#a little friendship would be kinda nice especially since I do consider you to be my best friend
insanechayne · 9 months
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reputationmunson · 1 year
hi mads! how r you? i was wondering if i may request a enemies to lovers with fake dating between reader and steve? where she's shy and kinda nice with everyone but somehow doesn't get along with him... and suddenly they have a situation and have to pretend to be dating... btw, love your writing!
i’m doing well and i hope you are too :) thank you for the request and i’m so happy you enjoy my writing that means so much to me! i hope you like this and i hope it's okay i'm making it multiple parts!
Crossing Lines | S.H x fem!reader
Part One | part two | part three | part 4
summary: Steve isn’t your biggest fan (understatement of the year), so why does he ask you to be his fake girlfriend for a wedding?
content: enemies to (eventual) lovers, fake dating, mentions of drinking, swearing, a guy at the bar is kind of creepy, mentions of reader and eddie having a past fling, use of y/n (not too often)
word count: 3.7K
a/n: this is a little shorter than I anticipated, but I’m going to try and make future parts longer.
There’s something strange about having an “enemy”. Especially when that enemy is Steve Harrington. You don’t exactly consider him an arch nemesis, but there’s really no other way you can describe your relationship with him. You aren’t friends with him by any means, not anymore, despite your several attempts at kindness.
Cupcakes you made him got thrown in the trash, smiles you’ve given him had been reciprocated with glares, and every time you spoke was the perfect time for him to roll his eyes.
No matter how many times you try to pinpoint a moment in your life where you might’ve offended him or done something to make him have such a great dislike for you, there’s nothing you can come up with.
You never had many interactions with Steve in high school, which isn’t very surprising. You always tried to stay in the background with your nose buried in a book and he was the complete opposite of that.
You admit you had a teeny tiny crush on him in high school, much like the other girls. How could you not? He was so charismatic and carried himself with confidence. You weren’t as immune to the Harrington charm as much as you liked to pretend you were.
It wasn’t until he became friends with Robin a few years ago that you had your first real conversation with him. She’s been your best friend since you were six and if she was convinced he changed, then you were willing to give him a chance.
He seemed like a completely different person than the boy you used to pass in the halls as he talked about how wasted he got the night before with his herd of wannabe Steves.
He was friendly and also a little bit of a clutz. Sort of awkward, as well. He was still handsome, though. A lot more handsome. His eyes were kinder and his hair as lovely as ever. You always wondered how it managed to still look so soft after that much product usage.
After the first two months of what seemed to be a friendship, he flipped the switch. His words to you became grumbles and he always kept a distance from you, like he’d go into anaphylactic shock if any part of him accidentally brushed yours.
It drove you mad. The one thing in life you always tried to do was treat everyone with kindness no matter what and he made it nearly impossible. You had more friends in your life now than you thought imaginable and it was nearly perfect, but all you seemed to be focused on is how much Steve hates you.
From Steve’s point of view, he would never outright say that he hates you. It’s more of an annoyance. Your shared friend group constantly raves about how great and delightful you are. The kids, who aren’t kids anymore but always will be to Steve, idolize you. Everyone thinks you walk around with rainbows and sprinkles shooting out of every single one of your orifices.
You and your delicious baked goods that you make in celebration every time someone so much finds a lucky penny on the ground. You and your stupid perfume that makes you smell like a damn bouquet of flowers. Your dumb dimples and eyes that some might claim light up a room every time you smile. Don’t even get him started on the short, nonsensical pleated skirts you wear.
You’ll probably be wearing one of those skirts tonight when you all go out for drinks later and he dreads it, terribly. Definitely not because he’s attracted to you, no, that’s insane, but because of all the guys that are going to swoon over you and he’ll have to be responsible for making sure none of those creeps try to touch you.
Robin made it very clear to him early on that you are off limits. She told him he wasn’t ready for a girl like you. You’re different from the girls he takes on dates and sleeps with. You aren’t a ‘hit it and quit it’ kind of gal, as she put it. . She said you’re a hopeless romantic, spending the rest of your life with one person, the type of love they write songs about, kind of gal. Steve wants to settle down one day, but he also isn’t ready for that yet.
Apparently, Robin forgot to give Eddie the same speech because Steve caught the two of you in a hot and heavy makeout sesh at a party awhile ago. Steve put all of the puzzle pieces together that you and Eddie were secretly hooking up. It wasn’t hard to figure out with all the glances, giggles, and body language. Plus, the sexual tension was so obvious.
No one else knew, neither of you even know that Steve’s aware anything ever happened.
Yes, you and Eddie were hooking up. Past tense. It was nice at first, way more than nice. You’d never done the whole no strings attached thing and you felt comfortable with him, but then you both quickly realized that it would end in complete disaster and called off the agreement. Surprisingly, there was no awkwardness after, but you did miss him sometimes.
It was gratifying to be out of your comfort zone, but you needed more. You wanted a love that felt like an easy Sunday morning everyday, but as long as you were confined to Hawkins, you doubt that you’d ever find it.
The bar was absolutely packed tonight, crawling with regulars, college kids back for the summer, and high school students with fake ids. There was a bachelor party sitting in the corner shouting obscenities and catcalling any girl that walked by them.
It was overwhelming. Usually this place, even on its busiest night, is still manageable to walk to.
Your walk to the table where your friends are sat feels like you’re climbing mount everest.
“y/n! you’re here!” Robin hops out of her seat at the high top table and throws her arms around you, squeezing you a little too tight. You can smell the tequila on her breath and her cheeks are flushed. That, combined with her affection for you, alerts you she’s one drink away from being hammered.
Everyone else happily greets you, apart from Steve who gives you a tight lipped smile and takes a drink of his beer so he doesn’t have to say hi because god forbid he speaks one of the shortest words in the english language to you.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink. Does anyone need anything?” you ask. “I’ll go get your drink. It’s a madhouse in here, what do ya want?” Eddie offers and you lay your hand on his shoulder, making Steve subtly roll his eyes so no one notices. “That’s sweet, Eds, thank you. I’ll have a vodka cran please”
“He’s, like, so in love with you” Robin says and you laugh. Steve laughs too, but not out of being humored like you are. “He’s not in love with me. He’s just nice, unlike most of the guys in here” you say the last part a bit louder and look at Steve when you say it. His eyes roll again and you think that must be the only thing he’s good at because he does it all the time.
“Your beverage, madam” Eddie says as he hands you your drink and sets down a tray of tequila shots for the table. “Do we really need more shots, Eddie?” Steve groans. “Tapping out already, Harrington? I guess we shouldn’t be surprised” you tease and he scoffs. “Oh, that’s just rich coming from you”
“heyheyhey, can you two have your lovers quarrel another time? We’re all here to have a good time, okay?” Robin reminds you and you give her a sorry smile. “You’re right, I’m sorry. Let’s not waste this tequila!” you exclaim
You all cheers your shot glasses and when you lick the salt of your hand, Steve’s eyes can’t leave you. He’s still staring when you put the lime in your mouth afterwards, you close your eyes in satisfaction and suck out all the juices. He hopes he never has to watch you take another shot again.
When your eyes open, you see Steve staring at you and he immediately looks away and pretends to be occupied by whatever the bachelor party to his left is doing. His mind drifts to the wedding he has to go to next weekend. One of his cousins on his fathers side of the family is getting married and he’s dreading it. Being surrounded by his snooty, rich family members who are all CEO’s of some business and they’re all married to or engaged to the ‘perfect woman’ that they undoubtedly cheat on while away on ‘business’ trips.
Speaking of business, they can’t keep their noses out of Steve’s life. When are you going to get a ‘real’ job?, when are you gonna settle down and have kids?, are you still living in that tiny apartment?. So no, he isn’t exactly looking forward to telling his family he’s a single loser who practically lives in a shoebox.
“Steve? Are you okay?” your voice brings him back from his thoughts. “Yep. perfectly fine”
“Ya sure? You seem distracted” he hates that you care. Eighty percent of the time, you’re still so nice to him, apart from a few jabs every now and then, despite his coldness towards you. “Just thinking, so you don’t have to pretend that you care.”
“Okay…I’m gonna go to the bathroom” you say before leaving the table.
“Why are you such a dick to her? She’s the nicest one out of all of us.” Eddie’s tone is sharp as he defends you. “I’m just stressed about this wedding I have to go to and my entire family is going to be there and I’m the only one without a date so that’s just another thing they’re going to criticize me for” Steve sighs and looks down at his drink.
“How about that girl you went out with last month? Trisha?” Nancy suggests and Steve scrunches his nose. “No can do. I realized I slept with her roommate after the first date” he cringes at the memory of walking into her apartment and seeing a familiar face sitting on the couch.
“You could borrow nance? She’d just have to take off the engagement ring” Jonathan jokes and the table laughs. Steve considers it for a half of a second, but realizes his parents already know about her engagement to jonathan. “Nice job, Steve. You let the only decent girl who liked you get away and now she’s with that byers boy” he recalls his dad saying in a snarky tone.
“I have the perfect idea!” Robin exclaims and everyone waits for her to continue “you should ask y/n to be your date!”
“That’s a terrible idea, Robin. Why would I do that?” It isn’t a terrible idea. His family would be over the mood to see him with a girl like you. You’re kind, funny, smart and gorgeous, but he’d never admit those things to anyone, least of all you. But the thought of spending a whole weekend with you seems like torture.
“Actually, that could work. You need to get over this weird hatred you have for her and this could be some good bonding! Maybe you’ll finally realize how great she is” Nancy states. “I know you all worship the ground she works on, but that isn’t good enough reason to ask her to pretend to be my girlfriend”
“Just think about it, okay?” Nancy says, kindly and he half-heartedly nods. The conversation ceases as you arrive back at the table and everyone stares at you. “What? Do I have something on my face?”
“No. Nothing. We just missed you” You know Robin is acting weird about something, but you let it go. “um, okay. I missed you guys too for the whole five minutes I was gone. I'm gonna go get another drink.” you tell them before making your way to the bar.
“Hey, beautiful. Wanna take a shot with us?” One of the men from the bachelor party asks as you walk by their table. “No thanks. Have a good night, guys” you walk away and hope they leave you alone.
One of the guys gets up to follow you. Steve’s keeping an eye on you and moves to get up when he sees the guy following you. “I’ll be right back, guys”
“C’mon, baby, let me buy you a drink” Steve hears him say to you as you’re standing at the bar. You look uncomfortable and with the bar packed, you barely have a way to escape. “I already said no. Just go back to your friends”
When he moves closer, Steve steps in between the two of you. “She said no, man. Just leave her alone, alright?”
“you her boyfriend?” he slurs and Steve can’t believe the words that come out of his mouth “yeah, i am. so, fuck off, okay?” your eyes widen when Steve says he’s your boyfriend.
“Alright, alright.” the guy puts his hand up in defense “she’s all yours, buddy”
“are you okay? you’re not gonna cry or anything are you?” he asks when he turns around to face you. “No, I'm fine. You didn’t have to do that. Thank you” you smile at him sweetly.
“It’s whatever. Don’t let it get to your head” And just like that the Steve you know is back. “Can you tell everyone that I went outside for some air?” you ask and he nods then you go your separate ways. He watches the door to make sure you get outside alright.
“So, hypothetically” Steve starts once he returns to the table “How would I go about asking her to be my fake girlfriend?”
“Just be honest about it. Oh! and offer to pay for everything!” Robin says. Her advice could not be more vague. “I still think this is a terrible idea, but I literally have no other options, so when this goes to shit just remember it was all of your fault” he tells them before turning around and bearing the crowd to get outside.
When he walks out the door and into the fresh air, he sees you standing up against the brick exterior of the building. “Don’t tell me you came out here to check on me. Thought you said I shouldn’t let anything go to my head?” you raise your eyebrows at him.
“You are not making this any easier” He puts his hands on his hips and throws his head back, letting out a sigh. “Making what any easier?”
“I have a proposition for you”
“I don’t do prostitution, Steve”
“It’s not- would you just let me talk?” he groans and you make a zipping motion over your lips and throw away the invisible key. “Okay, you owe me a favor after what I did for you, right?- don’t make that face you totally do- anyways, I have a wedding to go next weekend and my family is always harping on me about having a girlfriend and I was thinking-”
“you want me to be your girlfriend?” you ask in a skeptical tone.
“What did I say about letting me talk? and no not girlfriend, fake girlfriend. Just for three days”
“You can barely stand to be around me and you want me to be your pretend girlfriend?”
“Look, I know it’s weird, but we don't have to worry about feelings or some shit like that being a problem because there’s no way that would happen” he explains. “What do I get out of it?”
“A super fancy hotel and all expenses paid. You’ll even get to pretend that you’re dating someone as hot as I am” he smirks and you huff out a humorless laugh. “You’ll pay for everything?” he nods “you’ll drive, too? I hate driving” he nods again “and you’ll be nice to me?”
“Ugh, fine, okay. I will be so nice to you that you’ll puke. Is that a yes?”
