....I know, stupid) Anyways, I did a quote online without stating the fact that my license was suspened, and the rate it game me back was $238 a month. How much more do u think it would be if I added that driving infraction? The website won't give that information. I used to live in Ontario and now am in Alberta.""
What is a good price for motorbike insurance for 125cc (im 18)?
how much is a good price for an 18 year old motorbike insurance for an 125cc. Also where is best to get it? cheers
How much does high risk auto insurance cost?
How much does high risk auto insurance cost?
How much does my car insurance go up after speeding ticket? ?
How much does my car insurance go up after speeding ticket? ?
Can I buy car insurance if the photo on my driving license needs renewing?
Hi. Ok I appreciate I am technically breaking the law on a number of fronts with this. I have bought a car, It is taxed and tested. It is parked on the road. However I don't have any insurance and the photograph on my license has expired. It is still possible for me to buy insurance (and therefore make the car itself fully legal) before I have received my new license? Reading the DVLA websites implies I can. The license is still valid it just needs renewing. I have no convictions, health issues, etc. Just wanted to make sure as I don't want to pick up a load of points just for a misunderstanding. Thanks!!""
Around how much will car insurance be for me?
hi, im going to get an rsx soon, im 19 in california, and i was wondering how much insurance would be around for me? full coverage would be how much? and the cheaper one is how much? ( dont know name )""
I want to know about car insurances?
What car insurance are good out there for full coverage
Cheap auto insurance?
Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance? Im a 22 y/o female that lives in CA. I need full coverage (liability, collission and comprehensive) on my 2003 Honda Civic. My driving record isnt too bad. Thanks in advance.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl ?
Im about to get my license and i was wondering how much insurance would be. For a 16 year old girl 2011 camry or corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate ?
0 notes
spookyenemyperson-blog · 7 years ago
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a 2002 toyota echo?? Thanks again Dan?
"Which insurance company is the cheapest for a 2002 toyota echo?? Thanks again Dan?
Its for basic coverage
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?
Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?
Does insurance go up when I get my driver's permit?
I'm a little over 15 and a half i live in california and my family has AAA so will the insurance price raise? i know that when i get over 16 it does raise but any tips on how to bring down the rates a little?
What should I expect in car insurance?
Right now, I am seriously considering sharing a car with my boyfriend, so the insurance is lower than it would be for two cars. He is perfectly okay with the idea, but I would still like a truck to haul my horse (his Taurus SE can't do that long distance) for when I move, so it would be more convenient for me to have my own vehicle. I am a 17 year old female. My grades are a B average. I don't have a credit score, i pay with cash or my debit card. I want a truck (preferably an old cheap one that runs). I've heard insurance can be higher if you have a red vehicle, so I am going to avoid that. What else do you need to know to estimate my insurance? Thanks.""
2.5% tax penalty if you don't have health insurance?
There is a section on page 297 of the health care bill... which you can read here: http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf It states plainly that any individual who does not have acceptable health insurance during any part of the year will be imposed a tax equal to 2.5% of their yearly adjusted gross income. My question is what the heck is that about? What has our government come to if they can legally punish people for not getting their own health insurance??
Still waiting to hear from car insurance if car is a write off?
its been a week since this guy hit me from behind. he was 100% at fault. how long do i have to wait to find out if my car was a write off? the car is fixable and i need to know how much to fix? want my car back!!!!!
Insurance Rate comparison Between G37S Coupe 2009 and a 370z 2009 Both black for a 17 year old?
don't give me the He shouldn't have a car like that at such a young age. We have our reasons, just got back Iraq. But anyways, would the insurance be basically the same for both cars since they're both fast, expensive, and two doors?""
Cheap insurance for a sixteen year old girl on suzuki 124cc maurder?
living in limerick ireland
Im a new motorcycle rider and I was wondering which insurance is the best but cheap?
Im 24 yrs old, I was thinking of Progressive insurance? Is there anything that I can do to make my insurance lower?""
Where can I get the best car insurance rates?
I have been on the same plan for 10 years now and they charge $165 each month which is ridiculous. Any idea what is the best company to get a better insurance rate?
Is it cheaper to get insured on your parents insurance?
Is it cheaper to get insured on your parents insurance?
Car insurance in new York city vs age and area?
Im making payments on a car $190 I'm paying full coverage for the car $695 a month and I'm 21 do you think its possible To switch to liability while I'm still paying the car note? Due to my age and new to insurance and live in NY I'm guessing that's y it's so high and can't get help from others so I wouldn't mind striving for myself.
""What percentage of your net income should you spend on all your bills including mortgage, car, insurance, etc.""
Live in New York, just about to buy a house and am wondering what other people are spending on all their bills as compared to their salary. I'm figuring about 55%-60% of my net ...show more""
Can you stay under your parents car insurance?
