#a lot of it is still quite bad so im moving through it fast
llycaons · 2 years
well that's enough fanfic for me. down to 25 pages already, and now I have to go prepare for tomorrow and stuff
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heaven4lostgirls · 6 months
Can you pretty pleaaassse write for regulus black x reader angst
Where they were friends and got along really well and because they're both pureblooded there families arranged marriage for them. But then regulus gets paranoid and starts to think badly of you and thinks that you were only ever nice to him so that your parents would arrange marriage. And he thinks that you hold the same awful pureblood beliefs as both of your parents and he is afraid to say anything about it incase you tell his family that he doesn't really believe that muggles are lesser. Then regulus is quite distant and mean in your marriage and he eventually comes to his senses when he realises how upset you are and how much his distance hurts you and he can hear you crying yourself to sleep
pairing: regulus black x fem!reader
warning: angst, regulus is a bit of a dick but he comes around ! miscommunication (i’m sorry✊)
summary: request above
authors note: hi! sorry this took forever, i’m really bad at keeping up with requests but i hope you enjoy this, i always say im hoping to get back into writing but it’s always touch and go, my mental health isn’t great a lot of the time and uni just piles on so much more, hopefully you guys understand ! 🫶🩷
regulus wasn’t used to people sticking around, he had been abandoned by the only person he ever truly cared about and left to fend for himself. which was why he assumed when news of his engagement to you was announced by his parents, at a shared dinner party for the sacred 28, you two would simply…co-exist. never fully acknowledging the others presence yet acquaintances at best.
what a shock to his system it was when he grew to know what a wonderful person you were, never abrasive or hostile like his parents, never boastful like most of the pureblood families he knew, instead you were the embodiment of everything he never knew he wanted, a calm to the raging angst inside of him he couldn’t quell after sirius had left, and that alone left him scared more than any of his parents threats to present him to the dark lord as a servant.
you two had formed a quick friendship due to the circumstances surrounding your fast paced engagement, you were set to marry next august and your engagement had only been announced in april. regulus had no problem performing his duties to his family, however this one came with little to no reluctance from either of you as feelings of love and respect blossomed from the friendship you two shared.
however, as time passed, regulus could slowly but surely feel his walls he had fought so hard to build up, crack. he couldn’t fathom why someone like you would feel so comfortable around him, how you somehow managed to worm your way under his skin like no one ever could, not even sirius.
except as time flew by, he had somehow found some of that “gryffindor courage” as james potter always declared, to tell you about his feelings, emphasizing that if you wished, he would never bring up again if you did not reciprocate and you two would still move forward together into marriage as friends.
to his surprise, you were much more welcoming to his feelings than expected, you two had shared a small kiss as you leant your forehead against his and claimed “i was just waiting for you to see me.”
since you two were already a couple in the eyes of the public, the only people he had really had to tell was your shared friends. as expected, they all reacted joyfully to the news and you both carried through the rest of your year no longer pretending to be in love, but actually falling into it.
however, at the beginning of your 6th year, you could tell something had shifted between yours and regulus’ dynamic. no longer was he patient and comforting, instead he was judgmental and fast to anger. some part of you knew it had to do with his parents but you didn’t have the heart to push your questions onto him.
as time passed you watched as he distanced himself from you, pushing away your touches, rejecting your offers to hang out, blowing you off when he would eventually agree. you could only handle so much of his behavior before you eventually broke when telling your friends.
“i don’t know what to do anymore, it’s like walking on eggshells whenever he’s around because im scared of him snapping at me for breathing too loud” you vent to your friends as you place your hands on your eyes to try keep the tears at bay.
“how longs this been going on y/n?” pandora asks softly as she shares a concerned look with lily. you blubber out as answer that sounds like “a couple of months” as tears leak past your palms.
“i can’t keep doing this” you emphasize to them both, “and you know i can’t break up with him because we still have to get married-“
“break up?!” lily questions surprised, “you can’t be serious y/n.” she says as she places a hand on your shoulder.
“i think you need to talk to him” pandora says again as she smiles softly at you as you look at her with tear filled eyes.
“…what if he doesn’t want me anymore?” you whisper, too afraid to say it out loud in fear of it coming true.
“oh love” lily coos as she drags you into a small cuddle with her and pandora, “you’re gonna need to ask him to know that y/n” she whispers as she rubs your back.
you sigh heavily and nod before looking at the both of them. “okay” you concede as you try and form some sort of a plan to confront regulus, your anxiety spikes at the thought of him not wanting your relationship anymore, you couldn’t imagine a marriage with the man you loved where his feelings weren’t reciprocated.
the next day, you planned to corner regulus at the library before dinner but as you walked up to his table, you heard the voice of not only regulus, but barty as well.
“reg, you know you’re hurting her by ignoring her” barty says with a sigh as you pause behind a bookshelf near the table to eavesdrop.
“you know better than i, that i can never be with someone who thinks the way she does…its disgusting” regulus says with a sneer but you can hear how disappointed he is by the statement.
disgusting? he thinks i’m…disgusting? what is he even talking about? you don’t think you’ve ever done anything remotely bad enough to be called disgusting.
“how do you know she thinks like them?” barty implores and you hear regulus sigh, “you’ve seen how she acts when the sacred 28 talks about the muggles” he says and you frown, part of being a child of one of the sacred 28 meant you had to act your part, regulus knew that better than anyone else. so why was he suddenly judging you and telling barty about your issues when he couldn’t even give you the time of day?
“i don’t know if i can marry someone like her” regulus says again and your heart drops. someone like her, you repeat in your head, every insecurity you ever worked through, comes back in tenfold from that sentence alone. you stumble on your feet from the flashes of tears and heartache from all your deepest points of sorrow.
you shake your head and straighten your back before reminding yourself, if he wants a true pureblood wife, that’s what i’ll be. quiet, docile,…perfect.
your wedding approaches faster than you can imagine, dress fittings, bridal party dresses and events all pass with a blur. never fully there, you encompass a state of numbness.
regulus and all your friends notice how you slowly fall into the facade you usually have in front of your parents, instead this time, it never breaks in front of them.
regulus waits for you to come to him, to seek his comfort like you have so many times before, but it never comes.
he spends his nights worrying about you, questioning if it’s something he’s done, you’re still sweet and loving to him, just…more hollow than you were before.
you embody the perfect pureblood princess and he couldn’t hate it more, he hears from people around you how you’re not sleeping, always coming to class in a perfect face of makeup everyday when you usually only used skincare, in beautiful dresses for hogsmead days when you used to use comfortable clothes.
he tries to talk to you, to question why you’ve somehow flipped the switch out of nowhere, but they go unanswered.
the day of your wedding, he can see past the makeup, your sunken in eyes and red eyes. he still places a soft smile on his face as you stare passively into the distance, never making eye contact with him while saying your vows.
the distance between the both of you grows larger as he starts to believe that this was the life you truly wanted, a prince and princess, a couple born out of need not out of love, arranged perfectly to fit the narrative of pureblood royalty.
however, one night he falls asleep later than usual and hears you cry into your pillow, small pleas of being good enough for him as your body shakes with small sobs. he resists the urge to reach out to you in fear of you not recieving his touch well.
he lies awake as he hears you say, “i’m not like i was before, please let him love me now, oh merlin please” you whisper with clenched hands and eyes that leak tears. his heart breaks at the thought of you existing to please him.
he had seen how his mother had done the same for his father, how she turned cold and abusive with no comfort and love from her partner, how she pushed her self hatred onto her children. how that pushed her eldest son to run away.
he spends the next week racking his brain for what he could’ve done for you to think that way before he realises that the summer after his 5th year, his parents had implored him never to give you anything more than the bare minimum because nobody could be trusted. he remembers pulling away from you and pushing you away in fear of you using him for his fortune.
the idea that his parents had made him internalize that you would never love him just for him, you were moving into this marriage not because of your shared love but because of necessity. his heart drops out of his chest as he realizes all of this must have translated to you and that he now had a lot to make up for.
he plans out meticulously how to get his wife back and slowly but surely, he does. it starts with small things, a single flower that you had told him once you liked the smell of on your nightstand, a pair of earrings you remarked look beautiful when window shopping. a handwritten letter telling you goodmorning and his favorite things about you in your bag before class.
your initial confusion morphs to anger at the thought of changing yourself all for him to want you to go back to the self he called repulsive. you don’t respond to his initial attempts to woo you, but as weeks and months pass, he doesn’t give up.
he speaks to you, really speaks to you, asking you about your day, how he can help you when you’re not feeling well, what you need whenever he leaves the house, small compliments about your cooking or how the colour of your dress matches your eyes.
you two start sharing small good mornings and good nights when going to bed, which then translates to small hand holding or shared touches between each other. the ice around your heart slowly but surely starts melting whenever he’s around, you quickly become accustomed to his quick kisses on the cheek whenever he leaves the room or house.
he holds you at night as he whispers sweet promises of never letting you down again, grasping your face to look into your eyes whenever he compliments you to let you know how much you mean to him.
your heart is now warm and full at the thought of his presence, no longer a shell of yourself, slowly but surely healing with his sweet actions.
