#a lot of these are from my other blogs but most of it is on this one so it's going here!
honeytonedhottie · 3 days
your guide to effortless glamour⋆.ೃ࿔*:・✨
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this is a remake of one of my old posts, in my newer style... 💬🎀
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what does glamor mean to YOU. what makes your sense of glamor different from everyone else’s. personal branding is all about individuality. when everyones idea of glamor is identical to each other’s, everyones personal charm dissipates, and "glamor" loses its meaning. thats why its important to not conform to EVERY little trend, or try and copy someone else’s personal brand.   
the difference with getting inspiration from someone and copying someone is simple. when ur inspired by someone, u can do something similar for personal branding, but the distinction between ur brand and INSPIRERS brand is very distinct. 
the most glamorous people are ALWAYS the most confident. the thing about confidence is that nobody can ACTUALLY determine whether or not its real. because of that it is so easy to fake confidence. fake it till u make it. its SUPER easy to create confidence because of this fact.  
my favorite way to work on my confidence is through self CONCEPT work. if ur a loa girlie then yk that self concept is the FOUNDATION for literally everything and i stress its importance relentlessly bcuz its JUST that important. i have lots of self concept posts already that u can reference if u dont know where to start.  
when ur working towards effortless glamor, ofc you’re gonna TREAT yourself as the glamorous individual you are. and what i mean by that is -> treating urself with nothing short of respect and LOVE. some ways to implement effortless glamor into ur life are...
giving urself compliments
AFFIRM TO URSELF (vaunt, and rampage and affirm about how much u love urself, even if u dont at the moment it WILL come into fruition)
pamper urself just like u deserve. take care of ur skin, hair and nails. when u look good u FEEL good. treat urself like a princess, with the upmost care. be EXTRAAA and be meticulous.
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take impeccably good care of ur body and ur health. when ur taking care of urself like u should, you'll glow from the inside out. when u make it a habit to put time into yourself, your confidence AND glamorous energy will skyrocket.
other resources ; i'll add youtubers, and other blogs that i take inspo from for ✨glamor✨ and ofc an affirmations list.
@prissygrlsorority - one of the most GLAMOROUS blogs that i've seen yet. overall a rly good resource.
@pinkpigtailsprincess - healthy, glamorous reminders and an amazing place to start if ur trying to build a glamorous mindset.
my whole entire existence is so effortlessly glamorous. im the embodiment of the word fabulous. i have fabulous hair, fabulous style, and of COURSE that fabulous smile. im a star.
all in all, KNOW who you are, and remind urself of that ✨ - honey
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Pick A Card Reading: Who Has Their Eye On You? 👀
Hi and welcome to Visions of Venus Tarot! I am very excited to start this blog and get my Tarot content out there. I will be doing both pick a card and collective Tarot readings, multiple times a week, on love and spiritual connections as well as topics such as your spiritual path, healing, manifesting, the Divine Feminine and more. So, stay tuned, love! For today, we will be focusing on love. We are going to check in and see who has their eye on you romantically. It may or may not be who you expect! Tarot readings can come with surprises. But, just know that you have free will and you can choose to be with or not be with whoever you want!
So, choose which of the three images below you feel most drawn to. Then, keep reading to see what your pile has to say. Remember to trust your intuition and don’t force anything to fit. Also, it’s okay to pick more than one. There could be more than one person with their eye on you that you need to hear about. Maybe you’re just so desirable that you have multiple admirers coming through! 😘
PILE 1 //// PILE 2 ////
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Three of Cups / King of Swords (reversed) / Justice / The Star
back of the deck: The Hanged Man
Pile 1, your person is VERY in their head over you. Far too much. This is a situation that they are trying to control but that’s not the point. In fact, they need to learn to let go of control. Let go of their negative self-talk, their excessive insecurity and doubt. I get the feeling that this is someone who can be a bit exhausting, to put it honestly. In fact, “a bit” might be an understatement. You could feel very drained by them and this may be someone who you see differently than you used to. Somehow, some sort of truth came out about them that made you not look at them the same. It could have even been from a previous Tarot reading that was very eye-opening. Your person feels like you see them in a different light, even if you haven’t told them so, even if you haven’t talked in a long time. The bond between you two is still very strong on the astral level. You are feeling things about each other a lot.
So, I am getting the impression that this is a third party situation, with this Three of Cups here, especially. They could be in an unfulfilling relationship that they somehow feel “trapped” in. Take it how it resonates but I feel like it will for most of you. This could have been the slap in the face for you, the thing you found out about them that made you disengage from them or not want to be with them. This person has not been honest. There is some drama with this third party because you are definitely a topic of discussion between them, whether you realize it or not. This other person could be very jealous or suspicious of the connection you have with them and your person’s feelings for you. Again, you may not even know this is happening. You are just over here, minding your business and staying hydrated. I also feel like this is being talked about by their mutual friends. They know there’s trouble in paradise. For some of you, this person has gone to a trusted friend about advice over this situation with you and feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place. The third party does not bring them happiness. It’s a facade.
This person has a more masculine energy, regardless of their gender. They likely have Air placements (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) in their chart. They are logical and bright and can be eloquent when comfortable. But, on the other hand, they aren’t great communicators, particularly when it comes to relationships and their feelings. They have probably kept you in the dark about A LOT. They know they need to tell you the truth, as they may not have even shared their real feelings with you. They feel more comfortable playing games and can be highly manipulative but it’s a defense mechanism. Although they want to be better, they are still very toxic right now. And this is why free will matters! The next time you talk, it will probably lead to them asking for another chance. But, you don’t have to give that to them, especially if you no longer trust them or feel like things won’t really change. Use your discernment, babe.
This Star card not only shows the hope they’re holding on to for you two to be together but the way in which they view you. They see you as this magnificent light in their life and you play a very positive influence. They do think you’re a very special and magnetic being. But, they haven’t treated you as such. A part of them acknowledges that yet isn’t fully ready to admit it. Watch out for the possibility of them picking a fight with you. I think they are meant to be a King of Swords upright but they are still in their reversed era. So, they are quick to use their words destructively. (And they may be taking that out on the third party) But, you are aware of this so, again, just protect yourself. Also, a message for some of you is if you do something that puts you in the public eye or gives you a big following, shining brightly and being in your winning season can draw this person in more. But, not necessarily for the right reasons! Keep that in mind. Success is great revenge and it can remind certain people what they missed out on.
The Hierophant / Four of Pentacles / Knight of Cups / The Sun
back of the deck: The Hanged Man
Pile 2, what is interesting here is that we have The Hanged Man at the back of the deck again. If you were drawn to Pile 1, you might want to check it out. The thing is that this is a very different energy. The person in that pile seemed like they were stuck, mostly in their own bullshit tbh, and needing to change their perspective. But, this is a different person. They are more so patiently waiting and biding their time. I get the sense that this is someone who is tapped IN. They are definitely very spiritual and introspective and they have had some sort of download or epiphany about you.
For a lot of you, this isn’t someone you have met yet. But, they are aware of you. Also, you’re likely aware of them. Either you know of each other from your online profiles/platforms or through a similar social scene/mutual friends. Something like that. It’s interesting! I can’t fully put my finger on it and I think that’s because it’s not established in the physical yet. Now, some of you may know this person but it’s at a distance. It could be in passing or you have just said a few words to each other. But, you both are in each other’s energy field. They have their eye on you because they know something is meant to be here. They received some sort of intuitive message about it. And that could be mirrored as you may get illuminating messages and confirmations about them, too.
This person is coming through with a very masculine energy, whether they are male or female. But, it is definitely Divine Masculine, okay? There is a difference between masculine counterparts and a Divine Masculine. Not to say this person is perfect. But, they are definitely on your frequency spiritually and can bring you a lot of happiness. It feels like they are a joyous person, with this Sun card. They could be a Leo Sun, Moon or Rising. They are noble, generous, protective and will bestow plenty of affection on you. Their nature is pretty high-vibrational. So, if you are looking to stop attracting low-vibe partners and romantic situations, this could be a divine union you are manifesting in. This person can be very romantic and is going to make you feel really loved and safe and appreciated.
If you chose Pile 1, there will be a stark contrast between how you were treated by that individual and how this person will treat you. What is also standing out to me here is that there is some ex or past person who will be feeling or getting very possessive toward you when you and this person come together. Trying to interfere. It’s like they don’t want to let you go! Now, again, it could be the person from Pile 1 or someone else entirely. Regardless, you will need to protect your energy. Do any kind of cord cutting or energy cleansing rituals to release unwanted ties. It seems like you are actually still entangled with them energetically. Whether or not this person from this pile consciously recognizes it, they feel that and are simply hanging out until you are free from that connection on all levels. So, you may want to ask your Guides for help on this.
Like I said, this person is highly intuitive. I am definitely picking up Water energy from them: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Their Sun, Moon or Rising could be in any of those signs. But, again, I feel like they are a lot like you because you are also very intuitive and watery. I am getting the message that you two may have connected in a dream recently or you received information about them through one of your dreams. But, only take that if it resonates! Because of this mirroring, in many ways, you are kind of biding your time, too. Just in general, in terms of moving forward in life. You actually may feel kind of stagnant right now. However, you are being spiritually prepared for the next chapter of your life! So, don’t resent your current situation, even if it’s not fun or easy. See the lesson in it and trust in divine timing. Also, know that divine timing is simply about when you are ready and able to align with what is right for you. And this person is included in that!