As of right now I am a college student living in Ohio with my mother and my car is under my mothers car insurance. If I move out and no longer live under my mothers roof, does this mean I must pay for my own car insurance? Or am I able to stay under her name? Please help! I need to find out soon before I get my own place. Thank you so much.""
General costs to buy and insure a 50cc moped?
Okay so I don't know what moped it will be so i'm simply looking for averages and general help. I'm 17 and am thinking of getting a moped for the next 6-7 months, cost pending. I was just wondering how much would insurance cost me for it, not a brilliant bike just a cheapo 400-500 think as I shant be using it every day and is there any way to insure it for only 6 months rather than a year that's cheaper? On a whole how much do you think it would cost me in total if i bought a 400 50cc moped to insure for 6 month (year if you can't do 6 months) + tax + exam you have to take P.S. I live in England - South East - Dover/Folkestone Area""
Getting car insurance for a new car but i have a point on my license?
does anyone know how much it cost or what is the difference to pay when getting car insurance if i have a point on my license. i just bought a used car and i want to get car insurance for it under my name. however, i have a one point on my license. anyone know how much of a difference in cost a point would cost? or anything else i should know?""
""I dont have insurance or a source of income, help?""
I am eighteen years old and currently have no insurance and I am looking for a job but so far nothing. I have chronic migraine disorder and ptsd, I was on medication for both but after I turned eighteen I lost all insurance I had with my mother. i don't go to school nor can i afford to and i dont know what to do. Help?""
What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old with cheap insurance?
Im nearly 17 and am looking for a car, of autotrader or something? Preferably cheap and cheap on insurance? Thanks""
Teen Insurance on Geico?
My parents have geico. I have a 3.65 gpa, i make good grades, no tickets, nothing. i was eligible for my license in november. what kind of discounts can i get ? what kind do they offer ? btw, i'm 16, going on 17 [not to sound like that commercial or anything] i'll be 17 in july. thanks !""
How does car insurance work?
I just wrecked and I backed up into someone. How does insurance work. Do they basically pay for it or what. Or after you wreck do you have to pay more for insurance??
I am a soon to be mom without health insurance.?
I have not had health insurance for 3 yrs now. Till now it's not really been that big of a deal because I'm a very healthy person and was able to pay for all of ck ups @ the doc. but now I'm expecting & I'm not going to be able to pay in full for prental care,& birth delivery of a baby. I have not gone to the doc because I would like to get on health insurance first & I'm scared if I go to the doc first insurance will say it was a preexisting condidtion & not insure me. The baby's father says I should get on Medicaid but he makes $6000 a month, & we live together, so I'm scared that he makes too much money for me to get on Meicaid & we can't afford for me to have any kind of insurance that is expensive. What is the best thing for me to do?""
Can we also get free car insurance? Obamacare?
we are very poor,,, and quality for free health care with this new plan that tax payers are so nice to pay for,,, can tax payers also pay for my car insurance?""
Affordable Private Health Insurance Provider Needed?
Could somebody tell me any company for affordable private health insurance.I need good site.And free quotes and many benefits.Please be honest.
I need cheap insurance?
I have a vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi and I am 18. The cheapest is 1300 but I know people have got theres for 900
Insurance industry Q&A - what entry level insurance job ...?
what entry level insurance job would be good for someone looking to break into the industry?chicago i have 0 years experience but i have a BA degree undeclared. im fimilar with ms office software.
Motorcycle insurance/registration in IL?
Do I need insurance to register my motorcycle in the state of IL? I know I don't need insurance to register it at the currency exchange, but it's cheaper at the DMV so I rather go there, I just don't know if I need proof of insurance.""
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a 2002 toyota echo?? Thanks again Dan?
Its for basic coverage
New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny?
New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny is the highest ever.My sister lives in Nj is it possible I can use his address to get cheaper Car insurance...Or do I need a new jersey drivers license as well??
My wife has leukemia and no health insurance. is there any affordable health insurance?
The insurance she does have is very low, 2000.00 a year cap. we've been looking and it seems she has to be without any for 6 months. she got turned down for medicare already. others we have found range from 1000.00 per month and up. has anyone found any thing better?""
Motorcycle Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good/inexpensive insurance company that will insure motorcycles in Grand Prairie, Texas.? I am 18 years old and I can't even imagine what the cost of insurance would be for me. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.""
How much would cheap car insurance be in california?
im 18 and its my first car whats a good estimate for cheap insurance
Performance car insurance?
is there an insurance company which can provide me with a quote for a performance car? (at a reasonable price) im 19 got a pass plus and had my license for 1 and a half years... ive been driving as a named driver for that time with no claims etc etc ..... i know theres not alot of company's out there which probably wont insure me but its worth a try ey?.