“Sure, why not. Can I talk in a British accent and pretend to be part of the royal family? ya know, to fit in with the rich people?”
“Absolutely not”
“Why are you no fun, Stevie?” you whine. “Stevie?” his brows furrow. “yeah, i’m thinking that as your new girlfriend, my nickname for you is Stevie”
“Fake girlfriend” he reminds you “Stevie, you’re so uptight.” you pout at him and he hates himself for his eyes lingering on your lips.
“So, what time should I come over tomorrow?” you ask like you’ve already been invited to his apartment. “What?”
“We need to hang out so you can get used to not acting like I don’t have the plague. Plus, we need to get to know each other” you state. “Fine. Come over tomorrow night and we’ll go over everything”
“Looking forward to it, Stevie”
You knock on Steve’s door at 8 p.m. sharp with a bottle of wine in hand because let’s face it, you’re both going to need it. “Hi, Steviekins” you greet as he opens the door. “That’s worse than Stevie”
“You love Stevie and you know it”
“Just come inside” he grumbles. “I ordered a pizza if you want a slice. It’s in the kitchen”
Once the wine is poured and you sit on the couch to eat, you pull out your notebook and two pens from your bag. “Are we writing each other love notes or something?”
“No, doofus. We’re taking notes on each other. Our likes, dislikes, details about our relationship” you tear out a piece of paper and give him a pen. Even your pens and notebook were nauseatingly adorable. “If I knew this was going to be like school I would’ve asked Robin”
“ha!” you laugh loudly “she would punch you if you tried to hold her hand or do anything that was even remotely romantic” you point out “and you’re not going to punch me?”
“I’d like to say no, but I’d hate to be a liar”
You and Steve practically chug your wine and pour a second glass before playing your own version of twenty questions.
“What’s your favorite color?” you ask to start. “My favorite color? you really think my family is going to question you on shit like that?” he responds and you glare at him. “Okay, fine. um, blue, I guess”
“That’s so basic”
“Then what’s yours?”
“all of them” you reply. “all of them? really?” he snidely remarks. “yes, moving on”
You learn an abundant amount of things about each other, much against Steve’s will. You know each other's favorite candies, movies, songs, all the way to childhood memories and discussing scars you have and how you got them.
Then you moved on to the details of your relationship. Friends first, fell in love, you know the deal. You’ve “been together” for five months. Long enough that it’s somewhat serious, short enough for it to make sense that you haven’t met his parents yet.
The bottle of wine is almost gone and Steve’s cheeks are flushed and his eyes are a bit glossy. If he wasn’t the bane of your existence, you might even think he looks pretty.
“Can I ask you a question? and not one about your favorite food or anything like that” you ask in a soft voice and you seem a little nervous. “Sure, go ahead.”
“Why did you ask me to do this? i’m like the last person you should’ve asked”
“That’s actually why I asked. If I asked a girl that has any romantic interest in me at all, then it might get confusing, ya know? With you, once these three days are over we can go back to normal. There’s no risk of us falling for each other”
“Oh, I guess that makes sense. I have an observation, by the way. You always speak of love like it’s a terrible thing. Why is that”
“Holy shit that’s a loaded question. Um, well the first time I was in love was in high school and we all know how that turned out. Haven’t been in a serious relationship since so I guess it’s hard for me to believe that it’s as great as everyone says it is” he sighs. He’s never drinking wine again. If it makes him this vulnerable with you he can’t imagine what it would be like if someone else was sitting here.
“Do you still love her? Nancy?” you wonder. “No, I don’t. I have love for her, but just as a friend. What about you?”
“No, I’m not in love with Nancy. She’s pretty and all, but can’t say i’m in love with her”
“Shut up, you know what I mean. You’re always raving about some dumb romance novel, yet I’ve never seen you with a boyfriend.” he says and you sigh “There’s not much to tell. Hopeless romantic with standards that are too high”
There’s a hint of sadness in your voice and you clear your throat before speaking up again. “So, I think that’s enough for tonight. I know way more about you than I ever wanted to”
“Right back at ya. I’ll walk you to the door”
“It’s a short distance, I’ll manage”
“Hey, I gotta start working on being chivalrous as your fake boyfriend. Can you stop being stubborn for one second?”
He walks you ten steps to the door and even opens it for you. “Same time tomorrow night? unless you're busy” you say, halfway out the door. “What could we possibly have left to learn about each other?”
“We still have to work on acting like we’re in love. You might have to put your arm around me this weekend. Oh, the horrors!” you gasp dramatically and he suppresses a laugh because he refuses to let you think you have the ability to make him laugh.
“Tomorrow's fine. But if something comes up and you have to skip that would totally be okay”
“You’re such an ass” you whine. “Not as much as you are” he retorts.
You flip him off as you walk away and he does the same.
He can’t wait for next weekend to be over so he can go back to pretending like you barely even exist.
part two coming soon to a screen near you ;)
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
Well, dear mutual, I'm curious to what you think Ink's and Killer's dynamic would be? I always like hearing other peoples opinions on these things since there's things I may miss (even if they differ from my own)! Especially considering they fought once, I wonder how that would influence things...
Here's a kitty for your time! ❤️💕
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Ooohh cute kitty!! (The petting motions r doing something nice for my brain.)
Also I mentioned briefly in asks about Error & Killer where I figured that Ink would find Killer hilarious and cool & thats the exact reason why he’s tryna convince error not to kill Killer.
So yeah I basically envision this thing where Error & Ink are basically lonely asf and also Error wants to piss off Nightmare so he snatches up Killer whenever the fuck he wants to.
And Killer’s like, “this is a fever dream. Might as well happen,” whenever Ink questions him about why he seems so okay with it. (And also Killer wants to spite NM too lmao.)
So like, I imagine that Error, Ink, and Killer just chill in the Anti-Void and this is basically what Killer’s enforced breaks look like. Error’s ranting and raving, either about his tv show or ink or nightmare or what have you. Ink’s sitting on the floor and drawing to his non existence heart’s content.
And Killer’s just staring off into the distance, dissociated as hell, petting his cats in an effort to stay grounded. Error was surprisingly nice enough to let him have the bean bag.
And I can see like a little moment where ink gets too excited, throws up in killer’s lap, and also makes a wide gesture too close to killer that has him instinctively lashing out and stabbing ink.
And killer freezes for a moment, wondering what’s about to happen—almost excited even—only for error to start bitching at ink for throwing up on his beanbag chair & ink’s is laughing it off while removing the knife from their arm.
Says something like he’s gonna keep it, only killer immediately reaches out and snatches his knife back, snapping that it’s his, not Ink’s. Keep your hands off his shit unless you wanna lose them.
And Ink just laughs, not bothered by it, comments that this is the most reaction they’ve gotten out of him in weeks. From what Ink knows of Killer, he was expecting him to be more talkative. To which Killer probably says something like, “find me on a work day then.”
And then what Ink said catches up to him, and suddenly Killer asks, “what do you know about me.”
And maybe that prompts a discussion about Players and Creators and AUs and the like. And Killer realizes that Ink knows more about him than he knows about himself. Such as what is and isn’t real.
Maybe Ink can offer him some clarity, somehow. Maybe through their drawings and art and the like.
As for the fact that they have fought before. Id imagine that killer would be more on edge at first, even if it may not seem that way. Watching Ink, observing him—trying to see if they have any hang ups about it. If Ink is going to be a problem for him. He’d love to hash it out. (Violently. With knives.)
But Killer doesn’t really wanna go back to Nightmare and he doubts Error is gonna take him back until he wants to, so instead Killer just doesn’t react in one way or another. Not wanting to express anything about himself until he knows what he’s dealing with.
And I’m sure ink knows something is up, but I doubt they’d place that much care into the fighting—especially if he already has forgotten them by this point. I mean, he’s chilling with Error. I doubt hed have a problem with any squabbles between themself and Killer.
I think they’d develop this chaotic friendship where they just kinda get eachother, you know. Ink understands Killer’s emotionlessness, Killer understands Ink’s memory issues. I’d highly doubt they’d have any issues with eachother that most tend to have with them—such as the typical interpretation of Ink being “too much” or “too hyper,” and I feel like Killer would just play into ink’s energy.
And I feel like Killer wouldn’t really feel any need to mask his apathy or sense of emotionlessness around ink, mostly because ink doesn’t really seem to mind when killer is quiet or unresponsive and not actively pretending to be someone he’s not—ink is willing to do whatever talking needed. And even if killer has a hard time paying attention or remembering what ink is talking about, he never tells ink to shut up either.
The two of them having meta awareness may also affect things.
Also, I’m pretty sure the both of them struggle with empathy—and killer at least is known for pushing boundaries, wanting to test and poke and prod to understand things—and yet very protective of his own “red lines”. So I’m sure this may show up as a rocky point in their relationship at some point, just like with error and killer, but I’m not quite sure how.
Ink may find themself often being stabbed, simply because Killer’s body often tends to react on instinct. So I’m sure they’ll eventually learn to keep some distance between themselves.
Ink may consider Killer a friend, Killer at most would probably say he finds Ink interesting. (They’re besties I swear. Killer just doesn’t understand friendship 😔 )
Anyway. More knowledgeable Ink fans are always free to comment on or expand/change wherever you think is needed.
( @toffeebrew ).
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sugarywishes · 1 month
What is the exact relationship between the spirits of the children in your interpretation? As well as between them and the Afton Kids spirits in turn? Would be nice to learn a bit more about their interactions.
Sorry for the long-ish response, but this is a very lore filled answer, so if you wanna find out about my FNAF remaining lore, just click to see more!
To answer your question, none of the kids actually knew each other (with the exception of the Afton Kids and Charlie, and the Bennet Twins with Jonathan) during their lifetime. So when they all started popping up as ghosts in the pizzeria, it was pretty awkward to have your first meeting with someone be when you're both dead.
Regardless, though, they all eventually warmed up to each other! Being trapped as a ghost for an indefinite amount of time can be made a little less worse when you aren't alone in this. (It's especially kinda sad when some of the kids experience friendship for the first time as ghosts 😭😭)
The kids all have their own 'best friend(s)' and least favorite people or whatever, eventually I'll make a little relationship chart to further explain things!
Some do have their little squabbles with each other from time to time, considering they are still children, but they don't actively hate each other, they sure do hate the Afton kids however!
They especially hate Evan and Mike. They don't really know Elizabeth since she's in Circus Baby's. So they're just hating her cause of association (these are some hating ass kids 💀)
For a while, they didn't really mind Evan since they didn't know who his dad was or who he even was (and it finally seemed like he was making friends that *weren't* toys!)
That changed once they did find out, cause yk they're full of vengeance and angry and stuff. So he was casted out AGAIN and was put in a 'dormant' state by Cassidy so that she could fully control Golden Freddy. They fully blame him and Mike for making William kill them. As I said before, Charlie does NOT blame the Afton kids at all (because at the end of the day William might've killed her by accident, but he decided to kill other children of his own free will)
So, TLDR, the MCI and KCI/DCI kids get along as much as they can, and they hate the Aftons with a burning passion cause 'Sins of The Father' type shit
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alitgblog · 1 month
okok finally caught up on litg s9
gonna try to summarize this neatly bc my game didn't save properly and I played volume 10 twice and sped through volume 11
Zeph is hot and thats a problem for me bc I'm so annoyed at the lack of branching and consequences in this game it has manifested into me making up story for fusebox about MC being upset that Stefan keeps acting like nothing is wrong when I personally am still upset casa amor got Chen dumped (ok that was my fault technically but only bc I wanted him to come back to drama). So now I'm like MC should have a summer fling with Zeph, why not
they're so wishy washy about how Kelly and Finn broke up and it just all feels like hearsay all the time. at the end of volume 11 they seem to decide Kelly thought it was all done pretty respectfully but her comments in volume 10 about movie night seem to disagree??? just asking for a little bit of consistency since I gotta track other people's drama other than my own
also so sorry to kelly who is actually interested in zeph and I am less so interested in him and more just annoyed at the bad writing for stefan
the writing has always been stilted and/or cringe but for some reason I notice it especially with Zeph, like it does feel like his dialogue was written by AI unfortunately. And it puts me off his character a lot, except, again, he's hot and so maybe I'm just like hey don't hurt your pretty head trying to think up romantic scenarios, Zeph. Something odd about him too is he doesn't mention any previous connection to Love Island, and I know he's a new character, but at least Henri and Chen talked about their last times on the show.
I'd like to apologize
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I don't know what surprise we're getting next volume but for my own storyline I kinda want the guy dumped post casa to come back. like I'd go back to Chen easy. but this is my delusional ass still just hoping we get drama from casa bc they dropped the ball on it again this season. Curious about talent show but considering how they fucked up Mr Love Island I have little hope.
I forgot this meant we'd have to deal with eddie. hes there like Johnny/Nicolas to the point where I almost prefer if it was one of them around but at least his chaos run makes more sense than johnny/Nicolas just randomly deciding to stir shit out of nowhere after leading MC on and the game forcing us to couple with them.