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 6 months
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Burst of inspiration :DDD
I have this concept of silverfish!silverr for such a long time and this is me trying to write the idea down
My drawing pad(?) broke and its been so long since i tried watercolor so the colors are not right in here..
Ref part 1|part 2
WARNING: i ramble below about this idea but my English is bad (and its long)
So first of all i just want to point out that I made him TOO buff. Just saying.
So you know these guys right (This is what my whole reference page is 😭).
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'They are fast and they are named SILVERfish so why not base silverr from this?' Is my thought process. He is fast and silver(fish)rruns is not safe from my designing-everything-in-sight-manias ass.
(Thorax: legs)
We start off from the horns. The horns/antenna is a solidified shell around his antenna, slowly covering the whole part in an extremely slow process. The antenna part that is still exposed is working normally to help silverr see. Since you know. He's blind.
Now his back/legs. Well. Legs. Why is it on the shell? Ok now every silverfish spawned is just like that. I have no defense but it looks cool.
2 upper thorax has 4 joints and is bigger than the lower thorax. This made these legs move more freely and faster. But the drawback is that they are heavy.
The lower thorax is a lot lighter and shorter. These two legs are mainly a support for the upper thorax. These thorax also only have 3 joints.
His arms are actually his legs but got mutated(? Modified?) You can actually see the joints visible (some joints are dead so he can't use them). It also has the same hard shell with the horns/antenna at the top.
His legs are also a mutated form of thorax. With some hard shells covering most of his lower leg. The lil hairies is in every part of his body but most visible in the lower legs!
About his tail? Its not actually a tail but a decoration from his cape. (Page 2) he does have a tail but it doesn't get carried to his human form.
Now about the whole deal with him.
Silverfish usually don't live too long, mostly being 8 years or so. Silverr, who is no different, have a different approach for this topic. Instead of growing old, he started to collect this magic orb/pearl from dragons, willingly or not. This magic pearls contains a fraction of dragons power and magic. But having just 1 of these only extends his life for 1 month. One dragon can produce 1-21 pearls, depending on many reasons. Mainly of how powerful the dragon is, technique to absorb it, and how long the dragon lived. The ability to absorb some of the dragon's power and turn it into an object is only possessed by some mobs, and silverfish is one of them.
Most silverfish have 2-10 pearls, scavenging anything remains from a dead dragon. They are not capable of fighting the dragon so they usually wait for a player to slay it.
Silverr is quite lucky to spawn on a completed portal and a freshly slain dragon (more likely by a speedrunner too!). He managed to restore all 23 pearls from the dragon.
Dragon orbs not only can extend their life, but they can use that magic to do... Magic and spells? With this power, they can also change into a human. Well lets say silverr starts running.
Silverr goal is not only to live longer, but he is planning to become a dragon. Why? Immortal. At least until someone kills him. A dragon can live forever as long as there are no one slashing his neck. Also power. Also cool i guess. (Draft)
That's why he went from worlds through worlds to kill their dragon. A part of this dragonification is the growing of hard shells all across his body. When all of his antennas get hard shells around them, he finally counts as a dragon.
Clearly there are a lot i havent write down, but im too sleepy for it.
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queenofallimagines · 6 months
Meet cute~
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Isagi x fem Reader
A/N: Morning to all the baddies✌🏿Nothing gets you in the mood to write than starting something brand new and not working on WIPs😘 based off a rly cute TikTok I saw I think isagi would be one of the ones to meet his S/O in a super cute way
CW: black reader but not rly focused on, bad grammar it’s like 4:45 am sorry,foreigner reader, was gunna sneak in like artist reader or something but the way it’s so ambiguous is cute, Bachira the pot stirrer, he also knows Spanish a little,U-20 captain isagi?? polyglot reader, She’s afro latino, Isagi falling in love at first sight. Let me know if I missed anything!
TAGLIST: @priv-rose
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"Did you see the way shidou kicked rin?” Bachira could barely breathe as memories of today’s practice filled his mind— he looked over at isagi, who was shaking his head in faux disappointment, trying to hide a smile.
“Course i did, poor rin.” Isagi chuckled, running a hand through his hair. the striker was about to add onto his sentence but the feeling of someone bumping into him distracted him. he peered over his shoulder, a small smile on his face when he saw who it was. “mm… you good?”
Looking up at him with apologetic eyes she anxiously rushes out her words.
“Ah, im Sorry!”
“It's fine, it was an accident, it happens." Isagi smiled softly, and that smile would remain on his face even as he noticed her hair. his eyes lingered on it for a moment too long, taking in the way it was pushed out of her face, the colour of it.
“Nice hair."
“Huh?” He watches as she brings a hand up to her hair reflexively fidgeting with it. “oh uh thanks. I like yours too….”
“You do? thank you, it's nothing special." He smiled still staring down at her hair. he realized he was staring and cleared his throat. After a brief moment, he spoke. Trying to clear the awkwardness.
“Hey, just out of curiosity, where are you from?" He fumbles out awkwardly internally wincing at how nervous he sounded. But he was curious as to the way she spoke. her accent sounded familiar to him, almost foreign.
“I guess but it really suits you! Shapes your face really well. And, I mean… if you’re asking where I was before Japan I’m from America.”
“Oh you think so?" Isagi's cheeks had begun to turn red, he could feel the blood rushing to his face as he smiled sheepishly Rubbing the back of his neck.
‘America? He was right, he thought. She spoke differently.’
“Ahh, you're an American, yeah? Is that why you speak funny?" He teased playfully, smiling down at her. Watching her wince a little at his words and he immediately felt embarrassment wash over him. Saying she talked weird wasn’t really polite was it? He watches as she chuckles nervously at him.
“ah, kinda? America has a lot of different accents depending on region so I’m not sure which one takes precedence when I speak Japanese. Nodding his head in relief she didn't deny it, so isagi decided to continue with his questioning.
“Okay, but what region are you from? Are you from the South?" Tilting his head slightly, his eyebrow cocked, curiousity sparking in his eyes.He tries to hide his smile as he watches her face morph into shock. Her eyes were really pretty from where he was standing…
“That easy to tell huh?”
“Yeah." Isagi snickers, he continued. "The way you speak….it's different— a lot more laidback, but not like the Tokyo-y, or Osaka accents. The American accent isn't quite heavy, but not super light either. There's no way it’s something like Texas, Florida, or California, but I'd guess somewhere in the South, closer to the South-east. Am I right?" Looking at her expectantly he can’t help but get lost in her eyes.
“….. Spot on again. I moved from Texas but I was born and raised in the east coast so sometimes I’m New York sometimes I sound more like Houston or New Orleans. Depends on the words I’m saying and how fast I’m talking.” He was actually surprised that he'd managed to guess correctly not one, but twice! With the way the corners of his lips crept upwards, he didn't realize how much he liked talking to her. As the conversation continued, he found himself smiling.
“Wow, so you're just all over the place huh, like a rainbow?" His heart fluttered hearing her giggle reach his ears. It sounded so melodious.
“yep!” Humming in thought he shoots her a smirk. “It'd be interesting to hear how you speak, like if you were super angry or something." The black haired boy teased, not realizing the flirtatious implication it could have.
“I’ve been told I talk faster and with more force so probably New York. And then I speak Spanish too so definitely that.” At the mention of her being able to speak a third language, Isagi's eyes widened. He leaned closer his curiosity growing.
“You can speak Spanish?"
“Mhm. My family is Latin American so Spanish fluency runs through my family.”
Isagi's eyes twinkled with an undeniable sparkle of curiosity. he was definitely intrigued. He’s only heard some of the players on opposing teams he’d play curse at him in Spanish but never actual full on sentences. his lips curved upwards slightly. "Can you speak it right now? If you don't mind." He watches as her eyes far around for a second before letting his again. He felt a little bad for putting her on the spot like that but not bad enough to take it back.
“Oh uh sure. Uhh” She hums for a second before clearing her throat.
“Hola, isagi y bachira. Encantado de conoceros. Los dos sois muy guapos.”
(Hi, isagi and bachira. Nice to meet you both. You are both very handsome)
Isagi's eyes widened with amazement, a look of pure joy on his face. he clapped his hands together. “That's amazing! You speak it so well!" His face flushed at the compliment.
“You know what, I have a question for you." His grin grew into a bigger, brighter smile. Her way of speaking had a certain musical quality to it. He watched her closely all the while, his eyes taking her in, and listening to the way she spoke. She'd said something about them being handsome he thinks? He looked at Bachira who'd been witnessing the conversation the entire while, he noticed his friend's eyebrows raise slightly, and a small smile come onto his lips.
‘Did she just call us handsome?’ Bachira mouthed to him. He knows Bachira definitely isn’t fluent playing in Spain and spending time around Lavinho he must’ve picked up on some. He understands it better than he does English anyway. Feeling his heart racing he looks at her without missing a beat.
"Can I try something?" His gaze didn't waver from the way her lips curved at the sides, her smile being a mere testament of her good features.Quirking an eyebrow at him she looks at him confused for a second before cautiously replying.
“Say my name." Isagi said, his words laced with a soft breath. Taking half a step closer he watched her lips closely, taking in how each syllable looked as it left her lips. He heard her breath hitch as those beautiful eyes widen looking up at him.
“Yo- I mean Isagi Yoichi.”
