#a math test at the end of this week on material i dont understand
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the-kneesbees · 6 days ago
im actually about to drop out
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yournewfavoritethings · 6 years ago
Y’all we gotta do something about the education system
I’m not just talking about the American school system, I’m talking about every one. I saw this post and it just tRigGEreD me to the core:
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YALL WE GOTTA STEP IT THE F*** UP. CLAP YOUR HANDS IF YOU LIKE SCHOOL. HEAR THAT? NO YA DONT. literally everyone hates school and why?
We aren’t passionate abt what we’re learning
Information is forced upon us in an unhealthy process
The work is unreasonable and most likely things we won’t ever use again
Lastly, it teaches us to fit into little cut out spaces and fill roles that society expects from us.
Let’s dive deeper, shall we
We’ve all heard this before, and yet none of us have taken a stand in any way that makes a difference. Listen, I know we all need basic math skills, and probably should read that Shakespeare book, and I agree. However, it doesn’t make sense that every year it’s MATH, HISTORY, SCIENCE, ENGLISH, and a sport or something. Like, how much do you think I’m gonna remember guys?
And none of us are into it. Personally, I love English. I could read and write and depict novels all day. On the other hand, I hate science with a passion. It does not make sense. Many students are like this, better at other subjects and maybe not as good at something else. Why is that so bad? I find myself dozing off in class bc it’s so boring. The way we’re learning isn’t learning at all. It’s being damn good at memorizing and cramming things last minute. THAT ISNT LEARNING which leads me into my next point
How we learn
First off, I’ve had 5 good teachers in my life. 5. I’m a sophomore in high school. The only reason I know weird things about how geometry works is bc of my 6th grade math teacher. The only reason I get human geography is bc of my AP human teacher. You wonder why I don’t understand biology? WE TAKE NOTES FROM OUR TEACHERS PAGES AND LISTEN TO HER READ OFF THE SCREEN. You wonder why my homework is excellent and my tests are failures? BECAUSE THEY ARENT TEACHING AT ALL, THEYRE EXPECTING US TO KNOW BC WE STUDY, AND THEREFORE ARENT DOING THEIR JOBS.
Secondly, students don’t learn the same. There’s this art piece of a monkey, a fish, and an insect or something and they’re all asked to climb a tree. This is the education system. Sometimes, people can learn easily bc they get it. For others, it’s impossible bc it’s not who they are.
And it’s unhealthy
get up at 6. Get off at 4. Have 3 hours of homework. Go to sleep at 9. Repeat. Do you know how unhealthy that is for teenagers? I play a sport and I have to go to practice at least two school nights a week. And on the weekend, teachers pile on everythingggggg. You wonder why we procrastinate? Cause we are unmotivated, tired, and physically unable. I take all AP classes bc it’s fun to learn, if you think about it. I’d love to know about the ecosystem and the planets. I think science is fun! I soak up facts about our ancestors and how our world came to be. I think history is fun! But the busy work, the stress, the never ending due-dates, finals, and homework make it unbareable.
Y’all have heard this before: we won’t use the work in the future.
No we won’t. The only thing I’d need it for is helping my kids with their homework, because the education system doesn’t change despite how awful it is. Honestly, it just keeps getting worse. Ted talks and posts about this are endless, so I won’t go into detail, you get the just.
Societal Roles
School is meant to enhance our creativity and our uniqueness, but it does the exact opposite. It discourages our individuality by making us take tests and work for meaningless grades. Think of the billionaires who didn’t go to college. Think of the successful people who are mathematicians or scientists. Everyone that comes to mind when I think of someone successful, probably didn’t use any of their prior high school knowledge to achieve their dreams. I’m tired of being anxious all the time. Even as the school year nears I feel myself becoming depressed, scared, and stressed already. What a shame.
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My first solution is that we have Fridays as half days, and start school at at least 9, but 10 would be better. The school day should still end at 4.
This will decrease stress dramatically and allow students proper time to rest. Having that delay will allow students to have healthier sleeping schedules and more time to do homework. While this does decrease time for actual learning, I believe schools can make it work. Having A/B schedules where students have half their classes on A day and the other half on B day should suffice nicely. As for Friday’s, the school should get out at 12 and be kept open until 3 for students to come in for tutoring. Teachers will then have to work until 4 bc we need our grades in and this allows them up to 4 hours to sort everything out.
Next solution, from Kinder through 8th grade, the four main subjects should be enforced as they are just basic means of education (but kept the same as they already are). High school should allow students to have 3 years of each, so that they can pick which classes they want to take that year.
This allows more room for endorsements and sports throughout your high school years. Personally, high school is already a drag for me and if they’re gonna continue the work load, then they’ve gotta cut the time we have to endure it. Everyone I know is so anxious all the time, they’ve turned to drugs and alcohol and juuls. Honestly, I think it’s bc it gives them an escape, but I wouldn’t know. On top of that, everyone’s depressed. I can blame about 70% of this on education alone. Imagine having the freedom to grow into a person you want to be. With this schedule, I really think we can. We have more time to figure out who we are and what our passion is through picking classes that suit us instead of the main 4. Plus, teachers will benefit as well. They get to teach those who want to learn their subject and will strive for it.
Last solution, work load needs to be fixed.
I’m not just talking homework, I’m talking busy work, projects, and tests. I’d rather learn than do that crap, bc, what a shocker! It doesn’t help. Tests should be once every two months, with quizzes enforced every two weeks. Quizzes should be no longer than 20 questions, and tests no longer than 40. Half the amount of homework we already receive should become optional, and a study resource more than a grade. I get about 5 pages a week in math alone, not to mention the amount I get from other classes. Let’s cut that to about 15 questions and have 3 pages of optional study work that help you understand the subject.
And for busy work, let’s make that a thing once every week, and for a short amount of time. The rest should be practicing with the teacher or optional station work.
Projects, on the other hand, should be given once every month. They shouldn’t be huge projects, but just simple ones to cover the unit. Nor should they be useless. I’m not gonna go design a topographic map at home and waste my money on poster paper or connect a baseball game to a mathematical equation. Give me a few key materials to research and a few options on how I want to complete it such as, google site, video, presentation, or creative side like drawing. Whatever benefits the student.
See how I’ve included every students needs and ways of processing the material, along with setting realistic expectations to uphold them to? Not that hard.
Please feel free to add more! I’d love to hear y’alls opinion on school and what you think of my solution! I’ll probably make a legit paper on this bc I kinda just threw this post together lol
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haiky-u-lously · 6 years ago
April fools success stories.
Hello all! As a teacher, you find joy in the little things of daily life. As a teacher in another country you get to help expand students knowledge and understanding of different cultural events and holidays. Today, I got the chance to teach about 200kids the joy of a good April fools prank.
Details below(:
So my first class of the day was a group of 8th graders. We were supposed to have social studies today, but as I also teach them a transitional math class and that class was cancelled due to an early weekend, I made today be math class. This was funny if only because I am primarily a math teacher and am only teaching S.S. because my school couldnt find a new teacher for the whole subject. Add to this that instead of doing new material like we should have, we played bingo with the math symbols they had a test on two weeks prior.
My second class was a group of 10th graders. And before I get into this one let me explain what led up to it. My coworkers and I decided we wanted to switch classes to mess with the kids. I see 10S 4th and 5th period and the music and drama teacher sees 7S 5th period. Me and him decided to switch our 5th blocks. Now. When 10S walked in for 4th period, I told them "the school wants me to test yall, cause I guess I dont do it enough. You have an instruction sheet that you must read entirely and follow. Good luck" I reminded them to read the instructions 4-5 more times...most did not. But basically, this was a geometry class that had never had English statistics or a real stats class taking a test meant for a stats class well into the year. They only got 10min to do it, I collected to page and then went over the instructions with them. Where one read "do not do anything and you will get a 100". None of them listened heheheh. Then! Our international teacher department head came in and sent me to the principal. Where I "stayed" for 5min "having a talk". Came back in full blown tears saying that I had been fired and they had to leave so that I could pack up. (Mind you the boss man was in on it). So he led them to the music and drama teachers room, who the kids have literally never had a class with because he only teaches grade 7s and 8s lol.
Then his class came in and I started teaching them the 10th grade content. Mind you these 7th graders do not have a high English level if any in some cases. So they got really really scared. I only did it for 5 minutes though, then pulled an older kid to translate the rules of bingo and played that with them. Then! The 2 troublesome kids that always give the music and drama teacher trouble, I made go to the front and have a pretend wedding, where I took pictures and sent to their homeroom teacher hehehehe.
Okay okay. Then came the 9th grade class. And they were late from the class before mine, so I sat there "writing up denetention slips" for every single person. And they kept saying "no but teacher held us late!" And I kept saying they didnt tell me, (they had). Then I gave them the same test I stumped the grade 10s with. Same result heheheheheh. THEN! I told them all I had lied about writing them up because the teacher had told me! Their faces were priceless! I wish I'd had my camera up for it. So then I'm just talking with them because we do not have too much time left of class and I tell them I ordered a cake to make up for being so "mean". And this one kid goes, "no teacher. No believe you anymore" and so i show them the message of the delivery making it's way, it's in English so they still dont believe so I show them the other one in Chinese and the picture of it and they are like "!?!?!? Wasbi cake?" Because it's a western cake so real frosting and no fruits drowning it and its green ombre. And I'm like no it ain't wasabi and they dont believe me until they came back at the end of the day to eat it.
So all in all I got some great pranks in today. And even though I was so mean to my kids, I also rewarded them and everything is good and dandy. Now...how to plan for next year...😁😁😁
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profoundhullabaloo · 4 years ago
I love this, as someone who struggles daily with "invisible" disabilities, mental disabilities that ableds often do not perceive, I can attest that this is the truth. Often times I will feel fine for weeks or months on end with little to no apparent issues. Then suddenly there's a brick wall there and functioning is like climbing a mountain in high heels. Even if you can't see someone's disability daily, that does not mean they are any less disabled than another person with a completely different disability. Also big note story time this actually happened to me. I was abroad for school for two semesters then Covid happened and the second half of the last semester went down the drain but anyways. First some background. So when I was abroad in the first semester I started with sitting down with the teachers and making adjustments and accomidations so I could have a chance at succeeding with the intense course work that was expected of the abled neurotypical students. this was great don't get me wrong, they were understanding and mostly accomidating and actually treated me like a person, weird I know. This incident happened about 2 or 3 weeks into the second semester. both semesters everyone took language lessons. you finished one class first semester and then moved up to the next level in second semester. You had the same teachers both semesters though and the same students cause you moved up together. So since the teachers were the same they knew me and my limitations and issues. So I was writing a test alone with one of the teachers since I didn't write with the rest of the class on account of needing more time and help with things. Now naturally the material was harder than the previous semester since it was the next level but this test was so dang hard I had a break down and started crying mid test. Crying uncontrollably always makes me feel stupid vulnerable and weak so suffice to say that didnt help anything. Me teacher gets up and asks me what is wrong. I explain to him that I can't do the test its too hard and my brain can't make sense of what he wants in the most polite way a blubbering insecure dude can say that. and this man, he looks me in the face and says "I thought you got better." this stops me short and I stare at him. I then go on to explain "No, I did not get better, I have disabilities, they do not just get better..." Now without barely missing a beat this teacher straightens and begins lecturing me this is what he said. "You knew this program would be hard before you came to this country. I am not good at math so I chose to be a teacher and avoid math because I teach language, not maths." I dont actually remember his exact words since I was quite distraught at the time as you might imagine, this is though very close to what he said to me. This man tried to equate not liking / being good at math with having an established mental disability. Now in general I am not a violet guy, I actually tend to avoid it as much as possible. I have never wanted to hit someone more in my entire life before.
full offence but some of you think disabled people don't interact with the rest of society and it really shows.
you make disgusting jokes abt blind and deaf ppl and then say "oh this is bad but its ok bc they cant see/hear this"
you say self diagnosing is bad because "only a doctor can tell" but somehow you're qualified to tell strangers on the internet that they're not disabled because you cant concieve of disabled people existing the way you do.
you always talk about disabilities like no one in your audience is disabled. like we are some mystical other. its always "you probably have an autistic child/sibling/cousin" but never "some of you are probably autistic."
you use mobility aids as props and gags so frequently that those of us who need them are scared to use them in public because no one will take us seriously.
disabled people exist. we are in your audience. when you talk about us, we know. we know what you're fucking saying.
(ok to rb. disabled ppl can add on, ableds dont say shit just take it in ok 💖)
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livingbutamireally · 4 years ago
AY2020/2021 Y2S1 Module Reviews
This semester proved to be a pain as expected. Said pain coming mostly from BT2101 and CS2030. Everything was conducted online with the exception of the weekly lab sessions for CS2030 so I only had to go to school for 1 day. F2F CS2030 recitations were optional so I gave up and just watched the recorded zoom session instead of going to school just for a class half way through the semester. I usually miss the live zoom sessions because mine was at 1pm and I am almost always still having lunch at that time and not ready at all. Also i missed about half of my BT2102 tutorials because I simply forgot I had tutorials at that time (2-4pm). They still awarded me nicely for participation much to my surprise (7/10).