The Devil (reversed) / King of Wands (reversed) / The Emperor / Four of Cups
back of the deck: King of Cups
Okay, Pile 3, the funny thing is I originally didn’t want your image to be bigger than the first two. But, I went with it for a reason. If you were called to this pile, Spirit is trying to get your attention. This isn’t going to necessarily be a message about one particular person but where you currently are in your romantic life and how it correlates to your growth. First of all, there isn’t just one person who has their eye on you. Several people have romantic feelings for you. Certain ones are from your past and regretting how they did not appreciate you or commit to you while they could. So, yeah, congratulations on being that awesome!
But, the point of this is not just to say that your milkshake brings all the boys or girls to the yard. In fact, I am sensing that these situations were actually a big disappointment for you. I think you moved through those feelings already and now the ones who lost you are feeling the pain. With The Devil in reverse, there was either a really toxic ex you had to get over (possibly even abusive and if so, I am very sorry and very proud of you for leaving) or just someone who was really emotionally unavailable or keeping you stuck. In the past, you had to deal with many masculine counterparts who were, let’s face it, pretty shitty. Very self-centered or controlling or temperamental or unfaithful. Maybe even a combination of these traits. And the thing is that these counterparts know it now. They see the error of their ways. Or they will start seeing it very soon and that’s when the regret will take hold of them.
You also could have dealt with masculine counterparts (and that isn’t gender-specific, by the way) who were just cowardly and lacked the confidence or the maturity to really step up and commit to you. So, it could be a mixed bag. Either way, you deserved more and you are truly seeing that now, more than ever. These individuals could have Fire placements - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - especially Aries or planets in Capricorn in their chart. And I am getting a number of two to four people. So, yeah, it’s like things are coming home to roost. If anyone chose someone else over you, they aren’t satisfied in that situation. They definitely settled for something safe and are yearning for what they had or could have had with you.
For many of you, there is also something to learn in terms of how you have repeated issues with a father figure in your love life. What problems with that parent have repeated with love interests? It can be very eye opening to realize that we have been chasing after a parent’s love all along through an unhealthy dynamic with partners. But, I also think these are realizations most of you are already clear on and working on. And you are being congratulated by your Guides for the work you have been doing. Keep it up! You are seeing the importance of focusing on yourself and giving yourself the love you have been looking for. I don’t see many of you wanting to get back with someone from the past. But, if you do, make sure you will be receiving true, consistent appreciation and proper treatment from them. In the meantime, this King of Cups seems to represent you. It’s you tapping into your Divine Masculine side by being that loving, sensitive yet powerful masculine counterpart for yourself you have been searching for.
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kazz-brekker · 3 days
hotd episode 2 thoughts
aegon screaming hysterically and smashing up viserys's model of old valyria…alicent unable to get through a sentence without sobbing…helaena staring blankly at the wall and clutching jaehaerys's blanket…i love acting but also that all kind of broke me.
genuinely i am enjoying tom glynn-carney as aegon SO much, he's quickly becoming one of my favorite actors on the show and gives his character so much nuance.
otto using his grandson's horrific death as a pr stunt…truly that man never stops working, he's always on the clock.
i also LOVED the big blowout fight scene between rhaenyra and daemon, it's about time someone dragged that man to hell and back. "the darkness you sheathe within yourself like a sword" and "i don't trust you" and "you're pathetic" go OFF rhaenyra!
criston please don't send someone else on a suicidal assassination mission because you were slacking your duty and banging alicent while the heir to the throne got decapitated. oh, who i am kidding, that man has never had a normal reaction to anything in his life.
i'm so glad we got an actual scene with baela (and the promise of more with her and moondancer in future weeks!) since she and rhaena have been horrendously underused so far.
aemond you have so many issues please go to therapy not a brothel. also i've blogged about this before but the idea that he really thinks he's an equal threat to daemon honestly is so silly.
alyn AND addam of hull spotted, we've got the complete set, and a little teaser of seasmoke as well!
the scene between corlys and rhaenys where corlys was like "if daemon would just submit to rhaenyra and enjoy being a bottom as i do on occasion" made me laugh so hard my sister asked me if i was okay.
i'm very intrigued by the scene between rhaenyra and mysaria (especially the mutual bonding over being exasperated by daemon) since they're technically on the same side but very much at odds in the book and i'm curious to know if this will continue in future episodes.
i really like that this season is emphasizing the perspectives of smallfolk like the hull brothers, hugh hammer, and the brothel mistress, it's something i felt was missing in season 1.
this really was an episode of targaryen men getting absolutely dragged by others for their poor political decisions. can't say i support otto's decisions most of the time but he was 100% correct about aegon.
also the moment where otto realized he had schemed for 20+ years to land a total idiot who just fired him on the throne…delicious, but rhys ifans played it so well i honestly still felt bad for him.
daeron mention! at this point i was honestly starting to think they had cut him from the show so that was a surprise.
as an identical twin i very much enjoyed the erryk and arryk drama but i must admit that i ALSO could not tell the twins apart when they were dueling. someone please revoke my twin card.
alicent walking into a room, seeing aegon crying, and just walking out was kind of funny ngl.
i really didn't expect criston and alicent's dynamic this season but i'm honestly enjoying it a lot. the mutual self-flagellation over their affair, alicent repeatedly slapping him and criston allowing it…really fun honestly.
caraxes is properly coming back next episode and it's true, i HAVE missed that noodle boy <3
also it looks like our first proper looks at harrenhal, moondancer, and a bracken vs. blackwood fight!
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This is me btw, I have a lot of tea to spill so I'm gonna answer common topics on this blog. If there's any I missed, I'll answer later.
For context I mentioned this before, but I knew the boys before I dated my ex, but I wasn't close until 4 years ago when we started dating.
Is Sammy going to Vegas?
No, she has work that week so she'll be in NYC. Unless something changes, she won't be going.
Is Jack going to the NHL Awards?
Maybe? If you asked me a month ago, I would've said no, because they want to keep Jack out of the spotlight for his recovery. But no one seems that upset over his recent outings so there's a chance. I'm pretty sure he is going to Vegas, but the awards is up in the air.
Do the Hughes like Sammy?
Jim and Ellen tolerate her for Jack's sake, but I know they don't like her. They're trying to make their family "America's Hockey Family" and Sammy truly doesn't fit the image they have in mind for their sons' spouses. They want a Lauren Kyle type: pretty, fashionable, promotes the hell out of the team. Just someone who has a good image overall. Besides the fact that Sammy is a sloppy drunk and big partier, which was already a "no" in the book, the zionist stuff doesn't help.
Quinn tolerates her as well, but he's still a little upset over his breakup with Olivia, so he wants to be away from the couple. He, like Luke, doesn't like drama so he's over the constant fighting between the two. He's not a fan, but he's not actively ignoring her.
Luke can't stand her and doesn't make it a secret. I already posted about the Luke/Sammy tea earlier, but she makes him uncomfortable.
What is Sammy and Jack's relationship like?
Super healthy and positive!! Totally not full of fighting and hooking up lol. The one time I interacted with them as a couple, they were fine, but I've seen the over the phone arguments and they're not pretty. It's not healthy at all, they constantly do things to piss the other one off. She'll ignore his calls/texts and go party with guys (she's a known cheater) and he'll like Instagram posts and follow girls on Instagram. When he was in New Jersey, he tried to make plans with her beforehand and she blew him off. When he was there he totally ignored her and it pissed her off. They had a huge argument then hooked up after so its all good.
Are they serious?
No, I cannot see Jack wanting to be serious with anyone any time soon, especially with Sammy. I think Jack currently likes the attention he gets from Sammy so he keeps her around. He can't do any of his favorite activities bc of his recovery (no golfing, tennis, wake boarding, training with his bros), so she keeps him occupied. When hockey season starts, he'll want to be fully focused so he can have a great season (he's getting FOMO from his brothers' seasons) and dump her. Plus his parents and brothers (more specifically Luke) aren't fans, so I can't see him being serious with someone his fam isn't fond of . But I could be wrong, I thought he was gonna be serious with Sienna and they broke up so.
What are the Hughes like?
They're actually really nice and a lot of fun to be around. They have a really good energy and vibe around them.
Jim and Ellen - I don't know them well, but they've always been nice to me. My ex told me that they're super nice and chill, but are hard on the boys to play well and maintain a certain image. They're very controlling when it comes to PR.
Quinn- probably the nicest brother, super accommodating and thoughtful. He's a little bit shy, but not super like Luke. He's a lot of fun, but has had some moments of losing his temper a bit, but does apologize.
Luke- super shy, but really funny. I feel like he has the most personality out of the boys, but he's so shy so he hides it. He's terrified of women (lol) but I feel like if he were to get a gf he'd be a really good bf.
Jack- he's really flirty and charming. He can be a bit of a dick sometimes but is wayyyy better than when he was younger. He really doesn't think before he speaks and has to quickly clarify what he means. He's a lot nicer than this blog gives him credit for. He was a really good bf to Chelsea and Sienna.
What's Sammy like?
I already answered this, but she's a spoiled rich sorority girl who drinks and parties too much.
No, they aren't PR. Jim and Ellen don't do PR relationships, but if they did they wouldn't chose Sammy. The whole NHL hard launch happened bc they wanted more positive press for Jack who was injured twice and the star player of a sinking Devils team. It had nothing to do with his "people watch me play comment" bc it was planned beforehand, but that didn't help anything.