Eddie pls stfu poor Kelly
said this before but if eddie was gonna show up for heart rate challenge why didn't he do a little dance? is it because he sucks as a bombshell??? YEAH. It makes so much more sense to switch him and Zeph, like yeah that would mean we have less time with zeph and more with Eddie, but Zeph could put on a good heart rate challenge performance and Eddie could be way more catty and start shit during movie night than Zeph who wanted to play nice.
I'm so sad to say goodbye to Finn because it felt like he didn't get a good chance (unless MC is pursuing him I guess). but compared to Hamish, who, even if he got dumped here, would've had a lifelong friendship with MC and Natasha and had multiple chances to couple with people, it feels sad to see him go without a good ending. I mean I guess he's got closure with Kat and Kelly, but he felt always stuck in those couples whereas Hamish tried to explore connections with Natasha, Uma, and Melissa. I just think we should've let him punch Eddie in the face after eddie was so mean to Kat and MC.
I've decided to watch the hamish route vicariously through yall and I'll go for wither zeph or Stefan unless something else wild happens until the finale. so yall better tell me what happens it was such a hard decision when the game narrowed it down 🥺
I also think it would be great if we had chats with characters to decide who we're sticking with. like this season aside from maybe the beginning henri/chen/MC/Melissa thing, it feels like one of the other girls always asks you "who do you want to be chosen by" and then you tell her and that person picks you, but then you never address it or outright reject the other person face to face. it's always just like two sentences or just "a sad look" or a gem scene I'm not paying for.
one positive thing I've seen this last volume though is the mini date with your LI before Zeph's date. like its one of the better scenes they've written that isn't just someone outright saying I like you or just chatting. like its fun, and the only other moment I can think of that's similar that doesn't cost gems is the Hamish eavsdropping scene. now if only this was also tailored to your LI because as someone coupled with Stefan, low key unexpected, but imagine if I had picked Henri??
also a lot more choices this volume were worth 10 gems I think
that being said the amount they're asking for in the heart rate challenge is crazy for literally one scene because MC's outfit is like 14+ gems, then you van go for am extra 10 to see your male LI's outfit, and then another extra 10 for the female LI outfit. and this hardly changes the gameplay or gives you more info 🙃
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
The Confession Headcanons were so adorable! Thank you for making the Headcanons. My heart absolutely warmed. I have something lingering in my mind lately, how would you picture Mayor, Syntax and Red Son having a enemies to lovers trope with you? -🎲 Anon
Enemies to lovers my beloved 💞
Mayor, Syntax, and Redson x GN!Reader, Enemies to Lovers Headcanons!
You two probably met via Bone Demon BS. 
You may have a neat little artifact that he’s after for his lady, so naturally he goes after you. Unlike many of his other victims, however…you are scarily good at getting away from him.
He’s a ruthless hunter, you have to admit. You learn bits and pieces about him while you play cat and mouse, and it leads to an interesting type of friendship.
He shows up, you two have a pleasant conversation, he tries to steal from you, and you grab a spray bottle full of holy water and kick him out. 
Honestly, the routine is refreshing for him! It’s hard being a zombie, running a city, AND serving a demon mistress!
After he gets his butt handed to him by Wukong, interrogated by the gang, and then promptly gets left behind by his lady, he shows up after everything is over to talk to you. 
He’s in a sorry state…you almost feel bad for him. But he swears that he’s not trying to get anything from you. He just wants to spend time with a comforting familiar face.
It takes a while, but you both really connect with each other and eventually you end up dating :)
When his queen sent him to find more potential spider subjects, he thought he’d have a harder time.
You have a lot of potential. You’re dedicated, hardworking…you really do meet the criteria!
Unfortunately for him, you were there during the first spider attack, so you’ve got a darn good idea about how to fend off any potential arachnid attackers. 
He keeps on trying with you, and one day you catch him face to face. You actually manage to beat him up pretty bad—Huntsman laughed at him for hours after he got back to the base
But he knew that this wasn’t about a subject anymore…no, he was delighted in being YOUR enemy. 
He targets you in his schemes a lot, and you can really tell how much of a tsundere he actually is once you’ve been kicking him off of the fire escape for long enough.
Eventually you start leaving peace offerings. Like c’mon, this man is built like a twig, give him some snacks
He finds it odd but he welcomes the meals. Things slow down and even though he still gets on your nerves…you consider him to be your friend.
Once all the Bone Demon BS is over, it takes a hot second but he starts showing up again, and as you both recover from the near end of the world, you click really nicely and you’ll actually probably be the first to make any moves!
You’re the child of a different demon family, but one that has been allied with the Demon Bull Family for ages. So naturally you two were SUPPOSED to be friends.
Buuuut it’s kinda hard trying to be friends with a kid who not only has mad daddy issues but also mad anger issues. 
Your families still get along but by the gods they don’t leave you two unsupervised because something will be set on fire or destroyed.
You two constantly push each other’s buttons, ESPECIALLY as adults, and sometimes you thwart Redson’s schemes on purpose just to mess with them. 
…and directly after you go over to their place to have dinner and gossip with his mom.
Some special event happens, perhaps a celebration of the fact that the world didn’t end
Hear me out. It’s a gala. Everyone’s dressed up. Including you and Red.
you gotta admit to each other that man, you both look fineeee. 
They tell you that they’ve done some reflecting since the apocalypse began and ended, and they know that most of the time they seem upset(because mostly they are) 
but they do feel some sense of contentment when they’re with you. And do you feel the same? And why do you have that weird smile? No no no do NOT DIP ME—
“I like you too, Red Boy.” >:3
/////// “IT’S REDSON” >:V
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becker-call · 8 months
We know your thoughts on Blue and King Orange, how about the other stick figures? (Just the Color Gang if you're not bothered)
thoughts on the color gang? oh do i HAVE SOME
i'll just be talking about red, green, and yellow here, though. not that i don't have thoughts on orange/second (i very much do), it just ties in a lot with my chosen/dark thoughts and that's something i'll discuss in another post probably lol
so first, red. i like him a lot!! i think he or yellow would be my favorite if it wasn't for blue. i've mentioned this before, but back when i was first watching avm/ava i thought red was going to be an aggressive, cynical, kinda toxic masculine sort of character since a lot of the stuff i'd seen with red before the series was mainly him fighting. but nope! he's pretty much just a more assertive fluttershy that can also kick my ass and i love it. i think it's nice to see a character that's pretty strong and canonically works out having "non-masculine" interests (aka caring for animals). it's something i don't see too often in media, and i like seeing it.
green. green's chill. he's not a character that i'd consider my favorite, but i think he's cool! he's good at a lot of things, kind of a jack-of-all-trades sorta deal. i don't know if we'll get to see purple again in the main AvM series now that s3 is over, but if we do i think they should have some sort of buddy-movie-esque episode with green! i think their friendship should be expanded on a little more.
finally, yellow. yellow, m'darling. i love her a lot. i like how she's super intelligent and the smartest of the cg, but she has her moments where she doesn't really think things through, like in the roller coaster and command block episodes (though in yellow's defense in the former, i don't think that the sticks knew how minecraft physics worked at the time). and their intelligence doesn't mean their entire personality is them being smart, either- they're shown to care deeply for their friends (especially their "best friend" blue(i know what you are /silly)), and they still like getting into shenanigans, like in the wallpaper actual short. like i said with red, she'd probably be my favorite if it weren't for blue, lmao.
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kaoarika · 2 years
Been thinking and playing around with some headcanons about the dwd boys physical body builts and I’m not sure if I can further elaborate on the reasons on why I am headcanoning them as such.
Maybe I can, but it’s because I kinda want to draw these interpretations sometime in the future?
Basically: I’m back with my “I get it, they are supposed to be tall, slender and bishonen marketable like-idols, but, also...” bs.
And, of course I start with my favorite blond demon, since this whole headcanon space thing wouldn’t have been possible... if it wasn’t for HIM ->
Mage - Actually a little more in the beefy side. Tall, but beefy, you know? I cannot really explain in words, but the guy is more or less a tank, physical force and all. And it would make sense considering what he normally wears (sleveless shirts, tank tops), and why his uniform jacket just doesn’t fit him.
We are also told that, while human food isn’t particularly “tastefully edible” for demons, we see he does enjoy (?) eating a whole roasted chicken, so, I MEAN, nutrients and calories for muscle building and energy, might be correct, right?
I have been struggling with what I think about the few official art in the past few years where sometimes anyone draws him more slenderish than he was supposed to be and I’m,,, confused, lol (weird built angles, I guess). I do know a particular (one of my faves, actually) fanartist DOES draw him with abs and with muscles (and I WOO those pics a LOT)... but I would personally like him more beefy... do you get my drift? (blame a certain werewolf that I cannot stop picturing Mage being a little beefy)
Rem - Slightly chubby, but average at best?. Not exactly slender, but also not certainly too chubby. I dunno how to explain it at full, like...  for one, I feel like it would fit him? It would show some air of wealthness and the negative connotations about pleasing his father in regards to his duties as the Arlond/Kaginuki’s “heir”.
He has a nice face, and he dresses nicely (the lesser about the shoulderpads, the better), so I don’t think anyone would notice much he isn’t 100% slender or fit-fit. But, I think this might be product of stress and anxiety (plus loneliness) after oh-so-many years of abuse and negligence where he doesn’t seem to think much about himself, but the ones around him. And I think, his older/present appearance might serve as a mirror to his and Urie’s complex friendship relationship, especially in regards to Urie... which, by the way...
Urie - Fit, “hot” and attractive to the average normal human masses. Certainly the same as per usual in official appearance. He likes to show off because he is an incubus, a seductive demon, after all (that bathsuit sprite still makes me laugh to this day, lmao). He is supposed to look what the average human might go for “attractive” and “hot”. 
In some way or form, I imagine this is also a very superficial way to outdo Rem in their “complex friendship” through an inferior complex of sorts (or whatever the hell they tried to explain his jealousy towards Rem, especially his home abuse situation which Urie was or may have been aware all the time, according to the game canon, iirc?), because, sometimes... jealousy is a b*tch and if there is ONE way to outdo your best friend, it might be this? It’s QUITE stupid, I know... but... I MEAN...
Shiki - Slender, petit. Much close to his actual official body built appearance, he is another one I don’t have much issues with, tbh. I dunno why, it just simply fits with his aesthetic as a whole. As a fallen angel and all that, he is certainly considered “beautiful” by his peers and the academy given his previous holy status. He has this “angelical beauty” aura, that no one else know how to explain it, that is certainly tricky once you get to know him.
Roen - Might be inclining into average at best (not slender, but also not chubby), but chubby is not that bad, either? Okay, here is the thing... I think it’s a little funny to think (for me) that he might get well-fed in his pomeranian form (and living within the Arlond/Kaginuki’s household might be a plus), and this might get reflected on his human appearance. I think it would fit him with a certain “cuteness” factor? (although he is also a little mischievous in his human form, and I think he might be embarrassed at times to be on his human form, because being a dog might have its advantages?)  If there’s a guy from these demons that should be chubby at best, just for that, it should be Roen, lol.
Lindo - Fit, athletic (again, not soooo different from his official appearance). HOWEVER, he might get a little beefy (not as much as Mage) if his vampire side gets switched on. Lindo gets trained by the exorcists, and he is pursued to achieve what the priests and other exorcists of that organization tell him to so he can “suppress” his vampiric side, in some kind of balanced diet and exercise way. However, I think this may be a little consequential if his vampiric powers are activated, one way or another.
I’m not going to lie, when I first watched the anime, I was a tiny disappointed that the only change we see of his vampire side is... purely aesthetical: red eyes, a longer hair strand and longer nails (and fangs), lol. I mean, go off, I guess. I wanted it to be more... physical, lol.
I incline to believe that, maybe this is the best it could be given his constant training...? but I also believe the training might put his human body in a more stressful state when his vampire side wakes up. So, maybe he gets a little more “muscley” in a transformation kind-of way? Instead of simply the purely visual changes? (Who knows, maybe just as the demons supposedly have their alternate forms, the vampires also have a more “beast” like form? food for thought 👀...).
To be fair, these are just fun ideas I have on my head, and I kinda want to explore them while drawing. That doesn’t mean I would simply stop drawing them in their official/vanilla appearances, since I cannot easily divorce from their official designs that MUCH... especially after all these years... but I guess I want more male body diversity in them? lol.
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
🔫🔧❄️ for kerra
Kerra answers for your Kerra asks! :D
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Ooh, lots of questions in this one! All righty, let's see here:
Does Kerra trust people easily? The short answer is "probably more easily than she should, even if she's usually right". The slightly longer answer is that she's good at reading people (even without the advantage of her empathy power) and she knows it. She doesn't quite judge a book by its cover, but at the same time...kinda? It's maybe like if you judged a book by its cover and a decent idea of the themes covered in it, I guess, if that makes sense. She's never (nowadays) all in on trusting someone right after she meets them, but she will kinda be like "okay, this is someone I think I can trust" or "this is someone I might not be able to" and then proceed from there.