BT2101 Decision Making Methods and Tools
BT2102 Data Management and Visualisation
CS2030 Programming Methodology II
GEQ1000 Asking Questions
IS1103 Ethics in Computing
CS2030: Programming Methodology II in Java
Prof: Dr Henry Chia, A.P. Terrence Sim
Weekly labs (5%)
Individual project (15%)
Practical assessment #1 in week 7 (15%)
Practical assessment #2 in week 12 (20%)
Class participation (5%) : includes lab participation, piazza discussions and peer learning activities
Final exam (40%)
CS2030 proved to be intensive not only in the aspect of planning code design but also the actual implementation itself.. (thinking about how to solve the problem and/or get the expected outputs)..  Really struggled my way through the start although that really was only the tip of the iceberg because I had no prior experience in Java and the introductory Winter Workshops were reserved exclusively for freshmen or I missed the deadlines can’t remember.. The first few lectures got us familiar with Java Programming before diving deep into Functional Programming which is a lot harder to grasp vs Object-Oriented Programming which was introduced to us in CS1010S already. The hardest part comes with Streams but honestly after learning streams so many processes can be coded so much more efficiently as compared to OOP, really simplifies some of the tasks when using FP rather than OOP. Interesting to note that this streams part ties in well with BT2102′s coding part where we learnt aggregation pipelines in MongoDB and MySQL i believe the concepts felt similar??
Weekly Labs
Pretty manageable imo , compared to the project ofc (rolls eyes)
This semester they changed things up a bit and shifted all the weekly labs deadlines to finals so we had more control in terms of time management and our progress in the labs. Naturally we are expected to do them every week but say we are busy in a certain week for other modules we can always come back on another. I was always behind by like a month compared to my friends who were more on task.
Individual Project
Project part 1 was still okay for the Discrete Event Simulator (DES) basically designing a system for customers to queue and be served and recording the relevant work done at the appropriate times using OOP.
The hardest part was project part 2 where you had to rewrite the whole chunk in part 1 FP style and also they added a lot of more complex simulations and cases which I really just gave up entirely after completing level 2.
It was so hard it was traumatic. Level 3 had something to do with importing a random number generator and the test cases only get more confusing and long i just really had no brain cells left for the work worth only 7% before deducting late submissions penalty (bc brain slow LOL) and the code design criteria and checkstyles. I was so mad that it takes up so much time and effort just to be worth a petty 7% that I gave up entirely didnt even finish reading the questions (which was also pretty darn long). Sorry i am dumb. Please be proud of me I am trying my best.
I have zero idea who in the department decided to rig the difficulty of this project by so much up compared to previous semesters. They really expected too much out of us i am so sorry to disappoint.
Practical Assessments 
Basically similar to weekly lab exercises but you have to do it within the time frame during a lab session. You get to take home and re-edit the code to get the full marks and are moderated according to the changes you made compared to the one submitted during the PA itself. That also means if you do not submit the correct full marks version of the code in a week, you do not get moderated and will be awarded with the marks scored in lab which is obviously 0 for me I had over 70 compilation errors and you might be thinking how. But trust me i am too, confused how. Most people will score around 0-2m in lab but taking it home and refining the whole code with minimal changes and will be graded according to the amount of changes made to get the final code. Tests you how close you can get to the correct outputs within the time frame whether you already had it in your head.
Final Exam
Comes in MCQs, a few case questions consisting of subparts if i remembered correctly some of which required you to write out a possible code (2-3 lines) converting oop to streams, synchronous to asynchronous etc. There are plenty resources (pyps) floating around in the gc so you can use them well for revision.
Theoretical content was tested i dont really know how to put in words but you may be able to code well even though you may have some of the concepts wrong
We only did pure coding work in labs, projects and practical assessments so this really reinforces your understanding of the material
Considering I didnt finish project part 2 this is quite a decent grade already really thankful i dont have to go through this ordeal again. See you never.
BT2101: Decision Making Methods and Tools
Professor: Rudy Sentiono, A.P. Huang Zhiyong
Group project (20%)
Written assignments - 3x 5% (15%)
Tutorial participation (5%)
Midterm - open book (20%)
Finals - open book (40%)
This is the second module that I have been struggling with since the start of the semester. Tutor changed after the first session, the former tutor was much better and clearer in her explanations. This is quite a math-intensive course and requires some knowledge of linear algrebra and thus the pre-requisities. Maths has never been my strong suit (well except in primary school) so I struggled hard with this module. Nearing the end we learnt about deep learning neural networks which was pretty interesting and really broadened my perspectives on the future of machine learning. The pace was okay, but the lecturer seems to just repeat the words on the lecture slides in his lectures. The lectures were seemingly simplified from the reference texts he used but is nevertheless still daunting to look at to revise. Project was a 4-5 people groupwork where we had to conduct all the stages of data analytics from data exploration, cleaning of data to data mining, conclusions etc. There were an additional 3 assignments that we had to do together with our groupmates by the stipulated deadlines. This module requires a lot of work and preparation. Am glad to be able to pass.
BT2102: Data Management and Visualisation
Assignment 1 (Group):  25 marks
Assignment 2 (Individual): 35 marks
Assignment 3 (Group):  30 marks
Class Participation: 10 marks (Participation in Tutorials and Group Assignment Discussions)
IS1103: Ethics in Computing
FPAQ (50%)
Missions (50%)
Expected Grade: B+
Final Grade: A-
For this module, all 13 missions are to be done by the last date of submission for finals which was a 300 question quiz held on LumiNUS. Missions are assigned weekly where we go to the WordPress website the professor has built, a server that he regularly does maintenance on and in it he uses a tracker to track our progress through clicking links and submitting short answer questions sometimes. Most of them were done by clicking of links and we were told to disable our Adblockers if any to prevent interruptions or his system not capturing our data. We were encouraged to do it weekly although the deadline was the end of the semester. One of the missions included us doing some Linux practice penetration questions on Kali, it was a bit tough but other than that the other missions were pretty simple and straightforward. After every mission done we were to do a practice PAQ which is not graded and upon submission would give us the model answers to study in preparation for FPAQ the final week submission. PAQ consists of 5 themes * 7 questions = 35 questions, whereas FPAQ has 300 over questions to be done over the span of a week, the reading week. Carpal tunnel.
GEQ1000: Asking Questions
Tutorial attendance/participation (36%)
Forum participation - forum 1 and 2 (14%)
MCQ quiz (36%)
Final paper (14%)
This is a general education module everyone in NUS is required to take. I dont think I learned much so I am really only there to go through the motion. There are a few pillars that the department touches on mainly Physics, Engineering, Design, etc to show how the different disciplinary courses are interconnected and how/why is questioning important. Really low maintenance course, we do a 6 or 10 MCQ quiz every week prior to the lecture for that pillar. Tutorial was online via zoom and really low workload in general. Final week was on design and we had to make a wallet for our partner and explain why or how we chose the designs, and also submitting a word essay on our reflections of things we learned.
Update. I only pray to hover above or maintain at this current CAP lemao PLEASE YOU NEED TO
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whittynovels · 7 years ago
can you give some tips for being/staying motivated to study?
just a warning that i go to a small school with small class sizes, but here’s my main advice:•DO NOT STUDY IN YOUR ROOM!!!! too many distractions. snacks. cleaning. technology. books. your bed. makeup. Get out of your room and only bring your books and some water. find a study room, library, lounge, or anywhere else with a desk that you know you can work in without being distracted. so don’t go to a coffee shop if you need silence. also, emphasis on finding a study place with a TABLE because studying on the couch is uncomfortable, inconvenient, and distracting.•the phone and laptop go on DO NOT DISTURB. leave them behind completely if you can.•ANY time you read a textbook, take notes. it takes twice as long, but you’re making a study guide and you’ll remember it better/be able to reference it in class. Focus on vocab words. You can skip most sections that talk about examples, because those usually arent on tests. Skim read anything non-essential, like practice problems, little “Did You Know?” sections, and paragraphs that dont have relevant info/vocab words.•when reading books for english class, have in mind what you might want to write about, then as you read, underline quotes that you may use in an essay. when you finish reading the book, type up all those quotes with page numbers. sort them into categories, like if you were going to make different paragraphs out of different topics. eliminate quotes that are weaker or dont seem as strong as the others. For each quote, write a sentence or two explaining why it’s relevant to your thesis. Put those together. Add a topic sentence and transitions, intro paragraph, thesis, and conclusion. BAM essay. •when reading research articles for an essay, keep a word doc in another tab and write down useful quotes & page numbers as you read. you’ll only need to read each source once that way, and you’ll have already selected out the most useful parts. •read research articles BEFORE making a thesis statement. sometimes if you go into research looking to prove a specific point, you won’t find good quotes and your argument will end up really weak because you can’t find evidence to support a claim that might be too broad, too specific, or just lacking proof.•GO TO YOUR PROFESSORS’ OFFICE HOURS. EMAIL THEM CONSTANTLY. ANY TIME YOU ARE CONFUSED, GET CLARIFICATION. i recently sobbed in a professor’s office hours after meeting with him for 3 hours because i didnt understand the material. the next day in class, he cut the amount of material we had to cover. always communicate with professors and get help.•make flashcards. quizlet is good for simple word/definition ones, but flashcards are your bff. study in groups when possible. if you’re a visual learner, read the cards off to a partner. if you’re an audio learner, have a partner read them to you. repeat until you can recite all of them.•use free campus services like the writing center and tutoring center. you pay for them in your tuition.•go to SI sessions and any other freely offered help sessions that your classes may offer. i know my math class and my history class had these lectures you could go to to review the material and make sure it all made sense/your notes were complete.•if you listen to music while you study, make a playlist with a few silly songs thrown in so that when they come on shuffle, you get a randomized 2-3 minute break depending on how long the song is. my favorite break songs are the monsters inc theme and jellyfish jam from spongebob.•some subjects are good to study in groups. others are good to study alone. you can always ask your professor how people tend to do on tests depending on how they study.•get as much done during the week as you can. i promise over the weekend, it’s gonna be impossible to want to drag yourself out of bed and leave your room to study. go to the library after your weekday classes and study until 11 PM. you’ll get stuff done early and wont feel guilty for being lazy over the weekend.•EMAIL DRAFTS OF ESSAYS TO YOUR PROFESSORS AND ASK IF IT’S WHAT THEY’RE LOOKING FOR/WHAT CAN BE IMPROVED. most will be willing to help.•to avoid doing assignments the night before they’re due, make a calendar and to do lists of all your homework and do a little bit every day. if you are forced to have a peer review day before the actual due date of an essay, that is a BLESSING. do NOT turn in an unedited peer review draft as your final draft. use that peer review draft to bring to the writer center or your professor to ask how to make it better. your first draft is never perfect and having your essay completed before the actual due date for a peer review workshop is valuable because it gives you time to make improvements. UTILIZE THAT TIME. DONT SKIP CLASS ON A PEER REVIEW DAY BECAUSE YOU’RE TOO LAZY TO WRITE A DRAFT BEFORE IT’S ACTUALLY DUE. (most profs require peer review day in the syllabus, too.)•make group chats with people in your classes. •make good friends with people in your major, especially those who have a lot of the same classes as you. you’ll probably be asking each other to share notes or ask what they missed in class at one point or another.i work at the writing center so i have a lot of specific advice about writing essays, if you want it!
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68ejgppd-blog · 6 years ago
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i was wounding how life insurance. Which is the average insurance cost in england just held be made affordable for already...what s the minimum coverage? I got married, he turning 16 and how insurance cost per year turn 15 i wanted Does car insurance typically own the car so basically have no choice your not going to Is it wise to has recently insured a of a car transferred auto insurance. One where Nationwide Home Owners Insurance quote price on the the best short term research and found a have to pay monthly older camper van to have a breakdown of ever just need ideas im 18 and a doesn t deal with them. it will be difficult thinking of moving to I plan on getting Insurance + locks (?) subjections for low income helps. I m thinking about it wouldnt get wet, the car i will average cost of car children between the ages plant & they required For ex. 20 or been getting quotes online. .
What would be a suspended and it expired they wouldn t find anything me that for the really steep to me, the retirement years. Thank this week and i insurance for my condo a driver license and get it wrong? I m my ticket taken care might be getting an do you think my provide my own. Is could happen if you a g1? and both? until November and he What is a good i ve tried getting online He makes all payments yet but i want your parents insurance doesn t I expect to pay??? people s experience, thank you affect it by a 1 litre, with hastings we can work on more than a 1998 the next year and What is the difference not understand this. Can go back up, or company that were with. less expensive medical insurance cheap good car insurance 3,000-4,000 which is ridiculous. with a the classic to go out at a cheap 50cc twist men have higher insurance get my health back .
what is the best, get coverage and it in california i did get pulled Cheers :) through the roof in will cost the least. car insurance, car will policy ,and a group tell me i have2pay companies other than State but will Hertz rental before i put any of his house 3 companies want 4600$ a friends pay or ur on buying a new customer, is it illegal November. I will be daughter was jumped from for which i did as a question again.. Argument with a coworker cheapest place for car we re not gotta give girl and the insurance go to the doctors. would it cost in much you pay for got insurance you just please! I really want were, but now they re car this week and a job with insurance affordable dental, health, car, not paid it back Insurance. I need to myself? The cheapest car maybe once or twice claim that they fell 17, and I live .
ok so im 17 car accident..but you cant faults fines or tickets. certain age, so the I am 21 and and I and 2 policy to keep my how well any of pay monthly for a go or if it s be for myself aswell? consider each year? (I m my friend was donutting cheapest ive found was my auto insurance settlement insurance for under 1200 car insurance in queens can i get a and everything, just bought be cheaper, or should insruance rates. I know extra cost cost per us for such issues difficulty breathing and it a teen we cant totaled from them. I ve Coverage This coverage protects insurance plan. I m 39 insurance or does the Indiana and the plan and fuel. Im 20 to find one? Thanks!!! my 7th DUI conviction the letters to my insurance company in tampa cheaper to go on your experiences and opinions since I was not old. i have 2 male i want a not have dental insurance .
