#a month ago I wrote this and forgot to post
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werewolvc · 5 days ago
I’ve been doing a bunch of side quests lately. Trying to get the hang of full time work and taking college classes again. I think I need a way to tell my job that I am physically at capacity with the work load they have me on due to staffing issues. So all January was just me playing catch up with life. I did get a new car out of my mental instability though so that's a win in my book.
I got to participate in a meeting for my job recently and I got to go to a hotel near the sea instead of being stuck indoors. It was cold and rainy so I didn’t get to see many sea gulls so I was a bit sad, but my new docs came in just in time for the meeting so I got to wear them all day.
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January felt like it was in warp speed and suddenly it was February again. I don’t particularly like Valentine’s Day but I was looking all month for the MHA Hallmark card but had no luck finding it this year again. I did find this pokemon valentine and this cat card?
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I’ve also had to change my eating habits cause having chronic abdominal pain has been unbearable and I can’t stand it anymore. I’ve cut wheat or anything with gluten from my diet. I may start cutting anything bread just to be safe. I’m especially susceptible to dairy lately so I need to see a specialist again to give me a better list of things I can eat without pain. I'm currently looking for a primary cause I need a yearly check up anyway.
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hi! (comm by kyukafu on insta)
feeling more and more like I’m not real lately and more like a walking husk these days mentally but I’m thriving in real life at the moment so I can’t complain! :)
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I did my final keloid injection appointment and had the most awkward experience with the doctor they gave me. He introduced himself to me as a resident working under my regular doctor and also had an intern shadowing him. I asked a lot of questions but I think I honestly startled him cause my regular doctor didn’t inform him of what he was gonna be doing when I lifted my shirt. His intern was very nice and just nodded along when he explained to me what a keloid was and the benefits of laser treatment in later years. I had only asked him if they had anything for atrophy caused by the injections, but he didn’t answer my questions at all lol. Eventually my doctor came in and advised dosage and he administered the shot. I’ve never seen someone run off so fast. Had a rude receptionist talk to me right after and at that point I just felt defeated. I also got into Pokémon go again
March is coming up and hopefully I will be able to get my life sorted better. I want to fix up my room again and possibly downsize on clothing since i gained weight and a lot of older pieces don't fit comfortably.
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waywardangel-wilds · 2 months ago
things that Katniss would do after or during the growing together era that just make her the adorable person she is:
1. Insists on being in the hospital room while they reset Peeta’s dislocated arm. Refuses to look at him or the doctors or the arm. Hums to try and not hear the horrible sounds. Hears them anyway.
2. Refuses to take pills unless someone uses extreme means (Peeta: begging. Haymitch: glares).
3. Irrationally jealous of the good relationship Haymitch and her cat end up developing.
4. Cannot do the I shower you pee thing or I brush my teeth you pee thing with Peeta for a laughably long time.
5. Sometimes forgets she’s eavesdropping in the bakery and inserts her opinion.
6. Phone calls to make sure Peeta got home. Still.
7. Somehow forgets she’s famous. Is taken aback by the reactions of strangers during large events.
8. Calls Johanna in a motherly worry way despite being younger than her. Also calls to shoot the shit.
9. Once forgot to tell Peeta she was going to sleep in the woods for a hunt and nearly scared him to death.
10. Complains that things are going “too far” to her circle when she needs an archer’s license because Panem is being lawful and responsible y’all. Is secretly okay with it.
11. Has a lot of ridiculous redneck/small town girl moments like saying the new streetlights are too damn big city and complaining about random practical changes. Since when have we needed an intersection???
12. Is deeply offended by the existence of hipsters who think the poverty aesthetic is cool.
13. Got really giddy that one time Peeta nudged her while they were in bed and asked if she wanted to go downstairs to eat a slice of cake instead of going to sleep. It’s their house, they make the rules!
