#a while ago I saw a post perfectly describing this
roz-boz · 2 years
This is so random but I just remember something from Rule of Wolves
I love how the fandom just assumed Kaz would be asocial, with Jesper constantly trying to hang out with him and then we found out Kaz is actually constantly at Wespers house and they've been trying to keep him out because it became too much but they obviously failed because nothing can't keep Dirtyhands away.
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exploring panic!'s a fever you can't sweat out/live in denver boxset
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a couple of years ago, i managed to snag this for $150, which is still crazy to me, and it's definitely my favorite thing i've ever owned. i feel like i haven't seen many people detailing the contents of it, and since it's such a cool relic, i wanted to share this beauty with everyone.
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it comes with the live in denver dvd (left) and a fever you can't sweat out cd (right). the cover art and discs are SO fucking pretty and cool i'm so obsessed with them. i love how it really feeds into that 20s/30s theme they had going on this era.
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then it has these 4 photo cards which are all such beautiful photos. the first one especially is one of my all time favorite panic photos. the b&w filter also fits this era so well.
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this is a phenakistiscope. you stand in front of a mirror and spin it around while looking through the cracks so it looks like the girl is dancing (instructions are included on the back).
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this is a tour program for the live in denver tour. it includes all the tour dates, as well as a guide to their discography. including pictures of the inside would exceed my image limit, so if anyone wants a post detailing this item, i'd be more than happy to post that!
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self explanatory but it's a mask reminiscent of the but it's better if you do music video.
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there's this SUPER cool poster that i'd love to hang up on my wall but i'm too scared to in case it ruins it. i'm actually so obsessed with this thing.
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this is something else i can't include detailed pictures of due to the image limit, but honestly there isn't a lot of lore or super interesting stuff inside of it. however, i'd still be happy to detail it more in another post.
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there's this GORGEOUS notebook that i'm also too scared to actually do anything with. it is actually quite a thick notebook. i looove the detail of the "PANIC!" barely visible in the middle of the pages.
now onto my absolute favorite part of this thing:
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these cards for each song on fever are SO fucking cool and i love them so much. they're printed on really nice material too; they don't feel cheap and have this grainy feel to them too (idk how else to describe it) and it works so well. luckily i'm able to post individual pictures of each one.
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so the back of all of them have the lyrics printed like that but i won't be able to post pictures of that for each one.
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they just all encapsulate the theme of each song perfectly while also fitting so well with the aesthetic that they had this era. like my jaw dropped when i saw these for the first time. (side note: i'm not sure why they numbered intermission as number 12 when it should be 8 based on the album. i also don't know why they skipped introduction since they included intermission).
all in all, this is the coolest piece of merch a band has ever put out imo. like no one is doing it like this anymore. i'd been yearning for it since i was 14 so i'm so glad i was able to find it as such a steal of a price. i'll never shut up about owning it and if you're able to get your hands on it i cannot recommend it enough.
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Grian and Skizz both being angels.
I saw posts about Angel Skizz and I was reminded about stuff I thought of before. So watchers right gang? What a weird thing. Did you know there's a group of actual angels in Scripture called that?
So the Books of Enoch, there were a class of Angels called "The Watchers" and they made sure humans behaved, but then they all fell from heaven for various things sleeping with Human women and making giants, teaching humans things they shouldn't know, etc. This was apart of the Jewish faith and Christian faith a while ago, and is still considered "canon" in some branches of the faiths. This is just background. There's a lot more to this, as there often is with religious texts but for the purpose of hermitcraft headcanons, you just need to know that there is religious text talking about a group of angels known as The Watchers.
Let's play with this idea.
That makes Grian, an angel. Which is something I don't think anyone has ever described Grian as before given the problems he likes to cause, but it would make sense. Grian being an angel, in this class of Angels who fell from Heaven for giving information to Humans they weren't supposed to have. It even works with the "He was never meant to be there, he was only ever meant to watch". Watchers weren't meant to interact with humans, just watch over them.
Grian would fit so perfectly into this disgraced Angel, who didn't do all that much wrong, just wanted to share information with others. Technically fallen and disgraced, but never acting as such. Assured in himself and in his friends and family he has found and forged.
Then Skizzleman comes along. Grian sets up 3rd life to have a change of pace from Hermitcraft, and lets his friends invite people. Grian invites old friends of his. and Impulse invites Skizzleman. Grian at first can't figure out what it is about Skizz that feels so damn familiar. Maybe it's the similar humor to Impulse, but that's not quite right. Grian doesn't manage to figure it out fully, but Skizz could tell Grian had questions.
All of Last Life the two keep looking at each other, wondering what it is the other knows, if the other is hiding something. Neither got an answer. So Skizz doesn't do double life. He knew they needed pairs and he would've been an odd number anyways, plus maybe this'll help him figure out what Grian's confused about if he has time to think. Then Limited Life starts and Skizz is being his wholesome self, and giving affirmations to everyone.
and it finally clicks for Grian. Skizz is an angel. Grian had no clue an Angel could just be out and about like that, he was a disgraced Angel, a fallen angel in some ways, but Skizz didn't seem to be a fallen angel. A pure angel. Grian is even more confused with Skizz being friends with Impulse, a demon. After Limited Life, Grian finally confronts Skizz about it, and the two talk in depth.
Finally, someone there who gets it the two talk for hours about Angels. About Grian's class as Watchers, and about how maybe the disgraced group of angels are rising to power as near gods, Skizz talks about how he's able to be an Angel just out and about, and how he met Impulse. They go through Secret Life, knowing about the other and feeling content in that.
Then Impulse brings up adding Skizz to Hermitcraft, and Grian agrees so quickly, because having another Angel on the server would be so much fun.
I just love the idea of Grian and Skizz having had this deep connection of angelicness to them, leading to them being such close and amazing friends it's just. UGH. I love Angels.
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ohemgeeejay · 8 months
I watched Lisa Frankenstein today with some of my friends and OH MY GOURD.
When I saw a promotional poster in my local theatre two weeks ago, I was intrigued. When I saw the trailer during the pre-show for Night Swim that same day, I was persuaded. But when I saw Diablo Cody and Zelda Williams on a poster while leaving the theatre, I knew I had to watch it.
And it did not disappoint.
That movie was so good! It was so much fun. The dialogue was fantastic, the humour was well timed and well written, the set design was beautiful, and the general aesthetics of the film were downright gorgeous. I also loved the character dynamics, especially between Lisa and Taff.
I was truly shocked to find that it’s kind of a flop. The critic reviews are so low, which doesn’t surprise me, although it does disappoint me. Especially seeing people call these characters one dimensional and stereotypical. I completely disagree; and I think the way that Taff loved, supported, and stuck up for Lisa right from the beginning was proof of that. She was more than her peppy, popular cheerleader archetype, she was a person and a character of her own.
The lack of love for this movie is crazy! I genuinely enjoyed that movie so much, and I feel an oncoming fixation.
My friend described it as slasher meets romcom and that feels like a decently accurate representation of the vibes. It’s lighter on the horror and heavier on the humour, but it’s absolutely charming.
It’s a great watch, one of the best times I’ve had seeing something in theatres in a while.
And I mean, the poster art is just the cherry on top! It’s gorgeous, and it captures the vibes of the movie perfectly. Huge props to whoever made these posters, I love them and would love to have one for my room.
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I’ve seen many call the film “uneven,” or “disjointed,” criticizing its pacing. I understand why some people may dislike it, as it’s an uncommon path of plot progression, but I found it to be very enjoyable. I think that the unusual pacing of the film only made it stand out more.
All around, I really loved this movie. If you liked Heathers, Jennifer’s Body, Beetlejuice, or any other campy cult classics, I highly recommend it. I can definitely see Lisa Frankenstein becoming a cult classic itself in a few years.