""Already expensive and soaring prices for the US health care, what can be done?""
Many folks just like you living either in Europe or Canada are paying much less in health care than us Americans. It was just a week ago I went to shop for dentist. In four different dentists each dentist give me a different quote, different prices when ALL of the services where the same. Something is wrong in this picture. I came to ask myself are doctors putting their own price tags on their services since they are NOT regulated. This is NOT about Democrat or Republican or any politics, it is a community asset that needs to be provided for the community in affordable prices like anybody else living outside the US. The notion that it is expensive in the US because of better services and top quality medicine is simply a hoax, because ALL MEDICATIONS contain the same ingredients, but different brand names. This is where government NEEDS to step in, and make sure nobody open up a business and put up their own price tags. Pharmacuetical companies may have spent MILLIONS to research and produce medicine but that should NOT all PAID by the consumers. Why should a patient pay for a money that is somehow added to your medical bills and medicine price because of pharmaceuticals research?. When it comes to college tuition and health care, everyone should put politics a side and draw a line between Capitalism and community assets. We elect our officials to provide us, secure us, and work for us, and when folks who only see making profit are more influential and more powerful than our elected officials than something must be done in here. Drugs made by US manufactures are sold to other countries for less than Americans can buy them. If nothing is done in here, I WILL DO SOMETHING, good or bad. Just to get results different than what we have today. Join me.""
Do you need medical on your auto insurance?
Yesterday I purchased a new auto insurance policy. I was convinced by the rep that I needed an optional medical provision for $5,000 dollars worth of coverage in case of an accident. She said that if I didn't get the medical coverage, I would have to inform my health insurance provider that they held the primary responsibility in case of an accident and that many health insurance plans will not accept this. My family has really good health insurance--do we really need medical coverage on our auto insurance, too?""
Why am I forced to buy health insurance?
I do not want to buy any type of insurance and am willing to live with the potential risk this involves. I respect that others might want to buy insurance, but do not force me to buy it. I respect the decisions of others when they decide to be insured, so in return they should respect that I do not want to be insured and live with the risk this involves. It would then be my own fault if I come into a situation where I would find myself unable to pay health-care costs and succumb to my disease/injuries. So why do some people and the government continue not to respect my way of life if I respect theirs? And please do not say that because public hospitals would be forced to treat uninsured people like me - the government should immediately repeal this socialistic law/practice, too!""
Does car insurance cover only one car per policy?
Like, if I had many cars, would the policy cover all those cars for one fee or would I have to get insurance for each car? I feel like each policy only covers one car but I'm not for sure which is why I'm here. And if there is such a car insurance that covers x amount of cars for one fee, let me know. Thanks for taking the time to answer this.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in california?
My parents won't even consider getting me insurance because they think it's too expensive. I'm a girl, 16, gonna be 17 in October, and have above 3.0 GPA My car is a 1996 (i think?) toyota camry.""
How old can you be until you're kicked off your parents health insurance? ?
Another question would be if my parents move to another state would I still be covered? They'd be in Michigan and I'd be in Tennessee.
Will my medical insurance pay?
Will my medical insurance pay for my transportation to work. I just had my drivers license suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. PLEASE HELP!
My daughter was in a multi vehicle car accident and i cant seem to find an estimate for car insurance?
It was a 2001 hyundai elantra. My insurance was 9 star. My daughter just turned 21 and wasen't given permission to drive the car.
Can my insurance drop me?
Hi, i took a urine test with my doctor the other day. I asked what h was testing for and he said everything , so Im not sure what hes testing. He said he was gonna check for diabetes and what not. I was wondering, in the case he drug tests me can he tel my insurance? Can I get dropped from the insurance for this? I smoked weed about 5 weeks ago. I live in California amd hnet is my insurance. Thanks!""
What is car insurance rates?
uhm im doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i dont know wht that means. some one help?""
How much more does insurance for a left hand drive vehicle cost in the UK?
If I bought a left hand drive VW camper and insured it I the UK, would it be more expensive than a right hand drive one? Or just answer if you know how much more it costs for and left hand drive vehicle in the uk?""
How much did you pay for your first car insurance? !?
Hey im gettin a first car soon, i only passed last week! and i understand that insurance for first time buyers is VERY expensive! If anyone could quote me some of the prices they payed on insurance for there first and the car they had that would be great!!! (IN ENGLAND  BY THE WAY)""
What is the best manual transmission car to purchase for a 16 year old regarding low insurance cost?
When it comes to auto insurance (state of California) which car would be best to purchase used or new for a 16 year old which would be a manual transmission. We all know insurance for a minor is outragous and we would like to train our young adult on a stick first so they know how to drive both stick and automatic in their adult life. What car do you think new or used would be the best on auto insurance? Please be specific on the make and model of the car? Thank in advance for your answers
Teen Car Insurance in California?
