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nimata-beroya · 1 year ago
🌪️💧❄️ for the ask game!
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags
A Reason to Fight [Kalluzeb]: whump, hurt/comfort, found family, keeping a brave face but dying on the inside, Kallus needs a hug, Kallus gets a group hug.
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
From the chapter 3 of Feed Me Poison, Fill me 'Till I Drown
The level is also eerily quiet, nothing of the battle noise and explosions upstairs can be heard down here. Maybe that’s why the place is deserted. They don’t know that the base has been infiltrated.  But Zeb can’t trust in that. It smells more like a trap. Nevertheless, he has to find Kallus. Time is running out.  Zeb takes his comlink from his belt, and speaks quietly, “Spectre-Three, I’m in position. Be ready t’unlock the door at my signal.” Just as Chopper acknowledges it with a positive warble, Zeb’s ears twist forward, catching the sound of somebody coughing, sharp and hacking, coming from the cell. Then, a familiar scent hits his nose. It’s a bitter smell of fear, one particular rancid stench that he hasn’t sniffed in years, and which takes his memory back to a frozen moon. Despite the rest of unpleasant and unfamiliar scents in the air, he recognizes Kallus’ scent. His mate is just up ahead, and he’s terrified. Zeb approaches cautiously, with his bo-rifle at the ready. His first instinct is to call out for Kallus, but he stops just in time when hears a grumble at the other side of the door. The voice is high-pitched and nasal, lacking the snobby Coruscanti accent Zeb’s desperate to hear.  Kallus is in there, but he has company. And not of the good kind.
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
I answered it here. And I can't show you a different snippet because I don't have many to choose from. That was it 😅
Thank you so much for asking @annwayne 🥰
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nimata-beroya · 1 year ago
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The voice of traffic control dispatcher breaks through, “Glimmer, read back, please. What’s going on out there? That ship’s no authorization to take-off until further instructions.”
Dee and Zeb look at one another, hesitating what to say or do. Dee-Four is the first to react, and answers. “Base One Control, this is Intelligence Agent D-4Y7 on the Glimmer. I find the conflicting orders to be unacceptable, and I will submit a proper complaint to the supervisor. Lucky for you, it will have to wait. I am in in the middle of a very important and confidential mission and I must part immediately. Control, requesting permission to take off.”
A wave of yearning for Kallus hits Zeb like a punch in the stomach. He can hear his mate when he’s with his bastard mode on in the words that Dee speaks, even if with computerized voice but with unquestionable authority, enough to make the dispatcher pause. The droid has learned from the best.
“But the order that just came in—“
The frustrated sigh Dee-Four lets out is impressive. “Organics,” he mutters.
Fortunately, Chopper rolls into the cockpit, warbling something at lightspeed. As usual, Zeb doesn’t understand a word, but Dee does. Without missing a beat, he uses the information Chopper told him. 
“Control, authorization code Vev Grek Seven Three Dorn Eight. I repeat, Vev Grek Seven Three Dorn Eight.”
There’s a moment when they wait with bated breath, until the dispatcher’s voice comes through the comm again, sounding a little put out. “Glimmer, permission granted. You’re cleared to take-off.”
Zeb sinks into the co-pilot seat, letting out a huge breath. His relief is short-lived. He sees through the viewport of the ship that the security squad is still running on the tarmac and approaching them fast.
“Go, go, go!” he says to Dee-Four.
“Everyone hold on!” Dee warns as he puts the ship on the air, with no seconds to spare before the security team reach them. Only a few minutes later, they break from Yavin IV’s atmosphere and into outer space. 
“I’m comin’, love,” Zeb think to himself, as Dee engages the hyperdrive and the Glimmer jumps to hyperspace.
—Excerpt from Feed Me Poison, Fill Me 'till I Drown, Chapter 2
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nimata-beroya · 1 year ago
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Oh, look at me! Another sneak peek in less than a week! Crazy but it's true 🤣 Enjoy!
“Make no mistake,” he says, “you will break. Even you have a limit, and I know how to get you there. It’s up to you how much you suffer in the meantime.”
Kallus doesn’t deign himself to reply to Prumell, just glare at him pointedly. At this point, his stubborn silence is as powerful as any insult he could spat. Prumell seems to forget that Kallus is just as skilled in getting under people’s skin as he is and knows how to flip the situation to his advantage. He knows how prone to anger Prumell is. Despite his drugged state, Kallus notices the tells on him pointing out that he’s halfway there, such as how tight he holds his fists behind his back, the octave lower in his seemingly dispassionate voice, and the subtle but noticeable pulsing vein on his temple.
“You’re stubborn, Kallus, I’ll give you that. And loyal to those who gives you scraps of attention. I thought you finally had overcome that flaw when I heard you arrested your pal Jovan, but I guess I was wrong.”
For much that Kallus wants to stay passive toward Prumell’s words, his fists tighten. His history with Jovan is a sore spot that he doesn’t want to revisit.
“I remember how you followed him in the Academy like a puppy. It was a pathetic sight, but an understandable one, I suppose. How else a scum of the lower levels like you could’ve behaved? The only reason I can think of for Jovan to take pity on you is that you were good at sucking his cock. His depraved exploits with other students were hardly a secret.”
Kallus can’t almost contain his satisfaction for the opening Prumell just gave him. On the record, Prumell is the perfect heteronormative image of an Imperial officer.  Married to a high-class woman with two point five kids and a pet. But Kallus knows a whole different side of him. Jovan’s adventures in the Academy pale in comparison to the ones Prumell indulges in from time to time. 
Back in the Academy, Kallus never figured out why Prumell hated him so much. It’s true that aside from Jovan, the cadets never were friendly with Kallus, but Prumell was the most bullish of all. It’s now that dawns on him why that could be.