I apologize if this post is a bit all over the place, I have a lot of thoughts about this film. And a lot of love for it too. I just had to talk about it, because I cannot get this movie out of my head! I think it’s quickly becoming a favourite, and I know I’m going to have to watch it again.
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lancrewizzard · 1 month
Please tell me you’re not a gaiman fan because it seems like you have issues with him and goddd me too
Okay this is a complicated question to answer and has got both more and less so in the last couple of weeks. Since there's still information coming out about the sexual assault allegations, I don't want to say too much now and then have to backtrack hugely, but even the very best case scenario makes his behaviour scummy as all hell. And I don't believe it will turn out to have been the best case scenario. So we'll just bundle the whole thing up with "yikes" and move on to things I've had a long enough time to think about and put proper thoughts around.
A month ago I'd have said that he seems like a decent bloke, but seems to have real trouble understanding experiences he can't relate to. The foreword to his short story collection Trigger Warning is a great example of this. He spent a while wittering on about his misgivings about trigger warnings as a concept, then remembered he knew someone with a severe phobia of tentacles and conceded that they had their place. He then proceeded to give a very dumb non-warning which completely failed to mention how something like one in three of the collected stories involved sexual violence. Great job Neil.
I already mentioned in the tags of that previous post my issues with his obvious lies to TV Omens fans who don't know any better. It's just annoying and stupid to lie about something that unimportant, unless it was actually an attempt to get disillusioned Book Omens fans back on side (in which case, wow that failed spectacularly).
And now I realise that everything else is about specific works of his, so I've stuck it under a cut if you don't want to see me bitch about Good Omens adaptational changes changes for the umpteenth time or go on a short heartfelt ramble about what was almost a perfectly crafted short story.
I'll be blunt, I only saw S1 of Good Omens, and while I enjoyed it, it was an incompetent adaptation. The fucking radio play managed to tell the same story with greater faithfulness and more elegance without a 3rd person narrator (and had the brilliant idea of having the opening and closing credits performed by Agnes Nutter's voice actress). Compare and contrast the show making God the 3rd person narrator and exposition dump, and how that changes the whole story from a humanist tale where people are all people and whose choices matter, where God's grand plan night not even exist, to a story where everything implicitly or explicitly is going to God's plan under God's watchful eye.
And I will never comprehend how Gaiman successfully argued to have a whole set built to film Agnes Nutter's death, but then said that for practical reasons they couldn't have Crowley revive the dove. The angel accidentally killed a dove and the demon intentionally revived it! It's so thematically important! Neil why are you like this? Do you understand your own works or was Pterry the only one of you who put actual thought into things' meanings?! HOW DO YOU FUCK THIS UP NEIL? I UNDERSTOOD ITS IMPORTANCE WHEN I WAS 15 NEIL!
Ahem. Moving on.
Neverwhere is the most recent Gaiman book I've read and it's a good showcase of all the issues I have with his writing. The protagonists are dragged along by the plot, they're Special TM by birth or fate, not by the choices they make. The world they inhabit is wonderful, detailed, and vibrant, but I found that far more interesting than the protagonists inhabiting it. We got a random rape backstory for a girl whose main role was to die so the male protagonist feels bad. The way Gaiman described every female character bar one in terms of their attractiveness made me unsure if it was him or the protagonist who was weird about women (although I guess I have the answer to that now). Funny how Gaiman didn't shy away from things and people smelling bad right up until a hot woman who had been fighting, running, and falling over in a swamp apparently smelled not of sweat and stagnant water, but "musk". Really normal, that. There were wonderful descriptions and great moments, but after that first SA moment I couldn't relax and enjoy the ride because I was always on edge waiting for the next time Neil felt the need to be Like That.
Then there's my beloved, hated The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains. It's almost the perfect neat fairy-fable where every little detail is paid off later. It's a story of grief and vengeance and greed. It's about the price of fairy magic. And it has a pointless scene stuck in of marital rape. It has no purpose. It does nothing for the pacing or themes or characters. It never comes up again. I hate it.
Stuff can be horny or harrowing or both, I don't care, but Gaiman just drops SA into things for no clear reason as a generic Bad Thing Happen, Make Tone Dark. It's distasteful and inelegant. It cheapens the rest of the writing by its presence.
The simple truth is that Neil Gaiman seems to have a near pathological urge to shove sexual violence into places it has no need or right to be. It's disgusting but sadly not shocking that this apparently includes his personal life.
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sunsetandthemoon · 2 years
saw in your tags you mentioned earthmix were in a serious fight while filming moonlight chicken? what's the story there? (ty in advance if you answer this and np if you don't :) )
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Hii. Ok, so, while I do follow them on Instagram and Twitter, I never noticed anything until they talked about it during the MLC promo a few weeks ago, so I definitely don't know the full story, but here is a short summary of all the information that I’ve managed to gather from Twitter.
Apparently, there was a 4-5 month period last year where Earth and Mix were fighting (so-called their “divorce era”). It started with them going from constantly hanging out together to never interacting with each other anymore and fans quickly noticed something was up. Then this video from the MLC set was posted and it only further fueled all the speculations (it looks like a perfectly normal video to me tbh but to some, it looked like Mix was angry or like he was sulking 🤷)
They also had a few work events during that time and fans reported a noticeable tension between them. There was also a lot of subtweeting and indirecting on their social media including posts like this:
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which is funny considering this is how they described each other in an interview once
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("am I still your flower" is absolutely sending me 💀)
some more Mix retweets x/x
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Earth even posted this on his insta story
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and then, during the Oishi Magic Of Zero trip, they seemed to have finally gone back to their normal selves (x)
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they even acknowledged the fight and said that they had made up and that everything was okay between them again (x/x)
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and everyone was happy for them including P'Godji who posted this video (x)
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Mix even posted this on his story
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which may or may not have been a reference to this scene from ATOTS
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then, during their interviews recently, they talked a bit more about their fight (x) (their poor manager 😭)
and P'Aof even teased them about it by saying "the hard part for me is, I wanna work with them when they aren’t fighting with each other" when EM were asked what were the easy/hard parts of working together on three different series (x)
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speaking of P’Aof, I need to include this bit from MLC bts where he forgot Jim and Wen weren’t supposed to kiss each other during their sex scene in ep1 because it’s just so funny like dhfjhsdjkd
P‘Aof: *after watching them unnecessarily devour each other five takes in a row while knowing damn well they’re in the middle of their divorce era* “whoops my bad 🤭 please don’t kill me” 😂😂😂😂
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anyway - TLDR - Moonlight Chicken was filmed during their divorce era and they were spending their days filming scenes like this
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only to then go home and start subtweeting and shading each other online at the end of the day 😂
but they're making up for it now by being inseparable and constantly posting about each other. there are too many moments to link but here are some honorable mentions: x/x/x/x
including these posts from last night x/x
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kittenwithabass · 7 months
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These are 2 slides from an instagram post by Gen-Z Aotearoa, a New Zealand (Aotearoa) based organisation of "Gen-Z activists". There are more slides not in the post, you can find them at the link above. ID in alt. I'm a member of gen z from Aotearoa and was about to apply to join their communications team just 15 minutes ago, right before I saw this post.
Anybody seeing this probably already knows/agrees with everything I'm about to say. This post claims that the Houthis are rebels and supports them, as well as Hamas and Hezbollah. How do I even begin to describe how much this pains me to see? The Houthis are absolutely not "rebels". They are a terrorist group. Their flag says curse upon the Jews, and since I know these people don't care about us, it also says death to America. How anybody can claim that the Houthis are rebels or freedom fighters when the exact opposite is true, when you can tell this is not true from knowing any single thing about them? I'm clueless.