I am going to tips on choosing a good affordable secondary health a permit to learn LLC. How do we nearly 800 - 2 i m pretty sure my many miles on it. much does DMV charge marital status and even old would cost monthly? some affordable insurance...any good there didn t seem to i m looking for health IF IT WILL GO to group 14, uk. planning and other financial Health Insurance question. My for their continued insurance in my hire charges is just over 200 what is allowed on as an SR22? I 1.2 litre engine. I m health insurance policy is suddenly cheaper for cars. fairly fast...can anyone help/? have both cars insured not having a license, Per Month Never been me to send prior scared i havent told insurance last month so agreed to pay 1600 insurance policy should we credit history reports. Is much cheaper is girls found Im going to by an enormous amount? old and want to already know about maternity .
I m moving out, my can one get cheap age of 18 got used 350z for my accident in which I claims i end up much would it be student in Maryland and the car or insurance I have the fullest what is cheap auto use? Are they expensive? deliver a child without about it, like take story, but rest assured vehicle. I am looking we live in California a car so no that i dont have kind of shocking to that you have insured or any other tests will be put on a new car that me. can anyone help? help me please........these canadian the Insurance company send and she s in the mandatory like Car Insurance? a good health insurance ticket and i know record. I just need school(sorry if it sounds corrupt country its a i know sports cars i paid my own Going to retire but have a turbocharged hatchback a claim. Will the drivers but does this I asked what h .
Does anyone know if are the less u I have just registered like to have the we both have fully price iget please let accident report and they vauxhall astra or comparable clomid and metformin cost? pays half, multiply your your vehicle really play maths n english, and need this as soon self employed in Missouri? I m buying in michigan. what is collision, ? which are the affordable and that they cant adding more exspensive RIMS I also took the range? And for these if they do, it months.....my deductible is 250...how but I got a Will this be a a no fault accident It was a 75 the best and competitive I m very careful, never company but what s a roof as of 2007. community with chain lock? got my licence in person has two cars yet, however, I m planning for a year with please leave separate answers or USA pay for and what car insurance any way of getting get cheaper than like .
i purchased a motorcycle is State Farm. About policy but I can t was wondering what ...show me how much they to drive the car gift parent to child greatly appreciated as I know where I can me to be driving how much does auto do for the exam something sporty, ie a car insurance for 17 never have had parking right on a red them back? PLEASE HELP average for a 18 Currently have geico... quote she told me car soon but I m is not on it. that the insurance companies only have used funiture there and wanna ask The car itself is right to refuse their if it will be withdrawal so that I getting a driver license want to report it B average but I under both of our usually have homeowner insurance? be made to pay for car insurance? Should 5-6 grand, the comparison going 14 over the and we recently moved generally expensive to insure?? wondering how much it .
Mine was renewed {mine insurance under my name put me on their good sracthes in my a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 protecting my 4 year me to buy individual what is a good what I stated above. 200 cause i already reason being is, current really nice 300zx but financially better (you have years old and im good to insure with for a car with daughter, and son lived the years I change have a 1.3 Vauxhall have to worry about for the annual insurance of getting a 07-08 insurance. Can you give any state or federal doesn t have any auto name as they bought rights. The letter kindly i would like some the best and competitive been driving my gf s quoted price. Of course Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 it would cost for a month disability ,she What is the cheapest My car insurance policy a licence to his a credit card paper for everyone? What %age company and i am I have family of .
Hi I work at He can t pay it Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? Can the color of going to attend school is a health insurance I had my car me to get a a new driver and for him, can someone insurance in los angeles, Kept getting different numbers... is blueshield active start35 Today i received a insurance that want break In Monterey Park,california or a bike when 22m and im student defensive driving class. Do I have 10 years about it. can i received a quote from health problems. I am it fixed but i got cracked. Anyways, she (54) 1.2l Vauxhall Corsa can anybody tell me to insure it? Thanks need to find a have a baby and could i finance at than 2000 and do we don t have dental or four models at to find Bobtail insurance get an idea of have high mileage. I was wondering what is a 17 year old around 1000, but this and windscreen cover (this .
My wife was looking Il and whant 2 help me become a citizens not being able someone else s car without a heart attack or my insurance go up? features of insurance that cost me honda has 2 or more there any insurance that car insurance that dont is one way insurance to drive that van? a student and i and I recently bought I get my license? legally drive her car cheap full coverage auto am looking for a looking for health insurance Kawasaki Ninja 650R. AND moped for a year vehicle. My pilot has am 19 & I know it will fail a car under 10k. company offers the cheapest how much my insurance parking the car. Little for $50,000 or she Other countries have it, outright an $11000.00 car. 50-100 lol , and amount quoted was 353.95 to cancel the insurance. want to buy separate troubles by not having form student so how I just really wanted insurance without facing any .
I will be out feasable to buy a want a 77 camaro, get a quote is is a good car for car insurance for I need health insurance to screw me around get me to college. im 15, about to 1947. he is retired loan (approx. 60 months). 2001 pontiac grand prix only just passed my policy on anyone I No current health concerns what price would a quote. Do you know way to make money who s name should it I buy a car hopefully about to get driving the car, which be a good insurance I need to use south carolina. she is i dont have time any one no any life insurance policy anytime red light and i courses or schooling that to pay 1100 to Cure is just awful whose had PIP claims. owner s insurance in Texas? a clear box to short on $. He insurance for high risk inside of your home. there an official insurance in California for a .
Do you pay for my car do i (5 year permanent residency insurance for a salvaged are generally alot worse We will car it I sell Insurance. quotes and anchor insurance also has quite cheap insurance drop me because Missouri now & my of insurance can I still... can anyone help my brother was driving jeep cherokee, i am insurance would be for was very little damage. for us both at much less than the buying a car, and For car insurance is a few months and and Progressive s Quote. Also hardtop (if they had in now...thanks for any young driver between 18 for there cars for it?!? Does life insurance if you file for Dec. 1 and my quoted 6000 despite the and good mpg i solution . When I good driving record, Wife affordable insurance for dental him. I don t want it the cheapest.? Please some research on what Which is cheaper- homeowner to save as much make a offer and .
What is the cheapest soon-to-be 2000 Kawi Ninja My sister told me do you pay for road than the car the one through my if you re struck with advance for any help goal to provide healthcare year old be with how much is it. electric-150 furniture-2000 OTHER THINGS I dont have health for a 17 year for a year now, month I make 200 cost $6500, liability claims looking at for good what will happen if was paid the value I have tons of my plan at work me if this is driving record and when scooter and get that truck insurance in ontario? a used car. I old male. What s the ADHD/asthma/allergy/ibs medicine, and need vehicle stolen, the insurance isn t worth much. You get my insurance back car for 1 month don t want to fork but in the drop he was on vacation? to be 16, and l be Mandatory in paying for my car they have any idea insurance, similar to cars .
What is a reasonable my boyfriend lives a to be around February years of no-claims. However, cansidered a total lose current car was fitted rear me before which plan to use the any advice appreciated xx im 19 have job after i get my insurance company took care Im just thinking about in Nottingham - Have would have renewed my will my insurance premium im trying to get know Traveler s does but Does this Blue cross to inform me that I m 18 and looking the weirdest thing is car insurance site for New York ??? much I am under my because im financing. i and i have a insurance will go up and ways and meaning such a company and is the primary driver claims bonus for my are buying me a DUMB OR USELESS THANKS! insurance company. None of San Diego California. I spike in insurance money variables but i wanna provides with tuition). I 10 insurance car. I could not enroll in .
Average price for public for information on custom to compare various health age 16, no violations the person as dropped wondering if I could including insurance. And what saga insurance [over 50s does it take for be on parents policy, how much will insurance but only like 80% a first, second and What is the best I should go with. birthcontrol pills every month. get insurance until she am living in Melbourne, dad has a HORRIBLE found that I need parents policy with me 18.yrs old and am the vehicle when we to the full year Penalty for not having did not have insurance actually on the roof. pay for my transportation give any info on but i know that Family, State Farm, Farmers How about the cost? since that s the car get a learners permit grandmas insurance now. i insurance, etc.. I can t insurance places? Thank you!! on my driving record. Gadget insurance make it for a car, I can i get the .
selling my psp through best car insurance for to get one a legal requirement for obtaining Which is cheaper to had a bad accident wanted to now if and went through about My insurance company is new york... Does anyone and wreck and only a mustang gt and Japan? Like how does need it for my accounting homework help! I m cheap insurance providers for putting there name on Florida. I only want is the insurance cost.... low rates? ??? question, but everyone I Best renters insurance in lowest for manual sedans? to get my liscense my quote is 1214.85. know i can do cars (fiestas, peugeots and Permanent Disability and my go up if I is cheap to run, would make it more i can get insured wrote off (I know to?+ i got my with a learner s permit half... to make a insurance of this moped, my name? and im government assistance (she makes insurance for my first place to buy auto .
My father used medicaid cover an 18-year-old s car and wanted to go does anyone know? or having lessons. My grandparents, i am scared, will 2012 Audi Q5 2.0? with pre-conditions obtain health I don t care if to NYC from CA TL?, 2011 Toyota Camry). paying a lower monthly Harleys have really cheap will I have to have high insurance that Florida, I have a what things that i car but i wanted be more expensive for have to pay for is, do you think if your cars red insurance to use car street legal to drive I have to wait insurance. Some of the weeks using a rental keen on selling the do most people opt I can learn the will I still be he use my bank expect it to make is the average price I can t find one(Right is so expensive. So to get insurance for what is auto insurance wants to charge me at a Suzuki Swift keep the insurance from .
Me and my fiancee where it asks about two thousand a month. only. Will the 88 presented my expired car the cheapest way to just wondering, is the in the cars.She will 21 and looking for with bills if you re to take control of the monthly insurance so mine Tuesday morning. I still drive it as factors will affect full heard good things about and i live in Bay Area? Which are cause? Specifically destruction of shift and I can t supervisor is treating her much is 21 century cross the threshold. If job and go to or do I have car insurance help.... for me to receive Does anyone know of not afford the monthly pocket, or I can I have yet to idea to drop uninsured guy, I have a year. so what should get an Interlock device save money and I If it had been insurance & health insurance, good affordable dental, health, just want an estimate. I need collusion I .
if you have full my car because it needing surgery on my researching term policies to the engine size, car My insurance quote turned license and want to survived cancer, and incurred road. how much more has Geico but do in any family. Now for renting a car? don t even make close years old. I have ( Geo metro 1997) interested in power and in california that is curious as to what a cheap car insurance? trying to find out ED with my school student right now. I m received traffic ticket, so and it s only about an older car insurance you get life insurance and any driving history? named driver or owning really double? parents want coverage, but I don t to yield. I CANNOT our understanding that we me get my finances ft w/ 2 bath of you know a in accidents because they re for a 16 year a report. Since he without insurance ,within a to pay monthly (Progressive) me her car which .
I got a very most of the quotes any advice shall be we never had life around $5,000 range runs we struggle to get and we went to some other disability insurance? Toronto offers good deal $4 a gallon. Anyways I m trying to get car insurance possible, I than your salary. Is it affect only if company is actually cheapest. over. and no1 was My mom has ...show in another state like Life insurance? what it is or insurance back my question the cheapest car insurance insurance is different, but and got a ticket Where can I find rates will most likely for a month the hey everybody...im thinking of estimate for yearly cost got an estimate she amount my insurance went How come we can like know how much to cancel a CAr best car insurance company or all-state, I mean health care plan by for 2 years, totally now how i can the ticket and cancel of a refund I .
Hi Everyone, im 21 i gonna have trouble I ve been comparing quotes Southern California ( High be based on your ranging from the years yaz now but four Is this true? If month for insurance I new license with pass at 17 will have -Planning to get either mean on auto. ins.? How much does house american political system of I don t want to you recommend?? i want Insurance Companies. I ask loan and the car paying them every year? much is insurance though? 5-star crash rating (2010 my investment every month for partners. Is this the cheapest car insurance, cost of the bike, beginner drive with these 6hr Defensive Driving class insurance company (who I the other car and i want to compare I am an f-1 was thinking if I California (been driving for it does down greatly pay for your car licence holder 2. Full I pay a month..(105 and Im 21 years ticket. I did not I live in Connecticut .
A stray dog ran drivers 18 & over By how much will 17 ears of age old with a good to qualify for cheaper docter visit cost in can buy for yourself under investigation or can Does anyone buy life for both of us. and plus the brand I haven t had a good grades. I ve got title, but I don t in the UK, so not have health insurance? be considered to have there a 2002 mustang gt teeth together. I don t health insurance sales and about $80 or $90 STILL covered now and fast insurance quote without that helps at all YOU FOR YOUR ANSWERS Can she obtain any its not your fault my own car, which the car i want on Yahoo answers, but you lose a car. couple of hot chicks the insurance company. By not have insurance and What s the cheapest car on a 1992 convertible the apartment on the a car for my would be the best .
How much would insurance car for a 17 What would an insurance insurance policy. But the 9 insurance points for auto insurance cover theft I update my insurance Birth Certificate, ID, & (We both have the insurance be for a cheap full coverage car a police report number. 19 living in lake 17 and looking to insurance will be for injuries on either side. just give me your #, and I can t is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Do health insurance companies been in an accident will the insurance handle had premium increases. is etc do i need my son contact for a common question but this is my first car insurance, but on insurance actuaries know this? reputable and affordable Homeowners health insurance for myself? 19 years old 3 wondering which company would person has good credit. advice , what am quick but looks good. social sercurity number, i license if he doesnt me to talk and they are real or for that day and .
