#a savior's forthcoming
Make a Mistake
Wake Up, Chapter 6
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pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader 
summary: In an attempt to stop the advances of an unwanted suitor, Matt Murdock accidentally condemns you to being his fake girlfriend.
warnings: smut-adjacent towards the end (steamy kissing), swearing
a/n: This chapter was so much fun to write! I tried to unpack Matt’s insecurities a little bit and I had so much fun with that. As always, like, reblog, respond, and request if you have feedback!!
w/c: 3.6k
It had been a few weeks since you survived an attempted mugging, the pain in your head having mostly faded. 
Matt had stayed with you at your place for the entire weekend, reluctantly departing for work on Monday—though he diligently checked in on you every hour. Your boss has been more than sympathetic to your situation, giving you a few days off and letting you work from home until you’d fully recovered. 
During that time, you were hesitant to be left alone. While you barely remembered the encounter itself, the fear surrounding it was still very present as you went about your days. Matt had become your anchor (to a higher degree than he already was, you supposed.) 
You replayed your foggy memories of that night over and over in your head, thinking back to how Matt had knocked a man unconscious to help you. Though, from what you knew about the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, he was pretty practiced at that. 
After you pieced together the trail of clues he’d unknowingly left you, you began to care more about the public’s view of the vigilante, for obvious reasons. It had become a new obsession of sorts. Reading newspaper articles about the various criminals he had stopped, looking at images of “sightings” online, rabidly defending him in online forums against trolls. 
While others might feel betrayed or disgusted by Matt’s secret, you felt…awe struck. 
This man was devoting every single minute of his life to the people of the city that needed help. The people that needed him. He had saved hundreds of lives, including yours. He had almost died. Multiple times, according to some sources. You’d have to ask someone about what the fuck had happened at Midland Circle, though you doubted anyone would be forthcoming with the story. 
The knowledge of Matt’s alter ego made you want him even more, which was really complicating your role as his fake girlfriend. As was the fact that this sweet, savior of a man was now spending damn near every night at your place to make sure you felt safe enough to fall asleep. 
Sheepishly thinking back to the night two weeks ago when you’d called him sobbing after a concussion-induced nightmare, you couldn’t help but smile at the thought that he cared about you enough to check on you daily after that. In fact, you were expecting him soon for your weekly dinner, which he had promised would turn into another night at your place. For your security, of course. 
Groaning and dropping your face into your hands, you cursed your crush-happy little heart. Here you go getting attached to the man that you were in a fake relationship with. This was bad. Your feelings could jeopardize everything! And Matt didn’t deserve that. The poor man was working another job after coming home from the office and you were begging him to spend time on you for, what, comfort? Sure, you weren’t stopping his nightly activities from happening—if the way he leapt out your window after you had fallen asleep was any clue—but you weren’t exactly making his life easier. 
‘And you should be making his life easier’, you scolded yourself. All this man does is help others. He deserves to have someone looking after him for a change. Hell, he deserves a whole team of people to look after him, but if you needed to act as a one-man army, you could do that. 
A knock shook you from your thoughts. Putting your anxiety on hold, you went to retrieve Matt at the door. 
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Picking at your dinner as your nerves tied your stomach in knots, you faked a smile and asked “How was your day, Matty?”
“Not bad. We got the charges on the Jones case dropped. Dismissed with prejudice.” 
“Oh Matt, that’s amazing! I’m so proud of you!!” Slipping your arms around him, you squeezed tightly. “Shouldn’t you be out celebrating?” 
“Eh, I was tired. Besides, a bar wouldn’t really be good for your head just yet and I don’t want to give you a migraine.”
You shook your head at him, smiling. “We aren’t sewn together, you know. You should've gone without me!” You gave his shoulder a light shove. 
Matt simply shrugged, burying himself in your hair. “I don’t want to go anywhere without you, anymore.” 
The statement caught you off guard, but before you could blurt out a response, he stammered. “I—I mean, you’re my girlfriend to the public. So it’s best if we spend a lot of time together around other people, is what I meant.” 
Your heart sank. “Yah. No, yeah that makes sense.” You were quiet for a moment while you debated whether to be honest with him about your growing affection. After a bit of deliberation, you choked out “How did you get the charges dropped? I thought that case was a disaster.” Cringing internally at your cowardice, you pulled away from Matt and back into your own seat. 
Matt frowned, hands clenching momentarily before his expression evened out. “The court's error was big enough for us to turn their main argument on its head. The judge didn’t think the case was worth the time after that, I guess.” He gave a mirthless chuckle, staring at his lap. 
“Good thing you discovered that error then!” You squeezed his knee and his expression brightened a little. 
“I did the easy part. It was all Foggy and Karen, really.” 
“Well, you’re a team! So of course they would—“ you tried to reassure him but Matt interrupted. 
“Honestly, I’m shocked they still want to work with me. I rarely pull my weight. They’re both so kind and devoted and I’m…I’m a mess.” 
You looked at him in disbelief, gently taking his hand in your own. “What do you mean, darling? How are you a mess?” 
Biting his lip, he refused to turn into your gaze. “I just— we won today but I felt so…ashamed. Like everyone was giving me all this credit for something I didn’t do. I feel like that a lot of the time.” He closed his eyes, body deflating. 
“Oh, Matt,” You cupped his cheek to try to bring him out of self-deprecation mode, but he wasn’t ready to step out of it yet. 
“And it’s not just work, I mean I have no idea why you haven’t run for the hills yet. I’m overbearing and temperamental and selfish. I just take and take and most people realize that and cut me off— but somehow there are some people that don’t seem to care that I’m bleeding them dry. But I can’t pull away because…I need it now. So I just sit here and take the credit and pretend that I’m helping, but I’m not.” To your horror, his eyes became glassy. 
“You are helping.” You began firmly. “And you are allowed to need help yourself, darling.” You tenderly gripped his nape, stroking the skin underneath his jaw with your thumb. “We haven’t ‘run for the hills’ because we care about you too. And, as much as you want to deny it, you are incredibly patient and sweet and thoughtful.” 
“But I—“ 
“Darling, I’m more than willing to hear you out, but I want you to acknowledge that this is just a flare up of your imposter syndrome and a side effect of your crippling Catholic guilt. Is there anything that you could be doing that would satisfy you? Or would you still be critical of yourself for not doing ‘more’?” 
Matt sighed, leaning into you and resting your foreheads together. You brushed some hair away from his forehead and gave it a firm kiss before letting it fall against yours once more. 
“I am honored that you trust me enough to talk to me about this, and your feelings deserve to be heard and acknowledged, but you have to cut yourself some slack sometimes. Have you ever had a moment where you felt that you were enough?” You posed the question as precariously as possible, but Matt still felt emotion well up in his throat. 
“No.” His soft voice cracked on the admission. 
“Why not?” You pressed, still stroking his warm skin. 
“Because…because—“ he drew in a ragged breath. “I’m just not enough. I’m just not and I never will be.” 
“And I can absolutely relate to how you’re feeling right now, but have you ever had a personal reason for feeling this way, or is it because it’s what you’ve been told?” 
Matt hadn’t revealed much to you about his childhood, but you knew that it hadn’t been filled with love or validation. As someone who had also lacked those things growing up, you expected his guilt and shame surrounding what he wasn’t doing stemmed from never being good enough for others. 
“Matty, darling,” you continued as he stayed silent, your concern and curiosity growing. “When was the last time you felt appreciated by someone close to you” 
“Um…probably last week when you—“ 
“Someone besides me, love.” 
Matt held his breath, wracking his brain for an answer that would appease you, but he couldn’t find one. 
“I don’t know.” A tear finally slipped down his cheek and you brushed it away. 
“Do you feel good when people do appreciate you?” 
Matt nodded against you. “Yah. I know I don’t deserve it but…”
“Matthew Michael Murdock, of course you deserve it.” You chastised, but your words held no real anger. “I know it’s hard to believe when you hear it so rarely but you are wonderful. And if I have to convince you of that all by myself, I will.” You repositioned yourself so that you were in his lap, running your fingers along his scalp, foreheads remaining glued together. 
“You are so compassionate. Everything you do is for someone else. I don’t know many people who would think about dropping their evening plans to console a friend after a nightmare once, let alone consistently care for them for weeks after.” 
“See? Overbearing.” Matt interjects and you push at his chest to interrupt him. 
“No! Not overbearing. Kind. And you might operate on a…unique schedule…” Matt flinched at this so you hurried to praise him again. “But! You are so effective and intelligent that you manage to juggle everything anyway! Like that week when you stayed home from the office because you’d fallen and sprained your wrist. You told me Foggy was upset with you, but you unraveled the opposition’s argument in less than an hour the day you came back. That was impressive. You’re impressive.” Matt flushed at your comment, burying his face in your neck. You smiled down at his adorable position before continuing. 
“And you’re so resilient! You’ve been through so much and you’re still trying to make the world a better place. So many people would’ve given up on the rest of humanity but you don’t. And I don’t think you ever will. You’re just so…good. So don’t ever say that you don’t deserve to be praised for what you do and who you are. You’re the best man I’ve ever known. And I will always appreciate you.”
“Thank you,” Matt spoke your name softly, gripping the top you wore as if it was the only thing holding him together. 
“Anytime. I mean that. If you’re ever having a bad day, I will gladly ramble on about your great body and incredible personality.” 
“I don’t believe you mentioned my ‘great body’ before.” Matt straightened up with a tiny smirk.
“Oh c’mon. You and I both know that you’re well aware of the effect you have on women. We’ve been fake dating long enough that you don’t need to pretend with me.” You scoffed.
“I know that other people have considered me attractive, hell, Foggy talks about my ass so much some people think we are married. But I don’t think you have ever said anything.” 
“Because I knew it would go straight to your head and i refuse to give you the satisfaction.”
“Weren’t you just saying that I should be complimented more?”
“This is different.” 
“It just is!” You laughed as he poked your side. 
“It sounds like you’re not ready for my line of questioning. We may have to revisit your testimony at a later date, if the opposition permits.” Clearly his wave of insecurity had passed, if the joking nature of his comments were anything to go by. 
You shook your head at his jest, tracing his perfectly sculpted jaw with your fingers. As you scraped your nails over his stubble he made a sound akin to a purr. Giggling, you did it again with a bit more force. “You like that, do you? Good to know.” Your brain signaled to you desperately. You are treading a dangerous line, ma’am. You ignored your rational side, continuing to stroke the lawyer’s face. 