Did Quinn and Olivia break up?
Yes, unfortunately. Quinn wanted to be more serious and Olivia wasn't ready. They ended on good terms, although both of them were really sad about it.
Is there tension between the boys?
No, they're fine. Jim and Ellen don't want Jack all over social media, so that's probably why Luke and Quinn didn't post him. Quinn and Jack are perfectly fine. Quinn never sees Luke and he's felt a little left out with Luke and Jack being on the same team, so he's really trying to spend time with him especially with him being newly single. As for Luke and Jack there's tension, but it's nothing significant. They spend a lot of time together, and they need a little breather from each other. Also as mentioned before Luke is uncomfortable around Sammy, so of course he doesn't want to be around her at a concert. The boys are still close and I doubt Jack loves anything enough to allow it to ruin his and Luke's relationship.
Favorite Child?
*ranking based on what I've heard/seen*
Jim- Jack, Luke, Quinn
Ellen- Quinn, Luke, Jack
The Zionist scandal
I want to be a fly on the wall when this happened. Jim and Ellen were not happy bc it made Jack look bad. The only reason they didn't force Jack to break up with her was because they knew it would piss him off and he didn't need that at the time (still in recovery). They're keeping him and Sammy out of the public eye until it dies down. As for their own personal views, I don't exactly know Jim and Ellen's but they've always been pretty liberal so idk. The boys- and this will sound bad- truly aren't fully paying attention to the conflict. They kind of see headlines on Apple News think it's sad and move on. I doubt they really have any real opinion on the matter. The boys aren't political at all, so I highly doubt they've ever talked about it. Sammy and her friends always bragged about being Jewish so I'm not surprised she is zionist. The boys really don't really brag about being Jewish, but I think its because they were raised Catholic as well (i know Judaism doesn't equal religion).
Has Sammy visited Jack earlier in the summer?
Not from what I can tell, my ex is over there more than I was so he would've told me, because he always compares her to an owl.
Anon on Jack, Sammy and the family
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I was reading Katherine Addison's books and in them she plays with English pronouns a bit. Characters speaking from rank or an estate use the first person formal 'we'. And then characters appealing to another in fondness switch from you/your to thee/thou.
I asked a friend of mine that knew more of Shakespearean prose if the usage of thee/thou was something that was used in our own time or if it was something just created for the universe of the book. Her answer was complicated. Maybe because most of the English we have to look at for evidence is more poetic than how people actually talked in the era.
Do you have any thoughts on authors bringing back parts of the english language that have died off in use in modern days? Do you know of any other examples of modern media that plays around with it?
Your blog is doing good making people think more deeply about the words they string together and how they work. Keep up the good work!
both of those are totally established english practices, not invented! the "royal we" is pretty popularly known, and my go-to example of the second person formality switch is from hamlet act 3 scene 4:
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where gertrude is trying to appeal personally to her son, who replies in the formal, whereafter she also switches back to "you" and reinforces their rhetorical distance during the conversation.
one of my favorite series, victoria goddard's lays of the hearth-fire, plays a lot with the i/we distinction in dialogue to (in my opinion) great emotional effect. i can't think of others that use thee/you right now!
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jenscx · 2 days
[03] tumblr girls — wonder
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it was cliché; being in love with danielle marsh, the straightest girl on earth. you thought your feelings were hopeless, until you discover her tumblr blog.
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just having experienced the best day of your life, you wake up to all sunshine and rainbows. literally nothing could deter your happy mood all day. the weekend had gone by in a blur, attributed to you only thinking about danielle. the mere fact that she listened to your playlist and thought it was great made you feel on cloud nine. a compliment! you received a compliment from danielle marsh! the most popular girl in school!
you sigh dreamily at the thought of her again. at this point, your sister, heejin grimaces at your love struck appearance. she waves her spoon at you, mouth stuffed with cereal, “why do you look like… that? and can you stop?”
even her comments couldn’t stop your train of glee.
“nope, i can’t stop,” you reply, literally unable to get rid of the smile on your face. even your cheekbones were starting to hurt.
heejin sighs, swallowing the mouthful of cereal before remarking, “did someone ask you on a date?”
you groan, “ugh, i wish but…”
honestly, there wasn’t a consequence in telling your sister, you were just afraid of the teasing you would receive.
“there’s this girl i have a crush on,” heejin instantly perks up, eyes gleaming with mirth, “shut up, she’s my partner for this project and she said my playlist was good.”
heejin visibly deflates.
“seriously? over something so small?”
you meekly reply, “it’s a lot coming from her! this is like, my first time talking to her and she complimented me!”
your sister nods, staring at you carefully.
“that’s true… but uh, is she,” heejin does a limp movement of the wrist, “y’know?”
“to be honest, i have no idea, but she gives off straight vibes. also i’ve never heard her be into girls, only guys.” despite this, your mood doesn’t change. as long as you were friends with danielle, that was enough. you wouldn’t need to date her specifically, just having her in your life was better than not knowing each other at all. she brought so much happiness and excitement into your dull life. minji and hanni were your best friends, but it always felt like they had each other. obviously not their fault, but it felt nice to have a friend outside of them.
“that’s, i guess, not devastating?” heejin offers unhelpfully. you nod, not minding her blunt words. danielle liking guys was a known fact. it only mattered if she likes girls too. maybe if she does, she wouldn’t even look at you as a potential partner. just a good friend.
that’s okay, you convince yourself. you can stay friends. it would make you happy too that danielle enjoyed your company. just not enough to date you.
“it’s okay though, i’m happy just being friends with her now. i like our friendship.”
heejin stands up from the table abruptly.
“i mean this with care and love,” she starts out, pity in her eyes but tone full of conviction, “you either stop being friends with her before you start to fully fall in love—”
your face falls, “no way.”
“or, you confess so you can move on.”
“i can’t do that, heejin,” you ramble, “our friendship’s in a really good place right now and if i confess it would mess everything up. what if she doesn’t want to be friends with a…” your voice trails off. heejin sighs, a hand reaching out to pat your shoulder sympathetically, “if what you’ve said about her is true, she wouldn’t mind staying friends.”
your mind tells you it’s true, but your heart says otherwise. having danielle in front of you, say that she doesn’t like you romantically, would crush your soul. at least admiring her from afar would let you imagine.
“you’re thinking too much about what ifs,” heejin explains, “you can’t just be wondering your whole life if that one girl you liked in high school was really into girls or not? you’re stuck thinking what if you had confessed? so what if in ten years she shows up with a girlfriend? would you be upset that you didn’t confess sooner?”
heejin’s right, but you can’t find it in yourself to bring up the courage to confess. it was too vulnerable. you didn’t want danielle to stare at you with disgust or anger that you liked her romantically. after all, it wasn’t as if you were friends. just project partners.
“i’ll… think about it.”
your sister nods, “your phone’s ringing by the way.”
as she walks away, you unlock your phone, the sight of danielle’s opened chat greets you.
danielle [7.36am]:
u free tdy after sch?
jeon y/n [7.38am]:
i’ll have to check
but i think i’m free
danielle [7.38am]:
okay awesome!
let’s meet up
jeon y/n [7.39am]:
heejin’s words plague your mind again. you shake your head. now wasn’t the time to be thinking about such things. you had to go to school and survive hanni and minji first. you wonder what hanni had said to her best friend after the phone call. since you didn’t receive any angry texts about minji, it would be safe to assume they were fine for now.
maybe you should worry about your own love life before theirs though. a blank slate appears in your mind as you make your way to school.
you spot minji and hanni, bless them, waiting outside the gate, both looking annoyed and irritated. could they go a day without arguing? sighing, you walk towards them, bracing yourself for either one to lunge onto you and start complaining.
of course, as always, hanni does.
“y/n,” she whines, “minji’s being mean again.”
you raise an eyebrow at her tone.
“what did minji do?” did they not resolve anything over the weekend?
minji shrugs, “i didn’t do anything.”
this ticks hanni off, since she scoffs, “maybe you should reflect and think about your actions.”
“maybe you tell me what the hell i did wrong this time instead of acting like a brat.”
“i’ll act like a brat all right, c’mere you little shit—”
before hanni starts swinging, you drag both of them into the school, wincing at the numerous attempts of punches hanni throws.
“let’s get to class first, we’ll be late for mr lee’s lesson,” you hold your friends by the collar. minji nods while hanni swats your hand away. you sigh, massaging your temples. if your friends were going to act like this the whole day, it would bring you much suffering.
garnering some weird stares from people along the hallway, you finally make it to the classroom without hanni pouncing on minji. a sigh escapes you as you sit down, relieved of babysitting duties from them. their argument can still be heard but at least they won’t fight each other psychically here. probably not.
you’re seated, deep in thought, when someone comes up to you.
“hey,” danielle smiles bashfully. you stare at her, awestruck.
the girl laughs and murmurs shyly, “i wanted to thank you for both the coffee and the playlist, so…” you watch as she pulls out a lunchbox, an adorable my melody lunchbox.
“i made you gimbap,” she explains, placing the lunchbox on your desk and staring at you sheepishly, “my mum helped me out.”
you wonder if you can marry her right now.
“thank you,” you swallow, hoping your voice doesn’t come out strained, gratitude evident in your eyes as you smile, “really.”
