#a little awry
imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
❝ i know i need help but i'm not quite ready to ask for it. ❞ For Jodie and Frank!
"I know I need help," Frank muttered, as he leant against the sink, his knuckles going white as he held on tightly, "but I'm not quite ready to ask for it."
"Lucky you then," came the short clipped tone of the woman next to him, who was busying her hands by dampening a clean cloth with disinfectant, "because you're getting my help whether you like it or not."
She placed the bottle down by the faucet, leaving it without a cap just in case she needed any more of the liquid inside. She placed it down a little more firmly than intended, but the sharp twang of worried annoyance lay heavy in her chest. Of course he would hide such a wound from the other operators, of course he would. It annoyed her silly that he was always surging ahead, ignoring his pain, just for the sake of not feeling like a burden.
"Jodie," his tone was slightly erring on warning, eyes watching her hands draw closer to the large gash on his upper arm. He hated to admit that he'd been slack, forgetting to lock the bathroom door, and it was his fault Jodie had walked in to find him shirtless and attempting to clean the wound himself.
He recalled how her eyes had widened, brows furrowed in concern and anger, as she closed the door firmly before coming to inspect the issue. She had tutted, shaking her head as she took a hold of his wrist in her gentle fingers, the pads of her fingertips flush against his pulse. He noted how cold they felt.
"If you try to make me leave," she began, tone wavering slightly with that same annoyance flashing in her eyes, "I will not hesitate to knock some sense into you." Then, she was dabbing at the wound, cleaning out dirt and dried blood that had cooled on his skin. He winced, the pain catching the words he was going to utter in response to her.
"You have to learn to ask for help," she huffed, as she finished cleaning up the wound. She handed him a clean wad of folded cloth, then ordered him to press it to the gash. He did as he was told, reluctantly, but found taking the order from her was a little easier to do. If it had been anyone else, he might have refused.
"I already said-"
"Yeah, you weren't quite ready," she echoed, "but Frank, you have a massive, bleeding gash on your arm and I'm going to assume you didn't bother telling anyone else about it. You could have had this dealt with on the ride back. The birds have kits, hell, we all know how to fix up wounds like this-"
"You sound really worried about me," he chuckled, watching her rummage through the cupboards for something to stitch him back together with. Jodie heaved a sigh, before she stilled, looking back at him softly. Her tone was quiet, gentle, and she murmured, "yeah. I'm worried about you."
That was a little more honest than he'd expected.
Frank wasn't entirely used to that. The concern thing, the having someone else actually, genuinely worry about him thing... the softness. He ducked his head down a little, eyes downcast as his thought became consumed by the record of her voice in his mind.
"Keep that pressed on there," she said, heading towards the door, "I'll be a second. I'm getting something to stitch your arm back together... can't have it falling off, can we?"
Her hand was rested on the handle as she tried to offer a smile, it was a little strained, somewhat tired, but she tried to be reassuring. She'd even tired to joke.
"I'm made of harder stuff," he chuckled through his nose, scoffing a little, "flesh wound like this ain't gonna take me down."
"Sure thing, tough guy," she shook her head then moved through the door and quietly pulled it closed behind her.
The injured soldier watched the door for a few seconds longer after she had left, eyes flickering slightly with an emotion he didn't have time or effort to unpack. Whatever feeling he had in his chest, he had felt it before, but he'd not quite paid attention to it. But now, when she had been so soft, so gentle, where someone else might have given him shit for keeping this to himself... yeah, the feeling was tugging at him, wanting him to acknowledge it.
Frank shook his head, forced the thoughts away, and instead focused on doing what Jodie had asked him to do.
Keep pressure on the wound.
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thatsbelievable · 17 days
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swaps55 · 6 months
For @dinchenrockt, who imagined Sam and Kaidan having pancakes on a nice day. I just added a little drama, because this is Sam we're talking about. Read on Ao3
The second batch of pancakes is starting to bubble when Kaidan’s skin tingles in the presence of Shepard’s biotic field. Shepard himself peers at Kaidan suspiciously from behind the archway into the kitchen, like he’s doing recon and Kaidan is an unknown element.
 “Hey, you,” Kaidan says with an amused smile. “Good morning.”
“It is morning by my standards. It is ass o’clock by your standards. Why are you awake?”