Matt let his head fall against yours once more, the bridge of his nose pressing against your cheek. Your hand moved back to his scalp, kneading gently. Leaping over your own anxiety, you took a risk. He felt your jaw move as you spoke again. “You know, I’ve been thinking about all the preparation we’ve done, but we haven’t practiced something that seems kind of…big?” 
Matt nuzzled your ear, hearing your pulse throb under his touch. “What’s that, angel?” 
“Well, um, it’s just that—we’ve never, uh, kissed before.” You stumbled over the request, continuing to thread your fingers through his hair. Before Matt could say anything, your ramble continued. “I mean, you’ve kissed me on the cheek, I guess. Sorry, I don’t mean to sound needy or anything—I mean, it’s fine! We don’t need to do that. Forget I said—“ 
Cutting you off, Matt swiftly dipped your body so that you were lying horizontally on the couch cushions and positioned himself over you. A dark smirk crossed his face as your arousal grew. “Have you been thinking about kissing me, angel?” 
“No!” You squeaked, wriggling out from the trap his arms and provocative gaze had created. God, why was it so hot in here right now. Standing up from the couch, you paced away from him. “I just meant— It seems like something other people would expect couples to do, is all.” 
Matt’s sinister smile faded to a softer one. “If you wanted me to kiss you before, sweetness, all you had to do was ask. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” 
“Oh trust me, you don’t need to worry about that.” You brushed off the concern quickly before realizing what you’d just admitted to. “Uh—I mean—“ 
Matt just chuckled, standing from the couch and moving over to you. He softly took your chin in one hand. “You know, you’re cute when you’re flustered.” That statement did not help your feelings at the moment, but Matt wasn’t done. “You want me to show you what we could do, the next time we are at an event together?” 
You were nodding, practically breathless at this point. “Please, Matty.” 
“Well, a pretty girl like you deserves a nice experience, not just a quick peck on the lips.” Matt pursed his lips, thinking, and you fixated on them. Desire was pooling in your gut. Matt, seemingly, did not notice your growing hunger as he stroked the hollow of your cheek before continuing. “We’d want to get their attention, right? So, I think I’d start by pulling you close.” He tugged you into him, making you gasp. Smile widening, he slid a hand around to the back of your neck. “I’d want to hold you like this, I think. Make a real big show of how lucky I am to have you, ya know?” 
This man was going to kill you. He had to know what he was doing, right? Damn your lovestruck heart for initiating this. 
You shifted from foot to foot, a rush of pure lust making you a bit impatient. Matt frowned, “Sorry, too much? Need to stop?” His hand dropped from your nape and you whimpered involuntarily. 
“No!” You squeaked, cringing at how high pitched your voice sounded. “No, it was nice. Please don’t stop, I want to, um, prepare for the next event! Like you said.” 
Matt’s smile flickered back to life, his hand coming to rest under your hair once again. “Oh, I get it now. Did you like this, pretty girl?” He pulls you impossibly closer, breathing over your lips. “I’ll keep showing you what we could do, but if you stop liking what I’m doing, you tell me, ok?”
“Uh huh.” You managed, completely breathless now. Matt grinned, wrapping a strand of hair around one finger and giving a slight tug.
“Good girl.” You bit back a moan, keening into him a bit. Matt steadied you with a laugh, “Well, once we had everyone looking—and they would be looking, sweetness—I’d lean in…” He did so, his lips ghosting over yours. “And I’d kiss you until everyone in the room knew you were all mine.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You forcibly closed the indiscernible gap between the two of you, wrapping your arms around him. As your lips met, sparks danced across your eyelids. You’d heard rumors, but you were still amazed at how skilled Matt was. He was an incredible kisser. Threading your lips together with ease, he gave your top lip an almost imperceptible tug before slowly pulling away. “Something like that, sweetness.” He panted, brushing a thumb over your lower lip. 
“I think I need another demonstration.” You murmured, hand coming up to his head to push him back onto your lips. His mouth parted in a broad grin as you desperately pressed your mouth to his again. Your knees were practically buckling, Matt was holding you up—hand still woven into your hair. 
Stubble scraping against your chin, you gently pulled at his bottom lip, mirroring the sensation he’d just created for you. His breath danced across your face, a small noise escaping his lips. His tongue gave the tiniest swipe over your lip and you mewled. 
Pulling away abruptly, your own noise acting like an ice bath, your eyes widened with horrific realization. Clearly, you were taking advantage of the position he’d put you in, and you were more than embarrassed at the thought of you getting off on it. 
“Oh god, Matt I’m so sorry—I-I don’t know what came over me!” You stammered, stepping away from him with your head falling into your hands. He let you pull away, but smiled after you, shaking his head. 
“You didn’t do anything I wasn’t more than ok with, sweet thing. I’d be overjoyed to practice that again sometime.” 
You peeked at him between your fingers. “Really?”
His eyes darkened with want. “Really.” 
“Are you absolutely sure? Because I don’t want to push you—“ 
Matt was on you in an instant, wrapping his strong arms around your waist and touching his nose to yours. “Please, angel, kiss me like that again.”
And you did. 
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“So are we going to dance around the big fat elephant in the room all night?” You stirred your drink, avoiding Marci’s question. 
“What elephant? There’s no elephant.” You assured her, maybe a little too quickly given her knowing smirk. 
“God, you're a worse liar than Fog. Who told me after little to no pressure was applied that you and Matt are kissing now? Am I supposed to pretend that’s not a massive development?”
“Marce, it’s not like that. We were practicing for the legal conference next week.” 
“I’m sorry, ‘practicing’? You have to know how disgustingly middle school that sounds.” 
Burying your face in your hands, you heaved a sigh, knowing that Marci would not drop the topic until you’d satisfied her curiosity. She was ruthless that way. “I mean, when you put it like that—“
She laughed as heat rose in your cheeks. “Ok then spill! How long has this been going on? Have you told him that you like-like him yet?” Her voice rose in a sickeningly teasing falsetto. 
Ripping your head out of your palms, you looked at her in shock. “I do not like-like Matt. What are you—“ You trailed off, taking in Marci’s knowing look and raised eyebrow. Returning to the shelter of your hands, you groaned. “God, does everyone know? Does Matt know??”
“Foggy, Karen, and I have been speculating for a while. Matt seems to be blissfully unaware.” 
“Ugh! You can’t tell him, Marce. Promise me! It’ll ruin everything.” You pleaded, anxiety swirling through you at the thought of him finding out that you’d been infatuated with him throughout the fake relationship. 
“I won’t tell him.” Marci took your hands in hers, encouraging you to look at her again. “But, I don’t think it would ruin anything. In fact, I know that it wouldn’t. He likes you just as much as you like him.” 
“He does?” You bit your lip, warmth cascading over your face at the thought of Matt returning your affections. 
“Yah, babe. He treats you like you hung the moon. And, apparently, you two have kissed already…” 
You rolled your eyes. “Ok we kissed a handful of times in my apartment and once in public and we agreed that it was so it wouldn’t look awkward in front of Snyder in the future.” 
“Ok so that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. You two have kissed multiple times in the last week and you still think this relationship is fake? I’m begging you to put an end to all of this misery and TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL.” She gently shook your shoulders to prove her point and you laughed. 
“Ok! Ok. I’ll do it. I’ll tell him.” 
“Thank god!” Marci downed the rest of her drink. “I'm going to hold you to this.” She pointed at you, sternly. 
“Yah, yah. I know.” 
Little did you know, Matt was getting an eerily similar lecture from Foggy and Karen on the other side of Hell’s Kitchen. 
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Taglist: @maladaptivedaydreamingbum @scoliobean @harperdoodle @mattkinsella @leikelle @sweetbee0108 @dark-night-sky-99 @fallen-angels2213 @will-delete-this-later-probably @cheshirecat484 @thornbushrose @vernon-dursley
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kaidanworkshop · 11 months
Workshop Progress: November Update
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Happy Holidays guys, gals, and non-binary pals! Firstly, apologies for the delayed update! Flu and COVID season is in full force this year, and it seemed to have it out for not only the Workshop staff and families, but for our VA Paul Warren! We're happy to report that everyone is on the mend and returning to our regular workflow. Learn from our follies; make sure you're taking care of your own health as well! Last update we focused on our alpha and beta testing progress with the Creation Kit and Assets Team -- progress on that front continues as we add in more recorded lines and refine the new systems we've implemented; this update will be a deep dive focusing on our Writing Team and their workflow process in organizing, evaluating, and proposing changes to the base script via our peer review system. Besides this, we have our fourth recording session with Mr. Warren in the coming weeks; after this session, our business lead is projecting one more session will be enough to complete the rest of the original script, and we can begin to finalize what options the community has towards allocating the remaining funds. We've been compiling a few synopses of what those bonus content options will be, so stayed tuned on that front! Finally, we're very excited to show off some of what we've managed to implement, so one of our Community Team members will be streaming some of our current 1.3 beta for our Discord community this upcoming Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 at 3pm CST, and Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at 10am CST! With that out of the way, here's our Writing Team Workflow Deep Dive! Warning: The below contains spoilers!
The temperatures might be cooling down outside but we're staying nice and warm working on the Kaidan romance lines commission. As we move towards the more emotionally charged dialogues the player can have with Kaidan (i.e. his friendship and romance quests), we realized that our previous script notes for our VA needed to be a bit more robust in order to really convey the tone we're looking for. As much as we all love this silly little 10+ year old game, the reality is that Skyrim's engine has its limitations with regards to NPC emotivity and expression, so the onus falls on the voice acting to carry the extra emotional weight. While Kaidan is, on the surface, a rather reserved person, a major part of the growth he experiences with the player character is allowing himself to more vulnerable and forthcoming with his emotions. For prior commissions, our script to Mr. Warren was aggregated into spreadsheets broken up by quest name and dialogue path, with brief notes on delivery/different quest paths as needed.
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For each commission, we have two members of our staff sit in with Mr. Warren and offer direction as he works his way through the script. We tend to get around 3 to 8 different takes of each line, with around 250 - 300 lines per commission. Once complete, Mr. Warren sends us the full audio, and the next leg of processing begins. Our absolute savior of an audio tech gets to work splitting all the hundreds of different takes up into individual cuts, as well as processing the audio for any latent sounds or fuzziness in the background. Once separated, they're placed in an associated thread for staff members to listen to and vote on.