He couldn’t help but smirk at the way she said his name. he'd told her to do so, he'd expected it, but the way she'd said his name had his heart beating out of his chest..
"Say Bachira." She chuckles smiling at him confused but obliging him anyway.
“Bachira.” Isagi's gaze remained fixated as he watched her lips form each syllable. He was enjoying this and his brain hadn't quite caught up with the fact that he was enjoying this.
“Say your own name." She smiles at him before speaking her own name. He can’t help the shiver that runs up his spine. The way the words flowed out of her mouth like honey, her tongue curling around every vowel. He would do anything to hear her talk forever if he could. The way her accent was almost hypnotic to his ears. It seemed even her name had no special effect on him.
“I have to tell you, your accent is so cute." He tilted his head slightly as he continued.
"One more thing." The stunned look on her face had him biting back a smile. That deer in headlights look was absolutely precious. It wasn’t until then did he notice the difference between them. The way she looked up at him made something inside him go absolutely wild.
“Oh. Uh thanks.”
“How about you say... isagi yoichi is an absolute cutie?" He teased playfully. He knew when saw her flustered face he had to tease her just a bit more. Like if he’s gunna try and shoot his shot he’s going to put himself at an advantage. Grinning, he was having so much fun, he forgot Bachira was watching the two of them carefully now. His eyes darting back and fourth between the two.
“Yoichi Isagi es precioso.”
The athlete felt his heart stop. He wasn't actually expecting her to do it! And so quickly without any hesitation. He was stunned into silence. His jaw had dropped and his cheeks were blazing bright. Bachira hadn't missed or misread what had just happened. He laughed quietly, a smile tugging at his lips.
‘Damn.. Did that really just happen? Talk about matching energy.’
She laughing seeing his flushed face. He looked like he was trying to find words but forgot how to speak at all.
“Uh,you ok?” Isagi who was was still blushing, lifted the corners of his mouth tilted upwards in embarrassment and joy. Bachira was just barely holding back a laugh. When he found his voice he finally managed to speak after a moment.
“Y-yes. I'm very okay." Isagi's voice was still laced with embarrassment, but he continued anyway. “Can I ask you something though?”
“Do you have a boyfriend?" His voice still laced with embarrassment, but there was genuine curiosity behind it now. He tries to steady his heart as he looks at her expectantly. He watches as she looks at him surprised stuttering out her words.
“W- I- no?? Like I don’t. I don’t have a boyfriend.”
Isagi nodded, his mind reeling. This day was wild already, she was flirting with him, he was flirting with her– it was really something else. He couldn't deny that the idea of her not being taken was something that gave him the confidence to continue.
"You don't?" He asked again, this time a little slower just to hear her say it. His eyebrows rose, his cheeks were hot with embarrassment, his mind began to race. Deep blue eyes remained on her, he couldn't help staring. He didn't need any other confirmation other than this. he smiled softly, trying to hide just how happy her answer made him.
“Oh, So that means there's no one who'd come and beat me up if I asked you out?" He asked her jokingly, but his voice still remained soft.
“o-oh uh no that wouldn’t happen….” Smiling wider as he caught onto the fact that she'd blushed. She was too adorable, the way her eyes were looking at everything but him. Her hands nervously pulling at her shirt. That, and her soft, smooth voice was sending him into a state of bliss.. And he was starting to get carried away. His grin grew.
“Wellll... Can I ask you something then?"
“Y-yeah?” Shyly looking up at him he noticed the tips of her ears looking red.
“Would you like to go out with me?" He had put all his cards out on the table now and was waiting in anticipation as he asked her. He could hardly believe that he'd gotten to the point of asking her this. His heart was beating out of his chest and there was something happening in his stomach. It wasn't pleasant... The nerves were eating away at him.
“Mhm….i would.” Isagi felt his breath catch in his throat as she agreed. His cheeks were heated, his palms were sweaty, his fingers were trembling. He couldn't breathe. Everything about this felt surreal, there had to be a catch. But, no. It was really happening, he really just asked her out on a date and she agreed.
“Really?" He watches intently as she rocks on the heels of her feet looking away from him. “Mhm.”
His heart was still beating out of his chest. His whole body felt tingly as his cheeks grew hotter. Her answer had taken him by surprise, it'd been a lot easier than he thought it'd be to ask her. His eyes were drawn towards her lips, they were so cute and looked so soft…
Just before he could say anything though, Bachira coughed.
Jolting she glances over at him flushing in embarrassment forgetting he was there. She’d completely put all her focus on the boy flirting with her. Bachira looked more like an amused observer, his lips curled up into a small smile. Isagi was flustered to have been caught staring, he snapped out of his thoughts to glance over at him. He felt his face grow even more hot.
He felt a wave of embarrassment slack him in the face as his friend’s laughter rang out. he'd been enjoying watching what was going on behind the scenes. Bachira's teasing was usually directed towards Isagi, who was easy to tease. So, seeing him be the one getting teased for once and being affected this much by was entertaining.
"You're all red, man.." Bachira teased, the corners of his lips remained curled upwards.He whips his head around to hear the girl snickering at him, hand over her mouth.
“Shut up." Isagi tried his best to sound annoyed, but his voice came out sounding flustered. He was very flustered, he was still red like a tomato. His mind couldn't seem to come up with anything else.. The only thing his body was focused on was her. Her pretty face, her soft voice, her sweet smile, her laugh…. Flinching he felt her grab his hand and he froze.
His heart skipped a beat as she grabbed his hand and held it firmly. He couldn't help, his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. Was she really holding his hand? Her touch was so soft... her grip was gentle, yet firm.. He found himself trying not to close his eyes in that brief moment. She steps closer to him turning to hold her hand in front of him. He was hoping she couldn’t feel his heart beating out of his chest as her back pressed up against his chest. He feels frozen where he stands as she writes her name and number across his wrist.
“How about you can decide after you win your next game yeah? I’ll be watching so don’t disappoint me.”
His eyes remained on her as she wrote her number down on his wrist, their thumbs grazing together and sliding together for a brief moment. The feel of her grip on his wrist had Isagi's body tingling and his mind racing. He was taken aback by her gesture, but his mind was only focused on one thing right now. She wanted to watch him? She'd be there... watching him? Isagi couldn't help, he grinned, his pulse was rising. Once she finished she moved away from him letting his wrist fall. Capping the pen she held she tapped the end on his nose smiling at him.
“Don’t disappoint me now pretty.” Isagi was startled by her words. For the first time in his life, he was called pretty. His cheeks went red and that one word alone caused his entire world to stop moving around him, he felt so warm.
“I don't plan on it. You'll see, I'll be impressive." He said, his tone was much more confident than he'd meant to sound. She rolled her eyes at him letting a huff leave her lips.
“I’ll definitely hold you to that Mr egoist.”
“Oh?" Smirking he was aware that she was teasing him.He chuckled as it was his turn. “You have no idea..I'm gonna do my damn best to go all out in the game and win." He was already confident. His ego was growing, but he didn't mind that. He had every right to be confident with the skills that he had. His cocky smile remained on his lips.
“I expect to see you there?" He watches as she swallows hard looking up at him. She felt her face heat up at the look of determination in his eyes.
“y-yeah definitely. I’ll keep my eyes on you the whole time….”
Now isagi could feel the adrenaline running through veins. This was all so new to him, the way she was acting so flirty, the way her eyes were on him and her cheeks were flushed just by his look.. The way she was talking right now was making his whole world spin again. Smiling he was enjoying the feel of all those butterflies. He let go of her hand finally and he looked away for a second.
“Okay, then. I guess I'll see you there." He finally said as he turned to leave. Clutching his jacket in hopes to stop his heard from beating so loudly in his ears. He was on cloud 9 and he couldn’t even process this moment being real.
“Yeah… bye yoichi. See you there.” Isagi waved at her, turning to exit. He felt her eyes still lingering on him as he went. His mind was filled with so many thoughts right now. He couldn't believe that he'd done that, he couldn't believe that it had happened... But, it did happen. He had got a date. He had a date with the prettiest girl he'd ever met. That didn't seem real, and he couldn't be happier about it. As he left the gym, Bachira was waiting for him with a smug look on his face.
“You got a date?" Bachira asked, watching him as he approached. Isagi's cheeks were glowing bright red, his grin was infectious. "Shut-up." Isagi snapped back, clearly feeling flustered still. His hands were trembling ever so slightly and he was aware that it was all over his facial expressiosn. He attempted to hide his emotions but to no avail, he was just too excited for his own good.
“Awwwww Come on, you can't lie! I can see it all over you, your face is bright red and your lips got this dumb grin on em. You're down bad when you're flustered, and the way she was looking at you? Yeah, you got a date." Bachira said excitedly as he watched his friend trying his best to hide his emotions.