Kaidan gestures towards the open window, where sunrise hasn’t quite surrendered to daytime and some enterprising birds are getting a jump on things. “It’s a beautiful morning. Thought I’d spoil you with a nice breakfast.” 
Technically true, on both counts, even if it doesn’t really answer the question. Shepard narrows his eyes, perhaps suspecting there’s more to it, but Kaidan heads off further questions by plucking a piece of bacon off a plate and holding it up.
“Burnt it just for you.”
Shepard makes an interested sound and fully enters the kitchen, snatching the Distraction Bacon and popping it in his mouth. Bacon shouldn’t crunch like that unless it’s in a salad, but relationships require compromise.
“So, bacon. Pancakes.”
“Bacon in the pancakes. With bacon garnish.”
“Also blueberries,” Kaidan says, gesturing to a bowl. “And, uh, I was going to make some eggs but I accidentally just made more pancakes.”
“True to your nature.” He kisses Kaidan on the temple. “I’ll get plates.”
“One step ahead of you. We’re eating outside.”
Another suspicious look.
“It’s nice outside, remember?”
“I will concede it is tolerable outside, because I love you. But breakfast made, table set, and it’s what time? How long have you been up?”
Kaidan shrugs a nonchalant shoulder. “I said I wanted to spoil you.”
Still not an answer, but he hands Shepard the blueberries to give him something else to focus on and flips the remaining pancakes onto a platter, next to the pile of bacon, all nestled onto a blue and yellow tray that had been gathering dust in the back of a curio until Kaidan stumbled upon it last week looking for decorative pitcher his mother had asked about. After flipping the griddle off, he leads them to the front porch and sets the trays down on the small table next to the porch swing.
Shepard observes the spread. “Orange juice. Cloth napkins. The ‘good’ silverware. By the way, I still do not understand the silverware hierarchy.”
“My mother will happily show you next time she visits.”
Shepard snickers as he takes a seat. “Well, whatever. You pulled out all the stops. You are spoiling me.”
Kaidan makes a pleased sound as they fill their plates. They’re the same blue and yellow as the platter, with a sunflower in the center and a painted band around the edges. He’d forgotten about them completely until finding the platter. His father used to break them out when they had big breakfasts in the summer. He traces a chip in the paint. Where had they even come from in the first place? His mother? Were they just inherited with the house when his mother took it over from Kaidan’s grandparents? He’d never asked. Maybe she knows.
“Look at all this burnt bacon, just for me,” Shepard says, with a soft smile.
“Just for you.”
No reason to mention that it got burned because Kaidan was too locked in his own head to notice until he damn near set off the smoke detector.
But the pancakes are good, quite frankly. The blueberries are ripe, picked from the bushes out behind the barn just yesterday. The breeze is cool but not cold, the sun pooling at the edge of the porch steps, warm and waiting.
A far cry from the days that weren’t beautiful.
He releases a long breath and forces his mind back to the present, where Shepard is drowning his pancakes in maple syrup because moderation is not a concept he has ever developed a relationship with.
Echo whinnies from the field down the hill, head raised, ears pricked, looking right at them, as though now that she’s noticed their presence she’s offended she wasn’t invited to breakfast.
“Later,” Shepard hollers back at her. “I’m getting spoiled.”
Kaidan rests an elbow on the table – his mother would be so aghast – and chuckles into his hand.
When had he stopped getting up in the mornings for those breakfasts his father cooked? Breakfast had been his forte. The only way he outshined Kaidan’s mother in the kitchen. But that last summer before BAaT he’d stopped getting out of bed for them.
Should have gotten out of bed.
Shepard’s eye is on him again, as he saws into his pancakes and fails to spear a piece of bacon along with his next bite because it’s so brittle it just breaks under the tines of his fork. Once he’s subdued the bacon he nudges Kaidan’s knee.
“You’re awfully quiet for someone who just put out such a magnificent spread.”
Kaidan waggles an eyebrow. “Resting on my laurels.”
Shepard knee stays at rest against his, and Kaidan leans a little more into it. The weight of it, the presence is…reassuring.
The sparrow that wings in from the roof and alights on Shepard’s stack of pancakes is less reassuring.
Read the rest on Ao3
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abalathia · 5 months
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- i am the message: this is a lesson. here in the present, i am the weapon.
