#a reason to fight
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nimata-beroya · 1 year ago
🌪️💧❄️ for the ask game!
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags
A Reason to Fight [Kalluzeb]: whump, hurt/comfort, found family, keeping a brave face but dying on the inside, Kallus needs a hug, Kallus gets a group hug.
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
From the chapter 3 of Feed Me Poison, Fill me 'Till I Drown
The level is also eerily quiet, nothing of the battle noise and explosions upstairs can be heard down here. Maybe that’s why the place is deserted. They don’t know that the base has been infiltrated.  But Zeb can’t trust in that. It smells more like a trap. Nevertheless, he has to find Kallus. Time is running out.  Zeb takes his comlink from his belt, and speaks quietly, “Spectre-Three, I’m in position. Be ready t’unlock the door at my signal.” Just as Chopper acknowledges it with a positive warble, Zeb’s ears twist forward, catching the sound of somebody coughing, sharp and hacking, coming from the cell. Then, a familiar scent hits his nose. It’s a bitter smell of fear, one particular rancid stench that he hasn’t sniffed in years, and which takes his memory back to a frozen moon. Despite the rest of unpleasant and unfamiliar scents in the air, he recognizes Kallus’ scent. His mate is just up ahead, and he’s terrified. Zeb approaches cautiously, with his bo-rifle at the ready. His first instinct is to call out for Kallus, but he stops just in time when hears a grumble at the other side of the door. The voice is high-pitched and nasal, lacking the snobby Coruscanti accent Zeb’s desperate to hear.  Kallus is in there, but he has company. And not of the good kind.
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
I answered it here. And I can't show you a different snippet because I don't have many to choose from. That was it 😅
Thank you so much for asking @annwayne 🥰
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The Song That Always Encourage Me To Never Give Up!
This should be use in Solar Opposites and other shows too… to help one of the characters in their own depression…
This post from @themagicwolf6677 reblogged got me there:
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bolshoiromanova · 2 years ago
A Reason to Fight - Chapter 8
FINALLY got around to posting the new chapter!!
Fandom: Star Wars
Summary: Set ten years after "This Life of Ours." No matter what, the past has a way of finding you. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Luke's rather peaceful existence is shattered, forcing them to confront both the darker parts of Darth Vader's past and the uncertain future of both the rebellion and their family.
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finder-of-things · 16 days ago
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georgiabulldogsfan37 · 2 months ago
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hinamie · 6 months ago
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10 years later
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lettersfromaplatypus · 4 months ago
When I said that Animorphs is still relevant I was kinda hoping it wouldn’t be THIS relevant
“This is not the time for panic. It is the time for each of us to reach into our souls and pull out the courage we may not even know we possess. Our enemy is strong. But we are stronger, because we are fighting for our lives and our freedom. For our very existence.”
- The Governor, Book #51: The Absolute, pg. 148 (by K.A. Applegate)
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demi-pixellated · 29 days ago
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artbyblastweave · 11 months ago
A while ago I made a post criticizing Overwatch for leaning into superheroic, noble imagery and branding despite the core gameplay loop consisting of around a dozen people who are canonically supposed to be on the same side throwing down for unclear reasons. This same criticism does not apply to the recently-announced Marvel Rivals, as a dozen Marvel superheroes fighting to the death for unclear reasons is more or less a one-to-one adaptation of the source material
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ruushes · 2 months ago
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he's proud of them probably
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nimata-beroya · 2 years ago
If you're still taking asks for the WIP game:
Unbroken (Andor/Rebels), Rough Awakening (TBB), and A reason to fight (Kalluzeb) please! :D
For you, @takadasaiko of course, my darling!
From UNBROKEN (Chapter 2, I think) [This is what happens when you write no linear bits and pieces instead of the whole chapter in order 🫣]
Kallus hesitates to key the code that unlocks the cell doors, prison-wide.
"What are you waiting for?" Cassian asks.
"Are you sure about this?" Kallus shoots back, over his shoulder.
"Yes. The guards will scramble and hide like rats once the chaos starts."
Kallus raises a brow, skepticism shinning in his eyes, probably still confident in the Imperial efficiency despite having defected a few months ago, so Cassian adds, "Not my first rodeo in a prison break."
Cassian sees curiosity taken ahold of Kallus. He knows that the ex-imperial is filing the information in his head, and will ask about it in another time. Andor isn't looking forward to it. He hardly talks about his time in Narkina 5.
From ROUGH AWAKENING (Chapter 5):
“The chip had been malfunctioning for what I can guess. According to your med droid, this had happened to another clone before.”