“Shut. up." He said, a hint of frustration in his voice. Isagi didn't want to acknowledge that his friend was right, but he had a point. He was right. Isagi could still feel her hand on his wrist. He felt like he could still feel her breath on his skin. His cheeks were red, his hands were shaking. All because this damn date.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
how would you define a ‘zelda’ game? im making an au of sorts for it but sometimes i cant tell if im taking the zelda out of zelda- whether the master sword is a requirement or not (maybe not because of the four sword?) or having light vs dark/good vs bad as a general theme. this also kinda fascinates me as people tend to complain abt botw as being less of a zelda game compared to past entries. why though? ive seen the lack of stakes being complained about but i dont think a story should have to have world ending stakes to be a zelda game or a good story- could be wrong though. also with how every zelda game strives for a different Vibe than the last what makes one better than the other? anyways yadda yadda replace a ships wooden boards until every board is replaced is it still the same ship, whatre your thoughts?
actually what makes a zelda game a zelda game anon here. i think a better question would be what makes a zelda story a zelda story
as someone who has also/is also writing their own zelda game i do have a lot of thoughts about this. obviously one of the things that defines mainline zelda games is the formula, which if you're doing a ganon/demise villain and you want to be canon-compliant, you're gonna want to follow to some degree in order to stay consistent with the lore. there are other things that go into it though, like the themes, writing style, the presence of certain elements, etc. let's get into what i think is important!!
first of all, the formula. this only applies to mainline games, so if you're looking to do a sequel-style story you have a LOT more freedom, and certain games bend these rules quite a bit so they're not hard-and-fast, but if you want your game to FEEL canon-compliant it's good to take these steps as a general guideline.
opening segment--this is where link wakes up with nothing and has to run around the starting point of the game collecting items to progress. almost every mainline game will have him begin sleeping in a bedroom of some kind, and the player's first action will be to move him out of bed, so if you're struggling for a start point, that's a classic. he usually needs to find at least a sword and shield in this segment, and the player will be encouraged to talk to npcs to get some exposition along the way.
at the end of the opening segment the player is given the true first task of the game, which usually involves travelling somewhere, often with the goal of meeting zelda. the player may also be told to begin seeking out dungeons at this point, or zelda might tell them when they meet her in person for the first time.
the first dungeon section of the game will usually include 3-4 dungeons, often forest/water/fire/air themed and located in those respective regions of hyrule. these dungeons will have a map item to be found as well as (usually) some other dungeon item which allows you to progress through dungeon puzzles (classic items include bombs, boomerang, bow & arrows, hookshot, etc) and a boss fight at the end. when the player completes each of these dungeons, they are given an artifact which they have been told will somehow progress the gameplay for them once they collect all of them. (e.g. in oot the 3 gems unlock the temple of time) this is a crucial point bc no one is gonna want to do your dungeons without a gameplay-advancing reward at the end.
after the final initial dungeon there's usually a mini-boss fight of some kind, often with a secondary antagonist (girahim, agahnim, zant, etc) (if you're using botw as a reference point, stop doing that now, because botw ends here in terms of formula)
after all of that, there's what i like to refer to as a catalyst. this can technically be anything, but the most important point is that it must dramatically shift the trajectory of the story and/or the player's perspective. in oot it's the time change, in wind waker it's the underwater-hyrule reveal, etc. often (but not always) this reveal will come along with a new gameplay mechanic in which something about either the player or the world can be modified to access new areas of the map/solve new puzzles. (oot age-switch, alttp dark vs regular world, tp wolf form, etc) if your game includes the master sword, this is usually when the player will get it.
with a changed perspective and access to new areas, the player is now informed of a NEW goal, usually to beat ganon, who by this point has definitely kidnapped zelda and is holding her hostage. this kicks off the second segment of dungeons. usually there are 6-8 dungeons in this section, following the same map/item/boss/reward formula. (most classic games have you rescuing PEOPLE from these dungeons, but modern ones kinda did away with the damsel-in-distress thing lol)
once those dungeons have been completed, it's time for the final dungeon of the game, which is ALWAYS hyrule castle. this one may have a map, but usually doesn't have any dungeon item or even that many puzzles, it's really more about hacking through menial enemies to get to the big guy. the final battle of the game will be your big bad (usually ganon) and will traditionally have 2 phases, one inside the castle (where, if he ever looked human, he will look human) and one outside of it (where he will become much more monstrous.)
that's the VERY BASIC formula of MOST mainline zelda games. but like i said, plenty of games bend or cut out parts of this formula completely, and some games that follow it pretty well don't feel quite as 'zelda' to me as others. so there are obviously other things that make a zelda game a zelda game.
the first & one of the most important to me is the theming of the games. the franchise has cyclical overarching lore which really lends itself to explorations of coming-of-age, trauma, and healing, which is often what the most successful games focus on. I don't think a successful game NEEDS to be a coming-of-age, but it ABSOLUTELY needs to have SOME central theme to be built around. the best zelda games are the ones which clearly have something to SAY, a secondary thematic narrative that makes their stories relatable and impactful instead of just pure fantasy escapism. if you're looking to emulate the impact that zelda games have on their players, finding something relatable to the human experience and building your story around an exploration of that theme is a great place to start.
another thing to consider is the zelda writing style. zelda games occupy a really interesting niche among modern rpgs because they have such a long history and are often very married to emulating their predecessors. What this means in terms of writing is that zelda still employs a VERY player-based mode of storytelling. the games which define this franchise were built and released when storage space was the single biggest constraint game developers had on their stories; thus, they were built with the incentive to keep cutscenes and dialog to a minimum. this meant that if the developers wanted to tell a story in their games, they needed to get the PLAYER to tell that story for themself. what sets modern zelda games like botw apart from other rpgs (for me, at least) is the almost complete lack of action-breaking cutscenes and dialog. whenever you have a long cutscene in an rpg, you're forcibly removing the player from control of their character and therefore taking them out of the action to some degree, ESPECIALLY if the player character makes decisions during those cutscenes free of the player's influence. zelda games are very careful to avoid taking the player out of the action in almost EVERY instance. you will very rarely see cinematic cutscenes, and you will NEVER have link moving or taking action on his own independently of the player. the entire story & writing process tends to follow that same principle--how can we convey this story to the player through the player's own actions? very rarely will the story be outright stated to you through dialog or cutscenes, instead you will have to piece things together yourself, keeping the player centered in the story at all times.
you mentioned the presence of the master sword in your ask, and i think that breath of the wild is a good example of a zelda game that removes a lot of the standard elements of the franchise without losing the feeling of a zelda game. the master sword, while technically present, is not required to beat the game at all, and it's completely possible to beat ganon without ever finding it. the triforce is totally absent and not even MENTIONED throughout the ENTIRE game. despite this, (in my opinion) botw doesn't lose that zelda feeling. i think the reason for this is because it holds on so tightly to the theme and writing style i mentioned above, and pulls in just enough elements of the formula that it's still recognizeable despite clearly being something new. (the divine beasts are the dungeons, dungeon items are replaced with runes, there are clear REFERENCES to the lore even when its not stated outright, etc.) i also think part of the reason that botw is successful in this regard is because there's a REASON thematically for it to be divorced in this way from other games. it takes place at least 10k years removed from every other game and in the wake of a massive kingdom-ruining tragedy, so the fact that some changes have been made to the standard mechanics players are used to feels natural when paired with this changed version of hyrule. if you want to make a drastic change like that, i think it's always going to feel a bit more natural if you give players a REASON for that change, even if the reason is just 'well EVERYTHING is different so obviously this thing is too.'
final point, and not necessarily as important as the others but still worth noting, i think mood and art direction are something worth considering as well. I have NEVER seen a dark&moody adaptation of zelda that still felt like zelda to me. not to beat a dead horse, but these games originally come from the NES. for YEARS they were defined by sharp, brightly-colored graphics, and i really do think something is lost when you strip all the color and cartoonish-ness from them. (this is NOT a dig at botw btw, i actually think botw did a REALLY good job of creating a world that was both adequately colorful AND realistic. this IS a dig at twilight princess.) many of my favorite zelda games are defined by their bright and blocky art styles, and if anything i think zelda games are a testament to the fact that you can make a thematically dark game WITHOUT sacrificing your art direction to black overlays.
anyways!! hope this helps lol
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
hiii!!!! im back girliee :) sorry i fell of the face of the earth for a little bit. no pressure to answer this fast its not super important lol
the last few chapters have been so delectable!!! love getting kyle action but also ghoap/gazsoap/ghostgaz was YUM!!!! 🤤🤤 I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to get back to the camera/Simon's bond conflicts too tho lol 😅
haven't been able to play much COD recently due to being busy :( (+ I've been playing The Last Of Us and I may be a bit obsessed with Joel Miller.....I really need to stop playing multiple video games at once lol) (also actively playing Genshin Impact)
idk where this idea came from but I have a headcannon that the TV in the rec room is just lowkey the worst. Old, slow, and the base is out in the middle of nowhere so it limits a lot of their TV options.
Don't have streaming because it requires a payment/subscription and something about not being able to hook it up to an account/being on a military base/not safe to have clues to their money or personal lives (I know nothing about the military forgive me). They do have cable but because their base is in the middle of buttfuck nowhere they get only the strangest, most low-production channels out there.