14. Thinks insurance is stupid and tells the salesman who tries to push it on her at the bakery one day. Bluntly.
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wonderthor · 1 year ago
random p*rn star nanami thot
i feel like he wouldn’t be much of a talker, which is funny cuz his deep and sexy sultry voice would be enough to get both his viewers and fans and whoever he’s fucking off. it’ll come out out of the blue, when no ones expecting it and probably make even the director and the photographers close their thighs together. he could say something like “that’s it that’s it, just like that” or “come on, you can do it. do it like that, just for me” and everyone within earshot would be drooling and creaming their pants.
he’s been in the business long enough and usually isn’t trying to try new things or join up in new trends, which is sad cuz he’d dominate anything he would try. he doesn’t really have to put in much effort; with his great stamina and strength he can go on for hours and hours and fuck hard like a wild animal in a rut. one time he did try a new position and put a fellow actress in a full nelson, the poor girl could barely walk for a whole day. he was talked into trying some BDSM films, but was scared off when his costar came unscripted and untouched when he spoke deeply in her ear with that dangerous voice of his “now be a good girl and listen to your master” with his tie around her throat.
he’s very well known in the biz but isn’t overly arrogant or conceited. before every film when his costar is introducing themselves and greeting him with high energy and saying how much of a fan they are, he simply nods his head and shakes their hand with a warm and polite smile, “hello nice to meet you”, like a business man meeting a client. he’s very cordial and a bit stoic at first, and then bending them over and fucking their lights out two minutes later. he’s very caring, checking on his costars after every scene. he’ll even bring water and food to them after he asks if they’re okay and they’re only able to give a thumbs up since their legs are still numb from having their insides rearranged.
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mothram · 5 months ago
her knight just stabbed my maid with a spear made of thorns and now all the vengeful spirits I put inside it are spilling out again :/
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alluraaaa · 1 year ago
When the paladins touched down on Earth, it quickly became Reunion Central. Not that Keith has a problem with it, he’s just unsure of how to approach it. He doesn’t exactly have anyone to return to.
However, he doesn’t have to think about that, the decision is made for him.
He’s pulled into many a meeting of the family, given introductions he immediately forgets and hearing stories about himself. Hunk, Pidge, and Lance are thrilled to show their first families their second one. Keith, Allura, Coran, and Romelle are passed around like trading cards to the tune of “These are my parents!”
Though Keith will admit he’s avoiding Lance’s family. Nothing against them personally, it’s just… there’s so many of them, and they’re all as touchy feely as Lance. He appreciates a good group hug from the team, but it’d be different with people he’s only heard stories about.
Luckily, he’s saved from a social interaction he doesn’t want to participate in yet.
“Keith. Akira. Kogane.”
Unluckily, it’s replaced by a less favorable one.
Keith stiffens, staring but unseeing at Hunk’s grandmother. She, and the rest of the Garretts, turn to the source of the full name yelled across the way. Keith… doesn’t. He stares at the ground, unable to hide his grimace as he hears boots marching towards him.
Someone please put him back into a magic robo-cat that shoots lasers. He’d gladly get into a space fight than talk to him.
“Where the hell did you go!?” he asks, grabbing Keith by the shoulder and turning him around. Keith stares up into brown eyes covered by glasses, rage in those irises. Behind his head, Shiro is sending him a sympathetic smile, unable to stop his fiancé once on the warpath.
“Your brother goes missing and you think the best reaction is to do the same!?” Adam all but screeches.
“Hi Adam,” Keith manages. He missed him, he really did, but he also 100% knew this was coming.
“Don’t Hi Adam me, young man! Where did you go? Do you know how much I was looking for you? I was so worried! And you didn’t even say anything, you just left! Right after I get told my fiancé is dead!”
“You’re not sorry and we both know that.”
Adam sighs, like this is the biggest problem he has right now, and pulls Keith into a tight embrace. But not too tight. He still remembers how Keith likes his hugs. Keith hugs back.
He’s just as warm as Keith remembers him, and he still smells the same, like vanilla and cinnamon. It’s moments like these where Keith gets why Shiro fell in love with him.
“You’re grounded, by the way.”