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monkee-mobile · 11 months
i feel like i can’t put into words how sweet it is when the monkees all cling to Mike when they’re in a scary situation (especially davy, that kid is all bark no bite, second something’s after him he’s running to his mumma aka. Michael the goddamn string bean in a wool hat, who just gives the most exasperated face ever to the camera and waves around like grass in the wind because his skinny body can’t handle the power of a 5’3” british boy grabbing his arms)
but like, mike makes them all feel safe and it’s just so damn sweet. like, the show didn’t have to do that, but they did. they just decided that these kids need a mother and that mother is fucking mike.
i’m sorry, i just have so many feelings about it. You know peter’s like glued to his side, especially after the devil and peter tork. Mike protects them, it’s his nature, and they all feel safe with him. AGH
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so-scarlett-maroon · 9 months
Hermione Granger and The Pub Quiz That Changed Her Life
Words: 5,602 Rated: Teen and Up No Archive Warnings Apply Ship: Dramione Tags: Draco Malfoy is a Little Shit, But Hermione Likes it Grand Gestures, Fluff, Humor, Plans Gone Awry, Pining Draco Malfoy, Pining Hermione Granger, Marriage Proposal, Developing Relationship, Falling In Love Tooth-Rotting, Fluff On AO3
Summary: When Harry invites Draco to their weekly Pub Quiz, Hermione is sure she's never going to be able to enjoy the event again. And her life is changed forever...but just not how she thought it would be.
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The Beginning:
The first time Hermione and Draco were at the same pub quiz night, it felt electric. She’d been purposely avoiding him. She was well aware he and Harry were Auror partners and had become friends. But, the first few times Harry mentioned he’d be joining, she’d found excuses not to go. She hated missing the weekly pub quiz, but the idea of seeing him in a social setting felt strange, wrong. She knew he wouldn’t call her a slur and he probably wouldn't insult her hair, but she just didn’t know what their new dynamic would be. Eventually, though, she gave in, she wouldn’t let him keep her from seeing her friends.
She walked into the Leaky Cauldron and found Harry, Ginny, and Neville at their team’s usual booth. She waved to them as she walked over and settled next to Harry at the wooden table.
“Thanks for the drinks mate,” Harry called out. Hermione followed his eyeline and spotted the poncy git himself walking over with the first round for the table. She wasn’t sure how she’d missed the shock of blond hair when she’d first walked in. Malfoy got to work handing out the drinks, Butterbeers for her and Ginny, Gin and Tonic for Harry, Fire whiskey for himself and Neville, and an ale for Ron, who seemed to be running late, as usual.
Draco shrugged, responding to Harry’s thanks. “It was my turn to buy, but you are up next,” he said looking at Hermione.
Draco’s eyes met hers now. She’d never noticed just how strikingly gray they were before. If he were any other man, she’d even say they were attractive. But he was him, so they weren't. “Why is it my turn to buy?” she asked incredulously.
He looked at her his eyes pitying, “She’s lost her brains since graduation then?” he asked the table.
Harry laughed openly, Ginny tried to hide her giggles and Neville just glanced away, trying to avoid conflict.
“I haven’t ‘lost my brains’ as you put it, I just don’t see why I should get moved up in the rotation when I haven't been here. I always buy after Ginny.”
“Yes and as you missed the last three weeks, you’ve not bought after anyone in far too long so you are up.” He sat down across from her. His long legs barely managed to fit under the table and his knees bumped up against hers. She waited for him to apologize or pull his legs back, but instead, he just smirked and bumped her knee again, on purpose. She was just about to pull out her wand and hex his knees off his stupid body when the quiz host walked to the front of the pub with an announcement.
“Hello, I am Chester Borgin, and welcome witches and wizards to the Thursday night Pub Quiz!” He’d cast a Sonorous on himself to amplify his voice over the crowd gathered for the quiz. “We have answer sheets and self-inking quills up at the front table. Send up the team captain to collect the materials and we will begin shortly!”
Draco stood at the same time as Hermione. Ginny looked at them, laughing as they both froze. She sighed, wiping her tears of laughter aside, and explained to Draco, “Normally Hermione is our team captain, and she gets the material and writes the answers,”. She turned to Hermione. “But in your absence, Draco had taken over,”
Hermione frowned.