And I absolutely shouldn't have to explain why Hamas are terrorists. Not after they violently raped and murdered over a thousand Israelis and kidnapped 200 more. Not after they killed my friend. They murdered my friend and filmed it while laughing. And this is just on October 7th; not even including all their atrocities before and after that single day.
It baffles me, really. How can a group that claims to be "activists," go and spout such lies? This helps no one. It doesn't help Palestinians, all it does is give you fake internet points and scare jewish people.
I'm Jewish. I'm proud to be Jewish. But I'm scared. Terrified. I've done everything I can to avoid being clocked: I stopped speaking Yiddish and Hebrew, I changed my phone contacts to English (they were all in Hebrew), I never tell anyone irl that I'm Jewish, I hide my siddurim when people come over. I'm white-passing enough. Surely there's no way for someone to clock me as Jewish, and yet. I'm so scared. I can't leave my house. All my friends don't care at best, cheer on Hamas at worst. I want to take down the mezzuzah on the front door. Even online I can't escape antisemitism, this is the first time I've used tumblr in days. My friend's favourite rapper is a nazi. I log onto instagram and the first thing I see is that post and my friend posting violent antisemitism on its story.
I don't know what the point of all this is. I think what I'm trying to say is, if you're an "activist," why are jews scared of you? Shouldn't you be trying to protect minorities?
And to be perfectly clear, this is an issue of leftist antisemitism. My country recently elected our most conservative government in decades. I am scared of them as a queer person. I am scared for my Maori and poc friends. I am not scared of them as a Jewish person. Who am I afraid of as a Jewish person? My friends. People I've marched with at pride. The leaders of the left leaning parties.
Listen to my goyim, and listen to me clear: SORT YOUR SHIT OUT.
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hispieceofcake · 4 months
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Guys, I was here, okay, then I received a message from my friend, because she arrived from a trip a while ago, she had traveled to Spain with her parents and she was returning home yesterday. So far, so good, I'm very happy because she's coming back, I'll be able to see her because I was missing her and so on, everything's fine, then she sent me an audio message in my group of friends on whatsapp, And the audio was simply the following: she was taking a flight because she had to take a flight from Spain to São Paulo and then return to our state because we are from Espírito Santo in Brazil (Yes, it's the name of our state, Espírito Santo), And on this plane that she was taking from Spain to São Paulo she simply saw a man looking exactly the same to Adam from Hazbin Hotel, looking exactly the same.
Guys, when I heard this I was freaking out, I was literally freaking out 😫, She had literally met the man of my dreams on the plane she was flying home on, man that was so wow. She literally described him to me, she described him perfectly to me and man, everything matched, appearance, even the way the man dressed was exactly the same, and she said that she just didn't take a photo of him for me because he was sitting exactly next to her and it would also be kind of wrong, right, for us to take photos of people we don't know and about that.
But man, I wanted so much to be on that plane, wow, I would lose my shyness right away and start a conversation with him like, I'm an incredibly shy person, like for those who know me outside of social media, but man, I was going to lose all my shyness and I was going to try to make friends with him, I was going to try to start a conversation with him, even maybe get his number, but man, that was something that will never happen again, I hope that someday I see this guy like it could be really impossible but I hope because man, I needed to see it with my eyes, it's impossible for her having found the perfect copy donated just a flight home, like man this is something that happens every one and a billion you know.
Like imagine, you're just coming home from a trip and then you look to the side and you literally see the guy exactly like the character your friend is obsessed with. And then you go and send her an audio describing the whole guy and then, like, everything matches, the entire appearance matches, even the guy's appearance matches, like, you know
At this moment I'm so freaking out, so happy, so excited, also disappointed that I couldn't see the guy with my own eyes, that to write this post I'm practically using a voice recorder together with a translator like i'm talking and the translator is translating post, like dude I'm literally jumping in the middle of my living room while I'm recording this like dude I'm really freaking out, Man I'm even going to put Adam's song Hell is Forever to play here now, because bro that's an incredible thing at least for me that was incredible.
And I'm sorry for the people who are seeing this post now, I could have posted this incredibly out of nowhere, causing such a freak out. But lately I've been kind of missing from here because I'm going through some things, some things run in the family, some things are psychological and also because I finally bought a digital pen so I can draw better and also because recently the news came out that about the Beetlejuice sequence film here in my city and it's kind of coming out on September 6th and I'm going to go to the cinema to watch it and after I watch the film I'm going to do an analysis, a really big analysis and Will POST.
Well to finish this here I just really wanted to tell you about what my friend told me and the bread excited and freaked out I was over it because I really wanted to tell you guys this.
And man, I really hope someday I meet this man, I need to see him with my eyes, I really do it will become one of my life goals now.
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softguarnere · 1 year
Hi, Dove!
I saw your post on not doing ship requests anymore, I apologize, I didn't know that you had stopped. I really enjoy reading your work, fic request or one-shot, etc.
I'm not quite sure how to describe this request but it's a Winters x fem!reader oneshot.
I've had this idea in my head that the reader (fem) is a private, or one of the lower ranks (possibly NCO towards the end of the war). Reader pretended to be a man to join the army (like your "Like A Man" fic), and after Winters found out, they started a sort of relationship.
The one-shot request is basically Winters keeps trying to promote her/give her special treatment (allowing her to stay at CP rather than the foxholes, giving extra rations, trying to stop her from going on the patrol from Part 8, etc) because he wants to protect her, but the whole time she expects him to treat her like every other soldier under his command. She loves him, of course, but she doesn't want the special treatment. So yeah, Winters has good intentions (and also wants to show his love because he's a man of action), but she doesn't want to be favored or treated any differently despite their romantic relationship.
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks! Have a great day!
Lucky Stars
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Dick Winters x reader
A/N: Somehow this ask temporarily disappeared from my askbox? But it's back now, so we're gonna post this fic while we can 🥳 The entire time that I was writing this, I worried that it would end up being too similar to LAGLAM, since that fic was written as a reader insert at one point. However, because the interactions are with different characters, I'm hoping that I avoided making them feel the same 🤞🏽 Fingers crossed (This is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) Thanks for the request Anon, and I hope you like this! Warnings: language, improper binding techniques, mentions of war
“This – “ you gesture vaguely and unconvincingly. “ – is not what it looks like.”
Lieutenant Winters drops the box he had, until a few seconds ago, been carrying into the nurses’ station with a real sense of purpose. Now though, it slams to the floor with a painful, heavy slapping noise. Winters himself instantly averts his gaze, but whether from respect for you or embarrassment for himself, you can’t be sure.
You, for your part, stand frozen in the center of the room with an armload full of bandage rolls and health sponges. Which wouldn’t be so bad and could possibly be explained away with an uncomfortable lie of some sort . . . if it weren’t for the fact that the bandages beneath your PT shirt have come undone, leaving your chest decidedly not as flat as those as the other men of Easy Company. In fact, it doesn’t look very manlike at all, as the good Lieutenant had noticed upon entering the room and startling you.
After fumbling for a moment, Winters finally finds his words. “I – uh, I’m sure that there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, Private . . .”
“Smith,” you lie.
A gingery eyebrow quirks itself in doubt. Yet, maybe it’s your imagination, but the corner of his mouth twitches, like your fib almost – almost – made him smile.
“Is that your real name?”
On instinct you start to lie again, only to catch yourself. What’s the use, at this point? Lieutenant Winters has been in the room for less than a minute and he’s already figured out that you are not the man that you’ve been claiming to be. Not a man at all, actually – just a woman who’s been disguising herself as one in order to join the army and make those Nazi bastards sorry that they ever killed the wrong girl’s older brother.
“No,” you admit with a sigh.
