#a little nonsense
thedreamerstoryteller · 9 months
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Li Xiangyi and Di Feisheng are two legends, two myths, the two most powerful martial artists of the Jianghu, the heads of the two biggest sects. The Fastest Sword and the Demon King.
They are the characters of a story that everyone knows and tell. They are ideals. They are role models who embodies different values and different visions.
They are two faces of the same coin, opposite yet complementary. They are the sun and the moon. They are what people would like to be and what they would like to never be. They are hope and fear. They are meaningful and important names written in books and reports.
They are two abstract figures in the history of Martial Arts. The archetypes of the Hero and the Villain. Something to reach and something to fight.
But for Fang Duobing, beside and before all of this, they are and always be Li Lianhua and A-Fei.
The wandering physician with a sharp mind and silver tong and his old mysterious friend with an imposing look and a smug attitude.
The one who lives in a weird wheeled house with a dog, who can't cook (at least not so well), who grows his own vegetables and plants and just wants a simple and carefree life and the one who has appeared suddenly, who seems to not fear everything, who is straightforward, who seems always to have something to hide, who seems violent and hot-tempered but he actually isn't, who says he has no taste but it isn't completely true, who actually cares but does not want to show it.
For Xiaobao, before everything, they are his friends, the first people he has met in the Jianghu and he has trusted. When he discovers the truth about their identities, in his eyes they don't stop to be the myths and legends he has grown up with but they become real. They are real human people with strengths and weaknesses and he accepts them. This doesn't diminish their value, their roles or what they represent but in a certain way it makes them more reachable and tangible.
Can you imagine the faces of the people who sees this kid acting without restrains around these two legendary personalities who don't seem particularly bothered by his manners? I can and I can't help but laugh at that.
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emyluwinter · 2 years
When someone ask about Malleus from Yuu.
Smiling shyly and gently, Yuu's gaze becomes the most tender and shy that Twisted Wonderland could remember
-Of all the people I met here, he was the only one who, despite all his strength, power, intelligence and knowledge, never tried to harm me……even out of curiosity or to amuse your ego and self-love…never….he's charming in his own way~
When someone asks Malleus about Yuu.
Choosing his words carefully, Malleus finally understands what he remembers most when they meet.
-When we see each other on night walks… all the stars of this world are reflected in her eyes, and I'm ready to look at it forever.
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wolfiemcwolferson · 9 months
hello, unusual request of mine, but for the prompt thing .. could you maybe do 9???????
thank u love u
hi baby, Piarles son of my CEO with a twist. I was going to make everyone suffer DEEPLY about this pre-race drabble but I decided against it after making myself very sad.
Pierre has no business being here.
It's too late, it's too hot, and he's got to be in a meeting to meet the new nepo hire tomorrow morning at 10 AM.
But, that's why he's here.
His guy - the one he hired and trained and turned into the perfect employee - was passed over for the son of the CFO.
He's barely out of grad school - probably can't write a report without consulting his textbooks.
And he's meant to be Pierre's equal. He's meant to be the person that Pierre is going to work with on major acquisitions - trust to read his mind and stay late. Do all the work that Pierre does.
So, he swore off doing this - off dragging pretty boys in bars home when he should be home sleeping and resting his brain for his job, but he's here and there's a boy sucking on the side of his neck while they ride the elevator to his floor.
"You live in a nice place." The Pretty Boy says when the elevator stops and Pierre hums, squeezing his waist, pulling him down the hallway.
They haven't spoken much. There had been some dancing and some light kissing and then he had been the one to ask Pierre if he wanted to leave with him.
He's electric though. He's electric underneath his touch and he's beautiful even in the harsh light of the hall and Pierre knows he's the kind of guy he would ask on a proper date if they met in a coffee shop or maybe at the gym.
"I do," Pierre smiles at him as he pushes the door open and then there's no more talking for awhile.
There's no more talking for exactly three hours and then there's too much talking for Pierre's liking, but he can't seem to stop.
Charles is funny as hell and he's kind of stupid and he's the best fuck Pierre has had in ages, and he's eating Pierre's lunch currently, standing up at the counter while Pierre sits across from him, accepting cold chunks of sweet potatoes off the fork.
"I just think," Charles laughs through a mouthful of potato and a smile, "that no one actually hates action movies. They say that because they want to seem cultured and interesting and above it!"
Pierre has to swallow a piece of potato that's a bit too big so he doesn't choke on it.