Draco did not sit or retreat. “I’m closer to the host’s table,” he pointed out. “How about I just go and collect the materials then?” He had a fake smile plastered on his face.
Hermione sprung into action, scooting out from her side of the booth, her skirt annoyingly riding up her legs as she tried to squeeze past. “No, thank you,” she said in her most sickly sweet voice, walking towards the front. She could feel him racing right behind her, trying to beat her. But Hermione was small, she was able to slip through the crowd more easily. She reached the table just a moment before he did and felt his body crush against hers as the momentum carrying him forward propelled him into her. She ignored the slight pain from their collision and called to the host.
“Team We’re not Lion. There are six of us.”
“Actually, since I joined we go by team Dirty Lion Snakes,” Draco corrected from just behind her, his body still pressing against hers from chest to hips. “It’s the same pun, just more fun,” he explained, his breath fanning over her ear.
“Yes, I understood the wordplay, thank you,” she said, rolling her eyes, despite Draco being behind her and unable to see the gesture. She pushed forward trying to get him off of her back, but it just pushed her further into the table, her hips pressing into the wood, as she felt his strong chest warm and solid behind her.
Continued on AO3
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fjordfolk · 11 months
I've been away for a while, please enlighten me; Does melis (love the name btw) live with you & the rest of the pack? & does Luna live with the shelties or Melis? I've lost track but I love seeing them all dearly ❤️
We also lose track sometimes, so here's the deal:
Sparty, Trojbert and I live together in a bucket on a sheep farm
Lunert and Melis are my mum's dogs, they live on the farm I grew up on (different farm)
But to let my mum and Lunert have some alone time, and for Melis' socialization, my sister and/or I sometimes steal/borrow/kidnap her for Fun Things like dogs shows and puppy meets and full work days in the workshop.
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mikkouille · 8 months
wait actually connecting the dots was the guy telling us the fight would go well when we were half a party of first timers also the one who forgot to lb3 us like bro was a tank one of em. jffjjssn he forgor.
#the one guy who does know the fight gjdjsjsbsbsbd#no one doing trial roulette at midnight we were all here to discover it#actually the coach review im doing in my head is critical again i realised i once more forgot to hit SSS like i have to figure out a spot on#the hotbar for me to remember#ok authors notes and definitions ¹LB for Limit Break: staple of FF big ability that you get to use after certain conditions#in this case for the time spent in the fight (+other little things but mostly its about the time spent). in the context of this tale#a protective one was needed to supershield us from death. hence 'tank lb' speaking of ²Tank: one of the three key roles in a fight#alongside Healer (self explanatory) and dps (damage-per-second– hence damage dealers) the tank is solid and takes hits#so that the others dont have to. its sturdy and healthy and looks particularly yummy tovthe enemies to make tjem want to hit Just this guy#in this specific story there were Two tanks#one of them seemingly having knowledge of the specific fight we embarked on#the other likely not. neither of them activated the special limited use bug spell we needed to survive though (only they can)#and for ur curiousity dear scientual i play as damage dealer. so that i cant be the bearer of thus sort of mistake ever 👍#though granted dps also could do LB fumbles in this specific fight apparently. twas the fight disclaimers on the guides jdjfjfd#'do NOT cast dps LB UNLESS the boss himself os casting something or else he'll activate invulnerability and make it all useless'#+8second of invulnerability??? bro i just elected to not even try it even before the fight went. awry.#even tho technically my position is good for damage lb its ok given how it went i doubt anyone would mind that no one hit the lb gjdjsjsjsks#to be fair its one of these situations where its better left to the healer in case all goes wrong again#(author note damage lb does big damage. healer lb does big heal and if maxed out on its capacity can even ressurect anyone dead)#(hence. given the struggle. it was better off being theirs even outside of the odd conditions of the boss turning invulnerable)#dont think anyone used it tho#its ok.