I saw a youtube video a while ago about a British reality TV show where a female contestant is shown a bunch of dicks, nothing else, and she has to decide who she'd want to go out with based on that alone 😂😂 it was completely uncensored, so dicks would just be fully hanging out there. that's the type of shit that they get on the cable in the rec room LMFAO
feel like the only option for personalized TV/movies is the old DVD player hooked up to the TV (that was there when they moved into the place 😭) so the boys constantly have a collection of DVDs they're always rewatching, or they buy new ones/ship them in when there's something new they want to watch
I'm the type of person who will watch bad movies or reality TV shows just so I can giggle at them, so I FULLY believe that the pack would find some shitty knock-off reality TV show and lock in to watch the new episode every week together
if the boys and/or 'mega ever want to watch something popular/that would usually be on streaming they just have to get it off some backstreet website or something like that (they have burner laptops specifically for this purpose)
hope you're having a good day/night/afternoon and that you have a good week as well :) stay safe, slept, and hydrated!!!<3
— 🌘 !
Aww no need to apologize!! Things happen, people get busy. I'll always be here, hanging out (well, not quite as often right now but i'll see stuff eventually!!)
Aww thank you, thank you I'm glad you enjoyed them!!! They have been rather delicious, but don't worry, we will be getting back into the fluff and ANGST very quickly. I've been dragging the plot out more than I wanted to so now I'm rectifying that lmao.
I own The Last Of Us (it came with my PS4 when I bought it four years ago) but I still haven't played it because I suck at playing games lol. I either play all the way through at once or I play for an hour and then turn it off and don't touch it for months lol. Same even with the Sims. I go through cycles of playing for hours everyday and then not touching it for weeks and weeks.
No but like that idea would be so true lmaoo. Just an old fuzzy TV that has no streaming capabilities. They have a very vast collection of DVDs (organized by Simon of course) which is how they keep themselves sane lmao. They get like ten channels and flip between sports and daytime TV and game shows 😂 it's a routine now, sitting and watching some random game show at night.
Hey, they break a lot of laws already, what's the shame in playing pirates? 😉
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fyodoro · 2 years
Hi there! Love your writing 💖
Can I request Wonderland x Showtime with a bedridden reader? Feel free to ignore it, if you are uncomfortable.
A Flower Bloomed Too Illuminate You
Featuring Tsukasa Tenma, Emu Otori, Nene Kusanagi and Rui Kamishiro
Hi anon, I’m not uncomfortable with it! Tried to keep the angst light so I hope you enjoy:) though i didn’t know what you exactly meant by bedridden. also saki’s illness is mentioned here- but im not using it as an extension to tsukasa’s character… if that’s not clear enough
Cw) reader is bedridden, light angst?? probably messy writing…
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Tsukasa Tenma
Tsukasa already has a great understanding of your condition, as his sister has struggled being bedridden for a good portion of her life. He knows all too well what he should and shouldn’t do.
Tsukasa is always by your side when he can, and never wants to miss a moment with you. Granted, he’s upset about your physical state and worries for you, but he’s determined to brighten your mood!
He wants you to see his shows very bad, but if you can’t go to them, then Tsukasa might as well bring them to you. So often expect him and his troupe performing in your room- no matter how cramped it could be. They’re all happy to do it, and you’re just as happy to watch.
Although he won’t say it out loud, Tsukasa prays every night that you’ll get better soon. He’s send what being bedridden did to Saki, how how it took away so much of her childhood. He doesn’t want to watch you get your teen years ripped away from you just like that.
But for as long as you’re with Tsukasa, he’ll always make sure to keep your hopes up and a smile on your face.
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Emu Otori
Emu feels obligated to keep you smiling, she absolutely refuses to allow you to lose any hope. It makes you worry for her at times- she seems too desperate to keep you happy.
Eventually you explain to her how it’s ok if you feel down sometimes, that it’s only natural in your condition. Emu will apologize if her antics were too much and that just wishes for you too feel better. Of course, you forgive her immediately, she is only trying to help.
After this, Emu is much more calmer around you but still makes you feel even a tad bit better just by being there. Often times she’ll tell you all about her troupe and the shows they perform, she’s even though about introducing you to them one day. Though she didn’t know if you’d like meeting multiple people at once like this. Depending on your answer, she’ll follow through with what you want.
Emu had the idea of recording a WxS show and showing it to you after- and it was one of the best decisions she’s made. She enjoyed watching your eyes light up and hearing your laughter from the performance. The happiness is contagious- as eventually Emu will be telling you all about the behind the scenes.
It’s a good thing Emu is like a walking sun, or else you’re life would probably be much darker without her.
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Nene Kusanagi
It’s not often that Nene visits anyone besides Rui’s home, but that changed fast when she met you. Although she doesn’t quite understand what to do or what can help; she is trying her best!
You already knew Nene wasn’t much of a talker, and prefers speaking through actions. So every little thing she does for you means a lot more than she thinks. Whether she’s bringing multiplayer games over for the two of you or just a few snacks- you appreciate it from her so much.
Nene herself doesn’t quite get your condition, but does understand it’s severe enough to keep you bedridden. She tries to keep you from moving too much or pushing yourself, and usually you’ll listen to her.
She tries to keep your spirits up by using distractions, whether she’s telling you about her day or playing games with you, she just wants you to keep your mind off your physical state for a bit. But if you ever do need a shoulder to cry on or to just vent, Nene will listen and try her best to give words of comfort.
Overall, Nene is just happy you can still be here with her. She appreciates your strength just as much as you appreciate her actions.
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Rui Kamishiro
Your condition doesn’t make Rui view you any differently, this is one of the first things he emphasizes with you. That no matter how poor your physical state may be, it won’t ever change how he sees or feels about you. He doesn’t want you to think that he’ll leave you over something so out of your control.
Because of how much he works on his own, and how he doesn’t want to leave your side, Rui brings his work to you- as long as you’re ok with it. He hopes that the little gadgets and robots he creates can brighten your mood, or give you some kind of entertainment.
Rui also enjoys late night chat with you; while you’re still awake and he’s at his most awake point, these moments feel really intimate to him for some reason. That you could be asleep resting right now but instead you’d rather talk to him means something more to him. However, he will make you rest at some point.
Expect a lot of random food bags from Rui as well. On his way home he’ll stop at a place he knows you enjoy to order you something. The glimmer you get in your eye when you eat it makes Rui feel proud. And he hopes that sooner or later he can take you out to eat at this restaurant.
Although he wishes you weren’t bedridden, Rui will happily stay by your side till you’ve recovered enough to move more.
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ghosttalksalot · 5 months
I low key stalked most your spideypool stuff cause chefs kiss*
Thoughts on hypermobile Peter Parker (cause self projecting) and Wade just going wtf. Or flare ups cause yummy angst and vulnerability
youre so sweet im glad you like my nonsense <3
i think the disabling aspects of mutations/powers are super interesting and as someone with hypermobility... lets do this
**ghost from the future: you said angst but i got fluffy on us. my bad. also i wrote more than i meant to, buckle in**
so peter, before the bite, wasnt abnormally flexible. sure, he was usually able to reach into weird places but nothing crazy. after the bite though, things got different. if a villian managed to get close enough to lay hands on him, sometimes theyd bend him trying to break him and it just... wouldnt happen, and their surprise was enough for him to get his comfortable fighting distance again.
and when he flips around midair its hard to tell when he bends a little odd or stretches in a way someones not supposed to, hes moving so fast and up so high.
here and there his shoulder pops out mid fight and onlookers are jaw-dropped horrified cover-the-childrens-eyes but he just clicks it right back in fast as he can and gets back to it. sure, its not comfortable, it goddamn hurts, but when you're superhero-ing you feel a whole lot worse, and its honestly lucky, he'd be incapacitated a lot more if it werent for all this
for deadpool, dislocations are not a super big deal, but for a very different reason. he knows theyll fix themselves. so when he first sees spideys joint decidedly not in the right place he definitely flips a bit. before he can offer to relocate it (he mostly kinda knows how by now) its back and spidey is back on the task at hand while wades still sorta processing for a sec. anyone else would definitely have needed help fixing that. he just files that away for later, have to finish up this thing theyre doing
then, you know, after theyve become more familiar and spidey comes over to wades apartment, sometimes wade is just completely caught off guard by the positions spidey manages to get comfortable in.
"you're just. fine? with your leg like that?"
its not even something of note to spidey tho, hes completely chill with it by now.
the first time peter crashes on wades couch, it's not ideal. he's just... exhausted. it feels like he's pulled just about everything he could have pulled in his bodies during tonights patrol, and he knew, he knew he shouldve stayed home tonight, but he didn't.
and wade can't quite figure out what about tonight is so bad. it's been nothing too out of the ordinary for any busy night, but he's half afraid he's going to have to carry spidey the rest of the way. (after he ends up agreeing to go to wades because it's closer) the way spideys moving is freaking him out.
wades wracking his brain as he opens up the (actually really comfortable) futon, trying to work out what was different about tonight. when spidey curls up on the futon he just groans and is breathing heavily, audible through the mask.
"is something... broken? did i miss that?"
spidey shakes his head. wade looks over him again, no blood or visible wounds. wade goes off to get him a small variety of options- tshirt, hoodie, sweatpants, shorts, whatever he can find to make sure spidey can pick something comfortable for himself. he leaves them on the coffee table for when spidey can move.
"painkillers? ....alcohol?"