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Sometimes we are very lucky, and there's a clear winner for the individual take. Sometimes.
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Other times, ties must be split. Or not.
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It is also during this process that we'll identify lines that might've been misread or otherwise need a retake. We aggregate a list and discuss our feelings on it, then shoot them back to Mr. Warren with further clarification on what we're looking for in his delivery. The process of receiving, splitting, and voting on the retake lines then begins again.
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This method of breaking down these emotion-fueled dialogues really helps us as a staff keep a firm grasp on the original presented characterization of Kaidan, and not get wrapped up in trying to unnecessarily change or otherwise alter his dialogue. There's a reason this follower remains one of the most popular within the Skyrim community, and the last thing we want to do is damage LivTempleton's magic with arbitrary wordsmithing. Still, sometimes changes are needed. We try to keep them as minimal as possible, but some lines stuck out due to strange wording or odd delivery. For example, Kaidan's response to this line was originally "You do, eh? Well keep digging there, you might make it to Akavir." We felt that it didn't flow very well, and depending on how far the player has progressed in his personal quest, it might not make any sense for him to be mentioning Akavir at all yet. The below change smooths out the transition in this conversation.
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Another example of a change we're adding in is creating a path for players to exit the romance path completely -- as it is now, if you wear an Amulet of Mara and initiate the romance path, there is no way to change your mind. However, we always felt that the below line pathing was very harsh; after all, Kaidan exits the conversation completely and shuts down. Working in a way to 'break up' with him via this dialogue path (sorry Kai!) felt like an easy way to work in a new mod function without having to create entirely new dialogue -- it saves money for extra content in the future, something very near and dear to our business lead's heart.
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Finally, one of our favorite changes is rewording the "How do you feel about me?" dialogue tree. Given that not all players will be following the 'hot' or 'warm' romance paths, this line of questioning from the player felt like the LDB was fishing for compliments -- not a good look in our opinion. We changed this to instead be a more equitable exchange of compliments between the two ("I think we make a good team" & "Can I tell you something? I'm glad we met"). Also, we use this format to track which lines will have multiple nickname/pronoun takes.
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As we approach the final sets of scripts to wrap up the revoice section of the Workshop timeline, this process may undoubtedly change again when we begin discussing how we'd like to work with the community in producing Workshop original scripts -- which is exciting! In using a peer review system from start to finish, we keep ourselves open to workflow improvement suggestions that ultimately makes the process easier in the long run. While this method of group voting and review undoubtedly adds extra time to production -- especially given the logistics of scheduling multiple staff meetings to accommodate all the different time zones our staff members live in -- we feel that it results in a more polished product, and one in which all the members of each team feel empowered to discuss and offer their insights for our favorite CVF. We'll see you for the beta 1.3 livestreams on Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 at 3pm CST, and Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at 10am CST!
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radabeast · 3 months
A Character Analysis of Mohg
Okay. so this started as a ramble in response to tumblr/twitter talk i’ve been seeing, and then branched off into an entire multi-para analysis… bear with me. or not. TL;DR: i feel mohg is a very compelling and even pitiable character in the overall story of elden ring, but also he is very not a good person. And well, duh
i do agree that mohg having any sort of sexual misconduct toward miquella ISNT canon and doesnt Need to be considered as such, however. to say that “there is no implied incest here at all” also is honestly not quite right.
in his very introduction cutscene, mohg takes miquella’s hand, calls him “my dearest”, and presses his forehead against it. says “miquella is mine and mine alone”, implying that, you know, he values him as more than just a replaceable key to assuring his own rule. and while “bloody bedchamber” is agreeably too vague to canonize any sexual contact… it’s also definitely a curious term to use in regards to half-siblings?
i agree that you can be a mohg fan and it doesn’t have to be Weird. i agree that mohg is a very compelling, VERY intriguing, and even sympathetic character. but i also think it’s a bit of a disservice to the full brunt of his role, as well as a naive sort of de-fanging to him, to think he would be capable of like. a whole blood cult, but not incest or even worse. or god forbid, that he’d even NEED to be BEWITCHED in order to kidnap miquella
mohg’s whole origin is of someone who was forsaken, abandoned by god herself, and then found a new mother, one who has promised him love and purpose. he is very capable, but also very starved. this starvation of love, appreciation and praise has led to him creating an entire cult around himself, devoted to his supposed future dynasty.
clearly, he’s got the drive to conquer, and a very apparent disregard for a good amount of life. he didn’t just approach miquella and try to manipulate him into a partnership— he stole him, while he was cocooned, and while he was helpless and unable to even possibly consent. he did not care at all for miquella’s beloved haligtree, and the denizens within it that saw it as their very hope; mohg forsook them from even his own presumed form of salvation, and left all of the haligtree without their own savior, their greatest hope. they know not who took him, or even presumably who could’ve possibly done it; all they know is that he is gone.
i will go so far to call this not only callous of mohg, but also cowardice. instead of a diplomatic attempt, he pulls a secretive kidnapping and retreats down to his palace hidden beneath the earth. not by any means a forthcoming fellow, but we also honestly shouldn’t expect that of him. and like, come on. the corrupting blood? the blood that gets put inside of you and corrupts and infests? i could make a whole analysis on that too. it’s insidious!
but circling back around. mohg is someone who is starved of love and family, so in addition to his desire of praise and power (as a direct offspring of marika herself, no less!), he has made his own warped, corrupted version of one— a cult, as well as positioning himself a consort of his own half-brother. miquella is not a beloved sibling to him, but a tool and a key to his rule; the formless mother told mohg that he was needed, and mohg took him. he is not treated as a person by him, awake and able to converse with his own thoughts (and we are outright told mohg receives no answer at all, ever). miquella is dehumanized, and placed within a role he wasn’t able to consent towards. (varre and the other non-surviving surgeons also shared a very similar fate, as well.)
so with that— while i actively abhor the idea of incest or even so far as rape, yes— why WOULD it be outside of mohg’s known character to behave as such, though? even the potentiality of it. i’m not going to get on a soapbox, i’m not SAYING you should accept a canon that he’s an incestuous rapist. all i’m saying is that, yes, it actually could very well track, and feed into his character further?
mohg is a sympathetic character indeed, abandoned by his mother, god herself, for his very appearance outside of anyone’s control, and then left clinging to the one and only hope he’s ever found in the formless mother. of COURSE he’d listen to whatever that mother says. of COURSE he’d have a warped view of personhood and family and love. even if mohg was capable of those detestable things— and he’s already a murderous kidnapper with a blood cult, mind you!— that doesn’t disregard that we can see where he was coming from, how his upbringing would lead to this!
i respect mohg fans, and mohg fans also need to be treated with respect. but i also think we can’t just say it’s crazy to say that mohg isn’t morally detestable, or potentially capable even of those things, even if with a pitiable bent. and that’s fine if he is! he is a story character and he fills a very intriguing role
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grimmswan · 1 year
Dracula in Storybrooke 3
Captain Swan Supernatural Summer
Once Upon a Time: Emma Swan and Captain Killian Hook Jones
Killian told Emma about his suspicion that his former first mate might know more about what is going on then he was being up front about.
Emma suggested that if Smee was willing to talk, he should bring him to the diner, and he could tell the rest of the group what he knows.
With a plan in place, and a kiss on the cheek, Killian headed out.
It was best if Killian spoke to Smee alone. He would likely feel less intimidated and more forthcoming that way.
Emma finished up her second cup of coffee, (and her second poptart) then left the house to talk to her parents about Killian’s theory and the new plan.
It was morning, but the sunlight was quickly fading away.
A dense gray fog was quickly rolling in.
There was no doubt in Emma’s mind that magic was behind it. Looking ahead, she saw a dark figure wearing a black cape.
With a roll of her eyes and a sigh, she pulled her bug over and got out.
“And I thought my pirate was over dramatic. Were the theatric’s really necessary, Drake? Or would you prefer I call you Dracula?”
The vampire was taken aback by her nonchalant attitude. He had been expecting a bigger reaction. Every other being would have been amazed, or frightened at his ability to summon the fog and appear out of nowhere.
But it seemed that the savior needed to witness more to be impressed by his power.
“I wanted to have a talk with you, alone. Your family, and the sun, have a tendency to interfere with my ability to have a deep conversation with you.”
He glided closer. His voice was low, sultry, and hypnotic.
“You are an exquisite being. Far too lovely for the likes of any mere mortal.”
Drake leaned closer to Emma. His eyes became more intense. Emma senses were going off. A part of her felt drawn to the man, but another part was screaming to run away.
Drake’s eyes were on Emma’s lips. He was going to kiss her.
But the only man she wanted to kiss was Killian. She only loved Killian. And he would be hurt if she allowed another man to kiss her.
Emma jerked back, her full senses returning. By pure instinct, she shot light from her hands toward The Count, who hissed loudly and quickly backed away.
“No. It’s not possible. How could you resist my power?”
“I’ve been told I can be pretty stubborn.” Emma retorted. She held up her hands, which were glowing with her magic. “I suggest you get out of here.”
In the blink of an eye, he was gone.
Emma noticed that the fog also started to disappear, but at a much slower rate.
She got back in her bug and headed to her parent’s apartment.
Once Upon A Time
“He tried to kiss you?” David was outraged that anyone would try to take advantage of his daughter like that.
“I think he has the power to put people in a trance. But for some reason, it didn’t work on me.”
Snow, equally concerned for her daughter as her husband, asked, “Were you tempted, but fought it?”
“Yeah. All I could think was that this wasn’t Killian. And I was able to pull away.”
Snow smiled. “That’s like what happened between your father and the siren. He was able to break free from her trance because he loved me.”
Snow looked at her husband with a bright smile. “Isn’t it wonderful! Our daughter has true love!”
“Our daughter also has a second centuries old being interested in her. And that one probably wants to drain her of her blood.”
Hoping that Killian convinced Smee to divulge what he knew, the Charming family headed to Granny’s Diner.
Once Upon A Time
“Dracula must take a bride every one hundred years. He failed to turn Mina Harker, and was weakened because of it. He needs a bride of great beauty, and great power, or he will die.”