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steakout-05 · 11 hours
fanon craig headcanons because i'm making another one of these despite the fact that i already made 2 (i have chimp brain and i forgot i made 2 already just ssshhhhh)
ok absurdly long title aside. new thoughts about my little scientist man have spawned into my head i need to write them down,,, most of this is projection and very self-indulgent (and very gay) but that's what we do here on this blog babeeyy B) (also i was kind of sleepy while writing this so please excuse any sloppy writing
general headcanons
Craig is on the aroace spectrum, specifically demisexual and demiromantic. throughout his life, he's never really felt the "need" to be interested in other people in any way. he'd never felt attraction to anyone, he'd never really thought about pursuing a relationship with anyone, and the idea of him dating anyone felt foreign and strange to him because he just couldn't see himself doing that, especially not with a random stranger he barely knew. stuff like blind dating confused him. "why would you want to spend your life with someone you barely even knew yet?" was a thought that crossed his mind a lot whenever the topic would come up. for a while, he even considered himself completely aroace because of never feeling attraction to anyone before... that was, until he became close friends with Barry. the build up was gradual, but because of Craig never having been interested in anyone before, he initially didn't really recognise it as attraction until the realisation that he like-liked Barry suddenly hit him like a bag of bricks one day. it was like an instant "ohhh so THAT'S what i'm feeling" moment, followed immediately by panic. he could never let Barry know how he really felt, until it of course accidentally slipped out one day and he was super embarrassed about it until Barry admitted he kinda felt the same way about him, much to his shock (and relief). since then, the two have been dating for a little over a couple of years and have gone through a LOT of adventures with each other, growing closer and closer with every outing.
he's also not really sure what type of person he's attracted to yet. he's guessing he's probably either gay or pan for the time being.
Craig, as i've described before in earlier posts, is on the autism spectrum and was diagnosed fairly young. he ended up being diagnosed with the outdated term 'Aspergers Syndrome', as he was diagnosed well before the removal of Aspergers from the DSM in 2013.
Craig is very introverted. he's not shy per se, but he easily gets overwhelmed and overstimulated when around a lot of people and needs more than a few business days to himself to recharge. Barry, on the other hand, is an extrovert, and so him and Craig's needs often conflict with one another, leading to the occasional boyfriend argument.
Craig has chronic back pain and Vitamin-D deficiency, like most scientists at Legitimate Research. he gets exhausted quite easily and sometimes experiences painful headaches, which makes quite a few of his adventures with Barry a lot more difficult for him.
Craig is partially blind in his right eye due to the explosion that happened in 'Level 2', which ended up with a scar forming down his cornea. Craig never really had the best eyesight to begin with, but due to this incident, he now needs to wear prescription glasses underneath his visor. Barry feels kinda guilty about partially causing this to happen, but Craig has assured him that he doesn't blame him for the explosion damaging his eye and that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Craig is slightly taller than Barry, being 5''7. for reference, Barry is 5''5.
Craig is quite an ambitious and creative person, especially when he's highly emotional or focused, such as when he's doing anything related to his special interests. this made him a good friend and partner to Toni, who was also an ambitious and creative type, although Toni was quite impulsive and didn't exactly think through a lot of ideas until he was already finished developing and prototyping them. Craig was the anchor to his ship of creative endeavors, as he incorporated a lot more logic and practicality into his ideas.
backstory related stuff
Craig was a high-ranking scientist who worked at Legitimate Research around the same time as Toni and Peter Simpkins. he'd always had an affinity for science and mechanical engineering since he was young, as it was a pretty significant special interest for him. he would enter robotics and engineering classes and clubs during high school, and he eventually achieved so much academically that he ended up getting an invitation to fly overseas to study at a university in Australia, which was supposedly one of the most prestigious universities that offered many science and engineering-related courses (although oddly enough, it seemed to be funded by a "Legitimate Funding Co"). Craig had met Toni at university, the two studying in the same field together. they bonded over their common interests and creative ideas for machines and robots, and they often would spend hours throwing ideas around and developing what would later become some of Legitimate Research's weirder and wackier gadgets. Peter Simpkins was someone Craig met a lot later after getting his rank at LR, and while Craig wasn't as close with him as he was with Toni, he found his more upbeat, laidback and jovial personality to be quite endearing. oddly though, despite how upbeat Simpkins was, he was quite secretive about himself. Craig never really knew Simpkins that well before his untimely passing, which would happen only a few years later Craig and Toni became employees at LR.