“it’s no problem, i wanted to repay you…”
“i’ll eat it well,” you say earnestly. it’s just a strange thing to say but since danielle giggles, you think it’s worth it.
“i hope it’s to your liking. see you later, y/n.” you like how your name sounds rolling off danielle’s tongue, in her sweet honey voice.
you take the lunchbox in your hands carefully, gently placing it in your bag as danielle retreats back to her seat.
hanni and minji both eye you, their fight long forgotten as hanni whispers loudly, “what the hell was that?”
your hands tremble as you retrieve your pencil case from your bag, trying to act as nonchalant as possible, “she’s being nice.”
“of course she is, but she made food for you? and you made a playlist for her? is that not the most obvious declaration of love like, ever?” hanni stresses.
minji frowns, “i don’t think that’s a declaration of love but yeah, she had this weird look in her eyes.”
your friend hesitates, you don’t miss the quick glance towards hanni who’s eagerly anticipating the answer, “like, longing. you get what i mean?”
hanni nods vigorously, “agreed. she was staring hard.”
you laugh, pushing down the feelings of happiness and delight, “that’s just how she looks. she always has that look.”
“oh girl… whatever you wanna believe,” hanni smiles, but it looks more like a grimace. you twirl your pen around your fingers, wondering about how it would feel to actually be the subject of danielle’s love. if receiving gimbap from her already made you feel this way, how would it feel to be her constant muse? you sigh, not even noticing the subtle glances she sends your way from in front.
you don’t notice mr lee coming in either, a grin on his face as he announces, “i’ll give you guys some time to continue with the project and ask any questions.”
your face heats up at the thought of spending more time with danielle, who turns her head sharply to wink at you. your cheeks burn even more.
a few moments of silence pass before the class erupts into noise, most people shifting their seats to find their partner. you eagerly wait for danielle to come over, seeing as how her seat had been taken up by someone else. pulling a chair from an empty desk, you slide it towards your own, keeping a respectful distance between the two. however, danielle seems to have other plans as she shifts it closer, completely disregarding your need for space in the best way possible.
“we already finished half of it,” danielle says cheerfully, “it’s just the portion of experimenting now.”
your face blanches.
“experimenting?” you repeat. what the hell did danielle think of?
her face morphs into one of amusement, eyes twinkling with merriment, “y’know, finding out how humans actually feel attraction, and what better way than to experience it ourselves?”
“you’re joking,” you blurt out.
danielle responds by pouting, “i’m really not. have you heard of the study by that one psychologist, was it thirty six questions to fall in love?”
“psychologist doctor arthur aron, formulated in 1977, a study consisting of thirty six questions to ask to fall in love,” you recite instantly. danielle’s face lights up.
“so you do know! since it was intended to speed up the creation of intimacy between two strangers, wouldn’t it serve as a helpful experiment to carry out for our project on human attraction?”
you sigh, “and where are we going to find willing lab rats for this experiment?”
danielle’s gaze shifts over ever so slightly, her eyes crinkling into a smile as she whispers, “them.”
your head turns.
kim minji and pham hanni, with their separate partners, yet both seated near each other.
“you’re a genius.”
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“gosh, haerin i said i’ll be fine,” danielle shrieks, trying to rid the girl following her, “you should go find hyein or something!”
her best friend, understandably, offended, retorts, “you forgot we have practice today. that’s what i’ve been wanting to tell you.”
the brunette’s quick footsteps come to a halt. she turns to haerin with widened eyes, her mouth agape. haerin only huffs and reaches out a hand to push her jaw back in place, “i wasn’t trying to crash your date with y/n, or whatever, not that i like the idea of it.”
“it’s not a date, we’re doing our project,” danielle defends, yet the redness residing in her cheeks gives away her true feelings. haerin stares at her blankly.
“sure, i still can’t believe you got injured during a game because she waved at you—”
danielle rushes to cover haerin’s mouth with her hand, exclaiming, “you talk too much!”
haerin points to herself with an incredulous look since who the hell has ever said she talks too much? it’s always that she talks too little. haerin wonders if her best friend is going crazy.
“so what are you going to do about y/n? are you going to make her wait?” haerin pulls on danielle’s bag strap. the girl visibly saddens, “i mean, cheer’s gonna be until four, would she be willing to wait till then? and i don’t wanna tell her over text or something, what if she thinks i’m ditching her…”
“i’ll tell her for you,” haerin finally says. danielle turns to her, surprise evident in her eyes. haerin adds on, “if you buy me that jellycat keychain, i’ll go find y/n and convince her to wait. we have the same lesson next period.”
danielle beams, throwing her arms over haerin and squeezing her tight as she mutters words of gratitude and thanks. haerin only brushes her off, the lingering thought of the jellycat keychain pursuing her mind endlessly. while danielle prances off to her next class, haerin makes her way to her own. she peeks in, already spotting you engrossed in reading a book. despite the chaos of students chattering around you, haerin finds it intriguing that you manage to stay focused throughout.
she walks to your desk, her hand reaching out to grasp the book. understandably, your head snaps upwards in shock, eyes widened as you fumble for your book. haerin reads the cover title, the handmaid’s tale, by margaret atwood.
“uhm,” you mutter unintelligibly, “can i have my book back?”
the girl only stares at you with round piercing eyes.
“we have cheer practice today.”
you frown.
“we end at four.”
“uh, good for you,” you reply, unsure of what the cat-eyed girl was trying to imply. her vague words didn’t help either.
“danielle is only available after,” haerin says, exasperated and shocked you were that dense. could you not pick up on her cues?
you finally make a face of recognition (she thinks you look stupid), “oh, so are you her messenger pigeon…?”
“she wants to ask you if you’re willing to wait for her.”
“okay, tell her i’ll wait, or i can stay to watch her practice,” you reply, reaching out to retrieve your book. haerin allows it and goes to her seat, which is further back. a perfect place to learn what makes danielle so entranced with you. what an interesting character. she observes you with sharp eyes, noting down every characteristic you had.
you seemed to like reading, which was honestly surprising considering most people nowadays don’t even pick up a singular book their whole life. you also seemed pretty quiet, which haerin approved of. she hated loud people, talkative people were fine, which is why she likes danielle, but she just can’t stand loud, obnoxious people. maybe you were the same as well. and perhaps your face wasn’t bad to look at.
haerin smiles to herself. even though you had basically caused the cheerleading team’s flyer to be injured (she still doesn’t forgive you, or danielle for that), maybe you would be good for her best friend.
you stare blankly at the pages filled with words, nothing entering your head. your mind was constantly rewinding the interaction with haerin. did danielle ask her to tell you personally? why didn’t she just text you? and why did you blurt out that haerin was a messenger pigeon? the narrowed glare you received was only a testament of how awful you answered. what if that soured danielle’s impression of you? would haerin even report such an incident to her best friend? questions raced through your mind, all unanswered and eager. unaware of the staring eyes, you only close the book with a sigh. at this rate, you wouldn’t be able to digest any information.
sucks that you have calculus now. you wish you could just become a full-time humanities student, that way you wouldn’t have to deal with any science or mathematics subjects. forcing yourself to focus, you widen your eyes and gaze harshly at the whiteboard as the teacher strolls in.
you immediately lose moral when you see the stack of worksheets in her arms.
“we’re having a pop quiz today, everyone please get ready.”
haerin watches as you groan audibly.
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your cheeks are stuffed with the delicious gimbap danielle had made. the lunchbox rests carefully on your thighs as you watch the cheerleaders assemble on the field. eyes instantly flickering to find the curly waves of brown hair, you finally land on danielle who looks super excited and happy.
warmth simmers in your stomach as you watch danielle converse with haerin animatedly, her hands moving in grand gestures to express her feelings. your eyes trail onto haerin’s blank features, no doubt zoning out at whatever danielle was saying. or maybe that was her listening face. you honestly had no clue. sometimes your eyes wander to the rest of the team, but you really don’t have any connection to them. gong yubin, lee jiwoo, kim jiwoo… and two other faces you recognised, yet didn’t know the names of. the rest you don’t think are in your grade.
you don’t notice the lingering gaze of one cheerleader while deep in thought. it’s only when you go for a second gimbap, you make eye contact with danielle.
hi. she mouths.
hi. you mouth back, along with a small but awkward wave. danielle’s hand flies up to cover her smile. you can tell she’s giggling, and the thought of having experienced hearing such a blessed sound makes your heart constrict with longing to hear it once more.
eventually, the cheerleading coach comes and you have to break eye contact with danielle. honestly, the saddest thing you’ve ever done in your life. you turn your attention to the unfinished google doc displayed on the screen. the laptop is danielle’s and she had so kindly lent it to you. you had agreed to brush up on the research and finer details before exploring the experiment and danielle instructed you to finish it on her laptop.
you heave a sigh as you start typing about human attraction or whatever. the only human attraction you experienced was towards danielle, and you can’t really write a paper on how beautiful she looks, how she's the sweetest girl alive, how you only come to school to see her every day. well, it wouldn’t be considered an essay, just a love letter. your eyes unconsciously search for danielle in the sea of blue uniforms. her hair was now tied back in a high ponytail, a bright white bow attached behind. you watch as she stretches, red blooming on your cheeks as you follow the movements of her hand from her ankles, trailing up the long, pale expanse of her leg.