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realjrwiquotes · 1 year ago
day 59
Charlie: When you said we weren’t going to like what happened today, I thought you meant Niklaus was going to show up and call himself daddy again
Riptide #109: Fates Worse Than Death - 11:44 submitted by me
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oceanwithouthermoon · 1 year ago
need more future in-law interactions between saikis parents and kuboyasus parents.. imagine them meeting for the first time at like a school event and yasus mom goes up to kurumi and kuniharu and is like "your kid the one mine wont stop flirting with?"
i think mama yasu would see how kusuo interacts with kurumi and immediately be like "yeah, this is the one for my son."
we know that aren canonically puts A LOT of respect on his parents.. so i think it's safe to assume that thats the standard in their home.. i want to say its contradictory that despite being raised a murderous delinquent, he was also raised so traditionally, with all the "respect women, respect your elders, respect your parents," etc. but i dont think its contradictory at all, i think its pretty commonplace actually? but yeah, anyway.. kurumi is super ditzy and is always just barely almost getting herself hurt but kusuo is always putting his hand on table corners before she bonks her head, pulling her to his side right before she bumps into things, catching things she drops before they break, etc..
this is a topic i should also touch on without the context of a ship actually.. i just think it would be cute for the others to see how sweet kurumi and kusuo are, and also how SIMILAR they are..
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alpharossi · 1 year ago
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gotye, somebody that i used to know // olivia rodrigo, enough for you // taylor swift, cruel summer // lana del rey, ultraviolence // unknown source // lana del rey, hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have // richard silken, crush
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astral-corner · 8 months ago
“Red? Red!” Nobody could look away from Red’s body. The entity who’d stolen their friend away had forced its way out in violent lurches before quite literally tearing itself free only to vanish with a hiss and a puff of smoke. In its wake, the body fell limp and pixels spilled out into their own mist; like Red was slowly falling apart like what had stolen their body.
Orange tossed themself down from the files above with little care for their own safety, vision tunnelling as they landed next to their injured friend. Were they-? No... No! They couldn’t just accept that! Red was- Red was-!!
For a moment, everything went dark. Like a blink with your eyes closed a moment too long. Orange felt like they were floating, weightless and woefully untethered.
The world settled back over them much too heavy, and their head fell forward a moment towards the now empty spot before them before they could jerk it back up with horrid realization. Tears burned the edges of their eyes as exhaustion fell over them like a blanket. They wanted this all to be a terrible nightmare, because then they could at least awake to their animal loving friend pressing a cat into their arms for a nap guardian. It’d be easier to deal with than the reality of the empty white staring back at them. Better than hearing their friends’ cries from around them.
They hadn’t even gotten to hold them as they vanished.
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wanderingcas · 1 year ago
just in case anyone's wondering what tomorrow's chapter of the lighthouse fic is going to be like, i'm editing the final paragraphs of it in the coffee shop and had to actually put my face on my hands because i was so emotional about it. so. if that's any indication.
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ladycatofwinterfell · 10 months ago
Out of the three stark boys (excluding Jon because he’s Lyanna’s), who do you think is the most like Ned? I’m thinking maybe Bran because he’s sweet and gentle. It’s very obvious with the girls that Arya is a mini Cat and Sansa is a mini Ned but it’s not as clear with the boys.
Sansa is without a doubt the one most like Ned out of all the children, but I don’t know with only the boys.
Bran is the only one with pov chapters and we have little idea about what Ned was like at that age because almost no living characters knew him then. We see Robb trying to be like Ned but not really being able to do it because he’s still a teenager and under huge amounts of pressure, but it’s also difficult because we see him through Catelyn’s eyes and I doubt she’s being super objective (which is understandable). Rickon is literally four years old. Before his fall Bran seems to be a very curious and outgoing kid, something that isn’t very true for what we know of Ned. But then he was probably different when he was little (pre mind shattering trauma and all that) and the dreamer aspect is something Sansa, Bran and Ned share.
So I think I’m still gonna go with Bran. As you said, anon, he’s most gentle of the three boys (at least Cat thinks so) and he’s also the one we know most about due to him being a pov
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rriavian · 6 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022), The Sandman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Calliope & Dream of the Endless - Relationship, Calliope & Dream of the Endless | Daniel Characters: Calliope (The Sandman), Dream of the Endless, Dream of the Endless | Daniel Additional Tags: Book 9: The Kindly Ones Spoilers (The Sandman), Canonical Character Death, Past Calliope/Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Grief/Mourning, Character Study, Kinda, once again I work out my feelings on the canon ending, through fic, Daniel Hall deserves a hug, so does Calliope, Musings On Immortality Summary:
Calliope meets Daniel for the very first time.
It is not the first time she's met Dream.
I’m not sure if this counts as a rarepair (it’s platonic, though with reference to past Calliope/Dream) but I’m tagging the @sandman-rarepair-fest as this might be of interest to people looking to read rarer ships/relationships. Will hopefully have a few more works to post (I have three rarepair wips I was trying to get finished for this!) but might also make a post for the rarepair fics I’ve already written.
