#a quick little experimental doodle
sigchimera · 4 months
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I know what's inside of you, it's all just red and pink
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snackugaki · 2 years
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and now, for my next descent into fandom hell: au edition
* backflips into oblivion *
[ all of my other comics stories with partially mapped plotlines with underdeveloped and barely designed characters ]: 🌚 
why yes I DID bring back Keno, it’s october— happy filipino american history month motherpotas
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starkatvantas · 1 year
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lil doodle :P
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websitewizard2005 · 8 months
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i call this one “twink evolution”
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bugcowboyart · 10 months
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Quick little experimental doodle of Anna Garcia as Princess Emily from @dropoutdottv ‘s new @veryimportantpeopleshow !
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kiribread · 9 months
Ah... so at the beginning of winter break since I was sick and tired having having to draw stuff I didn't really want to at school, I drew and crocheted a bunch and ended up burning myself out. I was probably already burned out going into it so that didn't really help either. I recently got a bit of motivation back so here's some doodles! >:]
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The first one was one I did randomly the second one was more intentionally doodle practice if you will.
Also it turns out doing quick imperfect doodles and experimentation can be really refreshing! At school we've really been hammering in realism which is fine, but doing it over and over again for months making sure everything is perfect contently with little room for creativity is exhausting. I'm actually kind of excited for the typography unit for whenever we get to it bc it's something other than realism! So yeah ig the moral of the story is doodle every once in a awhile tee hee.
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aztarion · 6 months
And another message, haha! Number 3, 5 and 10 for Deva, please? ^^
FINALLY GETTING TO THESE!!!! thank you so much seren T_T under the cut bc i cant shut up and i threw in a doodle (cw self harm/blood/eyestrain, just in case)
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Insecurity, volatility/lack of self-control, hyper-independence – a comorbid concoction that perpetuates itself when one acts up
With Rebecca leaving her to be raised mostly by nannies and neighbours as we learned in Holiday Magic, Deva definitely has deep-rooted issues about not being Enough for her mother. It’s one of the main reasons she acted out a lot in childhood and her teens – that nasty little mantra of ‘if I’m not good enough, I’ll be bad enough, and then you’ll have to acknowledge/pay attention to me’. Later in her 20s, after trying to scrabble some semblance of stability together to maybe try to better herself, she takes it to another extreme and builds this stalwart defense mechanism of deluding herself into thinking she’s an island. She’s on the precipice of 30 thinking she doesn’t need to rely on anyone else or form genuine connections. She works very badly as a team and doesn’t cooperate well, refuses to compromise, won’t allow the Agency’s blood tests purely out of spite, initially clashes with Nate and his attempts to be kind and friendly towards her and especially blows up at him when he suggests anything to do with smoothing things over with Rebecca.
She’s shooting herself in the foot with all this eventually………
Also much too quick to turn to combat – of course she has zero conflict resolution skills lmao
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
This is hard because I’m not sure even Deva knows what she wants at this point. Nothing from nobody LOL. To be completely self-sufficient and utterly emotionless. She’s a mini du Mortain in training. In terms of the books, I think I’ll have to wait and see what her end goal will be with the Agency, but she IS impulsive and acts recklessly and feels she has something big to prove to Rebecca, so she certainly wouldn’t hold back once tunnel vision kicked in.
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
AGHH I talk about her original setting (GTA) in another one of these later so I'll do something different here... bear with me ok I’m gonna be a little loopy, but lately with writing a wayhaven/vampire the masquerade crossover I’ve been really digging the idea of Murphy being a Tremere (so in VTM there are several different ‘clans’ of vampires, Tremere being a clan adept in Thaumaturgy/blood magic and obsessed with the power in blood) and during his experimentation with the Detective he maaaaaaybe Embraces her… and I was crazy about VTMB2 back when it was announced and adored the idea of playing a Thin-Blood Vampire with the Blood Alchemy skill… I would loooove to put Deva in that situation, especially with her blood already being like a battery. And then maybe thinking of the Agency as being similar to the Camarilla in the VTM universe with their rules, they likely wouldn’t look too kindly on a Thin-Blooded Vampire who coincidentally looks and smells like a nice juicy steak to every supernatural around (thinking about the Sabbat or Rogues in wayhaven, neither may not care about being discreet) and who has crazy blood witch powers with her super-charged blood :D
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renlo · 2 years
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Quick Procreate sketch!  Tried to lean into something a little sketchier and anime-esque.  