How easily will she turn her back to someone--not easily! Kerra cares very deeply about her friends/family, and even if they deeply hurt her, she'd have a hard time letting go. For people she's more like...friendly acquaintances with at best, she'd turn her back more easily, as long as it wasn't diplomatically necessary to play nice. (Even so, her whole dynamic with Smodur during Icebrood was...Not Pleasant after he tried to do the whole war crimes thing.)
Has Kerra been backstabbed before--yes, kinda? Not exactly in the traditional sense of "this was an intentional backstabbing", though. To give a couple instances, Marjory and Rytlock's distrust of sylvari during HoT (mainly Rytlock, since Jory made maybe one or two comments in Verdant Brink and that was it) hurt a lot and might as well have been a knife in Kerra's back, even though (and honestly? especially because, in some ways) they saw her as an exception. Rytlock's refusal to talk about what happened to him in the Mists coming back to bite literally the entire world in the ass via Balthazar is another big one for Kerra. Again, not an intentional betrayal or backstabbing, but ooh boy did she have a hard time talking to/working with Rytlock during the rest of PoF/LWS4. They're on better terms now, at least a little, but...yeah, not great! And last but not least, she and Caithe were on rocky ground for a while thanks to Caithe taking the egg in LWS2 and not explaining why (at the time, at least). The not explaining was the thing that hit harder for Kerra once everything calmed down slightly after HoT (considering it came on top of her Mother not explaining the origin of sylvari--except by proxy through the memory seeds--and the assorted feelings that came with that), but she and her sister are on good terms again now.
Would she betray someone if given an ultimatum...assuming it's someone she cares about, you'd have to be real damn creative with that ultimatum to even have a shot at that, my friend. So, broadly speaking? No. If you managed to fully back her into a corner, she'd hurt herself first before anyone else. You'd have to literally take away any other possible option somehow.
🔧 WRENCH - are they good at fixing relationships? or do they tend to avoid doing so?
As you might have guessed from the mentioned bit in the last question that she's on decent terms with Rytlock and good terms with Caithe despite past events, yes, Kerra's track record on fixing relationships is good! She and Caithe are closer than ever, now that they don't have to deal with huge secrets pulling them apart. She and Rytlock are on significantly better terms post-Icebrood, though still not necessarily great terms.
Other notable relationships that Kerra's worked to fix include: a) her friendship with Braham, who she tried to reach out to even when he was out on his own and who she sees as something close to a little brother; b) her friendship (sibling-ship?) with Trahearne, which was a bit of a mess after he tried to sacrifice himself to save the world and she very nearly sacrificed herself in his place, but they talked it through; c) her and Canach, who were barely friendly acquaintances before the whole fight with bombs and things--she ended up visiting him in his cell in Lion's Arch to check in, and formed a real friendship (and a couple years later, relationship) that way; and, d) her and Mai Trin during EoD, which honestly was less of Kerra working to repair/fix something that had only ever been hostile and more of Kerra seeing who Mai was now and leaving the door for a friendship open a crack if Mai wanted to walk through it, which she did.
(It is worth saying, though, that Kerra didn't jump to instantly fix her relationships with either Caithe or Rytlock. It took a second--for Caithe a few months, for Rytlock the better part of two years--for her to both want to and be stable enough emotionally in that area to try.)
❄️ SNOWFLAKE - do people consider them cold? if so, what made them this way?
No, definitely not; if there's one thing Kerra's rarely referred to as, it's cold. The closest thing she'd get would be the kind of thing that Kalidris says during Icebrood--that it's a little concerning how used to world-ending violence she is. Which...fair! But it's been literally her entire life (Kerra awoke at the very beginning of 1325), so getting as used to it as you can be kinda tracks.
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thelazyhermits · 1 month
Idk if this been ask or not but...
Im really curious on hcs of fortune and rody? 👀
You know, I don't think I've gotten an ask about those two before, or at least, I definitely don't remember ever getting one lol
Honestly, I never completely decided on the details of that dynamic since I had wanted to wait to see how things would unfold once I started writing the fic for WHM, which unfortunately got put on the backburner due to my intense TWST brainrot lol
And since it's been a while since I last thought about this topic, I can't completely remember everything I came up with that I never actually wrote down, but let's see what I can scrounge up after getting rid of all the cobwebs in my brain 😂
Hmmm let's see, for starters, Rody first finds out abut Fortune from Midoriya during the time the boys are on the run. He can tell Midoriya trusts/cares about her a lot, so it makes him a little curious about her.
Rody is completely caught off guard when he first meets Fortune cause he wasn't expecting her to be so young since Midoriya never mentioned that important tidbit of information, so he gets a little flustered around her at first, especially since she's so nice to him.
Originally, Rody had intended to be on his guard around her cause he doesn't really trust adults, but upon seeing that Fortune isn't that much older than him, he finds it easier to let his walls down, especially since Fortune treats him similar to how she does her students, aka she looks out for him/worries about him, etc.
I had even contemplated Rody ending up with a cute little crush on her by the end of the movie, but that idea wasn't set in stone. It was just something I considered cause I thought it'd be fun to write haha
By the end of the movie, Rody has a lot of respect for Fortune cause she works so hard for the sake of everyone she believes is under her protection, including himself, and he admires how strong she is and the fact that, despite not being a pro hero, she can fight as well as her students and is willing to protect others at the risk of putting herself in harm's way.
Regarding Fortune's thoughts on Rody, she first finds out about him via her visions of his and Midoriya's road trip. It doesn't take her long to take a liking to Rody cause she can tell he's a good kid and is just doing his best to survive and look after his family.
She really admires Rody for being such a great big brother and for all the amazing skills he's picked up in order to survive. She's glad someone like him ended up befriending Midoriya since those two make a good team in her eyes.
As far as how I would describe this relationship as a whole, it's kinda hard to say. It's definitely different from her relationship with her students since Rody doesn't have to be polite toward her, nor does she have to worry about being a good example toward him/teaching him, etc.
I guess "friends" would work since they are essentially friends by the end of the movie's events lol
Rody gives me a lot of Hawks vibes, so I like the idea of Fortune's friendship with Rody eventually becoming like her friendship with Hawks since I think that'd be fun haha
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taz-skylar · 2 years
hi roh!
hope this week has been kind to you 😌 (despite all your finals) as a working adult (?) fumbling through the world, sometimes (most times) I really miss my school days hah
asdfghj I confess to not watching op *sweats* I briefly considered bingeing it to make your gift but when I googled the episode count, this was me: *insert homer simpson backing into bush meme*
I'm enjoying both of them! sxf was kinda slow the first few episodes, but I really enjoyed the tennis tournament ones. blue lock is absolutely amazing so far! I went into it knowing only that it was about football/ soccer so the first episode had me going ?????? omg is it that dramatic? 🤣 the additional time really had me laughing though, especially the recent one with kunigami crying 💀 tbh I don't remember much of link click but I remember it keeping me on the edge of my seat, and whenever the first few notes of the ending song started playing I would go "ah yes here comes the cliffhanger ending"
your answers were so fun to read, especially the characters you relate to! if anyone ever asked me that question I would probably struggle to answer, but you have so many and that's so cool! you and moh sound like a chaos duo asdfgh but it's such a nice dynamic! my brother and I aren't that distant but we don't share similar interests and don't spend much time together, so we don't have a lot of things in common to talk about. increasingly the only time we interact is when we go on family trips which are becoming shorter and rare as the years go by 😔 you and moh sound close and I'm really envious about that!
and here's this week's questions: do you have any plans for the end of the year? do you have anything new you're looking forward to or want to try next year? could be an activity, a hobby, a place to go to, ...
- your animanga secret santa 🦖
finally finished all my exams so i’m just exhausted and finally got back home on monday night so i’m just catching up with my family and friends and on tv shows/movies that i missed while school was going on.
flkadfja i’m honoured that you even considered bingeing op for me 🤣 that’s hilarious and amazing !!! yeah, op is definitely the longest animanga series out there but i will say that it’s definitely worth the read/watch! and if you ever do, lmk and we can scream about it together bc i definitely feel like you’d enjoy it :D
yes, sxf was pretty slow in the beginning but i’m glad it’s picking up now ! the tennis tournament was absolutely wild and my sister and i had to keep pausing and rewatching certain scenes bc we couldn’t stop laughing (like when loid started dodging the bullets by swinging all over the place fjaldkfa). my favourite thing about blue lock is that, while all other sports animanga are like ‘there’s no i in team’ and everything, blue lock’s like fuck friendships, i’m winning this shit flkfjad the additional time bits are such a cute little add on, i love them all!! since i got super busy with school, i wasn’t able to get back into link clink but now that i’m home, i’m hoping i finally can (especially since i stopped on a two parter)!
faldfj i wanna know who you find yourself relating to now that you posed that challenge 🧐 that question was super fun, and initially i definitely struggled and had to go through my anime list bc i suddenly forgot every single character that i’ve ever seen fjaldkfja (also why i asked moh what she thinks which was a mistake, clearly)
yeah, moh and i are very chaotic. i think everyone who knows us can attest to that, our parents like to say that when we fight, we’re like cats so that’s fun 🤣 aww i honestly can’t imagine not being close to my twin sister or my brother. is there anything that you and your brother do enjoy doing together?? do you guys live close to one another? maybe starting with something small can bring you closer than you are?
answer for this week’s question: my plans for the end of the year consist of me being home with my family and friends for a bunch of parties since i haven’t seen them all for 4 months and eating all the homemade food my mom and dad can make bc i missed it so much 💙 i really want to explore the city i’m living in next year so hopefully school will calm down a bit and let me do that bc i’m only there for one year and i don’t want to just be sitting doing nothing but studying 😭
thanks for the ask!! love hearing from you, bud! 💙
0 notes
Could you pleaaassee do a Matchup for me for AOT, JJK, and Chainsaw Man? 💖
If you only want to do one, can you do AOT?💗🥰 and if you only want to do two, can you do AOT and JJK ? Thankss so much 💓🥹
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 5’7”
EYE COLOR: Brown (tend to look solid black most of the time though) and are ✨shiny✨
SKIN TONE: warm Olive, Tan
SEX: Assigned female at birth
GENDER- Demi-boy / Non-binary / Boy? (Guess you could just think of me as a “reverse trap” if that helps😓) I’m like cute-boyish-neutral-but still Kinda fem, ya know? I l either refer to myself as a boy, or just don’t refer to myself in gender specific ways, bbut In the end I’m more like baby I guess 🥺 lol. I’ve told little to no one about all this anyways. ❤️
Also, I’m always told that I look younger, like 15 😬😓😞 (if that visually helps at all) I have a smaller, younger-looking face
BODY TYPE: Lithe/slim & fit and proportionate
I have narrower hips, smaller / flatter chest (but still wear a binder tho)
HAIR: Short, boy-ish, choppy, brown-black Color, kinda messy or has a texture to it where the ends are sharp and those pieces kinda stick out and makes it look a bit wild (but In a cute way 😉) I tend to keep my bangs a little a bit longer too
SEXUALITY: quite Demisexual and with a MALE preference
SUN SIGN: Aquarius
I guess internally I would describe myself as moody, self-conflicting and confusing, but when I interact with people, It’s different, showing a lighter more ✨sweet✨ pleasant side of me. My friends would describe me as sweet (not TOO sweet tho) funny and chill I guess. I’m still not outgoing per say, but will at least TRY to be a bit more bubbly or at least try to overcompensate in that way, but I am still chill. It’s quite difficult for me to put on a mask when I am certainly not ok. It tends to be obvious when there is something wrong with me, and I don’t exactly trust anyone to tell them how I’m truly feeling or what I’m thinking, especially with family members. I am generally a little timid in public spaces. I also have good manners too, so that’s nice lol
I guess since I’ve been through a lot and I’m all too familiar with what it's like to be in all sorts of pain, I generally want to be nice/neutral to everyone (who are at least nice to me) because I consider that there may difficult stuff going on in their lives and i have no idea what… but it is just courteous to do so anyways. And even though I thought I was going to be bitter and hateful, I am actually the opposite. This is hard to explain though, because I’m not as moody and reserved with others as when I am on my own. I laugh and smile a lot around people I like. I also never want to be negative around my friends and bring them into my mess, so I will just disappear and try to figure things out on my own, BUT I always come back. And If I do show you myself at my worst, and it turns you away or makes you indifferent towards me, then I- we’re done. My true friendships tend to be a light-hearted, peaceful kind of thing, with humor between us. I Never seem to fight with them or start arguments (vice versa), especially with petty things. I just want us to be real with each other and get along, and do stuff and talk about things !! (o also, we can be lil “mean” to each other, but it’s all in good fun.”) You really don’t have to walk on eggshells around me. I also can be really fun, and down to do so many things!