“He wants Emma?”
“He needs Emma. Without her, he will become as weak and powerless as any mortal man.”
"The only person who gets to bite my neck is my pirate."
"That is not information a father needs to hear." David groaned.
"That’s not information a son needs to hear, either." Henry added.
"Dracula wants to make Emma his bride?" Mary Margaret wanted to get the conversation back to gaining information to protect her daughter.
Her husband’s and grandson’s psychological discomfort would have to wait for another day.
"One of his brides. Technically, you would be his fourth. He's already had three." Smee explained to his captain’s true love.
"Well doesn't that make me feel special." Emma rolled her eyes."What girl doesn't dream of being part of a harem. Having to wait in line for her husband to pay attention to her."
"He certainly picked a challenge." Whale thought any man who believed he could steal Emma Swan away from Killian Jones should be declared legally insane.
"He didn't exactly pick her." Smee explained. "Emma holds the light that will give him back all of his power. It’s Emma’s blood. She's the product of true love. She has magic that is pure light. Dracula believes he can regain power by turning Emma.”
“Is that how he picked his other wives?” Leroy asked.
“He didn’t need his power restored when he took the others. Each time he takes a bride, he chooses a woman who has something that he needs.
The first of his vampire brides was a maiden of noble birth from his own land. Her family had a lot of land, and great wealth. He killed every member of her family to gain full control of her and her family’s holdings.
When the people of the village near his castle became suspicious. His food source was becoming scarce. That’s when he realized he would have to travel to different lands from time to time.
That’s where taking a wife would be useful. He would never reveal that he had other eternal brides, of course. 
Not all of those he turned would spend eternity with him. And not every maiden he married was turned.
Those that submitted to him completely and did his bidding were the ones he called his brides.
Those whose company he grew tired of were either killed or sent away to decide for themselves how they wanted to spend their eternity.”
“That’s not a life I want. Not even an undead one. How is Dracula planning on forcing me to be his bride? Because that’s the only way I see his plan working.”
“The only way he can consume your blood, is if you give into him willingly. Mina Harker’s love and innocence was what he needed to gain strength. Because it was something special within her blood, she had to surrender herself to him of her own free will. The power that he needs from you is within your blood. Just like with Mina Harker, he can’t take it by force. Or else the source will be tainted and it won’t work.
 It seems that Dracual will have to make Emma forget everyone, and everything she knows. Only then will she be vulnerable to his influence."
“Magic.” Killian sighed. Fear for his true love and her family colored his voice and his face.
“Dracula’s not a sorcerer, Captain. He has the ability to do a lot of things. But his power is limited.”
“If he is as devious and resourceful as you, he will find a way.”
“And we will find a way to stop him.” Emma laid her hand on Killian’s arm.
“To undo everything Dracula had done, he needs to be killed, or at least sealed away again.”
“Do you remember how they did it?”
“I wasn’t there. I was under Dracula’s spell, so they had me locked up in a sanitarium. But I remember that Van Helsing kept a detailed recording of all of his encounters with the supernatural. I overheard him mention it to Dr. Seward, head of the sanitarium. If you find his journal he kept at the time, it will tell you how he and Harker defeated the vampire.”
“In all of the stories, crosses, garlic, and holy water make vampires powerless.” Henry was sure there had to be some truth to legends he heard.
"Dracula does not follow the same rules as other vampires."
"What makes him different?"
"Dracula wasn't bitten. He became a vampire through consuming the blood of a dragon. His power is greater because it came directly from a being of magic."
“I didn’t know there were dragons in the land of horror?”
“There’s not. Do you think Jefferson and Gold were the only beings to constantly travel between realms? There have been peddlers throughout the ages that have delivered goods from one world, to sell to those in another. I used to be one of them, before I joined in with Captain Jones.”
“Is that how many of the monsters were created?” Henry asked.
“The Captain’s right, you are a clever lad.”
Henry beamed with pride.
“I have said before that magic manifests differently in each realm. Even if you take an item from one realm, it may not work the same in another.” The Blue Fairy warned.
“There was a time when travel between realms was common. And there was an opportunity to make a lot of money. In the Land of Horror, multiple groups of people were trying to conquer the world. Some kingdoms wanted to protect their people from being invaded. Peddlers from lands of prosperous magic brought many magical items into the Land of Horror.  But the effects changed the recipients in ways that were unimaginable. Vlad Tepest was one of those rulers who sought to defend his people. His intentions were once honorable. But it was power he was not meant to have, and it corrupted him. He even changed his name to Dracula, because he thought he had become a descendent of dragons.”
“So a guy consumes something he shouldn’t and ends up turning into a monster. Fair enough. It wouldn’t be the strangest thing I’ve ever heard of.”
“The strangest would be Captain Hook falling in love with the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming.”
“And here I thought it was the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming falling in love with Captain Hook.” Emma shot back with her own cheeky grin.
"So how do we keep him away?" David asked, wanting the conversation to steer away from his daughter’s love life.
"He's still sensitive to direct sunlight. Unfortunately, he can still be out during the day. As Emma found out earlier. He can summon the fog to aid him."
"What we need are werewolves." Henry announced. "A large pack of werewolves. Lots of movies say werewolves are deadly to vampires."
"Most of the wolf shifters were eradicated." Granny explained. "The pack mentality leads to too much destruction. So multiple kingdoms sought them out and killed them."
Henry looked disappointed, then a thought came to him.
"What if there are werewolves in other realms? The vampires came from Whale's world. What if the werewolves that kill vampires are also from Whales world?"
"If I recall, the creatures you're talking about can not be controlled and have no control over themselves when they shift." Killian said.
"And sometimes it's the vampires that have control." Emma added.
Still, it was an interesting idea. If also a really dangerous one.
It also posed the issue that there might already be werewolves, of the horror world variety.
“What if those types of werewolves are already in Storybrooke? What if that is something else we’re going to have to worry about?”
It seemed to be one thing after another. The heroes could not seem to catch a break.
“There’s been no proof of the more savage types of werewolves in Storybrooke. So let's not start worrying. We have enough to concern ourselves with already.”
Mary Margaret looked over and saw the dwarves clustered together.
“What are they doing?”
“Drawing straws on who gets to drive a stake through Regina’s heart, if she becomes a vampire.”
“Will you guys stop that! We need to focus on protecting my daughter!”
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mizusswordtip · 2 months
Down The Rabbit Hole ⚝ Killian Jones x Reader (24)
find the story on wattpad
summary: Alice's plan to overthrow the Queen of Hearts is thwarted by a dashing pirate with a hook. Years later, after the curse is broken, they reunite once again.
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The more we look around the rocky cavern that was once Rumpelstiltskin's cell, the more I'm beginning to think the ink doesn't even exist. How is squid ink supposed to help us defeat her to begin with? I shake my head, sticking my hand in another crevice. This had better work.
"The squid ink, it's not here." I say, irritated. I look over to Snow and Emma who approach with confused looks on their faces.
"Gold said we would find it." Snow's voice is filled with worry as she swings her head from left to right.
"He hasn't exactly proved to be the most forthcoming person." I say with a heavy sigh. I swear, if Gold has led us on another wild goose chase, I'm going to personally ring his neck.
"Well, was there anyone else in here with him? Could they have taken the ink?" Mulan asks, holding the torch up to the stone walls to see better.
"No. He was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden. He was too dangerous to allow any human contact." Snow shakes her head vehemently.
"How'd he keep from going crazy." Emma mutters to herself.
"I did." I answer without thinking. Emma shoots me a sympathetic look. "Sort of." I correct, looking down at the twenty eight scars carved into my forearm. "Well..."
"He didn't." Aurora chimes in, ignoring my musings. I look over at her and see she's holding a scroll of some sort. The paper looks warn but is surprisingly well preserved for something that old.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Is it a message?" Emma walks over to Aurora and holds out her hand.
"Yes. And I think it's for you." Aurora hands the scroll to Emma.
"Why would you think...that?" Emma says as she slowly unfurls the scroll. I can hear the fear in her voice and it doesn't take even a second to figure out why. On the scroll is Emma's name. Written repeatedly.
"Oh." I say. Emma walks over to a rock and sits, staring down at the scroll in disbelief while the rest of us continue to look for the ink. Why would Gold use up so much ink to write one name? I mean, I know Emma is the savior, destined to break the curse but what good does that do? I guess it's no use trying to decipher the motivations of a mad man.
"What does this even mean?" Emma asks, perplexed.
"He was obsessed with you, Emma. You were the key to breaking the curse." Snow reaches up to check a crevice that's too hard to see from the ground.
"We've looked everywhere. There's no ink in this cell." I say once she comes up empty handed.
"No, there has to be. He told David." Snow's voice becomes more panicked and I can't really blame her. Her husband is stuck in an eternal sleep until she kisses him.
"Need I remind you that 'he'  is Gold? In the little time I've known him, he's done nothing but lie." I point out, throwing my hands up in the air in exasperation.
"Besides, you were in a netherworld. Maybe something got lost in translation." Emma says, still unable to tear her eyes away from the paper. If she glares at the parchment any harder she might burn a hole through it.
"No. She heard right." Mulan's words fill me with hope as we all run over to her.
"You have it?" I ask breathlessly. In her hand is a stained jar. A notably empty jar.
"In a manner of speaking. There was ink in this cell." She tilts the jar up to the light, trying to see if there are any traces of the ink left. I let out a humorless laugh.
"Wow, who would have thought? The Dark One? Leading us astray?" My voice is laced with sarcasm. Emma shoots me an annoyed look and I simply shrug in response. Before anyone can even stop her, Aurora picks up a rock and throws it at the mechanism that keeps the door open. She hits it on the first try, much to my horror.
"Aurora! What are you doing?" Emma goes to run towards the closing gate.
"No!" I scream, my heart beating out of my chest when the heavy metal touches the ground. I can feel a familiar panic crawling up my throat. Some days in the asylum I would become all too aware that I couldn't escape. Not just my cell, but my own body. My own brain. My clothes. These fucking clothes. On those days, the nurses would give me a friendly shot to help me sleep.
I grasp the cool metal of the bars, pressing my forehead against them. There is no medicine in this world to help me calm down.
"Helping me." I don't even have to open my eyes to know that Cora is standing in front of me. This can't be happening. Not again. After all these years, I still am unable to beat her. All that talk about prophecy had been wrong.