"no, wade, just... nothing. nothing is going to help"
it looks like spidey can hardly move as he sits up to eye the clothing pile, and wade might be more concerned before.
peter can hardly think straight and just hopes he doesn't feel stuck on this stupid couch-bed for the next week. when wade gives him privacy to change he has to call him back to ask for help getting the damn hoodie over his head, like this isn't bad enough and he wants to explode.
when peter wakes up hes got a blanket thrown over him and wade is burning pancakes as quietly as wade is capable of doing anything. he still can hardly move without feeling the searing pain but his head feels a little clearer.
when wade notices hes awake and brings over a small plate, he speaks lower than usual, as if talking too loud would hurt peter, and it's endearing. peter rolls up his mask and feeds himself slowly, to try to not make his shoulders feel worse. he tries to explain himself, but it comes out clunky
there are better days and worse days, if he bends more than usual it might hurt more than usual. certain things that would hurt others dont hurt but sometimes everything hurts more than he can explain.
wade silently wonders if spideys multi-day absences wers due to this, and makes a note to do research. he wants to be able to help spidey out.
the next few times peter pushes it and ends up on wades couch, flaring up and having made it worse, wade is more prepared each time. at first peter is confused, and wonders how adaptive wade really is, but when he hears wade muttering symptoms and potential solutions under his breath, he realizes wades learning. for him.
wade is taking mental notes of what applies, what doesnt, what helps, and what doesnt, and is figuring out what to do in these situations.
he tries to learn how spidey balances the worse times with the hero business and eventually, peter comes to rely on him, even when flares dont connect with superhero business. he learns he can take a cab and just show up and wade will help him out. he learns about the compassionate side of wade, and eventually wade comes over to his instead. he shoots wade a text and knows he'll be there within 20 minutes to make sure peter has everything he needs and dinner is taken care of.
their relationship deepens as peter learns not only that he needs help sometimes, but that he can trust wade to be the person to help him. when things develop, peter finds himself to be not nearly as nervous as he would have expected, because he already trusts wade so thoroughly with his most vulnerable moments that it comes naturally
trusting wade is nothing new, both in patrolling and in his most personal moments, and he knows wade is so much more than what everyone thinks because hes seen it since before wade had any reason to help him. and sometimes as he watches wade wreck his kitchen with an attempt at cooking (that wade will clean up himself too) he thinks about how the first time he crashed on wades couch, in agony, wade had no reason to let him stay, or to do as much as he did. wade could have taken off his mask or anything that day, and didnt.
the day peter takes off his mask in front of wade, he isnt thinking of everything that could go wrong. hes thinking of wade's careful back rubs, slow shoulder massages, and things wade said when he thought peter was sleeping. the wade only peter got to see, the wade who would get to meet peter.
[leaving it here because this is a lot for an ask prompt lolol, might add more at some point ^^]
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
hi cas :)
im not sure this is me asking for advice because i don’t think there’s really a recipe for getting over someone but i just need to rant into the void
so there’s this girl. let’s call her lucy. we went to the same high school but never really met. she was a year older and one of those “popular” girls i guess, so we never really crossed paths, but we knew about each other. she was one of those girls who made the room brighter just by being in it. like calling her gorgeous is an understatement. and she was always super kind to everyone. like all the boys in school had a crush on her at some point.
so fast forward a bit, first year of uni. i moved into a big city and enrolled into the same university as lucy’s best friend. let’s call her cathy (lucy lives in a different city about 4 hours from us). cathy and i quickly become really close and of course she starts mentioning lucy a lot. she also talks about me to lucy. cathy starts telling me how we should definitely hang out, how we have so much in common and how lucy would love to get to know me (we both loved taylor swift read the same books etc) but as we lived in different cities it was kinda hard to arrange. quickly we developed this kind of weird parasocial relationship through cathy. like lucy would tell cathy to ask my opinion on something, she would send cathy voicemails to forward to me when she wanted to discuss something, she also invited me to a harry styles concert but i was busy so i couldn’t go and so on. i should maybe point out that she didn’t really use social media so that’s why she didn’t dm me or something.
at one point i discover that lucy is a lesbian. cathy never really mentions it but it becomes quite obvious from some stories. and at this point, i kinda start crushing really hard. my little lesbian heart is only so strong and here’s this drop dead gorgeous girl who is so amazing and we have so much in common and god what is a girl to do.
i learn that lucy has a girlfriend and get kinda sad but can’t really complain so i try to get over my little crush and move on. however, one day lucy deletes all pictures with her gf from instagram she briefly had. a few weeks later she messages me and tells me she wants to visit me and cathy, and that there’s this big 1989 tv release party in the city i live in and she would love for us to go together. i’m of course smiling into my pillow.
so she comes in october for the party. this is our first time officially hanging out. and god, we have the best night ever. nothing explicitly romantic happens, but we just have so much fun. we go out for drinks and talk and then we go to this party and dance and drink and have the time of our life. and at this point i’m really thinking about this as a date, because we’re both queer and she hugs me and holds my hand and we actually cuddle in front of the club. and then. it’s really late and we’re both kinda drunk and want to go home so she calls her ex (?) to pick us up. i agree as i’m pretty tired but i’m also so confused as i have no idea what’s going on here. anyways, the night ends and we have brunch tomorrow and talk about how we had a great night, but don’t mention anything else.
long story short, she gets back together with her girlfriend and kinda stops contacting me as frequently, but half a year later, i’m still hung up on a girl i literally spent 24 hours with. and sure, i’m interested in other girls, have other crushes i guess, but somehow my mind always comes back to her. the reason i’m writing this today is because i haven’t listend to taylor in a while, but ttpd came out and suddenly i hear her in every song and she still told cathy to ask me my favourite song as soon as it came out. and she still talks about wanting to visit me and god i want to just move on so bad. but i know i’m gonna text her as soon as another party comes up when we’re both free. and it’s just gonna be the same thing over again.
Hi! <3
damn, this is...this sounds so difficult.
Honestly? I think Lucy needs to make up her mind. It sounds like she's trying to have her cake and eat it too by being with her girlfriend and flirting with you, and either she doesn't know what she's doing (which isn't great, but it happens) or she's not thinking about anyone else's feelings (which is worse).
I know it is so easy to get hung up on someone like this- there's like...such a fun aspect of a romance like this where it's drawn-out and a bit forbidden and kind of dramatic. But the problem with something like this is it hardly ever ends well and you deserve someone who wants you wholly.
Of course, this is all easy for me to say, as I'm not the one to experience it. But I think if I were you, I would take this album release as an opportunity to think about what you deserve and how you can use the songs to process your feelings. Because the important thing is, you deserve more, and you're not getting it, whether it's on purpose or not.
<3 <3 <3 <3 Sending you all the love!
Also, naming you deserving anon in case you want to update/write back!
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lovebvni · 8 months
the people have spoken — here’s my lore <3
hellooo!! <3 you guys said you wanted to see my lore from my main dr that i actually got from js thinking about my dr!!!
for context, this is for my main mha dr <3 i am siblings w himiko toga but she also has 2 more siblings including me, kuro (kurtis is his american name; he is also himiko a twin sibling) and himari (halo) (i just changed her name as of typing this)
i js realized how y/n this sounds but ykw it’s cool shit ok?
tw for assault (or battery idk im not a lawyer), cutting of skin, drug use of minors, getting drugged .
please stop reading if there is anything that is a trigger to you. and also know this is all FICTIONAL in this reality so please do not worry abt anyone lmfao 😭😭
im going to be as brief as possible! i dont wanna type long blog although this is interesting <3
soooo our family moved back from america when i was in ~5th grade. i was like what… 10 because i started school early (i started developing fast oopsie‼️), himiko n kurt were 14/15 idk man i can’t do math their birthday is after mine 😭 but we were all still young. halo was 6/7ish
so around the time we moved back to japan and himiko real REALLY didn’t wanna go back to japan. she had friends in the us who she felt like accepted her n whatnot, she has a girlfriend she had to break up with because of the move, etc. there was lot going on in her head — it wa as big change to move back to japan so our mom could thrive in her business.
so, himiko came up with a plan — to drug her family, run away and fly back to america to continue living her life.
now, obviously, she didn’t complete the whole thing because she felt bad. she would be without her twin and two younger siblings.
she drugged all of us at a family celebration dinner. i don’t know the details for this i didn’t think it through/didn’t get told what she used. it started with an a though, idk LMDAO 😭😭
anya ways she drugged us at this family dinner then decided, as a way to show her love, she was going to take some of all our blood and cut a heart out on a various part of all our bodies.
my mom got a heart on her outer right thigh, my dads was on his right shoulder blade, kuro’s on his left arm, mine on my left eye and kiara’s on her left hand.
i don’t quite know why she did this but obviously, right for her parents, left for her siblings. idk if it means anything to her but yeah!
anyways hospitalized stitched, blah blah medical recoveries whatever.
now with this next part i’ll be kind of brief. some of kurt’s school friends found out abt the incident and they were like “hey we got set that could help u” but he decided to bring me since i was his next closest sibling — whatever.
they were older or something so they had like drugs (😧😧😧😦😦) ( i can’t take this seriously it’s insane) anyways we went to a lot of parties like every friday n saturday night but on saturdays we wouldn’t get as high bc we have church on sundays (we watch the american one online 💀)
it was crazy tho bro!!! but anyways both kurt n i have nic addictions 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ woopsie poopsie!
i didn’t script all of this btw. i just scripted the part abt himiko drugging us then fucking dipping. all this other shit was included.
also dw i won’t get cancer or anything serious from using anything 😭😭 js temp shit!
anyways yeah! sorry it’s shorter than u expected. i have a weird headache that keeps coming n going (along w migraines) so i tried to keep it short so i wouldn’t stress myself
anyways!!! i hope yall enjoyed! if u have my questions feel free to ask or smth idk 😭
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the-masked-ram · 5 days
So there are things about service dogs and what they provide that a lot of people who dont directly have them in their life some way (either as a handler or someone close in said handler's life) won't quite understand. In general what a service dog is meant to do is provide a certain amount of independence for their handler. Most people with service dogs have debilitating disabilities whether physical or mental that stop them from having an everyday life. As someone who generally decided to let their first service dog retire and age before getting another one i realize how important they are to my life in multiple ways.