when the news of Simpkins' death hit the high ranking scientists of Legitimate Research, it hit them hard. Toni was the most heartbroken and was utterly crushed with the guilt that something he had worked on directly resulted in the careless demise of his friend. not only that, but Toni had just been let go by the company within the same week following the failures of his experiments, which absolutely broke him. Craig, who was also grieving the loss of a fellow coworker, had attempted to provide some sort of comfort to Toni, trying to convince him that it wasn't completely his fault and that he'd never meant for it to happen, but it backfired incredibly badly, resulting in the grief-stricken scientist lashing out and breaking apart their friendship. Craig never saw or heard from Toni ever again since that day.
also: it's not exactly clear when and where Simpkins died canonically in Jetpack Joyride's story. it's said on the Legitimate Scientists' bio image that he died during the development of Mr. Cuddles, so it can be assumed he probably died when the 'Robot Bird' rock opera took place. Craig and Toni became scientists at Legitimate Research a few years before Barry discovered the laboratory, and everything went down a few weeks after Barry's first break-in.
i haven't fully crafted this part yet, but because of Simpkin's death and the incident pretty much breaking apart Craig's entire social circle, he decided to take leave and even considered resigning indefinitely. he felt as though the joy he'd once had for developing machinery had been fizzled out, and he was still just beginning to process everything that had happened. he'd planned to send out goodbye letters to his fellow coworkers, pack up everything he had brought over from university and stay back with his family throughout the grieving process.
this would never end up happening.
Professor Brains was overtaken by rage following the death of his closest friend, his decisions becoming much more rash, destructive and uncaring than before. much like Craig was an anchor to Toni, Simpkins was an anchor to Brains' more evil tendencies, and without him, he began to spiral into villainy. he developed a strict and harsh system of employment, having it be absolutely mandatory for every single non-clone employee to have their memories and names wiped, effectively brainwashing them and forcing them to be his slaves. Craig, unfortunately, happened to be one of the unlucky few to become a test subject to this system. almost every piece of identifying information about him was erased, including the memory of Toni, Simpkins' death and the aftermath (it was to prevent any free will from Craig), and he was booted down to being a regular blue-glove scientist (i like to think the gloves have meaning like the stripes) (they're like uniform colours and badges having separate meanings in star trek).
Craig's initial memory erasure lead to him developing an unhealthy habit of erasing any and all bad memories going forward as a sort of trauma response to something that was no longer accessible to his brain. the trauma imprinted on him before he could even process that he'd went through trauma at all, so now he just has this bad habit he can't remember the origin of.
potential story beats and headcanons related to that
i want Craig to have a character arc where he finally becomes more brave and action-oriented, standing up for himself more against the villains and even kicking ass in a few fights.
i also think a story where Craig becomes absolutely enraged at the sheer extent of Legitimate Research's unethical memory-wiping practises and how his life had practically been taken away from him with the promise of a good career doing something he'd love, by taking advantage of his gullible nature and eagerness to please authority. he and Barry hatch a plan to take over the entire establishment, free all the scientists and turn it into a sort of scientific haven for developing technology that would enhance the world, rather than technology made for evil.
with this revelation, Craig would go by two names, being his original one and the one Barry gave him, as he views the name Barry gave him as a symbol of rebellion. (i haven't decided on what his OG name would be yet,,, i'm bad with names lmao)
Craig kinda gets carried away with this idea though, and it doesn't get idealised until much later in the story where he takes a step back and reflects on his actions, admitting to Barry that maybe he was swinging too much in the direction of impulsivity from the inner need to be a more brave and active person.
also. i want a really super exquisitely gay scene where, probably around the middle of Craig's becoming more confident arc, he finally reveals his face to Barry. it's a slow scene. the two are resting somewhere outside, watching the stars together. they've been silent for a while, just admiring the twinkling sky in peace, before Barry looks over at Craig and notices he's looking a little pre-occupied with something to the point of nervousness. he's fidgeting with his hands and seems pretty uneasy. Barry asks him what's bothering him, and Craig's a little hesitant to answer. "Barry, I... I need to show you something". they get up and move to a nearby hill (i always picture this taking place on a hill), before Barry once again asks him what's going on. Craig explains that the two have been dating for such a long time by now, and their three year anniversary is coming up soon. he mentions that something really big and important has been bothering him for such a long time, only becoming more and more bothersome with each month that passes in their relationship. it's gotten to the point where he feels guilty that, despite how close they've become, he's essentially kept himself locked away behind a hazmat suit visor for so long out of his own selfish insecurities. if he doesn't do this now, he'll never be able to do it ever. taking a deep breath, he slowly pulls off his helmet, Barry staring with intense anticipation.
