#a taylor
rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Denver Union Station (No. 2)
Each of these transportation elements are tied together above ground by major public spaces and landscape elements such as the 17 St. Promenade/Gardens, Wynkoop Plaza and several other public plazas.
Historically, a subterranean passage accessed through the northern wing building connected the station to the old rail platforms above. However, the passage and its entrance was demolished with the construction of the bus terminal.
The present-day Union Station building consists mainly of two lower wing buildings flanking a larger central mass built during different parts of the station's history. The wing buildings were built with the first 1881 structure in a Romanesque Revival style, featuring tall, narrow windows, rusticated stonework and motifs of Colorado's state flower, the columbine. When the station was gutted by the 1894 fire, the facades of the wing buildings were incorporated into the 1894 depot and the 1914 renovation. They originally functioned as offices and other facilities for the station through its history, although today the structures house guestrooms for the Crawford Hotel and several restaurants.
Source: Wikipedia  
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a-frog-in-a-bog · 5 months
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juno-infernal · 2 months
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Glen Martin Taylor, “but i am safe in here.”
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lady-raziel · 5 months
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i'm sorry but this is the only submission to this trend that i'll consider giving any thought to
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pokkin · 1 month
I went to a taylor swift concert once and it was mostly ok but there was one standout moment where they brought a red pulsating jewel on stage. Taylor said it was called the heart of Ozymandias. She kept inviting people on stage to touch it and every time they did they would turn into sand and blow away. And people just kept going up and touching the thing.
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frankierotwinkdeath · 3 months
Y’all want Taylor Swift to be gay so bad but you won’t even write femslash about her
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uchihaculture · 1 year
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soundwavefucker69 · 9 months
bastille has done more for the queer community by just making all of their love songs about "you" instead of specifying a gender than taylor swift has in all of her discography. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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iridessence · 8 months
rich people are so boring. Private jets for intra-US travel? if i was a multimillionaire I’d have my own old timey gilded train car and take my sweet ass time going everywhere. sorry, you won’t see my ass for 5-7 business days while I’m going through the mountains with no cell service but a well paid private chef that specializes in gluten free cuisine, bye
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willgrahamscock · 5 months
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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randomfansstuff · 9 months
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helpimstuckinafandom · 5 months
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paper-mario-wiki · 5 months
i love to make fun of notorious white woman Taylor Swift and all of her embarrassing attempts to appear deeper than a plate of soup.
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hollowboobtheory · 5 months
really? another album? didn't she just make one??
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Worst pain
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