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schnaf · 10 months ago
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23 days until jungsu's 23nd birthday
day 9 - mi gente
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cinammonelles · 2 years ago
Diomedes: Talk about your wife
Odysseus: *talks about his wife*
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thegempage · 1 year ago
listen. listen. listen. your loved one came back wrong except you're the only one who sees it. the love of your life is not who they claim to be. you don't know who they are but everyone else around you treats them like the person they're pretending to be and you have to wonder if you, perhaps, are the one who has changed. did you bring them back only to sacrifice yourself in the process? who are you? who are you to decide who they are? are you projecting the missing pieces onto them, looking for problems where there are none because you don't recognize the person in the mirror anymore?
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gaylos-lobos · 2 years ago
Witches before Wizards, what elements of it we see throughout the show and what it might tell us about its end.
Witches before Wizards is quite an interesting episode in retrospect, it set up several things like Luz having to earn her staff herself (and Eda helping her to gain one someday), pushing the fails idea of Luz being the only human on the isles and Eda spelling out a core aspect of several characters development journeys with telling Luz that one has to choose themselfe. 
There have however been other recurring aspects of the episode throughout the entire show, some plot points, some imagery, some aspects we see in other characters that play similar roles. And most importantly, there are several parts of the episode that haven’t yet happened which might give us an idea of what Watching and Dreaming might entail. 
So let me start with laying out the things we have already seen throughout the show. 
In Sense and Insensitivity (S1 Ep11) both Lilith and Eda get their hands on a map (one of many) from the same person (in Witches before Wizards Eda finds it in the collapsed castle of Adegast) which is supposed to lead the quest goer to a “treasure”, at the end of the quest it however turns out that this was a scam all along to kill whoever fell for it (while in WbW it was to kill Eda specifically). 
Seven episodes later in  Agony of a Witch (S1 Ep18) Luz gets captured so that Eda can get lured into a trap. Eda flies into what she  knows to be a trap and demands her students freedom.
The big similarities in season two start with us seeing Luz set out on a quest. In both Witches before Wizards as in Elsewhere and Elsewhen, the idea for it is set into her head by a bearded older man who uses compliments to lure Luz into a sense of safety as they journey together (in this case the puppeteer controls all of the people Luz travels with), it turns out at the end however that this was only a trap and that he had been manipulating her the entire time. 
Luz says at 5:35 in WbW that she might have a “predetermined path (of greatness)” and at 16:25 she says that she “came here for a reason”. At the end of Elsewhere and Elsewhen it turns out to the viewer and in Hollow Mind to Luz that there was indeed a predetermined path waiting for her on the Isles. As she teaches Philip the light glyph and helps him find the Collectors mirror in the titans skull, this helping Philip to build his empire and the near extinction of wild magic with the day of unit. 
It turns out in both WbW and E&E that the kind bearded man that set Luz onto her quest was an act all along to lure her to do his bidding, in both cases Luz is simply a puppet in someone else's game to get revenge on someone else (this is only revealed to Luz in Hollow Mind). 
While Luz has traveled more than once into a forest, in Thanks to Them she and Hunter travel into one to find the Titans blood they need to create a portal back to the isles, in both cases, the titans blood and celestial staff, are on a small island in the middle of a small lake a bridge appears in WbW and Luz creates on in TtT, this small island is also the place the final fight of the episode takes place. It turns out that the people/person Luz traveled there with have been puppeteered as to lure her into a trap, in both cases her friends come just in time to save her.    
In For the Future as in Witches before Wizards we see collapsed and ruined towns that had been beautiful illusions, throughout a  puppeteer uses a variety of  puppets to play out a fantasy, in both episodes King is held hostage by the puppeteer (while not for the same reason King is indeed still a hostage of the Collector even though his opinion of them seems to be somewhat positive).  
At the end of WbW Luz, Eda and King are looking over the Titan together and see a blue shooting star pass over its head, this blue star imagery comes up constantly again in For the Future. The big wave (alongside shooting stars) the Collector sends out directly over the Titans head in the beginning of the episode is in similar blue colors, the spies he sends out over the isles share a similar dark blue. He and King are shown to fly over the isles on top of a blue shooting star and Belso is shown in the trailer for Watching and Dreaming to hold a blue star (potentially representing how the Collector is once again a puppet in his game). While this alone is not enough I do think the fact that the Collector was entrapped inside the titans skull (well his mirror) and the first time we see a blue shooting star appear in the show is indeed of significance and might not just be coincidence. 