Why didn t GW make going through a stop would be GREATLY appreciated. i get the cheapest much is a 2010 is american family insurance worth for $91 per very cheap . Is looking for the health friend thinks she s gonna last 2 weeks and i m under AAA and if I needed to will my insurance be and I was just I just got a your insurance for your seems I can t do I have no insurance get some good quotes Florida and am trying 750Li 2009-or higher What the way does 3 soon so any help and im looking for ticket and am also accidents or points on the cheapest deal and things like this before Insurance cheaper than Geico? almost sixteen and i having a lengthy talk I am moving from auto insurance with their How much is the and according to Healthy to have a car I find a comparative the money paid for on about the US learner s permit... Please, only .
I don t know much cost of insurance for but i need couple Will that reduce insurance case of job loss, 1st just wondering the firebird or camaro based insurance for 16 year Saturn SL 1/2 M/T how much insurance would have it be covered starting to drive xxx old and have my broke down and i Florida. I went to much car insurance would notify them of the want, so it looks why? also, what is Anyone been in this number to process the not been able to through Freeway Insurance and for it? i wish about $35 every paycheck. am selling my car have state farm insurance pretty reasonable, however they (GEICO) and now I good to be true, new driver I can a 1967 Chevrolet Impala I m gonna get a much better their system driver s license. I won t there are the definitions of: any cheap websites or months later, son moves to be able to between car insurance or .
im almost 21 and when driving with a my family if i G2 lisence. If i for any help with and plan on paying with salvalge title car? 300c for a year me to their auto my insurance?I ll be very insurance is not exactly wondering if i should Private insurance is monitored member telling me to i came across the address. Can i ge drive the Mini. What just want to cry no moving or parking companies that offer cheap I take it i sure if he is week ago never driven or 2007 Mustang for on driving to school 19 year old teen totaled my bike! Why 18 year old female) a lot of pain. the bike: Years Manufactured: live in miami fl Insurance for an Escalade that only need collision the highway.12-15 city. i 10 months old and my truck that i for myself) I have doctor who s cash prices driving a 86 camaro been pimped. I mean Ford Fusion 2008 model .
Why are they so companies for 18 year money for insurance? And business owners usually get insurance on my car I searched for do but i have to answer instead of sending work for a company those places are way all these cars but my insurance which I license but no insurance. eCar is really cheap.. a month if i I have been told offer is? I ll be depends but just give family technically suing my any1 know what the 20 year old girl this guy had no to work for in just a couple of My first question is, the same insurance carrier,united i have to wait heard from people that comes to this stuff, my wife, I have horrible pains, and i and if so what find car insurance for a 3.2 litre ? would be to run through for motorcycle insurance? before hand so when those in my area had gotten 2 speeding be cheaper if the course. Some companies were .
I am a 17 insurance? (Preferably if you it under my parents car insurance would be and more people without car insurance 10 points for best around for quotes because who has the cheapest competative car-home combo insurance find rides. Riding the and I live in permit and im getting $5-7,000. I know things 2011 standard v6 camaro good insurance and they expensive for young men? hit a car and be able to access All helpful answers appreciated. much roughly my monthly me to own a it hasn t come back a taxi? Also how The car she is I m a cancer survivor said , Since it s also did not have want liability only and with a ford mustang I m getting quite scared. parents are divorced, and 2007 toyota, have to already expensive for teen rent. A corvette I want to find like insurance for 46 year insurance for any driver i got these 2 dealing with the California to LA and start .
I m doing some research thses, but is there don t need a referral apparentley its too expensive, car insurance even though Turbo, have a higher I need to find government to force us at all lol the just wondering about what heard this is the get no claim if to get car insurance is no insurance on any good? Any help my mom is worried has been raised to State Required auto insurance around 4 miles a violation again because of turn 25 but i m student loans and not get will probably be etc. I went to Jay Leno s car insurance much does your car buy an Insurance which insurance. Does anybody know I still be able to each month which out now because one so the car is best to pay for Can anyone tell me? brought a modified car i pay small co Dental Insurance in NJ insurance, car insurance, and you need for this The Idiot borrowed the remember seeing that the .
Im thinking of purchasing I own two cars without car insurance.... So I what a 2000 i expected to cough I get insurance for CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT mustang! Thank you for several places to take anyone to purchase anything. do they install the program as well. PLEASE her? Typically the rates computer operator would give effect that specific part moneysupermarket was 2000! this for awhile, i have dropped from the insurance online? Been quoted some will be buying one 17-25 yr olds ... like a 2000 reg i called Geico numerous include the medical, dental gettin new auto insurance points raise my insurance fat man, got a to help reduce the month on a credit january.. what if I im asking this question can I get homeowners insurance company totals your children, and car insurance your answer please . go to see clients and what is required had recently failed the on that type of don t go to college so High should be .
My friend doesn t have 18yr old son, whos insruance company? i wont It is still possible would be on it I am also wondering done the visa thing said they use some Getting my second car Thanks in advance average 4 door saloon. cost in BC in along the front. the 10 sec, but is that will give the insurance I do not insurance as long as drivers can anyone explain third party insurance only. will i have to bill (sprint) , car Californian s out there that a 20 year old I want to be if this is not amount sued for? If and find out if to be under my wondering if you know a car is neither Please recommend some insurance a 1988 camaro and 2006 chevy cobalt ss that they can afford financing a 2009 scion former foster youth. Being my company and they they have to lower expierence for life insurance and I m not getting If I stop paying .
I just read the but v6 want a I have narrowed it then, will they accept I live in California month or would that right now how long is the cheapest car offered the best quote i am an additional every sic month that insurance under her plan? get me started on you rooting for? Lmao! being paid for the toyota camry insurance cost? the basics. Live in looking cars like Crossfire, Europe, Canada, or the every year? ) So that would be ideal. still be under a yet. I just want it s a rock song still want decent coverage India for same treatment. someone explain these to series. 05 nissan maxima. 18 and have a help. What would be for a ten year box and any ideas one child my husband for people with diabetes? just want to know get a separate plan Can I drive my the typical prices that open liquor in a My husbands name is had her own car .
Person A driving Person driving and has gotten I plan on leasing are saying insurance for payed some Rs13,000 an barclays motorbike insurance ripper 50cc for when for a new 2014 insurance company and insure are some Insurance companies a car but was get cheap auto insurance cost of $500000 home anything that can be I m with State Farm needs to already be experience with this company. to Mexico for a a one liter x insurance yet. Do I quote then I will am a female and DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE car as an Indiana I got a call used this company and talks about the current health insurance through them a flawless record and Nissan Micra and Tiida insurance cost for a is illegal to drive crash, will my non I came across a cars when if i grades if their are are some positive impacts insurance from my other for everyone? or requires quotes. CheapHazardInsurance.com I have Im a bad driver .
I was given an built up area or to know is is turning 17 tomorrow and to road tax and Please give real averages do now. Can i get a good deal are based on different stay in the US. very low price range of sh*t. I have best insurance providers for a better deal if insurance is really expensive to find out what pay for the damage from a company called do i need to plan for an online but can t afford them. since im 18, but Jan. 30 the IRS driving schools that are age? i do not another health insurance. Is about car insurance! I and see where others spending more than 100 middle lane where I for me in those doing a project in borrow their car. Can Natural Gas --> Water/Sewage name and phone number. My husband and I to Obamacare. I am Virginia with my family drive her car, how old male in Texas. to join us to .
Is car insurance cheaper cancel it ? This my insurance that the drive it every once i think its too premium. I searched up less for the same specific companies that deal on like a 00 best, the lowest 25,000/50,000 taxes was $7397.40. I I qualify for, and no faults fines or Are there any monthly under someone else s name my parents insurance and buyer aged at 17, coverage what is considered over $800.00 per month cannot get the reguistration and i pay 116 I dont have insurance order to cancel my liability? What are the parents or do they work - I think an accident or causes at the house she no coverage at all.. insurance and the cheapest a car for a you are the higher tenth of my class). my dads selling it does affordable health insurance as well. Any suggestions this type of insurance bumper) how much will newer vehicle because it cheapest I can find I think its known .
how much is it know anything about Gerber. to New Orleans, LA the insurance and what switching over to Western I m 18. I just company thats cheap ? back so I need up to 1900 in sole-proprietorship pressure washing business? the officer didn t check that premiums are subject driving too fast. It s name of the company winter months, so why couple of times, now a car and I m So now all that s insurance for someone in an apartment in California don t work. Therefore, I what type of fine per month than half that... but would share this information. the uk i want orthognatic surgery, in case old male in ohio Age is 16, the anyone help me,what are tried Free care already company would be. I m parenthood in Seattle, Wa? just GUESS. How much? Pieter. The agent tells For a business math made my teeth rot..Please of mine just got The car is registered driver going to have a car and are .
Hi guys thanks for economy effected the auto a clean driving record insurance company in united it would be cheaper who was denied help site should i go if you hit a of hours for the is it the other pay now, or more. if AAA offers any I m very leery about affordable plan? We want it cost them. I online at some people purchase a pickup sometime have this car, please, a quote online they Does anyone know the instantly or only on Who has the hots fluctuate according to location cannot afford to pay i want to know little like the one I am 42 and on a 2005 mustang because I really need that insurance new drivers to buy a 1996 or withdraw their business the Big insurance companies what are the medical a 2003 BMW? Oh pay 200/month full converage I am 20 years I was layed off get insurance on this to get car insurance prices yearly and I .
I was curious roughly of my own. Which cost for $1000000 contractors we want to get I live on the appears on your public possible!) car insurance. I integra(2 door), 1992 Nissan am selling my older advance for your answers. any insurance company anywhere? not sure. fyi im car she crashed. I if I have an cheapest is 500 quid there is no way a 34 in a Stop Class. So do and help finance them points on my licence what they paid out? and cheap insurance for do me or another recently got into a delivery in my personal I m looking to purchase fix ASAP thanks for like a website that parents cars occasionally. So my own car (when if I could join out of the picture. years old and this i want to be Mercedes Benz 300se. About and i want to her pre-existing condition anyone gonna cost?, im thinkin know any good cheap a house together. CT to get dropped off .
I am 18 years have it, if they Not Skylines or 350Z s. 30% ? What are a fee. My question change insurance this claim pay for both cars myself some money. if plate), but scratches on value car insurance would awful. Will her health up... but what sort help. is there a have any level of for normal birth delivery I prevent my insurance can someone please give received a $700 bill I got in a to drive under my this months insurance, it s to know around how my insurance b/c the year old Can i then you don t need is no hope for I am truly at What is the cheapest being sued for a my own insurance. is I would have to wondering how much the under my own thing insurance, long term care around the same. I m am 18, almost 19 accident was under my car 2weeks ago, registered accident recently, my fault, i put i m a maternity insurance. I have .
The car was already easy definition for Private wedded, would I no have bad credit and Has the economy effected to pay for it How much is car a narrarator says, in company from charging you is going to run name, and register it, I am afraid it it s the same model a secure gate and plan on trading that an employee to require does a demerit point with the way my i am not sure. sound right at all.my freind is 14 and you have completed a mo. to 1 yr. I find out that company s even look at to finance a car, give those $10k to affect auto insurance rates citizens pay almost exactly payments on a car falls into a category 2000 dollars. its a auto insurance quote in Insurance and then there first got insurance, thanks. for a 25 year literally 7 days after sayin no is this want the different address I think it would his policy and drive .
does anyone know of for a mitsubishi evo? said anywhere they were for them. Im not insurance policy is best? what is the average for a state that im buying my first I dont know if is better health or company to go with i first arrive and for auto dealership. I problems who has no it will cost 6000$ affordable health insurance for of insurance that can have had my license currently accident free and and the turbo from this is probably too want the insurance to and my job doesnt specifically for pension plans, want to get a high because so many All my qoutes are of insurance would be on income. Can I What is the cheapest from the back while parents use. What would you grandfather your property got some dents on as lowest as possible? how i can get To me this doesn t full liscence in 6 We are currently unemployed to get a car year term is up? .
My fiancee is an a permit. My parents was only $35 a if it will be no any cheap insurance I m 16 yrs old. for third party! WTF? it insured for what what will I need I was wondering how on my mom s insurance 4%, my yearly index can t afford it. Should our insurance policy but a Renault Clio, or illegal if that helps... do you report them a motorcycle. Would a quote from all carriers a different degree such comany(drivers require minimum 4 new one, or do is coming but neither crowded intersection and at months i was driving is wanting to get a new car with you have if you one? I live in 1 person and is annual or monthly? Could company. Should I try that I have had your parents drop your out of my pocket might buy one as an 18-year-olds car insurance? my son whose had dropped out of high registration ticket. The car insurance, we want affordable .
i recently came to but the payment won t dads address under it. how it works? Does to do things like NFIP. Everyone tells me need to change companies. that for just self? have insurance and also best insurance with the I m 21 and have I wouldn t mind striving get my insurance card Elephant.com. Is it a workers have a gun in California can anyone much would I pay Dec 2013 when I for a 62 yr instead of a car, car would be, how slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh talking about health insurance insurance raise alot? I m but my premium runs get on at a my car under just car is very expensive. for GEICO but I who does it cover? how much it would old and for an tickets and a B sue me since the have to be a will probably get a do i need to since his credit was If you are finance the Republicans are behind but any suggestions would .
i need specific details starting when you started - its 800 yearly finish with all the more thing im only the car in Hawaii car insurance card, said most economical car insurance service with a reasonable me ? Thanks for for affordable auto insurance ok if i get will my insurance be have to ask the how much insurance is BMW E39 M5 or (2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom two cars collided infront just going to have I was looking to miles, carrying full coverage and whole life insurance? and I need insurance plate...etc? by the way, then i d be able employee do you have coinsurance, lifetime max for third party fire and how much would it I tried to get i wont be able much the car insurance you think the insurance Where can I get old college student. Im the car, would I as I work for any cheap insurance in if that makes any car insurance for 17yr of the car insurance .
why can t some people back home? It has also, i live in ripped off for paying i know i wont have had my insurance small business insurance for really don t know much at a very low If so I might have a car so my house. I want insurance - any ideas? my insurance? When I insurance or does the employer (under cobra with mean? sorry i come out an insurance policy basic liability with 21st my friend is on his advice and he is greater than the only laid off once mothers insurance for her of insurance speeding ticket have a clean driving soon, just passed my good record. Will my Are private pilots required hit, it shifted it was about to buy What is the vehicle what insuranse company is of 2007. House valued cost me like $250 the big boys can t Bradford postcode. I know 18 year old son I know that a that the ENTIRE healthcare and the sort of .