More important stuff:
Calm and collected demeanor
Fairly soft-spoken
I can also be pretty CHEEKY lol
love people who are able to laugh with me and don’t take me as seriously as I tend to take myself
Never been in a romantic relationship, never ever kissed anyone 😟❗️🥺
Being around people / strangers for too long is so draining
If a friend has too many other friends and spends a lot of time with them, I can get quite jealous
The concept of marriage kinda bothers me or turns me off
Slight abandonment issues
Friendly + easy-going
I find humor in a lot of things
Try my best to persevere when put in difficult situations
Tend to not like school very much
I hate raising my voice to the point of yelling (at someone) It feels wrong and out of character for me to just snap. I also think that arguing back and forth is pointless
Usually let out rage in private which usually involves punching and throwing things but usually end up breaking SOMETHING and regretting it lol or just crying
I never seem to sleep, whether I am depressed or not, I come alive at night
Very compassionate + sympathetic
Not clingy, or super dependant on others
Tend to get obsessed / fixated with things easily
Loyal, confideable and a great listener - like, if you need to rant and get something off of your chest, I’m not irritated, I’m here to listen
I always feel like the saddest person in the room ngl
SO emotional
Love hearing people talk about weird things / expressing themselves. I'm not judgmental like that and usually people feel that from me
Never been interested in drugs / alcohol / vaping / smoking- never have, most likely never will (personal preference) and also can definitely have a good time without all that. I never understood the purpose or appeal
Huge sweet tooth🤤, I actually have periods of consuming unhealthy amounts of sugar, but my body metabolizes it fast so its ok lmao
I LOVE music including METAL + deathcore + pop-punk, some pop (But I only listen to my music alone and don’t share it with anyone because it’s so personal to me)
I find eating in front of strangers / people I don’t know to be a little uncomfortable and awkward
Enjoy going to Cafe’s
Have a hard time knowing whether someone is flirting or not, or am just oblivious to it (but only if it’s towards me)
I love the night especially going outside when it’s dark and warm
I don't have a naive, unrealistic and oversimplified view regarding moral and ethical perspectives (I’m like a CHAOTIC GOOD)
PLayful teasing = BONUS POINTS (I feel like I just need that)
Am literal PUPPY and I feel like if you were to call me that and mess up my hair or something, I’d literally be like- 😯😧❗️❗️—->🥹☺️😚🥹🥹🥹❤️🥰
Being active and responsive towards me= YES
If you know how to use yours wooords= YES🥹😫
Competitive (Athletic and physically coordinated, good at sports / physical activities. (Really good at volleyball & basketball) I also LOVE skateboarding but I don’t do it as much as I would like to
I like being helpful to others
Gr8 sense of humor
Always questioning things + deep thinker
Shy but not a pushover
I have a lot to give 👉👈 🥺🥹 I know all too well what it feels like to not be wanted / not matter
Can be more outgoing when I’m at my best and only if I’m comfortable around you
Even though I am shy / introverted, I naturally gravitate towards and make friends with more outgoing / extroverted people, or at least are more extroverted than I am. They bring me out, and am really grateful for those people (I really like that they’re not too similar to me)
Will either have small group of friends, or that one favorite person
If I spend time with you, then I am choosing to spend time with you, I don’t force myself to hang out with anyone I’m not fond of
If I happen to form a (platonic) bond, which I admit, rarely happens- then you know that I genuinely like and appreciate you. I don’t take solid relationships for granted. Though, I’m also surprised or find it hard to believe that someone would actually want to be my friend.
When depressed, I shut down completely and very much dissociate from everything, it’s likely you won’t see me for a while (I also try to keep that sh*t away from my friends until I can pull myself back together again)
Generally unstable and have hard time regulating my emotions
Am difficult to read, and it takes a little while for me to really open up
Love language = i’m not too sure but I tend to give compliments in the sweetest way possible and give gifts to show my care and adoration, and would love giving AND receiving NiCe, JuIcY, SoLiD hugs (biddies hehe) even though I don’t like to hug anyone In general
Being vulnerable with my feelings makes me feel exposed / uncomfortable
Am the type to be able to comfortably sit in silence with someone
TOTAL BOTTOM / SUB (I think I just exude sub energy as well 😉😏hahaHA) but…
Still a lil virgin lol. That’s not say that I don’t think about being CORRUPTED and DESTROYED a lot 😛 haha
Huge tendency to self-sabotage, underestimate myself and compare myself to others
Insecure about being perceived as dumb, unintelligent or incapable / incompetent
Am good at a lot of things, but not exactly super amazing at a singular thing
Have gender dysphoria that can worsen at times
Need a guy who acknowledges my gender identity the way It is true to me and uses the proper pronouns, but I won’t get upset if he / people mess up on it. But him using they / he or referring to me as his “bOyFrienD”, that is SO hot like thank you agggh, I would melt.
I’m a dog, person and I’m SO good with dogs (I have two of my own)
When people use sweet names on me, i literally die in every way
I wear a sweet, sugary/floral scent, (it’s more subtle where you can only smell it on me if you’re close enough)
Go out and do things with me, or drag me out if u must, geez (Need to sit in my own space, but love to go out with company)
I tend to come off as kinda “emo,” not too much and not too little lmao. Most of the time, the way I dress tends to borderline on emo anyways (but a simple kind of emo). The style/look just gets a lot of slack, and that makes me a little insecure, so I’ll try to mix a little “prep” in my style (which I actually love as well) by adding a bit more of academia vibes and try to wear more color. In the end tho, it always seems to be random and constantly changing, so Idk. It’s kind of whatever 🖤 I’m either really put together about it, or not at all. O!! I also LOVE a good suit on me. I Primarily wear cooler tones like BLACK, BLUES, whites, sometimes neutrals, looser-fitting clothing. Shoes like sneakers, converse, stuff like that. ✨Academia vibe cuteness✨ (is what I ultimately try to go for) but the universe KEEPS PULLING ME ONLY TOWARD MY INHERENT EMO-NESS AGH.
I do not wear dresses / skirts / crop tops / high heels / high-waisted pants or anything like that. (MAYBE, just MAYBE I will consider wearing a nice lil dress that isn’t body-hugging, but that’s all). I don’t show more skin than legs and arms really. Long sleeves under t-shirts, white collared shirt under sweatshirts, stuff like that, but it doesn’t have to be. I don’t ever wear jewelry except for my one necklace that I never take off.
SoMething EXTRA: I went with my friend to get my tongue pierced when I turned 18 and then tried to hide it from my family, but soon my sister noticed first and ratted me out to my mom and I ended up taking it out a month later. I don’t have any body piercings other than that one rebellious time lol.
A/N: hi, buddy! Hope you appreciate this because it was very hard to do because your ask was very long, but I tried my best. 🖤
For Chainsaw Man I match you with... Denji!
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Though he has trust issues, he trusts your loyalty because you didn't try to kill him when you first met.
He supports you and respects your gender identity and pronouns, so of course you are his boyfriend. He doesn't have that much knowlege about gender dysphoria, but he goes to ask for advices.
Whenever you shut up, he worries like a lot and first he teases you with Power, but when he notices you avoid him more, he goes to tease Aki, asking for advices to win back your heart.
For Attack On Titan I match you with... Connie!
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Man was confused when he first saw you walking in class, but he was actually very concerned about you.
I love to think he made the first move: he sat next to you in class like "Hey buddy!" At first he got no reply from you, but after a few times trying, you decided to get out of your shell and get to know him better.
He burns all the hyper feminine clothes he can find in your closet mercilessly as he knows these make you uncomfortable. He's so prepared when it comes to body dysphoria, but he goes a little overboard.
For Jujutsu Kaisen I match you with... Itadori Yuji
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Also this man gets you out of your shell by teasing you. You were in his team with Nobara and Megumi and he teased you about being shy, forcing you to speak with Nobara, but Megumi pointed at the fact that made you upset and he teached them how to approach to you... uselessly.
By the way, you two ended up being roommates and you had to learn to deal with him forever. Luckly he's an open-minded person, so he learned by himself about dysphoria, but mostly asked Nobara for advices.
He compares you to Megumi for your emo personality, I can't tell if that bothers you or not, you decide. 😅
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uuweiiu · 3 years
A plan executed perfectly
An: This is my first fic so please don’t expect much 😭 i’m still trying to get the hang of this.
Cw: master kink, handjob, shibari, reader is kinda mean lol, femdom, female reader, porn with plot i think, sub getou, sub gojo.
You honestly don’t know how it all happened. Well, how you persuaded the two boys to let you do that.
Though, if you were being honest, you did have it planned from the very start.
“You want to do what?” The tall dark haired man questioned. Staring blankly at you.
“I said, I want to fuck both you and him.” You stated bluntly, not a hint of shame lacing your words.
Getou stared at you blankly, expression unfaltering, although in the bank of his mind, the thought did make a certain heat grow within him. But, he pushed it aside for the moment.
You, Suguru and Satoru had been, let’s say well acquainted. You three had had your fair share of fucking sessions, but that’s all it was. A fucking session. You valued your friendship with the boys, and you didn’t plan on ruining it now.
The only issue you had with these fucking sessions was, the two boys (especially Satoru) insisted on having the control. Which, bothered you a little, to say the least.
Sure, having the two men fuck you so hard you didn’t have a thought left in your head was nice and all, but you wanted to do the same to them, sometimes.
When you say sometimes, you really mean most days of the week.
Something about having the two men, one more slender and smoothly toned, and the other bigger, bulkier and muscular, begging for your touch, begging for you to please just touch their aching bodies, had a familiar feeling churn at your lower stomach.
And so, you made it your mission to have these two gorgeous men absolutely wrecked and fucked out of their mind.
Now, how to do it was the only question that resided in your mind.
“Well, I’m not exactly opposed to the idea, but you know I have less objections than our friend. He’s going to be hard to convince.” Suguru told you, the slightest blush dusting his nose and cheeks, so faint, but you noticed. And you had to force down a smile at his slightly flustered state.
“That’s why I need you to convince him for me, Suguru.” You stared at him a slight smile tugging at your mouth.
He sighed, looking at you, trying to figure out exactly what it is you were going to do to them.
If Suguru were to be honest, he would tell you that he wanted this to happen from the very start, he wanted you to wreck him. Make him do anything you wanted, and praise him for being so good. He had thought about it since the day you started fucking. But, he couldn’t tell you that, he wouldn’t. It’s too embarrassing, and plus, he never knew you even wanted to do those things to him. So, he had to do what he does best, and stay calm, collected and act entirely content.
But, now everything had changed. He knew you wanted to do the things he thought about a little more than he’d like to admit. And he still didn’t want to admit it, but he would help you follow through with this, for his own specific desires, and because to be frank, he wanted to see Satoru ruined as well.
And, he and Satoru had already fucked, countless times. Which meant that neither of them were unfamiliar with being dommed.
So, he nodded and opened his phone, dialling a certain number and placing the device next to his ear.
“Hey, Satoru, I wanna talk to you about something. Meet me in an hour, ok?”
He listened to the other slightly highly pitched voice on the other end, nodding and humming at his answer, before hanging up.
“I’ll ask him then, but there’s no guaranteeing that this will work.” He explained.
“Oh come on Sugu, you know Satoru likes you, more than just a best friend on his part,”Suguru stared at you, slightly taken aback but honestly, not so surprised, considering his best friend had been a little too compliant with him, most of the time. And Suguru wouldn’t exactly deny that he too, did feel a little something more than platonic for the white haired man.
“Trust me, if he isn’t going to listen to you, he won’t listen to anyone. You’ll be able.” You told him, peering up at him as the cogs worked in his head.
“Fine, I’ll try my best.” The pretty dark haired man told you.
“So, you’re telling me that you’re fine with this?” The white haired man asked his dark haired best friend, who was staring down at his hot drink, seeming a little too amused at its dark contents.
He snapped out of his trance and stared up at his friend, who looked slightly shocked that he would ever agree with it.
“Honestly, yeah.” He replied with a slight shrug. “I’ve kind of always wanted to do this with both of you. But I never thought she’d be up for it, so I refrained.” He honestly stated, lifting his cup up to his lips, drinking the black coffee.
Satoru felt a nervousness in his stomach at Suguru’s words. “I’ve kind of always wanted to do this with both of you” something about those words, something about his best friend wanting to be fucked senseless with him, made a certain place ache with want.
He never thought he’d agree to it, considering he had tried to make it seem to you like he was solely a dom. But, you obviously saw through it, and he wasn’t exactly angry about it.
Satoru had always known he liked being in control, but what he realised lately, was that he also wanted to be the one out of control. He couldn’t help but want to be ordered around, used to the others hearts’ content. Something about it made him cum faster than any idea of fucking someone relentlessly did.
But, being the Satoru Gojo, he was not going to so easily comply with your wishes. He wanted you to make him submit. And he wouldn’t be able to do that without a little mischief and his usual brattiness.
So, he listened to his friend, and complied.
“Fine. I’ll do it, why not. I doubt she can make me do anything she wants me to. So it’ll be amusing.” He smirked at his best friend, who sighed and looked at him.