I’m very strongly considering making a separate account for sketches and experimental doodles.  My style is not super consistent across mediums, and sort of want those tighter, more complete pieces in one place.
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abyssmalice · 9 days
How could he forfeit to make something grand for his beloved sister's birthday? Absolutely not. Today, he is going full roundhouse with his birthday surprise.
Said surprise being a giant chocolate cake, covered in fruits of different kinds―but it is not just any simple cake: it dubs also as a giant chocolate fountain, spilling down the slopes and covering some of the fruit along it, impregnating the air with the scent of sweet cocoa.
Next to it there is a pack of sticks ready to be used for dipping fruits and cake into the melted chocolate. And right before it there's a little scribbled note, surrounded by familiar slime doodles in the fashion of her brother's artstyle:
"I hope you like this little experimental idea I commissioned to one of the local bakeries. Happy Birthday, Princess! I love you.
P.d: Once I'm done with my work, would you like to go have fun somewhere in the city? Think about it, and find me in my office once you're done with your cake. I finished all your work for you today, so feel free to take all the time for yourself."
IT'S STILL FEB 19TH 2K24 I PWOMISE / Not Accepting (ofc)
When Tonia wakes up, she immediately keys in on the faintest whisper of cocoa.
It catches her attention just as much as it makes her forgo the usual morning priorities of rolling around in bed, sleeping in, rolling around some more, squishing her toys, reluctantly getting out of bed, even more reluctantly brushing her teeth, or changing out of her nightdress. Instead, she practically bounces out of her blankets, bare feet quickly tapping out of the room and blindly honing in on the sweet smell and sweeter promise of sweet—!!
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When she finally blinks, she's in a room with a cake. A giant cake. Made of chocolate, just as she hoped. But it was not just giant and chocolate - it was streaming chocolate, like some endless, magical, miraculous little cocoa volcano. Little smooth rivers of milk chocolate, the river banks occasionally splashing a tiny bit to fleck the strawberries and banana slices decorating the cake.
Truly, a chocolate and cake and sweet lover's dream come true. Tonia discreetly takes a second to pinch the skin of her cheek, feeling it pull too realistically to be anything but real, and she's half a second away from immediately pouncing on the cake in a figurative and potentially even literal way - not like anyone else's name is written on it! Her cake now!!! - before she notices the note on the side.
...She's half inclined to ignore said note frankly. But - there are slimes doodled on it...
Slimes are just as important as this amazing cake, her just-woken-up brain fuzzily determines. So, while one hand grabs one of the dipping sticks to make a little fruit and cake kebab for dipping into the chocolate, the other grabs the note for her to skim and keep in mind and then attend to whatever later.
Or well, she planned to skim it, assuming it wouldn't be anything too important beyond a quick read. Turns out, no, quite important. Just as important as cake and slimes. Maybe a smidge more important than those two things, actually.
Well, it's not like Tonia forgot her birthday was a thing - she had been incessantly badgering and being particularly annoying in the days leading up to it, in some roundabout logic of celebration = permission to be bothersome. So, she's not very fazed to find that the cake was one of her brother's absurdly lavish gifts for the year.
Just... Tonia squints at the note a bit, thinking, before she huffs and puffs her cheeks.
"I don't need to do any of that, you big dummy," she mutters to herself, before turning back to her in-process choco-kebab. She makes sure to skewer the smaller fruits along with a semi-misshapen chunk of cake before carefully dipping the whole thing into the streaming chocolate. Admiring her handiwork for a second, Tonia then turns sharply on her heel and rushes out.
The end result is that there's a slight mess of chocolate trailing down the corridors, and it's dripping over her nightdress, but she could care less when she has something super duper wooper important to do right now!!
Which is to slam the door to her brother's office open, walk in, ignore whatever her brother's reaction is to her sudden appearance, and shove the chocolate skewer into his mouth.
Once it's securely in said mouth, Tonia determinedly sets her hands on her hips - oh, wait, no, gotta rub some of the chocolate off her fingers first; her dress is looking even more of a mess but that's what laundry is for - okay, now she sets her hands on her hips, not quite frowning, but not exactly all smiles either.