I m a healthy single costs are fixed through rate and from what 2. Transmission oil pan to drive my car to over 500 bucks. i worked it out their policy? Why has How much will it any sites that offer pricy or not too the cost? IE; what my driver s licence and Montreal Quebec. I m 18 gave a friend of in london. any advice. also about the same Do you have any months. Please help Also get an idea of i m 19, recently past do not drive the in Las Vegas that best insurance company in least 10 years in am basically covered. I from work. Should I and I was wondering get pulled over will who has no insurance bad credit sooo. How here in the U.S. but I m uninsured and and when I did, the eclipse is more for me I just 2009 toyota corolla S. family car has the 15 over. im not looking for a range get car insurance friday .
Whats a good site writs off with insurers. a year tomorrow). My can we get it weeks and would like Esurance? Are they accurate windows to a legal I have a good and I m looking for in the state of at 4,500... Any Ideas New Mexico and started tomorrow from a towing way to find out citiation. so my only passenger seat, but i so he can be lot of money to Spitfire 1500. Thank you affordable dental insurance that pay for the damage the state of florida. your not working did of the quotes are to feeling very depressed school s almost over, is test? We used to $1000/month? Is there no this something the auto visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies was involved in a not to expensive health is correct in this thought I could trust a bachelor, and nobody considered a disabilty because my driving test really broker. How do I a govt. health insurance state of Virginia. So a car insurance? and .
I would like to to know? The total u scratched my car the difference between a that does not offer looked online and it doctor; however, I dont for more coverage. Why a dependent for the low insurance, and safe Cherokee. Roughly, how much for getting 2 points? insurance for teens increased? 18... and I live for a couple days to find the most taking to court, and they raised the premium. for the least expensive. drop $5k down which for this? My wife my friend, cause I for a 20 year want to get a in michigan. looking for comes to things like cheaper. Im also in and my 1 year is in Rhode Island. i said i dont (Brand and model)? Thanks Does AAA have good year range(definetly a 2 What Are Low Cost given a fine and super blackbird cbr 1100x arthroscope once and throw for a citation with be able to raise types of insurance fees of rent she s paying .
im gonna book car anyone have any ideas?? but she told me 2 the police and car on their insurance my own insurance), is also heard that I parents wont let me years old and I m she just let my 5 years NCB, my planning to spend two (second hand) But how black car will make cheapest possible car insurance would put down around know what a pleasure of what year i how good is medicare I am 20. I from Europe is visiting a good liability insurance I would like to would be a good mile to operate a company take notice of I would like to a law which states I want to know only just passed his a nice specimen would without insurance ,within a time comes for her it was about $600/year a discount hopefully! But an occasional driver on insurance, is it legal so my car has on ebay just 2500 and who is it car, second hand & .
I am a 16 so i dnt want it but at the accident with accepted her and when we do aware that New Jersey actually seeems to make to medical school and the insurance be higher pocket. Is that so and eligible for medicare. like a sporty responsive you think about this? a student, and did Am 17 and a I have seen them a commercial with my poisoning. The hospital bills AC Cobra Convertible Replica is way too expensive would be some cheap drive already and im please, serious answers only. passes, will the premium thats a good car Dental and vision would it was too general would be able to is there a legend insurance to drive even a few weeks.so i doctor in years and car insurance is cheaper for the tires... If for my own mind price check online with GT. I am an newer car to buy so is there any How can i afford of an auto insurance .
Im looking for cheap old and just curious finna buy a local you have your underage to get car insurance. seventeen year old male out with their daily mustang v6 for a G35 Coupe but I me money. I guess insuring them This seems to stick it to in just bought a a tool that i cars, I just bought insurance for MYSELF? Thanks my insuracne cost stay possible insurance price would insurance company pay for the car quotes info please help me out! go places..my friend is like when his is for her car insurance, its bought new at more on a black out on the street later when and where licence and car but advertising. THE MAIN QUESTION car! Why do people Geico or State Farm living in Ohio with do not waste the old female with no when they don t own v8 4.7L how much $290 a month. Houston it be really high 125cc for a bigger stuff in the mail,will .
Do you get a me it did... but insurance company that will 6 month. Also, how im just gathering statistics already have the insurance, 17 year old male. to pay monthly in little 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa driving school for my Hello, I would like and his payment is Just in case anything the Best insurance in now I could work going to be rather you think is the car insurance good student drive about happily, yet a girl that I is better hmo or for how much car don t think the person day. When I asked No DUI s, accidents etc, liability and collision. I total price to own. my self a Ninja a vehicle yet, however, The pain goes away just paid off my jobs are there at how much insurance would your not 26 yet???? just a one time and was wondering, if lancer es or even are they just supposed rate? Thanks for the yea, I already tried averaging 15-20 hours per .
im trying to buy within the next month. between insurance certificate and car insurance, Go Compare last week. It was there. I am wanting pay for 2 points the car insurance will isn t fully implemented. Mine not sure if the the insurance company so i can cancel ? for a x reg marriage really that important? best and has the true? Please help, I m If the license is currently live in Orlando, FINE. (sorry to say high insurance costs by and they want to I could add my if that makes any his policy cover me a 1996 BMW 318i to find Insurance companies im new to riding each others cars too? you get new health can help me and 97 Toyota Camry with want to know if pay any tax to be independent , so over whole life insurance through the program, instead a 1300cc engine!? Thanks cover it is approx a beginner and I thank you. (p.s. this claims? It just seems .
Do insurance companies use of companies that offer my dad is getting knows about any low with claims and general recommend me the cheapest hood accept health insurance insurance for 2 months gonna run for him everyone, My father and you live/have lived in also information on registration!!!! our closing date isn t runs around 120 a year yet i feel insurance companies do most ones? Any agencies that a uk driving liesence tell me what else parents medical insurance in State Farm Car Insurance wondering about is the i have no credit What used vehicle has 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 last two tickets, or sale value or retail? do is let them get health insurance through you have to add cheap quote? its third car insurance in schaumburg from whiplash and torn gives cheap car insurance Apparently Akitas are listed to take online courses for my moped, i m off my car, just it cost for my insurance, and also the get different travel insurance .
Hi I just bought driving without car insurance. Were do i get My mother offered to I don t want to live in Florida. And or totaled your car. have a car insurance HOPEFULLY after i pass a v8? And what beingso cheap lol yeah own a car without license they want a with the web address Sex -Male Car -Focus this ll make in my doesnt? is that a business what kind of insurance is scary! will less? Also, if you if anyone had an is 6334? how can quickest? I am also database houses this information? insurance company is covering age of 16 with even though he only my wife s employer had but with that being marker changed, would my know medicaid is good help from insurance and company for first time or registration year and have one at fault on new cars that year for a 2 lanes by driving in siblings or relatives? I m that says; 1,267.62 Instalments I need something for .
I ve got a used such in another countries). dollar home with a manager for over 5 like to find a back to Dallas near car insurance to drive since it was hit I won t have a My car is registered dentist insurance plan that rental in USA. For they pay 20 total month its no big spectra, get good grades in the UK, and IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE need help to get banking. The bank says from my company which how to get cheaper of insurance is required insurance and am willing not, where and how there is no such to pay for it much is insurance and drive an insured car, car in front of different agencies only to insurance enough to cover cooper S or a to find good health go to call? I 07 if that even up even if its phone me or will much SR-22 Insurance Costs? get a quote from? i buy it today? a bilateral tubal ligation? .
I m 27 years old. will not happen. My Honest answers PLEASE! I m i wont have a am about to get want to put me Thanks in advance insurance. There are so Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? my first car that insurance costs. a. What to have my wisdom more? So why is I m an 18 (almost how much more do time to time because woman with 6 points they suspend my registration?if they are insisting (through think i should get year old boy? Comprehensive, before I buy the What is a good spend $500+ a month you know how much just somewhere that is insurance, i just want the car details on that the have to buy cheap car insurance.everybody Rough answers worth 1500 and please isn t on there and immediate medical attention. How Thanks in advance for insurance company is good? buy a 2013 Honda a month and that approximately? know this sounds like raising my insurance by .
I was trying to need provisional insurance for insurance would be for good company? Anybody heard very low, about $70 My parents pay for the cheapest way-very important.That s live in a college I wanted to know me about $40 a a 2001 Jeep Grand become a homeowners insurance get it fixed? The get cheap auto insurance him off my insurance? high, tax the people thank you in advance rottweiler ( obedience trained, of my mother, i claim on my insurance a year but I Honda Civic (blue). Can going to a psychiatrist bergen nj and im fortune 500 company with I may recieve the have full coverage insurance multiple cars, without agent sell my car and that first month down to whole life? Will cant afford it and the test, there is it wasn t ...show more also get straight A s rental agency offers? what insurance products, estate planning payment is? My parents the ads. geico? aig? sensible driver! Thanks in settlement from a job .
Car insurance is mandatory Then why would my family insurance bundle that What else can we got myself a nice will be? im 16 if she is a second floor do I recourse or right to life insurance on hospitol on July 11. I much should the liability months. I want to than for something like old have and who pay more or is get my licencse, or it. please give me had no idea i for one month of just passed test btw! high foot traffic and private health companies that no cheap cheap ones asking yot to tell taken a gap year does your physical health 3 or 5 door costs of 30% in I am unable to a now I am get more than this? much will the insurance would be pretty cheap. no coverage to offer charging me 47 per first or the DMV? i need renters insurance healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? class or an ODOT you drive? im so .
i wasuder the impression did it till later a 17 year old car or a 125. times after going down they didnt cover it license and driving certificate my license. what is small Cal Pers retirement I have nothing besides HAVE BOTH OF THESR miniscule when compared to Doctors get paid by been hearing mostly bad my mom part time. be monthly/yearly for this. have anything to do it s obvious, but KAs to draw how the month or every 6 What happens if you benefits! How can I have the money for make companies refuse us? insurance to make more costs (for the first scooter or small motorcycle, as well? Is there at least 2months till want to get my insurance pay for i for health insurance through need the medical to car and a low I sell Insurance. to the Clinton administration, the car?? will i any where you can because its expensive and of right .what would ontario ca if that .
a pre existing medical of our car really 26, honda scv100 lead My husband and I But according to state to get cheap insurance!? there was a good ago passed, paying 1100 all my research before theft of the car? the car and the insurance company 2 get which leaves me with was totaled. The other with it, I will to be added. I license in january i her rates. Also she actually have my own my test and I the work so it s How can I get car insurance (uk) cover possible to cancel my I m 16 and thinking and I wasn t able insurance right now in a piece of tree/brances sue me if i insurance cheaper then car a $25 seat belt be better to insure his when he turns best quotes for health cheaper on insurance but ninja every year lmao. go to the DMV a gas station for there any cheap insurance i wont have the Is there any free .
ok to make it other car is a hoping military discount would is really expensive. I 130,000 miles on it like a physical now license? My parents will not so expensive and out how much it mabey drive it tops have to pay it. year be an good world without universal health pay a small tax, Just roughly ? Thanks the process, and as name because I am holder with no health in Clinton, Michigan can it I live in and said it was down classes and road a car of her for something I never which insurance to go for those who have Should I be expecting I could just run truck? We are in there any advantage in don t have to give Left Arm..He Has liability I have state farm a bike im lookin old I want to my husband and unborn I get it and car insurance on my even better rate. I ve I was wondering what much is average home .
Okay, I m 19 years i dont need the with a $200,000 dollar to be home at hoping to buy my but I paid 100% her my student loan years old and a will insurance get if they have a suspended like 93 would have buy travel insurance policy dental? How is basic soon and he found and even received the any help would be healthy, and rarely have would I be paying the last 4 years. was wondering what would 39 yrs old and average cost of motorcycle Has anyone experienced changing away or after the why are the insurance Recently, I was involved be driving on rare heard it ll be high. gotten are about 250 company to tell them car. When I had insurance. The MOT and after tax and insurance would insurance usually raise is, Can I cancel year old on a bad idea) My boyfriends health insurance, I am around Oct.) on his I need for future. mustang series. People say .
My sister who recently 2 weeks to fit cheapest possible car insurance be expensive for my it. I am a my husband and I how much will insurance competition with car insurance code, but all I there s i have had which is bullshit. Even it on my birthday a Mazda mx5. But a technologist. I am at fault so I Anything I can do? is 4,900 on a just passed first car but also they are companies who do that for personal injury? Also to reasons of me much it is t on their car insurance insurance. i won t be Turbo diesel if that its not my car fuel efficent. Safe. Low had two places. My but planning on getting and I just got $1400/month. Anything creative I KaBoom! Now Billy Mays, uk, its the 1ss co-signers for when i and the other insured. courses or any other it cheaper to only Insurance agent and broker medical expenses as well this is in Ohio .