Winters nods. “Okay, well then.” He picks up the dropped box and sets it on a table before he himself takes a seat beside it. Since joining Easy Company, you’ve noticed that Winters is a pensive man, but he doesn’t take long to come to his decision this time. “Where do you want to begin this story?”
“Well, if I’m going to help you keep your secret, I figure that I should probably at least know why you’re doing this to begin with.”
Keep your secret. He’s not reporting you, or having you court martialed. It takes everything in you not to jump for joy.
“Okay,” you say instead. Where’s the proper place to begin this explanation? Winters is watching you expectantly. You clear your throat. “One afternoon, my family got a letter . . .”
. . .
“You know, you don’t have to call me by my rank.”
Alone with Winters, it still takes you aback. He may know your secret, and he may be kind enough to let you come to the home where he’s billeted whenever you need a moment of privacy, but why wouldn’t you call him by his rank?
If you’re being completely honest with yourself, you have imagined it – just not in the way that he’s talking about. Despite your gap in rank, you’ve spent a lot of time around Winters since he learned your secret. And honestly, who wouldn’t find themselves thinking about him as more than a secret keeper after getting to know him? Or even going as far as you have, after one day catching yourself daydreaming about calling him “Dick” and about what the dynamic between you might be under different circumstances. The answer, it would seem, is something that is unattainable under the present conditions. Dick Winters is a gentle soul, and you would hate to see him get hurt because of you.
“You’re my superior officer,” you remind him.
Winters shrugs. “But things are . . . different between us than they are with everyone else.”
“So I get to be an exception?”
Again, he shrugs. “If you want.”
“I don’t want special treatment,” you clarify. “That’s not what I joined up for.”
“Of course.” Winters turns his attention back to the desk with the papers he’s been working on. It sits in front of a small window, and the cool air of the English night blows into the room, fluttering both his hair and his papers ever so slightly. Maybe it can also blow these tempting daydreams from your mind as it passes through.
Without looking up from his paperwork, Dick nods to himself. “Offer still stands.”
You nod before realizing that you’re sitting just out of his peripheral vision. “I’ll think about it.”
. . .
Looking back, it’s hard to pinpoint the time when Winters stopped being Winters and became Dick. Probably at some point between the night when he told you that you didn’t have to call him by his rank and D-Day. After all, it was between those two events that you kissed for the first time – and then several times after that, always in private so as not to be caught.
The same thought from way back in Toccoa echoes through your mind – you would hate to see him get hurt because of you. Although that thought carries more weight to it now with the way that things have changed between you.
Dick being in – and being the one to suggest – a secret relationship is the last thing anyone, including you, would have expected from him. Yet, here you are.
“We’ll keep a low profile,” he suggests.
“We can manage that,” you agree. The secret has been kept safe this long. Now you’re just keeping one more hidden away with the original.
. . .
Keeping a low profile, it would seem, is the herculean task that never seems to get easier. Especially when you have to hide your identity and a secret relationship. So much for going unnoticed.
“We can’t keep doing this,” you sigh.
Startled, Dick looks up from the papers he’s been shuffling through. His eyes go wide as your words sink in.
“That’s not what I mean,” you rush to explain. Attempting to keep your arms crossed for warmth, you manage a vague gesture. “This. Where you give me the special treatment. Someone’s bound to notice.”
“It’s not special treatment. Not really.”
“Because of my – er, circumstance?”
Dick’s face pales. Or maybe it’s just the cold.
“I’ve asked lots of the other men from Easy to be my runner when I think they need a break. Liebgott was here yesterday.”
“But did you tell Lieb that he could spend the night here?”
Of course not. Dick glances away, his cheeks tinging pink. Point proven, then.
You move forward, closing the space between you and taking his hand in yours. You give it a quick squeeze before letting go. After all, there’s always the chance of being caught, which you really can’t risk.
“I appreciate it. Really, I do. I just . . . I’ve got to be treated like all the other men.”
“To make them believe you’re a man?” Dick asks with a raised brow.
“Well, that’s kind of the point of all this.”
That’s it – the secret that makes everything so hard, so necessary to stay off the radar, to hold your cards close to your chest. Disguising yourself as a man to join the Airborne had seemed like such a simple idea when you first came up with it. Putting that idea into practice, though, has been decidedly less straightforward.
Dick – back before he was Dick, to you because he was still Winters – finding out fairly early on may have been a blessing in disguise. For one thing, it brought you together, first as friends, then as a couple – even if your relationship has to remain a secret. But on the other hand, your boyfriend, the kind man that he is, won’t stop trying to take care of you, and you’re worried that someone will notice the special treatment and get you caught.
He's just trying to help in the only way he knows how to show he cares, you remind yourself.
With no one else around, you give him a quick peck on the cheek before stepping away and heading back to the door.
“I’ll see you later, Dick,” you assure him.
He nods, offering you a weak smile. “Stay out of trouble, (Y/N).”
. . .
The word travels quickly: a patrol, tonight, across the river. No one is happy about it – except maybe the new Lieutenant who’s just shown up – and some men have an easier time resigning themselves to their fate than others.
Liebgott is donning one of his trademark smirks when he joins you and several others who were picked to stay behind. You’ve just finished setting up the machine gun on a balcony, aiming it across the river.
“Thought you were on the patrol?”
“My lucky day,” he says with a shrug. “Webster knows German, so he got sent along as translator instead of me. Now I’m here with you lucky bastards.”
A few of the men allow themselves a laugh, either at Liebgott’s description of the events, or in acknowledgement of their own good fortune. You, however, stop short, a question tickling the back of your mind: Were the men picked to go on this patrol totally random? Or is there another reason for your own stroke of luck?
Dick Winters is a lot of things, but a liar is not one of them. You can ask him next time you see him and get your answer, you decide.
You gaze across the river, heart torn as the men around you pass jokes back and forth. You’re incredibly lucky to be on this side of the water.
. . .
There’s nothing in this life that you can’t do. Except, it would appear, ask Dick if he’s been intervening on your behalf.
Every time that you think you’ve worked up the courage, the words become stuck in your throat the second that you attempt to speak them, coming out as nothing more than a barely audible puff of breath.
Today, though, with the war over, it cannot go unacknowledged any longer.
Smiling, you let yourself in to the tent that Dick occupies. He looks up when you enter, smiles when he sees you.
“So . . .” you begin, taking a seat near him.
“So,” he echoes.
You can’t help but let your smile grow. “We did it. We made it through the whole war, secrets intact.”
Dick nods. “It would seem that we have.”
“And no worse for wear,” you add, tapping your sergeant’s stripes on your arm. The promotion should fill you with satisfaction. From the way that Dick looks at them, he feels the sense of pride that you’re missing. It feels like a hollow victory, because you can’t be sure . . . “Was it your idea to promote me?”
Your boyfriend blinks, taken aback. “What?”
“Did I only get this promotion because of you? Please don’t lie,” your voice is quiet, fragile, even. This is an accomplishment that you want to be proud of. However, you can’t feel that way unless its something that you truly earned – on your own with no special treatment.
Dick stands, taking a tentative step toward you. His expression has never been anything but open and honest. That’s true even now.
“No,” he says. “This is something that you earned on your own. Lipton was the one who suggested it.”
“Oh.” Shame washes over you, uncomfortable as a wool sweater in the middle of summer. “I’m so sorry, I just assumed – “
“I know,” Dick interrupts. “It’s okay. I can see why you would think that, considering – “ He makes a vague gesture that somehow encompasses all the times that he’s tried to give you special treatment, only for you to brush him off. “Not me this time, though. Although I wish it had been. Either way, you deserved the stripes, (Y/N).”
The pride you’ve been lacking sneaks into your heart, warming your chest. “Thank you.”