“You’re going to piss her off, aren’t you?” Suguru questioned, to which Satoru laughed and stared at him.
“You really are annoying, Satoru.” Suguru looked at him and chuckled.
“You know better than anyone” the white haired man replied, a teasing tone to his words.
So here the two men were, both seated in a chair each, at the end of your unnecessarily big bed, bound at their ankles and wrists behind their back and shibari crossed all around their torso and thighs. Crossing over their chest, barely missing their nipples and tied around their stomach tightly enough to leave a mark, but not uncomfortable. And the rope lastly decorating their toned thighs, tied around and knotted.
You were admiring your work very carefully, proud of yourself for how well you tied the two men up. Until, you were snapped out of your thoughts by a certain white haired brat.
“Are you going to get on with it or are you just going to stare?” He asked with a tone that you didn’t like.
The whole time you had been tying them up, he had been complaining, nothing seemed right for him. And it pissed you off, to say the least.
An idea popped into your head, a cruel, mean one. And you simply smiled at him and proceeded to completely ignore him.
“You should really act more like Sugu, Satoru.” You said, now playing with Suguru’s nipples, tugging at and rubbing them. Suguru let out a shaky breath. His nipples were sensitive, you noted.
“He’s been such a good boy this whole time.” You looked at Suguru straight in the eye. His eyes lit up at the praise, just like a puppy.
Satoru huffed. He wasn’t getting any attention, this isn’t what he wanted. He wanted you to pay attention to him, for you to punish him. But you weren’t even looking at him!
You put your mouth on Suguru’s nipple, circling it and licking. He let out the tiniest whimper, barely audible. It made you want to tease him further, so you did just that.
You circled the tip of his cock, so sensitive he jolted at the touch.
You spent the next 20 minutes teasing Suguru’s body, his nipples, thighs, cock. Anything you noted was sensitive, you teased.
By now Suguru had started to become impatient. He wanted you to touch him properly.
“Please, please. Touch me properly please” He whined
You simply ignored him, knowing he could do better than that.
“Master, please, I want you to touch me properly” he said quietly, slightly embarrassed at the name he gave you.
You noted his choice of words, he was so cute.
“Since you asked so nicely, I will, but you’re not allowed to cum unless I say so, ok?” He nodded at your words. “Say it properly, slut.”
He shivered at the name. “Yes, master”
You smiled and began stroking him, playing with his tip every so often.
You kept pumping him, getting faster, you noticed his thighs tensing and he tried to buck up into your touch, he was close. So you being cruel, you stopped. Just as he was about to cum.
He whined so beautifully, but he should’ve known. You said he wasn’t allowed to cum and he was about to do just that. So he tried not to complain.
By now it had been, what? 45 minutes? An hour? Who knows.
You had been edging Suguru for the last however long and he had been reduced to a sloppy, begging mess.
“It hurts, c-can’t please. N-need to cum.” He wasn’t even forming coherent sentences anymore. It made you want to ruin him even more.
His poor cock was almost purple, leaking so much precum you’d of thought he already came. His nipples were standing up at attention and you couldn’t help but bite just around his left nipple, leaving a pretty mark that you’re sure wouldn’t go away for a couple days. He let out a near scream as you did so, which only made you hornier.
Satoru had been watching you both for the past hour, and he ached so badly, he wanted your touch, his cock was so needy. He needed you. He kept whining so prettily, letting out pleas and begging for you to just look at him, but you completely disregarded him. And he hated it.
You knew Suguru had been good, he’d been so good for you. Not complaining, even when you continuously left him wanting to cum, but never giving him his release.
But, you were cruel. And you weren’t going to let him cum now. Not yet.
You untied his hands and he looked at you confused.
“Keep touching yourself, but stop when you’re about to cum, ok baby?” You asked, leaving a kiss on his forehead, he looked like he was about to cry, how cute.
He nodded and began to touch himself, teasing his tip, whining each time he did so.
You stood up and glanced over to the other chair adorning the end of the bed.
You finally, finally looked at Satoru, who looked so needy. His cock was so red, darker at the tip than anywhere else. The redness was comparable to his chest and cheeks that were flushed a deep red, contrasting his bright eyes. He was batting his long pale lashes, trying to get you to pay attention. Chest going up and down unsteadily as he took uneven breaths. He looked so pretty.
You walked over to him. He peered up at you with the most needy look you’ve ever seen him give you.
It made you want to fuck him right then and there.
“Are you going to touch me now?” He questioned, still peering up at you.
“It depends, are you going to be a brat?” You asked
“I won’t! I promise! I’ll be good.” He cried tears brimming at his waterline.
“Ok, but you, just like Suguru aren’t allowed to cum. Suguru will get his reward for being so good soon, maybe you will too. But you need to be good.” You told him.
He nodded so fast you thought his neck was going to break.
You began to tease his nipples, rubbing and pulling at them lightly. An idea popped into your head, you laughed quietly and twisted his nipples, wanting to see what kind of reaction the male would have.
Satoru let out the whiniest moan you’ve ever heard, it was so pretty and needy, like music to your ears so you did it again. This time, having the same reaction but with a whimper following.
“A-ah hah, n-no don’t do t-that” he tried to squirm away from your touch, but it proved futile.
Your right hand slipped down the middle of his abs, all the way down to his pretty cock, so red and at attention for you. But, you weren’t going to give in just yet. You traced around his thighs, lower stomach, anywhere but his aching cock.
“Ah a-ah, please just- just touch it pleaseplease” he practically sobbed.
You looked at him, his beautiful eyelashes were clumped together due to his crying, all around his eyes was red. His lip trembled so slightly that if you weren’t so close to him, you wouldn’t of noticed.
You placed a kiss to his swollen lips, quick and fleeting. He tried to kiss you again but you had already pulled away, he whined at that.
After sucking a hickey just above his collarbone, your hand ran down to his leaking cock. Your finger glided down his slit and he moaned so loud, he was so sensitive.
You began to circle your thumb around the tip, finger running down the underside, noting the vein that throbbed as you continued your teasing. You fisted his cock, running your hand up and down it, the pace was slow, too slow for him and you knew that. You were so mean. He whimpered at your slow pace, but you quickly picked up the pace. “Please, wanna- let me touch y-you” he cried out, looking at you so desperately, you couldn’t say no. You untied his hands, which flew to your hips, kneading them and holding on to them as some sort of way to ground him. His thighs started to tremble against the ropes and his breathing became more erratic, you knew he was about to cum.
Just as he was about to finish, you lifted your hand off his cock, leaving him high and dry. His cock throbbed and hurt, and he couldn’t take it. He wanted to finish and you didn’t let him!
“Y-you’re so mean” you laughed at that, “you’re only now realising? I told you you couldn’t cum, slut. Why are you complaining now?” You taunted him and he couldn’t say anything. Just shocked by how right you were.
You looked over at Suguru, who had been edging himself this whole time.
His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes closed as he kept stroking himself, getting faster and faster. You knew he was close, and he wasn’t stopping.
“Suguru, stop.” You said sternly
He was snapped out of his daze at your harsh tone and slowly took his hand off his dick. He huffed at the loss of friction.
“You were going to finish, weren’t you?” you asked, staring at him with an unreadable expression.
He looked so helpless, staring up at you like you’d just caught him committing a crime.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-“ he tried to say, but you cut him off with your mouth on his, tongue pushing passed his lips and into his mouth, you bit his lip hard enough to draw blood and he moaned at your harsh treatment. You pulled back, and Suguru looked so fucked out, he looked so pretty.
You untied his ankles. “Sit on the bed, and make it quick.” You said, no detectable hint of anger or happiness in your words.
He complied, sitting up and looking at his friend, who he noticed was stroking his cock. Suguru looked at him, trying to tell him to stop without actually saying anything. You noticed Suguru’s glances at Satoru, and decided to look at what was taking so much of his attention.
He was getting himself off. Without your permission. “Slut.” You scoffed, looking at the paler man in disgust. He was snapped out of it at that, and his stomach churned. He was in trouble.
You rummaged through the drawer, trying to find a certain something, until you finally found them. You walked over to Satoru, not a hint of sweetness of tenderness in the way you were looking at him.
You pushed his legs apart and slid one cock ring on his dick, and another on his balls so he’d last. He panted at your attention on his cock, but he knew it wouldn’t last. He knew what you were going to do.
And it wasn’t going to be fun, for him at least.
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yippie-ki-yay · 2 years
i just found you and hurblurgh. brainrot is strong. anyway i was wondering if a heem heem sheriff with a (soon to be bestie) bodyguard who protecs him from hank? not in the sense that they actively kill ppl for him more in the sense that they escort him around but he kina likes em
Sheriff/Bodyguard!Reader (Platonic)
Ayo first ask-
Anyways, I hope you enjoy! This is my first time writing for Sheriff but I have read a couple things for him so I think I kinda understand how to write for him?? I also tried to make this longer than the first headcanon post since it was only for one character
Considering the fact that Nevada’s most wanted is gunning after him, it only made sense for Sheriff to get a bodyguard. It wasn’t that he was incompetent per se, but violence wasn’t exactly his strong suit.
He wanted someone with experience but not too imposing. It was one thing to be able to kill someone, just about anyone nowadays could do that, but for someone as important as he was not just anyone would do. 
After looking over what mercenaries were for hire, he decides on which one would be the best pick to be by his side - you. 
The job wasn’t anything new to you, but normally these sorts of things had an expiration date. Even if this one sort of did as well (i.e, Sheriff died), it was going to take a little convincing for you to take it on. 
After hashing out the details and writing up a contract, you were all set to join the team. And boy what an experience it was… 
You’d never had a client quite like this guy. There were a lot of odd people out in Nevada but someone in a full cowboy getup? That was a new one. Even so, he’s as nice as bosses come. 
Working for Sheriff isn’t too hard, considering that you’re spending most of your time with him. You have to deal with the occasional aggressor that decides to target him but other than that it’s been the easiest money you’ve ever made. 
Spending so much time with the guy has led you to get to know him a little better as well. Normally these sorts of jobs were requested by people who weren’t too talkative, they didn’t really like to get even slightly personal with who they hired, but Sheriff wasn’t exactly the typical client. 
It probably wouldn’t take long for some semblance of friendship to form between you two. He’s not as serious as other people out here, which can get a little annoying from time to time, but it can also be kind of refreshing. It’s a nice change of pace. 
Of course, you don’t let this get in the way of the job. When shit goes down there’s no joviality - you do what you need to do in order to get him out of there alive. Even if it means putting yourself in the way of any oncoming danger. 
The first time you got hurt (especially if this was after your arrangement became a little more personal) he’d feel pretty guilty. Sure, he’s grateful that he wasn’t the one who was hit, but seeing you with grit teeth and blood staining your clothes leaves a bad taste in his mouth. 
Insists on helping you out. Even if his hands are shaking a little from the nerves he’ll at least clean out the wound for you.
However, what’s really worrying is your first run-in with Hank. It’s bound to happen eventually but really any time is too soon.
While any threats to his life make him a little skittish, this is one of the few times where he’s actively scared. It’s in his eyes - Sheriff tries to come off as a capable, fearless leader, and the former would be true, but it’s rare to see him as panicked as he is. 
Of course, he was more than in his right to feel that fear, but the way he drags you through the hallways and past the others that work under him makes it a little hard to do your job. 
The door is slammed behind you once you’re both inside, Sheriff rounding his desk and trying to punch in a code to access the panic room (yes, he’s had one of those installed. How did he fit it in the building? Don’t ask me-) and leave you to stand guard. 
Somehow the silence was even worse than the sounds of bloodshed and the screams of your coworkers. You kept an ear out for any signs of life on the other side of that door but nothing came. 
Well, not until the door was kicked in and you were met with the sight of those haunting red goggles. 
Honestly you expected to die right then and there, even if you fought there was little chance that you’d be making it out of this one alive. You weren’t going to go down easy, though, that’s for sure. 
A fight breaks out between you and the monster of a man, and somehow you’re able to hold your own for a little while. It’s all to buy more time for Sheriff to get the fuck out of there. 
When you end up on your ass with death staring you in the face, the quiet hiss of the door sliding open behind you did bring you some relief. At least someone would be making it out of this one alive. 
However, the gunshot that rings out from behind you comes as a surprise. You’re pretty sure that Hank’s a little taken aback by that bold move as well if the way he pauses means anything. 
“G-get away from ‘em you… y-you…” That bravery was gone just about as quick as it had come, the true weight of his actions now hitting him. He’d gotten Hank’s attention off you, sure, but now all eyes were on him. 
The distraction did give you enough time to scramble back up and make a run for the safe room, dragging your boss behind you and slamming a hand on the button beside the blast door. 
Leaning against the wall, you looked at Sheriff (who’d slid down the wall opposite to you, still a little shaky, but he was smiling. Yeah, you’d probably never stop hearing about this moment…) and he locked eyes with you. Smirking, he removed his hat and placed it in his lap. 