"No! No..." I whisper and tug on the bars as hard as I can, finally opening my eyes to see the all too please smile on her face. I clench my jaw.
"Don't waste your energy, dear. Rumpelstiltskin himself couldn't escape from this cell." She chastises and I can't help but let the look of defeat overtake my features.
"No." I whisper.
"Thank you, Aurora. We couldn't have done it without you." Cora's words make all our heads snap to Aurora. My blood turns to ice as I stare her down. She looks just as shocked as the rest of us.
"Why would you do this?" Emma snaps at her. All Aurora can do is shake her head and open and close her mouth a couple of times.
"Don't blame her. She was only doing what she was told." Cora reaches into her robes and pulls out a red heart and all the pieces click into place.
"You took her heart." I hear Emma say from behind me, sounding truly horrified. I wish I could feel surprised by this new revelation but there's a reason she's known as The Queen of Hearts.
"Actually, I did. It was a gift." Hooks voice says and it's only then that I notice him. Leaning against the wall casually. I had been too preoccupied with Cora to even notice him. The realization of what's happening comes over me, slower than I'd like to admit. He played me for a fool. I'd actually believed him and trusted him.
"Figures." I say, my heart turning cold. "Figures you're just as weak willed as you were before." I say and a look crosses over his face that I can't quite decipher before it's replaced with a cruel smirk.
"I'm not the one who's trapped in a cage, Love." He says and I just shake my head ruefully. His jaw clenches whenever my gaze doesn't falter and looks away.
"Forgive us. We'd love to stay, but Storybrooke awaits." The both of them go to leave and I feel the panic begin to rear its ugly head once again.
"No! Hook, please wait." I call out and thankfully he stops dead in his tracks. I wait for him to turn his head to look at me. "Don't do this. I tried to help you. You know I did so please. I'm not asking, I'm begging." I plead and I curse myself for sounding so pathetic. I can see it now, the guilt hiding beneath the surface but he turns without another word. I smack my hands on the bars. "Bastard!" I turn my attention to his ally. "Cora!" I don't know what comes over me in this moment but I feel it. The fear in me is replaced by years anger over losing to this witch. Over losing to him.
"Yes, dear?" She asks condescendingly.
"I will not die in a cell. I spent twenty eight years locked up and I was able to get free. Your death is my destiny so you can best believe that I will get out of here. And when I do? I will show you the same amount of mercy you've shown me. None." I finish and she clenches her jaw. I don't give her time to respond as I turn my attention to Hook. "As for you. I don't have to kill you. She'll dispose of you and never think of you again. And when that happens, I won't lift a finger to help you." I say and to my surprise, he doesn't even look angry. He just turns away, waiting for his master, I'm assuming.
"Well, it looks like little Alice finally found her teeth." Cora says with a little laugh, approaching the bars and placing her hand on them to lean close to me. "It's a shame you'll never get to use them." I feel it in me stronger now, a flare of anger so strong I feel as though I can't contain it any-.
Me and Cora both rip our hands from the bars as they scorch our hands. I look down at my palms to see the red and angry burns. Had she done that?...or me?  I look up just in time to see the brief glimmer of fear in her eyes before she turns and leaves for good this time.
"Let's go."
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spinallyspiraling · 2 years
Light Bearers in All Belief Systems
All religions and Myths are the same, using different names for same symbols and different allegories for the same teachings
The teachings of Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a savior, a guardian or instructing spirit or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.
Léo Taxil (1854–1907) claimed that Freemasonry is associated with worshipping Lucifer. In what is known as the Taxil hoax, he alleged that leading Freemason Albert Pike had addressed "The 23 Supreme Confederated Councils of the world" (an invention of Taxil), instructing them that Lucifer was God, and was in opposition to the evil god Adonai.
Cultures around the globe assign the Morning Star a central role in Creation. Yet despite its prominence in ancient myth and ritual, the cosmogonical traditions surrounding the
star-god have remained virtually unexamined to date. In the following essay, we will investigate the sacred terminology associated with the Morning Star and argue that itsorigins and theoretical rationale are likely to be found in that star’s unique and cataclysmic recent history.It is notable that the Morning Star is known by similar names virtually everywhere. In numerous cultures the Morning Star was celebrated as the bringer of light. Such is the original meaning of the Latin epithet Lucifer, for example, applied to the Morning Star (Helel ben Shahar) by exegetes of the Old Testament.An early Greek name for the
Morning Star—Phosphoros—has the same meaning.
It is equally common to find the Morning Star described by an epithet denoting “Lord of
the Dawn.” To the Aztec skywatchers in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, for example, the
Morning Star was known as Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Lord of the Dawn. For the Skidi Pawnee of the North American Plains, the Morning Star was conceptualized as being intimately associated with the dawn, the celestial domain of departed souls:
“The Morning Star stands upon the dawn. The dawn is represented as a bed of flint
stones, the souls of the dead. As the Morning Star walks, coming up, it makes a blaze of fire so that the red streaks of dawn are seen.” For Homer and Hesiod alike the Morning Star was conceptualized as masculine in natureand known as Heosphoros, “Dawn-bringer.”Thus Homer writes: “At that time when the dawn star passes across earth, harbinger of light, and after him dawn of the saffron mantle is scattered across the sea.”
Hesiod described the mythological genealogy of
Morning Star as follows: “And after these Erigeneia [Eos] bare the star Eosphorus (Dawn-Bringer), and the gleaming stars with which heaven is crowned.” Countless cultures referred to the Morning Star by a name that identified it as the “day bringer” or day-star. For the Polynesian astronomers who charted that culture’s countless long-distance voyages, the Morning Star was known as Fetia ao, “Star of Day.” So, too, among the Slavic peoples of ancient Europe, the Morning Star was known as Denica, “star of day.” Analogous names were commonplace among Amerindians of the New World. For the indigenous cultures along the Northwest coastal region of North America, recurringnames for the Morning Star include “Bringing the Daybreak,” “Bringing the Day,” “Star of Daylight,” and “Daylight has come.”In the Quiché Maya account of Creation, similarly, the Morning Star was described as the first star to appear in heaven: “This one came first before the sun when the sun was born, the new day bringer.”
All of the aforementioned names are commonly thought to have reference to the planet Venus in its familiar role as the Morning Star, during which it appears as the brightest star in the pre-dawn sky and, so the story goes, seems to announce the forthcoming “light of the Sun and day." Upon reflection, however, it seems most unlikely that any ancient skywatcher worth his salt would have chosen the relatively diminutive Venus to denote
the “day-bringer” or the “bringer of light.” Such names would appear to be much more
suitable for the Sun.
The light bearer is also known as Horus Duat, Athtar, Cinteotl, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Itztlacoliuhqui, papa pachapacari ch’aska, Raven, Nanauatzin, Tecuciztecatl, Quetzalcoatl, Viejito, Nanahuatl, abogado de las bubas y del mal de los ojos y del romadico y tosse, u-pirikucu, Icoquih, is raxa, Venus, Mars, Christ, Tlahuizcalpanteuctl.
Every single faith has a light bearer just as every faith worships the same God whether it be the God of the Bible or Allah; as is also a Shiva and Shakti.
There is no other belief set that vilifies a day star except for Christianity. In fact you'll see worship of both the Daystar and the morning Star all at the same time, as they saw the importance of both. However the Bible demonizes A Day star and proceeds to call it Satan. as if it's not a star. It proceeds then further to say that the day star being Lucifer or satan waged a war against God, etc, instead of seeing or realizing that for it to even exist God still gave life to it. I just don't see why anything that is celestial or of any importance would ever wage a war against something much greater. We must remember both Lucifer and Christ called themselves The morning Star I'm not saying they're both the same character or the same morning Star because one eventually begins to become the Daystar however here in this must mean they both share importance for the spiritual teachings of mankind.
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magevivika · 2 years
...In Black
(Spoiler Warning: Demon's Souls)
The smooth stone supported the soles of her boots as they materialized on the landing before the arch stone. As she had done dozens, perhaps hundreds, of times before she turned to the left and strode down the short stairs toward the gap in the towering pillars. Her footfall echoed in the empty Nexus with only the light from the augite of souls at the hip of her tattered clothes to guide her way.
Despite the state of her attire, ragged as it was, it was valuable to the magician for her craft. But the darkness was no obstacle to the champion of Boletaria as her feet carried her without a conscious decision. The darkness did, however, obscure the presence in the corner until the guest lifted her chin to expose her pale skin to the faint orange light that her hat brim had shielded. The champion halted mid-stride, the tatters of her skirts swaying about her legs, as her stance instinctively fell into a position ready for battle.
“Blanca.” The familiar voice greeted her with warmth that melted the tension from the redhead’s posture. With a nod, Blanca sheathed both her curved sword and her off-hand flamberge in one fluid motion with the ease of long practice.
“Yuria. I did not think I would find you here.” There was a lilt of curiosity in her words that implied the unspoken question. She did not wait for formal invitation as she moved to seat herself in the same cross-legged posture beside the witch with her back to the wall.
“And yet, you approached as if expecting me. Perhaps you noticed my candles.” Yuria tilted her chin toward the small cluster of candles she had lit on the ledge to her left. Just the one, small, cluster. Far fewer than there once had been lighting this corner. Blanca followed her gaze, the softly flickering light glinting from the silver coronet across her forehead and her shining blue eyes, before she turned her face away from the light with head bowed.
“You miss her?” The witch observed as the stoic champion was not usually forthcoming; but not so difficult to read if one knew the signs. “I miss her too.” Yuria added, softly, then turned her face to look toward the center of the Nexus. “She was a reassuring presence, here, lighting the candles with her brazier staff. And, I hope it is no intrusion to say, but voices carry in this cavernous place so I did overhear your conversations. She was so dedicated to you.”
Blanca’s wine-red hair caught the candlelight as she turned her head to meet the witch’s gaze. “Of course she was. Who could do otherwise?” The side of her mouth lifted in a smirk of confident amusement. Yuria couldn’t help herself, she didn’t try, she lifted her head and revealed her pale throat as she gave an unrestrained laugh.
“Oh, Blanca. I do not know! Perhaps someone for whom you had not saved their life. Perhaps. Even then, well, I should have my doubts.” Yuria’s smile was warm and amused but her cerulean eyes remained earnest as they ever were when speaking to her savior. 
