#a lil poem-ish thing abt my identity
smowyashe ยท 22 days
Sometimes I'm a boy
Sometimes I'm a girl
Sometimes I'm both
Sometimes I'm neither
Sometimes I'm something else
Something I'm a mess of it all
Sometimes I'm all human
Sometimes I'm all animal
Sometimes I'm halfway
Sometimes I'm a mix
Sometimes I'm happy
Sometimes I'm sad
Sometimes I'm lonely
Sometimes I'm angry
Sometimes I'm not sure what I feel
Sometimes I'm in love
Sometimes I'm not
Sometimes I'm figuring it out
Sometimes I'm scared about it
Sometimes I'm sure of it
Sometimes I'm attracted to girls
Sometimes I'm attracted to boys
Sometimes I'm not attracted
Sometimes I'm attracted to in betweens
Sometimes I'm attracted to the others
Sometimes I'm attracted to the nothings
All the time I'm me
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