“Oh!” Kallus says. “You were jealous!”
Prumell stops in his tracks and glare at him. “What?!”
—Feed Me Poison, Fill Me 'till I Drown, Chapter 1 .
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nimata-beroya · 1 year ago
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Another 6-ish sentences from Feed Me Poison, Fill Me 'till I Drown, which I'll be posting the first chapter tomorrow!!!!!
“Don’t care! I hafta do this. He’s my mate.”
“We don’t care either. You’ll need our help,” Ezra says, with a firm tone. Then, he tries to defuse the tension, joking, “Besides, I can’t let you have all the fun beating up Stormtroopers.”
“We’re doing this for you,” Sabine says. “You’re family, and so is Kallus.”
“Zeb, yes. Kallus…” Ezra makes a doubtful sound, and Sabine smacks him on the chest. “I’m joking!”—Ezra lifts his hands in surrender—“He’s family too, okay. A very a-stick-up-his-shebs third cousin or something.”
—FMPFMtID, Chapter 2
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nimata-beroya · 1 year ago
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Six-ish sentences from the chapter 2 of this super whumpy fic!! It's Zeb's turn to suffer 😈
“You don’t needa send a team. Send me!
“We can't risk that, Captain Orrelios,” Mon Mothma says, her voice is more gentle than Draven’s, but still firm. “If you get captured too, we’ll have another major loss that we can’t afford. For much as it upsets me leaving Captain Kallus to his luck, we can’t authorize his rescue.”
“That’s Bantha poodoo!”
“Mind the tone, Garazeb Orrelios,” Hera snaps at him, while her lekku twitch in anger.
“No, Hera, I’m sorry, but I ain’t keeping my mouth shut when they’re abandoning my mate! He,”—Zeb jabs his finger accusatory at Draven—“refused my request to join the mission—”
“You didn’t have the clearance for it,” Draven counters, crossing his arms over his chest.
“And look wha’ happened?! If I’d gone, Kallus wouldna bee’ captured and we wouldna be havin’ this conversation!”
—Excerpt from Feed Me Poison, Fill Me ‘till I Drown, chapter 2.
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nimata-beroya · 1 year ago
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Rating: Mature
Warnings: None
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Characters: Alexsandr Kallus, Garazeb Orrelios, Original Imperial Character(s)
Chapter: 2/5
Days: 14 & 18 (chapter 1); 2, 13 & 25 (Chapter 3); 21 & 31 (chapter 4); 30 (chapter 5)
Prompt: none
Whumpee: Alexsandr Kallus
Words: 2930 of 5k
Summary: Kallus gets captured in a mission gone wrong by someone from his past, who is determined to break him. Across the galaxy, Zeb is willing to do whatever it takes, even defying orders, to bring his mate back, safe and sound. But time is running out.
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Chapter 2
Zeb pushes the door control and bursts into the command room as if he’s  being chased by a rancor. He stormed across the entire base to get here, as soon as he heard of the Glimmer of Hope’s return to base with Dee-Four and several injured rebels, but without Kallus aboard. His mate was captured during his latest mission, and this meeting is to determine the next steps to take. 
He stops dead on his track as he steps through the doorway, and the three people around the holotable at the front of the war room stop talking and look at him. The people in the background workstations are either super busy or have enough decency to ignore his dramatic entrance. He can’t say the same about Draven, who glares at him, vexed to have been interrupted; Senator Mon Mothma turns her head toward him with a scowl on her face; and Hera gives him the same exasperated and maternal look of understanding she gives Ezra and Sabine sometimes. He appreciates none of those.
His gaze travels from one to the other by the table and asks, “When the rescue party leaves?”
There’s no need to explain what he means by that. The three of them are aware of the type of relationship that exists between him and Kallus. It’s not a surprise to anyone that Zeb is so eager to rescue his mate.
“Nobody's leaving,” Draven says, sounding definitely irritated with the suggestion.
“Whaddya mean?!”
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nimata-beroya · 1 year ago
Me, right now:
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Why, why WHY?!!!! why all my fics have to have so many plot bunnies?! Feed Me Poison, Fill Me 'til I Drown started as a 2-part fic that quickly turned into 3 chapters, and I've worked on it all month on that assumption, but now it's going to be a chapter 4??!!!
Last night, as I was falling asleep, untimely but great ideas came to me, and I can't NOT use them. Which also means, I'll torment Kallus and Zeb for one more chapter 😈 But I promise there'll be fluff in the end, just it'll take longer to get there
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nimata-beroya · 1 year ago
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He doesn’t care how he eliminates the enemy, either that be by shooting at them with his bo-rifle or using his bare hands.
One of his newest contender gets lucky and grazes him on the arm with a blaster bolt, singeing his fur, but Zeb doesn’t feel it. He doesn’t grunt. He doesn’t pause until he reaches the Stormtrooper and wrenches the blaster out of his hand. Some dark part of him takes pleasure in the loud snap the bones make when they break, and the scream the guy lets out. Zeb then smashes the man against the wall, hard enough to crack his bucket, silencing for good.
—Excerpt of Feed Me Poison, Fill Me 'till I Drown, Chapter 2.
PS: Advice for Stormtroopers: Never ever get in the way of an enraged Lasat looking for his mate, or you'll end up like the guy above 🤣
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nimata-beroya · 1 year ago
Is the apocalypse coming?
maybe. probably. because I just sat and wrote after weeks and weeks of not doing so. not just that! I finish a chapter!! i'll update it soon.
this has to be a sign of the apocalypse, i'm sure
anyway..... the fic is the one i started for whumptober and I never finish. This thing is getting longer and longer. It started as a 2-part fic, and now I think it'll be 5 chapters 🤦‍♀️ Typical!
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