I was diagnosed at 13, and we knew something was wrong around 11. Once Dewey (my original service dog) hit 13 he was retired completely and semi-retired around 12. He lasted a long time because i use smaller service dogs and none of them need to do heavy physical labor. I am someone who only really needs my service dogs to work when i go outside. Though occasionally on my bad days at home i need them.
Now when Dewey retired i began to have... moderate-severe agoraphobia. Only recently after Casper started working and moved out of training, have i been able to go out not only with my mom and him regularly but also with just him as my support system (occasionally). I still struggle with agoraphobia. I still struggle with a lot of my illnesses and how they worsened. But i am healing slowly as our bond grows stronger. I still almost always need his help at least once when going outside and often more the longer we are out.
But today i went to one of the least Neurodivergent friendly places that causes my sensory system to go into overdrive, the DMV. It wasn't as bad ad it could have been. I had an appt. They moved me through fast but also Casper was a star the entire time. Yes i had to take my meds half way through, yes my heart beat too fast, yes i was sweating and shaking, but i survived. I definitely feel like crying now that im home. But i was able to do it with just him by my side.
So remember, service dogs provide us independence. No one i know likes relying on other people 24/7 for some form of stability. Humans are extremely inconsistent and stress inducing. I love my friends and family, but if i was pressuring you with my mental health all the time and keeping me stable, it wouldn't be fair for you either. I will always be grateful to every canine partner i ever have in my life. They have provided me with stability and safety. They make it so i feel like i can survive in a world with expectations to fit everyone in a box.
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xherry7816 · 2 years
i wasnt gonna post this bc i think i sound like wn idiot but then i remember that literally doesnt matter.
no sad skecth of a ninja today for i bringforth FIGHTING HEADCANONS.
in no way am i versed in knowledge about fightimg so im just gonna try and explain as best as i can.
JAY - i hc that JAY is one of the lightest members in the team, he doesnt have a lot of muscle so to counter that id imageine he'd fight in a way that he can use his whole body weight rather than a punch or a kick. i think hed be quite fluid in his motion, lots of flips and cool dodging maneuvers over his opponents to be able to bring his weight down upon them. so yeah in a simpler way id say dodging around and then countering is kinda his stuff, he moves around a lot basically. hes the kinda guy to use his power and physically strength as equally as possible and sometimes boosts phys strength with his elemental.
KAI - at the start KAI can kinda be described as lacking in aspects from the other three bc he didnt get to train together as longer so id imagine he goes for a very defeat as fast as possible approach. lots of strong powerful movements because he knows once an enemy finds a weakness he'll have a hard time. of couse once hes trained and all that jazz i think hed still go along with the same approach since hes been doing it for so long but i picture more flashy, confident movements hes definitely more into the risky moves as long as it gets the jobs done and makes him look cool. he'd be a fan of big movements which would show off his flames.
ZANE - most likely the type to act once he knows enough about his enemy, his moves are calculated and concise and hes most likely never to make a move unless necessary. hes the type of person to study an art closely so he fights in set forms but is adaptable and is most likely versed in several different forms. i think weapons/elements would depend on the sort of enemy theyre fighting, element against element and weapon against weapon unless its a difficult fight.
NYA - though being the last ninja, because of his perfectionist nature i think she would kinda grind until she perfected a fighting style that best fit him. much like her element her movements are fluid and confident, i think he'd kinda have like attack combos constantly berating an enemy with powerful attacks with little openings for retaliation. she likes to think ahead in terms of element use and thinks how his current moves would benefit the fight going forward intsead of swinging some water and hoping for the best.
LLOYD - probably the most elemental oriented out of them all due to the nature of his element being ljkr the best one and stuff. hes the type to use larger scale attacks or multi attacks to hit multiple enemies at once rather than focusing on one and maybe hitting a few others if theyre in the way. hes not confident in the defense and thus focuses more on his powerful offense making sure he always has the upperhand. with a weapon hes a bit more wary and calculating of his opponent and much like KAI (who i hc taught him the sword) tries to take them down asap.
COLE - i kinda think COLE would have an accidentally flashy fightstyle. like i think hes very elementally oriented but in a way that he channels earth through his weapons and body, he does large earth punches and throws literal mountains of rock. his moves are strong and steady and probably most fond of using his hands over anything else. rather than specifically aiming for one i think hes more to hit many at once to help speed up the process of taking them down if that makes sense.
the quality of these was bad at JAY and then just keeped getting worse as i went down LOL
hope those made sense and were idk cool or smth ???
EXCITED 4 UNITED WHOO !! (still hasnt watched CRYSTALLIZED help !l
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okthatsgreat · 10 months
me again sending a bunch of those emojis forrrr any oc you want to talk about :)🌋🤥😨🙈🎭🔫 and again feel free ignore some of the emojis (i know a couple of these were ones i sent the first time too LOL)
YAY!!!!! u are so cool ALWAYS thank you lily :] oh im gonna use sae. my friend sae but im gonna skip two of these bc i wanna keep a few facts about sae hidden to the people who are also in the rp ghfkjsghkfdggfhdgsjkgfdgshf IM EXCITED TO WRITE FOR HER !!!!!!!!! AND LOVE TALKING
oc ask game!
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or an instant explosion?
sae is EXTREMELY patient!! as a fisherman she's had to learn how to stay cool-headed and calm under pressure, which means it is very difficult to get under her skin. she's usually very very slow to anger, just as much as she is slow to get much of a reaction out of! years and years of sitting on docks waiting for fish to bite will do that to a mfer GDFSKGJ
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
sae doesn't lie a whole ton!!! i won't give away any tells but it's important to note that she lives a very simple, straight forward life that doesn't involve a whole lot of lying to other people. at MOST it would be lying through omission!!!! other than that she's usually quite truthful if you ask her the right questions lmao. not only is she truthful but she'll also start talking forever and ever
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "fight" or "flight"?
FIGHT PROBABLY??? moreso freeze i think........... she is not fast enough for flight and isn't one to just book it and leave, especially since she often sways about like she's still got her sea legs half of the time lol. she doesn't resort to violence as a first resort either, but if push comes to shove she'll intimidate yknow??? like she'll step forward and act a bit tougher but its gonna take a LOT for her to start swinging ghfdksghfdjkg. i reckon she's a lot more likely to stop and think for a WHILE. like full sit down on the floor head in her hands moment. try not to get a headache immediately moment
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
oh you know i love making characters who hold a completely seperate identity to the one they portray to others but honestly sae doesn't hold herself super duper differently around certain people ghfksghk!!! she doesn't have a totally different "true self" like a few of my other ocs have but there are still subtle differences in how she acts around different people :) one of the biggest ones is just how tense she tends to get around people she's not super comfortable with. still prone to rambling and slow moving but her shoulders are always hella rigid lol. she's also a bit more awkward and out of place, like she's not entirely sure how to talk to them just yet so she manoeuvres herself in a way that's a lot more stiff
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thefinalwitness · 1 year
i slept all day and im still severely hurty but i think. we're getting there. o|–< im including a readmore to catch up new ppl who are curious bc ive found being open about my chronic pain has helped inform others to their own so!!!! i like sharing
i've had a gradually worsening chronic illness since 2019-2020—it's hard to say for sure when it started, but my physically demanding job at a retail store slowly went from perfectly doable to 'i cant even survive a four hour shift without multiple episodes of hiding in the bathroom just to let some of the pain subside'.
i ultimately had to quit that job in early 2021, and at the time had a writing job that i thought, surely this will be okay! i was wrong. it was so hard to work as consistently as was needed of me. i spent so much time just writing and then sleeping so i might recover fast enough to do more writing. i was ALWAYS late on deadlines no matter how hard i tried.
eventually that job closed down in general, so naturally i lost it, but i know in my heart i would have had to quit within 6 months otherwise. that was late 2021. i've been unemployed since, with no disability because despite ongoing, regular visits with doctors, we dont know WHATS wrong with me, therefore i do not have a diagnosis, therefore i cannot qualify for disability in my area. yippee!
so that's the backstory! i started pain meds last fall and theyve helped A LOT. i can have fun sometimes! i went to pride this year for the first time since 2019!! there's definitely still something wrong, and lately i do believe it's still worsening (at a slower rate than before i was getting treatment at all), but i've gotten through a lot of the guilt for being 'an unemployed, unproductive human being' and have learned how to be kinder and patient with myself. it's not my fault i'm sick. it's not my fault 'my best' doesn't look like other people's. my family loves me not for what i can do for them, but because they just love me.