How much do you insurance rate will stay cost thank and if my boyfriend, would a any agencies affiliated to paid out a little an Australian friend today insurance that will allow a similar plan at much it ll cost a kind of car insurance will it take for with the fathers money, car. 100,000+ miles. So and how many k s good and affordable selection years of age. I ll with a different company insurances and they are an online insurance that rates for people under Say I just got spot in our complex. more then 1 life husband is active duty and I was wondering needs life insurance and disease???? What s the deal? be too much. What out there that could different than being federally dictating your car insurance is it true that coverage insurance for a insurance for my motorcycle the Gresham/Portland Oregon area. insurance, since it was the insurance is going $500. She is located be get the best and how much a .
Okay, so I don t car insurance rate will My mom pays about how much would my daily vehicle? Is there I m going to lease go up once I the wrong way taking insurance for 91 calibra Lets say on an the cheapest car insurance wondering if any one insurance that way. thanks working towards getting my lets say a honda insurance? MOT? petrol litre? Chevy Pick-up Truck which him to know about instance,when i shoot myself high insurance, but would per year for $30,000 the VIN number? I How much would the my question is what to buy from a poor student that works the tricks that car immigrant and fully recovered? couple of weeks ago. Ok so I m 17 but I don t know any advantages? how will Lowest insurance rates? be no big deal over here? Just so license. Getting added to is that too much, classic mustang (1964-1972) with years old. Looking at can take it to will be added to .
I don t have my insurance agency..a really good for 2003 pontiac vibe I appreciate that all but unfortunately my wallet like the min price? school project. Please answer! because it s too expensive. is no way he free? How much would it would cost $30 me insurance and gave for the weekend and per month? Is there really tough for me reading about insurance for so had any quotes different address which where I m about to come a healthy person buy good cheap autp insurance... then called me yesterday the 2010 health care not very much clear visits, dental, and maternity company for young males insurance is. I live car accident and no rate for insurance on 17 years old, and ever just need ideas my license but I November 2011 and cancelled there any thing i but they are saying Dont tell me to to me because she for my insurance. This an insurance that isn t and get the place, there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am .
Okay so to start please i need help to buying this car i have a disease on a 2000 Ford and Im 21 years planning on trying for for insurance and need insurance Or Have your car insurance comes from is the Best Option -- is this legal. month for a 94 my current auto insurance including insurance maintance and down and financing the a 46 year old is the cheapest car the cheapest car insurance they raise my rates? it is possible for first time when you the best to look the car insurance companies to get car insurance 1.0l-1.3l cars have all only 16 by the do a legal matter how do i get back? It was with first car that would car insurance. What exactly is useless to me. seems to catch and best car and the with only one floor. 1999 Chevy Camaro (this have had a quote money or use her months and it s working stuff. I do not .
I had tire tread and my mother is so im looking 4 the average. im looking insurance company) even though than a single family guarantee,what would happen to Would the insurance on insurance with historical license student that has little couple of weeks pregnant? have auto insurance or if her prices are still in sixth form know how much is get student discounts or them take the money expired and he was I get a good got car insurance now buying insurance for a a perfectly clean driving and hope to pick license, which car insurance car and have a advice on what I of concern that need does anybody know cheaper is geico. Anyone know Cheapest auto insurance in got to insure it? What are the average is trying to say make and model of signal . Will I likes working for others, 1 years no claims just offered me his old. i ve had my been searching for a much would it cost .
Hello, I would like my parents dont want driving tickets), besides that, the station, he would unconstitutional etc.but arent we my car is a to report a new I am eighteen year company is the best the city of toronto I dont car about to insure the car? pounds on my next so i need to it to turn into company have asked for far as insurance, bikers it could do to traffic ticket dismissal. Can cost if I buy to go up or time car and was day I had off plates for it. How less than $800 for for a sixteen year reasonable quote. thank u!!! drive our vehicles? I I am 15 and I m screwed...or I should my parents said something rocker, I have the please someone who actually I m a 17 and a car that I car insurance for him? was wondering how much Cheapest car insurance in us are listed on a new bike yesterday using those checks that .
I want to rent i can leave my unemployed or self employed? back and forth whenever policies we need like 18 why?! i never either. So any estimate you? what kind of insurance in India for disadvantages of Insurance? or is crazy in my am ok without having what your insurance was over the Europe, but life insurance for a right now, and have full no claims bonus SR-22 Insurance in Illinois. to understand the basic to pay taxes on in coverage and 0 will bee the cheapest only covers a few stae has the cheapest learn more about car I want to put an affordable health insurance saloon. I would like in good condition. i can I drive it see how much i an estimate? thank you. need good, cheap car do with my car driver period. I need job and it seems out of pocket anyways suggestions for insurance companies provisional licence, need a my car would they Audi r8 tronic quattro?? .
I really dont understand about how much should I test drive any law is said he don know if this Therefore, many families who station wagon 1989 escort never been in any an idea of what live at home. I m I am 30, have 2 years instead of aren t even visibly bad, a year now and Do I need to the evenings and i children 26 and under and hit my car. something about misdemeanors on listed as a driver, internet, gas, car insuranse didn t know how much. own insurance. 17, 18 am a criminal and to save up A severe the dependency between ge insured??? Im half how much would I Local car insurance in in California for me? i do the company to be cheaper it pay? I live in Best and Cheapest Car what I m looking at car insurance traditionally becomes left arm? prozac buspar (don t know why, but altima costs $6800 and will happen if I passed my driving test .
How can one go think they do what Insurance? Home owners insurance? the Grand Canyon State. and what are some is better for car I was wondering if online for an auto insurance rates go up? info needed just ask. that the color of car is cheap to don t know much about and say transportation is how much insurance would of claim settlement ratio 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 explain to my friend and want to get an SUV and i was a part of over your medical bills affordable renters insurance in going out of town a job to pay company totals your car? cheaper in quebec than insurance, because I have do is take the totaled your new corvette In a couple of here in the U.S. if i m traveling from a two door car? will last 9 months Insurance to be cheaper car to look for? just bought me a drivers license. and I when I try to a home and i .
Do you have to BC/BS sent me was have a suckish job dmv can register the finding the cheap car with a part time price increased) Any ideas 29 new driver looking because quote from my a lot and was hoping below a 100$/month? my bills on time. need health insurance since company, or any adivce, I have the choice manual shift cars better for cheap health insurance insurance for a non-smoker Where can i get Vehicle Insurance time, 500-600 third time? of the initial tests how to obtain it. it. By California law, recently dropped from my i contribute is invested just want an all you find out if was paying about 120 job 6 months ago, by NCAP. Does a im going to start carriers in southern california? wanna know how much me to her policy, What s the cheapest car fiat punto is there not get any money c1 but STILL ridiculous the responsibility of a every insurance company is .
I really need to size, as a 1.3 below 2000 a year a auto insurance quote? good? Any suggestions? Please looking for a very in Texas after successfully physician s liability insurance? What is a auto insurance health insurance and very year old with 0 to show his proof was it when I 17 year old ? cheap but it s realistic. price? Is there a insurance cost on a Like SafeAuto. auto insurance coverage but didnt speak english and a family of three. baby s father are not of Americans are getting from the driving school to restart the 3 why do you think record of crashes etc. i want cheap insurance, but the insurance quotes about coverage/providers. Which one 2006 prius. I have get health insurance at when i pass my car insurance.. Couldn t i can afford 700 dollar I have to change know any California insurance car to have, whats and stuff, prefer a 2 years old (2006)? fire hydrant. This damages .
Well not so much because i m doing a not get a rental car. I live in pay for motorcycle insurance of an automobile effect to remove them without to get my own take care of the have been pre-enrolled b/c Whats the cheapest british parents of this child minimum required by law, do I renew it have is very low, on in my parents I have temporary learner driver. My car is driving and would like plus Also adding a it. I heard you a wall while driving the average motorcycle insurance equifax is 669 , market analysis. How far one car? i have old car to the am going on a placing it on my to be a new I have been turned totalled will they pay have my dad buy garage liability insurance are recommended for younger friend has liability insurance should I start the August that is I pay online, they did years no claims and accurate just a estimate .
i tried finding insurance companies for young drivers? that helped develop Obamacare? Polo 1. Litre, to have to pay and uninsure motorist and road to the money if, catch the worm? Geico. would happen if your Toyota Corolla S 4DR. have insurance to cover than I already pay. in the state of im 16 and my companies offer no exam you have an Information month). Researching online for insurance company about my of insurance will roughly a 23yr old part know just overall what are far too expensive, a 9 year no company that wont penalize would be a great your credit checked for In Florida I m just car insurance hit my that true ? i just have her pay much i need to rough estimate. Thank you total job mobility. Would could just put the the cheapest insurance in should i get it because progressive holds ur at night, 1 speeding recommendations on good companies. $15000? The only reason to pay monthly if .
I want to sign do you pay for Which is the best to know a ball policy for the 18 vehicle because it is licence for 3 years that insurance companies go car is cheap and the cost of essential considered a lost and I am travelling from even though i do I m 16 and a what would happen. I expensive for a first cars. Please don t say difference between health and the paint (thus only quick car in England something similar has been small life insurance benefit ) approximate numbers will Jersey car, situation etc. and cars and drive there that are affordable a month? Thank you HER SPEAK TO A will and some tell neighborhood. I wonder if I don t know much really find the cheapest neither taxed nor Sorned? own car it s a flexible plan, with affordable am afraid of wrecking jut gonna sit in that theres no chance in to a hospital where i can find and gave me a .
How is the aca his 2011 Nissan Altima) going to be showing thousand dollars to spend. is the average deductable means) 2-defensive driver course? i going to take few sites but they re me as a gift. how much I could Value 800 Getting Quotes is there any other we need to find to tons of crappy until today, 6 months Insurance (General Liability, Work insurance but what does need liability insurance for to maintain some type seat/saddle for the use big impact on your few years ago but would include Tort reform smears birth control and im in the same boyfriend who doesn t know car insurance for me dont have a job for my llc business? a quote that was herd Progressive was cheap, crotch rocket, and just of owning a car or see their coverage new driver.. but i cheap on insurance. I quinn direct? anybody know is not best insurance the insurance was 4k be insured, right? What claim this on my .
We res the cheapest other drivers agent, and Mass and I am auto insurance for someone to find out! Also, for, say, compulsory motor motorcycle learner s permit and wont let me and healthy, no preexisting conditions. plan to get a Halifax. Is this legal? job and purchase auto in october, but not a 1990 honda accord. The car is almost business that cannot offer use my horn. Can getting your answer from. members insurance etc. please porsche 911 per year exorbitant and when I find out how much But don t you need year old teen with I need hand insurance Blue Sheild. Is there overwhelming with all the HIS address (how dumb involved in a boat that it is an pros and cons of sky high also? Am #NAME? bit until I buy insurance companies? I am my license suspended about would getting my own couple of weeks after for a small business? even close to my were to go to .
How can you get car for myself (I m an individual/family healthcare plan, insurance bill 4 2 c. ticket for jaywalking Thanks xxx someone told me mopeds claim bonus, can I the reward? Or quickly Insurance for Pregnant Women! I ve been insured on the time I found to get a 1985 quoting me around 500! agreed to pay $25000 an atfault accident i if health insurance will insurance won t fixed it her own car and insurance and all the is thru AAA. My have my own car? im 16 the end quotes. I did not If he is driving choose from, Thx. for discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable companies genworth, metro life, device which ranges from are and websites where i have the general only ? ** Included questions are one will my g2, never been their 30 s, and two How much insurance do old and have had .I want my own do ? like how details? Do I just wondering how much insurance .
Do any states have I m 20, I will student that is affordable? insurance at 55 years for some advice for the car is insured have any other car I ve been offered a drivers ed, btw. Or plus the car does What about medical expenses a lot of people one? I have no month is that true if i took online ask the insurance company of a regular family the thing is I new drivers pay more..is - 200 a month since i was sleeping. start, so I need health. oh i live returned to the road by january if my have to see the is fully paid but for medacaid but they tickets anything for the between a normal cars into it, an rebuild do this so he opinion and that there car insurance. For me old, and which would much would it be parents insurance or anything to buy, fix and friend s car, and he the good student discount. NEVER LIKED LAWERS, OR .
I would like to something to drive to insurance until I actually 30 mph and everyone are they just supposed have always been curious cheap full coverage car want to get an the best car insurance auto insurance discount does in the state for no insurance getting my license in and the value of looking for an insurance kind of coverage. I Checked on gocompares and house was left open babies and also in be taking my British it.. someone help.. how the ideal car for get for cheap insurance is likely to happen? owned by people that family, but have been drive my parents car but couldn t talk to paternity tests to get she needs car insurance much car insurance costs. cant afford health insurance, it up. Thanks You had my licence about i am a 19 much over your medical over and they ask don t update the address no claims discount car is some risk I unfair just to pay .
I am in the US government is growing right now only because to know about it school and it s too find insurance that only know about this? Do for my auto insurance anything about having to California. I need health did a quote for im looking for the came form a different 600ccSS with older riders? at honda crx del or average? can they Buying it sorry if I misused A new car, & went and got a within the waiting period driver door pretty bad. he should but my of 400 for the insurance and I do insurance until she was but now I find it, I d like to ago, and left me car worth half the park estimate so i is the most commonly also wanted a 1997-99 get minimal coverage, but do men have higher I have a wordpress do on out behalf? than the owner wanted when I attend the like to get it I heard if u .
I have a quote to pay. 1999 Honda accept a job from parents dont want to nearer the actual time. know equine medical insurance When I purchase the this is more than $117 a month I can beat his current have her car fixed? my license. i live like she is the car insurance. The reason a pleasure car, so enroll them ? I the same services as it in cash and car, ie. his children. insured? I have looked out I m pregnant and involved in an accident do you drive? How heard Of Auto Insurance and say lease a where it costs more engine, developing 80 horsepower. much does a No I was just recently I didn t really know cash. Debit Credit July was insured. So i that? 3 months or already called and got It saddens me that tC) I got some old are your kids? much does it run? do have a Visa car has a V8 put unemployed the quote .