“Heh, knew I kept you around for a reason…”
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hanmaenthusiast · 3 years
Always and Forever
“I like the sound of that Angel.”
inui x f!reader
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warnings - mdni🔞, praise, mutual pining?, sofa sex, oral (female receiving), cunnilingus, unprotected sex, riding, body worship, creampie, basically vanilla smut, slight fluff, profanity, use of pet names such as angel and darling, one mention of blood.
synopsis - you and Inui had been living together for a while, one night he comes home wounded after being attacked at work, you have no choice but to help him out in one way or another.
a/n - this is my first post on tumblr & first time attempting smut! apologies for any mistakes, i’m hoping to write more in the future & get better at it lol, anyway the lack of inui on this app is killing me >:(
wc - 2,950
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It was late, much later than usual. Seishu still hadn’t come home considering his shift finishes around 4 on a Saturday, you kept your gaze on the clock which continued to tick past 7pm. You found yourself worrying again, worrying about all the possibilities that could’ve happened to him. I mean it was normal to be this concerned, especially since your long term roommate was an ex gang member.
Once again you started pacing around the room, fingers etching to send another distressing ‘where are you?’ or ‘tell me you’re not dead’ text. Seishu’s stern words replayed in your mind ‘Stop worrying about me Y/N, focus on yourself for once’ as you remembered his constant lectures.
Finally gathering yourself together, a set of keys jamming into the front door caught your attention. Sprinting down the stairs your eyes glued onto Inui’s figure as he stood slightly hunched with a prominent bloody gash on his forehead.
“Seishu what the fuck?” you exclaimed, almost passing out at the sight in front of you. It was like you had premonitions about this scenario only seconds before he made his apperance.
“Agh, not so loud, my head is sore.” he groaned, running a hand through his hair after locking the door behind him. He shuffled his way into the room latching onto your arm for support.
“I can quite well see that, sit down over there i’ll clean you up.” you helped him over to the dining table, placing him down onto one of the wooden seats.
Inui told you what happened, how he was suddenly attacked by a group of presumed male gang members at the motor shop unbeknownst to why it played out. Your gut tightened at the story, afraid of any future encounters with them.
“Jesus, they got you good huh. You have to be more aware from now on, where was Draken hm? You better tell him i’ll-“
“Y/N.” Seishu let out a low sigh, he cut you off before you could finish your sentence.
His gemlike pearls fixed onto yours, exchanging a sombre look. You could tell he didn’t need to hear your berating.
“Sorry.” you muttered continuing to clean up his wound.
Ever since you met Inui, you stuck together like glue both having similar interests and mutual acquaintances made it easier to find a blossoming friendship. Of course, you felt a little more than friends towards Inui continuously expressing your feelings from early on.
“Y’know you’re super cute Seishu-“ you tilted your head, hovering it above his “no wonder there’s tons of people feening over you, me included.” you added, tracing a finger over his scar as he lay his head on your lap.
“Yeah? Same goes for you Y/N.” he replied with his tone full of sarcasm, according to him you were making a joke.
This continued for months, constantly sharing flirty remarks but never pursuing one another. Some people had their suspicions, Draken especially, always assuming you’re both in a secret relationship.
“Oi, Seishu your girlfriend’s outside.” Draken nodded towards the entrance of the shop, wiping his hands clean with a rag.
Inui exhaled followed with a roll of his eyes. “She’s just a friend Ken, i’ve told you this multiple times.”
“Seriously just a friend? That mean i have a chance ‘nupi?” Draken giggled, elbowing his colleague in the arm.
“Don’t you dare even try it.” Seishu warned him.
“There, all cleaned up. There’s some leftovers in the fridge too if you’re hungry.” you declared, but before you could retreat back to the sofa, a soft hand grasped you wrist.
“Thank you, genuinely Y/N. I hope you know i’m grateful for everything you do.”
His glossy eyes stared into yours as his sincere words spilled from his mouth. Seishu’s gaze left you with butterflies, a feeling of comfort you would admit, it was odd to see him so thankful seeing as you should be considered a burden to him for how often you seek his safety.
“I know you are, buuut all that praise will have my ego inflating, on another note it was kinda hot seeing your face all bloody.” you laughed kissing above his wound gently before finding a seat on the sofa.
Moments later Inui joined you, resting his head on your shoulder making use of the rest of the couch as he sprawled out his legs. Once he was settled, you both shared a mutual silence watching the TV.
Your narrowing eyes scanned over your phone, squinting at it’s bright screen shining into your pupils as you attempted to read the time. ‘Shit, must’ve fell asleep.’ you concluded, shifting your weight onto your elbow as you propped up.
You noticed the familiar blondie sleeping tirelessly beside you, an arm positioned lazily over of your waist. Seishu was sound asleep, or so you thought, his ruffled hair tickling your cheeks as you found yourself laying back down facing towards him.
“So precious.” you whispered, lifting your palm gently onto his face as your thumb rubbed slow circles against his pale skin. This was probably the closest you and Seishu had been, cuddled together, bodies attached to one another seeing as the sofa wasn’t roomy enough.
“That feels nice.” Seishu whispered, his soft spoken voice breaking the silence. He brought his hand to yours, placing it on top as he matched your movements, fingers delicately tracing your skin.
“Oh- uhm, well it looks like we fell asleep, i hope you feel somewhat better after having a nap.” you croaked, suddenly feeling the heat rush to your face from embarrassment. Before you lingered around any longer, you sat upright as your back faced Seishu’s figure “I’ll let you rest a little longer-“
“No, stay.” he grabbed your wrist once again, restricting you from fleeing the scene. “Please…for me?” he pleaded, one arm resting on top of his forehead as the other hand was still wrapped around your wrist.
You hesitated, only for a second until you shortly gave into his innocent eyes face paired with a soppy look. “Anything for you Seishu.” you lay back down, again facing towards him on your side.
“Perfect.” he muttered a breathy whisper, a small smile formed on his face along with his emerald eyes flexing a lustrous stare. A dainty finger of his trailed across your cheek moving a strand of hair from your face.
You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed again, almost tongue-tied especially in this situation. You and Seishu were admittedly always close but never this intimate.
Once again the atmosphere grew silent but before you could mutter a word, Seishu let out a sigh. “You’re…perfect.” Inui murmured, just loud enough for you to hear.
“Seishu…” a soft exhale escaped your lips.
Inui’s hand found it’s way to your chin, gently lifting it upwards so you were eye level to him. “Can i kiss you, Y/N?” his thumb swiped a slow stripe along your lower lip.
You nodded in reply, discreetly trying to hide your inner enthusiasm as you closed your eyes allowing Inui to take the lead. Seishu’s lips planted a longed for soft-lipped peck against yours, gradually finding motion as he continued kissing your lips.
The thumping of your heart increased, focusing only on the rhythm of how soft and velvety Seishu’s lips felt against your own. His a hand gripped your waist, pulling you closer against him without breaking contact.
Your free hand grasped his blonde locks, running your fingers messily through his hair. Your lips begun to plump, meshing together with Seishu’s perfectly as he slipped his needy tongue into your mouth.
“You- don’t know…how long i’ve- wanted this.” his voice muttered between kisses, claiming your lips after every word. You felt yourself grinding ever so slightly against Inui’s thigh, hoping to release the friction caused by his tongue senselessly invading the depths of your mouth.
Faint whimpers escaped your lips as you continued to slowly rock yourself against Inui’s lower half. “Seishu~“ you panted quietly “N-need more.” your hand balled up his shirt, gripping onto it for support.
Inui’s hand which recently held onto your waist found itself sneakily travelling under your cami, fingers fumbling with the clasp of your bra. He made quick work of removing your shirt slowly followed by slipping off your undergarment.
“God, you’re gorgeous Y/N. So fucking gorgeous.” he admitted, lips tracing along the outline of your jaw as his eyes glistened at the sight of your naked breasts exposed in front of him. “Prettiest tits ever.” His soft hands ghosting over your breasts, thumb and pointer finger capturing one of your hardened nubs beginning to knead the flesh of your mounds.
Seishu slowed his pace, a small string of saliva connected your lips as he broke the kiss. “Tell me what you need angel. Although i must say, the rutting against my leg isn’t very discreet darling.” he joked letting out a small chuckle, eyes glancing down to your clothed needy cunt.
“Want you to…“ you struggled to express your needs, unable to finish your sentence as you buried your face into his chest out of embarrassment. “Don’t go all shy on me now angel, use your words for me okay?” Seishu placed a hand over your tight shorts, pads of his fingers rubbing against your clothed pussy as moved them up and down ever so slightly.
“Ngh! Want more of that, please Seishu.” you choked, almost begging on your knees asking him to please your throbbing cunt. Seishu made quick work of removing your lower garments, pulling down your shorts as he was met with your drenched panties.
“Look at that mess darling, you got this wet just for me?” he caressed your face again, helping you lay underneath him as he moved further down to your lower area, delicately peppering kisses along your stomach.
Inui’s hot breath fanned lightly over your clit “May i?” he questioned. “Yes Seishu.” you replied almost immediately, lifting your hips a little higher to allow easier access to your heat.
Inui’s hands spread your things, gripping onto them for support. His tongue licked a stripe between your folds, coating your cunt with his spit. “Mhm, just how i imagined.” Seishu continued to speak careless whispers into your cunt, his tongue twirling it’s way onto your throbbing clit ultimately forcing you to grind your hips on his face.
His tongue toyed with your bud, circling hearts as he pleasured your arousal. Inui slipped a finger into your entrance, slowly pushing it further before adding a second finger in to accommodate it. “Seishu! Fuck!” you cried out, moaning into you palm.
“Let me hear that voice of yours Y/N.” Inui encouraged you, his eyes staring from above your seeping cunt fingers pumping into you at an increasing speed. “Ngh! Seishu- i’m close!” your hand pushing his head further into your pussy.
Inui’s fingers padded against your sweet spot, curling in motion as he pumped them in and out of your cunt. His tongue continued licking your throbbing clit sucking onto it simultaneously. “Fuck, Y/N, gonna make me cum from that look on your face.” he moaned, fingers scissoring into you faster.
“Fuck~ Seishu- i’m-“ you were cut off by your own moans, legs shaking from the sudden orgasm as your wet slick spilled from your entrance. “Good girl.” Inui let out a hoarse whisper as he pulled his fingers out which glistened in the dim light covered from the tip of his finger to his knuckles in your own cum.
Inui stuck his digits into his mouth, sucking off every last drop of you. “You did so well for me angel, i’ve waited so long for this exact moment.” he exclaimed, hovering above your face before kissing you on the lips again.
“Seishu…i need more of you, right now.” you demanded, a hand palming the tent growing in his pants. Seishu picked you up, resulting in you straddling his lap on the sofa as he sat beneath you. You lifted your hips before quickly pulling down his shorts letting his cock immediately spring free.
Your eyes grew wide. You never expected Seishu to have such a pretty cock, nevermind larger than you’d have imagined. “Like what you see? Seem’s like you underestimated me darling.” he caressed your waist “Lift yourself up for a sec.” as he tapped the outer side of your thigh.
“Wait- wait…i’m on birth control.” you mentioned stopping Inui from getting a condom from the drawers. “You sure about this?” he smirked somewhat enjoying the fact he gets to fuck you raw the first time.
You nodded again, his tip begun toying against your wet folds before casually slipping the head into your dripping entrance. “Agh~ Fuck Seishu!” you let out a breathy moan, eventually taking the full length of his cock. “So tight, ngh- oh fuck.” Inui spoke, guttural whimpers releasing from the depths of his throat as he buried himself deep inside your cunt.
His hands gripped your ass, kneading the soft flesh as he pulled you gently down onto him. You both adjusted to the position, flashing Seishu a look of encouragement as he slowly started to bounce you on his cock, his hips slightly lifting along with yours.
“You like that yeah? Look at those pretty tits.” he mewled as he buried his face onto one of your exposed breasts, tongue ravaging your perky nipples. “Faster- please.” your hand finding its way to the back of his neck.
Inui bucked his hips into you, bouncing you faster onto his rock hard cock. The smacks of your ass echoed throughout the room as they collided with Seishu’s thighs, your tits bouncing along with every movement as Inui pounded further into your cunt. He quickened his pace again, this time you begun grinding faster matching with his speed in which your legs almost turned to jelly from the fastened movements.
“G’na cum so quick baby~.” you whined, dragging out his pet name whilst throwing your head back as he plowed into your pussy. The adrenaline mixed with arousal was too much, your eyes beginning to roll back from the way Seishu’s tip prodded against your g-spot like he was a miner digging for gold.
Seishu kept a firm grip on your ass, still pounding into you as he continued sucking on your tits giving each one equal attention. “Need- agh- your cum on my cock darling.” manoeuvring his hand to your pulsating clit as he thumbed your nub generously. “Yes ngh~ want you so bad Seishu, want your cum inside me.” you choked out, drawing out your moans from the stimulation his cock was causing as he abused your sex.