My friends is asking about, How much is the insurance for a modified car for teens. ok let say I brought a modified car from the owner and I wan to insure it how much would be my insurance? I want to know in California I don't care about other states thanks!!!!""
""Depending on certain factors, what would my insurance premiums be?""
i am a teen driver, just got my license and now am looking for a car and i was wondering how much more my insurance rates would be if i was driving an early 2000 era BMW, Audi, Lexus or Jaguar vs something like a simple japanese or american made small truck or sedan. I also get straight A's in schooll as ive heard that can factor into it as well.""
Can you drive someone else's car without your own insurance but their car is covered?
For example, if I drive my friend's insured car and she's in the passenger seat while I'm driving (without my own insurance), is it legal? Also, can I drive my parents' car occasionally without my own insurance but the car is insured? I'm 17 with a California driver's license. Thank you!""
What companies offer dental insurance in california?
What companies offer dental insurance in california?
Marine Insurance?
Why do the Underwriters enjoy an apparent freedom to give seven days notice and announce an area a war risk zone and, effectively, arbitrarily withdraw insurance cover? - like cases in the Straits of Malacca -""
Am I screwed? Two years ago I was approached by my auto insurance company.?
I was told that if I added my home owners insurance to their company that I would save a bundle on both the auto and the homeowner policy. At the time, I had the same homeowner company for over 25 years and was happy with my policy but they looked at the policy and said they could offer me the same coverage at the same price. So, of course, I switched and admittedly never looked at the policy until I had a recent claim. Now, I find that the policy that I was switched to was NOT the same coverage I had at...not even close. I now have a 1% deductible instead of $500 and I also now have actual value instead of replacement cost coverage. Needless to say, I'm angry and feel I have no recourse since I admit I didn't read over the policy...I trusted the agent , since I had my car insurance with them for over 30 years. Has anyone ever had this happen to them and what, if anything, can be done about this?""
Insurance for a 2010 Ford Fiesta Edge?
Hi, Im saving up to buy my first car and as it may be used for some fairly long commuting i was wondering what the insurance would cost, i will be shortly taking a driving test and so this would be useful information, as to help me save up the funds in order to buy the car and insure it, the car costs on average 8.995, but there have been cheaper models that are 08,09 etc so what would be a reasonable price for a new shape fiesta edge or style. Thanks 10- points today for the best answer....""
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a 2002 toyota echo?? Thanks again Dan?
Its for basic coverage
How old should my vehicle be before I drop collision insurance?
How old should my vehicle be before I drop collision insurance?
Advicing on insuring my car?
Well, i passed my driving test yesterday yay! I got a car from a friend but i'm having trouble finding somewhere to insure me without having to pay like tons of money. I'm female and age 20 so i don't really know how much my insurance should be or what's a good deal. Anyone give me any insurance companies i could try as a first time driver? Thank you""
What do you pay for car insurance?
I have 3 cars and paid $1600/year. I had a speeding ticket 15 miles per over and now my insurance has been raised to $2600/yr. I've quoted other insurances and they are all about the same.
""Where can I get the best, most comprehensive earthquake coverage for a condo in san francisco, california?""
i have already seen what the california earthquake authority (CEA) offers, which is not a whole lot. what are my other options for greater coverage?""
How much does insurance company pay for a totaled car with previously rebuilt title issued?
So I am looking to buy a car with rebuilt title( please dont tell me that I should not buy it, I know all the pros and cons). So lets say I have full coverage insurance and I get in accident and the car is totaled. What kind of money will I get from insurance? Clean trade in value? Clean retail value? Or half of clean trade in? I am just concerned if I should purchase full coverage insurance for it or no. If my monthly premium would cost as much as for clean title car, but I would get only 50% of it in case of an accident, than it does not have sense. Car is Honda Accord with $10000 KBB value and my insurance company is AAA Michigan.""
I am 29 can i insure my moped before passing my cbt?
I am 29 can i insure my moped before passing my cbt?
Getting insurance under my name?
In NJ, it states that you need proof of insurance to transfer a title. How can i get proof of insurance if I don't have the title under my name? Can I get insurance before tranferring the title, or can i get insurance without transferring the title? Title is transferring from my dad to me.""
Can I drive other cars with no insurance?
I do not have insurance on my vehicle. Can i drive my girlfriends car that has full coverage and not be breaking the law nor risk her car not being covered if i have a accident? I am in FLORIDA
Can someone please explain how health insurance works to me?