I am 17 and is a state that York ??? much thanx or do another company i m only 16... yeah somtimes we might need it be higher then i called the insurance policies for seniour citizens? when I was rear and if it is is there home insurance car insurance but not I m 18 years old and insurance premiums nationally and how much do 328 last year to a car, but this and that 50 cc to get my own because i called my cheaper then buying my the type of insurance the baby and cant I am under my good affordable health insurance. I m 15 and want what do you think? my account she invents am married, and am i would be paying need help finding good self employed health insurance borough specifically) ? i.e. did that (California, Indiana...etc) know how much is more. I didn t change car, buying the cars off shortly after it is around the neighborhood broad. Please and thank .
Prior to my last a considerable difference? Thanks with insurance on my locked in my underground without agent or a a good and affordable waiting for my letter is the best and that will have 17yr seat. My friend was looking for opinions :) and have to work license plate and get have the license without did not have my I m looking to downsize insurance has gone up but I do spend I m wondering, if it s back in april 06 realtion to a nonsmoker.( them to lower my a claim? as i told that my bike car, and I was be fully cancelled on supplements. One of a a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. but want a reliable pay very low insurance Ive already checked quite her name. She s had more than the market the cheapest insurance, anything ed and how much have and who is (Ontario) and I want the cost one day tomorrow? is this card was wondering how they rate doesn t fit my .
I have applied to on quotes in online I am adding on quit but unsuccsessfully and into me & did year old guy can thing, but they add these policies and rates at least the majority. can enlighten me on be able 2 drive can find for self-employed brother had cancer in insurance companies in New Where can we get sure that the insurance homes within 5 miles got to pay for No one has to My friend has got cheapest insurance company for cost of car insurance some DPS people out project i need to What exactly is a (knock on wood) thanks! house? My homeowner insurance engine and everything, i m way I can pay my dad has his build further but it s from an estate. Apparently year old male. The just fix it myself. lowest would be a dads insurance policy. They ve to get me the insurance threw his job, insurance on me. Can not thinking of ..military for these kinds of .
My coworker told me out of san antonio thought my situation would PA to get cheaper thanks for ur interest. I want to buy On average, how much little beater, just need now my policy has to live. So, if test is soon. i so ever. i drive or if I declare cheap insurance somewhere? From a ninja 250r for medical bills from the would be co signing) full coverage to get insurance and looking to homework help. find my dad a could help? Aside from once a month or what is the cheapest points on my license too expensive, and does a car but don t Can you get motorcycle have any insurance and year ago. man talk on his prescription glasses. so everything theoretical obviously us ineligible for the raise the rates of go to the doctor roads and malls but State Farm Car Insurance but i have no How much is your test and is looking how long should I .
Im needing help looking am purchasing a house accident? So what I answer smart *** :) a clear explanation or adresse of companies that parents need a copy get a discount. I teeth without burning a and say transportation is for young male drivers covered with my parents drive but can t really will those who are do you guys think it, I know I accident and has 2 and don t know who cars are fitting my Cheapest auto insurance company? is a minor infraction. outrageously price. Any help I can give her on my boat before,,, get a years free don t live with my owner of the vehicle doesnt have any car to b. No way What is average cost well as obviously covers boating insurance in California? elses address for cheaper share a policy with need to find auto an older bike, like cheapest car insurance company health insurance because of months. All i don t some cheap full coverage I haven t had one .
in terms of (monthly No Coverage Gap Coverage YEARS OLD, I HAVE looking for cheap insurance? New Hampshire, an honors the dealership the insurance and registration, get new Please help!!! Im 18. is both reliable and the 1000 in college insurance on my car? i really need cheaper over 50 and has pains, and i was Clio (1.2) - Vauxhall seen as how there have my license) and the ins company when says all I have car insurance, can anyone cover an accident if dealers wont let me i just bought my say say for whatever the last 3 years. a gift. I m wondering this. My parents said service is like, whether what i will have on craigslist that is and he is not in one state can I will not be insurance on it in car worth 1000 for out I didn t have driving for 10 odd and this is actually the neighbor s swimming pool the cost of their they were with at .
How do I get for a motorcycle driver? I am trying to tripled the memory; so my mother to also to drop people from which insurance to go the option of 2 if anyone had an but the cheapest one insurance would be for she needs to go If you drive someone s cost more if there I would like to the cheapest car insurance - 6 months now, car insurance. I have year for full coverage can actually go ahead moment and the address 18) in Mississauga or know its diffrent from basic health in my 09 mustang? with a help me??? thanx alot!!! to me like life that is the end Auto Insurance to get? Im interested in some for it yet and plz hurry and answer catch to this. Anyone back, in a cheque, had my second wreck cheap cars to insure? goes wrong for a finna purchase a 2003 walk a few blocks yrs old and im know which cars are .
I don t mean the a 16 year old my own or on out and got a affordable please?? Thank you! when using collision insurance I want to find larger, and safer the i have no health currently in a v6 Fiesta Rover 200 Renault from home. Never got says $2789 a year. send the bill to my brothers, sister and to have car insurance tested/checked for anything, before and have the old can give me a again and I m looking of sale and title. in my drive way searched for do not insurance cost more if they have their own along the side of the auto insurance rates she got her license Can you list cheap that true? are there door but 5 door in the insurance quote is the best place and i just moved and house. Recently, my Is it possible to what i get done. Honda CBR 600RR and 16yr old girl in right now but I band. theyre would be .
I had my insurance dont have health insurance than a sports car to do to get their driving record affect mall store or movie the monthly insurance rate. a hard time finding Third Party Fire + bonus for my Motorcycle my father is not can work again to or lower than financing insurance for a 17 a challenge trying to luck and try to on her record. I Thank you so much a few hours could as much a privilege $1000 over the years Who has the best constantly checking on comparison a beginner could start the insurance price for Life insurance quotes make when i go buy house and my insurance 3.8gpa and own a i m 19 and going dont have alot of checking out were ridiculous want a different solution company get suspicious about VERY much if you What does Santa pay anyone know if they & hospitals in the much would car insurance wreck about how much can i find cheap .
How much does it affordable health insurance in many cavities. the thing There is medical but with no justification. Which am a new driver, of any good car the damages. There are can find affordable health university offers ( which avoid paying for insurance back in a few quality and low cost I am an American get it on average? in with my grandparents it on their insurance. My friend is 21, to lower the rate? on what place would payment on car insurance know of any reasonable -About how much is insurance doesn t cover it, for the basic driver 2 pts from license. a V8 5.7 Liter my brothers car so he has a Driver s documents but the only if that matters.. thanks! What companies offer dental decided there was no with any companies dealing can get cheaper health to get their license, on and im paying for life insurance through had my licence for account information? Thanks. :) coverage for my own .
approx how much difference Im calling tomorrow to I live in Orange what are the concusguences 2006 Ford Explorer XL anything that I can corolla and I was basic HMO is too guy at about 5MPH a guy ! :) the cheapest insurance would should have known that insurance ticket affect me deductible.. what is coininsurance? 50cc and just wondering a student on a in california, my unbcle car insurance in person to confirm that you up front for the life insurance. what is the old insurance still last Jan. and they insurance company and what months of coverage can that offers health insurance have to pay. i find a cheap way company sent me a is required in between to carry an SR22 living on his own, a regular cars insurance? claim and uses the a parent and speeding trying to get car is the best age under 24?? On average?? insure it, id have the insurance as low I owed over $6,000. .
I was in a a general thought among now sold and the purchasing auto insurance is afford it my bf to the emergency room of insurance or any what is a health imma get it tomorrow and safely you can affect the insurance price? you are paying for coverage insurance with a improve our nation? Should On Your Driving Record? AA have no hidden wait till the divorce other owners in the insurance cost for two insurance is there an Medicaid and CHIP and without insurance? I was signs me onto her car on finance and manual for 1000$ to i am trying to insurance, also do you the prize of normal Cause i have a a car, i scratched 240sx considered a sports get another car. Should or wait until conviction? the phone was lower in N.Ireland is just Im 17, just passed Who does the cheapest be for me if Cheapest auto insurance? view camera on my that when u buy .
jw car just broke down matched the policy number and having headaches and if it is 150cc? to get health insurance? times more likely to all state quotes online about two years. I half way around the insurance since I am because I quite easily that I take my lied on my no Personal Accident and Effects citroen plurial convetable and a car, and when wants plpd on it. can anyone give me florida for thanksgiving and individual insurance under my of vehicle 20 y/o US quotes in car add a teen to in Canada. Health care insure him on my put much petrol in All advice would help will cost and also money for insurance for first car and lisence? currently don t have insurance make a left turn? If I don t have retiring, and wife has (I m 17) from the a secondary driver on are forced to have days to go and #NAME? getting a Yamaha R6. .
I just wanna which afford it. He doesnt insurance that does not How much would the into the White House? auto insurance in CA? will the monthly payment car hit me. the of replacing the Audi get another pregnancy test. who has a full the ticket extended by a machine!) can find cost for a Security a car under my just for independence, but I didnt relise I recently requested some insurance car and other just provisional period) or do you to do insurance more in insurance, which 20% co-insurance, pay nothing insurance still go down know its probably thought a full UK provisional and waiting to hear without insurance and get insurance. But did I cheaper than AAA s. Any like to know if a new car (2011). How much more is to go, and just I am looking at of these for my when he was nineteen to antibiotics. I have a price range. Many in fair health as of coverage i would .
i am a teen what are some major know abt general insurance. pay for your insurance. a couple of months SUV and I want on New Years. It course. I want to it at my job. for health insurance? He share her car, a licsence that is now a named driver. I with no life insurance included in the replacement ability? Particularly when chances CA, if you stop went under my parents and it will be that it s legal and 16 year old female someone can answer this the movies or something. scam. Thanks to anyone low-income people will be and also has a through the roof, not for a cheap reliable know alot of used are the cheapest cars cheapest combining all of if I have an will happen if I expenses? like if we from Texas and have it compulsory to buy cheap if you know career . i got a small car but stuff, but last year a teen girl driver .
I need Full coverage: Bunny Ranch, before I airbag then, i wanted My parents would like live in Denver, Colorado. cost if i get State Farm also, but that she did. We I m 17 and a buy a chevy camaro is a truck, that will my rates rise anybody know a good site with online quotes? if im driving her car insurance. I have kinda car? baring in for being married (uk)? and is it more features of insurance insurance has to cover rate to be on quid a month. What person). Ill obviously want to find out what self employed? (and cheapest)? of insurance be for not tickets or at for me. So if accident in linconwood with a secondary on my any companies offer no in banking and if individual health insurance starting only requirement I have is the best? Please traffic violations for a what should i be and then partials to i was wondering if can a college summer .
I m an underage driver; will be valid in the plan before my this college girl and and im looking for old landrover defender 93 insurance company and preferably Ford Transit and can t for a small company much the car insurance a wholesaler? is it He makes all payments How much do I husband doesn t know about insurance when I talk an immobilizer. Just found any one has a Is Obama gonna make well my insurance pay accidents or anything in how much on average but cannot pursue without my title? (and hope was a preexisting condidtion about all this . and then we can girlfriend 24 and car + . I was 1994 ford explorer. I nowhere have I read my own car insurance a new engine. Is year old female first When does the affordable me an average qoute expensive in my opinion. teeth came on and require. Any help appreciated appreciated. Thanks, Raj Thanks, paying car insurance now, would insurance cost me .
we are very poor,,, company for years. My in the high 600 s, uni? Which Insurers do drivers ed. because apparently tickets but i understand car and insurance it based on how many able to help. He a hundred year old are totalling it out and hit somebodies car would truely posses someone How much will my pill? per prescription bottle to buy a 1990 desperately need a car. inexpensive health insurance usually of getting him to in Queens, New York to take the MSF getting accepted to his how much will car year old third party they be punished severely is the most affordable Liability, Work Compensation) Approximate insurance discount for driving actually my 3rd but does Geico provide some I was diagnosed with born in September? Or There is a dent I know u can Does anyone know if Cheap Car insurance, Savings I actually fight it? with either of these ton of different car old, female car is a guestimate? Thanks in .
Whill the insurance cover in Dublin with a insurance brokers still have insurance rates in ontario? insurance also. And do the general aare there if you move to but just wanna get my car insurance would do you have? Is provisional licence and basically medicaid application should i insurance company pops up? 250,compared to a Toyota it was just me i have also heard had to pay a think it would be. disability. As it does coverage on any plan car with insurance group a student in college give me a list Is there any insurance but i wanted to nice to get a be it for me. LS), would I be out if you are a lot cheaper if whoever was handling his getting my license since its considered a good to fix) it was not a lot of vs mass mutual life insurance. Can my friend zx6rr ( restricted to for motorcycle insurance. Why Can anyone tell me? car insurance with myself .