The redhead nodded a few times, bowed her head as she leant back against the wall, then she looked up toward the dark chandelier hanging above. “So, you’re saying I need to stop saving people’s lives to get an honest opinion, hmm? Ah, might be a tall order, that one.” Blanca turned her head just enough to regard the witch from the corner of her eye.
Yuria shook her head but the wide brim of her hat did not hide the amused curl of her lips. “I suppose we shall never know, then.”
There’s a hum of amusement in the single word response. “Fair.”
The women sat in silence for a time. The passage of hours in this place felt easy to let slip past without notice. But, eventually, Yuria spoke softly once again. “You still have it?”
Blanca nodded and sat forward, no longer leaning against the wall, to fish a pendant from the faded yellow collar of her robes. “Yes. I had this made to contain it.” A clear bottle hung from the sturdy chain by a metal eyelet but rather than containing spice it held a set of four slowly swirling lights. Without the witch needing to speak her concerns the magician offered further explanation at the look of curious concern from Yuria. “It is secure. I took heed of your words. It shall not fall into the wrong hands. Not while I protect it.”
Yuria released tension from her shoulders that she hadn’t consciously held. “Good. That is a relief.” As Blanca slipped the pendant beneath the collar of her robe once more Yuria leant back slightly to regard her outfit. “You still choose to wear that? I am certain there are people who would gladly tailor you more fitting attire.”
Blanca leant back herself and spread her arms to show the torn yellow sleeves and the dark ratty bodice with tattered reddish skirts hanging from it. “More fitting than the robes I saved the world in? That hardly seems possible.”
Yuria breathed amusement through her nostrils before observing. “You are much more humble than you make yourself out to be, Blanca. For all your brazen comments you ask for nothing in return for all you have given us. You are allowed a little reward, you know.”
The magician smirked and paused for a moment, tilting her chin up, as she regarded the witch. “What greater reward is there than learning witchcraft, from the one and only Yuria, whenever I so should wish? That, I truly doubt, is possible.”
The witch’s hat obscured her face entirely for a moment as she bowed her head but she lifted it to meet the magician’s gaze with an unmistakable look. “You only need ask.” Blanca did not ask, for her answer was already crystal clear, as the light in Yuria’s eyes had swept from her own mind any thought of missing candles. There was no lack of light and no need for further conversation.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Ohhhh. Sign me up for the Ox Prince. I’m so interested in your idea for that. 🔥 I’m all about how hot that would be.
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Ox Prince Gohan x Reader〖 requested by @loki-love 〗 ✦✦Content: M/18+. MINORS DNI. Gohan inherited the power pole and greatly misuses it. co-workers. fuck buddies. light bondage. ✦✦Warning: explicit language. manipulation. implied hate sex. ✦✦A/N: Don't ask him what that power pole do unless you got time to find out. 👀 I'm mad because this was meant to be sweet still tbh but that won't in the stars for this man and that still feels appropriate.
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"Ox Prince" fits him more as a nickname suited for a son of Chi Chi. Often his tantrums are likened to the wrathful Fire Princess who can meet his temper on common ground and reign him in like no other. "Delinquent" also gets tossed around as a fitting title for his behavior by the woman. But what could she do to stop him, put him through the wall again? The foundation of their home can't take another beating.
Once Gohan saved his father from his uncle as a boy, he was viewed less as a child and this almighty "savior" persona stuck with him. He liked it, against his mother's wishes, and learning he was also a saiyan as ruthless as those before him empowered him. It made putting fear in other people fun. He liked making an impression on those who thought he was weak for his humanity and if in the height of his fun they happen to die, then that was their problem. Maybe someone loved them enough to use the dragon balls on them, but good luck getting revived twice.
But these were things you didn't need to know. He's just a man now. The handsome professor's assistant who was known to annoy those who sought conflict with his remarkable intellect and ego to back it up. And as a man, more than ever before, he was free to do whatever he wanted. You may have invited him out to study under the pretense of getting to know your fellow colleague and what made him so scrappy, but being so forthcoming to him about his arrogant ways, showing a temper of your own for his immature display, you somehow wound up naked and breathless beneath him.
The first time was a mistake, you convinced yourself. Caught up in your emotions that you lost your composure. The second time you had no excuse. You wanted him and he was not shy of dropping hints at you while you worked together. What can you say? The man's a biology major and knew how to turn a phrase. As annoying as it was, it didn't fail to get you in Gohan's lap at the end of the day, fucking him in the empty classroom and risking your job.
It became difficult to turn down his advances after that. In fact, sex was all he wanted from you. That and to outdo you in your shared profession, riling you up just to pound the attitude out of you. Not once did he try to get to know you with your clothes on or if you were by chance already seeing anyone else. There was practically no romance in it at all. Gohan only seemed interested in fucking you when it was convenient to him regardless of time or place. Catching on to the superficial nature of your "relationship", you tried to end it more than once in favor of re-establishing your professional relationship. But when you did Gohan only teased you, declaring that you don't even have any relationship to begin with. That you're trying to run away from him because you are afraid of him truly making a mess of you so no other cock could fuck you decent when he's had his fill of you. All with that smug, careless grin on his face.
Of course he said it to make you mad and succeeded in doing so. But your lashing out came much more bitter. You called him a coward and it was the first time you got that annoying smirk off his face. You called him a child thinking he's better than others, afraid of committing to anything outside himself and that he only makes himself look tougher to hide how scared he really was. Gohan didn't like that one bit, abruptly lunging at you and making you back into you a wall where he cornered you with both his hands on either side. The panic in your face made him snicker.
"If you wanted to be my girlfriend so bad, you should just say that. I thought we got along well as is, is all. You don't really want to stop fucking with me, right?" Gohan spoke more softly, pulling one hand from the wall and you can see the bits of broken drywall fall from his palm before he strokes his fingers down your cheek. "I'm actually a really nice guy if you really want to get to know me. I'll even let you in on a little secret."
Gohan reaches into his satchel hanging around his shoulder and digs around inside. Already spooked, and out of curiosity to actually learn something about him, you didn't move. Only praying he wasn't about to pull out a dangerous weapon. He pulls out a short, black sheath by its roped strap and says inside there is a magical staff. Oh, it's worse than you thought. Seeing your brow furrow, skeptical of it and his sanity in the moment, he gives you a knowing smirk and slips it behind your back and lowers it to the height of your knees.
"We're supposed to be reviewing the lecture for tomorrow!" You quickly blurt out before this could any further and you find yourself cumming on his dick, giving him what he wanted all over again. Gohan pauses and looks back up at you with a skeptical and annoyed look of his own. He utters a command to the Power Pole and it extends out of each side of the sheath. Holding the center where it rested between your legs, he pulls the staff forward making your knees buckle around it and lifting you up, balancing your weight with your back pushed against the wall and knees pushed up toward your chest so your hips sank lower. He's strong in a way you can't describe, he didn't even look like he was struggling to hold you in place while you struggled to brace the wall to support yourself. "—Gohan!"
Gohan shakes the drywall from his other hand and slides the satchel off his shoulder letting it hit the ground. He then pulls off his glasses and loosens his tie. "You didn't bring me to this study hall for a damn lecture."
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irrfahrer · 1 year
Negative Character Traits: Ziv Odiz'Zee
Tagged By: The Force Tagging: @sithisms  @mando-of-esverr @lighthouseborn @peacefaithed @strongfuck  @starfaithed  @talesgolden @visceratorn @inkedstone @retrocognizantrecreant @cnlyluck @onehell-of-apilot @skysnipsw  @space-hecate @asycuwish @skyler-bane @bewitchingbaker @hopexncarnate   @beskar-himbo   @ofthestcrs @honorhunt  @lady-proudmoore  @savior-of-humanity   @stillfocvsed   @gildedcommander @fallesto @outcaststar @jedilovcd @poewingsdameron @cardinal-carvings    @smertzimy  @infernusfuror  @kyberllcore  @cfmartyrs  @general-kalani  @luminousxbeings  @thaneirstaer  @gwiazdowe @lvkexskywvlker @drabbles-n-doodles   @ariadne-inthesky​ @sxbaist @lightfaithed @trueheartofarebel    @hunters-house   @envychosen @masterofthelivingforce   @startrailed @bladelancer   @wartornpilot @hosnianleft @rcfekjwtaardby  @sithdestined     @safrona-shadowsun  @stubborn-amphibian   @ncxile  @skywlkrr  @jedixamidala @chromium-siren @aetcrnus  @savesgalaxy  @bountyborn  @memcriaes @2sabers @creaticn @thestupidmeanone @fatewills…and everyone else who blinked today!    
Below is a list of 102 negative traits to describe your character
Aggressive - pursuing one’s aims and interests forcefully, sometimes unduly so
Aloof - not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant
Arrogant - having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities*
Belligerent - hostile and aggressive
Big-headed - conceited or arrogant
Bitchy - malicious or unpleasant
Boastful - showing excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities*
Bone-idle - lazy
Boring - not interesting; tedious
Bossy - fond of giving people orders; domineering
Callous - showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others
Cantankerous - bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative
Careless - not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors
Changeable - irregular; inconstant
Clinging - overly dependent on someone emotionally
Compulsive - resulting from or relating to an irresistible urge, especially one that is against one’s conscious wishes
Conservative - a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics
Cowardly - lacking courage
Crass - lacking sensitivity, refinement, or intelligence
Cruel - willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it
Cunning - having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion
Cynical - believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity
Deceitful - guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others
Detached - separate or disconnected
Dishonest - behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way.