"Dummmmmmmy!" She starts, loudly. "You can't just give me a giant cake like that and then expect me to just sit there quietly and make plans all by myself! That's so boring! And lame! Who wants to think that much on their birthday?"
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"So, since it's my birthday, I've decided that we're not going to do much thinking at all." She wiggles a finger at him, slight smears of chocolate still on it. "We're just going to eat the cake. Yes, we. I've just decided now that I'm going to share it with you. We're going to finish all of the cake today itself! And you're not going to do aaaaany work, because that's lame, and it's my birthday, and I said so. And even if we have time after finishing the cake, you're still not going to do any work. We're going to have fun in the city, like you suggested. Maybe we can go buy a bakery together, or something."
She finally pokes his nose with the same finger, leaving a small dab of chocolate there. Tonia briefly feels her lips curling into a snort at the sight of Ayaks with chocolate on his face, but focuses hard to keep her you must listen to me I am being very serious big brother so don't laugh expression. "That is going to be the agenda for today, no changes or questions asked! And you can't regret this, because you allowed for this to happen, if you ask me.
"Especially with that dumb note of yours. Why write all that sappy stuff down when you could just say it to my face? Wish me a happy birthday when I'm awake, not when I'm still sleeping!"
Tonia looks on insistently for a few trailing seconds, awaiting the very words that she mentioned, but then remembers the choco-kebab she put into his mouth. Something sheepish twitches its way across her face before she huffs - "W-Well, afterwards! You can say all the stuff in your note to me afterwards. Is the chocolate good enough for me to eat first?"
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pkmn-glitch · 7 months
Hi everyone I would like to continue taking Pokemon requests but I'm curious about what kind people want to see......vote for something below maybe?? I like doodling them but I'm curious if anyone has a preference
As a note I still will only do them at my own convenience and I may not do them all, they're also experimental so there's a chance I'll draw them differently from others you see!
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juukeboxx · 2 years
General Headcanons - Michelangelo
Here we are with the last batch of general headcanons for the turtles. This time it's for everyone's favorite party dude Michelangelo! These have been a lot of fun to write, so I plan on going into iteration specific headcanons in the future :) Keep in mind that these headcanons are for no one version of Mikey in particular. Enjoy!
Word count: 674
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Mikey is a very creative turtle. His mind is constantly creating little scenarios with characters from his favorite mediums (usually comic books, movies, and video games) so he’s constantly doodling.
Ever since he was a kid he’s always doodled on himself with pen or marker. He still does this.
At one point he was also super interested in the culture around graffiti. Graffiti is a pretty common thing in New York and he's always wanted to try it himself. So he found some spare cans of spray paint lying around an alley and started practicing. Turns out he really likes doing it! Some of his art has gotten noticed by some big graffiti artists on social media and it makes his heart soar seeing much more experienced artists giving him praise.
Super super active. He loves skateboarding the most, but Mikey will play any sort of sport if invited. He has a lot of energy and sports just allows him to release that energy while having fun.
Absolutely the best cook in the entire family. He especially likes cooking with one of his brothers or even Splinter. Leo isn’t really allowed in the kitchen but Mikey has him do simple tasks so that his oldest brother is included. Baking is not necessarily his jam because baking is an exact science, but he can make a mean batch of brownies.
Everyone knows that Mikey is very experimental with what he puts on his pizza. Sometimes it will be duck a l'orange pizza, but other times it will be sardines and jelly beans.
Mikey loves being around people. In fact, he thrives when he's surrounded by his friends and family. It brings him a lot of comfort being with the people he loves the most.
The whole part of being a ninja is staying in the shadows. Mikey, however, has a pretty hard time doing this because his natural curiosity causes him to wonder off and explore. There have been multiple occasions where he's been seen by kids walking the streets of New York with their parents while he was out exploring.
It was Mikey's idea to do a game night once a week. They bust out the snacks and pop and it's the winner of the previous week that decides which game they play that night. He is currently undeafeated in Mario Kart.
Like Donnie, it takes a lot for Mikey to get mad. He just always has such a positive and bright attitude it’s really hard to find anything to bring him down. But where Donnie would rather talk issues out and use diplomacy, Mikey isn’t afraid of throwing hands and starting a fight. The worst thing anyone could do is insult his friends and family in front of him.