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Both Adegast and the Collector are associated with imagery of the stars and moon (this is especially important considering before we even meet Adegast we see the moon and stars hanging from his castles ceiling (at 7:13)), while King only calls Adegast outfit jima jams (at 7:34) the Collector seems to actually be dressed in some type of pajamas. While Adegast is only a puppet the Collector as mentioned above is also a puppet in Beloses game, a game where both puppeteers' end goal is revenge.  
Let me now go over Watching and Dreaming, what is similar in the trailer and what could happen in the final.
While some of these mentioned examples might be more flimsy or even coincidental I do believe there to be deliberate connections especially the ones with Philip and E&E and also the ones with the Collector and the shooting star seem to fit way too well for them to just be coincidentes. So what does the rest of the episode have in it that might still appear in Watching and Dreaming? What might we see in the final and what of this is just connecting dots that really aren't there?      
We see in the trailer for Watching and Dreaming that Luz, Eda and King have been put into a dream-like world (illusion) by the Collector (which happens because the real puppeteer (Belos) is controlling him). This is similar to how Adegast is the one to set Luz into another illusion at the end of the episode but is actually just a puppet hanging off one of the  actual Puppeteers' many tentacles.
While we can only guess, through the way it is presented it seems that Luz wakes up in this dream like reflection of the isles, making it hard to tell if it might be reality or a dream, while mainly used as a way to recap in WbW Luz wakes up after a small montage of the first episode wondering if she is dreaming or if it’s real. Considering the places we see in the trailer the Collector seems to let them relieve some of their memories or at least similar memories. 
One of the first scenes of WbW is Eda not remembering Luz, of course here it is played as a gag but considering the shot of Eda and King in the trailer it might seem that Luz first has to remember her family who she is considering the Collector has dressed her up as Belos.  
Another thing we have seen already in the trailer is (presumably) the Collector using Eda and King to attack Luz and potential also Amity, Gus, Willow and Hunter to attack her, the way the Puppeteer uses the puppets Luz has been traveling and formed bonds with to attack her, Eda and King at the end of WbW. 
At WbWs end Luz was put into another illusion. We see her breaking out of it to save her friends, because even though she was offered to live out her fantasy she realized that reality is, while harder, more important than any ideal an illusion could offer. While Luz and King have already learned this lesson throughout their journeys in the show we see the Collector play out fantasies throughout FtF and are shown several times that he does not seem to really understand what kind of consequences their way of play would have on the inhabitants he plays with. While our main trio is the one that has to break out of an illusion, I think we might see the Collector learning the same lesson Luz and King had to already. That reality is more important and has more worth than any fales illusionary world could ever have. 
Early in WbW Adegast mentions that the chosen one will have to defeat an ancient evil and as we learned in FtF the Collectors (and with that our Collector) do fit that description quite well. They travel from planet to planet and archive who and what they want and if they do not get their way they scorch everything, they are even the reason why the Titans are near extinct. Defeating the Collector (note; this does not necessarily mean killing them) would indeed mean the defeat of an ancient evil, this especially after Luz has just gotten her staff the way the Celestial staff would have made her the chosen one to defeat the ancient evil in the fake prophecy. 
During WbWs final fight Luz first defeats Adegast before she is able to defeat the Puppeteer. This to me implies that Luz and Co. need to first defeat the Collector before she can finally defeat Belos, ending the real Puppeteers shared once and for all. 
An eager Luz says at (5:48) that she is going to earn the respect of everyone on the isles with her magic, considering that she, Eda and King are most likely going to be the ones to take care of both the Collector and Belos and considering that Luz has earned her staff and grown significantly as a witch over the show this comment of hers might actually come true by the end of her story. 
As mentioned earlier Luz, Eda and King are watching over the isles at the end of WbW (same in the season two ending credits) and I believe we are going to see a similar shot at the end of WaD, one where their little family is looking over the restored isles together, maybe even seeing the Collector off as he travels back into the sea of stars.  
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