#a quick detour...
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claudiasommers · 6 days ago
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yooo-lets-go · 27 days ago
So, recently I played House of Ashes and can you guess who is my favorite?
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aengelren · 1 year ago
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tell him you know a place then drop him off at a therapist
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crowcoven · 1 year ago
Thinking about how by the end of feast/dance Brienne sorta knows she’s in love with Jaime, she thinks she’s got no chance no shot at it but she knows the feelings there she can put a name to what she feels about him.
Jaime tho? Hasnt got a clue in the damn world. Jaimes not gonna know he’s in love until he’s tripping over it and walking headfirst into it. He’s so emotionally fucked from cersei, there was nothing then there was her and now he’s not sure. Jaime doesn’t know what it’s like to fall in love he just always was and when something happens something snaps and we get that oh, I’m in love with Brienne. There’s gonna be such a fundamental shift in the universe and ohhh GEORGE PLS I NEED THAT BOOK
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asharaks · 4 months ago
solas & the evanuris, part two
By the ‘present day’ of Inquisition, opinions on fen’harel vary widely from clan to clan. to some clans he is a frightening figure and to others a more neutral one; however, he is not considered evil per se, rather unpredictable and insidious and frightening — who does his advice benefit? how do you tell whether his advice will save you, or doom you to save something greater? 
he’s running damage control when red lyrium breaks containment in da2 and precipitates the plot of dai; it causes the prison in which he keeps his peers to fracture, which leads him to formulate and carry through his plan; he’s willing to accept the countless deaths it will cause to reverse what he’s done, but from the beginning this is a great tragedy to him. 
there are plenty of opportunities to speak with him about the gods; depending on when you do so and your relationship with him, his attitude towards them (in particular mythal and elgar’nan, god of vengeance and retribution) varies from bitter and resentful (particularly in the early game) to almost wistful (towards the end, as he grows closer to the point at which he believes he will see them and the suffering he’s caused them again). he also remains fairly nasty in speaking about modern elves, but with a visible current of guilt and shame about what he feels he has reduced them to. as lavellan in particular, speaking more positively about the rest of the evanuris than about fen’harel will provoke frustration and even anger in him, and the more you anger him, the more transparent he becomes. 
the inquisitor can still make the choice to drink from the well of sorrows, which binds a piece of mythal to you as her protector; as lavellan, solas takes this worse the closer your relationship (romantic or otherwise) because he fears seeing you become him and repeat his mistakes, remembering his legacy as mythal’s right hand. his response to this fear is to become hostile and antagonistic, berating you for the choice rather than explain himself, which covers his real fear for you as well as the emotions brought up by seeing what he believes to be the worst of himself play out in you. (if your relationship is worse, he is noticeably more vigilant around you and quicker to question your choices than he previously was) however, any inquisitor other than lavellan who chooses to drink from the well sacrifices all relationship with him as he can’t countenance mythal’s essence going to one who isn’t elven; dialogue here varies depending on previous relationship.
for this part, we (briefly)(not that briefly) return to origins, and flemeth & morrigan. as previously stated, mythal’s spirit has been carried by elven mages, specifically: the spirit of her people, nurturing and protecting her as she did for them. elves in dire need, elves in times of heightened emotion: how she came to possess the elven mage flemeth isn’t known, and accounts vary, but the facts remain: the witch of the wilds is an elf, indisputably, and so are her children. she remains ancient, and odd, far older than she has any right to be, and continues her isolated life in the korcari wilds as presented. morrigan, her elven daughter, reared in the wilds and cut off from society at large, retains her contempt for others she views as weak. throughout origins, she continues to make remarks about circle mages, about city elves, her opinions on the dalish being mixed: she both respects and admires them, and holds them in pity and contempt, believing her education from flemeth is worth more than their own culture. her upbringing, combined with her status as a powerful witch, has left her feeling disconnected from the elven people, a mage before she is anything else, flemeth’s daughter before anything else: her time with the warden gives her more worldly experience, and a new perspective, but she doesn’t lose those sharp edges.