Ok, I realize this question shows how ignorant I am about the real world, so I'm embarrassed but I have to be honest: I have no idea how health insurance works other than that it covers certain medical expenses! I'm just getting out of college so I am not used to having to deal with this. I know you pay a monthly fee, but what is a deductible? How does this work? For example, say a company charges $50/month with a $2,500 deductible fee...when would I have to pay the $2,500, if ever? I need the most affordable health insurance possible... I am really struggling with money at the moment. I am a U.S. citizen with a very very good health record. 22 yrs old and non-smoker. I plan to travel to Canada (Montral) and live there for about 6 months after I graduate. If I get health insurance in the U.S., will this cover me in Canada as well? Thank you for any info, it will really help me out a lot!""
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old with an SUV?
im thinking about getting a 1998 Chevy Tahoe for my first car but i dont know how much the insurance would be and i have my JOL license
How much average does a family of four pay annually or monthly for health insurance?
I'm currently in the military and plan on getting out in 3yrs. I have an EF but people in the service forget about health insurance (because its free now). I want to set my family up. Just wondering what would I be looking at paying when I separate for a family of four so I can start saving
""Looking at Insurance Quotes & found a car under our address that is not ours, what to do?""
so my family has been looking at insurance quotes the last couple of days and this random car always shows up under ours address along with the actual cars we have, my parents are worried someone might have used their name or sumthing.. how do we deal with this and who do we ask? on one of the websites I got the last 6 or so digits of the car's vin number. My brother suggested asking police department or the Security of State but who can provide us with this information and what exactly do we ask for ??""
Do car insurance pay for flood damage?
my daughter got caught in floods yesterday and her car is knakered do car insurance companys pay for flood damage ,when she rang them they told her it sounded mechanical but RAC said ...show more""
Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in Michigan?
Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in Michigan?
Woud my car insurance go up?
i got into a car accident the beginning of september this year. i had a car that was in my dads name and also the insurance was in his name as well. i never payed for anything or signed anything in my name. i accidentally ran a red light and hit the car that was making a left. it wasnt that bad as it sounds. but my dad decided it wasnt worth it and place the car as a right-off. sooooo anyways. i never got a ticket. i am planning on buying a car in january. would my insurance go up? could i get away with not such a high monthly insurance? i mean really everything was in my fathers name and i recieved no ticket. btw. i live in fl
Where can i get cheap auto insurance in mass ?
OK. So I'm basically a new driver only got my licence about 3 months ago and now I'm buying a car. I am 20 years old and don't know if I am going to pay like 400 a month cause that's insane. Does anyone know a cheap auto insurance company or any where, where I could get help?""
If i buy 2008 BMW M3 - how much would i have to pay for insurance?
i am 17 years old Ontraio Canada the car should come in white, alarm system, no tinted windows fair safety rating...""
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
I'm 23 and a female. I've never bought car insurance before. Who's cheaper Geico or Progressive?
Is wanting to pay $100 a month unrealistic?
Adding teenager to car insurance?
I'm turning 16 in a few months and my parents said if i paid for the extra cost they would put me on their policy and i was wondering how much money it would be
""If my car was stolen, does the insurance pay me or the lienholder the settlement check?
It has been a month since my car was stolen and it hasnt turned back up. So the next step is the settlement. How does it work if i owe the lienholder 3000 dollars?? Does the insurance pay the lienholder and i get the difference or do they just pay me? And does the interest rate get deducted from the $3000????
Young rider needs insurance help (motorcycle)?
Hello I am completing my motorcycle course this week and will be obtaining my m2 license, I was considering buying a motorcycle. I am a 18 year old male and was wondering if anyone could give me advice or some help for insurance in ontario?. I am aware it will be costly but was wondering if someone had any motorcycle suggestions that would be cheap on insurance or even insurance companies. Recent personal experiences would be nice. Thanks for the help!""
Car Insurance Estimate?
I'm 19 years old. I've had my license since December 2008. I've never been in an accident. The car would cost around 5000$ It's a silver 2002 Saturn Vue AWD V6 With around 100,000 miles on it. Used obviously. It would be bought with a loan from a bank, so financed. I make around 1000$ a month, working 32 hours a week. Lame work for now, but hey. I can easily pay for the insurance. I also have good credit history. Any ideas on what insurance would cost.""
Whats the cheapest car insurance company in Michigan?
I'm moving out of my parents house in a few months, and am at the point of looking at car insurance rates. I've always just paid my fees on their shared account, which was only about $25. Friends in Ohio that also live on their own pay about $80 on their own plans per month, and they have accident histories. When I ask for quotes with a clean history, Progressive gave me a $350 quote! What's the best company to go through? Or at least top 3? I just want minimum coverage because that's all I can afford for now.""
Requirements for california drivers license?
how many behind the wheel professional training hours are required in the state of california in order to get a license?
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a 2002 toyota echo?? Thanks again Dan?
Its for basic coverage
Costs of insurance for Young people 16?