stop it, you remind yourself. you were here for a reason, not just to gawk at danielle. as she turns her head up, her hazel eyes meet yours, eyelashes fluttering while she continues staring. you swallow the lump in your throat. the tips of her lips itched upwards, as if she knew you were looking. in your haste to do anything but stare back, you whip your head towards the laptop, fingers quickly running all over the keyboard.
it’s only when your thumb hits a random key that the google document closes. you frown, attempting to open it back up. yet, a separate tab opens and you’re left shocked.
danielle marsh is a tumblr user.
you stare blankly at the blog, sunshinesza.
what the hell?
despite the very obvious moral choice here, you click on the blog itself. the profile picture is just a cute drawn rabbit and her header was a picture of a bouquet of flowers. pink tulips, to be exact. her name was still jihye on tumblr, but perhaps since there were a lot of people named jihye, it wasn’t exposing her too much. it felt so wrong to continue scrolling. yet, you couldn’t help yourself. this was an extremely private part of danielle and you were directly invading her privacy. most of her posts were just her ranting about school or cheerleading practice. some of them included photos of her cooking. the gimbap in your mouth only served as a reminder to her skills in the kitchen.
the cursor pauses at a post.
sorry guys, i have to ask, is it weird if i like a girl rn? my bff keeps making fun of me :( she’s just my partner in a project but i’ve liked her since middle school. idk if she’s into girls, she doesn’t really interact with guys either tho. it was my first time hanging out with her a few days ago. she’s so charming and cool that i can’t help but want to continue spending time with her. but what if she doesn’t want to hang out with me after the project’s done? i love and hate that she’s so hard-working and efficient since it’ll make our time shorter. sometimes she does things that make me feel deluded and i can’t really tell if she’s being fr… maybe i’m gg crazy.
you wonder if you’re going crazy.
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peoplesgraves · 1 day
Yandere monster harem X Monster Hunter Reader
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You don’t know it but the shitstorm that was your life had been a plan generations in the making, all the way back to the very first appearance of monsters in the human world. In a post monster world it was discovered that some humans had a specific gene mutation making them especially appealing to monsters of all manners. While most humans selectively chose to let this mutation die for safety other reasons, some groups chose instead to selectively aim for it. Arranging marriages with others who had the gene hoping to unlock the most effective form of it they possibly could, generally out of desire to dominate the monsters instead of coexist. These groups became monster hunters. Also your ancestors. Yep you, y/n, are the culmination of all those lovely monster attracting genes.
Perhaps that’s why your parents had been such human separatists insisting you lived in human only gated communities and private schools. hoping to save you from your generational curse. If that was the case though they’d never shared it and had instead left you totally vulnerable when they ‘mysteriously’ died. Finally seeing your chance to explore the more integrated wider world. When you got a random letter saying you were named the recipient of some long lost relatives estate who also ‘mysteriously’ died (wow mysteriously is really doing a lot of lifting here) how couldn’t you leave your seclusion for the wider, weirder world? That had been the beginning of the end. Ever since you moved to that stupid estate you’d collected one freaky monster spouse after another.
Your supposed solace came in the form of yet another random letter…you really should’ve stopped trusting mysterious letters after the first time. It told you that not only was your monster predicament not your fault, you also weren’t alone. Part of something greater than yourself, monster hunters! They invite you to join them out of a shared bond, a shared pain and totally not to arrange a marriage and force a new, monster hunter yandere on you…
(Will be making the monsters characters on my blog you can send requests for this is just a basic story/info introduction<3)
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howtofightwrite · 2 days
thank you for the clear, honest response! but i will admit to being caught off-guard since i wasn't suggesting the scenario from the protagonist's point of view at all, but rather from an antagonist or villain sort of perspective. i went in with the assumption that it was the less morally upright person making violent actions (i.e kidnapping) and the hero protagonist experiencing the fallout.
your words felt very much like what i was trying to say in acknowledging that it's dangerous, but more concise; perhaps i simply was overzealous in crafting the scenario? i am sorry for giving the wrong impression.
it might be helpful to state that it was actually my only ask to this blog aside from this one; it has no connection to other inquiries regarding heroes taking violent action. i might have had the impression that a previous anon was writing a detective story of sorts, where the protagonist was dealing with opponents who wouldn't hesitate to use violence, and thougnt to state what i felt could be done to keep the protagonist's head relatively intact despite head injuries. my apologies for the broad assumption!
Yeah, without wanting to light you up this time, the problem with the scenario is a little deeper than I might have addressed in the previous comment. And, in fairness to you, that was a long ask, and Tumblr doesn't accommodate my preferences for how to fully respond to comments like that. (Which is to say, break it into pieces, and deal with each part independently.)
The problem you're running into is an idea that heroes and villains view violence from fundamentally different perspectives. In isolation, this isn't automatically a bad thing, but it does leave you vulnerable to engaging in some classic Saturday morning cartoon grade philosophy. “The bad guys only use violence because they're bad, but the good guys only use violence because they're good.”
Again, if this fully terminated in a discussion about how proportional use of force can be an appropriate, or sometimes even a necessary, response, that would be one thing. Unfortunately, a lot of writers stop at that point, and internalize a double standard for violence based on an artificial delineation that doesn't even exist in their characters' world.
There are a lot of reasons that the author can pull hard for their protagonists, and those will spill over onto the audience. The protagonist is (probably) the character the author identifies most with. As the primary PoV character, the protagonist is in the best position to advocate for their own thought process. Due to sheer exposure, and whatever adversity the protagonist has experienced up to that point, they audience is also likely to be more sympathetic to the protagonist's position.
This does mean, when your protagonist starts going over the line, your audience is going to be less critical of their actions. At least, up to a point. You can take this all too far, and lose your audience, which is part of where our cautions about violence come from. But that's an adjacent issue.
However, within your world, it's important to assess when, and how, characters use force based on who they are. And, in fairness to you, that was something you were partially conscious of. The critical hiccup was that the roles of protagonist and antagonist are agnostic to who these characters are in your world. People will use whatever tools are appropriate for completing their objectives, regardless whether you think they're the hero or villain. That includes, potentially, use of force.
The distinction I made poorly is that your kidnappers don't use force because they're the villains, but they use it because it's a critical tool for doing their job. I'm struggling to come up with a scenario where you'd have a human trafficker as the protagonist of your story, but it's not going to fundamentally alter their approach to violence, nor their methods. (Not saying the scenario is impossible, but it would run the risk of being extremely distasteful.)
Perhaps, a more palatable example would be an assassin. They're still popular as edgelord protagonists, and can just as easily be antagonists. However, they also do a fantastic job of illustrating that the hero or villain status doesn't (especially) alter the evaluation of whether they're a protagonist or antagonist. Leaving a large body count, in either case, simply means that that something got out of control, and in either case, this is someone who's been killing people.
Something that might seem like a non-sequitor at first, coming out of the Patreon Discord server last week, was a reminder that, when you're using the D&D alignment chart, you can absolutely end up with evil protagonists. Not even in the sense of villainous protagonists, like with The Godfather films and novel, but characters who are genuinely the hero of the story, and evil. My preferred example of this remains Jack Bauer (Keifer Sutherland) from 24.
The inverse is much rarer. Some Javier-style investigators probably fit the bill of good-aligned villains. Though, these are usually paired against criminal protagonists, or at least protagonists who've been framed or falsely accused.
The reason this tangent is relevant is twofold. First, it's important to remember that your protagonist can be evil. They can, absolutely, be a bad person. As mentioned earlier, because they're your PoV, they'll get some deference from the audience simply from being their primary point of access to the world. Second, concepts like good and evil may be far more determinative over their use of violence, but the idea of protagonists and antagonists exist independently of that. Who your characters are will have a much bigger impact on the degree of violence they'll be comfortable with inflicting.
Beyond this, there is a real problem for a lot of writers, who think about violence with that Saturday morning cartoon logic. It's absolutely fine to have extremely violent protagonists, however, the question you need to start with is whether that violence fits with who they are, outside of their role in the story you're telling.
Related to this, and it drives a lot of the, “I want a protagonist who doesn't kill people,” is the idea that your protagonist needs to be a good person. They don't. And having a protagonist who inflicts grievous harm on people, but stops short of actually killing them doesn't absolve them of the harm they're causing. You can argue that someone who tortures someone, “for good reasons,” and finishes with a mock execution is less evil than someone who does the same but simply executes their victim when they're done, but both of these are pretty evil acts across the board, and you'd be pretty hard pressed to argue that the former is fully innocent, when lasting harm has been inflicted upon their victim.
So, ultimately, as a general rule, knockouts don't work. It's a kind of moral hand-wringing that authors engage in because they're afraid of their characters being perceived as bad people, or because they want a consequence free way to close out a fight scene. Just like in the real world, knockouts don't really do what the author wants, because they're, at best, a deferment on future violence. The impulse to preserve your character's moral high ground is certainly understandable, but in most cases, this method will be detrimental to your work as a whole. It reduces the tension from future violence, as your reader now knows that there's an easy out with no lasting consequences. There are ways to have consequence free fights (such as characters managing to create an opening and escape), but the hard knockouts don't work as well as you might hope. I'd hesitate to call knockouts, “bad writing,” but they certainly open the door to some of our worst impulses as writers. Impulses we really need to resist, as they don't lead to better stories, just more contrived scenarios.