we meet her in inquisition, playing a similar role to the vanilla game: as an elf, she doesn’t hold a prestigious position, but is rather regarded similarly to briala, as an amusement celene keeps out of eccentricity. she simultaneously resents and disdains this attitude, and various comments throughout the winter palace suggest that many of the Game’s more competent players are well aware of how dangerous celene’s magical advisor is, in much the same way as they talk about briala. briala and morrigan are shown to have a complicated relationship, with briala standing for the elves morrigan considers herself separate from, and morrigan placing her emphasis on esoteric magical studies, giving herself a reputation as a less-than reliable political ally. her relationship with an elven inquisitor is likewise strained, with her attitude to the dalish becoming more pronounced, as she becomes defensive when called on it: she and solas are to be found in tense discussion around skyhold more than once. kieran, if present, is also elven.
SO: we come to the well of sorrows. morrigan immediately volunteers to drink, and she and solas begin to argue almost immediately. he points out her disdain for other elves, particularly those on the blunt end of the most brutal oppression, while she argues that she is best equipped to use the knowledge provided by the well; the inquisitor can also put their two cents in, here, with unique dialogue for elven inquisitors.
it is also possible to put forward another candidate here: Briala. as a highly significant spokesperson for the elves of orlais, she represents a major faction in contemporary elven culture, and has already shown willingness to go to extreme lengths for her people. depending on the outcome at the winter palace (if she survived; if she isn’t in exile) it’s possible to suggest her, as a representative for the elven people.
it is possible to suggest solas drink, and though he will become agitated and angrily refuse, this is met with a sharp spike to approval, and decreases disapproval for any following choice (morrigan, briala, the inquisitor), with the exception of non-elven inquisitors. upon nominating a candidate, he will always protest; the player is given a couple of options to defend their reasoning, with one giving a slightly decreased disapproval. for example, asserting morrigan’s right as stronger will net greater disapproval than arguing her right based on her shrewdness and dedication to forgotten magics. as lavellan, volunteering to drink yourself profoundly agitates him, particularly with high respect/romance.
Solas never actually explains his real motivation in DAI; he keeps the inquisitor in the dark until the end, obfuscating with grandstanding about the hypocrisy of the gods as he is unwilling to face sharing what he did, but reading between the lines and dialogue with mythal reveals cracks in his story that reframes solas as a less righteous figure than he claims. 
He has hair. It is beautiful.
(previous - solas & the evanuris, part one)
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semisolidmind · 1 year ago
….gonna take a quick break from the monkey business for a second
something has taken over my brain recently and i need to get it out
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strqyr · 10 months ago
having thought about ozma's task these past few days has made me realize how much of a non-issue it is in the show itself.
like, in V5 he tells the group that he was cursed by the gods for failing to stop salem once. this was proven false in the lost fable, but no one was mad at him for leading them astray and towards a judgment day that might spell the end of their world.
none of them have even showed any concern over the possibility that the gods would return to remnant and stay, let alone being against it.
the focus has solely been on stopping salem and how to do it when she can't be destroyed or beaten, and i feel like at some point it's like... it's cutting it really close to do a switch around and make the brother gods be the real problem that must be dealt with, especially when V9 did give them and their past focus, and all that amounted to was information to understand them better, not that either of them are the real issue that the gang must prepare for.
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thrumugnyr · 11 months ago
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Tharion Ketos from Crescent City
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ilkkawhat · 10 months ago
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marmosetpaw · 2 years ago
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the other one
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dalkyeom · 2 years ago
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curly hair shua curly hair shua curly hair shua
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the-lonelybarricade · 6 months ago
Someday my prince (more acofd) will come (no pressure I just think about it a lot) <3
I told myself I was going to be sooooo productive about writing this week, and instead I'm on Ice Planet Barbarian Book 7 🤡
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moe-broey · 5 months ago
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krafterwrites · 4 months ago
I NEED to get this assignment done already so I can finally start watching Sonic Boom
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graciereadshannigram · 6 months ago
y'know, out of all the deaths on supernatural, Jo and Ellen get me ugly sobbing every. single. fucking. time.
like, "i will always love you, baby.... honey?" followed up with the "it's okay, it's okay, that's my good girl"????
kill me.
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copypastus · 2 years ago
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A quick doodle based on @thrumugnyr's Lucien design. Blame her for dragging me into fairy book abyss.
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