"There is not another genre of anything that lets you look at a dirty, hunk of man, doing things that no human being should be able to do, and -"
"Okay, yes!" Pierre agrees with him, but he waves his hand to try and get him to stop talking. "But that doesn't really do it for me so maybe that's -"
Charles spears another sweet potato and hangs his head. "There's not a single part of you that enjoys the thought of some big strong man throwing you over their shoulder and -"
He squeals because the stool Pierre was in falls to the floor and Pierre is chasing him around the counter and it's way too much for a hook-up but Pierre can't care.
Charles is gone when he wakes up, but his name and his number are on the fridge whiteboard calendar in the Saturday slot and Pierre understands that he's meant to call him on Saturday, but he's running a bit late, so he just dumps his ruined lunch into the trash and grabs one of those canned coffees that he keeps in the fridge and hopes that his shirt goes high enough to cover the bruise on his neck that Charles left with his teeth.
He's going to call him. He's already decided.
Pierre is halfway through his morning routine. He's checked his email on the train and now he's responding to everything urgent and he's about to go and debrief with Alex about their upcoming meeting, but Otmar knocks on his door, sticking his head through it immediately.
"He's here," he says simply and Pierre abandons his emails and he knows that he won't be talking with Alex. He walks into the hallway after Otmar, expecting to be met with the face of a literal child except -
Charles stands there, new badge around his neck, hands in the pockets of his black suit pants, smiling at Esteban with his eyes crinkled up and Pierre thinks he might just die.
That's the fresh faced grad that he's going to have to suffer through.
"It's nice to meet you," and then Charles makes a show of looking at his badge, "Pierre. I hear we are going to be working together on acquisitions."
Pierre has regrets, but he nods at Charles, making a show of looking at his badge too. "Charles, we will be spending most of our evenings together."
And then when Charles reaches out to shake his hand, Pierre squeezes on it too hard, watching Charles' nostrils flare.
He's swearing off pretty boys in clubs. He decides. For good this time.
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nooling · 3 months
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LOOK I JUST REALLY ENJOY THEIR FRIENDSHIP OK?? You can't tell me they wouldn't hang after their respective personal quests (spawn ending ofc)/emotional breakdowns over their own mortality
EDIT: I forgot to watermark these so now more than ever PLEASE don't repost
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clingyduoapologist · 1 year
c!tommy the earth moon sun and stars ❤️💥💥💥
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floret-botanica · 8 months
Spotify Shuffle Tag Game! I was tagged by @ribbittrobbit, thanks!
First ten songs from your shuffled On Repeat playlist, yadda yadda yadda, we know the drill.
Cut You Bangs by Girlpool
A Calf Born in Winter by Khruangbin
This Is the Day by The The
Pursuit of Happiness (Nightmare) by Kid Cudi, MGMT, Ratatat
This Hell by Rina Sawayama
All The Things She Said by t.A.T.u.
Handshake by Two Door Cinema Club
Hiding by Florence + The Machine
Words Ain't Enough by Tessa Violet, chloe moriondo
As each of these songs came up I had such sincere "hell yeah!! I love this song!!" reactions, which is so silly because they are my on repeat songs, of course I like them. Good tag game.
Tagging @intheseautumnhands and no one else. But feel free to do it if you see it.
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thepoisonroom · 1 year
anyone else know in their heart that they would absolutely adore smoking cigarettes so they have to avoid them like the plague or just me
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rendevok · 2 months
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Moon dance 🌕✨
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egophiliac · 8 months
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so excited for Kalim to save the day by swiper-no-swiping this dip. you can do it! I believe in you!
god I hope this reads properly
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skyburger · 19 days
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do they celebrate pride month on teo
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the-agent-of-blight · 6 months
also, i really find it interesting how people can genuinely go about saying "Well this group isn't attacked for their identity so they can't be queer " while then turning around and. attacking said group. for their identity. and exemplifying classic __-phobic tropes. It's really dumb. You are being the thing that you claim does not exist
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bedazzlecunt · 4 months
i really do have to emphasize that like. horny tumblr is a fucking horrible place to learn about kink. at least half the people here have never had sex (or done kink without sex) beyond sexting on omegle, and even the ones who do have any experience with sex and and kink and IRL kink spaces (including myself!) are mostly engaging in fantasy and theatre and performance. that's fine! that's fun! there's nothing wrong with that. but i do worry so much about all the 18 yr olds i see on here who've never had sex, many of whom have never been in a relationship, and who are building ideas about kink and sex and health based on the most deranged fantasy-of-the-sort-you-literally-cannot-do-safely-irl tumblr posts. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not take any tumblr posts as actual kink education, including and sometimes especially the ones claiming to be actual kink education. there are actual books and groups and dungeons for that.