Mikey has a big heart and he wears it on his sleeve. He cares very deeply about people, but the consequence of that is that it hurts him immensely when they’re gone. It feels like the end of the world to him.
He admittedly has a bit of a problem with spacing out. Sometimes he'll get so lost in his thoughts that he'll stare off into space for a little while. It usually takes one of his brothers tapping his shoulder or calling his name a few times to help bring him back.
Mikey is super proud of his combat abilities. He's a quick thinker and moves fast on his feet which makes it hard for enemies to attack him. He gets incredibly excited if his brother's ask him how he pulled of a certain move since he gets to show off a little bit.
Mikey knows that he isn't the smartest, that he isn't much of a strategist or that he isn't the strongest when it comes to raw strength. But he is, in a way, the glue that holds the team together. His wealth of positivity and being able to look at any situation and see the glass as half full is what pulls his brothers out of even their darkest moments.
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baconspiderart · 9 months
year in review
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i did more than i thought i did this year but that still isn't much mainly fanart and a lot of experimentation with different stuff there's some stuff on here i haven't posted on this blog or publicly at all before so there might be something you haven't seen yet
january: a quick spamton i did with simple colors and shading. i think it turned out alright, though i'd probably change some aspects of the design
feburary: 404 (didn't do anything
march: didn't do much in march. i choose this pretty shitty karkat sketch because my cat licked it, i drew a better one here for the barbie meme
april: i've been watching this youtube channel called studson studio for a while and it inspired me to collect plastic trash for kit bashing and i made this spamton stature(?) figure(?) thingy
may: utdr oc made in paint3d. i liked mixing 3d and 2d here, might try it again in the future
june: i hadn't done a digital painting in a while and i wanted to do one
july: i did a single art fight before remembering how painful art fight is to use and then something happened with the staff or something? idk. i still like how this drawing turned out
august: a pixel art remake of a painting i did a while ago with a little animation. it could be better but people liked it so thats cool i guess
september: spooky painting of a guy from an utdr au i've been working on on and off for a little while. i think it turned out well
october: some friends were talking about silksong while i was trying to figure out what to draw so i made this. i like how it turned out.
november: i like this little doodle of queen. didn't do much else in november worth showing
december: mainly did personal stuff for family this month. i did make this joke comic in response to a conversation some friends were having, here's one panel of it. might clean it up and put it on bacon shakin
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lesbiandickson · 1 year
Xc1 furry headcanons.. important urgent amazing post from me with pictures sometimes.
No particular order.. .. not entire cast.. . Sm spoilers.
Shulk: mrowww.. meoww... what a little kitty. A little cat. Maybe a fluffier cat. He already goes :3 while emoting sometimes and his hair I feel would be super easy to translate into car fur..
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Quick doodle I did on my phone, not exactly what im imagining but close.
Reyn: From the first second I saw his design. I knew it. I understood exactly what the designers was thinking and I had felt their influence from his early designs. His ass would specifically be a Brindle Boxer. Not a reverse brindle. Not a Fawn. A normal brindle boxer. His little wavy haor bangs? Those are his ears. His little hair spikes go very nicely for boxer fur. His spirit and build? Thats a fucking boxer!! His hair color. Boxer.
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Ignoring his name is spelt wrong: Look at him!!! Tell me this isnt correct nor intended from his very introduction to the world. He also loves wet rats. Yknow whatnother animal loves wet rats. Cats but dogs also like going after small animals. Plus, every catboy needs his suspiciously gay dogboy bestie
Fiora: Cat.. essentially the same reasons as shulk but also. When they did this.. its like. Oh i know for certain now. She is a cat... a little ktityy.. a meow meow for the ages
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Dunban: My original note for him is all the explaining I need.. realistically also a cat bc fiora sibling but also they look NOTHING alike. Let him live his tmasc vampire aesthetic wolf dreams.
Sharla: and by extension Juju.. Spotted Necked Otter. I feel otter sharla to be true in my lesbian bones. I feel otter juju to be true in my nonbinary bones. Spotted Necked otter specifically was chosen to encapsulate both their hair colors, but also this is the coolest species of otter I've ever seen sooo..
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Melia: I keep venturing around on her. Dove? No.. maybe mouse.. noo.. badger is sticking to me rn but much more experimentation must be done for Melly..
Dickson: Originally I was like oh porcupine he's a porcupine. No.. they're an armadillo..