Inui flipped you over, cock still fucking your tight cunt as you lay on your back, legs wrapping around his waist. “I’ll fuckin’ give it to you Angel, fill- agh- you up with my cum real good.” he cooed, voice almost gravelly from his own moaning.
He smacked his hips against your ass, cock slipping from your hole a few times. “Wettest cunt I've had.” Inui quipped. “The only cunt you’ll ever have from now.” you sent another remark back. 
“I like the sound of that Angel.”
His fingers padded against your clit, vigorously rubbing against it paying close attention to the nub. “Shit- g’na cum gorgeous.” Inui let out another guttural moan “Let’s- cum together.” he ordered you, quickly intertwining your fingers with his as he took your hand. 
Seishu somehow gathered his stamina letting out a few final hard thrusts along with you bucking into him, your walls gradually spasming around his cock. “Agh- Fuck~” you simultaneously croaked, Inui came inside your cunt. Your wet slick spilled all over his cock along with your insides overflowing with Seishu’s seed.
A slow and steady pace allowed you to both ride out your highs, Seishu caressed your cheek removing your hair stuck to your face. “My god you’re gorgeous Y/N.” he pulled himself out, the mess inside leisurely spilling from your entrance.
“Hold on Angel, I'll clean you up.” Seishu grabbed a rag from the washroom, helping you gently as he tided the mess. He came back in his nightwear, seemingly grabbed a shirt that was his which he placed over your head, covering your exposed body just before he lay beside you on the sofa. 
Inui held you tight against him, wrapping his arms around your figure. He knew how to make you feel safe and extremely comfortable, only two of the things on your never ending list of praise for him.
After a short lived moment of silence, you exhaled out a tired sigh “Seishu...I think I lo-”
“I love you, Y/N.” 
You jolted. Almost speechless at his sudden confession, dumbfounded even, burying your face away from his vision once again “No fair, I was gonna say it first.” you complained, lightly pushing his chest. “I wanted to be the first to say it-” he reassured your complaints “I was just looking for the right time.”
“Crazy how it was after you fucked me, eh?” shooting a cheeky wink towards his face. “Yeah right it was a spur of the moment, you were about to say it too.” he spoke in defence, giving you a kiss on the forehead as an apology.
“Not sure why I waited so long, I guess I was just afraid of hurting you.” his answer was sincere, stroking your hair tenderly “I really do love you Y/N-”
“Not to mention how my head no longer hurts, all thanks to you.” Inui gloated.
You sighed, probably in relief after realising the love you shared for him wasn't just some one sided waste for all these years. “I love you too Seishu-” you replied.
“...always and forever.”
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starglow-xx · 3 years
hello! may i request headcanons for chuuya having a crush on someone who's dense? like he could ask them out in the most straightforward way possible and it would still go over their head?
yes, yes of course you may!
sorry this took so long! my computer was out of commission for abt a week (or two..??)
but this is also my birthday writing piece for chuuya!! (4/29/21) i even added a small drabble thingy in addition to the hcs for the occasion hehe
from where i am, it is about fifteen minutes past midnight so it’s officially chuuya day here!!
happy birthday chuuya i love you! you deserve the whole world and everyone is willing to fight tooth and nail to ensure your happiness! we love you! 💗💗
anyways, i hope you all enjoy this! i kinda had some writer’s block but it was still a lot of fun to write! there might be some mistakes, but i’ll scan over it again later. reader is gender neutral! have fun!
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chuuya having a crush on a dense! reader
nakahara chuuya x gn! reader
im cackling somebody help him
he’s frustrated bc you can’t take a hint or a thousand but he can’t even be mad bc he’s whipped
“look at you all dressed up today, wanna go out later? my treat?”
“oh really? thanks chuuya-san! you’re such a nice friend. i’ll go invite the others right now, i’ll see you later!”
fast forward to later in the evening and he finds himself at a little restaurant with the black lizard + higuchi and akutagawa
in unison all of them go, “thank you for the meal chuuya-san!” (except aku and hirotsu are quieter & and gin just a nods hehe)
“no problem” (ꐦ ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )
gin only pats him on the back in sympathy
he spends a lot of time trying to think of ways to make it absolutely and undeniably clear that he has feelings for you
he always fails
“(y/n) i like you”
“i like you too chuuya-san”
“t-then will you—”
“you’re a really great friend! and superior too”
“oh were you saying something?”
“nah, just forget about it”
tachihara is laughing in the corner of the corridor
dont worry, chuuya made sure to get back at him
chuuya’s been pinning after you for years and frankly, his failed attempts to woo you has lead everyone to the breaking point
and i mean everyone
yes, even aku
hell even dazai
but dazai also thinks it’s funny, so he doesn’t mind all that much
okay bye bye dazai-san this headcanon set isn’t abt you rn
they knew even if he kissed you, you still might not get it
so they decided to help him
super secret mission get chuuya and (y/n) together is a go!
they’re still working on a proper mission name, don’t mind them
they had a super secret strategy meeting!
you can bet your ass that they nearly got nothing done
akutagawa & kaiji weren’t much help, neither was higuchi, mori, or elise
tachihara nearly got killed for a thoughtless comment
“just tell them chuuya-san!”
“i already fucking did you ass!”
gin, hirotsu, and kouyou were the most helpful !!
hirotsu and kouyou both agreed on the idea that chuuya should try courting with bouquets of flowers instead of flat out asking you bc they knew you found them pretty
(even if you don’t identify as a female, flowers are for everyone no matter gender or sexuality! so let’s normalize giving flowers to everyone <33 )
gin didn’t speak but she used cards to communicate
everyone knew that you weren’t stupid (you wouldn’t have survived in the mafia if you were) but they did know that you were only stupid when it came to all this lovey dovey stuff
i mean, if chuuya gave you flowers every so often, there’s no way that you wouldn’t piece it together at some point
but kouyou assured him that even though you wouldn’t get it right away, you’d appreciate the gestures and that he’ll stand out more
she even said that if someone gave her flowers, she would appreciate it, whether or not she reciprocated their feelings
it takes guts to be so up front with your feelings after all
gin and hirotsu only nodded with her explanation
once again, this only provoked a reaction out of tachihara
“what do you know gin? i get the old man and kouyou-san, they’re grown, but you? what do you know abt courting? or flowers? what are you a girl?”
akutagawa choked on his cough, higuchi on air, and on the other side of yokohoma at the ada, dazai is cackling
yes, dazai somehow placed a listening device onto chuuya’s hat and was listening in
don’t ask how, it’s dazai
the next day, chuuya did what was barely discussed and for once, things actually started to look up
until they started look to down again
at first, it actually looked like you understood his intentions after he gave you a bouquet of flowers
literally everyone was leaning against the opposite hallway you two were in and then they got excited !!
especially chuuya !
but then your expression sort of changed...??
and then in their heads they simultaneously went, “oh no”
they knew that expression
it was very familiar when you tended to friend zone chuuya
but boy let me tell you what you said next made them facepalm and or make their jaws drop
“ah, so you really are friend zoning me huh chuuya-san; what a shame, i really did like you”
you liked him??
him of all people??
he wasn’t complaining, no of course not, but he still couldn’t believe it
but that wasn’t what he was really focusing on right now
what in any form or language did it say he was friend zoning you?!
flower language apparently
chuuya chose to buy the bouquet of yellow roses, pink carnations, and yellow carnations bc he thought you would appreciate the brighter colors, and so that you’d remember them better (because remembering them, meant remembering him)
but ooh boy
altogether, they meant the exact opposite message he wanted to send
someone help him pls
“you see chuuya-san, yellow roses mean friendship, pink carnations mean gratitude, and yellow carnations mean rejection; sooo in a nutshell, these pretty much say ‘thank you for being my friend, but im rejecting you”
no one can tell if tachihara is crying or wheezing
and dazai is having the time of his life
yes, he started listening in on him again
and chuuya is just stunned
like speechless and unmoving stunned
is he just bad at this whole courting/dating thing?? it’s only been one day and of it and somehow he was the one doing the rejecting??
“thank you for the flowers chuuya-san, i’ll be going now; i’ll make sure to let this affect our friendship. i’ll see you tomorrow!”
you passed by the not so subtle group of people
“tachihara-kun..?? are you alright?”
just for context, he was leaning his forehead against the wall using his forearm
again, it was hard to tell whether he was crying or wheezing
“i-im okay (y/n)-san...i think c-chuuya-san has it worse than me”
he’s still frozen poor baby
but it’s okay bc after like 5 more seconds he’s chasing you down the hallway you were walking in
kouyou, with a knowing smile on her face, ushers everyone away towards the opposite direction
she received some whines (ahem, tachihara and mori) but silenced them by summoning golden demon
but it’s okay
if they run fast enough, they can see what happens through the security cameras
chuuya caught up with you and tried to explain everything but he was exhausted
emotionally, physically (bc since when did you walk that fast??), and generally just tired with the whole situation
he just wanted to call you his; was that too much to ask??
as explosive as he can be, he can be calm and collected too
and he really did try to be that way as he talked with you but it was very difficult at the moment
the dumbfounded and confused look on your face his face twitch with annoyance and his heart started beating faster bc god you were cute
thank goodness after what seemed like years, you finally somewhat understood what happened
you didn’t understand completely but it was something
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The two of you stood in the middle of the unusually empty hallway facing each other, you with the bouquet still in hand. It was quiet as you and Chuuya assessed the situation.
You looked at him skeptically and he stared right back you with his gorgeous blue eyes.
“...So you do like me Chuuya-san??”
“And you were trying to court me just now, not friend zone me??”
You got most of your questions out of the way, but there was something that you’ve been wondering about for quite a while.
“...So you’re not gay for Dazai-san??”
“Yes, im not wait—GAY FOR DAZAI?? THAT MACKEREL??”
Chuuya did a double take. What in heavens name made it seem like he liked that suicidal maniac?? Why would he choose him if he had you?
Like he would choose him anyways; or ever consider him as a possible romantic partner.
“Oh, so you are?”
“Well yeah, but I thought you liked Dazai-san too. As annoying as he is, he can be quite charming—”
He was out of patience at this point (nope definitely not because you were talking about Dazai who told you that?) and just decided to kiss you.
You immediately melted into the kiss and kissed him back with the same amount of love and feeling.
Letting the bouquet fall to the ground, you wrapped you arms around his neck and his put his on your lower back and brought you closer to him. After a few more moments, the two of you broke apart for air.
The two of you, slightly out of breath, leaned your foreheads against each other and just basked in each others presence.
Chuuya looked into your (e/c) eyes and asked you just a little bit above a whisper, “Now do you get my intentions and feeling?”
You blinked at him before breaking out into a grin, “Hmm I’m not sure; do you wanna do that again Chuuya?”
The red head only blinked back at you before rolling his eyes, a smile present on his handsome features, his heart fluttering at you using his name with the honorific.
Smiling cheekily at him, you pressed a kiss on his cheek and started dragging him towards the lobby to take a walk around the building perimeter, knowing that the two of you can’t be too far from work.
The way down to the lobby was mostly in comfortable silence until you said something that made Chuuya want to bash his head against the wall.
“You know, you could’ve just told me you liked me Chuuya. It’s not like I would’ve said no.”
Once again, as the rest of the more power mafia members watch from security cameras, it is hard to tell whether Tachihara is crying or wheezing of laughter.
omake !!
The two of you just started making your way around the building when suddenly a very familiar voice came from Chuuya’s prized hat.
“Chuuyaaaa!! It was about time you stopped being a chicken, Chibi!”
Removing his hat from his head, he started yelling at it not knowing exactly where the listening device was planted.
“And (y/n)! I would congratulate you, but I think I would rather offer you my condolences. Why him?! He’s just a slimy slug. OOH OOH how would you like to join me in a double suicide?! A shame it won’t be a lover’s suicide but it’ll annoy Chuuya so I think it’ll be worth it! ”
“And please don’t kiss while I’m listening in. You made me lose my appetite! And it was such a shame! I was eating crab using Kunikida-kun’s money! Do you know what you’ve cost me?!”
“Ah! Kunikida-kun is here! I have to go!”
You can hear something is the background that vaguely sounds like, “DAZAI YOU WASTE OF BANDAGES STOP USING MY MONEY”
The click sound from the hat revealed that Dazai disconnected.
Chuuya twitched and glared furiously at his signature hat hating that the voice he hated the most came out of it.
“Aww, I didn’t get to talk to Dazai-san”
Chuuya whipped his head towards you, a look of mock (or real) betrayal showing on his features.
You laughed at him before taking the hat out of his hands and placing it on his head.
He shyly looked away before muttering a thanks making you smile wider. Just as the two of you were about to start walking, a small explosion erupted from his hat; it was likely that Dazai made the listening device self destruct.
At the Armed Detective Agency, a certain suicidal maniac hid from the wrath of his current partner as he thought about the wrath his old one.
“Hmmm I wonder if Chuuya would finally stop wearing his ugly hats if I blow all of them up...”
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as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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