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jacazull · 6 months
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It’s time to do something fun to thank y’all for being here! If any of you follow my sister @vi050iv then you might be familiar with the band au doodles she posted a year ago on insta. Casey, Junior, and April are in a band managed by Sunita, and they sing about triumphs and rising against odds. They’re called The Underdogz 💥I referenced the cover of an idw issue I really like when drawing this~ (pretend I drew a z instead of an s in their banner)
Anywaysss I will doodle some prizes, so there’ll be a deadline (I’ll give plenty of time). Of course you’re free to keep doodling for the band au long after the date passes.
- Please use the hashtag #jacazull1kdtiys and tag me
- MUST HAVE Casey, Junior, April, and Sunita doing something band related (signing autographs, costume fitting, practicing, battle of the bands, posing for an album photoshoot etc)
- You’re free to add other characters or ocs as long as The UnderDogz are there
1st: Fullbody of any character
2nd: Halfbody of any character
3rd: Bust of any character
All prizes will be lined and colored in flats!
As an additional gift, I’ll be sharing the spotify playlists my sisters and I made for Rise over a year ago. Some songs may be a bit silly or out of place, but we had to compromise a lot LOL. Songs are taken out and added every now and then, but I hope y’all can enjoy them.
Casey: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2cxt5JGKkv5bziUFWF6JAE?si=hU-A4oBoRzqy1Pl6zcsHKQ&pi=u-BT8s5FrWT3CU
April: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6g850asOOGeF4OsPi1Bb8J?si=lEa0b6aASMi7P5OdvApR8Q&pi=u-fq7uj8oLSZGf
Junior: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1j6Rf7mt7Yl5TfMpBRwTOw?si=cBxlZ3KhQxmEQ2aBKxhPqQ&pi=u-ATNIY-fKSwez
Raph: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Kt2htp2OpXDQgEFiRZnih?si=8q-kCtnBTTmCRQSJLNnMWw&pi=u-aToiW0YOQcSv
Leo: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ZAWkn0QDysAXZgX7KqNuM?si=JYrB-Dx2Qoqnas-FEl4rUg&pi=u-240kik8DTgO_
Donnie: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5LaxNqoN451ErZQTAb0GUu?si=cdTNkIvjThe_2X15c1aKvQ&pi=u-uR1PkEe4QrSc
Mikey: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/08dBF9Eq6Ouj7yI0NB9zUQ?si=jxkXATyeTB-8bUGrIamR4Q&pi=u-C_fx-iF2TJeB
Okie I think I covered everything. Have lots of fun!!!
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hualian · 6 months
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"Isn't it easier to hate one person than a whole group?" Xie Lian shouldering the burden of hatred and selflessness 🦋 | Heaven Official’s Blessing S2 Ep10
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beanbagbuddies4life · 2 months
If you're enjoying this post, please send some money to a verified Palestinian family! Even an amount that's trivial to you can save a life.
Protoscorch inspired me to fix up the spoof pattern I made. I'm pretty much reworking it from scratch and I think it's coming along nicely but it's a lot of work!
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fl00mie · 17 days
istg it hurts to be an ink lover/fan/enjoyer in the eyes of those outside the fandom
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ink might seem like an op sans for no reason at first impression and i can understand why people think that.. he travels through universes, he's the only character in his world (the one who's known as the most overrated character in the game which makes it even more repellent, i guess), among other reasons
i haven't seen almost any direct hate towards him (referring to canon, the genuine hate i've seen so far has been based on underverse, that although it's quite likely his image has been tarnished by the series, i want to refer more to those who aren't familiar with AUs in general) but, since i returned to this community i notice how he's not referred to as a fan favorite (anymore?), at least in the popular videos i find on youtube and on twitter it's even worse, i've seen them call him overrated multiple times
it's the fact that i manage to empathize a lot with him that makes me feel.. a bit sad maybe? because he's more than just another meaningless sans, his story and personality are really good and the fact that he's a sans is just a preference of his creator, that may have aged poorly but it doesn't take away how good and complex the character still is
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