“Not me,” he reminds you with a sly smile. “It was Lipton.”
Playfully, you shove his shoulder. “You know what I mean.”
There’s got to be someone you should thank – not only for the promotion, but for getting you through the war with all your secrets intact. Your lucky stars, maybe. As you grab Dick by the jacket and pull him toward you for a kiss, that’s who you send your gratitude to. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Both of you are breathless when you pull away. For a moment there’s nothing but the peace that settles between two people who are in love as you try to catch your breath. Dick moistens his lips, about the say something, only to be cut off.
“I knew it!” A voice from the entrance of the tent exclaims, startling you both back into reality. Nixon takes a step into the tent as he repeats, “I fucking knew it!”
Well, maybe you thanked your lucky stars too soon.
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Light spoilers for Veil manga!
A few posts ago I mentioned writing about Veil, and as it's currently taking over my thoughts once again I thought it's best to muse about it. A simple summary of Veil: A blind woman named Emma literally stumbles into a police officer called Aleksander. They strike up a conversation and she mentions looking for a job. It just so happens the police station needs someone to take phone calls, and their story begins. It's told in vignettes, and every chapter builds on the sweet dynamic. I admit when I first saw Veil I thought it was a story meant to look pretty with little substance. I don't like being wrong, but I'm happy I was this time. The art is elegant, serene, and delicate, with almost every chapter having bonus sketches of Emma (and sometimes Aleksander) looking lovely and having cute character interactions. I was worried Emma would be infantilized in some way, but far from it. She's assertive, coy, playful, and sweet. They do address her being blind and how she navigates the world because of it, but she's more than her disability, and that makes me quite happy. Romance isn't my typical genre, so if it isn't yours either, I'd honestly recommend it. It's called Veil because there's a veil that tickles them, their relationship is between friendship and dating, which is one of my favorite parts. For years I've liked the thought of an intimate friendship, as I dubbed it. A relationship that isn't quite dating, but you're close and comfortable with each other. You're simply together without any need for strict labels to define you. I'm not quite sure if that's an actual thing, but Veil perfectly encapsulates what I'm poorly describing.
It's also just adorable. There's a cute chapter with Emma and Aleksander playing rock, paper, scissors with a kid at a stoplight. (I've been looking for minutes now and I cannot find it I'm so sorry!) When Aleksander keeps losing he convinces Emma to win for him. In Volume 2 Chapter 24: Present, Emma buys a suit for Aleksander, saying it was from an invisible man. Once he tries it on he picks her up, declaring he wants to see the invisible man too.
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Tell me this isn't adorable.
If my ramblings have convinced you to read this manga, hooray! There's a playlist I'm listening to while writing this called 'Veil manga vibes' on Spotify by yuumin. It's perfect for reading this story.
If not, that's alright too. It's not for everyone, but thank you for reading this far anyway.
Veil actually inspired me to enjoy drawing again, no matter how silly or unfinished. There are also poems interspersed between the manga. Sometimes it's Aleksander talking about Emma, other times it's about inanimate objects viewing them. This is going to sound silly, but one of my favorites is about a key and a keyhole. Trust me, it's very cute. It's at the end of Volume 5, Chapter 48: To get drunk with.
Just to be a little presumptuous, if anyone's wondering I do plan on writing more about MadK. After the wonderful engagement on my J and Datenshou posts, I'm very grateful for all of the notes and reblogs by the way. It was a wonderful surprise to return to 25 notes and more than one reblog! I thought those two posts wouldn't do very well, J's especially, I'm glad you do. I can't thank you in person, as much as I'd like to. With such nice responses, it's boosted my confidence to post more about MadK. I might analyze Makoto's design this week! Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night and stay hydrated!
I hope I've made at least one person a Veil fan today, hehe. <3
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Hopefully making this post will help me find more people in my situation, so here’s my TV adventure of me being forced to watch shows only with actors that I am familiar with. This all started about 2 years ago when I started watching the Afterparty a hilarious mystery show that I will forever love, this show introduced me to the actor Ben Schwartz I loved his character he was funny he was very interesting as *SPOILER* the villain and I wanted to watch more stuff with this actor.
This was when TikTok introduced me to Rise of The TMNT. I remembered seeing a comic of the show when I was younger so I was already intrigued during this time my parents had also decided to start watching Our Flag Means Death as a family during dinner and I was super thrown off when I found out that the lead actor in OFMD Rhys Darby played one of the main villains in ROTTMNT and it was really cool and I found it intriguing.
Just to quickly say this might become a little out of order because my brain struggles with keeping 3 years perfectly accurate in my brain.
Later on after finishing both of these shows I then watched the I think sitcom (if that is the accurate way to describe it) Fresh Off The Boat with my mom because I kept seeing clips of it on TikTok and it looked really good and I was completely shocked when Rhys Darby randomly ended up playing a character in an episode in the show the main focus is a family moving to Florida and if you watch the show you will know that there is a son in this family named Emry. Keep him in mind for later in this story he becomes important.
After a while of watching random shows that are not important to this story like Owl House I came across another show on TikTok that looked good and had just come out on Netflix due to it being said to have a movie on the way weirdly enough just like ROTTMNT This show is called Community, I started watching it and I became obsessed I loved the characters I was constantly making references to it and accidentally got my family hooked too. I think in season 5 there was an episode where it was entirely GIJoe themed and there were fake commercial breaks where there would be kids playing with the toys from the show including one very familiar boy by the name of Forrest Wheeler aka EMRY FROM FRESH OFF THE BOAT. I know it doesn’t sound that interesting but it felt very weird at the time. Community also has a reoccurring joke which is a parody show in the universe called Inspector Spacetime poking fun at the show Doctor Who somehow this was my first time getting an idea of what Doctor Who is and I just kind of laughed it off. Considering community has 6 seasons it lasted me along enough time without having to look for another show to watch.
I think a very long time after I finished Community I started getting clips from a show that I recognized. Good Omens was finally getting a new season after 5 years. I wasn’t very interested because when the first season came out I was young, apparently stupid, and had a short attention span I was also discovering the idea of having a phone for the first time if that’s an excuse. But I was spoiled on the fact that there was going to be a kiss seen and I was very excited because I desperately wanted find a show with LGBTQ+ representation and I was actually interested in so I convinced my family to watch. And the season was great and after finishing it I was constantly looking at good omens stuff online. During this I was slowly becoming more interested in the happenings of the actor David Tennant so I ended up stumbling upon a treasure trove of new shows to watch and I started it with watching staged which I was having a fun time with until I felt like I had experienced whiplash and saw Ben (mister blue man) Schwartz goofing around on my screen and I had no idea what was happening but it was fun and everyone was funny and entertaining.
If only I had know what was in store for me coming in the form of aquatic birds.
ALMOST ALL OF THE ACTORS THAT I LOVED WERE THERE. Dani Pudi aka Abed from community was playing Huey Duck, Ben Schwartz was was Dewey Duck , Bobby Moynihan who I knew from SNL but didn’t really care about at the time was playing Louie Duck, and the crown jewel, the focus of it all ✨David Tennant✨ was playing the adventuring Scrooge Mcduck. I was driven mad this was getting too much I can’t just watch a show immediately because of these actors. This was very much a kids cartoon I can’t humiliate myself like this…
So I watched it anyway
I thought it was funny weirdly angsty at points and it was perfect and even better there were so many more people from Community in it. But it was always supposed to come to an end so I finished it and continued my hunt for content.
That was months ago but David Tennant’s acting still has a chokehold on me so I am now a self proclaimed Whovian and watched of anything David Tennant related that my parents will let me watch and my Mom is along for the ride.
I have also found a deep love of Newsies because I am now playing Albert in my school production just to put it out there for people to know how far my love of random stuff goes.
Thank you for reading.