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felinefractious · 20 hours
hey, so my brother sent me this person's cat online and was wondering why it was cross-eyed. i've learned a lot of info from you so i tried my hand at guessing, but i don't want to believe what i said just because i think it's right.
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i told my brother the cat in question looks to me like a tabby x ragdoll mix. i know ragdolls are commonly seen with higher chances of cross-eyes, and when i tried to search 'ragdoll tabby' i only got them mixed, not the pattern itself.
i brought up how the weird white patch on the cat's muzzle could be coming from the ragdoll's side, and the pointed out that the [from what it looks to me] shorter fur and less puffy build could be the tabby.
here's some more pictures of the cat [again this cat isn't either of ours so i can only send what i can find. however the cat owner is softwilly on social media]
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regardless if you end up helping me with this i do appreciate what you do as i've learned SO much about cat genetics through your page and being a cat lover it's like a treasure trove of cat education! have a good day/night :]
Hey, I’m glad you enjoy the blog! I like your icon, hyenas are awesome.
So “tabby” is not a breed, it’s a pattern. That feels like a good place to start!
Our adorable little house cats were once upon a time descended from the African Wildcat, so the default/wild-type appearance before all of the mutations and breeds and such came into play would resemble this ancestor.
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Talk about family resemblance!
The Domestic Cat on the top [source] is a shorthair black tabby, closely resembling the phenotype of the African Wildcat on the bottom [source].
A mutation on the agouti (tabby) gene causing an increase in the production of black pigment is where out solid colored cats come from.
UC Davis page on Agouti
Due to other genes which determine and influence the presentation of the tabby pattern we have quite a few tabby options now. To keep it simple these are primarily mackerel, spotted, classic and ticked but can be modified even further the more genes we add in (bengal modifier, wide band, etc).
Since tabby is the original flavor cat the majority of stray/feral cats you encounter will be sole flavor of tabby but various types of tabby patterns are permitted in many, many, many different breeds.
The white smudge on the face as well as the bib and mittens are due to one of several mutations on the KIT gene. These mutations are very common in domestic animals which is why piebald patterning is so widespread in domestic varieties but rare uncommon in wild specimens.
UC Davis page of Dominant White & White Spotting
So although this is a mutation and not part of default settings it, like solid cats, is incredibly common to find cats with white markings in the wider stray/feral population as well as in a huge variety of cat breeds.
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Here is a black tabby point Ragdoll with white mittens [source].
The distinctive masked pattern is caused by mutation which effects pigmentation, ranging from being fully normally colored (wild type) to albinism. In between this range we have colorpoint, mink, sepia and most recently mocha… but I’m only going to discuss colorpoint right now.
The colorpoint pattern is a form of albinism influenced by body temperature, turning the cat into a living heat map. Pigment is turned off in warm areas and is produced normally in cool areas, such as the extremities. So if you peeled the colorpoint off of this Ragdoll they’d look a lot more similar to the cat you’re sharing!
UC Davis page on Colorpoint Restriction
This is another mutation notably absent from our default wild-type and is a little less common than solid or white-spotted but still pretty well distributed throughout the stray/feral population as well as being accepted in many breeds.
Unfortunately there seems to be a higher incidence of strabismus (cross-eyed) in pointed cats than those with full color expression, not just Ragdolls. Nystagmus (involuntary eye movements) is also unfortunately common, which @the-adventures-of-dave’s Kepler (Bengal) has.
But pointed cats don’t have a monopoly on these problems! There are plenty of pointed cats without eye problems and there are plenty of full expression cats with eye problems. Sometimes cats are just cross-eyed, just like how sometimes people are just cross-eyed.
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The truth is most cats aren’t any breed or a mix of any breeds, they’re just… cats!
Cats and cat breeds aren’t all that similar to dogs and dog breeds. Cat breeds are a relatively new occurrence, often have allowable outcross with other breeds, and comprise a miniscule portion of the overall feline population.
Pedigree, Purebred, Mixed Breed, Random-bred - What’s the Difference?
What’s the Breed of Your Cat?
So this is all a very long way to say that the very dashing cat you shared is most likely a black tabby Domestic Longhair with white spotting and the strabismus is likely unrelated.
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luminouslywriting · 3 days
Heyy, I recently found your blog and omg I’m obsessed🫶It’s so rare seeing people that write for Band of Brothers.
Could you maybe write something about the BoB guys reaction to their new lieutenant being a woman? And they fall in love after a while and stuff. Just a fun little idea lol, have a great day!
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Nonny, I adore this idea so much! Enjoy note the fact that my requests are open and I adore spam!
Cut for length, kept short and sweet since I've done some similar things to this, and please note that my requests for Dead Poets Society are also open :)
Dick Winters:
-He's stunned in the best way possible—super impressed with your credentials and your reputation already and gives you the utmost of respect.
-I think he genuinely enjoys working with you and getting to know you—it's a slowburn for sure though.
-Doesn't make a move until he's in Austria with you and you two get to talking about what'll happen at the end of the war and everything :)
Lewis Nixon:
-Laughs at first because he thinks you're joking and then very quickly has to backpedal himself out of the dog house because oh SHIT he did not mean to offend you
-Quickly becomes one of your closest friends and talks to you about a lot of his relationship issues back home—the two of you are a very much "will they, won't they" type of thing
-You probably hook up while in Austria and things just progress from there.
Ronald Speirs:
-Secretly impressed by you the entire time but is not about to share his feelings on that—but he keeps a careful eye on you and makes sure to have your back whenever you need it
-This man is out here just trying to make the men drink 'respect women' juice and that starts w/his example and he's perfectly aware of that.
-Steals a lot of stuff so that he can express his feelings to you with nice things haha
Buck Compton:
-He's pleasantly surprised and waits to make a judgement until he gets to know you—best decision of his life really
-He's out here able to talk to you about literally anything and enjoys your company as a friend first and foremost, which is important to both of you
-He absolutely writes you once he leaves the line and hopes that you come back safe
Carwood Lipton:
-Shows you nothing but the utmost respect and never steps a freakin' toe out of line. He probably isn't even trying to get close to you because he doesn't want you to get the wrong idea about him.
-Bonds with you during Bastogne and deeply admires the way that you carry yourself in hard situations
-Probably asks in a soft tone if he can write take you to a nice restaurant once all of this is over and take you on a date
Joe Liebgott:
-Simp with a capital S, and there's just no putting that any other way. This man hangs onto your every word and then pretends as if he never heard you speak. SIR, GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF.
-In all practicality though, he's probably the type to become your friend and hang out with you/help you integrate with the men
-And when he's talking to Webster about his post-war plans...yes, they involve you and no, you are not aware of them (yet, anyway haha)
Donald Malarkey:
-Also someone who is not about to step a toe out of line or show you any disrespect. He takes the time to listen to your opinions and your orders and values what you have to say.
-It's quite easy for him to fall for you, though he's not going to say anything about it until some liquid luck finds its way into his system during Austria
-Feelings are exchanged and so is a kiss :)
Eugene Roe:
-You are his favorite lieutenant—the most competent person in the world in his eyes—and one of the people he values most.
-He consistently takes the time to check in on you and makes sure that you're doing alright in your leadership position and tries to keep a wary eye out for anything that might do you harm.
-And if you kiss him after the events of Bastogne to get his head back in the game?? Well neither of you is going to kiss and tell haha
Bill Guarnere:
-Doesn't know how to feel about it at first?? He's a little confused and a little standoffish but then he sees how Sobel treats you and he's just not having it
-So the two of you become fast friends after that and integrating into the group is a lot easier with Bill on your side
-Admits that he loves you amidst a bloody and snowy ground in Bastogne and hopes that you'll write to him
Joe Toye:
-Impressed by the fact that you've made it this far and isn't about to go out of his way to make life easier or harder for you. He's just going to simply have your back.
-However, he's a great person to talk to and always will second your opinion or thoughts and add that he thinks it's a good idea.
-Also the type of person who writes you love letters after he ends up back home and hopes that things can work out between the two of you
George Luz:
-Makes a joke about it at first and then realizes that he has colossally messed up–grovels a little bit and does you a few favors before becoming your friend
-He relies on you a lot, especially during some of the heavier times for the company, and if you keep a smile on his face, he falls for you
-Would, in fact, invite you to come home and meet his family (you know, if you want haha)
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Rec List
This is my first time doing one of these posts so I hope this doesn't turn out chaotic. This post is going to be my rec list because I follow so many amazing and talented x reader writers/artists and I just want to show them love and give them the appreciation they deserve. Since this post may turn out to be long, I will put it all under a read more and I will try to only write a few sentences for everyone or I will ramble on for 15 pages. Please scroll to the end to see any extra notes.
@imastrangeone98 We share a lot of similar interests in fandoms/characters and they are a really nice and chill person. I love reading whatever they post and I absolutely devoured their most recent boothill x reader fic. I could probably write a five page essay on how much I adore them but just know they are an amazing writer.
@sleepygirltumblestoohard Very big into Naruto, especially Madara Uchiha and honestly?? Can't blame them, impeccable tastes. They do write for other Naruto characters don't worry though. I love anything Uchiha related and they write both canon x reader and canon x oc. I know they are currently trying hard to improve their writing and I think they're doing a great job. Keep it up.