Dogmatic - inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true
Domineering - assert one’s will over another in an arrogant way
Fastidious - very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail
Finicky - fussy about one’s needs or requirements
Foolish - lacking good sense or judgment; unwise
Foolhardy - recklessly bold or rash
Fussy - fastidious about one’s needs or requirements; hard to please
Greedy - having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or power
Grumpy - bad-tempered and irritable
Gullible - easily persuaded to believe something; credulous
Harsh - cruel or severe
Impatient - having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked
Impolite - not having or showing good manners; rude
Impulsive - acting or done without forethought
Inconsiderate - thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others
Inconsistent - not compatible or in keeping with
Indecisive - not having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively
Indiscreet - having, showing, or proceeding from too great a readiness to reveal things that should remain secret or private
Inflexible - unwilling to change or compromise
Interfering - tending to interfere in other people’s affairs
Intolerant - not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one’s own
Irresponsible - not showing a proper sense of responsibility
Jealous - feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages
Lazy - unwilling to work or use energy
Machiavellian - cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics
Materialistic - excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented
Mean - one who makes no effort to understand or empathize with others
Miserly - of or characteristic of a miser
Moody - given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness
Narrow-minded - not willing to listen to or tolerate other people’s views; prejudiced
Nasty - behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way
Naughty - disobedient; badly behaved
Nervous - easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung
Obsessive - a person who is affected by an obsession
Obstinate - stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so
Overcritical - inclined to find fault too readily
Overemotional - having feelings that are too easily excited and displayed**
Parsimonious - unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal
Patronizing - apparently kind or helpful but betraying a feeling of superiority; condescending
Perverse - showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences
Pessimistic - tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen
Pompous - affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important
Possessive - demanding someone’s total attention and love
Pusillanimous - showing a lack of courage or determination; timid
Quarrelsome - given to or characterized by quarreling***
Quick-tempered - easily made angry
Resentful - feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly
Rude - offensively impolite or ill-mannered***
Ruthless - having or showing no pity or compassion for others
Sarcastic - marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt
Secretive - inclined to conceal feelings and intentions or not to disclose information
Selfish - lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure
Self-centered - preoccupied with oneself and one’s affairs
Self-indulgent - characterized by doing or tending to do exactly what one wants, especially when this involves pleasure or idleness
Silly - having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment; absurd and foolish
Sly - having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature
Sneaky - furtive; sly
Stingy - unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous
Stubborn - having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so
Stupid - having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense
Superficial - not having or showing any depth of character or understanding
Tacky - showing poor taste and quality
Tactless - having or showing a lack of adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues***
Timid - showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened
Touchy - oversensitive and irritable
Thoughtless - not showing consideration for the needs of other people
Truculent - eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant
Unkind - inconsiderate and harsh to others
Unpredictable - behaving in a way that is not easily predicted
Unreliable - not able to be relied upon
Untidy - not inclined to keep one’s possessions or appearance neat and in order
Untrustworthy - not able to be relied on as honest or truthful
Vague - thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way
Vain - having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth*
Vengeful - seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury.
Vulgar - lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined
Weak-willed - lacking the ability to resist influence or to restrain one’s own impulses; irresolute *Vain |  Boastful | Arrogant | Patronizing : When talking about herself the woman tends to hype herself up, which is for one undertsandable consdering how much work lays behind her gathered knowledge and her work as a Healer and botanist, but also is a result of her permanently having to proof herself as a serious and capable person instead of the adorable plushie she is often precieved at. Accordingly Ziv usually praises her own looks and especially abilotys to mark that, yes she is actually good at her wor, but also as someone who had often been handled as weak, small and helpless, make sure that the other person would not even dare to treat her like the adorable ´, fluffy thing she looks like. However, as she knows how much work is in her skills and knowledge, she also thinks that there should be more work she should do. Ziv is in this manner very selfcritical, if not overcritical of herself, and while she does not let anybody critic her, she will critic herself constantly on her own and has a permanent feeling of not beeing good enough, not going far enough, not working hard enough, not knowing enough, not beeing skillful enough to help. **Overemotional : Despite the fact that Ziv very much was trained to ontrol her emotions, she more than often fails in it. A best example for this would be the fact that she is what her Clanmembers called a ‘Scuttlecrusher’- her emotions are directly connected to her telekinesis and usually when she is under extreme emotion (fear or anger especially) it shows in telekinetic outburst that easily crack walls. Findidng cracked cups or windows after Ziv had a argument with someone is very normal. As an adult ZIv has more control of herself but still now when she is irritated or angry snapping at someone, she still cracks windows. *** Rude |  Quarrelsome | Tactless :  As someone with no telepathic abilities that go towards other people, Ziv feels horribly detatched from other peoples emotions and feelings. It makes her feel as if she is unable to read them. Accordingly she also is highstrung about how the peolpe act, as she feels as if she is unable to predict their thoughts and words and feels unsafe interacting with them. Therefor she makes sure that she knows what emotions comes her way, by usually trying their best to cause extrem emotions like annoyiance or even anger. Ziv knows that the best way to figure out other people isby making them angry and she can very well recognize and deal with anger. In the manner of beeing tactless: Ziv is a Healer who works with patients who very often question her expertise or seem hellbend on getting themself hurt and Ziv has no patience this kind of people and therefor tends to be very much no-nonesense with such people. She also is pretty painless when it comes to medical manners and (especially as a midwife) the facts of life and has no patience for the social norms about what is “proper” to say in a medical or dangerouse setting or not.
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dailytafsirofquran · 1 year
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Hud Ayah 41-43
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
11:41 And he said: "Embark therein: in the Name of Allah will be its (moving) course and its (resting) anchorage. Surely, my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.''
11:42 So it (the ship) sailed with them amidst waves like mountains, and Nuh called out to his son, who had separated himself (apart):
"O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers.''
11:43 The son replied: "I will betake myself to some mountain, it will save me from the water.''
Nuh said: "This day there is no savior from the decree of Allah except him on whom He has mercy.''
And waves came in between them, so he (the son) was among the drowned.
The riding upon the Ship and Its sailing through the huge Waves
Allah, the Exalted, says concerning Nuh, that;
And he said: "Embark therein: in the Name of Allah will be its (moving) course and its (resting) anchorage.
This means that its sailing upon the surface of the water, the end of its journeying and its anchoring, would all be with the Name of Allah.
Abu Raja' Al-Utaridi recited it,
"In the Name of Allah, Who will be the One Who moves its course, and rests its anchor.''
Allah, the Exalted, said,
And when you have embarked on the ship, you and whoever is with you, then say: "All the praises and thanks are to Allah,
Who has saved us from the people who are wrongdoers. And say: "My Lord! Cause me to land at a blessed landing place, for You are the Best of those who bring to land.'' (23:28-29)
For this reason, it is preferred to mention the Name of Allah (Bismillah) at the beginning of all affairs.
The Name of Allah should be mentioned when boarding a ship, or when mounting an animal. This is as Allah, the Exalted, says,
And Who has created all the pairs and has appointed for you ships and cattle on which you ride, in order that you may mount on their backs. (43:12-13)
This practice (mentioning Allah's Name) has been encouraged in the Sunnah and is considered a preferred act. A discussion concerning this is forthcoming in the explanation of Surah Az- Zukhruf (43), if Allah wills.
In reference to Allah's statement,
Surely, my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Such statement is suitable while mentioning (His) vengeance upon the disbelievers by drowning all of them. Therefore, he (Nuh) mentions that His Lord is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
This is similar to Allah's statement,
Surely, your Lord is swift in retribution, and certainly He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (7:167)
He also says,
But verily, your Lord is full of forgiveness for mankind inspite of their wrongdoing. And verily, your Lord is (also) severe in punishment. (13:6)
Likewise, there are many other verses that combine Allah's mercy and His vengeance.
Concerning Allah's statement,
So it sailed with them amidst waves like mountains,
This means that the ship sailed with them upon the surface of the water, which had completely covered the earth until it encompassed the tops of the mountains and even rose over them by a height of fifteen cubits.
It was also said that the waves rose over the mountains by a height of eighty miles. Yet, this ship continued to move upon the water, sailing by the permission of Allah. It moved under His shade, His help, His protection and His blessing.
Verily, when the water rose beyond its limits, We carried you in the ship. That We might make it an admonition for you and it might be retained by the retaining ears. (69:11-12)
Allah also said,
And We carried him on a (ship) made of planks and nails, floating under Our Eyes: a reward for him who had been rejected! And indeed, We have left this as a sign. Then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)! (54:13-15)
The Story of the drowning of Nuh's Disbelieving Son
Allah continues the story, saying,
and Nuh called out to his son,
This was the fourth son of Nuh. His name was Yam and he was a disbeliever. His father, Nuh, called him at the time of boarding the ship, that he might believe and embark with them. If he did so, he would be saved from drowning like the other disbelievers.
who had separated himself (apart): "O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers.''
The son replied: "I will betake myself to some mountain, it will save me from the water.''
He believed, in his ignorance, that the flood would not reach the tops of the mountains and that if he clung to the top of a mountain, he would be saved from drowning.
His father, Nuh, said to him,
Nuh said: "This day there is no savior from the decree of Allah except him on whom He has mercy."
This means that nothing will be saved today from the command of Allah.
And waves came in between them, so he (the son) was among the drowned.
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Act II, Track 01 - The Arrival of Apollonius
Song links: Spotify - YT Music - Apple - Tidal
Remember how I said early on that we now know all important characters except for one? Well, this is the song in which that last character appears. And what an entrance he makes! This scene takes place in front of Seth's palace in Rome, where a crowd is hanging out. They are content enough, but also bored. A messenger comes running and announces that someone very special is about to arrive:
[Messenger:] Hear me now Greet the one approaching you One man so amazing from the dawn of time Master of the eastern light Wisdom from afar Answering the stars Guiding to embrace Every human eye collecting secret wonders from grace [Women:] Tell us more [Messenger:] He is the answer [Men:] To our restless minds Gazing through the blindfolded eyes of pride
You could say his reputation precedes him. This is how the inlay describes him:
While his name indicates Greek ancestry, his origins remain unknown. Worldwide people speak of him as a mythical figure possessing magical powers, appearing throughout history. With an endless urge for lust and power he is now ready and determined to join the new forthcoming leader of this world.
Here's how Apollonius is described by Solovyov.
The music now picks up, which is when I assume Apollonius would appear. Not much else happens, the entire point of this song is just that Apollonius appears and that everyone is immediately fascinated by him. He is described as charismatic, focused and able to just walk past the palace guards.
The Messenger, by the way, is played by Karin Fjellander, who used to perform with Therion in the early 2000s. Another familiar face, and voice, for long-time fans.