it's hard to feel your ability to Do Things slip away. how i cant go to amusement parks anymore bc the trip would wipe my ass out for weeks. how i cant even go to a barbecue next door some days bc everything just hurts too much. the simultaneous RESILIENCE you build, the tolerance for your own pain that makes you second-guess if it's even real. it took me so long to realize what i was feeling was NOT normal, that most people don't have to RATION their activities, their chores, their BASIC HUMAN MAINTENANCE to make sure you don't screw yourself over for tomorrow by being in too much pain to move.
today was bad. i had a really stressful day yesterday, and woke up in so much pain it was literally all i could do to sleep. couldn't eat, couldn't go to the bathroom, couldn't sit up, could BARELY speak. it was like my body was screaming at me, "we should be in a COMA right now, we should be UNCONSCIOUS, this is not something humans were designed to consciously endure." and that's WITH 6+ months medical pain management. it genuinely scares me imagining what this would've felt like today if i WASN'T on my meds.
i'm still very in the woods, but i'm trying to make the most of my situation! i'm open to questions if you want to learn more about this, as one of the biggest things that made me realize i needed help was OTHER PEOPLE being open about their chronic condition. it's not pretty, by any means, i've left out the grossest realities here, but i think it's important to share, in case i can do for someone what those people did for me.
thanks for reading!!!! i appreciate being heard on this too. it's scary, i still worry people will think i'm lazy or a crybaby, so it means a lot when people take the time to try and understand.
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cryptidjeepers · 2 years
okay so. my Disenchanted review. my credentials are: being a huge Enchanted fan. Rewatching the movie at least 3x a year. love amy adams.
6.5/10 Full review under the cut and be warned, its a lot of brain ramblies
the good
I guess I want to start with the good stuff. I really liked how the movie focused on GIselle and Morgan as stepmother and daughter, but also two people that really need each other. The first movie was about Robert and Giselle and I really feel like there wasn’t much more development there. So I wasn’t upset that Robert got sidelined (hes also kind of the most boring character outside of his role in Enchanted, sorry McDreamy).
The first half of the movie was a bit, too much. But the second half is where I really started to enjoy it.
Obviously the costumes and set design were incredible. Amy Adams was going for an Oscar with her Jekyll and Hyde Giselle moment. The way her voice dropped to be evil, need I say more?
The story was enjoyable! The call backs felt a little forced, but still cute. The songs were... disney Decsendents level if I’m being honest. And i dont even mean that in a bad way its just, a grown ass woman singing them was a bit secondhand embarrassing.
also, james mardsen, as always, is an absolute delight
the not so great
My issues were with how over complicated the plot was. Enchanted was sooo good because of how simple it was, while also being very smart. It’s a fairy tale turned on its head and it’s clever. Disenchanted isn’t. Really clever? The eising wand felt a bit too convient. The pacing is too fast to really dwell on the issues the characters are having. 
And speaking of issues, there are too many lmaoo. Giselle and Morgan are both struggling to find their place. A cartoon-turned real girl feeling out of place and a teenager moving to a new town. There was a lot of potential. Unfortunately, they kinda just turned Giselle into a selfish stay-at-home mom (also, was the baby really important??? what happened to her fashion business). Giselle’s character struggles to stay cartoonish and real, which is ironic because that’s her whole deal. It’s been like 10 years since she started living in New York, how has she somehow went backwards in her character development. 
imo, the movie should have been more about Giselle losing that fairytale touch while dealing with the very real and complex emotions of being a new mom and stepmom. Maybe she woke up one day and realized how different she’s become. But no, its just this weirdly selfish need to move to suburbia. Also she’s a stay at home mom beefing with pta moms for some reason. Everything feels so half-baked, which is interesting since they did do reshoots due to inital mixed reviews
Speaking of pta moms, they really built up the whole prince and princess of the festival thing for no reason other than giselle setting up that, quite frankly, cringe worthy cupcake stand at the highschool. and for morgan’s extremely bland love interest. 
I guess my biggest problem was how it compared to Enchanted. I’m sure, on it’s own, DIsenchanted is a great movie. But Enchanted was about Robert and Giselle breaking each other out of their monotonous, monochromatic lives. Giselle learns to be more Real, while Robert learns to embrace spontaneity. Disenchanted feels a lot like Giselle trying to play both roles, with Robert doing absolutely nothing. I said earlier how I actually like Robert being put to the side, but it is frustrating how Robert didn’t notice Giselle strugging at all. He does not to help her. imo, the minute he saw her acting evil should have broke the spell or at least pushed through a little and made him concerned. He has big “ignorant dad in a sitcom” energy, which sucks.
the bad
okay im not film expert, nor am i a choreographer, but man, was I the only one that felt disappointed by the music and spontaneious dance sequences. The town square scene and inital scene with morgan and robert singing were probably the best because of how silly and self-indulgent they were. They felt like they wuld fit in Enchanted, which, again, is funny since the song is literally a reference to the first movie.
But some of the sequence felt like I was being danced at? Like these two 40 year old women were doing well choreographer tiktok dances at me. It took me out of the movie so quickly and I struggled to enjoy it. I really wanted to enjoy Badder, but the second half of the song just felt weird. Like they were hoping for a tiktok banger or something. But yeah, Enchanted may have only had 4 songs, only 2 of which were sung by main characters, but they’re all bangers. What Disenchanted makes up for in songs, it lacks in quality.
and lived happily ever after, I guess (except nothing was really dealt with sooo)
The end
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missed a day so catching up!
24 April:
How did your fine motor skills develop? Were you one of the first kids who could tie their shoe laces or do you think you'll probably never learn it? This is an "open question", if you want to ramble, start rambling.
i couldn't tie my laces for quite a long time, though i eventually learned when i was about 9 i think, im still not great at it though and it takes me longer than other people haha! honestly i don't remember much to do with buttons or anything else, but i do know about handwriting.
i have always struggled with handwriting, it used to be really big (and i also wrote in all capitals) for longer than it should have been lol, i eventually got "alright" handwriting when i was like 12 maybe? i could never do cursive as a kid, ever, although now it can be a stim for me and distract me from things because of the concentration and effort it takes. my writing is now legible (most of the time) and if i try really hard, it can be neat for like a couple lines lol. when i need to be faster or don't care as much, my writing is all over the place but still legible and it takes me a bit longer than the average slow writing person, i almost got exam accommodations for this, but it was just too fast which was very frustrating because i then had to push myself writing in exams 🙄
i can actually write super small if i want to, im usually the only one that can properly read it because of how small it is lol, i often did that on worksheets in class
writing really hurts my hand and ive never had good pen posture, i end up with callouses on my ring finger knuckle because of how hard i push haha, my ex used to try and hold a pen like i do and she couldn't do it at all, no one really knows how i ended up doing it (i swear it's not even that weird) but i can't hold it any other way. i also struggle with the pressure of my pen and i push too hard, which ends up making my lettering harder to read because of the thick lines (i tend to write pretty small now actually unless im really rushing). overall, writing hurts and i don't like it, i also need to bend over so im like 5cm away from the paper or i can't write properly, no idea what that's about but i used to lay on my desk while writing a lot in school lmao. it's strange because i really love drawing! i do struggle with the same things though (pushing too hard, muscle pain after a short amount of time, etc)
25 April:
How did your gross motor skills develop? Did you walk early or did you struggle to walk (if you can walk)? Do you have a bad posture? This is another "open question".
i learned to walk really early! i skipped over the crawling stage too, just went straight from tummy shuffling to walking lol
while i can walk well (in terms of motor abilities, im leaving pain and fatigue out of this), i struggle to walk slowly; i see myself as kinda like a bicycle haha, i need to walk at a certain minimum pace or i start to topple. i don't know how to describe why other than just my feet don't move automatically when i walk slow and i have to think about each step, i trip over my own feet and lose my balance a bit. i also tend to bump into people a lot and can't walk in a straight line very well (yay poor proprioception lol); my ex used to say that id never convinced people i wasn't drunk lmao and i have to agree, i wouldn't believe myself either honestly [lighthearted, self teasing]
my posture has always been awful i think, although ive gone through phases of having amazing posture from constant conscious effort (i think i was trying to copy my favourite character lol) but that ended up really hurting my back and taking too much mental energy so i stopped.
similarly with walking slowly, i struggle to stay standing still and often need to lean on something like a wall or i'll start to stumble and topple over. as i said in a previous post, i do actually have good balance, i guess i just have to focus on it more or something, strange bodies.
oh, throwing too! i can catch well (and really enjoy it, i loved practicing catching a ball in class) but when it comes to throwing the ball back...yeah. i don't know what it is about it, my arm just doesn't listen to me properly lol, my teachers got very frustrated with me for that and honestly i got frustrated with myself! i really wanted to play cricket and dodgeball so it sucks that i lack a crucial skill for them :(
this could just be down to my amnesia but ive also struggled with swimming, i find it difficult but manage to learn after a while, and then when i try again, im back to square one! my family is baffled and often don't actually believe me that ive forgotten. again, it's one that im pretty upset about because i enjoy swimming despite the sensory difficulties of after getting out
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