and there he was, fully unmasked, fully revealed to what felt like the whole world. and it was incredible. messy blond hair that was modest and reserved, yet ever so slightly daring in its flow. jade coloured eyes that caught the twinkling light of the stars perfectly. his scar, his nerdy little glasses that were taped together, everything about him, all of it took Barry's breath away. "I'm, uh... Sorry if it's not what you expected, Barry." Craig bashfully apologised, making to turn his head away, but the gentle touch of Barry's hands stopped him before he could. "Craig", he began, a big, gleeful grin forming on his face. the scientist could've sworn Barry's eyes were starting to become wet with tears as he continued to speak. "You're just as beautiful as I imagined."
they get married on the spot after that /j
also i got a little bonus headcanon/story thing that i was writing in the tags but couldn't fit in!!! it's related to the apple experiment he was doing during the Halfbrick Multiverse Madness events.
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it's not really explained in the JJ2 canon as to why Craig is experimenting with this apple and why it works the way it does, so i'm putting my own explanation to it in this fanon. now i believe the Halfbrick Multiverse Madness came out before Nixie's boss was added??? i think??? i don't exactly remember when everything came out, but even if it was added after her appearance, i'm still going to have this experiment take place before Barry defeats all the main bosses and then have it come up again after he defeats them.
i just thought of a way i could implement this story beat happening in the background of the main story before it starts to become more of a central point again. like, maybe Barry, Betty and Robo Barry were all having a celebration for defeating all the bosses and the sectors, but Craig seems to be quite preoccupied and dissociated from everything going on around him because now he has more time to think about and develop the apple, and he just can't shake the thought that he's missing something very integral to his memory. Barry notices this odd behaviour, but he reckons he should wait until after the party's finished to ask Craig what's up. it starts to get very late into the night, and the party begins to quiet down. Barry figures that this is the perfect time to check up on Craig, but when he goes to look for him, the scientist has already disappeared. Barry becomes increasingly more concerned and decides to leave to go look for him at the lab. "Maybe he's just tired tonight," he thinks, but there's a pit in his stomach telling him that something's wrong, he just knows it. without turning back to tell his friends where he's going, he rushes outside and straps on his jetpack, flying over to the lab as quick as he can.
Barry dashes to Craig's laboratory room and pushes the door open, being met with a startled Craig who was hunched over his desk and seemed to be working on a blueprint of some sort. one of the papers he was working on flies off the desk with his startled movements, and Barry goes to pick it up. he asks Craig if he's okay and that he was acting a little strange earlier, and Craig quickly stands up from his desk and awkwardly brushes his odd behaviour off as having important scientific research to do that just couldn't wait, taking the blurprints back from Barry. the jetpacker in question suspiciously raises an eyebrow. he isn't convinced. "You don't sound too sure about that, mate." he says. "Why'd you wait until so late into the night to work on this thing? Are you hiding something?". Craig gets more frustrated with Barry's questioning, his tone quickly becoming more snappy and irritated. "Barry, this is very important work. I'm fine." He turns back to his desk, reaching for a white pencil so he can get back to working on his blueprints, but he's stopped when Barry pushes him once again. "Listen, Craig, I just think you're acting a bit--" "I'M COMPLETELY FINE, OKAY!? Quit prodding at me so much and let me get back to my work!"
Barry's expression falters, looking even more worried than he was before. Craig is immediately hit with a twinge of guilt, and he apologises. "Look, I-I'm sorry Barry, I'm just... I really need to get this done. This is really important to me and... Brains needs these blueprints in by tomorrow." he felt absolutely horrible lying to Barry like that, but he just couldn't bring himself to tell him what was really going on. Barry nods, before apologising himself.
"... Yeah, I get it. Sorry about that, I'll stop pushin' you about it. It's just that... I'm worried about you Craig, that's all." Barry's voice became more gentle and convicted as he spoke. Craig didn't respond. Barry smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle pat, shaking the scientist a little. "You take care and get some sleep, okay? G'night, Craig."