[Messenger:] Sorcerer of dreams Bringing magic Sailing on the seas deep to purify all that we have seen with rivers between [Women:] Sorcerer we find thee beautiful and mighty Serpent of temptation, what will your creation be? Foreign is your flower in our sleeping garden Sparkling from the diamonds we can't see [Men:] And never so strong we admire, envy who you are Immensely your strength and pride [Women:] Mighty one, come to me Mighty one mine shall be now [All citizens:] Marching into heaven through the use of magic Meeting our savior Has he maybe sent for him? Everything will silence in the final moment Ready to behold him and to dream
That is a LOT of devotion to a man who hasn't even said anything yet. The music calms down and becomes dreamlike:
[Men:] Soon awaken and then we will... [Women:] Carry home colors from the sun [Men:] Eyes in shadows, sleeping has still... [Women:] ...come to pass, dreaming has begun
Then it picks up again:
[Women:] Great shining star! [Men:] In the sky bright you are [All citizens:] Everything changes and flows Magical man, we are part of your plan And shall be flowing again
I can imagine that you could do a lot with visual imagery in this scene since there isn't a lot of plot going on, yet the emotional intensity is palpable. The set design could play a role, there could be dancers, a light show.
I can't help but feel like this track is also somewhat unsettling in its exuberance. The people idealize someone whose character and intentions they know absolutely nothing about. They speculate if Jesus has sent Apollonius, based on nothing. Imagine, for a second, seeing this scene through Johanna's eyes! She probably sees it as the uncritical, cultish behaviour that Seth's followers have already shown earlier being dialed up a notch.
In the next song, Apollonius will meet Seth and we will find out why he's there.
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arpitdass · 21 days
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1 Day Left For Avataran Diwasp
Prediction of Mr. Anderson
about the
"The Savior"
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
A Messiah
will impregnate the entire world with happiness and peace for the forthcoming thousands of years
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metalshockfinland · 1 month
FIT FOR AN AUTOPSY Release New Single + Video 'Savior Of None / Ashes Of All'
Metal band FIT FOR AN AUTOPSY is thrilled to share their brand new single “Savior Of None / Ashes Of All”. Along with the track comes a new music video, which fans can watch below. “Savior Of None / Ashes Of All” comes from the band’s forthcoming album The Nothing That Is which is set to be released on October 25th via Nuclear Blast. Pre-order/pre-save the album now…
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anthonybialy · 6 months
Drama Through the End of the Stefon Diggs Era for Buffalo Bills
Stefon Diggs’s watery blue cheese was inferior to Rootie’s in every way.  And his hot sauce tasted like private label Tabasco.  I'll respect his standard of honesty. He’s Houston’s problem as of yesterday, so they can brace to determine the difference between merely venting and demanding another work transfer.
The cessation of constant simmering drama shocked in specifics even if everyone expected it at some point.  Like the prototypical American Chopper argument, the fact this particular bout of one-sided bickering really ended the partnership was the only striking part.
Postponing gratification is fulfilling.  We’ve got awhile to convince ourselves.  I’m so thrilled about a draft pick next year that I’m not even going to feel depressed about waiting virtually eternally to redeem it.  An ice cream pint in the freezer’s corner is fun to discover when you thought you were out of frozen desserts.  It’s sadly your second flavor choice, so don’t expect sea salt in your caramel. 
Fittingly ticking off someone was part of the trade’s return.  Considering the meager return, it has to be.  The Bills sent Diggs to Texas but not the team where his brother plays out of Jerry Seinfeld-style spite.  Squashing a family reunion may not be the reason he’s a Texan unlike his Cowboy brother.  But enjoy a petty fantasy at this trying trade time.
There’s going to be some running around the house after liberation from oppressive forces, so let Josh have his Kevin McAllister moment.  There will be no ensuing lesson about the importance of treasuring family.
The suspicion that Brandon Beane would’ve never made the deal without the kingpin quarterback’s blessing defines this team’s direction in case it wasn’t abundantly clear.  Josh Nelson Allen must move the offense himself.
Deciphering art is easy once you’ve tried to break the code of Diggs tweets.  The inscrutable communiques felt like listening to a numbers station without possessing a one-time pad.  The only certainty was that he was putting pouting into words.  Bob Dylan lyrics look like hotel fire evacuation instructions by comparison. 
Drafting a wideout is the universe’s most pressing task.  Other teams know the secret.  Trades involving draft order will be trickier following this one.  It’s tough to bluff when everyone knows exactly what cards the Bills hold and also don’t.
This has to be the first in a series of moves to add younger talent to the receiving corps, according to my desperate emotions.  Beane is in danger of resembling Michael Scott doing a drumroll.  He doesn’t have to make more moves involving the position today.  But lack of immediate transactions doesn’t mean they’re forthcoming, either.  Panic just in case.
Trying to rationalize diva stylings was easier around the time Diggs was in the best ever Bills receiver discussion.  Warnings from jilted Vikings fans were taken under advisement.  Hissy fits are easier to tolerate when the source is catching footballs.  But a declining role under a new coordinator led to getting dropped following Diggs doing the same.  It’s unfortunate his last play for Buffalo was such a letdown, although cringing at the final impression might make the breakup easier.
I was not expecting the obvious outcome to occur on any random day.  Anyone who thinks Diggs would never be traded is unfamiliar with the Marcell Dareus precedent.  Beane has shown a willingness to pay for avoiding aggravation.  Increasing a cap hit in response to sliming the franchise’s savior employs the same principle as forking over for airport lounge access.
Winning makes a locker room full of brats bearable.  Chemistry means playing well enough to justify putting up with behavior that’d make Kathleen Battle blush.  But it suddenly gets harder to tolerate negative vibes from the erstwhile top option.
Diggs was fittingly a good actor.  His fake throwing to fans in the M&T ad was a charming pretend interaction with receivers who weren’t anywhere close to him.  If you’re seeking a sign, the Allen/Diggs infinity ones are obsolete even though they were supposed to be immune by virtue of removing the year.
Like what’s supposedly eternal, forever has a time limit.  None of the letters in BFF mean anything.  Forget the dead cap space: what about my t-shirt elegantly depicting the first Allen-to-Diggs touchdown graciously drawn by Buffalo Bills social media personnel after the broadcast cut out at a most inopportune time?  I still haven’t located the form to apply for a refund.
One can’t discount the emotional element even in a business of cold statistics.  In this case, it was sent away.  Fans form connections with players they admire.  Some players respond by admiring themselves.
As personable as Diggs could be, he found a way to create tension like it was separation from a cornerback.  That at least applied up until partway through last season.  The franchise doesn’t have to worry about placating a fragile worker via ample attention, especially since he wasn’t earning it anymore.
The Jersey Shore shifts from New York to Texas.  Houston receives a kabuki actor as a present consideration.  The big deal’s big deal offers no surprises even as he does surprising things.  The overall situation is predictable even if individual moments are imbued with havoc.
The question with Diggs is always if the yards he produces are worth the theatrical production.  He’s got a future on Broadway if he’s willing to work behind the scenes, so forget it.  The Bills made an economic calculation weighing benefits versus costs.  When the latter outweighs the former, it’s time to stop buying.
It’s not like offstage was the only place he put on a show.  The rest of the cast enjoyed the play.  Both Allen and Diggs benefitted from a classic pairing, as did fans.
But who helped more?  One person voted for himself and got no other support.  Determining who contributed the biggest percentage can seem like a silly debate right up until the second step proclaims the first is less important.  Diggs received luck along with footballs.  He credits himself for how the roulette wheel spun.  The Bills heading to Houston this season gives Diggs one more chance to create a spectacle.  Pass routes may or may not be part of it.
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guddudas · 8 months
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Supreme God Kabir (Kabir dev is complete God)
Prediction of Mr. Anderson America about the saint rampal ji maharaj.
"The savior"
Saint rampalji!!
A Messiah will impregnate the entire world with happiness and peace for the forthcoming thousands of years. The final Avatar.
Prophecy of Nostradamus about saint rampal ji maharaj.
The great chyren will be the chief of the world.
Under the leadership of chyren the golden age will begin".
Jesus was the son of God, not God.
Holy bible
Mark 14: 36
" And he said, father all things are possible for you.'
The supreme God is more greater and powerful than Jesus.
Holy bible, Genesis 18:2
Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby.
This proves that there are more than are God whereas Christians believe that God is one ( or Jesus is god).
John 7:16
So Jesus answered them and said,"
My teaching is not mine,
His who sent
Jesus is not God
He is the son of God.
John 8:42
Jesus said to them
" If God were youer father,
you would love me, for I have come here from God.
I have not come on my own,'
God sent me.
Luke 1:32
" He will be called great and will be called the son of the most high"
All holy scriptures prove that supreme God Kabir is the father of all souls.
He the creator of all.
Watch sadhna tv 7:30 to 8: 30 pm.(IST)
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thewirely · 9 months
We have recently been granted a preliminary glimpse into "Last Sentinel," the forthcoming sci-fi dystopian open-world game created by Lightspeed LA, a division of Lightspeed Studios renowned for its involvement in PUBG Mobile. The brief and enigmatic trailer portrayed a cinematic scenario featuring cyborgs seeking refuge from hostile adversaries. Amidst an ensuing skirmish, the protagonist, Hiromi Shoda, emerges as the savior, rescuing the survivors from peril. The trailer concludes with a striking view of a futuristic city on the horizon, replete with towering skyscrapers and vibrant neon illuminations. "Last Sentinel" is presently under the leadership of Steve C Martin, known for his contributions to renowned titles such as Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA 5) and Red Dead Redemption. The team comprises adept developers, including individuals with experience in crafting titles like "The Last of Us" and "Jedi: Fallen Order." Steve C Martin expressed the vision behind "Last Sentinel" during The Game Awards 2023, stating, “Last Sentinel epitomizes the vision of Lightspeed LA—a commitment to immersive storytelling and player-centric design. We aim to redefine gaming narratives by prioritizing creativity and leveraging our expertise to offer players rich and rewarding experiences.” The Game Awards 2023 featured a plethora of noteworthy game announcements. For enthusiasts of indie games, there is exciting news as the developers of "Untitled Goose Game" are set to release a new adventure titled "Big Walk." Additionally, the iconic "World of Goo" is receiving a sequel. In the realm of larger-scale games, God of War Ragnarok enthusiasts can anticipate a new roguelite DLC, and Hideo Kojima unveiled his latest creation, titled "OD." The event was a splendid occasion, brimming with exceptional games and a multitude of captivating trailers for enthusiasts to relish.
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