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danaedanette · 6 months
Final review of ACOTAR
Sooooo. I finished ACOTAR. Disclaimer, the pages referred here are from the French translation.
It's a massive review, (9k caracters and 3 hours, I really didn't think I would write something this long) so I put it under this "read more" thing.
I already mentioned in another post the book is really slow paced during, like, 70%, because it’s focused on Feyre and Tamlin relationship and budding romance. It’s not necessary a bad thing, but it get a little boring after a while. But I already read the book once ; I knew what was going to happen, and it certainly played a part in my boredom (is it the right word ??) so I’ll be indulgent about the pacing.
I picked up one little inconsistency toward the end of the book : on page 452, Tarquin is described as having “almost white hair, striking cristal blue eyes and warm ebony skin” (an rough translation back to English by myself lmao). And later on page 508, he is described having “tanned skin, a blue and green tunic, a roses crown on his blond hair” (still a rough translation). Honestly, it isn’t too bad, Tarquin isn’t an important character yet (or at all), he isn’t even named, only called “Summer High Lord”. I picked it up because Tarquin is more present in the following books and I frowned on the description page 508, and I remembered that he made another short appearance sooner in the book so I checked it up.
So onto the characters and what I thought about them !
Let’s begin with Rhysand, at least it’ll be done faster. No surprise here, I didn’t like him. I’ll admit all the seeds for Feysand are planted here so it's smoother on the next book, something I hadn’t saw on my first reading 7 years ago. But alas, Rhysand is desesperatly Rhysand, so all the signs of abuse that will (in my opinion) define the character and the Feysand relationship are all here too. Nothing new : the forced deal with the broken arms, the drugging and dancing, the eye that spy on Feyre,… I know it’s all explained (and immediately brushed under the carpet) in the next book, even if I don’t remember the details, and obviously Feyre forgives him, but I simply can’t condone Feysand with a history that heavy between them. Especially as we know that there will be… questionable actions on Rhysand’s part later on. Either he doesn’t learn of his past mistakes or they’re not mistakes at all and he knows perfectly well what he’s doing. I think (to no one surprise) that the latter is true, and here an example why : the first time Feyre is painted in preparation for her nightly dances, Rhysand shows her how, when the paint is damaged by contact, he can fix it with his magic. And later on, when Tamlin and Feyre are kissing and Rhys interrupts them, Tamlin has paint on himself and Rhysand made it disappear. Or maybe Tamlin does it himself, but either way it doesn’t matter, my point still stand : Rhysand can fix the paint on Feyre, he doesn’t have to kiss her to explain that the paint is blurred when Amarantha comes in the room. So Rhysand lied to kiss (read : sexually abuse) Feyre. He’s a dick. (Or it’s another inconsistency on Maas part, who knows ?)
Still, I liked him better in this book that I will in the next, because here we don’t have the narrative and Feyre telling him that he’s a poor, poor baby who never, ever did anything wrong in his life (or else he was forced and he didn’t want to do it :( ). Here, he’s still a villain/really morally grey character. (I keep making assumptions about what I’m gonna find in ACOMAF, and I should stop because I want to go in with an open mind.)
Amarantha is caricatural. That's all she inspired in me.
Then Lucien, because I wanna keep the two main protagonists for last. I remembered that he was one of my favorite characters, and so I was quite disappointed with my rereading. He is not nice with Feyre – which, understandable. She killed Andras, who was his friend, and he had to be at least helpful/civil toward her because they needed her to break the curse. That’s a horrible situation to be in. But all the times he insulted her… It was, at least 50% of the time, insults about her being mortal. To me, it feels like Lucien’s hostility toward Feyre was born of racism, and not of a personal history (her killing his friend). He did helped her UTM, but honestly with how their relationship was before that, I interpreted this help as him doing a favor to Tamlin/helping the only person who had a chance at freeing them from Amarantha. I do think that SJM intended for Feyre and Lucien to be friends, I just don’t think I read the book the way she wanted it to be read. And also, to be fair, Lucien wasn’t exactly really developed. Even his relationship with Tamlin was lacking, in my opinion. Lucien was sometimes (rarely) making fun of Tamlin, as friends do, or he was doing his report about sentry duty. Aaaand… that’s it. Tamlin reacted most of the time by being like “shut up, Lucien” and growling menacingly, which is, for one, not nice to threaten a friend, and two, all the time ? Come on, I understand the situation is really complicated, but be nicer to your friend, talk and joke with him, you’ll feel better Tamlin !
This will be our transition on Tamlin. He was quite nice during the majority of the book. I’m not exactly sure about UTM, but more onto that later. It was nice reading about all the efforts he kept making to get to know Feyre, and hilarious how bad he was at it. The Summer Solstice was one of my favorite scene, Feyre was so free and happy, and the idea of Tamlin playing violin for her on his knees… Yeah, I melt just thinking about it. He was a lot more anger-proned that I remember, but never toward Feyre, and she never felt threatened, and even if Tamlin did threatened Lucien, well,…  Lucien always came back to annoy Tamlin, and when Feyre, talking about Lucien’s eye, asked if Tamlin did it, Lucien was quite shocked, almost horrified, that she would think that. So I take it Lucien wasn’t feeling threatened or afraid of Tamlin, and therefore, despite being angry most of the time, Tamlin knows how to keep his temper under control and it wouldn't surprise me if he's the "quick to anger, quick to appease" type. (It’s still not nice to threaten people, especially friends).  About UTM, I don’t know what to think. Tamlin does know how to control his temper… to a certain point. He was never violent toward anyone during the book, but he did have difficulties to hide his anger, notably his claws which were almost always threatening to break out. And yet, UTM… nothing. He gives strictly nothing. No claws poking, no growling, nothing. I’m REALLY conflicted about it. It is, as Lucien said, a way, as small as it is, the only possible thing Tamlin can do to protect Feyre from Amarantha. But is it in character for Tamlin, who doesn’t seem to struggle to keep his poker face, even when he was an open book the whole time ? Was he so open with his emotions during the book because he was at home, with people he trusted and in a place where he was in control ? And so does it mean that UTM he wore a mask to protect himself and Feyre ? (this one should appeal to Rhys’s fans.) I DON’T KNOW. Maybe I think too much and it’s just an inconsistency/retcon on Maas part to justify Feyre leaving in the next book because “you did nothing to help me UTM”.
Either way, I liked Tamlin (and Lucien) less than I remember liking them the first time. But I have a theory : it’s quite possible that the unfairness and retcon that they both suffer in the two next books had me so offended on their behalf that I decided I would love them twice as much for every character who would treat them unfairly based on strictly nothing.
AND FINALLY FEYRE. Even if…, to be honest, I don’t really know what to say about her. She really is quite the typical YA female protagonist. She slayed the first challenge, it was one of my favorite scenes. And the last challenge was really poignant. Even if it was MORE than time that she used her brain. Seriously, this riddle was easy. Or maybe I read too much fantasy books, I don’t know. She was too complacent (not sure this is the right word, but nice is not right either soooo) with Rhysand. A guy that treat me like that, I hate him with all my guts, no matter what “helps” he gives me in the middle of all the abuse he inflicts on me. But well. Seeds for Feysand and all that. On that note, I think I read somewhere on Tumblr that Rhysand knew as soon as he met Feyre for the first time (on Calanmai) that she was his mate ? Not sure tho. In any case, it can’t be true because during their last conversation, just before they leave UTM, Rhysand says goodbye, then freezes and looks at Feyre with, uuuh, big surprise (stupeur in French). Sorry, my brain is melting, I have worked on this review for way too long. So I guess this is the moment Rhys knows she’s his mate. Which, now that I think about it, is really weird that he would be nice to her before that because let’s be real : Rhys don’t give a fuck about people not close to him. Oh, well. Either it’s a retcon, an inconsistency, or anything else, I’m done with this book. Next step : ACOMAF. Maybe I’ll find some answers. Maybe I’ll find more questions, more retcons, and a sudden want to cry. (Open-minded, Danette, remember that you must be open-minded).