Could you write how much do/did you pay/paid for your insurance now/before?? Also could you add you car engine etc..
No Insurance?
I have being taking mixed martial arts for a few weeks now with a local martial arts centre (own gym etc) but each time I ask about paying for insurance they just say they still have to sort the insurance out, would you still train there without.""
""On buying a new car, should I get insurance for it immedliately?""
I am buying a new car in a day or so. Am I legally required to get insurance before I take it out of the dealership? I heard that dealer should keep insurance for 1 month. Is that true? If it is true, what is covered - just the car? Driver? Passengers? New-car buyer in Texas""
""People w/o health insurance how do you pay for medical care, or do you?""
I looked into insurance available to me in Georgia and here what the least affordable costs me: $350/month, 20% specialist cost after a $3500/yr deductible, 3 doctor visits per year at $45 each, $20 for each prescription, no dental/vision coverage and other charges that add up to over $7500/yr. And all of this BEFORE the latest 14% price hike. I've decided to save up the same $7500/yr for medical expenses and chuck the insurance companies. I figure some years I won't use all the money and it could go towards the years when I need it. What's your solution?""
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
Lawyers & legal experts Q concerning auto insurance: How much coverage is best?
My auto is a '94 so I only have legal minimum +: Bod Inj Liab 15/30, Prop Damg Liab 25k, UM/UND 15/30, UM Prop Damg $3500. My question is, I drive in Los Angeles everyday-is there one or more of these I should prudently increase?? What about my fault and I sustain injury? Can I not have my vehicle insured but my body in my vehicle insured, (if that makes sense)? My car is worth only a couple K, so no reason to insure it. I am with Geico now & think I should perhaps increase some coverage. Thanks-""
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose as individual and family floater ?
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose for individual and family floater , which provides annual health check up""
Finding a good auto insurance in denver?
i am moving to denver next month and my auto insurance is about to expire in a month, right now have usaa insurance and there premium goes up to 132$ per month, i tried esurance is cheaper than what i pay now (82$ per month). what are some trustable compnaies to go with in a big city like denver. i have a 2008 honda crv and hubby drives 01 nissan altima. what are the coverage limitations in denver and what will be a reasonable coverage to get. nissan is paid off.""
Car insurance if I don't drive?
My mom is taking me off of her car insurance policy since I no longer own a car, don't have a job to get one or pay gas, and don't even live with her anymore. Yesterday I got my drivers license address changed to my current address which is with my boyfriend. Now his family is making a big deal about it saying that even if I'm not driving, it's illigal to have a licensed driver living in their house with no car insurance and that I have to be under insuarance. This dosnt make any sense to me. Is it even true or are they misinformed? Please help!!!""
How is the Hillary Clinton helth plan version 2 anything like car insurance?
Car insurance: 1) Need to get it if you choose to drive. 2) Government bureaucracy does not force you to choose only in-state car insurance. 3) Coverage is meant to protect others from damages. 4) You choose how much coverage you want. 5) Does not violate freedom of religion. 6) Taxpayers don't pay for people who can't afford car insurance. Hillary Care: 1) Need to get if you choose to live. 2) Government bureaucracy limits the choice of provider. 3) Coverage only protects you and not others from damages 4) Government mandates what is covered, not you. 5) Violates freedom of religion for those whose beliefs prevent them from getting hospital care. 6) Government steals taxpayer money to supplement those who cry poor. Hillary supporters: Is it even possible to argue this? Go ahead and try. See you after Hillary loses the general election!""
Pulled over by the police today without no insurance and no driving licence in the uk?
today i got pulled over by the police without a driving licence and no insurance the car had insurance but it was in my moms name and i only had a provisional license how much points will i get for that and will i get a band?
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
My friend is 16, has a 3000GT VR4, has his own insurance plan, and pays only 80 a month. I went to Esurance, who apparently is the cheapest, and they gave me a quote for 194 a month for a 300ZX, which has 20 horsepower LESS. I don't even.""
Can i get a ticket for not having car insurance?
if i get pulled over with my parents car, the car has insurance but it just isnt in my name but my parents name. i have my L's""
What would actually be the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 2011 challenger srt8?
I need to find out what car insurance company located near Covington, Louisiana sells the CHEAPEST full coverage car insurance that would be paid in full every 6 months for a fully loaded Dodge Challenger SRT8 with an automatic 5 speed transmission with the fuel saver technology feature? Any suggestions?""
What is a good dental insurance company?
I am 21 years old and I am currently on my parents health and dental insurance plans. However, I get dropped off of the dental plan when I turn 22 and my birthday is just a month away so basically I am looking for a stand alone dental plan that is affordable. I have looked around but to be honest I don't really have a clue on what I am looking for, what is good, or what is bad. I am not sure if it helps or not but I am looking for something that will help pay for Invisalign, doesn't have to be a lot just something to help with the payments. Any help or information will be greatly appreciated!""