"... 'Night, Barry." Craig mustered as Barry walked out the door, closing it behind him. the scientist sighed, slumping back down at his desk, quietly fidgeting with his pencil. A wave of exhausted determination washed over Craig as his eyes scanned over the incomplete blueprints. he just needed to get this done, and then he could finally rest.
ignore the fact that this became a complete fanfic at the end lmao. these are my ideas and headcanons for what i want to do with my fanon Craig and i think they're intriguing enough to possibly develop into a full-fledged story :D there are so many possibilities to explore with him and i just find him to be an interesting little specimen to think about and rotate in my head like a 3d object looll
#jetpack joyride#jetpack joyride 2#craig the scientist#fanon!craig the scientist#so sorry there are so many craig headcanon posts lmaooo#there's like two of them...#also i gave craig a slight redesign too#it's not much i just changed his hair a bit cause i didn't like how it looked before#made him a bit taller looking too#also slightly unrelated but toni is toni's original name#as he never went through the memory erasing process to forget it and get a nickname instead#toni will be important to craig at some point in my wacky little story my brain is making#i like the idea of him helping craig overthrow legit research but he ends up manipulating his emotions to do it#and he tries to make craig turn on barry because he has a grudge against him for partially causing his downfall#i like the idea of toni creating secret technology to use to control craig or something when the plan goes awry#because craig won't betray barry so he has to make him do it through force#and that's a part of why he had disappeared for so long. he was making stuff and planning revenge#so many ideas are just spawning out of nowhere right now......#i think one of my favourite headcanons from here is craig's backstory with toni and his memory erasing being a bad habit induced by trauma#they're the most interesting out of the bunch to me and they'd be cool to expand on#and the apple experiment one of course#also like the idea of craig turning LR into a sort of medical science development centre. i like the idea of him becoming a doctor#my headcanons#fanon
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creepyjirachi · 2 years
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shit has gone awry. with my grandpa’s christmas present
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plushiesbeloved · 2 years
Whumptober: Day 5! Blood Loss
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Might be a liiiiittle late, but i wanted to do Whumptober with Ingo and Emmet! I’ll be starting since day 5, and i’ll try to do all of them!
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geekwiththegoggles · 2 years
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Oh, it's finished btw!
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toyota-s · 2 years
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Rated T, AU - Hackers, Enemies to Lovers, Dramedy
Pairings: Serizawa Katsuya/Reigen Arataka
Summary: Blackhat-turned-hacktivist computer savant Katsuya “umbr3ll4” Serizawa is dispatched by the Claw Security group to isolate and destroy the mysterious expert social engineer Ghost and his ragtag team of hackers. As Katsuya gets closer to the ringleader of it all, his investigation reveals a deeper conspiracy, and the truth may not be as binary as he expected.
chapter 3 now posted!
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vellichorium · 2 years
༄ @jfouler
“that beast you’re hunting?” something shadowy and massive, with matted fur and sharp teeth and jagged claws. something that prowled deeper in the forest and that people called ‘undead’ — because it had died already, hadn’t it? tòmag, who had stepped from between the trees without making a sound despite the leaves on the soil, raised his hands in a pacifying gesture and offered the man a tentative smile. “would you, ah… consider not killing it?”
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himejoshiba · 1 month
hm, i do wish i could go more than a few hours between meals without becoming debilitatingly nauseous. everything makes me nauseous though:/
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famouslysleepy · 5 months
6 simple steps to preserve one’s sanity meter from the constant poisons of the material world, but you’re also too tired to talk to other people at the moment .(<- talking to people who don’t drag out your worse version of yourself every single day is the best antidote btw)
1. increase the plushie pile. (don’t have a plushie pile? start one.)
2. make art.
-be it digital, painting, pen and paper, sculpting, writing etc. every thing is an art form in one way or another flex your creative muscles!!
3. listen to music.
-whether calming and sooth or cathartic and screaming go for it
4. play a game. (any game.)
5. think about your ocs if you have some. (or make one if you have none!)
6. go to sleep or some approximation or it
-too piss off to even think probably? get somewhere dark, climb into bed, wrap yourself in a bundle of blankets and stay very very very still for several hours.
-actually sleeping while a bonus does not matter, just get somewhere quiet and dark and comfortable and stay there for a few hours until the fog of hatred and anger finally leaves you alone
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