To conclude, I was not surprised about Feyre and Rhysand, they were pretty much what I remembered/expected. Lucien and Tamlin were a little disappointing, but honestly not by much, because I knew my memories might be askewed and I know not to expect too much from SJM. This was a very mid read. Not too bad, not good either. 2, 2.5 stars.
Oh, and sorry for any mistakes. This post was long and I really don't have the strengh right now to proofread it. Maybe later, but probably not. I hope it's not too hard on the eyes.
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bebethsas · 1 year
*giglgles* here’s a rant I’ve had sitting in my drafts for a bit now. I think now is the perfect time to post it. Enjoy Beth’s impassioned ramblings from ~1 month ago (and sorry in advance, I know that this is LONG):
“Chrissy…this is for you.”
I am on the floor. I am dead. I am lying on my stomach, staring off into the middle distance with a look that can only be described as stunned disbelief, or just straight-up stunned. They would have been a f*cking powderkeg, wouldn’t they?
Dear mother of god, the way he says that, so softly, so reverently, I…
If they’d been given just a smidge more time, they (yes, they) would have loved each other so *fiercely*.
They would have been goddamn explosive. They would have (accidentally) rocked the school to its foundations and razed the HS to the ground (more like, they exist, and the high school tears itself apart because of their relationship’s existence). There is no doubt in my mind that if there was a sliver of a chance for one of them to bring the other back from the dead, they’d do it.
Like, the kind of love where you claw through brick and cinderblock with your bare hands to reach them, and you don’t notice until long afterwards that you’ve torn like…six of your nails, and your hands are bleeding. And sure, you have to keep your hands wrapped in bandages for the next couple of weeks while they heal, but who cares??? What does it matter?? They’re alive, you found them, they’re here. Like the minute one of them is in danger, the other person doesn’t hesitate, they just leap.
Like, yo Bangles, you wanna talk Eternal Flame? That’s an eternal flame. Like, a flame that keeps burning over centuries kind of “Eternal” flame; like the Olympic fire that they’re supposed to keep burning forever and ever (it doesn’t, but shhhhh), like a candle in a sea of darkness that against all odds never, ever goes out. That’s the kind of love I mean here.
Like, saying ‘I’ll find you in the next life,’ and then they do, kind of eternal flame.
Like, “death cannot stop true love, it can only delay it a little while,” kind of un-douseable flame. Not an uncontrollable wildfire, or even a small campfire. Just, this strong yet persevering little candle that provides comfort, joy, and light. Doesn’t hurt nobody, isn’t insatiably hungry or all-consuming, it just…is.
They are an example of true love, and no one can convince me otherwise. And I mean actual true love, like 2 puzzle pieces that naturally click together. It’s like they were made for each other, but it was an *accident*.
It’s not like a deity took a soul, split it in half, and then zotted these 2 halves down onto earth and went ‘here, now go find each other.’ It’s more like they created one soul, and then created another soul, and by sheer coincidence or serendipity or chance or whatever, these two line up perfectly, with no imperfections or jagged bits in the way.
They are Agatha and Oliver (I will elaborate on another post, christ this post got fuckin long).
Jesus christ how can I be so damn shook over one line, that it’s making me spiral and pull out analogies and references that are *deeply* buried in my brain??
I’m gonna end up writing a gottdamn thesis on (the way I view) their relationship, aren’t I?
…yes. Yes, I probably am.
  Anyway, that’s the tale of when I first saw the scene, and had to have a bit of a lie-down for a while, because thoughts were spiraling.
...ok, I wrote tags for this, then realized that I should probably put them in the body of the post too. So:
#no joke those 2 seconds of “Chrissy...this is for you” used to make me literally so weak, that I had to dramatically lean on furniture to stay upright. #the emotion #the goddamn EMOTION
#and Chrissy is such a sweetheart, #and Eddie was so kind and gentle with her...
#you know, you just KNOW, that she would have loved him with the fierceness of a lioness
#because when you’re sad, and scared, and lonely, and feel like none of your supposed ‘loved ones’ can or will listen--or even care (let alone ask) about how you’re doing
#and you are doing EVERYTHING you can just to continue on, #with seemingly ZERO support #to have someone come along and *help* you, #no questions asked, #no returned favors needed or asked for
#to have someone instantly *know* that you’re going through it, #respect your need for privacy, #and treat you so gently and reverently, #like you’re worthy of being loved???
(and again, not comment on the fact that you’re *clearly* going through it, because they respect that it’s probably not any of their business, and you probably don’t *want* to talk about it, and even though you *should* talk about it, they’re not going to push you)
#yeah. #even if they weren’t interested in you romantically, it’s too late #they have your heart now and forever
#genuinely kind people are not easy to find #don’t get me wrong they *exist*, #they’re not *rare*, #they’re just hella hard to FIND
#so once you DO find one?? #yeah you’re glomming onto that person like a barnacle and refusing to let go
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orange-orchard-system · 8 months
Every once in a while (although honestly, it's probably more often than that) I remember this experience I had a few years ago of looking through niche MOGAI coinings when I saw two posts obviously about the same term – but one by the coiner who was announcing they were taking down their coining post or something similar, and one by someone celebrating that they'd "convinced" (harassed into, probably) the coiner to do so. All because they felt the term was more of "an icky kink" or "cringe, fake MOGAI term" than any "real, respectable identity".
I think about that, when I remember it, and how the term they were referring to was one that would now perfectly describe the experience I'm having, but I can no longer find what the original term actually was. The word for it is gone – but the definition, perfectly matching my life, lingers in my mind.
Sometimes I think about coining my own term to fill in the gap.
Sometimes I wonder about if this same person who celebrated long ago, by some sheer coincidence, were to find my own coining post and term, and once again be disgusted by a form of attraction they see as perverted.
Sometimes I wonder if they ever realized how they sounded.
Sometimes I wonder if they would care if anyone told them.
Sometimes I wonder how they would feel if I told them it doesn't even matter if it's also a kink, because it's my identity, and that makes it real. And if they wouldn't find that "respectable", well, I'd tell them that their actions aren't exactly garnering of respect, either.
Harassing someone into hiding or cutting off who they are because you see them as a disgusting pervert who must be told they're incorrect about how they define their own life, identity, and experiences – truly, the moral high ground. Truly, this is someone we should elect to The High Council Of Queers
But, hey, they probably think "queer" is too "cringe" or "icky" of a word, too.
And I'm still here without a word for my experiences.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 8 months
Kiko I hope you had a great first day at your new job!!!! And I hope the shit weather we're getting in Louisiana isn't hitting your part of your state cuz boy am I not having fun anymore lol. I have 2 things to bug you with on this Tuesday morning- I do have a teeny tiny lil Goinko ask: I am so curious to hear Gojo's inner dialogue when he's watching Rinko fight. Like the genuine sorta oh shit she's tough, oh shit she aint weak, Jesus what a badass... I'm gonna fuck her xD The second- I have been toying with the idea of writing my own fanfic with my own OC and um... I can't seem to start. I have a decent idea of the general plot, no clue how it will end, but I open up Word, type two words, and then close the program. Idk if I need advice or encouragement lol but I look up to you a lot as a writer so I decided to make it your problem too 😅
I did have a great first day! It was long and exhausting, but in a good way! 😊
The weather has just been kinda cold and foggy. Like, my drive home today was very foggy. Could barely see at all. But other than that, it. hasn't been too bad!!