Is Mass Mutual insurance affiliated with any other insurance companies?
any agencies affiliated to Mass Mutual life insurance
Car insurance hidden from family?
Im 17 buying a volkswagen golf 1.6 with my hard earned money working for 2 years now need a car but parents are against buying a car but i need it for uni Ill park the car down my road and everything will be legal and i was wondering if i get a insurance and a car can i hide from family so i can i tell my policy not to send letter or anything they can only contact me by email or by my phone also so give me a few options i wanna do the legal way only and from UK. Or can give them my actually address but tell them to send the letters to my friends house so that no one in family receives any information about my car what so ever thanks. I can prove my address not trying to get a cheap insurance just dont want family knowing also suggest any legal methods thanks
How much of a difference per month for car insurance is there between a sports car and a regular car?
How much of a difference per month for car insurance is there between a sports car and a regular car?
How much would insurance be for a 2003 Acura RSX?
I am a male, 22 years old, clean record, live in Whitby Ontario. I also went took driving lessons (people say that will help lower insurance) and i am a class G driver (full license) I know coupes are usually more expensive for insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate of how much insurance would cost per month or for the year? I know i can call and get a quote but I want to see what the average is. Thanks!""
Car insurance questions please help?
my husband's car has been in the shop for a week i have been driving him back and forth to work when i can and he has been asking friends for rides when i am working yesterday i was in a car accident, someone u-turned into me, i can no longer take him to work obviously because my car is now getting repaired, his friends are tired of making the drive (it is about 20 miles one way) they keep offering him their cars saying because he is an insured driver and their cars are insured that it is fine for him to drive it I don't buy this because when we were shopping for car insurance the people made it clear to me the only person aloud to drive his vehicle was him even though I was insured with a different company under my mother's name what is the truth concerning insured drivers on separate policies driving other insured vehicles that their name is not on the policy""
What happen if I don't pay my car insurance?
I woul like to switch to another company that's going be cheaper, but I was wondering can I just not pay my old car insurance and start laying my new car insurance company, or do I need to finish with all the months that they gave me the insurance card for (it was for 6 months, 3 months left).""
I am lawful resident can i get health insurance?
I am a 67 year old lawful resident and i do not have a health insurance is there any provision in Obama new health insurance bill
Why is car insurance quote from tesco 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?
i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come close...is this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.""
Insurance Card?
Is it true that your insurance company can refuse to cover you if you didn't have possession of your card in the car at the time of the accident? This is what I was told by a police officer at the scene. (I have a valid insurance policy, but I just didn't have the card there.)""
Car insurance cost for a Infiniti g35 coupe?
I'm 18 and think of getting one, anyone know how much it might be? Oh and btw I live in Hawaii.""
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a 2002 toyota echo?? Thanks again Dan?
Its for basic coverage
0 notes
dewhiteflowerme · 7 years ago
Basically, fuck you!
One of the most annoying things for me with human beings is the ability to jump to conclusions without hearing the other parties explanation. The misconception that once you as an individual see something you take your own word and disregard all else. Once you believe yourself and what you say everything else is whisper that you don't give a shit about. Let me give you a scenario: There is this girl that I know from way back in varsity, 2 years ago. This girl and I "had a thing". She wanted more at the time and I wasn't there. This resulted in me being an asshole. I knew I was an asshole but to a certain extent. Years later I randomly run into her and my ways or "what I did" is brought back from the dead. In our running into each however it is her birthday and she's "carpe diem'ing" the evening. We've been together before so the kissing and touching becomes inevitable. Evening proceeds with our "carpe diem'ing" the good times and everything is good. Good beyond words, I oath girls have the softest lips. You don't want to stop. You want to keep going. Just keep going. Wigs coming of keep going. Soft lips. I meet a few of her friends and to my luck her very best friend is bisexual. Very cute, easy to have a conversation with best friend. Best friend who is studying what i studied and pursuing the same profession. I put emphasis on this because creative's have a way of drawing themselves to each other. It's a thing, give me two creative's that don't get along and I will give you my severence pay (recently got retrenched so I have no money). We got along on a certain level with the best friend. I thought everyone was cool with it I mean what more does another want then for people who don't know each other and being introduced in a social space and getting along? That's the dream, you want that. The evening progressed with me meeting more friends and everyone having a rad time with a lot of sneaking to the bathroom and "carpe dieming". The days that followed the best friend mentioned that she could give me the Adobe suite. With my retrenchment came not being able to pay my monthly subscription and as an editor having