The unexpected mention of that incident hits Echo like a physical blow. Az-3 told him a while ago how Tup’s chip degraded and malfunctioned, making him carry out what Echo suspects is Order 66 untimely and kill General Tiplar on the spot. That’s what led Fives to investigate the inhibitor chips and to his death. It’s futile, but Echo can’t help thinking that if he hadn’t been blown up in The Citadel and taken as prisoner by Tambor, he might’ve been able to save Fives. Together, they would’ve uncovered the conspiracy… saved the Jedi and even perhaps ended the war. Most importantly, prevent the rising of the Empire.
Echo allows himself to dwell on that fantasy a second longer before whisking it away. It’s pointless to brood over something he can’t change. Fives is dead. For much it hurts him, his brother won’t return from the dead as Echo did.
And from A REASON TO FIGHT (which should be a one-shot, but who knows 😆)
Kanan slips out of his meditative state as soon as the door of the room slides open to admit Ezra. Blind as he is, Kanan can’t see his Padawan’s expression, but does feel the worry and slight annoyance plaguing him through their Master-Padawan bond. Feelings that are similar to the one Kanan also experiences. Ripples of anguish and anxiety in the Force are pushing against his mental shields, stabbing with maddening insistence. His headache has grown steadily since the Spectres came back from their mission, with one of them hurt.
“Kanan, we need to do something!” Ezra whines.
“I can’t stand it anymore. He’s in so much pain.”
“I know, Ezra, but I don’t think he’d welcomed our help right now. We need to give him some space. Hera is keeping an eye on him and will let us know if she needs backup.”
“Sit and meditate with me.”
Ezra lets out a groan. “Yes, Master.” He does what he is told and settles on the floor across Kanan with the exasperation that only a midager can muster.
Send me an ask with one of these titles that most intrigue you, and I'll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
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Music when Terry sees his Mother’s Spirit over His Mundane Form
Jessica: Don’t hold back Terry. This thing has been blessed with us and kept us safe. You are Terry on the inside and always will be. But I want you to know, the farther, you’ll go the prouder I’ll always be… fades away
Terry smiles in tears and looks at himself and growls as his eyes turn orange.
Terry: Let’s do this…
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linterteatime · 4 months ago
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Uhhhhh anyways yay <3
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bolshoiromanova · 2 years ago
Could you go more into detail about how Obi-Wan and Anakins relationship grows and heals throughout this life of ours series because I just really want to know if their relationship ever fully goes back to the way it was before Mustafar or if there will always be some level of distrust there. I loved the new chapter of a reason to fight Leia is so much like her father!
Hey, I'm so sorry it took me awhile to get around to this!! My only excuse is that I'm trash lol.
So . . . I don't think it's possible for their relationship to ever be 100% what it was before Anakin became Vader. I mean, Anakin straight up betrayed Obi-Wan, destroyed the Jedi and everyone Obi-Wan loved, and then tried to kill him so . . . part of Obi-Wan will always be in mourning for the life and family that he lost, and what could have been if Anakin hadn't fallen, so on that level complete forgiveness is impossible.
I would absolutely say that Obi-Wan distrusts Vaderkin when he first finds him and Luke on Jakku, even after he saves his life. Part of him still thinks Vader is just going to turn Luke over to the Emperor as his new apprentice. It's only when Obi-Wan sees how incredibly devoted Vaderkin is to Luke's safety/happiness, like to the point of almost keeling over from starvation/thirst, that Obi's feelings towards Vaderkin start to change. And obviously, the primary motivation for both of them is to make sure Luke is safe and happy. Luke tends to get upset when the two of them are fighting, so at least in the early days that is the primary reason they aren't at each other's throats.
After they get attacked by the former Jedi, and once they are settled on Bogano, their relationship becomes much closer to what it once was, with the added addition of a child to care for that isn't technically a padawan/Jedi. I still don't think Obi-Wan entirely forgives Anakin for all that he's done. And I don't think Anakin expects him to either. In the past, Anakin would have considered Obi-Wan's forgiveness the be all end all of atoning for his mistakes, but now he's grown up enough to know that it will take a lot, lot more before he's atoned for the crimes he's committed. I think they both do trust each other to protect Luke and protect each other, but they still do butt heads over the best way to achieve that (as you'll see in upcoming chapters).
I hope this was coherent/not overly rambly lol. And I really appreciate you interest in my series <33333
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sorrelpaws · 8 months ago
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the mom friend and also kanaya
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copkicker · 2 years ago
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posting this home-baked ms paint meme for public use :)
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