My answers are below the cut!!
Gojo's inner monologue when he sees Rinko fighting? 🤔🤔
In a few situations, he's super smug that she's doing so well because he knows she doesn't even realize or acknowledge how strong she actually is. So when she's just destroying something, he's all cocky and proud of her. It reminds him how much he loves her because she can take care of herself. One of the things he's always appreciated about her is that she doesn't let her insecurities or pride get her into situations that are too much for her to take. She's not arrogant. She doesn't show off. She's just there to get the job done. But that's what makes it so sexy to him.
So when he sees Rinko fighting, he's literally just like, 'That's my girl. So sexy and strong. I love her so much. Ass looks incredible, too. And she needs to hurry because as soon as she wraps this up, she's mine. Wonder how pissed she'll be if I just take her here-' because he's a horny boi who always wants to be inside her 😂😂
Advice for how to start with your fic?
Don't try to start from the beginning. Start somewhere in the middle, and work from there. The ending doesn't have to be established right away, either. That can develop as you figure out the story! But as for how and where to start, anywhere. Have a random bit of dialogue? Start with that. It doesn't have to stay in the end, but having something there will really help you. Write nonsense. Write ideas. Concepts. Anything to get those juices flowing. Because nothing is more daunting than a blank page.
Two things I saw recently made me realize that I already did these things most of the time:
Writing choppy, maybe cheesy or dumb dialogue. You can fill in the rest later, or not at all. You can change it up or edit it, but cutting and editing, or even re-writing, is easier than getting yourself to write the initial draft.
"You look like shit." "Sure know how to charm a girl, huh?" "You'd be more pissed if I lied to you." "True." "Still look awful, though." "Fuck off."
You don't have to put markers or indicators because it's a first draft. First draft and final draft are rarely going to match, and that's okay. Preferred most of the time, actually. But yeah, just toss that dialogue down to help you get started and then go from there!
Start with notes or random shit about what you want to happen. Some people put it in brackets to describe the setting, scene, or character's actions so that they can continue writing without being bogged down by the pressure to figure out the rest perfectly.
I'll provide an example or two from a WIP of the lockout key idea dump I posted a while ago. (I make no promises that I'll ever finish or post this, but it's the best example I could find that doesn't spoil a bunch of stuff for the other stories)
[he comes to ask for a key even though he's already maxed out his number of lockout keys. he ends up trying to lean in closer and she shoves a cookie in his mouth instead] - this one is a general idea and one thing I definitely want to happen in that scene/snippet
[fire drill in the middle of the night forcing everyone outside until the alarm stops going off. he forgets his key because he had to rush out while he was half-asleep.] - this one is describing the primary setting for the scene/snippet: they're outside, he's very sleepy, and he forgot his key.
All in all, don't be afraid of being random and choppy for your first draft!
I hope this advice helped, Rai! I'm afraid I might have babbled a bit... 🙃
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metatronhateblog · 11 months
The Nightmare of our Dreams?
Okay so I watched a video a week or so ago on Youtube by @sendarya while falling down a rabbit hole working on the Angelic Language a bit. And I had some thoughts after i that I was going to add onto a reblog of this post and then it got all spirally and I had a lot to say all of the sudden, so I'm making this a ✨separate post✨ instead of adding a huge ass reblog. I'm tagging @sendarya anyways because it was their post to begin with and I like to give credit to the people who say things that make my gears start turning.
That being said, enough of this rambling and it's time to move on to the other rambling.
I don't know if anyone has speculated this yet, because weirdly enough I haven't seen much going around about the 'nightmare sequence' Neil talked about. I think my sister sent me a post about it, and I was like 'oh cool neat' then forgot about it and didn't give it a second thought.
So then I was looking to find a transcript or something about Peter Anderson mentioning the Angelic language can be solved (these people word things in the trickiest way and I want to know exactly what was said....because I still don't know) I stumbled instead upon this video of someone (sendarya that's you) talking about Ineffable Con. And that's where I saw it. That's the moment I saw the pictures of the bookshop surrounded by destruction for the first time.
I sat there staring at it for a bit, trying to process it, my sister explained it to me, and then I continued the video and got a bit more explanation.
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So when it comes down to it, this post is ENTIRELY about speculation, and my thoughts on it. I have nothing to back this up, and for all I know it contradicts what Neil says about wanting it to be the ending of the episode.
I feel like this image induces a looming dread on its own, especially when paired with the ending of Season 2 (RIP my boys but you're on separate sides again.) But I'm not talking about the end of Season 2.
I'm talking about the end of Episode 2 'The Clue ft the minisode A Companion to Owls.' That's a mouthful.
Neil said that he wishes he would've put this nightmare sequence at the end of that episode, because it didn't have a proper ending. And so I was sitting here thunking about it, trying to figure out how a nightmare sequence would fit in after Bildad and Aziraphale have their silly little moment where they sit on the rock together staring out at the sea. And I realized how jarring it would be from a writing stand point, unless of course there was a scene that segued into it so that it wasn't just BAM them on the rocks then BAM Nightmare time.
Then it hit me. The scene where Aziraphale zones out then comes to only for Jim to tell him Crowley left a while ago. Here's the first shot of his face as soon as we see him again in present day.
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I'm not even sure how to describe this look? Pensive? Little bit of pouty girl? Brow furrowed? I don't know, it's just weird.
But then he starts to speak, trying to get Crowley's attention....and something in his eyes...
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He also looks to the side and back several times
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It's just...there's this look about him that feels like he could maybe be doing more than remembering the happenings with Job.
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And Jim says to him 'He went away...while you were thinking' and I KNOW that he's remembering the Job stuff here, because he whips around and follows it up with 'You know you really used to be awful.'
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And like...after remembering the Job thing it seems like a perfectly valid reaction.
And I'm aware this scene IS NOT coming out of 'a nightmare sequence' like Neil described. Not to mention we don't even know WHO had the nightmare sequence. But I just personally think this would be the perfect scene to place after a sequence like that.
Think about it, Aziraphale is seemingly all in on the ball, like HE KNOWS it's his last chance. This man is determined to get everyone in the bookshop, telling Maggie and Nina they're safe and I think even telling Crowley such at some point 'We're perfectly safe in here.'
Safe from what, babygirl? Presumably whatever that scene with the bookshop sitting on a destroyed Earth. But also what if Crowley saw a nightmare sequence? It'd make sense for him to have seen it too! I mean like...we obviously don't know who would've been seeing the nightmare sequence.
But maybe Crowley would've going out to try and do something about it. It would make him being uncomfortable in the bookshop with Gabriel all the more emphasized. It would make him willing to go into Heaven and use Muriel to do it make all the more sense. So he can figure out what's going on.
It would make the Metatron telling Aziraphale that 'it's this thing we like to call the second coming' hit all the harder. Because this is something Aziraphale's worried about after having a vision like that. Could you imagine if Aziraphale was the one who had the nightmare sequence, and Metatron says that to him and he realizes how badly he fucked up SPECIFICALLY because he can't make sure the people he cares about (really just Crowley) are safe in the bookshop when that does happen? Could you imagine his newfound determination to go to Heaven and stop the second coming to prevent that from happening.
Could you imagine if Aziraphale came back from Heaven to find the only thing left was his bookshop?
I just, have a lot of thoughts and speculation on this nightmare sequence and it makes my brain go brrrrrr. So just imagine how impactful it would've been if that moment had taken place right before Aziraphale comes to after his long zoning out only to find out that he's been zoning out for a while. And Crowley is gone.
Anyways thank you for coming to my speculation post in which I have to live with these thoughts in my head and now so do you.
But that's just a theory---
Anyways keep an eye out for more posts on the opening sequence and the various other things that have been plaguing the minds of me and my sister.
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