that software is life. She said she would give it to me so I contacted her and asked when I could get it. Also I now had her number so when I couldn't get hold of my lady With the soft lips I would contact her. This now that I hear was a problem. It apparently came across as if I wanted the best friend. This was not true on my part. People jumped to conclusions. I was not asked. OBVIOUSLY if you've had a few drinks with someone before and you get along and when you now ask them for something conversation won't just be about that one thing. OBVIOUSLY you will talk about other things. Apparently this was wrong of me to do. It was wrong for me to be pleasant. I was apparently not allowed to have these conversations. Mind you it's not just me talking to myself. There are two people in this and if the other person is not okay with it they will either stop responding or inform the other that the whole thing is "inappropriate". Logic! Like! I did ask one night whether the best friend wanted to hang out & she pointed out that it would be weird for her & girl with the soft lips would need to approve. I respected this and let go. Forced respect mind you as I didn't see what the problem was. Then I go out of my way to meet with soft lips as I feel her responses towards me are cold & filled with anger towards that I don't known off. She agrees and I meet her at a club where she is with her friends in Newtown. Get there and I have never felt more socially awkaward in my life! Knowing me you will know that me and being awkaward in public spaces do not go together! I was just confused, you'd find me standing there in the middle of the dance floor on my own not knowing what to do. The person I had come see blatantly ignored me. She was running around looking for her grown ass best friend who had "dissappeared" with another girl. People disappear at parties, especially if they are drunk it's a thing. But the way this girl was being looked for you could tell it was someone being used as an excuse to not hang with me. Like. Fine. We all leave and end up at Stones. They only do VIP. VIP is R100. I don't have fucken R100.
Seems like they all dont don't have R100. Everybody walks out to have a "discussion". I follow like that annoying cousin you don't want to hang out. Outside there is a side discussion that I am not invited to or a part of by the boot of the car where they all seem to be digging in their hand bags. I'm assuming for R100's. The car belongs to one of the girls' boyfriend. I'm leaning against the drivers door. Next thing i feel a hand in and out of my back pocket. I turn around and the boyfriend is walking back towards the club. I put a hand in my pocket and see that there is R200 in my pocket. I smile to myself, look at the "diggers" by the car and proudly announce that i have R200 and could pay for someone. I know I should've just payed for myself and walked in. I probably would've paid general and spent the rest on tons of beers. I mean who the fucken wants to hang in VIP. What is the point? You're at club, you want to dance with the masses. The masses have more fun. BUT, it wasn't my money. No one responds and we all get to the door and everyone pays for themselves apart from soft lips' best friend who seems to have claimed the other half of my winnings announcing to her friends that "Mbali is going to pay for me". Okay, I assume this was a discussion that was had and proceed still being a fucken follower mind you and feeling so out of place. Get to VIP and boyfriend buys Hennesy and red bull (another thing I don't get) and everybody drinks. Soft lips is still blatantly ignoring me and next thing I know she's making out with the girl on the couch right next to us. On the couch right next to us. Not a word to me the whole evening and now she's making out with an ugly ass girl on the couch next us. I stand in range and walk to the general area with the peasants to smoke with her best friend. Not because I'm paying back but just because she also wanted to smoke. Red flags are raised as it's apparently more proof that I am after her best friend rather than her. This is not true. The girl is honestly really just a cool human being. She's short and cute and I just want to take her under my wing. More as a little sister. No sexual attraction whatsoever! I'm over the whole thing and really just don't give a shit anymore. The disrespect made me emotional and annoyed every being in my body. I see my friends ex boyfriend who dumped her because he lost his job and was broke and this resulted in him not being able to get an erection which according to him affected the relationship. He dumped her. Being broke resulted in no erection. What fucken nonsense is that? I had a laugh with him and he bought me Heinekens. Chilling and suddenly the girl with the soft lips' cousin is there to check up on me. She sits there and I'm cornered into introducing her to the ex who couldn't get it up because he was broke and so in turn broke my friends heart. The cousin sits and sits and sits. I feel awkward and say let's go back to place with The Very Important People with my Heineken. I just left with one. I want to come back. Soft lips is now dancing. Shaking her ass dancing, you want to stare shaking her ass dancing. I stare. I get more annoyed and want to cry. The night goes on and eventually we head home. I get dropped off first and in the car it's a mess of a argument. I was really drunk! Heineken and Hennesy and Red bull will do that. I'm really drunk. I will not tell you what we were arguing about drunk. But I know there was shouting. As we take the turn to my complex the Audi legit smashes into something causing us all to go forward. I don't remember anything else. It was a car accident, no one got seriously hurt except for bruises and scars. Great. Embarrassed. Ignored. Basically told in the face to fucken off. Misjudged. And then a car accident. I shouldn't have tried to chase. I've been saying, I'm not a chaser. I should have stayed home.
0 notes