@spiiiiiral They are such an amazing little artist and is very big into Yugioh. I absolutely love their arts featuring thief king bakura and yami marik. I like their art style and I'm always excited to see more from them. And they will absolutely convert you into liking the characters that they like. I'm talking full blown essays, they are very persuasive.
@ayyy-pee JJK obsessed and I am so here for it. They are a really, really great writer. I mostly read their JJK one-shots (specifically suguru because I am down bad for that man) but I regularly see them also have a bunch of longer series that they write and there is so many words they have to offer that you can devour. Seriously, if you are into JJK please check them out. I'm pretty sure they also have an open collab event going on so if that's your thing, drop on by.
@tehrevving mostly Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy and Resident Evil. Very talented writer and they have been around for a long time. They have recently been writing a vincent valentine x reader multi chapter fic that I have been bookmarking so i can read later. Chaotic blog, absolutely adore it. love getting notifs on whatever they write.
@queenmuzz mostly Devil May Cry enthusiast but I have seen other fandoms pop up now and then. I love reading their Vergil fics, very nice writing style that just scratches an itch in my brain. They are very nice and welcoming to all, check them out.
@princesschimchim1325 Lots of Honkai Star Rail and I think they are recently getting into Wuthering Waves. Very good writer and they have a bias towards anything related to Blade, Yingxing, Dan Feng and Dan Heng. I love reading whatever they come up with and enjoy their shenanigans.
@husbandomail they have recently moved to this new blog but I believe they have a link to their old blog. Very nice and sweet and they write mostly one-shots and headcannons. They are into a few different fandoms but I enjoy reading what they write for Yugioh and Pokémon. Very pretty blog theme and an amazing little writer. Keep it up!
@imagine-darksiders mostly darksiders, fnaf and I think I've seen bowser pop up a few times. Double trouble because they are so, so talented with both drawing and writing. You can tell they have been dedicated to their craft for years. Seriously I love all the Darksiders writing and drawings they have produced over the years. Their writing is so poetic and they have a lot of ongoing series you can sink your teeth into.
@mubabee amazing artist. multifandom blog but I mostly adore their honkai star rail, genshin impact and demon slayer drawings. I am also a big fan of when they genderbend characters and I seriously am so happy to find artists that love drawing y/n x characters. Check them out for some good art.
@demonichikikomori multi fandom blog but I have noticed a lot of twisted wonderland recently. a lot of headcannons and one shots and I love reading through their works whenever they pop up on my feed.
@rabbbitseason x reader artist. such pretty and amazing drawings. feeding the honkai star rail community so good. I get so excited when another new drawing graces my eyes, please check out their nice artworks.
@kuroshioi new/recent writer that popped up in the last couple of months. mostly into honkai star rail and genshin impact. a lot of short, bite size pieces but they are very nice little reads and I think they are doing an amazing job.
@lorelune such a talented and amazing writer. Mainly for Honkai Star Rail. I love reading their long one-shots and whatever they write for Jing Yuan and Blade. Their descriptions in their writing just satisfies that itch I get in the back of my head. Seriously, I just want to print their words out and devour them, they are so, so good at writing. currently on hiatus
@honeyedgifts recently moved to this new blog. I love reading their bite sized fics and ramblings about the characters they like. very chill person. I believe they are thinking of going on hiatus soon but you should still check them out and share the love!
Okay, I believe that's it and I really hope I didn't miss anyone. If your name is on this list and it makes you uncomfortable, please let me know through my dms and I can take you off. I believe all these artists/writers deserve more love so please check them out and give them a follow if you like what you see. Thanks for reading.
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wondercourse · 2 days
something that sucks about discovering the possibility of being mixed-origin is that it directly ties me to syscourse in most people's minds if i choose to talk about it online (which i am lol).
it shouldn't. i should be allowed to navigate this outside of the lens of syscourse. to one side, i am now the enemy; to the other, i am now an ally. i can't just be.
honestly thank god i'm in therapy because it's such a "hey man how's it going" thing. she wants to focus on what's actually important in this process as we slowly transition from phase 1 to phase 2 (she doesn't refer to it with phasic language but funny enough her philosophy lines up with it so). she doesn't care about origin! she just wants to aid in my recovery.
not so on the internet! i have to fit into a box, and being put in that box shuts me out of so many things. the quoigenic label automatically categorizes me in the minds of many and that drives me up a wall, especially as someone who Doesn't Like The Labels.
fortunately, outside of setting boundaries and being frustrated by this realization, this doesn't have that negative of an effect on me like it would've as a teenager. random people's preconceived notions about me don't define my identity, i do.
i just think it's wild that i even needed to realize this at all. that something as simple as changing my label—even with the possibility of still being totally traumagenic—creates narratives in people's minds. i'm a faker. i don't have trauma. i'm a poor, misguided traumagenic system that got dragged into pro-endo rhetoric. i'm this. i'm that.
like that's weird. and i think what bothers me about it is that for a lot of people who may perceive me, there's morality attached to that. i'm bad now or i'm good now. and while i think that both sides of this suck, the worst thing is that in the eyes of some, i have attached a term to myself that makes me less than, and that says "fakeclaiming/suicide baiting/harassing this person is okay".
again, i'm in a spot where i recognize that this doesn't ACTUALLY define my morality—identifying as quoigenic is morally neutral—nor does it make it okay for people to treat me like shit for it, but it's just like...what? like idk i'm just recognizing and acknowledging how asinine that is in general.
anyway, i hope this appropriate for the sysconversation tag. just wanted to talk about that because i was thinking about it in the context of the choice to keep this account separate from my other blog because of this. i'm okay, just befuddled.
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I'd like to know how a Porygon-Z would do as a pet. My favorite little creature :)
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As with this species' pre-evolutions, porygon-z are a curious pet candidate. These pokémon are artificial, mostly digital beings, which makes them about as rare as they are behaviorally peculiar. If you do manage to adopt a porygon-z (or provide your porygon2 a Dubious Disc to allow them to evolve into one), I’m afraid there aren’t a lot of resources out there to help you with caring for them. It takes some pretty advanced programming to bring about a porygon-z, so finding one to adopt can be pretty expensive or will require some advanced computer engineering skills. This blog’s primary source of information, the pokédex, has hardly anything to say about this species. Because of this, this post may feel a little… cobbled together… but I’ll do my best to provide you with all the speculative information I can. The bottom line, though, is that porygon-z might make good pets for some owners, but their unpredictable behavior and abilities may make them more than most can handle.
Let’s start with the easy stuff. Porygon-z are a good size for a house pet. They’re far from too heavy, and their ability to levitate makes it easy for them to comfortable get around, even in smaller living spaces. You’re probably already wondering, though: how big a risk is there of a porygon-z wandering off into other forms of space. Porygons, after all, have the fascinating ability to traverse digital space, which can cause some issues when it comes to owning one as a pet (see the porygon post, linked at the bottom of this one). Porygon-z are created using porygon2s as a base, meaning that many of their programmed behaviors and abilities can be inferred by looking at the information we have about their predecessors. These related pokémon are so similar in some ways, in fact, that many pokémon scholars don’t even consider porygon-z an entirely new evolution of pokémon (Shield). It is fair to assume that porygon-z have a similar ability to traverse cyberspace like porygons, but it doesn’t end there. Porygon-z seems to have been designed to traverse and work in even stranger dimensions of reality, described vaguely in the pokédex as “alien dimensions” (Platinum, HeartGold/SoulSilver). This was supposed to make them a “better” and “more advanced pokémon” (Diamond/Pearl, Scarlet), an absurdly subjective and frankly insulting goal (porygons and porygon2s are perfect the way they are). Whether or not this programming worked seems to be up in the air, but no matter what you will want to take precautions to avoid them wandering off into cyberspace. This is, of course, easier said than done. When it comes to porygons, which have very predictable programming, there isn’t a lot of risk of them popping off without permission. Porygon-z, by contrast, are quite erratic.
As a result of the programming they’ve been given in order to turn them into interdimensional travelers, porygon-z are unpredictable both in their movements and their behavior (Diamond/Pearl, Sun, Moon). This may make porygon-z difficult to train and to contain, and could even make them dangerous. Like their pre-evolutions, these pokémon are capable of using some pretty gnarly moves, like Tri-Attack, Double-Edge, and Hyper Beam, which could easily prove lethal in the wrong context. Given the lack of information about this species’ behavior beside it being “odd”, it is difficult to recommend them to someone unless they are aware that caring for them might look different every day.
On a positive note, these pokémon have a pretty good ease of care. Porygon2s, which porygon-z get most of their programming and physical “biology” from, can survive in the vacuum of space, after all! The problems with caring for a porygon-z don’t lie so much with a danger to them but to a danger to you and the risk of their getting lost. They are also, mostly likely, highly intelligent and social, if those parts of their porygon2 programming remain. They are likely much more adaptive than porygons, for better and for worse.
All-in-all, it is about as hard to recommend porygon-z as a pet as it is to explain exactly why I can’t. While their needs are very simple, their formidable ability to cause harm and run away from home, combined with their notoriously erratic behavior, makes them a pet that only the most experience pokémon (and preferably, porygon) owners to handle.
The Porygon Post:
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thefrogdalorian · 2 days
You may (or may not... I don't like to presume) have noticed my little break from posting. I just wanted to share something in case anyone was worried about me and assure you there is no need to be :) 
There isn't really one reason for why I've been on hiatus, but I guess a collection of things. 