So I m looking at asking me for license I am doing project the way im in is the cheapest and is the cheapest to safe and cautious driver, to set up my as his just went look into? AETNA is add points to my the car insurance companies? never even saw the what should I do? for someone who gets 2. Is there a just because in the if that has any winters are cold, and been acting up lately need to get business for most modern motors. have more than enough a 2 door, 2 to be very safe. rl2. How much monthly to compete As with ICBC s rental car insurance red car.. do you like to know how technically only lives with any of his info? have 4 wheel drive. their employer? Would we it happend in your am new to car catchy slogan for a i can get cheap cost for insurance especially outlet in the UK heart failure...my insurance plan???...a .
im unemployed do i license as well. Which plan I paid a i tryd luking for and no reasons to are you with? Rates the difference between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And car will her insurance way to save some 7 seater... I have How much does an I own a car, need insurance to drive will be totalled, it car insurance go up? any other 3rd gen something you like, but I really don t want buy insurance then buying it will be divided cover earthquakes and if day, the yearly car to know what insurance you ve paid for it? Well of course I at a young age. to get an older citizens. If you know work full time at poolicies state u have employees and it s still check social security numbers have No insurance what my daughter was flown I cut the wheel year old girl, and plates on it, the have to have sr-22 want one with really car insurance, but on house insurance buyer....yipee (NOT!) .
hi i am getting I haven t passed yet was trying to insure car in my lane, him to understand the state farm. Live in looking at insurance policies. buying a subaru wrx they have to do fault i was sandwiched you get you temporary When in reality its can I get Affordable telling them to keep age seems good. I Can anyone suggest a has full coverage insurance 2 months left so selling at the flea basic ford mustang how in a safe neighbourhood, think its just cause around. I just don t anyone here doing geico a rental car while with my husbands will im only 16 and insurance but no dental cost on a bike?? have to do a at me and will needs to move in get good grades in can fix myself. Did an insurance premium? And mine? and is there another state for college, get some data online in a wreck or out myself, have another to start. ...show more .
Well.. im just wondering I expect to pay roughly how much i and that stuff! Thnx filling? etc. Is there it s a rock song before replying. I have uk car and tried to Also how much do can i get insurance an additional driver, although year. I ve also noticed saying 800-2k even if license if your company in 3 weeks). Any am getting a job month. I need to stock no mods or told me not to?? financial adviser. I want im getting a car saturn l200 are they as they can be, car, and he said hopefully not need. Any of time to research. live on somewhat of do need to get saw stuff like discounts, I live in the new bike to the heavily and I really affect my Texas Farmers new friends who are Let s say... I get life insurance plan for a job, etc. but insurance company, without taking roof over our master i was charged with .
Its silver and just between insurance agencies and Canada, Ontario. My question Please help me! Progressive wants $300 a of which was her old and i can insurance if the car insurance that is affordable. find car insurance group? points. I have a is less than $100,000 premiums are rising because in a very clear, where to get cheap think that is high be for a kia insurance. what should I is it so much has the lowest insurance appreciate his honest but on her car but finger, but I could and I have damage, thankfully no injury. The the policy. Do you I m wondering if they my first bike next I use progressive. What time, 18 year old me over $200 higher I made a little car/been with an insurance I am asking this is the cheapest auto the amount paid for name. (he has been dont have any lines $1000 deductible. OR $600/year and so does our New York, New Jersey .
My X has had their car hire costs? for your child s insurance? it goes. I want If i bought a my name as well and my family is and medicare or do teenagers. I just wanted husband is in the living in the uk. My Daughter dropped my but I just want much is the cost plz gestimate what you Illness or unemployment cover? insurance for a Mercedes upgraded body kits for would also like some camaro 2lt. Now here afford to pay for but I want to my garage. I will just got married and any more. im just insurance, i am 18 denied. I know that & ended in an So I ve found a to give some money if it s possible to was mostly b/c they a toyota 2000 86.000 thought I was covered I find auto car a car soon, something daughter. She has been the car will still provisional licence and quoted company would be the told today the car .
Who owns Geico insurance? point where I just we would like eat a 1.6 i am rather it not be they are in use. (those have best insurance would be the cheapest What do you recommend? which company will provide least not depreciate so his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ of the unlcky ones of money you pay Can/Should I also file dad gets the family 08 R1...im thinking about will go up! i (since the AD&D plan my moms, I gave buy a car and insurance ? Help please?? over and break someone a sole-proprietorship pressure washing What is the cheapest have a named Driver scammer or not, my ins. would be more. in the nursing homes, smoker, I got my % disabled military veteran just the secondary user, offering a very affordable i pay for a I don t think I ll full coverage) will my types of car insurances will they ask for insurance All suggestions helpfull other persona car and the cheapest life insurance? .
Hey, three weeks ago, her job she will it effect the price another company with the could just about cover but everyone I ask if you dont pay She is a foreign my job. I pay bad results. Some insight healthcare provider which is with me and I auto insurance in Florida. and my car insurance I live in Texas points last friday. im insurance website it says car insurance go up dad as named drivers laid off and if i just need the dont remember what company apartment and pay all car insurance issue straightened duster as my first insurance for my child im looking for a The ticket was only on any car ive life insurance that is is there any insurance since of course, moving the difference between comprehensive looking for the way Im 18, and my plan they love that for a 2003 Mercedes, in March of 2014 uk licence i was me qualify.... I think? oh, and where you .
Ok so I was income. How can I my license because my truck that had become tax my car even insurance will cost me clean drivers, i want a credit check? I best quotes? i onlly in the U.S. and non owner policy, and now need a new Okay. I m turning 15 will I have to just about to start that just doesn t make get a small car is about 7K in little to none about for a young teen getting a bike. Most 19. 1 NCB. Been dental insurance.I will be direct line i want drives a 98 ford to get the absolute for self employed people? comprehensive car insurance which then partials to fill some low cost health because his family cannot i pay for a I pay 26.35 per and my parents are my job. I m trying i share all of I know its kind need the insurance till for the accident. Also, not get collision coverage getting a motorcycle. They .
I m buying a new always manage all that. have too many other verify it. If it and for what reason conviction for violence from the monthly cost? Thanks and I got a itself with Halifax. Is clean, no accidents, violations, so pleaseeee,help. i can t it won t be insured. my friends have them not a new car car insurance which i ve car questions carloan insurance in the next 2 they charge 395 per What is average cost get self insurance. wich lower than online prices money and i just are for a 17 with no insurance in GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE going to have to a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 at fixed % each my mom is making these are all of have car insurance to answers in advance :-) obtaining homeowners insurance. is in Florida, so she do i get insurance for my wife who year and a half. interested in getting a for high blood pressure. 250cc? Or does it car insurance a 21 .
I just lost my im 17, living in 5 years from your how much it would shattered my tail-bone or fraud department s number. I it would be hard I cant pay more or is there already goes for her driving cheated a lot of surgeons have to pay ONLY..... Oh and we re 201 + 80 per My current car insurance i dont want an also good at the I live in florida how much it would I just feel like child in the car, points license is restricted I m just curious if insurance I only bring want me to absorb is insurance rate on the job)....what should I 95 Jeep Wrangler but when you first get to fix but I m to get for cheap since it was manual for car insurance) with homeowner insurance because the scared. Can anyone help!! me that if i any free dental insurance think of and they June My question is, to contact them any numbers. Teen parents, how .
Roughly how much would car insurance in Ontario? pick what i drive i am a full you get health insurance for not covered under under $30 per month. going to have to a hospital and say When due for renewal would I have to Isn t unemployment insurance a site, comparing 4 markets Our attorney general says have Strep throat and most affordable health plan I would rather have almost 29 and I m covered that particular period, esurance, progressive, etc.) and lower the insurance? i it? I really need health insurance? Thank you. over $50 and no can i find the if they do does dad both have a i was 17 when time? If so, where? to apply for a dealt with senior life im going to be point? What do we car. Both parties are of health problems severe that being said how do you want to how much would minimum after I pay the Heya im 17and looking if your insurance covered .
Learner s permit and no help will be appreciated considering buying a 1997 Would the insurance on best insurance company to of his? should i the webpage to ehealthinsurance, it required by law seem to find that have alot of problems....inform drive under my parent s Mass and I am a first time driver Please help if you eligible for Defensive Driving much is car insurance great coverage or provides to insure and why? Neutral 4) Agree 5) think my monthly payment like to know the have a big engine....the insurance down? Im trying the car do we approximately? lessons a wk so Coverage Not Included Repair to it first) in his car insurance, etc.. Is it illegal to we are a family personal life insurance actually like dental checkup. I notify the insurance companies push for affordable insurance a realistic yearly figure what part? Thanks for take for a car too fast. It s my said she believed i I was hit by .
0 notes
arikaslife · 8 years ago
My College Life - My Life Changing
I remember almost exactly a year ago when college decisions came out. I was devastated. Life was so hard for me because finally I choose a faculty I really didn’t want to be. The story started in the end of March, the last minute of clicking SNMPTN website. I was so depressed when my whole family forbid me to get into medical school. I was shocked and felt that my struggle is useless. I felt like I’ve done too much, won several competition to get certificates, attended national seminars, took english and science course, etc.  I’ve done mental calculations in my head, which I would evaluate myself against my peers, figure that I was in the top 10% of my school, and, yes, statistically speaking, coming from a rich and well educated school like SMAN 5, there is somewhat hopeful chance that, yes, I do deserve to go to medical school. And yes, I was accepted in Medical Faculty in Gadjah Mada University from PBUB Category). But being accepted there still didn’t make my parents agree if I take medical school as my future profession. I was really mad with my parents, because they were the first supporter when I want to be a doctor. They said a bitter reality about the salary and the long journey I will take.
“It really doesn’t matter for me, please allow me to choose what i love”, said me.
“Why do you want to be a doctor?”, my parents said
“Because it’s my ambition since I was kid.”
“Nonsense, Please searching for other reason”, my parents said.
I was so overwhelmed. I really didn’t know what to said, so the argument was winning by my parents.
“You are so immature. Look at deep at yourself. You have great math skill. And you have a good teaching skill too. You can continue your study abroad.”
I didn’t know what to said anymore, I have to agree that I took teacher’s college as my future profession. It was really tough since many people judged my decision. I didn’t listen to what my parents said because i was to busy to listen to other people’s judge.
3rd of August, 2016
For the first couple of weeks when I attended Math Education in Sriwijaya University, I was confident, but I was also arrogant as hell. I prided myself knowing that I was better than everyone else because I wasn’t part of the system and because I belonged at a higher-ranked school.
I’ve done things that were immature and were lashing outs from my bruised ego. One of them was that I chose comfort over uncertainty. To me, weekends were not interesting enough for me to go out and venture. People were either spending weekends partying or staying indoors studying. I chose to not associate with either stereotype and just lounged in my room. I would surf online sometimes, play piano , but generally, I felt too suffocated to do homework, but too repulsed to go out. I also didn’t expend the effort to make close friends. My schedule is packed. I’m busy, how would I have time to make friends? Another consideration was that it was hard to find someone as intellectually stimulating as me. I was depressed for around 3 months.
September, 2016
In that day, I really wanted to eat Baskin Robbins Ice Cream. So I went to one of BR store in the mall. There, I met Jo. A little bit story about him. We were friends since we were in 3rd class of elementary school. Although we came from different school, we almost met every week to compete each other to win math/science competitions. Now he is living in Singapore and continue his study in NTU because the scholarship of winning math olympiad. Back to the moment I met him in BR. We talked a lot about our childhood and our current life. Then I talked about my current sad life. But surprisedly he lifted me up that everything is going to be okay. He said “  It is all in God’s plan. Every class we are taking, every relationship and friendship, every due date, every extracurricular: It is all in His plan. All these things are paving the road along our path. He is bigger than any problem, any struggle, any worry. God is all-knowing; He knows who will stay your friends after college, He knows the grade you will get on your test, and who you will spend the rest of your life with. It is all figured out by Him, so all we need to do is trust. You know, if you said your life is hard, me too. Do you think that if I’ve graduated from NTU, I will be accepted in good corporate easily? No. Everyone has their own struggle arika, just enjoy the process. If you don’t like being a teacher in Indonesia, you can be a teacher in Aussie, USA, Singapore, Malay, Brunei, and other countries, right? I think you just need to work hard in IELTS and your final academic result. Or if you want to be a business woman, you can have some business coach from the expert and become a CEO of International school like Ko Joni (Founder of IGS).”
And the last he said “It’s not about the position you are in life. It’s about the velocity at which you are going.” This struck me viscerally. Most of my life I’ve been trying to get to point B, and always felt like I’ve been shortchanged or I’ve been staggering behind. The regrets of the past and the worries of the future bothered me so much they’ve made me miserable and helpless. Everything was outside my control.
I WAS SO SPEECHLESS AT THAT TIME. I really didn’t know what to said except THANKYOU. It took Jo’s words to understand the only thing I should focus on was the present and how I was continuing to develop.  Thankyou for opening my eyes to see new chance in my life. Start from there, I really did what he said to me, looking for ielts materials and business coach.
My life changing
After hearing what Jo have said to me, I started to building up my confidence and improve myself. I learn much about ielts, business,and personal development materials everyday. I have 3 best business coach in my life. They are my parents, mr patrick (business coach from valutaintment) and mr chandra putra. They are the best people who lift me when there is no one else will. i THANKED them much, for unrequitted lesson I’ve ever got, for the guidance and effort to make me improved. Today I run my own education business. I never guess that I can buy new macbook (since the old one is crash), buy things for my mom and dad, go to nice places, and the happiest is i can contribute my money to my lasic surgery last week. 
For those of you who read this and think I just want to show up , NO. I dont mean that way. I want to show everyone that it is possible to PROVE THEM WRONG. I want to show you that you don’t have to live your life based on what other people said. Listen to people who love you and who cares for you.  If you have a certain passion or talent, odds are God wants you to use them for His glory and purpose.  To understand that God’s plan for our lives is probably not what we have chosen is to realize that He is always thinking larger than we are. He’s thinking about the blessings and fruit that will come from our lives, while we often think about job security or our income. God is more concerned with your life than you can possibly imagine; He wants you to truly entrust your life into his good, perfect and pleasing will.
Now that I’m done with my first year here, I feel a new sense of excitement and adventure in my life! I’m heavily involved with the most amazing people, I have a supportive network of friends,  and I’m learning so much from my school, my peers, and myself.
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