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You can make their ears the little hair things... understand the vision and understand that
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bearsuitrecords · 11 months
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Eamon The Destroyer - “We'll Be Piranhas” (BS061) - review from Aural Aggravation: Just a little over two years since the idiosyncratically-monikered Eamon the Destroyer arrived with his debut single ‘My Drive’, he’s gone from strength to strength – to the extent that his output has erupted, Godzilla-like, expanding and flexing immense musical muscles. Sort of. Because Eamon the Destroyer’s work is, despite the connotations of a raging beast laying waste to entire civilizations with a single roar, incredibly intimate, with tension building from the introspective minimalism of the songs. With the release of the debut album A Small Blue Car and a remix / reworking of said album landing in quick succession, the arrival of We’ll be Piranhas seems swift.
We’ll be Piranhas finds Eamon the Destroyer (any truncation of the name feels wrong: Eamon too casual and to cuddly; the Destroyer simply unrepresentative) pushing the parameters of experimentalism, conjuring the sonic equivalent of the surreal oddness of the album’s cover, which looks like a three-way split-screen of medievalism, Anglo-Saxon fable, and a deranged reimagining of some of Captain Cook’s sketches of newly-discovered species with what appears to be a polar bear resting its chin on a narwhal, while gulls look on and rabbits look away. Or something.
‘The Choirmaster’ is both droney and playful, quirky, and mellow, until it spins off its axis and into a whole other world of spiralling prog and doodling daftness. It certainly packs a lot into five strange and disorientating minutes. Single ‘Rope’ is glitchy, awkward, and feels like it doesn’t belong to anything, and suddenly, it lurches too life with a loping rhythm and fuzzy synths which provide a backdrop to tense, almost strangled vocals, hushed, strained, and gravelly. Not for the first time, I long for a lyric sheet as the scratchy vocals render the words difficult to decipher, but this is perhaps his most vitriolic piece to date; more often than not, Eamon the Destroyer croaks melancholy: here, there’s a fire, and it carried through into the wheezing clatter of ‘Sonny Said’. There’s a moment around the mid-point I get a pang of Seventeen Seconds-era Cure. But it’s fleeting, and nothing is pinpointable, particularly in this swirling maelstrom of a piece.
When it comes to Bearsuit releases, I often find myself using and reusing the word ‘weird’ as a descriptor – mostly because it’s the thing that really defines the label. While the likes of Harrold Nono spin Eastern hues into spirals and spin drifts of experimentalism, We’ll be Piranhas finds ETD really going all-out to try stuff. And the result is brain-bending.
‘Underscoring the Blues’ somehow manages to melt fairground oddness with The Doors and prog and, well, all sorts, to blur into a curious cocktail.
It’s difficult – if not impossible –to listen to this album and feel ‘normal’. It feels like the soundtrack to a dream: one of those weird dreams where familiar places aren’t quite right – the walls of familiar rooms are different, doors and windows are in the wrong place, and continually moving, and you look to make your way out and suddenly the door has vanished. The floor is moving and familiar faces warp and acquire new, alien aspects. You don’t know who you are or what’s going on, but you know that this isn’t what you expected as the sights and sounds of the familiar melt into one another. You feel your sense of time and space begin to crumble. Where am I? What even is this?
It feels like isolation. It feels like… like… like numbness, confusion. You feel your body tense, the backs of the legs growing taut. The title tracks sends everything spinning and whirling every which way, and there is no easy way to assimilate this, and the same is true of the woozy glitchings of the desolate ‘A Call is Coming’. Ignore the call; decline it. Look inwards. Woah, something isn’t quite right.
We’ll be Piranhas leaves you feeling detached, askance, apart, removed, not quite right. It’s an introspective work delivered from on the cusp. On the cusp of what? It’s hard to say. Perhaps it’s best not to. Christopher Nosnibor Aural Aggravation (1.11.23) https://auralaggravation.com/2023/11/01/eamon-the-destroyer-well-be-piranhas/?fbclid=IwAR2IO2WnY1TG633GiFRJzAlAGAl1YH1IbJHzbIvuGvQ4NoR5lFfpFzRVAjg
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artofabra · 1 year
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A quick doodle of a derg.
Doin' a little experimentation with crosshatching
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adriartts · 3 years
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lake hylia
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