I was really poorly with covid but thankfully I'm feeling a lot better now! But being so sick and stuck in I guess made me reevaluate certain things. 
Since recovering I got to see a lot of people I really adore with my whole heart, as well as being lucky enough to experience so many things I love with them.
And it made me realise what truly makes me happy in life. I suppose it really put things into perspective for me. I'm thinking more and more that tumblr (and being online generally) is something which unfortunately does not spark joy any longer. 
To be honest, (as I'm sure many people who were given far too much unsupervised access to the internet at a young age also do), I have a complicated relationship with social media. It doesn't make me feel good most of the time. I don't know how to handle some of the things I read and some of the things people have said to me. And just like I do irl, if the vibes feel off, I usually retreat into my shell to regroup. 
While I have made so many friends over the years of being chronically online and spoken to plenty of great people, I can feel myself getting drained again. And I really haven't missed it during the time I've been away.
I've filled my time with a lot of reading (I read Pride and Prejudice THREE times... doing amazingly), some writing and lots of long walks in nature. It's been really good for me!
As a result, right now, I just don't feel like continuing to post on this blog.
This decision wasn't caused by anyone or anything in particular. But when I've made my mind up about something, it's pretty impossible to change it. I've been mulling it over for a few days and my heart is telling me to go.
Anyway, I'm going to continue working on my WIPs and most likely continue posting them to AO3. It's by far the least social media-ish platform out there, and I really like posting on it. 
I need to take a step back to remember why I started writing, which was really as a way to get emotions out and to scream into the void a little. I don't enjoy sharing my work on tumblr, I kind of felt like I had to rather than genuinely wanting to. 
Truthfully, I just want to create and consume others' work in peace. I don't want to feel like I need to market my writing or whatever or compare myself to others. As much as I try not to, I think it's only human nature. 
So, I guess I'm really making this post to say I'll be going on a hiatus from tumblr. But I don't intend to stop writing or posting to AO3 and I hope to see you over there! 
I have no idea how long I'll be away for. Who knows... when winter comes around and my seasonal depression returns, or perhaps there is a major Mando update, maybe I'll return! 
For now, all there's left to say is how much of a pleasure it was posting about Mando and talking with you lot all these months. 
If anyone (mutual or otherwise) would like to keep in touch, feel free to message me for my discord! I'd be happy to continue chatting to you on there.
For me, in the headspace I'm currently in, one on one conversation is far less intimidating than being perceived by lots of people lol. 
I'll likely drop in at some point soon-ish and check for any of those messages, but until then, it's not a goodbye, but a see you later! 
Please care of yourselves and be kind to others :) 
Spud 🐸🩷
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packsvlog · 2 days
Hey there lovely! I hope your weekend is going very well 🥰
I love your blog, I was wondering if I could also have a matchmake please?
- as for appearance, I am short (about 5’1”) and on the plus size side (🙈) and I pretty much hate that about myself lol
- i live for making people happy. That’s what gives my life a purpose
- I smile a lot, not because i am that happy but i believe that it can brighten someone’s day if I greet them with a smile
- i am huge on kindness. I don’t see it as a weakness, I think the world is desperately in need of kindness so I’m trying to fill that role
- I am a team leader but big on considering the human factor in all decisions
- I’ve been struggling with depression for over 2 years but I worked very hard to get out of it 💪
- I am an introvert but I get to be the goofiest extrovert once I am comfortable around someone
- I love to crochet and make anime sketches
- i am absolutely addicted to pancakes
- and Nutella
- i hate summer and i LOVE autumn and winter and cold weather
- I have a master’s in psychology
I hope i was not too boring with all these facts, again I love your blog 🥰🥰🥰
hello, angel! you seem such a nice person, i hope your kindness always stay present and you may heal of your depression, just as me, reach if you ever need anyone to talk! 🤍 ps: sorry for only one pairing, i’ll be doing this from time to time unless i get confused on pairings — i have other works to post and the matchmakings are for fun, hope u guys understand.
✶ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: kamo choso
Despite all the negative weight of the world, you still have hope, something Choso learned when he first was introduced to you. He knew, in that moment of first seeing your smile, he would be a hopelessly mess by your side, in the positive way.
Choso may not look like it, but he shares the same ideals as you. Not for the whole world, but for those he care the most, their happiness is his goals to achieve — your name is inked with hearts on the top of his priority list.
So, Choso first catch you staring down at yourself, your body, and it’s not something he can understand. Bodies are unimpressive to him, let’s be real, his brothers weren’t the most normal looking ones and the love he had for them went beyond anything. He doesn’t understand your hate for yourself, specially being you, a gentle happy person. Choso tries to help, in his best naive way, he bluntly tells you how pretty you are everyday. He may seems stoic, is that he much prefers to compliment your soul, but you know he means it all.
Choso wasn’t used to smile much until he became your little shadow, wherever you go, he follows. And if you smile, he smiles at you. But if you leave, his face is back to a neutral one or with a scowl. He is adorable. Sometimes, though, if his mind is elsewhere, he is by your side with an angry resting face and your happy self talking with someone, is quite a scene to be presented.
You love to speak of the goods of the world to him, and he loves to listen to it. He believes in your capability to change it all for the better, it rubs to him and he catches himself being gentle to strangers, helping the ones who are in need — he always runs back to you telling what he did, like a puppy waiting for praises, and you better grant him.
Choso first learned of your depression just months after you started to date, you had to explain very detailed what it’s like for him, and it broke his heart into multiple pieces — how could someone good and pure have a burden like that? He helps, as best as he can, as far as you let him go, what Choso wants its to be your safe harbor, the lightning house in the middle of your storms and waves. If you allow him, is not something you would regret.
You both are the introverted couple, sitting by the side, in your own world and conversations. Yuuji is your extroverted adopted child, basically. He adores you, he is the one to order your food when the three of you go out, just happy to be with you guys. Adorable.
There are many coins in the prospects of having a boyfriend who just sprouted of nowhere — you can gift him anything and it will be his first time having that, or you can have him tasting your favorites, again, for the first time.
You present Choso with an immense amount of crotchets of large jumpers in pastel colors and scarfs big enough for him to hide his mouth, an habit of his you find adorable. He wears whatever you give him, so cute this broad large male with an angry face wearing a pink sweater with proud.
That’s the best way to describe Choso, he is proud of you to an extent you have barely an idea of how big it is, his love for you reach beyond this world, and yours as well. How odd it seems, one could say, that a half curse could repent and be in love with a blessing.
────〃✿ FUN FACTS.
◛ ₊· Choso was introduced to pancakes and nutella by you, he does not have a sweet tooth, but he likes to eat it because it’s your favorite. Every time he senses your depression is growing stronger, he makes pancakes stuffed with nutella for you.
◛ ₊· When you told him of you psychology masters he was intrigued, and as soon as you explained he asked if he could do the same — you both are now making the preparations for his documents so he can start college soon (all payed by Gojo, of course).
◛ ₊· Choso likes to stare at you. Just stare, blank face, mouth shut. At first it scared you, until you noticed his eyes. He couldn’t mask or hide the love he held in his eyes.
◛ ₊· If you try to do the same and stare at him, he will get flustered.
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girls--complex · 2 days
I just came upon your blog and it's given me Lots of Thoughts, even though I don't particularly believe in any God (that is to say, I think there might be something more out there, though I don't think it's God as it's portrayed by any religion and I need some sort of tangible evidence before I can confirm or deny that something like that exists. All that to say I'm agnostic lol), but I do think you have some very good points about a lot of things.
I find it kinda hard to understand some of the things you write since you use a lot of long and complicated words that aren't in my vocabulary since English isn't my first language and I've never left my home country, but I'm doing my best! (With the help of an online dictionary)
Either way, I really love your art and I'm taking some inspiration from your style to practice, if that's okay with you! I just really like how flowy, creative and loose it is and I really need to loosen up a bit about making things instead of constantly adding more detail and perfecting it until I lose interest because it becomes stressful instead of enjoyable to create something.
I also wanted to ask, since according to your comics you've done shrooms before, how would you recommend going about shrooms to someone who's not used to doing much of any substance? (I barely drink alcohol and I smoke weed so rarely every time I do it I end up extremely disoriented until I manage to calm down no matter how little I smoke).
I'm asking cause a friend of mine whom I've known for years recently told me they have some, and that he'd be willing to share them with me, and I'm curious about trying them out and seeing if I can learn something from that experience, but I wanna stay safe while making the most of it :3
Hi thank you for a long & thoughtful message
YOU ARE ALWAYS ALLOWED TO COPY OR "STEAL" OR WHAT EVER FROM MY DRAWINGS seriously this is so normal and allowed. I do this with other cartoonists and all the cartoonists I know also do this. We do it to each other. "I like how she draws eyes" or whatever and we absorb it into our own style. Or just copying drawings/ paintings/pages. This is good. Do it.
Thank you for taking the time to decipher my words. I know I use lots of large/obscure words N trying to get better at making me language accessible (& maybe use my beloved obscure words in enough context that a reader can figure out the meaning).
I think using psychedelics is something better to talk about with people who know U in person and can respond to your needs and goals. Maybe your friend can give some guidance or knows someone who has a shamanic streak that can. Or you can always go on erowid or reddit whatever kids are using now to do a lil research.
I don't really feel comfortable giving specific advice or even general advice that might color the experience in a certain way, hope u understand...
Thank u for saying Hi
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